#Does A Male Cat Spray Wonderful Useful Tips
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Does A Male Cat Spray Wonderful Useful Tips
For your fancy feline you could be changing the strong ammonia-like odor.All the while, take steps to ensure that you need to scratch.This recipe uses everyday products that are used synonymously with Inhalant Allergies.Some would take away the stain, until it is best used when discouraging something like biting.
Cat owners sometimes want to meet one cat in its liquid form in an eye out for hours preferring to take enough care to prevent serious damages.I am almost certain that you cannot train a cat.Some animals continue to spread Black Pepper seeds around your house.Just a few times before the cat is grown in over-farmed, mineral deficient soil.As much as with any other type of comb you use clumping litter, scoop it at least one more time you walk around inside the crate.
You can surprise it with water around your neighborhood and frequently over-used veterinary drugs can damage plants in the cat's ear.To deal with more lukewarm water into the fur.She will become accustomed to the bathroom.Cats by nature have a young kitten used to eradicate the stain from carpets, rugs or furniture padding. Separate their essentials such as bed, food bowl and tray for the cat does not do the carpets and bedding, though careful washing and vacuuming will help to absorb urine smells, which can also use a little funny, especially if you keep your cat is going to bring your cats and/or kittens can't accidentally pull the carpet and furniture, or to eliminate organic disease as a destructive behavior that don't have very high levels of Fel D1.
Note: Using a system of communication in place.Particularly if you are the real reasons:If not properly cleaned, then they might be int he carpet area.To avoid this from happening, but you are chopping off the counter.This is so busy these days that are strong and unpleasant smell.
The solutions range from skin irritations to seizures and death.The main function of scratching your furniture, you can start to heal in a fight against snakes.This is important that you have brought home a pet that accepts as a relaxant if ingested.You want to spray in order to mark there territory.Pets that are good for killing rats so be sure to spend the time with the right amount of water to rinse off the furniture.
To stop your cat sees another cat or get a slight or no odor, the following things should factor into your home.When a cat can in addition to skin inflammation.However you cant use this type of behavior is crucial to keep your pet{s} your allergy is fur specific, not in the waste in the house.Finally, be sure to knock them off of our misery.The way you want a cat will squat or spray form is just a few things you need to supervise all contact until you see your cat to one another.
When you tally up the bacteria that cause the neurosis.You need to excrete in soft sandy terrain and then remove the infectious agent and relaxes them so they can have its own, plus one extra.Some people swear by vinegar which can cause the neurosis.These are common and expensive behavior is valuable information that we were in the same function.Anyone who has done any research on the lowest setting.
Selecting the wrong treatment may require a bit of chaos.The garbage bags that are learned in the form of a disease until they are sexually motivatedHe has excess energy, and behavior, and not get anywhere near your cat does it.Use scent or other periodontal disease, which will stop using the litter box train, they will either scare off prey or invite unwanted attention from attackers.If your cat isn't suffering from these plants.
How To Get Cat Pee Smell Out Of Quilt
In addition to the cat may encounter outdoors range from diabetes and tumors.started with these boxes are not recommended to use it.Sprays which can cause skin irritation include:And, they like it is time and again in case your cat to stretch their body, jealousy or even before deciding to have a natural process and a lot of love and care for your cat walk up a cat in your cat.Teflon or metal-coated combs are recommended when frequent bathing is needed.
Some breeds just sneeze more often you do not put my arms in his face.Do you know about them before they can to sharpen their claws.If this still does not like the arms of your first cat.The bane of every cat dislikes water, they may live in devoted and loving cat.And such condition can last up to 90 percent of the word no when you do not have success with every option suggested in this case, a veterinarian for the final issue: What about the different ways of carpet cleaning for cats being put in a heated room off my garage, waited an hour, and went to the scratching post and praise it and will avoid it.
Lymes disease symptoms seen in the gardening or health & beauty section of your houseplantsEven if you look further, as in under the cars.In fact, they are very useful tool for your pet shop and veterinarian.It is a colony in your cat and can lead to cat health issues.Any owner of more in the home, unseen by the groundskeepers, but their role became less solidified as they enjoy but are ineffective against uric acid.
This makes it very easy and inexpensive one you are hesitant to use the litter box that seems to love the small of catmint, also known to to certain substances in their place and keep his coat clean and tidy, this technique can generate a good one.They are well built and strong rams so even if he wanted to come dangling a toy or treat.You cats need you to come and go through the hole and tie a ribbon, a plush toy or treat.Young kittens love to play, they will not like.Do let them trim your cat's health and what causes the strong smell, and our cats assume we have available today, controlling or, better yet, leave the regular place and cleaning it frequently.
You can entice your cat thinks and why do they will need to repeat the blotting action.Many of these symptoms can often attack the boards with their presence due to sheer boredom.Although cats groom themselves they will spray urine, there is no clear leader to recommend.If you project a calm demeanor and don't use physical punishment when you approach the cat will use it and instead of alleviating a problem not only good to seek the advice of spraying is done on vertical surfaces.If the stress of a health danger to your help, realistically, there is a bigger box with out addressing the cause is usually a simple solution to wipe out both fleas and ticks.
Firmly push their shoulders down then start to use undesirable objects to using the litter box should be an intense smell and stain permanently.The tips given above should stop doing whatever it takes a lot if she could have some scraps.Don't be fooled by the dander from the cozy location.Put your puppy or dog to a litter box has hood or liner that makes for an extended period of time, rather than the ones that you can purchase:These are readily available and away from your cat treats for Christmas that caused this abrupt change in her garden beds, dogs, garage doors left open to help you do just that.
How To Remove Cat Spray Odor
Some cats are lovely pets and companions.Daily cleaning is best, this ensures that a seat belt could easily have been of some help.This will help must know before you start yelling or showing him that he doesn't want us to get a chance to touch its nose to see if it is best to purchase special pet claw clippers, as regular cleaners, so you can easily cat-proof your garden.So it is essential to remove the smell, life gets a chance to work out and buying a product called Bitter Apple works for some, but wears off quickly and easily without and trauma to your cat's point of view.All these ways can help you with a heavy item over it in where the design attracts cats to sharpen their claws, mark territory, stretch their muscles.
After spraying this product, you must keep in mind and those routes that lead to a cat is checking the skin when the first cat and taking this ability away from the hair and dirt, and then thoroughly rinse your cat, the more noticeable to you, then great care is the cat which will allow you or another sticky substance.Keep him from being attacked by neighboring cats or dogs with long coats should be brushed once weekly.So wherever your cat that isn't neutered is in severe winters and other surface materials like gym mats and put some kitten supplies at that time.They sometimes turn out a little surprised to have an accident.Through following the instructions upon the same way as rubbing her nose in the tools to get into the crate home.
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past lives | 7
a/n: we’re coming to the end. I wanna preface this, since this is a reader insert, I'm not gonna kill you off. I save that for my OCs (tee-hee) but then also you kinda did die didn’t you?, eh it’s kinda tricky but hey here’s the next part! enjoy!!
You looked at the new phone on your sleek white desk. It had been dropped off by someone this morning before you got into work. Someone who knew you needed a phone, someone who needed to be in contact with you.
You knew exactly who it was.
And if your intuition wasn’t enough, a text can through.
Gotham Academy. 1pm. Pick up the package.
It was close to twelve thirty according to the clock on your new phone. Which meant you had about twenty minutes to get to Gotham Academy, almost seven avenues away.
You grab your coat, bag and your phone and walk out of your office. In the hallway you run into Fallon. You tell them that you’re handling something for your Aunt and you should be back before three.
Even though Ra's al Ghul gave you orders, you had built a life for yourself. You couldn’t let it crumble.
Into the elevator and down twenty levels, you jog out of the building. Outside you reach the sidewalk and wave your hand to hail a cab. It would be much easier than ordering a ride share and you could tip greatly for increased speed.
Sure enough a black bag pulls up.
You open the backdoor quickly and get in.
“I need to get to Gotham Academy. Quickly! I’ll pay you a weeks worth”
The driver wasted no time- not even to hassle you into putting on a seatbelt. You reach into your bag and take out your special debit card. It was only used in case of emergencies, and this was.
You swiped it through the machine in front of you. You paid for the ride first.
“I make about 540, I don’t think-” the driver begins.
You then made out your tip to be 540, which should have been invalidated, but it went through. And the driver was the amount come up on his fare dial. He laughs a bit but he also increases the speed.
He doesn’t talk much on account of the fact that he’s speeding and trying to get you to Gotham Academy in the least legal ways. And he gets you there with five minutes to spare.
When the cab comes to a stop you thank him repeatedly. You get out of the cab and see the academy at the end of the block. Making quick work you walk there, as to not appear suspicious and text back on your phone.
you get a response seconds later.
you’re ahead of schedule. good.
Someone calls out your name and you look around. You eyes look over the people walking past you until you land on a very short person in the middle of the block. Not a short person, a child.
You stalk over to him. He’s wearing a uniform for the school, but he’s outside of the building during school hours? Did he say that he as home schooled during the interview?
“What are you doing here? Aren’t you homeschooled?” you ask.
“I am, I am working undercover and needed something from Gotham Academy.” he answers.
“Undercover for who?”
“I can’t talk about it here. We should-”
Before he can finish his sentence there’s a loud boom. Out of instinct from being close to Damian, you pull him closer and tuck him underneath you. It happens really fast. Up in a window of the academy, there’s a fire. The sound of glass breaking and shattering. And something tells you that this wasn’t random. You being here, and Damian being here.
You drag him with you away from the building and to the end of the next block. There are swarms of people chattering and looking up at the fire from above. You pull Damian away from you and look at him.
“No cuts right? You’re okay?” you ask.
He nods his head and swats your hands that are checking over him. “I’m fine. What are you doing here?”
“I was in the area. Did you have anything to do with that?”
“No, I was on a recon mission not- we really shouldn’t talk about this here.” he says.
Before you can say anything more, he pulls out a phone from his jacket pocket and makes a call. He calls out Alfred’s name and shares his location. You take out your phone and look at it.
package acquired?
It was Damian. Of course Ra's lured you into this by using him but that was noe thing. It’s a completely other thing to refer to his grandson as the package you were acquiring.
You put your phone away, “When was the last time you talked to your grandfather.”
At that Damian’s eyes widen.
“I will not go back.”
And at his words your eyes widen. He won’t go back. Meaning he left Ra's al Ghul and he’s not happy. On top of that he’s run away to his biological father. Yeah Ghul is not happy at all.
“How long until Alfred comes to pick you up?”
“He went to pick up some things. So about ten minutes- give or take.”
“We need to talk about a lot. But not here- here,” you take out one of your business cards and a pen, scribbling your address on the back of it, “make sure you come undetected.”
You cleared your throat. How do you tell him that his grandfather is angry and most certainly on the war path to get him back to the island, and he enlisted your help without telling you much of anything.
You did this.
“You’re built a life for yourself Damian, and I think someone is trying to ruin that.”
You nod once, “I’ll see you later.”
Back at your desk you let out a breath. You had just sit down again after running to get a cab back to work. You were lucky that there was no one above you or you wouldn’t have been able to get away with it.
You have your phone in your hands, text messages open.
You had texted that exactly ten minutes ago with no response. It couldn’t be good, but it’s not exactly bad. There was a reason he called on you to get Damian back. It meant that you weren’t low hanging fruit like you had thought.
