#Dr Alec Holland
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frankentyner · 2 years
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morebedsidebooks · 5 months
Poison Ivy #19-21
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Checking in with the Poison Ivy comic series again, we’ve reached a set of trio issues #19-21 forming “Origin of Species”. This writer G. Willow Wilson’s efforts in marrying together the contributions by many creatives over decades who have taken on the matter of Poison Ivy’s origins. Which if that sounds ambitious, you’d be right.
In media Ivy’s origins have often been recounted either by others or herself. However, because of the developments that led here in previous issues, this secret origin is too for all ones knows a last testament. With that frame dare readers hope for a more sapient, innermost version?
To begin issue #19 sees Pamela Isley off to a Seattle university as an undergraduate in a plant biochemistry program fatefully headed by Dr. Jason Woodrue. Wanting to best her peers (leading botanists Alec and Linda Holland plus Philip Sylvain), entranced both by the work and Woodrue, falling for a sexual relationship with him among other manipulations. When the next round of funding for the experiments runs out, Pam makes her first foray into crime.
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Next for issue #20, as things with Pam and Woodrue continue to escalate, Wilson once more does not forget a relatively recent character in the schemes of things… Bella Garten.
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Her last appearance to this in a flashback in #2, it’s been several issues. So, let’s take a minute to discuss Bella.
As a fellow student and love interest, specializing in botany and genetics going on to earn a doctorate, Bella Garten or the The Gardener as she would become first appeared in Batman #107 in 2021 creation of writer James Tynion IV. Plus, part of the thread of story involving Poison Ivy during the Fear State event and into the past. The one-shot Batman Secret Files: The Gardener (written by Tynion and art by Christian Ward) was also included in the first collected edition of Poison Ivy. However, the file, another secret origin comic is less about Bella Garten and more an attempt to appeal to Batman to help Ivy (around the Tom King Everyone Loves Ivy period) running through decades of Ivy’s character (with adjustments). Part of the history there exposed, particularly certain actions of Gardener, is uncomfortably weird.
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Yet again an example of major violation done to Ivy by someone she trusted. The revelation resulting in a short confrontation between the two in Fear State Omega. (The issue also marking the end of Tynion’s Batman run with Art: Riccardo Federici, Christian Duce, Ryan Benjamin, Guillem March & Trevor Hairsine, Colorist: Chris Sotomayor and Letterer: Clayton Cowles). Where Ivy is having none of the presented defense.
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In sum a character that functions more as a plot point, another retcon while trying to put it all (back) together. Yet, coherency that has been needed. Despite the American superhero genre (in)famously being one where seemingly everything and nothing is canon, something still important. So too, the first ongoing series for Poison Ivy not just ought to but, does endeavor to plumb over 50 years of a character’s existence. While bringing what each creative uniquely can. It’s worth asking then if Bella is made more too under Willow’s writing.
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Wrapping up casting Ivy’s mind back, issue #21 arrives at the full Poison Ivy. Once again, becoming a human experiment (volunteering!) and transformation. An old life lost, the new leading to Gotham— yet for a unique green reason.
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As a woman with growing abilities, confidence in using them, the law is just an obstacle to justice. But of course, conflict and differences plus mistrust with Batman result with Ivy in and out of the terrible Arkham Asylum. This would be the early pre-Harley days too, even though the Ivy costume calls back to the influential BTAS.
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Then what can I say about the art I’ve haven’t already in other reviews. Jessica Fong continues to deliver pretty and pretty gross (body) horror main covers. (On the latter it took a while to prepare myself to read the previous issue #18. Though it’s not shocking that bodily autonomy, something Ivy’s origins raise too, makes the list of also current matters the series depicts.)
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Marcio Takara definitely has set a bar as the main artist for the series. I wish he was drawing every issue. Though nothing against the other artists who have so far done so. It’s just that I generally wish for a creative team to be able to remain consistent through a run. I’ve praised colorist Arif Prianto consistently too. On the other hand, since these installments are Ivy believing she’s dying and mired in her distant past, I’m surprised there isn’t more of a difference exhibited of that. Why not really experiment with the paneling, designs, and color palette. Just as key the letterer Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou can switch things up to good effect. Actually, if part of the team working on Poison Ivy had to change briefly maybe here was where to do that instead.
