#Doing art with art pals and art mutuals
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loopyarts · 11 months ago
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Me and a few of my art mutuals found what seems to appears to be a ‘draw this in your style’ between Japanese artists.
So for a little bit of fun, we all decided have a little go ourselves and make an art train around it. We all used the same Ichiji drawing done by this artist and https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/2911160 as the ref and is the one used by the other Japanese artists in the ‘draw it in your style’.
Here is my drawing/sketch take on it and it was so much fun to do and great practice. :3c
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suffarustuffaru · 9 months ago
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FELIX !!!! 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈
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koolaidashley · 9 months ago
Ummm shld I art fight this year I’ve never art fought before ……hmmm
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staghunters · 2 years ago
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when it's that time of the month, and you're all the way up in goddamn canada UGH
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windydrawallday · 2 months ago
Hey, there! In case you were in a state of doubting about your own character interpretations: you are valid. Your point of view is valid. Your explorations that go beyond and even break the established are valid. Finding out you want to work it even more personally and make it an OC is VALID.
And by crossing that line... what? Yeah, not many will relate to it as it used to when it was tied to canon. But who cares? You are doing this for you. And for you. And for YOU again.
Who would do what you wish to see if is not you? That means a solitaire path, I know that too well myself. But, believe me: its worth it.
Because what do you prefer? To wait for someone to make real what you have in your brain? Your perspective and feelings about it are unique! It's impossible to repeat them! And if it repeats--
It means you are not alone in this view! But the only way to find your people is to draw and write and squeal and cherish what you care for.
Please, indulge in it! Don't be another one who lived with guilt, and felt it was too late to try to enjoy the little silly things fiction brings to every one of us.
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pinkmoonmp3 · 2 years ago
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via niall.breen.comics
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toffeebrews · 8 months ago
first i wanna say that i love your art sm, the style and colors are top tier !! honored that we're mutuals ❤️
now i saw your post on doing shipping doodles and my best suggestion is cross x epic
Aww!! thank you pal!! 💛✨
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I've had this idea for a while! This gave me permission to draw it
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sugar-and-pearls · 4 months ago
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Howdy ghouls, folks and dearie- ohs
My name is Hedone and I've been in this community for about three years now. I love it truly and wish never to be parted from it. But in that time I've noticed somethings. Like how it can be difficult to survive it, especially when your starting out I feel. So, to give back I made this;
This is your guide on how to make friends and survive the selfshipping community.
So with that out the way, there are some steps to survive.
Create -
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In my view, self shipping is often a creative outlet as it is a comforting one. The ability to take a piece of media into my hands and shape it to my whims and will is often awe-inspiring. I'll admit it's easier to see it with other people than with ourselves.
So with this in mind - start off small, though if you want to go guns blazing you can do that too. It doesn't have to be a lot. If you feel embarrassed, don't be. If you are afraid then don't worry cus your definitely not alone there.
Often times it helps to make a promo. This way people who find you can know some quick facts; your title, your fos and any other bits of info you wish to give. Most people will want to know if you share an fo or not - whether this is in case they are uncomfortable with share or want to know if your comfortable with sharing. Whether you are or not is your choice.
'this user' boxes are a fun way to decorate and tell people about yourself. If your worried about how it looks, then make another one, there's no limit unless you make one. Some people make Cards for it. If that's intimidating, don't worry boo, this is Tumblr - you do you.
My first real post was about what it would be like my mind was like a house and what which fos would stay and which ones would come and go. I posted it three years ago and in all that time it has gotten 16 notes on it. Does that mean that I shouldn't have created it? no, no it doesn't. Because when I read it it makes me happy.
Do a gush post, make art, start 'reblog with your f/o' game, write stories, make a moodboard - start the flow on those creative juices.
interact -
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I've seen a lot of people be nervous about talking to new people and I can tell you, I feel the same. Its daunting, talking to someone new and it can be awkward wading through the small talk. Most people are in the same boat as you; nervous and wishing to talk about their fos.
Instead of focusing on being popular, try and make friends instead, its much much more emotionally fulling than the first option. Find people with fos in the same source, and try and build it up from there. You'll find your weridos eventually - you just got to sieve though the rest first. You don't have to be best pals with everyone on there but be friendly.
If you recognise a character, why not send an ask? If you have a mutual in mind, why not try and talk with them? Reblog other people's art and moodboards and posts. Doing content trades is a great way to interact with people (and boo if your worried or don't think your content is very good, don't be - we're all evolving here). Also if you can or just like to draw, you can make fanarts for a selfship you like or would like to be your mutual - like I said before, everyone on here just wants to talk about their fos here, all that is needed is a small push first.
