#Dominican jubilee
plague-of-insomnia · 2 years
Vatican Miracle Examiner Vocab: Chapter 1
100+ vocab terms from Ch 1, Vol 1 of the 5-part manga series.
Mostly Catholic terms in Japanese and unique usage related to the series.
This list is not exhaustive. I focused on terms that would be unfamiliar (or unfamiliar as used in this series), and/or directly relate to Catholic terminology in Japanese.
I list part of speech, pronunciation, and simple definitions. I have not included additional of these if they are not relevant to this series.
Character names will have titles where applicable and those will be in brackets to minimize confusion; titles will be listed under general vocab as well.
At the end of the list I’ll have a few sources for some of the more obscure terms in case you want to read more or get better context.
As of now I have things listed in the order in which they appear, roughly, in the manga.
Note: This will be a long post since it’s the first chapter in the series and 31 pages long.
Character Names/Places
Note: I’ve chosen to spell names close to the katakana spellings; keep in mind some may be transcribed with slightly different spellings (like Joseph instead of Josef).
平賀•ヨゼフ•庚 [神父] - Hiraga, Josef Kou [Father], Franciscan order
ロベルト•ニコラス[神父] - Roberto, Nicholas [Father], Franciscan order
良太 - Ryota (Josef’s younger brother)
サウロ[大司教] - Saul [Archbishop] , Franciscan order
ニコラス[枢機卿] - Nicholas [Cardinal], secretary of the Dicastery for the Causes of the Saints (also potentially the head of the miracle examiners), also known as “the prefect (of the Curia)” in English
ドンナ•ドロレス - Donna Dolores, a nun from St Rosario Church
[大天使]ミカエル - [Archangel] Michael
[聖]ペテ - [Saint] Peter
パウロ[大司教] - [Archbishop] Paul, Dominican order
アントニウス[神父] - [Father] Antonius
セントロザリオ教会 - St Rosario Church, a church in South America where Josef & Roberto are sent to investigate
バチカソ市国 - Vatican City, the City state of the Vatican
Other Vocab
奇跡、きせき (n; の adj) miracle
常識、じょうしき (n) common sense, common knowledge, common practice
科学、かがく (n) science
説明、せつめい (n, する v; trans v) explanation, account, caption, legend, description
不可思議、ふかしぎ (な adj; n; yojijukugo) mystery, miracle, something inexplicable, unfathomable
現象、げんしょう (n) phenomenon
神、かみ (n) God, divinity
御業、みわざ (n) the works (of the gods)
真偽、しんぎ (n) veracity, authenticity
確かめる、たしかめる (Ichidan v; trans v) to ascertain, to check, to make sure
神父、しんぷ (n) Catholic priest [Note: this is the term used when speaking to someone , like “Father” So-and-So, as opposed to a general word for priest, 司祭, which you don’t use when speaking TO someone but rather about them.]
害、がい (n) evil influence
礼服、れいふく (n) cassock, vestments, etc
暗号、あんごう (n; のadj) code, cipher, password
解読、かいどく (n; するv; trans v) deciphering, decoding
聖年、せいねん (n) holy year, jubilee [see additional notes below]
大聖年、だいせいねん (n) the Great Jubilee (of 2000)
聖堂、せいどう (n) church
バチカン (n) (the) Vatican
市国、しこく (n) city state (as in the Vatican)
宗教、しゅつきょう (n) religion, faith
ブラザー(n) brother (as in, a monk or priest)
天使、てんし (n;のadj) Angel
悪魔、あくま (n) devil, demon, the Devil (Satan)
骨肉腫、こつにくしゅ (n) osteosarcoma
治療費、ちりょうひ (n) cost of medical treatment
ルルドの泉、いすみ (n) Fountain of Lourdes, aka home of “Lourdes Water” in France
奇跡調査官、きせきちょうさかん (n) miracle examiner
調査、ちょうさ (n; するv; trans v) investigation, examination
聖痕現象、スティグマータ (n) stigmata (phenomenon)
未知、みち (のadj; n) the unknown
知れる、しれる (ichidan v; intrans v) to become known; to be discovered; to be known; to be understood
舞い込む、まいこむ (godan v む ending; intrans v) to happen unexpectedly
大司教、だいしきょう (n) archbishop
キリスト (n) (Jesus) Christ
聖書、せいしょ (n) Bible, scriptures, holy writ
黙示録、もくしろく (n) book of revelation; the apocalypse
悪魔が書いた魔法書 - literally, “magic writing written by the devil” [see additional notes below]
古文書、こもんじょ (n) historical document, ancient manuscripts
断片、だんぺん (n) fragment
読む、よむ (godan v, む ending; trans v) to decipher, to read, to recite (a sutra, prayer)
原文、げんぶん (n) original text
会、かい (n; n suffix) meeting, assembly, conference, clerical order
イエズス会 (n) society of Jesus, aka Jesuit order
ドミニコ会 (n) Dominican order
フランシスコ会 (n) Franciscan order (which Josef and Roberto belong to)
派閥 (n; のadj) faction; used in the manga as in orders of priests
破門、はもん (n; するv; のadj) excommunication
枢機卿、すうききょう (n) Cardinal (title)
執行部、しっこうぶ (n) leadership (for example, the Roman Curia, that is the administration of the Vatican)
列聖、れっせい (n; するv) canonization (of a Saint)
列聖省長官、れっせいしょうちょうかん (n) literally, “canonization ministry secretary”; I believe this is intended to refer to the Secretary/Director of the Dicastery of the Causes of Saints; a position in the Vatican overseeing things related to canonization [see additional notes]
祈り、いのり (n) prayer
申請書、しんせいしょ(n) Written application
申請、 しんせい (n; する v; trans v) application, petition, request
教会、しょうかい (n) church, congregation
修道女、しゅうどうじょ (n) nun
大天使、だいてんし (n) archangel
神の子、かみのこ (n) son of God (Jesus Christ); child of God (Christian)
処女懐胎、しょじょかいたい (n) virgin birth, such as Mary with Jesus (immaculate conception)
受胎、じゅたい (n; するv; intrans v) conception
聖母、せいぼ (n) Virgin Mary; holy mother
カソリック (n) Catholic, Catholicism, Catholic Church [note there are a couple diff katakana spellings of this word, but this one is used in VME]
受肉、じゅにく(n) (Christ’s) incarnation (as Jesus of Nazareth)
降臨、こうりん (n; するv) descent to earth (of a god); advent; epiphany
罪、つみ (n; なadj; のadj) sin
永遠、えいえん (n; なadj) eternity; immortality
贖う、あがなう (godan v, う ending; trans v) to atone for
最後の審判、さいごのしんぱん (n) judgment day; final judgment (religious sense)
聖、せい (n) Saint (may also be written with katakana, as in 「セント」, like “St Rosario’s Church”
ローム (n) Rome
司教、しきょう (n) bishop (catholic)
代理人、だいりにん (n) proxy, representative
存在意義、ぞんざいいぎ (n) raison d'être, reason for existing
冒涜、ぼうとく (n; するv) blasphemy, sacrilege, desecration
主、しゅ (n) the Lord (God)
カルト (n) cult
教徒、しょうと (n) believer, adherent
法王、ほうおう (n) Pope; aka ローム法王
司祭、しさい (n; のadj) a priest [do not confuse with 神父, the title of “Father”]
大罪、たいざい、(n) mortal sin, grave sin
契約、けいやく (n; するv; trans v) covenant, contract, pact [as in a deal with the devil]
最高責任者、さいこうせきにんしゃ (n) chief executive [such as, of the Vatican Bank]
教皇庁、きょうこうちょう(n) the Curia, the administration of the Vatican
地位、ちい (n) position, such as within the Vatican hierarchy, or in line to be a papal candidate
潜り込む、 もぐりこみ (Godan v, む ending; intrans v) to go undercover, to infiltrate
マリア (n) (the Virgin) Mary [sometimes seen as 聖母マリア]
聖母子 (n) Virgin and Child, Mary & Baby Jesus
全知全能、ぜんちぜんのう (n; のadj; yojijukugo) omnipotence and omniscient, all powerful and all knowing
救世主、きゅうせいしゅ (n) savior, the messiah, Jesus Christ (the messiah, savior)
背徳、はいとく (n) immorality, corruption, lapse of virtue
堕落、だらく (n; するv) depravity, degradation, corruption
偶像、ぐうぞう (n) idol, image, statue
天罰、てんぼつ (n) divine punishment, wrath of God, judgment of heaven
主よ、しゅよ (なadj; n) Lord, head (of a group)
信仰、しんこう (n;するv; trans v) (religious) faith, belief
印、しるし (n) a sign
聖所、せいじゅ (n) sanctuary, inner sanctum
邪悪、じゃあく (なadj;n) wicked, evil
Additional Notes
Holy year, 聖年 ; Great Jubilee, 大聖年
“Devil’s book,” 悪魔が書いた魔法書
I did a lot of searching trying to figure out what book, specifically, was meant here, and came up with 2 possibilities:
the Gigas Codex, ギガス写本 or 悪魔の聖書, a book that is not held by the Vatican but was supposedly written with magical assistance from Satan himself;
the Grand Grimoire, 大奥義書 or 大いなる教書, not written by Satan but that is held by the Vatican.
