#Does lifting increase bone thickness?
atozbodyfitness · 11 months
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Bone Health: The Hidden Benefits of Weightlifting for Stronger Bones
When we contemplate weightlifting, our minds often conjure images of bulging muscles and impressive strength gains. However, there's a facet of weightlifting that frequently escapes our attention – its profound influence on bone health. In this article, we shall embark on a journey to uncover the concealed advantages of weightlifting for enhancing bone strength. We'll provide answers to pivotal questions and delve into the intricate connection between weightlifting and the health of our bones.
Does Lifting Weights Strengthen Your Bones?
Weightlifting isn't solely about sculpting muscle and achieving physical strength; it also plays a pivotal role in fortifying your bones. The process behind this phenomenon is both fascinating and crucial for understanding the benefits of weightlifting.
When you engage in weightlifting, you subject your bones to a unique kind of stress. This stress isn't detrimental but rather an essential component of the process. As your muscles contract and exert force against resistance, your bones must adapt to this increased stress. In response, the bone-forming cells, known as osteoblasts, become more active. These diligent workers within your body's framework start to create new bone tissue, thus enhancing bone density.
Bone density is a critical factor in bone health, as it determines the strength and resilience of your bones. Higher bone density means that your bones are less likely to break or fracture, making them better equipped to endure the test of time. This adaptation to stress and increased bone density is one of the most significant and often overlooked benefits of weightlifting.
Regularly engaging in weightlifting exercises, such as squats, deadlifts, or bench presses, is like sending a signal to your bones that they need to become stronger to meet the demands of your workouts. This adaptive response results in denser, more robust bones, safeguarding your overall bone health. So, if you've ever wondered if lifting weights could genuinely make your bones stronger, the answer is a resounding yes. It's not just about gaining muscle; it's about investing in the long-term health and resilience of your skeletal structure.
Can Weight Lifting Reverse Osteoporosis?
Osteoporosis, a term that often conjures images of fragile bones and the elderly, is indeed a concerning condition. It is characterized by a reduction in bone density, which renders bones more susceptible to fractures. While it's true that osteoporosis is commonly associated with the natural aging process, it's not a foregone conclusion that we have to accept weakened bones as an inevitable part of growing older. Weightlifting, among other strategies, emerges as a powerful tool in managing and, in some cases, reversing the effects of osteoporosis.
The key to understanding how weightlifting can combat osteoporosis lies in its unique ability to stimulate bone growth and increase bone density. As mentioned earlier, weightlifting exercises stress our bones in a controlled and progressive manner. This stress is precisely what prompts the body to bolster bone density. The increased stress from lifting weights effectively tells the body, "Our bones need to be stronger to withstand this."
Osteoporosis is characterized by a loss of bone density, which makes bones brittle and more prone to fractures. By engaging in weightlifting, individuals with osteoporosis can work to reverse this decline in bone density. Over time, with consistent weightlifting, bone-forming cells, known as osteoblasts, become more active, generating new bone tissue. This process leads to improved bone density and, consequently, stronger bones.
However, it's essential to approach weightlifting with caution if you have osteoporosis. Consulting a healthcare professional is crucial before embarking on a weightlifting regimen. They can assess your individual condition, provide guidance on the types and intensity of exercises that are safe for you, and ensure that you're taking necessary precautions to prevent injuries. Weightlifting can indeed be a powerful ally in the battle against osteoporosis, but it's not a one-size-fits-all solution.
In summary, the answer to whether weight lifting can reverse osteoporosis is a resounding yes, provided it's done with proper guidance and precautions. Weightlifting has the potential to boost bone density, making bones less susceptible to fractures. It's a testament to the adaptability and resilience of our bodies, even in the face of challenging conditions like osteoporosis. With the right approach, weightlifting can be a transformative tool in regaining bone strength and overall health.
What Is the Best Exercise to Increase Bone Density?
The quest for increased bone density often leads us to ponder which exercises can deliver the most significant benefits. While numerous activities can contribute to better bone health, weightlifting stands out as one of the most effective approaches. However, within the realm of weightlifting, certain exercises have proven to be particularly potent in promoting bone density.
When we speak of the best exercises to enhance bone density, it's impossible to overlook the triumvirate of weightlifting movements: squats, deadlifts, and bench presses. These exercises are not only fundamental to any weightlifting routine but also shine as bone-strengthening powerhouses.
Squats: Squats are renowned for their comprehensive impact on the body, working multiple muscle groups, including the quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, and lower back. They also place a substantial load on the bones of the lower body. When you squat, your leg bones bear a considerable amount of weight, and this stress triggers the creation of new bone tissue, increasing bone density. Squats are like a one-stop shop for building muscle and bones.
Deadlifts: Deadlifts are another formidable exercise for enhancing bone density. They primarily target the muscles in your lower back, glutes, hamstrings, and the entire posterior chain. The act of lifting a heavy barbell from the ground places significant stress on your spine, hip, and leg bones. This stress stimulates bone-forming cells, fortifying your bones over time.
Bench Presses: While bench presses predominantly focus on the muscles of the chest, shoulders, and triceps, they also require engagement of the bones in the upper body. Your shoulder blades, collarbones, and ribs are essential for stabilizing your upper body during this exercise. Over time, the bones in your upper body adapt to this stress by becoming denser.
The reason these exercises are particularly effective for increasing bone density is their ability to place substantial stress on the bones. This stress serves as a stimulus for the body to reinforce bone density. It's a remarkable example of how our bodies adapt to meet the demands we place upon them.
To maximize the bone-strengthening benefits, it's crucial to incorporate these exercises into your weightlifting routine. While these exercises might seem challenging at first, their long-term benefits for bone health are undeniable. As with any exercise program, it's advisable to start with appropriate weights, maintain proper form, and progress gradually to reduce the risk of injury. When it comes to enhancing bone density, these compound exercises are truly among the best options available.
Does Lifting Increase Bone Thickness?
Indeed, lifting weights can have a remarkable impact on increasing bone thickness. To understand this phenomenon, let's delve into the fascinating science behind how lifting heavier weights can result in thicker, denser bones.
When you engage in weightlifting and progressively increase the amount of weight you lift, you subject your bones to more significant stress. This stress on your bones is a critical part of the process and serves as the impetus for bone adaptation. In response to this stress, the body initiates a remarkable sequence of events.
1. Osteoblast Activation: As you lift heavier weights, bone-forming cells called osteoblasts become more active. These diligent cells play a pivotal role in building new bone tissue.
2. Bone Remodeling: The increased stress on the bones sets in motion a process known as bone remodeling. In this process, the body starts breaking down older bone tissue and replacing it with fresh, denser bone. This is akin to a natural upgrade for your bones.
3. Increased Bone Thickness: Over time, the cumulative effect of these adaptations results in thicker bones. The new bone tissue is denser and more robust, contributing to enhanced bone thickness.
This increased bone thickness is vital for bone health and overall strength. Thicker bones are better equipped to withstand various stressors and forces placed upon them, reducing the risk of fractures and other bone-related issues.
While weightlifting's primary objective may be to build muscle strength and definition, it's a remarkable side effect that it also bolsters bone thickness. This interplay between muscle development and bone adaptation highlights the intricate balance of our musculoskeletal system.
It's important to note that, to achieve these bone-thickening benefits safely and effectively, it's crucial to approach weightlifting with proper form and gradual progression. Starting with weights that are suitable for your current level of strength and steadily increasing the load will help prevent injuries while promoting bone health.
The Heaviest Weight Lifted and Its Impact on Bone Health
One of the key tenets of weightlifting and its profound impact on bone health is the notion of challenging oneself by lifting the heaviest weight possible. This concept, known as "progressive overload," is not just about building impressive muscles; it also plays a pivotal role in enhancing bone strength.
The connection between lifting heavy weights and bone health is intrinsically linked to the body's remarkable ability to adapt to increased stress. When you lift weights, especially heavier ones, your bones are subjected to a more substantial load. This is where the magic happens. As the skeletal system perceives this heightened stress, it responds by initiating a series of adaptive processes.
1. Bone Density: The first and most crucial response is an increase in bone density. This means that the bone tissue becomes denser, and in turn, stronger. This is achieved through the stimulation of bone-forming cells called osteoblasts. These cells become more active, contributing to the creation of new, denser bone material.
2. Bone Remodeling: In addition to enhancing bone density, lifting the heaviest weights also triggers a process known as bone remodeling. This is where the body essentially renovates its bones. Older bone tissue is broken down and replaced with fresh, robust bone material. This is the body's way of ensuring that your bones can meet the increased demands placed upon them.
The impact of lifting the heaviest weights isn't just superficial; it extends to the very core of your bone structure. This profound change leads to stronger bones that are more resilient to the challenges of daily life. It reduces the likelihood of fractures and other bone-related issues, making it a crucial component of overall bone health.
As mentioned earlier, the principle of progressive overload is integral to reaping the bone-strengthening benefits of weightlifting. This means that as your strength improves, you should continuously strive to lift heavier weights. By consistently pushing your limits and gradually increasing the load, you ensure that your bones continue to adapt and become denser over time.
So, the next time you're contemplating whether to challenge yourself with the heaviest weight you can handle, remember that you're not just building muscle – you're investing in the long-term health and resilience of your bones. It's a powerful reminder of the interconnectedness of our musculoskeletal system and the incredible adaptability of our bodies.
How to Strengthen Bones Naturally
While weightlifting undeniably plays a crucial role in enhancing bone strength, it's not the sole path to achieving robust bones. There are various other natural methods that can complement your efforts and contribute to overall bone health.
Dietary Choices: Proper nutrition is fundamental to bone health. Calcium and vitamin D are two essential components. Calcium provides the building blocks for bone density, while vitamin D helps in its absorption. Ensure your diet includes calcium-rich foods like dairy products, leafy greens, and fortified foods. Additionally, consider vitamin D sources such as fatty fish, eggs, and sunlight exposure. If your diet doesn't meet these requirements, supplements can fill the gap.
Physical Activity: Beyond weightlifting, regular physical activity is essential for bone health. Weight-bearing exercises, such as walking, jogging, and dancing, stimulate bone formation. They encourage the body to maintain and increase bone density, helping to keep bones strong and resilient.
Healthy Body Weight: Maintaining a healthy body weight is another critical factor. Excess weight can strain your bones, particularly those in the lower body, making them more susceptible to damage. On the other hand, being underweight can weaken bones. Strive for a balanced weight that supports your overall health and well-being.
Lifestyle Choices: Certain lifestyle habits can significantly impact bone health. Smoking, for instance, is associated with reduced bone density and an increased risk of fractures. Excessive alcohol consumption can also harm bones. Moderation is key when it comes to these habits. Reducing or quitting smoking and limiting alcohol intake can promote better bone health.
