#Done exams for the season time to do real work......
woolmasterleel · 9 months
Freedom (✿◕‿◕✿)
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emo-batboy · 11 months
Things Battinson Totally Did During His First Year of University
Using Unhinged or Odd Things I Also Did as a College Freshman :D
Note: for this list, let’s believe Bruce was living in an (admittedly expensive and swanky) dorm because it is required for first-years, especially those entering at a young age, and Alfred told him he needed to make friends. Also yes I did every single thing on this list. I never claimed to be a role model
Bruce, to his TA: I’m so sorry I’m late to class. I gave blood a few hours ago and almost fainted on the way here, but it won’t happen again.
Signs up for a class called “Age of Dinosaurs” despite it not being required whatsoever and proceeds to work his entire schedule around it
Bruce: Your mental health is super important. If you think you should see the on-campus therapist, go see them. Friend: Fine. I’ll sign up for therapy if you sign up for therapy too. Bruce: Hold on-
Finds a loophole in his housing contract that allows him to get a pet frog, calls him kermit :)
Gets a second frog because Kermit was lonely, names it Constantine after Muppets Most Wanted, then realizes that they’re gay for each other. Wonders if the rainbow-colored rocks he got them triggered anything
Swings dramatically between calling Alfred every single day and ghosting him for weeks, cries when he realizes what he did
“Accidentally” joins the student body council, doesn’t know what he’s doing, gets re-elected anyway
Molds a dragon out of Laffy Taffy instead of doing his work
Bruce: *joins Honors, gets all A’s, takes the max amount of classes, has several minors, overachieves* Also Bruce: I’m a failure.
Breaks into a building after hours to study because NO ONE KNOWS HOW TO SHUT THE FUCK UP AT THE LIBRARY
Bruce: I will not get seasonal depression this year. Bruce: *gets real and seasonal depression that year*
Meticulously schedules his day with a color-coded planner because if he sits down for too long, the thoughts will consume him
Gives a presentation to his rhetoric class on how much he likes Spider-Man: Into the Spiderverse (it is 20 minutes long)
Successfully allocates funding from the student body council to pay for free feminine products in the dorms OUT OF SPITE because someone said it couldn't be done. fuck you, Andrew
Bruce: It is not an all-nighter if I go to sleep before my first class. Friend: It is 7:30am, the sun is in the sky, and your first class is at 12:30. Bruce: But I am getting sleep.
Refuses to go anywhere without his backpack because what if he needs three notebooks at once
Loses over 20 pounds because ✨stress✨ and scares the shit out of Alfred when he comes home for Thanksgiving
Argues with his TA over the one (1) question he got wrong on his Dinosaur exam
Bruce, calling Alfred: Hello father figure. How do I do taxes? Do I have to do them myself? Also, I think I’m having a panic attack.
Joins in on a charity arts-and-crafts project that gives kids books with matching activities made by volunteers, proceeds to commandeer the project because “it’s not color-blind friendly” and rewrites the instructions for everyone
Makes a murder wall
Goes to one (1) sports game and proceeds to leave in the first ten minutes because it’s way too loud wtf is wrong with people
Professor, addressing the lecture hall: I dare you to write an essay about these two sentences. Bruce: *writes an essay about six words, gets a 100, never even read the book*
Crawls into the ceiling for some alone time
Ghosts someone after a date because he’s too scared to tell them he didn’t know it was a date in the first place and now he feels bad
Classmate: How tf does he walk across campus that fast? I go in the same direction he does on my bike, and he’s always ahead of me. Bruce: *is gay sprinting to Dinosaur class*
Refuses to let others use his Favorite Pen TM
Constantly gets mistaken for a Grad Student because he is “so wise and mature” (bestie, that’s the autism)
Alfred: *casually mentions he got into a car accident through text* Bruce: *replies with a meme while hyperventilating because he doesn’t know what to do with that information??!*
Wears a suit to one of his finals
Regularly eats non-organic food for the first time in his life, proceeds to learn about several allergies Alfred forgot to mention he has
Writes “What is a Hot Pocket?” in calligraphy and proceeds to laugh his ass off alone in his dorm because he is so exhausted he’s reached the point of delusion
Locks himself out of his dorm right before class, frantically asks the floor group chat if someone can help, proceeds to tell the nice gay man on the floor who saved him “I love you” because his social skills have hit rock bottom
Makes a little music album display next to his desk for his favorite band (Nirvana) His friends call it a shrine, and they are technically correct
Has a blacklist of people he refuses to interact with because Reasons
Counselor: What do you want to do when you graduate? Bruce: *gestures vaguely*
Refuses to take the bus because there are people in there and he doesn’t like those
Loses one of his frogs, how tf did he do that, they’re fully aquatic, oh fuck, this is probably why they got rid of that loophole a year later because unbeknownst to Bruce, he accidentally started a frog revolution in the dorms, btw he SWEARS he did not mean to do that
Has two trash cans in his room: one for the Good Garbage, and one for the Bad Garbage. Only Bruce knows which is which
Bruce: *writes a creative piece about a ship’s final thoughts as it sinks, bringing its passengers down with it* TA: Absolutely lovely, Bruce, but are you okay?
Goes on Night Walks, keeps himself safe by maintaining a level 12 resting bitch face at all times
Earns the nickname “8th floor cryptid” after pacing the halls at 3am when it’s too cold for Night Walks (honestly tho how tf didn’t he get the nickname earlier?)
Bruce: Do you think a depressed person could do this? Bruce: *has a manic episode*
Okay that's all love you BYE
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sixflame438 · 23 days
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Synopsis - Its exam season and you just finished your last paper. What better way to celebrate than to spend the night with the love of your life?
Pairing - Pham Hanni X Reader
Tags - Fluff, jumping jokes, swear words i think? Established relationship, possible spelling and grammar errors as i proofread this at 3am. You’re both so in love
A/N - FIRST POST!! Lowkey quite excited to make my debut but it’s scary lol. Hopefully you enjoy reading it. This is in honor of me finishing mocks, cant wait to fuck up my real ones :D
Word count - 4k
“Pens and pencils down students, your exams are now over” called a monotone voice. A crack of bones could be heard as the invigilator stood up and walked around collecting all the papers.  You hurriedly finished off what you were writing before dropping the pencil in your hand, looking back at your paper with disdain and disbelief. 
3 hours. You had spent 3 hours writing and erasing the same thing over and over again. The first time you had done spelling mistakes, the second time you had thought of a better way to rephrase everything and by the fifth time you rubbed your work out you had 5 minutes left.
Why did you even take that subject? You never enjoyed it and it was a chore to even complete the work assigned. Well it was either this or advanced maths and chemistry you thought to yourself, lowly chuckling knowing you would’ve rather jumped than take either of those courses.
Reluctantly you handed the paper over to the old man who said nothing as he hobbled over to the next desk, still with the same bored expression he wore when he first walked in. You cant blame him though, he had been sitting in the same room as you for 3 hours doing nothing but staring out the window. 
Scanning the room you could see the mixture of emotions, some ecstatic that the paper went well, some just as distraught as you were while some were just glad  it was over. Deciding maybe that’s the best thing to think about right now you also let out a sigh of relief, following your peers out of the exam hall.
After collecting your phone and bag you open it to see the time and no new text messages. Strange, Hanni should be free around now considering she had finished all her exams last week and the one you just took was the last one on the schedule. Thinking nothing more of it you trudged your way through the busy corridors of the building and found yourself in the cafeteria, the long, dreadful hours of your exam really took a toll on your energy.
After surveying your options for lunch you eventually decide to just keep it simple and grab 2 of the prepacked sandwiches, not even caring enough to see what flavours they were, you were just too hungry. As you took a bite of your sandwich (inside was ham, scrambled egg, hash brown and sauce) the deafening sounds of the dining hall finally catching up to you.
It was always busy, hundreds of students gathered in one place to hangout and enjoy some mediocre food, not to mention that an exam had just finished so the level of activity in the hall was tremendous. Deciding it was too much you opt to go home instead, back to your dorm you shared with the best (and your only) roommate you could ever ask for. It was the end of the week and you had no classes left either so there was no reason to stay anyways. 
During the hike home (you lived 10 minute walk away from campus) you stopped as you walked by the local park and playground. Seeing all the kids running around so carefree and excited had you reminiscing about all the times you and Hanni had fun there too. When one would have too much energy to sleep or were too bored to study you would always find a way back to the park together having the time of your life doing the most stupid shit known to man kind. Small but precious moments like those were the ones you cherished most. You didn’t need big grand and fancy to be happy, being quite content with small and intimate instead.
Finishing off the last bite of your sandwich you reached into your backpack and pulled out your second one as you continued your trek home. The first sandwich although did surprise you wasn’t all that bad. The flavours worked well together especially with the house made special sauce but it was all probably leftovers from breakfast anyway as they were your typical morning foods. You would kill to find out what was in that sauce though, there was just something about it that had your tastebuds melting away into a land of bliss and yumminess. Hanni never agreed with you (being a strong hater of the sauce) but found you quite endearing and just marked it off as one of your weird but adorable quirks. 
By the time you had finished your second sandwich (just a basic BLT but with chicken??) your legs had carried you to the front of your door. Scrambling around the pocket of your backpack you pull out your bundle of keys (filled with memorable keyrings and charms you and Hanni got one another) unlocking the door and slowly closing it behind as you enter.
Kicking off your shoes and placing down your stuff on the nearest table you walk over to your bedroom, quietly opening it to find a sleeping Hanni curled up in a little ball deep in the depths of her slumber. You giggle to yourself as you take a picture of the sight with your phone, adding it to the preexisting album of similar photos you had been sneakily taking for the past (almost) 1 year you guys had been together.
Hanni sleeping was one of your favourite versions of her. Here she is all calm and relaxed which is a stark contrast to when she was awake, lively and chaotic bring havoc anywhere she went. You loved her for it though, it brought a sense of uncertainty to your day and you just loved to see her have fun.
Deliberately trying not to disrupt the serenity you had found yourself in, you place your phone on the bedside drawer. Taking off your hoodie you change into more comfortable sleeping shorts. You carefully crawl into bed next to Hanni and wrap your arms around her waist. Instinctively Hanni responds to your touch pulling you closer to her and snuggling her head into the space between your head and shoulder. Your heart fluttered inside your chest at the small movement. The two of you did this every night but you knew you would never get tired of having her in your arms, basically sharing the same air. A small smile could be seen on your face as you drifted into the slumber of your afternoon nap, the exhaustion of the early morning hitting you hard. 
Shifting around you warily open your eyes to be met with closed blinds, a blanket placed over you (now ruffled up as you had woken up) and an empty spot where Hanni used to be. As you got out of bed and peeked behind the door you could clearly hear light jazz and the sound of Hanni tapping away on her phone.  Tiptoeing over to her you gently pull her into a soft embrace. She flinches a little startled by your presence but quickly reciprocates the hug. 
“Hey baby how was your nap?” 
“It was nice but i woke up to find my giant teddy bear missing” you say with a pout.
“Aww baby your so cute, I’m right here though and I’m not going anywhere” she says back with a light chuckle, clearly amused with your response. “How’d your last exam go?” 
“I don’t think its anything worth talking, it wasn’t anything good thats for sure.” You reply, disappointment clear on your face. 
“Hey its alright, its just a measly paper you can always do better in the finals yea? Mocks are just for practice anyway” 
“Yea yea” you say dismissively “Whatcha doin?”
“Oh yea i was replying to Yunjins text, she was asking if we were gonna go to Wonyoung’s party tonight, you know the one she hosts after every last exam?” 
“Are we?”
“That depends on you, do you wanna go?”
“Uhh I’m kinda tired and parties aren’t usually my scene anyway”
“I think you should though. It would be a good way to let loose after exams and have some fun. I’ve seen how tense you’ve been the past few weeks, studying so hard to do well. Plus you would get to see the rest of the girls, its been a while since we’ve all hung out outside of class.”
In all actuality you didn’t want to go at all but with how much Hanni wanted you to just have some fun, you couldn’t say no to those pleading eyes. You missed the girls anyway so it would be a nice bonus.
“Yea okay but I’m only gonna have a few drinks max.” 
“Its fine you drink as much as you want i’ll stay sober for you tonight. Just have some fun okay?”
Parties were always more Hanni’s forte and for her to stay sober just for you was heartwarming as you knew she didn’t want you to risk doing anything dumb or getting hurt. Testament of how you had broken a large ceramic vase at the last party you went to when you had drunk too much and tripped over your own foot while walking. Luckily Wonnie didn’t care too much about that specific vase, saying she wanted to get rid of it anyway so you just gave her more of a reason to do so.
“Are you sure? I don’t want you to feel left out or anything because of me”
“Yes I’m sure plus taking care of you is my full time responsibility can’t let anything happen to you. Now come on lets go get ready” Hanni says excitedly.
You grumble in annoyance but ultimately allow yourself to be dragged back into your bedroom, how could you ever say no to Hanni anyway???
“And done!” Hanni exclaims as she steps back, admiring her hard work. “I’m gonna go get myself ready now hurry up and put your outfit on! I’ll be waiting outside” your girlfriend says before kissing your cheek and skipping out of your shared bedroom. A light blush appears below the blush she had just finished applying to you as you smile to yourself. God you loved Hanni so much she was just so adorable and treated you so well too.
You were never a big fan of doing your makeup or purposefully dressing to impress and you only really started putting in that effort when you started trying to rizz Hanni up. (You tried and failed but she found you quite endearing) How you managed to pull her you will never know but you would go through all your failed attempts again if it meant having her by your side. She is literally the love of your life and the amount of things you would do for her makes you seem borderline insane, but anything for her right?
