linalina-universe · 10 months
Return to Oz Tik-Tok Song in french.
This is giving big FANCY GIRL vibes. The theme to the OZ anime. The girl who played Dorothy in return to Oz sang these songs.
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iritfelsen · 9 months
REMINDER: Second Session of Three Part Series for Children of Holocaust Survivors This Wednesday (Dec. 20)
Hello all, A reminder that the second session of my three-part series of presentations for children of Holocaust Survivors will take place this week, on Wednesday December 20.  More information can be found from my original bloc past at this link, and which I also copy below. Irit   Dear Friends, Previous research has shown that children of Holocaust survivors have unique vulnerabilities, as…
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wally-b-feed · 1 year
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Anthony Fineran (B 1981), Dos Dorot, 2023
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dozydawn · 2 months
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​dorote zaukaite
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koscheiy · 1 month
if you are ever in a trader joes that sells israeli feta i am begging you to just grab a handbasket and fill it with all the feta off the shelf find a place to leave it where it will sit unrefrigerated for the longest. please. also do this with the frozen Dorot brand garlic and ginger.
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slashingdisneypasta · 5 months
Ok ok... I haven't read the OG book (I ordered that though and it's arriving on Wednesday!), but... Hear me out.
Apparently, according to Google, originally Aunt Em and Unkle Henry are actually Dorothy's adopted parents. Her biological mother left her on their doorstep. In Oz, the Scarecrow, Tinman, and Lion all vowed to look after each other and Dorothy on their way to Oz.
What if Dorothy, as a baby/young child, got taken to Oz and somehow found herself in the care of the trio? Maybe one of them found her and basically adopted her (Scare was nailed to his post, and Lion was a coward that ran from everything. So my best guess would be Tinny). Or all three of them if they had found each other first? Imagine them all trying to figure out what to do with this child! Imagine the lengths they go to protect her and take care of her! Imagine Dorothy growing up and hearing them all say they don't have brains, heart or courage, but she sees them as the smartest, loving and bravest people she knows! 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
Basically, a Three Men and a Baby/Little Lady AU, but with Dorothy and Friends. Idk about you, but I need this wholsomeness in my life XD ^^ (maybe Dorothy's wish in this AU would be to know where she really came from? 🤔)
... now I have to re-watch 3 Men and a Baby. Thats okay, I love that movie XD
🥺🥺🥺 BUT IMAGINE LION FINDS HER FIRST!! He was scared by her at first, so he rushes behind some bushes or something... just to see another jungle creature approach the defenseless little bundle. And they look h u n g r y. And Lion is terrified of that creature even worse, but even more then that?? He's scared f o r the defenseless bundle!!
So. He decides, taking a deep whimpering breath. He has to save it.
And after that he ends up keeping the little one, because oh its kind of cute?? So sweet??? He's still a little scared of it every time it cries or screams (or sneaks up on him, if Dorothy's already crawling), but its so... weak. Cant even roar. And its all alone, like him... He Has to care for it.
But he cant do it here. Its too dangerous in the jungle. They have to go somewhere else.
And on the way to a 'safe place', they meet Tin and Scarecrow!!! The Lion tries to leave them both as soon as he sees them, but both times baby Dorothy slips from the Lion's grasp, or cries so sadly at the prospect of leaving them that once again- he h a s to step up and help the strange men.
Okay, some extra HC's that came to mind with this:
Scarecrow showing his brains by being the one to find food for baby Dottie after Tin Woodman tells Lion she cant eat raw meat- thats not how baby humans work. Scare did the same thing for little teenage Dorothy in the book! He found her food multiple times (Nuts, fruit) and I just love that about their relationship. He also covers her in dry leaves to keep her warm while she sleeps.
Tin Woodman showing his heart when he's the one to hold Baby Dottie and stick with her and sympathise with her through all her tantrums and bouts of uncontrollable crying. As she grows up this doesn't change, and he's always the one she talks to when she needs it.
Just another book thing I love, but- Tin and Scare watching over Lion and baby Dottie every night while they slept, since they don't do that. Baby Dottie often sleeping in Scare's arms because he's squishy and warm like a blanket and Lion will get startled if she sleeps with him and suddenly moves.
Tin Woodman making Dottie clothes and blankets and stuff as she gets bigger. I just feel like out of all of them, Tin would have the most home-making skills. (IMAGINE HIM TEACHING LION HOW TO KNIT, THOUGH!! It would be such a nice calm activity for him <3)
Scare and Lion telling the best bedtime stories while Tin sits with little Dottie in his lap and gets just as into it as she does. Scare's get goofy and out-there, while Lion's detail brave acts of daring-do he imagines he might complete if he had the courage.
