#Dpr kyungmo
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honeydewtual · 6 months ago
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dprspace · 5 months ago
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guys YOU DONT UNDERSTAND i have to wife him up rq
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heechanes-fiancee · 2 years ago
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haneulgangnamacademy-rpg · 4 months ago
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Jméno postavy: Kim Kyungmo Pozice: Real life — Neurochirurg, odborný asistent a přednášející na lékařské fakultě Národnost: Korea
Backstory: Kyungmo Lee byl neurochirurgem, který si v soulské fakultní nemocnici získal respekt a obdiv. Byl známý svou neomylnou precizností a hlubokou empatií vůči pacientům, které vždy vnímal jako jedinečné lidské bytosti s vlastními příběhy. Kyungmo se vyznačoval tichou, ale silnou přítomností. Byl mezi prvními, kdo dorazil do nemocnice, a posledními, kdo odcházel, a to nejen kvůli své práci v operačním sále, ale také kvůli své lásce k výuce, kterou vykonával na Seoul National University. Na univerzitě pracoval jako odborný asistent na lékařské fakultě, kde ho studenti často vídali. Ačkoli miloval praxi a většinu svého času trávil v nemocnici, pravidelně vedl několik seminářů zaměřených na neurochirurgii. Kyungmo věřil, že praktické zkušenosti jsou pro budoucí lékaře nepostradatelné, a tak své studenty povzbuzoval k aktivnímu zapojení nejen během seminářů, ale i při příležitostech sledovat skutečné operace. Na seminářích se nezabýval jen teorií; kladl důraz na aplikaci znalostí v reálných situacích a sdílel své vlastní zkušenosti z operačního sálu. Kyungmo si na univerzitě vybudoval pověst přísného, ale spravedlivého pedagoga.Studenti ho respektovali pro jeho odborné znalosti, ale také pro způsob, jakým dokázal složitou problematiku neurochirurgie vysvětlit. Jeho semináře byly vždy plné, protože mladí medici oceňovali nejen jeho erudici, ale i jeho ochotu odpovídat na otázky a vést je k hlubšímu porozumění. Kyungmo měl zvláštní dar přenášet své nadšení pro chirurgii na své studenty. Když mluvil o komplikovaných operacích nebo o nových technikách, jeho oči zářily a jeho hlas zněl energicky, což působilo jako magnet na ty, kteří ho poslouchali. I přesto, že byl tak úspěšný v praxi i ve výuce, Kyungmo zůstával skromný a málokdy mluvil o svých úspěších. Kolegové i studenti ho znali jako tichého a soustředěného člověka, který se vždy plně věnoval tomu, co právě dělal. Pokud zrovna neoperoval, byl ponořený do výzkumu, kde se snažil nalézt nové způsoby léčby neurodegenerativních onemocnění. Ve svém volném čase pracoval na projektech, které měly potenciál zachránit nespočet životů. Tento jeho tichý zápal pro inovace a výzkum byl známý jen hrstce nejbližších kolegů. Pacienti i kolegové si Kyungma vážili nejen pro jeho odborné schopnosti, ale také pro jeho lidský přístup. V nemocnici se o něm říkalo, že má „zlaté ruce“, a i v nejtěžších případech dokázal najít řešení, které ostatním unikalo. Jeho operace byly vždy úspěšné, což mu přinášelo uznání a respekt. Ale i přes všechna tato uznání zůstával Kyungmo věrný svým hodnotám – nikdy se nehonil za slávou a vždy kladl důraz na týmovou práci a pokoru. Kyungmo byl také oddaný své roli učitele. Ačkoli byl neustále zaneprázdněný, našel si čas, aby se věnoval svým studentům. Po každém semináři s nimi trpělivě diskutoval, odpovídal na jejich otázky a povzbuzoval je, aby se nebáli zkoušet nové věci. Pro Kyungma byla výuka stejně důležitá jako samotná medicína –věřil, že jen dobře připravení a sebevědomí lékaři mohou pokračovat v jeho odkazu a přinést medicíně další pokroky. Navzdory své tichosti a skromnosti se Kyungmo stal legendou v oboru. Jeho jméno bylo často zmiňováno na odborných konferencích, kde byly jeho příspěvky vždy vítány s velkým zájmem. Mnozí mladší lékaři k němu vzhlíželi jako ke vzoru a snažili se napodobit jeho metody a přístup. Kyungmo si však nepřál být vzorem.Byl přesvědčen, že každý lékař musí najít svou vlastní cestu a že jen tak může být skutečně úspěšný. Jednoho dne, po dlouhé a úspěšné operaci, se Kyungmo zastavil u okna své kanceláře a zadíval se ven. Svět kolem něj se zdál být tichý a klidný, ale on věděl, že v něm stále zbývá mnoho práce. Měl před sebou ještě mnoho výzev, které chtěl překonat. Přestože byl už nyní vnímán jako jeden z nejlepších, věděl, že skutečný úspěch leží v neustálém hledání nových cest a zlepšování sebe sama.