It’s possibly intended to be vague, but the exact phrasing here is different than used for either of these actual books and I couldn’t find any other possible real option. Note the anime does call a book “the devil’s book” and describe it as a “Bible written by the devil” but it doesn’t seem to really be a reference to Gigas, so maybe it’s intended to be a fictional book inspired by these real texts for the purposes of the story.
Secretary of Dicastery of the Causes of Saints - 列聖省長官
As always, I’m human and make mistakes. If you find anything feel free to let me know.
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brookston · 1 year
Holidays 9.24
aHus Awareness Day
Armed Forces Day (Peru)
Arts & Aging Day (Canada)
Banned Website Awareness Day
Bluebird of Happiness Day
Brooklyn Dodgers Memorial Day
Chestnut Day (French Republic)
Constitution Day (Cambodia)
Dating Day
Do Impressions of Famous People Around the Office Day
Dominion Day (New Zealand)
Festival of the Latest Novelties
Fête de la Citoyenneté (New Caledonia Day; New Caledonia)
Fidelity Day
Gallbladder Good Health Day
Heritage Day (South Africa)
Innergize Day [Day after Equinox]
International Doodle Dog Day
International Grab Hand Day
Jim Henson Day
Kiss Day
Lady of Mercedes Day (Dominican Republic)
La Mercè (Barcelona, Spain)
Lash Stylists’ Day
Libra zodiac sign begins
Mahidol Day (Thailand)
Moose Day
National Bluebird of Happiness Day
National Braai Day (South Africa)
National Collagen Day
National Day of Arts in Car Homes (UK)
National Familial Hypercholesterolemia Day
National Firefighter Suicide Awareness Day
National Monument Day
National Professional Baseball Day
National Punctuation Day
National Service Scheme Day (India)
National Youth Day (Turks and Caicos Islands)
New Caledonia Day
Republic Day (Trinidad and Tobago)
Santa Cruz Day (Bolivia)
Thrue Bab (Blessed Rainy Day; Bhutan)
Transatlantic Telephone Day
World Bollywood Day
World Cancer Research Day
World Day Against Software Patents
World Day of Thyroid Cancer
World Gorilla Day
World Wasp Day
Worldwide Day of Play (Nickelodeon)
Food & Drink Celebrations
Cherries Jubilee Day
National Horchata Day
National Mofongo Day
World Chutney Day
4th & Last Sunday in September
Banned Book Week begins [Sunday of Last Week]
Clypping the Church Ceremony (Painswick, Gloucestershire, England) [Last Sunday]
Daughter’s Day [4th Sunday]
Gold Star Mother's Day [Last Sunday]
International Daughter’s Day [4th Sunday]
International Day of the Deaf [Last Sunday]
National Get Outside Day [Last Sunday]
National Good Neighbor Day [4th Sunday] (Original Date)
National Hereditary Breast & Ovarian Cancer Day [Last Sunday]
National Police Memorial Day (UK) [4th Sunday]
Police & Peace Officers’ National Memorial Day (Canada) [Last Sunday]
Priesthood Sunday [Last Sunday]
Russian Tiger Day [Last Sunday]
Social Justice Sunday (Australia) [Last Sunday]
Tap-Up Day (Guilford, UK) [Sunday before Oct. 2]
World Day of Migrants & Refugees [Last Sunday]
World Day of Retinitis Pigmentosa [Last Sunday]
World Deaf Day [Last Sunday]
World Heart Day [Last Sunday]
World Rivers Day [4th Sunday]
Independence Days
Guinea-Bissau (from Portugal, 1973)
Feast Days
Almarcon (Positivist; Saint)
Anathalon (in Brescia; Christian; Saint)
Antonio Gonzalez (Christian; Saint)
Chuniald (a.k.a. Conald; Christian; Saint)
Cocktail Day (Pastafarian)
Elizabeth Blackadder (Artology)
Émilie Gamelin (Canada; Christian; Blessed)
Feast of Maiso (pre-existent Mother Goddess; Brazil)
Feast of Our Lady of Walsingham (UK)
Festival of Nafulectu Dilxiln (Black Big Spider; San Carlos Apache, Arizona)
Gerard of Csanád (Christian; Saint)
Germer (a.k.a. Geremar; Christian; Saint)
Jim Henson Day (Muppetism)
Martyrdom of Imam Hassan Asgari (Iran)
Our Lady of Mercedes Day (Dominican Republic)
Our Lady of Mercy and its related observance (Christian)
Our Lady of Ransom (Mercedarians)
Our Lady of Walsingham (Church of England)
Pacificus of San Severino (Christian; Saint)
Prince Mahidol Day and Education for Humanity (Thailand)
Rowlf the Dog (Muppetism)
Rupert of Salzburg (Christian; Saint) [Austria]
Rusticus (a.k.a. Rotiri), Bishop of Auvergne (Christian; Saint)
Schwenkfelder Thanksgiving (Pennsylvania Dutch; Silesian Reformation)
Teddy Ruxpin Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
William Dobell (Artology)
Yemaya’s Day (Pagan)
Yom Kippur begins (Day of Atonement) [10 Tishrei]
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Taian (大安 Japan) [Lucky all day.]
An Adventure in Color (Disney Animated TV Special; 1961)
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (TV Series; 2013)
The Big Bang Theory (TV Series; 2007)
Black-ish (TV Series; 2014)
Blood Sugar Sex Magik, by the Red Hot Chili Peppers (Album; 1991)
Boris Goes For Broke or A Friend in Need is a Fiend Indeed (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S5, Ep. 216; 1963)
Boy Meets World (TV Series; 1993)
Brand New Day, by Sting (Album; 1999)
Caress of Steel, by Rush (Album; 1975)
Chuck (TV Series; 2007)
Come Sail Away, by Styx (Song; 1977)
Constantine (TV Series; 2014)
Daffy Duck’s Quackbusters (WB Cartoon Compilation Film; 1988)
Dazed and Confused (Film; 1993)
Dear Evan Hansen (Film; 2021)
Dharma & Greg (TV Series; 1997)
The Dixie Fryer (WB MM Cartoon; 1960)
A Feud There Was (WB MM Cartoon; 1938)
First Daughter (Film; 2004)
Fur of Flying (WB LT Cartoon; 2010)
Growing Pains (TV Series; 1985)
Jack and the Cuckoo-Clock Heart (Animated Film; 2014)
Jailhouse Rock, by Elvis Presley (Song; 1957)
Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga’Hoole (Animated Film; 2010)
The Long Run, by The Eagles (Album; 1979)
Mathmagicland (Disney Animated TV Special; 1961)
Mister Rock and Roll (Film; 1957)
Mumford (Film; 1999)
The Munsters (TV Series; 1964)
The Name of the Rose (Film; 1986)
Nevermind, by Nirvana (Album; 1991)
1999, by Prince (Album; 1982)
The Odd Couple (TV Show; 1970)
Peyton Place, by Grace Metalious (Novel; 1956)
Porky in Wackyland (WB LT Cartoon; 1938)
The Razors Edge, by AC/DC (Album; 1990)
Scooby-Doo! Mecha Mutt Menace (WB Animated Film; 2013)
60 Minutes (TV Series; 1968)
Shaun of the Dead (Film; 2004)
Six O’Clock Low or Bullwinkle Gets the Point (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S5, Ep. 215; 1963)
Smoke Gets in Your Eyes, recorded by The Platters (Song; 1958)
Star Trek: Discovery (TV Series; 2017)
Teen Titans Go! Vs. Teen Titans (WB Animated Film; 2019)
Tears of a Clown, by Smokey Robinson & the Miracles (Song; 1970)
That Thing You Do, by The Wonders (Song; 1996)
Thinking Out Loud, by Ed Sheeran (Song; 2014)
Three Days of the Condor (Film; 1975)
Zippo Flame App (iPhone App; 2008)
Where the Red Fern Grows, by Wilson Rawls (Novel; 1961)
Today’s Name Days
Gerhard, Hermann, Rupert, Virgil (Austria)
Anatolij, Antun, Rupert (Croatia)
Jaromír (Czech Republic)
Tecla (Denmark)
Alvar, Alver, Alvo (Estonia)
Alvar, Auno (Finland)
Thècle (France)
Gerhard, Rupert, Virgil (Germany)
Kopros, Mirsini, Mirto, Persefoni, Persis, Thekla (Greece)
Gellért, Mercédesz (Hungary)
Pacifico, Terenzio (Italy)
Agris, Agrita, Knuts (Latvia)
Gedvinas, Gedvinė, Gerardas (Lithuania)
Jan, Jens (Norway)
Gerard, Gerarda, Gerhard, Maria, Teodor, Tomir, Uniegost (Poland)
Ľubor, Ľuboš (Slovakia)
Gerardo, Mercedes (Spain)
Gerhard, Gert (Sweden)
Rostyslava, Thekla, Thecla, Volodyslav (Ukraine)
Eartha, Ertha, Herta, Hertha, Mercedes, Mercy, Scot, Scott, Scottie, Scotty (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 267 of 2024; 98 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 7 of week 38 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Muin (Vine) [Day 20 of 28]
Chinese: Month 8 (Xin-You), Day 10 (Yi-You)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 9 Tishri 5784
Islamic: 9 Rabi I 1445
J Cal: 27 Aki; Sixday [27 of 30]
Julian: 9 September 2023
Moon: 71%: Waxing Gibbous
Positivist: 15 Shakespeare (10th Month) [Almarcon]
Runic Half Month: Ken (Illumination) [Day 13 of 15]
