#Don't ask me about bass cliff
goobbgoober · 16 days
Been thinkin bout the song I wanna write for ouaw (in my heart I want to write one for every campaign, but I know I don't have the knowledge to do that) and I want it be specifically carousel and jazz combined. Which is super hard cuz most carousel music is a march and jazz is never straight, at least the way it plays in my heart. I could always go with a street beat style, but idk, I kinda want classic swing or maybe I could take on a bossa nova or something. It's really a question of instrumentation. I'm thinking the vibe if the song is carousel but played by a big band, idk if there will be lyrics or not yet. Probably not. All that's left for my concept is straight up figuring out the chord progressions and melody, all the major important bits.
I know nobody cares about my song concept that will likely never be shared with the world outside of text, but it helps me think out my thoughts, too lol.
I may or may not take a music writing class just for this (and the few other endeavors i have in the back of my mind), idk, I'm kinda on the fence. I love jazz and I want to write music outside of the norm, but I also don't care about a lot of common music writing shit, like, fuck concert bands, they're so lame. I mean, if Icould, id write good shit, but nah, fuck concert bands.
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dfwbwfbbwfbwf · 4 months
Maeglin is deathly scared of heights.
Even as an elfling, Maeglin hated heights. Eöl thought it shameful for a Sinda to not know how to climb, so he left little Lómion up in trees. (Areðel had to get him down, otherwise he'd stay up there forever from fear.)
Watching father tumble down the Caragdûr certainly didn't help.
(Maeglin waited until everyone had left before he approached the edge. Rusty brown colored the stone wall. The corpse blended into the shadows. Over his time in Gondolin, Maeglin would visit when his loneliness overcame him, until only the bones were left.)
Maeglin preferred to be under the earth than above it. Prospecting was his passion. He spent what spare time he had working in the mines with a pickaxe until his sweat and dirt stained skin camouflaged him with the rest of his Moles.
His captivity in Angband was spent in a tiny dark cell, so small he couldn't stretch his legs out, and he couldn't sit up straight. It was uncomfortably hot. Every day, he was forced to listen to the yrch "play" with their food. They were kind enough to share.
(It took him thousands of years after his reembodiment to stand the scent of meat again.)
Maeglin was there for a week before Moringoþo first came. He asked for the location of Gondolin. Maeglin called him some colorful Sindarin curses. Moringoþo left.
Moringoþo came and went irregularly. Sometimes he returned hours after, other times day. Once nearly two weeks. (Those were the worst two weeks of his life.)
And suddenly he was on the edge of a cliff. Not Thangorodrim, but that hardly mattered.
"Do you know the story of Maitimo? Or I suppose you'd know him as Maeðros."
Maeglin didn't answer. He couldn't, petrified. So much open air between him and the ground.
Moringoþo continued with his soft, smooth bass voice. "He hung from his right hand for almost twenty years of the Sun. He only escaped from the love -" he spat the word - " his cousin bore him. Tell me, scion of Fingolfin, who will come get you?"
No one.
"We will find Gondolin, with or without you," Moringoþo purred. His grip on Maeglin's shoulder was kind. "Don't make this difficult on yourself. Tell me, and I will make you a beloved king. No one will oppose you.
"Or you can resist and decorate my fortress. No one cares about you. No one will come for you. You will hang until Arda breaks and the stars fall."
A nearby orch held up a manacle attached to a chain. Cruel spikes faced inwards, ready to dig into flesh.
Maeglin broke.
He returned to Gondolin with his brain in a fog. Turgon worried over him as he had grown nearly emaciated. Maeglin calmed his uncle.
He'd been trapped by yrch in a cave in. His Moles had been killed separated. He'd survived off how could you do such a thing mushrooms and blood underground pools.
Gondolin fell. Maeglin fell. He hit the side of the Caragdûr thrice.
------ Crack
-------------- Splat
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mustainegf · 2 months
anything with cliff and reader getting high together and being silly
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𝟐 𝐈𝐃𝐈𝐎𝐓𝐒 ¹⁹⁸⁵
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The sun was sinking below the San Francisco skyline. Normally, the Metallica house hummed with energy, but tonight it was just Cliff and me, in the garage. I mean, the band had been working on new material forever, now it was our turn. Cliff rolled a joint, and we were off and running.
This garage was stuffed with instruments and amps everywhere, with crap all over. Together, the smell of metal mixed with the sweet scent of marijuana. It made me giggle to myself, Lars hated when we smoked in the garage, because it made his drums smell like weed for weeks. I could imagine the Dane getting red in the face, whining that his snare suck like dope.
We were sitting in an old, ratty couch, worn out for sure, but we were laughing and talking on it about nothing and everything.
Cliff dragged on his end of the joint hard, then passed it back to me. His eyes streaming with NOT a care in the world, he said to me, "You know, if I wasn't playing bass, I'd probably be a rocket scientist. I mean, how hard can it be?"
I snorted, nearly choking on my hit. "Oh, totally. You'd be the first rocket scientist with a denim jacket and jeans.”
He laughed again with that deep, infectious laugh I so loved. "Hey, at least with my way, I would look cool.”
I passed the joint back to him and settled back; that warm tingle began spreading through me. "You know, I've been thinking," I said, my words a much slower and softer than usual. "What if aliens are just future versions of ourselves? Like, they're us—a million years from now?”
Cliff's eyes widened, and he nodded wisely. "That makes total sense. That's why they keep coming back… to make sure we don't fuck things up too badly."
We fell into an ocean of giggles, the kind that made your stomach ache and your eyes water. Just then, the garage door creaked open, and James stepped in with an expression on his face that was just plain annoyed.
"What are you two idiots laughing about now? I can hear you from my room," he asked, shaking his head but clearly fighting off the urge to smile at how dumb we were being.
Cliff grinned up at him. "Hey man… You ever seen an alien?”
James raised an eyebrow. "I’m looking at two right now."
I leaned forward, my eyes glinting. "Shut up James… cliff is a rocket scientist..."
James chuckled. "Yeah, and I'm the president."
"No way!" Cliff gave me a high five… for no particular reason. "You'd be the worst president ever. All you would do is drink."
James shook his head again, still smiling. "You guys are hopeless."
I took another hit, then handed the joint over to James, even though I knew he didn’t smoke weed, he was more of a cigarette kinda guy. "Come on, join us. We're on a roll here. Next we're going to figure out if Bigfoot is real."
Shockingly, James took the joint, a rare indulgence, and took a small, weak puff. "Alright, but only if you promise not to make fun of me."
Cliff and I exchanged a look, then burst out laughing.
James plopped down on an amp, relaxing a bit. "So, what's the deal with Bigfoot?"
Cliff leaned back, seemingly to consider it. "Well, obviously he's real. He's just really good at hiding I guess... Like, world champion or some shit."
"Yep," I chimed in, "he's probably just hanging out in the woods, laughing at us as we try and find him."
James shook his head in disbelief, laughing. "You two are nuts. This is why I don’t smoke.”
Cliff put an arm around me and pulled me close. "That's why you love us, man."
James hit the joint again and passed it back to me. "Whatever, no more rocket scientist talk. I can't handle it."
Finally, James stood up and shook his head, almost for the final time. "Alright, I'm outta here."
He left, and Cliff and I burrowed back into the couch, still giggling. "You know," he said in a low voice, "I love being an idiot with you."
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suzy-queued · 3 months
Happy Weekly Tag Wednesday Thursday!
Thanks for the tags, @creepkinginc @mmmichyyy @sgtmickeyslaughter @mybrainismelted
name: Deena
age: 2 x Nosho - 1
where in the world are you? Virginia, USA
how tall are you? 5' 5.5"
what color are your eyes? Blue
what’s something that frightens you? Old songs played at the wrong speed that sound all warbly. It's so unsettling and is the easiest way to send me off a cliff.
do you have children? if not, do you want any? I do! I have two sons.
are you the eldest, middle, youngest, or only child? Middle child. I have an older and younger brother.
what time do you usually wake up? Between 6:30 and 7:00.
relationship status? My marriage is almost old enough to buy beer.
do you identify as a member of the queer community? I don't, but ask me again in 10 years. My compass may have finally pointed toward demisexual.
any tattoos/piercings? None of either, not even pierced ears.
something you love: Putting my feet in a babbling mountain river.
something you hate: The end pieces on loaves of bread. I have irrational hate toward them. Especially the very thin parts around their edges.
do you have any pets? Three cats and a snake.
do you have a license/can you drive? I do. I'm a proud stick-shift driver in an automatic world.
if you could tell your younger self one thing, what would it be? It's kind of hard for people to know that you have crushes on them if you don't tell them. Be more confident and less afraid of taking chances.
and finally, something people would be surprised to know about you: I was the bass player in a heavy metal band in high school. I had pitch-black hair down to my waist and long red fingernails.
Tagging ... @francesrose3 @energievie @blue-disco-lights @vintagelacerosette @gallawitchxx @lingy910y @sweetbee78 @michellemisfit @deedala
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aishnico · 1 year
more cliff please omg…..
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#𝘾𝙇𝙄𝙁𝙁 𝘽𝙐𝙍𝙏𝙊𝙉: 𝘢 𝘥𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘮 𝘴𝘰𝘰𝘯 𝘵𝘰 𝘣𝘦𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘦 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘭
» summary: you woke up from your afternoon nap and saw your son and husband practicing playing bass
» word count: 1.7k
» warnings: none, just pure fluff (+🎁), grammar issues
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"okay, let's get started. did you tune the bass first?" cliff asked your son. and he responded by nodding quickly. "well then, surprise me." cliff chuckled.
he lined his four fingers to the g string and hid his thumb behind the neck on his left hand. he then put his right hand's thumb on the pickup and lined his fingers to the string. he then placed his left hand's index finger on the first note and placed his other three fingers in order while he was pulling the string on each note. he moved his fingers from g string to e string.
the sound of what came out wasn't that smooth. his hands and fingers were still small after all. he was starting to stagger when he moved his index finger on the first string's fifth fret and gave up.
"my fingers, my hand, ugh..." he sounded tired after this.
"you sure made a lot of progress." cliff expressed happily.
"why the sound is not coming out smoothly? am i not pressing hard enough?" your son asked angrily. cliff shook his head and sat next to him closer. "you're just not pressing your fingers next to the fret. you're pressing in the middle of it. try again like i said." he answered.
he lined his fingers to the first string and then tried to open his fingers wide to place each finger next to the fret. and the sound started to come out pleasant. he smiled to himself for fixing it and cliff smiled at him because of his happiness.
the more he moved his fingers to high strings, the more his hand started to get tired. he was playing slowly but he was pleasant because the sound was clear. he grimaced and eventually moved his hand away after getting to the first string's fifth fret again.
"yeah, that's what i'm talking about!" cliff cheered and patted his son's back. he let out an ouch and then moved the bass away. "you're a fast learner. don't tell mom this but, you actually learned faster and sounded clearer than her for the first time."
his son smirked. "how long did it take to teach her?" he asked. cliff thought about it for a couple of seconds. "i think maybe two weeks? i used to teach her two or three times a week. now a week ago i showed you just the basic things and you just practiced for a whole week by yourself."
your son shrugged. "i just practiced more than her, that's why. but i still feel like i achieved something! can you teach me how to play master of puppets now, please?" your son's eyes sparked. cliff just grinned and got comfortable on the couch.
"nah, you should make your fingers get used to this position first. then maybe i can teach you how to play come together first. there's a technique in there but still, i can teach you that too."
your son's facial expression changed. he was disappointed and crossed his arms. "beatles suck, don't tell mom this, though."
"i've heard you, both of you!" you shouted at them from your bedroom. you woke up from your afternoon nap from your son's loud voice but you didn't mind, you wanted to be with them.
you walked to the living room with heavy steps. it wasn't easy to walk with your 9 month old daughter, after all. now, you could give birth at any time and you were nervous. so were your husband and son.
especially your son. when the first time you told him the news, he didn't welcome this good. he was both mad and worried about you. what if you two would love his sister more than him? what if you two would not spend time with him anymore? what if you two would forget about him? and what if you would die while giving birth?
it took a while to assure him that your and cliff's love for him would never change. cliff, who is a good talker, would always remind him that. and you would always assure him that you're going to be okay, you were going to take care of both yourself and his sister very well.
and you two promised you would spend time with him in various ways, to not make him feel forgotten. sometimes in your mood changes, you would get selfish and want him just to yourself. it wasn't healthy, you would think. but cliff would understand you so he would take your son to his parents or his metallica uncles and would grant your wish in various ways...
cliff smiled and gave you his hand. you held it and he helped you to sit next to him. "good afternoon, love." he greeted you and planted a gentle kiss on your lips. you smiled and kissed him back. "what are my boys doing, hm?" you looked at your son and he smiled excitedly. "you should listen to how i play now!"
he then grabbed cliff's bass again and positioned his fingers after opening his fingers as wide as he could. he started to play slowly the notes but unexpectedly, he got faster and faster. you two looked at him with shock, he was shocked too.
