#Don't let your teammates die for no good reason
moisette · 21 days
Why!? That was so fucking shitty... He did so good and Jill and Leon weren't even trying to unhook him. I got fucked over when trying to run down =_=
If I ever see these guys again, I'm either going to let them die or kill them if I'm playing Killer xD Sorry, I don't like playing 2v2v1. What shitty teammates.
It's a bit disconcerting when a Killer whiffs. Don't think my cape has a hitbox.
I figured he'd expect me to go for Nea but I felt like if I went for her, we'd both just go down so I decided to tank a hit and rescue Nancy. -sigh-
I'm glad these pallets are still here. I was worried that they'd get removed when the map changed.
I was like "Do I go for Claudette or finish the gen?" I decided to finish the gen and was like "Come on, Vittorio - please have Adrenaline!" Claudette was on her first hook so she had time to hang and I was really hoping Vittorio had Adrenaline and he did so it all worked out.
I could have let Claudette maybe take chase but I was hoping that since I was on my last hook, Tiffany would go for me and Vittorio and Claudette would make it out.
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chaotic-toasters · 3 months
Tunnel Vision
Arsenal Women x Teen! Reader
Thanks to @scribblesofagoonerr for helping me on this every time I got stuck (I got stuck a lot 💀)
TW: Graphic descriptions of injury and blood, allusion to a panic attack
"Hi, Foxy!" you chirped, hugging the older American from behind. "Are you ready to kick Aston Villa's butt?"
"Hey, kid," she smiled fondly, squeezing you tightly. "I'm always ready. That reminds me, are you all packed for US camp next week?"
"Yeah," you responded with a grin. "I'm excited to see everybody."
Emily released you, ruffling your hair as everyone began lining up in the tunnel. "They're all excited to see you too, but let's focus on the match right now."
"Okay, Foxy." Just before you slipped into your match mindset, somebody else tapped you on the shoulder.
"Oi," the new voice whispered. "No hello for your old roommate?"
"Jordan!" you beamed, tackling the older girl in a hug. "I missed you!"
The Brit's smile was blinding. "I've missed you too, kid. We'll talk more after the game, okay?"
You nodded, hugging her again before stepping into line behind Frida. It was always nice seeing old teammates, but you had no problem beating them in matches.
With the score at 4-1 in favor of Arsenal, the gunners should have been having a great time. For some reason, though, your teammates wanted more. They were hungry for a bigger gap in the scoresheet, and it was messing with some of their heads. Steph was pushed up even farther than usual, Leah's tackles were unreasonably harsh, and Stina's shots were so powerful, it was almost like she was angry. The most noticeable change in behavior, though, was Alessia's.
The Englishwoman's challenges and touches to other players were far more fierce than they should have been, and some of the Aston Villa players were making a conscious effort to stay away from her.
You, on the other hand, didn't think the forward's aggression applied to you. That was why you didn't blink twice when Alessia sprinted towards you in the box, trying to open herself up for a pass.
It was unfortunate, to say the least. Most of the players on the field were crowded into the 18-yard box, so when Alessia accidentally slammed into your side, none of the players or officials saw it. Alessia herself didn't even notice, too focused on the ball and too high on adrenaline to feel just how hard she'd hit someone.
Play continued on as you went flying headfirst into the advertising boards, colliding with the signs with a sickening crunch, players too busy yelling and trying to push each other out of the way to hear or see. Not that you could tell. To you, the world was completely devoid of sound. The nearly sold-out Emirates Stadium was silent and dark, things around you terribly blurry and dim. You tried to pull yourself to your feet, but your hand merely shook on your chest as blood started creeping down your forehead. It was strange, you thought, how you could be bleeding like this, but not feel any pain. While debating whether it was a good or bad thing, you passed out.
It was Beth's scream of terror that caused play to die down. She'd taken up space on the wing, looking for a pass, but when she glanced up at the goal, her eyes instead zeroed in on your limp form laying in the broken pieces of the advertising board. The Englishwoman's guttural cry of fear had rung out over the roar of the crowd and instantly caught the attention of everyone on the field, and they'd all followed her gaze only to be met with the sight of you, a curtain of crimson slowly oozing down to your cheeks.
"What- what happened?" Emily's voice was weirdly high-pitched as Lotte tried to lead her away. "She- she was fine just a minute ago!"
"Don't look," the Lioness murmured, gently guiding the other defender away by the shoulders. "You'll just worry yourself more if you look."
But she couldn't. Your only American teammate at Arsenal couldn't help but stare as paramedics ran onto the field, surrounding you, talking quietly but quickly amongst themselves. She wanted to look away, she really did, but fear gripped at not only her heart, but her head. It forced her to watch on, to watch as you suffered and didn't respond to the paramedics. The fear was stronger than anything she'd ever felt before, and she was certain that it would be the strongest thing she would ever feel.
The gunners were evenly split. Half couldn't tear their eyes away from where the paramedics were lifting you onto a stretcher, and the other half were trying to get their shock-ridden teammates to look elsewhere.
Most of the players apart of the second half were successful in getting the others to direct their attention away from you, but there was one player who was stood inside the box, firmly rooted onto the pitch where she'd stood when the whistle was blown sharply.
Alessia. She'd realized what had happened as soon as she saw you. She may have only felt herself collide with you subconsciously, but she could still remember it. She could remember sprinting as fast as she could, tunnel-visioned on the ball but hitting you in the process, and it was as if she'd been tased with the terrible realization of it all.
She had been the one to push you. She had been the one to send you flying into the advertising boards. She had been the one to cause whatever horrific injury you had just sustained.
She'd been so focused on the game that she'd sent one of the sweetest and most innocent people on the team to A&E.
And for it to be you? You were only sixteen. You were always so happy and and positive, and now you were in bad condition because Alessia was too busy being greedy and wasn't paying attention to anything other than scoring.
As the paramedics carried you away on a stretcher, Alessia's legs gave out beneath her. Her breathing was rapid, guilt taking over every fiber of her being as she gripped at the grass beneath her. Some of her England teammates crouched next to her, speaking quietly, but she was too spaced out to notice.
What was supposed to be a simple match day had turned into a horror show. And there was no one to blame but her.
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de4dlyniightshade · 8 months
I’d really just like to request your most feral Spencer Reid headcanons. SFW, NSFW, raunchy, tame - whatever. Just your like “I will fight anyone who disagrees, they are fact” type headcanons.
(Because I reread all your headcanons and love every single one)
I BEEN WAITING ON SOMEONE ASKING THIS! i've also just been meaning to make a hc post.
i was gonna split them into nsfw and sfw but they just ended up all mixed together 0-0
submissive and breedable spencer truther til i fucking die i'll get him pregnant don't play with me.
loves messy kisses like spit running down his chin, tongues down each others throat, desperately gripping at each other type of kisses.
maybe just me projecting and taking what mgg said as gospel truth but i fully believe that spencer loves a curvy woman, not even just for sexual reasons he also loves to rest his head on a nice big pair of boobs or thighs.
speaking of, boob guy! shamefully, but still a boob guy! adores groping your boobs whenever he can and would have your boob in his mouth 24/7 if he could, has literally fallen asleep with his head under your shirt and your nipple in his mouth.
munch! like the biggest munch ever, loves nothing more than coming home from a long day and burying his face between your thighs or having you ride his face.
knows full well that toys are his teammate and not his competitors and has no insecurities about you using toys on yourself or owning any.
does not care how well groomed you are, if you asked him what he preferred he'd be like??? it's literally none of my business???
needs lots of reassurance during sex, he just likes to know that he's doing good and making you feel good throughout the whole thing.
doesn't like talking about his sex life, especially with derek, no matter how hard he pressed and pries spencer wont let anything but the bare minimum out.
i imagine he's more drawn to a commanding woman, someone who will take the lead and teach him because of his inexperience and finds that he actually loves being dominated and hardly has any desire to dominate you.
really vocal! even though i've already said it like twice he just is, i can feel it in my bones, he's just such a whiny little baby and can't help but moan loudly any time you're touching him.
is completely against the idea of road head until you do it while you're on a long drive and it both changes his life and almost ends it bcs he swerved into the other lane which was luckily empty.
still gets shy when you kiss him in front even the team even years down the line.
learns to cook so he can make you breakfast whenever you're staying at his apartment.
on the same lines, lovesss morning sex, just that feeling of not wanting to get out your warm bed into the cold air, savouring the warmth in the best way possible.
had no idea what queefing was real until it happened and he was like genuinely so fascinated rather than disgusted.
i feel like spencer would own a bird for sure, not just bcs of gideon but he did help him realise how cool birds are which made him get one, probably a cockatiel or parrotlet with some silly name like dave.
all bark, no bite. likes to act a big game in front of others but the second you're alone he's begging and calling you mommy.
loves nothing more than waking up before you, pressing a kiss to your forehead before carefully and quietly getting out of bed to make you breakfast with the intention of bringing it to you but when you wake up before him and sneak up behind him to wrap your arms around his waist he can't help but melt.
very open to experimenting further down the line, anything you want to try he'll try at least once, except for blindfolds on himself, would be completely open to blindfolding you though.
loves public touching, not outright sex but he'd love when you subtly brush your hand over his crotch or take a handful of his ass in a public place.
teaches you how to knit and cries when you actually make him something like a sweater or even just a hat bcs he realises that's why you wanted to learn in the first place.
can't ride a bike.(this is definitely me projecting bcs i can't but i just feel like he can't okay)
lana enjoyer!!! especially if you are, he just wants to understand all the things you love and if you love lana so does he, he'd love to hear you ramble about your favourite songs and would take note of them and listen to them asap and tell you he loves them even if he didn't like some that much bcs he loves how happy it makes you.
wouldn't want to introduce you to his mother too soon but if you ended up meeting her by chance he'd be sweating buckets in case you didn't get along but you two just bond over your adoration for him and he's just so happy about it.
probably took a while to warm up to physical touch in the beginning bcs of his germophobia but when he finally does he regrets not doing it sooner.
washes his hands every single time before touching you sexually, not even for his benefit, he just wants to be as safe as possible with you.
loves elvis and almost proposes on the spot when you offer to dance with him to can't help falling in love, secretly sheds a few tears while you waltz around his apartment in your pyjamas.
okay i've definitely left stuff out that i've thought of but this is long asf so i'll leave it there😭
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avonne-writes · 1 month
OH IVE BEEN MEANING TO ASK THIS you mentioned that bucky and gale have a few significant fights what are the kinds of things do you think they say to eachother (we love angst give us angst please!!)
Oh boy... I feel like maybe I shouldn't give examples without actually writing the full fights in fleshed-out fics, because a lot of the emotional impact and context is lost this way. But if we don’t forget to consider this point, here are some examples:
In general:
Gale can be much nastier than Bucky. The things he might say during a fight are harsh and cut deep.
Bucky is more likely to be childish in a fight and he's provocative, he tends to push Gale to attack him.
Gale's anger is like an explosion, comes seemingly out of nowhere and is instantly raging. Bucky's anger builds and builds with very obvious signs, and if Gale's in a good mind state, he can intercept it before it gets too bad.
During their fights in their first semester of college:
Bucky: "Alex, perfect straight A fucking Alex. Does he want to fuck you or something?"
Bucky: "Where have you been?" "Out? Oh, okay. That explains everything." (/s) "No, I’m not fucking sulking. Saint Gale can go wherever he wants, whenever he wants, who the fuck cares if I’m worried because he hasn’t even left a text or anything."
Gale: "Am I gonna have to carry it like a mark all my life that I wanted to kill myself last year? Will you ever trust me with my own fucking life again or am I on house arrest until I decide this is not worth it and I actually go through with it?"
Gale: "I said I don't care. Do you think I don't know what your teammates think about me? I’m not blind. It’s a miracle we even made it this far. If you want to end it, let’s get it over with now."
During their fight about having children or not at 30:
Gale: "Did this come up because all your clients and colleagues talk about their wives and kids, but all you have is a boring gay husband?"
Bucky: "You know what, I’m gonna give you your precious space and just sleep in the fucking guest room."