Season: Autumn (Day 2 of 89)
Zodiac: Libra (Day 2 of 30)
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brookstonalmanac · 1 year
Holidays 9.24
aHus Awareness Day
Armed Forces Day (Peru)
Arts & Aging Day (Canada)
Banned Website Awareness Day
Bluebird of Happiness Day
Brooklyn Dodgers Memorial Day
Chestnut Day (French Republic)
Constitution Day (Cambodia)
Dating Day
Do Impressions of Famous People Around the Office Day
Dominion Day (New Zealand)
Festival of the Latest Novelties
Fête de la Citoyenneté (New Caledonia Day; New Caledonia)
Fidelity Day
Gallbladder Good Health Day
Heritage Day (South Africa)
Innergize Day [Day after Equinox]
International Doodle Dog Day
International Grab Hand Day
Jim Henson Day
Kiss Day
Lady of Mercedes Day (Dominican Republic)
La Mercè (Barcelona, Spain)
Lash Stylists’ Day
Libra zodiac sign begins
Mahidol Day (Thailand)
Moose Day
National Bluebird of Happiness Day
National Braai Day (South Africa)
National Collagen Day
National Day of Arts in Car Homes (UK)
National Familial Hypercholesterolemia Day
National Firefighter Suicide Awareness Day
National Monument Day
National Professional Baseball Day
National Punctuation Day
National Service Scheme Day (India)
National Youth Day (Turks and Caicos Islands)
New Caledonia Day
Republic Day (Trinidad and Tobago)
Santa Cruz Day (Bolivia)
Thrue Bab (Blessed Rainy Day; Bhutan)
Transatlantic Telephone Day
World Bollywood Day
World Cancer Research Day
World Day Against Software Patents
World Day of Thyroid Cancer
World Gorilla Day
World Wasp Day
Worldwide Day of Play (Nickelodeon)
Food & Drink Celebrations
Cherries Jubilee Day
National Horchata Day
National Mofongo Day
World Chutney Day
4th & Last Sunday in September
Banned Book Week begins [Sunday of Last Week]
Clypping the Church Ceremony (Painswick, Gloucestershire, England) [Last Sunday]
Daughter’s Day [4th Sunday]
Gold Star Mother's Day [Last Sunday]
International Daughter’s Day [4th Sunday]
International Day of the Deaf [Last Sunday]
National Get Outside Day [Last Sunday]
National Good Neighbor Day [4th Sunday] (Original Date)
National Hereditary Breast & Ovarian Cancer Day [Last Sunday]
National Police Memorial Day (UK) [4th Sunday]
Police & Peace Officers’ National Memorial Day (Canada) [Last Sunday]
Priesthood Sunday [Last Sunday]
Russian Tiger Day [Last Sunday]
Social Justice Sunday (Australia) [Last Sunday]
Tap-Up Day (Guilford, UK) [Sunday before Oct. 2]
World Day of Migrants & Refugees [Last Sunday]
World Day of Retinitis Pigmentosa [Last Sunday]
World Deaf Day [Last Sunday]
World Heart Day [Last Sunday]
World Rivers Day [4th Sunday]
Independence Days
Guinea-Bissau (from Portugal, 1973)
Feast Days
Almarcon (Positivist; Saint)
Anathalon (in Brescia; Christian; Saint)
Antonio Gonzalez (Christian; Saint)
Chuniald (a.k.a. Conald; Christian; Saint)
Cocktail Day (Pastafarian)
Elizabeth Blackadder (Artology)
Émilie Gamelin (Canada; Christian; Blessed)
Feast of Maiso (pre-existent Mother Goddess; Brazil)
Feast of Our Lady of Walsingham (UK)
Festival of Nafulectu Dilxiln (Black Big Spider; San Carlos Apache, Arizona)
Gerard of Csanád (Christian; Saint)
Germer (a.k.a. Geremar; Christian; Saint)
Jim Henson Day (Muppetism)
Martyrdom of Imam Hassan Asgari (Iran)
Our Lady of Mercedes Day (Dominican Republic)
Our Lady of Mercy and its related observance (Christian)
Our Lady of Ransom (Mercedarians)
Our Lady of Walsingham (Church of England)
Pacificus of San Severino (Christian; Saint)
Prince Mahidol Day and Education for Humanity (Thailand)
Rowlf the Dog (Muppetism)
Rupert of Salzburg (Christian; Saint) [Austria]
Rusticus (a.k.a. Rotiri), Bishop of Auvergne (Christian; Saint)
Schwenkfelder Thanksgiving (Pennsylvania Dutch; Silesian Reformation)
Teddy Ruxpin Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
William Dobell (Artology)
Yemaya’s Day (Pagan)
Yom Kippur begins (Day of Atonement) [10 Tishrei]
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Taian (大安 Japan) [Lucky all day.]
An Adventure in Color (Disney Animated TV Special; 1961)
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (TV Series; 2013)
The Big Bang Theory (TV Series; 2007)
Black-ish (TV Series; 2014)
Blood Sugar Sex Magik, by the Red Hot Chili Peppers (Album; 1991)
Boris Goes For Broke or A Friend in Need is a Fiend Indeed (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S5, Ep. 216; 1963)
Boy Meets World (TV Series; 1993)
Brand New Day, by Sting (Album; 1999)
Caress of Steel, by Rush (Album; 1975)
Chuck (TV Series; 2007)
Come Sail Away, by Styx (Song; 1977)
Constantine (TV Series; 2014)
Daffy Duck’s Quackbusters (WB Cartoon Compilation Film; 1988)
Dazed and Confused (Film; 1993)
Dear Evan Hansen (Film; 2021)
Dharma & Greg (TV Series; 1997)
The Dixie Fryer (WB MM Cartoon; 1960)
A Feud There Was (WB MM Cartoon; 1938)
First Daughter (Film; 2004)
Fur of Flying (WB LT Cartoon; 2010)
Growing Pains (TV Series; 1985)
Jack and the Cuckoo-Clock Heart (Animated Film; 2014)
Jailhouse Rock, by Elvis Presley (Song; 1957)
Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga’Hoole (Animated Film; 2010)
The Long Run, by The Eagles (Album; 1979)
Mathmagicland (Disney Animated TV Special; 1961)
Mister Rock and Roll (Film; 1957)
Mumford (Film; 1999)
The Munsters (TV Series; 1964)
The Name of the Rose (Film; 1986)
Nevermind, by Nirvana (Album; 1991)
1999, by Prince (Album; 1982)
The Odd Couple (TV Show; 1970)
Peyton Place, by Grace Metalious (Novel; 1956)
Porky in Wackyland (WB LT Cartoon; 1938)
The Razors Edge, by AC/DC (Album; 1990)
Scooby-Doo! Mecha Mutt Menace (WB Animated Film; 2013)
60 Minutes (TV Series; 1968)
Shaun of the Dead (Film; 2004)
Six O’Clock Low or Bullwinkle Gets the Point (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S5, Ep. 215; 1963)
Smoke Gets in Your Eyes, recorded by The Platters (Song; 1958)
Star Trek: Discovery (TV Series; 2017)
Teen Titans Go! Vs. Teen Titans (WB Animated Film; 2019)
Tears of a Clown, by Smokey Robinson & the Miracles (Song; 1970)
That Thing You Do, by The Wonders (Song; 1996)
Thinking Out Loud, by Ed Sheeran (Song; 2014)
Three Days of the Condor (Film; 1975)
Zippo Flame App (iPhone App; 2008)
Where the Red Fern Grows, by Wilson Rawls (Novel; 1961)
Today’s Name Days
Gerhard, Hermann, Rupert, Virgil (Austria)
Anatolij, Antun, Rupert (Croatia)
Jaromír (Czech Republic)
Tecla (Denmark)
Alvar, Alver, Alvo (Estonia)
Alvar, Auno (Finland)
Thècle (France)
Gerhard, Rupert, Virgil (Germany)
Kopros, Mirsini, Mirto, Persefoni, Persis, Thekla (Greece)
Gellért, Mercédesz (Hungary)
Pacifico, Terenzio (Italy)
Agris, Agrita, Knuts (Latvia)
Gedvinas, Gedvinė, Gerardas (Lithuania)
Jan, Jens (Norway)
Gerard, Gerarda, Gerhard, Maria, Teodor, Tomir, Uniegost (Poland)
Ľubor, Ľuboš (Slovakia)
Gerardo, Mercedes (Spain)
Gerhard, Gert (Sweden)
Rostyslava, Thekla, Thecla, Volodyslav (Ukraine)
Eartha, Ertha, Herta, Hertha, Mercedes, Mercy, Scot, Scott, Scottie, Scotty (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 267 of 2024; 98 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 7 of week 38 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Muin (Vine) [Day 20 of 28]
Chinese: Month 8 (Xin-You), Day 10 (Yi-You)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 9 Tishri 5784
Islamic: 9 Rabi I 1445
J Cal: 27 Aki; Sixday [27 of 30]
Julian: 9 September 2023
Moon: 71%: Waxing Gibbous
Positivist: 15 Shakespeare (10th Month) [Almarcon]
Runic Half Month: Ken (Illumination) [Day 13 of 15]
Season: Autumn (Day 2 of 89)
Zodiac: Libra (Day 2 of 30)
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globalworship · 1 year
Rejoice! The Year Upon Its Way (An Ancient Pentecost Hymn)
LYRICS: Hilary of Poitiers (4th Cent.) Translated from Latin to English by Richard Ellis Roberts in The English Hymnal (London: Oxford University Press, 1906) MUSIC: Anna Purdum (b. 1976)
Rejoice! the year upon its way Has brought again that blessèd day, When on the chosen of the Lord The Holy Spirit was outpoured.
Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Holy Spirit Come!
On each the fire, descending, stood In quivering tongues’ similitude— Tongues, that their words might ready prove, And fire, to make them flame with love.
Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Holy Spirit Come!
To all in every tongue they spoke; Amazement in the crowd awoke, Who mocked, as overcome with wine, Those who were filled with power divine.
Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Holy Spirit Come!
These things were done in type that day, When Eastertide had passed away, The number told which once set free The captive at the jubilee.
Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Holy Spirit Come!
And now, O holy God, this day Regard us as we humbly pray, And send us, from Thy heavenly seat, The blessings of the Paraclete.
Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Holy Spirit Come!
To God the Father, God, the Son, And God the Spirit, praise be done; May Christ the Lord upon us pour The Spirit’s gift forevermore.
Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Holy Spirit Come!
Arr. Copyright ©℗ 2020 Anna Purdum.   Published by Purdy Prints. All Rights Reserved.
You can purchase chord charts and lead sheets for many of Rev. Anna's songs at https://purdyprintspublishing.com/print-music#hymn-arrangements
Rev. Anna is Music Minister and Deacon at Good Shepherd Anglican Church Longview (TX).
Art: "The Holy Spirit Within" by American artist and Dominican religious sister Sr. Rebecca Shinas
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lawrenceop · 3 years
HOMILY for St Ignatius of Loyola
Lev 25:1, 8-17; Ps 66; Matt 14:1-12
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Our Province recently launched a website called ‘DominicanJubilee.com’, and the prayer written by the Master of the Order that we’re saying every day in our current St Dominic Novena refers to the “double Jubilee” of this year, and today four of our brothers, two of whom were schooled by the Society of Jesus, will begin their Jubilee Pilgrimage as they commemorate the journey taken by the first Dominicans in England 800 years ago; returning to our roots as a Province. This language of Jubilee, of course, is derived from the passage from Leviticus that we’ve just heard: “You will declare this fiftieth year sacred and proclaim the liberation of all the inhabitants of the land. This is to be a jubilee for you; each of you will return to his ancestral home, each to his own clan.” Our brothers, witnessing to the Gospel as they go, speaking of God and to God, will certainly be proclaiming the freedom won for us in Christ as they travel past our ancestral ‘homes’, going from Ramsgate to Oxford. But what of us who remain behind?
We are called to live the jubilee by renewing our fervour as Dominicans, doing what Dominicans have been called to do from the very beginning – preaching for the salvation of souls – and we can trace the effects of our Dominican mission, when it is lived out faithfully and well, in the life of today’s saint, Ignatius.
For while Iñigo de Loyola was convalescing from a cannonball injury in his family home in the Basque country, he turned to the only books available to him, both written by Dominicans: the Life of Christ by Ludolph and The Golden Legend by Bl. James of Voragine. The Dominican work of writing spiritual works thus touched him, and indeed, led to his liberation from his chivalric fantasies and focussed his mind on the idea of giving his life for the Gospel. So, at the end of reading these books he said to himself: “St Francis did it. St Dominic did it. Why shouldn’t I?”
So, in 1522, Ignatius makes his way on pilgrimage to Montserrat, to the shrine of Our Lady, but he stops at the nearby town of Manresa, and there, he seeks hospitality with the Dominican friars. During his time in the Dominican Priory at Manresa he joined the friars in prayer (even though he knew no Latin), attended the Dominican Rite Mass during which he receives a vision which convinces him about the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist, and he begins to go to confession with a Dominican friar to guide him and answer his questions about God. Later on, while studying in Salamanca, he would continue to go to the Dominicans at San Esteban for confession. How vital, then, is this work of giving spiritual direction, and setting aside hours for regular confessions in our priory church. Indeed, tomorrow, some of our youngest parishioners will be making their first confession. For through our fidelity to our Dominican life and work, perhaps, like those friars at Manresa, we might touch some young person who is searching like St Ignatius. Certainly, St Ignatius was much affected by his time in Manresa with the Dominicans. Often, later in life, when carrying out a task he would say: “I saw it thus in Manresa”, and it is now thought that the Saint’s Spiritual Exercises were first drafted in the Dominican cell where he lived in Manresa.
So, through steadfastly carrying out our ministry here in our time we carry out the jubilee work of proclaiming liberation to all the inhabitants of this land, especially through faithfully preaching the fullness of the Gospel, and diligently offering the sacrament of reconciliation. For some, parish ministry might not seem as exciting as taking to the road as a missionary or teaching in Oxford. But, as St Ignatius learnt, God isn’t found in what we find exciting nor even in what we think we want, but in unexpected places and situations.
The work of being a faithful Preacher of Truth is, however, not without peril. For as today’s Gospel reminds us: we might lose our heads. Nevertheless, as St Ignatius saw so clearly, and as he wrote in his Spiritual Exercises, the goal of our human life is to love God, and so, to have fullness of life with him for ever. So, he said, “we should “desire and choose only what helps us more towards the end for which we are created”, that is, our every thought, word, and action is directed towards loving God more, even if it should cost our lives. Hence he counselled one of the first Jesuits to remember “how the blessed saints like St Francis and St Dominic and many others bore themselves… to have recourse to the true and higher Wisdom, [and] to ask and obtain more light [from God] in order to arrange all things to [God’s] greater service and honour.”
On his feast day, and in this Dominican jubilees year, we would do well to heed St Ignatius’s words and arrange all things ad majorem Dei gloriam!
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scotianostra · 3 years
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On February 22nd 1452 King James II invited William Douglas 8th earl of Douglas to Stirling Castle, where he was stabbed to death.
This became known as The Stirling Dinner, but has sometimes been called  the Black Dinner, not to be confused with the Black Dinner, which had taken place at Edinburgh Castle twelve years previously, at which the 6th Earl of Douglas and his brother were killed. Some writers give the name Black Dinner to both events, causing much confusion.
At this second dinner, the victim was William, 8th Earl of Douglas, who, like his predecessor-but-one, the 6th earl, was born about 1425. The harmless 7th earl had died in his bed at Abercorn in 1443 and the 8th earl was not quite 18 at the time of his succession. At first he made such a favourable impression on the 13-year-old James II that he was rapidly made Lieutenant-General of the Kingdom. In 1444 he married, the 15-year-old Margaret, ´the Fair Maid of Galloway´, sister of the 6th Earl of Douglas, meaning that much of the lands dispersed at the death of the 6th earl were brought together, together with Margaret´s dowry of Galloway and other lands. The 8th earl was frequently at court in attendance on the king until August 1450, when he withdrew temporarily from public life in order to go on pilgrimage to Rome to celebrate the jubilee year. He was favourably received by His Holiness (Nicholas V, pope from 1447 to 1455) but had hurried back to Scotland by April 1451, at once resuming his place at court; news had reached him that there were plots to damage his reputation with the king. His fears appear to have been justified and his good favour with the monarch was indeed short-lived.
King James believed Douglas to be involved in a plot against the crown, led by Alexander Lindsay, 4th Earl of Crawford (´Earl Beardie´), and he summoned the Douglas to his presence at Stirling Castle.  After supper the king argued privately with the earl and urged him to break off all dealings with Crawford, but Douglas refused. Tempers flared and anger drew nigh to the edge of swords. 
The 22-year-old king, in a moment of violent passion, drew his dagger and stabbed the 27-year-old earl, first in the neck and then in the body. These wounds might not have been fatal, but the courtiers rushed in to defend the king and the hapless earl was finished off by a blow on the head from an axe. His body was afterwards found to have received 26 wounds, great and small. His remains were buried secretly in the grounds of the Dominican friary at Stirling.
You can find more details about William on the excellent Douglas Archives at the link below 
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dear-indies · 3 years
hi, if i may ask, what does "please cast accordingly" mean exactly? it's always something i see on gif packs for poc, and i'm not sure what exactly people mean when they say that...
It means erasure isn’t cool and things aren’t interchangeable! It means to stick to the faceclaims ethnicity if they’re a person of colour, the same for ethnoreligious groups, the same for if they have any disabilities, the same for what they identify as if they’re not cis and I know some people don’t agree on this but personally it includes the persons sexuality if they’re not straight too.