"i'm a fucking genius!" he cheered himself. but you gasped when you heard the word. you looked at him with a furious expression. "where did you learn that, young man?!"
"hm, i think i heard this from uncle lars. he was furious at something, and he just shouted this. but instead 'u', he said it with 'o'. 'fock!'" he mimicked him. cliff hid his face but you heard his giggle. you sighed and turned to him.
"i knew you shouldn't have left him with lars and james... that's what happens then!" your son sat next to you and rested his head on your arm. "i'm sorry if i made you mad, mom. i didn't mean to. and i swear i'll never say these words in front of you or anybody else." you sighed and caressed his reddish hair. "okay, you always keep your promises. and by the way, i really liked it. you're getting better at this." you smiled at him.
"i'm going to be like dad someday!" he cheered and you heard cliff's chuckle. "don't be like me, be yourself. and i know that you're going to become better than me. i have no doubt." he messed up his hair and then kissed his forehead. "i'm really proud of you. and i always will."
your son yawned and felt like he was going to sleep. he put the bass back in its place and went to his room. you stayed alone with your husband. he gave you a heartwarming smile. "what do you want to do now, sweetheart?"
you just snuggled at him and buried your face on his chest. "i just want to eat my fruid salad and after that i want to play piano together." he caressed your cheek with his thumb. "as you wish, love."
he took your hand in his and led you to the kitchen. after making you sit comfortably on the chair he went to the fridge and took what fruits and ingredients he was going to use for salad. he washed them and started to cut them into small pieces.
he then poured 1/4 cup of orange juice into a small bowl, added two tablespoons of honey and 1/8 teaspoon of salt, and mixed them all. then poured this mixture into the fruits and mixed them all again. after a couple of seconds he put the salad in front of you. "enjoy your meal." he smiled and sat in front of you.
you pouted. "aren't you gonna eat? starving isn't good, cliffy." he chuckled and shook his head. "i already ate with him while you were sleeping. i'm not starving, love." you shrugged. "i don't care, i want you to eat with me. feed me then yourself." you then closed your eyes and opened your mouth. he laughed at your behaviour and did as you told him.
"i saw a dream where four of us went to a beach. the weather was nice, nobody was there exce—" you paused when cliff reached the spoon to you. you swallowed and then continued. "except us. she was four years old. she got your pretty green eyes, and my hair colour. our son was making a sand castle with her. they were playing peacefully. you brought an acoustic guitar with you and started to play a song by... i don't remember actually, but it was a country song. and i was singing along with you."
he reached the spoon to you again. you swallowed and continued. "then we got sleepy, you laid on the sunbed and grabbed a book and i was lying on your chest. you were reading to me. and i felt like my eyes were going to shut. before i slept, the kids rushed and showed us pretty seashells they collected." he fed you again while smiling lovely at you.
"it sure is a lovely and peaceful dream. this is going to be real, after years. maybe even a better thing will happen." he squeezed your hand. after a couple of minutes, you two finished the salad and he took you to the piano. he helped you to sit and then sat next to you.
"what do you want to play?" you thought for a couple of seconds. “hm, let’s play goldberg variations. i want to feel nostalgic a little bit.” he smiled and nodded. you placed your fingers in the right places and started to play the song together.
three minutes later, you both finished the song. "do you feel tired?" he asked you and planted a kiss on your forehead. you shook your head. "no, how about if we go to the living room, you can practice while i draw on the couch?" he smiled. "sounds great, baby." he then stood up and carefully lifted you from the seat. you couldn't help but let out a laugh.
while he was carrying you, you felt a fluid was leaking out from you continuously. your eyes widen at the realization.
"cliff, call jan."
"hm, want her to babysit our son tonight?"
"no, i think my water just broke."
"... OH SHIT"
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tdinyomomma · 1 year
The Not So Great Outdoors: Pt. 2
If you haven’t read: One
I stood off by myself, hugging my torso as I watched some people freak out. Others were calmer. Trent comes up to me and I raise a brow. "You alright?" He doesn't face me, we're both watching everybody else. I purse my lips thinking. "We're about to jump off a cliff. How should I be?" I glance up at him and he snickers, nodding. "True, but you're away from the group." He points out, "Very observant.'' I start to go closer to our team. "Your first task is to jump off this 1,000 foot-high cliff into the lake." He simply explains. "Piece of cake." Bridgette smirks. "If you look down you will see two target areas, the wider one represents the part of the lake that we have stocked with psychotic man-eating sharks. Inside that area is the safe zone." I tense up, what the fuck goes on in this man's mind. And who gave the okay for any of this to happen? "That's your target area, which we're pretty sure is shark free." Super comforting to know they're "pretty sure it's shark free."
Something that also doesn't slip past by Leshawna. "Excuse me?" He of course ignores her. "For each member of your team that jumps and actually survives, there will be a crate of supplies waiting below." We look downward by the shore to see stacked boxes. "Inside each crate are supplies that you'll need for the second part of the challenge... Building a hot tub. The team with the best one gets to have a wicked hot-tub party tonight." He points to the camera and I yawn, not out of boredom but impatience.
"The losers will be sending someone home." I scan around everyone, taking guesses on who that first person could be. "Let's see, Killer bass, you're up first." Bridgette was already by the cliff.
"Oh wow. So who wants to go first?" Silence and crickets on the other end. Honestly I'd just get it over with. I'm surprised Eva's not going.
"Hey don't sweat it guys. I heard that these shows always make interns do the stunt first to make sure it's survivable." Owen encourages and assures us. "So, who's up?" Eva shouts to her team. "Ladies first." Duncan inquires. "Shouldn't he be going then." I mutter and Gwen shakes her head, snickering. "Fine, I'll go." Bridgette takes the stand. "It's no big deal, just an insane cliff dive into a circle of angry sharks." And she jumps, making the circle.
"She did it! Yeah! I'm next!" Tyler declares, he runs back and then off of the cliff. "Cowabunga!!" Not the same soft landing, hitting the metal booy between the safe and shark zones.
Geoff, Eva, Duncan all jump next but DJ refuses. "Nuh-uh, no way man. I'm not jumping." He steps back. "Scared of heights?" Chris asks, not honestly caring though. "Yeah, ever since I was a kid." DJ admits. "That's okay, big guy. Unfortunately, that also makes you a chicken. So you'll have to wear this for the rest of the day." He places down a chicken hat onto the kids head. "Aw man, for real?"
"Bawk, bawk, bawk!" Chris mocks him.
"That means the chicken path is that-a-way." He points, DJ sadly takes the escalator down the hill.
"Next!" Ezekiel jumps, hitting a part of the cliff going down but he makes the circle, his teammates cheer. Harold goes after, doing the splits in the air, hitting the water like that too and all the guys can physically feel his pain. "Oh, hate to see that happen."
"Excuse me, Chris. I have a medical condition." Courtney crosses her arms. "What condition?"
"A condition that prevents me from jumping off cliffs." She tells him in a smart tone. "You can chicken out if you want, but it might end up costing your team the win. And then they'll hate you." He remarks.
"It's a calculated risk. I've seen the other team and I don't think nine of them will jump." She postulates, seemingly confident in her thinking. "All Right! Here is your chicken hat." He places the hat.
"So, let's tally up the results. Hold on, that's eight jumpers and two chickens, we're missing one." He looks around and Sadie's holding Katie. "I'm not jumping without Katie." She informs him. "We have to be on the same team, Chris." Katie adds. "Please!" They cry in unison, running up to him. "Please! Can we? Can we Chris?" They plead, it's kind of creepy how together and in sync they are. "They can't go to the gophers, they already outnumber us." Courtney huffs but Izzy speaks up. "I'll switch places with her."
"All right! Fine, you're both on the killer bass now. Izzy you're on the screaming gophers." Chris was annoyed, it was a wonderful sight to behold. "Yes!" They two girls cheer. "That means you're up girls." He calls and they link hands running off the cliff.
"We're coming, killer bass!" Making it into the circle. I take a deep breath, putting on a fake smile, I turn to my team. "You guys will do great, don't think too much and jump!" I reassure them, a few of them smile back at me.
"Okay, so that's nine jumpers and two chickens. Screaming Gophers, if you can beat that we'll throw in a pull cart to put your crates on." Chris reveals, "Nice!" Trent grins. "Okay, guys who's up first?" He turns and I already start moving my feet. I'm not waiting on who wants to go first. I want this over with. Walking past Courtney I bend my arms like a bird, flapping them. "Bawk, bawk." I wink, then jump off the cliff, flipping into a dive posture and landing in the safe zone.
I earn the cheers from my team and a few from the Killer Bass. "She's on the other team you nimwitts!" Courtney scolds them. "And you chickened out, I don't want to hear it Princess." Duncan says.
I get onto the boat, missing all the conversations going on up on the cliff. Jumping off the boat into the shore Duncan comes up to me. "Nice dive." "I know." I stared up at my team who seemed to be in an argument. "Why so avoidant, mouse?" The same nickname he used earlier.
"Opposite teams, remember?" I mimic Courtney causing us both to laugh right as Heather gets thrown off the cliff. "Leshawna you are so dead."
"Hey I threw you into the safe zone didn't I?" She yells back then jumps herself. Lindsay, Gwen, Izzy, Justin all jump next and when Justin was in the water two sharks go swimming his way but quickly come to a halt when he looks at them. I watch in shock. The sharks carry him to shore. I take a breath, rolling my eyes. I look up to see Beth hesitating, she yells a sorry down and both Leshawna and Cody cackle like chickens at her. "That is, like so lame, right?" Lindsay asks Heather and I furrow my brows. "Fully lame." She agrees, I scoff. "Okay, miss perfect." I whisper under my breath. Trent jumps and makes it. "Okay, campers. There's only one person left. You guys need this jump for the win since you guys do have a slight advantage." Chris announces down at us.
"No pressure, dude." Chris tells Owen. "Okay, there's pressure!" All of our team cheers him on, he puts floaties on.
"I'm looking at this guy and I'm thinking. There's no way he's gonna make it." Geoff says.
"I actually thought, if he jumps this, he's gonna die." Gwen admits.
"He better make this was all I was thinking." [Name] crossing her arms.
Owen walks back like Tyler did, as we're watching I feel something grab my hand. I look over and it's Cody acting like he's not doing anything. "Get off." I shove him away.
"Come on big guy!" Leshawna encourages but he can't hear this. He starts running and jumps off. "Oh crap!" He screams, and like a tidal wave explosion we all get hit with the water. Knocking us down I might add. I fell onto Gwen somehow accidentally. "Sorry." I push myself up.
"Yes! Yeah! Oh yeah! Who's the man?" He cheers himself on. Beth adds in too. "The winners! The screaming Gophers!" Chris yells into the mega phone. "That was awesome dude!" Trent compliments then his demeanor becomes worryful as Owen's searching for something in the water. "What's wrong?"
"I think I lost my bathing suit." Everyone then ews him, telling him he's gross. "Oh, now I don't want to see that." Lindsay whines.
Now we're all clothed using the carts to carry our crates, I walk with Gwen. The others sing about the bottles of pop on the wall. "Nice jump by the way." Gwen suddenly says, snapping me from my thoughts. I was zoned out from all the singing. "Oh, thanks, you too." I compliment back. I notice her cheeks flush but I think it's from the sun glaring down at us. "I just wanted to also say, I hope we can become friends." She nervously admits, it was a little cute. "Hm? Is that so?" To which she stammers, I chuckle. We can definitely be friends, Gwenny." I poke her side before glancing behind me to see the Killer Bass struggling
"I'll be right back." I told her not realizing she was about to speak up herself.
I walk up to the other team and Tyler drops his crate. "I gotta take a wizz." He walks to the forest. "Hurry up, we're already behind." Eva grunts.
"Ooh, I have to go too." Katie says. "You do? Oh, my gosh, me, too." Sadie gasps, I make a face as they leave, silently thanking Chris for switching them to this team and not mine.
I then see Courtney smack her eye, "Oh, I think something just bit me." She points to her face. I laugh, "Let me know if it swells, I got cream for that." I smile sweetly but she just scoffs. "Like I'd ever take something from you." I shrug. "Suit yourself, pumpkin." I then went back to my group as the other team wasn't as interesting as I thought they were going to be.
"Pumpkin? Who does she think she is? Ugh, whatever." Courtney rolls her eyes... eye.
