#Dr. Sado
gallusrostromegalus · 11 months
In honor of the season, what are holidays like in the spirit world? Have they been infected by Christmas yet? I imagine they inherit some popular ones from the world of the living, but also the unique holidays of the afterlife must be wild.
You come to me, on the eve of the High Holiday of Halloween, and ask me about Christmas??
I'm kidding, you're asking about holidays in general but my unsuspecting Agnostic Ass just got jumpscared by Mariah Carey, and I'm sensitive. It's not the season. Not for another 48 hours at least. Do Not Violate The Sacred Treaty.
Anyway, this ended up in my drafts for a few days, so: Christianity has not really gotten a foothold in soul society, but via cultural osmosis "Xmas" has. Nobody in a Shinto afterlife believes in monotheism, but they love a holiday and a Saint is practically a Kami anyway, but.... It's "Xmas" because the holiday in no way remotely resembles Christmas as practiced in the living world.
Scene: 4th Division hospital, a few days after Rukia is rescued and Aizen departed for Las Noches:
"-CHAD!!" Ichigo bellows, almost falling in through the doorway of the hospital room, wheezing.
"I am very sure you are not supposed to be out of bed." Chad frowned, looking up from the copy of the history of soul society Captain Komamura had lent him to read while he recovered.
It was strange, to be in the care of the very people he had thought to be senseless killers not two weeks ago, but he was finding the Shinigami a generally agreeable lot. Even if the captain that controlled the hospital reminded him unpleasantly of a nun with her chaste dress, soft voice and understated but constant threat of violence.
"YOU NEED YO HEAR THIS-! He- hee-" Ichigo stumbled over to his bed and curled up on his side overcome with giggles.
"... I'm beginning to think I am incorrect." Sighed the pale-haired man at the door, frowning down at Ichigo.
"Jushiro Ukitake, I don't think I've had the pleasure of your acquaintance yet, Mr.-?" The man introduced himself and offered Chad a hand.
"Uh. Yasutora. Sado Yasutora. But everyone calls me Chad." He mumbled, cautiously shaking hands with the stranger. "You're um. You're Miss Rukia 's boss, right?"
"Yes! I believe you are her friend with the pet parakeet and good throwing arm, yes?" Ukitake beamed at him and Chad was suddenly struck by the idea that he'd seen Ukitake at a family reunion before - Impossible, obviously, but the man had the intense aura of a distant uncle. "Good show that, she loves being hurled at an opponent!"
"Oh. Thank you." Chad mumbled, Ichigo finally catching his breath. "...What are you incorrect about?"
"Christmas, apparently." Ukitake frowned, and Ichigo dissolved into snickering again. "He says you're something of an expert on the actual mythology, I only have third-hand accounts, you see-"
"No!" Gasped Ichigo, reaching over to tug at Mr. Ukitake's sleeve. "You gotta tell him!"
"I am Catholic, yes." Chad nodded. "-go on. It can't be less accurate than the version Dr. Kurosaki- Uh, Ichigo's dad- gave me last year."
"Yeah it can-" Ichigo wheezed.
"Well, ah- Christmas is a birthday celebration for an important religious figure, right?" Ukitake tried.
"Yep!" Chad nodded, giving Ukitake a thumbs up.
"The birth of Rudolph, the Star-nosed reindeer?" Ukitake tried.
Chad stared at him blankly for a moment, before his thumbs-up slowly wilted into a thumbs down and Ichigo vibrated silently with hysterics. Chad opened and closed his mouth a few times, hand waving, then covered his mouth, searching for words. Eventually he reached out and gently put his hand on the captain's shoulder to explain as delicately as possible-
"...No." Said Chad.
Ichigo rolled off the bed with a dull thud.
"-I am, however, fascinated." Chad elaborated. "Please continue."
"...I'm really sorry that I am this ignorant of your religious dogma." Ukitake winced.
"It's- don't worry about it. Tell me what you think happens on Rudolph's birthday." Chad said, sitting back and pressing his hands together.
"Well- oh, how does it start? Right- there's the Monks- Saints? that give out presents to well-behaved children during the winter holidays- Saint Claus, Saint Nicolas and Saint Kringle. And they're all very old men, and with good judgement about who does and does not deserve presents, so they're called the three wise men!"
Ichigo made a noise like a teakettle from the floor.
"Oh. Oh no." Chad giggled.
"And they travel the entire world giving out presents, but that's A Lot of houses and it was taking them longer and longer so they prayed to... I forget the name Catholics have for Amaterasu. Guadalupe?"
Chad made a noise not unlike a violently squeezing a rubber duck, and started to shake.
"-So they pray for some help getting all the presents to the children, and Whoever She Is says they're doing good deeds, but she wants to see if they're REALLY worthy of that kind of miracle, so she sends them on a journey to recover some lost holy treasures, and on the way each of the holy men wrestles with and tames a demon representing some vice or another-"
"-I. I think you've gotten the Star of Bethlehem mixed up with The Journey West." Chad realized, hands pressed together in front of his face.
"Yes that's right! She marks the direction they're supposed to be going with a bright star! So they go West, following the star! "-Ok the three wise men traveling from the east following a star part is, in fact, accurate. What's this about demons?"
"It's some sort of allegory about how all the Saints are virtues so the demons represent the vices people fall into around the holiday- Being punitive or penurious and ruining good things for others. They all had weird names-" Ukitake frowned.
"What's going on?" Captain Kyorauku asked, sticking his head in the door.
"You'll know!" Ukitake chirped with excitement. "-What are the three demons the saints conquer in the Christmas myth?"
"Krampus the Child-beater, Scrooge the Miser, and... Ah fuck I always mispronounce the last one. He's green and he sucks? The Goonch?" Shunsui frowned.
"THE GOONCH?" Ichigo shrieked from the floor.
"I. I think you mean The Grinch." Chad said, experiencing a brand new combination of horror, delight and fascination that felt like the emotional equivalent of a shrimp color.
"That's him! Oscar The Grinch!" Shunsui nodded. "Why, its only August? Also, what's Kurosaki doing on the floor?
"We are apparently very misninformed about the mythlogical origins of Christmas. This amuses Kurosaki to the point of hysterics." Ukitake explained, lightly nudging Ichigo aside with his foot and sitting on the foot of Chad's bed.
"Your version is so much better." Chad said, vibrating with excitement. "What are these treasures they're supposed to get?"
"Oh you had to ask- Shunsui love, you were the one that heard it all from Captain Kuchiki when he did his tour in the living world."
"Oh for fuckssake of course it's Byakuya-" Ichigo groaned from the floor, and Ukitake gently kicked him in the ribs to shush him.
"Uhhhh... Let's see-" Shunsui scratched at his beard."There's Eight Lost Treasures, they're all magical bells that give anyone who rings them supernatural abilities- there's the Bell of Speed, Bell of Grace, Bell of Balance, Bell of Cunning, Bell of... ah fuck. I always forget the two in the middle... -Oh! Bell of destination- not like fate, like, always being able to find your way to where you're going. Bell of Affection, Bell that gives power over wind and Bell that gives power over lighting!"
