#Dorcas let’s Marlene do whatever she wants because she can’t deny Marlene anything
mo0nagedaydr3am · 1 year
Marlene is a passenger princess. She’s in the passenger seat doing her makeup in the little flip down mirror while telling Dorcas all the recent gossip and complaining about anything and everything.
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quindolyn · 4 years
Better Kisser || Lily Evans
Word Count: 2228
Note: little bit of James x Reader, but I think it’s mostly focused on Lily, idfk at this point. I questioned my whole ass sexuality today because girls are pretty and we got this. I have come to the conclusion that I would let Lily absolutely rail me and then hold me afterwards.
Warnings: Kissing, alcohol, Lily is hot as shit, sue me, barely edited
Part 2
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One thing was for sure, Sirius Black was an upright prick.
And there he was all cuddled up in his boyfriend’s arms, having lost his shirt to Marlene many rounds ago.
“You’re really daring me to kiss your best mate’s girlfriend?” You asked incredulously, hoping you had misheard him. It wasn’t that you didn’t want to kiss Lily. No, on the contrary. You were just afraid that it would make things awkward with both her and James, whom you’d known since the both of you were in diapers.
‘Why (L/N)? You scared?” He taunted, a wicked grin plastered on his face.
“No, course not.” You denied, leaning forward to scoop your glass of water off the floor, you didn’t want to taste like firewhiskey when you kissed Lily. “Are you okay with it Lils?” You turned to her, if she didn’t want to then that was a non starter, James could be persuaded. But Lily’s consent was 100% necessary.
“Sure (Y/N/N), s’not like I’m kissing Sirius,” She jokingly sneered at him, straightening her skirt as she composed herself.
“You okay with it Jamsie?” She crooned at him like he was a child, and sometimes he was, his eyes never leaving her lips, but you could only sympathize because you too weren’t able to pry your eyes off of them. They were plump and red and swollen from alcohol consumption, you wouldn’t really care if she tasted like alcohol. 
“Mhmm,” He hummed, his eyes never quite meeting hers, “You do whatever you want baby, you wanna kiss (Y/N)?” He shrugged, she nodded, “Then go ahead and kiss her, s’not my place to tell you what you should and shouldn’t do.”
“Kiss!” Sirius heckled, taking another swig of firewhiskey before Remus pried it from his hands, kissing his cupid’s bow in attempts to calm him down.
“You ready love?” Lily asked, taking a puff from the blunt Marlene passed her, inhaling sharply before letting the smoke billow out her nose, a lazy smile taking over her face.
You nodded meekly before crawling over Dorcas who sat between you and James, where Lily was perched on his lap.
“Come here doll,” She beckoned with the crook of her finger, you hesitantly settled yourself next to her, your side pressed into James’ arm which was wrapped around Lily’s waist. 
“Can I kiss you?” You asked her, you faces inches from each other, noses prodding each other’s, you had been right, her breath reeked of alcohol and instead of repulsing you it just dragged you in further. Her eyes flitted down to your lips staying there as James had to hers. You wondered if yours were half as pretty as hers were right now?
Her response came as she leaned forward pressing her lips to yours, they were incredibly soft, her lip gloss tasted like strawberries as you licked it from her lips, the tip of your tongue grazing her bottom lip. Feeling her smirk into the kiss at your boldness, leaning in towards her more you cupped the right side of her face in your hand, savoring how the soft skin felt under your hands. Pushing her tongue into your mouth she grabbed your waist with one of her hands, working her way under your shirt to access your bare skin. 
It felt like an electric current surged through your body as your tongues fought for dominance, both of you mounting a fierce campaign, but ultimately you gave into her, letting her tongue explore your mouth at will.
After what felt like a ridiculously short amount of time she pulled away from you, the both of you gasping for air. You were distantly aware of the small whimper you emitted as she broke contact, but you couldn’t find it within yourself to give a damn, you were high off Lily Evans, and you needed more.
