#Donnamira Boffin
velvet4510 · 6 months
For the heck of it, here are some names (and marriages) that I’ve invented to further complete the hobbit family trees.
Bolded names are my inventions. Italicized names are Tolkien canon.
Topasia Clayhanger was the wife of Ponto Baggins II and mother of Angelica Baggins.
Lila Burrows was the wife of Adalgar Bolger and mother of Rudigar, Rudibert & Ruby Bolger.
Petunia Brownlock was the wife of Adalgrim Took (and thus Merry & Pippin’s grandmother).
Azalea, Camellia, and Mimosa Took were the first three daughters of Adalgrim & Petunia Took (and thus Merry & Pippin’s aunts).
Begonia and Magnolia Took were the two daughters of Adelard Took.
Opal North-took (descendant of the Bullroarer) and Crispard were the parents of Diamond of Long Cleeve, Pippin’s wife.
Astra and Laura Brandybuck were the two daughters of Marmadoc Brandybuck & Adaldrida Bolger.
Fiona Noakes was the wife of Wiseman Gamwich and mother of Hob Gammidge (and thus Sam’s great-great-grandmother).
Columbine Cobblestone was the wife of Hobson “Roper” Gamgee and mother of Andwise Roper, Hamfast “Gaffer” Gamgee, May Gamgee & Halfred of Overhill (and thus Sam’s paternal grandmother).
Brent Goodchild and Heather Rumble were the parents of Bell Goodchild (and thus Sam’s maternal grandparents).
Dahlia Birdwhistle was the wife of Holman Cotton and mother of Tolman & Wilcome (and thus Rosie’s grandmother).
Violet Bunce was the wife of Frodo Gardner and mother of Holfast Gardner (and thus Sam & Rosie’s daughter-in-law).
Clarisse Hornblower was the wife of Holfast Gardner and mother of Harding of the Hill.
Expansion of the Boffin family tree:
Folco Boffin, son of Vigo, was married to Mentha Brandybuck, daughter of Marmadas. They had a daughter, Thalia, and a son, Thiago.
Tosto Boffin, son of Griffo & Daisy, had a son, Parto Boffin.
Thiago was married to Aspenica Bolger, daughter of Fredegar & Angelica, and they had two children, Balto and Hanna Boffin.
Parto had a daughter, Alyssa Boffin, who was married to Elfstan Fairbairn.
Balto had a son, Busto, and a daughter, Donnamira (who married Theriadoc Brandybuck.)
Hanna was married to Paladin Took III, son of Faramir & Goldilocks.
Expansion of the Bolger family tree:
Fredegar “Fatty” Bolger was married to Angelica Baggins. They had five children: Rudecar, Aspenica, Jessaminta, Odovimar, and Miramunda Bolger.
Rudecar was married to Rose Gardner, daughter of Sam & Rosie. They had seven children: Fredimar, Adalvacar, May, Marigold, Belba, Bowegar, and Dina Bolger.
Aspenica was married to Thiago Boffin, son of Folco & Mentha.
Jessaminta was married to Pippin Gardner, son of Sam & Rosie.
Miramunda was married to Boromir Took, son of Pippin & Diamond.
Expansion of the Took family tree:
Everard, son of Adelard, was married to Melilot Brandybuck, daughter of Marmadas; there is a glimpse of their relationship in canon when they dance together at Bilbo’s party. They had a son, Gerard Took.
After Faramir, Peregrin “Pippin” Took & Diamond of Long Cleeve had seven more children: Pearl, Boromir, Beregond, twins Bergil & Opal, Emerald, and Beren Took.
Faramir and his wife Goldilocks Gardner, daughter of Sam & Rosie, had six children: Paladin III, Hildimir, twins Amethyst & Garnet, Gerontimir, and Findas Took.
Pearl was married to Elio Goodbody, brother of Nico (who married Primrose Gardner, daughter of Sam & Rosie). They had two children, Tora and Pogo Goodbody.
Boromir was married to Miramunda Bolger, daughter of Fredegar & Angelica, and they had seven children: Eglantine, Fortigrim, Angelica, Isenmir, Gundabras, Herudin, and Alfrida Took.