Chad blinked at him, then slowly crumpled into a ball.
"...Mr. Yasutora?" Ukitake asked, gently touching his shoulder.
"This is amazing. I love it. I'm going to die." he whimpered, voice high and tight as he struggled to breathe from laughing.
"We may have already lost Mr. Kurosaki." Shunsui muttered, poking Ichigo's shoulder with his toe. "Anyway, they conquer the demons, get all the magical bells and make it to the distant city, aand Amaterasu says 'Great job!" Ukitake continued, enthusiastic as they approached his favorite part. "-But she says 'Here's your final test: I'm going to give a special gift to one of these creatures, you tell me which is the most deserving of my favor.' and then she turns them loose in some kind of farm with talking animals. They're all good and noble animals that have done many brave deeds- dogs saved children from drowning, horse that ran across a battlefield to deliver a message that stopped a war and so on- eventually the saints find a brand new baby fawn with a bright red nose. Since it was born just that morning, it's never done anything of note, and the other animals don't really like it because it's red nose means its kind of sickly and it cant see well so they don't want to play with it."
"YES!" Chad cheered, making the connection.
"Oh, that part is right?" Ukitake perked up.
"Not even remotely, but it's amazing. They pick the fawn right?
"That's right! The saints tell Amaterasu that the Baby deer Rudolph is the one that deserves her blessing, because while all the animals here are noble and good, no good deed is better than another, and of all the animals, the sickly little deer is the one that really needs her help."
"Oh no." Ichigo whimpered from the floor. "That's actually like. genuinely heartwarming."
"Amaterasu applauds them, because they've made the right choice, and she gives the power of the star to the baby deer so it very literally glows like a headlight, and She turns the eight magical bells into a herd of deer that all have the powers the bells they were made from had, so Rudolph has a family and the three wise men have a team of nine magical deer to pull the flying sleigh she gives them, and then they are able to deliver all the presents to all the children of the world in one night, and they do it every year on Rudolph's birthday, because he was the first one to receive a proper Christmas present!" Ukitake finished, giving Chad an excitable two thumbs up.
Chad, slowly tipped forward, faintly hissing with silent laughter, then rolled off the bed to join Ichigo on the floor. Ukitake peered after him with concern, until chad slowly raised a weak, shaking hand up to give Ukitake a thumbs up back.
"-What I can't figure is how the bucket of fried chicken fits into all that?" Shunsui pondered, and the boys shrieked with laughter.
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latinotiktok · 2 years
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Bienvenidos a un torneo mal hecho, poco serio, casi inentendible que incluye: una enorme cantidad de personajes de procedencia dudosa, muchisimas encuestas y una final que va a incluir 3 personajes porque SOY TAN MALO EN MATEMÁTICAS QUE NO CALCULE NADA
AH Y SORPRESA! Metí algunos personajes más creyendo que resolvería el error matemático (no lo hizo)
anyways comenzamos con la primera ronda: Iré colocando acá bajo los links de las encuestas (si me acuerdo JAJSJSJS)
EDIT: Gustavo Fring reemplaza a Namor
Yaolt es reemplazado por Aldeberan de Caballeros del Zodiaco
Primera Ronda
Guillermo de la Cruz vs Coco
Lucas Amato vs El Profesor Jirafales
Dr Flug vs El Mandalorian
Carlos vs Panchito Pistoles
Tulio Triviño vs El Chapulín Colorado
El canario de la película de Rio (2011) vs Rodolfo Rivera
Goku vs El condorito
Lobo/La muerte vs Joaquín
José Carioca vs Isidoro Cañones
Lúcio vs Bruno
Carlitox vs Juandisimo
Lalo vs Compayito
Julio vs Kronk
El papa de Mafalda vs Ravenna
Adrián Seidelman vs Colgate 360
Roberto da Costa vs Don Ramón
Don Armando vs Pacha
Homero/Gomez Addams vs Juan Carlos Bodoque
Héctor vs Mr Trance
Black Hat vs Gabriel Reyes
Locutor/The Host vs Manolo
Guillermo de la Cruz vs Coco
Lucas Amato vs El Profesor Jirafales
Carlos vs Panchito Pistoles
Tulio Triviño vs El Chapulín Colorado
El canario de la película de Rio (2011) vs Rodolfo Rivera
Goku vs El condorito
Lobo/La muerte vs Joaquín
José Carioca vs Isidoro Cañones
Lúcio vs Bruno
Carlitox vs Juandisimo
Lalo vs Compayito
Julio vs Kronk
El papa de Mafalda vs Ravenna
Adrián Seidelman vs Colgate 360
Roberto da Costa vs Don Ramón
Don Armando vs Pacha
Homero/Gomez Addams vs Juan Carlos Bodoque
Héctor vs Mr Trance
Black Hat vs Gabriel Reyes
Locutor/The Host vs Manolo
Gus vs Adelbarán
Doctor Simi vs Santos
Yasutora Sado/Chad vs Albertano
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fantasy-relax · 23 days
Hey I really love your other stories 💗
Would you mind writing a fic to this point that was on your list?
Alcina x fem Reader, omegaverse and reincarnation, biological daughters: Alcina in an arranged marriage, Alcina showing exactly where Cassandra gets her stubbornness in SADO, regrets and second chances.
Thank you 🥹🫂
I would put these two together.
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This is the plot that i was thinking about:
Alcina is an Beta traveling with pal boys a living as a musician, until her parents ordered her to come back home as they found someone to marry her.
Reader is an alpha and the runt of 'his' pack, that actually is a woman passing as a man. She doesn't want to get married but is the only way to escape her family, also she is happy that her wife is Alcina as she has always admired her from afar.
While both are using each other for their own benefit, Alcina hates alphas in general and the reader loves/ admire her, most of the time alpha goes outside to deal with her Ruts as her instincts tell her to care for her mate but her mate hates her and tell her to stay away.
One day the owner of the castle dies and nobody of Alcina family wanted it as it was pretty much falling apart so she takes it.
Alcina is a smart woman and reader not mind following her lead so they repair the most important areas and start a wine business.
Alcina wants to have children and is the only reason she would sleep with alpha, but the illness she has made it dangerous for her to get pregnant and Alpha doesn't want to take the risk so outside of their wedding night sex between them is non-existent.
Alcina messes around with the maids and alpha lets her even if it breaks her heart, some of the maids try seducing Alpha but are rejected.
Alcina's illness gets worse but luckily there is a doctor in the village that is studying an alternative method of healing.
Alcina gets her cadou, it is painful but she gets better slowly, she gets stronger and has more stamina. As far she knows the side effects are that her appetite is bigger and her skin is paler even if she feels better.
The worst side effect in her opinion is that she goes through a second presentation and for her good luck she presents as Omega. Her instinct is the same with a few differences, she absolutely despises how now she has a soft spot for the alpha. She hates her Heat but after the three days pass and she is still suffering she lets Alpha help her.
A few months later Surprise Bela is on her way!