I jog back up to Gwen, "Hey, where'd you go?" She questions but I wave it off. "Hey look, there is the campground!" Beth points. "That was pretty easy." Owen says. "I'm pleasantly surprised." Cody places his hands on his hips. Now everyone is using their teeth to open the crates, pulling on rope but I decide to stay back.
"I am not ruining my teeth for some show." [Name] sasses, crossing her legs.
Izzy was the first one to open hers. "Ow. Ow. Rope burns on my tongue." She sticks her tongue out to show it is really irritating. I go over to check on Noah and Trent, by now everyone has gotten the crates open. "You guys did great." I tell them. I thought Noah would've been a smartass but instead he goofily smiled up at me. "You too." Trent tried to act cool but failed a bit.
"Oh [Name]? Yeah she's going down. Everyone might like her but I don't. I truly don't." Heather squints her eyes in anger.
"She said that?" [Name] tries hiding her smile from forming. "Funny."
The camera cuts to Heather watching [Name] from afar in admiration.
"Hey, check it out, I got wood." Owen picks up two wooden planks. "I've got some tools here, and what looks like a pool liner." Trent holds his things from the crate. I was now by Leshawna leaning on her box as Heather and Lindsay came over. "I just wanted to say, I didn't mean bad about you being a ghetto rap-star wannabe, and I love your earrings." My eyes widen, is that what was said on the cliff? "They're so pretty."
Leshawna holds one of her earrings. "Straight up? Well I'm sorry about pushing you over the cliff and all." She sincerely apologizes, which is more than Heather can say. "No worries, I needed a push. Truce?" Heather sticks out her hand but Leshawna holds out a fist instead. Heather looked confused at first but then smiles and fist bumps the other girl before walking away as I scrunch my nose in confusion. "You know that was total bull, right?" I caught up to Leshawna who started to walk in the other direction. "Of course, I can see right through that skinny girl." I laugh, high fiving her. Harold, Courtney and Ezekial threw down their crates. "Finally." Harold huffs. "Hey, what's up guys?" Trent asks, then Leshawna pops up from the crate. "Hey aren't you missing a couple of white girls?" The three glance around. "They're getting a drink." I immediately notice Courtney's eye and I shake my head. I go into my cabin.
Grabbing my anti-itch cream I head back outside, "Ooh, what happened to your eye, girl?" Courtney covers it. "Nothing, just an allergy." She lies. "Think it's getting' worse." Ezekiel comments.
"Shut it." She gets in his face to whisper. I hide the cream in my pocket. "We don't want them to know that." I go up behind her, taking her hand to drag her up on her team's cabin porch. "Hey, let go of me." She snaps and I pull out the little tube. "Here! My skin is sensitive to bug bites. Use it around the eye if you want to." I walk away leaving her alone, she blinks to herself a few times at a camera holding the cream.
We all worked on our hot tubs until Bridgette came up to me. "Have you seen Sadie or Katie?" She was obviously in a hurry to find the two, so I stand up wiping my hands on my shorts. "I haven't but I can help you look." I smile, perfect. Another chance to befriend another person on their team. I'm not exactly worried about my team as they all seem pretty friendly enough with me. But if I have their friendship that means I can maybe soften them up to help my team win.
"Oh, you don't have to-" I place a hand on her shoulder. "I don't mind. I finished my part here anyways." She then shyly smiles at herself, "Alright, then." We make our way out to get the two girls.
"Is that them?" I point to two girls sitting in the lake with their shorts at their knees. Bridgette face palms. We sprint over to them. "Hey the challenge is almost over, you two should join your team." I inform them, they look at one another then back at me giggling. "What?" I raise a brow, asking the blonde who shrugs.
We help the two girls up, looking away so they can put their shorts up. "What happened?" I chuckle. "They sat-" "Nothing! We're fine, right Sadie?" Katie nudges her best friend who seemingly catches on to whatever she's trying to hide. "Oh- Yeah! Nothing, totally." They run off in front of us.
"They squatted over poison ivy." Bridgette whispers, I cover my mouth to stop myself from laughing. "Poor things." I try to calm myself, we end up walking back chatting about a few things. She rants a little bit about her team.
We go our separate ways, going back to our teams. Heather glares at me. "What's got your panties in a twist?" I ask, she scoffs in response. "Helping the other team? You seriously don't see something wrong with that?" She folds her arms, stepping up to me. "I wasn't helping with the challenge, we're going to be on this Island for eight weeks, might as well be friendly to people." I shrug, "You should try it sometime." I go over to Gwen who grins.
"What was that about?" She glances over to Heather who has an angry expression on her face as Lindsay was going on about something. "She just needs some anger management, I don't know." I roll my eyes, lining up behind out beautifully made hot tub as I then notice Killer Basses hot tub does not look so amazing... Chris checks out ours first. "This is an awesome hot tub!" We all cheer, Owen pops out of the water. "Nice!" Then the host progresses over to the Killer bass, I wince at the sight. He taps a side of it, water spraying out at him. Then it collapses.
"Well, I think we have a winner here... The Screaming Gophers!" We all cheer again as the other team mopes. Gwen and I side embraced as we 'whooped' for our team. "Gophers, you're safe from elimination and you get to rock this awesome hot tub for the rest of the summer. Bonus!" He points at the camera.
"Killer bass, what can I say? Sucks to be you right now. I'll see your sorry butts at the bonfire tonight." He tells them and I wonder who they're going to send home tonight.
"We won!" Lindsay celebrates, "We all get to stay here for another three days!" Heather and Beth hug her, joining the celebration. Owen shouts naked in front of us. "Hahaha, yes! We get to stay, we get to stay-yay. We are so awesome." He dances then picks up Heather and Lindsay. "We won the contest!"
Yeesh, glad I'm not them right now.
Later on we go to dinner, of course having to eat whatever this is called that Chef made. I'm in between Leshawna and Gwen this time. "Girl, where'd you get that bathing suit you wore earlier, I've been meaning to ask." Leshawna turns to me and I shrug. "I want to say a flea market in my hometown. I've had it for a while." I try my best to remember. "Well, we're gonna have to go to that flea market after this mess." We both laugh, and I nod. "For sure."
I found out what Heather said after speaking with Leshawna when we were building the hot tubs, keep your friends close and your enemies closer. And everybody is my enemy.
I over hear the other team talking about who's being eliminated and Courtney says "What about him?" That makes Lindsay shoot up, screaming "Nooo!"
We all stare up at her and she stammers, clearing her throat. "I mean... there's no salt on the table, bummer." She sits back down. I look behind me and realize it's about Tyler. Hm...
"Well, I just don't get why we lost, eh? They're the ones with seven girls." My eyes widen, I excuse myself from the table and cross my arms as Bridgette and Eva stand on either side of him angrily. "What's that supposed to mean?" The blonde asks. "Yeah, home school, enlighten us." Eva slams her first on the table in front of him. "Well guys are much stronger and better at sports than girls are." He simply says, Cody and I look at each other in shock. We then look at Sadie and Katie who stopped eating and smiling.
"Oh snap, you did not just say that." Geoff laughs in disbelief.
"My dad told me to look out for the girls here, eh? And help them in case they can't keep up." Why didn't he just shut up? Eva lifts him up by his neck. "Still think we need your help keeping up?" She squeezes. "Uh, not really." He grunts. Geoff gets in the middle of them. "Okay, guys let's give him a break. I mean, at least he doesn't think that guys are smarter than girls." He tries to help out the kid but of course homeschool makes it ten times worse. I get ready for the showdown. "But they are." I shake my head, closing my eyes as Bridgette punches him.
After dinner we walk back to the cabins but Killer Bass heads to the bonfire for elimination, I already know who they're picking. "I hope you know I think girls are better than guys in every way." Cody comes up to me, proudly stating his thoughts. I suck in a deep breath then smirk. "Oh really?" I speak in a flirtatious tone. "Yup!" He closes his eyes, grinning from ear to ear once we come to a complete stop to us walking. "That's very admirable of you, cutie." I kiss his cheek, walking away, not even seconds later I hear a thump. Glancing back there he is on the ground, fainted. Trent and Owen help him up, I snicker to myself.
"Hey I might as well have a little fun with the constant flirting. I'm bored here." [Name] laughs, shrugging her shoulders.
"Yup, this camp pretty much still sucks. But now that I'm here I guess I might as well try to win. Plus having [Name] around is a plus." Gwen smiles to herself thinking of the girl.
Trent, Lindsay, Cody, Heather and Justin sit in the hot tub. I stand next to Gwen, both of us holding juice boxes. Cody stands up to make a toast. "To the Screaming Gophers!" We all repeat after him, throwing our hands in the air.
"Go Gophers! Go Gophers! Go Gophers!" Leshawna chants, Noah and Owen join.
Gwen and I clink our juice boxes together and I lean my head on her shoulder. 
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tooti-fruiti · 3 months
The First Challenge
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"How hard can it be?" You asked, turning to DJ. "This hard."
You all were told to stand on top of a cliff in your swimsuits for you first challenge.
"Okay!" Chris said. "Today's challenge is three-fold. Your first task is to jump off this one thousand foot high cliff into the lake."
"Piece of cake." Bridgette said.
"If you look down, you will see two target areas. The wider area represents the part of the lake we have stocked with psychotic..." He paused for a second to laugh. "...man eating sharks!"
"Excuse me?" Leshawna said.
"Inside the area is a safe zone, that's your target area. Which we're pretty sure is shark free."
"For each member of your team that jumps and actually... survives will awarded a point. The team with the most points will win a helping hand for the next part of your challenge. Killer Bass, you're up first!"
"Oh...wow...so who wants to go first?" You asked.
Nobody volunteered.
"Hey don't sweat it guys!" Owen said. "I heard that these shows always make the interns do the stunt first to make sure it's survivable."
"So! Who's up?" Eva asked.
"Ladies first." Duncan said, nudging you.
You shook your head no.
"Fine." Bridgette said. "I'll go. It's no big deal..."
Then she mumbled something to herself before jumping off.
You ran over to check if she made it and she landed in the safe zone.
"She did it! Yeah! Yeah! I'm up next!" Tyler said.
"COWABUNGA!" Tyler yelled as he ran off the cliff.
You all watched as he went down, before landing on a buoy.
He still made it in the safe zone however.
"Alright! I'm next!" Geoff said.
Then he jumped off too.
You took a deep breath and approached the edge of the cliff.
"Too scared?" Chris asked.
"Yeah, I'm terrified." You said before pushing yourself to jump off.
You jumped off and screamed as you went down.
Before you knew it, you landed in the water and made it in the safe zone.
A boat came to pick you up and you sighed a breath of relief.
Everyone else who had already jumped, cheered for you.
As you approached the sand, you saw Eva and Duncan jump off.
After a few seconds, Ezekiel jumped off as well.
He landed on a rock and spun into the water.
Everyone cheered for him as well.
Then Harold jumped off and landed on his dick.
"Ouch." Duncan said.
After a while of no one jumping, Katie and Sadie jumped off together.
"Wait, wasn't Katie on the other team?"
Duncan shrugged.
Once they reached the sand, they ran up to everyone.
"Guys guess what?! Chris let us switch and now Katie's on our team!" Sadie said.
"Who'd she switch with?" Tyler asked.
"Wait, where's DJ and Courtney?" You asked.
"Oh, they didn't jump." Katie said.
"Really? That's lame." Geoff said.
After a few minutes of no one jumping, Heather was suddenly thrown off the cliff.
Then some other people went too.
Until Justin went and he landed out of the safe zone.
Everyone gasped and some of his teammates started to panic.
Some sharks approached him and were about to eat him until they stopped.
Then suddenly, the sharks fell in love with him and helped him onto the shore.
Your team gave each other looks of confusion.
Then more people went and the last person on top of the cliff was Owen.
You all stared at him in anticipation.
"How much you wanna bet he ends killing himself?" Duncan asked.
Suddenly, Owen yelled and jumped off the cliff.
When he landed in the water, it created such a huge splash that it knocked everyone over.
You and your team sat up as the Screaming Gophers started cheering.
"The Screaming Gophers win!" Chris cheered as he reached the beach on a four-wheeler.
"For the second part of the challenge, both teams will need to haul back crates full of supplies for the third and final task! And as their reward, the Screaming Gophers will get these carts, to haul back the crates with ease."
"Nice!" Trent said.
"Sucks to suck, Bass!" Chris said before zooming off.
"Well, we better to get to work." Courtney said as she, DJ, and Beth all came down from the cliff.
Everyone glared at her before choosing a crate to push back to the camp grounds.
As you were pushing, Courtney got bit by a bug, Tyler took a pee break, then Katie and Sadie also took a pee break and ended up quitting the challenge because they got poison ivy on their asses.
