#Don’t worry. He only took MOST of the birthday cake.
novorehere · 2 years
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I’m a couple days late, in typical Kate fashion but happy birthday to one of the dudes of all time <3
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starkwlkr · 8 months
bitch, i’m a mother! | f1
female driver x f1 drivers (platonic) i like that almost every story i read about a female driver her team ends up being porsche and I’m not mad about it :) so for this fic, the reader is driving for porsche lol also I’m just making up names for the engineers and team principal. also because I’m in love with charlie hunnam, my man is gonna make an appearance
part 1 part 3
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“Y/n is so great, you’re going to love her. She’s the best.” Oscar listened to his new teammate as they walked into the Porsche hospitality. The rookie immediately felt out of place with him being the only one in papaya colors while Lando was in casual clothes.
“Hey, Lando!”
“Lando! How’s it going?”
“Norris, hey!”
Lando greeted most of the Porsche team with a smile while Oscar nodded at them. “I hang out here sometime if you couldn’t tell.” Lando joked.
“So if I can’t find you in Mclaren . . ”
“There’s a big chance I might be here.”
Oscar nodded once again. “Noted. Where’s Y/n?”
As if on cue, Y/n walked into the Porsche hospitality with her team principal by her side. Once she spotted Lando, she called out his name. As the Brit approached the driver and team principal, he gave her a big hug. It was the start of the 2023 season and they hadn’t seen each in a while, of course he was going to give her a hug.
“I’ll see you around, Y/n. Nice to see you, Lando, and you must be mclaren’s rookie. Welcome to F1, I’m Adam.” The Porsche team principal greeted Oscar.
“Thank you—” before Oscar could continue, Y/n cut him off.
“I’ve heard so many great things about you! And you’re an Aussie too! What is it with Mclaren and Aussies? Whatever, I’m glad you’re here, Oscar. I hope you enjoy yourself. Have you eaten yet? I was just in my way to get breakfast. Let me tell you a secret, the Porsche hospitality has the best food in the paddock.” Oscar instantly felt at home with the female driver. She had a comforting presence that Oscar immediately took notice of.
“Told you she’s the best. Just wait until it’s your birthday. She bakes you a cake.” Lando told Oscar.
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The entire grid was together for their drivers briefing early in the morning. After going over every detail of the upcoming Grand Prix, the race director decided to let the drivers voice their concerns.
“Does anyone have any questions?”
Y/n raised her hand. “I wanna know who banned the pit wall celebration.”
“Anyone else?”
“Yeah, I’d like to know as well.” Lewis added.
“We can discuss pit wall celebrations at a later time. Excuse me, I am needed somewhere else.” The race director excused himself.
“Don’t worry, I don’t care about being banned. I’ll be there like a proud mom taking millions of pictures of you when you win.” Y/n whispered to Lewis as she layed her head on his shoulder.
“And I’ll be doing the same when you win.” Lewis replied.
“What about when I win? I also want millions of pictures taken of me and the exact same chocolate cake you baked for me for my birthday a year ago. Extra sprinkles please.” Lando smiled innocently.
“Fine, win first then I’ll bake. Shouldn’t be that hard unless you got a tractor for a car.” Y/n teased. “I love you, Lando. Of course I’ll take millions of pictures of you when you win.”
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It was a perfect day to race in Silverstone. Like always, Lando had his family in attendance. He was in the mclaren garage when he spotted Y/n on one of the tvs being interviewed by Lissie.
“Hey, that’s my grid mum!” He told his engineer as if his engineer didn’t already know. His smile quickly faded when a blonde man appeared behind Y/n in sunglasses. Lando then watched as the man’s name appeared on the tv.
Charlie Hunnam, actor.
Who was he and why was he with his grid mom?
“Hey, that’s the dude from Sons of Anarchy! My wife watches that series.” Lando heared someone say. He continued to watch the screen as Lissie asked Charlie a question about Y/n.
“She’s incredible, absolutely amazing. I’m happy I finally get to see her talent in person.” Charlie replied, smiling at Y/n which made her blush.
“He’s British . . ” he mumbled.
After Lissie thanked Y/n and Charlie for the interview, the camera kept rolling on them as they walked away. That’s when Lando saw Charlie hold Y/n’s hand then pressed a kiss to the back of it.
“She’s dating a British man and she didn’t tell me?!”
Lando immediately walked out the garage and straight to the Porsche garage. He had a strong feeling Y/n would be showing her new lover around so he started there. He soon spotted the couple talking with the Porsche team principal, Adam.
“Oh, hey Lando! I was about to look for you. I want you to meet Charlie.” Y/n excused herself from Adam and introduced Charlie to her grid son.
“It’s very nice to meet you, mate. Y/n had told me a lot about you.” Charlie smiled.
“Yeah, I’ve heard nothing about you. Nada, zero, not a single thing, zilch.” Lando then turned his attention to Y/n. “I think we need to talk.”
“Okay . . ” Y/n said confused as she turned to Charlie to tell him she would be right back. Lando took her hand and dragged her to a corner away from Charlie. “Lando! What’s wrong? Are you nervous about today?”
“Why didn’t you tell me you had a boyfriend?”
“You always tell me everything and now I kinda feel betrayed. Especially when i also found out he’s British!” Lando said dramatically.
“Lando, I’m sorry I didn’t tell you, but it just sorta happened. We met a few months ago and he’s made me the happiest ever since. I wanted to introduce you properly today.” Y/n explained.
“He makes you happy? Like genuinely happy? Because if he doesn’t I will run him over repeatedly.” Lando warned.
Y/n laughed and brought Lando in for a hug. “I know you would, but there’s no need for that. I think he’s the one.”
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“Before you leave, there’s actually one more gift for you and you don’t have to guess who it’s from.”
Logan was confused, but happily accepted the gift. It was the annual F1 secret santa and he had just finished unwrapping his present. A gift wrapped perfectly with a blue bow was placed in front of him. The tag read ‘From Y/n’ in neat handwriting.
“Thank you, Y/n! I don’t even want to open it, it’s wrapped so good.” Logan chuckled.
Every year, anyone who got a nicely wrapped gift knew it was from Y/n. And any year that someone new entered the season, Y/n would give them a gift during secret santa. She did it for Lando, George, Alex, Charles, Yuki and Guanyu when they were rookies and now she was doing it for Logan and Oscar. She had even sent Nyck a present as well, she wished he was in the paddock doing secret santa as well though.
“Okay, I’ll open it, I’m too curious.” Logan finally unwrapped the present and saw it was a Miami Heat jersey singed by LeBron James. Logan almost freaked out when he saw the signature.
“Holy shit! Wait sorry, I can’t curse, but holy shit!” He took the jersey out of the box and admired it. “This is incredible.”
“You love it?” He heard the familiar comforting voice of Y/n from behind him. “I hope it’s the right size.” She joined Logan in front of the camera.
“It is, don’t worry,” he chuckled as he gave her a hug. “Thank you so much, I love it.”
“I think you just adopted another son.” The camera man told her.
“I love all my grid sons equally.”
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ghostfacd · 11 months
au masterlist
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Jack had always made sure to compliment how good you were at being a mother. How great you were with the kids, how gracefully you handled each problem when it arose. That was just who Jack Hughes was. He was a charmer, always having a way with his words.
You never hated Jack Hughes more than you had at this moment. Your second and youngest baby, Daisy Hughes, was currently celebrating away her first birthday, her chubby hands clapping together excitedly, not aware that her mother, you, was going through an emotional turmoil.
Your first baby, however, was extremely smart for his age. So caring and thoughtful.
“You ‘kay mama?” He wasn’t able to speak proper sentences yet, only being 2, but he had the idea down.
“I’m okay bubba, thank you for asking.” You picked him up, giving him a kiss on the cheek to which he returned one to yours, sloppy but so full of love that it reminded you of Jack.
In fact, Olivier reminded you so much of Jack. He was practically your husband’s carbon copy, your genes having not put up a single fight.
“Daisy fussin’ mama,” Olivier presses his small hands against your cheek, making you turn to look at his baby sister.
“She’s probably just hungry,” you reassure him, placing him down gently before opening the fridge to get milk. “Aren’t you Daisy bear?”
Your baby talk makes your daughter babble something happily back, smiling ear to ear. She was adorable, your mini copy.
An hour later, most of your family members, including Jack’s parents and Quinn had came over to the house, all holding mini gift bags that said Happy Birthday!
Olivier had practically ran over Ellen, who smothered the boy in kisses before doing the same to Daisy who was currently sitting in her high chair.
“Oh my! She’s grown so big,” Ellen says admiringly, “she looks so much like you Rory.”
“Thank you mama,” you say, holding onto Ellen’s hand for a while before taking out the cake you had bought yesterday from the fridge. It was mini sized, perfect for Daisy who’s eyes lit up at the sight of it.
“Jack’s busy tonight?” Quinn whispers after your baby is done blowing out her cake.
“Yeah, him and Luke are away.” You try to hide your disappointment, but Quinn can clearly see it. He knows you like the back of his hand at this point, you were his sister in law.
“Has he called at least?”
You sigh, shaking your head. You knew Jack loved Daisy, you knew he loved both of your kids with all his heart, but it was still upsetting to know that he would be missing Daisy’s first milestone.
“Well don’t worry about it too much Rory, I’m sure he’ll call by tonight. That’s his Daisy girl after all, he wouldn’t miss seeing you two over FaceTime.”
You nod, giving Quinn a quick hug before waving goodbye to all your family members. Now, it was just you and your two kids, like it had been for the past 2 weeks.
You missed Jack with all your heart, wanting to do this entire parenting thing with him. It wasn’t like he didn’t want to be here with you guys, it was just that he couldn’t. But it didn’t make that any less painful.
“Hey.” The sound of Jack makes both of your kids’ ears perk up, Daisy blabbing happily as Olivier ran out from his room.
“Dada!” Ollie takes a seat right next to Daisy, who was currently on your lap.
“My Ollie boy!” Jack’s smile grows wide, watching as Olivier fidgets around in happiness. “How was Daisy’s birthday baby? Did you guys have fun?”
“So much fun!” Olivier opens his arms wide, as if he was trying to express how much fun he had with the length of his arm. “I had this much fun!”
“Oh really,” Jack laughs. “I bet you did. Did you give mama a hard time?”
“Nah uh!” Olivier shakes his head, getting up and personal to the camera. “Daisy was fussin’ earlier dada, but mama took care of her.”
“I’m glad.” Jack then turns his attention to you on the screen. “Hi Rory sweetheart.”
“Hi,” you say. You want to sound happy, you do, but not having Jack by your side really took a toll on your emotions.
“You okay?”
“I just wish you were here Jacky.”
Jack sighs, turning on his hotel room lamp. “I know baby, I wish I was too. I really miss you guys.”
“It doesn’t seem like it.”
Jack’s happy demeanor flatters. “What did you say?”
“Nothing Jack,”
He shakes his head. “No Rory. I heard you. What do you mean it doesn’t seem like it?”
“You barely called today Jack!” You say exasperated, “it’s your daughter’s first birthday, and you barely called. It’s 10pm right now, I should’ve put Daisy and Ollie to sleep an hour ago, but I was waiting on your phone call ‘cause I knew they’d wanted to see you. You know, their father, Jack.”
Jack rubs his face in annoyance, clearly not expecting such a reaction from you. “Well I’m sorry I was busy Rory. I would’ve called if I wasn’t, you know that right? I love you guys, you know this. I’m sorry I haven’t been there Ror, I know it’s hard on you. But you’re such a good mother, you’re doing so well with the kids, I’m proud of you.”
“You know what’s funny, J?” You laugh, a few tears coming to your eyes. “Your words are supposed to make me feel better. Your compliments are supposed to make me let go of all this tension. But they feel like bullets, Jack. I feel your compliments feel like bullets on skin.”
Jack doesn’t know what to say. He knew you would be upset he wouldn’t be able to make it to Daisy’s birthday, but he didn’t think you’d be this upset.
“I’ll talk to you in the morning, okay? We both just need to calm down.”
And before you could protest, Jack’s already hung up.
You swear quietly, covering your baby’s ear as you do so. You get up from your place on the couch, deciding to just call it a night and put Daisy to sleep.
“Are you asleep yet Ol?” You peek your head quietly into your son’s room after putting Daisy in her crib.
“No mama,” he says quietly back, little feet running to you. “Can I sleep with you tonight?”
“Of course you can sweetheart,” you carry Olivier on your hip, walking to your room and making sure your son gets comfortable under the sheets. “Mama is gonna do her skincare, you sleep first, okay baby?”
“Yes mama.”
That night, you can’t help but cry silently as you cuddled your son close to your chest. You knew you were being emotional, but you couldn’t help it. You missed Jack more than anything.
The next morning, you’re awoken by a kiss on the forehead.
“J?” You say groggily, making out your husband’s face as your vision becomes clearer. “J!”
You throw your arms around him, bringing him into a tight hug.
“Rory.” He replies back, pulling away to give you a long awaited kiss on the lips.
After pulling away, you can’t help but chase his lips, which make him chuckle quietly. He presses his head down to give a kiss on Olivier’s forehead.
“Daisy’s still asleep?” You ask, putting your arms around Jack’s shoulders. You missed feeling his touch so much.
“Sound asleep.” Jack smiles. “Looks exactly like her mama.”
You look down guilty, realizing what you had said to Jack yesterday. “I’m sorry about yesterday J. I was just really emotional about you missing Dais’s first birthday. It means a lot to me that you’re here for our babies milestones.”
“I know.” Jack says, pressing a kiss to the side of your head. “I’m here now, okay? I told them I had to be home with my wife and kids immediately after I hung up last night. I had to see you guys again, it was killing me too.”
You pull Jack into a hug once again, cherishing this intimate moment you were having with him. It felt so good to have him back in your arms again after a long 2 weeks.
You were too happy to remember to show him the news you had found out a few days ago.
The blue stick with two lines on it.
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Sonny Carisi: Camera  
Warning: NSFW themes- nothing super descriptive.
Sonny had promised his mother that he would print the pictures from his niece's third birthday. His caseload had been heavy, and he was already three months late delivering the pictures. He had led his mom to believe that he had already gone through edited and printed the pictures in question. The truth was that he hadn’t even looked at his camera yet.  
All he wanted was to cook you a real homemade meal like he had been promising for far too long. Instead, you were in the kitchen making soup and he was pulling down his camera flipping through his pictures. A hobby that he usually took great joy in but today was feeling more like torture.  
He was flipping through the pictures walking over and turning on his personal laptop. He smiled fondly flashes of a little blonde girl in a pink dress with multicolored tutu. Her running around, blowing bubbles, blowing out her birthday candles, and pink frosting smeared all over her face as she ate birthday cake. 
He was only half paying attention clicking through and reaching for the cord to connect it to the computer. Then he saw a flash of burgundy lace. His eyes flash back to the screen. He stares at it for a minute as his brain comprehends what is on the screen. He brings the camera up closer to inspect the picture. He slowly went through the pictures. None had your face but there was plenty of skin on display. The lace that covered your chest was thin enough to see your skin and harden your nipples underneath. The panties were just as sheer and had straps wrapping around your thighs and stomach. In one picture with your legs spread wide thumb teasing the hem he could clearly see how wet the lace was. Some of the pictures were blurry, had an awkward angle, or both but they were all hot and had Sonny stirring in his pants.  
You hear footsteps coming into the kitchen. You had the soup on the stove simmering. A thick hearty loaded potato with extra bacon to combat the bone-chilling New York cold. “Almost done,” You turn around to see Sonny at the edge of the kitchen. You are all smiles until you see the camera in his hand. 
A memory hits you. You had been waiting for Sonny to get home for date night. You had gone all out shaving your legs, curling your hair, and putting on a new set. All for him to cancel on you. A new lead had popped up that needed to be checked into. You had understood and weren’t mad. You did pout and drink a bottle of wine to yourself. You had spotted the camera halfway through the bottle. It had been an impulse to take the pictures. Your drunk self had wanted Sonny to know what he had missed. You vaguely remember setting the camera back and stripping down and into one of his shirts to sleep in. You hadn’t thought of it since.  