With that in mind not everyone you talk to is going to like you, or interact the same way you do. Everyone has a style to themselves and that's ok - the trick is find someone who has the same, or a similar style as you. Even though we are interacting through a screen, remember that there is another person behind that screen; ask them how they're doing, what they're up to, if anything positive happen in their life.
Also be careful about the kinds of people you want to befriend- do they give back what you give first? Do they share your joy? You're bound to find many you click with, just be patient and don't give up - you got this 👍😊👍
Make Friends From All Walks Of The Community -
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You'll never know who you're fandom buddy will be - Antis, proships, all are people and all have a different flavour to one another. Its up to you to pick. I've found that to survive here you have to lay roots. No man is an island after all. If you don't agree with a someone's ship or like it doesn't cost much to just be polite. Being considerate and kind to other people's selfships goes a long way round here.
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Its pretty easy to feel intimidated by other's success. feeling like their ships are being validated while yours aren't (trust me here - I know what I speak of) but here's what you have to remember: We're all just people daydreaming about fictional characters - No one is better than you and you f/os will always love you!
This is one of the many reasons why building a foundation of fellow weridos is important, its good to have a someone that your able to lean on and vice versa.
But main point here is that no matter what, no one can take away your fos love for you nor your love for them. And if they try, flip them the 🖕 cus we don't give a 🦆
Karma -
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I see a few newbies do this where they go onto someone's blog, reblog a game but not send in an ask from that game. If you reblog an ask game off of someone, sent in an ask from that game. Every little helps and it spreads the love around.
Tumblr is not like Instagram, likes are not the currency here. Reblog other people's art and moodboards and posts. Leave a comment in the tags about the things you like or what you felt like when you saw it, send in an ask about their post.
Remember that even though we are interacting through a screen, there is another person behind that screen; Wishing for the same things as you do.
Take Breaks
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It can be tiring on here, takes up a lot of energy so taking breaks can be good for you.
It's not like your fos are going to run away the second you turn your back - come away from Tumblr for a bit and reconnect with the outside, touch some grass, take a walk outside for a while. Its can be for as long as you like. I usually find that I like to take these breaks when I have things planned, so like if I'm going somewhere or have a thing planned I generally just try and stay off Tumblr for as long as I can, till I really want to.
If you feel like your abandoning your fos then why not take them with you? what would they say when your outside? How would they react? What would you say back? things like that.
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Like with many of my posts, I doubt it will get much attraction. But if one person sees it and it helps them, then that's my dues paid, my contribute made. A very special thank you to @echoes-lighthouse @wisemins @hibiscus-ships @tex-treasures @missnaunet @vanilla-ending, @multyshipping for all your tips and helps with making this post.
With that said, thank you for reading this and if you never see me again
Merry Meet, Merry Part and Merry met Again.
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practicallypip · 2 months ago
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I redrew my pal Blues art because the concept is epic guys DO YOU HAVE TUMBLR I'm sure you'll find me if you do if we're already mutuals here I'll be so embarrassed
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starleska · 2 years ago
Hey I saw your fainting request and thought it looked great....I have a request of my own...
Can...you do wally x reader who is autistic? Like gets distracted and/or hyperfixated on things easily, does stims like arm flapping as an example, and other stuff?
Just love wally from welcome home ever since I randomly stumbled upon welcome home! I wish they would 'find tapes of the show' so we could legit watch the episodes and stuff! Imagine the glitches and tibits they could add in! Oh I'd love it! And I adore the puppets and this adorable horror so much!
oh hell yeah, this is the ask i was waiting for!!! 🔥🔥🔥 of course i can fill out this prompt for you darling - i'm autistic myself, and it's my headcanon that every single member of the Welcome Home cast is some shade of neurodivergent 🥰💖 the lovely official arm-flapping art of both Julie and Frank is all the evidence i need!! plus, Wally sleeping on a cake...i'm choosing to believe he's a big fan of that kind of texture 😂💖 speaking of!...