In the end these issues of the comic series offer an origin stressing the choices and chances. A Poison Ivy that refutes being pathologized, focuses less on victimization, and more of her own creation and missteps along the way. It’s interesting too, if not still poignant, to look back to the first few issues of Poison Ivy. In soon coming up on two years, the series has issue by issue after issue grown and been recognized as an Outstanding Comic Book by GLAAD. After reflecting on a new(ish) past it continues forward.
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hibiscera · 10 months
i would like to hear all of your ideas about poison ivys backstory please ?
OH !!!! This is a good one, I’ve thought about it quite a bit.
So while Woodrue is still a big part of my backstory for Pamela, two things:
1. They do not have a relationship. Rather, Pamela ends up trying to mold herself in his image due to never having a proper parental figure. She’s trans, so she tried SO HARD to be the kind of man she was looking up to… not allowing herself what she really wanted.
2. She turns herself into Poison Ivy. And this is a good thing, btw.
The tldr of her backstory so far… her parents were neglectful, so she was very lonely growing up. She found difficulty connecting with her peers… and then of course there were The Gender Problems.
But of course like every good future Gotham rogue, she had her dear beloved special interest, plants! ☺️ It was easier to isolate herself with them… watching them grow and change into something beautiful. How they’ve grown and changed with our planet to sustain it for millions of years!!
Needless to say, it was what she worked towards studying once entering university! Studying under the brilliant Dr. Woodrue, famous professor of botany, what a dream come true! Alongside Bella Garten, who is someone she would become Very close with, and Alec Holland.
Surely nothing could go wrong. (:
Anyways without getting toooooo long winded, Pammy ends up taking a particular interest in Mycology as well and how plants and fungi interact with one another. It’s through this path she ends up discovering a type of parasitic fungus that’s been left untouched for ages…
Ultimately, that bastard Woodrue steals her research on it and that breach of trust is the last straw for her, after living a life where her fellow humans kept consistently failing her. Where she tried to be something she’s not in order to maybe just MAYBE find her place somewhere.
So of course the only answer is to turn herself into a plant person, which rules btw. Something she had been concocting for a while…
The bad part is she’s decided she wants to help the parasitic fungus.
There’s definitely a lot more to it but I’m trying to be a little patient and save it for actually drawing and writing parts of the story.
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masochisticallygrumpy · 5 months
Tell me about swamp thing?
Prepare yourself.
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I've only really deep-dived into the Alan Moore and Scott Snyder runs of Swamp Thing, but I know there's still more swampy goodness out there. I just need to gush about it to reignite my passion to get back to reading.
Swamp Thing was created by Len Wein back in the 70's, and the first run of Swamp Thing was published from 1972 to 1976. I haven't read this, but it covers the origin of Swamp Thing and his nemesis, Anton Arcane.
Dr. Alec Holland and his wife Linda Holland were biologist working on a super, bio-restorative formula that would cultivate plant growth in hostile environments. The Hollands are assassinated for this work, and Alec Holland and the bio-restorative object of desire fall into the swamps of Louisiana. Alec dies and is reborn through the power of comic book science (maybe?) into the Swamp Thing. This is the generic common background that I think is shared among all Holland Swamp Things, I think (I speak from a place of ignorance).
I know more about later incarnations of Anton Arcane, but he's essentially just a hard foil to Swamp Thing. I think in these early issues of Swamp Thing, he debuts as a sorcerer searching for immortality. While Alec Holland goes on adventures to try and find the humanity he views that he lost after his transformation, Arcane shows that he's willing to throw his humanity away for the sake of eternal life (important theming). He covets Swamp Thing's existence and eventually transforms himself into an undead monstrosity. In later Swamp Thing volumes, Arcane becomes an avatar of rot and decay while Swamp Thing is an avatar of cultivation and life. It leads to some cool juxtaposing artwork.
In 1976, Swamp Thing is shelved due to poor performance, but then it gets revived in 1982 as The Saga of the Swamp Thing, written by Martin Prasko. I've tried reading this, but I don't love it. There's just too much being written instead of shown via the artwork. However, it continues the idea of Alec Holland searching for a way to regain his humanity.
After 19 issues, Martin Prasko had to step down as writer due to other commitments, so Len Wein, acting as editor, asks Alan Moore to step in. Moore agrees under the stipulation that he has the autonomy to make things get even weirder, and EVERYTHING CHANGED FOREVER!!