After putting on the outfit Hanni had planned for you and grabbing a few other essentials you walk out to see the girl in her own outfit, although simple it did wonders on making her look so much prettier. Or was it the other way around?
“Aww baby you’re so beautiful, I’m so glad I get to call you mine” 
“Such a sweet talker, have you seen yourself in the mirror? The pleasures all mine” You reply back in between kisses. If there was one way you would happily die to it was lack of oxygen while kissing Hanni. Her soft pillowy lips were quite literally to die for and just thinking about them could have you watering. 
“Okay we can continue this later let’s go!”
Hand in hand you walk up to the house that was blasting hiphop tunes, door wide open as you could see that it was already packed. You felt a queasy feeling come up but pushed it aside as you felt Hanni squeeze your hand in comfort. “Remember if you want to leave just let me know, i’ll probably be talking to other people but I promise to stand in open places so you can find me easier okay?” 
“Okay I’ll keep that in mind, thanks again for tonight”
“Aww baby you’re too cute” Hanni says with a happy pout, giving your face a little squish in the process. “Now go have fun its what your here for” 
“Yes ma’am” you respond with a small salute before going over to the drinks table. Hanni giggles again at your behaviour, how could she have not fallen for you? Although nonchalant on the outside you were just an adorable little loser, HER adorable loser and she wouldn’t trade you for anything. 
“Aye Yn you look so hot girl! If I didn’t know any better I’d so hit on you tonight” 
A small laugh escapes your mouth as you feel 2 arms wrapping around you. 
“Hey Gigi its nice to see you too and don’t even get me started on you’re outfit! Are you trying to get hit on tonight or something??”
“Haha thanks girly, I’m not but Minjeongs definitely trying to. She’s been attempting to flirt with Karina all night but she’s so short and cant stand her ground because she keeps getting interrupted by not only her own stupidity but also the other partygoers who are also trying to hit on Karina. I feel sorry for Minjeongie but its fucking hilarious to watch especially since she keeps stumbling over her words. She’s both whipped and drunk, its a great combo” Giselle tells you as she laughs at the situation Winter had gotten herself into.
“Enough about her let’s go get you some drinks in your system and have some fun!” 
You nod in agreement as you allow yourself to be dragged away again, twice in one day. 
By now you had had multiple drinks and played 4 rounds of beer pong against different classmates. You danced here and there when good songs started playing and also managed to trip up Yunjin completely on accident as she has tried walking up to talk to you. You didn’t drink much normally and were quite the lightweight.
Some how during the night you ended up with Minji instead, neither of you knowing how you ended up together. You were barely coherent as you tried to drink more, swaying from side to side as you walked. 
“Okay girl I think you’ve had enough where’s your girlfriend at? Come on Yn let’s go” Minji whines as she attempts to drag you over to Hanni but you weren’t having it, choosing to grab onto the nearest object you could to prevent yourself being dragged away. You weren’t about to be kidnapped today and no one but your girlfriend could touch you. 
“God you’re so stubborn how does Hanni deal with you everyday? You know what forget it you’re a lost cause” 
“HEY! You say exasperated “thats so meeeeaaannnnn” purposely elongating your words to annoy Minji even more.        
“Yea? Well I’m done ah perfect timing here’s the angel you speak so highly of.” 
“Hey Minji sorry for having to deal with her but I can take over now” Hanni had been easily alerted by your loud presence and came over to see what was up.
As soon as you registered who the owner of that angelic voice was you turned around and did a little jog over to her with outstretched arms ready to crush her and never let go.
“Hannnnniiiiiiiiiiiiii” You were always extra clingy when drinking but ONLY towards your beloved, everyone else had to face an annoying baby who was actively praying on their downfall. 
“Hey baby I’m here now” she tells you but she’s sure its gone straight over your head as you do nothing but cling tighter. 
Minji just stands there amused at the scene in front of her. “Nah don’t worry about it Yn hardly ever drinks anyway and despite how annoying she is she’s quite entertaining haha”
“Yea she’s something when she’s drunk alright. Do you and the rest of the girls wanna hang out sometime? Exam season is over and its been a while”
“Oh yea of course I’m so down, i’ll ask the girls later. Speaking of I should probably go check on Dani, last I saw she was throwing up in a random bush” Minji says wincing at the last part, Dani no anyone throwing up was a disgusting sight.
“Oof yea have fun dealing with her, I think I’m gonna take Yn home now. I’ll text you later yea?”
“Yep sounds like a plan, have a good night!” 
“I think you need that more to me haha” 
“Yea I probably do” Minji says deadpanning before leaving to go find Danielle “Cya!”
During her conversation with Minji you had managed to almost fall asleep just hanging onto Hanni like a koala and if it weren’t for the support you would’ve fallen over by now with how much you were swaying on your feet, the alcohol making you unable to stay still. 
“Hey sweetheart wanna go home now? You look very sleepy” Hanni cooes gently. However you were unresponsive so she pokes you in the cheek and squishes your face with her hands. This does nothing to wake you up though as the warm hands against your face just make you feel more at home. 
“Yn?” Hanni chuckles lightly. What a sweet sweet voice that is you think to yourself, should only belong to the prettiest girls in the world. Oh wait thats my girlfriend. Hehehehe, mine. Hanni chuckles again as she hears you mumble out that last part 
“Ynnie you’re too cute, come on lets get going” 
“Nooooo but I don’t wannnnaaa go homeeeee” You whine pouting your bottom lip even further as if it would convince Hanni more.
Your girlfriend thinks for a second before replying “how about we got get some food then? From that one place we go to when I’m hungover and your too lazy to cook?”
“Oh yay I love that place! They make the best fried chicken and cold noodles. Its always so yummy, there isn’t a single time its been bad. And their homemade dumplings??? Ugh so good. Have you tried their…” You carry on rambling as Hanni leads you out to your car, most of your words slurred but having spent so long with you now Hanni has no problem deciphering your drunken thoughts.
The entire drive over was just more of you asking and answering your own questions like a loopy idiot. Hanni did nothing but listen and hold one of your hands as she drove towards the late night restaurant you both frequented. Usually it was always Hanni yapping away so it was a nice change for both of you today.
After you both devoured that one hell of a meal;(you ordered almost everything and Hanni couldn’t find it in her to stop you. If it weren’t for the old grandma who owned the place you would probably be out of money now “yah don’t eat so much so late! Come back another day”) you decided to go to the local park.
It wasn’t far from your home (the same one you walked past earlier) and had a beautiful view. Not prettier than your girlfriend of course but definitely up there. Sure it was now 4am but thats beside the point and you both had nothing planned anyway. Somehow after spending the entire time laughing and giggling away your drunk ass still had too much energy, the alcohol still apparent in your system. Hanni didn’t know how you did it, you were always so energetic when drunk, more hyper and affectionate.
It was as if all the energy you didn’t use in the day gets stored and just comes out all at once. She loved you like this though as it gave her a chance to take care of you like you normally did to her. Hanni was always more appreciative when you drank though as it was when she realized how much energy it truly takes to look after a drunkie and made her feel sorry for you as you were always there for her after every night out. 
Hanni made her way over to your spot on the little hill, luckily she didn’t have to lug you around this time as you had bolted off as soon as she had parked the car. Running around like a child in the meadows, basking in the sunlight. It wasn’t the afternoon or anything close but the bright moon rays casted a wonderful glow over everything it touched, including your body that was now sprawled out on the grass. 
Sitting down next to you she leans on the giant oak tree standing proud as the flagpole of your sacred space. You shift closer to Hanni and put your head in her lap, staring up at the stars above. Tonight was the first time you had seen this many stars out in a while, the sky free of clouds as the stars shone like glitter in the night.
No matter how radiant the stars were you couldn’t stop yourself from looking at your girlfriend, her dazzling beauty and kind personality captured you in a kind of enchantment. There was no other star you needed except her. The both of you just sit and stare out at the stars as you enjoy being in each others presence. It had been about 10 minutes before you spoke up, nearly dozing off against Hanni.
“Hey Hanni thanks for taking me out tonight, I think I really needed this and I appreciate everything you’ve done for me.”
You speaking out of the blue catches her attention as she looks down at you with an affectionate smile.
“Aww sweetheart there’s no need to thank me I’m just returning the favour” She replies back proudly
“I love when you take care of me like I’m the only girl in the world” 
“I’ll make sure to do it more often then my sweet baby angel” Hanni says as she brings her hand up to your hair, combing through thoroughly and getting rid of the knots that formed from the eventful night you’ve had. “ you’re lucky I love taking care of you and I’ll keep doing it for as long as you’ll have me” 
“Make yourself comfortable then cause I don’t plan on leaving any time soon.” You retort back with a muffled chuckle. “Or ever for that matter” Whispering the last line softly when you feel a warm hand fall to your left cheek.
“Oh really? So forever?” Hanni asks a little amused but more wonderstruck as the implications of your words didn’t escape her. 
“Forever” you replied back, asserting your previous statement. 
Hanni’s face goes flush as she turns her head away from you in embarrassment, not that you could tell either way as your eyes had almost fully closed. A small ping from both of your phones regains Hanni’s attention as she glances down at the notification. Beaming at you she bends down to leave a kiss on your forehead. The gentle and delicate touch wakes you up as your eyes open up again, looking back at your girlfriend with a dopey and sleepy but loving gaze. 
“I love you so much you know that?” You remind Hanni as your eyes start fluttering close again, shifting in and out of consciousness. The mix of her tender touches and the stress of the week adding to your sleepy state. 
“You remind me everyday, how could I not?” Hanni quips before fondly adding  “I love you too Yn, happy 1 year anniversary” 
Tearing her gaze away from your drowsy figure, she could see the glimpses of sunlight start to poke through the sky.
A low whisper could be heard as you mumbled back an I love you too.
There is no combination of words Hanni could use to describe how much you meant to her and how much she cherished you. You were her everything. She smiled lovingly as she heard your breathing slowly even out.
Ironic how you fell asleep as the world began to wake but sometimes it’s better to just have that moment to yourselves. And what better time to have it than when everyones asleep? Not a single soul out to bother you.
Just you and the love of your life.
Together, forever. 
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itstheghostofmypast · 6 months
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(College AU) Choi San x (f)Reader
Summary: Of course, they loved each other. He was obsessed with her. She, with him to some extent, but to recognise each other outside the four walls of their comfort was a 'no-no'. Perhaps because as much as they loved each other, who knew being academic rivals would be so problematic.
Genre: Hurt + Comfort
Rating: nc-17
Warnings: None
Word Count: 2.9K
Est. Read Time: 13 min
Networks: @cromernet @k-labels
Banner: @cafekitsune
Epilogue: His Little Cowboy
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"I'm so glad we're done with exams." He sighed, sitting down and rolling his shoudlers, before rubbing his neck and eying the food, then deciding to order another round.
"Mhmm... I was so glad to close all the tabs today. My laptop practically thanked me." Smiling, she leaned forward on her elbows, "Is this why we're having an expensive meal?"
Her words held no real malice, but an air of unease, she never liked how he'd casually spend like this, especially on her, she had done nothing to deserve this, and the constant reminder of how he'd always pay whenever it was pricey would nip at her self pride.
He paused to look at her before pouting, "No, I just wanted to treat my girl." Mumbling he moved the tray towards her, gesturing for her to start first, trying to ignore her lingering gaze, the eerie nostalgia setting in, he knew what she'd get like during exam season, extremely cynical and skeptical, to be honest he was no different- but they were finally free and perhaps he just wanted to enjoy a nice meal with her, no hidden intentions or ulterior motives, nothing to think about but each other.
"Then let's go dutch-"
"Not a chance." His abrupt words cut her off, for a split second his tone reverted back to the one she was used to, the tone he'd use back in the day, to snub her or out do her while answering, this tone was often accompanied by a scoff, the only gesture that would mildly indicate that this was but a fun little game, though she knew when the tone was all that would surface, he'd be serious, in no mood for negotiation. Fortunately,  he had barely ever used it with her, often in times of forcing her to do something good for herself, like to rest or to eat, but she'd seen him use the same tone with a few people, who were once her friends, he didn't know she was there, standing behind the wall, listening to him call out her so called friends, people who'd just use her for her work, leeching off her academics, knowing she'd be too tired to even argue or say no, or even too guilty when one of them would bring up how smart she was and that made her arrogant- she heard him that day, the crisp morning air wasn't as cold as his words,
"Your incompetence is a curse you should bear on your own. Don't drag others down in that pitiful hole of yours, especially her."
That day she had lost an entire circle of friends, at a point she wondered if it was even worth it, wondered why he even said that when a class ago he had called her 'a silly little girl' for arguing about what a Freudian slip was when she was clearly wrong, now here he was defending her honour? On the same day he had come to her, sitting next to her in the library and slipping her a coupon, initially she had thought he was insulting her- a typical bourgeoisie move, only to realise it was a coupon for a couple's meal, noticing him side eying her to read her expressions. She had turned to him, pointing at the coupon, herself and then him, and as wordlessly as she had spoken, he too nodded, pointing at himself, her and then the coupon. Something had begun to blossom between the two that day, a relationship both were too afraid to talk about, perhaps because of their on going rivalry since the beginning of their academic year, or the way they'd ignore each other until one would bother the other, or perhaps the fear of being questioned by the lingering gazes around the hallways,  the whispers the wind carried around the campus- wanting not to be part of the gust of wind, choosing to keep whatever this was hidden, a secret shared by just the two.