Alpha is stressed the whole pregnancy but Dr Miranda says that the mother and baby are healthy, Alcina omega is thrilled by the care of alpha but Alcina still is bitch to her.
The day comes and Bela is a healthy baby, Alcina cries a lot and will growl at Alpha every time she is close to her pup, alpha has to sneak at night to pass a few minutes with her daughter the problem is that she is a mommy girl and will cry if she wakes up and Alcina isn't around, so alpha has to be careful when she scents her as luckily the omega allow that the pup have her sire scent, even so if she wakes up is on sight.
Bela is just six months old when Alcina gets pregnant again, and Alpha is absolutely stressed while Dr Miranda and Alcina are delighted.
Bela is one year and three months old when Cassandra is born.
Just in time that Cassie is born the business gets bigger and Alcina found some business partners that knew her from her time as Lady D, the bad side is that she needs to travel a lot. Reluctantly she lets Alpha on charge of their pups, Bela cries every single second of the day because she misses her mama and Cassandra is picky with food and follows her sister in missing her mama.
Alpha is suffering but is doing her best, she makes a nest from Alcina clothes to calm Bela; after hitting her face on the door she learns that her 'pain'/reactions make Cassandra laugh so she makes a whole show of 'injuring' herself to make her happy.
When Alcina comes back, is to a happy mate and pups that missed her so much, she has been so stressed thinking about her pups that she picks them in the moment she sees them and like always Alpha is vetted from her room, but just for a few minutes because Cassie wants to cuddle with her Ma too, so Alcina reluctantly lets alpha inside her nest. ( Her disgust is overwhelmed by the sheer happiness and satisfaction of her Omega which ironically makes her angry)
Bela is two and two months old, Cassandra is about to be a year old when Alcina is pregnant again, Alpha is resigned.
Daniela would cry if she was let alone, she wanted to be held every second of the day.
After two months of Daniela's birth, Alcina's hunger grew as well as her body, her growing pains were so horrible that she needed to stay in bed for a long time. She worked in her bed and put on her best face when the girls visited her.
Then one day she killed one maid, shocked by her actions she contacted Dr Miranda, she left the castle and stayed with her until she learned to control herself.
Bela was five, Cassandra was almost four and Daniela was two when they were killed by a raid planned by Alcina's family during a heavy winter.
Alpha was heavily injured and after Alcina slaughters everyone she kills her too.
Miranda implants the cadou on the dead body of the girls.
And that is the first life!
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tiedstyle · 1 year
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FaceHooks - when a single nose hook is not enough. The FaceHooks consist of a classic nose hook, two additional (smaller) nose hooks that go past the side of the head, and two mouth hooks.
Fear of the dentist? Then this is definitely not for you, because your mouth and nose will be spread wider than with any doctor. Unless his name is Dr. Sado.
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gentle-giant-swag · 1 year
First up
The A bracket (finished)
Battle 1-16
(most submissions in form 1 and most submissions in form b)
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Starts Friday the 9th of June. 5pm CET. The brackets will be posted between the 9-10th of June.
Side A, 9th of June. 5pm to 8pm cet
Raphael Hamato (rise of the TMNT) vs Totoro (my neighbor Totoro)
Heavy (team fortress 2) vs Big Friendly Giant (BFG)
King Dedede (Kirby) vs Scorpia (She-ra)
Bismuth (Steven universe) vs Susan Murphy (monsters vs aliens)
Fezzik (the princess bride) vs Dick Gumshoe (ace attorney)
Master Chief (halo) vs Bumblebee (bumblebee)
Big Macintosh (my little pony: friendship is magic) vs Massimo Marcovaldo (Luca)
The titan (the owl house) vs Tyson (Percy Jackson)
Side B, 10th of June, 5pm to 8pm CET
Ivan Bruel (miraculous ladybug) vs Asahi Azumane (haikyuu)
Takeo Goda (ore monogatari) vs Caduceus Clay (critical role)
Milly Thompson (tri-gun) vs Sandy (Lego monkie kid)
Jaguar D. Saul vs Jean Bart (one piece)
Komamura (bleach) vs William Ellis (identity v)
Beelzebub (obey me) vs Kazanari Genjuurou (symphogear)
Senri (plus anima) vs Murakumo (rune factory 5)
Holly (super lesbian animal rpg) vs Brutus Feels (Kane and feels)
The B bracket (finished)
Battles 17-32
Characters who have returned from the spring bracket and from fandoms I’ve personally interacted with. So the spring bracket but we blacklisted big man
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Date: Tuesday 13/6 to Wednesday 14/6, between 5pm to 8pm CET
Side A (Tuesday)
The iron giant vs Baymax (big hero 6)
Gonta gokuhara (danganronpa) vs Jonathan Joestar (JoJo’s bizarre adventure)
Dj (total drama) vs Yasutora “Chad” Sado (bleach
Muriel (the arcana) vs Jasmine (total drama)
Subject Delta (bioshock) vs aaarrrgghh (trollhunters)
Klaus Von Reinherz (kekkai sensen) vs Asterios (fate grand order)
Hunk (Voltron) vs Gooliope Jellington (monster high)
Dragonite (Pokémon) vs Asgore Dreemurr (undertale)
Side B (Wednesday)
Alphonse Elric vs Major Lewis Armstrong (full metal alchemist)
Urbosa (legend of Zelda) vs Glamrock Freddy (five nights at Freddy’s)
Milla Vodello vs Helmut Fullbear (psychonauts)
Dedue Molinaro vs Raphael Kirsten (fire emblem: three houses)
Winston vs B.O.B (overwatch)
Kanji Tatsumi (persona) vs Common Wubbox (my singing monsters)
Mordecai vs Muarim (fire emblem: gay rights path of radiance/radiant dawn)
Minsc & Boo (baldur’s gate) vs Big the cat (sonic the hedgehog)
C BRACKET (ongoing)
Battles 33-48
Those who fell in between the A and the D bracket. So this one has some pretty chaotic matchups
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Date: Sunday the 18th to Monday the 19th, 5pm to 8pm cet
A bracket: Sunday
Nicholas St North (rise of the guardians) vs Grear Danes (irl)
Falkor the good luck dragon (the never ending story) vs Susan Strong (adventure time)
Grandpa Max (Ben 10) vs Cerberus (Greek mythology)
Kiryu Kazuma (yakuza) vs Dr Joshua Strongbear Sweet (Atlantis)
Fatgum (my hero academia) vs Takashi Morinozuka (ouran highschool host club)
Will Powers (ace attorney) vs Luther (Detroit: become human)
The Tick (the tick 1994) vs Evan Buck Buckley (911 on fox)
Riki Nendou (saiki k) vs Hearts Boxcars (homestuck)
Side B (Monday)
Shirahoshi vs Tony Tony Chopper (one piece)
Jetfire/skyfire (transformers) vs Indus Tarbella (epithet erased)
Sisyphus (hades) Vs Grog Strongjaw (critical role)
Hugo the abominable snowman (looney tunes) vs Aone Takanobu (Haikyuu)
Android 16 (dragon ball) vs Tiny (ever after high)
Wrecker (Star Wars: the bad batch) vs K (virtues last reward)
Goldlewis Dickinson vs Potemkin (guilty gear)
Yasha Nydoorin (critical role) vs Lily Bowen (fall out)
Battles 49-64
Aka the one where the contestants sadly got the least amount of votes)
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Date: Thursday 22/6th to Friday 23/6th 5pm to 8pm CET
Side A: Thursday
lain chu (dragon hunters) vs Panda (tekken)
Isaroth (genshin impact) vs Bizarro (DC red hood and the outlaws)
Jienji (Inuyasha) vs Jackie Wells (cyberpunk 2077)
Looks to the moon (rain world) vs Jogu (naruto)
Bane Perez (identify V) vs Zinnia (super lesbian animal rpg)
Vulkanon (rune factory 4) vs Argus (Greek mythology)
Mountain (ark knights) vs Taiga Saejima (yakuza)
Abbi (Omori) vs Gorem (bakugan)
SIDE B: Friday
Junko (storm hawks) vs Hajin (monstress)
Gylph (super lesbian animal RPG) vs Bongchun (Bongchun bride)
Fitz Fellow (detective grimoire) vs Bubbles (questionable content)
Dubo (omega strikers) vs Bob the titan (Percy Jackson)
Otto the giant water dog (wondla) vs Kurita Ryoukan (Eyeshield 21)
Mele the Horizons Roar (ishura) vs Gentle Bear (dog island)
The Selfish Giant vs Banjo Lilywhile (the hogfather)
Livio the double fang (trigun) vs Hank McCoy (x-men)
I will make propaganda master posts and if you want to add, just use the ask box or dm me with propaganda for one of the characters who’s going to participate. But that’s all!