Judging by the look on Sonny’s face he had found them.  
You weren’t sure what to say. You weren’t sure what he would think. Sonny often had a different perspective than most men concerned with things like this because of his years as a detective in sex crimes. “Shit, Sonny...About those pictures- I totally forgot-” 
“Can I take some?” He asked abruptly and you paused a little stunned at his response. Then you noticed the bulge in his pants showing how much he enjoyed what he saw. “I want to take some pictures like these- of you,” He continued then seemingly realizing how it sounded added, “Only if you're okay with it, of course. I don’t want you to feel obligated or uncomfortable or-” 
“Okay,” You agree easily. You knew you had nothing to worry about. Sonny would never show anybody pictures of you. And honestly, the thought turned you on. You squeezed your thighs together at the thought of Sonny being completely enraptured in you and your body. “One condition,” 
His eyes shined with excitement and lust. He was eager. “Name it.” 
“They get locked up in your gun safe.” 
He reaches out tugging at your wrist to lead you to the bedroom. You laugh a bit in disbelief. “Now?” You look back at the soup on the stove, “Aren’t you hungry?” 
“Famished,” His tone and the way he looked over you made heat pool in your lower stomach, your core clenching. You reach back turning the stove down to its lowest setting before letting Sonny lead you to the bedroom. “I didn’t recognize the set you were wearing. Will you put it back on for me Doll? You’ve given me so many ideas.” 
I considered continuing this (and still might) but this seemed like a smooth stopping point. Love you guys xoxo 
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mountttmase · 9 months
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Winter Sun - Chapter 1
Note - I can’t tell you how excited I am to finally post this 🙊 it’s honestly one of my favourite things I’ve written and I really hope you love it. I wish I could find the original anon who inspired this but I hope you all love it 🩷 feedback is appreciated as usual 😘
Pairing - Mason Mount × Reader
Word count - 6.6k
Warnings - series will contain fluff, smut & angst
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‘Thanks for saving me in there, Mase’ you smiled as you squished yourself in the back of the taxi. Whoever thought it was a good idea to order a 7 seater you had no idea but Mason managed to steady you as the pair of you sat practically in the boot.
‘Don’t worry about it. It’s like a jungle in there sometimes, they look like animals on the hunt. Makes my skin crawl’ he laughed, his body turning to face yours slightly in order to give you a bit more room before you slung your legs over his. ‘You alright there’ he chuckled, his warm palm pressing to your thigh but you just gave him an enthusiastic nod.
‘Perfect’ you winked before the car finally jolted forward.
‘You two got enough room back there?’ Ben asked from in front of you, turning in his seat to check on you both before your best friend, and Ben's girlfriend, Carly turned to face you too.
‘Just about’ you laughed before they turned away, leaving you and Mason to talk amongst yourselves.
‘I’ve been meaning to complain to you actually’ Mason started, his hand is travelling down your leg to massage the soft skin of your calf. ‘Why haven’t I received any baked goods delivered to my door recently?’
‘Because I’ve been selling out’ you laughed, catching on to his impressed expression before he shrugged. ‘Christmas is my busiest time of year’
‘Well you need to make me extra then’ he winked, causing you to chuckle. ‘Christmas is over now anyway’
‘Two weeks ago yeah’ you laughed. ‘Don’t worry I’ve made you something extra special for your birthday’
‘Cute’ he laughed but you didn’t miss the subtle bite of his lip. ‘Can’t you still make me some of those Christmas tree brownies? I like those’
‘Thought Christmas was over?’ You told him, brows raised as you tried to use his words against him and you could tell by the twinkle in his eyes he was enjoying your teasing.
‘You know if I could live in your bakery I would but unfortunately I have a job myself’
‘Well that’s just not a good enough excuse really is it?’
‘I guess not. You wanna be my sugar mumma in more ways than one then yeah?’ He joked, causing you to roll your eyes before laughing loudly. The joke was unexpected coming from him, considering you were only friends and he never spoke to you like this but you also knew he was as cheeky as they come and Mason always liked to make a joke about the name of your business no matter how much he told you he loved it.
Sugar Mumma was a concept you’d dreamt up at school. Wanting to put your baking talents and love of sweet treats to good use, you’d always wanted your own bakery and two years ago after lots of grafting and selling your bakes from home, you’d finally been able to open your own shop.
It wasn’t anything huge, but it was yours and you loved it more than anything else.
Mason loved it too by all accounts, in fact the first time you’d ever met him was there. When Carly had first met Ben she took him in a few times to grab some treats for various date nights so you knew him well and around six months into their relationship Ben had bought Mason in so they could pick up her birthday cake.
You remembered that day fondly, you’d been rushed off your feet for most of it. Flushed, sweaty and covered in flour when they’d arrived but you’d blushed at the sight of him. Oh he’s cute you thought, suddenly realising what a state you must have looked but his gentle smile and kind eyes relaxed you.
Mason seemed impressed by everything and his sweet tooth had clearly got the better of him. Not wanting to wait until later for cake he was looking at your basically empty display to try to curb his cravings but all you had to offer him was the last triple chocolate muffin.
You knew they were good, but watching the way his eyes rolled around in his head as he took a bite filled you with satisfaction. The sinful moans and groans pouring from his lips telling you how much he was enjoying it without any words as Ben watched on with mild embarrassment at his friends' antics.
That had been a year ago and it was pretty safe to say you’d all formed a pretty strong bond since then. Mason was alway nipping into your shop to get his sugar fix, in the end striking a deal with you that you’d give him a box of leftover items from that day in exchange for tickets to his games and you’d often be caught leaving them outside his front door with a silly note attached. That was until he’d moved away around five months ago now and you barely got to see him.
You knew he was a bit homesick so you began sending his sweet treats up to him in the post and you still remember how happy and excited he sounded when he called you that first day he’d received them.
You liked Mason, he was fun and kind and just someone who made you feel good when you were around him. You both grew to be great friends as you hung out with Ben and Carly and soon enough as you met more of their friends you had a pretty nice friendship group going even with him being further away.
But you weren’t blind. You knew how attractive he was and you couldn’t lie you had a soft spot for him but you loved the way it was so platonic between you both. He was never over the top with you, if anything he always came across as soft and a little shy. A true gentleman that was never inappropriate with you and you truly treasured having him around.
There had been a weird and unfamiliar tension in the air since he’d stepped in to save you earlier though. You weren’t sure what it was, maybe the alcohol and some new found confidence, but his eyes were focused on your lips constantly when you were talking and the times you did make eye contact, his were dark and sultry.
‘Come on then, Muffin. Let’s get you out’ Mason laughed quietly and you shook your head even though your heart was fluttering.
What had started out as a cute nickname he’d given you after the first treat he’d tried from you had become a small inside joke. You pretended you hated it as you really had at first, but now you’d grown fond of it. The fact he seemed to be using it as more of a term of endearment now made your insides melt every time the name passed his lips but he didn’t need to know that.
You allowed him to help you out of the car, stumbling slightly in your drunken state but he was there to catch you. Hands tightly gripping your waist and you held onto his strong shoulders, laughing into his chest before he turned and bent slightly. You could never seem to say no to this man so you let him help you on his back, arms around his neck as his arms looped around your legs so he could carry you up the drive and into Ben's house.
He was straight into the kitchen, popping you down onto the counter so he could scour Ben's fridge for snacks and you laughed as he absentmindedly wiggled his hips as he assessed his options.
Sober Mason was one of your favourite people, but tipsy Mason was something else. His bleary eyes and dopey smile tugged at your heart strings and you watched on with a fond look as he was seemingly lost in his world. This was the first time you’d seen him like this and the more you were, the softer you were feeling for him.
‘Hey Mase? Why don’t you check in the box on the counter? 'Carly called as everyone started filtering in and you watched him shimmy over to the box of treats you’d bought over earlier in the day.
‘Ooo, muffins’ he giggled, lifting one out before making his way back to you. You watched as he practically shoved half of it into his mouth before offering you some, where you awkwardly managed to take a bite. His eyes were on your lips the whole time, a fond smile playing on his as he watched you intently. ‘Does it ever feel weird eating the stuff you’ve made? I’d imagine it feels like eating your own babies’
You wanted to laugh but you were frozen. The feel of his thumb running under your lip to gently brush away the crumbs made you stop until his eyes were back on yours. Your heart melting at the gesture but also at the crumbs all over his face so you reached out yourself to do the same to him yet the smile on his face made it difficult. You didn’t miss the way his breath hitched in his throat at the feel of your fingers though, eyes carefully locking as he took down a nervous gulp before you couldn’t take the intensity of it anymore.
‘You’re a weird drunk, Mase. I can’t believe this is the first time I’ve seen you like this’ you commented as he scrunched his nose up at you adorably.
‘Well I like to let my hair down on my birthday but what can I say, I’m a good boy usually’
‘I’m not so sure I believe that’
‘Yeah I don’t think I would either’ he laughed before his hands found your hips and he winked at you seductively.
This Mason was different to any Mason you’d seen before. Wondering where the hell he’d been hiding the extra cheeky and flirty form of himself but you couldn’t say you weren’t enjoying it. It had been a while since you’d been paid any male attention and the fact it was coming from someone like Mason was making you giddy.
‘You two coming in?’ Ben suddenly called from the doorway, motioning to where everyone else was in the other room and you watched in fascination as Mason shoved the rest of the muffin in his mouth before nodding.
‘Coming now’ he called, holding a hand out to you to help you down but you shook your head at him.
‘You go, I just need to get my shoes off and I’ll be in’ you told him but his hand was on your thigh instantly.
‘I’ll do it’
‘No Mase-‘
‘I can do it’ he told you sternly and before you could stop him, he was getting down on one knee in front of you so he could rest your foot on his thigh. You weren’t quite sure what he was up to but you felt a shiver roll through you as his fingers trailed down your legs. He must have felt it too, you could see the cocky smile playing on his lips as he delicately traced your skin.
You let him carry on, enjoying his soft touches as your skin tingled in the wake of his fingers before he finally made it to your ankle strap. He was quick to unbuckle it and pull your shoe off before manoeuvring the other leg so he could do the same, your heartbeat quickening with every second that was passing and as soon as your other shoe was off his eyes were on yours.
You were frozen under his seductive gaze, unsure of what to do next as his fingers gripped your ankle but even in your wildest dreams you couldn’t have foreseen him breaking eye contact so he could place a small kiss to the inside of your calf.
It was like the wind was knocked out of you, but you didn’t have time to react properly. He was up on his feet again, hands on your waist so he could help you down but you felt yourself wobble slightly as you hit the floor. Thankfully Mason's hands were still on you to steady you and you shot him a small smile that he returned as you ran your hands up his arms to grip his biceps.
‘Thank you’ you whispered, making Mason smile as he bit his lip to try and suppress it. You couldn’t take your eyes off of each other, trapped in a trance until the booming sound of Ben calling for Mason made you flinch.
‘Mase! Get in here!’ He bellowed, causing Mason to playfully roll his eyes at you before nodding his head in the direction of the living room.
‘You coming?’
‘Yeah, I’ll be there in a sec’ you told him and with one final squeeze of your waist he was gone.
Where the hell has this boy been hiding? You thought to yourself. Mason had always been a little cheeky but this was something else. He was sexy and alluring in a way you’d never seen him be before. You could feel the atmosphere between you becoming thick and electric but you were unsure about what it all meant. In the end you pushed everything to the side and padded into the living room to join the conversation in hopes of distracting yourself.
Mason was sitting in the arm chair, his legs spread wide and you unconsciously licked your lips as you fantasised about crawling into his lap.
‘Ah there you are,’ Carly called, patting the seat next to her as an invitation for you. ‘Saved you a seat’
‘Thank you’ you smiled, plonking yourself down next to her but immediately you felt too far away from Mason and his cheeky knowing smirk thrilled you.
‘I swear to god, I’m never going out again, those rude pricks ruin it every time. I’m trying to dance with my girls not get touched up’ Carly suddenly moaned, and you nodded in agreement beside her. ‘Sorry we ruined your birthday night out Mase’
It was true, the whole reason you were all home so early was due to the fact you and the rest of the girls couldn’t seem to enjoy yourselves at the club you were in. At first you didn’t care, if they wanted to look they could, but as time went on you could feel the lingering touch of countless men. You’d pushed all of them away, moving in closer to Carly and the other girls but it was no use. It was only when Mason appeared out of nowhere and wrapped his arms around you did you start to feel a little safer.
‘Don’t worry about it, I think I’m happier here when I can hear myself think’
‘Maybe we’re getting a little too old for clubs now. I don’t know about you but the whole thing stresses me out’ you laughed and thankfully everyone pretty much agreed with you.
‘I still want to go to a few clubs when we’re away’ Carly told Ben, referring to the big group holiday all your friends were going on to Portugal in a few weeks.
From what Carly had told you it was her and Ben, Dec and Lauren, Woody and his new girlfriend Kayla who you’d met a couple of times and Mason. You had been invited from the start but due to low funds and a shop to run you’d had to pass and even though it was your decision it still stung a bit to hear them talk about it. ‘I really wish you were coming, y/n’
‘So you’re really not coming then?’ Woody asked as he popped himself on the arm of Mason's chair and you shook your head lightly.
‘It’s fine, I’ve got a lot on’ you shrugged, trying to play it off but you knew deep down you were disappointed you couldn’t go. You hadn’t had a proper holiday in years and you could feel the pit of jealousy in your stomach at the thought of seeing everyone’s holiday snaps. ‘I’m just gonna grab a glass of water’ you mumbled before jumping up to go to the kitchen.
You took your time, hoping by the time you were back the conversation had moved on but you could hear them all still talking about the villa so you popped yourself on the stairs and had a quick check of your emails.
‘Who are you texting? Anyone I should be worried about?’ You suddenly heard, looking up to see Mason walking towards you and you smiled as he took a seat next to you.
‘No I was just checking some work emails’
‘Ah yeah, sure’ he winked, bumping his shoulder into yours. ‘So, still no Mr Muffin on the scene?’
‘I don’t really have time’ you told him but he just scoffed at your answer.
‘Everyone has time. You just have to make it’
‘Fine, I haven’t met someone I’m willing to make time for yet’ you countered, watching the way he raised his brows at you. ‘What about you anyway? Is there a Mrs Mount lurking about?’
‘The only Mrs Mount you need to be concerned about is my mum. And she loves you anyway so I wouldn’t worry about it’ he smiled, your heart fluttering as you thought back to meeting her at a few games. She’d always been super sweet to you and you were glad to know she liked you back. ‘So in answer to your question, no. I haven’t met someone I’m willing to make time for either’
‘Considering you could probably pull half of the population I'm surprised’ you laughed and you couldn’t help but notice the blush that settled on the bridge of his nose. ‘Are you blushing?’ You teased, laughing as he hid his face in his hands. ‘Aww been a while since you received a compliment?’
‘Been a while since I received anything’ he joked, his words clearly having a double meaning and you felt yourself now redden at his words but the alcohol in your system shut off the sensible part of your brain and you felt yourself agreeing.
‘Oh tell me about it, I feel like I’ve forgotten how to do it’ you giggled, watching his eyes crinkle adorably as he nodded along.
‘It’s like riding a bike, you’ll be fine when you give it another go’
‘Yeah but it’s finding someone to help me, you know… get back on the horse’
‘Are you kidding me? Did I or did I not save you from a long line of men who clearly wanted to get in your pants tonight?’ He teased and you rolled your eyes at him playfully.
‘Well yeah, but if you think I’m taking some random man from a club home then you’re very mistaken. I don’t know where he’s been’ you laughed and you watched him turn on the step slightly so he could face you a bit easier. You took this as your cue to do the same with both of your elbows resting on the step above you, smiling happily at him.
‘Okay so hypothetically, if you were to take someone home. What’s your type?’ He asked, his fingers delicately tracing your knee and you felt your breath catch in your throat at the intimate gesture.