Beregond was married to Ruby Gardner, daughter of Sam & Rosie, and they had five children: Aragard, Sapphire, Citrine, Legolard, and Gimlard Took.
Bergil was married to Lydia Hornblower; they had three children, Gloria, India, and Adalius.
Opal was married to Aldo Grubb; they had three children, Adrio, Arno, and Abelia Grubb.
Emerald was married to Marco Burrows, son of Moro & Celandine. They had two children, Mario and Melody Burrows.
Beren never married, but was in a lifelong relationship with Tolman “Tom” Gardner, son of Sam & Rosie.
Paladin III, the 34th Thain, was married to Hanna Boffin, daughter of Thiago & Aspenica. They had a daughter, Adamanta, and a son, Peregrin II - the 35th Thain whose request led to the creation of Findegil’s copy of the Thain’s Book for preservation at the Great Smials.
Fortigrim had a daughter, Berylla, who married Harding of the Hill.
Peregrin II fathered his successor, Faramir II.
Faramir II had two children, Bandobras II (his successor) and Diamond.
Expansion of the Brandybuck family tree:
Mentha, daughter of Marmadas, was married to Moro Burrows, son of Milo & Peony. They had two children, Malva (who married Hamfast Gardner, son of Sam & Rosie) and Marco Burrows (who married Emerald Took, daughter of Pippin & Diamond).
Meriadoc “Merry” Brandybuck and Estella Bolger had four children: Théodoc, Estel, Éowyn, and Athela Brandybuck.
Théodoc, Master of Buckland, was married to Daisy Gardner, daughter of Sam & Rosie. They had four children: Léodoc, twins Éomas & Meric, and Lily Brandybuck.
Estel was married to Amelia Underhill of Bree. They had three children: Esmeralda, Perimac, and Thendic Brandybuck.
Éowyn was married to Robin Gardner, son of Sam & Rosie.
Athela was married to Fabian Goldworthy and they had three children: Gordon, Olivia, and Estella Goldworthy.
Léodoc, Master of Buckland, was married to June Brownlock, with whom he had a son who succeeded him, Theriadoc Brandybuck.
Theriadoc was married to Donnamira Boffin, and they had three children: Mirabella, Friadoc (who succeeded him), and Perimas Brandybuck.
Friadoc fathered his successor, Merthadoc Brandybuck.
Expansion of the Gamgee family tree:
May, the Gaffer’s sister and Sam’s aunt, was married to Teemo Brockhouse. They had a daughter, Lily Brockhouse.
Hamson, Sam’s brother, was married to Poppy Briggs. They had five children: Hob, Bell, Annie, Rob, and Columbine Gamgee.
Halfred, Sam’s brother, was married to Martha Tunnelly. They had four children: Alfred, Lilac, Brent, and Sterling Gamgee.
Daisy, Sam’s sister, was married to Topher Twofoot, son of Daddy Twofoot. They had three children: Tobold, Tulia, and Toto Twofoot.
May, Sam’s sister, was married to Jared Noakes, son of Old Noakes. They had a daughter, Judy Noakes.
Marigold, Sam’s sister, was canonically married to Tom Cotton, Rosie’s brother.
Expansion of the Cotton family tree:
Tolman Jr. aka “Young Tom” and his wife Marigold Gamgee had three children: Holman II, Halfred, and May Cotton.
Wilcome II aka “Jolly” was married to Briar Smallburrow, sister of Shirriff Robin. They had two children, Cassia and Cotman Cotton.
Bowman aka “Nick” was married to Delphine Cobblestone and they had two sons, Bowtar and Wilman Cotton.
Carl “Nibs” Cotton was married to Ivy Hayward, sister of Shirriff Hob. They had a daughter, Gardenia Cotton.
Holman Cotton II and his wife Snowdrop Tunnelly had four children: Holly, Halman, Molly, and Morcome Cotton.
Expansion of the Fairbairn family tree:
After Elfstan and Fíriel, Elanor Gardner, daughter of Sam & Rosie, and Fastred of Greenholm had four more children: Frodo, Astred, Arwen, and Rosemary Fairbairn.
Elfstan was married to Alyssa Boffin, daughter of Parto. They had three children: Samwise (the third Warden of Westmarch), Idril, and Elwen Fairbairn.
