#Doorstep Car Driving Classes
flemingsfreckles · 6 months
Better Boyfriend than Him (18+) pt. 4
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Jessie Fleming x Reader
Preview: you and Jessie have your first date
Warnings: some discussion of sex, suggestive, mention on masturbation, some cursing I think
WC: 3.2k (short and sweet)
A/N: this is the most tame chapter so far, it’s also the shortest chapter so far, limited sexual content (sorry to disappoint), more smut is coming in the next part
You were in the middle of getting ready, deciding between shirts when an aggressive knocking came from your door. Checking your phone you saw it was 5:38, you had to leave to pick up Jessie in 7 minutes. You could just ignore whoever was at the door, maybe it was just a solicitor and they’d leave when they decide no one is home. That plan fails as the banging becomes more harsh.
With a frustrated huff you throw on your sleep shirt that was lying on the floor and head toward the front door. You open the door and much to your surprise, Jessie is standing in front of you. It takes a second for you to register that she’s there. She’s wearing a dress shirt and slacks and has a sport jacket in one hand and a large handful of flowers in the other.
“What are you doing here?” You don’t mean to accuse her but you were supposed to be picking her up at 6, and here she was at your doorstep.
“These are for you.” She holds out the bouquet of flowers to you. She has a shy smile on her face, for a second her appearance doesn’t seem to resemble your best friend at all. For one she rarely was dressed up like this, you had maybe seen her in a dress shirt once when she had to give a presentation and she complained about not being able to wear a regular shirt all day. She also looks nervous. Nervous wasn’t a look she expressed often, she usually was oozing with confidence, but here she was shifting her weight from one foot to the other, her hand extended holding the flowers as she looked at you.
“Thanks.” You take the flowers from her and she follows you inside and to the kitchen. You dig around for a vase to put the flowers in and end up just picking a large water bottle, not having a vase as a college student. Before you’re able to scold her for being so early and throwing off your plans Jessie starts to explain herself.
“Sorry I’m early, and I know you were supposed to be picking me up, I just got nervous at home and I panicked and you’re the one I come to when I’m nervous so that’s what I did.” She’s playing with her fingers, cracking her knuckles and picking at her skin on her thumb.
“That’s okay.” You can tell she’s nervous and unsure so you decide against telling her off for messing up your scheduling. “I just need to finish getting ready, I thought I had a few more minutes. Just give me a second, okay?”
“Yeah, sorry again.” Jessie apologies as she moves over to your couch. Giving her one last look with a smile you head back into your bedroom.
Back in your room you rummage through your closet, still not being able to pick out what to wear. If this was any other day and you were unsure of an outfit you’d call Jessie You’d FaceTime her, shower her the options and asking which top you should wear on your date. Only you couldn’t call her now since she was the date. She was waiting in the other room, you couldn’t call her.
Nerves were starting to build in your stomach, maybe this was a bad idea. You take a deep breath, feeling lightheaded suddenly at the realization that you were about to try and date your best friend. Moving across the room, you sit down on your bed. You sit for a minute, trying to not think of all the things that could go wrong, except it seems all you can think of are all the things that could go so very wrong.
If this goes poorly you could never see her again. You’d never be able to text her, you’d never talk with her late into the night. No more coffee runs, no more drives in the car, no more studying and helping her with classes, none of it. She’d no longer be your friend, your friend with benefit, she’d become a stranger. No more passing notes in class when you’re both too bored to pay attention. No more sharing a blanket on the couch where you both fall asleep and you wake up nuzzled into her. No more calling her when you need advice. She’d be gone from your life if these dates fail. Feeling your chest get tight you lay back resting your head on the bed, trying to force air into your lungs as you breathe.
Focusing on breathing, a usual mindless habit, becomes harder than you ever thought it could be. Your small panic attack is interrupted by a soft knock on the door. You don’t say anything and the door handle turns and in walks Jessie.
“Are you alright?” You hadn’t realized how much time had passed, it was nearing ten past six.
You sit up looking at her, you can feel the tears welling in your eyes and you probably have red cheeks from struggling to breathe for the past couple of minutes.
“Hey what’s wrong?” Jessie says seeing your appearance. She moves over to sit next to you, wrapping her arm around your waist. She holds you tight, it relaxes you for a moment. The relaxation is quickly replaced with more nerves when you have the thought that if your date goes poorly, you wouldn’t be able to get this comfort from Jessie anymore. You stand up, out of her grasp and move away from her.
“I just don’t want to ruin this.” You gesture between the two of you. “What if we go on this date and you decide you want nothing to do with me and then we’re not friends anymore. I can’t lose you, you’re everything to me, I can’t lose my best friend.” The tears spill over as you explain yourself to Jessie.
“You’re not going to lose me.” She shakes her head at you.
“You can’t guarantee that.” A bubble of anger builds up inside your chest, she can’t just sit here and claim everything will be fine, that’s impossible for her to know, she can’t just make that false promise to you.
“I can, because I know I’m not walking away from you.” She stands up to move in front of you. “Look, even if this dating idea doesn’t work, I’ll need you in my life too. You don’t think I’m nervous too? Fuck, I’m over here worried that you’ll realize you don’t even want to date another girl.”
“Oh.” You let a small laugh escape from your lips, you hadn’t thought about the fact that Jessie would be the only girl you’ve attempted to date. Listening to her admit her own concerns make yours seem less scary, you both are in this together. Suddenly your fears start to slip away.
“Why are you laughing?” Jessie’s tone seemed upset.
“Just this feels silly, that we’re both nervous, like we already practically act like we’re dating, just without the label. We get dinner together, we hang out everyday, we sleep at each other's houses, and now we have sex. Is it silly that we’re being so nervous?”
“Yeah I guess it is.” She gives you a smile. “Are we still doing this then?”
“Only if you want? Because I do, I want to.” You respond to her.
“I want to too.”
“Okay then get out, let me finally pick a shirt and I’ll be out. Maybe we can pretend this part didn’t happen?” You gently shove her toward the door.
“As a friend, I’d wear the white top.” She adds before she walks out of your room, closing the door behind her. You smile to yourself realizing she knew that your concerns and panic had stemmed from being unable to pick between two shirts, the two shirts had been laying on your bed next to where she had sat. It made you feel reassured, at the base of everything, she was your friend first, your date second.
You move over, throwing the white top on before looking in the mirror fixing your hair and taking a deep breath looking at yourself, the tears that came down your face tried, leaving small streaks. It’s not like you had to hide that you had cried, she was there when the tears came out. You give yourself another look over before walking out and back into the living room where Jessie was standing, pacing across the room.
“Hi.” You get her attention. She turns to look at you and you see her eyes scan up and down your body.
“You look good, especially that top.” She winks at you. Her eyes trailing back down to your shirt.
“Thanks, my best friend helped me pick it. Ready to go?”
“Where are we going?”
“That’s for me to know and you to find out.” You grab her hand and your keys and pull her out the door. What Jessie didn’t know was the second you left her apartment earlier you had called in an order to your favorite local restaurant, ordering a small feast of sandwiches, sides, and desserts for you to pick up.
You walk to the car and Jessie drops your hand running head of you and attempts to open your door for you. She pulls on the handle but the door is locked, you hold her keys up in her direction.
“Unlock it, I’m trying to be romantic and open your door for you.” She complains to you. You unlock the car, letting her open your door. She closes it once you’re in and does a quick run to the passenger side before getting in herself.
You drive to the restaurant, parking and telling Jessie you’ll be right back. You run in and grab the food, coming back to the car and placing it in the trunk where you had already packed drinks and a blanket. You hop back in the driver's seat and start up the car again. It’s quiet between the two of you, not uncomfortable silence but just quiet, the music playing filling the car.
After a few minutes of driving you pull into a vacant parking lot on a golf course situated on the top of a hill.
“You know I play soccer not golf right?” Jessie says, realizing where you were.
“The course is closed anyway, we’re not golfing.” You say to her.
You park and unbuckle before getting out of the car. Jessie meets you at the trunk and helps you carry the food along with the drinks and blanket.
“Go ahead and just put the blanket down over there.” You point at an open patch of grass.
She lays out the blanket and you place the food down before taking off your shoes and climbing onto the blanket.
“Sit.” Patting the space next to you to get her to sit down. She listens and removes her shoes as well before sitting next to you.
“This is my favorite place to watch the sunset.” Telling her why you brought her to the top of an empty golf course. “I figured we could have dinner and watch it.” You gesture to the picnic in front of you.
As time passes you feel yourself relax, feeling like it was less of a date and more just spending time with Jessie. You talk about school for a bit, bringing up the exams you have coming up. The two of you pass food back and forth, sharing nearly everything you had ordered, each having a beer from the pack. Jessie talks about soccer, you both talk about your families, excited to go home and see them at the holiday break. You break open the desserts just as the sun begins to hide. It was easy being with her.
You both watch the sunset, the sun disappearing and leaving behind the cold night. You shiver, without the sun you wish you had brought a jacket. Jessie must have noticed and she’s suddenly removing her sport coat and moving to wrap it around your body.
“Thanks.” She just smiles back at you. When she sits back down she sits closer, your legs touching.
“You know,” you nudge her knee with yours, “for someone who claims they don’t know how to date you sure are doing all the right things.”
“What does that mean?” Jessie can’t tell if you’re being sarcastic with her or serious by your comment.
“You brought flowers, opened the car door, and gave me your jacket. All those things, very chivalrous of you.”
“I’m just trying, is it too much?” You realize maybe your intended compliment has not been received well.
“No, no Jess, I really, it’s been, you’re doing perfect.” You turn to her, putting your hand on her arm to reassure her. She turns and now you’re face to face.
It was funny, as she sits here looking back at you, you suddenly feel the nerves of the first date coming back. It’s as if you had never kissed her before, as if just a couple of hours ago she hadn’t had you bent over naked screaming her name. You were frozen, wanting to lean in and put your lips on hers but feeling unsure of how to. You find your eyes moving between her lips and eyes. Her tongue quickly peaks out, wetting her bottom lip. You can hear your heartbeat in your ears as you both lean in.
Something about this felt so different, you had kissed Jessie maybe 100 times at this point through the weeks, but there was something so soft and gentle and innocent about the kiss you shared.
Her lips were soft, gently pressed against yours, no intention behind them, no slip of her tongue, no wandering hands, just her lips against yours. Her hand is placed on your cheek, it’s cold from the nighttime air and is a strong contrast from her lips. She pulls away after only a couple of seconds, a smile pulling at her lips.
You don’t say anything, both of you just silently processing your first kiss, not as friends. That’s when you feel the first rain drop. It lands on your nose and then you see one hit her face as well. Within seconds the sky opens up and rain comes falling down.
You both let out a squeal and jump up, grabbing the remains of your picnic as quickly as possible and making a dash to the car. You throw everything into the car, not caring where it ends up before jumping in the front seat slamming the door behind you. Just the sound of you both breathing heavily from running and the initial shock of the rain fills the car.
“If I didn’t know any better I’d say this was intentional. You were trying to make me wet.” Jessie gives you a suggestive glance.
“No actually, just forgot to check the weather. Sorry about that.” You peel off the coat she had given you and pass it back to her. You start the car, turning on the heat to warm you both up before you pull out of the parking lot and head in the direction of Jessie’s apartment.
“Let me at least walk you to the door.” You say as you pull in front of her house. You couldn’t lie, you maybe had the intention of walking her to the door, and following her inside and into her bedroom, but you weren’t going to say that out loud. You both get out of the car and make a quick dash out of the rain and toward her door. You follow here and you both squeeze under the small awning above her door. She places her hand on the doorknob and then turns back to you.
“I had a really nice time tonight.” Jessie then laughs at her own sentence. “Sorry that sounded too cliche. But really, I know we hang out all the time anyway but, I enjoy spending time with you, a lot.”
“I like spending time with you too Jessie.” It felt funny to be saying this to her, she obviously knew you liked spending time with her, that’s why you were friends in the first place.
“Can we do this again?” You were a little taken aback by Jessie’s question, sure you figured the date went well but with her history of not dating, you weren’t fully expecting her to initiate further dates.
“Yeah, we can.” A huge smile breaks onto your face as you look at Jessie, this could work.
“I’ll send you details then.” She holds up her phone, giving it a shake before sliding it into her pant pocket.
She takes a step closer to you and her hand finds your chin. She tilts your head up gently and meets your lips with hers in another soft kiss. You try to push her, letting your lips open a bit for her tongue to meet yours, but her lips stay tightly closed against yours.
“I don’t fuck on the first date.” She whispers in your ear as she pulls back from your kiss. The feeling of her breath on your ear has goosebumps trailing across your skin. The words she spoke sounded so innocent and yet so dirty coming from her mouth that it made you want to jump her bones in the hallway of her apartment. You knew she was just throwing your own words about not kissing before the first date back at you so you roll your eyes at her.
“Have a good night.” She gives you one last look, a cocky smirk across her lips before she turns back and opens her apartment door.
“Thanks, you too.” You say before her door finally shuts and you’re face to face with the wood panel. That was definitely not how you had expected the night to end. If you were confident about anything going into the date it was that you were going to end up naked under Jessie with her name falling from your lips at the end of the night. And yet here you stood, alone, fully clothed, with nothing more than a kiss to hold you over until the next date. For some reason you were filled with warmth even though you were going home to sleep in an empty bed, it felt like the opposite of lonely as you walked away from her door.