Facebook: Kim Kyungmo
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justrepoststuff · 3 years ago
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Rem 🖤
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kookies-n-key · 3 years ago
Anyone else spend a whole hour clicking refresh for the free tshirts and getting every error message on the internet because lol same.
I actually made it all the way to checkout but it crashed again and sold out :(
But shoutout to Scott and the IT guy doing god's work. They definitely need a hug now.
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minsikluv · 4 years ago
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random khh icons
reblog if you save!
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heyboyitsyeol · 6 years ago
DPR Cream~Color Drive
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seraphdreams · 2 years ago
It’s with EBSCO industries and I heard the pay is horrid and there’s no room for growth but there’s free trips…
DPR stands for Dream Perfect Regime. It was originally D Pink Reel back in 2015/16 when they were starting up but Scott was like “nahhh gimme a couple hours and I’ll come back with something that keeps the acronym” and so DPR was formed with Dabin as the first artist,Scott as creative director, Christian as Chief Editor,creative director,cinematographer and Kyungmo(DPR Cream) as the in house producer. I love that they do basically everything themselves, both of Christian’s albums are thermal and change with heat or cold.
I’m sorry for rambling but I really admire them but hybe well big hit had stopped taking female trainees for that same reason, I guess now that they’re a more stable powerhouse they wanted to try again. Don’t get me started on how much Korean law protects men over women
-cb anon 🤍
WAIT THATS SO COOL! they seem like a nice group! don’t apologize for rambling, if you love them TELL ME EVERYTHING! and ugh they’re so weird about women in korea like damn y’all hate us that bad??
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honeydewtual · 9 months ago
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dprspace · 7 months ago
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since today is the actual ticketing who is seeing dpr!!
and good luck on ticketing guys❣️
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heechanes-fiancee · 9 months ago
The woman i will become when this drops
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obsessionicons · 3 years ago
hope já te vi falar algumas vezes sobre o dpr e queria te perguntar como é que funciona esse negócio pq não entendi tipo são três projetos diferentes (live, cream e ian) mas com o mesmo nome?
dpr é uma crew.
dpr live é o dabin, q é rapper ne é meio o """rapper principal""" pq eles é oq tem a maior discografia.
o dpr ian q é o christian é diretor visual e cantor.
o dpr cream q é o kyungmo é produtor musical
o dpr rem q é o scott q é produtor executivo e produtor criativo.
sabe as musicas do dpr live, os clipes, a produção, melodia, composição, blablabla? é essa equipe que faz.
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justrepoststuff · 3 years ago
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DPR family 💛
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bcbaekhyun · 6 years ago
nick x dpr
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DABIN/LIVE + NICOLETTE/NICK: (i’m so tempted to put dick) NABIN/NIVE
these two are So ADOrabLE iT HURTS
like, nick is so soft for him
she loves and adores him with her whole heart
like her eyes are just uwus whenever he talks or raps or walks or breathes
there is no sassy nick with dabin
only a soft nick
that’s just his effect on her
and the same is true for live
like, he thinks she’s legit the most talented person on earth
they’re so smiley around each other
they honestly don’t care about the stuff the others say about them
they buy each other gifts 
and istg they’re in actual love
and if you don’t ship them ???? idk what you’re doing sis
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is basically nick’s cool older brother
christian was the only person (besides the other girls) that she knew in the company 
she intimidates a lot of people but christian wasn’t for some reason????
he saw through her rbf to realize that she wasn’t adjusting as well as the others and she just needed guidance
he never pushed her to talk to him or feel overwhelmed
he was really patient with her opening up to him
now they do everything together
she trusts him the most out the boys
shared an apartment when she first moved to korea
he’s super supportive of her and it’s so cute
he cares about her but doesn’t like saying it outright
sometimes though,, she’s done with his bs
but like she loves him and would never say it if someone else was in the room with the two of them
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took them a while to get close
they don’t really talk a lot, even now
but nick trusts him with her life
she’s teaching him english
so when he forms even the smallest sentence, she uwus
he glances at her when he speaks in english just to make sure what he’s saying is correct
then he smiles really small and all soft when sh nods her head
they have a lot of inside jokes
she’s his biggest fan tbh
"yes cream, fuck it up!”