Frodo had a daughter, Nimloth Fairbairn, and a son, Lórien Fairbairn.
Astred had a son, Aragorn Fairbairn.
Expansion of the Gardner family tree:
Besides Holfast, Mayor Frodo Gardner and Violet Bunce had three more children: Heather, Wilfred, and Lavender Gardner.
Rose Gardner was married to Rudecar Bolger, son of Fredegar & Angelica.
Merry Gardner was married to Hazel Smallburrow (daughter of Shirriff Robin Smallburrow and Widow Rumble’s daughter Clover Rumble, and sister of Callum Smallburrow). They had three children: Wiseman, Lunaria, and Erling Gardner.
Pippin Gardner was married to Jessaminta Bolger, daughter of Fredegar & Angelica. They had five children: Rowan, Fiona, Roberto, Finola, and Ricardo Gardner.
Goldilocks Gardner was canonically married to Faramir Took, son of Pippin & Diamond.
Hamfast Gardner was married to Malva Burrows, daughter of Moro & Celandine. They had three children, Peony, Desmond, and Hyacinth Gardner.
Daisy Gardner was married to Théodoc Brandybuck, son of Merry & Estella.
Primrose Gardner was married to Nico Goodbody, brother of Elio (who married Pearl Took, daughter of Pippin & Diamond). They had three children: Dahlia, Iris, and Prico Goodbody.
Bilbo Gardner was married to Azalea Hayward, daughter of Shirriff Hob Hayward. They had two daughters, Amaryllis and Daffodil Gardner.
Ruby Gardner was married to Beregond Took, son of Pippin & Diamond.
Robin Gardner was married to Éowyn Brandybuck, daughter of Merry & Estella. They had four children: Rosa, Éomund, Tomas, and Bell Gardner.
Tolman “Tom” Gardner never married, but was in a lifelong relationship with Beren Took, son of Pippin & Diamond.
Besides Harding of the Hill, Mayor Holfast Gardner and Clarisse Hornblower had three more children: Lily, Violet, and Samfast Gardner.
Harding of the Hill and Berylla Took had three children: Samwise (who inherited Bag End), Marigold, and Columbine.
Samwise Gardner was the father of twins, Rose Gardner II and Frodo Gardner II; the latter inherited Bag End.
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tehri · 6 years
Belladonna: Really, I can't thank you enough, Donna.
Donnamira: You owe me. You owe me a LOT.
Belladonna: Why, what happened?
Donnamira: Well, remember that we had to run for it because we heard someone coming down the passage?
Belladonna: Yes?
Donnamira: Well, they realised you were missing.
Belladonna: ... Did... Did father get really angry?
Donnamira: ... No, of course not, we were given honey-sweets for our trouble. OF COURSE HE WAS ANRGY!
Belladonna: Please don't tell me he turned that on all of you?
Donnamira: If he had, you wouldn't be welcome in the smial right now. No, I couldn't take the pressure, and I blurted it out when he was about to give all of us the same. And then the rest of them tried to take the blame so that I wouldn't catch the brunt of it.
Belladonna: It didn't work?
Donnamira: Not even a little. Though it seems like they're quite happy to do a bit of waiting on me right now, for getting them out of a punishment.
Belladonna: I suppose I should be doing that too...
Donnamira: Yes, please.
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matrose · 2 years
the way tolkien named fredegar „fatty“ bolgers great grandparents (donnamira took & hugo boffin) but could not give legolas a mother… the hobbits took up all the female relative budget i guess
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incomingalbatross · 3 years
Tolkien things I want to know about:
What Gerontius Took was like. Every hobbit we know aside from Sam is related to him and he was best friends with Gandalf but we know NOTHING about his personality. We can only assume that he was the essence of Tookishness.
Speaking of! His friendship with Gandalf! Did he got on adventures with him? He must have, right? At what point in his life? When did he become friends with Gandalf in the first place? Was Gandalf friends with his parents?
Tangent, but Gandalf became friends with hobbits in the Long Winter, thirty years before Gerontius’s birth. Were the Old Took’s parents some of Gandalf’s first-adopted hobbits?