By the time you all got back to camp, you saw the other team was already half way done with building their bot tub and everyone basically gave up hope.
Geoff got on top of the crates and raised his arms. "'Kay. Dudes. It's not too late, we can do this!"
You looked over and saw Ezekiel picking his nose. "Ew!"
He quickly wiped off his finger on his pants. "What?"
"...that's really gross." Bridgette said.
"Okay look guys." Courtney said, standing up. "We have a hot tub to complete, and we need a project manager. Since I've actually BEEN a C.I.T. before, I'm electing myself."
"Any objections?"
"Where do we begin, Cyclops?" Duncan asked.
"Open the crates! (Y/n), go find those itchy girls, we need all the help we can get!"
You nodded and ran back to the beach to find Katie and Sadie.
You found them sitting in the water with their pants down.
"Has the itch gone?"
They shook their heads.
You sighed. "Look, we need your help to complete the challenge, if you help out I'll see if Chris can get you some anti-itch cream, okay?"
They nodded and pulled up their pants.
Then you three walked back to the campgrounds to see that the hot tubs were finished.
The Gophers' hot tub looked amazing, while yours did not.
"Guess we know better than to follow Courtney now, huh?" You whispered to Duncan.
He chuckled as Chris came out to inspect the hot tubs.
He checked the Gophers hot tub first.
"...This, is an AWESOME hot tub!"
The Gophers started cheering and your team waited nervously as Chris went over to your hot tub.
He poked at it a few times before water sprayed him in the face, then it completely fell apart.
"Well...I think we have a winner here."
He waited for a few seconds.
"The Screaming Gophers!"
They started to cheer and your team grumbled and groaned.
"Gophers! Your team is safe from elimination, AND you get to rock this awesome hot tub for the rest of the summer! Bonus!"
Then he turned to your team as the Screaming Gophers continued to cheer.
"Killer Bass, what can I say? Sucks to be you right now. I'll see your sorry butts at the bonfire tonight."
During dinner, everyone was talking about who the team should vote off.
"So who are we gonna vote off?" Courtney said.
"Well I think it should the "C.I.T." or the Brickhouse here." Duncan said, pointing to Courtney and DJ.
"What?! Why?!"
"Because, if I'm not mistaken, you two are the only ones who didn't jump. And if we ever have to lift a truck, I like our odds with the big guy."
"I'm with Duncan." You said. "I think we should vote off Courtney."
You turned to her. "Not only did you not jump off, but it was under YOUR leadership that we couldn't build the hot tub."
She started to stutter. "Y-You guys need me! I-I'm the only one-"
"WE KNOW." Bridgette said. "You used to be a real C.I.T. So who would you pick?"
Courtney looked around before pointing at Tyler.
"What about him?"
"Hey, at least he jumped off the cliff, Chicken Wing."
"Shut up!"
Geoff got in between Duncan and Courtney.
"Okay everyone, chill out. This is getting way too heavy."
"I've had enough prison food for one day. I'm gonna go have a nap."
"Y-You can't do that! We haven't decided who's going yet!"
"Can and I will." Duncan said as he got up.
"Well, I just don't get why we lost ay? They're the ones that have more girls." Ezekiel said.
All the girls gasped at his comment.
Duncan stopped walking and turned back to the table.
"Does he not realize that both teams have the same amounts of girls on them?" Duncan whispered to you.
You didn't respond and moved over to Ezekiel.
"What's that supposed to mean?" You asked as Bridgette stood beside you.
"Yeah homeschool, enlighten us!" Eva said.
"Well, guys are much stronger and better at sports than girls are!"
"Excuse me?!" Bridgette asked.
"Oh snap! He did not just say that!" Geoff snickered.
"My dad told me to look out for the girls here, ay? And help 'em in case they can't keep up."
Eva grabbed his throat and held him in the air.
"Still think we need your help 'keeping up'?"
"N-Not...really." He gasped.
"Okay, guys." Geoff said as Eva dropped him. "Let's give him a break. I mean, at least he doesn't think guys are smarter than girls."
"But, they are?" He said.
You leaned over and punched Ezekiel in the nose.
"Woah! Girl, you probably just broke his nose!" DJ said.
"He deserved it." You groaned.
All the girls nodded in unison.
As night began to set, you were sitting outside your cabin when Duncan sat down next to you.
"Nice hit." He said.
You groaned. "I mean, you heard the kind of shit he was saying right? He had it coming."
Duncan opened his mouth to say something but he was interrupted by someone else.
"Hey guys." (Ex/n) said.
"You're on the other team, what do you want?" You glared at them.
"I just want to talk to you, that's all."
"Nope." You immediately stood up and walked inside your cabin.
Once everyone was at the bonfire, Chris started the elimination ceremony.
"Killer Bass. At regular camp, marshmallows represent a tasty treat that you enjoy roasting by the fire. At this camp, marshmallows represent life."
"You all cast your votes and made your decisions. There are only eleven marshmallows on this plate. When I call your name, come up and get a marshmallows. Whoever does not receive a marshmallow, will immediately return to the dock of shame, catch the boat of losers, and leave the competition and the island. For good."
Then Chris started handing out the Marshmallows. "Geoff, Tyler, Katie, Sadie, Bridgette, Harold, DJ, (Y/n), Duncan."
The only people left, were Courtney and Ezekiel.
"Courtney, Ezekiel. This is the final marshmallow."
Chris didn't speak for a whole minute as Courtney and Ezekiel watched them in anticipation.
Until he finally help up the marshmallow.
She sighed a breath of relief and ran over to get her marshmallow.
"Can't say I'm shocked dude, I saw you picking your nose. Not cool."
Ezekiel sighed and walked to the dock of shame.
"Thanks for not voting for me guys." Courtney said.
"Uh huh." You said as you ate your marshmallow and walked back to your cabin.
Video Diary-Number 2-(Y/n)
"Courtney is lucky. If Ezekiel didn't say anything. I know she would have been voted off."
[Hope you enjoyed. Stay tuned for more and have a good day]
<-Chapter One
Chapter Three->
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Paris Reacts to The Not-So Great Outdoors
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Akuma Class
"Dude, we sent Marinette to Total Drama!" Nino exclaimed. Alya started texting Marinette, demanding she give her the details. But she gets an automatic message saying, 'We're sorry, but the number you have texted has been disconnected.' Alya's eyes widened in shock. "Her number's disconnected!" she gasped, getting the rest of her friends' attention. They all looked shocked, knowing that Marinette's number was now disconnected. Adrien was the one that was the most shocked hearing that.
He tried to call her number but got no answer, yet a message saying the number was disconnected. He was shocked that he couldn't get in contact with Marinette anymore.
He looked to see Marinette at the campsite next to one of the international idols from the MetaBetas, and the two seemed to be getting along. He and his friends were then shocked seeing and hearing Duncan. He asked Chris if he could bunk under Marinette. Adrien's heart started to ache after hearing that. However, they were relieved to hear from Chris that the cabins were not co-ed. After Chris splits the campers into two teams, such as the Screaming Gophers and the Killer Bass, they learn that Marinette and the MetaBeta idol Lucy get to switch teams since it was Chris's way of making a twist in the show. Adrien's eye twitched, seeing Cody sigh in relief after Marinette and Lucy were now on the Screaming Gophers team.
When they got to see the confessionals, they saw Lucy's confessional, and now they see Marinette's confessional.
"Okay. I don't know what to say in this confessional. But I like to say, this is gonna be a good camping experience for me." "Well, at least she's getting comfortable in the camp so far," Adrien said, trying to lighten the mood of his quiet friends. "True. But I didn't think we had sent her into a reality show instead of an actual camp." Alya said, shocked to now know they sent Marinette to a reality show instead of an actual behavioral camp.
After a little while, they all looked shocked as they saw a cooking knife thrown and hit the wall between Chris and Marinette. Mostly Adrien after he saw that the knife was almost near Marinette.
They became more shocked when they learned their first challenge was jumping off a thousand-foot cliff with two zones. One of them includes man-eating sharks. After seeing the Killer Bass finish their turn to jump or chicken out, they were surprised to see Lucy throwing Heather off the cliff and into the Safe Zone. After some of the Screaming Gophers jumped, Beth chickened out, and they noticed that it was Marinette's turn. Adrien looked worried, thinking that Marinette would get attacked if she jumped. But he was shocked to see that Lucy offered to jump with her. After seeing them jump off the cliff, they were relieved that Marinette had made it safely into the Safe Zone. However, they see Lucy was outside of the Safe Zone. They were shocked to see Lucy grab the two sharks by the gills and pull them hard as a toddler pulls a mother's hoop earrings. As the sharks swam away, they heard Lucy mumble out, "Thank you fact-checking." "What does she mean by that?" Alya mumbled to herself, looking at Lucy suspiciously.
After seeing everyone jump or chicken out and build a hot tub, they were surprised that Marinette and the Screaming Gophers won the first challenge. Adrien looked as he saw Lucy and Marinette fist pound and said, 'Punch it in.'
They watched the teams back in the main lodge, and the Killer Bass were talking about who they're voting off. They then all became shocked to hear Ezekiel saying that the Screaming Gophers were the ones with eight girls. And talks about Lucy being a "Hot Idol Wannabe."
"What's that supposed to mean?" asked Bridgette. "Yeah, homeschool. Enlighten us!" Eva said, putting her fist on the table. "Well, guys are much stronger and better at sports, music, singing, and dancing than girls are," said Ezekiel. "What did he just say?!" Rose asked, offended by the words Ezekiel had said. Juleka's eye started to twitch as she also heard what Ezekiel said. Ezekiel continued. "My dad told me to look out for the girls, eh? And to help them in case they can't keep up." Eva then grabbed Ezekiel by the neck with her two hands and lifted him. "Still think we need your help keeping up?" she asked, shaking him to prove her point. "Not really," he said. "You show him, Eva!" Alix said, encouraging Eva to prove a point to Ezekiel. The rest of the class cheered, backing up Eva and the rest of the girls in the show. "Guys, it's probably not even Ezekiel's fault. He's probably trying to look after them like his father told him to." Adrien said, trying to calm his friends down. That was until Geoff jumped in. "Okay, guys. Let's give him a break," he said, while Eva dropped Ezekiel. "I mean, at least he doesn't think that guys are smarter than girls." "But, they are," said Ezekiel. Before Alya could say anything, Lucy beat her to the punch. "Okay... THAT DOES IT!" Lucy yelled, grabbing Ezekiel. She then takes him back to the cliff, throws him outside the Safe Zone, and yells, "FATALITY YOU, YOU BETA-PUNK! GO BURN IN LAVA!" After that, she walks off, dusting off her hands and ignoring all the screams from Ezekiel while he was swimming away from the sharks. The girls cheered when they saw Lucy do that. "You show him, Lucy!" said Alya. Adrien looked at Lucy in disbelief. 'Why did she do that? All he was doing was trying to prove a point that he was trying to protect them.' he thought to himself. That was when they watched her confessional. "Oh yeah, I almost forgot to mention the triggers of my anger issue. One is sexist punks, sexism, misogyny, misogynists, and chauvinists. People and things like that always get on my nerves since I was four. And don't even get me started on that play I used to be on when I was that age." Lucy stuck her tongue out in disgust, reminiscing what happened in her old school days. "I can hardly imagine what it was," said Juleka. 'But that still doesn't explain why she has to do that to Ezekiel.' Adrien thought.
After watching the elimination ceremony, to no one's surprise, Ezekiel was the one who was voted off. "Serves him right," Mylene said while Ivan nodded in agreement. "Duncan was right about one thing." he said, "Ezekiel has a lot to know about the real world."
They then watch Marinette celebrate her hot tub party with the Screaming Gophers, looking happier than ever. That was until they noticed Courtney turning to the camera. "Are you recording this? Good. They can enjoy their little party all they want. But I'm gonna win this competition. And no one is gonna stop me." she said. The class looked shocked hearing that from Courtney. Until a water balloon hit her on the head.
"Sorry! Foul ball!" called Lucy.
When the episode came to an end, the class still looked speechless.
After that, they all agree to meet back to watch what will happen to Marinette all week. After the agreement, they all went home. When Adrien heads back home, he sees that Nathalie is there. "Your father is expecting to talk to you in the morning." "Thanks, Nathalie," Adrien said with a nod. When Adrien finishes changing into his nightwear, he lies on his bed, thinking about what will happen to Marinette while she's in Wawanawkwa. Adrien hopes that when the show is over, Marinette will come home, apologize for her behavior towards Lila, his friends will all make up, and they can all stay friends again. With those thoughts in his mind, he falls asleep, hoping that those ideas will happen soon.