For example if you’re using Chella Man “please cast accordingly” would apply to him being Hongkonger and Jewish, deaf, genderqueer and using he/him pronouns so your character should also be the above. For Lana Condor, it’d apply to her being Vietnamese so your character should also be Vietnamese - this is why she should not be cast as Lara Jean who is Korean, Saya Kuroki who is Japanese and Jubilee who is Chinese because they are not ethnically Vietnamese and should not be treated interchangeably. For Kiowa Gordon it’d be to cast him as Hualapai and white because Native tribes are not interchangeable. For Peter Gadiot it’d be to cast him as Mexican and white because again Latine identities are not interchangeable. For Vivoree Esclito it’d be don’t erase that fact that she’s Bisaya Filipino. If you’re using If you’re using Nico Tortorella then it means to cast them as genderfluid and queer using they/them pronouns! Laith Ashley it’d apply to him being a trans man and Afro-Dominican. Hale Appleman would be that he’s Ashkenazi Jewish and queer. If you’re using Megan Rapinoe it’d be don’t erase the fact that she’s a lesbian and so on! 
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Hello People. Laboratory is the bed rock on which an Educational Institute, Medical Facility or an Industry that thrives on technology. And a good Laboratory needs good equipment. For good equipment please refer to our website www.japson.com
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Guiding Principles:
For our company the "End User" and "Our Customer" jointly comes first. All the equipment we supply should deliver required performance in the Laboratory and our dealer / partner / tender body should have the worth of the money paid and make profit.
In the changing times, Service and effective Communication are an integral part of any goods industry like ours. Thus, we have implemented adequate Management Information Systems and Direct Line of Communications with Top Management to help our customers with their service needs.
Our competence, quality and reliability have enabled us to become one of the world's leading developers, producers and suppliers of training and educational equipment and systems for Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Applied Sciences. People at JAPSON work together in an open and friendly way, helping to a swift interchange of information. Clear management guidelines, goals and values on the one hand and a participating style of leadership in implementing daily business on the other hand help staff identify with the company goals to be achieved, thus contributing to high motivation of staff. Customers rely on our team of trained and experienced application specialists for help in selecting the right product for their application, troubleshooting existing equipment, and solving regulatory compliance issues
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 JAPSON can serve you for your Laboratory needs in Afghanistan (Kabul), Albania (Tirane), Algeria (Algiers), Andorra (Andorra la Vella), Angola (Luanda), Antigua and Barbuda (Saint John's), Argentina (Buenos Aires), Armenia (Yerevan), Australia (Canberra, Melbourne & Adelaide), Austria (Vienna), Azerbaijan (Baku), Bahamas, Bahrain (Manama), Bangladesh (Dhaka), Barbados (Bridgetown), Belarus (Minsk), Belgium (Brussels & Antwerp), Belize (Belmopan), Benin (Porto-Novo), Bhutan (Thimphu), Bolivia (La Paz), Bosnia and Herzegovina (Sarajevo), Botswana (Gaborone), Brazil (Brasilia & Rio de Janeiro), Brunei ( Bandar Seri Begawan), Bulgaria (Sofia), Burkina Faso (Ouagadougou), Burma/ Myanmar (Rangoon), Burundi (Bujumbura), Cambodia ( Phnom Penh), Cameroon (Yaounde), Canada (Toronto & Ottawa), Cape Verde (Praia), Central African Republic (Bangui), Chad (N'Djamena), Chile (Santiago), Colombia (Bogota), Comoros (Moroni), Congo, Costa Rica (San Jose), Cote d'Ivoire/Ivory Coast (Yamoussoukro), Croatia (Zagreb), Cuba (Havana), Cyprus (Nicosia), Czech Republic (Prague), Denmark (Copenhagen), Djibouti (Djibouti), Dominica(Roseau), Dominican Republic (Santo Domingo), East Timor (Dili), Ecuador (Quito), Egypt (Cairo), El Salvador (San Salvador), Equatorial Guinea (Malabo), Eritrea (Asmara), Estonia (Tallinn), Ethiopia (Addis Ababa), Fiji (Suva), Finland (Helsinki), France (Paris), Gabon (Libreville), Gambia, Georgia (Tbilisi), Germany (Berlin, Munich & Frankfurt), Ghana (Accra), Greece (Athens), Grenada (Saint George's), Guatemala, Guinea (Conakry), Guinea-Bissau (Bissau), Guyana (Georgetown), Haiti (Port-au-Prince), Honduras (Tegucigalpa), Hungary (Budapest), Iceland (Reykjavik), India (Ambala, Delhi, Mumabi, Bombay), Indonesia (Jakarta), Iran (Tehran), Iraq (Baghdad), Ireland (Dublin), Israel (Jerusalem), Italy (Rome), Jamaica (Kingston), Japan (Tokyo), Jordan (Amman), Kazakstan (Astana), Kenya (Nairobi, Kisum & Embu), Kiribati (Tarawa), Korea (Seoul), Kuwait (Kuwait City), Kyrgyzstan (Bishtek), Laos (Vientiane), Latvia (Riga), Lebanon (Beirut), Lesotho (Maseru), Liberia (Monrovia), Liechtenstein (Vaduz), Lithuania (Vilnius), Luxembourg (Luxembourg), Macedonia (Skopje), Madagascar (Antananarivo), Malawi (Lilongwe & Blantyre), Malaysia (Kuala Lumpur), Maldives (Male), Mali (Bamako), Malta (Valletta), Marshall Islands (Majuro), Mauritania (Nouakchott), Mauritius (Port Louis), Mexico, Micronesia, Moldova (Chisinau), Monaco (Monaco), Mongolia (Ulaanbaatar), Montenegro, Morocco (Rabat), Mozambique (Maputo), Namibia (Windhoek), Nauru (Yaren District), Nepal (Kathmandu), Netherlands (Amsterdam), New Zealand (Wellington), Nicaragua (Managua), Niger (Niamey), Nigeria (Abuja & Lagos), Norway (Oslo), Oman (Muscat), Palau (Koror), Panama, Papua New Guinea (Port Moresby), Paraguay (Asuncion), Peru (Lima), Philippines (Manila), Poland (Warsaw), Portugal (Lisbon), Qatar (Doha), Romania (Bucharest), Russia (Moscow), Rwanda (Kigali), Saint Kitts and Nevis (Basseterre), Saint Lucia (Castries), Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (Kingstown), Samoa (Apia), San Marino (San Marino), Sao Tome and Principe (Sao Tome), Saudi Arabia (Riyadh), Senegal (Dakar), Serbia (Belgrade), Seychelles (Victoria), Sierra Leone (Freetown), Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, Solomon Islands (Honiara), Somalia (Mogadishu) , South Africa (Pretoria), South Sudan, Spain (Madrid & Barcelona), Sri Lanka (Colombo), Sudan (Khartoum), Suriname (Paramaribo), Swaziland (Mbabana), Sweden (Stockholm), Switzerland (Bern), Syria (Damascus), Tajikistan (Dushanbe), Tanzania (Dar es Salaam), Thailand (Bangkok), Togo (Lome), Tonga (Nuku'alofa), Trinidad and Tobago (Port-of-Spain), Tunisia (Tunis), Turkey (Ankara), Turkmenistan (Ashgabat), Tuvalu (Funafuti), Uganda (Kampala), Ukraine (Kiev), United Arab Emirates (Dubai), United Kingdom UK (London), United States of America USA, Uruguay (Montevideo), Uzbekistan (Tashkent), Vanuatu (Port-Vila), Venezuela (Caracas), Vietnam(Hanoi), Yemen (Sanaa) , Zambia (Lusaka), Zimbabwe (Harare)
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urbanhermit · 2 years
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joeber · 2 years
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Enjoying an H Upmann Vintage Cameroon after the ham and potatoes supper.
This is a kickin stick.
Dominican, Nicaraguan, Peruvian binder and filler
Delicious African Cameroon wrapper is sweet
Flavors of spicy fruit- maraschino cherries jubilee; toasted almonds and macadamia nuts.
Floral scent in the burn and rocking black and white pepper on retrohale.
Absofreakinlutely awesome
Stay well, rockin and Smokey 👊🏼💨
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californication-rpg · 3 years
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Allow us to introduce JUBILEE TOWNSEND. The 24 year old currently resides in VENICE BEACH, and holds a job as a BUSINESS OWNER @ CLUB EMPIRE. Those who know her say she’s VIVACIOUS & RESOURCEFUL, but she’s also known to be a bit MANIPULATIVE & ASSERTIVE.
Everybody has a story, here’s hers:
Jubilee is twenty-four year old California native with sociopathic tendencies, and heiress to the Benoit-Townsend fortune. Her father, Ja'keem Townsend is a London native who happens to be a Real Estate Tycoon (Diamond Realty, which he inherited from his father). Her mother, Sasha Benoit-Townsend, is a California native, and a Fashion/Entertainment Industry Magnate (Luxe Corp, which she inherited from her mother's side of the family). The Benoit-Townsend's stem from old money, and are prominent families within the elite social circles of England, California, and New York. On top of that, they are key supporters/influencers in the world of the performing arts, entertainment, and fashion industries (with an extensive list of famous family members in all three areas). What most people don't know is that this family also has ties to the criminal underworld (particularly on Jubilee's mother's side from the Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico). They typically deal drugs, host fight clubs, and have taken up arms trade, but have occasionally touched other avenues, depending on the demand for it.