The Old Took’s three remarkable daughters! All we know are that their names were Belladonna, Donnamira, and Mirabella, that they’re grouped together as “remarkable,” that Belladonna at least was friends with Gandalf, and that they respectively ended up marrying A) Bungo Baggins, literally the most boring hobbit in Middle-Earth, B) an unremarkable Boffin, and C) the heir to the Master of Buckland.
Again, did these girls go on adventures? Does The Hobbit’s narrative linking them as a trio mean that they went on adventures together, out on the Wide World? Did they ever see Rivendell?
Going on from there: Bilbo’s PARENTS. I want to know more about Bungo, and how he and Belladonna ended up together. Like, I love and support the idea of their relationship, but I want to hear more about how the “famous and remarkable” Belladonna Took turned aside from Adventure, looked at the “solid and respectable” Bungo Baggins, and said “yeah. I want HIM.”
...Are Belladonna and Bungo just the Shire Edition of Faramir/Eowyn.
You can’t prove that they’re NOT.
But also, in general: What were Bilbo’s parents like!! We know he quotes his dad’s aphorisms and, like...probably a lot of his manners and so on come from Bungo. But we know so little.
Is his extreme dad-ness inherited from Bungo? Was Belladonna daring and proud sometimes, like Bilbo at his most Tookish? Was Belladonna a poet? Was Bungo awkward in emotional moments like Bilbo? Did Belladonna have good aim? Which one did Bilbo get his snark from (or was it both)? How did Bilbo learn his kindness, and his business-knowledge, and his good hobbit-sense?
BILBO. At thirty, according to one text of “The Quest of Erebor,” Gandalf knew him well (”better than he knew me,” which is a very Gandalf line) and liked him, and Bilbo used to pester him with questions about other hobbits who had gone off adventuring. At thirty-six, Bilbo lost his father and became master of Bag End; when he was forty-four, his mother died; and at fifty he’s become “a second edition of his solid and comfortable father.” There are MANY THINGS I want to know here.
Did Bungo dying push young Bilbo to be MORE Baggins-ish? Why did he and Belladonna both die relatively young (in their eighties)? Also, it was just Bilbo and his mom for eight years of Bilbo’s adulthood and I was shocked to realize that. I want to know more, and I want to know why, in light of that, he’s outwardly so un-Tookish at the start of the story.
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Donnamira Boffin for #inktober! Frodo's grandmother & one of the remarkable daughters of the Old Took. That's all Tolkein writes about her but I imagine her on the occasional adventure with her sisters , firing a few deadly arrows when needed. #inkdrawing #fantasyartwork #blackworknow #artistsoninstagram #lordoftherings #traditionalartist #hobbits #tolkein https://www.instagram.com/p/B3jx6_mhVnf/?igshid=1l2qfufxqqgri
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msmerriam · 6 years
Chapters: 18/? Fandom: The Hobbit - All Media Types, The Hobbit (Jackson Movies), The Hobbit - J. R. R. Tolkien Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Bilbo Baggins/Thorin Oakenshield, Mentioned Dáin Ironfoot/Dáin Ironfoot's Wife: OFC Jovina, Mentioned Glóin/Glóin's Wife: OFC Súna, Dwalin/Ori (Tolkien), past Elrond/Celebrian, Elrond/Lindir, Elladan/Kíli (Tolkien), Bofur/Nori (Tolkien), Arathorn II/Gilraen, Mentioned Elrohir/Haldir of Lothlórien, Gimli (Son of Glóin)/Legolas Greenleaf, Merry Brandybuck/Pippin Took, Fíli/Merry Brandybuck/Pippin Took, Hildifons Took/Dáin Ironfoot, possible Beorn (Tolkien)/Tauriel (Hobbit Movies), Past Thranduil/Thranduil's Wife: OFC Aearlin, mentioned Elros the Guard (Hobbit Movies)/Galion (Tolkien) Characters: Bilbo Baggins, Thorin Oakenshield, Ferumbras Took III, Fortinbras Took II, Lalia Clayhanger, Isumbras Took, Donnamira Took, Mirabella Took, Primula Brandybuck, Hugo Boffin, Otho