Gale: "I think the real reason why you want to be a dad is because your own father left you. You want to prove that being a shitty father is not in the blood, but it is, it fucking is, goes down from generation to generation, I know because I lived through it, but it's gonna die with me because I will never ever have a child. Not with you, not with anyone else.”
Bucky: "Maybe you would be better off with someone who wants a life as bitter and joyless as you!" (great suggestion by @butdaddyilovehim99)
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brucie-baby · 1 month
sorry i'm still being emo about bruce but my godd
your son dies. you hold his body, still warm, still him, but broken and bruised and the colours that you gave him are now covered in blood. you don't know what to do. you plan for everything but you didn't have a plan for this because the thought of this happening was so far out there that you didn't even consider it, and you hate yourself for it.
you need to call someone, but you can't bear the thought of talking to someone you know. you want to call your father-not-father because suddenly you are once again eight years old and holding the body of somebody that you love and your father-not-father will know what to do. he always knows what to do. but you can't call him, because your son died and you weren't there to save him. your son didn't get to call his father-not-father, and so you cannot either.
(you wish he would've listened, but you know that it's your own fault. you know that you would've done the same, and you only brought him in to teach him how to be like you. you know that you trained a boy to do a man's job and you cannot blame a child for behaving as a child would. you cannot blame a good person for acting as a good person would, and that's who jason was at his core. but still, without reason, you wish he would have listened.)
you can't let people see his costume. you want him to be regarded as the hero that he was, throwing himself into a blast to protect his mother, putting himself in the face of death to save someone else, but you can't. there are other people to consider here, people who will suffer if you do not do this, and so you remove the costume, but you are filled with nausea as you do because you do not want to consider anyone else. you only want to think of your son.
you lie to the authorities. you want to tell them the man responsible for this. you want to scream his name to anybody who will listen and beg them to get him, beg them to lock him away and throw away the key. but you do not, because you want to kill him with your own bare hands even more. if everybody knows that bruce wayne's child was murdered by the joker and suddenly batman goes off the deep end, commits the one act he has always refused, then people will know and posthumously stripping your child of his identity will have been for nothing. nobody can know who jason was or who killed him because then you will not be able to avenge your son and your teammates will be under fire. you are prepared to give up your life's mission (you cannot continue to be batman after you have betrayed the very purpose of him) but you cannot put the rest of your family at risk.
you find him. you want to kill him. there is an alien so full of humanity and he tells you to stop, and you are aware that if the paragon of goodness is telling you to stop then you probably should but he doesn't understand. he doesn't understand and you hope to god that he never will. you wait, and you bide your time. you know that you will get your chance. your best friend says, "he's all yours," and you leap out of your seat. more people die. you only think of jason.
the monster disappears and you are suddenly hit by a dreadful sense of resignation, the awful realisation that you will never be able to kill him, that he will never die. you do not understand the way the universe works, but you know that the monster will always be alive and your son will always be dead.
you go home. it has never felt so empty, and neither have you.
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one-piece-aus · 1 month
Unbottle Your Emotions
Eustass Kid x Reader (Part 6)
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6
Taglist: @lingxio @h0n3y-l3m0n05 @tremendoushorsepatrolgoth @lil-skelly-bones (ask or comment if you want to be added)
Ahoy! This has been a fun chapter to write! A few important characters are introduced in this chapter and emotions are building up in [Y/n]. For a little context, Koby is living in the Monkey household because I said so :3
Enjoy ^-^
"He's going to kill me, Hawkins."
You worried as you strolled through the halls with your fellow loner. The poor textbooks were suffocating from your tight grip.
"Who is going to kill you?" Hawkins inquired for clarification.
"Eustass." You eye the hallway for any of Kid's crew. Only when you noted no signs did you turn your back as you reached your locker and opened it.
"Don't you think you're being overdramatic, [Y/n]?" It's rare for Hawkins to brush off your worry, but it only happens if he already read the cards.
"No, I'm not. I might know how to avoid ticking him off with words but actions are an unpredictable minefield, and I might have set one off." You stressed taking your backpack out of your locker and shoving your books inside.
"Why don't you just ask-?"
"I can't ask him!" Your words straining through your teeth, looking at Hawkins as if he suggested you should spoil the ending to a popular franchise to a bunch of die hard fans. "Because if he wasn't mad before then he will be since I planted that idea in his head. I'll be dead either way."
"I was going to suggest asking his friends..."
"Oh..." You turn back to your locker and grab your binders to put them in your backpack. "I don't know about that either..."
"My club starts in 5 minutes, I believe Heat and Wire will be there, if you'd like, I could inquire for you," Hawkins offered.
"But you're coming over tonight to practice your math."
"What? Nooooooo, come on. Can't it be for lunch tomorrow?" You pouted.
"It can't be helped, remember? Your family only allows you to go out if it's for homework."
Your face grims. "That's right." 
Thing is, it's more complicated than that.
"I'll let you know when I'm home, try to remain calm until then." Hawkins rested a hand on your shoulder.
"I'll try."
With that Hawkins takes his leave.
A sigh escapes as you finish packing your bag, mind filled with dread. Closing your locker door, you turn to head off when you see Law two lockers over, closing his locker. He notices you and smirks.
Fuck. Your cheeks start burning as you know exactly why he has the smug look. Bastard won't let you live down your embarrassment from two years ago. You face your locker, ignoring him. He seems to get the message and walks away. Once you're sure he's gone, you hit your head against the locker. Sadly it does nothing to shoo the memory of what happened in gym class. Great now your face is heating up more. Why did that have to be the reason he knows you exist?
"Stupid dodgeball!" You kick the locker next to yours. "Stupid teammates!" Another kick. You're at least grateful no one else witnessed it since it only happened early game, and Trafalgar hasn't bothered spreading rumours about it, not that it'd do any good in school since no one knows who the invisible kid is. However, you had a feeling, he would use it as blackmail over you if he knew how.
Gripping the straps of your backpack, you exit the hallway. Most students have disappeared to their clubs or already left the building, you take extra precautions sneaking around now that you have no cover. Your hand finally reaches the exit doors, opens it and you step outside.
"Hi [L/n]."
"AHH!" You jump out of your skin, startling the boy who greeted you. Your eyes flicker to him, calming down. "Oh, it's just you Koby."
"Sorry, didn't mean to scare you." He bashfully scratches the back of his neck.
"Just don't do it again." You subtly place a hand on your chest, feeling your heart rate return to normal. "What are you doing right next to the doors anyway?"
"Drake said these are the doors you normally use," Koby explained, you gave him a weird look and for a moment you thought he was going to bring up seeing you with Kid at lunch, until he elaborated. "I wanted to walk home with him so he told me to wait with you."
"Oh? So that's all?" You double-check, raising a brow. He nods, so you gesture for him to follow you. "You know my dad doesn't like Strawhat's grandpa, it might be a problem if I walk home with you."
"It's alright, we'll be stopping by my house first so you and Drake don't get in trouble."
"Right." Your voice becoming monotone.
A moment passes as you stop at the meetup tree, Koby looks up at you, worry written on his expression. "...You seemed to be on edge earlier."
"I'm always on edge," you blatantly reply. "Most people just don't realize or scare me like that."
"Sorry..." Koby looks away, seemingly dropping the subject.
Guilt nips at your heart, you don't want to make him feel bad. Though as much as your conscience yells at you to comfort him, you don't. It may be selfish but if Koby associates you with this feeling after greeting you, he's more likely to ignore and avoid you. It'll help prevent future eggshells from being broken and getting you in trouble, so you hope.
A notification from your phone goes off. You grab your device, turning it on to see who it is.
New Message from [Leader Eustass Kid]
You were about to open your phone to read it when you noticed Koby perk up.
"Hey Drake!" Koby greeted his friend.
"Hey Koby, [Y/n]." Drake nodded in acknowledgement.
"Hey..." You briefly wave.
There's a bit of an awkward silence, Drake staring at you as if wanting to ask how your day was and you avoiding eye contact, not wanting to interact with him. You began walking, Drake and Koby following in tow. Koby begins rambling about something Luffy has done. You're grateful Koby came along now, Drake's attention is on him and not you. 
With room to breathe, you pulled out your phone and checked Kid's message.
[Leader Eustass Kid]
Where were you at the end of lunch?
Crap, he did notice you disappearing. Not good. Should you make a likely excuse? ...No, you have a feeling he'd know a bullshit excuse when he sees one. Just keep it brief.
I left
Lunch was over so I left
. . .
Your eyes anxiously stare at the loading dots, his response being typed. Fingers tapping to the rhythm of the flow. Fear sits on your shoulder to watch the screen.
[Leader Eustass Kid]
Say something before you leave next time
Right, he'll be inviting you again when your project's over. Reminder aside, you can't tell the emotion behind his text. Whether he's mad or letting it go, you'll only know when you go over to Hawkins tonight.
"Koby! No club today?" Garp asked welcoming the pink-haired boy home.
"Nope, the club president had to plan some things for next week so I got to walk home with Drake today," Koby chirped entering the house.
"Great it's lasagna night. You can help out with the cooking."
"Yes sir." Koby turned to you and Drake who were standing outside. "Thanks for walking with me, guys. See ya tomorrow!"
"See ya, Koby," Drake said. You just waved bye until Koby disappeared from the doorway.
Garp turned to the two of you. "Do you guys want to stay for dinner?"
Drake shook his head. "I have to work tonight."
"I need to get home before it gets too late," you decline chewing the inside of your mouth, wanting to leave already. "Also I don't know anyone here."
"Nonsense, you're friends of Koby, and I'm sure my other grandsons would be happy to have more guests."
"More guests?" Drake raised a brow.
"Yeah, Ace has his friend over-" Garp explanation got cut off when there was a crash in the background. "THE HELL DID YOU BREAK THIS TIME?"
"oH NO! RUN YAMATO!" Ace warned.
Garp left the doorway, off to scold the boys. Drake narrows his eyes and goes to enter the house when you stop him, a tight grip on his sleeve. Drake looks back to you, your face is neutral yet your hand is shaking.
"Can we leave?" A small demand.
Drake doesn't say anything, glancing from you to the house. You could hear something fall over and it causes you to flinch. Drake looks back at you, sighs and starts walking. Internally, you thank him as you release your grip on his sleeve. Your stroll is silent for the most part until Drake inquires you.
"Who were you texting early?"
"...Hawkins," you lie. "I'm going over to his place tonight to practice my math. My dad won't tolerate anything but the best."
Drake hums, believing your lie sprinkled with truth. It wouldn't be the first night you'd go study with Hawkins, and as for texting others, he knows just how small your contact list is. It pays to be known as a ghost amongst those who do know the invisible kid.
You'll have to change Kid's contact name, you can't risk getting caught. It's fine if Hawkins knows you're talking to Kid, you trust him, but not Drake.
The two of you near the front door of your home, you unlock it and enter inside. You glance around, seeing your father's workers frantically running around, too busy to greet you. Good, your brother's antics made you invisible.
"I'll go inform your father where your brother is," Drake told you as he took off his shoes. "They're probably wondering where he snuck off to. You can let one of your uncles know you'll be studying at Hawkins tonight. We don't want them thinking their other child snuck out later."
"Right..." You slipped off your shoes, observing Drake leaving to inform your dad.
You're thankful to your brother, yet at the same time, you wish he put more thought into his actions. There were consequences, and it affected more than him.
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cher-rei · 9 months
afterglow- pt 3 [ T.A.A ]
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pairings: trent alexander arnold x fem!reader
summary: young and aspiring marketing and business major jamie carter (you) is privileged with working alongside the liverpool marketing and public relations team while also getting entangled with their star player and right back, trent alexander arnold.
[wc: 2,5k] [part 1] [part 2] [part 4] [part 5] [part 6] [part 7] [part 8] [part 9] [part 10] [part 11] [part 12]
genre(s): friends?? to lover, work romance, fluff
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"do you have everything?"
charger. phone. apartment keys. suitcase. wait did I say charger?