“I didn’t think you would actually do it,” Sirius spoke from Remus’s arms which were now rubbing up and down the smaller man’s arms, “I’m impressed.”
“Thank you,” You smirked, quickly regaining your composure.
“You’re an excellent kisser (Y/N),” Lily lilted, brushing a piece of hair that had fallen out of your ponytail, behind your ear.
And just as quickly as you had regained it you lost all sense of what you were doing and quickly fumbled out an awkward thank you to her compliment, you were sure your face was 30 varying shades of scarlet and was quick to hide it from the view of the others in the room. Settling back into your seat on the other side of Dorcas you failed to notice the intense gaze of a certain bespectacled brunette upon you that stayed there for the rest of the night.
The next morning, sitting down at the Gryffindor table in the Great Hall, the last thing you expected was to be immediately ambushed by James. He flew into the seat beside you, straddling the bench before scooping scrambled eggs and french toast onto your plate for you.
Before you could thank him, he opened his mouth and ruined his perfectly pleasant behavior, “I need you to kiss me!”
“I’m sorry what?” You spat out, somehow managing not to choke on the orange juice you had just taken a gulp of.
“I need you to kiss me.” He repeated plainly.
“No, I heard what you said, my bad. I probably would’ve clarified,” You cleared your throat, setting the glass of juice down onto the table, “What the actual fuck Potter? You have a girlfriend.” You swatted his arm turning in your seat so your body was completely facing the table, James was only able to view your side profile.
“And she has a boyfriend but you still kissed her,” He pointed out, you hated when he was right.
Before you could apologize for stepping over the line he continued, his words soothing your woes, “Last night after we all went to bed,” He started quickly, gesturing with his hands as he always did when he was trying to make his case, whether that was to McGonagall about how it most certainly wasn’t him who was hexing Slytherins in the corridors, or trying to convince Sirius and Remus about his idea for a prank, the boy was always moving his hands about like he was trying to direct air traffic, not that he’d know what that was. “Lily was bragging to me about how good of a kisser you are and how much she enjoyed kissing you.”
You blushed at that, moving your hair so that it would hide your face from him, but the boy wasn’t having it and moved it from curtaining in front of your face so he could once again view your side profile. “And that piqued my interest, because watching you guys kiss was,” He paused for a second, looking for the correct word, “Was euphoric.”
“Big word there Potter, Lupin teach you that one?” You tried in attempts to derail where this conversation was heading but he wasn’t having that.
“That was all fine,” He continued as though you had never spoken in the first place, “But then she started talking about how she was sure you wouldn’t have kissed me like that because she’s such a better kisser than me.” You did not like where this was going, “The problem here is that we’ve never kissed the same person, Lily was my first kiss,”
Though he raced over it quickly you couldn’t stop the small smile that bloomed across your face, there was no denying that James Potter loved Lily Evans. Unless you were Severus and couldn’t pull your head out of your ass that is.
“So we need you to help us settle this little disagreement.” He explained as though it were the most logical answer to his conundrum.
“Does Lily know about your little idea?” You finally turned towards him, one leg bent up on the bench.
He hummed, looking down to his hands where he was tugging at his fingers, “Well, no, not yet, I wanted to see if you would be interested in it before I asked her.”
Risking another glance at the boy you were met with his hopeful gaze which quickly morphed into a cocky grin as you nodded your head, “Fine I’ll kiss you, but only if Lily’s in too.”
“Great!” James exclaimed, pulling you up from your seat at the table and dragging you out of the Great Hall as he excitedly jogged towards the library where he knew Lily to be. 
“Oi, Potter, slow down my legs are shorter than yours!” You complained attempting to keep up with his long strides.
“Sorry Love,” Though he made no move to slow down for you, if anything he picked up speed. 
“Lily!” He announced your entrance when the two of you finally came to the library, earning him a sharp look from Pince. You tried not to look around at everyone in the library not wanting to see the looks they were undoubtedly flashing you, instead burying your head into the back of James’ shoulder, allowing him to guide you through the maze of tables and bookshelves until he finally found the coveted redhead pouring over her potions book.