May the best gentle giant WIN!
27/6, apricot bracket
Battle 1
Battle 2
Battle 3
Battle 4
29/2, shavedown of the apricot bracket
The battle
1/7, blueberry bracket
Battle 1
Battle 2
Battle 3
Battle 4
3/7, shavedown
The battle
4/7, citron bracket
Battle 1
Battle 2
Battle 3
Battle 4
5/7, shavedown
7/7, durian bracket
Battle 1
Battle 2
Battle 3
Battle 4
8/7, shavedown
The (un)official GGSmod messed up someone’s name post
The crime list
Ask game
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evilgirlboob · 7 months
short list of characters for my star blazers project
sorry if its a bit short, this is only like a couple, ill add more later
EARTH CHARACTERS Vice Admiral Juzo Okita (沖田十三) M61 Famed hero of the 2nd Battle over Mars. A stern, fearless stoic. Captain of the Yamato (UNS BBY-001) and formerly captain of the battleship Kirishima (UNS BBS-555). His battle strategies are nearly always high risk, high reward, and it miraculously always seems to work out perfectly.
Commander Mamoru Kodai (古代守) M27 Elder brother of Susumu and captain of UNS DDS-117 (JSS Yukikaze). His family was wiped out by an interplanetary bomb that struck the Miura Peninsula. Only he and his brother Susumu survived. He is shot down by the Gamilons while drawing their fire during Operation M so Okita could return home.
Commander-in-Chief Heikuro Todo (藤堂平九郎) M59 CinC of the Earth Defense Force. A calm, collected, reasonable man. Believes in the prioritization of morals over orders.
Admiral Kotetsu Serizawa (芹沢虎鉄) M55 Todo's right hand. A stern, angry, stubborn man. Harsh, immovable, but well intentioned. Reasonably disliked by the general public. Foil to Field Marshal Zöllick.
Lieutenant Commander Yuki Mori (森雪) F21 First mate aboard the Yamato, formerly a staff officer at EDF central command. Highly intelligent. A woman of great forethought and consideration. Kindhearted, consistently collected, fiercely believes in legitimate justice & the invalidity of sheer revenge, no matter how heinous the crime. Closely resembles the beautiful Sasha of Iscändar, who crashed on Mars.
Lieutenant Susumu Kodai (古代進) M19 Chief of the Tactical department. Hotheaded, righteous, brooding when upset. Mamoru's only surviving relative. Main protagonist of this story.
Lieutenant Daisuke Shima (島大介) M19 Friend and compatriot of Susumu. Yamato's Helmsman and Navigation department Chief. An expert navigator with an interest in astronomy. Calmer, more proper and more level-headed than Kodai. The exception being when Kodai is actually around, in which case Shima is even more rash and foolish than he.
Lieutenant JG Hajime Hirata (平田一) M21 An older fellow student at the Space Force academy when Kodai and Shima attended. A sort of "older brother" type friend to them.
Dr. Sakezo Sado (佐渡酒造) M54 A brilliant physician and a confidant of the Captain. Appointed as the ship's Medical department Chief despite no prior astronaval experience. A widely beloved drunkard. Cat person.
Makoto Harada (原田真琴) F21 Medic, officially a civilian.
Analyzer (AU09-Q1309) X3 AI companion of Dr. Sado and improvised autonomous subframe of the Yamato after the original was destroyed. Prefers to be called "Analyzer", as opposed to AU09 or Q1309.
Lieutenant Shiro Sanada (真田志郎) M28 Science and Technologies department Chief. A highly analytical and intellectually gifted man. His mind was designed to create machines. Highly emotionally intelligent, though bad at reading and expressing emotions. The Wave-Motion Gun is his brainchild.
Lieutenant JG Saburo Kato (加藤三郎) M23 Captain of the Yamato's Air Corps. Damn well coulda been born and raised in a cockpit, for the way he flies. Righteous, a little bit of a control freak. Close with Yamamoto.
Lieutenant JG Yasuo "Dash" Nanbu (南部"DASH"康雄) M20 Chief of Gunnery subdepartment of Tactial. Very much envies Kodai's position. About twice as hotheaded as Kodai, and 10 times as pigheaded. Excellent, loyal soldier, even if he disagrees with is commanding officers.
Ensign Yoshikazu Aihara (相原義一) M21 Operations department Chief and Comms officer. Reports to XO Mori. Sort of on-edge a lot of the time. Often overshadowed by those around him.
Ensign Kenjiro Ohta (太田健二郎) M24 Radar officer and Chief of the Space Weather Prediction subdepartment under Navigation. Eager and enthusiastically helpful. Bit of a mild Osaka hillbilly stereotype.
SP3 Haruki Ando (安藤春樹) M18 Wave-Motion Ballast & Shield technician. Brilliant kid, rushed through school with the goal of helping the cause against the Gamilons. Did not intend to be a soldier, merely a scientist, but is overjoyed nonetheless. Follows Kodai around like a duckling.
Kaoru Shintani (新谷かおる) M43 Chief OMCS technician. AKA, shipboard cook.
Lieutenant Commander Hikozaemon Tokugawa (徳川彦左衛門) M62 Chief engineer. Like Sado and Okita, quite brilliant, though quite odd. Former Chief engineer of the Kirishima. Very warm & paternal to all, considered the nice grandpa of the crew.