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anastpaul · 6 years
Saint of the Day – 28 April – St Louis Marie Grignion de Montfort (1673-1716) Priest, Founder, Confessor, Writer,  Poet, Apostle of the Holy Eucharist and Adoration, Apostle of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Apostle of the Holy Rosary, Preacher, Missionary Apostolic.   St Louis was born on 31 January 1673 at Montfort-La-Cane, Brittany, France – he Died on 28 April 1716 at Saint-Laurent-sur-Sovre, France of natural causes.   He was Canonised on 20 July 1947 by Pope Pius XII.   Patronages: preachers,  Brothers of Saint Gabriel,  Company of Mary, Daughters of Divine Wisdom.
St Louis was known in his time as a preacher and was made a missionary apostolic by Pope Clement XI.   As well as preaching, he found time to write a number of books which went on to become classic Catholic titles and influenced several popes.   He is particularly renowned for his great devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary and the practice of praying the Rosary.   He is considered as one of the forerunner writers in the field of Mariology.   His most notable works regarding Marian devotions are contained in The Secret of Mary and the True Devotion to Mary.   A “founders statue” created by Giacomo Parisini is located in an upper niche of the south nave of Saint Peter’s Basilica.
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Today the universal Church celebrates the feast day of Louis-Marie de Monfort, a 17th century saint who is revered for his intense devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary.
St Louis Marie is perhaps most famously known for his prayer of entrustment to Our Lady, “Totus Tuus ego sum,” which means, “I am all yours.”   The St Pope John Paul II took the phrase “Totus Tuus” as his episcopal motto.
Born in Montfort, Brittany, on 31 January 1673, St Louis Marie possessed a strong devotion to the Blessed Sacrament as a child and was also intimately devoted to the Blessed Virgin, especially through the Rosary.   He took the name Marie at his confirmation.
He was ordained a priest in June 1700 and assigned to Nantes.   His great desire was to go to the foreign missions, preferably to the new French colony of Canada but his spiritual director advised against it.   His letters of this period show that he felt frustrated from the lack of opportunity to preach as he felt he was called to do.
In November 1700 he joined the Third Order of the Dominicans and asked permission not only to preach the rosary but also to form rosary confraternities.   He began to consider the formation of a small company of priests to preach missions and retreats under the standard and protection of the Blessed Virgin.   This eventually led to the formation of the Company of Mary.   At around this time, he first met Blessed Marie Louise Trichet (1684-1759) when he was appointed the chaplain of the hospital of Poitiers.   That meeting became the beginning of Blessed Marie Louise’s thirty-four years of service to the poor.
He set off to make a pilgrimage to Rome, to ask Pope Clement XI, what he should do. The Pope recognised his real vocation and, telling him that there was plenty of scope for its exercise in France, sent him back with the title of Apostolic Missionary.   On his return from his long pilgrimage to Rome, Montfort made a retreat at Mont Saint Michel “to pray to this archangel to obtain from him the grace to win souls for God, to confirm those already in God’s grace, and to fight Satan and sin”.   These occasions gave him time to think, contemplate and write.
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For several years he preached in missions from Brittany to Nantes.   As his reputation as a missioner grew, he became known as “the good Father from Montfort”.
He left Nantes and the next several years were extraordinarily busy for him.   He was constantly occupied in preaching missions, always walking between one and another. Yet he found time also to write – his True Devotion to Mary, The Secret of Mary and the Secret of the Rosary, rules for the Company of Mary and the Daughters of Wisdom and many Hymns.   His missions made a great impact, especially in the Vendée.   The heated style of his preaching was regarded by some people as somewhat strange and he was poisoned once.   Although it did not prove fatal, it caused his health to deteriorate. Yet he continued, undeterred.   He went on preaching and established free schools for the poor boys and girls.
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Daughters of Wisdom The bishop of La Rochelle had been impressed with Montfort for some time and invited him to open a school there.   Montfort enlisted the help of his follower Marie Louise Trichet who was then running the General Hospital in Poitiers.   In 1715 Marie Louise and Catherine Brunet left Poitiers for La Rochelle to open the school there and in a short time it had 400 students.  On 22 August 1715, Trichet and Brunet, along with Marie Valleau and Marie Régnier from La Rochelle received the approbation of Bishop de Champflour of La Rochelle to make their religious profession under the direction of Montfort.   At the ceremony Montfort told them:  “Call yourselves the Daughters of Wisdom for the teaching of children and the care of the poor.”   The Daughters of Wisdom grew into an international Order and the placing of Montfort’s founders statue in Saint Peter’s Basilica was based on that Order.
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Death and burial Worn out by hard work and sickness, he finally came in April 1716 to Saint-Laurent-sur-Sèvre to begin the mission which was to be his last.   During it, he fell ill and died on 28 April of that year.   He was 43 years old and had been a priest for only 16 years.   His last sermon was on the tenderness of Jesus and the Incarnate Wisdom of the Father. Thousands gathered for his burial in the parish church and very quickly there were stories of miracles performed at his tomb.   Exactly 43 years later, on 28 April 1759, Marie Louise Trichet also died in Saint-Laurent-sur-Sèvre and was buried next to Montfort.   On 19 September 1996, St Pope John Paul II (who beatified Trichet) came to the same site to meditate and pray at their adjacent tombs.
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Spirituality “God Alone”:   was the motto of Saint Louis and is repeated over 150 times in his writings. The Incarnation:  “The Incarnation of the Word is for him the absolute central reality.” Love of the Blessed Virgin Mary Fidelity to the Cross Missionary Zeal
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Total Consecration to Mary In Montfort’s approach to Marian consecration, Jesus and Mary are inseparable.   He views “consecration to Jesus in Mary” as a special path to being conformed to, united and consecrated to Christ, given that:
” …of all creatures the one most conformed to Jesus Christ, it follows that among all devotions that which most consecrates and conforms a soul to our Lord is devotion to Mary, His Holy Mother and that the more a soul is consecrated to her, the more will it be consecrated to Jesus Christ.” “God the Father made an assemblage of all the waters and He named it the sea.      He has made an assemblage of all His graces and He has called it Mary.”
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Louis de Montfort influenced a number of popes In the 19th century, Pope Pius IX considered it the best and most acceptable form of Marian devotion, while Pope Leo XIII granted indulgences for practicing Montfort’s method of Marian consecration.   Leo beatified Montfort in 1888, selecting for Montfort’s beatification the day of his own Golden Jubilee as a priest. In the 20th century St Pope Pius X acknowledged the influence of Montfort’s writings in the composition of his encyclical Ad diem illum. Pope Pius XI stated that he had practised Montfort’s devotional methods since his early youth.   Pope Pius XII declared Montfort a saint and stated that Montfort is the guide “who leads you to Mary and from Mary to Jesus.” St Pope John Paul II once recalled how as a young seminarian he “read and reread many times and with great spiritual profit” a work of de Montfort and that:  “Then I understood that I could not exclude the Lord’s Mother from my life without neglecting the will of God-Trinity.”   According to his Apostolic Letter Rosarium Virginis Mariae, the pontiff’s personal motto was “Totus Tuus.”   The thoughts, writings, and example of St Louis de Montfort were also singled out by St Pope John Paul II’s encyclical Redemptoris Materas a distinctive witness of Marian spirituality in the Roman Catholic tradition
While the saint is best known for his spiritual writings, he was also a poet and during his missions managed to compose more than 20,000 verses of hymns.    Montfort’s hymns and canticles were, for the most part, meant to be sung in village churches and in the homes of the poor.   Some authors argue that a reading of Saint Louis’s hymns is essential for an understanding of him as a man and for appreciating his approach to spirituality. He is also said to have carved at least three statues depicting the Madonna and Child.
St Louis Marie Grignion de Montfort, Pray for us!