Adequate Sleep: Quality sleep is essential for overall health, and it also plays a role in bone health. During deep sleep, the body repairs and rebuilds bone and tissue. Prioritizing a regular sleep schedule and aiming for 7-9 hours of restful sleep each night can support your body's natural bone maintenance processes.
Regular Check-Ups: Finally, regular check-ups with your healthcare provider are essential. They can assess your bone health, identify any deficiencies or concerns, and recommend appropriate interventions or treatments, if necessary. Early detection and proactive management are critical for maintaining bone health.
Incorporating these natural approaches alongside weightlifting into your lifestyle can help create a comprehensive strategy for strengthening your bones. It's important to recognize that bone health is a holistic endeavor, and these practices collectively contribute to your overall well-being. By making informed choices and adopting these habits, you can enjoy the benefits of strong and resilient bones for years to come.
The Relationship Between Exercise, Physical Activity, and Bone Strength
The intricate dance between exercise, physical activity, and bone strength is a compelling tale of how our bodies adapt to the demands we place upon them. It's a story that underscores the profound impact of movement on our skeletal system and the importance of a well-rounded approach to bone health.
Exercise, particularly weightlifting, stands as a potent catalyst for bone strength. The act of lifting weights places stress on our bones, prompting them to become denser and more robust. This increase in bone density is a hallmark of stronger bones and reduced susceptibility to fractures. Weightlifting, with its focus on resistance and progressive overload, is a powerful ally in the quest for enhanced bone health.
But the story doesn't end with weightlifting alone. Weight-bearing exercises like walking and running also play a pivotal role in maintaining bone health. These activities, characterized by the impact and force they generate as we move, stimulate the body to continually invest in bone density. The bones adapt to meet the demands of these weight-bearing exercises by becoming denser and more resilient.
Staying physically active is an essential part of the equation for bone health. It's not just about the specific type of exercise but the consistent engagement in physical activities that require your bones to work. Whether it's a brisk walk in the park, a jog around the neighborhood, or a session of weightlifting at the gym, these activities contribute to maintaining bone density and overall bone strength.
Diversity in exercise is also a key theme in the tale of bone strength. Incorporating a variety of exercises into your routine ensures that different muscle groups and bones are engaged. This holistic approach ensures a comprehensive strengthening of your skeletal system.
The relationship between exercise, physical activity, and bone strength is not merely a one-way street. It's a dynamic and reciprocal connection. As you exercise, your bones become stronger, reducing the risk of fractures and other bone-related issues. In return, strong bones allow you to engage in physical activities with confidence, reinforcing your overall health and well-being.
In conclusion, the narrative of exercise and bone strength is a story of resilience and adaptability. Weightlifting and weight-bearing exercises are protagonists in this tale, with their ability to stimulate bone density. But it's also a story of balance, where diversity in exercise and consistent physical activity play essential supporting roles. By actively participating in this narrative, you're not only writing a healthier future for your bones but also embracing a more vibrant and active lifestyle.
Weight Management for Better Bone Health
Maintaining a healthy weight is not only vital for overall well-being but also plays a significant role in preserving bone health. Our weight impacts the stress that our bones endure and how well they can support our bodies. It's a pivotal piece of the puzzle in the quest for strong and resilient bones.
Excess body fat can place undue stress on your bones, particularly the weight-bearing bones like those in the legs and spine. This increased mechanical load can lead to various musculoskeletal issues and compromise bone health. It's akin to the bones carrying a heavier burden than they are naturally equipped for, and over time, this can lead to damage and reduced bone density.
One of the effective strategies for weight management and promoting better bone health is weightlifting. Weightlifting not only contributes to building muscle but also aids in weight control. Muscle is metabolically active tissue, which means it burns calories even when you're at rest. The more muscle you have, the more efficient your body is at burning calories. This can assist in weight management and reduce excess body fat, subsequently alleviating the strain on your bones.
Additionally, a balanced diet is an essential companion to weightlifting in the pursuit of weight management. Proper nutrition ensures that you're providing your body with the necessary nutrients for muscle development and maintenance while managing your calorie intake effectively.
When you maintain a healthy weight through a combination of weightlifting and balanced nutrition, you reduce the mechanical load on your bones, allowing them to function optimally. Your bones are then better equipped to support your body's weight without succumbing to excessive stress. This, in turn, supports better bone health and reduces the risk of bone-related issues.
In conclusion, weight management is a key player in the symphony of bone health. It's not just about aesthetics or the number on the scale; it's about the long-term well-being of your bones. Weightlifting, coupled with a balanced diet, can be your allies in this journey. By maintaining a healthy weight, you are not only enhancing your bone health but also embracing a healthier and more active lifestyle.
Boosting Energy Levels with Weightlifting
The benefits of weightlifting extend far beyond the realm of muscle and bone. One of the remarkable side effects of this physical activity is its capacity to infuse you with newfound energy. The relationship between weightlifting, energy levels, and overall vitality is an intriguing journey into the world of fitness and well-being.
Regular physical activity, weightlifting included, is a dynamic catalyst for improved energy levels. Engaging in weightlifting sessions not only strengthens your muscles and bones but also has a profound impact on your cardiovascular health. As you lift weights, your heart rate increases, pumping oxygen-rich blood to various parts of your body, including your brain and muscles. This enhanced blood flow serves as a natural energy booster.
But the benefits don't stop there. Weightlifting enhances your overall physical fitness and endurance. It helps you build stamina and resilience, making everyday activities feel less taxing. With increased energy, you're more likely to stay active, both inside and outside the gym. This is a virtuous cycle. The more active you are, the more energy you have, and the more energy you have, the more active you want to be.
Weightlifting also contributes to mental clarity and a sense of well-being. The release of endorphins, often referred to as "feel-good" hormones, during and after a workout can elevate your mood and reduce stress. When you feel better mentally, it's easier to stay active and maintain a positive outlook on your fitness journey.
This enhanced energy has a significant impact on your bone health. When you have more energy, you're more inclined to engage in weightlifting and other physical activities. Consistency is a key factor in reaping the benefits of weightlifting for your bones. The more you can integrate weightlifting into your routine, the more robust and resilient your bones become.
In summary, the relationship between weightlifting, energy levels, and bone health is an interconnected web of physical and mental well-being. Weightlifting not only strengthens your bones but also boosts your overall vitality. It enhances your cardiovascular health, elevates your energy levels, and fuels a cycle of continuous activity. As you embark on your journey to better bone health through weightlifting, you're not only investing in your skeletal strength but also in a more energetic and vibrant life.
Muscle Strength and Its Connection to Bone Health
The intricate relationship between muscle strength and bone health is a testament to the synergy of our body's structural components. These two elements are deeply interlinked, and weightlifting is the bridge that connects them, fortifying the partnership between muscles and bones.
Weightlifting is a powerful catalyst for muscle growth. As you engage in weightlifting exercises, your muscles respond to the resistance by becoming stronger and more developed. This increased muscle mass is not only aesthetically pleasing but also plays a pivotal role in supporting your bones.
The forces exerted on your bones during weightlifting are significant. The act of lifting weights places a unique form of stress on your bones, different from what they experience during weight-bearing activities. This mechanical load stimulates your bones to adapt and become denser. As a result, your bones gain in density and strength, which is a hallmark of robust bone health.
But the connection goes even deeper. Strong muscles act as natural protectors for your bones. They provide an additional layer of defense, shielding your skeletal structure from external forces and potential injuries. When your muscles are well-developed and powerful, they contribute to enhanced balance and stability.
This balance and stability are critical in reducing the risk of falls and fractures, particularly in older adults. A robust musculoskeletal system, where muscles and bones work in harmony, can prevent accidents and enhance the overall quality of life.
In essence, the connection between muscle strength and bone health is like a symbiotic relationship. Weightlifting is the instrument that strengthens both components, creating a harmonious partnership. As you work to build muscle strength, you're also promoting bone density and, in turn, overall bone health.
Shedding Body Fat and Aiding Weight Loss
Weightlifting is often associated with bulking up, but it's also an excellent tool for shedding body fat and aiding weight loss. The connection between weightlifting, metabolism, and the reduction of excess body fat is a fascinating journey into the world of fitness and health.
As you engage in weightlifting, your body undergoes a transformation. You're not only building muscle but also supercharging your metabolism. Muscle is a metabolically active tissue, which means it requires energy (calories) to maintain itself. The more muscle you have, the higher your resting metabolic rate becomes. This means that even when you're not actively working out, your body is burning more calories.
This metabolic boost is a game-changer when it comes to weight loss. The additional calories your body consumes to maintain muscle mass create a calorie deficit, which is essential for shedding excess body fat. Weightlifting, therefore, contributes to both weight loss and the reduction of body fat.
The impact on your bone health is two-fold. Firstly, weight loss has a positive effect on your bones. Excess body weight places undue stress on your bones, especially those that bear the brunt of your weight, like those in your legs and spine. Shedding body fat reduces this mechanical load, relieving the strain on your bones.
Secondly, weightlifting, with its focus on resistance and progressive overload, complements the weight loss journey. It helps you sculpt your body, replacing fat with lean muscle. The denser your muscles become, the better they support your skeletal system. This, in turn, strengthens your bones and reduces the risk of bone-related issues.
Incorporating weightlifting into your fitness routine offers not only visible muscle gains but also hidden benefits for your bone health. It can increase bone density, reverse osteoporosis, and promote stronger, thicker bones. Remember to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new exercise regimen, and always prioritize proper form and safety in your weightlifting practice. Your bones will thank you for it.
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jonny does an autocannibalism! read here on ao3 or below the cut
Something ached, deep inside. Something indeterminable and indistinct, lurking just below the surface. A coldness seemed to seep out from inside him, filling his body. Jonny was so lonely. Why did they leave him here? Why hadn’t they come back for him? How long had he been here? He couldn’t remember, but he knew it had been a very, very long time. The stone walls of his cell were dusty and grim as he traced a finger through the accumulated dirt on the floor. He longed to feel something, to be warm again.
Sitting on the papery sheets of what apparently passed for a bed and bringing his knees up towards his chest, resting his feet on the sheets, he lightly gnawed at the flesh above his knee, teasing his teeth against the skin and leaving deep, dark dent marks where his teeth had bitten a little harder. There was something innately satisfying about the feeling of harm, of violence, of exerting his frustrations, and the instant sensory feedback. It hurt, but in a good way, a controlled way, a familiar way.