Sackville-Baggins, Lobelia Sackville-Baggins, Dáin Ironfoot, Thorin III Stonehelm, Dwalin (Tolkien), Balin (Tolkien), Fíli (Tolkien), Kíli (Tolkien), Bifur (Tolkien), Bofur (Tolkien), Bombur (Tolkien), Dori (Tolkien), Nori (Tolkien), Ori (Tolkien), Glóin (Tolkien), Óin (Tolkien), Gandalf | Mithrandir, Radagast | Aiwendil, Elrond Peredhel, Elrohir (Tolkien), Elladan (Tolkien), Lindir (Tolkien), Celebrían (Tolkien), Arwen Undómiel, Galadriel | Artanis, Elf OFC: Eithadis, Gimli (Son of Glóin), Haldir of Lothlórien, Gollum | Sméagol, Great Goblin | Goblin King, Eagles of Manwë, Beorn (Tolkien), Legolas Greenleaf, Spiders of Mirkwood, Tauriel (Hobbit Movies), Thranduil (Tolkien), Meriadoc (Merry) Brandybuck, Peregrin (Pippin) Took, Hildifons Took, Mirkwood Elves, Elros the Guard (Hobbit Movies), Galion (Tolkien), Azog (Tolkien), Bolg (Tolkien), Bard the Bowman, Alfrid Lickspittle, Percy (Hobbit Movies) Additional Tags: Time Travel, Alternate Universe - Time Travel, Time Travel Fix-It, Time Travelling Bilbo Baggins, Time Travelling Thorin, dwobbit!Frodo, Fairy!Bilbo, Bilbo is a Fairy, dwarf!Thorin, Yes I did just add that tag, dwobbit!Thorin Stonehelm, Sassy Bilbo Baggins, BAMF Bilbo Baggins, Time Travelling Gimli, Time Travelling Meriadoc (Merry) Brandybuck, Time Travelling Peregrin (Pippin) Took, Kind of Time Travelling Legolas Greenleaf, Legolas remembers when he sees Gimli and two of his fellowship hobbits, Legolas and Tauriel have a brother/sister relationship, fairy!Hildifons Took Summary:
Filled with a lifetime of aches and regrets that he knew was never going to go away, Bilbo resigned himself to dying in the Undying Lands without any sense of closure. Until Yavanna stepped in with the offer of a second chance to save the Royal Line of Durin.
But there's a catch... Bilbo has to do it all as a six-and-a-half-inches tall fairy!
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ao3feed-thehobbit · 6 years
It Runs In The Family
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2r0RvsD
by Imagined
At first, Bilbo is very glad to hear of the new alliance between Erebor and the Shire. He is even more excited when he learns that some of his family members are coming to the Lonely Mountain to discuss the details.
That is, until the dwarves (and Thorin, who is decidedly not and never shall be his) start getting along a little too well with one of his more adventurous cousins, and Bilbo starts doubting about his place.
Words: 9604, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: The Hobbit - All Media Types
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Bilbo Baggins, Thorin Oakenshield, Jago Boffin, Donnamira Took, Hildibrand Took, Hobbit(s), Thorin's Company
Relationships: Bilbo Baggins/Thorin Oakenshield
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Jealousy, Pining, Mutual Pining, Not Actually Unrequited Love, Jealous Bilbo Baggins, Dwarf Courting, Family Drama, Angst, Happy Ending, Alternate Universe - Bilbo Remains In Erebor, Poor Bilbo, Oblivious Bilbo, the one in which thorin should have started courting bilbo a lot sooner, and in which bilbo should open his eyes, and see that the company loves him, but he's an idiot so yeah
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2r0RvsD
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tehri · 6 years
Gerontius: Alright. I have another question for you lot.
Isengrim: We gave you the culprit, what more do you want?!
Gerontius: I'd like to know why Isembold has been tied up with what seems to be someone's watch fob and someone's scarf, and why he's been gagged with a handkerchief.
Isumbras: He's the culprit, if that wasn't clear.
Hildigrim: Definitely him.
Gerontius: And the fact that he's glaring at all of you and making muffled protests?
Hildibrand: The sign of a guilty mind.
Gerontius: Ah. So you DIDN'T simply jump him because he generally makes more mischief than the rest of you and was a convenient scapegoat?