“What do you want Ja-” She looked up catching sight of you as you tried to hide behind James, suddenly very nervous about what you had previously agreed to. “Oh, hi (Y/N). What’s going on?”
“I was thinking about last night, after we all went to bed,” He moved into the chair next to her, propping his head up in his hand which rested on the table top, “And I love you Flower, I really do but you’re just not the better kisser here, I am. But since you refuse to see that and we’ve never kissed the same person before we can’t really come to a conclusion. Until now that is, because (Y/N) here has agreed to kiss me and then she can tell us who is better.” He motioned to you with a wave of his arm and you felt the blood rush to your cheeks, the way Lily was looking at you, as though she was appraising you, made your legs tremble.
“You sure about this darling?” The question was directed towards you.
You nodded your head, not trusting your voice at this moment.
She sat in her chair a minute longer drinking you in before nodding, turning to her boyfriend who was smiling like an absolute idiot. “Not here though,” She commanded with a flick of her wand that had all of her supplies flying back into her bag, “Our dorm,” She looked at you as she grabbed James’ hand, then yours leading you out of the library.
James was sprawled out on Lily’s bed, the three of you had come to an unspoken agreement that that was where this would take place, it only seemed appropriate. Lying back, James propped himself up on his forearms, his eyes raking over Lily’s figure as she shrugged off her outer robe, leaving her in her tight fitting button down and plaid skirt. 
“You don’t have to if you don’t wanna love,” She murmured in your ear, brushing her lips against your skin, “Jamsie’s just being a dick wad.”
A gentle laugh escaped you at your joke but you shook your head, “No, it's okay, I want to.”
“Alright then bub,” She hummed, “Get on J’s lap.”
You scrambled to comply, easily settling into the grooves of his thighs, “Are you gonna sit up?” You asked him glaring down at where he laid splayed out on the bed.
“No was thinking you’d come down here since I’m gonna be doing most of the work anyway,” He smirked smugly up at you as you leaned down to connect your lips thinking, it's only gonna cost you points Potter, go ahead, you’re just hurting yourself here.
You brushed the hair off his forehead as your lips met each other, he tasted like mint and citrus, it left you wondering what Lily usually tasted like when she didn’t have alcohol on her breath. He wrapped his arms around your body, pulling you closer to him as his hands ran up and down your back, soothing you into his touch. His lips were rougher than Lily’s had been, though you suspected they would be, you weren’t sure if you’d actually seen him ever apply anything to his lips aside from Lily’s.
His tongue gently pressed against the seal of your lips before pushing past it into the velvety expanse of your mouth. James let out a moan, you didn’t realize what had caused it until you felt Lily’s delicate fingers slide up from his scalp to caress your face. 
You stayed there, in their shared embrace letting James’ tongue have its way with your mouth until your lungs couldn’t take it anymore and you were forced to push away, inhaling deep gulps of air.
James barely let you catch your breath before asking his question, running his hands up and down your arms which were the only things keeping you up. 
In all honesty they were both phenomenal kissers and they were lucky to get to kiss the other every day but there was a correct answer to this question, and James wasn’t going to like it.
tagging: @randomoutsiders​
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starbuckie · 4 years
“Black, don’t think for a second that I planned this.” Y/N stood with a bottle of firewhiskey in the Gryffindor common room, princess dress hanging loosely off of her shoulders after the few hours of partying they had done this Halloween. 
Sirius readjusted the crown on his head and took a swig from his firewhiskey bottle, Y/N using all of her willpower to not look at his exposed neck as his head tilted back. His princely costume was played lowkey their final year, just a crown with a nice dress shirt and clacks, but with his confident attitude that resembled a royal’s, it was impossible to not know what he was for Halloween.  “Again, Y/N? Really, we’ve been playing this game of match up, dress up, whatever you want to call it for three years now, it seems highly unlikely that it’s just a coincidence again.”