While you would have loved to be under Jessie at the moment, something felt reassuring that you both hadn’t immediately jumped into bed. She was treating you differently than other girls and she was treating this differently than when the two of you had just been friends with benefits.
You’re only a few steps away from Jessie’s door when she texts you and her cocky personality returns.
Jessie 🦖: feel free to dream about me tonight when you go to sleep
Jessie 🦖: or when you’re touching yourself later, I don’t mind ;)
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divinesolas · 5 months
i just found out my boyfriend is a werewolf?!?!
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summary: You overhear a super strange conversation between your long term boyfriend and brother.
r.q: hiii :) i LOVE your blog and fics and was wondering if you would consider writing a fic were jace is a werewolf. I don't have any particular trops in mind, ill let your Imagination run free. love you and take care 💞🫶🏻
w.c: 1.5k
cw: modern/supernatural (not the show) au, college cregan and jace, cregan’s twin!reader gn!reader, werewolf! cregan and jace, sort of a crack fic idk but not really, cliche werewolf i didnt try to do anything crazy with it, semi dialogue heavy, idk this ones just a fluff stupid fic
a.n: needed a cleanser from my longer fic so take this !! i tried to have fun with this and didn’t want to take it too seriously so i hope you guys like it!! LOVE UUU
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Its been a week since you’ve spoken to your boyfriend. Its not your fault. What are you supposed to do when you overhear a conversation like that?
About a week ago you had gotten out of class early and you knew jacaerys was at your brothers place so you decided to pick up lunch for all three of you to surprise them. You try your best to quietly open the door and step in, opening your mouth to call to them but you shut your mouth quickly hearing your boyfriend Jace.
“You can’t tell them.” This has you curious but more so a little angry. you didn’t peg jacaerys for the type to do shit behind your back but you never really know. So you instead quickly move to stand hidden from view to listen to them.
“You can’t hide this type of thing from them man, what the hell are they gonna think when they find out.”
“they won’t”
You hear your brother let out a big groan, “They needs to know Jace they’re my fucking family im not gonna let you play around with them.”
Jacaerys voice changes and he starts to sound more angry, “You know im completely serious about them cre.”
“Then tell them you're a fucking werewolf.”
What the hell we’re they talking about? Werewolves? is this some type of sigma male podcast shit? or is he like into abo? You don’t understand.
“You haven’t told them you're a werewolf either cre.”
You almost pop your head around the corner to ask them what the fuck they we’re talking about because you could not wrap your head around what they were talking about? Werewolves aren’t real. Maybe they heard you enter and we’re trying to play a prank on you.
“You know i plan to you piece of shit.”
“Then don’t get on my ass about not telling them yet.”
“fine. but once i tell them you have to tell them man, i don’t like you keeping them in the dark.”
“i will i will i swear. You got a cover for this Friday?”
“Camping trip. Already let them know. Fuck i hate full moons man.” you do remember cregan telling you they we’re planning on going out for the whole weekend on a camping trip. You don’t like camping so you said no when he asked if you wanted to come, you thought he had a weird face on after you said no but now you’re thinking it was a face of relief.
They seemingly switch topic talking about what they were planning on eating and you look back at your car you can see from the window and remember you left the food in there. You can’t just enter now?! you have to leave, so once again you slowly leave the house praying that they had no clue you were there. You get back to your car and take your food from the bag before you walk the takeout bag to the door and leave it at the doorstep before running back to your car and driving off.
You only pull out your phone to text them you left them food but couldn’t stay to eat since you had a project to work on before you throw your phone to the back seat and let out a shaky breath. They had to be fucking kidding right? but for some odd reason it all made sense. Every month, and based on your calendar it always landed on a full moon, your brother and your boyfriend always happened to be busy and couldn’t be around.
Both of them are oddly strong, Your boyfriend often joked that he could smell you from a mile away when you asked why he never jumped when you tried to surprise him. when you went out to dinner with him on your first date you thought he would be a pretentious prick when he ordered a very rare steak but he just laughed it off nervously and told you that's just how he likes it. The more and more you think about him and his odd habits you come to agree with the disturbing realization.
He was a fucking werewolf.
It was easy to avoid the two of them for the first couple days. you had your own apartment so you didn't have any reason to have to go to your brothers but jacaerys was a lot harder to avoid. He would text you all the time asking if you wanted to hang or if you were free to go out with him and you feel really bad whenever you would say no or leave his messages unanswered. It was the worst when yesterday he had come knocking at your door. You didn't open it. Too nervous to face him. Your heart broke when you hear his dejected sigh before he walked away.
Today however he had not texted you at all. you begin to worry. You don’t want to break up with him. You love him, but you're not exactly sure how to approach all this. You can’t just ask reddit, hey, what do i do when i find out my boyfriend of two years is a fucking werewolf??? but you couldn’t sit still during class, Why hadn’t he reached out? he always says good morning but it was well into late afternoon and he still has not said a word to you.
You’re not paying attention when you leave class and end up running into somebody. Apologizing before you take a step back and freeze. “Jace.” He lets out a smile and a nervous breathy laugh, “Hi baby.” You let out a hushed hi and his eyes dart all over your face with nervous. “Come.” You can’t reject him when he’s standing right in front of you, so when he grabs your hand you make no move to protest and let him lead you.
Soon enough your following him to the park and gasp when you see a set up picnic table, he turns to you nervously. “You’ve been busy recently and we haven’t spent a lot of time together-” You cup his cheeks and press a kiss against his lips pulling away and giving him a big smile. All the past days worried washed away from you as you admire you cute boyfriend. “I love it.” He grins and pressed a peck to your lips as leads you two to sit down on the bench side by side, he’s always preferred to sit next to you than across from you.
You can tell that all the food inside the basket is store bought but it doesn’t matter, he’s never been much of a cook anyway. After awhile you had even forgotten why you hadn’t seen him until he quiets down and looks at you. “are we good?”
“are you a fucking werewolf?”
He freezes. You hadn’t meant it for it to come out like that but how else do you word asking him something like this? “its just i heard you and cregan have this really weird convo and i started to think about it and it made sense, i don't know im sorry i just-” he shushes you lightly and cups you cheeks turning your head towards him. “I am. and im sorry i never told you, i should have i know but its a difficult thing to bring up.”
You just nod your head lightly and sigh. “Werewolves are fucking real.” He laughs, “Yes.” “is it like twilight?” “no.” “you didn't put like a mark on me?” “is that a twilight thing?” “Youve never seen it?” “i don’t watch things with wolves in them it gives me the ick.” “we need to watch them.” “are you even listening to me?” “oh oh is it like teen wolf?” “absolutely not.” “ugh wait you’ve seen teen wolf?” “baela forced me to watch it.” “is baela a werewolf?” “no a witch.” “ughh lucky i would love to be a witch.”
“You believe me?” You tilt your head at him, “Why wouldn’t i? don’t tell me your lying to me.” he shakes his head as he smiles at you, “No no its just, i didn’t think this would go over so well.” You give him another peck on the lips, “I just wish you told me sooner, asshole. and i wanna know how all this shit works.” “deal.” You two share another kiss and press your foreheads against each other.
“So if cregans a werewolf then why am i not?”
“Wait you know cregans a werewolf?”
a.n i realized its a little weird that they didn’t notice you were there because they have a good sense of smell but im just thinking they were too lost in the conversation or you are over to cregans place often enough that his place smells like you. whatever ! idk!
perm jacaerys taglist: <3
@tyronesien @itsbookworm987 @cruelworldlana @smurfelle @ireneispunk @hxtd @venmondiese @urmomsgirlfriend1 @aegonswife
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profoundbondfanfic · 28 days
Hey so i was wondering if you had any Kid!Fics that weren’t Mpreg or omega verse more like there is a child and now Dean and Cas are taking care of the child together and fall in love in the process. I love your page thank you
Hey! Glad you're enjoying our blog🩵 Here are a few we could remember:
A Fine Romance by DragonSgotenks (Explicit, 54k words)
Castiel was one of those Parents the other teachers referred to as a "hot mess" but Dean just thought he was hot, even if he did come off as kind of a dick sometimes. When an accident lands him in the ER Dean comes face to face with his biggest crush when he discovers Cas is his nurse. It seems like fate that he manages to strike up a friendship with the father of some of his favorite students. But with Castiel still bitter over the way his ex used him up and then left him with nothing but 3 young kids to raise on his own he may be guarding his heart with too much caution to let someone new in. Dean will have to find a way to thaw the ice around Cas' heart or risk letting his chance at happiness slip through his fingers.
Baby Whispering by EllenOfOz (Mature, 9k words)
When Castiel's babysitter falls through, he has no choice but to take Claire to class with him. But as it turns out, Dr. Winchester isn't so upset about a disruption to his class.
life as we know it by yolock (Explicit, 92k words)
The first time Dean and Castiel ever agree on something happens when when their shared best friend Kelly asks them to be the godparents for her baby. Being a godparent is mostly babysitting occasionally and buying gifts on birthdays, but then Kelly dies on a car accident, leaving her three year old son Jack with no one but his godparents to take care of him. Despite not liking each other at all, the two men take the responsibility left for them on paper, and find themselves on a situation neither of them had prepared for, co-parenting a three year old. As they learn to take care of a toddler together, they learn a lot about themselves and about each other. It's definitely not an easy ride, but it eventually leads to something neither of them saw coming: a family.
let's take a drive by sobsicles (Explicit, 121k words)
Dean takes a really, really long drive to kick fear in the ass. It might just be the best thing he ever decides to do. ~~~ The seat squeaks, and Dean follows the sound, his gaze trailing down. There—where Jack sat moments ago—is a much tinier version of him. He looks mostly the same, just...smaller and more dimply and cuter, if that's possible. His clothes have shrunk to fit him, so he's casually sitting in a t-shirt, jeans, and scuffed tennis shoes. He swings his feet from side-to-side over the edge of Baby's seat the same way Sam used to in the back, and he stares up at Dean with clear eyes.  "Oh," Dean blurts out, eyes bulging, "Cas is going to fucking kill me." 
Light Me Up by tricia_16 (Explicit, 195k words)
Five years after participating in a life-changing threesome with his then-girlfriend and her friend Cas, Dean's single, comfortably bisexual, and has everything he's ever wanted except for that special someone to share his life with. When tragedy strikes, he and Cas are reunited in an unexpected way, and a split-second decision entangles their lives in ways neither of them could have predicted…
Surprises by TessAlyn (Explicit, 32k words)
Castiel and Dean don't have much in common. Dean plays football; Cas watches nature films. Dean wears jeans and flannel; Cas prefers button-ups and waistcoats. Yet somehow, they become friends. And when Cas' brother suddenly leaves an unexpected surprise on their doorstep, the strength of their friendship, and what they mean to each other, is tested like never before.
Swan Upon Leda by kelsstiel (Explicit, 174k words)
Pediatric Surgery Fellow Dean Winchester meets baby Jack Kline and neuropsychologist Castiel Novak his first week on the job. Dean’s been accused a time or two of caring a little too much in the past and it’s hard not to care about the neurotic adoptive father and his medically needy preemie. After a series of run-ins between the pair, Dean and Cas develop a friendship that everyone else around them suspect more from immediately, though it takes them a little longer to get the memo. When Dean struggles with a particularly devastating patient loss, their mutual understanding of loss and love bring them closer in a way that neither of them could have expected.
The guy next door by Castielific (Explicit, 61k words)
When Dean Smith quit his job at Sandover, he had no idea what he was going to do with his life. He definitely didn't plan for his hippie neighbor and his four years old kid to make him question everything he thought he knew about himself. The neighbors to friends to lovers fic you never asked for, along with some cute baby!Jack
The Shawnee Trail by emmbrancsxx0 (Explicit, 166k words)
In 1887, Dean Winchester and Castiel Novak lead a peaceful life in Lawrence, Kansas. Dean and Sam are stagecoach messengers for Wells, Fargo and Castiel is the town doctor. When Castiel's patient, Kelly Kline, knocks on their door one night about to give birth, she asks for the Winchesters and Castiel's help in protecting her son against one of the west's most notorious outlaws. To fulfill that promise, the men set out on a journey full of shootouts, trouble with the law, gambling, and an important discovery: Dean and Castiel really need to define the nature of their relationship.
We Are by lotrspnfangirl (Explicit, 50k words)
When Dean broke things off with Castiel, right after graduation, he hadn’t anticipated the long term effect it would have. He’d done this, he ruined things, and he deserved to be punished. Despite trying to move on, he found himself at the bottom of a bottle more often than not. When Lisa took their son, Ben, away - well, he had nothing to keep him going. Castiel packed his broken heart across the country, swept up with a woman who only loved him for what he could give and another who treated his friendship as gold. When Kelly left him, leaving him broken once more, he threw himself into raising his son, Jack, and letting him know how loved he was. When a broken teenager came into his life, he absorbed Claire into his family and took a chance, moving back home to the small town life, for a better chance for them all.
Also, the Dadstiel Bang starts posting on August 26th, so you might find more fics there. And we also have a "as parents" tag that might interest you.
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thegr33nc0met · 1 year
Ooo, hi! Could we get any Yandere Stu Macher headcanons! And also if you do the whole “__ anon” thing, I’d like to be 🐈‍⬛ Anon!