He bit harder, gradually increasing the pressure until he tasted a burst of crimson warmth trickling into his mouth and dripping down his leg. He drank, savouring the thick taste of iron as it flowed down his throat. He bit deeper, his sharp teeth sinking through his flesh, jaw slowly closing until his teeth clicked against each other, and then he wrenched his head back, tearing away a mouthful of flesh. It was warm, and wet, and slimy, and he could feel the scratchy hair on his skin inside his mouth. He chewed slowly, until it was reduced to a thick mush. he swallowed a little, but spat out the rest, and it splattered to the floor in a glob of wet meat. He gently licked the freely bleeding wound on his leg and nuzzled his face against it, enjoying the warmth inside on his cold skin, and feeling the way the blood smeared across his face. He chewed at the edge of the wound, tearing more flesh away and widening it. He swallowed this time, bloody, raw meat sliding down his throat.
He pressed his face against the wound, feeling the warm blood oozing out. He rubbed against it like a cat, then turned his head to the side. He put his thumb in his mouth like a child, and nibbled the base of it gently, then bit harder. His thumb twitched involuntarily inside his mouth, nail scraping against his cheek.
He let his teeth sink down until they knocked against bone. He gradually increased the pressure, and though at first it held firm, it began to give slightly, then splintered beneath his powerful jaws, and he tore the thumb away. He spat it out, choosing instead to lift the bloody stump to his mouth and drink deeply, sharp shards of bone cutting into his tongue as he sucked out the blood. He lifted his head slightly and dug his sharp fingernails in around his eye and to the back of the eye socket and wrenched his head back, his optic nerve tearing as he ripped out the half-crushed eyeball. He placed the eye inside his mouth and chewed it lightly. It was slimy and rubbery, and the fluid inside tasted faintly of salt. He swallowed it whole.
It hurt so much, of course it did, but it was controlled, it was deliberate, and it was his own. It was almost nice, having the harsh light blocked out on one side. With a small grunt, he tore out his other eye, throwing it away, and leaned back against the wall, breathing heavily. The darkness was comforting. It… wasn’t enough, though. It was never enough. He craved true oblivion.
He bit and tore and ripped with his teeth, ripping chunks of flesh from his thighs, his shoulders, his forearms, biting off all his fingers and destroying whatever he could reach, cracking bone and tearing tendon in a desperate frenzy of bloodlust, until blood seeped from every part of his body and he was too injured to move.
At last, he bit off his tongue and tried to swallow, letting himself choke on slimy flesh and oozing blood, until finally he got his heart’s desire.
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Childe taking you, someone who's grown up in warm, gentle climates, to Snezhnaya, the land of frost and ice. you're shivering the moment the boat crosses the border, the temperature dropping suddenly and chilling you to the bone. your jacket, although thick, does nothing to protect you from the bitingly cold winds that envelops you, and you find yourself rubbing your arms with your hands in an attempt to warm up. Childe of course is completely fine, breathing in the icy air and watching the horizon with a smile. a small port town comes into view and he tugs you along to depart, warm hand almost burning your frozen one, and as soon as you're in the forest and away from people he turns, a soft look of concern in his eyes. without a word he sheds his own heavy, furred coat and drapes it over your shoulders, doing the same with his crimson scarf until your face is almost hidden by the fabric, only your eyes peeking out. yet you're still shaking from chill, body refusing to warm, and Childe's normally confident smile drops further into a worried frown. you want to reassure him, lean against him, but you feel so cold that moving seems impossible. then Childe's eyes light up- a rare occurence, and he takes a few steps away from you before allowing Electro and stardust to swirl around him, coalescing into his Foul Legacy form. you stare up at him, but make no attempt to move when Childe comes closer with a soft coo. adjusting the scarf so it covers almost all of your face, he crouches and lifts you into his arms, pressing you against his impossibly soft fluff. your frigid hands find their grip in the lilac fur, feeling warmth rush back through your extremities and melting the ice on your fingers. warm... the renewed feeling of comfort and general toastiness makes you sleepy, burrowing into Childe's fluff with a yawn. the rumbles of delight coming from his chest only increase your sense of comfort, and your eyes begin to slide shut as you feel him nudge your cheek with his face. perhaps he yawns too, shaking his horned head to rid himself of sleepiness since there's a destination to go to, but you can't be sure since you're halfway to dozing off yourself. there's a croon and the sensation of claws gently stroking your hair- Childe's way of telling you to fall asleep if you'd like- and with a hum you bury your nose into his fluff and drift off, surrounded by warmth and fur. you'll get where you need to go eventually, because Childe is here- your sweet, soft, wonderfully warm Childe.
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your-divine-ribs · 3 months
Pure Part 2: Butterfly
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Words: 3.4k
Pure Masterlist Main Masterlist
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The Inferno bar's situated on a basement level and even at the top of the steep flight of stairs I can hear the music filtering up from below. I know instinctively it's the sort of place I'd normally avoid at all costs but Freya persuaded me to go after she'd pressed a tattered flier into my hands one seemingly boring Sunday morning in church. She was all excited giggles and lovestruck sparkling eyes as she'd recounted the tale of bumping into a mysterious handsome black-clad stranger who'd been posting fliers all over town, with pleas of "please say you'll come with me" and "come on Eve, live a little".
I shied away at first, knowing my mum wouldn't approve but eventually Freya had ground me down, and much as I was loathe to admit it to myself, there was something exhilarating and strangely liberating about breaking the rules. Not that I was planning on letting my mum find out. And this was just a one off, it certainly wasn't going to be a regular occurrence.
"How deep does this actually go?" I call to Freya who's way ahead, tottering on her high heels. She's eager whilst I take hesitant steps, peering into the increasing darkness.
"Bit further down yet. Maybe all the way to hell!" She giggles over her shoulder.
The meagre glow from the streetlights wanes the deeper we go, shadows stretching like dark fingers reaching for us, swallowing us whole. My stuttered nervous breaths seem to bounce off the walls and I concentrate on levelling out my breathing as we descend.
We come to a stop at a heavy-looking door and Freya's just about to push through when I dart out a hand to wrap around the crook of her arm, bringing her to a halt.
"Freya... wait. We're only going for one drink, okay? We'll sit at the back where nobody'll notice us and we're not getting drunk and we're not talking to any boys, okay?"
"Boys?" Freya's face creases in amusement, her eyes twinkling with an excitement that I wish I shared. "We're not in school any more. Come on, lighten up." She goes to pull her arm away then seems to think better of it, tucking me tightly into her side as if to reassure me. "Look... you don't need to worry, I'm not gonna leave your side all night. Just relax and you might actually enjoy yourself. I just have this feeling about tonight. D'ya know what I mean?"
I smile thinly, my heart racing. I do have a feeling about tonight, but it isn't a good one. The sense of foreboding from earlier is lingering over me like a black cloud, stealing my breath and shivering me through. I can't explain it but I feel like I'm teetering on the edge of a huge precipice, waiting for something momentous to happen.
"Sisters always, huh?" Freya smiles at me, that encouraging way she does when she's trying to get me to do something I don't really want to do. It usually precedes us getting into trouble of some kind. Our twin scars touch as she entwines her fingers through mine and raises our hands up. I take a deep breath as she shoulders open the door, pushing through.
The bar is a dive. All sticky floors and ripped upholstered seats, the scent of stale lager and cigarette smoke thick in the air. Music fills my ears as we inch our way in, deep sultry bass thrumming in my chest and reverberating through my bones. I instinctively reach up to wrap my fingers around the tiny silver crucifix that hangs around my neck like the very act might ward off the evils of this sleazy night-time world that we've stumbled across.
"Oh my god, look at it in here. It's even better than I imagined!" Freya enthuses beside me, the hand wrapped around mine squeezing hard. I wonder how it is that she sees things so differently to me.
"I don't fit in here at all," I mutter back, but she just laughs, undeterred.
"Come on, the bar's right up ahead."
The small room is dark and dingy, muted red lighting giving it an even seedier vibe, or maybe it's the clientele who look like they've just been lifted straight out of a B-rated horror movie. I glance nervously around, taking in a sea of black leather and sinfully dark hooded eyes, a lot which seem to be trained on me as we push our way through the throng. I feel uncomfortably out of place, flitting in like a pretty pink butterfly to this dark world, my apprehension increasing. Now I'm starting to understand why Freya was so keen on me wearing something else. I swallow nervously and stumble forward as she takes the lead, towing me along behind her towards the bar.
The crowd parts slightly for us and that's when I first catch sight of him.
He's illuminated but only just by the deep red lighting. He's leaning back against the bar propped on his elbows, surveying the crowd. It's a casual pose even though his aura is anything but. There's an intensity radiating off him and I can feel it even from here, low down in my gut, a magnetic kind of tug like he's the centre of a black hole sucking everything into his orbit. I know I shouldn't be staring but for some reason I can't look away.
"Eve? Eve?" Freya's trying to get my attention but her voice is faraway and indistinct. I can't take my eyes off the man at the bar. I feel strangely drawn to him, studying him shamelessly, taking in every inch of him.
He's tall and lithe with long tendrils of hair that frame his handsome face. I can't tell the colour of his eyes in the dim lighting but even so I can tell that they're stunning, steely gems cutting through the darkness. He's intently scanning the room but then suddenly he's not, he's focussed solely on me as I approach. It's almost as if he was waiting just for me. I know that's a ridiculous notion in a densely packed bar full of complete strangers, but I just can't shake the feeling. He holds me boldly in his gaze, trapped there like a moth drawn to a flickering flame, mesmerised without realising the danger.
"Eve... Eve? Earth to Eve?"
Freya's shouting into my ear over the music and I snap my head towards her, the spell finally broken. "Ah... so there is someone in there then. Let's get some drinks in. What're you having?"
"Vodka tonic please," I reply... then I chase it up with "a double". I'm suddenly feeling reckless tonight against my better judgement. I quickly look back towards the bar but the man is nowhere to be seen. I look all around as we step up to fill the empty space he's left there.
"What're you looking for?" Freya questions me, smirking. "Or should I say who? My god Eve, are you actually checking someone out?"
"No! It's... no one, I'm just looking around, that's all. Wondering what the hell we're doing here."
Freya shrugs out of her jacket and I eye her enviously as I take in the figure-hugging dress stretched over the curves of her hourglass figure. She seems so womanly compared to me and I sidle up closer to the bar to lean on it, trying to be as inconspicuous as possible.
"Oh come on, it's not that bad," she nudges me lightly with an elbow. "I know it's a bit rough but it's kinda exciting, ya know? Besides, the music's decent, the drinks are cheap and the... errr... the scenery's pretty good too..."
