readersandtmnt · 2 years
You finally see him. Don
The next morning, when you woke up, you were positive that you had the strangest dream last night. However, when you tried looking for the glowing canister in your backpack, it was gone, and you couldn’t find it anywhere in the apartment either. You checked the window and found it unlocked, your backpack was unzipped, and you could still remember parts of the conversation between you and this Donnie guy.
Walking on your way back home from your tutoring session, you decided to leave a note for your mysterious hero. You were surprised to get one back the next morning.
“I guess you’re not a dream after all.” You muse as you reread the note.
The note-passing continued for a few weeks before you finally asked if you could meet him, in-person meet him. The notes that were passed were as follows.
“I’m not sure you really want that.”
“Why, will it put me in danger or something? Dream hero?”
“Honestly, yes.”
“As bad as the glowing canister I found?”
“Possibly. Why do you want to see me?”
“Because these notes and your nerdy jokes are the best parts of my day. I’d just like to have a face to go with your handwriting.” That was the last note you sent him, and that was a few days ago. Honestly, you were almost hurt by the lack of response from Donnie. Late after school, you walked home with your head down; the street lamps lit your path as you focused on the sidewalk. You made it home with little trouble and checked for a brightly colored note, and found nothing. You threw your bag next to the door and decided to not worry about homework until tomorrow. Without noticing, you fell asleep to the drone of the movie on the T.V.
It was late when you woke up; you could hear the shuffling, almost like that first night. A figure hidden in shadows stood beside the window; with a yawn, you sat up and looked around the apartment’s living room.
“Donnie?” You ask, holding back another yawn.
“Um, yeah, it’s me.” He quietly said your name as you blinked to get your vision to normal standards. “Listen, I’m going to show you something, and you have to promise that you won’t scream or call the police, okay?” Your foggy mind had cleared by then, and you nodded in confusion.
“Okay,” you said slowly, “what is it you’re going to show me?”
“A face to go with that handwriting.” You could hear the slight nervous quiver of his voice, he turned on the lamp beside the window, and you could see in the soft light the worried furrow of his brow.
“Wow.” You whisper, getting up to take a closer look at him. “Incredible,” he stood there holding his breath, waiting for you to point out the obvious, “just incredible, you are." You paused, taking in the look of worry on his face. His tall stature, his hands fiddling with each other as if he didn't know what to do. You felt the corners of your mouth tilt up. "Just as dorky as I thought you would be.” You grinned, taking a step away from the flabbergasted turtle.
“What?” You had to suppress a laugh as you walked towards the kitchen. He was speechless, and you felt a small dash of pride as you walked.
“You heard me, now, would you like something to drink?”
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someonefromabove · 5 years
K I had an idea, the reader is a cyborg and has some advanced technological prosthetic limbs that allow her to play guitar, (maybe she was a Krang or Foot Clan experiment???) and the boys catch her playing Honeybee by Steam Powered Giraffe?? It’s a sad song about someone leaving you and I cry nearly every time I listen to it.
A/N: Hi there! Thank you for your request! I had to google this song, because I didn’t know it and at first I was like lol Steam Powered Giraffe? That’s a funny name :D Then I saw the music video of Honeybee and I was...well...kinda disturbed? I mean they moved sooo much like robots, I’m not even sure, if they were real humans O.o And then I had to listen to the song a second time, because I was so distracted with the video that I didn’t actually listen to the lyrics xD but yeah, you’re right. That is a sad song indeed :( But I still hope you like reading this! I‘m sorry that it is so short per turtle though...
Pairings: LeoxReader, RaphxReader, DonniexReader, MikeyxReader
Warnings: slight angst
He was on his way to the dojo for his meditation when he passed your shared room. He heard the sounds of a guitar and your humming, but it was definitely not a happy song, so he decided to listen to it for a little while. The door was ajar and he leaned against the wall outside of the room. As you sung the song with your beautiful and soothing voice, he remembered your past. You had survived the torture of the Shredder himself and „only“ lost your left arm while being held hostage. Leo will always regret not being able to keep you safe that day, even if you reassured him that it wasn’t his fault a hundred times. As the song came to an end, Leo slowly walked into the room and saw you sitting there on your bed with the guitar in your hands. Your eyes were a bit watery from almost crying and he just sat down beside you to hold your hand. „Y/N, I promise you, no matter what happens I will always be there for you.“
You and Raph were listening to music when you looked on your phone to choose the next song. Your eyes fell onto Honeybee by Steam Powered Giraffe and your eyes lit up. „Hey Raphie, how about I play the next song myself?“ you asked him as you picked up your guitar with your prosthetic hand. „Sure, babe.“ he replied and smiled at you. As you played the song, Raph’s smile vanished however and his gaze went nowhere. He seemed to think about something and didn’t even realize when you finished the song. „Raph? Raphael? Are you okay?“ you asked with a worried look on your face and took his hand to bring him back to reality. „Huh? Uh...yeah...I guess? You were wonderful! But...I mean...the song really got me thinking...maybe I am too harsh to my brothers at times. I guess I should be thankful that they didn’t abandon me at some points in my life for being so ungrateful.“ You were surprised by his thoughts and immediately pulled him into a tight hug to let him know that you were there. „No, that’s not true, Raph. You’re a great brother and the others think so too, believe me. We will never leave you.“
While repairing your broken laptop, Donnie stumbled onto a few old videos of you playing the guitar and singing. The videos must’ve been at least 3 years old, because in them you still had your right hand. You had lost it when you were attacked by the Kraang and met your for personal heros. As he watched the short clips he didn’t seem to notice your presence behind him. „What are you watching, Donnie?“ you asked with a slight grin, already knowing what he was looking at. Donnies face went red immediately as he tried to close the window in panic. „I-I...I wasn‘t spying on you! I swear! I found them by accident and...well...your voice is amazing...“ he stuttered. You just giggled and sat down on his lap. „I know, you big dummy. But how about I play you something for real?“ You asked and he looked at you with a smile. „You can still do that?“ „Sure! I mean, you’re the one who built my fantastic new hand!“ You said proudly as you moved all your fingers of your robotic hand. „Which song do you want me to play?“ „Well...“ His gaze met your laptop again as he saw the thumbnail of you performing Honeybee by Steam Powered Giraffe. „I really liked this song...but...just to let you know, I‘ll always be with you. I really care for you, Y/N.“
„Mikey, not now.“ „Oh, come on, sweetheart! Just oooooone song!“ Your mutant boyfriend tried to talk you into playing a song for him while you tried to study for your next exam. You huffed and closed your book. „Alright, one song. But I get to choose which one.“ You told him and picked up your guitar with your prosthetic arm. „Yeah! Thanks, angelcakes.“ Mikey grinned and sat down in front of the couch. He always calmed down listening to your music, no matter which song you‘d play. As you played the song and sung the lines, Mikey wasn’t as hyper and happy as usual. He seemed collected and calm and listened to every word your lips escaped. After you finished the song, Mikey looked at you with a slight smile and then at your hand. „Do you think of your lost arm when you play this song?“ He asked. You were surprised that he wanted to talk with you about that sensitive and serious topic, but you weren’t afraid to talk to him about it. „Yes, I guess. I mean, I never thought I‘d lose my whole arm. It was something natural to me, something I was never afraid of losing.“ You explained to him. „Well, I guess sometimes the world can be a dick...like Raph...“ he grinned as you two heard a „Shut up!“ coming from said brother from upstairs. You chuckled as he took both of your hands. „But...never forget, that you’ll never lose me, alright, baby? Nothing in the world can separate me from you.“
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tmntreasures · 6 years
Hi missed you around here.How would the guys react to there s/o being kidnapped by the foot?