"uh huh," you answered your sister and closed the trunk of the car, giving her one last hug before joining the staff on the bus that was parked outside of the main office building, along with the team bus.
you watched as she drove away into the early morning. 6:56 to be exact which meant that the sky was covered in hazy clouds, giving into the dusky look despite it being morning. you let out a breath and watched as the cloud of condensation formed.
you put in your airpods and shoved your free hand into your pants pocket. the drive wasn't long and you had to be on the field to oversee training for some clips so you dressed comfortably. a pair of navy blue nike parachute pants, a navy blue sweatshirt with a black shirt underneath and a pair of new balance.
the stroll to the bus was quiet, your mind elsewhere as you watched the staff members roll onto the bus after putting their luggage away. you sent a smile clara's way after she waved at you, and you were mentally preparing yourself to sit beside her during the ride when you were caught off guard by someone tapping your shoulder.
with eyes wide in shock, you whipped around to face the reason for your mini heart attack.
"oh," you sighed thankfully and paused your music when you saw klopp standing in front of you, an apologetic smile on his face.
"good morning to you too," he greeted with a chuckle and you returned it with a sheepish nod before falling into a brief conversation about today's match and it took a bit for you to realise that you had to get in the bus where everyone was waiting.
"jamie's watching the match today?"
you stifled a laugh at curtis' entrance, watching as the group's manager gave him a pat on the back. "she'll be watching most of our matches curtis. I told you this already."
curtis let out a knowing hum as the rest of his teammates piled onto the bus, making sure to greet you. he paid close attention to one person in particular however and suddenly had a light bulb moment.
"is she joining us on the bus?"
you quickly shut him down which caused klopp to let out a breathy laugh but curtis was adamant and didn't want to back down.
he took a few steps forward and swiftly took your suitcase out of your hand and gave it to the driver to put away before you could even fight him for it. "wouldn't you rather be accompanied by people your age? we don't want you to die of boredom the entire ride."
you narrowed your eyes at him, knowing very well what he was doing. "It's just an hour. I'll be fine."
you were about to take off when curtis shot his boss a look that took the older man a moment to register. "uh jaime," he called out after you. "you're more than welcome to join us. I think it'll be less of a hassle too, seeing as we'll get out at the hotel together as well."
you've got to be joking.
you let out an even heavier sigh. "no se--"
"--don't worry. you can sit next to me," curtis chimed in effortlessly and slung his arm around your shoulders as he led you onto the bus, talking about how much fun you two were going to have on the ride.
and to be honest. it wasn't a terrible experience.
when you got in it earned quite a few surprise looks considering that it was curtis of all people who got you on the bus.
when you walked over to the middle of the bus with him, you were met with a very confused alexis. "uhm?"
"well, give the lady her seat," curtis said and gestured for him to get up and you couldn't help but shoot alexis the most apologetic look you could muster up.
he stifled a laugh as he watched curtis point to the seat next to alisson. he reluctantly got up of course and pat you on the shoulder. "I should be the one apologising to you."
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you sighed as you checked your uploaded Instagram story, trying to wrap your head around the fact that you were out on a soccer field at 7 in the morning.
everyone had just gotten back from checking into their hotel rooms and to your luck you were sharing a suite with clara. she was only a year older than you were but she was the sweetest person you'd ever met.
she was rather soft-spoken and kept her life behind the camera. which was exactly what she was doing right now as she took some pictures of the practice session so that it could be uploaded.
practice had started slow but that didn't mean that it was boring. you watched with your lips pursed, eyeing one player in particular before turning to clara who was a bit further away. she shared the same expression as you, one of utter shock.
you put your hand in front of your mouth and mouthed something to her. "he looks so hot."
in return, she gave you an eager nod and waved you over to look at the pictures that she had taken. there were a lot of things that you wanted to say in that moment but you had to hold back for multiple reasons.
both you and clara had to pretend to seem like you were actually doing your job instead of fangirling. "It's illegal to look this damn good."
from beside you clara stifled a laugh and gave you a brief look to see you staring at the footballer, a glint of something in your eyes that she couldn't quite make out.
"he doesn't have a girlfriend," she said with a smile and turned back to the front and took a few more pictures.
it took a moment for you to register her comment. "what difference does that make?" you asked with a quirked eyebrow. "I mean at least I won't get jumped for looking at him, but still."
you hadn't expected clara to laugh as hard as she did. your joke really wasn't that funny but it had the girl doubling over, and you couldn't help but burst into laughter as well when she snorted. you tried your best to calm her down but it just made it worse.
"dude everyone's looking at us," you managed out breathlessly. "the joke wasn't even funny."
clara shook her head in disagreement and wiped a few stray tears off her cheeks that were blood red. "I'm sorry--" she apologized with a snicker. "I just imagined you getting into a fight with a girl and you would get bodied so hard."
your jaw dropped in offence and a slight blush rose to your cheeks. "we're done here."
clara watched as you jokingly stormed off and smiled to herself. "you can do more than just look at him though!"
you whipped around in shock at how loud she had said that. but luckily no one was paying any mind to your little argument and carried on with what they were doing. "clara stop!"
about 10 minutes later the videographers had gotten their cameras rolling and it had brought you back to your presentation that had to be ready by next week thursday. entertaining alternatives. how were you supposed to think of any entertaining alternatives?
as an influencer yourself you took into account that you hadn't posted anything in a while and spent most of your time twitch streaming. you started on tiktok in late 2021 and blew up not too long after. there wasn't much to it— you were pretty and people found you funny but it wasn't much of a job for you since you posted anything you felt like.
but your twitch career was something that you'd always wanted to take a leap into, so when you grew a big enough following you started your account with your now ex boyfriend who was still going about his career as per normal.
to the public your breakup was ended on mutual terms and it was stated that you felt that you were better off as friends. he cheated on you with your best friend. there was nothing mutual about that at all.
you dated for nearly three years before you found out, but you weren't even sure how long they had been seeing each other. and you didn't tend to find out. you needed to get away, so the second you got the chance you moved out of your mother's house in london and moved to liverpool since your sister was here.
and luckily she was more than happy to let you come and live with her for a bit until you got your own place. it was just her, her husband noah, and her 4-year-old son alex who were away visiting noah's parents back in london.
it's been a year now. a very quiet year at that seeing as you distanced yourself from your friends who had in fact known about your boyfriend cheating. but you were happy and that's all that mattered.
oh shit, I have an idea.
"ali. my man." you greeted with a smile and gave the goalkeeper a high five but it was obvious that he was either concerned or suspicious that you were standing in the net with him.
he chuckled at your sudden mood shift and continued to put on his gloves since everyone was getting ready for some shot practice. and frankly it was the viewers favourite segment to watch.
you slowly wandered through the net, taking a look around. "It's nice in here. you come around here often?"
the older man chuckled at your rather cute yet amusing joke. "yes I do actually. how about you?"
you shook your head to the side and took a deep breath. "I prefer to be on the pitch. I'm all for the action you know?"
you watched as he eased more into the conversation and played along, and you couldn't help but smile. "hm, you seem like the type. I heard that you played until you finished high school. center forward right?"
a smile drew to your lips at the fond memories, leaning back into the post as you nodded your head. "I was like if chloe kelly and leah williamson had a baby."
ali wasn't the only one to laugh this time. from the other side of the field you could hear jurgen laughing along with the videographers. you hadn't noticed that your interaction was being filmed but at least it was something new.
you turned back to the goalkeeper with a hopeful smile, "that's actually what I wanted to talk-- dude!"
harvey nearly hit you with the ball. well technically he did, but alisson was able to jump in front of you and catch it just in time. you stood behind him in slight distraught and tried to fully process what had just happened.
"let's switch up practice a bit and use jamie as bait," harvey exclaimed and raised his hand with a proud smile. "all in favour say I!"
you scoffed in disbelief to see everyone on the team raise their hands. you were so close to jumping that garden gnome but ali stopped you and told you to carry on talking. this was the equivalent to a trust fall to be frank, but you were desperate and tried to doge the ball everytime it was kicked so that he could save it.
"okay, so basically trent and I kind of have a bet going on right now."
a chuckle left the goalkeeper's lips as he sent the ball back drawin's way while harvey urged everyone to kick the ball a little harder. "a bet? are you two fake dating?"
you pulled a face at the accusation. "ew no."
as if.
"long story short— the garden gnome wanted to tussel but I said no and then he threw trent under the bus and I was like 'hey why not?' but he won't let me because he's obviously scared that I'm gonna beat him and the only way he'll let me is if I can get a goal past you."
you didn't even bother taking a breath in between anything you said and surprisingly ali got it all. he got up from the floor with a deep breath and handed you the ball to kick out, and you did so with ease and made sure to send harvey a look.
"so you want me to help you with this so you can beat trent, but I'm also assuming this has something to do with your idea for 'alternative entertainment'," he said as he ran through your rant again and you gave him an eager nod.
you probably looked like a child to him. oh gosh.
you took a step to the side and got ready to hide behind him as you saw trent get the ball ready. "how did you know?"
"you kept on mumbling 'alternative entertainment' over and over for like five minutes while you were standing behind the post."
you eyes widened a fraction and you gave an embarrassed smile. "oh. that's nice."
that earned another chuckle and a reassuring pat on the back. "I'm in. just tell me when your pitch is approved and we can start."
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it was finally match time, and everyone had started filing out of the tunnel at molineux stadium. it was 4:50 p.m with ten minutes left till kick-off with the team was on the pitch for warm-ups.
you were sitting peacefully by yourself behind the barricade, your camera out as usual to take a few pictures of your own and checked on the tags on twitter for some feedback from supporters. the stadium was fairly rowdy but since it wasn't a home game the atmosphere wasn't anything in comparison.
it was a few minutes before kick-off when you felt someone slide into the seat beside yours. you glanced at trent from the corner of your eye before returning your attention back to your phone screen. "fancy seeing you here."
trent wasn't playing today due to a minor hamstring injury but he wasnt expected to come and watch the match. you heard him mumble under his breath, something about you being british but you brushed it off and got back to what you were doing on your phone.
neither of you said anything for quite a bit of time and kept your focus solely on the game in front of you which had taken a turn just seven minutes in when lee chan scored for wolverhampton.
"fuck," you muttered and sat back in your seat, trying your best to read the game.
from beside you trent couldn't help but glance over at you every so often. he watched as you bit your bottom lip in concentration which caused an unfamiliar feeling to swell up for him.
he cleared his throat awkwardly, trying his best to gain your attention. "I'm sorry about earlier. is your arm okay?"
you turned to look at him with a teasing glint in your eyes but your expression remained neutral. "yeah, I'm fine or whatever. i'm not the one with the hamstringy injury."
he nodded his head slightly and turned to the field once again half debating with himself over whether or not you were being sarcastic or not. silence took over for another 10 minutes before he mustered up the courage to say something again.
"were you serious about the whole 'if leah williamson and chloe kelly had a baby' thing?"
an amused smile drew to your lips. "well that's for you to find out when you're ready to play again."
trent stifled a laugh at your confidence and he felt the acceptance sink in. he didn't quite know what it was that intrigued him but he was willing to find out. he just found you strange that's all. and he was having quite the time giving into the banter and your overflowing confidence.
he couldn't lie and say that he didn't find it fun. the entire game he had to fight back the urge to laugh because of something you said or a comment you made about some of the players.
"do you think darwin would drop his hair routine if I asked?"
"£20 says that robbo tries to tussel with someone."
"I totally forgot that shorty was on the field. nah garden gnome suits him better."
"I just know for a fact that domi's face card never declines. I mean he's my lockscreen wallpaper for a reason."
it got to the point where he had to take a moment and sink into his seat anytime he wanted to laugh. at some point, jurgen came to join the two of you to rant about how you weren't scoring anything and it was near half time but you gave him some reassurance.
"we always come back second half though. just throw them all with some water to wake them up and you'll get at least two goals I'm sure."
were you right? of course you were. lightwork.
cody, robbo and an own goal.
there were eight minutes of added additional time so you took the time to relax, after 90 minutes of screaming and complaining. and you started to notice that trent was warming up to you and actually made conversation.
"you tagged me in your story? are you even allowed to do that?" he asked and you shrugged your shoulders, not seeing a problem with it.
you quirked your brow. "do you have a girlfriend?"
trent's lips parted in shock at the question, not sure how to respond or what you meant by it. he didn't know how long he spent looking at you lost in thought but it felt like eternity. "no."