Thank you! And don’t feel the need to rush, whenever ur ready is fine
Yandere Stu Macher Headcanons ♥︎
CONTENT WARNINGS: Yandere behavior, Slight Dub Con, NSFW, GN Reader/Unspecified anatomy, Stu being a perv, mentions of murder, mentions of kidnapping, Pet name (Stu calls reader cutie), I think that’s it??
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♥︎ the moment he saw you he was absolutely smitten (I mean how could he not?? look at you you’re gorgeous!!)
maybe he saw you at school talking to Tatum or Sidney, or at the video stare talking with Randy. he came skipping up to the two of you with a huge grin on his face, unable to take his eyes off you. “who’s this cutie?” he’d ask. the way you blushed at him calling you a cutie, oh it was over for you.
♥︎ he’s always looking at you with big heart eyes
♥︎ even before you two become a couple, he’s always in your space. privacy? what’s that?? never heard of her. he’s so clingy once you two get closer. he’s always gotta have an arm wrapped around your shoulder or waist whenever you’re with him (which is basically always). any free time you have will be filled with spending time with him, whether you’re hanging out with the group or it’s just the two of you.
♥︎ Billy immediately catches on to how obsessed Stu is with you, but he doesn’t really care (as long as you don’t get in the way of their plans, who’s he to come between ‘love’ right?). the others think it’s cute how much he likes you, not catching on to the dangerous obsessive side he has.
♥︎ I believe that Stu’s love language is gift-giving and acts of service. you two are at the local strip mall and he sees you eyeing something a little too long?? boom. it’s on your doorstep or in your locker the next day.
♥︎ I don’t see Stu is a very jealous yandere. he sees someone flirting with you, he doesn’t need to worry. you’re his and they don’t stand a chance with you (especially if they’re six feet under).
♥︎ but what happens when you start to like someone else? what happens when he sees you sparing longing looks at someone in your shared history class? when he sees you and that person laughing together in the halls and spending more time together?
♥︎ seeing you look at another person like that… he feels his heart sink. but that sadness and disappointment is quickly pushed to the side by annoyance. he plasters on a fake smile and saunters up to the two of you by your locker, wrapping an arm around your shoulders. “hey, cutie.” he greets, looking down at you and not even sparing a glance at the person you were talking to. the person would get uncomfortable and mumble out something like “I’ll see you later…” before walking away.
before you can chastise Stu for being rude, he’s begging you to come over after school. and how could you say no to his big blue pleading puppy dog eyes? he pumps his fist victoriously with a goofy grin before the two of you head to your separate classes.
the drive to his place is… tense. you can sense something’s off with him, despite the smile on his face he’s clearly trying to hide. the car is silent, save for the soft music from the radio, until he speaks up. “so that person you were talking to earlier…” he starts. “you like them?” he asks, his voice neutrally casual.
“I guess…” you respond, shrugging lightly. you notice his knuckles are white from gripping the wheel tightly. neither of you say anything. you feel your heart nervously thump in your chest.
the hang out at his place is normal. you watch a few movies, play a card game, and order a pizza until he decides to take you home.
♥︎ their body was found in the lake the following Sunday.
♥︎ Stu holds you in his arms as you cry after you heard the news (trying to avoid pressing his boner up against you, getting harder from every sob that escapes your mouth. trying to restrain himself from pushing you onto your back and leaving wet kisses all over your pretty face. biting back how badly he wants to tell you how pretty you look when you cry).
♥︎ weeks later, when you seem to have calmed down from the death of your crush, he invites you over again. the credits to Texas Chainsaw Massacre had rolled around, you were leaning on the arm of the couch with your legs laid across his lap. as you silently watch the words scroll by on the screen, he leans down, pressing a kiss to your neck. he pauses when he feels your body jolt beneath him in surprise.
“what are you doing?” you ask. he doesn’t respond, only smirking before pressing a few more kisses to your neck. he experimentally nips at your skin, smirking when he hears your breath hitch. he won’t force himself onto you if you ask him to stop, starting to push at his shoulders in an attempt to push him off.
but he would definitely be disappointed. after all he’s done for you? after all he’s had to sacrifice??
“come on, cutie…” he’d whisper against your neck. “don’t you wanna feel good?” he’d almost giggle at the thought of having you.
♥︎ without any further protest, he’d continue kissing your neck, sucking hickeys onto your flesh for everyone to see who you belong to. he’d rip your pants and underwear off, nearly tearing the fabric in the process (he’d give you a half-assed apology later if he had to). the clothing would barely be at your knees before he’s diving head-first into your crotch, licking and sucking every inch he can, moaning around you whenever your breath hitches and you lightly tug on his hair.
“you like that?” he’d grin devilishly against your sensitive flesh, giggling when you’d jolt and whimper from the intense pleasure. he’d hold your thighs down once you start squirming from over stimulation, and there’s not a snowballs chance in hell you’re breaking loose unless he wants you to because that man is strong. he’d find it cute how you whine and kick you legs as you beg him to stop or slow down. but he doesn’t. because you want to make him happy, right??
♥︎ by the time he finally pulled away from you, he had ripped three orgasms from you, his chin and your thighs covered in your fluids and his spit.
♥︎ but don’t think he’s done!! not one bit. he gave you plenty of pleasure, so it’s only fair you do the same right??
♥︎ he’ll slide himself inside you, not deterred by the pained whines you let out from your oversensitivity. he has a high stamina, and can give you at least three more orgasms before he cums inside of you, moaning into your ear or against your lips.
then he’d cuddle back up next to you once he’s done and fall asleep with you wrapped in his arms<3
♥︎ if you thought he was clingy before you had sex, oh boy you’re in for a treat. autonomy?? never heard of her.
after classes? he’s right outside the door the second the bell rings (because of course he’s memorized your schedule). oh, you need to take a shower? he’s sitting on the toilet lid, waiting for you to finish up while he talks your ear off about anything and everything (on the off chance he doesn’t just join you in the shower, hogging all the water). basically, you’ll never get a moment of privacy.
♥︎ I don’t think he would be the type to kidnap you unless you tried to break up with him. he’s so unserious about it too. like you better be talking about a kitkat bar because he doesn’t know anything about any “breaks.” it’d be easy for him to kidnap you too. he knows everything about you, so he’d know the perfect time and place for it. and it’s not like his parents are ever home. and you’d be happy living with him, right? he’s provided for you and taken care of you so far, right??
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i hoped you liked this!! this was my first time writing head canons in this style so i hoped it turned out alright🧍
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seungminxstay · 7 months
party girl / seungkwan x reader / 18+ mdni
when you need liquid courage to fuck your best friend
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Seungkwan was just back from an okay date when he saw an unexpected caller ID pop up on his phone. Hoshi calling him past midnight on a weekend, when was that ever a good thing?
“What did you do?”
“No, not me,” Hoshi replied, sounding surprisingly sober. “Y/n.”
Seungkwan’s frown deepened. “She told me she was studying today.”
“Well, look who’s here and wasted as hell. Come before she pukes on my precious sofa.”
Hoshi hung up before Seungkwan could argue, but he was already reaching for his jacket and keys.
It’s been a while since Seungkwan had to pick you up. Every party you’ve ever been to, from birthday parties in kindergarten to your first actual party in college, Seungkwan was there besides you - like he was in every important and non-important stages of your life.
He drove off campus to the house Hoshi shared with several others, having to park three blocks away because of how crowded the street was. As soon as he got out of the car, he could hear music blaring in the near distance.
Seungkwan invited himself in Hoshi’s house - he’s been here too many times to count. He squeezed through the buzzing crowd, exchanging hasty greetings with people he recognized, but his attention was solely on finding you as he restlessly looked around the room
You were sitting on the sofa; or to be exact, you were curled up on Lee Chan’s lap, your hands comfortably resting on his arm and whispering something in his ear. Chan looked helpless as he simply sat back, letting you continue whatever game you were playing.
Seungkwan’s stomach burned. His initial reaction was to steer back, but when Chan met his eyes and mouthed “HELP ME,” he had no choice but to go and confront you.
“Kwannie,” you slurred, not even bothering to turn your head. “Aren’t you busy screwing your girlfriend?”
Seungkwan felt a sharp jab in his gut. You never talk to him like this.
“It’s just a date and she’s not my girlfriend. You’re drunk, we're going home.”
“No, I’m staying with Channie today, right, Channie?”
“Um, I might actually go and... get something to drink? God, I'm thirsty. See you guys later!”
He squirmed out, leaving Seungkwan with a very drunk and sour you. You still refused to look at him, taking a swig from the plastic cup in your hand.
Seungkwan grabbed your wrist. You let out a yelp as the drink spilled over you, but that was the least of his worries.
“You’ve had too much,” he grunted. You whined in protest, but you were too drunk to physically fight back as Seungkwan, quite literally, dragged you out of the party and to the car.
It was silent on the drive back. Seungkwan considered dumping you on the doorsteps of your dorm and leaving someone else to deal with the mess you were. Unfortunately, your roommate was out for the night, and he couldn’t leave you like this. When you might wander off and find another guy to get cuddly with.
He carried you up the stairs and to your room. He had the keys - you've said it was only for emergencies, but Seungkwan's emergencies included using your bed for naps between classes or just simply coming to bug you.
Today, though, was a different story. You and Seungkwan have fought endlessly since kindergarten, from petty playground fights to times in high school when you stopped talking to each other for days. But one of you eventually caved in and made up after every fight. This was one of these instances, right?
"If you expect me to come every time you go and throw yourself on some random guy..."
“I didn’t even ask you to. I was doing fine with Chan,” you mumbled, knowing what you say was going to get him agitated. Seungkwan clenched his jaw.
“Well, I’m sorry then, you could have just fucked Channie and I shouldn't have cared. Why should I care?"
His voice rose louder than he intended to, and he could see a flash of hurt in your eyes. You both didn’t know - no, pretended not to notice - why you were working each other up like this.
Then the next second, you were kissing him. He stumbled backwards onto your bed, the force knocking the wind out of him.
It wasn’t like what Seungkwan had imagined from time to time - in the quiet afternoon library, or cuddled beneath the blankets of his bed, or on the doorsteps of your dorm, after a sweet date. It was messy and angry, and you reeked of alcohol and Chan’s perfume.
Your hands grabbed his face, and Seungkwan found it so easy to get lost in the heated kiss. He could feel hot tears streaming down your cheeks, and everything was so overwhelming, he didn't know what to think. It just felt good.
He was brought back to his senses by your hands snaking under his shirt.
“You're drunk, I'm not doing anything if you're - ”
“Please please please Seungkwan, you know I’ve only wanted you, all this time.”
Did you really mean it? Seungkwan tried meeting your eyes, but you were busy trailing kisses down his jawline, his neck...
You sank down on your knees. Seungkwan's breath hitched as you lowered his pants and brought your mouth to his bulge, embarrassingly hard from the kisses alone.
Heat rose to his cheeks as he contemplated whether to look away from such a sinful sight - you, his best friend, his first love, his crush since forever, giving him head like you needed it. He could cum from just seeing you in this angle, nestled between his thighs and looking pretty as hell.
Seungkwan had such a pretty cock. You ran your tongue up his length, swirling at the tip and using your whole mouth to take him in. One hand you kept wrapped around the base, the other you used to get yourself off. Seungkwan watched your hand travel underneath your skirt, moaning sweetly on his cock as you pleasured yourself.
He so badly wanted to be the one touching you, fingers buried deep in your pussy, thumb rubbing your clit. Just his imagination made him lightheaded, and he couldn't stop the loud moans as he came, hot cum hitting the back of your throat.
You tried swallowing, but some of the white was smeared on your lips. Seungkwan impulsively leaned over and kissed you square on the mouth.
“Did you just taste yourself?”
“It was gross. Spit it out next time.”
A next time. You smiled to yourself as you softly pushed him on his back, straddling him. You took off your shirt and bra. He was mesmerized by the sight, staring at your body being unwrapped like a Christmas present, gulping at your gorgeous curves, until you guided his hands there. He squeezed your breasts gently and ran his fingertips over your nipples, earning a soft sigh from you.
"You're such a good boy Kwannie... Now let me ride your pretty cock. Hard already for me, hmm?"
Seungkwan groaned as you lowered yourself on his length. You squirmed around, getting used to his girth, but quickly picked up your pace as you felt his thick dick grind your sweet spot.
Seungkwan covered his face with his hands, unable to take in everything without his face burning.
"Look at me,” you said, lacing your fingers with his. Seungkwan was all red and fucked out as you bounced on his cock, and knowing that you had so much power over him, hearing him moan your name, made the heat pooling in your lower body swell. You stifled a cry as an intense orgasm washed over you, falling over on Seungkwan and desperately wrapping your arms around his neck.
Your sensitive nipples brushed against his smooth chest, making you shiver, but it was Seungkwan's cum filling you up that brought you past your limit.
You were suddenly tired. You felt Seungkwan’s ragged, uneven breaths, his length still burried in you, the hollow of his collarbone perfectly matching the curve of your cheek…
You jolted awake, surprised to see a sleeping Seungkwan right next to you, his body pressed against yours. Your bed was too small for two people to share. Sunlight filtered through the edges of the curtain, dappling his cheekbones, and as you brushed his hair out of his eyes, you remembered everything from last night - what you said to each other word to word, how the kisses tasted like.