Her voice has taken on that familiar dreamy tone and I follow her line of sight to see that she's already making eyes at one of the bar workers. He's tall and slim with a mop of wild, dark curls and I groan internally as I see him return her smile as he approaches her. She makes it seem so easy, turning on the charm like the flick of a light-switch whereas I'm completely out of my depth in male company. I watch on as she orders our drinks, fingers twirling a lock of her long blonde hair in her fingers, head tipped to the side with a coy smile as they begin to chat. I can't hear what they're saying and it's obvious I'm not involved in the conversation anyway so I take the opportunity to look all around again, hoping to catch sight of the enigmatic stranger. I don't but instead I meet the lecherous gaze of a hulking guy who looks at least six and a half foot tall and practically as wide. He's watching me closely, his eyes raking appreciatively over my body as his tongue flickers out to roll over his bottom lip like a fat pink slug. I shudder and quickly look away, moving closer to Freya.
"Can we go and sit down now... please?" I urge, hating the way I can still feel the guy's eyes on me even though I'm obviously far from interested.
Freya sighs reluctantly but agrees nevertheless and I release a pent up breath as we move away and take seats in a booth near the back wall. It's a way from the bar but that still doesn't calm my nerves, I'm on high alert as I pull and fuss at the hem of my dress, stretching it over my thighs to cover as much skin as possible.
"Jeez, you look bloody terrified!" Freya teases, pushing one of the glasses to me over the table. "Here, drink this. It might help chill you out a bit."
I'm not a heavy drinker and I know I should go slow but I reach eagerly for the glass anyway, gulping at the contents like I'm parched. I can hear Freya giggling, telling me to 'steady on' but I can feel the bitter liquid sliding easily down my windpipe, already warming me through in the way that I'm craving. I'm a bag of nerves and I need the liquid courage to be able to relax a little.
"I know we've only just got here and you're having fun but can we go soon?" I plead, clumsily wiping away the drink that's trickling over my lip, unmindful that I'm probably removing most of my lipstick along with it. "I hate to be a party pooper but I feel so out of place here."
"Already?" Freya exclaims, pouting a small frown at me. "It's seriously not that bad, c'mon. Maybe you'll feel a little better when you've finished your drink?"
"I'm not so sure about that..."
She sounds hopeful and I hate to dampen her eager mood but my anxiety spikes again when I glance up to see the same dark figure who'd been leaning on the bar moving in front of our booth, my breath catching as our eyes lock briefly. He doesn't linger, just passes by, but I feel like I've been drenched with ice cold water, a huge shiver wracking my body. What the hell's wrong with me? I grab for my drink again, fingers wrapping tightly around the glass as I bring it to my lips and upend it, draining it completely.
"Shit, that's strong!" I grimace, coughing at the fire burning in my throat.
"Well... you did ask for a double," Freya reminds me, sipping delicately at her own drink, putting me to shame whilst I flounder inelegantly. "When I said drink up I didn't mean down the whole thing in one go! You know you can't hold your drink. I don't wanna be carrying you out of here."
"I can't help it, I'm shitting myself!" I whine. "I've never felt so uncomfortable in all my life. I feel like everyone's staring at me... all these guys..."
Freya looks incredulous. "You say that like it's a bad thing!"
"But I'm not bloody interested!" I cry out, exasperated, and Freya's eyes widen at my outburst before she's looking down, swirling the remnants of her drink around the bottom of her glass with a guilty expression.
"Shit, I'm sorry... I'm just being selfish," she mumbles, eyes still cast downwards. "I knew you really didn't wanna come tonight but I kept banging on about it, I didn't listen, I went and forced you into it..."
"Hold on, you didn't exactly force me!" I say, reaching out a hand to rest on her wrist, stilling her. She looks up. "I was nervous but I wanted to come, I was actually kind of excited... you know... to break the rules for once."
She smiles, soft and warm. "And now you're here?"
"Now I'm here all I wanna do is go home," I answer, shrugging apologetically. "This place... these people... it just isn't me. I'm so sorry..."
"Don't apologise," she reassures me, a hand over mine to squeeze gently before she's nudging it aside so she can raise her glass and finish the contents. "I should be the one saying sorry. Look... let's go home... but first I..." she pauses, glancing fleetingly over in the direction of the bar "errr... do you mind if I just go over and say goodbye... to Benji..."
"You already got his name?" I grin, shaking my head, wondering why I'm even surprised. Of course she has.
She grins back, wide and mischievous, her eyes lighting up as she rises up from her seat. "Got his number too!"
I chuckle to myself, watching her go, that extra sashay to her hips as she makes her way back to the bar. I often find myself marvelling at her easy confidence, hoping that by association some of it might rub off on me but it never has. I guess I'm just destined to be the quiet little wallflower, the pretty but plain girl who blends into the background, the one who sits back and lets life pass her by. And that's okay... I know one day I'll meet a nice man and settle down, there's plenty of time for that. God has a plan for me just like he has a plan for everyone.
"Can't imagine for one second that you'd be here all alone... a pretty little thing like you."
The gravelly male voice is close enough that I know it must be directed at me and I quickly snap my head up, dismayed to find the lecherous creep from earlier towering over me, a tall glass of clear liquid sloshing precariously as he places it down on the table right in front of me.
My eyes dart between the glass and up at him, then over to the bar and I'm conflicted about whether to make a run for it or stand my ground.
"Got yer a drink," he drawls, one hand on the back of my seat and the other on the tabletop as he leans right in, invading my space.
"I... I'm not alone actually," I stammer, trying to project a confidence I'm obviously lacking, my hands quivering as I reach out to nudge the drink back over the table away from me. "And I don't want a drink... thank you."
The man smiles but there's no warmth in it, rather a hint of malice as he leers even closer, making me press back into the seat as I realise he's cornered me with no where to go. He's close enough now that I can see his yellow stained teeth and I catch the sickly combined scent of whiskey and sweat and something sour on his breath that makes my stomach churn.
"Come on sweetheart, I'm only trying to be nice," he urges, his voice grating with an edge that suggests otherwise. He pushes the glass right back at me with stubby calloused fingers, a commanding challenge in his eyes that fills me with unease. "Now don't be ungrateful and drink up, eh?"
I'm flooded with panic, my mind scrambling for a way out that doesn't involve any kind of physical contact but that seems impossible the way he has me pinned back in my seat. I can't even see Freya now from here. In fact I can't see anything apart from the man's hefty frame and his toothy grin that appears more and more threatening as the seconds tick by. I just can't figure a way out. If I scream and shout no one'll hear me over the loud music and even if they do I doubt they'll care. Maybe I ought to just do as he asks, drink his drink to garner favour enough that he might let his guard down so I can slip away.
I swallow thickly, reaching up slowly, shaky fingers sliding around the glass as I hear a grunted approval of "good girl."
Nausea rises in my throat, a sharp kind of sickening anxiety which I hope the drink might wash away. I lift the glass to my lips, scrunching my eyes shut tight as I smell something harsh and acidic underneath the sweetness.
Just drink it Eve! Drink it and then you can get the fuck out of here!
My mind instructs me and I move as if automated, feeling the smooth glass press against my lower lip...
And then it's gone, snatched away before I can even take a taste, clean out of my hands, the feel of cool fingers brushing against mine sending a spark of something crackling like static over my skin.
"What the..." I start, eyes flicking open to see a shadowy figure looming over me, but it's not my harasser, it's the mysterious stranger from earlier and my heart stutters in shock before it's ricocheting around my rib cage, leaving me breathless and bewildered.
"She said... she didn't want... a fucking drink."
He speaks clear and precisely, enunciating his words like you would to a small child. He's facing away from me, all up in the larger man's face, somehow intimidating even though he's easily half of the build of him. I sit there statue-like, frozen as I wait for the creep to react violently, maybe to bat my rescuer aside or throw a punch at him, fearful that I'll be caught in the middle of an ensuing fight.
"Who the fuck are you?" The creep sneers, eyes blazing as he stares his opponent down with a challenge. "I suggest you mind your own business if you know what's good for you."
Unbothered, the man takes a step nearer, closing the already small gap, his voice dropping down low so it's unintelligible to me. All I can make out are muttered whispers. It would be the perfect opportunity to flee, both of their attentions diverted, an escape route wide open whilst they square up to each other. I just can't bring myself to do it, invisible hands seeming to pin me down in my seat, a terrible but compelling kind of fascination anchoring me there to watch what unfolds.
Because this is no ordinary confrontation, I can see that now. What should be at worst a full on fist-fight or at best an angry war of words seems to be petering out before my eyes, the aggression on my harasser's face draining rapidly as his eyes widen dramatically and his jaw falls slack. I'm puzzled at first, sitting forward to try and catch what's being said, my unease growing when I see fear beginning to creep on to his countenance which quickly turns to a stark kind of terror that chills me to the bone.
It all happens so fast. One moment the creep is paralysed where he stands, eyes glazed over with disbelieving horror and fear, the next he's backing away, hands held up defensively, wavering for a split second before he's whirling around and sprinting for the exit like his life depends on it, a string of curses falling high-pitched in his wake.
A shaky exhale seeps from my lips and I realise that I've been holding my breath the whole time. I should be relieved and thankful for the intervention and I am, but that's not all. There's an overwhelming and suffocating feeling of dread that's all around, the atmosphere palpably thick with it as I keep my eyes fixed on the mystery man, waiting for him to turn around and face me.
And finally he does.
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arsonistlouis · 8 months
Accomplish Your Health And Fitness Goals: Let Loose the Power of Bodybuilding
Are you tired of having a hard time to see development in your fitness journey? Look no better than the transformative advantages of bodybuilding. Whether you're a physical fitness fanatic, an athlete, or simply somebody wanting to enhance their figure, integrating muscular tissue building right into your routine can unlock a globe of opportunities. Not only does muscular tissue structure boost your physical appearance, however it likewise helps boost overall stamina, endurance, as well as also mental health. In this article, we will certainly dive deeper right into the value of bodybuilding, checking out the science behind it and also offering functional pointers to aid you begin on your journey towards a more powerful, much healthier you.Muscle building
, additionally referred to as resistance training or stamina training, involves engaging in workouts that target details muscle teams to stimulate muscle mass development as well as advancement. It goes beyond just lifting weights; it encompasses a variety of exercises such as bodyweight motions, resistance bands, as well as gym devices. When you involve in muscle mass structure tasks, your muscles undergo microscopic damage, which triggers a procedure called muscle mass healthy protein synthesis. This process entails the repair and rebuilding of muscular tissue fibers, leading to enhanced muscle mass with time. Not only does muscle structure result in a much more toned body, but it also plays an essential role in enhancing total health and wellness. Increased muscle mass can help enhance metabolic rate, regulate blood glucose levels, improve bone thickness, and also also decrease the danger of persistent conditions such as weight problems, diabetic issues, and also heart condition. So, whether you're intending for that beach-ready body or just pursuing a healthier way of life, integrating bodybuilding right into your health and fitness routine is a proven method to achieve your objectives.