Wally Darling x Autistic Reader headcanons
⭐ when you first tell Wally you're autistic, he doesn't quite grasp the concept. he nods when you give the clinical definition, but it's clear he doesn't understand why you're making the distinction. however, when you first describe your special interests, Wally's eyes light up! he grabs a pencil and his sketchbook, and quickly scrawls a crude picture of your mutual neighbour Frank, along with a host of pretty butterflies. then, right by his side Wally doodles himself, surrounded by floating apples. "It's good to be excited by things," says Wally, with all the sage wisdom of a tenured professor. ever distracted, he flips to a new page and carefully (his tongue sticks out during the process!) renders you in pencil. then, he fills in the blank space with pretty, stylised doodles of all your most beloved interests - even the obscure ones which are not easily communicated in picture form 💖 from that moment on, you know you and Wally are kindred spirits. ⭐ stimming is something Wally does regularly, and he loves it when you stim too!! Wally's most prominent stim is singing - he's constantly humming a tune or thoughtlessly mumbling lyrics to himself, sometimes from known songs, and sometimes from original compositions. Wally is also prone to pacing and threading his fingers together when he's nervous or stressed: a rare occurrence, as his outward persona is typically bright and relaxed. however, Wally never wants his pals to feel left out: if his friends are stimming, he'll quite happily mirror the movements!! Julie adores it when Wally flaps along with her, and although Frank will never admit it, he appreciates when Wally sits on the floor and rocks with him. whichever stims you prefer, he's always delighted to be a part of what helps you navigate the world and make your body and brain feel better 🥰 ⭐ Wally loves to give you deep-pressure hugs. your new neighbourhood is a kind and accepting place, but even you can become overwhelmed by its sweet, rainbow brightness. you don't know why, but one particularly hypersensitive day, you begin to approach a meltdown and have nowhere to escape. without a word, Wally slips his soft, fuzzy arms around your waist and pulls you into his chest, face-first. his strength is astonishing, and although you have an initial moment of panic, all that tension and terror starts to slip away as you inhale his unique fruit-felt scent. Wally hums to you as he holds you - and keeps you in his arms until you feel relaxed enough to slip out of your own accord 🥺 i hope this is what you were looking for, anon :3c i know we all have our unique experiences as autistic people, but i hope this was broad enough and relevant to you. have a great day 😊💖
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pookapufferfish · 11 months ago
Sona master post time!
here is the post guys, gonna put it under a cut because I have a lot to say about a lot of my sonas
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1)Bear man? He has no name really, just me really. technically I made his species a grolar bear but he is just kinda a silly bear. hat and glasses are optional. bandana and sweater are interchangable. technically you can draw top surgery scars on him but I haven't had top surgery yet so I will only draw those scars when that happens. But yeah he is my defult sona
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2) Lemon (aka spearsona) My rain world sona, can be anthro or just a scug. he has no mouth usually, mouth can be given if silly enough. He has fluffy paw pads (kinda like rabbit feet) The patches on the anthro version overalls represent my friends that I feel closest to (there is a missing pink bow patch from my old drawing because that friend blocked me, please don't attack them if you find out who they are) I will be adding more patches, don't worry friends
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3) Gator! My more silly playful sona. goofy and stretchy and moldable. kinda a guy I use when excited of playful, when my brain is very lizard brain. if you draw him then please keep it sfw, he is meant to be child friendly. He has 2 design requirements for if you draw him, green and has the snoot. go wild if you draw him, I love this fella.
Update (11/09/24): Gator has a shark fin on his back now. same rules as before but now requirements are green, the gator snoot and the fin
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4) Draygon This guy and below are more personal or with friends so just keep that in mind and ask if you are allowed to draw them doing something. (if you are a mutual or we interact a lot you can draw this guy) Anyways he is just a long dragon with a fluffy mane, if you see him I am usually sarcastic or have had a very rough day
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5) Banana! :D Pokesona, he is an eeveelution designed by my friend @boyswhowawa (I can remove tag if you want) called alebreon. He is a ground type (he also looks quite different from the normal alebreon, they are not normally bright yellow) the green arm band is mandatory. He usually is around his friend squash (I cannot share squash because that is friends sona) I actually don't mind fanart of him but he is more personal to me
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6) Zigzaret :P my second pokemon sona, a galarian zigzagoon, sentret hybrid. a silly pal. nothing too special he is just silly. you can draw him being a goober and a sweetheart.
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7) Squizzard OwO originally a fusion of lonely wizard and a squirrel from inscryption. He is extremely personal with my close irl friends. ask me directly if you want to draw him. I find him silly and I love him but would be uncomfortable if he got just random fan art
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cheezekennith · 4 months ago
So uh hi
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the ask box is now closed already bc i told the palestinians to stop donating me cuz y'know i don't have money, they keep spamming me but i still support them plus do not mention me to donate me money i'm a minor and i don't have money (if you mention me to donate or ask me for money, I'll block you) (and note: I left the touhou fandom so please don't like nor reblog my old touhou stuff please!)