Overall we think that the turtles would react mostly the same in this type of scenario. They would start off worried and concerned, then it would lead to anger. After they collected themselves, they would make a plan to rescue you. We feel there’s only a few actions that would make them different from the others. For example; Raph of course would be more physical with his emotions, Leo would probably be silent for the majority of the time, Donnie wouldn’t sleep until a came up with a plan to ensure your safety, and Michelangelo probably wouldn’t eat until you were in his arms again. Just some small things, but really not enough to differentiate them from each other. So instead! Here’s how the turtles would react to their s/o being PART of the Foot Clan:
You were part of the Foot Clan for a while now, but you were a low ranked member so you got the trash jobs. Cleaning up the hideout, monitor duty, washing uniforms, etc… Every once in a while you’d get assigned to something exciting like robbing the local Seven Eleven, or gang initiation, but it was very rare. You had heard the local myths about the turtles, but never dreamt of actually meeting them one day. You hoped you wouldn’t come across them either because after you had seen what damage they had done to your associates… Yikes! But your nightmares came to life one day when you were walking about New York at night, traveling as an average citizen instead of as the Foot.
A rivalry gang had approached you and was demanding you give up your valuables. While you were technically a ninja, you weren’t that proficient in Martial arts yet, so you were a bit thankful when the four turtles had come to your aid. You acquainted yourself with them and their home, hoping to pass on the information to the clan eventually, but you soon changed your mind about that idea… Even though the turtles were known for doing good deeds, one of them did the unthinkable!… They somehow managed to steal your heart.
Your relationship started out slow of course. You had to be cautious since you were still part of the Foot clan. So you kept the secret locked away behind your lips for as long as you could. You had never revealed the location of the turtles to the foot, but you had dropped subtle hints of things like when the turtles would be attacking, or where their patrol areas were. For some reason you felt like it was your duty to give out the information. However, there was one particular night were the turtles were especially upset when one of their ideas to foil the Foots plan had failed, and it was all because of you. You couldn’t take it anymore. The secrets, the lies, the mistrust… You had to confess, even if it meant the worse. 
Ranked from best to worst.
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He swore this was something straight out of a movie, and would keep telling you to “stop joking around babe.” Once the message got through his thick head that it wasn’t a joke and that you were actually part of the foot clan he’d freeze up. He wouldn’t have a clue of what to do, and wanted to ask his brothers for help; but at the same time, he wouldn’t want them to think badly of you. He was more confused, and worried for you than he was hurt about the slight betrayal. Mikey would ask you how much information you had given up to the Foot, and try his best to note it all down mentally so he could relay it to his brothers later. He would ask you if you were going to quit, many times and over; to which you’d replied “yes” each time.  Relief would wash over him when he felt convinced that you were really going to quit, and he laughed lightly at the thought of how much this was like a movie. You were the cute antagonist turned good by the all-loving hero! 
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The confession had clearly taken Donatello aback and he needed time to think about it. Of course he didn’t let you leave the lair until he was ready to talk. Thirty minutes or so had passed and he finally sat down at a table with you to discuss the situation. He was hurt that you would keep this a secret for so long, but your only saving grace was the fact that he knew you hadn’t given up their location. He knew that if you had, the foot would’ve come to attack by now. There must’ve been some good still left in you if you hadn’t given that up. Still, he couldn’t help but to be cautious from there on and out. He would ask you for the information you had spilled to the foot, as well as keep tabs on your whereabouts and forms of messaging you used. Whether it be personal or business, he just had to make sure you weren’t scheming against him and his brothers again. It would take time, but you could hold onto your relationship with Donatello. As long as you were willing to give up all your privacy and secrets for now on…
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When you had confessed to him his eyes grew wide and his mouth fell slightly open in shock. You braced yourself for the wave of emotions that would hit him over the next few seconds. It went from confusion, to fear, to rage. There was no keeping it a secret now, everyone in the lair and the next sewer pipes over knew about it with how loud Raphael was being. He just couldn’t understand or believe you would do this to him and his brothers. You would plead with him to calm down, and try to explain to him that you were quitting the foot and that you loved him. You would do anything you could to make up for it, but he wasn’t hearing it. The rage in him refused to listen to anything you had to say. He was so mad he just had to break something. Luckily he had decided on throwing one of the kitchen chairs into a wall instead of you. You left that night with puffy eyes, tear-stained cheeks, and a runny nose. The only thing that comforted you now was the fact that Raphael had said “We’ll talk about this later,” before ordering you to leave. “We’ll talk about this later…” That meant he was going to try for your relationship, right? 
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Leonardo was dead silent after you had revealed to him you were part of the Foot Clan. He stared down at you for several minutes, judging you. The motion was too much, you had to know what he was thinking, so you begged for him to speak. Though what he said next you weren’t expecting… “You need to go.” He said bluntly. Shock and sadness spread across you face. Weren’t you even going to talk about this a little?! You thought. “Leonardo—“ you started, but he cut you off by throwing up his hand, gesturing for you to stop. “You are in no position to argue right now. You’ve broken the trust between me and my family. All I care about at this moment is making sure we are safe, and by you being here, we are not. Leave.” Your blood ran cold at his words. If this was all Leo had to say about it, then your relationship was over. You did as you were told and left the lair with your head hung low and tears overflowing. You tried contacting him afterwards. Days, weeks, and eventually months went by, but you never heard from him. You wondered how long it would take, or if he would even reconsider you at all. You couldn’t help but wonder if it would’ve been different if you had told him from the beginning…
Thank you for the ask! Hope you enjoyed it!SorryLeofans! XD;
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vulearanger · 3 years
Hey, I love your blog and I was wondering If I could get Reader x Donatello headcanon
He met a Reader who is half Spanish and half Russian cause they have family members from their countries and how he would be interested in them and what he would like to know more about them and their culture.
One question: are you doing tmnt match ups?
Thank you so much for your time. ♥️ See ya
Oh, thank you so much! I really appreciate it. That also an interesting request. Soo, here the post, and i hope that you liked that. If you'll have some questions, i'll try to answer.
The answer on your question: I think i will. At least i have to try to make some match ups.
Donnie was on a patrol when he heard you talking with unpleasant persons in the dark alley that tried to get you in the car. He would never justify their actions, but you were so beautiful, especially your eyes, that he himself would like to take your attention. You tried to get away, but then one of them grabbed you, that's when Don decided to intervene.
These guys ran away, and turtle prepared to hear you screaming, but when he turned around, you were just staring at him with these beautiful eyes, and you started asking him a lot of questions about him, does he some alien or the other creature. And you were so worried, that started to mix languages: spanish and english.
That confused him at the first time, but he was glad that you're not one the people, that thinks he's a monster. So he answered on your questions. When you wanted to get his number, he just said that he will find you anyway.
After a few days Don definitely found you, and then it was his turn to ask you a questions. Of course he could ffind out about you by himself, but he wanted to hear it from you. You offered him to meet, cause it was comfortable for you and he agreed.
So, when you met, Don closely started listening to you. He liked your noticeable accent, so he was smiling all the time. You were such a sunshine in this world. Plus, he knew a little bit spanish, so that would be a good practice for him.
But then he heard something different. Russia. He was so confused and you laughed at his face. Yeah, that was also an interesting thing. You were born in Spain, father is Spanish and mother is Russian, so your parents traveled a few time from Spain to Russia a few times to relatives.
That was more interesting. Donnie was trying to say something on Russia, but that was and adorable and horrible. Sure he tried to find something in interned, but there was so messy. So, he asked you to teach him russia.
Of course, he couldn't resist to show you his own creations, cause your reaction so precious. And once time he came to your apartment to show something knew and then he saw you in costume. Wow, it was so bright as your makeup, so he just stared at you a few seconds. So beautiful...