"There she is! My favorite little lady is now on reality T.V.! Rock and Roll!" Jagged cheered as he raised a cup, happy to see Marinette on live T.V. again. Luka smiles as he watches Marinette offering the host and the other contestants the macaroons she brought from home.
After a while, Luka, Jagged, Penny, Ali, and Clara looked surprised to see the MetaBeta idol, Mary-Loukritia Corleone, befriending Lucy. "I'm impressed to see Lucy quickly befriend Marinette. She never does that with anybody else." Clara said, with Ali nodding in agreement. "Of course she does. Madame Hatter always takes one look to see what that person or people are like inside and out. That's how Madame Hatter is." Jagged said, pouring more soda into his cup. Luka nodded and said, "It's true. It's like hearing their melody. When you listen carefully. You'll hear the actual melodies of their souls on the inside."
After Chris split the campers into teams of two, they were surprised to hear that Marinette and Lucy got to switch teams. "Hey, good thinking, McLean! Marinette deserves to get to switch teams." Jagged said, raising his soda cup again.
After seeing Marinette getting settled and getting her lunch from the main lodge, they were shocked to see Marinette's first challenge. After seeing some campers jump or chicken out, Luka smiles, seeing Marinette comfort D.J. for chickening out of jumping. He and the other celebrities looked surprised, as they now know that Lucy has had stress and anger issues since her first year in high school. "Well, why didn't Madame say anything?" Jagged asked in disbelief. "She probably didn't have the time to tell anybody about it, maybe?" Penny asked, guessing why Lucy never told them. "I suppose that might be why. After all, she, Miss Maleficent, and Queen Red Hood have been touring a lot until their first manager's boss was caught on a scandal." Prince Ali explained, looking down at his phone and an old article about the boss being arrested for getting involved in a former lawyer's multi-billion-dollar corruption scandal along with a former female nurse. Then, Luka gets their attention back on Marinette. When they did, they were surprised to see her and Lucy jump off the cliff. Luka was relieved seeing that Marinette safely made it into the Safe Zone. "Alright, Marinette! That's our rockin' little lady!"
However, they looked surprised to see Lucy outside of the Safe Zone. But before the sharks can attack her, Lucy grabs the two sharks by the gills, pulling on them as a toddler does to a mother's hoop earrings, causing the sharks to swim away from her. "Well, that's a smart move from a MetaBeta," Penny said, crossing her arms and smiling, impressed by what Lucy had done.
After the Gophers won the first task, they made it to their campsite and built their hot tub, with the Killer Bass following. And to no one's surprise, the Screaming Gophers won their first challenge. "Rock and Roll, Marinette!" Jagged cheered, happily seeing that Marinette won her first challenge.
But the good feeling disappeared five minutes later. After they hear Ezekiel talking about the girls in the Screaming Gophers, including Lucy, calling her a "Hot Idol Wannabe." "What's that supposed to mean?" asked Bridgette. "Yeah, homeschool. Enlighten us!" Eva said, putting her fist on the table. "Well, guys are much stronger and better at sports, music, singing, and dancing than girls are," said Ezekiel. "What did that homeschool boy just say?! When I get my hands on him, he's going to pay!" Clara yelled with anger running in her veins. Jagged and Penny both grabbed Clara by the shoulders, looking unamused. "I'd save my complaining for sending a warning hate letter to his parents if I were you, Clara," Penny said as they had her sit down again.
After talking trash, Lucy had about enough and snapped. After grabbing Ezekiel by his hoodie, she takes him back to the cliff, throws him outside the Safe Zone, and yells, "FATALITY YOU, YOU BETA-PUNK! GO BURN IN LAVA!" After that, she walks off, dusting off her hands and ignoring all the screams from Ezekiel while he was swimming away from the sharks. Clara crossed her arms, smiling in approval after seeing that. "You showed him who's boss, Lou. My respect goes out to you," she said with a nod. "I wonder if that catches on?" Jagged said after hearing Lucy say 'Beta-Punk' before she threw Ezekiel. "I highly doubt that." said Penny.
"Oh yeah, I almost forgot to mention the triggers of my anger issue. One is sexist punks, sexism, misogyny, misogynists, and chauvinists. People and things like that always get on my nerves since I was four. And don't even get me started on that play I used to be on when I was that age." Lucy stuck her tongue out in disgust, reminiscing what happened in her old school days. 'I can hardly imagine what it was and what it was like.' Luka thought.
After the elimination ceremony, the celebrities were happy to see Marinette celebrating her hot tub party with her new friends. And ignoring what the girl with the swollen eye said and got hit with a water balloon.
When the show was over, they all made plans to watch the show weekly to see how Marinette was doing on the show. Luka also plans on calling Marinette to check on her and see how she is at Wawanawkwa. 'I'm glad that you're okay, Marinette. I hope you have a great time in Wawanawkwa.' he thought, feeling proud of Marinette.
Family and Friends
"There she is!" Zoe said happily. The kids cheered as they saw Marinette, safely arrive at Wawanawkwa. After hearing about the camp Bustier and her class sent Marinette to, Aurore did some research on the camp, and she, including her peers, realized that it was actually a camp for a hot new reality show. After telling the Dupain-Chengs about it, they were surprised that Marinette was going to a reality show instead of an actual camp. They were relieved that Marinette was not in any military camp, (There's nothing wrong with anything related to the military, I respect the military, and I thank them for their service) or anything worse.
"Bonjour. It's very nice to meet all of you." Marinette said, smiling shyly. She then looks shy but then offers them the baked goods she had brung with her. "Macaroons?" Chris gladly takes one. "Merci." Marinette then headed to the other campers and gave them some while heading to put her luggage up with the others. "These are good!" Owen says, happily enjoying his. Tom and Sabine smiled, happy to see Marinette safe at the camp. Even though it is actually a reality show, they don't care. As long as their daughter is safe and okay.
After splitting into two teams, the Screaming Gophers and the Killer Bass, Cody asks about Marinette and Lucy. "Well, since we can't decide which team they will be in, we decided to let the two switch teams. Isn't that fun?" Chris said, "So for right now, they will be part of the Screaming Gophers." "I can understand why. And that, seems fair enough." Kagami's mother, Tomoe said, with Kagami nodding in agreement.
After the first seven confessionals, they head over to their cabins. "Gophers, you're in the east cabin, bass, you're in the west," Chris explains. When the Screaming Gophers got to their cabin, Heather looked as if she saw someone grow another head. "Bunk beds? Isn't this a little, summer camp?" she asked. "That's the idea, genius," Gwen said as she moved past Heather. Heather scoffs, "Shut it, weird goth girl." 'Jeez, I feel like Chloe would have a competition if Heather was here.' Zoe thought to herself. "Look, if you two are gonna start a rivalry, leave me out of the chaos. I already had enough drama in my life since my first year of high school," Lucy said, with seriousness and venom in her tone. Heather, Gwen, and the friends in the bakery watching the show shivered from Lucy's venomous words. Heather and Gwen then kept their mouths shut and unpacked their things. "I've never seen Lucy act that way before," Zoe said, surprised about Lucy sounding so serious. "She's probably not a person wants to be in any kind of drama, maybe?" Claude guessed. "That could be possible." one of Marinette's New York friends, Aeon, said, with Jessica and Marinette's Shanghai friend Fei nodding in agreement. "Uh, guys?" Socqueline gets their attention as she points to the scene where everyone avoids the cockroach crawling around the floor. But the cockroach then stops in front of Duncan, who is holding an axe, ready to decapitate it.
However, Marinette stops him, has the roach in her fingers, and takes it outside. "There. No cockroaches in my cabin," she said. "Wang has taught her too well," Sabine said, proudly crossing her arms. A little while later, they see Marinette and the campers doing the first task of their first challenge.
As they watched the campers jumping or chickening out, they watched as Lucy angrily grabbed Heather and told her to go down there and threw her into the Safe Zone. That was until they watched her confessional. "I had this stress and anger issue combination since my first day and freshman year of high school. After going through some things, I've been having these two issues all my life, to this day. The only thing good to know is that I have two systems of calming my stress and anger. And one of them is my two essential oils." Lucy then shows two bottles of essential oils labeled Stress and Anger Management. "These two are the only things that can help me calm down when I'm out. Without them, who knows what could happen." "Oh, that's why." Zoe said, now understanding. "I wonder what it was that caused Lucy's stress and anger?" Mirelle said in curiosity.
"I'm not sure, but it must've been tough." Aurore said, with Kagami and her mother, Tomoe, nodding in agreement. After that, it was now Marinette's turn.
Zoe and Socqueline looked at Marinette worriedly. Mostly Socqueline after what had happened when she used to go to school with her. But that all changed when they saw Lucy offer to join Marinette. And they both jumped. When they did, they saw Marinette make it to the Safe Zone safely. They cheered as they saw Marinette get up and on the boat. "It's a relief to know Marinette made it." Kagami said with her mother nodding in agreement.
After jumping and building a hot tub, the Screaming Gophers won the challenge and earned a hot tub party. Marinette's friends and family cheered, knowing she and her team won. Unfortunately, their happiness for the girl died down after hearing the homeschooled boy, Ezekiel, started talking down about the girls. But their happiness was back after they saw Lucy throw Ezekiel into the shark-infested water with no regrets or remorse.
After the elimination ceremony, the Screaming Gophers celebrated their victory in their hot tub party. The family and friends were glad to see that Marinette was having a great time at the "summer camp" she was sent to. After turning off the T.V., not paying attention to a girl with a swollen eye talking, they all talked and made plans to meet again every week to see what would happen. The friends and the Dupain-Chengs agreed to call Marinette all week to see how she was doing. With that, they all said their goodbyes and headed home for the night.
??? & ???
After watching the first episode of the new reality show, one of them looked as if they saw a ghost. "She's alive," they said in shock and disbelief. The second one nods in agreement. "It's possible that she is reincarnated and is becoming a more popular person than she was back then. But then again, I cannot blame her for having a fresh start. I believe, no, I know that she deserves better." the second one said, reminiscing the past with the said girl. "Agreed. However, with this, it will be useful to have her with this plan. And since she has befriended Miss Dupain-Cheng, this will be a useful idea to get into her good graces as it was back. Let Adrien know I need to have a talk with him in the morning." "Of course."
Desc. Prologue. Get to Know My OC Chapt 1. Chapt 2. Reaction Pt 2. Chpt 3 Reactions Pt 3 Chpt 4 Reactions Pt 4 Chpt 5 Reactions Pt 5
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saintyveningstar · 8 months
Overture to "A Midsummer Night's Dream", Op. 21: Allegro di molto
Cliff gets his little sister out of drug trouble with their parents
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Cliff turns down the volume on his bass when he hears shouting coming from the living room. Like a child, he peeks his head out of his bedroom door to snoop. 
"Simone, a fourth of the alcohol is missing, and then this?! Explain this!" Their mother shouts, and Cliff is surprised. His little sister Simone has always been a goody two-shoes, as far as he could remember. 
A fourth of the Alcohol missing? He thought, What else did they find?
"Simone, answer your mother." Ray says, and Cliff has a feeling that whatever they found was bad. Of course, his mother didn't particularly like it, but they let him grow weed in the house and sell it out of his backpack — so whatever Simone had must've been horrible.
He heard his little sister's voice, "I-It's not mine."
"It was in your bathroom, Simone!"
"Mama ... I—" She's at a loss for words now, she doesn't know what to say.
Cliff decided he should intervene. And hey, It probably wasn't hers. Oh, and that alcohol missing? Yeah, that was him. What, he didn't think they'd actually notice.
He pulled the guitar strap over his head, and left his bass on the nearest flat surface he could find — which happened to be his cluttered desk. Whatever, he'd fuckin ... buff out the scratches later, he guesses.
He stalks into the living room, where Simone is standing sheepishly in front of their parents, crying. There was a little baggie of yellow, red, pink, and white pills. Then, there was another little baggie with white powder in it.
Holy shit.
"Oh shit, Ma, you found it! I've been looking everywhere for those!" He said.
"Mind your language, Cliff, c'mon." Ray said, rolling his eyes.
"Yeah, sorry about that. Is that what all this is about, these pills?" He asked.
"So these are yours, then?" Jan asked.
"Yeah, you didn't know? You thought they were Simone's? C'mon, Ma."
"You said you wouldn't use marijuana as a gateway drug, Clifford. That's what we agreed."
"Mom, I have them with the intent to sell. My bass is coming out of the shop soon, which means I have to pay soon. Relax. Hey, maybe you should take one of these." Cliff said, matter of factly.
"Alright, boy." Ray said, "That's enough. Get your ... pills off the table. Take your sister with you."
Jan crossed her arms, practically turning her nose up. Cliff took the drugs off of the end table, looking his sister in her eyes and nodding towards the hallway. Simone followed him back to his room, and he closed the door behind them.