The old introduction post is so ugly ew wtf
I go by uh cheeze, eli, nemesis, rhamnusi, cheezesalot, or any, you may call me but don't call me weird ahh shitty names
And this is not ment for children, this blog is 13+ btw so sorry for a ppl who are tweens or younger
I'm an artist who likes drawing, sleeping or attending to cosplays
My age is a no bc it's privated not gonna tell you tho-
Im a roman catholic
I'm a minor please don't do disgusting ahh shit on me wtf💀-
I have autism or ASD (i have a disorder well about 9 or 10) and cycle social (I'm disabled well erm)
I lived in the most goofy ahh country aka the philippines🇵🇭🇵🇭🇵🇭🇵🇭🇵🇭
I am a young artist who is currently in junior high school
I am half filipino, half chinese and half spainish (or aka mestizang chinese or one half chinese)/🇵🇭🇨🇳🇪🇸
I'm very weird asl bc I usually post goofy ahh shit
I collect some figures (not really that much bc it costs about money-)
I'm sometimes a cosplayer yea i attend cosplays cuz i attend sometimes
I sometimes speak filipino or tagalog cuz uhm y'all know, I'm very bad at it (pwede ako ig?) and tagalog isn't my first language but, english is my first language (sometimes my English is garbage)
I am asexual btw
My birthday is august 24 or 08/24 (in philippine calendar ofc) and at least I don't share the year
Oh also btw i like owls bc their my favs
Anyways my persona cuz why not
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And my second persona
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And meet the artist card bc I made one
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My fandoms/interest/hyperfixations are uhm
Ghost and pals
Vocalsynth fandom/community (vocaloid, synth v and utau)
Twf/the walten files
Kirby fandom
welcome home
animal crossing
sander sides
the owl house
inside out fandom
Prroductt fandom
The torappu theatre
And more omfg I have some many fandoms help istg
I also have alot of ocs to count and I even sometimes forgot my ocs' names
And uhm please do not interact/dni if you are a
N$FW blog
Aut1sm speaks supporter
Y∆n dev supporter
SSSniperW0lf supporter
Person who hate or insult furries
I$rael supporter
Person who insults therians
Person who insult minors
Any type of K1nk/f3tish blog (you are disgusting me srsly)
R4pist or aka t3rf
An1mal abuser
Person who judge based on their religion
Trl_lmp supporter
Person/blog/artist who use ai for art/animation and etc
If your one of these people
Get tf out of my blog cuz this isn't for you AND YOU DISGUSTED ME LIKE SERIOUSLY👹👹👹👹👹-
AND ALSO DON'T USE "~" IN THE END IN THE TEXT ON ME BC ITS SO FUCKING WEIRD IN MY OPINION OMG PLEASE STOP I HATE IT✋💀- (its not cute, flirty, nor playful imo bc its weird bc mostly deviantart users use that, so uhm please dont use the tilde in the end of your text while talking to me and you know in fact im a minor, well nuh uh ):<)
The mutuals I have ig?
@sayuri-does-skits / @sayuri-finn @nightkit92 @sunnytoonsproductions @nia1sworld @randys-adventures @antonias-beloved @textbook-dinner @flutterflutteryay @oddlyvoid @iggyguyy @sundove88 @s4gefr0g @n0vatsu @devillemon085 @l0ve3na @yourlocalcrybxby @everlastingsilliness @dackychansworldofhoshino @m0chiiandfooz @bugofmanynames @bread-sheeran @galaxyworldbuddy
My online father
Youtube: cheezekennith
Blue sky: cheezekennith
Magma: cheezekennith
Pinterest: cheezekennith
SU or sketchers united: nope my age and face is here wtf
Wiki fandom: cheezekennith
Roblox: gummymojarii
Discord: cheezekennith
Duolingo: cheezekennith
Spotify: <•∆~🇵🇭CHEEZE🇨🇳🇪🇸~∆•>
Alt account: @cheeze-extraz (i didn't use that account that much btw)
Have some crappy user boxes bc why not
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Also this account is selfship safe if you're a fellow selfshipper like my friend @antonias-beloved and you're welcome here, except for proshipper and comshippers are not allowed here
Also another fact btw, I like henry elsner and felix kranken btw- (cuz uh dunno my fav characters-)
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imaluvsj7 · 21 days ago
Hi everyone I was very hesitant to post about the whole situation but considering I'm pro-pal and pro-boycotter along with it I have used my account on twitter to always advocate and learn about pal and zionism I didn't wanted to stay silent on blr and give my opinions and discuss about the matter. So before anyone says let it go or just discuss in dms or anything — this is about artists associated with zionism which shouldn't be taken lightly at all and we all should learn and educate rather than sweeping everything under the rug. Before you read my opinion, I want to remind you this doesn't mean we can throw hate at any of them, holding people accountable and educating them is different than dragging them.