You told him that you're a ballroom dancer, today you had a competition and that why you dressed like that. And you invited and offered him to try to dance. Well, that was a little bit awkward, Don never danced, so he was nervous, especially worried about hurting you. But lately he calmed down and he liked that!
So sometimes, when your spending time together you're dancing, and that helped him not to be so shy and constrained.
There's two side of your personality: your spanish family taught you to live in the present, do whatever you want and not to worry about anything. And russian family taught you to study a lot, because if you'll get high education, you'll have success, and if you failed at something, it was a tragedy for them. And you used to feel it any time when you're failing.
So that was the first time, when Don saw you crying just because you didn't pass your test. It was painful to see tears rolling down your cheeks. He tried to cheer you up, but he couldn't, you wanted to be alone, so, he had a little plan.
He knew how you loved both cultures,so he tried to bake something simple and sweet for you, it was Miguelitos and cheesecakes(rus. Сырники). I won't hide it, Don definitely needed Mikeys help, so his lil' brother already knew about his "friend". And of course Donnie wouldn't be Donnie if he won't make you something. So, he made a special photo frame, where you can download any imagine you like, but he already downloaded some imagines of your countries and you on ball competition.
Honestly? That's wasn't taste as good as your grandmothers made to you, but you couldn't say it, it still was so sweet and amazing.
Well, that's not the end. There was a kittle surprise that didn't expected no one: your family visited you right in the moment, when Donatello was with you. Oh gods... He tried to sneak out quickly, but someone cursed him: the window resisted to open, so he hid in your room.
But relatives was so fast, and your aunt busted him, but then passed out. That was... Something. He ran away, and you had to explain to your family everything. You did. But they weren't anymore so negative about him, so next time Donnie met them in clam atmosphere.
Well, he had more experience around so much humans. Auntie A/N(aunt name) without taking any objections, taught him how to make a gospacho. And...well, that wasn't so bad for the first time, and especially for the nerd, who used to sit only in his lab and making something.
But because of you he opened for himself a new hobby: cooking. After that you met with turtles family, and Splinter immediately loved you, cause he noticed that his son became more open and confident in emotion expression. Leo and Raph of course wasn't so sure about you, but they weren't so aggressive to you. Mikey? Well, obviously he was more than happy to finally meet you.
You both didn't know if you fell in love with each other, but you're important persons to each other, so Donnie was glad to be with you and be part of your family as you are of his.
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The end!
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kathrinehastings · 5 years
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All I ask of you
Patrol had been rather uneventful for the past few nights, and the lack if action was starting to get to everyone. Leonardo seemed worried and frustrated. Raphael was becoming restless and was going to explode any minute. Michelangelo was irritating everybody, which was not helping the situation at all, and Donatello was just bored. He was tired of going out night after night and not having anything to do. He would much rather be home, in his lab, working on his projects than out here wasting time. He sighed heavily as Leonardo ordered them to stop. Raphael twirled his sai as he paced, grunting and muttering under his breath. Michelangelo started humming and tapping his nun-chaku against a nearby metal pole. Leonardo whipped his head around and shushed them, giving them each a glare before turning back to look over the city. Donatello sighed once more and turned to walk to the edge of the rooftop, distancing himself from the tense atmosphere that his brothers were creating. He stood in the edge and looked out over the city. He listened to all the sounds and took a deep breath. Leonardo signaled for them to start moving again and Donatello reluctantly moved from the edge of the rooftop. He was about to follow his brothers when he heard music and singing. He stopped dead in this tracks, turned and tried to focus on the sound.
... Promise me that all you say is true. That's all I ask of you...
“Donnie.” Leonardo broke him out of his trance. Donatello stumbled and just about stopped his glasses from falling off of his face. “What?” He turned to face Leonardo. “We're heading back.” He stated simply. “Oh, yeah, sure. I'll, um... I'll catch up.” Donatello said as he turned back to face the direction of the distant music. Leonardo scoffed and turned around. “Be back before sunrise.” He grumbled and leapt off of the rooftop, disappearing into the shadows. Donnie waited for all of them to leave before he headed in the direction that the music was coming from.
... All I want is freedom, a world with no more night and you, always beside me, to hold me and to hide me...
Donatello leapt from rooftop to rooftop, following the beautiful sound and allowing curiosity to take over. He stopped after the third or fourth rooftop, as he realized that the song was much clearer now, he must have been a rooftop away from the source of the music. He moved towards the sound, keeping in the shadows and out of sight. Eventually he saw a small CD player sitting on a side table next to a plastic garden chair, and in that garden chair sat a girl.
Her eyes were closed and she had a small smile on her face while some stray strands of her (H/C) hair blew freely in the slight breeze. She looked so peaceful and beautiful at that moment. He was so focused on her overall appearance that he almost did not see that her lips were moving. For a second, he thought that she was talking to someone. He suddenly became extremely aware of his surroundings and looked around to see if he could see anybody besides the girl and himself on that rooftop, but he soon realised that they were alone. He focused on listening to what she was saying and that she was actually singing.
... Say you'll share with me, one love, one lifetime, say the word and I will follow you...
Donatello was in awe at how beautiful her voice was.
... Share each day with me, each night, each morning.... Say you love me.... Love me, that's all I ask of you...
“Hey! Quit it, girly!” A voice from below startled Donatello. “Some of us are trying to sleep here!” The girl’s eyes shot open, revealing beautiful (E/C) eyes. “You have work in an hour, Mister Maloney! You should be up already and this is the only time I can practice!” She frowned and pushed herself out of her chair. “I was done anyway.” She grumbled.
Donatello watched as she packed up her things and carefully made her way down the fire escape, climbing through her open window and disappearing behind the drapes. The sound of an alarm beeping brought him back to earth. The sun was going to rise soon and he needed to be underground before that happened. He took a mental note of her address and the time before racing down to the nearest man hole and slipping back into the sewers.
He thought about her as he walked back to the lair. Her (H/C) hair and (E/C) eyes were so beautiful. Her voice... it was so amazing, she didn't really need to practice. “Wait.” He suddenly stopped walking. “Why does she need to practice?” He mumbled. He tried to remember the lyrics to figure out what the song was. “Promise me that you are true?....” He scratched his head. “No, no. That doesn't sound right.” He continued walking, so deep in thought that he walked right into the lair, passed his brothers and headed straight for his lab, mumbling incoherently and not giving them a second glance. “What's up with Donnie?” Michelangelo asked his larger, red masked brother. “He looks super spaced out, bro....” Raphael scoffed. “Don's always like that, Mikey.” He said as he chewed on the toothpick in his mouth. Donatello took no notice of them and entered his lab, closing the door behind him.
Donatello sat at his computer and tried to remember as much as he could, typing all of it into the Google search bar. He pressed enter and stared at the results. “The phantom of the opera?” He said as he sat back in his chair. “I don't think I've watched that.”
Donatello read about the movie once or twice but never really gave it a second thought. He decided to read about it again and discovered that there were two, the original and a remake. He couldn't decide which one to watch so he ended up watching both. He found the constant singing a bit unnecessary but considering that it was a musical, he just accepted it. He actually found himself enjoying the movies, the original more than the remake but the story line was quite captivating.
In the days that followed, Donatello went back to that rooftop to hear her sing. Some mornings she would stay up there longer than usual but she was always there practicing her little song. He even caught himself humming the tune every so often. He couldn’t stop thinking about her and, much to his surprise; it was actually making him happy. His change in mood was noticeable and Leonardo was starting to get slightly suspicious. He wanted to question Donatello about his late nights but didn’t want to ruin his mood, at least one of them was happy. 