"I mean...I'd prefer you don't, I wanted to treat you," his argument coming out softer, as he nodded to the waiter who had entered the private section after knocking, to place another tray in front of them, "Just us and a nice meal...I haven't spent enough time with you....that's why." Clearing his throat , he avoided the way she studied him, eyes scanning each feature, every gesture, every breath he'd take, to be able to study his next more, to prepare herself. Truth be told he hated it when she'd do that, this was the first thing that irked him about her, and although he had always been gentle natured, this trait of hers would always have his ulterior ego surface, ready to claw her. It took him some time to realise that was just the face she'd make while thinking, not only at him but everyone, including her exam sheet. That did not mean that being together made it any easy for him, in fact, now he'd feel small when she'd look at him like that, he'd feel as if his sincerity was being questioned, it made him dislike himself, was he not clear enough? Was the choice of words not point to point? Maybe his tone was ooff-
"Oh...well you're right, I guess I am to blame for that, I kind of mentally blocked you out." Mumbling sheepishly she reached across the table to hold his hand, her the tips of her fingers caressing the back of his hand, noting how he visibly relaxed, "In my defense there's this annoying guy in class who thinks he's so smart-"
"Thinks?" With a scoff he laced their fingers together, leaning closer to the table to eye her, his frown morphing into his signature dimpled smile at the sound of her laughter, before he continued, adding onto the playful banter, "Last time I checked this guy beat you in the Moral Philosophy 101 quiz and assignment."
Shrugging in response she grabbed the chopsticks with her free hand, "Beginners luck. Also consequentialism sucks, you're just a utilitarian at heart, that's why you got lucky." With that verdict she began eating, earning a cackle in return, the atmosphere around them calming down once more, allowing her to relax, much to his pleasure. He had begged her to go out with him last week too, claiming that they were left with just one exam so they could relax a bit, though she had threatened to block him if he kept pestering her, which is why he had stopped spam texting her.
However, finally tonight, now that they were free he had earned the right to become her Sannie again, to roll around on her bed, messing with the sheets while she would be scrolling on her phone trying to ignore how his antics were toppling off her plushies to the floor. He'd be able to whine and complain when she'd wake him up early because the 'cafeteria is serving Yaki Udon',
"Go, they let you sneak some to your dorm, sneak some here"
"It's...6 am...let's just eat something else."
"If I had the rich boy privellage,  I'd go myself, but alas-"
"Are you really guilt tripping me for being rich?"
"No, my sweet nepo-baby I'm stating a mere fact."
"A nepo-baby would be a business major like his father, not a communication major-"
"And that's why you're my favourite boy, Sannie."
That day he got her four bowls of udon, even sneaking in the dessert Wooyoung had gotten for himself, and when asked he told Wooyoung he had eaten it, never mentioning her.
That was another issue, he had to keep his relationship a secret from his friends too, initially it was fun, the thrill and excitement would have him shivering with glee, but recently, after most of his friends now had a significant other whom they would publicly walk around with or show affection to, he had begun to wonder if she'd ever want that with him. Or were they just college sweethearts, soon to be forgotten, a bitter sweet memory plastered at the back of their minds, one to return to when times would get rough.
"What's wrong?"
Her question cutting off his thought process only for him to realise how he had just been staring at his food, while she was half way done. Clearing his throat he gave her a gentle smile, shaking his head before reaching for the soda, pouring both of them a glass. Maybe some other time, he'd ask her some other time, right now he could see how she was enjoying herself, he could see how comfortable she was with him, he had no real intentions of ruining the moment.
"Are you sure? You're making the same face you did, when you had to present last semester." Just like that he had lost all the love he had for her, no, he was dating a monster, a demon in the skin of an angel, the human embodiment of Godzilla. Eyes narrowing at her direction he scoffed, leaning back to take off his jacket, before responding with a taunt, "Says the person who forgot the meaning of utility while presenting".
With a gasp she placed her hand on her heart,  staring at him in faux shock, "You fiend, that's because I'm a Kant girlie at heart."
"So...you don't think the ends justify the means?" He asked cautiously, though not of her feelings, but of the risk of his own fragile heart, too afraid to let it slip out of her grasp and shatter.
"The ends, never justify the means, Sannie."  She smiled, staring at him only for it to drop when she noticed him frown at his plate, slowly nodding as he looked up at her, "Yeah...I guess..."
"What's...wrong, something has been bothering you since we came here." She sighed pushing her plate aside, watching him take out his buzzing phone, choosing to stare at the phone rather than him.
His blunt response nipping at her insecurities, what did she do? Should she not have said that? Did she offend him? Was he going to leave her now? They were in their final year anyway, the time spent together was supposed to come to an end and as much as she wanted to cling onto the false hope of him somehow spending the rest of his life together with her, she knew that was but a wish, reality was far too bitter, far too grim, leaving the two to wonder when they'd become a distant memory.
There it was, his eyes flickered up to scan her face, that defeated look she'd hold when she'd give up, why would she never fight for him? Why didn't she pester him to finish his statement, why didn't she cling onto him, pulling him closer even though he knew he'd run to her at any given moment, he was only waiting for the signal, waiting for her to say the word. Maybe Wooyoung was right, this was just a fun arrangement for the two, a temporary one, which is why Hongjoong had asked him to confront her, but he didn't want to, yet, here he was by choosing to not confront her he had somehow made it worse.
Visibly flinching under his glare she averted her gaze, clearing her throat, playing with her fingers as she stared at her lap aimlessly, so what now?
"What about us?" His words a gentle whisper as he put his phone on the table beside his plate, hunching forward to get a better look at her face, "Does our end justify our means?"
Her head snapped up in his direction, the burning sensation of the flood of tears at the brink of falling, she could feel the fat droplets clinging to her lower lashes, chewing on her lower lip as she tried to compose herself, "Which end...Sannie, the one where we say goodbye?"
His frown only deepened at her question, taking in her shaking form, pinching himself as he tried ro remain rooted to his spot. Seonghwa had told him to listen to her, to comfort and console her because women need time to process and cope, especially someone like her, but then Hongjoong's persistent 'What if she really is with you for the ride',  kept bothering him, what if he were right, but at the back of his mind, this little voice was yelling at him, telling him how that was not true, how he'd seen her take care of him, how he'd felt her love for him; from when she'd slip in her extra notes in his bag for him to study to when she'd slip in a few packets of mint oreo in his bag as a treat. He knew they were more than just a fling, or at least he would like to believe that.
"Do you ... want us to?" His words as soft as the first time he had confessed to her, making her feel even more nauseous than before, though with a gulp she held it back before shaking her head and mumbling a, "No...do you?"
Shaking his head, much like her he sighed before staring aimlessly at her, "Then...why won't you fight for me?" This was less of a question, but more of a whine, a plea, one that had her finally snap.
Her sniff having him focus on her, watching her bring up her hands to cover her face, as she hunched over, making sure he couldn't see her cry, a trait that bothered him, he'd barely ever see her breakdown, even during the stressful exam season, she'd lock herself in the washroom and let it out, while he'd either wait outside the washroom (if he was lucky enough for her to let him into her dormroom) or like most exam seasons he'd be at his own dorm, trying to call her or text her.
"Why can't our end be happy?" He mumbled, finally choosing to get up and  walk around the table and to her, glad he had reserved a closed off private section. Sighing he reached for her, gently gripping her wrists as he pulled her hands off her face, ignoring her whines and protest, "Tell me, why do you think we can't have a happy end?" Pulling her up to wrap his arms around her, letting her fist his shirt, soaking it with her tears, sobbing out a, "Because our means of doing so aren't good."
Pulling her back he stared at her, gripping her shoulders, "What do you mean? Do you not want to keep it a secret anymore?"
"I never wanted to keep it a secret, at least I dont want to anymore." She mumbled trying to hide in his embrace once more but he pulled her back again, much to her disappointment as he tried to read her, "I just thought...your image and...I...maybe you didn't want to tell anyone."
By now he had sat her back down leaning against the table as he looked at her, holding onto her hand, his thumbs caressing the back of her hand, listening to her, raising his eyebrows, "No..." he sighed before gently smiling at her, "I've been dropping hints for a while now. My last hint was what led the guys to pick up on the fact that we are together."
So his friends knew?
"Do they think I'm weird?" She whispered, trying to pull away her hand but he held onto her tighter, shaking his head and letting out a laugh, "If anything they thought I tricked you into dating me...Wooyoung didn't even believe me until he saw our pictures." He smiled at her, the memory of his friends accusing him for lying, making it even funnier, "Yeosang said he could tell you're into dumb guys."
"Well, you are dumb. There's no doubt about that." She mumbled, standing up and moving closer, so she was standing between his legs. Cupping his face, she smiled when he glared at her. The eerie sensation that was once slithering in her veins long gone, "I don't remember a single hint, though."
"How?" He whined, pouting at her, leaning into her touch, closing his eyes as he basked in the attention,  the same attention he knew he would recieve publically from now on, there would be nothing holding them back, not her toxic friends, those who stared or whispered, in fact his friends would just support them, perhaps she needed such a support system too, would be good for her, "Yesterday after the exam I called you out, I said see you tomorrow babe."
"Thought that was a Freudian slip."
"Oh, so now you know what a Freudian slip is?" His eyes snapped open, brows furrowing at her smug expression, hissing when she squeezed his cheeks together, only to pull back when he wrapped his arms around her, squeezing her tight until she was wheezing out apologies. Giving him a proper hug once he eased down on her, she sighed, pressing her forehead against his,"I really do like you, Sannie."
"I like you too." He smiled, feeling her brush her lips against his, whispering against her lips, only his next statement had him feeling her stiffen and possibly struggle against him but he held her tight, not wanting to be smacked, "They updated the marksheet, I scored higher than you in Moral Philosophy....again...sorry babe." Followed by his boisterous laughter and her whining to let him go, greatly ruining the moment.
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A/N: I had to get this out of my system okay- my exams just finished. The next update ya'll will see will be of Meow Chapter 4
Taglist: @edenesth @yessa-vie @marsvillee @spooo00oky @the-kpop-simp @mlysalt
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undertheorangetree · 1 year
Under the God's Eye
Chapter One- The Deal
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Summary- In order to have a peaceful holiday, Aemond asks his academic rival for a favour.
Warnings- MDNI 18+ This story is going to be NSFW. Female reader. No real knowledge of how law school works. Mentions of finals season.
Author’s Note- Making banners is very new to me but graphic design is my passion. I’ve had a couple people ask about tag lists and I’m willing to make one for this series so reply to this if you’d like to be on it :) Full chapter on AO3
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divider created by firefly-graphics
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Despite appearances, she quite likes the train. It’s often overcrowded and either too hot or too cold, but she manages to find a seat more often than not. So long as she doesn’t forget her headphones, it can be almost relaxing to stare out the window and let her mind wander.
Today is the exception. With finals less than three days away, she thinks she would prefer to be anywhere but here on this sweltering train, packed to the brim with people just as sweaty and irritable as she is. But she had no choice but to pack her things and make her way down to campus today, with a roommate moving out and a new one moving in. She can’t afford to be distracted when she has two back to back finals and she would be damned if she failed them all because Alysanne had picked a bad time to move out.
The train lurches to a stop outside Blackwater station and she manages to push her way out of the car before the doors lock her back inside. It is not a far walk to the university library but she cannot help but think that it feels farther today, nerves wracking at her like they are. She nearly sighs in relief when she walks through the doors and finds a free table on the third floor, hidden behind some bookcases and overlooking the courtyard.
It isn’t long before she has three textbooks, two notebooks, and her laptop sprawled across the tabletop, scrolling through past cases she knows Professor Redwyne likes to cite. He is well known for his difficult exams- even for a law class- but she likes to think she has some kind of advantage over her classmates. She has had him before, though it was in undergrad, and thinks she has some idea of what he likes to test on. If she’s lucky, his exams won’t be too different from one another.
She isn’t sure how long she sits there for, comparing her notes with those in the text and lecture slides and reading court cases until her eyes feel as though they are about to bulge out of her skull, but it is long enough for her stomach to start to rumble. There’s a café across the courtyard and she considers getting up to stretch her legs and grab something to eat but the thought of losing her table ensures that she stays exactly where she is.
A coffee cup is placed in front of her while she’s contemplating, the chair opposite her screeching as it’s pulled back from the table. She pulls off her headphones, brows furrowed in confusion, only for her face to fall when she catches sight of Aemond Targaryen making himself comfortable across the table.
She sighs heavily. “What do you want, Targaryen?”
“Easy. The coffee is a peace offering.”
It isn’t that she hates Aemond, she just cannot stand him. They had been cursed to be in the same classes since the start of law school and she cannot remember a time where he didn’t have something to say. He treated class as if it were a competition and she was his greatest rival. He had a contrarian response for every question she answered and class discussions had turned into a ravenous debate between them more than once. If she was being completely honest, she thinks he’s a pompous, arrogant, know-it all with some weird vendetta against her. And perhaps she could forgive all that- this was law school and it was in near every student’s nature to be fiercely competitive- if not for the fact that he flaunted his familial wealth at near every opportunity. That combined with his insufferable personality had never done much to endear her to him.
Begrudgingly, she snatches the coffee and pulls it closer, reading the order label. How he knows her order, she has no idea, but she can admit he has always been uncomfortably observant. It wouldn’t take much effort to look over her shoulder in class and read her order when he was bored. If he ever got bored at all. She takes a hesitant sip before deeming it correct and setting it back down.
“What do you want?”
“A favour.”
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Read the rest here
Taglist- @docmartinis @backyardfolklore
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imagineredwood · 5 months
College assignments are stressing me out 😩 some hc’s for the mayan boys on helping their girl destress from exam season or anything similar?