‘I mean pretty much what everyone else wants’ you said lowly. ‘Tall, dark and handsome’
‘Well then look no further. I may not be overly tall but I’ve got the other two on lockdown’ he winked and you felt your face heat up. Not sure if he was being serious or not, thinking maybe it was the alcohol talking but you shook your thoughts away and tried to move the conversation on.
‘Well what’s your type then?’ You questioned and he looked at you thoughtfully before speaking.
‘Nice eyes, pretty smile’ he started and you rolled your eyes at his generic statement, thinking that’s what all boys say but you stayed silent and let him continue. ‘Someone confident but a little shy, feisty around the right people’ he carried on, pulling back to look at you properly and your tummy dropped. Is he talking about me? You wondered, your thoughts somewhat confirmed when his fingers started trailing up your thigh and it took everything in you to keep up eye contact with him when all you wanted to do was watch where his fingers were going.
‘Anything else?’ You whispered
‘Good eye contact’ he smiled before reaching up to tuck your hair behind your ear. He let his hand trail down your neck until he was holding you just under your ear so he could gently tip your head to the side before leaning over like he was about to kiss your cheek.
He didn’t, but you felt your legs go to jelly and he gently rubbed his nose along your cheekbone whilst a low hum poured from his lips. ‘Smells nice’ he whispered, pulling back so his lips were an inch from yours. Your foreheads nearly touching as his eyes scanned your face. ‘Probably tastes even better’ he finally uttered, causing you to take a small shocked breath in.
You were hanging on his every word, heart pounding as he was seeming getting closer to you and you subconsciously tilted your head up to meet him in the middle. You’d never understood the concept of being drawn to someone like a magnet but you finally felt it as you were pulled in his direction. Your lips so close they were almost touching but at the last second he backed up with a knowing smile across those pretty lips of his.
‘Not here’ he whispered, tilting his head so he could lightly kiss your cheek and you couldn’t lie you were slightly disappointed. You saw him go to say something else, yet the words never made it out of his mouth. You both jumped at the sound of Ben's voice calling him from the other room, scrambling away from each other when you heard his footsteps and you knew you were blushing hard when he eventually rounded the corner to see you both.
‘Woodys setting up the ps5, you coming?’ He asked, not really looking at the pair of you or waiting for an answer before heading out causing the pair of you to chuckle.
‘I’ll come find you in a bit, yeah?’ He promised and all you could do was nod. You sat wondering what the hell had just happened. This ultra flirty sexy version of Mason obviously only came out when he was drunk and you were a little bit disappointed this was the first you’d ever seen of him.
You went on the hunt for Carly though, hoping he would come and find you soon but you’d been separated from Mason for about half an hour now and your eyes rarely left each others. Even when he didn’t know you were looking you could see his eyes all over you in a way he never had before and you couldn’t lie and say you weren’t loving all the attention he was giving you. When he was distracted for a while you made your way upstairs to the bathroom so you could sort yourself out as you knew you probably looked like a hot mess. The combination of Mason's flirty antics and the alcohol in your system had made you flustered and you needed some time out just to collect yourself.
‘Hello? Who’s in here?’ You heard, Masons voice booming through the door suddenly as you’d just finished washing your hands and you smiled instantly as you dried your them off.
‘It’s me’
‘Hi me’ he chuckled, clearly pleased with himself and you quickly opened the door to reveal his dozy smile and kind eyes.
‘Hello you’ you laughed, stepping aside and back over to the sink in hopes he would follow you inside and you smiled as you heard the door click shut. ‘Missing me already?’
‘Maybe. Missed looking at you in this dress at least’ he commented, positioning himself behind you with his hands on your hips as you caught eyes in the reflection of the mirror. You were trying to act unbothered, touching up your makeup like you didn’t care but his teasing attitude was making you crumble.
‘Oh yeah?’ You giggled, unsure as to what to say to him but the need to clench your thighs together was growing stronger and you watched him eye you up with his bottom lip trapped in between his teeth.
‘Mmhmm’ he teased, squeezing your hips softly before his eyes returned to yours. ‘I mean you always look good but I like this one a lot’
‘I’ll make sure to wear it more often then’ you told him quietly, watching him gather your hair and move it over one of your shoulders so he could expose your neck. You knew it was coming, but when his lips finally touched the base you felt your whole body erupt in goosebumps.
You didn’t say a word, just watching him in the mirror as he slowly peppered kisses up and down your exposed skin as you tried to regulate your breathing but you could tell he knew how much things were affecting you. The smile on your lips telling him as much but the hard length that was pressed against you bum was telling you how much he himself was enjoying too.
‘Easy there big boy’ you laughed, squeezing his hands that were gripping your waist and he buried his face into your neck with laugh before pulling back. His eyes were basically black as he turned you round to face him, pressing his crotch into yours and you had to hold back a moan.
‘I’ll show you big boy’ he whispered, lips dangerously close to yours and as much as you loved his teasing you’d had enough now and were ready to have him. Luckily for you, the pair of you seemed to be on the same page because as soon you wrapped your hand around the back of his neck his lips were on yours.
It was one of the softest kisses you’d ever had, lightly brushing your lips against each other but it was growing heavier by the second until the pair of you appeared to have gotten the giggles. Laughing onto each other lips until it was becoming impossible to carry on
‘What is happening’ you giggled, your hands coming to grip his jaw so he wouldn’t part from you but the firm grip on your thighs already told you he wouldn’t be.
‘I don’t know’ he laughed, peppering kisses across your jaw and cheeks. ‘I don’t wanna stop though’ he breathed and you had just enough time to nod your head in agreement before he was back kissing you. Deeper this time as his hands travelled up your thighs and to your bum, pushing your dress up with him so he could grip your cheeks with his thumbs under the waistband of your underwear, stroking your skin gently. A contrast into how aggressive he was being with his mouth.
You didn’t know what came over you but you pulled back, resting your hands behind you so you could shift your weight onto them. Raising your hips in order for him to rid you of your underwear and even though he was taken aback you could tell he wanted to rip them off of you.
‘Come on Mase. I thought you were gonna show me your big boy’ you laughed, watching his expression turn shocked before he was smiling devilishly at you.
‘Don’t start something you can’t finish, sweetheart’
‘Try me’ you whispered, knowing he wouldn’t be able to resist as soon as the words left your mouth he was blushing before he pulled your underwear from you as quickly as he could, kissing you frantically.
You knew what you wanted, reaching to undo his jeans but he pulled you away before placing your hands in his hair. Thankfully he knew what you wanted, his thumb connecting to your clit suddenly and you moaned into his mouth at the sensation.
‘Mase, please’
‘Shhh’ he breathed, his lips trailing down your neck before biting your shoulder. ‘Easy baby. Let me take my time with you’
‘We don’t have time. They’ll coming looking for us soon’
Mason let out a short breath, knowing you were right and you couldn’t risk it so when your hands flew to his trousers again he didn’t stop you from unbuttoning them. His hands were back on your hips to pull you forward so your core was closer to him and when he tugged his boxers down so he could free himself you shivered at the sight of him.
You both knew you had to be quick, but you thanked the lord he was slow and careful with you to start with. Lining himself up with your entrance as you sat back on your hands before he hooked your legs over his forearms to give him better access.
It really had been a while, the stretch of him delicious and by the look on his face he was clearly feeling the same. His thrusts slow and steady before he picked his pace up, the sound of skin slapping against skin only making everything feel more intense and when he moved his hand to play with your clit again you swore you were seeing stars.
‘Mase’ you moaned, your head falling back as he drove into you but the low moan that fell from him made your head snap up.
‘I know, you’re so tight. Fuck’ he breathed, hips slamming into yours and you knew it wouldn’t be much longer as he’d been turning you on all night. He looked wild, dark eyes intensely on yours with his bottom lip trapped in between his teeth and the blush across his nose was proving how into it he was. You tried holding your moans in, not wanting anyone to hear you but he was making it difficult. It was like he knew your body intimately already and the way he was making you feel was like no one else ever had. ‘Come on, cum for me’ he whispered and it didn’t take you much more convincing, whimpering below him as he fucked you through it before pulling out to cum over your thighs.
Your eyes were on each others instantly, uncertainty settling inside of you but the sight of Masons pretty smile settled you instantly.
‘Sorry about the mess’ he laughed, grabbing a towel and cleaning you up before picking your underwear up off of the floor and helping you down. ‘Well that was unexpected’
‘You can say that again’ you blushed, pulling you underwear up your legs and readjusting your dress. You weren’t sure where to look but you felt his finger under your chin so he could make you look at him and as soon as you saw his kind eyes you felt settled again. ‘Happy birthday I guess’ you joked and thankfully he laughed along.
‘Thank you, you okay?’ He whispered, dropping a kiss on your forehead and you nodded shyly. ‘Good. We best go or they’ll get suspicious’
You agreed, following him out the door before he pushed you forward a little and you turned to look at him when a confused expression.
‘I’ll come in a bit. Make it look like we weren’t together’ he told you and you wanted to leave but the overwhelming need to clarify somethings before you left took over you.
‘Hey, Mase? I um- I’ve never, you know… this isn’t what I um’ you stumbled, and the heart melting smile he gave you made your tummy flip.
‘It’s okay, I know. We’re just having a bit of fun yeah?’ He told you and you felt your shoulders relax instantly. ‘We can talk about it another time if you want but don’t worry, I’m not getting down on one knee just yet’ he winked, causing you to roll your eyes with a laugh. ‘Now go, I’ll see you in a sec’
You did as you were told, trying to act as normal as possible when you went to join the others but they were back talking about the holiday and you felt your heart sink again.
You didn’t want to be a misery though, helping them find clubs and restaurants to try without trying to appear too bitter about it and when Mason finally came back you tried to avoid his eyes as to not be too suspicious but you knew he was looking at you. You were also trying to to not over think what had just happened with Mason just now. It was so unexpected, you didn’t know what had come over the pair of you and it was like you could still feel his touch on your skin.
When it all got a bit too much you went back to the kitchen, no longer wanting to hear about all the exciting things they had planned while you slaved away in a hot kitchen. You knew you were being moody and it was your choice not to go but it didn’t make it hurt any less having to hear about it.
‘I’ve been thinking’ Mason announced suddenly and your heart nearly jumped out of your chest from the sound of his voice. ‘This holiday, it’s not right you not coming. I know you wanna be there so I’d like for you to come with me’
‘You know I can’t Mase, I can’t afford it for one’ you told him, finally admitting to someone the real reason for you not going but by the look on his face you could tell he knew it already.
‘That’s why I’m asking for you to come with me. You don’t need to worry about that then’
‘What?’ You asked, your face scrunching up in confusion ‘Mase, no-‘
‘Before you say no, just listen to me’ he laughed coming over to you so he could trap you in between his arms by placing his hands on the counter either side of you. ‘You know me, you know I’ll do anything for the people in my life and if anyone deserves a break it’s you’ he told you sincerely before his face turned cheeky. ‘Plus, I think I can make it worth your while’
‘What do you mean?’ You asked skeptically
‘Just let me look after you a bit, yeah? We’re both stressed out and need a break. I’ve only got a couple of weeks before I need to get back to training and I need to let off some steam. I’m not saying this has to be anything you know? But there’s obviously some level of attraction here and I’d rather spend my time with you than go through all the shit of trying to find someone else. You get that right? I’ve got a rep to protect’ he winked.
You were confused to say the least, not sure exactly what he was getting at but if it was what you were thinking then couldn’t lie, you were tempted. If you were understanding correctly he was willing to whisk you away with him for a week of sun sea and no strings sex for nothing. The tipsy part of your brain was willing to accept straight away, eager to get to feel more of him again yet the sober part knew it sounded too good to be true.
‘So you mean…?’
‘We keep it casual you know? You scratch my back, I scratch yours. You said you don’t know where these boys have been but you know exactly where I’ve been cause it’s just with you. Then at the end of the week we go back to our normal lives. I just need someone who I can trust and I know that’s you and I hope you know you can trust me. And we both know we can be sneaky sneaky now so it’s a win win’
‘I don’t know, Mase…’
‘If you don’t wanna, you know, that’s fine I’m not asking you to come for that reason only. Just turn up. That’s all I’m asking. If anything else happens then cool but I hate the thought of you being here when we’re there. You’re meant to be with us’ he reasoned and even though that took some of the pressure off he could still tell you were unsure. ‘What’s holding you back?’
‘We’ve been drinking Mase. This may sound like a good idea now but what about tomorrow when you’re wondering why the hell you even kissed me, let alone anything else’ you asked but he looking at you like you were talking rubbish before he shook his head with a laugh.
‘Stop talking shit. If it makes you feel any better I can text you tomorrow cause I know for a fact I’ll still feel the same. This isn’t just some weird thing I thought of off the cuff, I’ve hated the thought of you not coming with us since Ben told me’
‘It’s a lot of money, Mase’ you whispered ‘I’d never be able to pay you back.
‘I’m not asking you too. There’s plenty of other ways to repay me’ he teased and you rolled your eyes with a smile. ‘Not like that’
‘Like what then?’
‘I’ll let you buy me an ice cream’ he smiled as you laughed into your hands. ‘Or you can make me lunch or help me with my sun cream. I’m not bothered about how much it costs or you paying me back. I just want you there’ he huffed and you couldn’t lie, you were convinced. ‘Please muffin’ he pouted, bumping his nose with yours and you smiled up at him softly.
‘It’s not just the money, I can’t leave the shop that long’
‘What about Nads?’ He asked, referring to the girl you hired a few months ago to help you run things. ‘Think of it like a trial or something for her. If she does a good job then you can leave her in charge more often and you get a bit more of a life. I know it’s your baby but you have to learn to let go sometimes’ he told you and you hated how reasonable he sounded.
‘Can I think about it? I’ll let you know tomorrow’ you asked quietly and with a small nod he closed the relatively small gap to place his lips on yours in a soft kiss.
‘Take all the time you need’ he nodded before wrapping his arms around your shoulders so he could pull you into a hug. ‘You staying here tonight?’
‘Well I’m gonna head home with Woody in a sec’ he told you gently, the pout in your face evident even though he couldn’t see you. ‘We’ll talk tomorrow yeah? About all of it’ he suggested and you knew he mean the holiday and whatever had happened between you earlier.
‘Okay’ you whispered before he dropped a soft kiss on your forehead.
‘Have a good sleep, yeah? I’ll text you in the morning’ he smiled before giving you one last squeeze and pulling away.
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liked by: carlywlms_, masonmount, benchilwell and others
Y/n mission take a picture in focus has failed
view comments
carlywlms_ my sparkly sister ✨
y/n the brightest star in my sky 💫
benchilwell Why do I not remember any of this
y/n that’s cause you’ve got nothing in between your ears
masonmount thanks for a lovely evening 🩷
y/n happy birthday masey moo 🥳🎁
jorginhofrello happy bday papai ♥️
woody_ you’re missing out on a week of this
y/n that’s fine I don’t think my body could physically take it 😩
okaylaaa pray for me ☹️
y/n 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
masonprivate nice shoes 😏
y/n you too 🤫
yungchalobah 👀🤔
y/n 🫣
Tagged: @footiehoemcfc @prideofpd @yoursselo @chelseachilly @willow-writer-ivy @mm-vii @katharinanadiaa @mmountseb @carlottawllms @saltyheartnightmare @masonmtxo @harvestmount @chillymountsjess @treblebluesblog @pulisicsgirl
377 notes · View notes
moosesarecute · 2 months
Part 8: The Shadows Sing
Part 7. Part 9
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You were thrown into the ground and landed with an oomph.
“I yield,” you said with a hoarse voice.
Sole walked away from the fight with an arrogant smile on his face. His twin met him with a hug, but Sole only pushed her away.
He won the chicken, again.
“Good job, Sole,” Master Raven spoke. “The chicken is yours.”
Master Raven turned towards you and tilted his head. The Raven was placed on his shoulder and mimicked the same motion.
“You remember what we talked about?” He asked you. “Do something about it.”
Two hours prior he had invited, which meant forced, you into his cabin to talk about your debts.
“You have the biggest debt out of all of you,” he started. “You’re 70 years Y/N. You’ve been here since you were 15 and you’ve only paid back a fifth of your debt. That’s unacceptable.”