One night, after patrol, Donatello got to the rooftop and the girl wasn't there. He was a bit puzzled at first but decided to wait. It was still quite early. After waiting for a while, Donatello became worried. He thought that she wasn't going to show but just as his concern grew even more, she made an appearance. She set out her things as usual and started practicing.
He immediately calmed down and exhaled with relief. He found an old air-con vent and decided to sit down but it unexpectedly gave in to his weight and collapsed with a very loud, metallic clang. The girl gasped and shot up out of her seat, startled. Donatello went into ninja mode and quickly hid in the shadows.
“Who's there?” The girl called into the darkness.
Donatello panicked. A million thoughts were running through his head at that moment. Should he run? Should he stay? He thought about staying quiet but he was worried that she would be too scared to ever come back out on to the rooftop. He’d never see her again.
“I know you're there! Come out!” Her voice broke through his thoughts.
“No.” He cringed at his own bluntness.
There was a slight pause. “No? What do you mean ‘no’?” she said, obviously confused.
Donatello was starting to get nervous. “I-I can't.” He choked out.
“Why not?” The girl asked as she took a tentative step closer.
“I don't want you to see me.” Donatello moved through the shadows, making his voice seem like it was coming from different directions each time he spoke.
“Why not?” She repeated.
“You won't like what you see.” Donatello said softly, just loud enough so that she could hear but not letting her hear the hurt in his voice.
The was another pause. He looked at her face from the shadows, she looked confused. Sad almost. “What do you mean?” She said with a worried frown on her face.
Donatello thought for a moment. He thought about the song that she had been singing and the movie it came from and he suddenly got an idea.
“I-I'm horribly deformed.” He lied.
“Oh...” She frowned again. “I'm sure you don't look that bad.” Even though she tried to hide it, Donatello could hear her voice was laced with worry.
Donatello stopped moving around and chuckled at her attempt at being nice. “I'm hardly human.” He said, not exactly lying.
“Don't say that. I'm sure you're more human than most.” Her (E/C) eyes continued to search the shadows for signs of movement. “It's not all about what you're like on the outside.” Her voice picking up a bit.
"I guess, but I still think you'll find me gross." Donatello sighed.
"Well how about we just chat then?" The girl suggested. "Let's get to know each other and maybe you'll feel more comfortable about showing yourself."
Donatello thought for a moment. "Y-yeah, okay. That sounds good." He said with a nervous laugh.
"Cool." She smiled. "Let's start with your name."
"Donatello." He said shyly, "But everyone calls me Donnie."
"That's a really cool name." She beamed. "My name is (Y/N). Pleased to meet you, Donnie."
Donatello met (Y/N) on that rooftop every chance he got. These little secret meetings went on for weeks, Donatello waiting for her on the rooftops and chatting to her from the shadows. Most mornings he would listen to her sing for a while before making her aware of his presence. There were a few times when (Y/N) would ask Donatello to show himself but each time she asked he would say no and apologise. It hurt him to see the look of disappointment on her face but he knew that it was for the best. Yet, each time he saw that look, it slowly broke his resolve.
Early one morning, Donatello sat in his usual spot and waited. The darkness in the night sky was just beginning to fade and the stars weren't shining as brightly anymore. The sun would start to rise soon and (Y/N) was usually out by now. Not a moment later, he heard the familiar sound of the rooftop maintenance door opening, indicating the arrival of the young song bird. Donatello settled down, expecting (Y/N)'s beautiful voice to ring through the air. He waited. But nothing happened. He frowned, wondering why she wasn't singing. He stole a glace to check if it was not maybe someone else that came up instead. But all he saw was (Y/N), gazing up at the fading stars. He wondered why she wasn't singing. He wondered if he should say something. He heard her sigh and could feel the sadness in it. It almost broke his heart.
"(Y/N)?" Donatello called out tentatively.
"Donnie." She gave a soft smile. "I'm sorry if I was a little late."
"What's wrong?" 
"I overslept." She stated simply.
"No, I meant why aren't you singing?"
"Oh," she paused and took a breath. "I don't need to practice anymore." She said softly.
"Why? I thought-"
"I didn't get the part, Donnie."
Donatello felt her sadness again. "Oh..." Was all he managed to say.
"Well, I got the part but I've been replaced." She added, disdain creeping into her voice.
"Replaced?" Donatello crept a bit closer.
"Yes." She sighed. "The male lead managed to convince the director that his girlfriend should play Christine because she looks more like her from the movie. They're such hypocrites!" She crossed her arms over her chest, and frowned. "When I auditioned for the part they said that everyone is welcome because they wanted to have a diverse cast and they wanted to be different. But then they pull something like this?!" She raised her voice at the last sentence. "Unbelievable." She mumbled. Donatello didn't know what to say. He didn't know if he even should say anything. She sighed again and shook her head. "I'm sorry, Donnie. I'm just venting."
He smiled. "It's okay. We all need to vent sometimes."
He heard her chuckle. "Since we're sharing, what do you need to vent about?"
"My brothers." Donatello said without thinking.
"You have brothers?"
Donatello froze. 
"Donnie?" (Y/N) called out. "You still there?"
"You weren't supposed to know that..." He said sheepishly.
"Why not?" She asked.
Donatello didn't know how to answer that. The silence dragged on for a few moments until (Y/N) spoke up, encouragingly.
"No, this is good." She sounded eager. "Please continue. I'd love to hear more about your brothers." She tried to spur him on. "What are their names? What are they like?"
Donatello fought many internal battles, trying to decide if he should reveal any more about himself or his life, not wanting to endanger the rest of his family. But he didn't have to tell her too much. Where they lived didn't need to come up yet. Yeah... And if all else fails, he could just run...
"Well, there's Leo, Raph, Mikey and I..."
Donatello spoke and (Y/N) listened. He told her as much as he could without revealing too much and answering the few questions that she had whenever he could.
"It sounds amazing, Donnie." She said a while after they fell into a comfortable silence. "You're lucky to have brothers like that. To have people you can count on."
Donnatello was quiet and thought about her words. "Yeah," he said softly. "I guess I am."
"I'd love to meet your brothers."
Donatello didn't know what to say. He knew what that implied and it terrified him.
"I don't know if that's a good idea." He said warily.
Donatello heard (Y/N) sigh. "I feel like I haven't met you properly and I don't like it. It feels so... I dunno," He heard her sigh again. "I don't think that 'fake' is the right word but it doesn't feel real, you know?"
"Yeah," Donatello's voice was barely a whisper. "I get it."
After a long pause, (Y/N) spoke up. "Don't you trust me?"
Donatello's heart clenched. He could hear the sadness in her voice and it sounded as if she was holding back tears. "No, (Y/N), it's not that." He found it difficult to tell her that it's not safe without telling her everything.
"Then what is it, Donnie?"
He stayed silent, not knowing what to say or do.
"I feel like I've finally made a proper friend, but at the same time... I feel like I'm talking to a stranger." She spoke so softly, her voice breaking slightly at the end. "I have so many questions but I'm scared that if I ask, I might scare you away."
"What questions?" Donatello heard himself say.
"Like, why are you out at this time of the night? And are your brothers like you?" She paused waiting for some kind of answer. "Why do you speak of your brothers so fondly but sound so lonely?" She added softly.
"We're all just a little stressed right now." He said after a while.
She at quietly waiting for him to continue, but he didn't, so she spurred him on slightly. "But...?"
Donatello sighed. "But I feel like they don't get me sometimes."
"Is that why you're up here all the time, talking to me?"
Donatello thought about her question. He thought about everything... And then he decided to to stop overthinking.
"I'm a six foot eight mutant turtle." He blurted out.