Issue 20 of The Saga of the Swamp Thing acts as a transition between Prasko and Moore. It begins with the aftermath of an epic battle between Swamp Thing and Anton Arcane and ends with the military presumably killing Swamp Holland and capturing his body.
Issue 21 of The Saga of the Swamp Thing is where Moore really goes to Funky Town. The military dissects Holland Thing and it is revealed that Swamp Thing was never Alan Holland transformed, but just a collection of plants that had his consciousness and memories imprinted on it (of course this is fantastical comic book science bs, but, as a plot device, it works). Swamp Thing revives after being dethawed from a frozen state, because bullets don't really work on plants in the long term. Swamp Thing finds the report that details his true nature, and he loses his shit.
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I really can't put this issue to justice by trying to describe its pacing, narration, tension, and artwork. You get multiple panels of horrifying, violent, raging clashes of yellow, green, and red. Swamp Thing's rage and grief consumes him as he realizes that he's been searching to reclaim humanity that was never his in the first place. Swamp Things emotions consume him as he is driven to murder. Mary Shelley would have been proud. It was a pretty big deal for a character who had primarily taken a superhero role in the past.
Moore's run of The Saga of the Swamp Thing continues on as Swamp Thing must rediscover his identity as just the Swamp Thing instead of Alec Holland. It's not an easy journey, but Swamp Thing does eventually crawl out of the mire of despair and depression (with the help of others, iirc). He makes the ultimate decision that he wants to live, and this book becomes a beautiful celebration of life and love.
Sure, it's not always easy for Swamp Thing. He has to train himself to think less like a human to effectively make use of his powers. He doesn't want to do this, but it enables him to have the power of a god. The Saga of the Swamp Thing spends quite a bit of time exploring the idea of what it means to be human, at least that's what I remember.
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Of course, this series wouldn't be complete without some love and monster fucking. A huge part of The Saga of the Swamp Thing explores the relationship between Swamp Thing and Anton Arcane's niece (gasp), Abigail Arcane. I think their relationship is beautiful and it drives the plot in two volumes, I think, of the run.
I know I said there was monster fucking, but that is a half-truth. Swamp Thing and Abigail are able to find their own means of pseudo-sexual intimacy by having Abigail eat a tuber that grows from Swamp Thing's body. It sends her on a trip where her spirit intermingles with his in the Green, which is a meta-physical realm that connects all plant life. It gets creative with the art; you have to rotate the comic 90 degrees to view the artwork. I recommend.
Of course, you can't have monster romance in Louisiana without upsetting some people (spoilers: the police). I'll try not to spoil much more, but a big theme in this saga is about letting people love who they want to love. I don't know if anyone on Tumblr could relate to that theming and sentiment (sarcasm).
I bet someone could find trans allegory in Moore's run if they wanted to. Idk if most people want to be compared to a walking shamble of plants, but you never know.
One last thing, Moore's run of Swamp Thing was the first mainstream comic to flatly ignore the Comic Code Authority, which I think is pretty punk. It's some interesting comic book history.
Check it out from your local library. Check their apps.
Scott Snyder wrote the New 52 version of Swamp Thing for a few years. For the uninitiated, DC Comics revamped the DC universe in 2011, and it was supposed to leave a lot of the old comic history behind. However, some series, like Swamp Thing, still referenced its legacy, such as Moore's changes to Swamp Thing history. It sent a lot of conflicting messages about the mission of the New 52. Anyway, I think Snyder's Swamp Thing is pretty cool.
It's been at least two years since I read Snyder's run for Swamp Thing. I read it before I read Moore's run, so I didn't quite understand all of it. However, I do remember loving some of the vibrant art.
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Abigail and Swamp Thing/Alec Holland (?) have to rediscover love. I remember feeling warm fuzzies, but my memory is not great.
There was an amazing crossover with the New 52 Animal Man, written by Jeff Lemire. I really recommend reading both series in tandem as they build off each other. Animal Man also has some of the most awe-inspiring grotesque artwork I've ever seen. The crossover has the entire world fall to monsters of rot and decay, all led by Anton Arcane. Superheroes and villains that are animal and plant themed all work together to save the planet. It's peak daydream fantasy. Also, there's some art of Swamp Thing depicted as an angelic green knight.
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Holy shit rad as hell
That's it. I'm done. I have squeezed my love of Swamp Thing out. (pls send more asks if you want) Support your local library and comic book store. I'm going to have to plan time to reread both of these runs before reading more Swamp Thing
Thank you.