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Good luck babe!! It'll all be worth it in the end 💕
Angel/Coco goes more on the distraction route. He's never much liked academics, so as much as he may love you, he's not the type to sit and help you study. He does love helping you chill though. He'll take you out for dinner then ice cream. Take you with him for a ride with nowhere specific in mind, just letting you relax and enjoy the fresh air. He also definitely uses sex as a rewards for being so hard working and determined. He brings you to club parties even if you're tired and don't really feel like going, just so you can enjoy a night out and drink and dance and get your mind off the stress and demand from school.
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EZ likes for you to be pampered. Books a couples massage. Pays for you to get a facial and your nails and toes done. He'll take you for nice romantic dinners. He just wants to do whatever he can to spend time with you and get your mind off the stress. He knows its for a good cause and it will all pay off in the end, but that doesn't mean he likes to see you worked up. He loves to help you study and that helps to take the edge off sometimes because he makes it fun and different, but he's the first to mandate breaks when he seems you need it.
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Bishop hates seeing you stressed. He's always stressed, so he knows how it feels. Especially when its something that you can't just ignore, like the club or in your case school. He's more about doing whatever it is that you want. Where ever you want to eat, he's making reservations. You want to go to the beach? He finds the nicest one he can find. You want to spend the day out shopping? He's right there holding your bags. You just want to stay home and eat snacks and cuddle? He's got your favorite movie and treats at the ready. Whatever it takes to help you settle and calm down.
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He spoils you like you wouldn't believe. Has offered more than four times to just bribe your teachers into letting you pass so you can not worry but you decline. Doesn't mean he won't ask a fifth. He spoils you like crazy. With each passed test or efficient study session, there's a gift. A ring, a necklace, a bouquet of roses, lingerie, a special painting. love notes, you name it. He's beyond proud of you and makes sure you know it. He books lavish vacations when you're on break, expensive restaurants after a big exam, massages after your shoulders stiff from studying. He'll do anything to make sure you feel that you are his pride and joy.
General taglist
@piccasoe @ateliefloresdaprimavera @gemini0410 @woahitslucyylu @my-rosegold-soul @that-chick212 @everyhowlmarksthedead @glimmerglittergirl  @fanaticfangurl21 @encounterthepast  @svintsandghosts  @starrynite7114   @destynelseclipsa  @queenbeered @iamthegraham @emoengelfurleben  @otomefromtheheart @rosieposie0624 @papa-geralt-of-cirilla @beeroses @weirdosandhopelessromantics @kola95  @cruzwalters @myakai13 @mrsstevenbuchananstark @lyly00 @kaystacks17 @cole-winchester  @alexxavicry  @savagemickey03  @fanfic-n-tabulous    @choochoo284 @xbloodyxangelx @carma-fanficaddict @gillysoldlady @choochoo284 @whitetxilwxlf @ravennaortiz @flowercrowns-goodvibes
Mayans MC taglist 
@dazzledamazon  @abunnykisses @briana-mishell24 @angelreyesgirl @wrcn9fvlcver @peaches009 @capt-canadian @thesandbeneathmytoes @krysiewithak @darklingveracruz @appropriate-writers-name @cind-in-real-life @blessedboo @montanaraed @kkim120 @megapeacelovemusic-blog @emoengelfurleben @blowmymbackout @abby-splace @kola95 @black-repunzel99 @redpoodlern @xonickibaby @myakai13 @cruzwalters @yosoynicolexo @mrsstevenbuchananstark @danimals1096 @po3ticb3auty @lyly00 @im-just-a-mississippi-girl @kaykaysuh @angel-121 @fanfic-n-tabulous @90sisthenew80s @lovelytricia @carma-fanficaddict
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feroshgirlsims · 24 days
Chapter 3.3 - What Not to Wear
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Cleaning the coop and feeding the chickens has become an unbearable chore since Vlad’s grandmother brought back a rooster from a place he can only assume is hell. It takes forever to get the little asshole subdued so he can collect the eggs, and today, Vlad doesn’t have time to dilly-dally. He needs the early train to Britechester. The lecture doesn’t matter, but collecting payment and securing more clients for the upcoming exam season does. 
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“Come on, you little shit, I haven’t got all day,” Vlad growls. 
If a rooster could shoot fire from his eyes, this one would. He pecks at Vlad’s feet, beak breaking through the soft leather of his lace-ups.
“What the fuck?” 
Roosters don’t talk, of course, but they can look self-satisfied, which is exactly what the little asshole does.
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“Leave Barnabus be,” his grandmother, Emily, calls out, “Bloodvein will handle it. I have something important for you.”
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His cousin hasn’t left his shed in three days, so Vlad can’t imagine him handling anything, but maybe his grandmother knows something he doesn’t. 
He shoots Barnabus one last threatening look. “One day, they will call me to slaughter you, and I’ll do it with a smile.”
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Emily is waiting in the kitchen with her cup of coffee. “Your mother said you need something special to wear on your date.”
“I should’ve known she couldn’t keep her mouth shut.”
She shrugs, “Cheer up, sonny-boy. Your mother’s loud mouth is your saving grace. I brought some of Bubba’s old things down for you to try on.”
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Vlad goes still. He knows everything will be impeccably tailored and made of the softest fabric. Briefly, he closes his eyes and imagines the feel of a silk-lined jacket. “Why would Bubba agree to this?”
“I didn’t,” his grandfather grunts as he slinks into the kitchen and drops his tacklebox on the table. “But that one,” he points at Emily, “Is a cheat at cards, so now I have to give it all up.”
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“I don’t cheat, you crotchety son of a bitch, and you should be glad your grandson is even willing to wear your tired-ass work clothes,” she fixes him with a look, “You don’t need them.”
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Vlad doesn’t interrupt. The best way to escalate an argument with a Straud was to get involved, and there was no reason to put the chance to try on Bubba’s suits at risk. As a result, the argument subsides relatively quickly, but there is a gleam in his grandfather’s eye when Emily thrusts the pile of clothes into Vlad’s arms. 
Bubba—real name Nikolas—bathed cities in red from Selvadorada to Komberebi. When governments needed a job done with brutal efficiency, they called Covert Ops. When they needed a job done that only a lack of conscience and a strong stomach could handle, they called Nikolas Straud. He says he doesn’t miss it, and despite a strict policy against falsehoods, it’s a lie the family allows.
“I’ll go change,” Vlad announces, barely resisting the urge to take the stairs two at a time.
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(Part 3 of 4)
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post mortem | part five
Description: Six thieves gather hostages and lock themselves in the Royal Mint of Spain - a criminal mastermind by the alias of the Dragon manipulates the police to buy them enough time to print money. (money heist au)
Pairing: Daemon Targaryen x Reader, Aegon Targaryen x Reader, and Aemond Targaryen x Reader.
Rating: Mature 18+
series masterlist | part four
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Alicent Hightower knew the price of fortune - all of the material things she had in this life was because of her hard work. She was born in a small village; Bohoniki. It was engraved in her mind that the only way that she'd escape poverty was to study hard. - and study, she did.
Studied so hard that her eyes were strained after a few years - and when the exam results came out - she was thrown away, casted aside for some hot-shot heiress that would probably waste the opportunity of going to college. That was the day that she vowed to work - to step on whoever's corpse it took to have what she wanted.
But she was a woman.
She always had to be a victim against other people's actions. She worked hard to get accepted into a new university, but she ends up falling in love with her Economics Professor. He was beautiful - with silver hair that went past his shoulders. She was enthralled with the way that the words spewed out of his mouth. She had three beautiful children with him - same in temperament, same in looks.
You could take a girl out of the cold, but not the cold out of the girl.
Sooner or later, she'd become the abuser too. She left her family for a businessman - a man that could provide the life that she desired - was it her fault? Partly, but now it's come to bite her.
"Aegon has always been a mischievous child. I don't know why - we always provided him everything that he wanted. Maybe, that was the reason - he had everything and nothing in this world made him happy. But stealing made him happy - he says that it excites him." Alicent cleared her throat, stirring her tea clockwise.
"- it's not the first time that the cops have knocked on my door." she chuckled bitterly, assuming that what had happened was a minor thing - a small shoplifting incident that would be fixed with a few hundred dollars.
"What Mr. Aegon Targaryen has done - is of a different level, Congresswoman. We'll need your help to get him back." Corlys smiled. The government airlifted him to USA the moment they found out about Aegon's identity. What they were doing needed to be stop - before it could become a precedence for other terrorists.
"Get him back? Is he lost?" Alicent joked again. Corlys' demeanor shifted, and he leaned back on the sofa. "He is a terrorist," he said bluntly, and the atmosphere slowly turned dull. "Is this about the PETA Organization again? He's a soft hearted boy," she reasoned and the man shook his head, placing a yellow file on the coffee table.
She quickly placed the teacup beside her - hands shaking as she reached for the file. "The Royal Mint of Spain: Currently Occupied by Terrorists." the headline read out, a picture of her son in the bubble beside the drawing. Her lips shudder, fingers touching the picture.
How long has it been since she's last seen a photograph of her son? Those chubby cheeks still remained, but his eyes were down-set and his eye-bags were more prominent. "This is not real, whatever game you're playing Inspector Corlys - it's not funny. Especially now that election season is moving closer." her voice turned stoic.
"I am afraid that it is not a game - The Government of Spain is losing money in their attempts to quell this act of terrorism. One of the accused is your son, and you will help us if you want to win the reelection." he threatened, placing the deal more bluntly - aware of how politicians could turn and twist narratives. "I can just deny his existence, there are no records that the boy is mine." Alicent's face suddenly turned cold.
Corlys resisted the urge to roll his eyes - the Congresswoman's poker face was as stupid as her platforms. "You and I both know that you're not going to do that. Parents love their children more than anything, even when they are the shackles that bind us." he stated, taking a nonchalant sip of his chamomile tea. Alicent breathes a sigh of relief, partly afraid of what they'd ask her to do next.
"How am I going to help you? In Aegon's eyes, I'm good as dead." she scoffed, unable to entertain the notion that her children still loved her. She didn't deserve their love, neither their time. "What year did you leave Spain, congresswoman?" Corlys inquired and her teeth burrowed into her lower lip. "Twenty-one years ago," she answered.
"Your son was 2-3?"
"4 or 6. I'm not sure," she replied - in a tone that told her that she still loved her children. "A little too young, but still old enough to realize that you abandoned him." he further explains, taking something out of a separate folder. He places it on the coffee table. In all bold letters, she could barely make out the outline of her son's name.
MY MOTHER, MY HERO By Aegon Matthew Targaryen
Her eyes trailed up - until she was staring deep inside of the Old Snake's eyes. She'll do everything it takes to save her son, even risk her political career.
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"Is he going to be alright?" Rhaenyra couldn't help but inquire. She's only been around her brother as much as there were fingers in her hands, but she's grown to love him. She loves him the same way that a woman loves her son. The thought of him possibly dying - it didn't sit well with her. "There's a bit of bleeding, but Mysaria had it fixed." Daemon responded, and his niece raised an eyebrow.
"I thought we weren't allowed to use real names?" she placed a hand on his collar, straightening his zipper with rehearsed ease. "Force of habit," he shrugged while freeing himself from her grasps. It was impossible to stay sated around his niece - around a beautiful girl. When she came into his life - he rebuked her. He couldn't understand why his older brother would adopt his ex-wife's daughter.
Aemma cheated on him with a barber - now after she's died of Cancer. Viserys still loves her. Loves her more than he loves Daemon. He couldn't stand the girl, that's why he left for college - he'd rather live in another country than watch his brother play house.
"Does the Professor know that his son is bleeding?" Rhaenyra asked, staring into the camera - knowing that her father was watching from behind it. "He doesn't need to know, worst comes to worst, we'll need better medical care." Daemon took a sip of his cappuccino. "Does that mean that he's stopped bleeding?" she frowned and he shook his head. "Stop babying him, it's a fucking scratch." he placed the mug loudly on the ceramic table - carefully retreating into the halls before anything else happened between them.
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Daemon prepared another cup of instant coffee, surprised to see Aemond cleaning his bandaged wound. "What are you doing?" his nephew sanitized the skin around the gash, Daemon takes a mammoth stride towards the window - watching the police prepare their camp around the Royal Mint. "Just because we're on the clock, doesn't mean that there isn't time for slacking off." he responded.
Turning to look at his nephew - whose attention was plastered back into that bleeding piece of skin. "I hope you don't mind, but I haven't told Volantis about this little injury yet." he pointed at the young boy and Aemond frowned. "Why would she need to know?" he acted oblivious, adding more fuel to Daemon's anger.
"You're clearly together," he gritted his teeth - voice full of envy. It was unfair! He fucked the girl first, but his nephew was reaping late game rewards. "We're not." Aemond responded bluntly, as if it was the most obvious thing in the entire world. "Explain to me why there's always a moaning contest in her room, then?" Daemon scoffed. "Is she always stretching? Watching a horror movie perhaps?" Daemon antagonized, watching his nephew throw a piece of cloth angrily.
"I don't care if she's learning pilates or watching fucking Annabelle. I just want to get my money and get out of here." Aemond could feel his patience running thin. "You wouldn't mind then, if I made her my wife?" Daemon smiled mischievously. Aemond was just about to reply, but Aegon suddenly barges inside the room.
"You have to look at what's happening outside. It's urgent!" the boy's panicked voice caught their attention. "What is it?" Aemond groaned - aware that he was unable to walk due to his injury. "Mother." Aegon whispered, and the room's atmosphere dulled.
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Alicent couldn't stand staring at her children. They'd cry all the time - and she couldn't stand their constant need for her attention. "Aemond please stop crying, I don't know what to do." she cried, holding her son close to her chest.
It was going to be four hours before her husband returned, and by then, he was going to be too tired to take care of children. It was unfortunate because he was the only one who knew what to do. Viserys was the only one responsible enough to maintain a home.