“Sirius, you bring up this argument of yours again and again every year, and every time I say the same thing; it is just a coincidence. It’s not like I try to match with you, I actually despise it.” No, you really don’t, a voice whispered in her head, you bloody love it, you little minx. 
“Trust me, love, I know.” The grey-eyed boy let out a heavy chuckle that sounded more like a sigh as he averted his eyes to the ground. What was he thinking? “I’ll always remember when you kneed me in the ballsack back in fifth year.”
Fifth Year
Y/N glared across the hall at the group of troublemaking boys in her year laughing hysterically at absolutely nothing. Lily stood to her right doing the exact same, with Marlene and Dorcas admiring them from her left. 
“They’re brilliant, Lily, why can’t you just admit that?” Marlene whined. “Y/N, you understand, right?”
Sure, the little group of Marauders, as they liked to call themselves, were clever. It was no secret that they thrived academically and were astoundingly smart with their high marks and amazing discoveries. However, it was also not a secret that they were a bunch of bloody gits, using that charm and wit of theirs to craft pranks that more often than not had her on the receiving end. Lily agreed with Y/N, of course she did, though it was becoming increasingly obvious that the redhead fancied a certain James Potter. Dorcas and Marlene still marveled at the boys, absolutely wooed by their “talent” and “amazing pranks”.
“They’re brilliant in some aspects, Dorcas,” Y/N watched as Peter Pettigrew tripped over his feet and into James Potter, knocking them both over. “It doesn’t change the fact that they’re a ton of lazy sods.” The redhead next to her nodded, still watching Potter, as Y/N tugged on her arm. “Now come on, Lily, I don’t want him to see me, let’s get a cuppa at the Great Hall.”
A devilish smirk appeared on her face, eyes glinting as they gazed towards one of the taller boys. “You mean you don’t want Sirius to see that you two are wearing matching costumes?” Y/N shot her a glare but Lily simply laughed at her friend’s peeved expression. “Don’t be such a ninny.”
“Piss off, Evans.” She growled at her friend. It wasn’t intended that she was matching with the raven-haired boy but Halloween was a fun time to dress up, and the only thing she could find were a pair of plastic fangs to make a vampire costume. It just so happened that Sirius Black thought of the exact same thing, which made her blood boil. Both of them wore blood red capes and black attire under, fake fangs in their mouths, and worst of all, they looked like a couple. Her and stupid, bloody attractive, smart, charming, Sirius Black. Even his lopsided smirk had imprinted its image in her brain and she hated how he infiltrated her thoughts. 
Lily finally relented, letting Y/N steer her and their friends towards breakfast right when a hand caught her wrist and spun her into a pair of arms. Grey eyes peered into her own and her heart nearly beat out of her damn chest at the upwards tilt of his lips. “Hey, L/N, that outfit looks pretty familiar.” 
Snapping out of her trance, she pushed herself off of Sirius and stomped back to her friends before he stopped her again, by her cape this time. “C’mon, sweetheart, we look good together. We’re bound to happen at some point, L/N, so why don’t we save all the hassle and get together now? I think the matching costumes are a pretty telltale sign, and I know a little space behind the castle where we can get to know each other a little better. What do you say?”
With a little smirk on her lips, Y/N stepped closer to him, hands coming to run down his chest as he gripped her hips with wide eyes. She almost laughed at his surprised expression, rosy lips opened in shock rather than his usual smirk. “I think that,” he leaned forward at her every word so that her chest pressed against his, “I’ll just,” his mouth was millimeters away from hers, hot breath mingling together in the most delicious way, “kick you in the groin, you horny tosser.” 
True to her word, she swiftly kneed him in the balls, making a near-dramatic exit with her head held high and cape swishing by her ankles. Sirius keeled over in pain with a pained groan, all the students in the corridor laughing at the normally suave boy who got absolutely schooled. 