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okanmuri · 8 months
Achieve Your Physical Fitness Goals: Unleash the Power of Bodybuilding
Are you tired of struggling to see progress in your health and fitness journey? Look no more than the transformative advantages of bodybuilding. Whether you're a health and fitness fanatic, an athlete, or simply a person looking to boost their body, integrating bodybuilding into your regimen can open a globe of opportunities. Not only does bodybuilding improve your physical look, yet it likewise assists enhance total toughness, endurance, and also even mental well-being. In this article, we will certainly dig deeper into the value of bodybuilding, discovering the science behind it and also giving practical pointers to aid you get going on your trip towards a stronger, much healthier you.Muscle structure
, also known as resistance training or strength training, includes taking part in exercises that target particular muscle groups to promote muscle development as well as advancement. It surpasses simply lifting weights; it includes a selection of workouts such as bodyweight movements, resistance bands, and also fitness center makers. When you involve in muscle building tasks, your muscles undergo tiny damages, which sets off a procedure called muscle mass protein synthesis. This process involves the repair and rebuilding of muscular tissue fibers, resulting in increased muscle mass gradually. Not only does muscular tissue structure result in a more toned physique, however it also plays an important function in enhancing total health. Boosted muscular tissue mass can assist enhance metabolic rate, control blood sugar levels, improve bone thickness, and also lower the risk of persistent diseases such as excessive weight, diabetes mellitus, as well as heart problem. So, whether you're intending for that beach-ready body or simply making every effort for a healthier way of life, integrating muscular tissue building into your health and fitness routine is a proven means to achieve your goals.
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banana--breads · 8 months
Accomplish Your Physical Fitness Goals: Release the Power of Muscle Structure
Are you tired of struggling to see development in your health and fitness trip? Look no additionally than the transformative benefits of bodybuilding. Whether you're a health and fitness lover, an athlete, or simply somebody looking to enhance their body, incorporating muscle building right into your regimen can open a world of possibilities. Not only does muscle building boost your physical look, yet it also aids improve total stamina, endurance, and also also psychological health. In this post, we will certainly dig deeper right into the significance of muscle mass structure, exploring the science behind it and also providing functional suggestions to help you start on your trip towards a stronger, healthier you.Muscle building
, likewise understood as resistance training or stamina training, involves participating in exercises that target certain muscle mass groups to promote muscle growth as well as development. It exceeds simply lifting weights; it includes a range of exercises such as bodyweight activities, resistance bands, and health club devices. When you take part in muscular tissue structure activities, your muscles go through microscopic damage, which activates a process called muscle mass protein synthesis. This process entails the repair service as well as rebuilding of muscle mass fibers, bring about increased muscle mass over time. Not only does bodybuilding lead to an extra sculpted body, however it also plays a vital role in boosting general wellness. Increased muscular tissue mass can assist improve metabolic process, control blood sugar levels, improve bone thickness, and also even lower the danger of chronic illness such as excessive weight, diabetes mellitus, and cardiovascular disease. So, whether you're aiming for that beach-ready body or just pursuing a much healthier lifestyle, including bodybuilding right into your health and fitness routine is a guaranteed way to achieve your objectives.
Read more here https://samsrowerfitness.com/
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caiosantosart · 8 months
Achieve Your Physical Fitness Goals: Let Loose the Power of Muscular Tissue Building
Are you tired of having a hard time to see progress in your fitness journey? Look no more than the transformative benefits of muscle structure. Whether you're a fitness fanatic, a professional athlete, or just someone looking to enhance their figure, including muscle mass building into your regimen can unlock a world of opportunities. Not only does muscle mass building enhance your physical appearance, but it likewise helps enhance general stamina, endurance, and also even mental health. In this article, we will certainly dig deeper right into the value of bodybuilding, discovering the scientific research behind it and providing practical suggestions to aid you get going on your journey towards a stronger, healthier you.Muscle structure
, additionally understood as resistance training or strength training, includes participating in exercises that target specific muscular tissue teams to promote muscular tissue growth and growth. It goes past simply lifting weights; it incorporates a selection of exercises such as bodyweight activities, resistance bands, and health club devices. When you take part in muscle mass structure tasks, your muscles go through tiny damage, which causes a procedure called muscle protein synthesis. This process involves the repair work as well as rebuilding of muscular tissue fibers, bring about increased muscle mass with time. Not just does muscular tissue building lead to a more sculpted physique, but it likewise plays a vital role in boosting overall health. Raised muscle mass can aid increase metabolism, manage blood sugar level degrees, boost bone thickness, and also even lower the danger of persistent conditions such as weight problems, diabetes mellitus, and also cardiovascular disease. So, whether you're going for that beach-ready body or just making every effort for a healthier way of life, incorporating muscle mass structure into your health and fitness regimen is a proven means to attain your goals.
Read more here https://samsrowerfitness.com/
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sageoftheuniverse · 9 months
Attain Your Health And Fitness Goals: Let Loose the Power of Muscular Tissue Structure
Are you tired of battling to see progress in your health and fitness journey? Look no further than the transformative benefits of bodybuilding. Whether you're a health and fitness fanatic, a professional athlete, or merely a person aiming to enhance their figure, including muscle structure right into your regimen can unlock a world of possibilities. Not only does muscular tissue building improve your physical look, however it additionally helps boost total stamina, endurance, and also mental well-being. In this blog post, we will dive much deeper right into the importance of muscle building, exploring the science behind it as well as giving practical suggestions to help you get started on your trip in the direction of a more powerful, much healthier you.Muscle structure
, also understood as resistance training or stamina training, involves participating in exercises that target certain muscle teams to promote muscular tissue development and growth. It exceeds just lifting weights; it encompasses a selection of exercises such as bodyweight motions, resistance bands, as well as fitness center makers. When you engage in bodybuilding activities, your muscular tissues undertake microscopic damage, which sets off a process called muscular tissue protein synthesis. This process includes the repair service and also rebuilding of muscle fibers, causing raised muscular tissue mass over time. Not just does bodybuilding result in a more toned figure, however it also plays a crucial duty in boosting overall health. Increased muscular tissue mass can aid improve metabolic process, regulate blood sugar level degrees, improve bone thickness, and also lower the threat of chronic diseases such as excessive weight, diabetes mellitus, and cardiovascular disease. So, whether you're aiming for that beach-ready body or just striving for a much healthier way of life, incorporating muscular tissue building right into your fitness regimen is a guaranteed means to achieve your objectives.
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scarlet-tamara · 10 months
Attain Your Physical Fitness Goals: Unleash the Power of Muscular Tissue Structure
Are you tired of struggling to see progression in your health and fitness trip? Look no additionally than the transformative benefits of bodybuilding. Whether you're a fitness lover, a professional athlete, or just someone looking to boost their physique, including muscle building into your regimen can unlock a globe of possibilities. Not only does muscular tissue building improve your physical look, however it likewise helps enhance general stamina, endurance, and even mental well-being. In this article, we will dive much deeper into the importance of muscle building, checking out the scientific research behind it and supplying practical suggestions to help you get started on your trip in the direction of a more powerful, much healthier you.Muscle building
, also known as resistance training or toughness training, involves involving in exercises that target specific muscular tissue teams to boost muscle development and growth. It goes beyond just lifting weights; it incorporates a selection of exercises such as bodyweight motions, resistance bands, and also health club equipments. When you participate in bodybuilding tasks, your muscles go through microscopic damages, which sets off a process called muscle protein synthesis. This procedure entails the repair and also rebuilding of muscular tissue fibers, bring about increased muscular tissue mass with time. Not only does bodybuilding result in a more sculpted body, yet it additionally plays an important function in enhancing total health and wellness. Increased muscular tissue mass can aid improve metabolism, control blood glucose levels, enhance bone thickness, and also minimize the threat of persistent conditions such as weight problems, diabetic issues, and heart illness. So, whether you're aiming for that beach-ready body or simply pursuing a much healthier way of living, integrating muscle mass structure right into your fitness routine is a guaranteed method to achieve your goals.
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n7-paleontologist · 10 months
Accomplish Your Fitness Goals: Release the Power of Bodybuilding
Are you tired of having a hard time to see progression in your fitness journey? Look no better than the transformative advantages of muscular tissue structure. Whether you're a health and fitness fanatic, a professional athlete, or just someone wanting to enhance their body, incorporating muscular tissue structure right into your regimen can open a globe of opportunities. Not just does bodybuilding boost your physical appearance, yet it likewise assists enhance general toughness, endurance, and also even mental health. In this blog site post, we will dive deeper right into the relevance of bodybuilding, discovering the science behind it and giving functional tips to assist you get going on your journey in the direction of a more powerful, healthier you.Muscle building
, also recognized as resistance training or stamina training, involves participating in exercises that target particular muscle mass teams to boost muscle development and also advancement. It goes past simply lifting weights; it includes a range of exercises such as bodyweight activities, resistance bands, and also health club devices. When you participate in bodybuilding activities, your muscle mass go through tiny damages, which triggers a procedure called muscle mass protein synthesis. This process entails the repair and restoring of muscular tissue fibers, causing raised muscle mass with time. Not only does muscular tissue structure cause an extra toned body, however it also plays a vital duty in improving general health and wellness. Increased muscle mass can help increase metabolic rate, manage blood sugar levels, enhance bone thickness, and even decrease the danger of chronic diseases such as excessive weight, diabetic issues, and heart illness. So, whether you're intending for that beach-ready body or just aiming for a healthier lifestyle, integrating bodybuilding into your health and fitness regimen is a proven method to attain your goals.
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raversaurusrex · 10 months
Achieve Your Physical Fitness Goals: Unleash the Power of Muscle Structure
Are you tired of battling to see progression in your physical fitness trip? Look no further than the transformative benefits of bodybuilding. Whether you're a physical fitness fanatic, an athlete, or merely somebody looking to enhance their figure, including bodybuilding right into your regimen can unlock a world of possibilities. Not only does bodybuilding enhance your physical look, however it additionally assists boost general strength, endurance, and also mental well-being. In this post, we will certainly dig deeper right into the significance of muscular tissue structure, checking out the scientific research behind it and offering sensible pointers to help you begin on your trip in the direction of a more powerful, healthier you.Muscle building
, also referred to as resistance training or toughness training, includes participating in workouts that target specific muscular tissue teams to promote muscular tissue development as well as advancement. It surpasses simply lifting weights; it includes a selection of workouts such as bodyweight motions, resistance bands, as well as health club makers. When you participate in muscular tissue structure activities, your muscular tissues undergo microscopic damages, which triggers a procedure called muscle mass healthy protein synthesis. This procedure involves the fixing and also rebuilding of muscle mass fibers, causing boosted muscle mass with time. Not just does bodybuilding cause a much more toned figure, yet it also plays a critical function in boosting overall health and wellness. Increased muscle mass can aid enhance metabolic process, manage blood sugar level levels, boost bone thickness, and also even decrease the risk of persistent conditions such as weight problems, diabetic issues, and cardiovascular disease. So, whether you're going for that beach-ready body or simply aiming for a healthier way of life, incorporating bodybuilding into your health and fitness regimen is a proven method to accomplish your goals.