"He's probably hungry," Aegon peeked through the dark living-room. Alicent could feel more tears flow out of her irises. Her son needed milk, and she was too stupid to even think about that. "Yeah, yeah. Uhh Aegon can you please call Peepaw for me. I-I need help." she stuttered - ashamed of her stupidity.
"You shouldn't have called me at this time, I had a sermon today." Otto scolded his daughter, removing his coat and placing it on the rack beside the door. "I didn't know what to do - the kids haven't stopped crying since their father left." she sobbed.
"I always told you that having children this young was a mistake. Imagine, you're only eighteen and you already have two-children? It is an abomination, Alicent." her father scolded, and she could only bow her head in the face of his criticism. She severely needed his help.
He reached for Aemond who was fussing in Alicent's arms. "I didn't have a choice, you told me that I'd go to hell if I didn't marry Viserys." she grimaced, and his dark glare returns. "Premarital Sex, Alicent. I couldn't allow you to sin." he gritted his teeth. His face softened, seeing the familiar figure of his favorite grandchild. "Aegon," he smiled before turning to his daughter.
"Go and rest, I will handle everything."
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@fan-goddess @marvelescvpe @theshatteredideal @acollectionofcells1 @mxacegrey @bellstwd @nyctophilic0vitnir @icarusgloom @pearlstiare @themotherofblood @immyowndefender @ammo23 @ladywin17
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You Know What They Say About Opposites
Pairing: Ujishima Wakatoshi/Transmasc! Reader Warnings: Suggested NSFW, Affectionate Bullying Summary: Your Drama Club activities end early so you make your way to the gym to meet up with Ushi and Tendou after practice ends. Ushi gets caught kissing your cheek, and the team has questions.
The days you got to stay over in Ushijima and Tendou's dorm were always good ones. Technically, Shiratorizawa didn't allow for student to stay over night in each other's dorms over worries of "fraternization" but tended to look the other way if everyone was the same gender, or in your case appeared that way. It was convenient enough to lie and say you were being tutored by Ushijima; there would have been questions if you said it was Tendou helping you. Today was Saturday, which meant that after classes and club activities you would be crashing at Ushi's for the weekend. There would be little tutoring going on if you had your way, and that thought had you walking to your first class with more pep in your step than the start of exam season would usually allow.
Being a year being a year behind Ushijima meant that you didn't get to see him too often throughout the day. Your lunches matched up so like usual you found yourself sandwiched comfortably between Ushi and Tendou. Tendou was talking animatedly about one of the manga updates in Shonen Jump, you hadn't read the issue yet so he was cautious to avoid spoiling anything major for the series he knew you were reading. It was on the docket for the weekend, allowing that you and Ushijima separated long enough to read anything at all. "Hey Ushie?" You nudged him to get his attention, "Are you meeting me outside my club room, or do you want me to meet you in the gym again?" He shrugged in a way most people would consider noncommittal, "Practice might run long today, so you can come to the gym if we aren't done yet." "That works for me." You say and go back to half listening to Tendou. "Just wash off your stage make up this time." The rumble of his voice startles you, "You looked a little scary last time." You couldn't help but laugh as you put the note in your phone and tagged it with an alarm, just in case you forgot. "No promises." Ushi smiled at that, though to anyone else it was little more than a small quirk of the lips. Lunch ended too soon for your liking as it always did.
When you arrived at your club room you were relieved to find set pieces and tarps placed on the floor. There would be no acting today, just blocking together and painting the set pieces the shop club had finished up for your club. You would preforming "A Night in the Woods" at the end of exam season so the last minute touches needed to be added to everything before the real rehearsals could start. Which meant no stage make up, which meant no accidentally scaring Ushijima. It did mean changing clothes before heading for the gym because you got paint all over yourself, which was also pretty normal when it came to you and art supplies. The moment you were changed and packed up you raced for the athletic complex so you wouldn't have to keep Ushijima waiting. In the end you didn't have to worry because when you arrived practice was still in session. No one reacted anymore when you came in, your presence was half expected at this point. You were after all, one of two people who could accurately translate Ushi's one word responses into actual thoughts so the team relied on you when they didn't think they could trust Tendou. The team also seemed to enjoy the sketches of them you would show them once practice ended. You settled into the bleachers and flipped to a blank page in your sketchbook to begin.
At the cool down whistle you packed up your things and made your way down to the floor to meet up with Ushijima. You're feeling particularly generous today, and lean on Ushijima's shoulders as he sat and leaned forward, standing directly behind him with your arms on his shoulders, gesturing carefully as you made small talk with the rest of the team. It was pleasant and mostly normal. Before retreating to the locker room though, Ushijima bent and kissed your cheek. Everyone except for Tendou froze at the display. Ushijima didn't seem to realize what he'd done to earn that reaction and continued on his way to the locker room. Which left you with a flock of very curious teammates to deal with. Goshiki breaks first, "Is this why you're always waiting at practice? I thought he was just tutoring you?" "Yes, and well, that's how things started." You spare him the details, because while that was how things started it only took a week for the two of you to move forward from that. Yunohama was next, "What about the fraternization rules?" "They over look it on weekends if everyone's the same gender," You shrug, "Besides, if you don't slide your student card going in, you don't have to scan it going out and therefore you don't get counted. And if you leave early enough to card out of your own dorm, they really can't do anything about it." Ohira was last before the group got snapped at to get changed and get the hell out, "Why do you know that?" "I have my ways." You grin, "Also you can always ask Ushie while you're in the locker room!" The team collectively fliches at that and you grin.
You get surrounded again once the team is done. Though Ushijima is careful to keep you close. His ears were pink denoting his embarrassment and you had to wonder what he had been asked in the locker room that had him so worked up. "So how did you two even get together anyway?" Semi finally piped up, "No offense, but you seem more Tendou's type than Waka's. You know, since you are energetic and very bubly. While Waka is well, you know..." You squeezed Ushi's hand as an apology in case this is what he had been bombarded with in the locker room, "Well you know what they say about opposites." That answer doesn't seem to really satisfy Semi, "Also Ushi's pretty good in the sack." Semi and several others choke, and much to your delight Ushi's ears go from pink to red.
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judjira · 9 months
the college
tags: fluff pairing: reader x mina after hours wc: 1861 back to masterlist
“Aaaand done.”
That’s your last lab report done for the night. Thank God, your university has a 24/7 study hall. You wouldn’t have been able to get any of this done at your apartment.
The study hall is chilly, but then it always is because the administration has no idea what temperature regulation is. The fluorescent lights are actually of a rather warm color, allowing you to read and process at a rather consistent pace.
Your lab reports, rather neat if you do say so yourself, are handwritten, thanks to the demands of your rather uptight professor. You even get detractions for not having your letters being written straight. Which has caused you to spend an outrageous amount of time making sure your margins are correct, your layout is neat, and your formulae are even.
It’s a bit of a mindless exercise in futility, but you have to admit, it is kind of satisfying to look at your finished lab reports and their neatness. Certainly a gratifying reminder of how many hours you’ve spent redoing lines and numbers as compared to actually studying the formulae required for this lesson.
At this hour, the study hall isn’t quite what it is in the morning, when the full hustle and bustle of the university has students scrambling from class to class, cramming reports, and studying for exams.
Still, it’s a nice change of pace from that, with barely a soul inside, besides you and some other woeful student, busy typing something down on their laptop.
It’s a nice shelter from the real world, outside the walls of the university, where you get to witness the essence of human experience in its worst forms.
But also its best forms, too.
You bid your farewell to the night shift guard, who scans your ID and nods at you in acknowledgment.
If the study hall was quiet, with only the whirring of the air conditioner and the occasional flip of a page, outside is silence incarnate. The university, with its open-air walkways and open courtyards and gardens, is almost soullessly silent, the only sounds echoing being your footsteps.
There are barely any lights, the building all mostly closed, with only street lamps that illuminate the open walkways and fluorescent pin lights to guide through the closed hallways.
Idly, you wonder what there is beyond this. Beyond open books and laptops, lecturing teachers and noisy students, oral quizzes and final exams. It’s hard to imagine what life is like beyond what you know.
But you’ll get there eventually. And soon, all this will be gone. No more cramming late night papers, no more last minute studying for exams, no more frustrating group works where you do all the work.
As much as the work is frustrating and irritating and sometimes makes you want to jump off a building, you know there is only so much of it left before it becomes real.
And so, you make the odd, but sincere decision to savor it.
You cross another hallway, towards the campus gates, and hear the rattling of cans nearby, as well as some aggravated shouting.
The last word is punctuated by a slam, and you wince in response.
It’s not uncommon to see fellow students in the area, especially at this time, during finals season when everyone is struggling to meet their academic demands.
Turning the corner, you see the source of the noise.
A girl, with long blonde hair, wearing a bomber jacket and waist high jeans, is slamming on a vending machine, as the drink she’s evidently ordered is stuck.
It’s quite the break from the silence of the night. She is a break.
Because even her form, pristine and elegant blonde hair, almost glowing bomber jacket with decals, and the studs on her boots shining from the vending machine light, break the quiet monotony of your vision.
And then she punches the vending machine glass. You can swear you hear it crack, and you let out a squeak.
Then her head swivels in your direction, eyes screaming bloody murder. Her teeth are gritting, nostrils flared, and she’s clenching her fists so hard, you’d think they were bleeding.
Then she notices who it is.
And her whole body relaxes.
“Oh. It’s just you.”
You chance a hesitant wave.
“Fancy seeing you here, Mina.”
Her eyes untense and take in your form lazily, her lips quirk up into that lazy smirk you know her for, and her fists unclench and breathe.
Simultaneously, you unclench and breathe, as the anger she’s so known for is not directed towards you.
“I kinda expected to see you around here.”
Mina is…not someone you thought you would’ve become friends with.
She was your classmate a total of once, and in that one time you became paired for a project. The rest is somewhat history. If you can call last semester history.
The thing is, however, you and Mina are not…what people think of when they say the word friends.
“And what’s that supposed to mean, hm?”
You prod, walking forward towards her, her form illuminated by the glow of the vending machine. Mina shrugs.
“Just figured you’d be here studying somewhere is all.”
Of course, that would be fine, but then she has to continue.
“You’re a nerd, so…”
You sigh. The way Mina has so effortlessly dubbed you as a nerd reminds you of 90s highschool romcom movies and their tropes with nerds and jocks and punks. It is a bit of a cheesy way to refer to you, it is the 21st century after all, but you’ve never minded.
That’s the thing between you and Mina. To all eyes, except yours and hers, she is the stock trope and character of a bully, mirroring your somewhat admittable inclinations towards being a nerd.
But you know the real Mina.
“What’re you tryna get?”
“Hm? Just some Red Bull…cramming a paper.”
You raise an eyebrow. Mina’s never been one to put effort into her grades. It’s kind of what she’s known for, and you learned that firsthand when you were paired with her.
“Really, now?”
You see her eyebrows twinge in annoyance as she turns her attention back to the vending machine.
“What’s it to you?”
Her voice rings of…embarrassment. As it usually does.
“Well, I could have sworn you said you submitted all your papers already.”
And then, the subtle flush of her cheeks, caught in the act. But you play it out a little more.
“Ah, well, if you’re going to work on a paper, might as well leave you to it. I’m done for the day. So, I guess I’ll see you—”
Then her hand latches onto your wrist.
Her face steams of red, her eyes unwilling to look into yours, and her lips twisting into an unwilling frown.
She mumbles.
“I didn’t quite catch that.”
Then, she huffs, clears her throat, and crosses her arms.
“…I was waiting for you, okay? Are you happy?”
You laugh. Yes, you are happy.
No, not a lot of people will believe it if you say that Myoui Mina, batch delinquent and all-around truant, has a crush on you. Which is funny, since Mina does her best to hide that fact.
Not that she’s any good at hiding it.
“…I was…trying to get you some coffee.”
Mina admits, with a hand scratching behind her head sheepishly and her eyes pointedly looking anywhere but you, and your heart soars.
“And why would you do that?”
You tease, because you love to tease. The way Mina’s cheeks bloom red and her stutter comes up and her arms cross and fingers fidget.
It’s all so noisy.
And the way it disrupts the evening still, the studious calm, the college silence, is a blessing that you give your thanks for, everyday Mina is with you.
“…urgh, you’re impossible.”
Mina turns to leave, her cheeks about to burn if they turn any redder.
You laugh, and grasp her wrist, mirroring her earlier actions.
“Alright, alright, I’ll stop teasing you. You just make it so easy.”
Mina grumbles, as she is wont to do, and she scratches the back of her head again.
“Did you finish your work?”
You did, and nod to affirm that fact.
This was probably one of the hardest semesters you’ve ever had, and to have finally finished the last requirement fills you with a certain bliss you can’t even begin to describe.
“…I’m proud of you.”
And there it is. As she speaks, you see it bloom.
That cacophonous, reverberating, turbulent smile.
The smile that rings through your ears, disrupting any semblance of silence that maintains you throughout your days in school. It rings and echoes, yells and hollers, sings and screams, until you cannot hear anything else.
And you love it.
“…thanks, Minari.”
Then, her cheeks color pink like the rosiest sunset of the year, and you are smitten.
“I mean, it’s you, of all people. ‘Course you were gonna finish the sem.”
Even though she turns her face away, as she does when she speaks of anything positive, you take in her affirmations like water to a thirsty soul.
Mina, of all people, knows how much you’ve struggled. How you’ve toiled and troubled over every single paper, quiz, and grade. How often you stumbled in seeing your self-worth. How you clawed your way to excellence.
She was there for it all, after all.