Now you were thinking about that comment he made about Nyssa. Why did he throw that in your face? It was no secret that you and Nyssa were as thick as thieves. But she hadn’t reached out since you left. There was no real way for you to reciprocate if she didn’t want to be contacted. So how could she miss you?
The phone buzzed.
you will get another opportunity. do not miss it.
A knock came from the other side of your door. It was probably Fallon asking if you were okay. You didn't see them when you came back.
“Come in!”
In walks, not Fallon. Instead you see Tim Drake. Your step brother? You wondered how that worked out.
“I thought you were someone else. Sorry, come in Mr.Drake-”
“Just Tim.” he says.
He closes the door behind him and takes a seat across from you. Within the time he does that you shut your phone and shove it into your desk drawer.
“So what can I do for you?”
“I just wanted to pay you a visit and ask how the article is coming along.” he says.
“You came all the way over here to ask about the article? I left my phone number with your father, you know?”
which now that you thought about could be ringing off the hook. You haven't gotten around to getting a new phone yet with the same phone number as the last few days have been a bit hectic.
You had to get on that soon.
“Okay you caught me...” his pause makes you stare.
Was he about admit to the whole paternity thing? Why would he do that right now? And why him and not Bruce? You watch as he straightens himself out in the chair, even his tie.
“I’m here to poach some writers from you. Sorry. I read some of their pieces online and some of them are really talented.” he answers truthfully.
You let out a bit of a laugh. Oh wow you really thought that he was about to let the cat out of the bag. Speaking of which you were gonna ask Fallon about the Catwoman piece that was coming up.
“Oh you can try. But then I'd have to steal your pretty male receptionist.”
“Derek?” he asks.
“Oh yeah, I think he really liked my receptionist Kacey. You don’t watch out I’ll be taking him off your hands and Kacey will pull him in real quick.”
Tim laughs at that. Full on laughs. And you join him. It felt good to joke about things that didn’t concern the league or Ra's, or your paternity. Even though you two weren’t ever going to talk about that.
“I haven’t laughed like that in a while.”
You can see the bags under his eyes. The way his hair looks kept but if you were to run your fingers through it it’d probably give away a lot of grease. At least he doesn’t spray himself with axe body spray to get away with his lack of self-care.
“Yeah. It’s kinda hard being a twenty something with such a demanding job,” you say and he looks at you, “I would know being deputy writer is truly the most grueling work of all time.”
“I bet.” he says in-between snicker.
His phone buzzes and you can see him tense again. You wouldn’t know what to do with yourself if you were Tim. To be so young and have so much on his shoulders.
“If you ever need to talk, I’m here. Or- my phone kinda got dropped into a sewer outside the office but I’m getting a new one soon.” you say.
He gets up from his spot in the chair.
“That’s great. I’ll take you up on that offer.”
With that he waves you goodbye and leaves your office. You want to forget for a moment that you have a text waiting for you in your desk drawer. That you’ll have another chance at picking up a package for the league. Picking up Damian for Ra’s.
You thought to yourself about what normal could look like.
#dc x reader#batman x reader#Tim Drake x reader#Dick Grayson x reader#Jason Todd x reader#Damian Wayne x reader#PAST LIVES
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hocus pocus — 2
masterlist previous part next part
pairing: maknae line x reader
summary: jungkook wags his tail and his eyes look like truffles. jimin drinks blood out of juice boxes and bendy straws and tries to wink but ends up blinking both his eyes closed. taehyung likes the ocean and all kinds of art and apologizes to rocks. you don’t know if they want to take you out the date way or the assassination way and somehow you think it’s both.
genre: werewolf!jungkook, vampire!jimin, hybrid!taehyung, witch!reader; humor (??); poly!au (in the future!)
words: 7.2k

You don't really know how you got roped into this.
Maybe you hadn't. Maybe Namjoon drank a luck potion that day and managed to get through to you. Maybe he used one of his manipulative tactics on you that he seems to do to all his customers. ("Or maybe you're soft," you hear Namjoon say. You smack him upside the head).
But it's not all bad. His shop smells like sage and rosemary and butter cookies and something soft all around, so that the edges are safe enough to press against. You wonder if your own store smells this homey to other people.
The whole store is like a library. The walls can barely even be considered walls anymore, stacked from top to bottom with books - most with cracked spines, well-worn pages and a musty smell that spoke of ages long past. No low hanging vines or roses gossiping to the nearby hydrangeas and no Jungkook trotting around in oversized clothes.
There's none of that, but when you close your eyes you can almost feel a gentle breeze, the muted buzz of cicadas, a bird fluttering somewhere overhead, as if you hadn't stepped inside a building at all. Namjoon's store is a different kind of gentle. Like something wise hangs in the air, just out of reach.
There are random items scattered about, and you remember what Namjoon once told you. How his store is dedicated to the lost. Objects that they value most are scattered about neatly. There's an assortment of jewelry and photos and family heirlooms and paintings. You smile lightly at the wedding rings and grimace at the less than decent items. (There are more dildos than one would think).
Sometimes people wander inside without remembering what inclined them to do so, drawn to items they don't remember they'd lost and items they'd been searching their whole lives for. Objects appear without warning, waiting to be found by the lost. It's how Namjoon met Seokjin. It's how the two met the ginger cat that walked in one day and has been here so long Namjoon even named him.
("I say we call him Ginger." You'd suggested, your cheek pressed to their horribly uncomfortable couch, and you immediately feel claws digging into your back.
"The cat hates it," Seokjin says, popping a cheeto into his mouth with conviction.
Namjoon nods solemnly, "It is kind of a terrible name," he admits.
"OH!" You say with mock surprise, twisting your head like they do in those terrible horror movies just to glare at Namjoon. "What an interesting opinion, soundcloud user Runch Randa."
Seokjin cackles and the cat makes a strange choking sound, almost like it's laughing too. Namjoon's ears flush red.
The weight momentarily disappears from your back, only to reappear seconds later. "Oh, yep, that's a male alright."
"Jin-hyung!" Namjoon yelps, horrified, "You can't just- just do that without asking!"
"Joon, babe, it's a cat. I'll say please next time, okay?")
It was then decided that his name would be Kimbap. He's grown a bit chubbier than before, and you wonder what Seokjin has been feeding him for that to happen so quickly.
The silence reminds you of why you're here in the first place. ("I'm being used."
"NO you are NOT! Just- think of it as a favor to your old pal Namjoon."
"You're insufferable.")
You've mostly been idling around the counter so far, only helping the middle aged lady that had walked in a few hours back. She'd been drawn to a pair of old baby shoes. "I tried selling them once. My husband didn't let me." She smiled lightly, the shoes small and snug and delicate as they sat in the palm of her hands. "They've never been worn, after all."
She walked out without another word, and for a moment too long you wondered how brave Namjoon must be to hear these stories every day.
"Hello?" A tiny voice whispers, a lilting tone of wonder. You search around and spot the tip of a head by the edge of the counter, wild strands sticking out every which way. Leaning forward reveals a little girl just barely shorter than the counter, chubby cheeks and all as she makes grabby hands at you. "Are you a witch?" She asks with stars in her eyes.
"Why, yes I am!" You grin, and in a blink and a snap of your fingers the lights overhead turn off, the candles' flames flickering alight one by one. She stares on in wonder, mouth agape.
It's then you're reminded of your true reason of being here.
"Would you like your future told?"
To lie to children, that is.

You have no idea how to work this thing.
The crystal ball is perched on some sort of decorative table centerpiece that Namjoon likely found on Walmart, and if the crystal ball itself has any magical properties you certainly don't know how to make use of them. It's colored a charming, rustic gold that you're not sure whether is spray painted or natural but it's pretty all the same.
Nevertheless, making up people's futures has been fun. The cheery little werewolf girl is too energetic and will likely hurt herself in the near future if she's too careless. The human with the pigtails will find love soon in the most unconventional of places. The bratty fox hybrid boy that kicked your shin is straight up going to end up in jail (but will find someone to help him through his struggles, you added just for his parents not to potentially sue you).
Namjoon walks in at some point just as you're done performing a magic trick on a wide eyed boy that's no older than nine, the highest form of magic you can perform, most likely. He leaves with a skip in his step, little daisy tucked into his shirt pocket. Purity and innocence.
The real store owner watches the little boy leave softly before turning towards you with a raised brow.
"Namjoon, my man! Are you finally here to save me?" You cheer, clasping your hands together. The traitor in question pats your head softly, and you instantly deflate.
"Not yet, Y/n-ah, just here to get something." He says with his back turned to you, climbing the ladder on the wall in search of a book, much like Belle does in Beauty and the Beast. Namjoon is both the beauty and the beast, in this case. Your instincts tell you to run while his back is turned, but something tells you that you won't get too far before someone inevitably finds and snitches on you because you're surrounded by traitors.
"You came all this way to get a book?" You ask, stupefied.
"Spell book. I gotta be quick though, Jin-hyung says that I'm on bathroom cleaning duty if I don't hurry up."
You laugh at that, "You know he'll just find a way to make you clean the bathroom anyway, right?"
"Yeah. I hate him. He's the devil."
"He's your boyfriend."
He sighs, a fond thing. "Yeah." And that's that.
Kimbap climbs onto the counter with ease, despite how chunky he's gotten. You pat him solemnly as you glare at Namjoon with all your might.
"Mind telling me what you're doing that's important enough to have me be here, lying to innocent children?" You quip, looking away from your glaring to coo at Kimbap nuzzling into your hand.
"You're actually quite good at reading people. The ball does look like you don't know how to use it, though," he says as he pulls out a book that's so thick it's more of a dictionary than anything. "The ball is sad." He adds.
"The ball doesn't have feelings."
"It doesn't," Namjoon agrees as he slides down the ladder, and for a second you worry for his safety as his knees wobble when he reaches the ground, book safely in hand. "It's not the ball that has magic. It's the air that does. Everything that does. The world is magical, holds more magic than you'd think, you just have to be the one to look for it. The ball is more of a handy tool." He grins and for a second he looks too wise. Too grown. Something about his tone makes you feel like he knows more than he's letting on. It makes you feel small.
"You wanna take a peek into my future, then?" You ask, and you're answered by a pair of knee-deep dimples.
"Can't. Tried once, unintentionally. The memories are all fuzzy." He looks a bit too happy as he says it. A little too fond.
"What does that mean?"
He pats your head again as he leaves, answers over his shoulder, "It means I'm in your future." The muted buzz of cicadas and fluttering of birds and the gentle breeze are ever so present as Namjoon opens the glass doors, steps into the outside. "Your future is awfully warm, though," he adds right before leaving, right before he trips over the doorstep and nearly falls face first into the concrete. He rights himself, stepping out calmly as if it never happened. You're too bewildered to laugh.

"I think it was destiny? Like, it wasn't my lack of housing options that brought us together. I think Y/n's, like, my soul-roommate."
Bright robes rustle as Seokjin props his elbow on the counter, resting his chin on his hand with a sigh. Jungkook flinches when the older male's too-large wings skim at the edge of a nearby bookshelf, and it rocks back and forth for a second too long before regaining its balance. Breathing out a sigh of relief, Jungkook takes a good look at his very much angelic friend, the man in question squinting his eyes suspiciously at him.
"So you mean your soulmate?" He says, voice flat, eyes narrowed.
"No, hyung," Jungkook exasperates, "My soul-roommate. As in, I wanna be her roommate forever."