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yikesvik · 11 months
Accomplish Your Physical Fitness Goals: Release the Power of Muscular Tissue Structure
Are you tired of struggling to see development in your fitness journey? Look no even more than the transformative advantages of muscle structure. Whether you're a health and fitness enthusiast, an athlete, or merely someone wanting to enhance their figure, including muscle mass structure right into your routine can unlock a globe of opportunities. Not only does bodybuilding improve your physical appearance, yet it also aids enhance overall toughness, endurance, and also also psychological health. In this blog site message, we will dig much deeper into the relevance of muscular tissue structure, exploring the scientific research behind it as well as supplying practical suggestions to aid you get started on your trip towards a stronger, healthier you.Muscle structure
, also referred to as resistance training or toughness training, includes participating in exercises that target details muscle mass groups to stimulate muscular tissue growth as well as development. It surpasses simply lifting weights; it incorporates a range of workouts such as bodyweight movements, resistance bands, as well as fitness center equipments. When you take part in muscular tissue structure tasks, your muscle mass undergo microscopic damage, which activates a procedure called muscular tissue protein synthesis. This process involves the repair service and also restoring of muscle fibers, leading to raised muscular tissue mass gradually. Not just does muscle structure result in an extra sculpted figure, but it additionally plays a critical duty in boosting total health. Increased muscular tissue mass can assist boost metabolic rate, manage blood sugar levels, improve bone thickness, as well as even lower the danger of persistent illness such as weight problems, diabetes mellitus, and also heart disease. So, whether you're going for that beach-ready body or just aiming for a much healthier way of living, including bodybuilding right into your physical fitness routine is a guaranteed way to attain your objectives.
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creamy-dreams · 11 months
Attain Your Physical Fitness Goals: Let Loose the Power of Muscular Tissue Structure
Are you tired of having a hard time to see progress in your health and fitness trip? Look no additionally than the transformative advantages of muscle mass structure. Whether you're a physical fitness fanatic, a professional athlete, or just a person looking to improve their body, integrating bodybuilding into your regimen can unlock a globe of possibilities. Not only does muscular tissue structure improve your physical appearance, but it also helps boost overall strength, endurance, and also mental well-being. In this post, we will certainly dig deeper into the relevance of muscle structure, discovering the scientific research behind it as well as supplying practical ideas to help you obtain started on your trip in the direction of a more powerful, healthier you.Muscle structure
, also called resistance training or toughness training, entails involving in exercises that target details muscular tissue teams to boost muscular tissue development and also development. It goes beyond just lifting weights; it encompasses a selection of exercises such as bodyweight activities, resistance bands, and also gym devices. When you participate in bodybuilding activities, your muscular tissues undergo tiny damages, which activates a procedure called muscle mass protein synthesis. This process entails the repair as well as restoring of muscle fibers, resulting in increased muscular tissue mass with time. Not only does bodybuilding lead to an extra toned figure, however it additionally plays a vital function in boosting total wellness. Enhanced muscular tissue mass can aid increase metabolism, control blood sugar degrees, improve bone thickness, and also also decrease the danger of chronic diseases such as excessive weight, diabetic issues, and heart illness. So, whether you're intending for that beach-ready body or merely pursuing a much healthier way of life, incorporating bodybuilding right into your physical fitness regimen is a proven means to accomplish your objectives.
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gaysimpsstuff · 3 years
Accidental Turn-Ons; Hawks x Dom! Reader
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Genre: angst to fluff to smut
Type: Oneshot
Summary: Hawks returns home from a mission, clearly exhausted, and you take the time to give him a little massage! However, it doesn’t quite have the effects you expected.
Word Count: 3.5K
Warnings: minor dub-con (Y/n doesn't know that what they're doing is sexual for Hawks), stress, minor injuries, Keigo's adorable bird tendencies, sexual innuendo, dom y/n, wing play, feather play, nicknames, edging, dacryphilia, handjobs, aftercare
Other: Yo this might actually be my best smut yet
Inspiration: This was actually inspired by my own piece of work, MHA Characters + Their Biggest Kinks where I spoke about Hawks’ wing and back kink and how it relates to his avian traits.
Taglist: @smolchildfangirl @mandalorian-baby-bird @waffleareniceandfluffy @catcherisvibin @thesubtlewhore @popcatx0
You paced the living room, glancing between the TV and the door. The news station had cut away from the fight five minutes ago, which meant your boyfriend was either in the hospital getting treated for any injuries he might have sustained, dealing with fans, dealing with paperwork, or on his way home.
Your phone buzzed and you raced to grab it off the couch, fearing an incoming call from the hospital, or a news alert about the well-being of the man you loved.
You bit the inside of your cheek as you realized it was just an email from work, not even marked important. You tossed your phone back onto the couch with a groan.
Wasted build-up. Your mind grumbled
Your eyes flicked back to the TV, watching as the reporter rambled on about yet another stupid thing America had going on as you waited for something, anything to happen. Right when you were getting ready to pick your phone back up from the couch cushions when you heard a light tap tap tappity tap against the thick glass of the sliding glass door that led to your balcony.
You dashed across the living room, accidentally knocking a chair over as you raced to reach the sliding glass door that led to the balcony. You'd recognize his special knock any day, even if he changed it all the time whenever he forgot it. You always had patience with him, you knew he had too many things on his mind with Hero Work to always remember a random knock.
You grabbed the handle, yanking the door open with a wide grin, finally laying eyes on your bird boy. He had a hand stuffed in his pocket, the other rubbing at the back of his neck.
"Hey, Y/n. So sorry I'm late, been flying all day so naturally I'm a little sore. No excuse for missing movie night but-"
"I'm just so glad you're here!" You exclaimed, taking his cheeks in your hands and rubbing at his cheekbones. "I'm so sorry you're hurting, come inside I'll get a heating pack, or a cooling pack, maybe some lotion and I could give you a massage." You babbled, tugging him inside.
"A massage and some cuddles sound great," he sighed, eyes tired. You never liked the fact that Keigo was a hero. He worked too hard, too much, and for so long. He was still young, he should be appreciating life and spending time on himself and with his lover and not with the commission. "Oh I uh, I found this for you."
He took one of your hands off his face, taking his other hand out of his pocket and pressing something cold and smooth into your palm. You opened your fingers, a soft smile growing on your face at the sight of a smooth pretty white rock with grey and black speckles.
"Oh, Kei, this is beautiful. I love it~" you pressed a kiss to Keigo's cheek, loving the way he trilled. He was always so excited to pick up random items he found pretty or interesting, and he'd always give them right to you. It was truly adorable, you loved his gifts. His wings fluttered in happiness for a moment before he winced slightly in pain, happiness vanished in a reminder of his stress from the day.
"Ouch, okay, sitting down time," he muttered, stumbling past you to flop down on the couch. You grabbed the lotion from the kitchen counter (you kept it there for whenever he came home with sore muscles). You set the stone down on the coffee table, tapping it twice in a small show of affection before sitting next to Keigo.
"Shirt off Birdie," you said, squirting some lotion into your palm before rubbing them together.
"Hey, at least buy me a drink first," he chuckled, tugging his jacket off and peeling off his tight hero shirt. You sighed, deciding not to comment on his tacky flirting, knowing you'd been dating for almost a year now.
He turned his back to you, crossing his legs. He folded his wings, lowering them to give you access to his shoulders and shoulder blades. You pressed your fingers against one of his shoulders, finding a large knot almost immediately. You heard him hiss, and your frown increased.
"I know it hurts but it will hurt a lot less when I'm finished," you told him, pressing a gentle kiss to the nape of his neck. The hair there rose against your skin, a shiver shooting down his spine. You blinked, confused at his reaction. Maybe it was uncomfortable for him. You resolved not to kiss there again.
You continued to rub against his tightened muscles, listening to his soft hisses and groans. You pulled away after about six minutes, picking up the lotion bottle and squirted some more into your palms.
"Hey, when you finish with mm~ when you finish with that shoulder could you do around my wing joints? Down my spine, y'know?"
"Are there muscles there?" you asked, most people didn't have muscles down their spines, usually it was just the ridges of said bones.
"Yeah, I do," he explained quickly. You nodded pressing into his knot, slowly working down when it eased up. You moved your fingers downwards, feeling his shoulder blades and spine before reaching his wings joints. He shuddered, similar to when you kissed his neck, but a little larger. You hummed, pressing your fingers down and finding another knot, right where his skin turned to bright red feathers.
"Oh, yeah, yeah right there that's perfect." You glanced back up at him, confused, he didn't usually speak when you massaged him, he'd also never asked for a massage so close to his wings, he was usually very cautious about having his wings touched. Maybe he'd just gotten tired of dealing with wing pains by himself, it was probably a lot different from other knots.
"I'm so sorry you have to deal with this," you cooed. "You really deserve a break, it's not healthy to work this hard all the time."
"I know, Little Feather, but it's nng- n-not my fault. The citizens need me." he panted. You sighed, moving your other hand to work out both wings' knots at the same time.
Keigo's head flopped forward, and his hand flew up to slap over his mouth, holding back a soft whine. You lifted an eyebrow in suspicion, there were only a few times when you heard him make noises like that.
Slowly, you pressed your fingers down closer to the underside, right over a few of his downy feathers.
"Oh fuck~" he hissed.
"Okay, that's it." you lifted your hands away from them, holding them in the air. "What the hell's going on with you?" His head whipped around so fast you were surprised it was still attached to his neck. His golden eyes widened, pupils blowing out, nearly completely covering the honey iris.
"W-what?" he exclaimed, feathers puffing up.
"I'm sorry if I seem mad, I'm not, I'm just- very confused. You're literally moaning. I am giving you a massage and you're moaning. Explain."
His cheeks dusted over in pink, and his eyes fell down to his lap.
"Okay uh- fuck I- this was not how I planned on telling you, erm- I promise I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable-"
"Keigo, it's alright, I'm not uncomfortable, just confused. Take a breath darling,"
"Okay, okay, okay." he took a deep breath. "My wings and back are... sensitive, like- in a sexual way. It's why I never let you touch them, I didn't want you to get uncomfortable with that."