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martyrxmade · 9 months
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"the flowers listen. and sometimes, if you're quiet, they'll even speak to you."
riley keough  +  cis woman  +  she/her  ✧  welcome to new york,  pamela isley  (poison ivy)  !  as a  thirty-five year old  ‘villain’  you’re no doubt itching to get back to  your laboratory  —  but first, if you could repeat your story for the record. you woke up on new year’s day with  poisonous lipstick  beside you, right  ?  and you were dreaming about  taking over robinson park to protect the green  ?  thank you for your answers, and we’ll be in touch soon. 
canon: mainly new earth with prime earth influences ( see: new 52 did some weird things but brother it sure gave one helluva backstory ).
full name: dr. pamela lillian isley, phd alias: poison ivy age: 35 birthday: assigned march 14th by dc ( assigned pisces by dc ! ) gender: cis woman pronouns: she/her sexual orientation: bisexual romantic orientation: homoromantic career: botanist -- and the occasional eco-terrorist! notable traits: green hue, often wears gloves due to her poisonous touch ( which some characters, such as harley quinn and inexplicably harvey dent, have an immunity to ) threat level: high
affiliations: herself, the green, gotham city sirens (past), the injustice gang (past) birds of prey (past) (new 52) abilities: chlorokinesis, pheromone control, toxikinesis, toxic immunity, skin pigment manipulation, decelerated aging, regeneration weapons: n/a strengths: genius level intellect, see all abilities listed above weaknesses: sun deprivation ( tbh new-52 explored that in a really interesting way but like... it's across the canons ), instability
*all following connections are liable to change depending on muns ! positive personal connections: harley quinn, selina kyle, alec holland/swamp thing complicated personal connections: bruce wayne/batman, barbara gordon/batgirl, pretty much the entire batfam, oswald cobblepot/penguin, edward nigma/the riddler, harvey dent/two-face negative personal connections: jason woodrue/floronic man, joker
* expansion will be offered through task ! ( the lipstick is very important, mhm. ) mother: dead, murdered by ivy's father :\ father: dead, murdered by ivy <3 cause of ability manifestation: an experiment with/by jason woodrue gone wrong
chlorokinesis: the ability to control and communicate with all plant life. through this, she is able to speak to a force called The Green ( a force swamp thing and floronic man can also communicate with ) and... you know... be their voice, but in a pretty violent manner :\
pheromone control: seduction turned up to eleven. even if she was in a pink gorilla suit ( a la 1997 cinematic feat batman & robin ), if she chooses to emit her pheromones, you are brainwashed under the sexy spell to do her bidding !
toxikinesis: makes it so she, as a plant-person, is literally toxic to the touch. literal 'kiss of death' ! hence why i decided she wears gloves in this universe, mhm.
toxic immunity: immune to toxins...
skin pigment manipulation: as a plant-person, she is naturally very green :\ but she's able to manipulate her dna to make her skin... like, human-passing ! still a lil green, but only if you're really looking !
decelerated aging: that plant dna is a real treat ! as long as she maintains solar energy ( and doesn't get murdered <3 ), she's expected to live longer and age slower than the average human.
regeneration: because she's part plant... she's kinda like those lizard that get their arm hacked off then a new arm just... grows in its place. that's ivy.
genius level intellect: girlie-pop has a phd and keeps getting smarter by the minute!
sun deprivation: if she's deprived of the sun/natural light for too long, she, like a plant, withers and becomes weakened. ( like i said, new 52 actually had an arc that explored this in a super interesting way -- i can't remember what the run was, but it was with barbara and it took her through the seasons without directly saying what was going on until the end in winter... like, new 52 did something right with that and with ivy's revamped backstory ! also her design was really cool but... i digress. )
instability: honestly i just lifted this from the wikia page bc it makes me chuckle. she's part of the batman rogues gallery, so you can bet that she's a lil unstable !
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brokehorrorfan · 1 year
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Swamp Thing will be released on 4K Ultra HD and Blu-ray on July 25 via MVD. The Blu-ray is part of MVD’s Rewind Collection, while the 4K UHD leads the company’s new 4K LaserVision Collection.
The 1982 superhero horror film is written and directed by master of horror Wes Craven, based on the DC Comics character created by Len Wein and Bernie Wrightson. Louis Jourdan and Adrienne Barbeau star with Ray Wise, David Hess, and Dick Durock as Swamp Thing.