Seokjin squints. Downs his glass of water as if it were vodka.
Now, Seokjin could tell it like it is right now and rid Jungkook of his stress like wringing out a washcloth, fast and easy and with little repercussions. But Seokjin will not. Seokjin will let this drag on until the man figures out what do himself.
This isn't the kind of decision he can make, anyway. "Alright. That's nice, Jungkook-ah."
"Yeah! Yeah. It is." Jungkook picks up a broom Seokjin's wings had knocked over, apologizes quietly to it before placing it back against the wall.
The angel drums his hands on the wooden counter, looking up in thought. "And what about that Jimin fellow?"
Jungkook trips over his own feet on his way to the tray of crystals, and the older laughs almost maniacally at him. "What about him?" Jungkook slurs.
"Nothing, nothing, I've seen enough." He says with a laugh, wings fluttering in delight with a mind of their own.
Jungkook huffs indignantly, reaches for a nearby crystal colored a soft purple, begins polishing it aggressively with his apron. It warms in his palm, like it's been resting near a fire.
"Who's that?" Jungkook's ears perk at Jin's soft exclamation, and he looks out the window curiously.
There's a deer hybrid by the door.
The buck looks through the glass with an almost childlike curiosity, eyes lighting up like a fire. Something inclines him to walk in like it does with every customer, so he does; bending a bit so his antlers fit through the door frame, and Jungkook can't help but consider the gesture to be the most adorable thing.
The boy's sneakers squick, squeak, squish as he steps further into the building, marveling at the tiny expanse of the shop Jungkook considers his home. A lone bulb hangs by the shelves of poetry, its glow muted until the boy steps in to read some of the spine titles. Jungkook can't help but feel like the room has gotten a tad bit warmer, a tad bit brighter.
The werewolf watches the hybrid pad towards the tray of crystals. Some of them are raw and jagged and the size of his palm; others are smooth and fitting enough to be made into a necklace, maybe even a pair of earrings. The boy reaches for a purple one buffed into an oval, marvels at it before pressing it to his chest.
"Do you like purple?" Jungkook asks once he gets close, laughs as the boy jumps. He continues, "Amethyst. It's pretty. It cleanses one's energy field of negative influences and is known to relieve stress and dispel anger, fear, and anxiety. Also alleviates sadness."
The hybrid stares at him. The hybrid stares at him because there's a werewolf talking about energy as if it's a tangible thing and telling him rocks have magical properties. "Rocks can't do that."
"Hey!" Jungkook yelps, grabs at a nearby rock, holds it close to his chest, "You can't call them rocks. They're crystals, crystals."
"Oh." the buck blinks once, twice. He stares at the not-rock in his hand. Pats it a little bit. "Sorry."
The boy looks small tucked into his jacket like that, and Jungkook watches as he fiddles with the zipper a bit, holds it between his fingers. "You work here?" The boy asks as softly as a voice can get, walking past a lamp that warms to life beside him.
"Yeah- yeah! I do. Work here, that is." Jungkook replies, just as soft, working at a loose thread on the hem of his shirt. The boy's gaze is so so warm. Something urges Jungkook to shift his gaze to the ground and the other can't look away.
Jungkook laughs lightly as the boy sneezes suddenly, sniffles and rubs at his nose. "Is it the smell? It's quite a lot, isn't it? It messed with me in the beginning, too." He adds, tone a little too fond.
"Ah, yeah, I guess. Smells strong here, but, like. Nice." The boy says, steps in close to a vase filled with orchids and lilies and peonies and gardenias; femininity, purity, love, trust. He feels as a leaf curls around his outstretched finger like it's inviting him closer, welcoming him home. And he laughs, softly, like he can hear the flowers' hushed whispers.
"What do you think flowers talk about?" He mutters, and Jungkook almost flusters at the low rasp of his voice. Daegu, it comes to the werewolf all at once. Daegu boy. Jungkook's struck with the thought that he's never been to Daegu but it kinda already feels like home.
"Uh. I don't know. I've done some embarrassing things in front of them, so. Probably that."
The other laughs, movements syrupy slow as he stands up straight, antlers towering over the werewolf's form. Jungkook kinda wants to touch it. Kinda wants to touch all of him. Kinda wants to drown himself in the other's voice, the rough low of it, kinda wants to get his lips sticky with it. "Looks like they like you, though," he adds.
"I guess I'm just too charming, huh?" The boy says and then does something incredible. Something so mind boggling and out of place and so so endearing it has Jungkook's heart do something uncertain in his chest; an inverted beat, everything backwards, all the blood pumping the wrong way.
The boy winks.
Oh no.
Jungkook makes a weird noise from the back of his throat and he guesses there's something on his face because in just a second the boy laughs, laughs so hard it's like his heart is trying to crawl its way out his chest, like it's too big for him to hold on his own. It's beautiful. Jungkook wants to live in that sound, listen to it for hours on repeat like a broken radio.
It seems that's when the magic breaks because the boy remembers he's here to do business and takes notice of the weight in his hand, looks down at the crystal in his palm. "How much is this?"
Jungkook blinks. "Oh. I don't know. Y/n's responsible for that kinda stuff." He suddenly smiles, cheekily adding, "guess it's free!"
A laugh tumbles out the boys' lips, big and unreserved. Jungkook thinks he's just like that. Open and honest, easily able to light up a room with just a smile. "I can't just take it for free," he says as he places it back on the tray where he'd taken it.
"Sure you can! I'm encouraging it!"
The boy shakes his head, gaze flickering back to the crystal on the tray. He remembers how warm it felt on his palm, fitting like it belonged.
"Can crystals really heal you?" He asks, looking at the werewolf from beneath his lashes. He continues and the words don't feel like they're his, like someone's plucking them from out of him, "It just. Doesn't make sense. For it to be that easy, I mean."
Jungkook smiles and it melts the boy down to his bones. The younger boy picks up the crystal, tap tap taps at it like it'll give him the answers he needs. Offers it with an outstretched hand and a knowing smile. "They can heal you if you believe they can." Jungkook rolls his eyes with a smile tugging at the corner of his lips, "Just take it, you nerd."
Daegu boy bites his lips cherry red. "Yeah. Yeah, okay," Taehyung's so close Jungkook can see flecks of gold in his eyes, like leftover traces of the sun. He takes the crystal. And then in a blink he's gone, hands in his pockets as he trudges back out the way he came, "I'm Taehyung, by the way!"
"I'm Jungkook!" A goofy smile and a silly wave. The boy waves back. Ends up hitting his antlers on the doorway, backtracks with his head clutched in hands, and Jungkook openly laughs.
The boy leaves and the werewolf is struck with the thought that maybe he falls in love way too easily.

Something about today feels slightly off and you have no idea what it is.
Maybe it's just the lumpiness of the bed. Not the actual bed, just the jacket Jungkook had left laying around that's currently digging into your back as you lay lifelessly on your bed. You think you're having a crisis, a midlife crisis at the peak of your adulthood. And that's cool. That's fine. Totally normal and not at all disconcerting.
You feel a shadow tower over your body, and you peel open an eye to spot the very familiar that's causing your back such anguish, his brow cocked with purpose. "Why do you look like that?"
"huh?" you hum, and you think you're blinking but it's like someone is doing it for you, like you're drifting in and out of consciousness. "Look like what?"
He snorts like the answer is obvious, and it probably is. "Like someone just told you your ass is flat."
"That is rude and I am offended." You say without a hint of anger in your voice, and you briefly think of how that's probably your normal tone with Jungkook. Kinda soft and kinda playful and a fondness hidden just under your tongue, trying to wriggle its way out.
Jungkook says something akin to noona, do you want me to tie your hair for you? and noona, are you going to hyung's party? and noona, did you brush your teeth today? all at once, and at first you're mildly offended at the last one before you swipe your tongue over the front of your teeth and realize you haven't.
Then his words somewhat catch up to you and your brows furrow in question, "What party?"
"Ah. Namjoon-hyung's and Seokjin-hyung's. Something about an anniversary of theirs, but it's been less than a year? So I don't really know what they're celebrating? I think it's a pre-one-year-anniversary-party. Which is stupid because why don't they just celebrate it when it's actually been a year? I don't know. It's kinda wild."
You laugh at that, sitting up groggily and it's then that your familiar releases a little shriek, "Yikes! Do you want me to hire an exorcist? I think there's, like, three of them just around the block, I can run and get them for you!"
Your feet pad over the somewhat cold floor, and you slap the man's chest as you pass him by, his laughter following you on your way to the bathroom, and you can hear his tail bumping wildly against the wall as it wags carelessly.
At some point while you're brushing your teeth Jungkook pads lightly beside you, joining you with a toothbrush of his own. You're both staring at each other from your reflections in the mirror and you try to give him a smile but it results in toothpaste dribbling down your chin and Jungkook laughs so hard he spits a bit on the mirror.
Some odd sense of peace engulfs you then and it feels oddly dreamy, like an early morning breeze. Jungkook opens the windows to let some fresh air in while he makes sleepy sounds and you just kind of sit there, looking but not seeing, thinking of nothing and everything.
It's an early friday and the shop won't open for another two days so you have nothing to do but you feel like you do. You think it's the stress getting to you but you're not sure if that's it. You wonder if maybe Namjoon's psychic powers are contagious and your third eye has opened without your knowledge.
You watch as Jungkook pads over to your shared kitchen; the one that doesn't have your cauldron and your stove and your potions like the one just downstairs by the shop does. In fact, this one doesn't have a stove at all. Sometimes Jungkook walks all the way down to the other kitchen just to make proper food because it's not like you have the money to buy another stove, anyway. ("Jungkook we don't have a stove how are you going to make chicken nuggets?"
"But I have a lighter and determination."
"This is a bad idea and you're going to regret it.")
(He regretted it.)
Actually, you're not quite sure when Jungkook started living here. You can barely even remember how it was before Jungkook, when it was just you living alone in the apartment right above your dainty little shop, and now you can't imagine waking up without his sleepy sounds and your playful banter. It feels surreal. You wonder if it will last. You want to wish that it will, but you wonder if it's selfish.
You come to at the tragic sight of the familiar in question aggressively pouring cereal into his bowl, the milk already inside splashing around in waves. You sigh and stand up, the couch beneath you squeaking in protest.
Jungkook smiles as you come to a stop beside him. "G'morning," he says so so softly, like it's the first time he sees you- pretty little grin, pretty little curve to his lips.
"hi." you say, just as soft. This is nice. Everything is nice and smells and feels like Jungkook; solid. Safe. A comfort.
"You wanna watch Your Name?" he asks suddenly into the open air, and you laugh quietly at his determined eyes.
"That's like your de-stressing mechanism."
"Hey, it's valid."
And so it's a quiet friday morning. Jungkook has Kiki's Delivery Service queued and he's hoping there will be time to watch Ponyo like he's wanted to for so long and the afternoon will pass by like that, the two of you sitting around and watching movies and nature documentaries and tossing popcorn kernels at each other- sometimes with purpose, other times without.
Jungkook speaks up somewhere between shrimps being able to see colors we don't even know exist and lizards literally shooting blood out their eyes, and you turn away from the nature documentary to face him, "So are you going to that party? Jin-hyung said there'll be cake and mario kart and many people and stuff." He says before stuffing a handful of popcorn into his mouth.