For context :: @cupidhoons aka liz, she posted one of her works with ‘Lana Del Rey’ — who is an American singer along with a proud zionist and because of that post Liz received comments and criticism.
About Lana Del Rey and her association with zionism :: she signed a letter thanking biden while he was funding the gaza genocide and also stated “We all want freedom for Israelis and Palestinians” which makes a neutral statement and before anyone says she has taken stand for Palestine — she clearly stated in her statement thanking Biden who is a zionist himself and only Hamas being blamed for the genocide in Palestine where she never once mentioned that Israel is doing ethenic cleansing and slaughtering people of Palestine and gaza, as soon as she supported Biden that was it!!
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Now, About @cupidhoons or lizs’ statement along with the provided screenshos ::
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WHEN she replied to one of the anons regarding the ‘separating art from artists’, it sounded very dismissive and ignorant towards the whole situation also if you're using a zionists’ song that have chances of some of the viewers will visit the song and give it a listen although I do understand it wasn't exactly ‘promoting a zionist song’ but it still derives the narrative in other manner but as @cupidhoons said she wasn't aware of Lana being a zionist so I'm not going to blame her or accuse her of being a zionist or zionism supporter. Since I believe there should have been a better approach to explain it to Liz but that doesn't justify I find Lizs’ posts and replies to be correct for the Zionism factor.
plus the fact she used her friends or mutuals statement about the definition of zionism (along with it she did use other resources which i appreciate) it was very misleading because
1. It's their opinion and definition of zionism — it's misleading because it's a public platform and this can change peoples’ perspective and actual meaning behind zionism although they did mention at first about the ethnic cleansing but later on moved to the part where they speak about ‘is you have to ask them as a muslim’:: you're not Palestinians or you're not suffering through genocide so being muslim doesn't mean you can change the term in any way or form if you have a different perspective then it shouldn't be used on public platform IT IS VERY MISLEADING no matter if you say that ‘I said my opinion’ it's a public platform people read and learn ESPECIALLY since you're a writer then you should edify and supervise your words.
2. They (liz and other writers) have used the fact that ‘as muslims’ — ‘killing muslims in benefit of ethnic cleansing' is again a very misleading sentence because Palestine is a land with different religions. There are Christians, Muslims and many people with different religions being slaughtered and it's about their land. “Glory to the resistance and glory to the martyrs” speaks for the resistance of Palestinians for their land, it's a fight against occupation and till liberation. So if you're not Palestinians or you're not using any useful resources for your words then it's dismissive and ignorant and also changes the narratives. And they have used it SEVERAL TIMES!!! (EDITED: i checked rn @theothernads have edited their statements but regardless, the narrative they used before matters here)
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SO the fact they have that they, along with their friends and mutuals, believe it's killing of muslims is misleading and it's made me feel very indigent. Although they have used few correct definitions, meaning and resources which is appreciated. But the whole time liz did try to justify that being muslim has things to do with genocide sounded very ignorant and dismissive because occupation and apartheid has nothing to do with religion!! I hope she along with her friends or mutuals understand that being muslim doesn't give you the right to justify anything or even make your definition or statements.
Now moving to the part where they have spoken about enhypen and several kpop / pop artists :: let me tell you about ‘MONETARY HYBE BOYCOTT’ that started by ‘Army4Palestine’ a year ago! Which led a lot of different kpop fandoms to make their own account and educate their respective fandom regarding the Zionism association of their own respective kpop idols’ labels or company.