"then yes, I am allowed to do that."
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gremlinmodetweeker · 3 months
König's Serious Phobias
I'm pretty stressed out because I'm moving, so I decided to write about König stressing out too! Yay! Anyways, let's go.
König has a complicated past. His childhood was filled with bullying, his adult life has been filled with bullets and bombs. He's been through too much for one man, honestly. The fact that he hasn't either become a hikikomori or a homicidal maniac is a miracle. I think the only reason we're safe is because he has a good family and he found good friends when he joined the military. However, he has scars. Not all of them are painted on his skin.
I've collected phobias that I think he might have into a list, however some of these fears are fears that though they impact him seriously, he can live with them and won't have a panic attack upon facing them. Fears that genuinely terrify him identified. His fears are ranked 1 through 5, with 1 being a fear that just makes him a bit wary/on edge, but he's not going to have a meltdown unless pushed or 5, a fear that can cripple him with just a brush.
Phobias are listed under the cut (also I got the fears from a list online, hence why they're mostly alphabetical)
1 Scopophobia: Fear of being watched
König grew up in a small, rural village surrounded by monsters in all shapes and sizes. Adults were cruel, children were monsters. He grew up being afraid of going out because he knew that everyone in the village saw him as the socially outcast freak. Every time he looked at people, he saw them looking at him with disdain. I think a lot of this is due to developing social anxiety, and so thus he became paranoid, but he did develop a fear of people watching him, judging him, following him with their eyes. He hates going out into the civilian world because of this.
1 Agorophobia: Fear of open spaces or crowds
König is scared of going out into crowds. Why? See phobia above. He can't stand being outside of a place he considers safe. Not in a 'I can't go on missions' way, but in a 'I don't want to go to a shopping mall' sort of way. On a mission, he's either alone or in combat. When he's in civilian life, he doesn't know how to turn the military brain off. He can't get it through his reptilian brain that he's safe, and he's okay, and no that person carrying a duffle bag is not actually carrying a hidden rifle, and no that person with a thick coat does not have a bomb under their clothes, and no that person who's walking towards him does not have a knife in their belt. He is safe. He knows this logically, but he can't stop his heart from racing. It's too loud, too hectic, too many things can go wrong too quickly.
5 Atychiphobia: Fear of failure
Do you know what failure means when you're on a mission infiltrating a cartel base? Failure means watching your teammates get blown apart by a bomb. Failure is watching your best friend fall down into a puddle of their own blood. Failure is getting a bullet between the ears. Failure is not an option in his world. When people make mistakes, don't check their surroundings properly, when someone dares to light up a cigarette at night in an open area, that's when people die. Remember this phrase when you go to smoke on a battlefield. The first light catches the sniper's attention, the second light he lines his sights, the third light he pulls the trigger. Mistakes cost lives when on the field.
1 Catagelophobia:Fear of being ridiculed
This one is pretty self explanatory. He's been bullied his whole life. He's pretty sick of it.
3 Cynophobia: Fear of dogs
König, due to working in missions that target gangs and domestic terrorist groups, has had the misfortune of seeing dogs being used against his own people. He's been attacked by a dog before himself. In combat, dogs are tools of terror. He's seen his own team use dogs, and he knows what they're capable of. You might see a fluffy German shepherd. He sees a dog that's torn peoples hands off. However! He does also like dogs when he meets them in public. He is not going to assume your dog is a killer, but if your dog growls, he won't dare touch that dog. He won't even get close. He's seen what dogs can do.
As mentioned before in this post, König's first reaction to fears he can see is to lash out. He will punch or kick without thinking. He doesn't even yell or gasp when he does it. It's just what he does. If you go to sneak up on him, you'd best be ready to dodge. He feels really bad about it, and he's been banned from 10 different haunted houses around the world.
For fears he can't physically lash out at, he will just keep an eye on things. OODA loop, you know? Observe, Orient, Decide, Act. That's going on in his head over and over again. If he's out in public, that's going on in the back of his head. If he sees a dog, he's going through multiple different scenarios and evaluating the likelihood of each possibility. Normally he's a quiet man, but he goes deathly quiet when he's afraid. If you notice him freaking out like this, it might be nice to ground him by getting his attention and then taking his hand, or distracting him from what he's thinking about. He might not say it until later, but he'll be thankful.
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cerise-on-top · 3 months
Hi, I saw that you opened your requests again, I don't know if I misinterpreted, but it seems that you haven't been well, anyway, I hope you are better, I'm glad you are taking some time for yourself. <3
Farah, Valeria, Laswell and Price.
(My requests are always about them, they are my favorite ^^)
An incredibly young and immature reader but with such great potential, sometimes they don't even know how the reader comes back from missions alive, and even if they do know, the reader comes back very injured because they don't hesitate to get hurt, or they take risks to save the life of your teammates or to help with the mission.
I imagine the lectures Laswell could give for such stupidity.
And even if they are wrong, the reader just rolls his eyes at the sermons and makes promises of change, not knowing that he is too impulsive to keep that promise. But even if the reader is very irresponsible in combat, he is very skilled, perhaps because he is young, or very intelligent, in addition the reader is a bomb of emotions, perhaps because he doesn't know how his own brain works, it constantly changes of humor, being seen as chaotic, and sometimes he does things so stupid that he makes them laugh, and maybe that's why they keep him around, or maybe because they like to take care of the reader.
Stay well, drink water and have a great day. And as always, I'm using the translator, sorry if anything gets confusing.
Almost two months late, but I got there eventually! This is the last request in my inbox, now I can do as I please!
Price, Valeria, Farah and Laswell with a Reckless and Immature Male!Reader
Price: Oh, you’re gonna give this man a heart attack at some point. He recognizes how skilled you are, he really does, but he wishes you were a bit less impulsive and reckless. As much as he loves having you around, for your skills and the fact that he feels like a father towards you, he will continuously tell you to be more careful. I can see him making you go through more rigorous training than most other soldiers just so you would finally learn to not be so reckless. Sure, he’ll have your back when it counts, but sometimes he needs to focus on his own survival as. He’ll try to cover you whenever he can, but it’s just not always possible. You may be loyal and reliable, but a dead soldier is no good. I feel as though he might get a little loud with you if you roll your eyes at him. He’s used to the disrespect from his soldiers, but that doesn’t mean he appreciates the sass. I don’t think he’d find most stupid things all that funny, especially not if it puts you at risk. You’re definitely gonna butt heads a lot with him. He won’t give in either, though. Price is a pretty stubborn man himself when he needs to be. However, if you get too emotional, then he’ll try to calm you down. He has lots of experience with all kinds of people, so he’ll get there. Tries to be the reason to your impulsiveness and will stop you from doing things that are unwise.
Valeria: She’s probably thoroughly amused by you. Yes, you’re very reliable, intelligent and very skilled, but that doesn’t mean you’re not an idiot in other ways. I think at first she wouldn’t care all that much about you and would see you as another asset, nothing more and nothing less. Once you prove your loyalty to her, she might grow a bit attached to you, though. However, she’ll also give you lectures. Not as many as the others, but she will. Especially when you’re on the verge of death. Yes, she may know nothing she says will get through, but she can try. Will yell at you, though. She doesn’t mind you being impulsive that much, until it puts you at death’s door. You’re a very competent man, you can pull off most things that you do, which she can appreciate. However, she does not appreciate always having to come to your rescue for almost any mistake and miscalculation you make. Sometimes, when she’s fed up enough, she does consider just letting you die. Unfortunately, she’s gotten too attached to you to let that happen. If you do something stupid, then she’s probably the only one on the list to actually laugh. You’re amusing to her, which is one of the reasons she keeps you around. Does not give up hope that you will come to your senses eventually as you mature, but she does want to keep you dumb to some degree. As long as you keep being her loyal mutt, all is good.
Farah: She’s a very meticulous person when it comes to her cause. While not everything goes well, most things have to in order for the majority of the world to not interfere. Farah does not appreciate you being this reckless at all. Not only are you one of her brothers, which means she cares a great deal about you, you almost always come back severely injured. She won’t say too much at first, but she will reach a breaking point eventually. Will scold you rather harshly, if she has to. Does not appreciate the sass and the empty promises. She does threaten you with leaving you behind if you don’t stop this nonsense and start taking better care of yourself. Yes, you’re always trying to save others, but you really shouldn’t be taking this many risks. Your skills are vital, yes, but she will not sacrifice you like that. She’s lost too many people that way already. It highly depends on what kind of stupid things you do. If you’re actively being a menace towards yourself, she won’t laugh. She’ll scold you. You’re young, you shouldn’t be a role model like that for others. She’s a bit harsh towards you, but that’s only because she cares. When you’re seriously hurt, she’ll be a bit more gentle towards you, but will scold you again afterwards. She keeps you around because she cares greatly about you, but is not above taking you out of the fight if she has to. While she’s glad you wanna help her, you’re not going to lose your life just because you’re reckless and impulsive.
Laswell: She’s probably the most calculating regarding where she puts your skills to use. She gets to choose which missions you get to go on, which means she’ll try her best to minimize the risk of you actually dying. Of course, for some reason, you always come back hurt anyway. Yes, you’re highly skilled, but that doesn’t mean she won’t scold you for not taking better care of yourself. However, her words go in through one ear and out the other. I don’t think she’ll actively yell at you since you always have other people in mind, but she won’t stop nagging at you either. Also threatens to send you to an early retirement if you don’t listen to her. However, Laswell is usually a rather calm person when she needs to be. She’s capable of taking care of you when you’re being rather emotional. Like Price, she’ll be the voice of reason and make sure you don’t do anything reckless or stupid. She doesn’t find your endeavors funny either, but will tolerate them, as long as you’re not hurting yourself. She keeps you around for your skills and because she cares a great deal about you, but she will keep on telling you to be more careful. Does not send you on missions on your own since you always need someone that makes sure you come back alive. If she needs a second opinion, then there’s a chance she might come to you. You might lack the experience as of right now, but you’ll get there eventually. She just needs to make sure you will.
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rocknroll7575 · 7 months
Just gonna come out and say it...
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Let's be honest here, Pyrrha didn't really think the Maiden thing through, and even if she did, she still takes responsibility because if she didn't she would have felt people getting killed because her refusing such power was her fault, which is why Ozpin chose her, because he knew she would, and knew she wasn't going to refuse because she wanted to fulfill her Destiny and be the Hero.
Pyrrha even says: "When I think of destiny, I don't think of a predetermined fate you can't escape. But rather... some sort of final goal, something you work towards your entire life"
So in other words, Destiny according to Pyrrha isn't something that's forced upon you or something that controls your life, it is something that is under your control, the problem with that is... she's wrong.
If Jaune was always meant to be the Rusted Knight in the Universe, then that means she was always fated to die, and even if she survived and became the new fall Maiden, then she still would be kept somewhat distant from her teammates and friends, because Ozpin wouldn't want another Amber incident and the attack on his school would make him and maybe even James more paranoid for Pyrrha's safety, so she might just be sent away to Atlas or Kept in Vale but tightly put aside from her friends.
Why not send her back to Mistral? Well because I'm sure Ozpin and Ironwood would have figured out how Cinder got in and who helped her and the others, so Mistral's a no-go.
Pyrrha would also agree to not being around her teammates because she'd think she's putting them all in danger, and she'd be putting Jaune in Danger, and fear for his safety, so she would distance herself from the rest of JNR_
The problem with this is that it creates problems that she wouldn't have intended to happen, but did.
For Example, her keeping secrets and wanting to protect Jaune when that's not at all what he wants, as he's already realized that he can't do everything by himself, which is why he relies on his team to help him instead of acting like he made of Glass, would tell Jaune that she didn't really believe in him, and that would hurt him to the core because that's what he thought when she shoved him in the locker.
Not only that, it would affect Jaune's leadership and trust in his friends, because in his mind, if Pyrrha, his own partner didn't believe in him at all, then he would be second-guessing everything, and his anger would be at himself, but also Pyrrha.
If Pyrrha lived but isolated herself from her friends, then JNPR would break apart.