There was silence and Donatello panicked for a second.
"Are you serious?" (Y/N) asked. "I don't think this is funny, Donnie."
He heard her get up from her little lawn chair and panicked even more. "No! I'm completely serious!" He wracked his brain, trying to figure out a way to get her to stay. "I'll show you!"
He heard her stop and sigh. "If this some stupid joke-"
Donatello stepped out of the shadows and stepped up behind her, unintentionally startling her. She gasped and jumped a little before focusing on him. Her eyes landed on his chest first and shot up to his face. She gasped again and stumbled backwards, tripping over an exposed pipe that neither of them noticed and toppled over the edge of the building. Donatello lurched forward as her scream pierced the air and, with inhuman speed, dove over the edge after her. He reached out and grabbed her, before firing his grappling rope and pulling them back up to the roof top.
"Are you okay?" Donatello asked as soon as they landed safely. "I'm so sorry for scaring you." He felt her shaking in his arms and felt extremely guilty. "I didn't mean-"
"It's okay. I'm sorry too, I didn't mean to... you know. I-I didn't mean to react that way. I just wasn't expecting..."
"A turtle."
Still clinging to him with her forehead against his plastron, Donatello felt her nod in reply. He moved to let go of her but she held him tighter and buried her face in the crook of his arm.
"No," she said when he tried to let go of her. "I mean, can we just stay like this for a little while? Please?"
Donatello was somewhat confused but figured that she needed time to process everything, so he held on to her. After a few moments, he felt her give him a little squeeze and felt her hold loosen. Taking that as a sign that she was ready, he loosened his hold as well, and dropped his arms to hang at his sides. She took a small step back and tilted her head slowly. Donatello couldn't help but smile when her eyes meet his and she let out a quiet 'wow'. Her hand came up to his plastron, as if she wanted to touch it, but she retracted it at the last second. Instead, her hands went up to the sides of her face and she let out a breathy laugh in awe of what she was seeing.
"How?" She asked softly.
"It's a long story." Donatello gave her a nervous smile.
"I've got time." She smiled up at him but her smile faded when she glanced behind him. "But you don't." She frowned as she looked at the first light of the rising sun.
Donatello turned and followed her gaze. He hadn't even noticed the stars fade or the sky getting lighter. He grumbled to himself and turned back to her, taking her hands in his. "I'll be back tonight and I'll explain everything." He gave her hands a little squeeze before letting go and stepping back.
"Same time?" She asked, worried.
He noticed her worry and thought for a moment. "How about after midnight?" He was almost at the edge of the building.
"After midnight's great."
"Great." He said as her turned and sent a little wave over his shoulder. Leo would be so mad at him for staying out so late... early? Someone could have seen him. He stepped up to the ledge at the very edge of the rooftop and got ready to descend to the dark alley below. 
"Great." He heard (Y/N) giggle nervously. "It's a date."
He froze. "A date?" He whispered. 
But by the time he turned around, the maintenance door was already swinging closed and (Y/N) was gone.
One year later 
"Why is there no frosting on this poptart?"
(Y/N) asked as they stood in the kitchen, with one hand on her hip and the other hand holding the treat up in front of him. She knew full well that it was him that had licked it off yet she still asked the question, hoping to at least make him feel guilty enough to not do it again. He smiled sheepishly and shrugged before he resumed his task of making Hot Chocolate for them. She rolled her eyes and couldn't stop the smile that crept up onto her face.
"What am I going to do with you?" She asked as she walked back towards the fridge.
"Love me..." Donnie started singing in an off key falsetto. "That's all I ask of you."
(Y/N) rolled her eyes again and started laughing as Donatello 'sang' the instrumental part of the song.
Raphael's booming voice rang through the air from where he sat watching TV and (Y/N) rushed to him to clamp both hands over Donatello's mouth to try and stop the noise he was making.
"Stop, Donnie." She giggled.
"He's just jealous." Donatello whispered before leaning down and giving her a light peck on the lips.
They both blushed and (Y/N) fixed his glasses before pressing her lips to his snout.
"Gross guys, we make food in here," Raphael pulled a face as he walked past them to retrieve another bag of cookies. "And I'm not jealous," he grumbled as he left the kitchen.
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Crazy in Love - Donnie x Reader
WARNING: slight cursing, and there’s no read more because I’m new to mobile and don’t know how to put one in whoops
Description: Reader has a bad day and decides to cope by drinking absurd and copious amounts of alcohol. Drunken confessions and silliness follow. (Gender neutral)
Note: hey, this is my very first fanfic. It’s gonna probably be bad. please read it anyway. i really hope you like it though.
You had had the worst day. Your boss has been a dick, and your job as a whole was beginning to get to you. On top of that, the reality of the situation you were in was becoming damn near unbearable. You were happy, god, you were ecstatic to be living with the boys, but then again, you lived in the sewer. How pathetic you were. Unable to find a real place, so you shack up with four giant turtles. You didn’t mind them though, they were wonderful to live with really. There was only one downside among them. Donatello Hamato.
He was both your weakness and your strength, your light and your dark. What stressed you the most, yet the only thing that could calm you down. You loved him, and that was the problem. Why would him, an amazing incredible guy who had saved the world multiple times ever want to be with some plain loser like you? You could never, would never, and will never be good enough for him.
That, among other things was the reason that you pulled out your secret bottle of Jack. It was a sweet relief that you didn’t often find yourself craving. But then again, days like this didn’t come often. The boys were out on patrol, giving you what you thought would be adequate time to drink your pains away, take a cold shower and shake off your drunkenness. You were wrong.
The boys had come home early that day due to cold weather and a suspicious lack of petty thieves. Leo had fought hard to keep his brothers out on patrol, but when it came down to a 3 to 1 vote and Mikey almost passing out on a rooftop because he was “freezing in his shell”, they all headed back to the lair.
Entering the lair was a bit of a shock to all of the turtles. They heard Beyoncé, blasted as loud as she could be, and your slurred off-key voice singing along. Donnie goofily grinned to himself, how were you so cute?
“Dudes… if we don’t get any video of this, I will never forgive us” Raph chuckled at that. Donnie thought of video taping you dancing around your room, then thought against it. That was something he would want to save for himself, something he wanted to keep in the back of his mind, for him and only him to know. But he couldn’t keep this to himself. He had very few memories of you that he got to have himself. He longed though, so much for you to be his. To have memories of you in his arms, memories of your lips upon his. He could never have that. He was a freak, and you? You were the most beautiful person on the face of the earth. You could surely have anyone, anyone who would give you that perfect white picket fence life, so why would you ever want him?
“Let’s not Mikey.” Donnie spoke quietly and calmly. His younger brother gave him a look of disappointment.
“Aw Donnie! But- aw come on man this is great!!” You were still singing along. Ralph scoffed at his youngest brother, who was now approaching your door.
“If I can’t record it I’m at least gonna make fun of her” His older brothers smiled at the remark as he opened the door.
The second he saw you, tousled hair, leggings and a sweater that was way way way too big for you, Donnie could not control the infectious grin that spread on his face. It was the kind of smile that spread, that made his toes curl up and his stomach flutter. God, you were beautiful. You noticed the door opening and whipped around, Beyoncé’s crazy in love still booming around your voice.
“Hey guys!” You said, emphasizing the ‘u’. You approached Donnie first, the impairment of your senses raising your courage. You trapped him in your embrace and tilted your head up to look at him. “Don’t you love this song?! It’s so iconic!” You were practically yelling and the boys couldn’t help but wonder how Splinter had been putting up with this while they were gone.
Donnie was thoroughly flustered. Here he was, arms wrapped around the lady of his dreams while she bopped her head to the beat. He didn’t know what to say. What was he supposed to say?