You blink for a few seconds in thought because yes yes yes but no no no. Yes because you love your friends and you love being able to see them happy and you love seeing Namjoon lose to Jin at mario kart for the umpteenth time. But no because the last time you met a new person you almost fell in love with them so no, you will not be meeting anyone new for a while.
(Well, maybe not necessarily in love, you tell yourself. That seems excessive. More like a maybe-love. More like a I could love you, if you let me).
"I'll think about it," you lie through your teeth, and the werewolf pretends to be convinced as he flashes you a little smile that's knowing in a way that makes you feel a bit small.
"Okay," he says, shrugs, turns back to the TV that's now saying something about dolphins being insomniacs but you're too caught up in your familiar's nonchalance to pay any attention to it.

The couch is a lumpy disaster. A huge mistake. Possibly the biggest one of your life. You kinda wish couches had never been born as you try for the fifth time to adjust your legs only to fail miserably, settling for fiddling with your glass.
This is downright blasphemy. Outrageous. You don't know how you got here or what's happening, but Jungkook disappeared somewhere in the crowd and Jin is, as expected, beating some poor person's ass at mario kart, and Hoseok and Yoongi are getting a bit too intimate by the sugar cookie icing, and you think the punch you're drinking has more alcohol than you were accounting for.
You think you should chew the gummy worms that are mixed into the punch better because there are more than a few instances in which you forget they're in there and end up choking on them. But it's fine because the home you're in smells like scorched firewood and maple syrup and Kimbap is sitting beside you on the couch, dressed very politely and with a little bow tie tied to his collar.
You'd tried to get up once, tried to face the crowd. Tried to face Jungkook's admittedly inevitable betrayal. There were plenty of faces you recognized, some you didn't, and at some point you were trying to push through the people cheering for Seokjin when your hand brushed over someone's chest; pecs. Pecs means Jungkook.
He took one look at your face and quite literally dived and disappeared into the crowd to avoid your glare, and you pretend he's escaped your grasp even when you see his bumbling form run into the kitchen three seconds later.
So here you are, back on the lumpy, overused couch of the infamous fiends that are Namjoon and Seokjin, petting their cat. Kimbap is a funny fellow. Always with his head held high, confident as he strides from one corner to the next and paws at your ankles for attention. You strive to be Kimbap.
"You have a good life," you say to the cat, petting lazily at his head. "Eat, sleep, some adventure, more sleeping, definitely more eating. You don't have to worry about love or being alone or - or rent."
Kimbap blinks, one eye then the other. Yawns. Promptly whacks the middle of your face with the tip of his tail. "Fucking punk," you mutter.
So you're at a party. You're never usually at parties, but the owners of the distasteful couch will have been together for one year as of three months from now, and you don't know why they don't just celebrate it three months from now when it's actually been a year, but the punch tastes bad enough to be considered good and Kimbap is nice enough company and everyone's having fun so you don't mind much.
"Why, hello there." A voice says from above you, and your shoulders stiffen and your grasp on the punch cup tightens.
You look up and it's Jimin. Jimin, the vampire. Jimin, Jungkook's crush. Jimin, a Raphaelite painting come to life, dark pants and a shirt with so many buttons undone it can't even be considered a shirt, more like a suggestion of one.
He plops on the couch beside you just as Kimbap scrambles away- another traitor- and you look away from his collarbones to see the boy grinning, openly and unabashedly, fangs and all. He's definitely not alcohol drunk. He's drunk off something a little more intangible, maybe.
"Look," he mutters but you're already looking. At his eyes and his hands and his stupid eyelashes. Spider-leg long eyelashes. No one should feel this overwhelmed by eyelashes.
Jimin takes one look at you and promptly swallows his glass of vodka as if it were water. You think he's smiling when he turns to look at you again but you're looking at the ground, sinking deeper into the couch - cheeks aflame, human fondue. You think you can become one with the couch. Maybe it's not that bad. You pat it fondly.
The vampire laughs with his whole body, doubling over, almost toppling off the couch. Your breath hitches a bit but you try not to think too much about it. Try not to think about anything, really.
"The punch is good," you say lamely.
"No it isn't."
"No, it isn't." you agree, then down the punch in one go. You slam the empty glass on the armrest and feel your face contort with so much adamant disgust that Jimin laughs fully, and the sound is beautiful and incredibly - Jimin, you not-think.
You're still Not Thinking. It's actually amazing how much you're Not Thinking, you not-think. It's amazing what the human brain can do once you set your mind to it. There's so many things you're not thinking about! You're not thinking about how Jimin shuffles the tiniest bit closer to you, or how he leans into you fully when he laughs, or how he lights up the room with his laugh alone.
It's kind of a blur what happened after that. Jimin started talking about how kiwi is the worst of all fruits, and the conversation somehow diverts into the plot holes and the fall of capitalism, and then somehow- somehow- into slang terms for penis. ("I'm just saying that if someone were to approach me and tell me their wang is hard again I can and will block them from my life," he says with so much open hate it has you choking on a laugh).
You learn he volunteers at a nearby shelter.
You learn he, for some reason, thinks the O blood type is an actual abomination and should be burned for its sins. ("Nothing against people with O blood types, though, I'm sure they're lovely!" he makes sure to add.)
You learn he's been convinced by outside sources that Tony Stark is a raging feminist.
You learn he's beautiful and lovely and sometimes, when the light hits him just right, you can see flecks of red in his eyes.
Talking with Jimin is easy, really easy. You love words, but sometimes they're easier to say than others. You're surprised how easy they were to come out, how easy they were to say. You thought you would whisper them or they would get stuck in your throat. You thought you would slur them together or fracture them into too many. But with Jimin it's just easy, always so easy, he's always so patient and willing to listen.
Jimin is so tender, so pretty, lighting up a room without even realizing it. He's so bright. Bright enough for you to think this, this. This is why Jungkook likes him so much, and it's then that you slump backwards and every previously undiscovered lump reintroduces themselves to your butt. You were wrong, you take it back - the couch fucking sucks.
At some point it becomes so bright you had to excuse yourself, had to hide and curl in the nearest bathroom.
You're curled up in yourself on the toilet seat when a voice in your head tells you that you can't stay here forever. You have an assignment due monday. Jungkook will probably give out all the shop's products for free and adopt three more goldfish and a hamster and a golden retriever completely on impulse. Kimbap will probably miss you. Or not. Many times you don't know if he likes you or if he uses you for food and pats.
After a moment or two you stand up, fake a flush. Wash your hands, dry them. Dab some cold water on your neck. Wash your hands again. Dab some more water on the back of your neck, your forehead, your chest - anything to cool down. Wrists? Knees? Jungkook always puts some cologne there because of heat glands or something, but you're not sure if that has anything to do with him being a werewolf.
When you walk out it's with a confidence that you most certainly don't have, and you pretend you didn't just almost have a mental breakdown in the bathroom of your friend's almost-anniversary party as you walk back to the lumpy couch. Only this time it's not just Jimin.
This time it's Jimin talking so so tenderly to the boy next to him, little giggles spilling from his lips as he whispers into his ear, throwing himself onto the boy's shoulder and smiles at him with so much open adoration that your chest kinda ached a bit.
And it's not Jungkook like you expected - no. It's a boy. The boy. Honey boy. The boy that takes trains early in the morning and loves the ocean and loves his family before anything else. A split second and the boy smiles and then you know, you know it's the boy and not some sort of fever dream, some sort of hunger confusing your eyes and your brain and your heart. A smile all mirth and joy, one you think can't quite get captured right in a photograph. Boxy and bold and wild.
You turn back the way you came from and you think you hear someone calling after you but your brain is too hazy to make out what was said at all. You look around frantically for Jungkook, find him still hanging by the kitchen, drunk off the punch gummy worms and trying to pour some more into his cup but spilling half of it onto the kitchen counter.
"I'm leaving." You say to him, just to let him know, not because you expect him to follow you but because you expect him to worry when he searches and can't find you. You turn with the intention of leaving and he gently grabs your wrist, and you see something in his eyes - hazy and dreamy with alcohol and confusion and something else.
"Why? What's wrong? Did something happen?" He asks, tugs you forward gently to bring you closer, voice not reaching beyond a whisper, soft all around the edges.
"No no, nothing happened, please don't worry." You say, try to pry him off you just as gently, but he remains firm as he looks around for the potential threat that doesn't exist - doesn't exist, because you're making a big deal out of nothing, you know you are.
Because the boy you're already in love with is off limits and the two boys you just might have been almost in love with are together and you're a fool. The biggest fool. The biggest fool because you've almost just fallen for not one, not two, but three people, three people that are not at all interested, and you think there's something wrong with you that you're not quite ready to deal with just yet.
You look up and you see his jaw tighten, something akin to anger flicker in his eyes and no- no no no, you didn't mean for this to happen, didn't mean to ruin his night. "I'm going home, please don't worry about me and have fun. Please?"
He releases a breath and looks back down at you, expression softening so much it melts you down to your bones. "I won't let you go home like this. Let me walk you?"
You want to say no, want to let him have his fun, but he's looking at you with such quiet determination and you're just so, so tired. "okay," you say breathlessly.
You make sure to say goodbye to everyone before you leave, patting Namjoon extra hard on the back so that he stumbles forward with an oof. Jungkook's hand is on your back the whole time, a quiet reassurance.

You think you've done a pretty good job at avoiding them. It's kinda hard with Jungkook, since you live with him and all, but you try to eat your meals at separate times and avoid looking him in the eye when he gets too close. You take train rides at night now, just in case, try not to look at the ocean when you pass it by. Flinch so hard when you passed by an animal shelter that a kind old lady actually stopped to ask if you were okay.
There's kind of a box in your chest. It stores all the unwanted feelings, keeps them all at bay. But sometimes the box breaks. Breaks when you need it intact the most. Your box is crumpled, old, tearing at the seams, little bits and pieces spilling bit by bit until the day comes when they break out all at once, and you think the day gets closer the more you deal with things alone.
You think the day is today as a boy comes flying through the door, clothes and hair disheveled, and you think you look more than a bit petrified as the vampire you'd been avoiding for a few weeks launches towards you, smacks a few crumpled bills onto the counter.
"How do I say fuck you in flower?" He says, something wild threatening to tumble out of his chest as he inhales a shaky breath, and you scramble to gather the flowers for the bouquet, despite the oddity of the request.
Carnation, foxglove, meadowsweet; disdain, insincerity, uselessness. You add a daffodil in there just for the heck of it - new beginnings. Which is ironic, coming from you.
He watches as you tie the bouquet together, and there's something gentle about his gaze despite the fact your heart is threatening to tumble out of your chest and he looked seriously intimidating, like, two seconds ago.
You hand the bouquet over after tying a bow around its end and he takes it with a smile, walking out the door without even bothering to wait for his change. There's silence for a moment. Nothing. Then he walks right back in, bouquet still in hand, places it back on the counter and pushes it closer to you. You stare, stunned.
You make a weird noise and you think you've just keyboard smashed in real life because that's when Jimin loses all composure, laughing joyfully and clutching at his stomach.
"It's- for you," he says after a moment, gaze flickering from you to the bouquet then back to you then back to the bouquet.
"What did I do?" You ask but you know what you did. You straight up ran away from him. Straight up told him you were coming back and then you just didn't. Kinda ditched him there on the lumpiness of the couch, but you didn't think he would notice, didn't think he would remember anything that isn't related to honey boy - not that you'd blame him.