"Have a seat." He said, going over to his radio and turning the volume up. His parents didn't need to hear this conversation. Cliff sat down on the bed across from her, wiping his nose and sniffing. "Ya owe me, Simba."
Simone was still crying, wiping her eyes. "They really aren't mine, Cliff. I swear—"
"Hey, I believe you. You're going to make yourself faint if you don't calm down. Breathe, you're not in trouble anymore." He said. "Now, why do you have PCP ... and whatever this stuff is?" he held them up.
"My friend, Libby, her boyfriend is like a dealer, I guess, and he was going to get in trouble at school. We were on the bus, and she stuffed it in my backpack right before her stop. And I didn't know what to do, so I hid it in the bathroom." She looked up at Cliff, barely meeting his eyes. She expected him to be disappointed in her, but she only saw his heart breaking.
Cliff clicked his tongue,"Libby's not your friend, Simone." He said, softly. "She sees you as a scapegoat. You don't have to snitch or anything, but cut her out of your life. It's as simple as that. Did you take any?"
"No, never." She shook her head.
"Good, that's good. Cause then, I'd have to kick your ass."
Simone smiled and laughed, "But what are we gonna do with them? I can't just keep them."
"What, did you think I was kidding? Those repairs ain't gonna pay for themselves, Simba. These are my drugs now." Cliff chuckled.
"Hey, what do you say I give you 'bout .. mm, 20%. Can we call it a deal?"
Simone held out for hand for him to shake, smiling widely, and Cliff took it. Then, he pulled her into a hug. 
"Yeah, we can call it a deal."
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i-am-a-fraud · 1 year
Hi hello, I am sosisoso sorry to brother you. If its alright and not much work, may I request literally anything you want to write about Murderface. sososos sorry if this makes zero sense, im nervous
Omg your so sweet! Your not bothering me at all!!!!
I will do a random fic with many parts
Sound good?
William murderface fic
He thinks he's a hot shot
He knows he's not
But he still wants people to see him as more than a bass player and as William Murderface
Being a bass player is hard, you have talent but no one sees it or really trys to see it.
If you praise him on his bass playing skills he is about ready to marry you on the spot
If you Play bass too he will be more than happy to give you tips and help you out
Well I say that but because he is a dickhead he might call you a poser 💀
He probably thinks he knows what you like (for anything really) but he is wrong he just says you like whatever he likes. Not in a mean way but in a way that says he wants you bad fr fr
I think once you get past Mr. Motherfucker as I would call it he really is a good boyfriend. And he will do anything you ask of him
Rember when he said "put a Dimond bracelet around your /you know/ and say DIVE FOR IT" Yeah that's nothing what he is actually like.
He is actually really sweet and kind but he is kinda a asshole infront of others but not mean
If that makes sense
Definitely makes up harmful lies, like how much you do it or whatever but if you tell him to stop he will.
But he will brag about how great his partner is to EVERYONE EVERTHING AND ANYTHING
I am a firm believer that he doesn't cheat
He has some self control
Type of guy to say something like "if I cheat I will cut my nuts off" or something stupid like that
If you like metal music great if you don't? And fourse him to listen to Gewn Stefanie (idk if that's how you spell it)
Shit might hit the fan but he will learn to except it, you even might catch him listening to it alone!
He is head over heels for you his is all about you ALL THE TIME!
When he gets drunk
A: he will be more clingy and sweet infront of others
B: Not remember that he scored someone as cool and beautiful as you and flirt
If you remind him that you're his partner, he will be a mess and all teary-eyed. Or something. I don't know
I feel like it is a lie that he is tall its the boots he wears, I can't register in my brain that he us taller than Me.
I think he is like 5'5
You can ignore that if you want
Has an normal shoe size for a guy.
He does some "silly" shit
Like the time they all tried to suck their own thang a langs
Probably has tryed to do your hair and ended up ripping some out or making it worse and creating knots.
I am sorry this took so long and is so short, I wish I had a good excuse like I fell off a cliff or something, but I was just depressed.
I am also sorry for grammar and spelling mistakes
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chershire23 · 7 months
My Special One
Chapter 7
Warning this chapter contains mentians and description of the human female menstrual cycle as well as slight mentions of rape! Rape does not happen though and it never will there are just mentions!)
A few years later Riely Pov
A few years have passed since those humans have taken me to their “base” as they called it. I am now 10 (soon to be 11 in a few days) years old, Slywanin is 16 now and Neytiri is 14 and today is the day that Slywanin gets to complete her inkimaya and get her ikran. She left about two moons ago because getting to the ikran nest on foot takes a while. So today the whole family is going to fly there in order to watch her and then once she has tamed her Ikran we shall have a celebration that night. As everyone else prepares to head to the mountains I head over to bother my best friend Tsu’tey hes 16 as well. He already completed His Inkimaya and is now a warrior of the clan. The best warrior dad even says so.
As I walk the branches of the home tree I soon spot Tsu’tey sitting down sharpening his knife. He has his back turned to me making it easy for me to sneak up on him. I crouch low and slowly approach behind him as I get closer I can see his ears slightly twitch to the slightest of sounds even if it's just the wind. I try to creep closer but as soon as I'm behind his back he suddenly turns and grabs me and pins me to the bass of the branch. You really think you could sneak up on me Ma Riely? He chuckles as he tries not to fully put his weight on me. Get off of me you big lug your butt is crushing me! I yell up at him playfully. Hmm how about no. He says as he flops on top of me.
I groan as he puts his full weight on my body but soon I get used to the weight on my body. So are you coming with us to meet Slywanin at the Ikran nest? And if so can I ride with you? I ask him excitedly. He looks up at me, suddenly very serious and says. You know I would not miss not even the great mother will stop me from seeing one of my friends getting their Ikran. His gaze then turns soft and he smiles at me. The same applies to you as well ma Riely, and of course you can ride with me i would not have it any other way. He suddenly laughs as he then starts to poke my sides tickling me.
I start to laugh and quickly kick at his chest and squirm to get away while yelling for him to stop. As soon is i am away from him and his ways torture i get into a crouch position and hiss at him playfully. He hisses back as he stands. Now hurry back I can see your mother is waiting for you. He says in a happy tone as he points to where you can see my mother waiting for me on one of the higher branches. Oh one more thing before you go, he says as he catches my upper arm in his hand. You smell extremely sweet today. I don't know why but you do, so take it as a compliment. He leaves me at that as he then hurries to get his Ikran ready for the flight.
I hurriedly climb up to mom not bothering to take the spiral and as I reach the branch she is on she reaches down to help me up. You do know that if you had taken the spiral branches you would have been up here much sooner. She says to me as I get up on the branch. But where's the fun in that? I ask her as I make my way to our tent. As we kept walking I couldn't help but think about what Tsu’tey had said. I smell sweet? I didn’t think I smelled any different, but I do feel very sore today. For now though I think I will keep this to myself. It's my eldest sister's big day so I don't want to do anything that could potentially ruin it. So instead I opt to grab moms tail, giving it a yank as she yelps in surprise before chasing after me as I run ahead of her laughing.
(time skip)
As we fly closer to the Ikran nest in the mountains I can see my sister as our father leads her as well as some of the other young soon to be warriors, up the vines to get to the cliffs' edges. As I go to shout at her encouragement Tsu’tey covers my mouth. You don't want to break her concentration here, this is the most dangerous part of the climb. He reminds me as he pulls his head away. You know you're gonna suffocate me doing that one day your hand is like twice the size of my head. I sassed him. He just chuckles at me before saying, I will kill my self before I ever let you be hurt. Besides who will be there to annoy me all the time if not you. He finishes with a chuckle. 
Soon the students make it up to the Ikran nest Tsu’tey and my mom land the Ikran, I jump off and quickly run to father giving him a hug before I rush over to Sylwanin and latch onto her. I can't wait to fly with you sister. I tell her as we hold one another close. She lets me go as she says jokingly, and why would i fly with you baby sister after all i do not want to be on the receiving end of one of your stunts. I stick my tongue out at her for that and she tries to grab it but I move away before she can. Giggling we both hug each other once more before father quickly calls her over to join the rest of her fellow students. Soon after father tells them how to recognise their chosen Ikran he tells Sylwanin that she is to go first and with her head held high she steps into the nest and not long after an Ikran lunges at her and that is where the fun begins.
A couple of hours later all of the young warriors now had Ikrans of their own. Slywanin had a very beautiful female Ikran light blue as its base color and orange stripes and spots scattered across its body. I watch as she and her Ikran fly through the air as one as a bit of jealousy fills my heart. I don’t have a queue, so I doubt I will ever be able to have a connection with an Ikran or any animal for that matter. Sure, I can connect to the tree of souls but that is only because the roots reach out to me when I lay amongst them. But I won't let my jealousy get in the way of Slywanin’s joy, not today or any day. Mother as always notices me trying to hide being upset and comes over and lays a hand on my shoulder.
You will have your own Ikran one day, my daughter. She says as her hand rubs up and down my shoulders. I don't have a queue. How would I be able to get an Ikran mom? I ask her somewhat sarcastically. Besides ever since the sky people came i have been questioning who and what i am. I look down at my hands as I go to ask the very question that has been plaguing my mind. Am i Na’vi or am I…. a demon? I look up at mom as she then drops to her knees in front of me taking my ugly four fingered hands into her own. Never do I ever want to hear those words from your mouth ever again. You are my daughter and you are Na’vi. Eywa gave you to me for a reason you are one of us. She says as tears rise to the edges of her eyes.
Your mother is right, my little viper. I soon hear father say as he comes up behind me. The great mother blessed us with you that fateful night and we don’t plan on letting you go anytime soon. You are our daughter and if the great mother allows you to commune with her at the tree of souls then she shall allow you an Ikran. He tells me as he crouches down with me and mom enveloping us both in a hug. Dad then looks down at me and smiles. Now let us return home and celebrate the successes of today. I smile back up at them both giving them one last hug before I run to meet Tsu’tey next to his Ikran.
(Time skip)
Later that night we all gathered around the fire. Many people are singing songs, others telling stories and the little children of the village (little my non-existent tail almost all of the kids my age are taller than me by like two feet.) are running around the fire occasionally stepping on someone’s tail. Me and Tsu’tey sit with our families joking around, with me occasionally dragging Neytiri into it. Soon though the pain in my lower stomach i've been feeling all day increases so much i have to leave to see if I can find anything in moms medicine hut to make it stop. Mom asks me where i'm going and i just tell her i'm going on a small walk to clear my head not wanting to worry her or the others. 
As soon as I make it to the hut though the pain becomes unbearable and I soon collapse on the grounds holding my lower stomach. As I lay there in pain I soon feel something wet and thick trickle down my thighs and legs. I rub my hand against my leg and when I bring it back up my hand is covered in blood. My breath hitches in my throat and I start breathing hard and fast as if I could never breathe before. Soon a scream leaves my mouth, after that I start sobbing in fear. What is happening to me am, am I dying? I wipe my hands on the leg trying to get rid of the blood, but I only manage to smear the blood everywhere. This also causes me to panic more and while that happens mom, dad, Neytiri, Slywanin and Tsu’tey all run into the medicine hut. They look around for any danger only to find me sitting in a small but growing puddle of blood.
Mom screams out in horror as this happens and soon picks me up laying me on a mat and then ordering everyone to grab her herbs and remedies. Mom does everything in her power to try and make the bleeding stop but no matter what she does it just keeps coming. She's found out where it came from though and we are all terrified. She had to kick Tsu’tey and dad out because they keep stressing me out by continuously asking me who did it and who needs their queue chopped off even when I tell them nothing like that happened and I don’t know. After hours of nonstop bleeding mom gets desperate and soon takes me out of the hut and we head to where the Ikran rest, the rest of our family follow after us. Mom tells them they need to stay at home tree.
Mom mounts her Ikran with me in her arms. Mom, where are we going? I ask her in a desperate voice as we take off into the sky. To the one person who I believe and hope to Eywa can help you. She says and after a couple of hours of flying I soon see where she is taking us. To the sky people home. We land on the top of the sky people’s home and mom quickly jumps off her Ikran and rushes to the front of the place banging on the door with her fist. Soon it is opened and out steps Grace Augustine looking stressed and tired. As soon as she sees moms tear stained face and my bloody hands she becomes serious. Please, help her. Mom begs in english. 
Hurry inside, you can tell me what happened on the way to my lab. Grace exclaims. When we enter her lab is when mom finishes explaining what happened. Grace pauses mid steep and turns to mom. How old is she? Grace asks mom. She is eleven years of age. Mom answers her. Grace soon starts to chuckle and says. I should have seen this coming. She then continues to laugh. This is no laughing matter Grace Augustine my daughter. Mom says in anger. Grace quickly collects herself and says. She is not dying Mo’at she is simply going through what we humans call a period. All human women get one at the proper age of eleven through twelve years of age. This is the human female body's way of basically saying she is at the proper age to start carrying a child and because she is not pregnant right now the body is getting rid of the egg in her womb that didn’t get fertilized basically.