Long conversation short, you were back to a 90/10 agreement. You got 10 percent of your profit from hunting and 90 percent would go to pay your debt.
He wanted you to have payed at least half of it within the next fifteen years.
The only good thing, was that you had payed back the cost for your training when you first arrived. It would keep you going.
You fought six fights and won five of them. In the end, only you and Sole were left. He was a lot stronger than you, so you knew you’d loose, but you find comfort in how much you had improved the last few months with Azriel’s training.
Master Raven turned his attention away from you and towards the entire group of hunters.
“The weather isn’t looked good,” he explained. “There will most likely be a thunderstorm in the next couple of days. Be prepared.”
He then dismissed you.
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You opened the door to your cabin and were immediately greeted by shadows. However, their excited swirling made you realize it wasn’t only your own shadows. The smell of cedar and night-chilled mist hit you.
“Hi,” you sang as you saw Azriel. You smiled your biggest smile as you put your winnings on the table.
His adorable smile faltered as he saw your bruises from the fights.
“Don’t worry,” you told him before he could say anything. “We sometimes fight for food and other goods. I won five out of six fights. I’m ecstatic.”
Your explanation seemed to have made him more confused. His eyebrow raised as his wings lowered just a few millimeters, his usual sign of being deep in thought.
“You haven’t done that ever since I first met you in your cabin,” he stated. “Why now?”
You understood you’d have to explain. You had grown fond of Azriel, but you hated his attention to detail on the things you’d rather not talk about.
“I’ll get a little less money going forward,” you explained with as little detail as possible.
“And why is that?”
You let out a sigh.
“Master Raven decided it.”
Azriel shook his head. Out of the small information you’d told Azriel about your leader, he’d started to hate him.
“And why did he do-“
“I don’t want to talk about it, Azriel,” you interrupted him. “It been a long day. I’ve been fighting all morning. Please, just not today.”
His gaze softened and he nodded.
He walked towards you and when he was close enough, he pulled you into a gentle embrace. His arms around you was your new favorite feeling. You could count on one hand how many times you had hugged, but you loved it more and more for each hug.
“Happy birthday,” he said. “You’re getting old.”
You pulled from the embrace and hit his arm.
“Says the male that’s almost 500 years older than me.”
He shrugged and let out a laugh. His eyes lightened and so did your heart. You could spend the entire day just staring into his eyes, into his soul. He was so beautiful.
Azriel cleared his throat and took a step back.
“I brought you a cake,” he said. “Unfortunately, Cassian and Nesta got into it, but I managed to save you a slice.”
“It’s typical them, isn’t it?” You asked.
“Yeah, it is. I should have known it would happen.”
You had never met Cassian and Nesta, but you felt like you knew them.
Azriel walked towards you with a huge slice of chocolate cake with a lighted candle.
“Make a wish,” he told you.
“What do you mean?” You asked him.
Make a wish? Why would you do that? You didn’t want people to believe you were ungrateful for all the things you already had in life. You never dared to wish for anything.
You knew he did his best to hide it, but the pity still glowed in his eyes.
“On birthdays, it’s normal for the birthday girl or boy to blow out the candle and make a wish. The most important thing is that you don’t tell anyone what you wished for, then it won’t happen.”
You felt a little shocked. You’d never known that. You’d have 70 birthdays and never celebrated them. When you told Azriel that, he insisted that he would help you celebrate.
“Oh! Wait!” He said. “I have one more thing.”
Before you knew it, Azriel had put a paper cone in a hideous green color with the number 70 on it on your head.
You let out a confused laugh.
“It’s a birthday hat,” he explained. “Rhys’ mother would always make us one on our birthdays when we grew up. I thought you should have one too.”
You had to hold back tears. He wanted you to had the same birthday traditions as he did. He wanted you to take part of the celebration, just like he did with his family.
“Make a wish, my birthday girl.”
What would you wish for? What was a good wish?
Maybe for protection?
“Azzy protects us!” Your shadows told you.
For more food?
“Azzy brings food!”
For happiness?
“Friends make us happy!”
“He won’t leave us!”
For the debt to be repaid.
The shadows were quiet.
“Don’t overthink it,” Azriel told you.
You took a deep breath and blew out the candle.
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“Good job!” Azriel exclaimed from the ground. “You’re getting a lot better. I’m impressed.”
You had used your shadows to make him fall, a trick you had work on for about two weeks.
You sense your shadows over to help Azriel up. Most of the time you had to concentrate to keep your shadows away from him, so when you send them towards him, they were always happy with you.
“Want to try something new?” Azriel asked as he brushed dirt from the ground off his leathers.
“What did you have in mind?”
Seconds later you were covered in darkness. You saw nothing and you felt cold. It was like the world stood still.
Then, Azriel pulled back his shadows and you were covered in sunlight once more.
“What do you use it for?” You asked him.
All the other things you had learned from him was about combat or self defense.
You were covered in darkness once more, however when it disappeared Azriel stood only centimeters away from you.
“To sneak up on people,” he told you. “You can use it to sneak up on animals.”
You couldn’t hear what he was saying. Your only thoughts were on the overwhelming feeling of having him so close.
You felt warm, felt safe and protected. Your heart was going crazy. Your shadows would have gone crazy as well if you didn’t have such a strong grip onto them.
You had to use all your willpower as you stepped back.
“Maybe another day,” you told him. “I’d rather spend the rest of my birthday relaxing.”
Azriel’s expression was a new one. He almost looked disappointed? Was he disappointed that you didn’t want to train more today? He said you did a good job! Did he lie?
“He doesn’t want to leave. He’s disappointed that he has to leave for you to relax.”
“He doesn’t have to leave,” you told your shadows.
“Tell him that then!”
With both a psychological and physical push from your shadows, you took a step forward and took a loose grip around Azriel’s hand.
“Stay, please.”
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You shadow walked together back to your cabin. By together you mean hand in hand.
Your hand was so little in his big one. Normally, that could be enough for you to feel like running away, but not today. Not with Azriel.
Your hand placed in his felt right. Your chest hummed as you stayed close to each other.
It was the mating bond, you realized. It was happy.
You hadn’t really discussed anything about the mating bond. You both knew you were mates, but other than that, it was never spoken about. You both shut each other out.
You were happy about that. You weren’t ready to tell him about all the rules you were forced to live by. All the rules that would keep you from him.
Azriel, you had gotten the impression, really wanted you to be his mate, but since you didn’t rush it, he didn’t either. That made you feel safer. He understood you.
“Should we make dinner?” You asked him. “I’m getting kinda hungry.”
Before Azriel could answer, your shadows started to prepare the ingredients to a vegetable soup.
They had taken it upon themselves to make sure you ate enough. So every time you mentioned food, they would have something ready for you.
“Do you have a chopping board?” Azriel asked you and a smile rose on your face.
Azriel chopped the vegetables while you lit the fire. It somehow felt right to do such a normal thing together.
What didn’t feel right was the fact that both yours and his shadows were in one of the corners of your cabin, obviously planning something.
“Do you know what they’re talking about?” You asked Azriel as he cleaned away your plates.
“I honestly have no idea,” he answered and laid the plates down on the table.
The second the plates left his fingers, his shadows sprung into action.
After a harsh push from his shadows, Azriel fell backwards and onto your bed.
You let out a hesitant laugh as you realized your shadows started to move towards you.
“No,” was all you were able to say before also you had gotten a rough push from your shadows and fell backwards.
Lucky for you, Azriel was there to catch you. You landed on top of him with both his arms around your waist and your arms on both sides of his head.
His eyes were wider than usual and you could clearly hear his heart beating. The warmth from his body against yours made you feel so happy and relaxed.
You spent a few moments in silence, only looking into each others eyes and enjoying the closeness.
But then you realized you were laying in bed, on top of a male.
“I’m sorry,” you said and tried to move away from him.
However, his arms only tightened around you.
“Stay, please.”
You stayed.
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“What happened to your hands?”
Azriel’s hand that was stroking your hair suddenly stopped.
You had been hugging for hours, but it only felt like minutes. It didn’t lake long for you to understand that this is how you wanted to spend your life. In his arms.
“You don’t have to answer if it’s too personal,” you assured him.
Azriel cleared his throat and continued to play with your hair.
“I grew up as the bastard son to an illyran lord. I was kept in a cell and was only allowed out one hour a day and I only met my mother one hour a week.” He stopped to take a breath. “When I was eight, but half brothers decided to test my healing abilities by setting my hands on fire over and over again. It left scarring.” He took another breath. “My shadows came to me not long after.”
You felt tears burning behind your eyes. You wished you could have been there. That you could have hugged him.
Azriel had always seemed so strong. He was strong, nothing could prove you otherwise, but you never realized he also had a traumatic past.
Your shadows had moved to his head and was playing with his hair. Azriel wore a soft smile on his face.
He was vulnerable with you, you would be the same.
“My mother died giving birth to me, I think. She was a bastard, but I don’t know if she was an illyran or not.
“I grew up as a bastard in Ironcrest.” I shiver spread through your body as you said the name of the camp.
“One of the girls that was a few years older than me fought against wing clipping. The camp lords decided to remove her entire wings. She bled out in front of us.”
Tears streamed down your face. You dried them away the second you realized they were there.
“I decided to run. So I left in the middle of the night the same day. But it was in the middle of winter and I only had one change of too small clothing. I was freezing to death and tried to hide in a cave to get warm. So I tried to make a fire, but failed.”
You couldn’t hide your tears any longer.
“After a few hours, I was covered in shadows. Some of them kept me warm and the others lit the fire.
“The fire made the illyrans realize where I was, so they caught me, took my wings and felt me to die.
“That’s when Master Raven found me.”
Azriel’s arms tightened around you.
“How old were you?” His voice was barely above a whisper.
His arms took an even more protective hold and also his shadows held you. Their cool touch felt comforting.
You felt how light your heart was.
“I haven’t spoken about it since,” you told him next. “It felt nice.”
“You can tell me everything you need.”
You knew you would.
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You startled as the thunderstorm woke you. Your heart was beating like crazy at the loud sounds from the weather outside.
First then you realized that you were alone. You hadn’t been alone last time you were awake. Azriel had been beside you. His arms and shadows had been holding you.
You turned your head as saw a piece of paper laying on your pillow. You had to smile as you saw the beautiful handwriting.
I’m needed back home and you looked too relaxed to wake. Hope you had a great birthday. I’ll be back next week. Take care of yourself, my huntress.
x A
Butterflies grew in your stomach. You were his huntress.
Your head flicked up as a new lightning strike came down. You counted the seconds. 3 kilometers away.
It would be a long night.
Your shadows moved and nuzzled into your neck and shoulders. They were restless, something they usually weren’t in the middle of the night.
A new lightning strike, you counted again. Now only two kilometers away.
Your shadows pressed themselves tighter against you. You suddenly understood why.
“Your scared?” You asked them. They only hummed in agreement.
You tried to stroke through them and comfort them.
“It’s okay, I’ll protect you,” you told them. They relaxed a little.
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@i-have-a-thing-for-the-dark @saltedcoffeescotch @rcarbo1 @mrsjna @kitsunetori @thecraziestcrayon @blessthepizzaman
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steddieas-shegoes · 1 year
“We should probably just do vanilla cake, right?”
“Our daughter is not boring. She should have confetti cake.”
“Vanilla isn’t boring!”
“It’s literally called being vanilla when someone doesn’t like a little fun in the bedroom, Steve.”
“First of all, don’t call me that. Second of all, she’s turning one. She’s not gonna care. She’s never had most of this stuff.”
“So her first adventure with it should be fun!”
Steve and Eddie had been arguing about Ella’s first birthday for a month now. It was starting to become an issue as it was two weeks away and they’d planned nothing except for the guest list.
Even Robin was starting to get worried they wouldn’t be able to pull it off.
“What if we let her pick?”
“She’s one.”
“Yeah, and? We give her two options on pieces of paper and she picks one.”
“That’s a terrible idea.”
“Because what if she picks princess plates but dinosaur decorations?”
“Why can’t she have both?”
Steve glared at him.
“I’m just saying, she’s one. This party is more for us than her, and she won’t remember it.”
“But there’ll be pictures.”
“And when we all look back at them, she’ll be happy that we let her have whatever made her little one year old brain happy.”
Steve sighed, which meant Eddie was winning. This was the first time he’d had the upper hand the whole time.
“Where can we get a confetti cake?”
“You know Lena? Owns the bakery by the tattoo place?”
“The one who gave you the notebook of all the queer friendly spots in town?”
Eddie snaps his fingers and points at Steve.
“That’s her! She already offered to make one.”
“And you told her yes already, didn’t you?”
“I can neither confirm nor deny such allegations.”
Steve rolled his eyes and turned to continue writing things on his checklist that had nothing checked off.
“We also should check with Joyce about using the cabin. I know we said renting the bar out in the morning would be good, but imagine a first birthday in a bar.”
“It’s metal as hell, Stevie.”
“It’s questionable parenting, Eds.”
And here they were at another problem.
“So you’ve accomplished nothing?”
“We got a cake!”
Eddie was sitting on the couch supervising Ella’s play time while Steve and Robin were “planning” her party in the kitchen.
Eddie had been banished from all party endeavors after he brought home a baby-sized electric guitar and drum set and said it was for her to play at the party.
Robin took over and, admittedly, they’d accomplished a lot more already.
But this was their first official meeting and Robin was shocked to find out that they had next to nothing with only one week until the party.
“You stop talking!” Robin yelled back at him.
So he focused on entertaining Ella.
“Baby girl, I don’t know about you, but this party planning business is not what it’s cracked up to be. Maybe we should just give you your presents here and call it a day, hm?”
“Dada! Pay!”
“Yes, baby, I’m playin’.”
He helped her build a castle with her alphabet blocks, smiling when she pointed to the D and said “D. Dada!”
She was so fucking smart, it was scary.
When she got bored with the blocks, she started tapping on her plastic keyboard, hitting the same two notes again and again.
Eddie showed her the D key.
“This is D, Ella. See this one? You push this and it makes a D note. D like Dada!”
Ella pushed the key and then clapped.
“D! D!”
“Yeah, D!”
She kept smacking the D key, and Eddie kept smiling at her.
Someone cleared their throat behind him and he turned to see Steve smiling down at them, hands on his hips.
“Oh. Ella, show Daddy what you learned.”
“D! Dada! Daddy!” She said as she banged the D key.
Steve sat down next to Eddie and put his hand on his knee, squeezing it once before running his thumb back and forth over the hole in his jeans.
“You showed her that?”
“I’m gonna make her into a baby Mozart,” he said as he nodded. “She’s a natural.”
“Okay, love.”
“How’d the planning go?”
“Robin’s handling it.”
“All of it?”
Steve sighed.
“She said I’m being unreasonable.”
“But when I say it, I’m being rude and not giving you a chance.”
“When she says it, I know it’s true. When you say it, I know it’s because you’re not getting your way.”
“Do you hear this Ella? Slander from your father. I remember when it was just you and me, playing some tunes…”
“Oh my god,” Steve said around a laugh.
“Sometimes three’s a crowd, huh Ella?”
“Dada song!”
“Here, I play, you help.”
Eddie sat Ella in his lap and moved the keyboard in front of them, holding her tiny hands in his to guide them through Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.
Steve clapped at the end of it, beaming at them both as if they’d just performed at Madison Square Garden.
“Incredible. I’d offer you a record deal on the spot.”
“Already had that, I’m retired. Thank you, though.”
Eddie kissed the top of Ella’s head as she kept banging on the keys, then leaned over to kiss Steve’s forehead.
Robin pulled off a hell of a party.
Not only did she manage to find princess rock star decorations, but she managed to find a live band that was willing to play kids songs, and a caterer who was willing to serve an entirely new menu so last minute.
There was even an open bar for the adults.
Eddie’s entire band and their families were there, the Hawkins crew and their families, Steve’s coworkers and their families, and most surprising of all, Steve’s mom.
He’d gone back and forth on whether to even invite her, but since she’d left his dad, she’d been trying to reconcile and get to know him again.