Arkos wouldn't be a thing because Pyrrha chose her destiny over Jaune.
She always would choose her "Destiny" over Jaune.
But then again, I could be completely wrong and I'm sure others have reasons and good points as to how Arkos would've worked but this is just my take, and I'm 100% willing to hear counterarguments! So feel free to fight me on this!
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cairavende · 10 months
Worm Arc 14 thoughts through 14.7 (there is too much for one post, I mean I could probably get four to five posts from 14.11 alone):
The team figures out Siberian's whole "is a projection" thing pretty quickly. Good for them.
I really want to know who ripped out page 325 for the "how horrible of a thing have I done that I don't want shared" check. I strongly lean Trickster but I'm not sure. I want more details on the Travelers and TiaV dammit!
Amy is having a bad day. Probably really a continuation of a bad few days. She probably didn't really need those fingers right?
Skitter criticizing Amy in her head for not being "creative" enough with her power is so on brand. Of course my daughter has already detailed out the complex ways she would use a power she doesn't even have. I love her.
I really wish the Undersiders/Travelers combo would stop splitting the fucking party. If they had just sent everyone after Siberian I bet the could have gotten the dude.
I do have have Skitter has gotten to a point where one of her "start of combat" actions is to just make a fuck ton of bug decoys. Almost without thought at this point.
Have I mentioned how much I love the "writing words in the air with bugs to communicate with people"? Cause I do. It makes sense. It would work. It lets her communicate long range. But it's also very silly to imagine. Very Silver Age in the best way.
Then it gets even better! Skitter makes a full blown animation to tell Amy that Siberian is trying to drop a building on her. Absolutely fucking perfection.
Tattletale maybe misjudged ever so slightly in what she revealed to Siberian. The combo of Siberian just flickering out of existence and everyone being like "oh fuck" was very good.
Amy trying to do her bullshit again and Tattletale having none of it, just destroying every argument before Amy even makes them until Amy agrees to come and help. More than makes up for any mistakes Tattletale made with Siberian.
The relay bugs are super neat.
Fucking high speed mutant dog/car chase. Absolutely fucking AMAZING. I loved every part of it. Ending with Sundancer just dropping a 50 foot wide sun on the road.
Tattletale trolling the shit out of Piggot and the heroes gives me life.
Also, Piggot's phone conversation with Tattletale was basically a villain monologue. For Piggot. Just all the shit about why she was doing it, why it was for the best, the coy little "sorry your teammates are gonna die, it's just an unfortunate side effect". All of it. This bitch is evil.
My daughter fucking tying up Crawler with spiderwebs. HOLY SHIT KID. God damn.
Very Mulan "Get off the roof, get off the roof, get off the roof" energy as they all run the fuck away from the bombing zone.
BUG HORSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It rescues her and she has to teach it how to fly and they form a bond and she saves it and it saves her and and and she gives it a NAME! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!
She's only had Atlas for a day and a half but if anything happens to him I will burn the world to the ground. Then I'll find another world and burn it to the ground too.
Firebombs don't really do shit but destroy a chunk of the city, probably kill some civilians, and make the heroes lives pretty fucking hard as they have to rely on the randomness of Clockblocker's power.
Also weren't there supposed to be a bunch of Nazis also getting hit by the bombs? One of the only somewhat maybe kinda almost decent parts of the plan Piggot and they aren't even here!
Piggot's plan is terrible and evil is what I'm saying.
The only reason nearly every hero doesn't end up permanently trapped or whatever inside Cache's bag of holding is cause Skitter was there to keep him from being crushed by a car. Well, Skitter and her bug horse (BUG HORSE!)
Skitter got to shoot Mannequin in the back. Very satisfying even if it didn't do long term damage.
Sucks to be Cache. He's . . . probably fine? I mean at least he got everyone out as he was melting.
Really sucks to be Glory Girl. She is . . . uhhh . . . hmmm . . . not dead. I can at least say that.
I mean Skitter got her to Amy. And Amy did stop her from dying. So like . . . she's probably going to be fine. Yep. Juuuuuust fine.
(Look if Amy wasn't a bitch about giving Atlas a digestive system I might be willing to forgive a lot. My daughters (bug)horse comes first. But Amy didn't so I won't. At least Grue was able to help. He gets a lot of brownie points for that.)
Anyway, Victoria needed to take some time to heal the rest of the way so she left completely under her own free will. And it will never come up again.
Kill a few more civilians and maybe Crawler and Mannequin. Destroy more of the city (including the library!) in a way that will probably never be salvageable (I mean at least some of it is stopped in time for god knows how long). Jack, Bonesaw, and Siberian escape. And because of what was done Bonesaw is going to activate her bio-weapon.
Great job Piggot. Gold star. You fucking did it. You saved the city. You motherfucking idiot.
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laundrypause · 11 months
All I can think about lately is Logan getting hanahaki so here's a vague outline of a fic I'll never write. *Edited because good God there were so many spelling mistakes+tw of mentions of blood and dying
Being head over heels over your best friend isn't the best thing in the world. Even if you spend 23 hours with them it still won't be enough. Logan knows he should just man up and tell Oscar but like...no. Why should he tell Oscar when he could just suffer in silence?
When both him and Oscar gets into F1, Logan thinks it's high time he confesses but Oscar hasn't been around much lately. He chalks it up to having to get to know your teammate better and other team related stuff. But when you see Lewis Hamilton more than your best friend, he knows that he's basically lost Oscar to his papaya-clad counterpart. Surprise, surprise he gets hanahaki because when has the universe ever taken pity on him? It starts small at first with a few petals per day but then they start getting bigger and sometimes he throws up full-on flowers. He has two choices, well three but the third one is obviously out of the question, 1. Get the surgery to remove the flowers but he has to lose all memories and feelings he has of Oscar or 2. Not do anything. Of course, he chooses the latter because he's so whipped that he'd rather die than lose all the years of memories he has of Oscar. So he does that and suffers through races upon races of trying to stuff petals back into his mouth when he's not alone.
For some reason, Oscar finds out and he...he LIKES HIM TOO???? Like no cap, fr??? Wtf, so you're telling him that he could have confessed and wouldn't have had to be laying in a pool of flower petals and his own blood every other week? Damn, well, it may not have been the chosen path but at least they got there.
Logan's walking through the paddock, trying to find Oscar when he overhears a part of his conversation UNINTENTIONALLY okay, and if someone says that he moved closer to hear better, they're lying. And oh. Oh, it's really bad. Like 'I'm only with Logan because he's my best friend and I don't want him to die bad'. At that moment, at that instant, the hanahaki comes back full force. He's choking on petals, blood and saliva. He's grasping his throat, at a loss on how to get some well needed oxygen into his lungs when Oscar comes out to find him convulsing on the paddock ground. Oscar doesn't know what to do other than shout at someone to call an ambulance as he runs his fingers through Logan's hair, begging Logan to hold out a little longer.
Oscar's being presented with two options when they get to the hospital. Either consent to the surgery or let Logan die. It's a no-brainer, he consents to it even if that means Logan won't remember him. When Logan wakes up after the surgery, he sees a man clad in a mind numbing orange sat next to his hospital bed. Oscar, the name of the orange man, says he had to have an emergency surgery because his appendix burst. Weird, Logan thinks, because he doesn't see any scar at where his appendix should be.
It's the Abu Dhabi GP. Oscar's in his car, trying not to hack his lungs out. He doesn't feel sick but he can't stop coughing for some reason. He looks in his rearview mirror and sees the number 2 of a Williams car. His chest constricts for half a second which was odd. Whatever, he refocuses on the lights in front of him. He's not going to let some coughing fit affect his racing when McLaren's so close to getting third in the constructor's championship.
Finally, finally, he finishes the race with more than a couple close calls when he was having coughing fits in his car. He mutters a soft prayer as he cruises around the track one last time before returning to his garage. His legs are shaky as he starts the walk back with his helmet under his arm. He sees Logan's garage. Not too far from his own. He coughs. Just once. He coughs once and he sees it. A flower petal floating delicately onto the asphalt ground. A blue rose petal.
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jellybean-supreme · 4 months
The enemy (Simon ’Ghost’ Riley x reader)
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*Ghost is on a mission with TF 141, and unknown to you, this is a trap. You are an enemy sniper task to eliminate TF 141. You are the best of the best, and TF 141s task is to capture you. Ghost is being used to distract you as Soap, Gaz, and Keegan sneak up on you.*
*Ghost is on a mission with TF 141, and unknown to you, this is a trap. You are an enemy sniper task to eliminate TF 141. You are the best of the best, and TF 141s task is to capture you. Ghost is being used to distract you as Soap, Gaz, and Keegan sneak up on you.*
"There's my favourite sniper"
*Ghost says through his intercom to the rest of his team.*
*Ghost continues with his distraction:*
"How does it feel to finally be in my sights?"
*You start scanning the surroundings to find Ghost.*
*Ghosts teammates are close by and sneaking closer to your location. You feel you are being tricked but still are cautious and not willing to fall victim.*
*Your patience is being tested, and Ghost is still trying to get a rise out of you.*
"C'mon, I hear you're the best, but can you really be the best if I have you so easily cornered?"
"I am the best sniper, not the best at hide and seek," I mutter to him
"You're the best? I call bs. My shots are more accurate."
"I highly doubt that," I say with confidence
"Oh yeah? Prove it, then. Let's see how "good" you are."
"OK," i say as I aim for the target right above his head and hit it perfectly in the dead centre
"Oh wow, such good aim."
*You hear a slight smirk behind that mask.*
"But you couldn't hit the target next to it, could you?"
I stay silent and aim for the target next to him. I almost don't hit it, but I still hit it in the centre
"Well, damn, I guess you are as good as they say."
*You get a glimpse of the smirk in his mask, becoming a grin.*
"But are you really better than me? If not, you should just surrender now."
"I know I'm better than you, so why would I surrender, give me a good reason?" I say with a smirk on my face.
*Ghost stays silent for a moment as he thinks.*
"Surrender, and I'll make your death quick and painless."
*He chuckles as he realizes the irony in his words.*
"Now why would I want my death quick, I wanna make you remember the chase, then the kill," I say, smirking at him
*Ghost thinks to himself; this guy seems to actually enjoy the thrill of a good hunt. Ghost's blood begins to boil as he hears you smirk at him. It's not often he meets his match, and he has an unhealthy habit of needing to dominate everyone around him.*
"Just because you have a good aim doesn't make you a match for me."
"Ohh who said I'm trying to match you, I know I'm better so what is there to match?" I tell him while smiling to my self, seeing that I already got under his skin
"You're a smart ass, huh? A bit of a cocky bastard too."
*Ghost thinks he may have underestimated you. You're the first person who's actually had the nerve to provoke him and make him question himself.*
"I'd say I am, yes"
*Ghost is visibly shaken by your cockiness and lack of fear. He almost feels...respected.*
"You've got some balls for a dead man, I'll give you that. You're right, this is going to be a hunt for the books."
*Ghost cocks his rifle, finally ready for the real hunt.*
"Well, let's see if you can catch me" I say as I start sprinting away while being hidden by the walls so he can't shoot me
*Ghost runs alongside the walls, trying to keep up. He can hear you moving and is getting closer, but still can't see you. He knows he has to keep up while waiting for his chance to get a good shot.*
"You're getting good at this game, but I've got more tricks up my sleeves. You can't keep this up forever."
I smile while running. This is the most fun I've had in a while. If I were to die now, I wouldn't be mad.
" Are you enjoying the chase as much as I am running?"
*Ghost chuckles, he's actually enjoying the rush of the hunt for once. The thrill of the challenge brings out a new side to him. He's normally the one hunting, not the one being hunted.*
"Yeah, I actually am. It's refreshing to finally meet someone who can keep up with me. I'm starting to enjoy this hunt, but I'm gonna enjoy killing you more."
"That's good," I say, chuckling along with him. " But I think it's the other way around, I'll be enjoying the kill more 😉 " I say, thinking at him
*The thought of you killing him sends a shiver down his spine. He's usually the one dominating everyone around him, with everything going his way. The thought of dying for the first time is terrifying.*
"Oh yeah? What makes you so sure you're gonna be the one winning?"