"Oh Keigo, you should have just told me, it's perfectly alright, you know I love you, and I love your bird traits. I'm not uncomfortable with this." you smiled sweetly, pressing a hand to his cheek.
"You're- you're not?" he glanced back up at you, golden eyes filled with hope.
"Not in the slightest. To be honest, I don't see why anyone would be uncomfortable with it. It's just another erogenous zone, like someone's neck, ears, or nipples would be. And lots of people keep those bits on display."
"Thanks," he murmured, rubbing his nose against yours. "That does make me feel better, but uh- there's something else.." he trailed off, nervous.
"Your obvious boner? I was gonna leave you to take care of that yourself, but I'll gladly do it for you if you'd like."
"Oh uh-" his cheeks brightened as if attempting to match the tone of his wings. "I would very much like that," he admitted, offering you a slightly nervous smile.
"Anytime, Birdie~" you stood up, hands landing on either side of his waist as you pressed a gentle kiss to his forehead. "But I would very much like to experiment with those wings of yours, see what we can do with them. Just how far can we go?" You smirked at him, tongue darting out to moisturize your lips. Keigo let out a soft breath, shifting against the couch to make room for the tent in his pants.
"I- I have thought about using them before- my feathers can move fast, so they can act as a vibrator if I focus, but I could never use it on myself. I know I'd get distracted, then the feather would stop moving, then I'd have to start all over again. I'd basically just be edging myself all night. I know I'd just give up and jerk off."
"I can work with that~" you pressed your lips against his, surprising him. He whined into the kiss, hands flying up to fist your shirt.
Unfair. He thought, he already had his shirt off, and he knew he'd be naked in just a few minutes, but you hadn't taken anything off yet. Knowing you, you would stay clothed just to tease him. The most you would do was lift your shirt a little to show him your stomach before quickly covering it again. That was what you usually did when you dommed. At least for the foreplay.
You pressed the tip of your tongue against his lips, pushing past his defensive barrier of shiny white teeth, perfect for the press, and you licked along the top of his mouth. His whole body shuddered against yours, his hips jerking upwards.
You grabbed his thigh with one hand, squeezing. A warning, he knew, against bucking up again, against disobeying. He tasted your saliva, feeling it pool onto his tongue. His eyes finally drooped closed, enjoying the taste of leftover's from last night's dinner on your tongue.
He whined against the back of your mouth, feeling you move your other hand up towards his back. He already knew what you were going to do. Without pulling away from the kiss, you plucked a feather about the size of his hand from his wings, running a finger down the stem, brushing it against the little red bristles. Soft against your finger, yet forcing Keigo's restrained cock to grow even harder than he ever thought possible.
You slowly pulled back from the kiss, taking his lower lip hostage between your teeth, tugging it as far as it could go before finally releasing it. You felt Keigo's hot breaths fanning out across your face, and your grin only grew. You loved breaking him apart, the strong, well-put-together Hawks was an act only for the cameras, only you could ever know the real him, the horny, whiny, needy baby he truly was.
"Look at you, falling apart already? I've barely done shit to you."
"Fuck- that's just 'cause it's you~" he purred
"Flattery won't get you anywhere, doll." Your shit-eating smirk only grew, and Keigo could feel himself melting into the couch cushions. "C'mon, take 'em off, you're a big boy, I'm sure you can do it yourself."
He nodded, hands flying away from your shirt and grappling with his belt buckle faster than you could say 'Hawks.' He tossed his belt behind the couch, not caring if it hit anything, and quickly shimmied out of his pants and underwear, letting them pool around his ankles. His cock slapped against his stomach, six inches and throbbing.
Looks like his prediction was correct. He was naked. You were not. You didn't look like you were planning on undressing anytime soon, which left Keigo feeling slightly disappointed. However, any negative emotions vanished the second you ran his bright red feather down his nose, over his lips, then under his chin. He knew immediately you were trying to lift his face with the feather, despite the single feather not being strong enough by itself, not unless it was under his control. But he was not in control, you were, and fuck it if that wasn't the best part.
"Good boy~" you praised him, sliding a hand up his bare thigh, brushing it carelessly close to his dick. He bit his lip, eyes flicking between your hand and your eyes.
"Please, please touch me," he whispered, slightly embarrassed by the situation. It had been a long while since you'd last had sex, and an even longer while since you had been the dom. He'd all but forgotten how to properly beg. You could tell.
"Come on, doll, I know you can ask me nicely, or at least better than that." He groaned, hands gripping your hips and attempting to tug you into his lap, a plan formulating in his head that ended in an amazing thighjob. But his plans never worked, not at least with you involved. No, you were too stubborn, one of the many things he loved about you. But not really in this precise situation.
"Nah ah ah~ hands off the merchandise." Your hand squeezed his thigh again, twice this time. That was all he needed to let go. He found purchase in a nearby pillow, moving it behind him and tugging on the little dangly bits on the corners. He forgot what they were called but he was ninety-five percent sure it started with a 'D' or something.
"Fuck, please, I need it, you know I need it, I-I've been nothing but good all day, please touch me, please~" He whined, eyebrows furrowing. That plus his reddened cheeks made just the cutest face. You couldn't wait to make his eyes go crooked and for him to drool.
"That's it, good boy~" You ran the tip of the feather up his cock, circling the tip. He shivered in response, biting back a loud moan. "Come on, don't make me mad, vibrate yourself with your feather~" you cooed, teasing tone making his stomach churn in the best way possible.
He bit his lip, looking down at the feather slowly circling the tip of his dick. It had already nudged his foreskin downwards, leaving the red skin fully exposed. He took a deep breath, trying to block out your presence, and how hard he was, just focusing on the single red feather, twirling around in loops.
He felt it twitch against his skin, before finally starting to shake, then at last it was vibrating. He twitched it away from his dick, slightly nervous about how it might feel. You sighed, pressing it directly onto the little hole at the tip.
"Ghhh- oh fuckkkkk~" he moaned, pressing his head against the couch cushions. It felt better than he ever possibly could have imagined. Feeling the feather on his dick, his dick against his feather, it was double the pleasure. He whined loudly when the vibrations suddenly stopped. "Nooooo I want it, bring it back, please," he begged, looking up at you with wide eyes.
"Doll I didn't even do anything. You lost focus. You gotta try a little harder." you said, tapping the feather against him again. Pre-cum stuck to it, making red glisten with a little bit of white. He cursed at the sight (and feeling) of his own pre on his feather.
Soon enough, it started to buzz again. And you put it back on him. This time, you traced it up and down his base, running it over the tip again. One of his hands flew up to his mouth, knuckles pressing against his lips. His hips bucked up against the vibrating feather.
"Ooooohhhhhh fuckfuckfuckfuck so goooood~" he moaned loudly. Again, the buzzing stopped without warning. "Nooo fuck no! I need it please fuck!" He looked like he was on the verge of tears- no way it was really that good. You'd have to ask him to use his feathers on you sometime.
"I know baby, I know," you ran your fingers through his hair, tugging lightly. His breath hitched, golden eyes filling with tears of pleasure. "But you gotta focus to get it done, okay?" he nodded, wiping his tears, but he only managed to spread the warm, salty liquid over his face, making him appear even more debauched.
How cute
You wrapped your hand around his dick when it started to vibrate again, the feather curled up between your palm and his dick. Slowly, you began to jerk him off, feeling the feather vibrate faster than you'd felt any toy vibrate, and his dick throbbing and pulsing against you left you feeling like you just might cum in your pants.
"FUCK!" he shouted, back arching off the couch. One of his legs flew upwards, toes curling around the air. He was shaking at this point, looking like he was just on the verge of cumming. "Oh, Godddd fuckkkmeeeee~" he wailed, tears overflowing and falling down his flushed cheeks.
"No god's gonna fuck you, darling, only I will because you belong to me. Isn't that right?" You pulled on his hair and his moans grew louder, the vibrations intensifying, which you thought was impossible at the rate it had been buzzing against your skin and his.
"Youuuuu fuck- I- I belong to youuuu~" he moaned, hiccuping a little.
"Fuck, you're so fucking cute like this, so adorable when you fall apart beneath me, gonna break soon?" He sniffed loudly, nodding. His moan broke out into a disappointed wail when the vibrations stopped again. He tried to get it to move but it just wasn't going to. You opened your palm, revealing the feather, the stem bent awkwardly. Hawks sighed, sadness filling his eyes.
"I was just 'bout to cum too..." he whimpered.
"Oh, you'll still cum. We don't need anything else between us anymore~" you tossed the feather aside before spitting into your palm, beginning to jerk him off again. It certainly didn't feel nearly as good as it did with the feather, but at this point, he was so close he just couldn't give two fucks about how good it felt, just that it would get him where he needs.
"Oh yes yes yes fuck yes more more- gonna cum gonna cum ooooh fuck baby you're gonna make me cum!" He cried out, bucking up into your hand, sobbing as pre ran down the sides of his dick and onto your fingers.
You pulled him to you by his hair, loving the loud moan he let out from the pain. You pressed your lips right up against his ear.
"Then fucking cum, my baby boy~" you purred seductively. Moments later, his whole body spasmed, legs shaking violently and wings flaring outwards. He wailed, screaming as he finally came into your hand, white ribbons landing on his legs, stomach, and even a little on the couch. Subconsciously, he knew he'd have to clean that up later, but he was not about to worry about that right now.
"Godamn! If that wasn't the hottest thing I've ever seen!" you exclaimed, truly in awe at just how good his orgasm looked. He had gone limp, flopped back against the couch, and panting. You pulled your hand away from his dick, licking away the bits of cum from your skin before sitting down next to him, tugging his body closer to you.
"Unf, that was the best damn orgasm of my life," he murmured, voice a little hoarse.
"Looked like it, you alright darling? Can I get you anything? Water, blankets, bath?" You worried a little, hoping you didn't completely brain-fuck him.
"Jus' some cuddles." his head flopped down on your shoulder, eyes fluttering shut as he yawned.
"Hey birdie, don't fall asleep on me," you chuckled. "We still gotta get you all cleaned up and put in bed."
"Not... a problem..." he whispered, breath tickling your skin as he nodded off.
"Heh, that's a problem," you smiled affectionately. He deserved his rest. You resolved to stay still for a little while, then clean him up as gently as you could before carrying him to bed. He wasn't that heavy, after all. "I love you, my darling Keigo~" you whispered, resting your head on top of his and closing your eyes.
Maybe the mess could be cleaned tomorrow, you were also very tired.
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loveislattes · 3 years
1 + 10 = Dark and Primal (Predator/Prey) Kink
Summary: Exactly what the title says!