Both editions include the PG-rated US version and the unrated international version of the film, newly restored in 16-bit 4K from the original camera negative. The 4K UHD is presented with Dolby VIsion/HDR and DTS-HD Master Audio 2.0 Mono.
Each edition comes with a matching slipcover and mini poster. They’re pictured below, where you can also find a list of special features.
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4K LaserVision Collection Disc 1 - 4K UHD special features:
Audio commentary by writer/director Wes Craven moderated by Sean Clark (PG version)
Audio commentary by makeup effects artist William Munn moderated by Michael Felsher (PG version)
4K LaserVision Collection Disc 2 - Blu-ray special features:
Audio commentary by writer/director Wes Craven moderated by Sean Clark (PG version)
Audio commentary by makeup effects artist William Munn moderated by Michael Felsher (PG version)
Interview with actress Adrienne Barbeau
Interview with actor Reggie Batts
Interview with Swamp Thing creator Len Wein
Interview with production designer Robb Wilson King
Interview with film historian Kim Newman
Posters & lobby cards gallery
Still photo gallery
William Munns' behind-the-scenes photo gallery
Geoffrey Rayle’s behind-the-scenes photo gallery
Theatrical trailer
Rewind Collection special features:
Audio commentary by writer/director Wes Craven moderated by Sean Clark (PG version)
Audio commentary by makeup effects artist William Munn moderated by Michael Felsher (PG version)
Interview with actress Adrienne Barbeau
Interview with actor Reggie Batts
Interview with Swamp Thing creator Len Wein
Interview with production designer Robb Wilson King
Interview with film historian Kim Newman
Posters & lobby cards gallery
Still photo gallery
William Munns' behind-the-scenes photo gallery
Geoffrey Rayle’s behind-the-scenes photo gallery
Theatrical trailer
On the verge of a breakthrough in his quest to wipe out world hunger, altruistic botanist Dr. Alec Holland (Ray Wise) is placed under the protection of special government agent Alice Cable (Adrienne Barbeau). Mad outlaw scientist Anton Arcane (Louis Jourdan) wants to steal Holland's research for his own nefarious ends, but an unforeseen accident during the heist turns Holland into the Swamp Thing, an enormous plant-like creature that fights back against Arcane's henchmen to save Cable.
Pre-order Swamp Thing.
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maidenvault · 1 year
Okay, since no one is talking about the upcoming Swamp Thing movie even though it has a director and all, here’s my fancast for it as a whole-ass franchise which it should be…
Matthew Rhys as Alec Holland
Dave Bautista as Swamp Thing
Amanda Seyfried as Abigail Arcane
Alexander Skarsgard as Anton Arcane
Dev Patel as Jason Blood
Willem Dafoe as Etrigan
Robert Sheehan as John Constantine
Ruth Negga as Dr. Woodrue
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vintage1981 · 1 year
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Swamp Think Comes to UHD and Blu-Ray from the MVD Laservision  & Rewind Collections!
Releases  7/25/2023
MVD LaserVision Collection #1 TITLE: Swamp Thing (2-Disc Collector’s Edition) [4K Ultra HD + Blu-ray] SKU: MVD12567UHD UPC / Barcode: 760137125679 YSRP: 49.95 SCIENCE TRANSFORMED HIM INTO A MONSTER. LOVE CHANGED HIM EVEN MORE!
Deep in Florida's darkest everglades, a brilliant scientist, Dr. Alec Holland (Ray Wise, Robocop) and a sexy government agent, Alice Cable (Adrienne Barbeau, John Carpenter’s The Fog) have developed a secret formula that could end world hunger and change civilization forever. Little do they know, however, that their arch nemesis, Arcane (Louis Jourdan, Octopussy) is plotting to steal the serum for his own selfish schemes. Looting the lab and kidnapping Cable, Arcane douses Holland with the chemicals and leaves him for dead in the swamp. Mutated by his own formula, Holland becomes “Swamp Thing” - a half human/half plant superhero who will stop at nothing to rescue the beautiful Cable and defeat the evil Arcane... even if it costs him his life.