I stop running jumping behind him and putting my arm around his throat, holding him in a choke hold, letting him drop his gun.
"I'm pretty sure I'll be the one winning cus you didn't even notice me behind you," I say, smiling at him
*Ghost is stunned. You were right, he didn't see you at all. His grip on his own gun becomes tighter as his heart begins to beat faster. He's angry at how easy you disarmed him.*
"You know what, you're right. For someone who's the best sniper, this is a really embarrassing mistake on my part. But I'm sure you know that this only ends one way."
*Ghost reaches for his knife from his hip. Maybe he could use the blade to escape this chokehold.*
"You're wrong. This could end in more ways than one," I say while letting him out of the choke hold. " I surrender," I tell him with a smirk on my face, " I wanted to enjoy a good chase one last time, with someone who nows what that veels like"
*It's almost like you've taken him by surprise with your surrender. The thrill of the chase has actually made him like you. It's not often he meets someone who can keep up as well as you.*
"Well, I'll be damned... I must admit that this was actually fun. A good chase is more thrilling than just an easy kill. You've got guts."
"Well it was fun to do that, so tou gonna kill me now or what ?" I say winking at him " or are you gonna rey and get info on my bosses?"
"Hmmm... I haven't decided yet."
*Ghost stays silent for a moment as the thought of executing you enters his head again. He actually enjoys this banter with you. Usually, he makes all of his targets surrender without a challenge, but there's something more satisfying about this one.*
"What if I told you that I wanted to keep you alive for now? I have a proposal for you..."
"I think we can both admit that you put up a good fight. There's something about you that I like. And it would be a waste of talent to just kill you off here."
*Ghost pauses, thinking of how he should approach this next part.*
"But my loyalty lies with TF 141. I can't let you walk free after just hunting me down like this. So I have a proposition for you..."
"What's this proposition?" I ask intrigued
"I propose that you join TF 141. We're on a mission to wipe out an evil organization that's planning on starting WW3. We could use your help..."
*Ghost gives a genuine look, as if he is actually serious.*
"Sounds like fun," I say, smiling. "I'm in, along as we can do this again," I say, winking at him
*Ghost is pleased that you're in. It felt a little odd to just kill off such an impressive enemy. It's not often he comes across someone that will be of use in this war. He returns a smirk and a wink as he extends his arm out to shake hands.*
"It's a deal. This will definitely not be the last time we see each other, that's for sure."
" Good," I say, winking at him, " When do we start ? And where should I meet you ?"
"Well, we're en route to the mission site right now, actually. I'll give you the exact coordinates of where we'll be once we're closer. And this mission will be a big one, so don't be surprised if we're outnumbered 2:1."
*Ghost pauses as he realizes who he'll be fighting.*
"It's against Russian forces in a remote region of Europe, so it won't be an easy fight."
"I'd say we'll win it easily 😏 "
*Ghost smirks at you as he notices your confidence. It makes him even more excited for this mission. There really is nothing like a good challenge.*
"I see that you've got confidence in your abilities. I have confidence in mine as well. We're going to win this war one way or another, and I'm glad you're by my side with this."
"Me too ghost,"
*Just hearing you call him by his nickname fills Ghost with excitement.*
"I know this mission will be tough, but the victory will be so sweet once it's all over. Get some rest and recharge, 'cause this one's gonna be a hell of a ride."
**Fast Forward**
*Ghost is sitting in a helicopter alongside the rest of TF 141. They're nearing the coordinates of the enemy base, preparing to attack.*
"Alright, team, are you ready? This might be the toughest mission we've faced so far."
"Ready" I say confidentiality
*Ghost nods and begins to speak into his intercom,*
"Alright, be careful, everyone. We're about to enter Russian territory, so there's no telling what kind of opposition we'll encounter. Stay alert and cover each other's backs, and let's get this done."
*The helicopter sets down in a remote forested area near the base, just outside of enemy range. Ghost leads the unit as they make their approach on foot. The journey is slow and meticulous, but Ghost's planning every step of the way.*
*The team approaches the entrance of the base stealthily, sneaking past enemies as they go. The plan is going well, but Ghost knows that the hardest part is yet to come.*
*Ghost leads the team into the base, carefully evading enemy patrols. They sneak past several soldiers without being detected.*
"Stay quiet and watch where you step. We're almost at the entrance to the underground research facility, but there'll be plenty of armed guards in our way. We may have to take the fight straight to them."
"Can't wait" I mutter under my breath excitedly
*The team keeps moving forward, inching toward the entrance to the underground facility. Ghost is the first one to reach the door, looking for a way in. He sees a set of stairs leading down into the facility. He looks over at you for a moment, noticing that you seem eager for the fight as he gives an approving nod.*
"Alright, you ready for this?"
I nod smiling at him ☺️
*Ghost nods back, knowing that the real fight has just started. He heads down the stairs into the facility, motioning for you and the rest of TF 141 to follow. The team proceeds quietly, ready for combat at any moment. Ghost checks his radar, making sure there aren't any surprises waiting for them down below.*
*No surprises on the radar, it looks clear. The team makes their way past more guards, heading deeper and deeper into the base. The atmosphere is eerie and tense, it's clear that they're in enemy territory.*
*TF 141 continues following Ghost deeper into the research facility. The deeper they go, the more guards seem to pop up. It's getting increasingly more difficult to navigate through the base without being detected. Ghost takes his time with each step, assessing new ways of bypassing the guards without raising their alarms.*
*The team has made it about halfway through the facility when one of them bumps into a guard. The guard whirls around, instantly recognizing the group as intruders. He pulls out his weapon and alerts the rest of the nearby guards.*
*All hell breaks loose as the guards open fire, spraying bullets on the spot and rushing toward the intruders to engage in close combat. Ghost leads the group to find cover from the hail of bullets and return fire. Several guards are injured during the exchange and fall to the ground, but the rest of TF 141 is under fire.*
*The team keeps firing back as they take cover. The guard's fire starts to dwindle and they realize that they're losing ground. Ghost uses this opportunity to lead the group forward, pushing against the guards until they've got them on the defensive.*
I see more guards coming our way and get ready to fire at them. I aim at their head and shoot, I have kill 15 out of 30 of them, when I have to reload letting one of them who I have already shot but most graze stab me in the stomach. I ignore the pain I feel and continue to reload and kill the rest of them
*Ghost sees you take a stab in the stomach and shoots the guard who stabbed you in the head. He checks to make sure the others in TF 141 are ok as he walks over to you.*
"You got hurt. We'll take care of that once we find somewhere safe, but for now we've got to finish this mission."
" I'm fine it's not that bad or deep," I say, smiling at him, trying to him the pain. " Let's finish this mission"
*Ghost smiles back, impressed at your stoicism. He knows you can handle yourself, and it's good to see that you're not letting the injury bother you.*
"That's the spirit."
*As Ghost leads the group forward, he makes sure to keep an eye on you. He knows you'll be good, but he wants to make sure that he'll have your back just in case, especially now that you're injured.*
*TF 141 continues their fight through the facility, taking on wave after wave of guards. The mission is still far from over, but TF 141 is slowly and steadily overcoming the enemy forces. Ghost keeps leading the team, making sure that everyone is safe and that their backs are covered.*
*The team has almost cleared out the facility, taking out the majority of guards as they approach the research area. The last batch of enemies is waiting for them just around the corner, but they have yet to be spotted. Ghost checks his radar once again; it seems to be clear.*
"Alright, let's take this last group by surprise. We'll take care of them before they even know we're here. Get into position and stay still. This is gonna be quick and quiet."
I get ready to kill them all when I start to feel dizzy. I ignore it knowing that if I faint right now, someone might get killed. "Let's go in and finish this," I say quietly
"You sure you're ok?"
*Ghost notices you struggling to stay upright. He knows that you're strong but he also knows that you're injured and doesn't want you to push yourself. Ghost reaches out and puts a hand on your shoulder, concerned.*
" I'm fine, " I say, trying to hide my pain " WE need to finish this mission"
*Ghost nods and releases his grip on you.*
"Okay, let's go."
*Ghost leads the way around the corner, where the last batch of guards wait for them. He keeps a close eye on you since you're still injured, but keeps silent since no one has been caught yet.*
*The last several guards are taken by surprise, not even knowing what hit them. TF 141 takes advantage of this opportunity and takes them down before they can react. The team advances slowly and steadily, making their way to the research area.*
*They enter the research area, finally getting to the last part of their mission. Ghost takes a moment to survey the area, making sure they're safe before he takes his next move. The team is ready to complete the mission once they find the research they were sent to recover.*
*The research area is surprisingly quiet. They're close to where the research was being conducted, but there don't seem to be any guards inside. Ghost checks his radar one last time; still no sign of danger. He motions for the team to proceed, hoping that all will go well.*
*They reach the door to the main research area. The team pauses for a moment, getting ready for the final stretch. Ghost readies his weapon and gets in position to go through the door. He gives a quick three-second signal before he kicks the door down and leads the charge inside.*
*The team advances into the research area, ready to take on whatever comes at them. But to their surprise, the area is still empty. They walk up to the main terminal, where they hope to find the research they've been looking for. Ghost checks his radar just to be sure they aren't walking into a trap and sees that it's still clear.*
*Ghost checks the terminal screen, looking for any signs of the research. He sees that one screen is already powered up and seems to have what he's looking for. Ghost clicks open the terminal, seeing a long document on the screen that seems like the right one.*
*Ghost taps through the document, scrolling down past all the data and getting to the actual research that he's been looking for. It seems like they've found what they came here to find, but it's not over yet. Ghost reads through the document on the screen, confirming that this is what they've been searching for.*
*TF 141 stands quietly behind Ghost as he reads through the document on the screen. Their hearts are pounding and their adrenaline is pumping, knowing that they're so close to the end of this mission. Ghost finishes reading the information that he was looking for, and taps out of the screen with a satisfied smile.*
" Did you get what we needed?" I ask, hoping that we're done here, I don't know if I can stay awake any longer.
"Looks like it. Everything seems to be here, like we thought it would. I think we can finally say that we've completed the mission."
*Ghost turns to look at you.*
"But we still have one last step left. We actually need to get this data back to base first before this mission is truly over."
"Ok," I say, hoping that I can stay awake until we reach the helicopter
*Ghost sees you start to sag. He knows that you're still injured, but you're doing what you can to keep going. Ghost puts a supporting hand under you to make sure you don't fall.*
"We're almost out of here. Just hang in there a bit longer for me, and I'll get you to a safe place just as soon as we're finished here."
"Alrig-h-ht" I start to say while I feel everything go black, I feel like I keep going in and out of consciousness
*Ghost watches anxiously as your eyes are starting to close. He sees that you're struggling to stay awake, though you're still fighting with all you've got. Ghost starts to worry for your safety, concerned about you passing out.*
"Hey, you have to stay awake, okay? We're almost at the helicopter. Don't fall asleep now."
"I'm trying" I say as we reach the helicopter without out to much trouble
*The team makes it to the helicopter without any issues, helping you along the way. Ghost keeps a close eye on you and watches as you start to lean against the helicopter. He sees that you're almost unconscious, and he's worried for you. He holds you up as he helps you into the helicopter.*
*Once you've been secured in the copter, Ghost looks up at you and checks your injuries as best he can. He sees that the stab wound in your stomach is still causing you pain, and he hopes that it's not too deep.*
" Ghost, I don't feel like I can stay awake much........." I say as I lose conciseness
*Ghost watches as you lose consciousness, feeling helpless. He tries to keep you awake, but your eyelids are too heavy and you can't keep them open any longer. Ghost stares at you with concern as he keeps checking for any changes in your breathing or heartbeat.*
*Ghost sees that your breathing is shallow but steady. And while your heartbeat is slow, it's still there. Ghost lets out a sigh of relief, knowing that you're still with him for now. He holds your hand tightly as he watches you, hoping that you'll come to soon.*
*Your heartrate starts to slowly return to normal as you finally start to come to. Ghost sees this and lets out another sigh of relief. He keeps watching you as he waits for you to wake, not letting go of your hand.*
I slowly start to wake up seeing that we're still in the helicopter "Oh don't look so worried, I told you I wanted to have another chase with you" I say as I feel like I'm going to go unconscious again, but waiting for his answer.