HYBE MONETARY BOYCOTT :: It was started by ‘Army4Palestine’ after Zionist Scooter Braun became the CEO of HYBE America and soon which lead to hybe associate themselves with zionism and they introduced alot of zionist producers who worked for several hybe artists such as BTS, TXT, ENHYPEN, ILLIT etc etc. Not only that but HYBE has signed 10 years contract with UMG — the CEO of UMG ‘Lucian Grainge’ is a zionist. So there is actually a monetary boycott of hybe going on and along with that a PRIORITY LIST was provided by them which we had to follow regarding the boycott. Which follows with we shouldn't stream any hybe artists music because it will provide revenue to HYBE which is now a zionist label and hence we are funding zionist label. I have more things to discuss regarding the hybe boycott which i will post very soon with evidences how hybe a zionist label and also how we can participate in monetary HYBE boycott. Aso I will talk about how disrespectful was hybe in the leaked report regarding Jake speaking up for starbucks boycott. So please wait for the post.
Although there are people who are boycotting all the labels or big 3 and others because there are some artists who aren't under any label associated with zionist but the labels have worked with zionist producers and JYP IS A ZIONIST TOO!!
So there is no room for argument about kpop or pop artists boycott because if your artist is under a zionist label — let me tell you there are alot of artists under umg and other zionist labels — then you should try to not stream their song rather choose alternatives as gdrive and apps or sites that doesn't give streams which again I will post and provide with my post related to hybe association with zionism and possibly including jyp. But but let me make this clear, ‘Army4Palestine’ is focused on hybe and BTS and the admins are Palestinians. But there are several accounts for other fandoms too as for enhypen there are ‘Engene4Pal’ and ‘Connect4pal’. And to add, the Boycott isn't focused on any artists before you assume it's the label since they are associated with zionism. But as the labels are associated with zionism we should participate in the monetary boycott of labels and hence which means we shouldn't stream our favs song too. ALONG WITH IT — HYBE MISTREAT THEIR GROUPS which again i will inform and advocate in my post so PLEASE WAIT FOR THE POST.
Now I'm assuming that Liz and other writers don't know about it, which I personally don't think they don't know but again I'm not friends with them so I cannot make any conclusions for what they support or what they are aware of so I'm not accusing them of anything. I do not mean to spread any hate to them, I hope and I genuinely want them to learn and educate themselves. I believe we all make mistakes and we should learn to accept it and educate from them. So please it's a request from my side to @cupidhoons @pshbites @theothernads @kairoot @ourhees @fluviorss @nshmuras @elysianiki (some of them rebloged so I'm tagging them) reflect on your statement and educate I'm not saying any of you are supporting zionism or are being zionist but all I want is to please look after the Muslim part and educate yourself. Because if being muslim did make us pro-pal then the the Arab countries who were silent through the genocide and neve gave any aid to Palestinians or didn't help them have muslim leaders. Along with it so many muslim aren't boycotting brands such as Coke, McD, Kfc, etc which are under the targeted list of BDS movement and also so many muslims are neutralist along with it so many Jewish have attended protest in different countries to support Palestine so it was never about the religion or religious justification.
Now to the part of being called zionist :: I'm confused about if @okwonyo aka ‘Jiah’ called the artist zionist and not Liz but if she did then Jiah should understand that it's a very strong term to use for anyone and shouldn't be overlooked or thrown around so she should learn and educate.
Now, About @okwonyo or jiahs’ statement along with the provided screenshos ::
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I DO agree with @okwonyo where she said in the replies of anon @cupidhoons sounded dismissive and ignorant and she also justified the ‘separating art from artists’ statment which I hope @cupidhoons take under consideration and learn that art is nothing without an artist and if an artist is given a platform — that platform inspires youth and people look forward how is the artist using their platform and what are they supporting so the narrative is utter nonsense (directed towards the statement not person) so I hope she learns.
@cupidhoons has stated that she has learnt about Palestine for a long time and has joined several protest yet she used her friends words and statment for zionism which was questioning from my side because certainly if you have learnt from a long time then you might have educated yourself regarding the meaning behind the protest.
From the text you can see @okwonyo did inform her how using her song will provide streams which will provide revenue to Lana and @cupidhoons justified the statement by saying she isn't popular which sounded dismissive to the point which was raised by @okwonyo.
Now, @cupidhoons did say in her text that she felt accused of being a zionist which as I said I'm confused if @okwonyo directed it towards the artist because she did apologize and cleared in her post but again regardless @okwonyo should have made it clear in the dms itself that she wasn't accusing @cupidhoons of being a zionist. Regardless I really hope jiah understands that zionism is very strong term and it cannot be thrown here and there because people who are zionist justify ethnic cleansing and mass killing of people so I she educates herself about the term and also I was not a big fan of how Jiah responded to Liz regarding the whole situation although I do appreciate the fact she held liz accountable and tried her to educate of Lana being a zionist but maybe few evidence and reason along with a different terminology would have been made things better when she approached but that doesn't dismiss her valid reason to raise her point.