You both had started seeing other people since high school, but it had hurt, every single time, when Seungkwan would get a glimpse of you laughing at a random guy's jokes, or when you would call Seungkwan at the most spontaneous of times, only to find out that he was on a date with some other girl.
It was just a childhood crush. You’d eventually grow out of it. You were best friends before anything.
That was what you kept telling yourself, but apparently, it wasn't the case when it was Boo Seungkwan.
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crushedsweets · 1 year
i'm so obsessed w your blog you really unlocked all the nostalgia that's always waiting under the surface frfr i hope you send me spiraling all the way down again i miss it here so bad. anyway can i ask. what u got on... jane my beloved... sowwy if there's already like. posts abt it i'll go thru your whole blog someday and learn everything like my uni books xx
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ok some quick warm up doodles this morning to go with the chat i got... tw for torture, stalking, really sad stuff.
link to my au that has a page with her in it
ok to start off with, jane/liu aren't TOO present in my story because jane and liu live really normal lives. most of their personal story is about recovery and growth, they were victims not aggressors. they're more involved in ninas story, rather than the overarching slender/operator paranormal problems...
jane grew up in an upper middle class household with incredibly loving parents. she was majoring in criminal psychology and lived with her parents, since they were close to the uni. it was during her second year in university that jeff began stalking her. he'd leave dead animals on her doorstep, light fires in her garbage cans, shatter windows without even entering the house, key her car, leave cryptic writings on her car that say stuff like '1f' (1female) to further scare her.
it wasn't that there was anything special about jane, but she had a super easy, very strict schedule to follow. her uni classes were all in the same building at the time, her car had a few cute stickers and decorations on/in her car that made it easy to spot, she only worked sat-mon at a cafe near her university. she was a happy person. easy victim he thought
eventually, while jane was out, he broke into her home and assaulted her parents. whether he used drugs or just stabbed them in the right place to make them immobile idk, but he got them tied up in the kitchen at some point. he was torturing them, doing the typical carved out smile bullshit, and he planned on leaving them for jane to find that night -- but, for the first time, her schedule was different. she came home from work while he was drenching the house in gasoline.
he panicked upon hearing her absolutely gutwrenching scream and quickly lit the trail of gasoline while she was trying to untie her dad (her mom was long gone by this point, her dad was barely managing a few wheezed breathes). he went to go finish jane off. he slashed her face, from her right temple, down her cheek, splitting her mouth in half and getting down to her left jaw. but the fire was spreading way faster than he anticipated, and he already heard sirens, so he bolted.
jane suffered 3rd degree burns covering her entire right leg and arm, it reached up her neck and her face, alongside some other parts of her body. she was pulled out of the fire, rushed to the hospital, and barely managed to survive.
jane had some outside family to support her, but her biggest supporter was her friend from middleschool mary vaugn. she moved into mary's house, took a semester off of school for recovery. the second she felt physically able to, she tried to drive herself right back into school, regardless of her mental condition.
she changed her major to criminal justice. she eventually graduated, fell in love with mary, got married, became a private investigator, etc. she spent a while working on jeff's case, losing sleep and hair over it- she was getting into some sketchy things to try and figure it out, because by this point jeff and ben were friends, and slenderman needs ben's help, so jeff's now protected by slenderman
but jane is one stubborn fucking woman and kept going. instead of sending the proxies to subdue jane, he sent sally.
sally was another poltergeist that kept haunting homes with newborn babies. she was attracting some attention, but slenderman cant physically stop a ghost - so he spent some time talking to sally, connecting with this little ghost girl and convincing her 'you're doing such a great job protecting all these infants, but this one needs you now'
he sent sally off to live with jane. mary's sister was staying with jane/mary after having a baby, so sally agreed to protect the baby. jane quickly welcomed sallys presense, always having believed good things of protective spirits. her mom used to tell her stories of how her grandmother's ghost would always come and soothe jane in her infancy (whether its true or not doesnt matter to jane) .
sally eventually became more than a presence to jane, almost completely integrating herself into her household's daily life. even after mary's sister and her baby left, sally stayed with jane. she felt safe there. (it helped that there were no men in the house too)
jane cares for sally like a daughter for a long time, and begins to redirect her life towards sally, rather than hatred for jeff. she never fully recovers from that night, and she never ever ever ever fucking 'forgives' jeff in any way, but she puts it aside for a while.
but sally is still a spirit, and does her fair share of wandering. she's always landing herself in the cornfields, the forest, etc, and jane goes frantic looking for her -- which is where she eventually bumps into the proxies. it's a huge mess, but she finds out what the fuck slenderman is and whats happening in that forest, but she just . . cant do anything about it. for sallys sake
eventually they get to the point where jane commonly finds herself walking in the forest with sally, or the proxies have to call jane and tell her to 'get her ghost kid' from the forest, etc.
at some point in this she also connects with liu. i don't know who reaches out first, whether it be liu desperately wanting to apologize for everything, or jane trying to figure out anything about jeff she can use to find him. this is how she finds out about nina.
jane smacked the shit out of nina when she first met her, in front of the proxies, who had to pull them apart. (i love nina but she deserved it after idolizing jeff). but nina is really fucking weird and began to idolize jane as well, and sally liked nina, which made it even more complicated, and that's why jane is the first person nina calls after jeff stabbed her ...
by this point janes hoping nina can heal, hoping liu can heal, hoping she herself can heal. ITS VERY HARD. its so unbelievably painful. that's basically where her story is at right now...
on a more positive note, she has a beautiful relationship with mary, and was hugely accepted in mary's family. she does poetry, creative writing, and is passionate about her career. she takes some extra creative writing/art courses at the local community college, just out of pure interest. she does her best to live a peaceful life
a bit off topic, but here's a little thing i copy and pasted from an old hc post too:
i cannot explain how close jane and her parents were. she was an only child in a upper middle class house to a lawyer and a real estate agent so she was always spoiled rotten, taken care of, always told how beautiful and smart she was. hence why losing them is the most fucking detrimental shit to ever happen to her. she literally worhsips her parents. she’s wore mothers wedding dress to her own wedding. her uncle(dads brother) walked her down the aisle holding a framed photo of her dad. she almost refused to walk during her university graduation because her parents couldn’t be there, despite the years worth of hardwork and dedication she put into it.
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racinginchid3nt · 1 year
I’d Probably Still Adore You | Part One
Y/N x Lance Stroll, Y/N Best Friend x Pierre Gasly
In which a night at the club and a game of never have I ever turns into something new
Inspired by 505 - Arctic Monkeys
Warnings: none yet. so far it’s just build up
One | Two | Three | Four | Five | Six
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While you weren’t a newbie to watching the races, you’d never done so in person. Work kept you busy and the idea of wasting precious vacation days on a flight to sit in the rain instead of on your couch wasn’t your idea of enjoyment.
Your friend had been dating Pierre for a few months now. Having spent the past week fighting, she forced you to take a weekend off and fly to Belgium with her for the race at Spa. He had surprised her with an extra plane ticket and paddock pass as an apology.
As you had packed the night before, Y/N Best Friend had appeared at your doorstep, arms full of garment bags. As soon as she saw the comfortable, weather appropriate outfits you’d selected, she started ripping through your suitcase and adding in her own picks.
“We’re going to be in the paddock, not the grandstands. We have to look the part Y/N” She’d said.
“Besides, there’s plenty of eye candy and you’re single. Might as well make the trip worthwhile. You know our shared hotel room will basically be yours the entire trip.”
“Honestly Y/N Best Friend, I’m not sure that’s the best idea. I’ve heard enough horror stories about most of the guys to make it clear that I should steer clear.”
“You don’t have to marry him Y/N! I just think it would be more fun if you joined me on these trips more. A girl can dream. Besides, it doesn’t have to be a driver. Some of the mechanics are definitely worth a second look.”
“Screw it. Pack what you want but don’t take anything I packed out” You admitted with defeat. Maybe she had a point. A little harmless flirting never hurt anyone, and how much damage could one weekend do.
The journey to the airport in the hired car was relaxing. And when you boarded into first class and champagne was waiting at your seats, it was a welcome surprise.
The flight from Barcelona has lasted only a few hours and before you knew it you were gathering your purse and carry on to disembark. It was only Wednesday so you were able to relax as you got to the hotel. The suite was beautiful and Pierre had sent flowers to greet his girlfriend. As you unpacked, the two of you began to plan the weekend’s festivities.
Thursday would be filled with media day around the paddock, followed by Friday free practice and qualifying, then Saturday sprint. The race on Sunday would wrap everything up.
Media day started early. The time adjustment was rough but the calm arrival day helped. You were going with Y/N Best Friend and Pierre to the track. He had interviews and Alpine press responsibilities. The two of you would spend the day in hospitality.
Your paddock pass hung around your neck. A tag on a lanyard with your name and face. The drive in was crazy, with fans already lining up to see the drivers. Your best friend waved you ahead so she could help fans get their autographs and you entered security alone.
Seeing the track in person felt surreal. Larger than life, it started to set in that you were actually standing at Spa. You knew the Alpine hospitality would be further down the track. As you started your walk you were amazed by how many journalists were in attendance. As someone with a large camera and a boom mic began filming you, you were thankful you’d taken your friends advice and dressed the part. A simple dress and nice sneakers kept you both presentable and comfortable. You smiled at the camera crew, spotting the netflix logo on their badges, knowing as soon as they discovered your lack of celebrity they’d cut your clips from the show.
You arrived at hospitality, showing your pass at the doors, before sitting down in a small seating area to kill time until Pierre’s media interviews. As the time began to tick closer and closer to round one interview starts, you became nervous that you still hadn’t see Y/N best friend or Pierre.
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You tossed your trash and began the walk to the tent. Glancing at your phone trying to decipher what Y/N Best Friend meant by her directions, you decided to head towards the back of hospitality. As you reached the end however, you couldn’t find anything that looked like a media tent. The interviews would be packed and there was no way the space could be small.
You began looking around trying to find someone who could point you in the right direction. The first person you spotted breezed past you, not even acknowledging your question. The second was speaking in what sounded like Italian and had looked at you in confusing, not understanding you. Resigned to wander on your own you picked up your pace and began jogging around the area, peaking your head around corners to see if media was set off to the side.
As you turned sharply after another dead end, you felt yourself bump into someone. Looking up you saw a head of brown hair reaching down to collect their empty cup. Apologizing profusely you reached into your bag to pull out tissues. It wasn’t until you began trying to pat dry the wet spot on the man’s shirt that he actually said anything.
“Fuck sorry. I’m in a rush I didn’t mean to bump you. Are you okay?” He said. The voice sounded familiar but your embarrassment kept your eyes down while you tried to clean the mess.
“Yeah. It was my fault. I’m so sorry about the spill. I’m in a rush too. Could you point me in the direction of the media tent? I’m supposed to be watching the interviews.”
“That’s where I’m going. Just follow me. They won’t let you in if you’re late.”
You looked up for the first time at the Aston Martin driver, realizing why the voice was so familiar.
“Yeah that’s what I was told. Lead the way!”
You followed behind the driver for a few minutes. Flashing your pass to security to enter into the back with just minutes to spare.
He continued on, making his way up to the stage. As he took his seat he began scanning the crowd, trying to determine which media was where and looking for his PR agent. As his gaze made it over to the visitor section he saw you seated with a few of the other girlfriends.
“What kind of guy ditches his girlfriend and doesn’t even tell her how to get to the media tent” he thought. He began eyeing the drivers near him, trying to remember who was and wasn’t single, but his train of thought was cut off as the host started the round.
A/N: This is my first time doing any kind of fanfic in awhile. So hopefully they improve as they go on. Parts will hopefully be posted 5-6 times a week but we’ll see how it goes. The next post is already done and will be up soon. Im not sure what the final length on this will be but I have a pretty good guideline of the story planned out. There’s not nearly enough lance content IMO so someone has to contribute. There will also be a longer spin off of the Pierre and Best Friend storyline to come
Edit: please fill out the poll when you get a chance
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bloodbruise · 7 months
God but jegulus having that old kinda love where james waits at regulus doorstep every Friday with flowers and they’re a new kind every time and they grow old together and are madly in love and they dance to the music playing in the kitchen and they dance in the rain on the street and when they see a car driving james pulls regulus away by the hand so they don’t get ran over and them eating cotton candy together and kissing on the Ferris wheel and having their very own garden in the house they buy when they save up more money and they have their little rescue pitbull and they have two kids and IM SO SINGLE 😭
and regulus presses one flower from each bouquet into his journal. james saves every single little note regulus writes for him in a shoe box in their closet; hearts and "i love you's!" and even the "pick up milk please's". james always takes the dog out first in the morning and regulus always takes him out last at night. they take the dog to the dog park every sunday. they try new recipes and mess them up and end up eating takeout on their floor. they spend rainy days in bed all day and take cooking classes and laugh into their kisses.
it's such a juxtaposition . they just love each other a world-altering amount, but they do it in a way that is so tender.
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lucie-newman · 2 months
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It's a fitting word. It's the cliffs at Black Beach, California where the rocks drop twenty jagged feet into clear blue water. It's her bare wet feet and the balance and the moment she looked over the edge. It's the breath she took before jumping, stretching out all her limbs like a starfish, and dropping. Freefall. Unstoppable.