“I-it is quite catchy.” You smiled at his response and backed out of his arms, singing along to the music again, this time pointing at Donnie, and dancing around him.
Did you know what you were doing to him? You must’ve known, and this was all some sick prank on him. He couldn’t help but blush some more as you sang along, looking at him.
“It’s the beat my heart skips when I’m with you, but I still don’t understand, just how your love can do what no one else can.” Donnie’s brothers smiled and laughed at him. They were aware of his little (big) crush on you, and they gave him a knowing look as they silently exited the room and shut the door.
You two were alone now. It was just him and you, maybe now he co- and you were in his arms again. Donatello could barely breathe as you whispered in his ear, the chorus playing around you both.
“You’re the Jay-Z to my Beyoncé.” It was a cheesy line you had pulled, sure, what else was he expecting from your shitfaced form, but the things it did to him were absurd. He felt your lip brush against his neck as you pulled yourself back down off of your tiptoes. Your slurred whisper had brought him a fit of stutters, and a face that was tomato red. You couldn’t like him. There was no way. Yet here you were, nestled between his muscular arms looking at him almost expectantly.
What he did next took guts. Donatello had never imagined being this forward with you. But despite himself, despite every alarm going on in his head, he leaned down towards you. Screw it, he had lived his entire life thinking with his brain, and now for once he was going to think with his heart. His lips smashed into yours, your hands desperately clawing at the back of his head pulling him closer and closer into you. You sobered up at this, becoming hyperaware of every touch his hands planted on your body. You were ecstatic. He was ecstatic. You both seemed to blend together perfectly, your bodies intertwining in a messy fest of hands on skin. You pulled away for air.
“Wow.” You were still whispering despite the fact that your playlist was still booming through your room. He chuckled at you, still blushing, and leaned his forehead against yours.
“Wow is right.”
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someonefromabove · 5 years
Hi! I LOVE your stuff! I have a question, do you think the guys would like having their shells scratched? I heard that some turtles like it and I was wondering if the boys would like it too. Thanks love!
Hiiii there! Thank you so much for your compliment! 🥰🥰🥰 I‘m very glad that you like my writings. And just fyi, I‘ll try to answer more frequently in the future. It’s just that my training (there isn’t quite the right word for Ausbildung in english...it’s like you learn for 2-3 years a special profession/job which you pass with a final exam at the end of it) is very busy at the moment and I have to learn a lot of paragraphs and stuff at the moment. But by the middle of November, when I had my verbal midterm exam, I can answer again like no one has ever seen :D
Also, to answer your question:
I think, all of them would like it. They‘d all have their preferences though. I can imagine, that you could scratch Raph and Mikey’s shell a bit harder than Donnie and Leo‘s shell, especially during sexy times, if you know what I mean 😏. Also, it depends on the situation and the mood they’re in. If they had a rough day, they‘d all prefer a light and loving scratch on their shell. I can see Donnie falling asleep while you scratch his shell, maybe because he can finally relax after he was working too much again on a project of his. Leo would most likely just relax and maybe combine it with a good and long mediation. And well...for our boys Raph and Mikey...I think this would turn hot and steamy 99% of the time, because they just love your touch so much! And they can’t keep their hands off of you! I hope, you like the answer! 😊
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someonefromabove · 5 years
how about the boys reaction when they find out their friend can water bend?
Oh my god, they love it! Like, for the first few weeks after they discovered your powers, you won’t have any time alone, because at least one of them is always around to watch you bend or to ask you tons of questions (that part mostly comes from Donnie or Mikey). Leo will be in awe and often watch you silently while you show your powers. To him it is almost hypnotizing and he‘ll want to ask you to bend a little while he meditates, because he can relax a lot when he hears these sounds. Raph will want you to destroy as many things as possible. I mean who could blame him? Water can be very dangerous and this is an excellent way for you to defend yourself! Donnie will try to find an explanation for it. Our little genius has to understand how you can bend water and if there’s the possibility to control other elements and if even they could do it. Believe me, you’ll spend a lot of time in his lab for his many tests he‘ll do on you. Mikey on the other hand just enjoys your powers as they are like you do. Sure, he‘ll constantly ask questions on what you can or cannot do, but other than that you’re still the same person to him. The only thing that changes is that he‘ll tell you everything he knows about his comics of superheros who have the same power as you.
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someonefromabove · 5 years
Lmao what about the boys wanting attention so they literally plop down on their SO smothering they with their body? 😂🌸
A/N: Hahaha I really love the picture I have in my mind on this request 😂👌🏻
Pairings: LeoxReader, RaphxReader, DonniexReader, MikeyxReader
Warnings: none
In my opinion, Leo, Raph and Donnie will only do it, if no one is watching. They will not literally jump onto their s/o, because they want attention. But they’ll have their own ways to show it. Leo will just straight ask you to cuddle or to spend time with him. Why wasting time on giving hints while he could spend that time with you? Also, we all know that Leo is serious most of the time, so you’ll know he wants your attention when he tries to joke and play around. Raph will become clingy and a little grumpy. He doesn’t like to show affection out in public, so he really hopes you get the point if he tries to annoy you a little and touch you a lot. It’s just his way to show you, because he isn’t great with words in that case. Donnie will be really shy about that. It’s no problem if you’re the one who wants affection, but if he is, damn, he’ll blush and stutter like when he asked you out for the first time. It’s always the possibility that you could refuse what scares him and he overthinks the many outcomes. He‘ll try to ask you for affection, however his behavior will tell you way before his words can. And now last but not least, Mikey. Let’s be honest, yes, Mikey would literally jump onto you to get affection. So if you sit on the couch, watching tv or something, it will be possible that out of the sudden Mikey jumps right into your lab. He doesn’t care if you’re in the middle of doing something or not, spending time with you has more priority than anything else. He’ll be satisfied however if you really don’t have time right now, that you’ll make it up to him later in the bedroom. 😉😏
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someonefromabove · 5 years
Could you do a tmnt + Casey+ April where their girlfriend has a big bust and she wears button up shirts there’s a gap between the fabric and they can see her bra? (Tmnts respective colors)
A/N: Oh my 😏 By the way this was the one that got deleted and I‘m sorry, it may not be as good as the original version.
Pairings: LeoxReader, RaphxReader, DonniexReader, MikeyxReader, AprilxReader, CaseyxReader
Warnings: light smut? xD, mentions of underwear (if that’s a warning lol), nosebleed
color: blue
Oh my god, Leo would try so hard not to stare at you. It was pure torture to the poor boy, since he liked every inch of your body so much. When he realized that you also wore his color, it was over. Leo couldn’t contain his inner animal anymore as he threw you over his shoulder and got to his bedroom with you. Prepare for some punishment for teasing him.
color: red
Raph would definitely try not to stare, but he’d fail miserably. This view is just too welcoming for him and I think he wouldn’t even care if someone else was with you in the room. He‘d try to end the conversation you‘d have as quick as possible, just to guide you to his bedroom. The fact that you were wearing his color got him really excited and he now wanted to show you the only thing he liked you wearing more than this bra: nothing.
color: purple
Instant blushing incoming!!! When Donnie saw your bust, his face turned red in not even a second and he maybe even would start to get a nosebleed. Of course he wouldn’t tell the truth on why his nose was suddenly bleeding, but he’d say it’s because of the dry air. For the next few minutes (or hours) he wouldn’t even look at your direction anymore. He‘d be too shy to do so, since he didn’t want to stare at you.
color: orange
Mikey would definitely make a comment about his view like: „Wow, babe. I see you‘re wearing my color? Orange definitely suits you.“ He wouldn’t care if someone was in the room with him and you, everyone knew about Mikey’s flirtatious personality anyway, so why hiding it? He‘d also tease you a bit with that scenario, even days later. He’s a mean little fella if he wants to be, but don’t worry. You‘ll have plenty of opportunities to revenge yourself.
color: yellow
April would take small looks to confirm her sighting. But she internally got really excited when she realized that you were wearing her favorite color! She wouldn’t stare at you though and there also wouldn’t be a comment until you both got to bed at night. She’ll remind you on how she sees everything and that she liked what she saw.
color: black
Staring? Check. Comment? Check. Grinning like an idiot? Check. Wow, Casey would be the „worst“ of all of them. He’d be a combination of Raph and Mikey and no matter if you two would be alone or not, there would be a lot of staring and some comments involved. He‘d also proudly point out „his territory“ as he calls it to Raphael, just to make him jealous and show everyone you’re his. Yeah, he‘d be a pretty big asshole, but you‘ll love him anyway, right?