she promotes him better as staff than christian does as the ceo
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a love/hate but more hate
they’re always arguing
like 25/8
they honestly bicker in their sleep
he does the most for the sole purpose of annoying her
but she returns it
they live for the sole purpose of annoying each other into oblivion
but they team up to roast the others sometimes (mostly christian)
hates it when someone attacks her on social media
so like if you mess with nick, you mess with rem and you don’t want that, trust me
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k-hiphop-trash · 8 years ago
DPR facts / profile
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“Dream Perfect Regime (DPR) is an independent, multigenre, music and video group. We create, direct, and edit all types of visual work as well as curate artists stemming fro a wide array of musical backgrounds and influences. Based in Seoul, our primary focus is to engage viewers by producing a unique and dynamic experience of both visual and audio output”.
DPR started with no major backing nor any financial support.
According to Chris, they all gather together to watch reaction videos.
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His Korean name is 유바롬 (Yoo Barom).
He used to be known as Rome.
His nickname is DPR +IAN.
He was born on September 6th, 1990.
He was born in Sydney, Australia.
He studied at the University of Sidney.
He is a Christian and his Christian name is Paul.
He speaks both English and Korean.
He moved to Korean when he was 18.
He is a singer, producer, director and chief editor in DPR.
He is 174cm.
He is good at B-boying. He used to be in a dance crew named Kill.U.Strate with DPR Live. He met Dabin through b-boy.
He isn’t bisexual nor gay.
He watches anime.
Small things make him happy.
He appears in CL’s “HWA” video.
He can’t watch horror movies because he is really scared of anything paranormal and thinks he is alerting it even by talking about it. However, DPR guys took him to watch Hereditary by Ari Aster and he has also watched Midsommar.
He used to be a member and the leader of the K-pop group C-Clonw. On October 5th, 2015 the group was disolved.
He debuted on July 19th, 2012.
He likes football and surf, swimming and being in the water. He also likes making music, creating and watching Netflix .
Hemade “Zombie Pop” in about 1’5 hours for Adobe Commercial.
Since he’s being living in Korea over 10 years, he started losing his Australian accent due to lack of contact with it.
He likes cooking for him and his friends and likes watching their reaction.
He always wanted to try the food Balut.
He collects professional cameras.
He plays the drums since he was young. He used to be in a band and really liked Heavy Metal. Now he listens to many different genres like jazz, acoustic and hip hop.
He wants to create short films and also a movie to show DPR’s progress.
He is the founder of DPR.
His biggest inspiration is his mother.
He doesn’t like flying.
He directed Mino’s debut MV.
He has a dog named Lori and his first dog was named Snoopy. He also has a dog named Choco.
His favourite colour is green but used to be blue, so it might change with time.
He wonders what’s like to be a zombie and thinks it can’t be different from being dead.
He is sacred of dying alone and hopes this won’t happen as it would make him very sad.
Asa kid, he would let his imagination go and think movies like Peter Pan were real.
He likes the songs “Diamonds” by Tory Lanez and “Have You Seen That Girl” by GoldLink.
He grew up surfing and likes to keep doing it when he goes to Australia.
He likes women who are passionate about what they do and doesn’t care about their height. His ideal type is and “in the moment” kind of thing. One thing he wishes about her girlfriend is that she is passionate about what she does, whatever that is. He also likes girls that are independent and strong. He doesn’t specifically look for this qualities, but he would appreciate them.
His favourite cologne is Giorgio Armani.
He is friends with BTOB’s Peniel and B.A.P’s Zelo.
He watched the anime Death Note and even has a Death Note himself.
He likes anime and also watched the animes Shingeki no Kyojin, Berserk and Fullmetal Alchemist.
He took vocal lessons with GOT7’s JB when they were trainees.
He is a homebody.
He considers DPR and their fans as a family.
He likes werewolves better than vampires.
He said he wouldn’t mind being reincarnated into a tortoise, but a human reincarnation would be ideal.
He doesn’t know why, but as a kid he was obsessed with Leprechauns.
He isn’t scared of insects or snakes.
He does a lot of Instagram lives were he answers fan questions and a lot of memes come out of this.
He watches the show Black Mirror.
He doesn’t like to upload full body pictures because he is shorter than he looks and doesn’t want to create false expectations. But he is fine with his height either way.
He likes his hair dyed black better.