It's labor.
This isn't written about in advice columns, or played out on screen. Labor doesn't announce itself at the doorstep. The back pain she's struggled with all this last trimester hides a multitude of symptoms; is the symptom. And her water doesn't break right away, her contractions don't build slowly. There are no Braxton Hicks. She's three weeks early, she's alone when it starts, and, as her father would say:
"Give it what you got."
She's out by the old chapel Cage rebuilt taking pictures when it happens. When the back pain she's been rubbing at with increasing annoyance twists suddenly inward and something unspools inside of her and -
Oh, fuck!
It's a contraction. It's pain squeezing her tighter and tighter until the camera drops from her hands. And when it loosens, when she can breath again, she thinks: that's fine. Just one. One strong contraction. Nothing to -
And then the second piggybacks the first.
Reception is a little spotty this far off the road. There's a voice in her head that sounds like her father, like her older brothers, like a drop of reason in a bucket of insanity. Not advised. But then, she didn't think she'd go early. When in all her life has she ever even been punctual? It's one day late on car insurance with an apology and a promise. It's two hours late to a party with a smile and a story.
But then, this isn't her entrance.
Panic makes a nest in her chest for a moment, scratches at her heart. She rests back against the bark of a willow tree and lets it play out. There's no use fighting it. The baby's awake, kicking at a rib urgently when a third contraction ripples through her. "Yeah, yeah," she tells them, breathless. She sweeps a hand from breastbone to hip. "I'm afraid too."
Of what's happening, yes. Of motherhood, surely. But of all the rest too. Age and boredom and bills and vulnerability. It's the pulse under her skin that she's been ignoring. The old unspoken fear, rare as it could be, that what happened to her mother could happen to her.
But honestly, fuck that.
She pushes herself from the tree and walks best as she can down the beaten path toward her car. She's left her backpack, her water bottle, and her camera behind clutching only at the phone in her hand and waiting for those signal bars. It's a journey made in broken acts. Halted by the contractions that take hold and squeeze. And damn if those classes don't mean shit. She can breathe. She does breathe. But none of that helps when she's being funneled downward. So she curses. Lot's of fucks and shits and then some more inventive things that would make her grams blush. She kicks at a fallen log, half bent over when one particularly strong one takes her under, and that helps too.
She thinks of birth playlists and the classical music some women luxuriate in - she thinks of epidurals and the sweetness of a warm bath right now. She thinks for one horrible moment that she's not going to make it out of the woods. She trips, cuts her knee open on the bits and brambles of the forest floor, and screams. Frustrated. Primal. Her throat aching from it. If there are hikers up this early, before the forecast showers they'd hear her. But there's no answer except the birds - scared mute for a moment - and then swooping back in to fill the silence. There's no choice though. She pulls herself up and keeps walking.
The hike out to the chapel took thirty minutes, the return trip takes just over an hour. She's coming out to the gravel parking lot when those bars flicker back and she could cry with relief. She's in no state to drive so she dials 911 as she drops onto a large rock near her car. The operator is a sweet, older woman that stays on the line with her for the twenty minutes it takes to get an ambulance out there.
"You got a name, Lucie?" she asks, talking her through a contraction.
"Several." She bites out. "Thinking I got to-" she grunts and the woman waits it out with her, "-see them you know? Got to see if they look like a Piper or a Ziggy."
"It's a good day this one. Great birthday."
"National Chocolate and Peanut Butter Day."
It makes her laugh, makes her unclench her fist just a touch. "You look that up?"
"I did. You want to know who they'll be sharing it with?" She does and the woman says "Woody Harrelson."
"And Kathryn Hahn."
Lou huffs, tips her head back into the sun. "Legend."
The baby twists, moving fast beneath her hand. She almost can read their agitation. Wishes she could tell them it's going to be alright but her water breaks before the ambulance arrives and she starts to hyperventilate.
"It's okay Lucie. They'll be there any minute. Can you hear the sirens?" She does. "Your going to be just fine, mama."
Things move fast after that. She's loaded into the back of the ambulance and strapped to monitoring equipment. She watches the squiggles of her baby's heartbeat to distract from the pain, from the contractions that start piling up one on top of the other. This was supposed to be a long process. Hours upon hours, those were the words. But it's not. She asks is something is wrong, her voice thin with worry. Someone holds her hand. Someone else asks if they should call her partner. She laughs, tells them no, then thinks of her siblings. She pulls up the group chat and shakily types out two words.
Hospital. Now.
It's not eloquent. It's not joking. And she's speeding down the country road she learned to drive on when the urge to push hits. She thinks she should have called Ari. She thinks he should be here. She doesn't want to be alone for this. But then, she isn't really. She hasn't been alone for near on nine months.
In the end, none of her siblings will make it there on time. In the end, she doesn't even make it there on time.
Her son is born pink, angry, and loud two minutes before arriving at the hospital.
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palmviolet · 10 months
would you mind sharing your top steddie fics??
looking for great recs
hi! i'm ashamed to admit that i haven't read any steddie in... months. maybe a year. as a result i haven't got anything recent to recommend — but here are some of the ones i enjoyed anyway. if you want any more, my ao3 bookmarks are public!
matches burn after the other - limerental (5k)
It's ten years later. Steve's a hospice nurse. Eddie's got the virus. It's kind of weird and sad and strange and inevitable. Or something. And not as sad as it sounds.
Weakened Like Achilles, with You Always at My Heels - HMSLusitania (53k)
The graduating classes of 1985 and 1986 invite YOU back to West Hawkins! Welcome reception Friday, May 24th at 7:30pm. School and town tour to follow on Saturday morning. Memorial service Sunday. If you are a graduate of the class of 1985 and need driving directions to West Hawkins, please RSVP * Due to current government restrictions, we are not currently able to offer a site visit to the Hawkins Exclusion Zone Steve Harrington goes home for his ten (well, eleven) year reunion with a nagging secret that's slowly ruining his life. In the ten years between, he finds the family he always wanted and, unfortunately, the person he wanted to share it with.
windowsill - lagardère (laurore), MissAntlers (13k)
“It’s about finding what you’re invested in,” Ms Kelley had said. “It will help with the process of recovery. You need to find it, and nurture it.” Whatever Ms Kelley meant, surely it wasn’t this: using Lucas’ binoculars to spy on Steve Harrington as he climbs out the window of the Munson trailer. (recovering in the aftermath of Vecna's attack, Max is stuck at home. Somehow, spying on Eddie Munson has become her number 1 hobby.)
let's do the time (loop) again - alchemystique (34k)
“Did you, uh… did you sing to me, once?” Eddie asks, sitting on the hood of Steve’s car and staring up at the sky so he doesn’t have to pretend he isn’t desperate for everything promised in the eyes that haven’t left Eddie since Eddie woke up in that hospital bed. It’s just – Time loops, and the King of Hawkins High going back over and over and over again just to stop Eddie Munson from dying, and – “Fuck,” Steve says, and Eddie doesn’t remember, but there’s a song that won’t leave his head, and the voice is soft and warm just like the way Steve smiles at him and – “I didn’t think you remembered any of it.” --- Eddie died in a time loop a hundred times and all Steve got was this tee-shirt.
You're the Driver, You're the Road - stereobone (8k)
Eddie meant it when he said once he graduated, he was getting the hell out of Hawkins. He just didn't realize that Steve was going to keep showing up.
the most remarkable thing about you standing in the doorway is that it's you - @greatunironic (34k)
Sixteen years after the world didn't end for the last time, Max Mayfield showed up on Steve’s doorstep and said, “You gonna walk me down the aisle in May or what?” Or, it’s 2002 and Steve Harrington attends a wedding, a funeral, and a birth.
Waiting Room - @kissmejusttokiss (55k)
Sometimes, Eddie thinks they should have left him in the Upside Down. But people are happy that he’s alive. Or, at least, that’s what they keep telling him. Dustin follows him around like letting Eddie out of his sight will bring about the second coming of hell. Constantly asking if he’s OK, never taking yes for an answer. The other kids do the same, lingering and worrying, but with a softer approach. Robin calls him every day and he gets used to her impromptu visits even if sometimes he doesn’t manage to get a word in edgewise. And Steve… Steve is an enigma wrapped in an atrociously good-looking riddle. Eddie navigates the aftermath of surviving the final battle and tries his best not to lose the only good thing to ever happen to him. (Even if that means making a deal with the devil.) sequel to 'i can't save us, my Atlantis'
sir stephen strider finds his suzie - @lesbianrobin (5k)
Dustin watches Eddie's face as everyone else giggles. He's retained his typical intimidating smirk for much of this encounter, but as Steve stumbles through his fictional seduction, Eddie's eyes soften. His smirk slowly turns to a small grin. “Didn't Wizard Romeo and Juliet both die?” he asks, in that same low, grumbly voice he always loves to use for big scary bad guys. The effect is jarring. “Well, yes, but… they loved each other first,” Steve says, oddly sincere. “I think love is worth the risk. Wouldn't you agree? And then, uh, I'm gonna take off my helmet and, like—” Steve tosses his hair, shaking it out dramatically and running a hand through it afterward to fix any wayward strands. "Ew,” Mike says. Nancy presses a hand over her mouth, but it does nothing to hide her smile. Usually, this is the point where Eddie would make them all roll initiative. Dustin has his D20 ready. But Eddie smiles. Eddie fucking smiles, and not in that maniacal way he does before siccing something horrific on them, he fucking beams, and says, "You're gonna scrape your neck on his mace doing that, just so you know."
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mygayshortstories · 9 months
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This is Part 2 of one of my earliest stories, “Drunk & Disorderly” and I’ve delayed posting it as I wasn’t sure how it might be received. They say that the first rule of counselling is not to get emotionally involved with your client. You certainly don’t go to bed with him! Yes, well……
David comes onto his Counsellor
(my neighbours' young son needs more than a shoulder to cry on....)
Just to remind you – David was 18 and he lived with his younger sister, a smothering mother and a rather authoritarian father in the apartment upstairs. He was about 5’ 8”, slightly built and his eyes, as I recall, were greyish-blue. He was a studious type, bright and articulate and he always had neat, gelled hair – except on the occasion when his mates dumped him, drunk, on my doorstep that night!  But that’s the earlier story. This is some months later.
In the meantime, David and I had become friends. After I gave him refuge on the night of his Birthday, he eventually wheedled out of me what had happened and after overcoming his embarrassment, it seemed to give him the courage to start confiding in me. First, if he passed through the car park when I was cleaning the car, he would hang around, just making conversation. Then he began dropping-in on me in the apartment whenever he could – often late in the evening on his way home from a night out. It was all quite platonic and ‘proper’ and I gave him coffee and we talked about all sorts of stuff. I effectively became a kind of unofficial counsellor for him.
One of the good things that seemed to have come from these chats was his increasing confidence and independence from his overbearing parents. After his Birthday, when he was out all night for the first time in his life (his parents never knew that he spent the night zonked-out out on my bed, thank goodness!) they questioned him less and less about his comings and goings and seemed to give him more freedom to be the young man that he was. And a gorgeous young man he was too!  Every time he came around, I couldn’t stop from remembering my having to pull his trousers off his drunk and sleeping body; and his lovely tight black underpants (the ones with the white trim and piping!) – and all the rest. But I digress……..
I suppose he must have known that I had grown quite fond of him but I couldn’t quite figure-out why he liked spending so much time with me until I got him onto the subject of sex one night. My suspicions proved right. He knew that I was gay right from the outset; so did his parents, because I had been fairly open about my erstwhile partner but it was only now that David admitted that he was gay too. Actually, the words he used were, “I think I might be gay.”  Yeah, well! The trouble was he wasn’t sure because, although he had never had any interest in girls, his only ‘relationship’ was with this other lad, Gavin, who sounded to me pretty messed-up and who was driving David up the wall!
David was besotted with Gavin though. Gavin was ‘Mr Wonderful’, in every respect. He had been his best friend at school and they had spent a lot of time together, in class, at each other’s homes, in each other’s rooms, etc.  They had “messed around”, as David so coyly put it, but had not “done anything serious”.  The reason for that was not because of any reluctance on David’s part but because Gavin wasn’t sure. According to David, Gavin wasn’t sure about himself; he wasn’t sure what he was and he wasn’t sure what he wanted; in fact, although I had never met Gavin, from what David told me about him, there didn’t seem to me to be a whole lot Gavin was sure about!  He wasn’t doing David any good, that’s for sure, but like a good counsellor, I didn’t say this to David. But I did encourage David to keep questioning what he was doing and whether it was getting him anywhere.
Eventually, David resolved to have it out with Gavin (so to speak) and to tell him that he had to make up his mind if he wanted to continue his relationship with David. If so, it was going to have to involve “doing sex properly”, as David so quaintly put it.  David rang me on his mobile earlier in the evening to say he was going over to see Gavin (again) and that he expected tonight to be the dénouement and “can I come round later to tell you how it went?”.
“Of course,” I said.
By 11.30, I figured they were probably “doing sex properly”, to use David’s words, so I went to bed.  The doorbell rang about 11.45 and I threw on my dressing-gown and answered the door to find David standing there, looking forlorn and with blood-shot eyes.  I suspected he’d been crying.