Mom heaves a huge sigh of relief even though she now looks slightly disturbed she trusts Grace's explanation. Grace then starts explaining more things to Mo’at in greater detail like how to help her daughter stay clean and healthy during her period and what pads and tampons are. Needless to say it's been a very long day for Mo’at and Riely and when they get home they are immediately bombarded by their family whom they have to explain what's going on to. Yet all's well that ends well i suppose. At least that's what they thought.
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mistydeyes · 1 year
Heey! I hope you're having a great day! <3 I saw the pairing thing and I wanted to try it 👉🏻👈🏻 It's my first time doing something like this and I'm soo excited 🥹
I have brown eyes and wavy-brown hair. Aand I have dimples. I smile/laugh all the time so my family and friends play with my cheeks. They say that my skin is soft.
I don't like crowded places. I'm shy and nervous around new people... I won't talk unless they talk with me 🥲 Also, I like making other people happy! I like to give them little things, or writing them letters. I remember every little detail they told me. Ah I almost forgot, I like to share songs with people. If the song reminds me of them, I'll send it! (A little addition: I even made a playlist for someone I secretly loved, but I was too shy to talk with him.. Then I deleted that playlist 😞)
My interests are simple.. Listening to music, reading books, playing video games... My favorite music genre is metal. I'm planning to learn how to play bass guitar 🎸 And for the book, I love detective novels. Also visiting places and taking photos, I forgot them!! Especially I LOVE taking photos of the sky, seeing all the blue sky with white clouds, it's just so beautiful ⛅️
I'm an environmental engineering student, so my future aspiration is improving myself in my major! I'm trying to attend all the webinars about environment and the issues about it. 🍀
I don't have a specific partner type. But trust is a must. If he loves me and makes me happy, I'm ready to give him all my heart ❤️ My previous relationships were bad, I've been cheated 🥲
That's all I guess? I hope I wrote clearly, and I'm sorry if I made mistakes, English is not my first language 😅
Have a great day/night!!! <33
a/n: Thank you anon! Don’t worry it all made perfect sense and I hope you enjoy :)
How you met: Right place, right time was your joke with Alejandro. That had been the case for when you first met. While on a spur of the moment trip to Mexico, you had hiked a cliff to watch the sunrise slowly rise above the horizon. You made it a little before the sky lightened and were relaxing on a bench. You held your knees to your chest as you saw the scarlet and tangerine colors dance in the sky. You loved traveling but you loved seeing the different sunsets even more. Something about the idea that everyone sees the same sunset and sunrise was comforting to you. As you found peace in the quiet, you heard someone approach you. “Buenos dias,” he said and you turned your head to see another hiker. He walked up the trail and pulled up his sunglasses to meet your eyes. He looked about as old as you, probably some other college student. You were a little flustered as you only new conversational Spanish and did not have the charisma of this guy. “Ah buenos dias,” you responded but not nearly as fluently as he had. “Ah so what are you doing here, traveler?” he asked and took a seat on the soft ground. “Just admiring the view,” you replied and looked out to the sky. “It is beautiful,” he agreed with you as you both watched night turn into day. Somehow during the hike down, you and the other hiker, Alejandro, became quick friends. The end of your trip culminated in exchanging numbers and calling constantly. Eventually after many months of friendship, you exchanged addresses to send letters while he was training in the Army.
A peek into your relationship: You were cozied with your boyfriend on the porch. You pulled the blanket tighter around you both as you watched the stars. Alejandro kissed your forehead as you laid on his chest. You could feel the cool late night air of Las Almas as you watched the constellations move and twinkle. “Mi corazon, do you think you could get me a sweater?” Alejandro asked you sweetly. You never understood why he always ran cold but you obliged. As you rummaged through his drawers, you found a small box with a picture of you and him on it. “Ale, what’s this,” you began to call out but let your voice fade out. As you looked, it was a box full of all the letters you wrote him over the years. He kept the ones you wrote him while he was training, ones that contained many song recommendations, and even the small piece of paper that had your number written on it. It made you so emotional seeing this, he really kept everything. Before you rushed out to show him, you noticed a small ring tucked at the bottom. On the inside of the gold medal was his handwriting which said, “Mi amor, mi vida.” When you returned to the porch, you didn’t tell Alejandro what you saw, knowing he would let you know when it was time.
hint hint, it was months later when he took you back to the fateful spot in Mexico and proposed on the cliff side <3
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starcloud-nova · 1 year
ooh for the writing ask game! 1, 7, 15, 25, and 40 please if you don't mind
hey catla!
1. What font do you write in? Do you actually care or is that just the default setting?
BOTH. It's the default setting but also I care so much. I never bothered changing the font of the doc (+ some teachers accept Arial as MLA so I stuck with it) so now I'm sooo used to it and I'm obsessed with Arial. Love her.
7. What is your deepest joy about writing?
Watching my idea be real... it's so fun. I just. I put my brain on the page, and then I get to show people. It's lovely. My brain is always coming up with new ideas but through writing I can see them in their best form.
15. Do you write in the margins of your books? Dog-ear your pages? Read in the bath? Why or why not? Do you judge people who do these things? Can we still be friends?
I only annotate my own books and usually I do so when I specifically set out to annotate a book I love! Not all of my books are annotated, or even most of them... I never write stuff, usually just underline the Good Shit. I've got The Outsiders, part of That was Then, This is Now, and The Poet X annotated. Dog-earing ruins pages :( and reading in the bath... why. Wetness everywhere. No.
I will not judge you! Unless you do it to library books. Then no.
25. What is a weird, hyper-specific detail you know about one of your characters that is completely irrelevant to the story?
I could either dump abt my OCs here (but I'm still drafting that ask!) or I could say...hmm... I don't really know actually! Usually when I write [fan]fic I just come up with an idea and write that specific universe. Not a longfic kinda person. But I will say for my still-in-the-pre-outline-stage ben!fic, Ben [TUA] is just such a wonder 2 me. There is so much about him I don't know yet, and writing in precanon lets me dabble in the kind of person he was before he died.
40. Please share a poem with me, I need it.
I am actually poem starved I sent this same ask to Cassia because I know she's always got great ones. Let me try and find one you wouldn't have seen...
The World Has Need of You by Ellen Bass
I can hardly imagine it as I walk to the lighthouse, feeling the ancient prayer of my arms swinging in counterpoint to my feet. Here I am, suspended between the sidewalk and twilight, the sky dimming so fast it seems alive. What if you felt the invisible tug between you and everything? A boy on a bicycle rides by, his white shirt open, flaring behind him like wings. It’s a hard time to be human. We know too much and too little. Does the breeze need us? The cliffs? The gulls? If you’ve managed to do one good thing, the ocean doesn’t care. But when Newton’s apple fell toward the earth, the earth, ever so slightly, fell toward the apple as well.
There are some poems I have saved and I wonder why I saved them and then I read the last lines and I go oh that's why.
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WEEK 1 - Wrap Up
It's Week One - RELAX
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That's what I am telling myself...there are so many weeks left in the season - we just got started...it's week 1, so just relax and remember how long the season is. I am sure if I had won I would be singing a different tune and I am man enough to admit that. Basically I just want everyone to stay engaged and don't give up after week 1, so much can happen. Also if this weeks wrap up seems a bit scattered compared to years past - It's not that I don't care I just had a busy day and had to put this together quickly. But, here we go!
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Guys...I know you are all worried about me...and yes, my mind is blown that I lost in week 1 but it was all my fault. I did this. I don't expect people to be paying attention to what I did - but I owe it to you to explain....I had Tee Higgins set at WR's and all my backups played earlier in the week so when Higgins went Inactive - I had to figure something out. I figured everyone was going to be playing their top QB so I would quietly drop Baker Mayfield and pick him back up later in the week...well, that didn't work. Mitch grabbed him and played him against me and of course Baker put up 37 fantasy points. Mitch also had a great week from Chargers D, Stevenson and Bass...so even with a normal QB performance he probably would have won but, I have to admit to my failures! Rookie Week 1 mistake...it won't happen again. Congrats Mitch!
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Once a champion, always a champion. Rob Howard coming off of his epic season last year comes out hot in week 1. Even with his WR being detained (Tyreek Hill) he didn't let if phase him and put up 24. Meanwhile Bebo had glimpses of hope with AJ Brown and Cupp but devastating performances from Burrow, White and Travis Swift - I mean Kelce. Guys, I just don't know what to do if Howard wins a 5th championship...can we all come together and stop the steal? Let's GO!
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Hey, I've seen this one before...#1 draft pick guy, picks the best RB in the world (CMC) but the RB doesn't play in week 1 due to injury but it doesn't matter cause he still wins with 131 points without the star of the league even playing. And who loses you ask? The guy who didn't bother to come to the draft at all. The guy who put up the least points of the week. So Brett takes the 1st high point win of the year ($20). Congrats!
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Well, actually...not awesome. Mr Awesome by name alone sets the standard pretty high...and don't get me wrong he scored more points than I did in week 1 and I had an A+ draft rating...but when your defense (Bears) is the highest score you have you are going to lose. Now, Cliff on the other hand came to play! Starting Anthony Richardson and watching him put up 30 points was brilliant. Having Barkley go off to show he loves his new home in Philly was something to watch. 17 points from a kicker (Fairbaim)...now that's Awesome. Sorry Gabe...there is always next week...congrats to Cliff on a great week.
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It was so good to have Kyle at the draft this year. When you all left - he picked his new name - which was an epic choice of a name Tua Nacua Matata...great name. He said to me "I don't see how I lose this year with this team"...well he lost in week 1 to Stu Jones. He also lost Puka Nacua for at least 4 weeks and let's be honest - will he ever really be the same after an injury like that? So, good job to Stu for putting up less than 100 points and grabbing a win, but what will become of Kyle. Will he need to change his name again? Tune in to find out. Congrats to Stu Jones...1-0.
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I'm so confused. Gully against Dana in the "it's close battle". Gully with Aiyuk still to play on MNF - but Aiyuk doesn't do anything to make it interesting? I thought he got a big $ contract and was going to be the man? Dana had a huge start to the weekend when Lamar put up 32 points. He had 2 solid performances from him RB's...oh and his Defense I thought was going to get the 10 point bonus for a shut out....so hear me out...he did great. But, I just thought from the draft that Gullahorn was going to be a threat this year...I guess not. Is he the new Mitch? Is he who I make fun of all year? If he wins next week I will pull back if he loses to Bebo I will have no choice but to ramp it up. It's in your court Gully. Nice win Dana.
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What a week...all of you (except me, stu and Gabe) are out! Bengals disaster. What a year! I might just win this thing!
This year we are going to honor the cheerleaders of the Dallas Cowboys. No backstory...no names just a tribute to what the Dallas Cowboys have given to us by setting a very high standard of excellence. I think it's the best idea since Minka Kelly.
