#dorlene my lovessss
mo0nagedaydr3am · 1 year
Marlene is a passenger princess. She’s in the passenger seat doing her makeup in the little flip down mirror while telling Dorcas all the recent gossip and complaining about anything and everything.
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mo0nagedaydr3am · 2 years
I headcannon Dorcas as being really artsy and crafty especially with jewelry and whatnot so I propose this: Dorcas making her and Marlene matching rings on Marlene’s birthday. Her being restlessly teased for it by the skittles and pulling like three all nighters and getting a million small injuries on her hands just to get them done and make sure they’re perfect (because Marlene deserves nothing but perfection) and her being slightly embarrassed that she put so much work into it and her just desperately hoping that Marlene likes it. Then it’s Marlene’s birthday and she decides to give her the rings later when it’s just them. Then later it’s just her and Marlene in their flat, laying down on the couch together, a movie on that they’re not really paying attention to, just them talking and laughing and spending time together and then Dorcas pulls out the velvet lined box she got that is quite big because it’s also a ring jewelry box (that dorcas bought and painted herself) so Marlene can keep all her rings in (she has a lot of rings) and not just the one Dorcas made. She hands Marlene the box and Marlene is confused and Dorcas says,“One last present for you sweetheart…hope you like it” and Marlene takes it and opens it and there are two rings inside. They’re both identical small moths outlined in silver and the only things that’s different are the wings. there’s a different crystal on each ring filling in the wings. Marlene’s moth has Lapis Lazuli wings, a sorta of royal blue colored crystal with small gold streaks running through it. Dorcas’ moth has Green Adventurine wings, and it’s a soft, light green color. Marlene is silent for a few seconds and then actually starts to tear up a bit. Dorcas is worried that she did something wrong and starts to say that she’s sorry and that if Marlene doesn’t like it she can take it back but then Marlene interrupts her by softly pressing their lips together. It’s gentle and sweet and passionate and Dorcas is so so so in love and then they pull away and all Marlene says is a breathless,”I love you…”. And that makes all Dorcas’ hard work worth it.
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