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someonefromabove · 5 years
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A/N: Sorry that it took so long! I hope, you’ll enjoy. 🥰
Pairings: LeoxReader, RaphxReader, DonniexReader, MikeyxReader
Warnings: none
Leo would not stare, he‘d try to help you with the sniper. He would try to prevent you from any harm, since you were innocent. After the fight was over he would look at you with shock. Why did you save him!? You didn’t know each other, but you still risked your life for him!? Leo wouldn’t understand and he would call Donnie to make sure you were okay while ignoring his own injuries.
Raph would just look at you with shock. What. Are. You. Doing!? And who were you!? He was so impressed when he saw you knocking that dude out cold. It would send shivers down his spine...but the good kind of shivers. After the fight he still wouldn’t be able to talk for a few minutes. He‘d let Donnie check on you before talking to you and he‘d only ask why you did it. The fact that you were a stranger didn’t matter to him. He was just glad you were okay and he was very thankful for your actions.
Donnie would also watch you fight the man, but as soon as he‘d been on the ground, Donnie would rush to you for checking on you. He would be so concerned that he‘d totally forget that you didn’t even know each other. After he realized that you were fine, he’d blush like crazy. You...you really saved him? He would still be concerned about you though and he‘d advice you to go to the hospital, just to make sure.
Mikey would smile like crazy and join the fight. This was the first time ever a human would stand up for him like that. I mean, you saved his life! This wasn’t something everyone would do for anyone. Mikey would hug you as soon as the fight was over, saying „Thank you.“ all over again. For him, you were a hero. His hero. He‘d definitely want to get to know you better after that, becoming friends at least.
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someonefromabove · 5 years
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A/N: Dear anon, headcanons are always welcomed on my blog! Also, I know how you feel, love...a few years back I had depression and anxiety myself, but I kicked their asses and I hope I can help you with this little post. If you wanna talk or something feel free to message me! I‘ll send you all my love and motivation that I have! ❤️❤️❤️
Pairing: LeoxReader, RaphxReader, DonniexReader, MikeyxReader
Warnings: none
Going to bed:
„Good evening, my love. I hope that you had a wonderful day and that you had a lot of fun. I just wanted to remind you to go to bed early tonight, so that you can have a proper sleep. If something‘s up, you can call me anytime you want, right? I love you and I wish you a good night. Love, Leonardo“
Waking up:
„Good morning, honey! I dreamt about you tonight and woke up with a feeling that today will be a great day for you. So please, don‘t waste any opportunities and get up on time so you won‘t be late, alright? I hope, that you had a great night and that you‘ll have a perfect day. I‘ll text you again soon, I promise! Love, Leonardo.“
Going to bed:
„Hey babe. Just wanted to check on ya, ’cause ya said ya need help with goin‘ to bed early. So...here I am. Uh...I‘m not good with words and ya know that. Hope ya had a nice day? Mine was okay, I guess. Would‘ve been better, if I had spent it with ya. But I‘ll see ya soon, I promise! Well, I hope that ya will have a good night. Call me, if anything’s off, okay? Love ya. Raph“
Waking up:
„Morning princess. I know, it‘s early...but ya have to get up and get ready. Today won‘t be as hard as ya think it‘ll be, Y/N. I promise ya that one. Also, I‘m not a morning person myself, but the fact that you’re out there awake makes me get up in no time! I know, I know...that one‘s cheesy as hell...promise me, ya won‘t tease me about it? Anyway, I wish ya a nice day wherever ya have to go. Love ya. Raph“
Going to bed:
„Hi there, sweetheart. How was your day? I wish you could‘ve visited me today. I have a new invention just waiting for you to be tried out! But take your time, alright? It‘s already late and you should go to bed now. Having enough sleep is very important for your health and I want you to be as healthy as possible! If you can‘t sleep, you could always try to meditate or listen to some soft music. Or...you could call me, of course! I hope, that your night will be refreshing and calm. Good night, I love you, dear. Kisses, Donatello“
Waking up:
„Good morning, dove! Tell me, how was your night? Did you sleep well? Did you have any dreams? I know, you probably don‘t want to get up, but you‘ll have so much fun today! Also please make sure to eat a proper breakfast and drink enough throughout the day. I don‘t want you to pass out, because of dehydration or lack of energy. Tonight you‘ll have to tell me everything you did today, alright? I have to go now, training is starting in five minutes and I can‘t be late. I love you very much. Your loving Donatello“
Going to bed:
„’Sup, Y/N? You good? Alright, I just finished my new game and looked at the time and decided to text my favorite person im the whole world! Yeah, yeah, that‘s you! Hehe...well...it‘s definitely time to go to bed, even if there‘s so much we could do together right now! But...no...Donnie always says we need enough sleep to survive. Funny, ‘cause he‘s always the one with the least amount of sleep. Looool. Anyway, we both have to go to sleep now, so don‘t let the bedbugs bite! Good night, sleep tight! XOXO Mikey“
Waking up:
„Good morning, sunshine! I hope, you slept well! I had suuuuch a crazy dream this night. I‘ll definitely have to tell you about it later. But you have to get up, right? You‘re so lucky to be able to go wherever you want, whenever you want...I wish I could do that. So please, go and visit as many different places as you can today, please! You have to tell me about everything later. For now, I wish you a wonderful and sunny day, angelcakes! Love you more than you could imagine! XOXO Mikey“
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someonefromabove · 5 years
how about the boys + april and casey w/ a reader that’s goofy and awkward?
Pairings: LeoxReader, RaphxReader, MikeyxReader, DonniexReader, AprilxReader, CaseyxReader
Warnings: none
He wouldn’t mind a goofy and awkward partner.
Leo tends to be too serious at times so if his partner could pull him out of his seriousness it would be very appreciated by everyone.
Although he doesn’t mind the goofy and awkward part of them, he also needs a parter who can be serious and calm if needed.
He would find it cute.
Raph is always grumpy...or at least that’s what he wants everyone to think, except for his partner. He’d love to see their awkward and bubbly side and let’s his own mask fall and join them with their behavior.
But they have to be careful, because Raph is still Raph and he can be easily annoyed, so they can’t carry it too far.
He would be like you.
Donnie is very awkward himself, especially when talking to his crush/partner.
He‘d know how you feel and even if he’s not so much on the goofy side, he doesn’t mind that one either. Together you‘ll have a lot of funny and weird conversations.
He would be exactly like you.
Mikey‘s personality is just like yours. You two will mix perfectly, because you have so much in common.
Even though Mikey is more on the goofy side, his jokes and actions can turn out pretty awkward too. So you won’t have to worry to be yourself around him.
She would be a little bit confused and annoyed.
Don’t get me wrong on that part though. April loves her partner and she wouldn’t change them in any way possible.