PO1 Sukeji Yabu (藪助治) M31 Tokugawa's favorite student. Cautious, introverted, kinda weird. Extremely intelligent. Refers to Starsha of Iscändar as a goddess.
Lieutenant JG Sho Yamazaki (山崎奨) M45 Tokugawa's official right hand.
Ensign Akira Yamamoto (山本明) F20 Another prodigy seemingly born to fly. Similarly to Kodai, she and her elder brother Akio were the only survivors of the early planet bombings by the Gamilons. ALSO similarly to Kodai, said elder brother died in Operation M. She and Kodai seem to keep ending up in bleak situations and having to save each other.
Ensign Hiroki Shinohara (篠原弘樹) M24 Deputy Captain of the ship's Air Corps. Quite unserious and smug in general. Very mature and insightful when the time calls for it. Never angry, and excellent mediator.
Lieutenant Akira Nemoto (根本明) M31 Captain of the Yamato's Marine Corps. Cold, quiet. Foolhardy, but a quick learner. Eager to kill Gamilons.
Corporal Kazuhiko Sugiyama (杉山和彦) M18 Deputy Captain of the ship's space Marines. Smug asshole most of the time, but humbles up quick when he deems it necessary. Doesn't like to take things too far. An EXCELLENT shot.
MCPO Isami Enomoto (榎本勇) M36 Boatswain's Mate. Kodai, Shima, and Hirata's former Practical Skills instructor. Simultaneously bubbly and friendly & strict and unforgiving.
PO3 Shinpei Iwata (岩田新平) and SP1 Kiyoshi Toyama (遠山清) M27 and M26 3rd deck operators. Inseparable. Idiots. Simultaneously fully competent and woefully incompetent. Often subjected to Enomoto's wrath.
WO2 Yuria Misaki (岬百合亜) F19 Member of the Supply department and self-proclaimed ESP haver.
WO2 Shigeru Hayashi (林繁) M18 Member of the Navigation department, plagued by visions (suffering from nightmares).
Lieutenant Kaoru Niimi (新見薫) F37 Chief of the Security department. Friend of Serizawa.
Lieutenant JG Shinya Itou (伊東真也) M21 Chief of the Armed Security department. Eerily friendly. Unnervingly polite. Gives of bad vibes.
WO1 Toru Hoshina (星名透) M19 Member of the Armed Security department. Love interest of Misaki.
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bracketsoffear · 1 year
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Sumire/Kasumi Yoshizawa (Persona 5 Royal) "Sumire and her sister, Kasumi, we're both gymnasts, but Kasumi was more skilled than Sumire and a natural at gymnastics. She was much more bold and confident than Sumire was. This lead Sumire to develop self-worth issues, and she also had constant delusional thoughts about how she would either have to become Kasumi herself or die, despite being actually above average at gymnastics. Kasumi dies before the plot of the game due to being hit by a car after sacrificing herself for Sumire, after Sumire threw herself into traffic. Sumire starts to see Dr. Maruki for therapy (survival guilt and all that) and the doctor is able to use his abilities to make Sumire believe that she is Kasumi, although it only really worked because of Sumires subconscious desire to be Kasumi. Her story just reminded me a lot of the not-them, as Sumire " becomes" Kasumi, however she does not look like Kasumi."
Dark Clown Sado (The Hex) "Despite her affinity for spiders, Sado is definitely stranger aligned. She not only has the ability to shapeshift (doing so on three major occasions: one to take the form of a traumatized man's dead son (after killing him), a second time to disguise herself as a spider to escape into the real world, and a third time, in a completely different game, to take the form of a member of a game company and murder an unsuspecting YouTuber (after stringing him along to have the Worst Fucking Week of his life)), but she is also a clown who is notably "uncanny" in appearance, with the goal of sowing chaos wherever she goes. She debuts (in-universe), in a fighting game, calling herself a "performer" instead of a fighter (and behaving accordingly, relying on instilling a psychological fear in her opponents instead of beating them down with her fists)."
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teresawymore · 5 months
Patient: Edith “Eddie” Langley, Female, Age 25 Date: November 11, 1935 Session Number: 24
Psycho-sexual Evaluation: The patient presents with marked disturbances in her libidinal economy, manifesting in symptomatic neuroses that include a voyeuristic interest in peep shows, sadistic phantasies of restraint and control, and inversion. The patient’s reluctance to discuss the proximal cause for analysis and resistance to the psycho-analytic process obstruct a detailed anamnesis and diagnosis. Her perverse conduct likely stems from regressive infantile fixations and primal life conflicts. However, sado-masochistic tendencies often represent exposure to early-life adversities, necessitating exploration of both developmental and traumatic aetiologies.
Session Note: Persistent hostility towards the analytic process characterizes the patient’s demeanor. She manifests psychic distress, primarily due to disapproval from authoritative figures, notably her priest and her mother. An evident transference of repressed animosity towards her mother, coupled with an overt idealization, reveals significant ambivalence.
She provided further elaboration on her engagement with restraint, tracing its genesis to paternal influences. Initially a method for managing fear, the act of tying herself became a symbolic mechanism for control and subsequently acquired a sexual attitude.
Although initially contentious, the patient’s interaction with the analytic process has shown gradual shifts towards cooperation. The analytic relationship, however, remains volatile, with phases of rapport intermittently disrupted by the patient’s defensive withdrawals.
Interventions: Introduction to psycho-sexual literature (e.g., Havelock Ellis, Magnus Hirschfeld) aimed at bridging her conscious awareness with unconscious libidinal drives, focusing on her sexual constitution and societal repressions.
A fortuitous disclosure of the analyst’s familiarity with the Velvet Trap and its owner, Miss Vivian Moreau, revealed a potential avenue for deepening trust and openness in the analytic dyad. The patient’s frequent visits to the Velvet Trap, an underground establishment, suggest a compulsive employment of phantasy. Her adoption of the pseudonym “Atalanta” underscores a structured dichotomy that allows her to manage guilt and shame.
Consultations: Post-session, a dialogue with Dr. Victor Stahl was undertaken. He remarked on the problematic countertransference and advocated for increased self-reflection. He advised adherence to orthodox analytic methods and expressed unease with Dr. Sándor Ferenczi’s “active” technique in facilitating deeper patient engagement through a direct and nurturing approach.
Treatment Strategy: Continuation of regular psycho-analytic sessions utilizing free association, dream analysis, and the active technique is planned, as well as an exploration of the patient’s early life and potential traumatic events. Considering the patient’s intellectual engagement and imaginative capacity, the analyst may introduce literature and scholarly works to elucidate the nature of her deviations.
Confidential Notes by: Dr. Eleanor Wentworth, M.D., Psycho-Analyst
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buggyandthebartoclub · 11 months
10 Fandoms/ 10 characters/ 10 tags
Thank you for the tag @mandiemegatron !!! (OG post here - sorry started a new one bc of length of post!!)