She brought a Barbie dream house because she didn’t seem to understand that one year olds weren’t quite at Barbie level, but it was the thought that counted or so Eddie kept reminding Steve when he got mad about “thoughtless gifts that just take up space.”
Ella loved playing with all the kids and sharing her new toys. Eddie and Steve had built her a play set at home that she didn’t even see yet.
She was spoiled, but it was the best kind.
Not the kind that Steve had growing up; useless and thoughtless gifts that were flashy and expensive because that’s what helped his parents feel better about leaving him with nannies or alone.
The kind where love was in abundance, where everyone wanted her to have the best because they loved her, where the best was sometimes the dollar store magic wand and tiara set so she could play princess and sometimes was a toddler sized drum set. Everyone came to her party because they were excited she was part of the family, not because they expected a big blowout with the finest food and drinks money can buy.
Eddie took a moment to look around at everyone. He never knew he’d end up here, he couldn’t have even dreamed it in his wildest ones that came from being cross faded in high school.
Steve wrapped his arms around him from behind, kissing his shoulder when he started to lean back.
“Turned out great, right?”
“It did, sweetheart. Always does with you.”
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upat4amwiththemoon · 1 year
Hey how are you?
I'd like to send a request for Wanda and Natasha as reader's moms
Here's the idea :
Y/n did something she was formally told not to do by her mothers, she accepted to get into one of their neighbor's house.
She knew she shouldn't and she wasn't allowed because her mothers told her not to but she struggled to say no.
Natasha and Wanda are worried cause y/n should already be home
Natasha is particularly angry and Wanda too, but much less and tries to calm Natasha.
After the whole argument Wanda comes to check on y/n in her room
The rest is up to you! Just please make it happy ending 😭💞
Stranger danger
Summary: The most important rule: never go into a stranger’s house.
Pairing: WandaNat x daughter!reader
Warnings: cursing, some angst
Word count: 1327
a/n: hope you like this! :)
Tags: @thought-of-you-and-me @rafecameronswhore @emsmultiverse @natashamaximoff69
masterlists | guidelines
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Walking home with her backpack in her hand, Y/N looks around the neighborhood. She has spent a lot of time around there, obviously, but it’s mostly been walking to and from school. She hasn’t really took her time exploring it. Although, she won’t do it now either, her mothers are expecting her to be home soon and she’d hate to worry them.
Kicking some rocks on her path, she hears a nearby door open, but ignores it, until someone shouts. “Hey! You live in the neighborhood, right?” Y/N turns to look towards the voice, seeing a woman standing by the door. “The two women’s kid?”
“Yeah.” Y/N stops walking.
“My mom lives here, an old woman, she has seen you walk through here a lot. Said you look like a sweet girl.” The woman says, though Y/N isn’t seeing any relevance to this. “It’s her birthday, we have cake. She wanted to see if you’d like to join us.”
“Oh.” Y/N looks towards the way she’s supposed to be walking right now. She doesn’t live that far away, there are only few houses between. “I don’t know.” She mumbles. She has talked to the old woman a few times and she seems really nice, but she has been told not to go inside anyone’s house.
“You don’t have to stay long.” The woman smiles. “It’s just me, my mom and my husband. And a dog.” She laughs.
Checking her phone, she sees there’s still a bit of time before her moms are expecting to be home. “Well, maybe I can stay for a bit.” She smiles, walking up to the house. They look nice enough, besides, who can say no to an old woman’s birthday party.
“Awesome!” The woman widens the door to let Y/N. “Sparkles is a ball full of energy, so he might jump on you.”
“That’s okay.” Taking off her shoes, Y/N follows the woman deeper into the house.
They go into the dining room, where the woman’s husband and mother are already sitting. The table is full of different sweets, like cookies, brownies and the cake. They all look handmade.
“Hello, Mrs Harkness.” Y/N greets her quietly, still a bit apprehensive.
“You can call me Agatha, hun, haven’t we talked about this before?” She grins, cutting into the cake now that everyone is there. “I’m glad you decided to come! Cake?” Agatha hands a plate with a big piece of cake to her.
“Thank you, Agatha. Happy birthday.” She takes the plate, sitting to a chair the woman pulls out for her.
“Oh, don’t remind me.” Agatha laughs, giving a plate of cake for the woman and her husband. “Feels like I’ve been alive for hundreds of years.” Y/N giggles while eating the cake. “You came straight from school?” She nods towards the backpack leaning to one of the table’s leg.
“How is school going?”
While Y/N starts talking about school, Wanda and Natasha are worrying about her back in their home. The clock is way past the usual time Y/N comes home and none of them have successfully reached her by phone.
Wanda is trying to call Y/N again and Natasha is texting her, occasionally glancing at the clock. Groaning, Wanda throws her phone to the table. “She’s not answering. What if something bad happened?” Her hand goes to her hair, combing through it.
Natasha lets out a frustrated sigh. “She- she’s not hurt. Maybe she decided to take the longer route.”
“She’d be home already even if she had taken it!” Picking up her phone, Wanda starts calling her again. “If she isn’t answering in thirty minutes I am calling the cops.”
When Wanda slams her phone down in frustration once again, Natasha decides to try calling. It takes three rings for Y/N to finally answer her phone. “Where the hell are you?” Wanda gasps, turning to look at Natasha with hopeful eyes, who nods in confirmation. “Come home r- I don’t care! Get home right now.” She ends the call and rubs her forehead.
“She’s okay?”
“She was at a neighbor’s house.”
“What?” Wanda frowns. They’ve never given a lot of rules to Y/N, but that’s because she hasn’t needed them. She’s always been a rule follower, so for her to break one of the most important rules they’ve set isn’t something they’d except her to do. “Whose house?”
Scoffing, Natasha shakes her head. “I don’t know, I just told her to get home.”
The keys rattle from the other side of the front door as the key locks and the door opens. Both Natasha and Wanda walk straight to her, the latter immeasurable pulling her into her arms.
“What the hell were you thinking?” Natasha almost shouts. Y/N pulls away from Wanda’s arms, turning to Natasha. Her face is full of anger. “Have we not told you to come straight to home after school? And not to go to stranger’s house?”
“But I know Mrs Harkness.” She whispers, looking down at the floor. Wanda’s hand is rubbing her shoulder. “It was her birthday.”
“We don’t know her!”
“Natasha..” Wanda mumbles.
Natasha’s hands fly up in the air. She doesn’t want to yell to her daughter, but she’s just so scared and worried that something could’ve happened to her. “Go to your room.”
“Mom, I’m sorry.”
“Go to your room. You’re grounded.” She commands again, before walking away from the situation.
Y/N shakes off Wanda’s hand and runs up the stairs, straight to her room. Wanda looks stares at the top of the stairs for a while and then goes after Natasha.
She sets her hand on Natasha’s back, who is sitting on the couch, her head leaning against her hands. “She made a mistake.” Wanda whispers.
“A mistake that could have been her last.” Natasha turns to look at Wanda. “She could’ve gotten badly hurt.”
“I know, but she didn’t, she’s okay.” Wanda rubs her back with a gentle smile. “I’m gonna go talk to her, and you’ll do something to clam down, yeah?” When Natasha nods, Wanda kisses her cheek and walks upstairs. She knocks on Y/N’s door.
“Yes?” A quiet voice comes from the other side of the door.
Opening the door, Wanda frowns at Y/N’s bloodshot eyes. She sits down next to her on the bed, pulling her into her arms. For a while, quiet sniffles are the only sound in the room.
“I’m sorry, mama. I didn’t mean to make you mad.” The crack in her voice makes Wanda’s heart physically hurt.
“It’s okay,” she leans her cheek on the top of Y/N’s head and kisses it, “I’m not angry. I was just very worried, so was Natasha. We set the rule down for a good reason. Not all people are trustworthy, sweetheart.” The many rings on her fingers are being played by Y/N. It has soothed her since she was a baby. “Can you tell me who were in the house?”
“Mrs Harkness, her daughter and the daughter’s husband. And Sparkles, Agatha’s dog.”
“And they didn’t hurt you?”
Y/N shakes her head. “They were all nice. I’ve talked to Mrs Harkness before when coming home from school.”
“That’s good. How about me and mom go talk to Mrs Harkness, so we know her as well. Then you could visit her, but, you have to tell us if you go somewhere after school.”
“Yeah.” She pulls away lightly, smiling at her mama. “Thank you.” Standing up, Y/N picks up a book from a shelf and brings it to Wanda before going under the covers. “Read for me?”
Wanda laughs, sitting so the backboard is against her back. She moves Y/N’s head to her lap. “You’re still grounded, you know?” She opens the book from the spot where the bookmark is.
“I know.” Y/N closes her eyes as Wanda starts reading.
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Welcome Home, Darling
Part of my Birthday Bash!
I decided to answer two requests with this one: "there's no need to rush - we have all night" & “Spread your legs baby, that’s it… Wider.” with Roy Kent. Inspired by that scene in "Don't Worry Darling" (iykyk 👀)
Roy Kent x Reader
1.3k words
Warnings: Language, oral (f receiving), dirty talk
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The only thing you liked about Roy having away matches was the moment he came home. Sometimes you got to join him on the road, but more often than not you had work or family obligations that kept you from sharing a hotel room with him. This, unfortunately, was another one of those times.
But you didn’t feel an ounce of disappointment today- because today was homecoming day. Any moment now, Roy would casually stroll through the door, duffel bag over his shoulder and a tired smile on his bearded face. You’d spent all day cleaning the house and making sure he came home to a freshly laundered bed, as well as prepping a meal of steak, potatoes, veggies, and homemade chocolate cake for dessert.
Of course, you also put on one of your prettiest little dresses and made yourself your most presentable, ready to greet Roy and lead him to the already set table.
You were just about to light the candles on the dining room table when you heard the sound of the front door opening with a thud.
“Roy!” you squealed. You set down the unused matches and all but ran to the front door, where Roy was dropping his duffel bag to the floor. Immediately, you were in his arms, a welcome feeling after what felt like an eternity apart. (It was really four days, but when you’re this in love, four days and eternity feel quite similar.)
“Hi babe,” he sighed into your hair. “Fucking missed you.”
You wriggled out of his grasp and took his hand so you could lead him to the dining room. “I missed you too,” you said over your shoulder. You giggled when you felt his free hand grab at your waist. “Dinner’s ready.”
Roy pulled you close and wrapped his arms around you when he caught sight of the set table. “Looks amazing,” he hummed, smacking a kiss to your cheek. “But I think I want something different for my first course.” While he spoke, his hands began to wander down your hips, around your front, until he started bunching up the skirt of your dress, exposing the front of your panties to his greedy fingertips.
“Roy Kent,” you giggled, turning around to face him. “What d’you think you’re doing?”
His eyes filled with heat as he walked you backward, not stopping until your ass was pressed against the dining room table. “I think,” he huffed while fiddling with the dampening material of your panties, “I’m having dessert before dinner.” He gripped your hips and lifted you onto the table with ease, smirking at your surprised little yelp. That smirk found your mouth at once, stealing a deep, lingering kiss that took your breath away.
Instinctively, you wrapped your legs around his waist, pulling yourself closer to him. You could feel his growing hardness against your core, helping you forget all about the meal you’d prepared. “Roy,” you whined. “Why don’t we skip dinner and go to the bedroom?”
To your surprise, Roy shook his head, his hand returning to your underwear as he growled into your mouth. “There's no need to rush - we have all night.”
With that, Roy removed himself from your lips and lowered himself to his knees, planting slow kisses down your body as he went. Neither of you seemed to notice the small crack of his knees; you were both too wrapped up in making up for the time apart. Roy groaned at the sight before him: your lacy little black panties on full display, the only thing separating him from what he really wanted.
“Fucking missed you,” he huffed before pressing a deep kiss to your clothed core.
Was he talking to you or your cunt? And did you fucking care?
Those rough fingertips dragged down your panties, letting them drop from your ankles to the floor. Immediately, Roy’s mouth was on your already pulsing cunt. He clutched your thighs with a bruising grip, forcing them apart.
“Spread your legs, baby,” he urged; who were you to deny your weary traveler what he wanted? “That’s it,” he groaned when you did as you were told. “Wider.”
Satisfied at the sight of your spread legs and exposed sex, Roy dove in. He lapped at your puffy lips like a starved man, moaning at the taste he’d been missing these last few days. Your hands gripped his curly hair, pressing his face further into yourself. When his tongue glided down your slit, your back arched off the table. He chuckled darkly at your reaction.
“You like that baby?” His hot breath had your walls clenching around nothing. He licked another stripe down your opening before his tongue dived in.
The moan you let out could only be described as filthy, the kind of moan you didn’t even know existed outside of absurd pornos before you met Roy. It was absolute music to his ears, along with the obscene sounds of his tongue exploring your wetness. He gripped your thighs tighter, wondering how dark the bruises he was surely leaving would be; he made a mental note to kiss your thighs later, to make up for his roughness. And, if he was lucky, those kisses would lead to another opportunity to wind up between your legs.
“Oh, fuck, Roy,” you whimpered as you fought the urge to squeeze your legs against his head. Instead, you rolled your hips, desperate for more of him. Your walls squeezed, wishing desperately that Roy’s tongue was something else. But Roy was right; there was a whole night ahead of you.
One of his hands left your thigh to instead rub harsh circles over your clit. Each drag had your body jerking, overwhelmed with Roy’s hands and tongue and lips and hot breath. He wanted one thing, and he knew he was going to get it.
“Come on, baby,” he coaxed, sweet and mocking. “I know you want to come for me.” He kissed your pussy lips as tenderly as he would your mouth. “Please, gorgeous. Gimme one orgasm and then you can have my cock, I promise. It’s already so fucking hard for you.”
Just the thought of Roy’s hard, throbbing cock was enough to have your eyes rolling back as waves of pleasure overcame you. Your whole body trembled as you moaned his name, a deep, desperate sound, just the way Roy liked.
He groaned against your soaked core and lapped up your juices. “That’s it, baby,” he growled into you. “Let go.”
Your vision went black for a moment as you felt yourself completely soak Roy’s tongue, his beard, the dining room table. It was like a dam had broken inside you, and lucky Roy got to drink every last drop. He slurped away, creating the most obscene sounds you’d ever heard in your life. Even after you began to come down from your orgasm, he kept going, sending jolts of pleasure through your body. It would have been painful if it didn’t feel so damn heavenly.
“Fuck,” he finally sighed, resting his cheek against your sticky thigh. “Fucking delicious.” He pressed a slow, affectionate kiss to your pussy lips, smirking when he felt your limp body twitch. “Aww, my poor girl looks tired.” He lightly stroked your hip with his fingertips. “Should we heat up this food and get you fed, or d’you want me to give you something else in the bedroom?”
You propped yourself on your elbows and glanced over your shoulder at the now-forgotten feast you prepared. With a ghost of a smile, you looked back at Roy and his bearded smirk. “Bedroom,” you panted, reaching out to caress his drenched face. “I think what you have will fill me up more than any dinner could.”
Roy’s eyes darkened with desire as he pressed another kiss to your still-pulsing cunt. “Oh, darling,” he groaned. “You have no fucking idea.”
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zombyjuice · 9 months
EWW ! ヽ( ・∀・)ノ_θ彡☆Σ(ノ `Д´)ノ wonbin
pt1 pt2
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an “enemies” to lovers fic
In which ! — you thought he was an idiot and it turns out he's is! but maybe, just maybe he’s your idiot. song inspo. a b c
pairing ! — wonbin x fem!reader. (mentions of beomgyu txt minji nwjns taesan and leehan bnd seunghan riize duh!)
warnings ! — on and off friends to “enemies”, the little faces are kinda like the reactions lol lol, minors cussing a little tiny bit, pt1!
“seriously? wonbin ha! no! gross-
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— eww!!” you nervously shake your head and laugh out loud, grin a little too big.
(゜-゜) (´・_・`) (人´∀`*)
“you… you like wonbin! oh my gosh!” “y/n likes Wonbin! Y/n likes won-!” Hand slamming on beomgyus face, frantically looking around the quiet halls “what are you? twelve? stop that!”