IMAGINE HOW THIS CHANGE EFFECTS THE DOROTHY MUST DIE VERSION OF THE STORY!! Those are no longer her friends- thats her Straw Dad and her Fur Dad and her Tin Dad. The love Tin has for Dorothy is no longer romantic (Unless it still is, in which case... I'm still intrigued by this even darker storyline honestly) but fatherly. Protective. Maybe he's sad that she's turned out this way, but he will never turn away from her?? He couldn't?? Thats his little girl and he will always be on her side.
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eretzyisrael · 8 months
Blood libels began with the 1840 Damascus Affair
Blood libels are again being levelled at Jews in the current climate of antisemitism, resurgent from the Israel-Hamas war.  Charging Jews with the false accusation that they used the blood of Christian children for their religious rituals has a long history in the Christian world. But the first blood libel to penetrate the Muslim world – also spread by Christians –  occurred in 1840, and was to lead to dozens more in the Ottoman empire, and also the first  international Jewish attempt to fight it. Rabbi Menachem Levine writes for Aish (with thanks: Edna):
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Jewish prisoner preparing his defence
The Damascus Affair of 1840 was an infamous blood libel that became international news and led to one of the first instances in which Jewish communities around the world worked together to demand justice for another Jewish community. The Damascus blood libel is recognized as one of the turning points of modern Jewish history when world Jewry realized the importance of uniting to advocate for each other.
On February 5, 1840, Father Thomas, an Italian Friar of the Capuchin Order who lived in Damascus, disappeared with his Muslim servant Ibrahim Amara. They were assumed murdered, possibly by businessmen with whom Thomas had had shady dealings or by a Muslim who was infuriated by an insult to Islam that Father Thomas had uttered.
But the Jews were to bear the blame as the Capuchin friars began spreading rumors that the Jews had murdered the two men to use their blood for Passover. This led to one of history’s most famous blood libels, the Damascus Blood Libel, better known as the Damascus Affair of 1840.
Read article in full
In his article for Dorot journal (Summer 2021) Alain Farhi has more detail on the malign role played by the French consul in Beirut, Ulysse Ratti-Menton,  and the  Jewish families accused of the murder: 
Ratti-Menton convinced Sherif Pasha that the Jews were responsible for the alleged ritual murders and, as a result, was given full investigative powers. RattiMenton, based on an extracted confession from a barber (Salomon Negrin) of complicity but not participation, rounded up eight Jewish men including Salomon Hayek; Murad el-Fattal; Jacob Antebi, the chief rabbi of Damascus; Aaron Harari; Aaron Stambouli; Joseph Lañado; Moses Abulafia; Moses Salonicli and Aslan Farhi (son of Raphael), Joseph and Murad Farhi. They were arrested and harshly interrogated by Jean-Baptiste Beaudin, a French diplomat seeking more confessions.
Rabbi Antebi and Lañado died under torture while Abulafia converted to Islam to avoid death. On February 14, Raphael El Mouallem Farhi, banker and head of the Farhi families of Damascus, was placed under house arrest with his servants in a government house for 90 days. On March 23, 1840, Mayer Farhi (my direct ancestor) was arrested and imprisoned. He was 55 years old and had an estimated 500,000 piasters net worth. The ghurush or piaster is the Arabic spelling of the kuruş which was the currency of the Ottoman Empire. A bribe of 24,400 piasters (£244) was offered by his wife Deborah to spare him 1,000 lashes of flagellation in prison.
Ratti-Menton published in European newspapers the alleged confessions. In the meantime, the Muslim population raided the Jobar synagogue, destroyed sefarim and attacked properties in the Jewish Quarter. Finally, the Ottoman police intervened to stop the Muslim attacks on Jewish residents.
Read article in full
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Psychedelic long dresses, Mademoiselle Magazine 1967🌸🌼🍀
Three models stand close together wearing brightly colored maxi dresses; from left to right: sleeveless dress with swirl pattern in green, orange, red and black by Fifth Avenue Robes; a long sleeve dress with paisley print in pink, purple and red by Chezelle; and a kimono-style dress with floral print in green, yellow, purple and white by Gigette. Photo by Didier Dorot🌼🍀
Via @isabelfutre on Instagram🍀
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my-world-of-colour · 1 year
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Tiny Tender Demons, Nostalgy For Summer | Doll by Dorote Zaukaite (Tireless Artist on Flickr)
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galaxy-poupee · 3 months
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My drafts
Another fankid...that surprises 0 people
Her name is Dorote, daughter of Usopp and Kaya
She is an independent artist, is 21 years old and works in a small group of artists formed by her and her friends, they call themselves Dowupp pirates (Dorote's artistic name).