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(via Memorials of the Saints - 28 April)
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brookston · 2 years
Holidays 9.24
Armed Forces Day (Peru)
Banned Website Awareness Day
Bluebird of Happiness Day
Brooklyn Dodgers Memorial Day
Constitution Day (Cambodia)
Dating Day
Do Impressions of Famous People Around the Office Day
Dominion Day (New Zealand)
Festival of the Latest Novelties
Fidelity Day
Gallbladder Good Health Day
Heritage Day (South Africa)
Jim Henson Day
Kiss Day
Lady of Mercedes Day (Dominican Republic)
La Mercè (Barcelona, Spain)
Lash Stylists’ Day
Libra zodiac sign begins
Mahidol Day (Thailand)
Manit Day (Culture Day; Marshall Islands)
Moose Day
National Collagen Day
National Familial Hypercholesterolemia Day
National Firefighter Suicide Awareness Day
National Monument Day
National Professional Baseball Day
National Punctuation Day
National Youth Day (Turks and Caicos Islands)
New Caledonia Day
Republic Day (Trinidad and Tobago)
Santa Cruz Day (Bolivia)
Thrue Bab (Blessed Rainy Day; Bhutan)
Transatlantic Telephone Day
Worldwide Day of Play (Nickelodeon)
Food & Drink Celebrations
Cherries Jubilee Day
National Horchata Day
National Mofongo Day
Zwanze Day 2022 (Cantillon Brewery) [Saturday, Varies]
4th & Last Saturday in September
American Frog Day [4th Saturday]
Centzon-Totochtin Drunken Rabbit Day [Last Saturday]
Everybody's Day Festival [Last Saturday]
Family Health and Fitness Day USA (Last Saturday]
Fish Amnesty Day [4th Saturday]
International Lace Day [Last Saturday]
International Rabbit Day [4th Saturday]
Kiwanis Kids' Day [4th Saturday]
Museum Day (Smithsonian) [4th Saturday]
National Alpaca Farm Days begin [Last Saturday]
National Ghost Hunting Day [Last Saturday]
National Hunting & Fishing Day [4th Saturday]
National Public Lands Day [4th Saturday]
National Seat Check Saturday [4th Saturday]
National Wildlife Ecology Day [4th Saturday]
Nickelodeon’s Worldwide Day of Play [Last Saturday]
R.E.A.D. in America Day [4th Saturday]
Save Your Photos Day [Last Saturday]
Seat Check Saturday [4th Saturday]
Independence Days
Guinea-Bissau (from Portugal, 1973)
Feast Days
Almarcon (Positivist; Saint)
Anathalon (in Brescia; Christian; Saint)
Antonio Gonzalez (Christian; Saint)
Chuniald (a.k.a. Conald; Christian; Saint)
Cocktail Day (Pastafarian)
Émilie Gamelin (Canada; Christian; Blessed)
Feast of Maiso (pre-existent Mother Goddess; Brazil)
Festival of Nafulectu Dilxiln (Black Big Spider; San Carlos Apache, Arizona)
Gerard of Csanád (Christian; Saint)
Germer (a.k.a. Geremar; Christian; Saint)
Jim Henson Day (Muppetism)
Our Lady of Mercy and its related observance (Christian)
Our Lady of Ransom (Mercedarians)
Our Lady of Walsingham (Church of England)
Pacificus of San Severino (Christian; Saint)
Rowlf the Dog (Muppetism)
Rupert of Salzburg (Christian; Saint)
Rusticus (a.k.a. Rotiri), Bishop of Auvergne (Christian; Saint)
Schwenkfelder Thanksgiving (Pennsylvania Dutch; Silesian Reformation)
Teddy Ruxpin Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Shakku (赤口 Japan) [Bad luck all day, except at noon.]
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (TV Series; 2013)
The Big Bang Theory (TV Series; 2007)
Black-0ish (TV Series; 2014)
Blood Sugar Sex Magik, by the Red Hot Chili Peppers (Album; 1991)
Brand New Day, by Sting (Album; 1999)
Caress of Steel, by Rush (Album; 1975)
Chuck (TV Series; 2007)
Come Sail Away, by Styx (Song; 1977)
Constantine (TV Series; 2014)
Dazed and Confused (Film; 1993)
Dear Evan Hansen (Film; 2021)
Dharma & Greg (TV Series; 1997)
First Daughter (Film; 2004)
Jailhouse Rock, by Elvis Presley (Song; 1957)
The Long Run, by The Eagles (Album; 1979)
Mister Rock and Roll (Film; 1957)
The Munsters (TV Series; 1964)
The Name of the Rose (Film; 1986)
Nevermind, by Nirvana (Album; 1991)
1999, by Prince (Album; 1982)
The Odd Couple (TV Show; 1970)
Peyton Place, by Grace Metalious (Novel; 1956)
60 Minutes (TV Series; 1968)
Shaun of the Dead (Film; 2004)
Smoke Gets in Your Eyes, recorded by The Platters (Song; 1958)
Star Trek: Discovery (TV Series; 2017)
Tears of a Clown, by Smokey Robinson & the Miracles (Song; 1970)
That Thing You Do, by The Wonders (Song; 1996)
Today’s Name Days
Rupert (Austria)
Anatolij, Antun, Rupert (Croatia)
Jaromír (Czech Republic)
Tecla (Denmark)
Alvar, Alver, Alvo (Estonia)
Alvar, Auno (Finland)
Thècle (France)
Gerhard, Rupert, Virgil (Germany)
Kopros, Mirsini, Mirto, Persefoni, Persis, Thekla (Greece)
Gellért, Mercédesz (Hungary)
Pacifico, Terenzio (Italy)
Agris, Agrita, Knuts (Latvia)
Gedvinas, Gedvinė, Gerardas (Lithuania)
Jan, Jens (Norway)
Gerard, Gerarda, Gerhard, Maria, Teodor, Tomir, Uniegost (Poland)
Ľubor, Ľuboš (Slovakia)
Gerardo, Mercedes (Spain)
Gerhard, Gert (Sweden)
Rostyslava, Thekla, Thecla, Volodyslav (Ukraine)
Eartha, Ertha, Herta, Hertha, Mercedes, Mercy, Scot, Scott, Scottie, Scotty (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 261 of 2022; 104 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 7 of week 37 of 2022
Celtic Tree Calendar: Muin (Vine) [Day 16 of 28]
Chinese: Month 8 (Guìyuè), Day 23 (Jia-Xu)
Chinese Year of the: Tiger (until January 22, 2023)
Hebrew: 22 ʼĔlūl 5782
Islamic: 21 Ṣafar 1444
J Cal: 21 Aki; Sixday [21 of 30]
Julian: 5 September 2022
Moon:2%: Waning Crescent
Positivist: 9 Shakespeare (10th Month) [Vondel]
Runic Half Month: Ken (Illumination) [Day 9 of 15]
Season: Summer (Day 89 of 90)
Zodiac: Virgo (Day 26 of 31)
0 notes
brookstonalmanac · 2 years
Holidays 9.24
Armed Forces Day (Peru)
Banned Website Awareness Day
Bluebird of Happiness Day
Brooklyn Dodgers Memorial Day
Constitution Day (Cambodia)
Dating Day
Do Impressions of Famous People Around the Office Day
Dominion Day (New Zealand)
Festival of the Latest Novelties
Fidelity Day
Gallbladder Good Health Day
Heritage Day (South Africa)
Jim Henson Day
Kiss Day
Lady of Mercedes Day (Dominican Republic)
La Mercè (Barcelona, Spain)
Lash Stylists’ Day
Libra zodiac sign begins
Mahidol Day (Thailand)
Manit Day (Culture Day; Marshall Islands)
Moose Day
National Collagen Day
National Familial Hypercholesterolemia Day
National Firefighter Suicide Awareness Day
National Monument Day
National Professional Baseball Day
National Punctuation Day
National Youth Day (Turks and Caicos Islands)
New Caledonia Day
Republic Day (Trinidad and Tobago)
Santa Cruz Day (Bolivia)
Thrue Bab (Blessed Rainy Day; Bhutan)
Transatlantic Telephone Day
Worldwide Day of Play (Nickelodeon)
Food & Drink Celebrations
Cherries Jubilee Day
National Horchata Day
National Mofongo Day
Zwanze Day 2022 (Cantillon Brewery) [Saturday, Varies]
4th & Last Saturday in September
American Frog Day [4th Saturday]
Centzon-Totochtin Drunken Rabbit Day [Last Saturday]
Everybody's Day Festival [Last Saturday]
Family Health and Fitness Day USA (Last Saturday]
Fish Amnesty Day [4th Saturday]
International Lace Day [Last Saturday]
International Rabbit Day [4th Saturday]
Kiwanis Kids' Day [4th Saturday]
Museum Day (Smithsonian) [4th Saturday]
National Alpaca Farm Days begin [Last Saturday]
National Ghost Hunting Day [Last Saturday]
National Hunting & Fishing Day [4th Saturday]
National Public Lands Day [4th Saturday]
National Seat Check Saturday [4th Saturday]
National Wildlife Ecology Day [4th Saturday]
Nickelodeon’s Worldwide Day of Play [Last Saturday]
R.E.A.D. in America Day [4th Saturday]
Save Your Photos Day [Last Saturday]
Seat Check Saturday [4th Saturday]
Independence Days
Guinea-Bissau (from Portugal, 1973)
Feast Days
Almarcon (Positivist; Saint)
Anathalon (in Brescia; Christian; Saint)
Antonio Gonzalez (Christian; Saint)
Chuniald (a.k.a. Conald; Christian; Saint)
Cocktail Day (Pastafarian)
Émilie Gamelin (Canada; Christian; Blessed)
Feast of Maiso (pre-existent Mother Goddess; Brazil)
Festival of Nafulectu Dilxiln (Black Big Spider; San Carlos Apache, Arizona)
Gerard of Csanád (Christian; Saint)
Germer (a.k.a. Geremar; Christian; Saint)
Jim Henson Day (Muppetism)
Our Lady of Mercy and its related observance (Christian)
Our Lady of Ransom (Mercedarians)
Our Lady of Walsingham (Church of England)
Pacificus of San Severino (Christian; Saint)
Rowlf the Dog (Muppetism)
Rupert of Salzburg (Christian; Saint)
Rusticus (a.k.a. Rotiri), Bishop of Auvergne (Christian; Saint)
Schwenkfelder Thanksgiving (Pennsylvania Dutch; Silesian Reformation)
Teddy Ruxpin Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Shakku (赤口 Japan) [Bad luck all day, except at noon.]