In the last Liz has said ‘this is Tumblr and I have life and education outside’ — I'm not more why this statement was used but liz needs to understand that Tumblr is also a public space especially knowing so many people have used it to advocate about zionism and Palestine so it sounded incomprehensive because again liz could have asked the reason or how is Lana a zionist of anything and also jiah should have added this along but both of them were somehow lack of enlightenment. Also @pshbites (i assume kaia is them if not then I'm sorry I tagged the wrong person) again used the justification of being muslim here was very much wrong and dismissive.
Now to the Ariana Grande part :: Ariana Grande has posted about Scooter Braun and he is a zionist and also she is under UMG which makes us not stream her songs too. And her supporting Palestine only has few things while she has thanked a zionist Scooter Braun for the role and shown open support to him along with an emotional message for him and also there are alot of infos provided by @ZionistsinFilm about her being under and connected to zionist so streaming or listening to her songs gives revenue and funds zionism too!!
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Again here I'm not sure if @okwonyo is aware of not but adding to the point that whatever Jiah has stated regarding streams counts for every artist but she did say she has stopped listening to bp official songs but it counts for every artist so she looks out for her fav artist too. So there were a few moments where Jiahs’ approach and different use of wordings would have been better.
Now Personal feelings and thoughts :: Also I did send @cupidhoons anon messages where I did educate her regarding ‘separating art from artists’ but she didn't reply maybe she didn't see or she just ignored and also i replied in the replies to @ourhees about the same thing guess they have either blocked me or just ignored which is actually weirded me out since they are complaining about the part where @okwonyo didn't try to educate them but when I tried they both ignored which i didn't screenshot I'm sorry since I didn't know they might ignore AND AND let me add how do many people in the replies of @cupidhoons and @ourhees post are saying ‘clock it’ or ‘tell them’ etc etc out of which so many of them are writers and still none of them questioned the defination or Muslim part because how come are pro-pal but not once you overlooked the fact there are some incorrect wordings and statements because if you're pro-pal then have you never searched for the meaning of zionism or read the resources and if you have then why is there 'ohh clock it and tell them' but none of you have looked at the stances where you tried to educate them regarding their statements. And to the fact @kairoot and @ourhees sounded very ignorant in their posts and replies but I'm not accusing any of them of being a zionist but just sharing my feelings which doens't mean they are zionist or support zionism. And @cupidhoons has again used the Muslim factor.
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At the end :: Both of them could have been less aggressive and maybe should have discussed with calmness while educating each other. I don't want to accuse anyone of being zionist or supporting zionism but the statements and points along with the approach could have been better. Acknowledgment and being conscious about the whole situation and acceptance of mistakes could have treated things differently but regardless since so many of you have said you stand for Palestine so I hope you learn and improve it's about educating yourself rather than being dismissive. I don't want anyone to step back or derive any narrative but rather erase and add a few things any of you didn't know about or can help to improve what you guys already know.
tagging moots: @boyfhees @boyfhee @cupidhoons @okwonyo
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artemis-73 · 1 month ago
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In Blissful Anguish
Inspired by Ascenionism by Sleep Token
Author: @artemis-73
Artist: @witchy-worm
Rating: Explicit
Word count: 43k
Tags: One Night Stands, Friends With Benefits, Angst with a Happy Ending, Mutual Pining, Porn With Feelings, Gay Dean Winchester, Dom/Sub Undertones, Closeted Character, John Winchester's A+ Parenting, Breaking Up & Making Up, Inspired by a Sleep Token Song
Summary: Between his fraught relationship with his sister and his tenuous place at his band's music label, Cas needs a distraction. He finds it in Dean, who's having his own issues with his brother's recovery from substance abuse and pressure from his dad (and band manager). After a stress-relieving one-night stand, Cas and Dean part on less than friendly terms, happy to never see each other again.
Months later, they find themselves back in close quarters as their rock bands tour together. With their negative first impressions behind them, Dean and Cas bond quickly, and with the allure of a convenient hook up, they fall into a secret friends-with-benefits relationship.
It's the perfect solution, until it's not. After all, Dean has a womanizing reputation to maintain, and Cas has been burned by closeted guys before.
Now LIVE on AO3. See more art here.
And an excerpt below the cut!
"You know," Cas said, propping himself up on his elbows but not moving off the bed, "usually when two people have sex, and it's not a monetary transaction, there's a cooldown period afterward."