She and her colleagues are members of the revolutionary army, she uses the codename Sokequeen, in honor of her father.
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degengxrl · 7 months
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iritfelsen · 10 months
New Drop-In (Free) Discussion Forum for Children of Survivors of the Holocaust
Dear friends, These are difficult times for all Jews everywhere and for those of us who are the children of survivors, there is a need for a place to speak about our experiences among ourselves. Dorot, an organization that has been established 25 years ago in NY city, has invited me and my colleague Dr. Jenni Frumer to host a new series of drop-in meetings for children of Holocaust survivors. The…
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florasearlethirdyear · 8 months
D&AD: List of Deliverables:
App Design Pages:
Account Set Up Examples:
Interests Page
Location Page
Match Page
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Inside the App:
Profile Page with Hamburger Settings
Activities Map
Messages Page
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2. Website Design Pages:
Pages that reflects layout of Bumble BFF, including:
About Airbnb x Dorot page and Get Involved Page
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3. Social Media Instagram:
Profile Page
Testimonials post
How it works post
4. Offline Promotion:
Out of home posters
Print handouts
Setup guides for older people
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dozydawn · 20 days
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​dorote zaukaite
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konako · 2 years
Toto anon here.
Firstly, thank you for such a considered answer. Secondly, thank you for that gif. Oh my, I forgot that look.
I thought Emma would be the most likely to do it it in a jokey way. She’s ridiculously pleased with herself - less so when bear claws are suddenly off the menu at grannies.
Regina would totally call her Toto when she’s annoyed. It’s snarky but not malicious - perfectly acceptable from a former evil queen. She gets an eye roll or the glare.
I had forgot Zelena! She’s narcissistic and has seen the Wizard of Oz - she refers to Ruby as Dorothy’s ‘mangy little dog’ 🙄. That gets her a snarl.
Now I’m curious how Toto and the Wolf get on? I imagine Toto exhibits a lot of big dog syndrome - very annoying for the wolf but Ruby manages to show remarkable restraint. No fluffy bite size snacks for her.
Thanks again for your answer - that was really fun. Poor Dorothy. Someone (Regina or Emma) would definitely make a joke about being surprised it’s Dorothy in the dog house and not Ruby 😜.
Emma!! Oh, you just know Emma would slip up and say something like that completely on accident. Regina will be impressed by that, such flexibility, to be able to put her foot in her mouth so often.
The big group was deciding on how to proceed, when a new crisis set in. They had new people to consider in their planning, new abilities and weaknesses to take into account. For once, they were being cautious before jumping into danger.
After the third or fourth failed sketch of a plan, David reminded them, "We need to keep Dorothy's dog in a safe place. We can't let them use that type of leverage again."
Emma gasped, "Dad! What the hell! Why would you talk about Ruby like that?"
...................... silence.
"Emma, honey," Snow said, reaching out a hand to touch her daughter's shoulder. Her eyes, however, were fixed on Ruby's blushing face. "Oh, honey, no..."
Emma blinks. "...What?"
Hah! The Wolf and Toto getting along is something funny to watch.
The very first time Ruby transformed in front of Toto, he almost had a tiny whining meltdown, he trembled so much you'd think he had a vibrating feature. Dorothy had to keep him calm all night.
Who's afraid of the Big Bad Wolf? Toto. That's who. But give him time.
The next attempts were a little bit smoother.
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First, they let Toto sniff around the Wolf, until he was comfortable getting closer. He was so scared, the poor thing. Toto's entire body barely was the half the size of the Wolf's head. It was so intimidating for him to get close...
Fortunately, Ruby knew how to win people (and pets) over. She laid down, as low as she could. She lowered her head, showed her belly, put her ears back. She was trying to say: See? I'm not scary at all! I'm just big!
But... that might have been a mistake, because Toto interpreted that as the Wolf surrendering the authority to him, making Toto the dominant one between the two. And now... The Wolf has to deal with the barks and growls and howls (they're... so high-pitched...) when Toto feels like ordering her around. It can be incredibly annoying.