No particular order… it’s def mroe than 10 characters tho sorry everyone 😭
One piece- Penguin & Shachi, Barto, Buggy, Franky, Sanji (Yamato too but I’m not all the way through that arc yet so 🥹 I feel like a fake adding him)
That time I got reincarnated as a slime- VELDORA!!!! Rimiru!!!
Miraculous- the kwamis, all of them
Fairytail- THE CELESTIAL SPIRITS!!! loke!!!! Lucy!!!
Unicorn warriors eternal- Emma, Melinda, Alfie
One punch man- Saitama, Genos
Dr stone- Senku, Gen
Demon slayer- inosuke, Tanjiro, shinobu
My hero- Mirko, Toga, Shigi, Twice, Aizawa, AllMight, Shoto
Cupid parasite - Allan, Ryuki, Raul
Honorable Mentions
Stardew Valley - Sebastian, Robin, Harvey
Horizon (zero dawn) - Aloy, Erend, Talanah
Amnesia: memories - Ukyo, Shin, Toma
Dragon ball (w baby goku not any of the others)- Goku, Krillin, Bulma
Legend of Zelda (the series): link on all of them, from Twilight Princess: Midna, from BOTW: Sidon, Revali
Bleach- Sado, Shunsui, Yoruichi, Toshiro, Jushiro, grimmjow
Tagging: anyone who wants too!! But also @kikouku 💕 editing to tag @cebwrites too bc we’re besties now
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batmancomicanalysis · 8 months
Grant Morrison's Arkham Asylum
Rich handsome athletic erotophobic police-connected reactionary killer Batman
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Psychopathic predatory homo/hypersexual self-mutilating coprolaliac transvestite Joker
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Naked disease-spreading agalmatophilic homosexual putrescence Clayface
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Emaciated wheelchair-bound Dr. Destiny
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Drug-addicted paedophile Mad Hatter
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Delusional satanic naked gender dysmorphic bisexual sadomasochistic coprophiliac Maxie Zeus
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Psychopathic cannibalistic African descended mute reptilian beast-man Killer Croc
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Deceptive psychotic homicidal transvestite Dr. Cavendish
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All of the few female characters (E. Arkham, C. Arkham, H. Arkham, M. Wayne, Pearl, Dr. Adams) are either victims of brutal male violence or plausible threats thereof
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The only woman with a prominent role (Dr. Ruth Adams) is a pretentious, politically correct and ineffective psychiatrist whose therapy mentally damages the schizophrenic Two-Face further (resulting in incontinence, among other things), though she takes Batman's side against the delusional homicidal crossdresser Dr. Cavendish, acting decisively to slit his throat and save Batman (symbolically rejecting the idea of passive rehabilitation over necessary violence against an irredeemable psychopath and former co-worker/colleague). Batman attributes blame to the deranged Cavendish and explicitly, unsentimentally supports Adams' homicide ("He got what he deserved.")
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Every character is racially European (barring mutant African Killer Croc)
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There’s a suggestion from the dual protagonist (A. Arkham) that “madness” is hereditary and incurable: virtually all of the Asylum’s inmates are highly dangerous and/or highly unpleasant despite long-standing efforts to treat or cure them, with The Joker described as being potentially untreatable by Dr. Adams. The disfigured Two-Face (formerly Harvey Dent, Bruce Wayne's best friend) is far happier and more functional when he’s permitted to make decisions dualistically via his signature coin. A young Amadeus's attempts to rehabilitate the schizophrenic, sado-masochistic, unapologetic child-raping psychopath Martin "Mad Dog" Hawkins are shown to be childish, naïve and even fatally irresponsible, resulting in the brutal murder of his beloved wife and daughter
On top of that, exposure to the "criminally insane" seems to spread pathology even among the Asylum's authority figures (Amadeus, Cavendish), suggesting that madness is a social and institutional contagion. The purpose of the Asylum as a medical prison is further undermined by the fact that the inmates are released/escape with fatal consequences, leading one to the conclusion that many if not most of them should be disposed of in the same way that Amadeus justly (though not strictly legally) disposed of Hawkins
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There's a consistent association between the concepts of deformity, mental illness, insanity, psychopathy, transvestism and paedophilia
The story is one of Nietzschean self-overcoming, with the Wagnerian hero Batman conquering his fears, defeating (whether physically or mentally) his degenerate enemies (who take the form of Jungian archetypes) and subduing the hellish madhouse, coming out the other side psychologically stronger
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hrokkall · 2 years
hey! I'm considering playing The Hex as someone who very much enjoys Inscryption and its lore. do you recommend it/have any advice for playing?
Hey—I’m just seeing this message now, I’ll try to answer it as thoroughly as I can.
Right off the bat, some disclaimers. I do recommend the Hex, but it’s not the game for everyone. In the same way that Inscryption takes several harsh lefts into “Hey, what the hell just happened?” the Hex also revels in at least a little bit of incoherence at all times (which is true of all of Daniel Mullins’s games honestly, so if you’re fine with that then that’s not an issue).
Additionally, if you’re expecting the Hex to provide a ton of additional context to Inscryption, it doesn’t. There’s a couple of easter egg appearances from the game (see: the kraken card, the amoeba, mox cards… sort of), and a couple of characters + concepts are referenced/otherwise make an appearance (Rebecha, Sado, training dummy, Gamefuna as a company) but that’s about it. They are standalone games that just so happen to take place in the same universe. If you enjoy the universe that Daniel Mullins has created/the style of his games, I absolutely suggest you check out both the Hex and Pony Island! But if you’re going into it expecting Inscryption: Lite that’s not what you’re going to get (and that’s coming from someone who played the Hex solely to learn what was up with Rebecha and ended up getting wrapped up in the rest of the game’s story along the way).
If you’re still interested, here’s a couple more quick notes about the game itself (keeping it spoiler free, of course):
Art style: While Inscryption and Pony Island both have a stylistic shift halfway through, the Hex… really doesn’t. I’ve seen a few people who don’t check it out solely because they don’t like the art style; if that’s your main gripe with the game, just know it doesn’t have any major changes throughout.
Content: Content warnings for the Hex are pretty much the same as Inscryption (though the Hex is a lot more violent, weirdly enough); if you are photosensitive do not ignore the warning at the beginning of the game, there are DEFINITELY flashing lights with no means of turning them off/avoiding those sequences. As for general content… it’s a little tough to pin down what the Hex is about. If you enjoy murder mysteries, RPGmaker games, clowns, post-apocalyptic westerns, tech company workplace violations, and spoofs that bear a little too much resemblance to certain Nintendo properties, you’ll probably like at least one part of the Hex. Having said that, you’re annoyed by meta narratives I don’t recommend it—the Hex is a lot heavier on that than Inscryption is.
Gameplay: I couldn’t tell you what genre of game the Hex is. It’s about six different games in one single game. Point is, if you find any specific segment difficult/tedious, it doesn’t stay that way for long outside of brief callbacks (for example, there’s a section of the game that plays like a fighting game; this is briefly brought back later as a nod to the character having her origins in said fighting game). Not a difficult game by any means, but I’d recommend a mouse rather than a trackpad if you have one.