A wheeze and cough was heard behind him, James and Peter nearly losing breath at how hard they were laughing. “You had that coming, Pads, you played that so dirty and I can’t even-” James lost himself in another bout of laughter as his glasses slipped off his nose. 
Remus, who wasn’t laughing as hard for the sake of his friend’s dignity, placed and arm out for Sirius to balance on as he stood up. “Prongs is right, Pads, you came off as a manky prat.” 
He longingly look at Y/N’s retreating form, face red from the humiliation of being rejected by the girl he was kind of completely head over heels for. Of course he went after the one girl he couldn’t have.
“Oh, come off it, Moony.”
“Okay, Black, you can’t even deny that you didn’t deserve that. First of all, it was absolutely disgusting, asking to shag right in the morning and in a hallway of all places.” The princess took another sip of her firewhiskey, wincing at the burn of it down her throat. “Second of all, it’s rude and extremely horrible to lead a girl on like that, I mean I’ve liked you since third year and I know that if you pulled that fifth-year shit again on me this year, I’d probably hurt you worse.” Noticing Sirius’ nearly blank stare on her, her neck suddenly felt hot. “What is it? Do I have something on my face, or-”
“You like me?” His hands were stilled, eyes searching hers for a lie. Shit, shit, shit, shit! The one certainty of Sirius never finding out about her feelings was that Y/N would get to keep this bond with him, year after year, ensuring that even if they weren’t together, she’d still have some sort of relationship to him. But now he knew, and there wasn’t anything she could do but play it off as a lie.
“No, no, my tongue just gets much looser when I’ve had some alcohol, and what I meant to say was that I’ve liked being your friend since third year, not that I’ve, you know, had a crush on you since third year. Because that’d make no sense, right? I mean I really don’t like you, in fact I absolutely...”
“Hate me?” Sirius’ firm hands wrapped around her waist, a cute but cocky smirk on his face. “Oh, I’m sure you do, love.” 
And when their lips connected, Y/N didn’t object.
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maraudersandlily20 · 6 years
The Only Gay I Know
Lily would not shut up. And not in her usual, quirky Lily way where she would get on a subject she found interesting and wouldn’t shut up about it until she knew everything. No, this was the obnoxious way, when she got concerned for one of her friends and would keep talking about them even when everyone else had moved on.
Sirius loved Lily. She was one of the kindest, happiest people Sirius knew. She was protective over him and fought for him and was everything a friend ought to be. Since she had decided that the marauders might be worth friendship, they had all been stuck together like glue. There were very few times in their friendship that Sirius wanted Lily to sod off. This was one of them.
“I’m just so worried for her. She hasn’t gotten out of bed all day, hasn’t eaten anything. She just sits there, looking homeless, and she won’t talk about it. I don’t know what to do. She didn’t even care for him that much, according to her.”
“Lils,” James pleaded. “We know that Marlene is having a hard time. But there’s nothing we can do about it now. Will you please focus on something else for the rest of the day until we get back to the common room?”
Lily pouted and Sirius snickered, messing up her hair. She growled and smacked his hand away. While the group continued on to configurations, Sirius let himself consider Marlene for a second.
It had been rather random occurrence yesterday when Lily had approached her friends and announced that Marlene and her boyfriend of two months, Darrin Carmichael, had split up. She was shaken by the termination of her friend’s relationship, having been so convinced that they had been meant for each other. Sirius didn’t care much for Darrin, who was one of the most pompous Ravenclaws in their year, but he had kept his opinions to himself, knowing that Marlene really liked him. At least, she said she did.
She had been acting strange the past few days. Her normal, open manner suddenly closed in on itself and she could barely look anyone in the eyes. Marlene was known for her brash, feminine attitude, and being open with her thoughts and honest in her opinions. Remus loved her. Sirius often felt jealous of the relationship his boyfriend had with the girl, considering that Remus was bisexual and had told Sirius that he would be rather tempted to be date her, if he wasn’t with Sirius. Sirius appreciated the honesty, but sometimes it made him self conscious. However, despite his feelings of jealousy toward the stunning blonde, he also couldn’t help but love her. With their dark past of snogging far behind them, he finally felt comfortable with her. They had grown rather close since the summer trip to the Potters and he cared for her greatly.