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c-40 · 1 year
A-T-3 248 Cologne's Stollwerck Collectives
These recordings all come out of Cologne's Stollwerck complex '[a] the disused Stollwerck chocolate factory in the inner city of Cologne became the site of one of the most spectacular squatting actions in West Germany. Hundreds of predominantly young people protested against the city's plans to tear down the industrial buildings and instead demanded the existing buildings be converted as a do-it-yourself project by the squatters themselves and other activist groups. The occupation of Stollwerck was the climax of a conflict over the question of how to cope with deindustrialization and transform Cologne into a post-industrial city.' (Haumann)
The Stollwerck building is now a community centre with artists studios and a theatre. Unfortunately I can only find articles in German about it and other than a few phases ("mein vater ist krank") I can't read German
Back to 1983. You could do a Rock Family Tree about these players. Dunkelziffer is born out of the Phantom Band who were formed by Can drummer Jaki Liebzeit and ex-Can bass player Rosko Gee. I'm going to share a track of Dominik Von Senger's debut solo album, Von Senger was guitarist for the Phantom band and Dunkelziffer. I'm also sharing a track by The Unknown Cases, both members of The Unknown Cases were in Dunkelziffer with Helmut Zerlett also playing keyboards for the Phantom Band and the slightly earlier Food Band. Matthias Keul from the Food Band also joined Dunkelziffer, so as you can see Dunkelziffer was a loose collective based around members of Can, the Phantom Band, the Food Band, and I think it had a bit of an open door policy for anyone else who wanted to join in. Other members of Can join Dunkelziffer, Ghanaian percussionist Rebop Kwaku Baah, and Damo Suzuki joins Dunkelziffer for their second album 1984's In The Night and members of Dunkelziffer would become the Damo Suzuki Band
The track that really blows me away out of everything that's released by these guys in 1983 is Masimba Bele by The Unknown Cases. The core members of The Unknown Cases were Helmut Zerlett and Stefan Krachten, at the time in 1983 Rebop Kwaku Baah is also credited as a member. Dominik Von Senger also plays on their debut single as well as fellow Dunkelziffer members Olek Gelba, Reiner Linke, and Wolfgang Schubert (amongst others)
Masimba Bele gets reissued and updated a lot over the years
Dominik Von Senger releases his solo album The First in 1983. The line-up playing on Dominik Von Senge's debut would be pretty much identical to The Unknown Cases above but Rebop Kwaku Baah is sadly missing because he died on a cerebral hemorrhage during a performance on tour with Jimmy Cliff in January 1983
Rosko Gee plays bass and produces The First and Phantom Band vocalist Sheldon Ancel also performs on the album
Dominik Von Senger - No Name this is the original from The First. No Name is updated and released by Golf Channel in 2009
Dominik Von Senger - Serial No. The First is a decent album
Colours And Soul is the name of Dunkelziffer's debut full length which follows their debut ep in 1982. It's much looser and lighter than the other tracks you'll find in this post. The title track is ace, it has a brilliant animated video too, in addition to being on the album it's also on Dunkelziffer's second single Don't Ask Me - which includes a 'special version' of Don't Ask Me which sounds nice played at 33
Dunkelziffer - Colours And Soul Emotional Rescue put out a Dunkelziffer retrospective in three parts in 2013
Zahara was ex-Can and Dunkelziffer members Rosko Gee and Rebop Kwaku Baah. The two of them had both been in Traffic with Steve Winwood. Guyanese-born drummer Richard Bailey was on drums, he'd been drummer for brit bands such as Gonzales and soul jazz bands The Breakfast Club and Incognito, his elder brother is Robert Bailey of Osibisa. The final member of Zahara was American musician Paul Delph who at the time was singer/keyboardist for Zoo Drive that backed loads of acts like Toni Basil (Hey Mickey) and The Weather Girls (It's Raining Men)
Zahara - Valeska
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tooti-fruiti · 3 months
The First Challenge
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You all were told to stand on top of a cliff in your swimsuits for you first challenge.
"Oh shit..." DJ said.
"Okay!" Chris said. "Today's challenge is three-fold. Your first task is to jump off this one thousand foot high cliff into the lake."
"Piece of cake." Bridgette said.
"If you look down, you will see two target areas. The wider area represents the part of the lake we have stocked with psychotic..." He paused for a second to laugh. "...man eating sharks!"
"Excuse me?" Leshawna said.
"Inside the area is a safe zone, that's your target area. Which we're pretty sure is shark free."
"For each member of your team that jumps and actually... survives will awarded a point. The team with the most points will win a helping hand for the next part of your challenge. Killer Bass, you're up first!"
"Oh...wow...so who wants to go first?" You asked.
Nobody volunteered.
"Hey don't sweat it guys!" Owen said. "I heard that these shows always make the interns do the stunt first to make sure it's survivable."
"So! Who's up?" Eva asked.
"Ladies first." Duncan said.
"Fine." Bridgette said. "I'll go. It's no big deal..."
Then she mumbled something to herself before jumping off.
You ran over to check if she made it and she landed in the safe zone.
"She did it! Yeah! Yeah! I'm up next!" Tyler said.
"COWABUNGA!" Tyler yelled as he ran off the cliff.
You all watched as he went down, before landing on a buoy.
He still made it in the safe zone however.
"Alright! I'm next!" Geoff said.
Then he jumped off too.
Then Eva and Duncan jumped too.
"Nuh uh, no way man. I'm not jumping." DJ said.
"Scared of heights?" Chris asked.
DJ nodded. "Yeah, ever since I was a kid."
"That's okay, big guy." Chris smiled.
"Unfortunately!" He said as he placed a chicken hat on DJ's head. "That also makes you a chicken, which means you'll have to wear this for the rest of the day!"
"Aww man, for real?"
Chris smirked and gestured for DJ to walk back down the hill.
As he did, you waved goodbye to him before turning to the cliff.
You took a deep breath and approached the edge of the cliff.
"You scared too, (Y/n)?" Chris asked.
"Yeah, I'm terrified." You said before pushing yourself to jump off.
You jumped off and screamed as you went down.
Before you knew it, you landed in the water and made it in the safe zone.
A boat came to pick you up and you sighed a breath of relief.
Everyone else who had already jumped, cheered for you.
As you approached the sand, you saw Ezekiel jump off as well.
He landed on a rock and spun into the water.
Everyone cheered for him as well.
Then Harold jumped off and landed on his dick.
"Ouch." Duncan said.
After a while of no one jumping, Katie and Sadie jumped off together.
"Wait, wasn't Katie on the other team?"
Bridgette shrugged.
Once they reached the sand, they ran up to everyone.
"Guys guess what?! Chris let us switch and now Katie's on our team!" Sadie said.
"Who'd she switch with?" Tyler asked.
"Wait, where's Courtney?" You asked.
"Oh, she didn't jump." Katie said.
"What about DJ?" Geoff asked.
"He didn't jump either." You said.
"Really? That's lame." Duncan said.
After a few minutes of no one jumping, Heather was suddenly thrown off the cliff.
Then some other people went too.
Until Justin went and he landed out of the safe zone.
Everyone gasped and some of his teammates started to panic.
Some sharks approached him and were about to eat him until they stopped.
Then suddenly, the sharks fell in love with him and helped him onto the shore.
Your teams gave each other looks of confusion.
Then more people went and the last person on top of the cliff was Owen.
You all stared at him in anticipation.
"How much you wanna bet he ends killing himself?" Duncan asked Geoff.
Suddenly, Owen yelled and jumped off the cliff.
When he landed in the water, it created such a huge splash that it knocked everyone over.
You and your team sat up as the Screaming Gophers started cheering.
"The Screaming Gophers win!" Chris cheered as he reached the beach on a four-wheeler.
"For the second part of the challenge, both teams will need to haul back crates full of supplies for the third and final task! And as their reward, the Screaming Gophers will get these carts, to haul back the crates with ease."
"Nice!" Trent said.
"Sucks to suck, Bass!" Chris said before zooming off.
"Well, we better to get to work." Courtney said as she, DJ, and Beth all came down from the cliff.
Everyone glared at her before choosing a crate to push back to the camp grounds.
As you were pushing, you noticed you were walking beside DJ and looked up to him.
"Wow you're really strong." You said.
DJ chuckled a little bit. "Thanks."
"Shut up! And pick up your crate!" Eva yelled at Courtney. "Chicken."
"Hey! You guys need me, I'm the only one who's an actual C.I.T."
You and DJ gave each other a look that said you didn't believe her.
Later, Courtney got bit by a bug, Tyler took a pee break, then Katie and Sadie also took a pee break and ended up quitting the challenge because they got poison ivy on their asses.
By the time you all got back to camp, you saw the other team was already half way done with building their bot tub and everyone basically gave up hope.
Geoff got on top of the crates and raised his arms. "'Kay. Dudes. It's not too late, we can do this!"
You looked over and saw Ezekiel picking his nose. "Ew!"
He quickly wiped off his finger on his pants. "What?"
"...that's really gross." Bridgette said.
"Okay look guys." Courtney said, standing up. "We have a hot tub to complete, and we need a project manager. Since I've actually BEEN a C.I.T. before, I'm electing myself."
"Any objections?"
"Where do we begin, Cyclops?" Duncan asked.
"Open the crates! (Y/n), go find those itchy girls, we need all the help we can get!"
You nodded and ran back to the beach to find Katie and Sadie.
You found them sitting in the water with their pants down.
"Has the itch gone?"
They shook their heads.
You sighed. "Look, we need your help to complete the challenge, if you help out I'll see if Chris can get you some anti-itch cream, okay?"
They nodded and pulled up their pants.
Then you three walked back to the campgrounds to see that the hot tubs were finished.
The Gophers' hot tub looked amazing, while yours did not.
Then Chris came out to inspect the hot tubs.
He checked the Gophers hot tub first.
"...This, is an AWESOME hot tub!"
The Gophers started cheering and your team waited nervously as Chris went over to your hot tub.
He poked at it a few times before water sprayed him in the face, then it completely fell apart.
"Well...I think we have a winner here."
He waited for a few seconds.
"The Screaming Gophers!"
They started to cheer and your team grumbled and groaned.
"Gophers! Your team is safe from elimination, AND you get to rock this awesome hot tub for the rest of the summer! Bonus!"
Then he turned to your team as the Screaming Gophers continued to cheer.
"Killer Bass, what can I say? Sucks to be you right now. I'll see your sorry butts at the bonfire tonight."
During during, everyone was talking about who the team should vote off.
"So who are we gonna vote off?" Courtney said.
"Well I think it should the "C.I.T." or the Brickhouse here." Duncan said, pointing to Courtney and DJ.
"What?! Why?!"
"Because, if I'm not mistaken, you two are the only ones who didn't jump. And if we ever have to lift a truck, I like our odds with the big guy."
"I'm with Duncan." You said. "I think we should vote off Courtney."
You turned to her. "Not only did you not jump off, but it was under YOUR leadership that we couldn't build the hot tub. Plus, Duncan's right. DJ's useful."
She started to stutter. "Y-You guys need me! I-I'm the only one-"
"WE KNOW." Bridgette said. "You used to be a real C.I.T. So who would you pick?"
Courtney looked around before pointing at Tyler.
"What about him?"
"Hey, at least he jumped off the cliff, Chicken Wing."
"Shut up!"
Geoff got in between Duncan and Courtney.
"Okay everyone, chill out. This is getting way too heavy."
"I've had enough prison food for one day. I'm gonna go have a nap."
"Y-You can't do that! We haven't decided who's going yet!"
"Can and I will." Duncan said as he got up.
"Well, I just don't get why we lost ay? They're the ones that have more girls."
All the girls gasped at his comment.
"What's that supposed to mean?" Bridgette asked as you moved beside her.
"Yeah homeschool, enlighten us!" Eva said.
"Well, guys are much stronger and better at sports than girls are!"
"Excuse me?!" You asked.
"Oh snap! He did not just say that!" Geoff snickered.
"My dad told me to look out for the girls here, ay? And help 'em in case they can't keep up."
Eva grabbed his throat and held him in the air.
"Still think we need your help 'keeping up'?"
"N-Not...really." He gasped.
"Okay, guys." Geoff said as Eva dropped him. "Let's give him a break. I mean, at least he doesn't think guys are smarter than girls."
"But, they are?" He said.
Then Eva leaned over and punched Ezekiel in the nose.
"Woah! Girl, you probably just broke his nose!" DJ said.
"He deserved it." She growled.
All the girls nodded in unison.
As night began to set, you were sitting outside your cabin when DJ sat down next to you.
"Thanks for what you said back there."
You smiled. "Of course. I meant what I said too."
DJ opened his mouth to say something but he was interrupted by someone else.
"Hey guys." (Ex/n) said.
"You're on the other team, what do you want?" You glared at them.
"I just want to talk to you, that's all."
"Nope." You immediately stood up and walked inside your cabin.
Once everyone was at the bonfire, Chris started the elimination ceremony.
"Killer Bass. At regular camp, marshmallows represent a tasty treat that you enjoy roasting by the fire. At this camp, marshmallows represent life."
"You all cast your votes and made your decisions. There are only eleven marshmallows on this plate. When I call your name, come up and get a marshmallows. Whoever does not receive a marshmallow, will immediately return to the dock of shame, catch the boat of losers, and leave the competition and the island. For good."
Then Chris started handing out the Marshmallows. "Geoff, Tyler, Katie, Sadie, Bridgette, Harold, DJ, (Y/n), Duncan."
The only people left, were Courtney and Ezekiel.
"Courtney, Ezekiel. This is the final marshmallow."
Chris didn't speak for a whole minute as Courtney and Ezekiel watched them in anticipation.
Until he finally help up the marshmallow.
She sighed a breath of relief and ran over to get her marshmallow.
"Can't say I'm shocked dude, I saw you picking your nose. Not cool."
Ezekiel sighed and walked to the dock of shame.
"Thanks for not voting me guys." Courtney said.
"Uh huh." You said as you ate your marshmallow and walked back to your cabin.
Video Diary-Number 2-(Y/n)
"Courtney is lucky. If Ezekiel didn't say anything. I know she would have been voted off."
[Hope you enjoyed. Stay tuned for more and have a good day]
<-Chapter One
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