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The Wolf tried showing her teeth once. Not even a snarl. No sound, just this stiff wolfish grin, so that Toto could see that her canines were the size of his body. Just so Toto would leave her alone for a bit... Nope. Toto is a brave one, going up against something much bigger and more powerful than him — I guess he gets that from his mom....
Of course, there was a time (and Ruby still feels awful about that...) where the Wolf was feeling specially grumpy and short-tempered, and Toto was particularly energetic, chasing the huge fluffy tail around. The Wolf was trying to not give him any attention, but gods!, was he persistent. When Toto got a hold of the Wolf's tail, she let out this warning bark. An instinct stronger and faster than her restraint, an animal plainly annoyed to its limits, setting a firm boundary...
Toto ran away as fast as the short legs could carry him, seeking cover behind Dorothy's legs.
Ruby turned back into a human immediately, chasing after him to apologize.
"Kansas, I'm so sorry!" Ruby said, cloak over her shoulders, hands gripping it tightly. "I didn't mean to! It just—It just happened. I'm sorry!"
Oh, poor Ruby, she was feeling so so bad... All that hard work to get Toto to trust her, could have been easily undone...
"It's okay, Wolfie." Dorothy said, her voice surprisingly soft. "Toto was pushing it, I know" She looks down at the tiny dog, shaking between her feet. "I'm sorry about that. It's his first time having a new friend. He got a little too excited."
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indigowallbreaker · 2 years
Can I please have 23 and 74 from the heartbreak list for Dimitri and Dorothea?
Back from con prep and subsequent con! Thank you for your patience.
23: “I would’ve died for you.”
74: “We can start over. I’ll do anything, everything can be perfect. Just please don’t leave me.”
(Currently accepting rare ships! Click here for an UPDATED info post!)
The third time a fan stopped Dorothea for a selfie, Petra wrapped her arm around Dorothea’s and half dragged, half led her through the crowd. “This is being why I hired another bodyguard,” Petra said as they sped through the carpeted hallways.
“Oh relax, would you? It’s just a convention.” Dorothea grinned and waved at a passing fan. “You’re worrying too much.”
MyrddinCon was the biggest convention on Dorothea’s schedule this year. The hosting hotel had grown crowded as Thursday wore on-- which made Dorothea more excited and Petra more nervous. There seemed to be no end to the long hallways, massive conference rooms, and cosplaying guests.
A woman in a replica of a costume Dorothea had worn two shows ago gasped and pointed when she spotted them coming around the corner. Petra cursed in her native tongue and pulled Dorothea into a nearby stairwell. 
“Our suite is on the eighth floor,” Dorothea pointed out, unwinding her arm from Petra’s. The stairwell was musty and cold, but empty, which she assumed was Petra’s goal.
Petra heaved a sigh. “I did not want to be worrying you,” she began.
Dorothea tensed. “What’s happened.”
“Dorothea, you are my best of friends. I would die for you. But I cannot keep you safe on my own this time.”
“Petra, what happened?”
With no small amount of apprehension, Petra met Dorothea's eye. “A few of us are hearing... rumors. There may be someone planning to do you harm on this trip. That is being why I am hiring another bodyguard for you.” Petra pulled out her phone and frowned at it. "He should be in our room now. I am wanting you to meet him.”
Generally speaking, Dorothea disliked hiring new people. She was perfectly happy having Bernadetta handle her social media, Manuela book her acting roles, Petra keep her safe, and Hilda do her makeup. She trusted all of them. They never treated her as a pretty jewel on a pedestal or used her to further their own status. 
Dorothea had learned early on in her career that such people were rare.
“You know you can’t always trust rumors,” Dorothea tried, but she knew it was no good. Petra took Dorothea’s security seriously. If she perceived a threat, and if that threat made her this nervous, there would be no talking her out of it. Her stubbornness rivaled Dorothea's and it was one of her best qualities as a bodyguard.
Sure enough-- Petra pocketed her phone and crossed her arms. “You will be meeting this man. If you really are not liking him, I will find another. I will not be changing my mind on this.”
Rolling her eyes affectionately, Dorothea took Petra’s arm again. “Alright, alright. You know I trust your judgement. Show me the new guy. But!” She put up a perfectly manicured finger. “You are not making me climb all these stairs. Can we please make a break for the elevator?”