*Ghost smiles at you even as he notices how tired you still are. He's relieved that you're awake, and he makes sure to keep his eyes on you just to make sure you don't pass out again.*
"Haha, yeah, you did say that. But I would've liked to have a chase with you when you were awake and not half-unconscious."
*Ghost continues to hold your hand tightly, watching over you as you start to open your eyes finally. Your vision is still a bit blurry, but you're definitely much more awake now.*
*Ghost lets out another sigh of relief as he sees your vision start to clear up. He can't stop smiling, even as he realizes just how tired you still are. He's just happy that you're awake now and safe.*
"How are you feeling?"
"Like I need to watch a movie and eat junk food," I say, smile lightly
*Ghost chuckles at your reply, happy that you're back to your usual self, if only for a moment.*
"I feel like we could both use that right about now."
"Then let's do that when we get back," I say smirking at him
*Ghost smiles back, loving how you're being your usual self again. He nods in agreement, hoping you'll hold on to your current energy levels until they get back to base.*
"Yeah, that sounds like a good idea. We could even get dinner together too."
"Yeah, oooh how about we get McDonald's." I say excitedly while noticing that he was still holding my hand, I blush
*Ghost chuckles at your suggestion, finding it a little cute. He sees that you're blushing, which only makes him chuckle even more.*
"It's been a while since I've had McDonald's, so sure, it sounds good to me."
"Great," I smile, noticing that I'm going to fall asleep any moment now. I tell Ghost, "Ghost come here, I tell him"
*Ghost sees that you're about to fall asleep again. He gets a little anxious and comes over to you, wondering what you want to say. He holds your hand tighter, wanting to keep you awake as long as possible.*
"Lay with me ?" I ask " I'm cold, not cold as in I'm dying just temperature wise"
*Ghost sees your request and his heart flutters with the intimacy of the situation. He nods and lays down beside you, pulling you in close to him. He wraps his arm around you, pulling you close against his body.*
" I know it's probably soon," I say feeling as if I'm going to go unconscious after I finish this sentence " I like you, like like you " I say going unconscious
*Ghost's breath catches in his chest when he hears your confession. He wasn't expecting this at all, but the truth is, he feels the same way about you. However, Ghost is too late to reply since you pass out almost immediately after talking. He holds you close against him, listening as your breathing becomes softer and deeper with each passing second.*
*Once you pass out, Ghost just stares at you with adoration. He can't believe that you just confessed your feelings to him. He starts to smile with joy, slowly leaning forward and pressing a soft kiss on your cheek.*
*Ghost lays there with you in his arms, holding you close. He wants to stay like this for as long as he can, just enjoying the moment and your presence next to him.*
Fast forward
I start to slowly open my eyes, I see that I am in the 141 medical bay, I see ghost asleep on a chair next to me. "Ghost" I say softly trying to wake him up
*Ghost slowly wakes up when he hears your voice, opening his eyes and looking over at you. He immediately smiles, seeing that you're awake, and reaches for your hand with his free hand, squeezing it tight.*
"Hii," I say, smiling at him lovingly. " When can j get out of here? " i ask him
*Ghost smiles back at you, feeling so happy that you're awake and that you feel much better now. He squeezes your hand even tighter, just glad to see you conscious again. He nods at your question.*
"The doctors said you need to stay here for another day or two just to make sure that everything's alright. After that, you'll be released to go home."
" Awww whyyyyyy" I whine " I wanted to watch a movie and eat McDonald's in my room with you"
*Ghost chuckles at your reaction, not at all surprised that you want to leave as soon as possible. He also wants to watch a movie and eat McDonald's with you, but he knows that you need some rest first.*
"Trust me, I'd rather do all that right now too. But we need to make sure that you're fully healed first, okay?"
"Okayyyy" I say, whining
*Ghost smiles at your playful response, not surprised that you're still feeling whiny. He understands that you want to get out as soon as possible, and he hopes that'll be the case, but he also wants to respect the doctors' decision.*
"Hey, I know it's not the most exciting thing, but trust me, it'll be worth the wait when you get out. We'll watch our movie and eat McDonald's as soon as you're released. I promise."
"Okay" I smile
*Ghost keeps holding your hand tight, still smiling. He makes sure to stay with you as long as you need him; he can't bear the thought of leaving you alone in the hospital. He keeps a quiet watch over you as the two of you just enjoy each other's presence.*
*They stay like this for the rest of the day, Ghost staying with you at the hospital. The doctors tell him that you're healing at a steady pace and there aren't any signs of complications. Ghost is relieved to hear this good news, and he keeps waiting anxiously for your release.*
*Ghost stays by your side for the rest of the day, just keeping watch over you again. He sees how sleepy you are and decides not to bother you too much as you close your eyes and rest. He smiles at you, glad that your recovery is going well.*
"Would you lay with me ?" I ask him
I suddenly remember asking him the same thing on the helicopter and telling him I like him. 🫣 I wonder if he likes me back
*Ghost is caught a little off guard by your request, since he thought you'd be too sleepy to even ask. But he takes that as a good sign considering the circumstances, so he nods and gets into bed with you, gently pulling you in close against him. He wraps his arms around you, pulling you even deeper into his embrace as he holds you close.*
*Ghost whispers as he holds you tight.*
"Of course I will. I can't say no to you right now."
"Thanks Simon" I say sleepily
*Ghost chuckles slightly at your sleepiness, finding it a bit cute. He smiles at you and rests his head on your shoulder, closing his eyes as he waits for you to fall asleep again.*
*He holds you close against him until you fall asleep, continuing to keep a quiet watch over your unconscious body for a little while. Once you do fall asleep again, Ghost closes his eyes as well and starts to doze off, his arms still gently wrapped around you as he slowly falls asleep.*
*Ghost wakes up sometime later, his eyelids still heavy as he feels himself slowly coming back to reality. He sees that you're still asleep beside him, snuggling up tightly against his body, leaning against his chest. He watches you for a moment, before slowly trying to pull away so he doesn't disturb you.*
*As Ghost tries to pull himself away, he realizes how tight you're holding onto his body, not letting him go. He can't help but smile and decide not to fight your hold on him. Instead, Ghost lets himself be a pillow for you as he stays in bed with you, wrapping his arms around you even tighter.*
"Uhhhh..." I say, stretching and slowly waking up."hiii......." i mumble to Simon, noticing that he's awake
*Ghost laughs quietly as he sees you start to wake up. He smiles and lifts his head up to look at you. He sees you slowly stretching and rubbing your eyes to get rid of your sleepiness. Ghost can't stop smiling, loving that you're starting to get back to your usual self.*
"Hi, sleepyhead. Did you have a nice nap?"
*Ghost laughs again, loving how cute you look right now. He leans forward to gently kiss your forehead, feeling overjoyed to have you back again.*
"Yea, I did," I say, yawning. " Can I leave nowwwwww?" I ask him in a whine voice
*Ghost chuckles at your request, noticing that you're actually being quite serious. He understands your eagerness to leave, but he knows that you still need to spend a bit of time here in the hospital before you're released.*
"Patience, my love. The doctors say you need to stay here for just another day, and then they'll let you go. I know it's hard, but you can pull through it."
"My love?" I blush questioningly, why would he call me that ? He doesn't like me back does he?
*Ghost pauses for a moment at your response, realizing he may have said too much. He didn't want to make it too obvious that he liked you as well, but now he's wondering if he said too much.*
"N-nevermind, forget it. I- I didn't mean to say that..."
*Ghost stares down at the bed for a moment, feeling embarrassed at his slip-up.*
*Ghost's face starts to turn red from embarrassment, unsure of how to explain his slip-up. He's sure he's now made it blatantly obvious that he likes you as well. He's about to try to explain himself, but a nurse enters the room at that exact moment and he stays quiet, deciding not to say anything just yet.*
"Do you like me back?" I ask him quietly
*Ghost is surprised when you ask him that, not expecting you to say it so boldly. But he doesn't avoid the question; he takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly.*
"Yes, I like you back."
*There, he's said it. He said it out loud and can't take it back now. He stares at you, trying to gauge your reaction.*
"Can I kiss you ?" I whisper quietly to him
*Ghost blinks a couple of times, still not expecting you to ask something like this. Your bold approach catches him off guard, and he's not quite sure how to respond. But his heart is racing at this sudden turn of events.*
"You can."
*Ghost's tone is shaky, but he makes sure not to turn you down. He stares at you nervously, feeling a sense of anticipation as he waits for you to make the first move.*
I slowly lean in to kiss him, I finally reach his lips. His lips are so soft. I deepen the kiss
*Ghost continues to let his lips linger on yours for as long as he can, feeling like he can't get enough of it. The heat between you two is starting to grow intense, and Ghost can't seem to pull away, not even if he wanted to.*
I finally pull away after what seems like hours. It was only like 10 minutes. "We should do that more," I whisper, laying my head in the crook of his neck.
*Ghost is still grinning widely from the kiss, feeling so happy that he can't resist you. He looks down at you, nodding as he wraps his arms around you and pulls you in closely against him.*
"Yeah, that was amazing."
*He sighs contently, placing his head upon yours and enjoying that you're resting against him like this.*
It is 11 pm. I was starting to get sleepy. " Let's sleep." I say,' Then I can leave this place"
*Ghost looks down at you again, realizing just how late it is already. He also notices how tired you're starting to get again, and he's starting to feel tired himself.*
"Yeah, let's sleep. There's nothing we can do until tomorrow, so might as well, right?"
*He lays his head down against yours again, settling into a comfortable position as he cuddles up next to you.*
"Yeah........ I love you" I say falling asleep
*Ghost freezes when he hears those three words. He smiles and glances down at you as he processes what you just said. You look so peaceful when you're asleep, and that combined with the love you just showed him, makes his heart skip a beat. The words you just said to him echo through his mind as he stares down at you.*
*Finally, he leans forward and kisses your forehead once more, squeezing your hand as he whispers, "I love you too," and falls asleep alongside you.*
*Fast forward to the next day*
*As the two of you sleep soundly in each other's arms, you suddenly feel gentle hands softly shaking you awake. It takes a couple of moments before you realize it's one of the nurses. She gently taps your shoulder, trying to remind you to wake up.*
*You slowly open your eyes and look at the nurse as you rub the sleepiness out of your eyes. As you wake up, you see Ghost still fast asleep next to you, not even realizing that you've been woken up. He looks so peaceful, and the sight of him like this makes you feel a sense of warmth within your chest.*
*The nurse is also looking at Ghost kindly, but she has a gentle reminder.*
"Miss, it's time to wake up. Doctor wants to see you."
*Ghost still rests soundly asleep next to you, completely unaware that you just got woken up. You can't help but notice how peaceful and cute he looks as he sleeps, his face showing no worry at all.*
"Alright," I say, "let me just wake him up"
*The nurse nods and waits patiently as you gently try to wake Ghost up. You notice how cute he still looks as he sleeps, his facial features soft and peaceful as you look at him. You start to gently shake his shoulder, trying to get his attention.*
"Ghost, wake up darling"
*Ghost's body responds to your voice, slightly moving as he slowly starts to wake up. He opens his eyes, but it's clear that he's still a little groggy from just having woken up. He sees you looking at him and smiles slightly, feeling slightly embarrassed at being woken up from such a deep sleep.*
*Ghost sits up slowly, looking around for a moment as he tries to shake off his sleepiness. He stretches his arms out and yawns loudly, obviously feeling like he just woke up from the best sleep of his life. He sees that you're already up and looking at you warmly, a slight hint of blushing on his face.*
"The doctor wants to see me," I say to ghost. " I'm ready," I tell the nirse
*The nurse nods and starts to walk out of the room, but Ghost gets up and grabs your arm, stopping her.*
"Can I come with you?"