He wanted her to be happy. So he resolved to make sure she was okay that afternoon, after classes.
It was easy to find a moment without everyone hovering. Remus, Lily and James were busy with prefect and head boy and girl duties and Peter was in the library with his friend/ potential girlfriend Annie and intended to stay there til the sun went down. Dorcas was by the lake, uncharacteristically quiet that day, though she smiled whenever people asked how she was doing.
Sirius got up, folding the piece of parchment he had just written on into a small square. The note simply said, “Please come talk to me -SB”. He then charmed it to fly up and under the 7th year girls dorm door. He went and took a seat on the couch in front of the fireplace and waited. After a minute, a red eyed Marlene descended down the stairs, her hair ratty and clad in a blanket and her pajamas. She looked like hell. She gave Sirius a close lipped smile and sank into his waiting arms.
She burrowed her head into his neck and sniffled, reveling in the feeling of his comfort.
“Are you okay, little one?” Sirius whispered, the affectionate nickname rolling of his tongue. A shrug of her shoulders was the only movement. So, the two just sat in silence.
“Sirius.” Marlene finally said, gathering her courage. He hummed. “How… how did you know that wanted to be with boys?”
He reared back. This was not the direction he was expecting this conversation to go. “What?” He shook his head. “Are you sure that’s what you want to talk about? Not how much of a prick Carmichael is?”
Marlene shook her head, giving a chuckle. “No. I really want to know.”
Sirius took a deep breath and attempted to piece together what to say. No one had really asked him this question before and so was unsure of how to answer. “Well…” He began tentatively. “A lot of it had to do with Remus. It made it a lot easier to understand my feelings when they were tacked onto one person. And Remus always made sense to me. Even when we were younger and I wasn’t aware of what my feelings were, I knew I needed Remus. James always joked that he and I were so attached that sometimes he couldn’t tell us apart. In fifth year, though, when I started thinking that I had to have feelings for girls, every time I went out with a girl, something felt off. Like I was just a bit too tall or too big to be in the situation. I towered over every girl I took out, I couldn’t understand what I was expected to do or how to react or flirt or whatever. It was awkward.”
“When I realized I wanted Remus, it was like everything clicked.”
“What made you realize?”
Sirius laughed. “Well, we were in the library. It was a quiet afternoon. Prongs was at quidditch and Peter was asleep on the table. Remus was sitting against a windowsill, reading a novel on the mystical properties of stones. It had been rather gloomy that day, but there was a moment when the sun came out. I looked up to enjoy it and was met with the sight of Remus soaked in sunlight. His hair became illuminated and it backlit him just right.” Sirius’ eyes clouded over with the memory and Marlene watched him as he thought about that moment. He smiled. “It took my breath away. And I realized that I wanted him. More than I had ever wanted any girl I’d taken out. And it was more than attraction. I mean, Merlin, I definitely wanted to push him against a wall and snog him until the sun went down, but it was more than that.” he looked over at her and shrugged. “I wanted the little things too. I wanted to hold his hand in the hallway and argue about his favorite types of music, which are just of awful. I wanted to hear him snore, because he does, even though he denies it. I wanted to spend holidays with him and hold him when he cried. I wanted all of it.”
Marlene was enraptured in the obvious love Sirius had for Remus. It was shining through his face, emanating from his entire body. It made her happy, to know they were so content with each other. “I don’t know if I would have found that with someone else. I probably would have. And, honestly, it probably would have been a bloke. I know that now. But it was Remus, which made it easier. And now I honestly can’t imagine having that with anyone else.”
“So you knew with a surety that you wanted Remus?” Marlene asked.