Time: The game is about four to six hours long on the first playthrough, assuming you don’t intend on finding every secret the first time around (and believe me, there are a TON of secrets… though similar to Inscryption, finding them tends to raise more questions than they answer).
TL;DR: I enjoyed the Hex but it’s a weird ass game for sure. Of the two I definitely prefer Inscryption (though I don’t think that’s a really fair comparison), but for what it is I liked the Hex and am always happy to see more people checking it out :]
If you have any specific questions, feel free to message me. My inbox is open and so are my PMs—I promise I don’t mind
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latinotiktok · 2 years
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Segunda Ronda Polls
Guillermo de la Cruz vs Profesor Jirafales
El Mandalorian vs Carlos
Tulio Triviño vs Rodolfo Rivera
Gokú vs El Lobo/La Muerte
José Carioca vs Bruno Madrigal
Juandisimo vs Lalo Salamanca
El papá de Mafalda vs Kronk
El cepillo Colgate 360 vs Don Ramón
Pacha vs Juan Carlos Bodoque
Héctor vs Gabriel Reyes/Reaper
Manolo vs Dr Simi
Gustavo "Gus"Fring vs Yasutora Sado/Chad
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📣 “SADISTA [CIRCUS EDITION]” 😈👹👺💃🌜🦇🍷🌘 🧛‍♀️🩸🎊🖤👿
💥 Festival de Aniversario para disfrutar y bailar con las mejores canciones en los géneros: New Wave / Synthpop / PostPunk / ElectroDark / Industrial / EBM / DarkWave / GothicRock.🎩🔥🎼☢️⚙️
🎧🎹 Fiesta Dj Set: CXC / Powell CE / Danny Em / Fucu Acid / Yami / Inner / Wida / José Sosa / Kapvt / Dr. Skull / CxC / Deus Ex Machina / Darklands💿💽
💃 Peformance: Runaclava + Blackness (Desfile Fetish) / Paris Balenciaga (Dragqueen) / Reynal + Sumisa (Performance Sado) / Circus Show / Gxgxs👑💋💄👗
🎁 Cuarto Oscuro [Sesiones Spanking - fireplay - Instalación - Látigos]: Club BDSM Lima 🎊🎉
© Producción: Whip Me.
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📆 Sábado 17 de Agosto
🕘 9:00pm.
🏘 La Residencia Club (jr. Junín 429 – Centro de Lima)
🎫 Entrada: S/.40
📳 Reservas https://wa.link/sno6qf
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pookerpower · 2 months
The following was sent to my phsychiatrist earlier this year significant names have been removed, as a result my diagnosis was changed to schizo affective disorder and psychopathic traits have been recognised. The reason i am sharing this is to give people hope. I shared my inner world and wasn't sectioned. I hope other can read this and feel at ease to say it how it is to their care teams:
I have alluded in communications with Dr @£#% that I haven't got what I want in regards to recovery if indeed it is possible. I really hope this isn't seen as game playing - despite my love of games, this isn't one of them. This is my life which I have to try and survive.
I wanted to give you prior warning of what I believe the issues I have may be and also attempt to answer why I believe this. Excuse my arrogance in doing so.
It is my belief that alot of my day to day feelings and thoughts are the result of an emotionally abusive grandfather who was free to tell me what a disappointment i was, and also restrictive parenting from a father who was a total perfectionist who had no time for people who weren't mens men and no time for people who couldn't live up to his unrealistic expectations.  I am a support worker on minimum wage, My sister is a millionaire.  In my school years I always felt different to others - my only love interest was a girl called Carie who identified as Mormon. I wanted nothing more than to be with her and we were quite honest about our feelings towards one another, from school years 8,9,10,11 we would often talk about being able to date once she was 16.  To dangle that carrot I feel forged a disconnect between emotion and my ability to express and indeed feel love.  Long story short she got to 16 and suggested I could ask her out. I said no. after our GCSEs were done with, I have seen her twice since leaving school-she is now married with kids and living in New Zealand...well at least as of 4 or 5 years ago.
I was always jealous of couples who appeared happy and have always felt that true love is out of sight for me.  Due to self esteem issues I have always felt like damaged goods. Love in meeting my now wife appeared to be possible but my negativity doesn't do her any favours. Our relationship was also marred by me having got another girl pregnant just prior to meeting - felt powerless in this and the full term pregnancy was her choice not mine.
For me my current risks mainly revolve around sado/masochism. From the outset I would like to let you know that my default position has always been masochistic in nature.  The only times I have become sadistic is when i was diagnosed with HIV. My high viral load until suitably suppressed appeared to be the perfect way to hurt men.  Upon diagnosis I also sought other females who were already positive and got off on the fact if the also carried Hep C and or HPV aswel as other STIs. I travelled long distances to meet them, the closest being @#%£÷ and the furthest being %&<>=÷. Promises of being single were made which was easy to do as i was currently living at my parents so could do video calls without arousing suspicion that I may be lying about my situation.  I would get what I wanted then would fade away - no response is a response after all.  The distance I travelled was my choice to prevent possible come back should they attempt to try and track me down.  In truth the fact that men are my usual go to since moving back into the family home is more down to my circumstances and the fact it is near impossible to 'woo' a female long term in order to get what I want.  In male interaction there is nothing more I want than sex, with females there is often a wondering about whether they can save me.  The only female who I saw some possibility of being my saviour was !@%×÷ - she ultimately ended our relationship after months of mind games - this is why I feel homicidal thoughts returned in 2022, her new male partner was my target at least for physical and fatal harm. Emotionally I would have hurt @%#÷<÷[ also, as I planned to ring her from his phone from his home in the last moments before his death. 
I very nearly contacted West Mercia Police back in 2022 to give grounds for an Osman warning.  Maybe an Osman warning would have safeguarded him? Another advantage could be that the now happily married couple would know that they maybe shouldn't play mind games with people who have long memories.
Fantasies of revenge have always been present in me from bullying in secondary school, I would stand in front of a mirror when alone and play out scenarios with my then airpistol wishing it was something more, in my head I would get my revenge.
In the present when I feel wronged I swallow what I feel and add it to my ball of rage.  I have compartmentalised for years which means I can do whatever I wish and return to the family home with tales of a normal day at work. Assertiveness and self esteem deficits I feel are part of this issue - I have tried CBT and it doesn't work - my thoughts are me - I can't change that.
Early issues prior to psychosis (whether schizophrenic or a trauma response, or a realisation of what I felt was really me, smelling blood and feeling vulnerable to urges of killing)
I have always been scientific in my world view. I am an atheist for these reasons which maybe I should reassess in a bid to work on my moral compass.  The label of schizophrenia I found useful and when that occurred I sought to build my own knowledge around it. RD laings the divided self being one of my favourite books ever. Any works of fiction don't grab my attention including the bible. 