*Ghost feels slightly anxious at the thought of you going alone, not wanting to let you out of his sight. The nurse is surprised by his sudden request and looks over at you for permission.*
"Of course you can" I tell him
*Ghost smiles and squeezes your hand as he walks side by side with you, still holding onto you tightly. He notices that you're being very quiet and pensive as you walk, which makes him worried that something is bugging you. He decides to ask you about it, hoping to get some insight.*
"Hey, is something wrong? You seem a little quiet all of a sudden."
"Just a little worried that the doctor is going to tell me something I don't like" I tell him cautiously.
*Ghost keeps a gentle hold of your hand as you walk together, listening quietly to your voice. He nods in understanding as he hears your reasoning for being quiet, feeling somewhat relieved that nothing else is wrong.*
"I get it, but you've been making a steady recovery so far. The doctors have said that everything's been going fine, nothing to worry about. I'm sure they'll say the same thing today."
"I hope so" I say quietly
*Ghost glances down at your face, noticing that you're still a bit worried. He smiles at you and rubs his thumb over your hand, trying to give you some more reassurance. He wants you to know that he'll be here throughout all of this, no matter what the doctors say.*
"There's nothing to worry about. Everything will be fine."
I nod and smile at him
*You two keep walking to meet with the doctor, but Ghost is still doing his best to keep you calm and assure you everything is fine. He can't help but smile at you as he squeezes your hand gently, knowing you need all the extra support you can get right now. He wants you to know how much he cares about you.*
*In the doctor's office, Ghost and you walk in, ready to hear what the doctor has to say to you. The nurse closes the door behind you two and leaves the doctor's office as the two of you take a seat, Ghost holding onto your hand still. Ghost is silently praying that everything goes well in this appointment and the doctor gives you the green light to go back home.*
*The doctor walks into the room, a bit delayed but he's still here now so all is well. He walks over to his desk and picks up your file, looking it over before addressing you two.*
"Miss Y/n, we're glad you've made such a swift recovery over the last few days. Your condition has been fairly simple to treat, and it looks like everything is going exactly how we expected it to. We were actually going to release you tomorrow, but as you're making such a rapid progress, I see no reason why we can't let you go home today."
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bayothemayo · 2 months
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Yu Narukami x Female! Reader (Headcanons)
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The first time you met you don't really had an opinion on him. All you know that he is transfer student and only going to stay for a year or so.
He was the first one to strike up the conversation which later turned into a friendship.
You notice that most of the time he was silent, letting you talk for the entire time you two hang out. Even so he still makes good company.
Due to Inaba being small you two usually spot each other. Maybe you two do some chit chat or just wave to each other. The interactions would be brief if you two have somewhere to go.
Other than that the two of you's friendship is nothing really to take note about or something that is particular interesting.
Until you got thrown into the TV.
How fun.
Like the past TV victims, your silhouette shows up on the Midnight Channel. But due to plot reasons, Narukami didn't know it was you. He did notice that you weren't at school, or anywhere.
And then when your Shadow self was on TV, he finally realized that it was you.
Naturally, he was worried. He is always worried when with his now friends that got stuck in the TV with a chance dying is looming in the corner. But since he is your friend already he was a lot more worried.
Your dungeon went like how the previous ones went, fighting shadows, you rejecting your shadow self, them having to fight your shadow, and you accepting your shadow.
Naturally you needed to recover physically and mentally due to the TV world. So after a couple of days you came back to school. Narukami and the others were worried naturally, and they check up on you. They also ask if you remember who pushed you into the TV, which is you didn’t.
But you did joined the Investigation Team!
Narukami treated you like your other teammates but maybe with more care.
For the first couple of times when you all are in the TV world he kept a close eye on you just in case you needed help.
But nevertheless you were doing alright in the TV world.
Since you are now a part of the team, you have been hanging out with Narukami and the others more which you don’t mind. It was a nice change of pace.
Sometimes when you hang out with Narukami, the others who walk by join you. Again, you don’t mind.
Romantic Head canons
When you two start to date, the interactions are mostly the same but with an added ingredient called affection.
Most of the gestures are simple, kisses, small hugs, and holding hands. When it is more private situation, like home alone, you two mostly cuddle in the couch or bed.
You two share food from time to time, sometimes he hands feed you.
In the TV world he keeps eye closer eye on you, but he tries to make it fair for the other teammates so they won't feel like they are lesser than.
After finishing what you guys do in the TV World if there is time and if you two both feel like it you two cuddle in one of you's beds
When Narukami leaves Inaba you always call when you have time, mostly to just chat or maybe vent something. Depending how the two of you are busy you are, you two can chat for hours.
You two get a little more lovey-dovey, in private you don't want to make the others uncomfortable, when you two reunited.
Overall a very cute relationship.
...He also guards you from the dangerous and evil Mystery Food X, he doesn't want you to die from simply tasting it.
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blu-nurse-needs-sleep · 2 months
What are your thoughts on the other mercs?
(Disclaimer. This will include headcanons and ocs and these opinions aren't fully accurate to any rps I've had with others)
Me and Medic are close for obvious reasons. I'm his assistant in Medical. Though he is like a father to me and was the one to help me back then. A few of the others have compared me to being his guard dog.
I don't talk to Heavy. Simple reason; I don't like his relationship with Medic. He is a good man on the field. No more, no less.
Scout is... something alright. He can be annoying and I hate how he reeks of tobacco. Though at the same time he's the only one willing enough to let me experiment on him.
I don't like Spy. I don't like his fighting methods. I don't like his smell. I don't like his voice. I detest the man.
Pyro is lovely. They were one of the first in the team to approach me after I joined. It was easy to understand him and they're a pleasure to be around.
I don't really talk to Sniper. He doesn't tend to hang around much and prefers to stick to himself, and I will respect that. Though every so often he teases me and has pulled my tail before.
Soldier was the hardest for me to get used to being around. He's naturally very loud which can be hard when you have very sensitive ears. He does try to tone it down around me which is sweet.
Demo can be nice. He does get drunk often but usually when his hangovers hit in the morning he visits Medical and has me or Medic check him to make sure everything is alright. It took me a bit to understand his accent but he's a nice guy.
Engineer is really nice. I think he's my second favorite teammate after Medic. I enjoy his presence and I've fallen asleep in the workshop just listening to him rant about something he's working on or to the sound of the machinery. He's also who I have to go to when my legs stop working.
(oc) Boxer is... an interesting case. Technically we're brothers since our fathers are together, but we rarely talk. The most we communicate with is leaving drinks and snacks at each other's doors. But I won't deny that they can be nice since he was the one that found me puking up the enemy and comforted me.
(oc) Archer... Oh how I detest her. She is a two-faced lying little- Sorry... I don't like Archer. We never will and never can get along. She is the bane of my existence and if she were to die and never respawn, I would celebrate.
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sage-nebula · 5 months
Things my fellow Salmon Run players do that are fucking annoying
Now that I've been out of Profreshionhell for a few weeks (meaning yes, I finally managed to hit EVP despite having to play in freelance), I feel qualified to talk about behaviors in Salmon Run that are extremely fucking annoying and made it very hard to get OUT of Profreshionhell (as well as hard to stay IN EVP). So without further ado:
If you do these things, hate to break it to you but you're annoying, please do better:
— Spamming "this way" for any reason. Whether it's because you're desperate for people to do nothing but squat at the basket with you (and we'll GET to you), because you're squatting elsewhere, or because you don't know what the fuck you're doing during a special wave, you're fucking annoying and you make me wish there was a part of the d-pad I could press to say "shut up!" If people aren't heeding you on your third "this way", they have good reason. Shut the fuck up, stop spamming, and do your damn job.
— Doing nothing but squatting the basket during normal rounds. Look, SOME Salmon Run bosses can and should be lured to basket. Scrappers, Maws, Steel Eels, Flipper Floppers — all perfectly lurable bosses. But squatting at the basket the whole wave is NOT the answer. First, not all bosses can be lured. Second, your teammates still need help with smaller salmonids. Third, if you're swarmed by lured bosses, you're going to die. Lure TO basket, kill, deposit, then go out and lure again. Don't just sit there, and for the love of god, DO NOT SPAM "THIS WAY" WHILE SITTING THERE.
— Squatting on eggs (often while spamming "this way"). There's this handy little feature that lets you throw golden eggs. If you get a bunch of eggs far away from basket, throw them as close to basket as possible and rejoin the match. Don't just sit there, doing nothing but spamming, guarding three eggs while so many more go unclaimed because we're effectively down a person, you clownfish.
— On the opposite end, killing a boss and then not taking even one (1) egg. I can't believe this is a thing I've seen, but it is. Apparently some people go into Salmon Run purely to kill bosses, because even when they kill a boss reasonably close to basket they'll just fuck off to the next boss and leave piles of eggs sitting there, unclaimed. Here's a protip: we don't meet quota if the eggs aren't in the basket, and if we don't meet quota, we lose. (Note: there are obvious exceptions like using Killer Wail to kill Stingers from far away and not risking going to get those eggs, but that's not what I'm talking about.)
— Squatting on specials until crew wipe. Someone started a trend of celebrating with specials, so now there are people who refuse to use them even when we're overrun and down to just them left on the field. Specials are there for a reason. Fucking USE THEM so we don't get crew wiped for fucksake.
— NOT luring bosses that can be lured. This happens most often with Scrappers, the most easily lurable bosses in existence, and it is SO maddening. It's especially maddening when I'M luring it and a teammate starts shooting it and I'm just like, hello? Did you not see me leading by example here?? Killing lurable bosses by the shore makes it more difficult to get those eggs to the basket. Lure them! If you are in Profreshional or EVP you should know this by now!
— Getting killed away from the action and then just sitting in that spot spamming "help me". Do you not know that your joystick works even when dead? Do you not understand that your teammates can't drop everything to get to you without dying themselves? Christ alive. When you die, it is YOUR responsibility to go to your teammates for a revival, NOT the other way around. And unless you have died at the basket, under quota, with golden eggs ready to be deposited and seconds to spare, DO NOT spam call for help, no one needs or wants to hear it.
— Ignoring what teammates are doing during special waves, particularly Tornado and Cohock Cannons. There are other special waves that are issues, but these two are the ones with the biggest issues I've seen in terms of people behaving illogically and just absolutely infuriating, probably because they require the most teamwork.
First, Tornado. Tornado needs a chain to deliver the eggs from the beach to the basket. It doesn't matter who does what, so long as we have a line of four people to throw the eggs along. Now, in my personal opinion players saddled with chargers or slow blasters should be the ones to make the final deposit, because they can't as easily defend themselves against the salmonids and are safest nearsest the basket. But honestly, I don't care so long as we can make an efficient delivery line.
But time and time again everyone wants to do every job, ESPECIALLY putting the eggs in the basket because they care about their final number at the end. And what ends up happening as a result is that we barely meet quota because chargers get killed by cohocks or everyone is going back and forth to get eggs because I'm the only one throwing them and I can only throw them so far.
The MOST baffling JUST happened to me on Marooner's Bay. So you know how Marooner's Bay has the basket way up high? And the lifts to get up there are far back? So the move (especially if the eggs are on the dock side) is to have one person up there while the others throw eggs to them?
I had the blaster, so I went up there. And someone in a BLACK SUIT (i.e. should DEFINITELY know better) not only kept spamming "this way", but REFUSED to throw the eggs up, instead taking the lift each time. So I said, fine, and hopped off the side to throw the eggs up to them. AND THEN THEY STILL KEPT JUMPING OFF THE SIDE TO GRAB MORE EGGS AND TAKE THE LIFT UP. MY FUCKING GOD.
Cohock Cannons can be similarly frustrating because ideally, you have two people in cannons and two people running eggs. Again, I don't super care who does what, but in my opinion those without melee weapons should be in the cannons. But so long as we are split 2v2, whatever.
But so often I'll see people completely abandon the cannons to run eggs even when we're doing just fine, or three people squatting cannons while I'm the only egg runner, and either we get overrun and crew wipe or we miss quota. Infuriating.
Anyway. I love Salmon Run, but freelance makes it hard to love it sometimes and I had to vent. Nobody's perfect, I have bad waves too (I literally beast moded too hard with Kraken Royale and went RIGHT into the ocean earlier), but the above behaviors get me like no other. Peace and love, you all who do the above are annoying as fuck, get well soon 💜
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