At your side when you studied to body double. Offering you snacks and drinks to keep you hydrated and full. Reminding you to take breaks.
Every time you felt the silence would overtake you, Mina was there, in all her thunderous presence, there to shake you back into reality.
And you couldn’t be more thankful.
“If you say any more about me, Miss Myoui, I might think you have a crush on me.”
She scowls, and even her scowls are resplendent and vibrant.
“…is that a bad thing?”
But then, you hear it.
The hesitation. The embarrassment. The shame.
A moment of silence threatening to overcome her noise.
And quickly, you reassure her.
Your hand slips into hers.
No, her noise is welcome.
In a universe where the great void of space is nothing but silence immaculate, with nothing to disturb it, Mina’s noise, above all things, is what you cherish.
“I think it’s nice.”
The hesitation goes. And the embarrassment. And the shame.
And suddenly, your Mina is back again, turning her face to the ground, eyes locked on your hand in hers, lips trying to stifle the smile that comes to her lips.
Yes, this is okay.
“You wanna grab a bite to eat?”
Mina looks up. She looks at you.
Her eyes soften. Her lips curl. Her cheeks bloom.
And your world explodes into sound.
Nights are quiet. They usually are, in the university. It’s something you’ve learned to live with.
“Y’know, you can enter the library. You don’t have to be a weirdo and creep around the entrance, waiting for me.”
“…that’d ruin my reputation.”
“Alright, weirdo.”
“I’m so done with you.”
But when Mina is there, you find that you prefer the noise a little more.
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avalynlestrange · 1 year
Already Over
Fred Weasley x Reader
Reader: she/her pronouns
Warnings: implied smut, exam season, not proof read again haha, unrequited love or mutual pining?, profanity
Category: One-Shot, Songfic, Friends with Benefits, AU without Voldy.
Summary: In which you can’t close the door on Fred when you still need the closure.
Sneak Peak: None :P
Author’s Note: I needed this done and over with T_T As much as I love this song it’s becoming sickening to listen to. 
Word Count: 3301
To The Library (fic masterlist) To The Kitchen (WIPs) To emails i can't send fwd: Anthology To more Fred Weasley
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You’ve been talking for hours about how you shouldn’t talk for hours on end. Sitting on the floor of an empty corner of the library with candy and homework surrounding you. The recent topic of your chatter however is not the current herbology books you are required to read but how you needed to stop this situationship you have going on.
“It’s just so easy with you.” Fred laughs. He runs his fingers through his hair and you wish it could be your hands but you restrain yourself. You are trying to end things after all.
Fred chucks a jellybean at you. You catch it with your mouth. Immediately you spit it out and reach for the fizzy fig juice. 
“That’s disgusting. Tasted like sweaty socks,” You grimace after chugging down half the bottle.
“What do you mean you love sweaty socks!” He wiggles his feet near your face. You push his leg away causing his body to swivel. 
“Get your feet away from me!”
Fred smoothly transitions from his almost fall back to a sit up position. His legs in front of his stocky frame. Merlin how you adore his body.
“Shut up! You love all this,” and he wiggles himself.
You’re not very good at lying. Especially to Fred, so you only roll your eyes as a response. 
“For reals though,” you brace yourself, “We really should stop this.”
“But we’re doing so well!” Fred pouts; he gestures to the work laying around you. Both of you completed your charms essay and you celebrated with many a kiss.
“You know that’s not what I mean!” You kneel and start clearing your side of the space. This had become a frequent meeting place for the two of you. It used to be three of you but George disappears with Angelina for a few months now.
Fred grabs your wrist. You gently stumble on top of him as he guides you to straddle him. He locks his hands in yours and pulls you near his face. You would have blushed a couple months ago but you are used to this close proximity.
“But we are doing so well,” he whispers in your ear.
And now you are kissing after a conversation about how you’d probably be better off as friends. Grasping at his ginger locks, you push him further to deepen the kiss.
His hands leaves a hot trail as they roam your body, clasping and squeezing. When your shirt rides up to uncover your back, Fred without hesitation takes the opportunity to slide and touch the your skin. It’s all you could think about. The initial burn you feel upon the contact ignites your whole body.
You moan on his lips. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale and you’re submerged again in the shared passion between you. Drowning all thoughts of ceasing the very thing you are doing.
Suddenly, you hear George cough and say it’s nearly curfew causing you break apart. You share a smile and fix each others hair. 
“Same time here next weekend?” Fred winks.
As you bring yourself to stand, you say, "We won't do this again.”
You say, “I’m done.”
“You’ve barely eaten anything off your plate!” Harry exclaims, trying to pick off your plate. You block his fork with yours.
“That’s not what I meant. Hands of my pudding!” You shove a piece in your mouth to prove your point.
“What you’re leaving school or something?” Ron asks through a mouth full of roast chicken.
“I don’t think that’s what she means either Ron.” Ginny replies.
“Oh is this about my brother again? Honestly you two need to sort yourselves out;” Ron wipes his mouth with the back of his hand.
“Yeah you two should just admit you like each other. You think you’re being sneaky but we all know it.” Harry states.
It’s not like you don’t know you like each other but Fred doesn’t seem to want a serious relationship. Before you he would date different girls every weekend. You settle for friends… with benefits. You admit that you did try to keep it a secret at first, in order to not make it weird for others around you. But you did a poor job after the second week when Fred snogged you in the Quidditch tent post game thinking everyone had gone back to the castle. Everyone found out when Ron screamed so loudly. Since then you’ve tried to swat questions about the two of you.
“Oh bog off both of you!” Ginny shoos them off as if to physically remove them from the conversation. “Never mind them. They’re a few sandwiches short of a picnic when it comes to relationships.”
“Oi!” But Ron returns to his food when Hermione glares.
“Do you really want to be done? Don’t you want to tell him how you feel?” Hermione asks.
“I do. I don’t… but I’m still confused. I just don’t think I can take anymore of being ‘just friends’,” You air quote.
“How am I supposed to close the door when I still need the closure? I just need to figure out how to say it to him,” You push away your plate so that you can slump yourself on the desk.
Hermione grabs hold of your shoulders to sit you up and says, “Come on. It’s nearly time for class.”
Fred keeps tabs on you on the corner of his eye. You’re stood outside your class and a Ravenclaw leans on the wall talking to you. He can’t pinpoint the name of this classmate of yours but Fred wishes he could throw a jinx their way when they brush a way a strand of hair on your face. A means to flirt with you. Fred curses under his breath.
A sudden surge of emotion runs through his veins and he unexpectedly makes his way over to you without thinking it through. The only thought in his mind is that Ravenclaw and your lips locking and he wants to squish that idea out of yours and his head.
Selfishly he doesn’t want to give you time to be on someone else's lips. He tugs you away despite your protest about the next lesson starting soon. 
Next you’re behind a curtain with a secret passage. You halt a few steps in. What reason did he have to bring you here and skip third period?
“What’s wrong? Did something hap-“ Your questions were cut off when his lips crash onto yours. It reminds Fred of the first time you were in this secret passage alone.
It was during the 2 weekends before the O.W.L.’s exams. You were very stressed out studying in the library. You had gone back to your dorm to pick up a few snacks for the group. George went along with you but all three of you knew it was because he was looking for Angelina.
Staring at the pages of the charms textbook, Fred’s mind and heart started to race. All the exams were within the whole of next week and results were the Friday in the week after. So you all only had 9 days before your first exam. 
Nothing seemed to stick that afternoon and you were taking a long time to return. Fred skimmed through practice questions. Who even was Felix Sumerbee? To the present day, he still doesn’t know. And he remembers he certainly knew the charm for unlocking doors and chains but what was the incantation for the locking spell?
He closed the textbook as you decided it’s best for you to take a break. Fred scribbled a note and left it on your desk that he was going to the transfiguration courtyard for some fresh air. 
At 6pm in June the sun was still shining but weather in Scotland can be unpredictable so by the time you reached the courtyard, the sky drizzled small drops. He sat on a bench not minding the wetness of the rain. It distracted him from the fact he needed to go back to studying soon. 
“Catch!” He heard a person say from a close direction and dodged just in time when he realised something was dangerously close to hitting his face.
“I’m so sorry. Thought you’d be quick to get that,” You said as you sat next to him; picked up the sweet on the floor and offered it to Fred.
He quickly unwraps the candy and popped it in his mouth.
You both sat there quietly, contemplating about the future ahead. He didn’t know where it was heading but it’ll all be okay since he had you and George. Fred remembers you not noticing his stare until the rain starts to pour down.
“Let’s go!” You grabbed his hand, dragging him inside. However, when you reached indoors, Fred doesn’t stop running until you reach one of the secret passageways.
“Lumos!” You recited, then placed your wand on one of the crooks of the wall.
He leaned on his knees panting and looks up at you. Soaked to the bone, you glistened in his eyes. He’s always thought you were beautiful and had a crush on you but never acted on it. Years went by and it was getting difficult to conclude whether it was a good idea if he did. He didn’t want to lose you if you didn’t feel the same or if you did and it all goes wrong.
“Are you okay? What’s wrong?” You asked Fred. 
Fred didn’t know himself what it was. But he remembers how you laughed your awkward laugh when he didn’t reply. Then he remembers how you moved your hair to the back of your ears; how your face contorted with worry; how you gently touched his arm in concern…
He moved without thinking of consequences. His lips were on yours. 
Only at first.
And when he pulls back, you were against the wall. Both panting.
“I’m sorry I don’t know what came over me.” He lied. He’d been waiting for that moment for years but never got the courage. So much for holding up to the Gryffindor house standards.
You startled him when you pulled his robe toward yourself and kiss him with a passion.
A whisper and the light from your wand dimmed…
The day after that event, Fred didn’t see you. Not even during movement between periods. He asked other people in your circle, but they didn’t know where you were either. Your dorm mates said you were not in bed when they woke up.
Once it was dinner time, he found you sat at the furthest table from your usual and next to your potion partner who happened to be Adrian Pucey. 
“Lost Weasley?” Malfoy scowled.
“Shut up Malfoy!” Pucey glared, which Fred found incredibly strange.
“Hey.” Fred greeted you, “Where have you been?”
“I wasn’t feeling well so Adrian took me to Madam Pomfrey,” You said without looking at Fred.
“Are you feeling better? Can we talk?”
Adrian placed his arms around your shoulders as you reply, “I’m not feeling that great so maybe tomorrow.”
But tomorrow never came. You avoided him and the rumour that you were dating Adrian travelled to him through Alicia. His heart sank when he heard it.
During those weeks, you barely interacted with Fred. No matter how much he tried to. Sure, you spoke to him during class about the lesson but you weren’t you. When you spoke, he would feel a chill through his body at how cold most of your responses were. Body language was rigid and if he didn’t know better you were trying to keep to your side of the table when you were sat next to each other.
It wasn’t until George intervened and locked you in a closet that you truly interacted. You were sat on the floor twiddling your fingers whilst Fred stood as far away as he could in the little space that you were sharing. The only noise you could here is the distant chatter from students outside and the occasional cough from Fred.
He wanted to say something but didn’t really know what. He didn’t know what was going on between you but he sure as hell didn’t want to confess whatever he was feeling after how you reacted. It didn’t help that you were not even looking his way.
“I’m sorry for being a really shitty friend.” You finally spoke. Eyes still locked to the floor, you continued, “I just don’t think it’s a good idea if we got together.”
“What if we weren’t together?” He replied.
Your head shot up in confusion; “What do you mean?”
Fred didn’t exactly know what he meant either but he knew that he didn’t want to be with anyone else. He hadn’t gone on a date since your kiss, which George pointed out as strange since Fred always had a girl on his arm every Hogsmeade visit. The dates never went anywhere other than within that weekend.
“I mean… we could… just… kiss,” He studied your face for signs of aversion, “but just as friends. Y’know to blow off some steam?”
Your brow shot up.
‘Was that a good idea? Is this going to push you away further?’ Fred thought to himself.
 And when you said yes, it shocked him when you pounce up to kiss him in spite of the fact that he was the one to suggest it.
As a result of this memory, Fred always seeks you when he witnesses another person hitting on you. He'll take three short hours over three long weeks pretending like you don't exist which he fears would happen if you start dating someone else. Not that you two were dating…
“Same time here next weekend?” He asks
You say, "We won't do this again."
That night you couldn’t sleep. Tossing and turning with thoughts of Fred. You’re not sure how long you can continue like this. It may have started out as a crush on a friend but there are deeper feelings involved on your side now you’ve spent so many days with just the two of you. It won’t end well for you because surely Fred doesn’t feel the same way.
You know he finds you attractive as he compliments you during your sessions and that he likes you in some sort of way, but he obviously doesn’t want to be an official couple. If he did then why has he not asked you out on a proper date? It’s always empty rooms and secret nooks.
A confession to him would just be awkward and terrifying. It’ll risk your friendship even more. You resolve to cut things off tomorrow.
There is something off with you, Fred notices. It was evident when your body stiffens at the touch of his arms around you. Five minutes until fifth period starts, he is walking you to your class since it’s his free period.
“You okay?” He squeezes your shoulder. Maybe you weren’t well.
“Yeah I’m fine.” You bite your bottom lip.
“You clearly aren’t. Talk to me.”
“Not right now Fred.”
He sees you grip your books tight.
“Here let me carry your books.”
“No it’s fine Fred.”
 “C’mon something is wrong. You can tell me anything.”
“We’ll talk later.”
“Just tell me. I’ll help you sort it out.”
“I said later.”
“I hate seeing you sad.” He insists, “Just let me help. I’m your friend.”
At those words you snap.
“That’s just it! We’re friends but we’re not friends. I just…” After a deep breath *you say, “I’m done. I don’t want to do whatever this is between us. Let’s go back to being actual friends.”