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• 2023 4K Restoration (16-Bit Scan of the Original Camera Negative) of both the US Theatrical PG Version and Unrated International Version of the film presented in its original 1.85:1 Aspect Ratio in Dolby Vision / HDR • Audio: DTS-HD Master Audio 2.0 Mono, Spanish Mono • Optional English Subtitles • Audio Commentary with Writer/Director Wes Craven moderated by Sean Clark (Theatrical / PG Version) • Audio Commentary with Makeup Effects Artist William Munns moderated by Michael Felsher (Theatrical / PG Version) • Collectible “4K LaserVision” Mini-Poster of cover art • Limited Edition “4K Laservision” Slipcover (First Pressing Only) DISC 2: SWAMP THING REWIND COLLECTION BLU-RAY – SPECIAL FEATURES: • 2023 HD Restoration of both the US Theatrical PG Version and Unrated International Version of the film presented in its original 1.85:1 Aspect Ratio • Audio Commentary with Writer/Director Wes Craven moderated by Sean Clark (Theatrical / PG Version) • Audio Commentary with Makeup Effects Artist William Munns moderated by Michael Felsher (Theatrical / PG Version) • DTS-HD Audio 2.0 Mono, Spanish Mono Audio • Optional English Subtitles • "Tales From the Swamp" (Remastered) with Actress Adrienne Barbeau (HD, 16:56) • "Hey Jude" with Actor Reggie Batts (HD, 14:30) • "That Swamp Thing" with Len Wein, Creator of Swamp Thing (HD, 13:19) • "Swamp Screen: Designing DC's Main Monster" featurette (HD, 20:32) • "From Krug to Comics: How the Mainstream Shaped a Radical Genre Voice" featurette (HD, 17:34) • Posters & Lobby Cards - Photo Gallery • Photos from the Film - Photo Gallery • William Munns’ Behind the Scenes Pictures - Photo Gallery • Behind the Scenes Photos by Geoffrey Rayle – Photo Gallery • Theatrical Trailer (HD, 1:31) • "REGION A" LOCKED * Special Features May Not Be Rated, Closed Captioned Or In High Definition. MVD Rewind Collection #51 TITLE: Swamp Thing (Collector’s Edition) [Blu-ray] SKU: MVD8554BR UPC /Barcode: 760137855484 SRP: $39.95
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SWAMP THING REWIND COLLECTION BLU-RAY – SPECIAL FEATURES: • 2023 HD Restoration of both the US Theatrical PG Version and Unrated International Version of the film presented in its original 1.85:1 Aspect Ratio • Audio Commentary with Writer/Director Wes Craven moderated by Sean Clark (Theatrical / PG Version) • Audio Commentary with Makeup Effects Artist William Munns moderated by Michael Felsher (Theatrical / PG Version) • DTS-HD Audio 2.0 Mono, Spanish Mono Audio • Optional English Subtitles • "Tales From the Swamp" (Remastered) with Actress Adrienne Barbeau (HD, 16:56) • "Hey Jude" with Actor Reggie Batts (HD, 14:30) • "That Swamp Thing" with Len Wein, Creator of Swamp Thing (HD, 13:19) • "Swamp Screen: Designing DC's Main Monster" featurette (HD, 20:32) • "From Krug to Comics: How the Mainstream Shaped a Radical Genre Voice" featurette (HD, 17:34) • Posters & Lobby Cards - Photo Gallery • Photos from the Film - Photo Gallery • William Munns’ Behind the Scenes Pictures - Photo Gallery • Behind the Scenes Photos by Geoffrey Rayle – Photo Gallery • Theatrical Trailer (HD, 1:31) • Two-Sided Artwork • Collectible MVD Rewind Collection Mini-Poster • Limited Edition Slipcover (First Pressing Only) • "REGION A" LOCKED * Special Features May Not Be Rated, Closed Captioned Or In High Definition.
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once-was-muses · 2 years
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Copperhead being hired by another muse
Fright experimenting on another muse
Fright interacting with another mad scientist type muse
Saint Walker helping an Earth hero's rogue(s)
Thoth doing Mortal Things (i.e. eating at restaurants, falling asleep on Earth, etc.)
Someone getting a visit in Arkham
Something with my Blood Moon verse
Bookworm selling information to or about the wrong person
Saint Walker spending a night at someone else's
Scarecrow forced to work with another rogue or hero
Another muse witnessing one of Saint Walker/Scarecrow/Thoth's night terrors
Interactions for...