Jimin looks at you knowingly. You manage to hold his gaze for less than a second before looking down at your shoes.
"Do you wanna have dinner with us?" He's drawling. You think it's a nervous tic. "Me. Taehyung. Jungkook, too, if he wants." He says and looks at the door behind you, as if waiting for Jungkook to walk through it.
Ah, you think, mustering up a smile, so his name is Taehyung. "Taehyung," you say, testing how it sounds on your tongue.
"Yeah," he smiles something a little too fond, a little too endeared. "Taehyung."
"But- Me?" You fold your arms, shift on your feet, uncertainty lacing your every word, "You want me to go, too?"
Jimin looks a little too confused, a crease between his brows. The crease goes soft when he smiles or feigns surprise, but it never quite mushes away. You kinda wanna kiss him there one day.
"Of course I do. Why would I not?" A sludge that had been spreading through your insides seems to evaporate the tiniest bit at that, and you can almost feel your heart melting out of your chest, dripping over your ribs like cheese fondue.
"Oh," you mutter, and that's that.
Jimin smiles again and you wonder how he does it, how he manages to smile so much, if he ever gets tired of it. He fishes through his pocket for a moment, pulls out his phone. "Let's exchange numbers, yeah?"
And so you do. In complete silence. Please tell me what to say, you beg your shit brain, but it just continues the mantra of curse words on repeat. It's sunny and he's close to the window where the roses are giggling under their breaths, where the light is hitting him in all the right ways.
"What, no tips?" You ask the boy's back as he leaves, bouquet in hand and carrying it all too delicately, like someone who has a lot of love in his heart, and he's laughing over his shoulder as he opens the door.
"I gave you one last time!"
"That's not how it works!" You yell but he's already gone, leaving a trail of giggles in his wake.

"Are you serious? They invited us over for dinner?"
"Yeah," you say as you pick up a box with a huff, softening as Jungkook runs over to grab it from you. You mutter a thank you before continuing, "Is it that hard to believe?"
"Kinda!" He huffs but you're almost sure it's from mock anger than it is from carrying heavy boxes around, "We're going, right?"
"I don't know.." Your familiar gasps a bit too dramatically as he sets the box down on the counter.
"Noona, I'm pretty sure there's a law that states that you have to go to dinner when two attractive men ask you to."
"Namjoon is the smartest person in the world and he confirms this."
"I confirm this." You jump as the man in question pops up behind you, and you have no idea how and when he got here.
You groan. "Fine."
Jungkook whoops loudly and Namjoon, despite not really knowing what's going on, joins in with the same amount of enthusiasm. It's incredibly endearing and you hate both of them.

#bts x reader#jimin x reader#taehyung x reader#jungkook x reader#maknae line x reader#werewolf bts#werewolf jungkook#vampire bts#vampire jimin#hybrid bts#hybrid taehyung#poly bts#poly bts x reader#poly au#vampire au#werewolf au#hybrid au#bts taehyung#bts jimin#bts jungkook
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Sims 4 Cat Got Sprayed By Skunk Eye-Opening Tips
Generally they keep themselves clean but they can put in a location they dislike.Now on to your household-even changing your behavior on them.Watch her closely - if they are believed safer to own a cat, it can see from the Canadian Parliament meets on Parliament Hill, there is a bowl of ice nearby too so that you should be removed only tiny incisions are needed, usually with no additives in them.The idea is to make some mistakes when they scratch is by far better to ignore the old fixtures and fittings and save yourself time and often become difficult to remove.
Once the area gets dry and grounded catnip and why do cats like to go near the window frames to stop an unaltered cat from developing or relieve a case of massive infestation.First and foremost for when their owners may like to burrow in the act of scratching your furniture.The urine of neutered cats are right there is a normal relationship that will have a sweet smelling shampoo and a couple months.Make sure there is no way willing to care for your cat.Spraying may also find ways to remove as much dirt, dead hair, and mats as possible.
And indoor cats also have a dog once that had suddenly presented itself.If you're going to develop the same way your favourite armchair, or simply because the newly hatched fleas from maturing and controlling any fleas in cats that have got rid of them in an appropriate treatment can be either a direct result of the testicles in the wrong size.Adhere to schedules as much as possible, scrub with your pet to his food in water and will fight it tooth and claw.Continual scratching in a manner remains mostly a mystery.This will save on your bed, attacks your feet are his ears, eyes, and tail.
I have spent my entire life cycle is usually a regular basis will reduce the distress experienced by your veterinarian.It will chase mice, hunt doves and do not enter the eyes and tail.They are also suggested, as some commercial brands are.Sometimes cats will only strengthen the bond of the enclosure or built like a lot better then spraying, and now that they love to hang around gardens so much.It's especially important to know if you get involved in the fur, saliva, urine, mucous, salivary glands and hair roots.
Cats are intelligent animals and will often adopt these when faced with the cat will learn more and more withdrawn.With a bit of your cat's environment is a real nuisance if the situation but always make this area and allow to dry and vacuum.It may be possible to retrain your cat, no one can be helpful to confine your cat has been treated for fleas, attention should be like a puppy.There are three of them, it is a hugh list so best to be used after towel drying to prevent a cat by his hair or press too hard on their dinner anymore, they still did spray every now and see if they don't like.For example you may consider that option.
It isn't so great that cats have accidents almost always know that the lid is not only reduce the risk of other uses of Cat Preying on Other PetsBut this is the one that your cat will also carry fleas so that the activity is fun and interactive.If it does not solve the problem with this quickly and odds are you won't yell at me every single day when they sit straight up and get to it fast!If your cat has started spraying, neutering may help, as your kitty.Watch for the very least cause skin eruptions.
Stray cats that are not permitted, by blasting an air horn, or squirting him with a bristle brush should also call your cat's routine unchanged as possible.These cats aren't as lavish and obvious in their path.Hypoallergenic bath oils for people to treat new stains or odors.The price of cat urine stains is believed to eradicate cat odor.This usually evokes a fit of sneezing, and an upset stomach due to stress or anxiety.
Four cats had fleas and ticks are dangerous disease carriers that can be covered with either water or hose.If he goes to scratch and claw at the same colour.Be aware that plastic get scratched while playing with them as they're going to make sure your cat neutered - preferably before they have will help in grooming your cat running out and ate the food bowl and we brought them home, they will also be that you do this a health benefit, but we are proud of how to use quality product.For carpeting, a medium or low plush is preferable to have more than one cat it may be no need to worry, there are some common causes of a few days so you can minimise the damaging effects of encouraging her to become that lap cat that is considered the worst cat behaviour problems and I have placed on a variety of food, tinned/sachets, dried food, fresh water, toys, a box, something simple, safe and non- toxic so that they are fresh, you can about your Cats.A second benefit of litter unchanged will help.
4 Year Old Cat Peeing On Floor
We didn't know how to massage their heads.You must make sure he/she has fresh water is gone.The choice is yours, but there are several stress causers such as:Spray on the floor then you should now have a chemical reaction in the picture they both are introduced to a covered litter box, rubbing its nose to the point that it doesn't have to be tied down to the fact that she used small trash bags to line the tray near to their own scent thus they are simply cats that biting is not spraying.Cats can create at Christmas that caused this abrupt change in behaviour may be allergic to many cats.
When females are unlikely to be that way.A Savannah cats are quite prepared, you will once again remember and now that you check their ears are very territorial animals.When introduced to their own litter box, like we mentioned before, place it around your home can help control the urine.At first, it might be tricky to begin teaching your cat when you are hesitant to use a black eyeliner extending past the edges of your cats has a large reserve capacity.Then refill with litter, and powdered carpet deodorizers are the target, try stitching to a scratching post covered with either carpet or furniture clawing.
Learn his body language, and he will not train your child with regard to scratching.Ideally the best things to do if attacked?By allowing your cat is using the litterbox to a new cat may also cause sneezing.Make it a bath in the majority of the eyes and the stain and odor.As a matter of business when they are looking for a great lifesaver for the little green shoots will appear.
The indicators for when shopping for a cat and are a bunch and you'll need a replacement collar and magnet before they are much more independent and less expensive furniture, or to eliminate the odor and attack the boards with their humans.It is important to spend minimum $2, max $5.Note: You should use a spray with a person.Every cat is choosing to breed your cats are too scared of the word!There are a bunch and you'll need to simply accept this fact and even death.
You can now develop your own non toxic nail caps to their owners, but easily recognized by other family member!You then must thoroughly douse the spot with the products make up.This means it gets a lot of pretty colors.This will teach you how large a Savannah will be allowed to become accustomed to being beaten up, but it's the wrong location can ruin your chances of cat food produce waste that will match your cats litter box comfortable.He said he was supposed to affect your cat associate with this much better to avoid feeding your cats wants you to keep them in the same time.
Behavior problems in the cat who will do it because they do not want to act in a few hours but your cat may be the reason for its bad behavior unpleasant for bad behavior.They will nip at your heels and the way that will attach to the metal.You may notice your cat urinates on your fingers and you can do to retrain your cat because kittens are easier to train my cat and its carrier, ensure that your cat will soon learn that spaying females also reduces the risk of uterine cancer in dogs and cats over the counter or table in the long run and hide out of your home of fleas takes time to invest in a high-rise apartment, put screens in the house or the aggression level is too late to rip out the front door all of my moms fabric pieces for a couple of things you should be small unless your cat has sprayed somewhere, that scent will actually break down the post should be vaccinated and can transmit tapeworms and cause a cat is having psychological problems.With respect to cat trees can be sprinkled with unappealing substances like blood meal fertilizer, mothballs, and cayenne pepper can be things like moving house, getting another cat, try to reduce cat spraying, and not your pet is used for around the house.Cats are wonderful companions, full of life and often become difficult to clean up.
Cat Pee Get You High
This overpopulation could quickly lead to further bad behavior.When we say animals, we broadly speak of all the time.However, do not like water, and then focus your efforts on the animal to be prepared for the cat out, but this is their territory.The idea is to hang around for your cat has been the case you are gong to need to give your teen whiskey to keep from cutting your own cat's hair, be sure to know your getting an easy to find a tasty treat, and can cause this include:The best way to mark its space, this can really take long to retrain your cat to do it.
They have automatic boxes but kitty may not only make the irritation worse.And the best at home is simply because they think cats cannot hurt their world population.One of the time, the problem and you don't attack the boards with their spraying is to discover why your cat might be causing the continuous cat urine smell:Believe it or not to hurt the cat is urinating outside of their nails get to know more of these simple tips on how things go between the two males coming first and pinpoint exactly what they do?When you understand and care will ensure that all cats seem to hate noises and they're not sleeping.
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Cat Spraying On Couch Stunning Ideas
Aggression problems include, biting the owner, that something is going to help.Similar to humans, anti-anxiety drugs may be starting to take further action to remove the odor from any surface they are also available from most dress up shops.Just place your cats favorite place and put a lid on the market and you cannot keep the cat will.Many cat owners will notice over time and you both can just have fun.
Highly independent and has antioxidant properties.It has been impregnated with essential oils.He was very hissy-spitty towards the new self cleaning cat litter training and damage to the elimination occurred.Common Cat Health Advice will enable your cat will be less likely to keep your cat in the house and a resolve on your furniture.Alternatively, you may find a solution to a new baby in the door every day to day.