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (TV Series; 2013)
The Big Bang Theory (TV Series; 2007)
Black-0ish (TV Series; 2014)
Blood Sugar Sex Magik, by the Red Hot Chili Peppers (Album; 1991)
Brand New Day, by Sting (Album; 1999)
Caress of Steel, by Rush (Album; 1975)
Chuck (TV Series; 2007)
Come Sail Away, by Styx (Song; 1977)
Constantine (TV Series; 2014)
Dazed and Confused (Film; 1993)
Dear Evan Hansen (Film; 2021)
Dharma & Greg (TV Series; 1997)
First Daughter (Film; 2004)
Jailhouse Rock, by Elvis Presley (Song; 1957)
The Long Run, by The Eagles (Album; 1979)
Mister Rock and Roll (Film; 1957)
The Munsters (TV Series; 1964)
The Name of the Rose (Film; 1986)
Nevermind, by Nirvana (Album; 1991)
1999, by Prince (Album; 1982)
The Odd Couple (TV Show; 1970)
Peyton Place, by Grace Metalious (Novel; 1956)
60 Minutes (TV Series; 1968)
Shaun of the Dead (Film; 2004)
Smoke Gets in Your Eyes, recorded by The Platters (Song; 1958)
Star Trek: Discovery (TV Series; 2017)
Tears of a Clown, by Smokey Robinson & the Miracles (Song; 1970)
That Thing You Do, by The Wonders (Song; 1996)
Today’s Name Days
Rupert (Austria)
Anatolij, Antun, Rupert (Croatia)
Jaromír (Czech Republic)
Tecla (Denmark)
Alvar, Alver, Alvo (Estonia)
Alvar, Auno (Finland)
Thècle (France)
Gerhard, Rupert, Virgil (Germany)
Kopros, Mirsini, Mirto, Persefoni, Persis, Thekla (Greece)
Gellért, Mercédesz (Hungary)
Pacifico, Terenzio (Italy)
Agris, Agrita, Knuts (Latvia)
Gedvinas, Gedvinė, Gerardas (Lithuania)
Jan, Jens (Norway)
Gerard, Gerarda, Gerhard, Maria, Teodor, Tomir, Uniegost (Poland)
Ľubor, Ľuboš (Slovakia)
Gerardo, Mercedes (Spain)
Gerhard, Gert (Sweden)
Rostyslava, Thekla, Thecla, Volodyslav (Ukraine)
Eartha, Ertha, Herta, Hertha, Mercedes, Mercy, Scot, Scott, Scottie, Scotty (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 261 of 2022; 104 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 7 of week 37 of 2022
Celtic Tree Calendar: Muin (Vine) [Day 16 of 28]
Chinese: Month 8 (Guìyuè), Day 23 (Jia-Xu)
Chinese Year of the: Tiger (until January 22, 2023)
Hebrew: 22 ʼĔlūl 5782
Islamic: 21 Ṣafar 1444
J Cal: 21 Aki; Sixday [21 of 30]
Julian: 5 September 2022
Moon:2%: Waning Crescent
Positivist: 9 Shakespeare (10th Month) [Vondel]
Runic Half Month: Ken (Illumination) [Day 9 of 15]
Season: Summer (Day 89 of 90)
Zodiac: Virgo (Day 26 of 31)
1 note · View note
lawrenceop · 3 years
HOMILY for the Lord’s Ascension
Acts 1:1-11; Ps 46; Eph 4:1-13; Mark 16:15-20
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At the end of St Matthew’s Gospel, Jesus says: “Lo, I am with you always.” (28:20). And yet today we mark the ascension of Christ into heaven wherein, as St Luke recounts, “he was lifted up while they looked on, and a cloud took him from their sight.” (Acts 1:9) So it would be right to think that the Ascension of the Lord into heaven marks Jesus’s visible and bodily departure from us. The prospect of this had saddened the disciples but again and again, Jesus told them that this was necessary so that the Holy Spirit would come; so that he could prepare a place in heaven for us; and he assured them of his presence in the Church. Therefore, it doesn’t seem right to think that because Christ has ascended into heaven so he is thus absent, or gone, or distant from us. Rather, he has assured us that he will be with us always.
Hence St Luke tells us not that Jesus was taken away from his disciples, but rather that a cloud had taken him from their sight. In other words, Christ is no longer known nor discerned as being present to us simply through the senses. Rather, because he is now “seated at the right hand of the Father”, so his disciples, who once ate and drank and talked with him as with another human being, must now learn to seek him and come to know his presence in the same way that they would seek and know the eternal God. Thus the Acts of the Apostles tells us that the disciples returned to the Upper Room in Jerusalem and “All these with one accord devoted themselves to prayer, together with the women and Mary the mother of Jesus, and with his relatives”. (Acts 1:14) So, the first thing that the disciples do is to pray. For prayer is precisely how they shall now continue to communicate with the Lord Jesus.
Therefore, for all of us Christians, we seek the Lord and we know him and we can discern Christ’s presence and gracious action among us through prayer. Prayer, as the Catechism says, is “the raising of one’s mind and heart to God.” This is akin to the language of St Luke who says that Jesus was “lifted up” to God the Father. So, too, when we pray, which is always a work of God’s grace within us, we are being lifted up; we’re raised up in mind and heart to God. We pray that we will be united to God not just spiritually through prayer and through the Sacraments, not only in charity, which is excellent, but, moreover, we dare to pray that we will be united to God in body and soul just as Christ and Our Lady are.
For these are the wonderful truths of faith that we celebrate today. On the one hand the Ascension teaches us that, in faith, we shall still know and experience God’s presence among us: through prayer, through love of the things of the Spirit, through the Sacraments of the Church. But on the other hand, today’s feast teaches us to hope that our bodies, having been redeemed by Christ, will also share in his bodily glory in heaven. So we will hear in the Preface that Christ “ascended not to distance himself from our lowly state but that we, his members, might be confident of following where he, our Head and Founder, has gone before.” Therefore, by his Ascension into heaven, Christ has gives us Christians a promise of a bodily resurrection after death, and a bodily share in the eternal joys of heaven.
However, in order that we might long for these joys, and actually desire to be with God for ever, so we are urged now in this lifetime to foster a life of prayer. As the Catechism says: “the life of prayer is the habit of being in the presence of the thrice-holy God and [of being] in communion with him.” Through prayer, therefore, we become accustomed to being with God, to knowing his presence, and to being in communication with him. Prayer sharpens our spiritual senses, so to speak, so that we can better discern God’s presence and God’s ways.
The feast of the Ascension therefore marks the beginning of a time of prayer, nine days of prayer, a novena, to be precise. When the Lord told his disciples to pray for the gift of the Holy Spirit, he instituted the first Novena, thus teaching us that we must learn to pray, and we must altogether foster a life of prayer so that we can know that Christ, risen, ascended and glorified, is yet truly with us always, as he has promised. Like the apostles, therefore, we’re invited to pray a Novena with Our Lady, praying for the gift of the Holy Spirit. So, this year, as we English Dominicans prepare to launch a period of events and celebrations to give thanks to God for 800 years since the first Dominican friars came to England, we will be observing a Novena of prayer to the Holy Spirit, starting tomorrow. We invite you, our friends, our supporters, all those whom we serve, to please pray for us and with us too.
Christ says in the Acts of the Apostles that “you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you.” And this power, this grace, these virtues make the apostles into great evangelisers, preachers of the Gospel: that God has drawn so close to us so as to redeem Mankind, and that God continues to be present through Christ’s holy Church to save, redeem, and embrace us. Thus we hear in St Mark’s Gospel that the apostles “preached everywhere, the Lord working with them and confirming the word by the signs that accompanied it.” (Mk 16:20)
Reading these two texts together is essential. For we can be tempted to activity and service and mission without prayer. But the Lord tells the disciples to gather first in prayer. For without prayer, we act merely on our own fallible impulses without first discerning the Lord’s presence, working with us. However, the other temptation is to just retreat into prayer, or liturgical splendour, or the comforts of academia, theological speculations, and other such Dominican pleasures. But the Lord has sent us forth on a mission, and so as a Dominican motto says, we must contemplate, and then hand on the fruits of our contemplation. In other words, our prayer empowers and serves a mission, and this is true not just for us English Dominicans in our 800th anniversary year, but moreover for every Christian. As Pope Francis said on Twitter today: “the Solemnity of the Ascension lifts our gaze upwards, beyond earthly things. At the same time, it reminds us of the mission the Lord has entrusted to us here on earth.”
Therefore, let us together, as God’s children, pray, and pray at all times. As Our Lady of the Rosary said to the shepherd children at Fatima on this day, the 13th of May, in 1917: “Pray the Rosary every day”. For through daily and frequent prayer, we are raised up to God in our affections and in our intellect. And then, being in communion with the Blessed Trinity in this way, we shall be empowered by the love of the Holy Spirit to be authentic witnesses of the Gospel, to “lead a life worthy of your vocation”, as St Paul says.
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thotyssey · 4 years
On Point With: Roqué
On Point With: Roqué
This Dominican-American diva is perhaps best known as one fourth of the hostess team of “Oh Yes,” a popular show at Boxers Washington Heights and later Instagram. Stylish, sexy, and smart, Roqué was born to be a queen… she didn’t even have to change her name! [Cover photo: Jubilee Rogue] Thotyssey: Hello Ms Roqué, how are we today in this snowy, post-Valentines reality? Roqué: She’s doing…
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