Abe Sapien: Hellboy, Liz Sherman, Bruce Wayne/Batman, Diana Prince/Wonder Woman, Arthur Curry/Aquaman, Nanaue/King Shark, Alec Holland/Swamp Thing, Barbara Gordon/Batgirl/Oracle
Antonio da Vinci: John Constantine, Edward Nygma/Ridder, Zatanna Zatara, Hastur, Tony Stark/Ironman, Barbara Gordon/Batgirl/Oracle, Hellboy, Stephen Strange/Dr. Strange, Kyle Rayner/Green Lantern/White Lantern, Rachel Roth/Raven
Bookworm: Edward Nygma/Riddler, Arthur Brown/Cluemaster, Oswald Cobblepot/Penguinn, Pamela Isley/Poison Ivy, Jonathan Crane/Scarecrow, Harley Quinn
Copperhead: Harley Quinn, Nanaue/King Shark, Edward Nygma/Riddler, Talia al Ghul, Slade Wilson/Deathstroke, Floyd Lawton/Deadshot
Dedan: Vader Aloha, quipster type muses
Fright: Jonathan Crane/Scarecrow, Pamela Isley/Poison Ivy, Kirk Langstrom/Man-Bat, Barbara Ann Minerva/Cheetah, Oswald Cobblepot/Penguin
Jackdaw: Oswald Cobblepot/Penguin, Stephanie Brown/Spoiler, Damian Wayne/Robin, Cassandra Cain/Orphan, Wally West/Kid Flash, Bane
March Harriet: Jervis Tetch/Mad Hatter, Harley Quinn, Diana Prince/Wonder Woman, Stephanie Brown/Spoiler, Diedre Vance/Query, Nina Damfino/Echo, Alexis Kaye/Punchline
Saint Walker: Kyle Rayner/Green Lantern/White Lantern, Guy Gardner/Green Lantern, Barry Allen/The Flash, Diana Prince/Wonder Woman, J'onn J'onzz/Martian Manhunter, John Stewart/Green Lantern, Razer, Aya, Mogo, Atrocitus, Arkillo, Kilowog, Larfleeze, Bruce Wayne/Batman, Clark Kent/Superman, Koriand'r/Starfire, Ganthet
Salaak: Guy Gardner/Green Lantern, Hal Jordan/Green Lantern, Soranik Natu, Kilowog, Tomar-Re, Bruce Wayne/Batman, Ray Palmer/Atom, Spock, Tuvok, Thaal Sinestro, Ganthet
Scarecrow: Harley Quinn, Pamela Isley/Poison Ivy, Thaal Sinestro, Edward Nygma/The Riddler, Oswald Cobblepot/Penguin, Barbara Gordon/Batgirl/Oracle, Stephanie Brown/Spoiler, Dick Grayson/Nightwing, Jason Todd/Red Hood, Tim Drake/Red Robin, Kate Kane/Batwoman, John Constantine
Thoth: Hermes, Carter Hall/Hawkman, Shayera Hall/Hawkgirl, Circe (DC Comics), Diana Prince/Wonderwoman, Marc Spector/Moon Knight, T'Challa/Black Panther, Thor Odinson, Felix Faust, Teth Adam/Black Adam, Kratos
Two-Face: Bruce Wayne/Batman, Thomas Elliot/Hush, Thomas Wayne, Jr./Owlman, Selina Kyle/Catwoman, Commissioner Jim Gordon
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filmes-online-facil · 2 years
Assistir Filme O Monstro do Pântano Online fácil
Assistir Filme O Monstro do Pântano Online Fácil é só aqui: https://filmesonlinefacil.com/filme/o-monstro-do-pantano/
O Monstro do Pântano - Filmes Online Fácil
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Dr. Alec Holland, escondido nas profundezas de um pântano tenebroso, está tentando criar uma nova espécie - uma combinação de animais e plantas capazes de se adaptar e prosperar nas condições mais adversas. Infelizmente, ele torna-se sujeito de sua própria criação e se transforma. Arcane, desesperado para a fórmula, tenta capturar o Monstro do Pântano. Uma perseguição explosiva se segue até que, finalmente, termina com um confronto entre Holland e um modificado Arcane...