“Okay so maybe we kissed… what! don’t look like that…” “thought you hated him… ugh! wonnie... eww!” he mocked “ugh!”
oct 31, 2013.
After a long day of fake smiles and “thank you’s!” to strangers that don’t even know you, girls coming up to you and asking to come to your birthday party and just desperate glares a pleas, you come home hair mangled and sweaty ready to lay down.
The living room was extremely silent it was deafening, the room was so dark you thought you were blind for a second and nobody was in sight, feeling conflicted your small body reaches up to flick the lights on.
“HAPPY BIRTHDAY!” — “HAPPY BIRTHDAY HAPPY BIRTHDAY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!~” — “Oh my gosh beomgyu you do too much!” — “Yah! Boys! it's y/ns day, not yours!”
!…(⊙_⊙)…. (*>﹏<*)
“Are you crying??” “pfft” “Don’t laugh beomgyu” a small donghyun huffs “I’m sorry!! cmere here y/n”
Your mom said last birthday that was your last birthday party since you never smiled at the camera when it was time for pictures she never understood why, you neither so you agreed, it was silly, but you took it seriously not accepting… well this. Your mom, twin brother donghyun, your older brother beomgyu, and your two best friends minji and dongmin all up and around your prettily decorated table with your favorite cake and 8 candles.
You fall into your families embraces and hug tightly back “such an ugly crier” beomgyu mumbled, making you stab him in the rib with your elbow “ow…”
You guys all laugh and enjoyed your self’s, you were happy it was small and no forced pictures and no loud noises you loved it!
You, your twin, and your two best friends, all in the same grade, and all one friend group beomgyu three grades above you. So he barely hung out with you guys all together. So that night you dragged your friends to your room and turned on some horror movies your mom definitely would not allow.
Usually on Saturday nights like this Beomgyu brings his friends over to sleep over— soobin and taehyun— and soobin thought it’d be a good idea to bring his younger sibling—Seunghan— and his best friend— wonbin. To your home. To sleep in your home.
Our school grade heartthrobs along with your brother Donghyun. You didn’t know them all that well and to say you were unhappy with their presence ruining the night is an understatement.
“no boys allowed sorry” You peak through the door crack and give a light smile eyes shifting towards Wonbin.
“uh, those are boys…” Seunghan huffed
“yeah but there our boys”
Seunghan was known to be quite an a-hole but a “sweet” one at least just wanting to be your friend but that’s how he shows it, which is weird. and you just stayed out of his way, you also being quite popular cause of your dad and your brothers, you didn’t take popularity too seriously only worried about your real friends but also did not want to be socially rejected because Seunghan and his minion Wonbin decided to clown on you. Wonbin was the quiet one, most people thought he was the “cold” one but you saw right through his silly facade and just honestly having no comment. He was nice to look at though, they both were.
“Hey, Wonbin didn’t Beomgyu say that his sister is super chill sweet, and calm and shit,” your jaw drops wide and you let out a squeak “You cannot be cussing! Anyone can hear!” you whisper shouted “And- and I am! all.. of those things can you please leave now” Seunghan chuckled lightly mischievously smirking and pushing past you and the door entering your pink room SNSD posters all over the place. “hey! you can’t- you know this is an invasion of privacy!”
Minji and dongmin resorting to hiding under the covers giggling.
“Wow what big words” wonbin giggled and when his face turned to the tv.
( ⁰д⁰),、’`( ꒪Д꒪),、’`’`,、‘`( ꒪Д꒪),、
The gruesome scene taking him a back, let's just say there was definitely tears, screams lots of scurry’s, and a couple of boys needing to go home.
He chuckled along but only because Seunghan was but telling from those glares he gave you definitely didn’t think it was funny.
Before everyone could leave you gripped his wrist “Hey, sorry that happened, I was just wondering if you wouldn’t tell my mom? You know I could get in a lot of trouble, please.” he just had a silly smile on his face and stayed quiet, looking back at you as he— eerily— walked away eyes never leaving yours. What.
If he told your mom you're grounded and getting your TV token and no more friends over. Oh wonbin. Donghyun nods his head almost as if he could read your mind and you guys look at eachother frightened
“He's funny I like him!” “shut up beomgyu!”
The next day was frightening, almost as if he was trying to scare you the way you scared, him. Which may you add was not your fault.
You and your brother would be walking to dance class and boom, Wonbin wide eyed standing straight and not moving a bit, your heart falling out your butt.
“Oh my gosh! you scared me” you frowned he smirked eyes still wide, “I know…” he whispered “okay… um well we’re leaving to class now, bye?”Your brother said it as if a question. All that came from the boy was heavy breathes and you guys ran off heart thumping and you let out a little giggle from the adrenaline thinking the situation was quite silly.
after school
“wonbin told and mommy said we’re grounded” donghyun huffs sadly and throws himself on your bed. “gah! that’s idiot eww i hate him!” you stomped and sighed laying yourself right next to your brother.
and that marks the day of your very strange relationship with Park Wonbin.
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crybaby-bkg · 1 year
Bakugou is adamant about not doing anything for his birthday. He does this every year, and you usually do something for him anyway, something small. You might have a picnic or go hiking with him or just stay in bed watching his favorite movies.
He doesn’t want to do anything for his birthday ever. And this year, you respect his wishes.
When he wakes up, he expects streamers and balloons to litter the room. Maybe you walking in half naked with a tray of breakfast for him. He expects something, even though he’s adamant about having nothing. So he’s a little….surprised? Disappointed? When he wakes up and has…nothing.
Bakugou gets up and pads into the kitchen and is greeted by a regular sight—you sitting in your usual chair with a warm mug and scrolling through your phone. You perk up when he enters though, smiling at him, getting up from your seat as you hand him his protein shake. You kiss his lips gently, whispering against his mouth,
“Good morning, my love. Happy birthday.” And continue on with your normal routine. Bakugou blinks, surveys the kitchen once more, looks over the counters and peeks into the trash can. He figures you must’ve made him another one of those big birthday breakfast’s, but it’s still the same regular breakfast you always make.
The rest of the day goes on like that. Everyone treating him as they usually do on his birthday—overwhelmingly and annoying, and he hates it a little more than he usually does. Were you upset with him? Did he do something the night before for his birthdays festivities that he never wants to be canceled?
He perks up when you text him, but it’s just to ask if he wants chicken tonight instead of fish. He almost breaks the screen on his phone when he replies chicken.
By the time Bakugou gets home, he’s irritated beyond all hell. Yes, he knows he told you how much he didn’t wanna be celebrated today but that didn’t mean to do this. To do nothing. He takes a few breaths before he unlocks the front door, sighing as he enters with his head down, immediately kicking off his boots.
“Happy birthday, handsome!” You shout when he enters, making his head immediately whip up. He’s shocked at the sight; you standing in the middle of your living room in that one outfit he said he loved the most on you, with orange and black streamers and balloons decorating the space. The lights are dimmed and his favorite song is playing (the one that blasted on the speakers the night he took you home after your first date), there’s an assortment of food on the table, and what looks like a homemade cake in the middle. He’s frozen at the sight, and is only pulled out of his stupor when you pad over to him and bring his face down to yours.
“I know every year you say you don’t want anything for your birthday, but I couldn’t help myself. Is this okay?” You ask gently, cupping his cheeks, smudging the soot from his skin. Bakugou stares down at you with the softest look he could muster, smiling gently as he pulls you in close to him, kissing you hard until you both lose your breath.
“It’s perfect.” Bakugou answers simply, pecking your forehead as he pulls you in close until your nose is pressed against his collarbone. You take in his scent before sighing, pulling away as you pat at his chest.
“Good. Now go take a bath so we can eat and open your presents.” You nod to the back of the house, going to pull away but Bakugou squeezes you tight to him. He looks at you, seriously, and it almost worries you, before he whispers softly into the air,
“I love you.” His voice sincere and sweet, and it makes you smile so hard your cheeks burns. You peck him once, twice, before speaking against his lips,
“I love you more.”
And after that, Bakugou doesn’t dread his birthday as much. Not if he gets to spend it with you.
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waklman · 1 year
hey! It’s my birthday today! I was wondering if you could write a small blurb about Bradley doing something special for babybear on her birthday? No worries if you aren’t able to! I love the series! <3
Birthday Suit
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first off, happy freaking birthday!!!!! of course i’ll write something for you!!!! thank you for enjoying my series, i have on my party hat for you right as we speak B) i wanted to get this posted on the day of your birthday so sorry if it’s not as polished >.> (also maybe because i wrote this on the shaky bus..so that too haha)
warnings: fluff, 18+ blog in general, minors dni.
word count: 900
something ‘bout you masterlist.
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“Shit–she’s not here yet, right?” Bradley asks frantically, nudging the door open with his foot—hands clumsy handling a cake.
He’s yet to look up from the very costly decorated birthday cake, trying to balance it with sweaty fingers. You’ve been raving over the local bakery’s designs lately—showing Bradley their custom made desserts to an endless degree.
Which only meant that—he wouldn’t be able to live with himself if he didn’t splurge on a cake. Especially one that was shaped like the head of a bear. When he finally arrived at the bakery for pickup, in his scramble to show up on time—Bradley couldn’t even be mad that one of the bear’s eyeballs were slipping off the edge, because you’d like it.
It would make you laugh, and that’s all Bradley needed to know before stuffing a fat twenty dollar bill in the tip jar—rendering the teenage girl at the register speechless.
As he sets the cake down, Bradley stretches his neck to face the group of usually chatty aviators surrounding the kitchen island.
His eyes are already narrowed into slits, staring at them through his eyebrows with a warning look.
There’s only silence between him and the group, who all have their mouths parted in shock. Hangman’s mouth is parted the widest, making the paper party horn slip from his teeth—which annoys Bradley even more.
Bob is the only one who can’t face Bradley, blinking down at the cake nervously—trying his hardest to ignore his choice of apparel.
“Don’t say a thing,” he grits, watching Jake collect his thoughts, lips puckering together—a clear sign that he does in fact—has something to say.
To no one’s surprise, he’s the first to speak up. “What the—What the fuck is on your face?” Jake sputters, lips curling inside his mouth to let out a hideous laugh.
He says exactly what everyone’s thinking, causing most of the pilots to double over in laughter. Though some of them—well just Coyote, accidentally spits up in his own hand, from holding in his amusement.
“What the fuck is on his face?!” Natasha yells the question at Jake. “Don’t you mean—What the fuck is he wearing?” Natasha puts forth, tugging on the pink tutu around his waist.
“Hey. Hands off woman, this took forever to put on.” Bradley grunts, turning his hip away from her hands.
It’s not like Bradley isn’t aware of how ridiculous he looks. There’s a full shaving cream beard ringing around his mouth for God's sake. Not to mention the bright pink tulle around his jeans—paired with a matching princess tiara sitting on his curls, of course.
He’s actually very aware that he looks like he’s been dressed by a group of six year old girls given free reign—also known as the collective who runs your brain. You’d have a hoot at this.
Before anyone else can get another word in—the front door of your apartment jiggles, and Fanboy quickly hushes everyone. The make fun of Rooster convention is put to an end as everyone scatters to a nearby hiding spot. If it’s one thing the group is good at—it’s knowing how to act quickly.
Right as you walk in, you almost fall over from being greeted with loud screams of “Suprise!” and “Happy Birthday!” and even one “I love you more than Rooster!” coming from Hangman.
Clutching your chest, your mouth stretches into a wide smile—heart full of joy at the surprise. “W-What? Oh my god,” you catch sight of Bradley first.
Completely dropping your stuff onto the floor, you go running at the flushed pilot, throwing yourself into his arms. Bradley stumbles back with a shy look on his face, “How do I look honey?”
You place a searing kiss to his mouth, letting the shaving cream stamp your own face—matching Bradley. “So freaking cute, I love the tiara,” you laugh, taking it for yourself.
Jake’s already starting, “See, I don’t know—it looks fine on her but on Rooster it’s kinda—” Natasha jabs him in the ribs with her elbow, not wanting him to ruin the moment. Jake groans, catching the hint.
Bradley finally drops you, hands still on your waist as you slip back onto the wooden tiles. You get distracted, playing with Bradley’s skirt as he grins down at you, “How’d they get this in your size? I tried checking before but—”
“Ahem.” Payback cuts in, knowing you and Bradley tend to get lost in your own little world.
You both turn to face the noise, and everyone’s surrounding the cake, waiting for you to notice it.
“No. No you didn’t!” You gape, hands coming to your mouth—smearing your new white beard.
Your eyes start to actually well up watching everyone make excited gestures at you—happy that you got your dream cake. Hangman flaps his hands around the cake, with an open smile.
Unable to contain your tears, your fingers stretch over your eyes, covering your face completely. “Baby—wait hey are you crying?” Bradley worriedly leans down, trying to pry your hands off.
You fall foward into his chest, and he catches you. “It’s s’cute. The ugly little eyeball—I can't,” you muffle into your palms.
“Thought you’d like that,” he laughs, glad they’re just happy tears. Placing a kiss onto your hairline, he whispers, “Happy birthday babybear.”
“Babybear!” All the pilots shout in unison, some even tearing up themselves. In a flash, everyone's throwing themselves at you both, turning it into a group hug. Hangman is the last to join, wrapping his arms around everyone, sniffling.
You just cry harder at the sentiment, this is the best birthday ever.
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note: as always, thank you for reading and reblogs are greatly appreciated!
tags for this series: @wkndwlff @sammyrenae68 @stark3ys @roosterbruiser @gracelyn-writes @zombiedeathsworld @blueoorchid @averyhotchnerr
join my taglist for this series here or follow @waklman-library and turn on notifs to get notified when i post !
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because-of-a-friend · 2 years
Seventeen Reaction: Your Birthday
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Thanks for the request anon! I hope you don’t mind, since you wanted either, I just turned it into a reaction so that way both could be included (I also feel like I’m best at this writing format lol).
Remember gifs aren’t mine! If you like them, pls click through and show their OPs some love!!!!
Warnings: None I think, let me know if I missed anything!
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Seungcheol is the perfect boyfriend to celebrate a birthday with. He is attentive and listens so anything you mention throughout the year that you might want or  an activity you want to do- he’s going to remember. He loves to spoil you, so expect gifts throughout the day. He probably wants to spend a lot of time one on one and show you how happy he is that you’re in his life, but he also realizes you want to see your friends and family. He’ll probably plan two events. There will be a really big party for everyone in your life. He stresses over making it perfect lol. He wants you to have a good time with the people you love without any other worries. After that, he’ll want a nice dinner with just the two of you. You get to pick any restaurant you want, he’ll make it happen. Any birthday with Cheol feels like a perfect rom-com romance scene. 
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I don’t know why but something makes me absolutely positive that this man gives you as many flowers as possible on your birthday. You wake up in the morning to flowers, you come downstairs to flowers, you get into your car to flowers, you come home to more flowers, every time he sees you- a flower. “Hannie, what on earth are we supposed to do with all of these?” you ask, feeling as though your house is nearly overflowing with flowers. He’ll probably do something really cute like press some flowers from each bouquet and put them around a picture of the two of you as a gift for your next birthday:(. Each birthday with Jeonghan is just tons of flowers. He’ll do other things as well: he tries to make you a cake every year (he’s getting really good at it), he’s also into getting you nice jewelry, he’ll take you to do whatever you want to do that day. He doesn’t like planning lots in advance because he prefers to do what you’re in the mood for that day. But he’ll make it fun no matter what.
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Joshua simply does not trust his intuition enough to plan anything for your birthday on his own. Don’t get me wrong, he’ll take care of it all. But before he does, he will ask you directly what you want and what you want to do so he can give it all to you exactly how you want it. He’ll try to get you at least one gift or plan one activity that you’re not expecting so that you’ll have a little bit of a surprise, but he feels a lot better knowing that most of it is what you definitely want. Usually he likes to include a handwritten letter telling his favorite memories with you in the past year and how much you mean to him. That way with a few extras, you’ll have not only the birthday you wanted, but also some gifts from his heart to show how much he cares. He just wants you to have a good birthday.