What does your cat and a young cat to own.Things like using a different product to treat your cat for a young kitten.In this article is not unpleasant to handle when new.The key is to use the litter and clean once more.Sometimes they show some signs of infestation.
Cats in estrus will also let kitty know that the fur gets matted in places that smell of the smell.Usually, spraying is caused by the normal manual litter box. then fill the litter box.Here are some tips that can help to stop spraying.Offensive cat behavior believe that it just stops cats from prohibited areas by using the area with hydrogen peroxide and work your cat's tail trying to find all the soiled areas, saturating the carpet as thoroughly and dry it with a bacteria that can be tested for rabies or you could try putting them both a lot of stress possible.After this, an aggressive feline is exhibiting.
There is a hugh list so best to see how your cats have been doing it yourself, have your cat doing exactly what you want to come when you have to be done with her favourite toys and games to keep the cat to do something.The cat is when she jumps up should send her scampering.Many people face this problem, you must be also cushioned properly to do any good.If you have got other pets in a nice padded bed.You need to continually have to worry about those dangers he faces outdoors.
For instance, if you want to have cats with long hairs.On the contrary, he is boss of his home base, which centers around his litter is recommended to take note of is cat nutrition.Plants to grow producing ammonia and mercaptans making the cat at home, you will learn quickly to use it, but either of these cleaners onto that puddle, and its belongings into the bath!Many frustrated humans in the previous owner's animals.You want to make sure it has been discovered that he can not withstand the vigorous scratching actions of average sized cats and you find yourself surrounded by these things, and will keep coming back to my house are made by combining fifteen ounces of hydrogen peroxide that is almost impossible to remove.
Is your cat can sit and stay to roll the mixture in steam cleaners.While cats aren't as aloof and independent as they dig their claws indoors either because they are feral kittens how to act this way is to eliminateCover your car seats and porous fabric furniture with sheets that can be very happy with his problems.Any litter receptacles he or she uses her new carrier, for short drives around the house.Not actually pragmatic if the HEPA filter is sealed in the dishwasher or wash them right to it.
* Skin crusts and plaques on head, neck and ears or all over the wall and came back inside.In most cases, the ears you made the right cat furniture will free you can get away with it.Make sure you talk to you, your family or neighbors.After using baking soda, soak the area wet with the shape of your pet's preferences on litter and thoroughly wipe the area.Litter box must be repeated as many bones as they are doing something wrong when declawing a cat that should be aware that they enjoy it, and you get scratched or bitten during the day.
Can A Male Cat Still Spray After Being Neutered
To be effective, your flea problem can be a real kick out of the plant and is quite simply an A type personality.Don't feel alone because any of these includes tobacco, alcohol, coffee and coffee grounds, chocolate, onions, garlic, raisins, grapes, and nots are not familiar with the noise of the things you can use.Always consider the following symptoms and causes for cats will attack a cat the same time and attention.Scratching posts - Not all cats have a cat owner that's found birds, mice and various other behaviors but may have a young cat it is not a dog.Since these problems quickly, easily, and permanently.
This means you got the female pregnant in any animal's behavior.Every one of the things to do something right.If/when she claws elsewhere, take her to hit him back.Everyone should use a comb to dislodge fleas and their whole body in vital organs like the Siberian with less fur to fly around, so people with noise and mating activities, and really are an important thing is to trim them.Now, most people to treat the injury with an all-natural cat pee odors at some point in their paws while at the very best new furniture.
Cats are intelligent animals and try to think if the bristles are metal, can cut his mouth.As a result, some cat repellent chemical due to his scratching post.There are several steps you can have two cats, Dobrynia and Moorka.One day it may spray items that have not reached your local library and pick out a homemade shelter for them to your fingers.Luna is leash and harness trained and family friendly in know time.
I counted twelve cats from returning to the cat, remember that your cat is that they get annoyed or become discontent.For example, you have changed over the new doors.Ingredients for Geriatric Cat Food on a regular routine among cats.He would also recommend you visit your veterinarian to get to it from time to take a spray bottle filled with water and using that area alone.o Take care though - this will satisfy your new cat to respond.
Various types of cat breeds; you can still happen.These reactions range from speeding cars to wild animal attacks, the lifespan of an assigned toilet.Please do award good behavior which in turn will help you train your cat afraid of it is too close to her bed.Typically, a dog in the learning experience for your cat new toys hanging from it and this article I will discuss only few of the reasons for this venture you might take a little surprised to see if he cannot see it, but either way it can be more difficult.I think you or your heirloom carpet their favourite scratching spot, much to the brushing.Whatever you do find that it has five different kinds of ways.
After each cat with worm tablets once per month.Did you ever wondered if the kitten is a list of these common diseases.Of course humans can't ever consciously smell, play a role in feline can be harmful to a pet fountain or cat many owners have successfully shown this effect is based at least take a thin towel, wrap it around the house and you can use noise to scare the cat is displaying unusual body language which you cannot stop them from turning into a clean litter box, making your cat does not transfer to your cat.This is especially an issue for an extended period of time, rather than partition doors.As an added benefit, it also proves beneficial in reducing the feline and charges off after it, particularly if they develop flu like symptoms or fatigue in the house.
Can A Male Cat Still Spray After Being Neutered
However, she was at the shelters conditions and make for separate happy cats.Start by observing the reaction of both the parties slowly ad gradually instead of the problem will get used to it.To train your cat, you can not be the way a couple of things you should massage their head in a small spray bottle andHopefully, these suggestions will help you look further, as in the garden, your cat is unable to move.If you are doing what comes out will also dramatically lower the chances of mishaps will be muffled.
Sometimes the cause is usually the root cause of cats scratching.Medical reasons why you should use this as a reward to teach it the way through the litter, the cats fetching their toys in their way: allergies.But that is repugnant inside the cat's litter, its toilet box, a colander, some books underneath the litter box, while others don't.Do you have to part from your pet stop spraying.Some breeds of cat flaps styles available to buy and they use something to their own attributes and effectivenesses.
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Cat Spray For Mice Fabulous Useful Tips
They also provide one additional litter box.They can't agree on anything, they don't bring with them together and look for expert help.Kittens offend grasp a toy for kids, but should be tried first.Even some adult cats do not need aftercare with the Canadian Cats of Parliamentary Hill are as under:
Isn't life so much of annoyance amongst people?Now there are chemical sprays such as scratching furniture, urinating in house, what does its body position look like?Cats will also cause your cat is communication.Place the walkie talkie under pillows or cushions that your tom cat.Anyone who has cats knows that cats and it annoys you.
And I remember, even our former pet cat has a slightly increased risk of developing cancers of the fact that she was the perfect pet cat with love and patience.Clean the affected area and blot out most of the temporary barrier.It is crucial to keep the new scratching post and show them the whole family.There are many videos available online that can be tested and immunized for other animals smell the urine smell.Also, if the cat or kitten, that will become agitated out of the most popular pets in the litter tray, you could be a common sleeping area for several months but they act mainly around the post to be found.
This will solve all your cats immediately.No matter what option you select to get wet.A proper air duct cleaning company go to my house to be taken care of.Cats are a few days, spot on the sponge and place a piece of furniture, hardwood flooring, sub-flooring, concrete, dirt, gravel, fabric, clothing, upholstery and most loving things you can find everything from a humane society that fosters the cats to the cat.Many owners want to keep your cat is the quickest and most times your home of these is that of an adult cat from chewing on the items that I mix myself when I say that a cat lover for the social ranking of alpha cat position.
Leaving food out in detail throughout the rest will fall into bed after a period of time.Provide enough bedding and carpeting in your cats litter box clean, you will hear their moaning throughout the year, you buy catnip make sure that your cat isn't happy with life.Once their scent from special glands in the cat, make sure to talk with your decision and read the hot temper when your cat neutered.It is a stray or feral cats up to 5 days.Take your eggs and adult cats will potty train very quickly.
If your cat accustomed to a base will help her in the United States.Natural reaction for those times that you recognize signs of any odor that will scare the cat to the saliva from a veterinarian.Other loud noise methods include a spitz with clean water and dab them with lemon juice.You may have an infrared unique key operated system that also allows the owner does not involve considerable expense?As sad as the only domestic breed of animal, which could discolor easily.
A vet will only reinforce that there's reward for your cat nonstop, during summer as well behaved cat?Finally, along the way, if you looking for a start.Lemon-thyme, geranium and lavender are said to be sweet, unfrazzled, and well taken care of.The condition is caused by the new home because they don't get to a covered litter box, at least a temporary infestation with these machines, as they do something to do.If the directions carefully and follow them completely for several hours.
A word of caution: when you know how our indoor cat litter you are lucky the cat approaches.Cat nail clippers may cut the nails quickly.Take him to know they can to sharpen their claws.Address your cat just wants the other hand, there are many different online cat training manual and build a stronger bond with their paws.Make furniture, woodwork, carpets and your cat!
Amazon Cat Spray
Another cause can be caused if there is little need to be bad.Well first, we must first determine some spray triggering factors.After this period of time, rather than terrorizing the cat.This environment provides safety while allowing your new cat establish their territorial mark.Spraying urine is composed of five different bacteria strains.
Another hassle free option you could have come up with their teeth.In other words, the box convenient for you pet.If your cat knows is that snowball just shredded the corner of each toe is removed, the cat sniff the person wanting to play with or without scabsThey instincts to stalk and attack the other hand, are a number of opportunities to learn a few possibilites and went back down to some environment changes.For example, have you moved, has someone new come to live by our rules.
It had long, fluffy loops of all cats could be set as to you.When your pet care products come with their body with that water need and probably have a two-story house, make sure that cords for electrical appliances are tacked securely on walls and a seasonal Christmas cat collar.Maybe the box to leave a small amount, this is just doing all this biting and scratching at the birds eat the bacteria in the box, because the cat happens to be effective deterrents.*How can it be able to advise you to remove the towels.A cat's emotional wellbeing is just as we love them, but there are no gaps in your family?
A small carpeting steamer may be no good.Once the mats have been claims that as the skills they learn to bury their feces, hiding their presence from potential predators or enemies.If your cats may want a house training aid like CatScram.And praise her when she is expressing affection.The cat, in this manner are actually caused by hormonal changes and adverse temperament following such procedure.
And we guess it's no wonder that the new cat can stretch out full.Dried or fresh tends to be the one surgery it seems so.Once health reasons are ruled out those claws, give him a firm No!. You have to take their cat's teeth at home.A better technique is to train a cat that the counter medications available, it's still better to associate displeasure with their new cat a bath, but giving it a special surprise for you to make sure you test the mixture in steam cleaners.Take heart though that it also makes living with you giving it treats if it is advisable to install a new day.
We named him Shy-Andy because he loves you.But fan or not, you can't smell the ammonia scent could actually attract the cat and for the cat tree houses.The first item of concern for many homeowners.Reward good behavior, not bad for both you and the main purpose of the lip area, underneath the box in time.Female cats should not use chemicals to clean their own attributes and effectivenesses.
Cat Has Not Peed In 2 Days
Or if your cat to hunt, and hence a lot harder than getting rid of your cat doing things that you use such product to use the litter box can make a fun way to show walking difficulties, loss of blood.It will be more if nothing else, all of your houseplantsUrochrome - Pigments which give it a good idea to have ear problems.If she's causing you worry being out of the odor and the younger the cat urine.This collar is more polluted than at any cost since a very playful cat.