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wordofthewolf · 1 year
Media Update 6/1/23
Swamp Thing (1982) I had heard of this movie before and I never really read the comics but the character is connected to Hellblazer. Dr. Alec Holland suffers an accident in the swamp which turns him into the plant-human hybrid Swamp Thing. Surprisingly, the movie is both written and directed by Wes Craven during a time when comic book movies were definitely not a thing. The nineties were coming…
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andersonvision · 1 year
In 1982, director Wes Craven gave audiences Swamp Thing, a superhero horror film based on the DC Comics character of the same name. The film tells the story of a brilliant scientist, Dr. Alec Holland, and government agent Alice Cable, who have developed a secret formula that could end world hunger and change civilization forever. However, their arch-nemesis, Arcane, is plotting to steal the serum for his own selfish schemes. When Arcane douses Holland with the chemicals and leaves him for dead in the swamp, Holland becomes "Swamp Thing," a half-human/half-plant superhero who will stop at nothing to rescue Cable and defeat the evil Arcane, even if it costs him his life. Swamp Thing became a cult hit upon its release on home video in the 1980s and its countless airings on cable television in the 80s and 90s. With a supporting cast that includes Adrienne Barbeau, Louis Jourdan, and Ray Wise, the film has become a classic in the horror genre. Critic Roger Ebert loved the film, giving it three out of four stars, saying, "Swamp Thing had already won my heart before its moment of greatness, but when that moment came, I knew I'd discovered another one of those movies that fall somewhere between buried treasures and guilty pleasures." Now, the MVD Rewind Collection is releasing a two-disc Collector's Edition of Swamp Thing on 4K Ultra HD and Blu-ray. The collection features a 2023 4K restoration of both the US Theatrical PG Version and Unrated International Version of the film presented in its original 1.85:1 Aspect Ratio in Dolby Vision/HDR, along with audio commentary from Wes Craven and makeup effects artist William Munns. The collection also includes archival supplemental material, such as interviews with actors Adrienne Barbeau and Reggie Batts, comic book writer/editor Len Wein, and documentaries. MVD's Director of Acquisitions Eric D. Wilkinson oversaw the project and expressed his excitement for the release, saying, "With a new Swamp Thing movie on the horizon from DC Studios from Executive Producer James Gunn and writer James Mangold, our timing couldn’t be better to reintroduce fans to this classic film with a definitive version on both Blu-ray and Ultra HD formats." Swamp Thing: Collector's Edition will be released on July 25, 2023, and is a must-have for any fan of the horror genre.
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theharpermovieblog · 1 year
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I re-watched Swamp Thing (1982)
As a kid I rented Swamp Thing with the thought, "Wes Craven directed a Swamp Thing Movie! How could that possibly be bad?" Nobody said I was a smart kid.
When Dr. Alec Holland's lab is attacked in an attempt to steal his research, Holland is accidentally transformed into the creature known as Swamp Thing.
One upside of Wes Craven's swamp thing can be illustrated by the comic book-esque transitions. The movie isn't taking itself too seriously which is nice. A downside is rather than be a comic book style, the movie does feel far more like the B-horror/sci-fi that craven is accustomed to.
The problem is It's not enough comic book fun and with a PG rating it doesn't have the violence that makes most low budget horror fun.
Swamp Thing has its ups and downs, and the blend of it's two mediocre halves do end up making a decently entertaining whole, but I wish it had more to offer.
The film has the low budget look of a Friday the 13th sequel and the musical score follows suit.
Ray Wise and Adrienne Barbeau do a decent job in their roles.
The Swamp Thing costume is definitely cheesy and fake looking. But, let's not fault the movie for that. With a meager 3 million dollar budget, corners were definitely cut while making this movie. Not to mention, they filmed in the swamps of South Carolina during a muggy summer. Honestly, it sounds like a nightmare to have made this movie. My dream is to make a movie, even a low budget movie. But if someone gave me that opportunity and told me that the only catch was I needed to film in a swamp, I might have to sleep on it.
All things considered, Swamp Thing isn't great and it isn't terrible. It's a bit middle of the road. I go back to the idea that if this had been rated R, with Swamp Thing pulling bad guys apart, it'd probably be remembered much more fondly. Sure the last 20 minutes or so have some fun, but It's like if you took the gore and boobs out of The Toxic Avenger. Sure, you made a movie about a weird gross superhero, but did you really do your job.
Anyway, it's fine. But if you want a Swamp Thing fix I suggest picking up the Alan Moore written comics.
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humansohuman · 2 years
please validate my weird interests, or roast them. both work.
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jasposeyblog · 2 years
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HAPPY EARTH DAY!!!! To celebrate, here is my acquisition of a Swamp Thing sketch cover by my friend, Eric Carter
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