My university course involved critical thinking and I found in that time period I was drawn more so to certain authors/thinkers as they seemed to fit with me and grab my attention if its not something i can relate to i am not interested. descartes, machiavelli, nietzsche, foucault, satre.. anything that involved individual power boosted my ego and sense of self.  Oddly neitzsche died of Syphillis and Foucault of AIDS. They knew the meaning of suffering and their world views were reaffirming to my own beliefs and gave me comfort I'm relation to my own patterns of thought.
I have fond memory's of &<>]=÷ and her input with me. Jungian shadow work was introduced to me, but maybe I miss interpreted it along the way. I at this time am very aware of my shadow self. Labels have helped me see a way forward in hope and for treatment in the past, and therefore I would like to ask for some investigation if possible whether to affirm or refute.
Protection of #%/×=×@:
&£=×@# is my world, possibly the only person I truly love.
With this feeling of needing to protect him and also struggles for him mentally since September last year i feel that my feelings towards suicide have changed. It is no longer an option although couldn't be ruled out entirely.
Suicide was up until September 2023 always a get out for me and one i have contemplated for many hours over the years, it was always a comfort blanket hence why the means would always be stashed in my car.  Since the reality of @%##£'s situation sank in this is now off the table unless as an ultimate last resort.  My behaviours have become worse...although less frequent more severe in seeking out what I need in regards to harm and the associated sensations.
Homicidal concerns and bucket list.
As you are aware from my history at least in regards to paperwork since 2002 has possibly 3 homicidal thoughts evidenced.  Way back in 2003 (caused by criticism) 2015 (caused by thoughts of serial killing and associated arousal) 2022 (caused by rejection).  Homicidal thoughts were also present in 2007/2008 when my unwanted son was conceived, these will not be on my records- my thoughts to blow that baby from her guts were present but my belief in something exciting round the corner having met my now wife prevented me from acting as I kept that birth secret until she came snooping for money for the little bastard. The cause of these homicidal thoughts were powerlessness.
The worry for me is that on my bucket list I have just two items to achieve:
1 - to kill someone before I die ( rationale from a young age was to know what it felt like, now admittedly vengeance may come into it).
2 - to create an everlasting block of cheese - this is of course a joke - there's only one item on my bucket list.
A suicidal act by me would now only ever occur in the aftermath of correcting someone who has hurt me or my son.  I have spoken to Dr @%!÷×/÷ about wishing to rip a whole in the world - metaphorically before I exit.  I have promised myself that. In relation to self harm if the sex I have is seen to be this it is very rarely impulsive it is a planned process to take part in long and risky sex sessions. Part of the reason the frequency is less is really down to opportunity. To engage in long sex sessions with multiple men takes planning and deceit. I am aware I need that excitement and to plan for it means I can last out till that point of being used by multiple men I have always been attracted to strangers as it heightens the element of the risk of the unknown.
At this time I am facing a need to survive for my son. This is new for me and I need to know how to do it - assertiveness and self esteem work and ultimately coping strategies I feel may help.  If the risks I take no longer take away that feeling of internal and eternal unrest I will have no options left and simply will not survive.
Whilst I don't express distress often and historically only seek help as a last resort, I would say that I am starting to believe I have little time left to change. I have had ideas of something in my personality not being 'right' for probably about 15 years, when serial killing I felt was in me, I lost 5 stone running so I felt physically fit enough to carry this out, I ran for maybe 3 years and #£××:@ helped me psychologically at around that era.  up until the last 3 years I put the risk taking down to being just something I do to cope, often justifying it as better than killing people.  I would like any and or all options to be looked at PTSD, ADHD, Autism, my honest belief is that I have a personality disorder or a mixture of several. Even if that is a delusional personality disorder - hence making me believe I have a personality disorder.
I held on to the fact that by midlife things may improve.  But I have felt in the last few years I may have ASPD and also potentially secondary psychopathy whilst planning and calculating is present i believe my trauma due to being worthy of nothing, caused my issues rather than biology. My possible awareness I hope is a sign of (fingers crossed) my issues waning due to my advancing years.  This awareness is double edged though as I am finding my acting out is getting more extreme and there is almost a feeling of being drawn in further as i try to make sense of my situation. On my original DBS after a firearms incident and forensic assessment at Reaside clinic by #£@%!/÷# I was descrbed as having 'obsessional personality traits' - I would completely agree with this.  'A danger to himself and others' was also stated- maybe it is indeed a self fulfilling prophecy.
I am prepared to accept a label if you feel it is correct, I have immense respect for you. I am also willing to move out of care and support as I understand that a label may affect not my ability to do the job, but my safety to do the job.
I am not scared of any diagnoses - i currently carry two of the worst and most stigmatised conditions anyway schizophrenia and HIV. I am accepting of whatever possible additional diagnosis may be deemed to fit. I need change, i don't want change but I know my current course is not in my best interests. 
I really hope this email helps. It's taken me years to unmask to the extent I have, I wish I had done it sooner buti needed maturity in thought and this clarity has only occurred in the last 3 years.
Whatever is necessary I will engage with.
If you need more than deviancy in moral and ethical terms, I have offended criminally, I am not willing to list all offences here, but wanton endangerment has already been evidenced through my sadism and 'gift giving' of HIV. I am happy to share this as the targets were largely fucked in dark rooms at gay saunas. Don't know who they were and vice versa.
Intrusive thoughts were hard to deal with,  the thought that those are actually true thoughts is even harder, I can't do it alone.
Opening up in the manner I am doing feels risky and I hope in writing this it satisfies the ever present need for excitement if only for a short period.
I have attempted to get help prior to this time.  And have sent out red flags before now, I am happy to share these instances with you face to face.  Whilst this may have made for difficult reading please be aware that there are positives and I recognise these.
My Son will keep me here.
I function well despite being angry at the world.
The shotgun removed from my mum and dad's home was really significant as it was a gift from my abusive grandpa.  He was hate personified that gun had an imagery associated with it which is now out of grasp. No other weapon will ever have that hold over me.
All I need is hope for change, please be aware my behaviours are powerful compulsions which are used to alleviate the reality of my existence.  Excuse me for harking back to philosphy, but it forms the only world view acceptable to me. Foucault's most famous book discipline and punish had at its core the penal systems move from the destruction of the body to the disciplining of the mind as an expression of social control and power.  The reason i mention it is because I feel at total odds to this. I am destroying my body as an act of power or self inflicted punishment, the years have taught me that i simply cannot discipline my mind and sustain change. There has to be something better than this. Although my actions may seem irrational I hope this email serves to give context to the situation.
The risks I take are outside of the family home and work, so I do attempt to reduce harm as much as possible whilst being aware I need it.
Kind Regards,
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angsuga · 4 months
CNU U-COMELEC brings in new student leaders
To welcome newly elected student leaders for the Academic Year (AY) 2024-2025, the Cebu Normal University (CNU) Unified-Commission on Elections (U-COMELEC) conducted an Induction Ceremony at the Idea and Knowledge Center (IKC) yesterday, June 7. The ceremony began with a welcome address from the Student Affairs and Development Office (SADO) Director Dr. Jeson Bustamante as he congratulated the…
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afiliatnet · 8 months
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