“What?” He laughs, not taking it seriously. You had been saying that for the past few weekends and you always came back to him. Fred quickens his pace and stops when he is facing you.
“Exams have been over for months now and there aren’t any this year. So we don’t need to ‘blow off steam’,” You quote the words he said at the start of your situationship.
“Are we going to continue during the N.E.W.T.s then?” He jokes.
You, however, do not find it funny and cross your arms.
“Are we just a joke to you? Fred I can’t do this anymore and no we aren’t going to continue next year.” You sigh and shake your head.
He didn’t mean to make a joke but he couldn’t help it. This can’t be happening. This isn’t how your story was supposed to end.
You walk off to your next class but he grabs your wrist and calls out your name.
“You don’t mean that. We’re having fun, aren’t we?”
He hears you scoff at his question. Without turning to him you reply,
“Well it isn’t fun anymore. Now excuse me I need to get to class.”
Yeah, you say that you’re done but Fred is still confused. Where did this come from all of a sudden? He stays where you left him. His mouth slightly agape. Can the ground swallow him up now? Make him fall where he stands, only like you can.
You scribble away the content the Professor writes on the chalkboard. Trying so hard to concentrate on the lesson. He drowns on about the different properties of boom berries. However, the scene of your so called break-up replays and replays in your head; you change your mind, but it's still on Fred.
That wasn’t how it was meant to go. The conversation should have gone a little more civil, instead he had the audacity to make jokes. You frown. You should have expected the school’s joker to do as his reputation says. You’d known him for so long too. Why was it such a surprise to you when takes such a serious conversation lightly? Will you patch back up together and stay friends?
You didn’t want to lose him that way. Why did you agree with it in the first place? Then you remembered how your heart fluttered at your first kiss. You had thought about how you settled for being close friends for years then with benefits for months. It was the right decision. Your heart would break even more the longer you carry on.
When you broke the news to Hermione whilst you walked to watch the quidditch practice, she agreed it was the right decision. You debated on whether it was a good idea to attend the Gryffindor practice session but it was your way of getting things back to before. Back to normal. You even brought his and George’s favourite snacks.
You wave at him from the bleachers and your heart swells with glee when he returns the gesture.
“See nothing to worry about.” Hermione reassures you.
Hermione confided in her liking Ron at the start of last year in which you returned her trust by telling her about Fred. She insisted that he felt the same about you but you brushed it off saying it was just a brief infatuation that should go away given that you were close friends.
“Watch out!”
A bludger heading your way is immediately hit by Fred. The eye contact between you sends your cheeks blushing. Fuck he looked gorgeous in his sports gear. That’s when you know that after the aftermath, you know you will be coming back. 
Next you’re in his bedroom and it won't be the last time.
Head and heart are floating at the touch of his skin on yours. Fred caresses your body, clouding the judgement of the voice in your head. His kisses are rough as if to say I missed you when it’s only been a day they were apart from yours. You claw his back and he removes his jumper.
How are you supposed to leave him now that you're already over?
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127luvr · 1 year
hey it’s the anon that requested the chenle fic. i think i’ll just call myself 💪anon so i have a name 😭😭 the exam was pretty good, it was similar to the practice exams we got and now i’m on like a month break til the second semester starts 🙏🙏🙏 onto the request 😈😈😈 can you write a chenle x male reader x jisung where it’s the first time the trio have been paired together for a concept shoot for their upcoming album. reader is known to be super reserved regardless of the situation. until the director tells the reader to position himself closer to chenji in order to get the perfect shots. turns out reader is battling demons which includes getting easily flustered when it comes to physical contact. chenji notice and tease reader about it. it’s a silly request but go ham with it🔥🥶🔥🥶
Work it
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Zhong Chenle x Male Reader x Park Jisung
You watch Jisung from the computer screen, too scared to stare at him as he poses in real time on the football field. You’ve never been a part of a comeback this demanding. Having multiple sets for comeback teasers was usual—but having to do them for a pre-release along with the official title track was draining you. It didn’t help that the recordings weren’t fully finished. The creative directors were still deciding on which direction to go with you—something that should’ve been done before the comeback season began.
“What are you thinking so hard about?” There’s a beat. A moment of silence as Chenle shuffles to squeeze in between you and the staff monitoring the pictures. You didn’t want to burden Chenle with your troubles—nor did you want to lie to him. “Come on, you don’t have to keep up your cold persona with no cameras around.” You can tell Chenle is joking by the way his nose scrunches up, cheeks puffing out in a smile while he watches the screen with you. In an attempt to humor him further, you point at the cameras that sat in front of you—taking nonstop pictures as Jisung lays down on the grass below you.
It’s always been hard—verbalizing your thoughts to your members but you never wanted to come off as cold. You shook your head to yourself, knowing deep down that Chenle didn’t mean his comment to go beyond surface level. They didn’t mind how reserved you were as long as you were a part of the team and their family dynamic. At least—that’s what you told yourself.
“Chenle, since you’re here, do you mind joining Jisung and trying out some unit pictures? Pull inspiration from your Hello Future concept pictures.” Chenle gives you a small nod, lips forming into a thin line when he walks out into the sun to join Jisung on the field. You look back towards the monitor, only to lock eyes with the photographer who was just directing Chenle. “Let’s actually try going further back and remember the Empathy concept. It’s quite the opposite from this, but I want to bring out that ambiguous feel around the two of you.” He continues to stare down at you, his shifting eyes giving away how the gears in his head were turning. “Let’s throw (Y/n) in there. With Chenle and Jisung.”
It’s an odd combination.
Usually Chenle and Jisung were paired just the two of them—regardless of the concept. They were almost always seen together during promotions. It’s a weird feeling. Sitting in between the two men as the sun shines in your (e/c) eyes. You’re unsure of where to put yourself—scared to interfere with their chemistry alone—but the staff was clear. You were to sit in between them and create a barrier. The shoot started out awkward—stiff—as the three of you got the hang of posing with each other. They had no problem in working with each other, no problem with leaning into you or incorporating their bodies to help with the shoot but there was something off.
“(Y/n), I want you to get closer to them, bring them towards you. Think of like this—you’re the sun and they’re the sunflowers. They’re attracted to you, they want to go to you specifically. Chenle, Jisung, there’s nothing wrong with guiding him if you so please.” There’s no telling if your rosy cheeks are from the makeup—the heat—or the flush of embarrassment that came with sitting knee to knee with both boys. You can feel their eyes on you, hard and unblinking as you snake one arm to rest on Chenle’s waist, and the other to rest on Jisung’s thigh. Chenle brings his head to your shoulder, arching his back into you—forcing you to tighten your grip around him. You feel his faint breath on your chest, and you hope he can’t feel how fast your heart is beating.
“(Y/n).” Jisung’s long fingers catch you off guard as they pull your attention away from Chenle. “Pay attention to me.” He brings you to face him head to head, hand still resting just under your jaw. You can hear the endless shutters of the camera—never forgetting that this was only for show. It was to bring in fans and talk towards the shoot. But everything the two men did felt premeditated. Every glance they shared before speaking or touching you suggestively had you confused.
Although you failed to make eye contact with Jisung, he had your full attention. He moved the tips of his fingers from your jaw to just under your chin, hooded eyes never breaking away from you. You shifted your gaze from the moles that sat on his face to his round lips. You don’t even feel your mouth drop—hand clammy as it sits stiff on Jisung’s bare thigh.
“(Y/n).” Chenle’s voice breaks away the spell that Jisung seems to have on you. He has a glint in his eyes, a certain mischief that you usually see directed towards Jisung. He adjusts himself to rest his head on your lap, staring up at you as his hair fans out on your thighs. You can feel Jisung’s gaze on you as you stare down at Chenle—whose eyes move to look at Jisung next to you.
The photographer breaks you away from both of them—capturing a picture that leaves you with your mouth hanging open and the eyes of both men on you as you sit with your ankles crossed. You feel Chenle’s body shake as he chuckles—eyes clenched shut as he lets his mouth hang open in pure amusement. It doesn’t take long for Jisung to join him, his face scrunching up as he laughs silently. Jisung brings a hand up towards your hair, tucking a strand behind your ear as he leans in to whisper in your ear. You tense up again—the faint touch of his lips on your ear causing you to shiver. “You’re so easy to rile up, you know?”
He sucks as whispering—his comment falling on Chenle’s ears too when he finally manages to calm down. His hand finds a way down your back, and you’re done wondering if it was the sun making you feel stuffy and flushed under their touch. Finally giving in to the affection that seems to come naturally to them even as a shoot. Not that it didn’t still catch you off guard but now you were aware of them purposefully messing with you, it was easier to handle.
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6okuto · 2 years
Hello friend are your requests open?? I saw your Cove in school hcs and would like to add: going to university w Cove 👀 if this is too similar to the school hcs feel free to ignore lol I am just having a Normal Amount of thoughts about this boy :')
(Imagine renting an apartment with him and basically living like a married couple tho........ him driving you to class when it rains so you don't have to walk........... lunch dates in the school cafeteria while you both complain about the shitty dining hall food..................)
Okay I'll stop here this is your writing blog lmao XD thank you in advance if you do take this request tho I am looking forward to hearing your thoughts!!
— cove university hcs
You Are So Real. as a uni student i feel sick to my stomach like WHY NOT ME? no cove for me? none for me????? sick sick sick sick
be real. cove asks "are you ready to go home?" and he smiles and it's especially the first few times that he blushes and grins at the thought of Having a Home With You.
^ very much jumped at the chance to live with you when you brought up the idea
cove had his schedule on his lock screen and yours on his home screen for a while. once the both of you figured out a routine and when you could find each other he switched it back to his usual photos (u r in them of course. how else is he going to motivate himself when he's studying)
he really really wishes he could have every single class with you which y'know,, unless you have the same major and same electives isn't going to happen. he gets much happier when you finally meet up after class
still, you guys definitely sat together and planned out your classes. both to try planning breaks together and also for general emotional support.
^ don't get me started on the morning of registration. the refreshing and tension for first year registration because you don't have a backup schedule? crazy.(also my uni website was Horrendously slow)
exam season is hell, obviously. cove checks on you periodically and asks how things are going. if you're prone to overworking his check-ins are how he gets you to take a break.
^ if you refuse he'll try to find a middle ground, but if he knows you need to rest cove Will get you to rest. he's frowning when he speaks. says a loving but firm "you won't be able to study well if you burn yourself out. can you take a break with me?"
exploring the campus with cove!! seeing the different buildings, finding different libraries, pretending you're different majors. you get it
^ the both of you walk around before the first day to figure out where your classes are. it's kind of tiring but you're prepared now so !
figures out what places you both eat at and will memorize your regular order so he can bring it to you
he talks to you whenever he feels homesick because who would understand better than you? you're his biggest source of comfort
the both of you watching those university student meal videos/tiktoks because dear god you can only handle campus food/restaurants for so long.
^ you also text your parents for their recipes and tips whenever you get particularly homesick
HIM DRIVING! gives you a Look when you say you can walk and it's raining or super cold. why would you even say that to him. if you can't drive, either he'll drive you or you walk together. there's no other options.
'sneaking' each other into the particularly big classes—especially the first year intro ones. i say 'sneaking' because it Isn't Difficult At All.
^ you end up just working on your own things, but the extra time together is always nice !!
thinking about cove forgetting his pencil (case) the day of an exam and asking you for one sheepishly. (said by girl who's done this twice.)
he'd love to tell you about what he learns from his major—i'd go ahead and assume it's in the realm of marine sciences. he'd tell you about something cool he learned or maybe already knew from his own research and get very excited !!
^ hopes you'll do the same with him. smth smth sharing is a love language smth smth
reading week and breaks. i just know this guy sighs as he looks at his study guides before saying "just a few more days," to himself. he needs you to remind him too because it's more comforting when he remembers he'll have time off with You
taking pictures together for yourselves and to update your families !!! teasingly taking photos of cove doing mundane things just because it's now at University. first lunch, first class, etc etc
cove totally supports you if you want to join a club or go to any events. he might not go to many, especially if they're bound to be crowded and loud, but he'll ask how it went and want to catch up
we all know there's a difference between high school morning classes and uni morning classes. but cove is a morning person and i can't imagine how many times i'd complain about a 10 am class while he woke up at 6 that morning
🏷 | @lordbugs @xfangirl-trashx @fifteenshadesofpinkk @lotus-sukimono @bakugosgrenade @vhenis @dreamtydraw
living together means it's that much easier for cuddle sessions after a long day (or any day.) cove is just as happy to come find you as he is to hold open his arms for you. whether you want to rant or have a distraction, he'll be there
**add on | COVE GETTING HIS ACCEPTANCE LETTER! you both opened it at the same time and the relief and excitement that washed over him was overwhelming.
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mutsky · 1 month
4 minutes ep 3 running commentary (my first one)
-one more murder and wed need garcia and the bau on the case
-ok so done (?) is alive and not tonklas brother good
-gonna be real i have no idea whats going on
-ok if i was in school and someone came up to me and asked me "do you know so and sos schedule and whats their favorite drink" id call the cops
-its ok we are in BL World™️
-should i fuck up a thai tea and som tam for lunch tomorrow hmm
-im sorry did he just dap up a guy hes on a date with and has seen visions of them having nasty freaky sex ?