His favourite foods are those that fill you up. He likes kebabs and his favourite dish is steak.
He can’t really eat spicy food.
He likes tattoos and motorbikes, because of this, people think he is abad boy but he is actually very kind and funny.
He doesn’t know what it means to be “skinny legend”.
He likes the song “Evil Woman” by Electric Lights Orchestra.
He vapes.
In 2020 he modeled for Adidas.
His life moto is “BE YOU, if you do you, you’re living life”.
He needs glasses.
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His real name is 홍다빈 (Hong DaBin).
He was born in January 1st, 1993.
He was born in Korea.
He is also known as Jelly Man.
When he was 5 years old he moved to Guam.
He is about 169cm.
He is a rapper.
He used to work at Subway.
His most popular song is “Eung Freestyle”, featuring Punchnello, Owen Ovadoz, Sik-K and Flowsik.
He usually introduces his raps with the sentence “Coming to you Live!”.
His tagline “Coming to you Live!” is much like a live broadcaster reporting at the scene of a weather event to the viewers in real-time. This is related to the meaning of his artist name.
He didn’t take music seriously until he released “Till I Die” on his YouTube channel.
He wants to do his best in order to “give off the same lasting, meaningful impression a lot of artists that he admired, had on him. This kind of reflects hand-in-hand to why I ultimately chose my artist name to be LIVE”.
He came up with the name LIVE to remind himself of two motives: 1) ”to always LIVE LIFe in the present, both through ups&downs and through success&failures”; 2) “to always remain honest and true to one’s self and one’s craft”.
He is inspired by artists that create their own sound and colour.
He considers DPR his family.
He joined DPR around March 2015 and officially debuted on March 15th.
He likes the songs “Sacrifices” by Big Sean and “Colors” by Taylor Bennet.
His favourite song from “Coming To You Live” is “Right Here Right Now”. (He said this during an IGLive and he said that it was at the moment, so it might change).
He likes Skizzy Mars.
He is right handed.
He is a dog person.
He spent half of his life in Guam and half in Korea.
He prefers rice over noodles.
He says that being told to choose between Christian or Scott is like choosing between mom and dad.
He used to listen to a lot of rock music and one of his favourite bands was Paramore.
He got the scar on his forehead when he was five years old after he banged his head on a metal thing.
When he was younger he didn’t like americano coffee, but nowadays he thinks it can give you a lot of energy.
He already did his military service.
He likes tall girls.
He said he will not make an Snapchat soon since Instagram and Twitter are overwhelming enough.
He is right-handed.
He is excited to watch SMTM6 because Dok2, Jay Park and Dean are on the show.
After coming to Korea, he worked at a Subway for a couple months.
He is fluent in both English and Korean.
In his song “To Whoever” he mentions that he was bullied at school for his skin color.
He used to be in a dance crew with Ian called Kill.U.Strate and also was part of NEWE$T CREW.
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He is a producer.
His real name is 김경모 (Kim KyungMo).
He was born on January 3rd 1988.
He is about 180 cm.
He is a member of the duo LAYBACKSOUND.
He plays the piano since he was 7.
He used to think it was important to be very good in one genre, but now he thinks it’s good to be well versed in different styles.
He can sing, and he does some vocals in LAYBACKSOUND.
He doesn’t speak English, he understands and speaks a little, but he himself has said through IGLives that he is not very good.
His favourite song from the album “Coming To You Live” is “Laputa”.
He made tracks 1, 2, 4, 6 and 7 from the album “Coming To You Live”.
He likes video games.
He has a cat named Lay.
His nickname “Cream” comes from his gamer ID.
He is influenced by classical music, jazz and hiphop among others.
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He likes video games.
He was born on the 29th April.
In one of their IGLives, Cream was teasing him about an Internet girlfriend.  I did not watch this myself, I only read a transcrip, so I am not sure what this all was about).
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His name is Scott Kim.
He was born on 21st February 1992.
He is fluent in both English and Korean.
He was born and raised in the United States.
He is the production director (PD).
He is the one in charge of making the merch (according to DaBin they are currently working on it).
He gave DaBin a jacket as a present.
He likes rap and hiphop.
He met Ian through a mutual friend and they used to play basketball together.
He used to make regular videos with Amber for the YouTube channel “What The Pineapple”.
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He has a cat.
He is the assistant director.
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Has a son.
He was born on the 27th March.
Disclaimer: facts in italics are not confirmed or at least I haven’t seen any real proof. Feel free to let me know if there is any mistake.
Crds: IG@/dpr.fanpage & IG@/coolnightcrew
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