At this point, I should mention that we had not been particularly tactile in our friendship up to now, although he had taken to man-hugging me affectionately each time I answered my front door to him. But that was as far as it had gone. So I was a little taken by surprise when, as soon as the door was closed, he threw his arms around me and burst into tears!
“I’ve lost him!” he sobbed into my dressing-gown, “He’s gone for good now and it’s all my fault! What am I going to do?”
Now, I’m ashamed to say that I already had a hard-on in my pyjama bottoms under my dressing-gown and I was desperate that he shouldn’t find out, so I managed to pull him away from me and I steered him into the bedroom, as the rest of the apartment was in darkness and the heating was off.  I sat him on the bed, gave him a box of tissues and let him calm down enough to start telling me what had happened.  Well yes, I knew what had happened but that’s what you do, don’t you, at times like this!
After he calmed down a bit and the tears began to dry up, I made coffee and we sat on the bed for nearly an hour, with poor David recounting (for the umpteenth time) every detail of his life-story with Gavin, interrupted with bouts of tears and sobbing and more tissues until, when he had just about exhausted his supply of tears, he said,
“Can I stay with you tonight? I can’t go home now and risk waking Mum & Dad. If they see me like this, what would I say?”
What could I say? After all that had passed between us and after what happened that night on his Birthday, I couldn’t turn him out now.  I suppose, what I should have done is let him sleep on the couch but it had not escaped me that he had used the expression, “stay with you tonight” rather than “stay here tonight” and I somehow knew that he needed the physical comfort of a friend beside him and not just a cold couch to doss-down on for the night. So I slipped discreetly back under the covers of the bed and just said, “OK”, patting the top of the duvet beside me.
I pretended not to look as he shyly turned his back to me, taking his shirt and trousers off and laying them over the chair. But even from the back, the view of his slim, young body and his blemish-free skin sent tingles of excitement through me. I saw his lovely pert bum, tonight clad in a rather jazzy pair of pink and yellow briefs, which he left on.  As he climbed into bed on the other side, I found myself saying,
“Do you want to cuddle a while?” and I raised my arm as he quickly rolled across and snuggled up beside me, putting one arm around my middle and resting his head on my chest. His underpant-clad groin was pressed against my thigh and I had an erection again!
Thankfully, I was still wearing my pyjama bottoms but I was still embarrassed that he might discover my erection, so I rolled onto my side facing away from him but still holding him to me. His arm was still clutched around my middle but his face was now buried in the back of my neck and his bulge (which I was rather aware of by this time) was pressing against my backside.
This seemed fine for a while and I thought he was settling-down to doze. But then I felt his arm move and his hand start to stroke my chest, softly and gently at first, exploring and discovering my nipple. I didn’t want his hand ‘wandering’ any further, so I took hold of it with my own and gave it an affectionate squeeze. However, I think he must have taken that as a signal to go further because his hand now pulled away and began ‘wandering’ down across my stomach and my pyjamas. As he did so, I felt his hand brush against my erect organ, unconstrained beneath the loose folds of my pyjama bottoms. Needless to say, my heart was racing, surely loud enough for him to hear it!  His hand came to rest on my erect and sensitive penis and he closed his fingers around it softly.  I tried not to twitch but, you know how it is, you can’t help it; an involuntary spasm occurred in my groin that manifested itself in a twitch in my member – followed by that familiar feeling of a drop of pre-cum oozing into the soft cotton of my pyjamas.
Part of me wanted to stop him now, before it went any further, but I’m sorry to say that I was so excited by this gorgeous young man pressed tightly up against me and with his hand around my organ that I just lay there, allowing him to make the next move.  Which he did.
He deftly slid his hand under the waistband of my pyjama bottoms and began slowly masturbating me, using my own pre-cum as a lube. I’m uncut, and he was gently pulling my foreskin up and down over the moist head of my erect organ and this just encouraged more pre-cum to flow. His fingers seemed to be almost lovingly massaging the now swollen and moist head of my tool. I was so highly aroused by all this – and him especially – that I knew I wasn’t going to be able to hold it.  It was just too exciting. Plus, I hadn’t had sex or masturbated in the last three days!
Before I knew it, I felt that familiar aching feeling in my balls; his continued motions up and down with my foreskin, around and around my penis-head, so firmly and yet so gently, soon elicited the inevitable result – and I just came. Just like that. As I climaxed, I gasped in relief as my jism erupted though my tool and into the folds of my pyjamas.  Realising what was happening under the bed-clothes, the motions of his hand became more sweeping; his fingers clasped and enveloped the head of my penis, as I shot 3 or 4 more loads of my sperm into his eager hand and fingers. I was in agony and ecstasy at the same time, as my spasms continued until they subsided in his hand. It was then that he kissed me on the back of my neck. Meanwhile, as I breathed heavily, recovering my composure, I hugged him closer to me, as an unspoken acknowledgement of affection for what he had just done.  I thought that would be it.
We lay there for a few minutes until quietly, he murmured my name and said,
“Will you let me do it to you? You know, put it inside you.”  He said the words with a kind of soft pleading in his voice and I could feel his own erection bulging in his underpants, pressed hard against my buttocks.
“Don’t you want to keep that for someone special?” was all I could think to say.
“But you are someone special,” he replied and I took a deep breath of resignation, as I turned on the light and rolled over to look him in the face.  His lovely blue-grey eyes were still sad and blood-shot from all his crying earlier but his face just looked like a little puppy that wanted to be loved. I couldn’t help it. I put my hand out, pulled his face to me and kissed him warmly on the lips. Such soft, luscious and delicious lips.
I thought that, possibly, I might have shocked him; but no. He simply copied my move and put his hand behind my head, as we both melted into each other in such a loving kiss that, to me, tasted like sweet honey!  My mind raced as I thought of all the rules I had just broken and I realised what thin ice I was on. I wouldn’t be able to forgive myself if he ended-up being hurt even more by what I had just done but somehow I must have known that he was old enough and sensible enough and that it was all going to be alright.
As he took his underpants off, I also slipped my damp bottoms off.  Then I reached over to the cabinet and got a condom from the drawer. I gave it to him and said,
“I suppose you know what to do with this?”
He looked at me with a sort of sheepish grin that spoke of naughtiness and guilt. He took it from me and began opening it, as I rolled onto my front with a pillow under me. I reached out and passed him the lube, as I felt him climb over, astride and behind me.
I guess it was because it was his first time doing this that he was a bit frantic at first and I had to calm him down.
“Take it slowly - gently. I’m not going anywhere!”  I assured him, as he nervously prodded around for his entry. I reached behind myself with one hand and took hold of his rock-hard erection, now clad in its cover, all slippery with lube, and I guided it to its destination. He pushed into me – a bit too hard and a bit too far really – and I gasped as his tool crashed my outer and inner sphincters in one go.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry” he said, nervously, “Did I do it wrong?”
“No. No, it’s alright,” I reassured him, “Just hold there a while and let me relax.”  
Good as gold, he waited for me to signal that he could carry on.
Once he began thrusting in and out of me, it didn’t take him long before his motion became more urgent, more frantic, as I felt his solid manhood pushing up, deeply into my insides. I had come already less than half-an-hour ago and yet the excitement of feeling him slapping his groin against my buttocks, his arms astride my body and his organ inside me was getting me aroused again. He didn’t realise it but his hard tool was also rubbing back and forth across my prostate and it was driving me towards another orgasm. But something didn’t feel quite right. Then, during one of his frantic lunges I felt him slip out of me.
“Oh shit,” he uttered at first, then “Oh no! It’s slipped off!  Oh fuck, sorry!”
Oddly enough, I’d never heard him swear before; he was always such a well-spoken young man with me but the frustration had clearly got the better of him. You have to make a snap decision at times like this and on this occasion, I decided the risk factors to both of us were probably minimal. So I said,
“Never mind - don’t worry about it – just carry on without it. It’ll be ok.” And I reached around and grabbed the soggy article, throwing it on the floor beside the bed. Fortunately, he was still hard (not to say slippery!) and I guided his desperate organ back to its target.  He didn’t waste any time either. Perhaps dispensing with the condom made him feel it was even more personal, more intimate this way because within a minute or two, his thrusting became more desperate and forceful again. He started moaning and whimpering, as he made lunge after lunge, hard into me and I felt that tell-tale ache in my groin, as an unwilling second orgasm oozed its juices from my cock into the pillow beneath me. Just at that moment, pushing hard into me, he paused and I felt his organ throbbing and pulsing inside of me as all the pent-up emotions and frustrations of his last year now came surging out of him and into me. Into my body.  He gasped loudly, almost shouting out his relief and then collapsed against my back with his arms clasped tightly around my chest, his face buried in the nape of my neck.  He was crying again, sobbing his heart out, and I realised at that moment that at the height of his climax, he had been imagining that he was at last fulfilling his wish to make love to his beloved Gavin.
We lay there, as his softening cock gently slipped out of me and I let him sob against my neck for a moment or two, his tears and dribble running down the side of my neck and cheek. Then I moved around and rolled over, with him face down beside me, sobbing.
“I’m sorry; I’m so sorry,” he sobbed into the pillow. I gently raised his head from the pillow and looked into his beautiful blue-grey, bloodshot eyes as I gently stroked his hair and comforted him.
“It’s alright, David. Come here,” I said and I drew him to me, as he put his arm across me and placed his face back against my chest.  He knew that I knew – and that I understood.  We both drifted-off to sleep in each other’s arms.
I need not have worried about him. It was me that probably got hurt because we never made love again, although we did become even firmer, deeper friends than before.  He still called around for late night chats but we never talked about that night and soon our conversations would include tales of his latest conquests and then his new “boyfriend”, who he of course brought round to me to approve!  It’s sad really, isn’t it - but in a nice kind of way!
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If you liked that story, please let me know - even post a comment under “ask me a question”. Or perhaps you’d just like to read another story?
Here’s an index of my other sordid tales, many of them taken from my own true-life sexual adventures: Erotic Gay Stories Index
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blorbologist · 11 months
Caaaan I be cheeky and go Trick Trick Treat (to the beat of Duck Duck Goose) and As Many De Rolos As You Feel Like Including?
Not sure if I quite pulled that off, but that'll be your call to make ;3
“Ow! Fuck! What the hell - stop fucking - ow - Ollie!!”
“Language,” Vesper chides, poking at Whitney’s ankles with her cane without breaking her stride. “And stop fucking pulling her hair, Oliver.”
“You swore too! I’m gonna tell mum!” Littlest Cassandra - a knight this year - giggles, tidying Whitney’s fairy pigtails.
Oliver sulks, jack-o-lantern basket swinging as he stomps a few paces ahead. There’s chatter as the three slightly more well behaved kids chatter, discussing classmates’ costumes and candy hauls and optimal routes, before Oliver eventually can’t resist and slows to join them.
Julius is perfectly content to let his sister handle the siblings. He and Vesper are definitely too old for trick-or-treating, but once the littles are tuckered out, they can drop them on the doorstep and take off to the nearest Halloween rager. Not like he hasn’t been pregaming it - his jack-o-lantern has a smile of brown glass and slooshes like it’s about to vomit. 
Oh, he could be there now - already - swimming in a sea of sexy nurses and sexy lady CEOs and sexy sexy sexy, while Vesper and her friends binged old Halloween classics. If not for his wonderful middle brother.
Percival ‘too old for Halloween’ de Rolo got to skip out on this delight of being an older sibling by citing a project due tomorrow in his morning class. For the record, the nerd never leaves anything to the last minute. It was deliberate, Julius would swear on it.
Vesper thwacks his ankle. Julius glances up - it didn’t hurt thanks to the fireman boots - to see her frowning. 
“Where are we?”
A quick glance at the streetsigns answers him - though understandable Vesper can’t read them with her black shades. It’s getting awfully dark, and more lamps are unlit than not for the Halloween atmosphere. “Academy Lane? The Soltryce is at the one end. Dad has a lot of friends that live here.”
It’s definitely the sort of neighborhood Julius is familiar with - gated snaking driveways, walls mimicking castle architecture, the self-importance of the nouveau-riche. 
Nothing can beat an actual fucking castle, though.
Vesper frowns, adjusts her tie. “Mhm. I don’t see many pumpkins out. We should turn back.”
“One more and we’ll get to the car,” Julius promises. Cass is flagging anyways, not helped by all that aluminum platemail. She’ll be begging for bedtime soon. 
But there is a pumpkin on this porch - two, actually, a horribly ugly pair - so Julius ducks past the toothy open gate and keeps an eye on the hooligans. At least they’re having fun.
Never would he admit it, but Vesper has a bit of a point. It’s creepy - the tamed and trimmed trees look like manicured hands, backlit by faint light from the road and sick pale gold from the mansion. Despite how well-kept the place is, it’s crawling with vines. Trying to pick a late-season flower from one is a mistake - Vesper turns when he yelps.
“Just a thorn,” says Julius. When she’s not looking he presses his thumb to his lips, to swipe off the blood.
He and Vesper pause two-thirds the way to the house just as Cass reaches the front steps, Ludwig hushing the twins so she can catch up and be ready to yell with them. Whitney insists on ringing the bell - echoed down the drive, the sound makes Julius shiver. It’s getting cold.
The door swings open, delighted to see them, and the children just as delighted.