But them and her are different in their behaviors and most of the time she won’t understand their actions or sayings. But she‘ll just ignore that and continue the conversation.
He wouldn’t like it.
I can’t really imagine Casey with someone awkward and goofy.
Sure, he likes to joke around sometimes too but these are other kind of jokes. I think he and someone with that personality wouldn’t mix very well.
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someonefromabove · 5 years
HCs for the boys childhood memories?
Pairings: none
Warnings: none
Leo‘s favorite childhood memory was when he became the leader of the four brothers. It was such an honor for him, that his father had so much trust in him. He was always the oldest and he always wanted to take responsibility. So being a leader was a dream coming true. He swore to himself to never let anyone in his team down.
His worst childhood memory was the day when he had to go to the hashi alone for the first time. Leo always wants to do everything perfectly, so making a mistake so huge, that he had to be punished that way was making him feel like he was dishonored. He won’t tell anyone what he did to deserve this punishment and even his brothers have no clue of the reason behind it. He just wants to forget this memory.
Raph‘s favorite childhood memory was the first christmas they ever celebrated. The boys were like 8 or 9 at that time and every year they‘d see the people more relaxed and all the christmas ads on the billboards. Splinter even got everyone a present. It wasn’t something like an iPhone or things like that, but Raph liked how peaceful and close the family got that evening. He‘ll always cheerish this memory.
His worst childhood memory was when he got his first serious injury after training. We all know that Raph doesn’t like to show emotions or weaknesses to be specific, but when he broke his arm he cried. It hurt like hell and he really tried to hold back the tears, but he couldn’t stop them from coming. It’s not even the fact that he broke something that makes this memory so bad, but the fact that he was so embarrassed of crying.
Donnies favorite childhood memory was his first invention he has ever made. It’s not something special or big, but at age 6 he managed to built a little night lamp for Mikey. At this time Mikey was always scared of the dark, but Splinter told them to keep the lights off to stay hidden. So that‘s why Donnie built the little lamp. It was bright enough that Mikey wasn’t scared anymore, but not too bright that they would be seen. He still has the little lamp in his room to remind him of this memory every time he looks at it.
His worst memory is also invention related. He found different chemicals in a dumpster and tried to mix them in a little test tube. But at that time he didn’t know very much about chemistry or what he even mixed there. It exploded with a great bang and luckily Donnie could dodge fast enough, but Mikey got a little broken glass into his arm, because he was also close to Donnie. Of course he rushed to his little brother and tried to help him, but he felt never more guilty before. Mikey even got a little scar from that incident and every time Donnie sees it he immediately feels bad.
Mikey‘s favorite memory is, of course, the time he got his first skateboard. He always saw some children on the street on those boards and since then he didn’t stop talking about it. He annoyed his father for almost a year before Splinter decided he could take it no more. He found an old skateboard at a junkyard and when he brought it to Mikey the little turtle made a few backflips out of excitement. This skateboard was his favorite one and he still uses it sometimes when he’s in a good mood.
His worst memory however was when he first met a human eye to eye. The human screamed and called him so many insults like monster and freak. He‘ll never forget how scared this person was and it reminded him why he and his family were hiding. He felt very bad and he couldn’t laugh for a whole week. His appearance always reminded him that they weren’t indeed normal and that they‘d probably never have real friends or a family of their own. Of course his thinking changed when they met April, but he still won’t ever forget that moment.
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someonefromabove · 5 years
Hi. I would like to ask how would the guys react to their s/o losing their baby during pregnancy. It happens to one of my friends. Could you do them individually please. Love ya
A/N: Sorry for the long wait! I was two weeks on a business trip and now I‘m on vacation! So while I‘m away, the internet connection is like crap xD So thank all of you for your understanding! Also like I said I‘m very sorry for your friend. That is something I wouldn’t wish for my worst enemy.
Pairings: LeoxReader, RaphxReader, DonniexReader, MikeyxReader
Warnings: angst, losing a child
Leo will be devastated. Like, this will be like literal hell for him. He always wanted to become a father and when you got pregnant, he was so excited and happy about it!
Now that you lost the child it’s like it is his fault. He will blame himself for not protecting you and his unborn child enough. It will take a while for him to accept the lost.
Of course he will be there for you. And the two of you will try for another child again when the time is right. But for now he will just be there for you, although he will have his moments where he needs time alone.
Of course Raph will be sad, however not as devastated as his older brother. He wasn’t sure if he was going to be a good father to begin with. However he would’ve support you in any way during the pregnancy.
The loss of the child is like a sign to him. He thinks that this means he shouldn’t be a father and it will take you some effort to change his mind about that fact.
Raph will also be there for you. He will try to concentrate only on you and not on anything else. You’re the only one he needs and he just wants you to be happy again.
Donnie will be also sad, but he kind of expected it. Not like that he wanted it, but any pregnancy has it’s risks and this was especially risky, so he also told you about all possible outcomes the moment you told him the news.
He and you were kinda prepared for that, but it’s sad nonetheless. He will definitely try to find out why you lost the baby, so that maybe he can prevent something like that to happen ever again.
Besides his studies and work about the topic, Donnie will be there for you. He will change subjects, cuddle with you a lot and every time you need him, he will let anything else go. You’re more important than anything to him.
Mikey will not understand at first. We all know that he would be so happy to become a dad. How was it possible that you could lose the baby just like that?
Once he realized that it was possible and that it really indeed happened to you, he was crying so bad. He would think that it was because something he did. It will take Mikey the longest to accept it and maybe even to try for another baby.
Mikey will be there for you and support you, but he will need your love and support just as you do. It is something you did together and you‘ll need to get through this together.
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someonefromabove · 5 years
How would the boys react to their girlfriend who’s touch starved? Like grew up in an abusive household and now that she’s safe she likes to be held and stuff?💗
Pairings: LeoxReader, RaphxReader, DonniexReader, MikeyxReader
Warnings: none
Leo likes to show his affection towards you. It doesn’t matter to him, if his brothers see it or not. Your comfort is more important than anything else in this moments.
However Leo won’t always have the time to spend time with you. He is a leader and has to safe the city from time to time, therefore there will be times where he has to decline your wish.
He will make it up however the moment he returns, scooping you up into his arms to cuddle with you. He will give you small little kisses and whisper loving things into your ear.
Raph likes to show his affection, however only when his brothers aren’t watching or when the two of you are alone.
He likes to cuddle as much as you do (like for real), but he hates to show it. So he only does it in his room or when the guys are out. If you need your affection right now, he will excuse himself and walk up to his room with you. There he can be and show his true self.
After some time however he‘ll calm down and realize that his brothers won’t say some stupid comments if the two of you are cuddling. In fact, they’re happy that he has found his true love. So he’ll also cuddle with you on the couch or anywhere where you are at the moment.
Donnie doesn’t always realize that you want affection, but he also likes to show it. Like Leo he doesn’t care if you two are seen or not.
However his mind is somewhere else most of the time, so you have to clearly state your wishes and tell him that you want affection. He won’t notice it, even if you sit right on his lap and give like millions of hints.
Donnie really likes to play with your hair, hugging you from behind and smelling your scent. He feels like he can protect you the best that way and he has everything he needs in his arms.
Oh my god, Mikey loves affection. No matter who sees it or if it’s annoying to anyone, Mikey will cuddle and give you affection like no one else.
Mikey will feel so bad because of your background and the reason why you need all of this affection. So he wants you to experience pure heaven from now on. He will hold you in any way all the time, even if it’s just your hand or a hug.
He will have a lot of serious talks with you about your past. He wants to know everything so that he can help you in moments when you’re down. He will hold you even closer and make sure that you’re safe and sound and most importantly: with him.
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