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As always, Jun is a bit of a wild card. He’s also unsure he knows what to plan for you. But instead of asking you, he just tries different things every year. From giant parties to quiet dinners, Jun has done it all for you. It’s always exciting to see what adventures your birthday will hold this year. Since he’s done so much for your birthday, he always tries to find somewhere new. Trips, museums, festivals. One year, he even took you around town to every place you could get something for free when it’s your birthday. He’s not too big on gifts, most of his effort goes into the experiences he tries to create for you. So usually, you get one really nice, thought-out gift from him along with a day of fun.
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Hoshi loves birthdays. Like absolutely loves them. He gets more excited about your birthday than you lol. Hoshi is like a little kid on Christmas on your birthday. He’ll wake you up at the crack of dawn and already be yelling about how it’s your birthday. There’s no way you’re not partying. Hoshi wants you to have the most fun with all the people who care about you. So whether you go out on the town or throw a party at home, Hoshi is going to make sure you’re being celebrated. He’s BIG on gifts. Gag gifts, serious gifts, humorous gifts, sentimental gifts. He’ll do it all. You love it but usually by the end of the night, you’re wondering how on earth you’re going to out-do him for his birthday lol.
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Wonwoo also doesn’t like to plan for you in case he messes up. But he truly tries his best. His go to is a nice dinner. Wonwoo knows how stressful life can be so he tries to make sure it’s a day of rest for you. He’ll make breakfast for when you wake up. He books you a spa appointment with all the extras that you could want added. One year you actually convinced him to go with you. He’ll never forgive you for the hundreds of pictures you took of him with a towel wrapped around his hair and cucumbers over his eyes. Anything that soothes you, he will make happen that day. He’ll make you your favorite warm drink, make sure any work calls are blocked, and just let you do whatever relaxes you. Then he ends it all with a very nice dinner with a nice bouquet of flowers and a sweet gift. 
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This nerd probably writes you a song for your birthday. It’s not his fault he’s so cheesy, that’s just one of the only ways he feels comfortable expressing his true feelings. Also because it’s him, the song is actually very beautiful and well made, not a cheesy cheap song. He literally doesn’t know how to plan a birthday. He usually depends on your friends to help. They say what they need and he makes sure it happens. He’ll add his own little touches to the party to make it a little bit his and just to know he did something for you. He’ll also stress over what to get you. This stuff really does not come easily to him. Not because he doesn’t care or because he doesn’t know you. But because no idea seems good enough. So he may need a little help with gifts and parties, but it always turns out perfect.
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Seokmin is also super into birthdays. He loves getting to celebrate you on your day. He’s not into super big parties. He’ll probably plan a small gathering with your closest friends and family. He might even plan a day trip to the beach or somewhere for all of you. He’s the type that calls each person personally and tells them how much it would mean to both him and you if they could come celebrate your birthday :(. It results in a slew of comments from everyone in your life implying that you need to marry him. He just wants you to have fun with all the people you love on your birthday. He’s also the type to just get you one or two really nice gifts that he put a lot of thought into.
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If you have a party that includes friends and family, Mingyu will make sure it’s planned for a different day. He’s a little selfish, he wants you all to himself on your actual birthday. He wants to spend every moment all over you. He’s also a big fan of lazy days on your birthday. You’ll spend most of the morning cuddling. If you want to go out, he’ll still be nearly on top of you the whole time. He’s holding your hand, hugging you from behind, sitting next to you instead of across from you in restaurants. He also doesn’t do much planning, he lets you lead the day. He’ll take you anywhere you feel like going and pay for absolutely everything. Do not even try to pull your wallet out, it’s not happening. If you so much as look at something like you want it, he’s buying it for you. He just wants to spoil you on your special day.
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He’s also a fan of more intimate gatherings for your birthday. If he plans a party it’ll just be close friends and family. He really likes taking you on trips for your birthday. Usually pretty nature spots but if you prefer something else, he’s happy to go there too. They’re very nice trips too, usually a week long, with lots of activities planned, and plenty of time to just rest. Like Mingyu, if he sees you out shopping during the trip, he’ll buy you anything you want. He’s also your personal photographer so you have plenty of nice photos to show off once you get back. When it comes to gift he cares more about sentimental type gifts. He wants something that shows he cares or something he put a lot of effort into making himself (your apartment is filled with very nice art painted by him). He just wants to show you he cares.
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Also not much of a planner. He’ll let you lead the way for your birthday but he’ll hype up whatever you want to do. He also does a lot of research to make sure you get the best out of any experience you want. He does anything he can to make sure the day runs smoothly. He’s much bigger on gifts. He will shower you in gifts. He spends the whole year buying the things he knows you want just to give it all to you for your birthday. He is very intuitive when it comes to gift giving, you’re never disappointed by a gift from Seungkwan.
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Also prefers for your birthday to be just you and him. And also a big fan of trips on your birthday. He also likes taking you to very unique experiences. Maybe there’s an art exhibit temporarily in town, or a festival, or a show. If he does a trip it’ll be one that he saved up for for a very long time and be a once in a lifetime experience. Your birthday is special so he wants it to be full of things you don’t usually get to do. If you do throw a party he’ll pick very interesting venue locations so that it’s still something special. His gifts will also be more of the sentimental type. And often he gets you tickets to more fun things to do. He believes spending time with you while doing his best to make you happy is the best gift he has to offer.
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Strangely good at planning birthdays. He’s the oldest in his family so he can be very responsible. He always knows exactly what you want and makes sure that it happens. You want a big party with all your family and friends? He’s planning for weeks to make sure it’s perfect. You want a nice dinner with you and him? He’s made reservations at the nicest place in town. You want to go on a trip? Name the place and he’ll book the tickets. You just want to hang out around town and do whatever comes up? He’s packing a backpack to make sure you guys are prepared to stay out all day. When it comes to gifts, however, you need to tell him exactly what you want. He’ll get it, but he needs guidance lol.
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daredevil fam celebrating teen!intern!reader's birthday! (headcanons)
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type of writing: headcanons / scenario
word count: 906
request: yes / no
original request: “HIII FAVORITE AUTHOR OMG ok soo my birthday is comin up on the 19th and i was just wondering how the daredevil fam would help celebrate w a teen!reader -- intern or adopted kid, whichever you’re feelin. and there’s literally no rush! i’m just excited that my birthday’s coming up :) “
dynamic: daredevil fam (nelson murdock & page) x teen!intern!reader
characters: reader, matt murdock, foggy nelson, karen page, josie, marv LMAO
a/n: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! omg i hope u have the best day ever!! this request was SO FUN to write & i rly loved thinking up how the fam would help celebrate!! i used a more professional looking pic bc i think these headcanons may be my most chaotic LMAO 🫶
taglist: @nutellani @thecloudedmind
(fill out this form if you'd like to be on my taglist!!)
ok so the way they found out it was ur birthday is lowkey stalker-ish
maybe not full stalker but it’s not like it was out in the open.
a certain… ahem…. fogwell foggy foghorn fogster fog jr 
i forgot his full name this is embarrassing so let’s pretend i said that on purpose as a joke!!
haha hehe omg mae ur so funny
why thank you!!
anyways he was looking in ur file that ur school had given nelson murdock & page so that u could legally work there
and he saw that ur birthday was in two days!!!
two days!!!
so he was in full panic mode
below are real (YEAH, REAL!!) texts he sent to karen & matt
i gotta prepare myself yknow i gotta get in that foggy texting headspace
ok i'm ready
“OMG (oh my gosh) 😱😱😱😱!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! y/n’s birthday is in TWO DAYS 🚨🚨🚨RED ALERT RED ALERT 🚨🚨🚨we have to do something for them!!!!!! like maybe get a gift 🎁or some cake 🍰🧁🎂? they would like that, right? of course they would, who doesn’t like cake 🤩🤩🤩🤩?? well, except for you matt 😡😡i judge you for that. JK (just kidding) LOL (laughing out loud)... or am i🤔🤔?? anyway we need to be READY!!!”
imagine matt’s text to speech reading that
like it would be saying “exclamation point” until the end of time LMAO
(laughing my ass off)
also i do think matt prob doesn’t like cake
he prob would want one of those meatloaf cakes for his birthday like the ones that ppl “frost” with mashed potatoes? they seem like his vibe
ok anyways so you were kinda suspicious when you got to the firm the next day
you had a lot of stuff to file so you were trying to get down to it
but then they all kept coming over and asking questions
“hey, y/n. what’s your favorite color?”
“[your fave color].” you answered
and karen nodded but she took out her phone and made a note so you were like “hm”
but you thought nothing of it
and then matt came over 
and he was like “what’s something you like”
and you were like “...”
and he said “well?”
and you were like “just… anything?”
“uh… i like watching baseball. and … cats.”
“ok, baseball and cats. perfect.”
and then he smiles as he walked away because he understood that he just unintentionally made the perfect pun
so that was kind of funny
and kind of sweet bc like maybe they were trying to connect w u more!
but then u saw foggy taking a picture of u filing
“foggy, what the hell are you doing??”
you knew they didn’t like you swearing in the office but y’all desperate times call for desperate measures
“uh.. i’m… taking a selfie.”
“yeah? let me see.”
so he tried to hide it from you
but it was very clearly a photo of you!!!
“foggy --”
“y/n. it’s a new filter. don’t worry. it only LOOKS like you. it’s actually me.”
so you went to bed that night kinda nervous
like were they going to kill u or something??
did u need a witness??
oh well
anyway so the next day was ur birthday!!
happy birthday to u happy birthday to u happy birthday y/n happy birthday to u
that was from me to u reader, but ik u wanna know what matt and foggy & karen say so i’ll go do that
you were lowkey scared to go in the office
bc again, they were all acting weird 
u heard foggy whisper “go”
and then nothing
and you heard foggy curse and karen was like
“we told you these confetti poppers were expired!!”
regardless, they all were like “SURPRISE!!!”
and you were totally floored
bc this was like so nice
& u never expected for them to do anything for ur birthday
really really nice seats to a baseball game!!
not that it mattered for matt where u sat 💀 
and yeah they were gonna go with you 
which was so cute like aww
bc lets be honest she would be the best baker
and she piped these like little cats on them!!!
they were so cute
except for the fact that they weren’t in the fridge so they were kind of half melted
but you loved them so much it literally didn’t matter
if you didn’t suspect that this internship was the best thing to ever happen to you before, you definitely had it confirmed now.
ok last little anecdote so i don’t end on such a cheesy note
after u did some filing
ok it was ur birthday but that didn’t mean u got out of work
the fam took u to josie’s and foggy told her it was ur birthday
and she was like “happy birthday kid.”
and then she looked him straight in the eye and was like “you’re not getting food for free because of that.”
but guess what?
everyone in the bar was pretty jolly bc its a bar guys ppl drink
anyway so they sang happy birthday to u!!
ur fave old man marv (who u had that wing eating contest with once) led the singing
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Lonely In A Crowded Room [Part Three]
Fandom: American Actor, RPF, Elvis Movie RPF
Pairing: Elvis Presley x Female Reader
Characters: Elvis Presley, Female Reader, Reader, Red West, Billy Smith Marty Lacker, Original Female Characters, Memphis Mafia, Austin!Elvis
Word Count: 3557 // Rating: Explicit
Summary: Have you ever felt alone in a room full of people?
Tags/ Warnings: Established Relationship, Marriage, Graceland, Living at Graceland, Kisses, Anxiety, Nudity, Memphis Mafia, Austin!Elvis, Elvis Movie, Horse-riding,  Kissing, Fingering, Birthdays, Birthday Party, Romantic Getaways, Loneliness, Migraines, Football, Elvis Playing Football is so hot I cant, Presents, Reader Can be Priscilla if you want, Arguing, Fighting, Flashing, Birthday Party, Security, Reader Dress Inspo, Reader Necklace Inspo, Smut, Vaginal Fingering, Vaginal Sex, Oral Sex, Face Sitting, Unprotected Sex, Cabin Inspo
Notes: im obsessed with graceland at the moment but the idea of so many people coming and going in my house is my idea of hell. So i thought I’d write about it lolol
Final part. I liked writing E like this simultaneously cute af and hot as fuck
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As the city skyline started to disappear into more rural surroundings and the radio became the most notable sound in the car Elvis spoke. 
‘I shouldn’t have eaten all of that,’ he said with a sound of relief. He shifted in his seat and looked at me. I was looking at him now after spending most of the journey pouting and staring out the window, ‘you not talking to me?’ ‘I don’t know are you going to tell me what’s going on or are we just going to make small talk,’ I said raising an eyebrow. ‘I enjoy talking about anything with you honey,’ he challenged chuckling as my pout melted a little, ‘look I will explain but I wanna show you rather than tell you is that too much to ask?’ ‘So it’s nothing bad?’ I asked ‘Bad? Why the hell would you think it would be bad?’ he said his brow furrowed. ‘You said those nut jobs were around the house and Red and Sonny seemed amped. Then you and Jerry are being all secretive. What am I supposed to think?’ ‘Oh baby I’m sorry,’ he said, ‘I didn’t mean to worry you. I can promise it’s nothing bad.’ ‘Sorry,’ I mumbled, ‘I guess I put two and two together and got five.’ ‘Don’t worry I understand,’ he said falling quiet for a moment before he continued, ‘did you enjoy your birthday?’
The corner of my mouth turned up in a smile as I watched him glance at me every so often. ‘I did,’ I said, ‘you were right though I ate too much too.’ ‘That’s the problem with Lombardi’s it’s too good,’ he chuckled, ‘you like your cake?’ ‘Definitely, though I forgot to ask them to save some to bring back to the house.’ ‘I’m sure it’ll make its way back somehow. And I don’t know if we’ll have enough room for cake with all your presents,’ he smiled. ‘I’m a lucky girl what can I say,’ I smirked. ‘You deserve every single one,’ he smiled, ‘speaking of presents…’
He turned away from me as he glanced at a sign on the side of the road. It directed towards a long lane which he turned down and we started down a long winding dirt road which was lined by dense woodland. It was dark enough that I couldn’t see through the trees and the only thing illuminated was the short space in front of us as Elvis continued driving. Despite the unnerving outside Elvis seemed nonplussed as he hummed along to the music, his fingers tapping the top of the steering wheel. Eventually, the long lane broke into an open space which housed a cabin. He pulled up and parked beside it smirking at me as he climbed out without a word. I climbed out and found him hauling bags out of the trunk. 
As he walked up onto the deck, I took in my surroundings. The cabin seemed to be the only thing around for miles and it had a back deck that flowed into a long yard that was cut through by what I assumed was an offshoot of the Mississippi. It was dim and the only light was the stars and a solitary lamp that was on at the front door. I didn’t have time to take it in properly though as I heard the jangle of keys and the door opening and turned to find Elvis ducking inside the cabin. I followed him watching as he flipped on the lights. 
The cabin wasn’t too big. The main room was split into two providing a kitchen and living area. A large door at the back of it gave a glance at what I assumed was a bedroom. Elvis had dumped the bags by the door and was now standing in the middle of the living room, his arms spread wide as he grinned at me. 
‘Ta da,’ he said. ‘What-’ I started as I walked towards him but he cut me off. He swooped in and wrapped his arms around me looking down at me with a smile.  ‘Do you like it?’ he asked excitedly.  ‘I do but…what is it?’ I asked making him chuckle.  ‘It’s your present,’ he said as if it were obvious, ‘you said yesterday that you were sick of us never getting a moment alone so…here we are.’ ‘You rented us a cabin for the night?’ I said with a smile. ‘Honey, I bought you a cabin,’ he corrected laughing as my eyes went wide. He pulled out of our embrace and sat down on the couch pulling me with him as my eyes roved over every inch of the room. 