Isengar: What? No, no. Of course not. Why would we ever do that to our beloved brother?
Gerontius: Are you SURE it wasn't simply a case of eight against one?
Donnamira: We would never!
Mirabella: Horrid accusations.
Gerontius: Mhm. And I suppose he just gagged and tied himself to the chair, then?
Hildibrand: Incredible what a hobbit can do when they put their mind to it, really.
Gerontius: Untie your brother. NOW.
Isengrim: But he-
Gerontius: I do not believe a word of this nonsense. You're all getting the same punishment.
Hildigrim: told you it wouldn't work
Isembard: Ugh, n-no, I... I feel... I feel faint...
Gerontius: Isembard, stop fooling around. Pretending to faint is not going to work.
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tehri · 6 years
Gerontius: All I want to know is who let Belladonna out of her room. Very simple.
Isembold: That's... not simple at all.
Isembard: That's more along the lines of "confess and be banished".
Hildigrim: What they said.
Gerontius: Well, see, if none of you confess, you're all just going to have to suffer the same punishment.
Donnamira: What?! How is that fair?!
Mirabella: Father, you can't!
Gerontius: On the contrary, I actually can. I am your father, and I am responsible for your upbringing. And raising children includes the necessity of teaching them to not be liars.
Isengar: What about the necessity of not being caught?
Hildibrand: Gar has a good point.
Gerontius: Do any of you actually want to leave the Great Smials for the next ten years?
Isengrim: TEN?!
Isumbras: What?!
Gerontius: Yes. Ten.
Hildigrim: BARD DID IT
Isembard: WHAT?! NO, GAR DID!
Isengar: EXCUSE ME?!
Gerontius: Right. I'm quite certain none of you except Gar can get through the windows in this room. I'm going to go to the garden to cut some switches from the willow, and I'll lock the door and ask your mother to guard it while I'm gone and let you lot fight this out. When I'm back, I expect there to either be a confession from one of you, or all of you will suffer the consequences.
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tehri · 6 years
Donnamira: I really don't understand what you see in Boring Bungo Baggins.
Belladonna: No, and you wouldn't.
Donnamira: He's just... How is he your type? He doesn't do anything. He reads. He eats. He sleeps. That's it. A paragon of manners and respectability, perhaps, but that's just how Bagginses are. So what is it?
Belladonna: ....
Donnamira: Well?
Belladonna: he's just so... so round...
Donnamira: .....
Belladonna: a perfect sphere of a baggins... so soft... like a feather-pillow...
Donnamira: .... I never needed to know what soaks your knickers, but alright then, you have fun with that.
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tehri · 4 years
Hobbits and naming conventions
The most common comparison that’s been going around lately has been between the names of hobbits belonging to the Baggins family and the Took family. There is quite a distinct difference between the names, so it’s understandable that it seems a bit jarring to go from something simple like, say, Longo to something more noble-sounding like Isengrim.
In comparison, the names given to girls are very different. True, there are a few more nonsensical ones, like Belba. But there are also plenty of flower- or gem-names. This also gives a very odd contrast between the names of male hobbits and those of female hobbits.
However, there is a bit of reasoning behind the names, at least those belonging to hobbits from families with Fallohide blood. Those are not taken out of thin air. They were oftentimes given names evoking figures of legend (whether this means figures of legend in our world or in Middle-earth is hard to say, but it’s certainly not mistaken either way).
So allow me to begin with the grand one himself, Gerontius Took, also known as the Old Took. His name is of some debated origin, with some ties to Greek, Latin, and Welsh. In Greek, the element geron means “old”. The name is also an actual Latin name from the Late Roman Empire, and in Welsh it is rendered as Geraint; put quite simply, the name means “old man”. Let me also bring up two of his sons - let’s go with Isengrim and Hildibrand. To start with the eldest, Isengrim, his name is Anglo-Saxon in origin and consists of isen, meaning “iron”, and grim, meaning “fierce”. There is a chance that Tolkien actually named him after a wolf that appears in the medieval story of Reynard the Fox. Then we have Hildibrand, whose name is likely of Lombardic origin and consists of hild, meaning battle, and brand, meaning sword. He was probably named after a character of Germanic legend.