Sirius nodded. “Yeah, when I finally figured it out. Of course, Remus had felt that way about me for much longer. But once we were finally together, life seemed better.” He looked down at the girl in his arms, so clearly struggling with heartache. “Is that how you felt with Carmichael?”
Marlene’s head snapped up. “What? No. No, of course not. He was fit and nice sometimes and he liked me. But what I felt with Darrin was nothing like what you just described.”
“I’m assuming that’s why he dumped you.”
She scoffed. “Please. I dumped him. He begged me to stay so we could figure it out. But once I realized that he wasn’t what I wanted OR needed, I knew I couldn’t be with him.” She stared into the fire, growing quiet.
It took Sirius a moment to piece together what she was saying. When he realized the bizarre way the conversation had turned actually had a meaning, his eyes grew wide. “Marls… Why did you want to know how I knew I wanted to be with a bloke?”
“You’re the only gay I know. At least, well enough to talk about this with. And, I just am kind of confused. About everything. I needed to talk to someone who might understand.”
“You want to be with girls?” He said, his voice soft. Marlene bit her lip and nodded. Suddenly, a lot of things made sense. “The girl you want to be with wouldn’t happen to be Miss Dorcas Meadowes, would it?”
Inexplicably, Marlene’s eyes filled with tears. She sunk into the couch even more, if that were possible, and tried to keep her breathing even. “I don’t know what to do, Sirius. She’ll hate me.” She whispered. “I can barely look at her now, knowing how badly I want her. But I don’t think she’ll want me. And I’ve been rejected quite a bit in my life, but hearing it from her just might kill me.”
“Marlene. What is Merlin’s name are you talking about?” Sirius snapped. “You are thinking of the absolute worst scenario.” He pulled away from her, making them both sit up straight. “Yes, you’re right, there is a chance that Dorcas won’t want you that way. And that might suck, for a while. But you’re strong, and you’ll get through it. But you’re completely ignoring the fact that she might feel the same way. And then, all of this worry will mean nothing, and you’ll regret every minute of it.”
She opened her mouth to argue, but he cut her off. “No, Marlene, listen. I waited an entire year before telling Remus how I felt. And even then, I didn’t actually tell him. And before that, we got in terrible fights about almost everything. It tore me up. I was angry and upset, but I couldn’t tell him how I felt because what if it ruined our friendship? So I didn’t. I let a pinch of worry stop what would have been a 15 second conversation and instead focused only on what could happen. Not what might happen. When Remus and I finally did get together, it was like all of that was wasted time. It was, of course, and we both regretted it. We’re happy now, but we could have been happier much sooner.” He stared her down, gazing into the light blue eyes, hoping she would see his sincerity. “I don’t want that to happen to you, Marls. Don’t be like us. We were cowards. It took us far too long to figure it out. Be brave. Be the Marlene Mckinnon we know and love. Take a shower, put on some real clothes, and tell that beautiful woman how you feel. If she rejects you, and she would be mental to do so, then you’ll know right where to find me.”
Marlene was crying, but smiling. She leaned forward and placed a fierce kiss on his cheek before running up the stairs to follow his orders. He grinned, hoping against hope that things would work out in her favor.
A few hours later, Lily was once again voicing her concern for Marlene. After a minute, trying to ignore her, Sirius looked up and saw Marlene enter the great hall, hand intertwined with Dorcas, who had a blush against her black skin. They were grinning widely, and Marlene made eye contact with Sirius, looking proud. He gave her a nod of approval.
“Don’t worry, Lils. I think everything is going to be okay with Marlene.” he gestured to the new couple with his head and everyone around him turned to look.
When his classmates and friends seemed to understand what was going on, their mouths dropped open. Gasps and catcalls started to circle around the Gryffindor table. Lily stood, aghast. “MERLIN’S BEARD!” She shouted. “YOU’RE LESBIANS?” Everyone laughed and raised their goblets toward the girls in a sign of congratulations.
And all Sirius could do was smile.
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