"And you can do that somewhere else."
Dean had a shirt bunched in his fist, and he looked everywhere but at Cas.
With too much venom, Cas said, "You seem like a cuddler. Is there something about me that has you rushing me out the door?"
"Got it in one!" He kept his smile smug to hide the way his stomach twisted.
"Look, man—"
"Oh, two for two. If we keep this up, will I get a 'buddy'? Maybe a 'pal'?"
"Can you just get the fuck out?" Dean yelled.
Cas slid from the bed and followed the trail of his clothes, pulling them on as he went. Shame bubbled in him. He grabbed his boots—there was no way in hell he was taking the time to put them on in the room—and turned to face Dean, who was, of course, staring at the ground with his arms crossed over his now-clothed chest.
"The next time you think about scratching this itch by picking someone up at a gay bar, do us all a favor and don't."
Once he was in the elevator, he half-assed his shoes back on. His reflection stared out at him from the reflective door. He checked his phone. He had missed a call from Naomi. Fuck. It was way too late to call her back.
Hannah had texted him, too. Did Naomi get through to you? Then fifteen minutes later: Call me when you can. Then within a minute: It's good news I swear!
They picked up on the third ring. "Please, tell me you're not calling from some poor guy's bathroom."
"I would never."
"Uh, you would and have."
Cas couldn't deny it. "What'd Naomi say?"
"Not much, just that we'll still get to tour next year. She didn't give any details. She wants to meet with us tomorrow."
"That's short notice."
"You sound way less excited than I thought you would," they said suspiciously.
"I'm excited. I am—" They hummed, unconvinced. "—but what's stopping this from falling through, too?"
"Well…" They drew the word out.
"Don't say it."
"Don't sleep with their very hot but very closeted lead singer, and please, please, please don't fall in love with him."
Cas hung up.
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aevari · 3 months ago
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My art summary for 2024!
I am genuinely quite pleased with my progress this year! I've branched out into painted portraits, drawing more couples and can see some confidence and growth in my inking and my anatomy! This year I got to draw more fanart and create some new OCs which was such a creative treat - I'm so happy!!! 🥰 Rogue Trader was my first introduction into the w40k universe and I got obsessed with its rich lore. Created Lucinda von Valancius and fell in love with her and Heinrix's story. Replayed the Dragon Age series in anticipation for Veilguard to create a canon timeline. It was the first time playing Origins and it became my favorite of the series and games of all time to me. Milana Tabris has been awarded blorbo of the year because I love her (and Zevran) SO fucking much. Honorable mentions to Armas de Riva, my catboy 😼 and his romance with Lucanis (and Spite), my sweetheart Juleic Trevelyan who unexpectedly captivated me w/ how his romance blossomed with Dorian 💞, and to Beau Hawke who is the messiest gal stuck in a tragic narrative despite her good intentions. 💔
I also met some amazing pals/mutuals in both of these fandoms and I'm so glad to have met you all!!! <3 Also a big, big thank you to all of you who hangout and follow me (whether for my art or whatever vibes I bring to your dash). To those who like to see me ramble about my ocs I LOVE you. To those who support my art, leave nice comments/tags, reblog/like my work or help spread my commission posts when I open my comms you guys are AMAZING - thank you! And a super big special thank you to all the folks who have commissioned me this year!!! Especially my regulars - I am so, so delighted every time I get to draw for you! The love and support in my creative endeavors mean the world to me. I say it every year, almost every few months too, but I do mean it. I'm so grateful <3 2024 art goals I had in 2023 and plans for 2025 below:
Rebranded art handle. ✅
Touch 2022 wips I wanted to go back on. ❌
Balance from commission art with more personal art. ✅
Going into next year I STILL want to touch my 2022 backlogs lol and some 2023/2024 wips I have sitting in my folder. make my first enamel pin whosaidthat. Also I'd love to explore doing LIGHTING!!!! Overlay/multiply/etc etc save me... I've done some old pieces in the past I was so proud of and I can't figure out how to replicate that technique lmao. This is also the first time I can take on commission work as a leisurely thing than a necessity for bills (FOR NOW. LIFE FINDS A WAY.) so it'll be a refreshing take to get back into it in early 2025 :) Thanks again, as always, for sticking around!
2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | template
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moxanji-real · 2 months ago
Thinking of maybe making a self ship art reblog thingy for mutuals/followers only. I need to get my motivation back lol and what better to do than draw my awesome self ship pals amazing beautiful ships 👀💕
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