-so shes sleeping with the boss for info we also dont know her name
-i will make a separate post but i dont think tyme is working with the woman or anything he doesnt seem like hed care enough hes focused on passing his exams and making money this is risky
-was that a bong i wasnt paying good attention
-i have mixed feelings on the casual and transactional sex bc its realistic but also this is a bl lets have some romance
-from my time watching 7 seasons of criminal minds the murder is a man from the phrasing of that letter 🤓☝️
-he has a GREAT ass ... ill see myself out
-sex? circled in red
-see how they made him write at weird angles bc hes left handed this is discrimination at its finest (im left handed)
-i feel like when the clock gets to 11:04 we are so fucked
-ok but WHY is mr i dont give a fuck about anything but getting money my grandma and thus cute patient sorta trying to take down a crime ring??? anyone?
-bc that was definitely tyme beating the shit out of korn
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ecargmura · 6 months
Frieren: Beyond Journey's End Episode 28 Review + Final Thoughts - No More Frieren Fridays For Now
Milet is asking me if I’m alright. No, I am not alright. Frieren is done. This is the final episode. No more Frieren Fridays until a second season is fully announced. What will my Fridays be like without Frieren now?
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The finale of Frieren: Beyond Journey’s end continues off from where the penultimate episode ended. Serve eventually passes Fern, Denken, Ubel, Land, Wirbel and Methode. They all impress Serie in different ways. For Fern, she’s naturally talented in magic. For Denken, he’s old, but still has youthful passion for magic. For Ubel, she passes her because she can sense her psychotic nature underneath; it’s more of a “here, have it and now go away” or some sort of equivalent. For Land, she passed him because he had the biggest titanium balls to show up to the exam as magic clones; the Land in the exam all have been clones as the real body happens to be at his hometown sipping tea. The fact that his clones can produce more clones is a crazy spell in itself; no wonder Ubel is so fascinated with him. I want his power; it’d be cool to make my clones go to work in my place while I just laze around at home; I’d still be multi-tasking at the end of the day. For Wirbel, she passes him because she finds him the most ideal of the first class mages she’s seen. He has no likes or dislikes when it comes to magic as he sees it as a tool for killing at the end of the day. For Methode, she calls Serie small and cute and that unexpectedly causes her to pass. Serie’s methods of passing is quite unusual, but it does make sense as the ones she passed were the most competent mages of the bunch.
After the exam, it’s nice to see the main party interacting with other characters. We have Stark and Fern interacting with Denken and Laufen. Denken tells Fern and Stark about how he spoils younger people because he never had children or grandchildren; his wife died young, and the grave he’s most likely going to visit is hers. Denken enjoys magic because he admires Frieren from the hero’s party. Wirbel and Frieren interact. This is an unusual pair, but Wirbel approaches her in order to ask why she didn’t help the old lady. He then talks about how Himmel was the reason he became who he is now because the stories of his adventures motivated him to be able to protect something. Their backstories seem to indicate that they’ll meet Frieren again.
It can’t be Frieren without an action scene, which is shown when Lernen tried to engage in a duel with Frieren. Although there wasn’t a big brawl between the two, the animation was rather crisp. He did this because he was worried that Serie would not remember him. Frieren tells him that she’s just a big tsundere and that she always remembers her disciples even if they didn’t make a mark in history. I think this was rather nice to let him know that Serie isn’t all that she seems.
The flashbacks with Himmel were rather soothing. They shape up why Frieren does what she does. She treasures every memory she has of him, which is sweet as she is learning to appreciate her time with him. I’m going to miss these flashbacks.
Also, it was hilarious that the magic Fern got from her promotion was laundry magic. Serie’s face as she gave her the grimoire was priceless. It was also hilarious knowing that Serie banned Frieren from any building associated with the Continental Magic Association for the next millennium out of petulance. These elves are at a civil war with each other.
It was also nice to see a glimpse of what Stark had been doing as the mages were taking the exam. He was playing with the city kids, befriending other city folk and merchants adore him to the point that they want to give him samples of their products. I do like how he’s like a people magnet. He attracts people of all kinds, from kids, to men, to elderly men.
The ending of Frieren is calm, soothing and very fitting for what the vibes of this show gives off. The good-byes are short because they’ll meet again. The reason why they say it’s embarrassing if they meet again is because a dramatic farewell would be awkward if you met the person who received the dramatic parting with. What are your thoughts about the finale?
Final Thoughts
Frieren is a very unique take on the fantasy anime. While there are classic fantasy tropes, Frieren’s story primarily focuses on how life is ephemeral and how each encounter should be treasured because you may not be around when they pass on.
It’s a unique fantasy story because the story begins after one big journey comes to an end. The premise itself is unique. On top of that, the main protagonist isn’t a human, but an elf, so she lives much longer than her peers. She sees people live and die all the time, but it’s because of Himmel and her travels with him for the past 10 years that she learns that there is a lot more she needs to know when it comes to life, hence why she starts a new journey to seek out Heaven.
Frieren is already an experienced protagonist. While she is OP, she still has flaws like having juvenile weaknesses and an obsession with treasure chests. The people traveling with Frieren, past and present, all have unique personalities that help them stand out. They aren’t exaggerated caricatures as they have various personalities that make them feel human—well, socially awkward humans. My only issue with the characters is that I sort of want to see more of the other races. We’ve seen elves, demons and dwarves. Are there more out there? When will we get dwarf lore? Mimic lore?
The people and experiences Frieren goes through in this story is her appreciating the memories of the past and the people around her. Whether it be helping people by eradicating demons that she still has yet to kill off or doing menial tasks because she knew their ancestors, it’s nice to see the stoic Frieren grow as a person too.
The animation was amazing. Madhouse really showed off why they’re powerhouses in action scenes. My personal favorite was Episode 9 where Fern and Stark were battling Lugner and Linie. The way they moved around was amazing. Not only that, Episode 15 was a spectacle in animation as they animated the Fern and Stark dance scene, which wasn’t shown in the manga.
The music was beautiful. I never heard of Evan Call until now, but I know that he’s definitely one to watch out for anime soundtracks now. I love the addition of flute when it comes to the battle scenes. It gives a rather unique flair to it.
The voice acting was great! The choices for each character is really good! Atsumi Tanezaki has always been versatile, so for her to voice the rather stoic Frieren and make her sound rather different from Chise Hatori from The Ancient Magus’s Bride was really something. I’ve never heard of Kana Ichinose until this anime and I really like how her voice sounds! Chiaki Kobayashi as Stark was nice too. Himmel, Heiter and Eisen’s voices fit them so well. Everyone else in the cast had very fitting voices too. The mages were voiced by rather new faces mixed with veterans, but they did a good job too! I think the stand out performance was Mariya Ise as Serie because I didn’t expect her to use her “boy” voice when voicing the female Serie. It was a nice twist. Nobuhiko Okamoto as Himmel stood out too because he voices him as a young adult and as a grandpa in the first episode.
Overall, I really enjoyed this unique take on a fantasy anime. I normally don’t watch fantasy anime despite being a huge lover of the genre, but this one is definitely a kickstarter that I should watch more. I know that the fantasy genre has been saturated with isekai, but I’m sure that some of them will be hidden gems. I totally recommend watching this show if you want to watch a chill fantasy anime. Let’s hope that a season 2 is in the making. What are your thoughts on the anime as a whole?
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onlyrosyjohnny · 2 years
let’s grab some dinner [one shot]
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-Johnny x College Student!FemReader/OC; established relationship
Word count: 1.3k
Summary: College is beating you up so your sweet boyfriend wants to have dinner with you so you can have a little break
Warnings: over-caring Johnny (in a thoughtful way), mentions of not eating on time/skipping meals, 
Recommended song: https://open.spotify.com/track/5XaGqclLmeuH0EBg75Li0n?si=551ffb352e324872
[8:43 pm]
Printed handouts, pens of different colors, paper clips, books, sticky notes, and many other things can be seen in your disorganized study desk. A usual scene in your one bedroom apartment as the season changes and the weather gets cold because it means the exams just started and you just know that many more assessments will be given in the coming days. 
Getting your not-so-warm cup of tea and taking a little sip, you then check your phone for the time. It was almost 9pm and you’re still not done with the take home exam due the day after. Might be a little early for some to finish this, but you just don’t want this to coincide with a major exam on the same day of its deadline. 
You do some stretching and then look at the overview of your work. “Wow, I am definitely not close to finishing this paper tonight. How long have I been just sitting here and doing this?” You can really give your full attention to tasks and accomplish them as early as possible. You try to keep this kind of time management so you can still have time for yourself before going to bed, but this take-home exam would just not allow it. 
The white noise in your room  was disrupted by your phone as a call came in.
Johnny Suh is calling…..
For someone in a 3-year relationship you have to  admit that his contact name in your phone is a bit bland, and he’s been pestering you about it since the start.
Smiling widely, you answer his call and put it on speaker.
“What can I do for you Mr. John?”
“Wow, no ‘Hi babe, I miss you’ or something like ‘Hi baby, I’m glad you called’? What is happening to society nowadays?”
“Okay, fine. Hi Johnny, I miss you. There, happy?”, you reply dryly just to annoy him a bit.
Johnny is surely the more affectionate one in this relationship. The ways he makes you feel loved, it’s like he took a masterclass for it.
“You didn’t call me baby but okay. I haven’t heard from you the whole day, how are you? Are you very busy because of your upcoming exams?”
You explain to him that you are trying not to stack one assessment over another and that you try your best to finish your other assignments earlier so you have enough time to study for the exams and that you get a good amount of sleep too.
“Okay, I get it. But what were you doing the whole day? You didn’t even spare me a reply.”
It was evident from his voice that he was already pouting by now. 
“I was doing my take-home exam, it’s due on Friday and I have an exam that day. I want to finish it already so I can study for my Chemistry exam without thinking about my other subjects. I’m about 60-65% done with it, I think”
“Okay, at least now I know you were not eaten by your closet monster.” He jokingly said. You can just imagine the big smile he had when he mentioned your closet monster, remembering that you told him about your childhood fear that Monsters Inc. was real. You smile shyly because he remembers the memories you treasure. 
“Well, for me I just finished the varsity meeting and had my dinner there since they gave us salads. Now, I’m on my way to get some coffee. How about you, what did you get for dinner?”
Along with his affectionate side, your boyfriend has that kind of love a mother has.
“Actually I haven’t had dinner, I was ab-”, you were cut-off with a panicked voice.
“It’s already 9pm! Your last meal was around 1pm-ish. You should get enough sustenance, especially now that you're studying so much because of the exams. Having not enough food will make you sick. You being sick will make studying harder and-”
His over-caring side is sometimes annoying because of his never-ending sermons, but you do understand that it's from a place of love and since you go from different universities it's only seldom you can really spend time with him, unlike in highschool where you can have lunches together. 
“Mom, chill. I get it, sorry I got lost doing my school work. Don’t worry after this call, I’ll have something delivered.”
“No, I won’t take that chance. We're going to get dinner.”
Of course you disagreed with what he said because you don’t want him to drive at this hour when he could be resting after his long day. “But John you just had dinner, I’ll just order something later”.
“No buts, I’ll meet you in our place in about 20 minutes tops.”
“Are you sure? I can just eat here in my apartment and you can just go home and rest already.”
“And don’t take the chance to see you and have yourself a little break? I don’t think so. I’ll see you there love.”
As you say your goodbyes and remind him to drive safely, a bigger smile is now plastered on your face. He’s a little stubborn but he's a very sweet guy. Maybe he was just using ‘dinner’ as an additional excuse to see you tonight? Maybe, maybe not. Nonetheless, you feel nothing but loved and cared for. 
You got ready after the call and went straight to the café just below your apartment. This was the place where you and Johnny often celebrate milestones in your relationships since this is where you two first met. Your first encounter with him was in high school, when you were getting some pastry for an afternoon snack and he was ordering coffee and eventually you two started dating. Now, you are attending a university just near your high school alma mater while he chose a university downtown. 
[9:17 pm]
You entered the cafe and there were a handful of students in there, some were studying and some were dining. 
“Hey Y/N! Welcome, what can I get for you?”
The waiter asks as they recognize you.
“I’ll just order a cup of tea for now, I’m also waiting for Johnny”
“Sure, you can take your usual table.”
“Thanks you’re the best.”
Time went by quickly and you just received a message from him saying that he had arrived in the building and was just looking for a parking space. Seconds after, you see him in his after school clothes, and has that sweet smile he always does when he sees you. He approached you with his twinkling eyes and glorious smile. 
“Hi love, did you order already?”, he leaned down a bit to place a short kiss in your forehead,
“Not yet, I was waiting for you.”
He sat down and asked for a menu from one of the waiters and politely said thank you when he was handed it. Both of you made your choices and the waiter wrote it down also noting that your food will be ready in about 10 to 15 minutes.
“So what is your schedule for the rest of the week?”
“I have this take-home exam due on friday, a major exam on friday too, and lastly a discussion forum by friday at 8PM. But no biggie, the discussion forum is gonna be a piece of cake.”
“That’s my smart baby right there.”
“I’m not smart, I just try to do my best in every assessment.”
“Yes you are the most hardworking person I know, but please don’t forget to take care of yourself and have breaks okay? For the times that things get overwhelming, don’t hesitate to call for me because I’ll be there. When you need breaks, I'll always be there to cheer you up. Always. Just for you.”
What he doesn’t know is that just by seeing his smile, you’re already energized and you feel like you can overcome anything.
“I know, thank you for everything Johnny.”
“I love you, I’m here every step of the way.”
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Author's Note:
This is my first ever fanfic! I've only been a reader since I started my interest in fanfictions. I hope you'll like it! I would extremely appreciate it if you'll leave comment of what you think could happen next or what part you liked the most. Also, if you can, please share some writing knowledge with me so I can improve more! Thank you! Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. I do not own any of the people, characters, names, or concepts mentioned above. Please do not post my work in other platforms without my permission. Reblog, like, or any comment is gladly appreciated. Much love, dreamer
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