Then, let me point at the Bolgers. They were also a family with Fallohide blood, and followed the same naming customs. For instance, Odovacar Bolger, Fatty Bolger’s father, shares name with a Germanic king of Rome. Fredegar himself (Fatty, that is) has a name that combines two elements that are either Old High German, Old Saxon, or Old English - fridu, or frithu, which means “peace”, and gār or gēr meaning “spear”.
But it is not only families with Fallohide blood that have different-sounding names. The Brandybuck family, which can be claimed to have Stoor blood, have a naming convention of their own that likely reflects their old connection to the Men of Dunland. The names are somewhat Celtic in sound, though not all of them have actual meanings.
Let me begin with our main man, Meriadoc “Merry” Brandybuck. His name is, in fact, Welsh and means roughly “Great Lord”. The names of his great-great-grandfather and his great-great-great-grandfather, Marmadoc and Madoc, are also Celtic in origin, with Madoc being found among Welsh names and Marmadoc being derived from the old Irish Máel Máedóc (roughly “follower of Saint Malachy”). Fun fact: the name Marmaduke is from the same one as Marmadoc.
So how about the Brandybuck names that sound Celtic, but have no meaning? Well, we have an excellent example in Merry’s uncle Merimac, younger brother of Saradoc Brandybuck. The name Merimac has the Celtic mac in it, which at the very least in Irish means “son” (I can’t answer for Scottish Gaelic or for Welsh, I only know a little bit of Irish). However, the prefix meri does not appear to have a meaning in modern day languages; though Tolkien did have some Westron words written out, and meri could simply be a sort of “translation” of the Westron kali, which would indicate that it means essentially “jolly”. Actually, Saradoc’s name is of personal interest to me. I’ve found a note claiming that the name is derived from the Welsh Caradoc, the name of a semi-legendary ancestor to the kings of Gwent. Which at least in my opinion is pretty cool. But I can’t find any links that may confirm the claim, so it shall, for now, remain a dream.
BUT. What about the nonsensical names that appear in various families? Well, there is the post going around about how these names are Baggins names, which is an outright false claim. Yes, they sound odd, and since people mostly pay attention to the Bagginses they’ll only really see them there. But fact is, that the names are everywhere. The Proudfoots have them, the Hornblowers have them, the Boffins, the Burrowses, the Chubbs, the Goodbodies - they’re everywhere. They are, therefore, presumably very common. And it’s not just the male names either.
Look at the female names as well. Belba? Chica? Tanta? No, it’s not just the male hobbits that have odd nonsensical names, even if flower- or gem-names are more common for female hobbits (with the gem-names being more specifically for upper-class female hobbits). But then we also have the names Belladonna, Donnamira, and Mirabella - the names of Gerontius Took’s three daughters. These three names are distinctly different; Belladonna is of Italian origin, as is Mirabella - I can’t actually find a definite origin for Donnamira, but since both halves of her name are Italian/Latin in origin, I’m willing to wager that’s the intention there. Odd bit of contrast, no?
Either way, I’m willing to bet that these nonsensical names that keep popping up in so many families are something of a custom in hobbit families with Harfoot blood. That’s not to say that it is the only custom; we don’t know if the Gamgee family had Harfoot blood or otherwise, as it’s never stated, but it appears to be heavily implied - and most of them appear to have Old English names.
Note also that the nonsensical names have a tendency to sound very similar - chances are that later names on the family tree are derived from earlier ones, such as the names Uffo and Gruffo on the Boffin family tree, quite clearly derived from the name of Uffo’s great-grandfather Buffo. For that matter, why not bring up the name of our dear Bilbo Baggins? His great-grandfather was named Balbo. I daresay Bilbo’s name was derived from there.
So - nonsensical names? Sure, they sound weird. But there is clearly some form of meaning to them, even if it is just a certain naming convention or a wish to pay homage to relatives. I ask that you do not dismiss them, but instead view them as what they clearly are: a hobbit tradition, and perhaps a specific Harfoot custom.
Thank you for reading.
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tehri · 6 years
headcanon time that no one asked for take VII
Although I am definitely making progress with the frigging fic, it is slow-going and slowed down even more by my brain jumping to other subjects at the most inopportune moments. SO, here’s a whole bunch of headcanons regarding what some characters in said fic are like as parents.