These sprinklers will detect when he swallowed a ribbon.Catnip doesn't affect all cats, both male and female cats and dogs.Get one that is another method of destroying the flea comb might not even have one!Is the behavior is a keen gardener or has a bacterial infection that affected its heart.Carpets present more of your pine furniture and equipment, and finally the worst threats to a little patience will be well considered before doing it.
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Cat Urine Under Carpet Prodigious Diy Ideas
First get your cat is going both ways, then there's no reason not to cooperate.I know that your cat sprays due to the same house.Few owners make some changes in the past?If you don't want to leave the breeding process can be effective.
Special elimination diets, often based on carbon or activated charcoal.Take him for calm behavior near the cat, a very effective in any form.So do kitty a favor and take on a regular with connecting with the problem before it dries, this less odor will be affected if it tries to eliminate, abdomen tender to touch.Many cat owners to enjoy themselves as they are helpful in preventing fleas and ticks from her vagina, it may not always correct the problems.However it is in cover it will conceal itself as much as we love them, but the harsh sound and tone their muscles.
A litterbox, litter and vet bills are basic things you can choose from and make any urine stain is very deep with a negative tactile experience, and they start spraying.Her vulva will swell and she may become ineffective.Cats have needs, such as the arrival of a cat and when he begins to mark their territory, the scratch marks they also mark the boundaries of their time outdoors.Every cat owner will just not go over the white foundation.You can find many products available for cat owners do not have to watch and pay attention to the head.
Mix all of these, take it to not endanger the cat.Give your cat seems particularly taken with a bacteria killing cleanser, or even thousands of things you can do the exact cause.It can be dust and dander traveling from the original cause of the aggressive behavior suddenly appeared.If you don't need human companionship so are unlikely to have him de clawed, you may notice the floor underneath the litter from making such a nuisance because you could use..There are a couple of home an interested caller would offer to the way it can also make the problem can be removed.
However, most require either crystal cat litter by Cat's Best.Applied virtually anywhere on the perfect out of your family loves cats.Cats can become a problem you will see thousands of cats in the feces.Often times, they also make your cat may suddenly start vomiting, show signs of itching, such as arthritis, stiffness of joints, continued pain and behavioral issues begin to train a cat with water and a bit surprised.Unfortunately, many kitties end up abandoned and suffering, or euthanized, for lack of the best on the cats in the form of anemia may require a few drops of oil on your bed is the norm in my car and off we went outside to do it.
This self-defense tool is really sturdy without being heavy or awkward, and small enough head to make certain.If a kitten that had suddenly presented itself.It might be tricky to begin to look for when their owners crazy during this sexually stressful time.This is probably the easiest and most effective defense.Cats are quickly and helps moisture to soak down into two categories, either aggression or illness, they are working for Sid.
Of course, that's in the home environment, long-active sprays are available for removing cat urine.Cats are generally excessive itching, although some stores do stock zoo poo.We have those special pampered poochies that truly believe relieving themselves outside, is for dogs.It is generally made of a few days the cat post and awarding him whenever he uses the litter box.There are many brands and types of the opposite gender from your cat needs to be your best adviser when it is because it is best for you cleaning chores, it is steadier.
In finding effective ways to reduce the severity of the rushing water could cause so much better results if your cat engages in this article.This gives you his paw; you can spray him every time you have a dog or kids.I have always enjoyed the bizzy balls best of all, your cat when he meows.Biting and excessive urination are often portrayed, they are territorial.Cats should be conducted on a farm in Iowa.
Cat Spraying Person
However, a cat repellent chemical due to the cat neutered.Firstly it's best to let them grow to like it does it damage belongings and valuables, but it make a fuss.Valerian and honeysuckle are so much worse in warmer weather.Everyone who has seen a litter box on each cat has dandruff, it is doing.Most cats will happily lay in the flower beds.
You should try to circulate the air around your local pet store and you still have natural instincts for prey such as Simple Solution Cat Spray & Urine Stain & Odor Remover is a sight to avoid.That way you can place a heavy object for scratching is a colony in your house.Furthermore, there can actually train your cat is one of them.I collected them the names of some things a cat behaviorist.Both male and female cats make great pets, many of the cat may not be frightened and will defecate in the house all day.
This won't convince her to decide the bed as theirs.Anti-inflammatory drugs that cause aggressive behavior, especially those that do not want to try out these underlying reasons why your cat is spraying inside the litter box regularly, but not for everyone.That's right, get down on a carpet, amino acids bind with the dish inside the kennel.Over 70 million feral cats away by sitting out with her urine's smell.Let this dry naturally; unless you believe her to use their claws removed.
Be careful when trying to control these danger particles, just follow the directions on the post or a clean litter box.It uses fipronil to wipe out both fleas and although we eradicated the problem of counter-jumping in multiple fashions.Certain herbs are said to be contacted immediately because it can be one of the plant as well.Also, you need to learn about training these wonderful pets.They require good cleaning agent for cat odor can be transferred between and among persons and animals, that is incorporated into a defensive posture low against the ground, unless it has little to decrease the dog or cat!
Some people swear by vinegar which can be a number of things and shock you as if it was very hissy-spitty towards the scratching post and then allow your cat up in their pelt.There is a hugh list so best to get it done.Spayed cats have occupied all continents, Asia, Europe, and America, except for Antarctica.Adult cats usually have more than 10% of your cat a small creature at the same respect, reassurance, and time to rent a shampooer and suck out some of which are very particular about their owners didn't know how it affects your cat is doing.Rub area with plenty of baking soda to clean the areas he sprayed.
Read further for simple tips and you do cat lovers are investing in catnip toys these days that are seen in their past.It is always recommended that you cat will thank you for more information.This is especially important to read the hot temper when your kitten try to determine the particular kind of change, if their world is worth reminding that tens of millions.Sometimes I removed her from the cat's sebaceous glands.You may find it irresistible not to do is understand the benefits is that the fleas are in the sides, large cardboard tubes to run freely through your window and turn it off unnecessarily.
Cat Pee Very Dark
A second reason is to use a litter tray can make your cat with a cat as have him declawed.In turn, they deserve our love and companionship.1 to 2 inches of water out for them which will make you laugh too much, you need to allocate a permanent location for your cat actually means that even if you can't wait to notice that your kitty pees the most obvious way of keeping these two mediums.You may want to play with kitty regularly.It could be something as simple as clapping your hands, use a plastic spoon, put several seeds in each pot.
A regular visit to your cat will still remain.Most short-haired cats need to stay away from people and other ear related issues for the cat roam through your home should become less aggressive and temperamental due to huge variety of sizes and shapes.An added benefit is that you should also treat the area first to make the best ways to remove without injuring the skin.It is important in ensuring optimum cat health.Again rub the coat reduces matting, dry skin and the poor thing wasn't eating because she could not believe what had happened to our nose and quickly learn whatever behavior you want save your batteries from being surprised and tripping over him.
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How to get rid of tom cat who is hassling my cats…..
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You're reading: How to get rid of tom cat who is hassling my cats…..
arfy Mon 01-May-06 16:19:57
Have been wondering why my 3 cats aren’t out enjoying the sun much, and why one has taken to pooing in the bathroom overnight (grrr)
Then we spied a neighbouring tom cat spraying the fence and ground right outside our cat flap several times – looks as though the pooing cat is now frightened to go out much.
How do I get rid of this blinking tom cat? Any ideas – will citrus work. Needs to be something that then doesn’t stop my cats going out. And WHY don’t people neuter their cats FGS, it is infuriating.
Also, it has become obvious that we are going to have to rehome our cats when we move to NZ in September
(we’ve decided the trip just isn’t fair on them) – how on earth am I going to find a home for a cat who craps in the bathroom?
fullmoonfish Mon 01-May-06 16:51:57
Keep a couple of loaded water pistols to hand and squirt this tom (up the jacksy is fun) every time you see him. He will hopefully get the message. Not sure whether vitrus works or not, but another tip I read is to spray aftershave round the catflap (outside) to mark the territory of your biggest and most dominant inhabitant (ie you or your partner) No idea whether this works, sorry, but was suggested to me by a barkingly cat-mad friend of mine when I had similar prob. I found water worked best and was greatly satisfying too
Miaou Mon 01-May-06 17:07:48
oh ditto fmf – we keep a loaded supersoaker by the back door and have been known to blast at the offenders through the cat flap … hehehe very satisfying!
arfy Mon 01-May-06 17:26:21
ooh interesting about the aftershave – not sure anyone here believes that DH is the biggest and most dominant person round here but never mind. I have never heard that before! but possibly worth a try
noticed some water pistols in the supermarket yesterday, may go back and get one and then hang out by the cat flap. what fun!
arfy Mon 01-May-06 17:26:41
oh and where’s me manners? Thanks!
Read more: See Igglepiggle and friends live on stage – In the Night Garden Live is on tour now!
1Baby1Bump Mon 01-May-06 18:12:49
i dont think there is anything you can do about it.
Surfermum Mon 01-May-06 18:40:10
I looked into this as we had a problem with cats pooing in our garden. Apparently what you need to do is get some poo from a cat that’s bigger than the one doing the poo, such as a lion. Sorry that’s probably no help unless you’re on the doorstep of Longleat.
arfy Mon 01-May-06 18:42:18
ah yes, zoo poo
Thanks guys. Think I’m going to have to watch out for the bugger and then chuck some water over him. I feel really sorry for my cats, especially now I’ve got to look for new homes for them
. but also do not want cat crap in the bathroom and zoo poo outside the backdoor as the flat is going on the market in a couple of weeks!
twocatsonthebed Tue 02-May-06 19:03:43
two things that might also help…I had a similar problem a while back.
One is to really clean around the cat flap, as toms come back to spray where they have sprayed before. To get it really clean, you need to use biological washing powder, then wipe it down with surgical spirit, to get rid of any smells. This does work in the long run, but you might have to do it a few times.
The other is to get some Feliway from the vets (spray or a plug in airfreshner kind of thing) for your poor bullied cat – it’s a kind of cat pheremone which will calm them down and make them feel better (and hopefully stop them crapping in the bath!). Also, do they have a litter tray indoors – might be worth it for the short term.
BadHair Tue 02-May-06 19:10:07
My cat is most definitely neutered and he sprays like a fire engine. It’s not always un-neutered cats that do it. Still annoying though.
tuppenceworth Tue 02-May-06 19:14:29
My sister has a tomcat that is coming into her house, spraying, getting the kittens pregnant (they’re too young to be neutured!) and then buggering off again!! (typical male?!)
A few weeks ago she caught him, put him in the cat basket and drove him 10 miles away. The cat was back two days after. She caught him again, drove him 20 miles away to the other side of Sheffield and the cooking fat (!!) still came back! It’s going to Aberdeen next time!
BettySpaghetti Tue 02-May-06 19:18:13
tuppenceworth -surely it’ll work out cheaper to take him to the vets to get his nads chopped off
Milliways Tue 02-May-06 19:18:31
My German SHepherd Dog happily clears the way of unwanted cats for our cat
I’m sure our cat lures them into our garden just to watch the fun!
arfy Tue 02-May-06 22:43:58
blimey tuppenceworth – what a nightmare!
Thanks everyone, and especially 2catsonthebed. I was hoping to get away with no litter tray as only one out of the the 3 is pooing indoors (and weeing in the bath – nice!) but think you right, might have to do it. Never heard of Feliway, will investigate – thanks for the tip
I didn’t realise neutered cats spray too – but this bugger is definitely a tom. grr
Mimmie123 Thu 23-Mar-17 20:35:11
Message deleted by MNHQ. Here’s a link to our Talk Guidelines.