“Trick or treat!” hollers the host of little monsters. Everything looks less scary by the light: Cass is a little knight, and the imposing owners of the home are familiar faces with candy at hand.
“Oh, Lady Briarwood!” Julius calls, relieved. “What a surprise!” 
Her smile glows just as the jack-o-lantern’s does. “What a pleasant surprise indeed.”
🎃Trick or Treat! Send me an ask and you'll get a trick (angst) or treat (fluff) ficlet in return! 🎃
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cookiesuga55 · 2 years
Holiday Fluff Yoonkook~
(I smashed this out (instead of studying) with a mug of hot chocolate and there is no plot but I hope you enjoy *kith*)
Holiday Fluff
Jungkook and Yoongi are unlikely roommates. Namjoon lived with his short hyung until Jin came into the picture and swept him away, tucking him into his apartment and leaving Yoongi with an empty extra room and way too much quiet to be okay.
That is, until Namjoon deposits one Jeon Jungkook on Yoongi's doorstep. Fresh in his third year of an undergraduate music degree, Jungkook brings so much noise into Yoongi's life that he starts chucking shoes at the wall separating their rooms just to tell the younger to stop playing the Justin Bieber Christmas album like it's the bible.
Aside from the constant pop music, Jungkook helps Yoongi in ways that he is eternally grateful for. He forces him out of bed every day (even if he hates it) just for Yoongi to tell him to turn down the goddamn tinny music screaming from his beat-up laptop, or to at least play it out of a proper speaker with actual bass. Jungkook forces Yoongi to eat two real meals a day by filling the apartment with delicious smells that have his stomach grumbling in a way that he can't ignore and tame with another cup of stale coffee. Jungkook has somehow even wrangled Yoongi into joining him in the online workout classes that he streams on their television.
God, he even has Yoongi humming along with the fucking Christmas music. There are led lights that kind of burn to look at haphazardly taped up around their flat like it's a psychotic scene from fucking Stranger Things. Yoongi grumbles and throws a fit, which only makes Jungkook giggle and his nose scrunch up.
It's nice.
Yoongi hasn't thought about the things that sometimes come crashing into his chest so hard that he can't breathe for... 5 months now. That might be the longest stretch ever. He finds himself enjoying the things he used to overlook... and he knows it's all thanks to a certain doe-eyed, exercise-obsessed little shit. One that Yoongi is finding he can't live without. Jungkook is like a stray cat that was left on his doorstep and wiggled its way into his life, just to become something so crucial to his everyday routine that the thought of Jungkook not being around leaves a gaping hole in Yoongi's chest.
He more than likes Jungkook, but the boy is so sweet and kind, and so damn happy that Yoongi doesn't want to drag him into his emotional bullshit. He resigns to keep those feelings to himself, even if it eats away at all color in his life that Jungkook keeps painting new layers on every day.
So when Jungkook packs up his bag by sitting on it to shut the zipper instead of actually folding his clothes, and Yoongi drives him to the train station, the emptiness that he faces back in their flat is deafening. Jungkook is home for a month off of school, and Yoongi is left with falling down string lights and the quiet snowfall outside of his window. The darkness comes creeping back in underneath his door, and threatens to wrap around him like the bedsheets that he really needs to detangle himself from and actually wash.
Cute texts from the younger act in place of motivation to get out of his room. The occasional voice memo of a new hummed melody have him cracking open his notebook and spilling out pages of words that maybe someday will get refined into lyrics. The day circled on their calendar (of Hottest Firemen 2022 that Jungkook somehow managed to sneak up on their kitchen wall) that reads "Jungkook returns" steadily creeps closer. Yoongi isn't even ashamed to admit that the dwindling moments until the younger comes back feels like a light at the end of a tunnel.
Yoongi drums his fingertips on the cold steering wheel as he waits for Jungkook to emerge from the train station. He nibbles on his chapped lower lip while he watches a black blob approach the frosted windows, and he unlocks the doors. Jungkook slides into the passenger seat and the car automatically feels warmer.
Jungkook is pink and rumpled from the cold. His nose is flushed underneath a thick scarf, with snowflakes clinging to his dark eyelashes, and Yoongi gets slammed with how beautiful Jungkook is. Even bundled in black like a dementor, he's glowing and giggling and asking Yoongi what he's been up to in the past few weeks.
Yoongi hears all about Jungkook's holiday back in Busan on the drive home. The talk of family and gifts and meals has his chest aching, but in a good way that brings a smile to his lips. He's so happy that Jungkook has a family to laugh with and absorb all of the love that the boy so obviously deserves.
Back home, Jungkook discards his snow-damp coat in a haphazard pile on the kitchen floor and flops onto the couch with a happy sigh. Yoongi endures jokes thrown at him about the bedraggled state of their apartment, and he hopes it doesn't scream of a month of depression. However, Yoongi takes it all with a bitten-back smile as he brews them mugs of Jungkook's favorite hot chocolate.
He turns the corner with the hot drinks and stops in his tracks.
This is the first time seeing Jungkook not wrapped in 20 layers. Jungkook is laying out with his eyes closed and he looks... different. His face is fuller, cheeks pink and round, and where his shirt falls around his waist, there is a defined curve pushing up. Yoongi blinks. An entire month of his mother's cooking has filled him out, and Jungkook has a layer of softness to him that Yoongi has never seen before. The kid has always been borderline sinful with his workout routines. Yoongi has only known Jungkook to be lean and padding around with a towel around his thin waist after a steamy shower. This Jungkook, apparently a soft rounded version of Jungkook that only surfaces at the holidays, has Yoongi's stomach clenching with heat and his mouth watering.
Jungkook's eyelids flutter open at the scent of the hot chocolate, and his dumpling cheeks bunch up in a smile. He props himself up on the couch. The squish at his waist is clearly visible underneath his tight t-shirt and it creases into a chubby belly that bulges at the bottom.
Yoongi's cheeks feel like they're on fire. Jungkook happily takes the cocoa and drinks up like his life depends on it. Yoongi can't stop staring and licking his lips as Jungkook happily prattles on about god-knows-what, and his tattooed hand subtly rests on his distended tummy, gently rubbing. Yoongi knows he shouldn't mention it. He knows it's rude to comment on someone's weight, especially when they've gained so much as to look properly chubby. But it's Jungkook that brings it up, and Yoongi's will snaps in half like the candy cane Jungkook is licking from his devoured mug of sugar and chocolate.
"I always gain so much weight when I go home, but I just can't help it. The food is too delicious to pass up." Jungkook pouts, and it's so cute that Yoongi wants to bite his cheek. He hums in what he hopes is nonchalance, and Jungkook fills the silence like he always does, spilling his thoughts with no filter. He sighs and crunches into his candy cane.
"God, I know I've gotten fat, but it just feels so nice? I'm dreading starting my new year's workout routine." His hand gives his belly a pat. Yoongi might be actually salivating as he watches the bulge in his middle give a little happy jiggle.
The broken words fall out of him before he can even stop them. "You look good, Kook-ah... Soft and pretty."
The realization of what he just said hits after a long beat of quiet, and his cheeks catch on fire at the stare Jungkook is piercing him with.
"What?" Jungkook's voice is a little squeaky, and Yoongi wants to die. Melt on the spot, bury himself alive. He did not just say that. He looks away and fumbles with his untouched cocoa, the mug now cold in his stiff hands. He gives another little hum and an awkward lift of his shoulders. Maybe he can get out of it if he ignores what he just so stupidly said.
He makes to get up. The shared blanket around his legs acts like shackles that he has to detangle himself. It's just enough time for Jungkook to grab his wrist. Fuck. Yoongi is so fucked.
"You think... I'm pretty?" Jungkook gives a tug, and Yoongi stares somewhere left of his ear. He gives another uncomfortable shrug of his shoulders, but his face feels so hot that he knows it isn't convincing. Jungkook's voice hardens, in the way that Namjoon's does when he tells him to get the fuck up out of his misery and take a shower.
"Hyung." Shit. Yoongi meets Jungkook's eyes. They're big and brown and practically alight with hope, even if his voice is demanding. "Answer me."
Yoongi knows he is going to his grave, but he gives a slight nod. His gaze falls to Jungkook's hand firmly around his wrist. "You're always pretty Jungkookie, but... especially right now..."
Jungkook finishes his words for him after a pause. "Because I'm fat."
Yoongi flinches. Hearing it like that sounds so harsh. Ugly. He shakes his head no and corrects. "Because you're soft. Well-loved. Happy."
Jungkook's breath hitches. Yoongi isn't sure what to do with himself. He's standing there like a stone in a river, and Jungkook is looking up at him like he just confessed. Maybe he did. Yoongi's head isn't working right.
Yoongi watches with his teeth sinking into his lip as Jungkook gently removes the mug of cold chocolate from his grip. He tugs insistently on his wrists and Yoongi stumbles towards him.
"Hyung, get down here," he's grinning, and Yoongi isn't sure why, but Jungkook's eyes are glittering in that way that can never mean anything except trouble.
He lets himself be tugged right into Jungkook's lap. He's pulled into pillowy soft squish that has his hands aching to touch. A nearly imperceptible whine builds in his throat, but it's all that Jungkook needs to push his tongue into the inside of his cheek and look like he just won the lottery, eyes lidded as he analyzes Yoongi's expression.
"I never thought that you liked big guys, hyung," he teases. "Never knew you were a chubby chaser."
Yoongi's cheeks alight again, and it gives him the fire he needs to smack Jungkook's shoulder and retaliate, "I'm not, you little shit."
Jungkook cackles with his head thrown back, and it breaks the palpable tension between them like a string. Yoongi's muscles relax, and he realizes that Jungkook is guiding his hands up under his shirt. "Fine. You're not," he teases up at him, "but if you were, I'd let you feed me dinner and feel my belly get full. But you're not. So I won't."
Jungkook pushes Yoongi's palms into his middle. His heart races in his chest. Yoongi's cold hands sink into silky warm skin. There is a thick layer of fat sitting inside Jungkook's waist, and it's so fucking delicious that he almost groans.
Yoongi can't help it. He grips the chub and feels it squish between his fingers, so decadent and soft, warm and sweet just like Jungkook is. A content sounds bubbles up from the younger, and Yoongi's gaze flicks back up to the brown doe-eyes. Jungkook's cheeks are flushed rosy and his tongue slowly licks his lips.
"...and you'd like that?" Yoongi's voice comes out scratchy and deep. He experimentally rubs his thumbs into his padded waist. "You're... into that? Being fed... g-gaining weight?" He squeezes his soft sides and watches as the blush creeps across Jungkook's nose. He looks shy now that he's actually being touched, and the heat in Yoongi's core is blooming with pleasure.
The nod is almost not even a nod, and it's not good enough for Yoongi. He lets his fingernails bite into the chub filling his hands and narrows his eyes. "Use your words Jungkookie. Hyung won't do anything without your consent." Jungkook's blush darkens, and he nods much more obviously, whispering, "Y-yes, hyung. I like that. I like getting fat. A-always have... s-secretly. L-love the holidays because of it."
Yoongi softens his gaze and his grip. He slides his palms up Jungkook's warm sides, around to his curved front, and pets down his belly. Jungkook's eyelids flutter. Yoongi whispers back with pure honesty, "I love seeing you soft and chubby like this. You're even more beautiful than usual, Kook-ah. I've always enjoyed... admiring," his lips tilt up and he gives the sides of his tummy a soft pat. Jungkook whimpers.
"A-Admiring? But not... feeding?" Jungkook's voice shakes. Yoongi wants to positively coo over him. But he needs him to understand.
"You're very special to me, Jungkookie. I don't want to make you uncomfortable or ruin our friendship. The fact that I like watching pretty boys chub up online doesn't give me any right to take advantage of you."
Jungkook's warm palms slide up the sides of Yoongi's thighs, and he swallows. "B-but what if... I wanted you to?" He looks up at him shyly from beneath his long eyelashes. "What if I was asking you to, hyung? W-would you enjoy that... with me? Feeding me... Loving me so much that I grow?"
Something akin to a growl rumbles embarrassingly in his throat, and Jungkook makes a little squeak just like a bunny. But he's smiling. Jungkook is smiling so big and bright and pleased like Yoongi has already said yes.
"Fuck, Jungkookie," Yoongi feels one wrong step from tumbling off of a cliff. How did they even get here? "You're sure?"
Jungkook grabs Yoongi's hands and pushes them against his softer chest. He can feel the younger's heart pounding against his palms. Jungkook speaks so confidently that Yoongi's knees would give out if he was standing. "Oh. I'm sure. Hyung, I've dreamed about you fattening me up for months. I just never knew you might like that too."
Yoongi groans. He loses it. He bends down and presses his chapped lips to Jungkook's waiting strawberry ones. Jungkook's mouth is so sweet and soft. It stretches into a smile before he's eagerly kissing him back.
"Kook-ah," Yoongi bites his lower lip, unable to keep his feelings inside, "I like you so much more than I know is healthy. You're offering me my darkest desire with the sweetest boy like you're spreading out on a fucking silver platter for me to enjoy however I like."
Jungkook excitedly nibbles back at his mouth, face tilted up and hands keeping Yoongi firmly against him. He giggles, cute and soft and inviting. "I like you too Yoongi-hyung. I've been so bad at hiding it. I thought you knew. Didn't all of my texts and voice memos give it away?"