That made Petra crack a smile and she took Dorothea's arm again to show her agreement. They opened the door a crack to be sure the coast was clear, nodded once to each other, and made a beeline for the elevators. Pre-registration badge pick up must have begun, for the hallways were mostly clear. A few stragglers were running for the lowest level of the hotel but most didn’t give Dorothea a second glance. The pair were even able to get an elevator to themselves. 
Petra seemed a lot more relaxed by the time they made it to their floor. “I will be making a call to my grandfather once we get inside, so you will be talking to the new man by yourself,” she explained as she pulled out their keycard. “But I will only be in the bedroom. I will not go far.”
“I’m perfectly capable of beating up someone, you know. You could let me have fun once in a while,” Dorothea teased.
Her amusement died as soon as Petra opened the door and revealed “the new man”.
Dimitri Blaiddyd stared back at Dorothea with equal shock. In a smart suit and blond hair tied in a neat tail, Dimitri looked like a bodyguard straight out of a movie. It was a marked improvement from the last time Dorothea had seen him at the tender age of 17.
Petra took out her phone again and quickly excused herself for the bedroom, giving Dorothea an apologetic smile as she left. 
Which left Dorothea alone with her ex-boyfriend.
Dorothea recovered from her shock first. She dropped her purse on the side table and walked forward until she stood directly opposite Dimitri.
"What are your qualifications?" She asked sharply.
Dimitri shut his mouth with an audible click. Then, under her unwavering stare, he responded. "I didn't know it was you."
"Obliviousness isn't a great trait for someone in security."
"Dorothea, you must believe me. Ms. Macneary didn't tell me who I would be protecting."
"Would you have come if you had known?" Dorothea snapped.
Dimitri looked away at that. Fine. She didn't know which answer she would prefer anyway. "I'm afraid you're not the right fit for this position." Dorothea stepped aside to gesture toward the door. "I trust you won't tell anyone my room number?"
"Of course not."
"Then thank you for your--"
"I'm not leaving." Dimitri tightened his jaw. "I am fit for this position. Our personal history aside, I'm willing to protect you."
Dorothea placed a hand on her hip. "And what if I don't want you protecting me?" With how worried Petra was about this trip, some part of Dorothea knew she shouldn't be pushing things. Another part wanted Dimitri to squirm more.
"I suppose I can't force you. Considering how I left things between us, I don't blame you for not wanting me around. But--"
"You keep finding creative ways to say you ignored me for four months."
Dimitri flinched. It wasn't as satisfying to witness as Dorothea had thought.
"Allow me to make it up to you," Dimitri continued with a determined edge to his voice that made Dorothea arch an eyebrow. "We can start over. Everything can be perfect this time. I'll do anything. Just don't make me leave."
For weeks after Dorothea sent that break up text Dimitri never responded to, she had wondered what she would say if she ever saw him again. After graduation or in the audience of one of her performances, perhaps. She never considered she might find herself in this situation.
"You ignored me for four months," Dorothea repeated. It was worth repeating-- she wondered if he knew how painful that silence had been.
"I was… not in a good place. That's no an excuse for how I handled things, but you deserve some sort of explanation. "
"After dating for two years, yes. I think I do too." She put up a hand to stop Dimitri elaborating further. "Ingrid never talks about you."
"I asked her not to." Dimitri set his jaw again. "Dorothea, Ms. Macneary did not tell me you were my new client. But she did explain the rumors she heard and the complications she suspects. I wish to see to it that you remain safe during your time here. If you will have me."
Dorothea had been looking forward to a nice, easy, fun convention. A few autograph sessions, a Q and A panel, some photos-- and then an evening at the bar or by the hotel pool. A working vacation of sorts. Having her ex around would certainly lean more toward "working" than "vacation".
But, if it was a choice between having Dimitri in her field of vision or checking over her shoulder for three days, Dorothea knew which she would prefer.
The door to the bedroom clicked open and Petra stepped out. She looked between them for a moment before turning to Dorothea, eyebrow raised in question.
"How's your grandfather, Petra?" Dorothea asked cheerfully.
"He is being well. Have you interviewed--"
"Wonderful. You'll be happy to hear I've agreed to take on Dimitri here." She gestured at Dimitri, who gave a small, startled sort of wave Dorothea didn't want to think of as adorable.
Petra beamed. "That brings me great joy!"
"Mhm. How about you get him set up? I'm going to go refresh myself." Dorothea turned her back on Dimitri, picked up her bag again, and made her way towards the bedroom door. "And when you're done, Petra, come join me. I have some personal history to catch you up on."
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