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jonasgoonface · 1 day ago
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in dogpile the food is free and you clean your own dishes.
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hemuchang · 8 months ago
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good day
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never-obsolete · 10 months ago
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Dogpile.com June 2000
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male-overload · 3 months ago
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bks-blogs · 6 months ago
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Guess Dolly and Fergus couldn't resist! Just when Dylan had finished raking up a pile of leaves, the troublemaking dog-fox duo comes into to make an impending dogpile on his handywork (Or paw-work whatever you call it)!�� My first 101DS art piece in a while, and JUST in time for the Fall, where the leaves turn a shade of orange and yellow -- My favorite shade of colors!🍁🍂 All characters are copyrighted (c) by Disney.
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anannua · 2 years ago
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team minato snooze pile
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googlyeyesonmagiccards · 1 year ago
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But those...those are goblins?
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gwemmieee · 7 months ago
current vibe
My ask inbox is not my DMs. If you want to have a big discussion with me outside of reblogs, use my DMs. I will not engage with anonymous negativity anymore.
This blog is a pretty mature space and sometimes horny, so if you're a minor, I promise you won't get anything out of staying here.
I'm a cute alien puppygirl. Also can be a wolfgirl sometimes. I'm a trans femby, she/her. Sapphic, lesbian, demiromantic, demisexual, hypersexual (but still learning to fully accept myself), neurodivergent, and a fused plural system (kind of like how it's depicted psychologically in Steven Universe, if you know you know). I'm polyamorous and currently in an open marriage w/ @kateinacrate1
I'm new to living in the city, but I love it so much. Lately, I've been building my first real family and discovering a lot about myself. At the moment all I want to do is build community, make friends, get fucked (in a good way), and explore all my old and new hobby interests. I also have a burning desire for certain things I can't afford anytime soon, like gender affirming surgeries, traveling, wine and dining, singing voice training, fancier clothes/makeup, and having a balcony at home.
I believe in community and mad pride. I am a lifelong victim of abuse and severely sensitive to many unusual things due to continuous trauma, especially around group interactions, but I tirelessly seek real connection. Dogpiling instantly renders me unable to maintain my composure or mental health. For this reason, I do not participate in dogpiling, and I minimize engagement with anyone who is mean, dismissive, or gaslighty. Sharing one's traumatic experience is not the same as one-upping anyone else. If I disappear from a discussion in which multiple people are questioning me and nobody is defending me, it is probably because I felt dogpiled.
I always make a full effort to humanize everyone. I frequently wind up being the kindest person most people have ever met, and I'm better than most at keeping my composure and understanding everybody's perspective in any tough discussion. I've had slip-ups in the past that I'm leaving behind. It usually does much more harm than good to express targeted anger or hate in public spaces, online or offline, so I won't. Most good people are ignorant about something or other. It is better to give the benefit of the doubt where possible. It is better to practice harm reduction and restorative justice than to fully embrace hardline tribalism. Callout culture is a genuine problem these days; I believe callouts should only be performed as part of a harm reduction approach with a known bad actor.
I believe in growing, healing, and deradicalization. I did not choose to be so traumatized that humanization of strangers takes me as much emotional labor as it does. I've always been climbing out of the deep pit I was born in. I am mad and I am feminine and I am a whore (non-derogatory) and I am a leader.
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chambersevidence · 8 months ago
Search Engines:
Search engines are independent computer systems that read or crawl webpages, documents, information sources, and links of all types accessible on the global network of computers on the planet Earth, the internet. Search engines at their most basic level read every word in every document they know of, and record which documents each word is in so that by searching for a words or set of words you can locate the addresses that relate to documents containing those words. More advanced search engines used more advanced algorithms to sort pages or documents returned as search results in order of likely applicability to the terms searched for, in order. More advanced search engines develop into large language models, or machine learning or artificial intelligence. Machine learning or artificial intelligence or large language models (LLMs) can be run in a virtual machine or shell on a computer and allowed to access all or part of accessible data, as needs dictate.
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starrffax · 6 months ago
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What the heck is Sheptember? Enjoy this week's Occasional Fox Friday while its September. Get come water while you can still celebrate it!
Early pics & Voting: Patreon & Subscribestar
Comm Info: Art Website
Tips: KoFi
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theblackestofsuns · 1 year ago
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Perla La Loca (2007)
Jaime Hernandez
Fantagraphics Books
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jonasgoonface · 4 months ago
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in dogpile, home is what's under your feet.
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redundant2 · 11 months ago
I am very sorry to see people attack you on this site when I know your heart is loving. Sending you all good vibes!!
Thank you for sending this, Anon. I really appreciate your kind words. I am not "attention seeking" as some have called me - I barely have time these days to open my laptop, let alone check Tumblr. (New job, dying stepfather.) But I try to open Tumblr a few times a week to touch base with some of the truly kind and wonderful people I've met here. Although I don't know who you are, I'm counting you as one of them. Thank you again for taking the time to send good vibes!
Glad now I didn't post what I read, as I'd imagine the response would have been even more hateful. I don't have any source on this, just came across it randomly and added it to the data pile. I'm always interested in reading ANYTHING about subjects in which I'm interested (like gymnastics, world events, British history, fashion, gardening, politics, books, cinema, theatre, travel, etc) whether I agree with the viewpoint or not, because every piece of information helps provide clues to the bigger picture. I like solving mysteries. In this case, I'm praying earnestly that it isn't true - not even the most arrogant, attention-seeking person would deserve what I read.
Protip: If you don't like or agree with something another person posts, there isn't an Internet Rule forcing you to reply within seconds, hands shaking with anticipation in your desire to PROVE your moral high ground. Most mature humans of medium intellect or above just shake their head and scroll on past if they disagree with content.
It's ironic that I never said who the prominent female is, nor did I tag anything identifiable - yet a lot of people are assuming they might know to whom I referred. It's always interesting to watch an internet dogpile. Tells you a LOT about those who participate.
Step outside and touch grass, people.
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ghostpunkrock · 11 months ago
well I think the watcher update was very mature for the circumstances. it probs would have been better if it came out this weekend, but they apologized, addressed all the (valid) criticism, and massively walked back the streamer launch, what more could you want them to do? I just feel really sad for them now after receiving such a vitriolic explosion of hate, esp the really nasty things people were (and still are) saying about stephen. the damage this has done to their reputation is going to be so much harder to recover from and it just makes me sad for them
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male-overload · 1 month ago
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Dogpile by Istrandar
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