Warnings: Reader is gender-neutral but does own a vagina, primal kink roleplay, semi-public sex, dom/sub, squirting, multiple orgasms, and dirty talk. Ye have been warned!
A/N: This is the first fic drabble to come from the number prompt game!
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As always, if you would like to support me, I have a Ko-Fi (here) for donations/tips and I usually have a few slots open for commissions (unless life gets in the way)!
“Tell me something,” A deep, rich voice spoke suddenly, “What’s a darling thing like you doing out here, all alone, so late at night?”
Instantly your head whipped to the side, eyes narrowing to scrutinize the tree line for any sign of the stranger, but found nothing other than darkness in return. You were about ready to continue on your trek and blame it on the sleepless night when the intruder let out a rumbling chuckle, the noise echoing around you in every direction.
Hairs now standing on end, you clutched your bag tighter to your body and asked nervously, “Who-Who’s there?”
“Answer my question, and I’ll answer yours.”
Your lips suddenly felt too dry, the night too cold, the lamp posts too dim, as you belatedly realized that you’d not seen another person on this sidewalk for way too long. It was just you and this stranger.
“I-I’m just walk-walking,” you stammered pitifully.
Dread pooled in your gut and the sense of being utterly alone and helpless intensified egregiously as one by one all the lamp posts in your line of sight flickered out.
“Ooh fuck,” you whispered.
Finally, your self-preservation instinct kicked in and you took off running. It was a dark night, the moon a sliver in waning crescent and providing almost no light. Every slap of your shoes on the ground felt like a league farther from the man. Even as your heart pounded in your ears and your lungs burned with the taste of blood, you didn’t dare slow down. How far would you have to run? Did you dare take your chances hiding out in the woods?
As soon as hope started to rise, it was quickly dashed back down.
“You humans, so fragile.”
The whispered voice in your ear tore a frantic scream from your throat, fear locking up your legs, sending you tumbling forward. Of course you would fall! It wasn’t until he laughed, a smooth luscious sound, that you realized you were braced tight for an impact that hadn’t come.
“What the…”
When your eyes finally opened, you saw the concrete of the sidewalk uncomfortably close to your face but not touching. And then you were lifted. Darkness shrouded your view as arms tightened around your torso and brought you back to your own two feet. A cool gentle breath caressed the shell of your ear seconds before you felt the familiar shape of a nose against your neck.
“I’m giving you one last chance,” he huffed bemusedly, “Think fast but run faster, little fawn, for it will take all of your abilities to escape me.”
“W-Who are you?!” you gasped out.
As the darkness left your vision and the hands retracted from your sides, he purred almost imperceptibly, “I go by Dark, but you may call me sir.”
Then all at once, you were alone. You hesitantly looked around, eyes wide with fear.
A fearsome screech of terror scratched your throat raw as you stumbled and took off as quickly as possible. You knew if you stayed on the paved path he’d only catch you just as easily as before. You had to chance the forest.
No matter how quiet you tried to be, it felt like every noise you made called out to him thricefold. Your breaths sounded like alarms in your ears and the forest floor cried out like little spies with every timid step you made.
“Oh little fawn, where might you be?”
“Shit,” you whispered in shock.
How were you ever to evade him? It was obvious he wasn’t human. There was no possible way a human could catch up to you without making noise, could track you so perfectly in a nearly pitch black forest. Of course there were also the insane reflexes, catching you so close to the ground, and his ability to speak clearly to you while being nowhere in sight.
Oh so slowly, you let your guard down as you shuffled carefully through the heavily wooded area and got lost in your thoughts; finding out what he was, felt as important as hiding from him. A soft noise of triumph escaped your lips as you spotted a rather large hollow in the base of a giant tree. Your eyes darted around one last time to make sure you didn’t see anyone before you ducked into the wood shelter.
Just as your back pressed up against the trunk, you heard a twig snap outside. The forest was uncannily quiet, no sound of animals nor wind to impede noises made by either you or him.
“A smart little thing you are, aren’t you?”
Your breath caught as fear slammed your heart into your ribcage like a drum. His voice was close, too close. Another crunch of branches and leaves drew your eyes to the right of your hollow. Even in the darkness of the woods, his black pants stood out against the greens and browns. Your assailant was wearing… suit pants? Despite the silliness of the situation, your nerves only increased as he crept closer and closer to you.
“Where are you?” he sang out lowly.
Hushed humming graced your ears delightfully as he passed you, hands clasped behind his back as if simply taking a nice stroll. You couldn’t control the way your stomach fluttered as the beautiful cadence of his voice filled the hollow. Someone so dangerous shouldn’t sound so inviting.
A quick rush of air released from your lungs as he continued on without incident and relief filled your veins. Head falling back, you let your eyes close and took deep slow breaths.
“It’s adorable that you think you’ve won, my little fawn.”
There wasn’t a word deep enough to describe the bone-chilling terror that flooded your body at the sound of his voice so close. Slowly your eyes fluttered open, only to discover a pair of legs standing in front of your only exit.
“Come out now, admit defeat, and I might even be gentle with you, darling,” he offered slyly.
“Fuck you,” you grit out.
Before you could second guess your actions, you bolted forward, right into his legs. While you were sure you didn't harm him, your actions surprised him enough to allow you the room to shove by. You had made it only a couple feet when hands were on you, one gripping your shoulder while the other pinched around the nape of your neck. A cry of shock and pain fled your lips as he shoved you face-first up against the nearest tree and pinned you with his body. Escape was looking more and more like a fool’s dream and yet you didn’t stop wiggling, trying your hardest to break free to no avail.
“Mmm, I do love it when my dinner puts up a fight, makes you smell all that more delectable,” he purred as his thigh slipped between yours, “And don’t fool yourself into believing I can’t smell just how aroused you are.”
Mortification burned up your face and you bit your lower lip hard to contain the distraught noise that threatened to break forth as he leaned into you. The pressure of his thigh served to further argue his point, your panties soaking up the slick between your thighs.
“P-Please,” you whispered shakily.
“Please what?” he mocked, “Please let you go? Now, you know I can’t do that, darling. I’m absolutely ravenous and you’re ripe for the taking.”
Teeth gently grazed the tender flesh of your throat and sent goosebumps across your flesh.
“It’s been so long since I’ve had such a sweet little human to play with,” he groaned quietly.
Fingers teased the sliver of skin poking from beneath your top, tracing the waistband of your shorts with languid little strokes; teeth mimicking the action against your neck.
“Don’t pretend you don’t want this, darling. I’ve smelled your interest since the instant you started to run,” he whispered, giving another gentle roll of his hips.
Before you could contain it, an excited little squeak escaped as you felt the hardening bulge grind against your ass.
“There it is. Give in to me,” Dark murmured, “I promise this will be an experience unlike any other.”
You didn’t dare give an answer. The words felt too wrong on your tongue despite the sudden urge in your body demanding an agreement. As terrifying as he was, there was something about his presence that intrigued you. It felt like there was a war going on in your head as you gingerly wiggled your hips back against him and tilted your head to the side, allowing him full access to your neck.
The moan he gave in return made your knees weak.
In one rough movement, you heard the tell-tale rip of your shorts being ruined and then your hips were lifted in the next.
“Ooh, look at the mess you’ve made of yourself, little fawn,” he cooed mockingly as a finger danced across your lips, “It will be all the easier to make you mine.”
That was your only warning before his cock was lined up against your cunt, thick head breeching every so slightly before he slammed in. Tears sprung up into your eyes and you buried your face harder against the bark as a pathetic cry warbled out. It was devastating and heavenly all at once. When he didn’t follow up immediately, you couldn't help but arch back into him.
“What a needy little thing you are,” he chuckled, “I’m going to have so much fun with you before I destroy you.”
Never in a thousand years did you think you’d find yourself in this position, being hunted down and fucked in the middle of the forest, and yet there wasn’t a place you’d rather be in that moment.
Dark’s pace was brutal, the position even more so. Every thrust of his cock rocked you up against the tree, bark scraping and digging at your skin. Every attempt to move back sunk him deeper inside you. It felt like a never ending sea of desire. It wasn’t long until you were begging for more, until the sting of the micro cuts on your skin was just another layer to the destructive pleasure coiling in your core.
“You want more? You want to come? Then touch yourself,” he ordered huskily, “Rub your clit and make yourself come on my cock while I claim you as mine.”
His meaning came through loud and clear. He intended to mark you in the most primitive of ways, in ways no one had before. You’d never let any other come inside you, too afraid of the risks.
“N-No, don’t-”
Fingers dug into your wrist and jerked your hand down between your cunt and the tree, forcing you where you wanted it most.
“It’s no use, darling, it’s too late,” he snickered, “You’re already in the lion’s den and there’s no escape. Not anymore. You belong to me now.”
You could feel his teeth bared a wicked smile against your skin before they clamped down around your throat. Pain exploded and pulsed through your veins with every beat of your racing heart, and yet it pervertedly only urged you faster. Your fingers shook under the duress of all the sensations assaulting your nerves but you worked them nonetheless, too lost to the desire.
His moan rumbled through your very being as you tightened uncontrollably around him, teetering just on the edge of bliss.
That one word was spoken with such conviction and punctuated with absolute abandon, all sanity lost as you seemingly became a means to an end; a prey to claim and fill.
“Mine! All mine,” he snarled against your shoulder, “Give yourself to me, now!”
His hand came to cover yours and joined in the efforts, frantically abusing your sensitive nub until finally it all snapped.
“Ah f-fuck, D-Dark, oh my god!”
Your ruse slipped as his name spilled from your lips, but you couldn’t care less as everything coalesced with a vengeance. The pain, the pleasure, the emotions. It was all worth it as your pleasure drenched your thighs, a sob falling from your lips in debauched relief. Pulse after pulse of ecstasy rocked through your core as he fucked you through your first climax into another, and then another.
Stifled grunt and moans shifted gradually into full blown snarls of bliss as he threw your hands up against the tree, pinning both with one while his other arm wrapped around your waist and held you in place.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck!”
Shot after shot of hot cum filled your core, palpable with every throb of his cock, and you couldn’t resist melting back into him. With a final few thrusts, he released your hands only to pull you in close and hold you upright as he turned, putting himself between you and the tree as you both came down from the high.
“Holy hell,” you giggled, head tilting back to look up at him.
Dark gave a little chuckle and cupped your jaw, fingers digging into your cheeks and directing you up into a gentle kiss.
“I promised the full experience. Was anything too much?” he asked.
“Mm-mm. It was perfect,” you whispered.
As best as you could in the awkward position, you snuggled back into him and pulled his arms around you.
“You can hunt me any time you want,” you admitted cheekily.
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