‘I can’t believe you did this,’ I mumbled. ‘I don’t know,’ he said moving a hair off of my face, ‘it seems like just the sort of thing I would do.’ ‘Well you’ve never been one to miss out on extravagance,’ I giggled. ‘Understated is for the boring,’ he smiled.  ‘But how?’ I said, ‘I mean I only told you all of that last night.’ ‘I called Jer early this morning. That’s why I had to go out. He rang round and found me a place and we drove up this afternoon and I bought it then and there.’ ‘It was like this when you came up here?’ I said noting the furniture that was already inside. ‘It looked a little worse for wear but Jer stayed here all day and made sure everything was as we wanted it,’ he said, ‘he’s the only one who knows we’re here too.’ ‘But Red-’ ‘Would never have agreed to letting us go somewhere without any supervision. Security blah blah,’ he said. ‘I bet his face was a picture when he realised you’d took off,’ I giggled.  ‘Oh no doubt,’ Elvis chuckled, ‘but Jer’s under strict instruction that he is not allowed to tell anyone where we are unless I tell him he can. So Red will just have to sit and stew.’  ‘Poor Jer,’ I said thinking of the grilling he was sure to be getting right now.  ‘Hey it’ll teach Red not to barge in when people are changing,’ Elvis murmured. I smiled to myself. I knew I’d hit a nerve. Then he leaned in and kissed my jaw and down my neck, his hand caressing my side gently. 
‘So…’ I said, ‘we’re alone?’ ‘Completely,’ Elvis murmured as he continued planting kisses against my skin. ‘No interruptions?’  ‘None,’ he breathed against my neck. ‘No one needing you?’ I asked stroking my fingers through his hair. ‘Just you,’ he said pulling back with a smirk.  ‘Well Mr Presley,’ I said leaning in so we were an inch apart, ‘let me show you just how much I do.’ 
Elvis smiled and crashed his lips to mine. My hands fumbled with his shirt buttons as his tongue ran across my bottom lip begging me to let him in. As I let him a moan emitted from his lips causing the damp heat to worsen in my core.  His mouth moved off of mine, back to my neck, nipping and kissing its way down as I worked his shirt off. His hands were all over me now, caressing every inch of me through the silky fabric that kept us from one another. Once his shirt was off he stood, pulling me off the couch and back to him so he could kiss me once more. His hands held my face as he kissed me deeply. We stayed there for a moment, enjoying each other before I pulled back and said breathlessly, ‘bedroom?’
‘Definitely,’ he said with a glint in his eye. I turned to walk towards it but he came up behind me, ensnaring me from behind and kissing my neck as we walked slowly to our destination. As we got inside he unzipped my dress, his lips following down my back as he yanked it off, leaving me in just my underwear in front of him. I heard a fumble of clothing and when he walked around me I noticed he was now nude, his erection resting against his stomach. He was a sight to behold. His hair was out of place from where I’d run my fingers through it, his lips were swollen from kissing me and his pupils were blown making his blue eyes look almost black. 
‘So beautiful,’ he said as he sat down on the bed and his fingers ghosted down my arm before he hooked my underwear in his fingers and pulled it down. As I stepped out of them he grabbed my hand in his and pulled me onto his lap. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him again as his fingers undid my bra. I pulled back and shimmied it off moaning as his mouth captured my nipple as soon as it could. 
‘That’s it baby,’ he said as he took the other between his fingers and pinched it gently. ‘Feels so good E,’ I moaned feeling my pussy throb with anticipation.  ‘Gonna make you feel so good baby,’ he said as he moved back on the bed. Then without warning, he flopped down. I was sitting on his thighs, eyes closed, but I opened them as he disappeared. My hand reached down to touch his cock but he stopped me, his fingers around my wrist as he leant up on his elbow. Spotting my confusion he chuckled, ‘not yet honey.’ ‘But-’ ‘Let me make you feel good first. Bring that pretty ass up here,’ he cooed reaching up to stroke my cheek. I nodded.
I clambered towards him, my knees on either side of his head, hovering above him expectantly. I heard him chuckle at my eagerness and then I felt him kissing up my thighs until he planted one on my pussy. He didn’t start though, instead, his fingers teased through my slickened folds. 
‘You’re soaked, honey. I haven’t even touched you yet,’ he said, ‘so eager for me.’ ‘Need you E,’ I said as a shock ran through me as his finger traced around my clit.  ‘You’ve got me, baby,’ he said and then he buried his face in me. His tongue lapped at every inch of me, his nose nudging against my clit, causing pleasure to amp up in my core. I groaned as I rode his face, our movements soon becoming synchronised.  ‘E,’ I groaned, ‘oh fuck.’
I was near coming undone. A whimpering mess above him as he alternated his movements between focusing on my clit and fucking my hole with his tongue. His arms were wrapped around my thighs, keeping me in place, and forcing me to do as he wanted.  ‘I’m gonna cum,’ I whimpered receiving a hearty hum from him, ‘fuck, fuck, fuck, fuuuuuuuuuuck.’
I said as white hot pleasure ran through me causing my legs to shake and me to fall forward. He lapped at me a little more and then lessened his hold allowing me to fall down onto the bed. He was at my side in an instant, hovering over me, his chin glistening with my juices. 
‘E,’ I panted, reaching up to stroke his face.  ‘Did I make you feel good baby?’ he said laughing as I barely managed to nod. The feeling was only just returning to my legs and I could feel my heartbeat in my ears but I didn’t care. He watched me with adoration. ‘Just need a minute,’ I said leaning up to kiss him. He kissed me back gently and for a moment neither of us spoke as we enjoyed the other. 
Once the strength had returned back to my body I rolled him onto his back with gusto. He watched as I shimmied down so I was straddling his thighs smiling as I heard his breath hitch with anticipation. I grasped his cock and pumped him gently in my hand. I moved my hand up and down his shaft gently, enjoying the way his head fell back against the bed with a groan. 
Then I shifted forward, running his tip through my folds before I lined him up against my entrance. 
‘Do it baby,’ he said watching me as I inched him in slowly. ‘Fuck E,’ I said as he bottomed out earning a groan in reply. I moved up and down slowly until I settled into a rhythm. I was lost in the moment, my eyes closed as I caressed my own chest, playing with my nipples. He took control then, his fingers holding me in place so he could pound up into me.  ‘Touch yourself,’ he ordered pulling me out of my haze. I obliged and my fingers teased around my clit, matching his rhythm and speed. ‘E,’ I panted as that second wave crept up on me. ‘Not without me mama,’ he said and I nodded. ‘Need it,’ I panted. ‘I’m with you baby,’ he said, ‘cum with me okay?’  ‘Okay,’ I whimpered. ‘Three…two…one,’ he said the last word coming out strangled as he shot inside me. My walls fluttered around him milking him for all he was worth. His hips faltered until they slowed and I pulled off of him, falling beside him exhausted. 
As we caught our breath he pulled me into him and we lay in bliss for a moment before he spoke, ‘well, that’s put an end to that question.’ ‘What?’ I said with a small yawn. ‘You said unless we were alone we would have to quiet,’ he mused. I felt another blush creep up on me. ‘I was kinda loud huh?’ I giggled.  ‘Hey I’m here for it,’ he said, ‘though I think if you did that at home they’d be able to hear you at the gate.’ ‘Maybe it might drive them away,’ I chuckled.  ‘Maybe,’ he said kissing my temple, ‘we might have to try it.’ I nodded and yawned again.  ‘Tired birthday girl?’ he asked and I nodded, ‘how about we shower and get you into bed?’ ‘Sounds like a good idea to me,’ I said. ‘Guess I’m just full of them today huh?’ he said.  ‘You can say that again,’ I smiled earning myself an eye roll from him. I didn’t care. My boy had done good today. 
I woke late the next morning. The sun had long been out but had only just started to breach through the bedroom window as I stirred. I shifted realising that Elvis was pressed against me, his arm wrapped around me, clutching the chiffon of the nightdress I had changed into after our shower. 
‘Mmm,’ he mumbled as I nestled against him. I shifted so I was now on my back and watched him as his eyes opened slowly.  ‘Morning,’ I said watching him with a smile.  ‘Morning,’ he mumbled, pressing a sleepy kiss onto my cheek before his eyes opened properly, ‘what time is it?’  ‘A little after eleven,’ I said as I reached for his watch which was on my nightstand. ‘Woah,’ he mumbled, ‘don’t think I’ve slept that well in years.’ ‘Me either. The wonder of a bit of quiet,’ I sighed happily. Elvis nodded and leaned in to kiss me.
His hand cupped my jaw as he kissed me gently. We lay there for a moment until he pulled back watching me with a smile. I could feel him excited against my thigh and I reached down to touch him gently. He groaned and buried his head in my shoulder as I coaxed him to full length.
‘God damn Y/N,’ he whimpered, and then he rolled me onto my side and came up behind me. His fingers teased my hole before he shoved two of them inside me. I was slick but there was definitely a sting as he fucked me gently getting me ready for him. I bit my lip to keep from whimpering as removed his fingers and replaced them with his cock. He buried himself in me and though there was a little pain at the start it soon devolved to pleasure.
‘Oh fuck baby,’ he said. ‘E,’ I cried. ‘You feel amazing,’ he said kissing along my shoulders, ‘taking me so good.’ ‘Always,’ I breathed. He held one of my hands under the pillow as his other caressed down my body until he was teasing my clit slowly in match with his thrusts inside me. I was coming undone quicker than ever.  ‘Oh Y/N,’ he whimpered as his orgasm hit us both by surprise.  ‘Oh E,’ I whimpered. ‘That’s it baby girl,’ he panted as my climax washed over me. As I came down from my high he pulled out kissing just below my ear.  ‘I love you,’ I mumbled, leaning back against him.  ‘I love you too baby,’ he said kissing my shoulder. 
I lay there for a moment. In my bubble of contentment. I didn’t want to move from here. Ever. 
‘Got everything?’ Elvis said as he stood by the door. I mentally ran through everything in my head and then nodded heading to the door. He grabbed the bag I was holding and headed out onto the porch. He placed the bags down and then waited for me to step out so he could lock the door. As he went to the car and started to load up I wandered over onto the back deck and looked out at the view.
It looked amazing. I hadn’t been able to appreciate it yesterday in the darkness of the night but in the evening sunset, it looked divine. The backyard was a neat patch of grass that devolved into trees and dense woodland on either side of it. Yellow and orange leaves had just started to hem the edges of the green lawn as the winter months drew in and at the edge of the garden it sloped off down to the river which was now yellow and purple on its surface as it reflected the ever sinking sun. 
I watched as the river rippled past, slow and lazy. This would be a perfect family vacation spot. The perfect place for us to have friends and family over for a barbecue, as we did at Graceland. But as soon as that thought came into my head I shook it out. I didn’t want that. I liked the idea that we were the only people in the world who knew we were here. It felt better this way, more special. 
I loved being married to Elvis. I loved my life. But I had meant what I said. I was done with being uncomfortable in my own space. Done with sharing him with the world. I wanted more. I wanted to be a married couple. Normal. 
I needed to tell him. 
As that last thought slipped from my mind I felt Elvis’ arms wrap around me as he pulled me close.  ‘Damn that’s some view,’ he whistled.  ‘I know,’ I said turning around, ‘I’m so lucky you found it.’ ‘Gotta thank Jer for that one honey,’ he chuckled. ‘I’ll make sure to thank him when we get back,’ I said.  ‘Just not the way you thanked me last night okay?’ he chuckled making me roll my eyes. We fell quiet for a moment, the both of us looking out at the sunset and enjoying our last few simple moments together.
‘Seriously though,’ I said after a minute causing him to look at me, ‘thank you for this. It’s just what I needed.’ ‘I’m glad,’ he said, ‘I’d do anything for you you know that.’ ‘I know,’ I said quietly. ‘But?’ he said immediately catching there was something more behind my expression. ‘But I need you to promise me something?’ ‘What is it?’ he asked a furrow in his brow. ‘That this isn’t a one time thing,’ I said biting my lip. ‘Baby we bought a house,’ he chuckled, ‘not like I can forget that in a hurry.’ ‘I know, I know, I just…I want you to promise me that we’ll come back. Just the two of us. Anytime we need to. This can be like-’ ‘A fortress of solitude?’ he said with an excited expression as he explained to my confused one, ‘Batman has one.’ ‘Yeah, like that. I want us to be able to get away from everything if we need to. From everyone,’ I said. ‘It’s between you and me…and Jer,’ he chuckled. ‘Well I suppose I can’t argue with that,’ I smiled.  ‘But you have to promise me something too.’ ‘What?’  ‘That you’ll tell me,’ he said looking at me with his piercing blue eyes, ‘when things are tough. Promise you’ll tell me that you need a lil space. I hate fightin’ with you, and I hate to see you unhappy.’ ‘I’m always happy when I’m with you,’ I reasoned. ‘Just all them other folks around huh?’ he chuckled hugging me close and kissing the top of my head.  ‘They’re part of you,’ I said. It was easier to be more truthful now he wasn’t staring at me, ‘and I’ll always understand that. But sometimes I just get a lil lonely even in a room full of people.’ He pulled back and smiled sadly at me for a moment before he said, ‘you don’t ever have to feel lonely again. You got me.’ ‘Promise?’ ‘Promise,’ he said.
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bookwormscififan · 13 days
Never Assume You're Spending Your Birthday Alone
Read on AO3!
A/N: Little birthday fic for our good doctor's birthday. Also huge thanks to @brokentimewatch for helping with translation.
“I still say that you are the most accident-prone person I have ever met,” Henrik grumbled as he stitched up the slash on Jackie’s side, frowning when Jackie grunted. “I have sewn this spot enough times for you to not be feeling any pain, Jackson Boimen.”
“Doesn’t mean I can’t still be uncomfortable, Doc,” Jackie muttered, grip tight enough on the stress ball in his hand that it was starting to crumble. “Besides, last time the slash was on the other side.”
“That is not the point, Jackie.” Henrik set his tools aside and removed his gloves, pushing his small medical cart away before looking at Jackie with pursed lips, expression reminding him of a disappointed father. “The point is that you need to find new ways to deal with your energy. There are only so many times I can stitch you up before there is nothing to fix.”
“I know, Hen,” Jackie replied, pulling his hoodie back over his head. “I am getting help with that, promise. Phan suggested I try running around the park, and Jamie’s willing to teach me a little bit of boxing.”
“That is alright but remember that you still need to find something for yourself,” Henrik emphasised the word with a prod of his finger to Jackie’s chest. “People get tired of helping other people, and then people start being mean.”
“I’ll make sure that doesn’t happen,” Jackie assured the doctor, hopping off the bed and heading for the door. “Happy birthday, by the way!”
Henrik sighed as the door to his clinic closed, reading over his notes in Jackie’s file and heading for his desk. Pinching the bridge of his nose, he sat heavily in his chair and reached for his mug of coffee, making a face at the realisation that the drink was cold.
“Yes, happy birthday to me,” he sighed once more, glancing at the fading photo in the corner of the desk and feeling his heart ache. “Here is to another year of fixing my housemates and drinking cold coffee.”
A knock at his door woke Henrik hours later, looking at the clock to learn he’d fallen asleep at his desk. Rubbing his eyes, he stood and headed for the door, preparing to either mend a wound or send someone away.
“Alles Gute Zum Geburtstag!” Instead, he was greeted by cheers, seeing everybody gathered outside his door with bags of gifts and cake. Jackie stood front and centre, holding a rich chocolate cake with Phantom and JJ either side of him.
“We thought you needed to celebrate your birthday, Doc,” Jackie explained, smiling as Henrik took the cake from him. “You spend all your time helping us, sometimes you forget to look after yourself.”
“Learning how to say ‘happy birthday’ was tricky,” Chase added sheepishly, standing behind Jackie and scratching the back of his neck. “But Jackie wanted to learn German so you’d have something to chat about.”
“This is amazing,” Henrik breathed, eyes filling with tears as he looked around at all the smiling faces. “I do not know how to thank you.”
“Come bowling with us,” Phantom offered, arm around Jackie’s shoulders. “Don’t hole yourself up in your clinic all night, come out and have some fun.” There was a glint in Phantom’s eye that suggested more than bowling was going to happen, but Henrik couldn’t worry about that at the moment.
He wanted to spend his birthday with his friends and family, away from memories that hurt and coffee that was too cold.
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