"More like they kept me alive," Yoongi confesses and runs his fingers through Jungkook's silky dark hair, letting it spill around his hands. "Fuck, you're so perfect." He pulls back from the kiss and takes in Jungkook's expression. How his lips are swollen, his cheeks chubby and pink, and his eyelids fluttering in pleasure.
When Jungkook opens them, his pupils are dilated, and he shivers at the praise. It makes Yoongi grin. He wants to pour more over him. Jungkook licks his lips and whines, "I dreamed of you so much over the holidays. I dreamed that it was you making me chubby."
He wants to nip and bite at Jungkook's pink mouth again. Instead, he exhales, and kisses each cheek, trying to tamp the fire inside of him.
He looks into Jungkook's eyes and smiles like a fool, gums and all.
"Well, Jungkookie... now you don't have to dream anymore."
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ficklefood · 1 year
ok more thoughts for my married jasico fic(?) idea (that i talked about in my last post)
they are in their mid-late 20s by this point, nico has now taken on a director-type kind of role in camp half-blood and is way more hands-on than either chiron or mr d. the demigods absolutely love nico and look up to him, and nico kind of has this thing going on where he *pretends* to be stern and mature as an authority figure, but the kids thinks he's too cool in like, an edgy epic way, to ever be actually scared of him. (which, of course, boggles him every time and makes his heart twist because these kids like him and arent scared, even though he's been in a staff role on camp for like 7 years and counting now)
nico is pretty much a kindergarten-middle school-high school teacher (because chb's got kids of all ages), pretty much a physical education-arts and crafts-home economics-all around teacher, slash guidance counselor, slash wilderness and survival coach, slash friendship/love advice-giver/mediator -- he does a lot on camp for the kids. and a lot of his time is dedicated to the younger ones, who of course need more guidance and supervision. nico's pretty much settled into the role of everyone's secondary parent (and for some sad cases, he has to play as a primary parent figure). it's demanding work but he wouldnt have it any other way. he's making sure that camp is *home* for the young demigods in a way he wished he had it from the very beginning.
i also like the idea of nico having taken a few psychology and education courses, to help him be a better support figure for demigods who are going through some traumatic stuff. gods know he's been through a lifetime's worth of trauma a kid shouldn't have gone through. he didnt finish an entire degree though, he decided that academics isnt really his thing
jason, on the other hand, went to college to study history and got really into it. now he's pursuing a career as a historian and is starting his phd! everyone, including himself, thought he would be into roman military history, but as he started his historical studies and was exposed to all kinds of different stuff, he eventually settled on a real interest in social history, especially queer history, in the ancient world. he finished his undergrad at new rome but started his postgrad someplace nearer long island/camp half blood, so nico can go to work in camp, and because jason got a good offer at whatever university anyway
they have a house near camp and jason drives nico to and from work since they have 1 car. picking nico up and driving home together after a long day always puts a smile on jason's face, no matter how tiring or frustrating his research was that day. he would always find time to help nico out on camp, and often gives special history classes to the kids (alongside the usual combat training and strategy classes he's always been good at too). nico and jason go jogging along camp halfblood's beach every sunday. the campers know jason and love him as they love nico! he's more open about spoiling them, especially the littler ones, than nico, who also cant help his soft spot for them, but at still tries to be stern (and fails)
by this point theyre more than ready to start their own little family. theyre so so ready to have their own kids! nico cherishes the happy moments with his family from his childhood, before everything got complicated.... jason wants to find that happy family life, that he never really got to have as a kid, with nico.... so they talk about it from time to time until they decide to actually *do* something about it and start looking up their options like adoption or surrogates and then boom, one day a baby shows up on their doorstep, with soft, blond hair like jason and warm, dark eyes like nico, swaddled up in a basket and sleeping soundly, and oh...the baby is a gift from...juno? who's pleased that they're such a wonderful married couple and deigned to go ahead and grant them this beautiful child?
anyway ok much to think about much to flesh out, but god i really want this to be A Fic that i can yknow Read and stuff and just have in my hands. yknow. ugh
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ssleepdeprivedauthor · 3 months
Well, less work for him. Plus, less people dying. A win is a win. “---Take him in immediately! He’s losing blood at an alarming rate!” What? Wait. He recognized that blond hair, those eyes. From so many years ago . . . was this really how they would meet again? In a hospital emergency room, surrounded by antiseptics and hand sanitizers?   OR, after Kurapika mysteriously disappears for ten years, he suddenly pops up into Leorio's life once again. Just not in the way either of them expected.
Not one damn day went where Leorio didn’t think of Kurapika. You’d think most people would have moved on by now, but he couldn’t. He had no idea whether Kurapika was dead or alive, and the smallest chance of him being alive caused him to wait, for however long was needed. 
But God, it was hard. He missed him so much. 
Flashbacks flooded through Leorio’s mind, ones he tried to forget often. Sometimes, though, he’d allow himself to indulge. After all, it was extremely difficult to try and forget someone like him. 
Leorio couldn’t even tell whether they were still together anymore. Ten years, they had been apart. If Kurapika just randomly showed up on his doorstep, would he even be able to forgive him? He knew he couldn’t ever stop loving him, but forgiving was another thing entirely. 
But, hell, he’d do anything to be able to hold Kurapika in his arms once more. 
Honestly, he’d probably fold the second he saw Kurapika. 
Memories of Kurapika’s face, his blond hair, his Kurta clothes all rushed through Leorio’s mind. The hunter exam . . . back when Kurapika had been relatively sane. Back when he could communicate. He was angry, but not the driven by revenge, ravenous Kurapika he had last seen. 
Well. It was no use dwelling on the past now. Leorio had work to do. 
Leorio dragged himself out of bed, scavenging for whatever food was available in the fridge. Sitting down with his leftover, cold pancake, a shiver ran down Leorio’s spine. 
Damn, he really was obsessed wasn’t he? If Kurapika wasn’t dead  by now, he was at least sure to have moved on. Forgotten about Leorio, probably destroying himself in search for the spiders. 
He wanted to hate Kurapika so, so badly. If he ever saw him again, he swore he’d slap some sense into him. Even when Kurapika was with them, after their reunion in Yorknew, there was something so intense about him. 
And not in a good way. It was slightly terrifying, to say the least. But . . . that’s not what scared Leorio the most. If Kurapika kept continuing on this path of revenge, which he was, he knew, he would likely end up dead. And not because of a troupe member. 
Seriously, there needed to be some sort of classes for self care. Or, ‘How to heal your trauma 101’. 
Oh, wait. That’s therapy. 
Well, it’s not like he’d ever be able to convince Kurapika to go to therapy. One, Kurapika was extremely stubborn. If he had his mind set on something, he was most definitely going to stick to it. 
Kurapika was also too far gone. Too delusional, too consumed by rage. So much so that it was slowly killing him. God, if there was anything he could do for Kurapika to just be okay, he’d do it in a heartbeat. 
Leorio quickly ate his pancake, afterwards messily puting on a suit and tie. He checked his watch, looking at the time. 
Shit. He was going to be late. 
Leorio rushed into his car, immediately starting it and driving towards the hospital. 
“Dr. Paradinight, except an increase in the amount of admissions this week. There seems to be a trend going on here. If there are too many patients for you to handle, we will send in more doctors.”  
“Alright ma’am,” Leorio replied, mentally sighing. More work. Well . . . this was what he signed up to do. And he would never regret his decision. After all, being able to save someone’s life would always be worth it. “Thank you, I appreciate it.” 
“You’re welcome. Now, go! You still have a job to do.” 
Leorio headed to the emergency room. 
His boss may have been mistaken. There was hardly anything that classified as an actual emergency, just a bunch of panicked parents. That’s how parenthood was, huh? A constant worrying for your child dying. But it stemmed for a deep love for their kids. While trying to calm down freaked out parents wasn’t exactly the life, it was sweet when you thought about it deeply. 
Well, less work for him. Plus, less people dying. A win is a win. 
“---Take him in immediately! He’s losing blood at an alarming rate!” 
Wait. He recognized that blond hair, those eyes. From so many years ago . . . was this really how they would meet again? In a hospital emergency room, surrounded by antiseptics and hand sanitizers?  
It couldn’t be. He refused to believe it. There was absolutely no way. 
“Dr. Paradinight! We have a patient in critical condition, severe blood loss. His heart rate is spiking, and blood pressure is dropping.” 
Leorio tried not to panic. If it were anyone else, he would be able to stay calm. Okay, this was a life. A life he had to save. He had to be able to save his life, so he could ask his questions, so he could finally get some damn answers. So he could hold onto him and not let go, so he could never let him out of his sight again. 
“Got it. Elevate the affected limb, get a full set of vitals and blood work, and start a preparation for possible transfusion.” 
“Yes sir, on it,” Leorio’s coworker answered, something he barely registered as he stared down at the body in the stretcher, blood flowing freely. 
Kurapika. What the hell did you get yourself into?
Leorio wasn’t exactly religious, but if there were any super beings in the sky right now, he begged them to let Kurapika live. Even after ten whole years apart, Leorio could never stop feeling an indescribable amount of love for this boy. 
‘Please.’ Leorio thought. ‘Please, if you can hear me right now, save him. There’s so much blood. I never imagined him in this situation. Apart from a few, Kurapika is one of the strongest individuals I know. I know in Kurapika’s eyes, he thought he’d be able to take on everything alone. But he can’t. So please, save him, so I can give this damn bastard a lesson on how to accept help. And because I love him, and I’ve finally found him again.’
This was not how their reunion was supposed to be.
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feverista-11 · 1 year
first date with caitlyn (piltover!reader)
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i adore her sm jwjsjsjwjws
this song reminds me of her so much you don’t even understand
to say that caitlyn was nervous as hell to ask you out would be an understatement
a huge understatement
she was in and out of herself for weeks before it actually
cared enough to ask ALL of your friends for your 3 favorite flowers
usually sneaked out of her posts just to see you take a walk in your breaks
you two do see each other regularly, she usually takes you on “hangouts” at the local cafe
literal dates disguised as casual hangouts within friends
back to the date tho
spent hours deciding how to please you with the setup
decided to take you to piltover’s finest restaurant
was determined in making it perfect for you
and so she did
the day before,she got off her shift early just to meet you as you ended your noon classes
“cait, it’s so rare seeing you here! you don’t usually come around” “oh, right, the weather’s just nice to talk a walk, isn’t it?” “sure it is… is something up? you seem, weird” “right! I just wanted to ask you a little question actually” “yeah, sure, what’s up?” “I was just wondering if uh… you’d like to have dinner with me, just us two.. tomorrow?” “you mean like a date?” “No I- yeah.. a date I guess, I mean if you wouldn’t want that it’s o-” “I’d love to go on a date with you cait, don’t worry” “really?! Well then! I’ll come pick you up tomorrow at… 7, does that sound alright?” “It’s perfect, I can’t wait to see how you’ll charm me, kiramman”
and as punctual as she can be, she’s at your doorstep at 6:59pm, ringing your doorbell
you hurriedly put on your heels as you opened the door
the look on her face was just hilarious
she was taken aback on how breathtaking you looked
but composed herself and smiled at you
taking your hand in hers, leading you to the car (with a chauffeur cause my love here is yet to learn how to drive😭)
when you got to the restaurant, she got out first and offered you her hand, while she got a very well hidden bouquet with what were your favorite flowers
“cait?! how’d you know???” “well, I did quite a lot of digging hehe” “this is beautiful… you sure got the charm, kiramman”
you walked up the steps with your hand in hers
then she led you to the beautiful private table she’d prepared for you two
you sat across from her, sharing ever so gentle strokes of the hand, or loving glances every now and then
she’d order your favorite wine beforehand, so it’d be cold by when you arrived
you both ate, conversed for about an hour about sweet nothings with few most casual brushes of her bare leg against yours
“and how have your classes been lately? have you gone by easily?” “actually yes, I hope I’ll be able to finish the year early to get working as soon as possible” “what would your job of interest be then?” “well I was thinking in becoming a lawyer like my mother, I mean, these 4 years of law school haven’t been all for nothing” “you know, i really find it fascinating how you’re so smart yet so charming all at once” “well, it’s not for no reason that I managed to get caitlyn kiramman oh so wrapped around my finger” “sure thing..”
her attempt at making you fold failing once again, as she was left a giddy, blushing mess
after a while of her goofing around with the asparagus that you didn’t eat, it was time to go home
you walked back to the car with your arm locked with hers while laughing about stupid anecdotes
as the driver took the turn for your house, you noticed a road block, well shit
caitlyn looked at you expectantly, almost saying the words with her eyes
“wanna come over?” “well there are not much options are they” you chuckled lightheartedly as the taller girl yawned lazily
when you arrived at the kiramman manor, you had quite a hard time shaking the now asleep caitlyn off your shoulder
she sneakily unlocked the door, but was met with a very worried cassandra and tobias
but once they figured the whole situation out, they were very pleased
you’d met them before, with your mom helping them on a few occasions
they absolutely adored you, to Caitlyn’s relief
the night was short lived, both of you falling asleep rather quickly
you slept on a pair of pajamas she’d lend you
and you shared a bed, quite far from each other yet still hearing each other’s breathing
you woke up to a sight to see
Caitlyn curled up with her head on your chest and her hand locked with yours
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