Gerontius “the Old” Took: Genuinely adores all of his children. Each and every one of them. Takes whatever time needed for each of them and makes sure they know that he loves them and wants them to be happy. Unendingly supportive, but also unendingly protective after the death of one son and the disappearance of another. Would do anything for his children.
Isumbras Took IV: Loves and supports his son in everything, but has a sort of bad case of wanting his son to be less of a wimp than he is. Argues more frequently with his son than he cares to admit, and generally about how active (or rather, inactive) the lad is.
Hildigrim Took: Very proud of his son, and also terrified that the lad may have inherited too many of his personality-traits. Desperately tries to raise his child to be a respectable hobbit and not repeat his father’s Many Mistakes. Due to said Many Mistakes, he is especially firm on teaching his son the value of communication and what is or isn’t appropriate interaction with the opposite sex.
Isembold Took: Generally a good father, but perhaps holding the reins just a little too loosely. As much as he supports his children, he often allows them to go a little too far in their mischief - because why make mischief at all if you’re not going to push the boundaries a little?
Isembard Took: Comes off as very stern for a Took, but keeps a looser hold on the reins than anyone else in the family. Trusts his son to not do anything stupid, and to tell him if something is wrong. Somehow the most responsible parent and with the most well-behaved child.
Hildibrand Took: Also comes off as very stern for a Took, but tries to hold the reins as tightly as possible to not let things get out of control. Silently agreed with his wife that one child was more than fucking enough, because two of the little hellions would cause the Great Smials to collapse within a year. Loves his son dearly, but gets very fed up with unending mischief. Goes grey earlier than anyone else in the family and blames it on the stress caused by his son.
Belladonna Baggins née Took: Loving mother, but perhaps overusing the “I used to ________ and I turned out alright” phrase. Wants her child to have as happy a childhood as possible and to know that he can do anything he sets his mind to if he just wants it badly enough.
Donnamira Boffin née Took: Very firm with her children and puts much emphasis on what is or isn’t appropriate. Determined that they will not be “little hooligans” like their cousins. Often considered by her siblings to overreact when her children misbehave.
Mirabella Brandybuck née Took: Teaches her children well and ensures they will be respectable, but remembers to let them have their fun and simply be children. Considers it lucky that they have Brandybuck-blood, since they should be more sensible and more cautious than Tooks.
Isengar Took: The storytelling father who manages to fill his kids’ heads with stories and then has to stop them from running away from home. Wants them to experience as much as possible, but preferably in a safer way than he did. Does not coddle them on the details of his own travels, and ensures that they know beyond all doubt that he did end up in dangerous situations and that they should never do the same.
Mungo Baggins: Loves his children beyond all reason and would do anything for them. Often worries if he’s treating them right and if they will be alright as they grow older, or if he’s being overbearing and too protective. Tries as best he can to affirm their personal skills and help them when they need it.
Bungo Baggins: Hopes that he’s a good father. Worries a lot, but genuinely wants his son to do well and to be the best person he can be. Tries to raise his son as he was raised himself - with love and with care, always knowing that he has someone he can turn to if he needs it and that he can achieve anything if he works hard enough.
Belba Bolger née Baggins: Often feels that Bolgers need a Firmer Hand than most when raised, much like Tooks, and that she’ll need to work hard if she wants her son to be respectable when he grows up. Makes sure he does not put on airs despite being next in line as Head of a prestigeous family, and that he knows he’s not better than anyone else.
Longo Baggins: Not an absent father, but definitely a little distant. Very ambitious and raises his son to be the same way. Will do anything to ensure that his son will have a high-ranked position to his name and that he will be the best of the best, even if he’s not very well-liked for it.
Linda Proudfoot née Baggins: More lax than most of her siblings, and only wants her children to be happy. Will of course be there for them if they need her and watches over them, but generally trusts them to behave.
Bingo Baggins: Makes parenting seem so very effortless. Takes excellent care of his son, ensures that he wants for nothing and that he is well-behaved and respectable. Takes everything in stride, even the worst problems. Extremely proud that his son inherited his sense of humour and love of practical jokes.
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