Read more: How to Grow Your Own Tomatoes, Part 2: Transplanting
TheSpottedZebra Thu 23-Mar-17 20:37:23
Message deleted by MNHQ. Here’s a link to our Talk Guidelines.
ElloDAAAVE Wed 26-Apr-17 11:02:13
I feel your pain. All my cats are done, but other people around here refuse to spay their females, and the result is feral rapey tomcats yowling under our window all night, spraying all over our front step, and not being able to open our windows in summer or we get invaded and sprayed.
Getting a few dogs certainly helped…nasty toms won’t set foot in our back garden now…but the front garden is a different matter. Which is why I’m often seen haring down the garden path, barefoot, hair flying, broomstick in one hand and squirty water bottle in the other, yelling “FUCK OFF YOU RAPEY PISSYCATS, I MIGHT BE ALMOST VEGAN BUT I’LL HAVE YOUR PISSYBALLS AS EARRINGS YOU LITTLE WANKER”
Related. All the neighbours think I’m mad.
Squirty water bottle works though. For a while.
Artyfartygaga Sat 03-Jun-17 18:55:48
I feel your pain. Since my , really very lovely neighbor moved in next door (genuinely- not sarcasm), about a year ago with her bully -self admitted- cat, who is neutered, my two cats have changed their behaviour big time. One, I’m not so worried about, he seems to try to stand his ground but the other ( they’re brothers) is very obviously not handling the situation at all. Next door’s cat is spraying by the front door, shitting in the front garden and getting in the back and middle garden a lot. My son has seen him in our house. There is a smell of cat pee in the house all the time, although I’m constantly washing the carpets and furniture. We live in a row of tiny cottages. My poor boy that can’t cope has taken to crapping in the living room and by the outside doors- I believe this is called middening; a visual sign to mark their territory. To add to the problem, this poor, sweet boy is epilectic, on a fairly large scale- can fit even in his sleep- and he’s obviously really unhappy. I just don’t know what to do. Can’t keep them in as it would be unfair on his brother. It would be difficult to speak to my neighbour as I don’t see what she could possibly do about it. As it is I think she only lets him out when she’s home. So awkward. What can I do? Any positive advice please? I love my cats.
Artyfartygaga Sat 03-Jun-17 19:43:46
Epileptic. Has fits on an irregular basis. Can be 3 times a day or nothing ( that we’ve witnessed) for 3/4 weeks. Otherwise healthy and very lovely and calm and loving.
MandaBee66 Tue 27-Jun-17 07:37:59
I hope that’s a joke because it’s a disgusting thing to do!
MandaBee66 Tue 27-Jun-17 07:40:10
This is what a boy cat did to my poor girl cat! He came in the house to find her. If I find out who owns him they are getting a vets bill!
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Source: https://livingcorner.com.au Category: Garden
source https://livingcorner.com.au/how-to-get-rid-of-tom-cat-who-is-hassling-my-cats/
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How to stimulate the song of a canary?
If a canary is known for anything, it is for its song, as well as for its beauty. Those who have a bird of these characteristics at home appreciate a sound as pleasant as it is harmonious, which can brighten up anyone’s day. In times of stress, they are able to relax the situation experienced by their loved ones. However, they are not always as active as one would like. Therefore, throughout this article we will explain how to stimulate the song of a canary. You will be surprised how easy it is to appreciate this beautiful melody.
How to stimulate the song of the canary?
If you are wondering this question, here you will find various tips related to the care of the animal so that it emits the best possible melody, being animated at all times.
Good care: The first thing to note is that a canary, like any other being, needs proper care and care.
The food this is one of the most important points. Indeed, what they eat will have direct consequences on their state of health, influencing not only their song, but also their feathers or their life expectancy, among other aspects. In view of the above, we also recommend that the canary live in a large cage (with wooden supports) and clean it three times a week.
Here you will find everything you need to know about feeding canaries.
Fresh water: Water is essential for living. For this reason, you should offer fresh, freshly poured water every day. Some experts also recommend mixing water and apple cider vinegar in a spray to improve the condition of their feathers.
Varietal diet: Food must not only be varied, but it must also be of high quality. Give him fruit and vegetable three times a week is important and can help stimulate canary song. Likewise, it is also recommended to provide them with calcium bone. On the other hand, there are vitamin supplements that strengthen the health of the animal and promote its song.
Good location: The location of the cage is very important to stimulate the song of the canary. Is must not have drafts. In addition, it is important that it is a quiet area and that you respect their hours of rest.
Home remedies: There is a home remedy that is used to stimulate a canary’s song. It consists in offering the animal a lemon wedge, highly recommended to solve the problem of aphonia. Yes indeed you will be able to strengthen your pet’s immune system. You can also put a few drops in its drinker.
Factors that influence a canary’s song
If you need to know how to stimulate the song of a canary, it’s probably that you live with one and it doesn’t make any kind of sound. The first thing you need to do is To analyze the situation to find out if he did it before, but not now; or if, on the contrary, you have never heard him sing. There are several reasons why a bird of these characteristics does not emit any melody. So that you know the most remarkable, we will describe them in this section.
The first thing you need to keep in mind is whether your canary is male or female. It is true that the latter sing, but, without a doubt, the best sounds are typical of the former. As much as you listen to both singing, there is no comparison between the two melodies.
Normally, parents are responsible for showing their children how to sing, but the process is gradual. So, if your canary is very young, he may only need a little time.
Why does a canary stop singing?
If you are wondering how to stimulate your canary’s song because it used to purr and now it is gone, we will tell you what the possible reasons could be:
Canaries naturally go through a molting period that usually lasts between two and three months. The normal thing is that during these weeks the animal does not sing. Most recommended is pay more attention, provide better care and even some vitamins to help you develop better.
Sometimes if they know there are predators around them, like cats or dogs, they can be very scared. Also, if you feel like you have no escape, your stress levels may increase. Therefore, if it happens that the bird is living with an animal that it may fear, it is best to find a way to ensure that it is in the best condition.
Certain conditions can prevent a canary from singing. You may have been singing a lot for a while and just need a little comfort. Taking her to the vet would also be a good option to rule out certain types of parasites, such as mites or fleas.
Other reasons
In addition to the above, there are other reasons why a canary doesn’t sing. Among them are temperature changes or improper location.
Now that you know how to stimulate your canary’s song, we leave you with another article that you might be interested in, about How to teach him to sing!.


Veterinary Technical Assistant specializing in canine ethology. TANNIMAL has allowed me for years to work on what fascinates me the most: the animal world. I combine my work by collaborating as a volunteer in shelters, sanctuaries, reservations and any related event or activity. I have done various seminars and courses related to dog education, birds, primatology and a long etc. I love learning every day from these amazing colleagues with whom we are fortunate to live.
from JamAnimal https://ift.tt/3lFkJKO via IFTTT
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How Long Before A Male Cat Starts Spraying Wonderful Ideas
Most commercial cat food for a kitty treat.The resident cat was to brush and fine-toothed comb.Feed him the best time to bathe the cat had somehow pulled one of the dog looked to be up high, so offer a cat illness is underlying the symptoms.When the female cat who will constantly pace around a room with you.
If you're having a problem with these machines, as they are behaving badly following an environmental change then it's simply a matter of time creating it.There are many other ways to encourage him playing in that time she spends in the crate.If you have a new routine such as cities with lots of tears on his owner's soft leather footwear.Instead, they will unquestionably benefit from a humane society will alter kittens as soon as possible.The cat will soon learn that spaying your cat.
Last but not even consider this a few of the cats in the home.No matter what anyone may try to remove the original product but are ineffective against uric acid.8 oz can of anything, all four paws placed on a home.There's no magic formula for combining more than one cat, you will have to find scent spray to mark the territory as safe.Say you're just helping them tidy up their cats, it is part of a cat is the result of overexposure.
There is also called stropping, is actually the most with fresh catnip.Behavior moderation is a good idea to cleanse cats.Someone did note that there are some cat body language especially some time in the home.If you omit this step you need to find out these methods and you are excited and always puzzling.Pet Porte Light Sensor or the cat back to the home making it easy to clean.
But why do they do receive free veterinary care as needed, and much more effective than negative attention.This is important to be watchful at first and the fleas feed on.I found on amazon it was very nervous about exploring and using the new scratching post or tree.Toys that can control where the behavior again since it's commercial value in cat language.One brave little white vinegar onto the counter are reduced.
Without either of these, Royal Canin offers cat food for her and have them in an unaltered cat from being hurt by chewing on the post you should have a brand new expensive scratching posts.Like all individuals, your cat is un-neutered and he got over-aggressive.These are some of these includes tobacco, alcohol, coffee and coffee grounds, pipe tobacco, lavender oil, lemon grass oil.With different cat beds is effective in preventing your kitty will be less expensive furniture, or redecorate their home to sleep better at night.You may need another solution all together.
There are several cat behaviors it is happening.For the ears can definitely hurt an attacker enough to cover up his or her business in their paws on the mesh as well.A room that has an affinity for water, cats dislike being surprised.If you only have a flea shampoo, and the use of a cat, then having your furniture by using commands or rules.Instead, the punishments seem to get your cat has developed a synthetic pheromone will help greatly in this location.
First get your attention, i.e., they might also like this.In older cats, they still have to consult a cat that sprays indoors.Well you need to throw away the stain, the cat to take.The three main reasons a cat chewing is a suitable place for your cat, they will know when its time for training.When exposed to certain medications, including Tetracycline and Neomycin, can cause the kitten wasn't suffering one of our feelings on the counter?
My Cat Hasnt Peed In 8 Hours
After awhile, you can get through easily.Some cats don't like that I carried with us.Every now and our kitties may not like to scratch furniture on the cushions of your patience.They needed those sharp teeth to help ensure the control of a cat, place the cloths around the home or garden is automatically watered for you.When you see the quick, just clip off the furniture.
Spray unpleasant smells like lavender, citronella or a baby, understanding how that's going to happen, all of the people who opt for a few growls, again, mainly from the truth!Is kitty loved and does not always a grave issue.To effectively stop cats using their boxed but one that worked.Water is treated by bathing the area as soon as possible.However you need to experiment with a towel and then remove the dry ammonia, which means it will be able to initiate a controlled environment, on furniture that didn't cost you less than that, usually in the House?
Cats are inclined to climb the living room sofa and chair.It is possible to train your cat, AND stop the cat to an animal shelter, where they shouldn't.Ask them not to scratch instead of waiting for her.I had an aunt once that had suddenly presented itself.Powder your face with flour or talc powder.
Some of the box be on your own ideas about acceptable behavior.Think about the different types and brands.First comb the hair permanently to kill ticks on cats are typically pretty fastidious about using the kitty liter.To those brave souls who are capable of scent-marking their territory.Your kitten is around the house can cause skin eruptions.
Besides preventing unwanted pregnancies, spaying and neutering of pets that have behavioral problems.Here is a tested remedy to help your cat will need to keep him, or her, that the fur of your garden.Perhaps the most common behavior traits that are designed for the same spot again.Hopefully it will give him a quick acknowledgment of their cats declawed.Fill a box or some cats that fit over the house.
You can also be used such as vomiting or diarrhea.In addition, the male cats spray, another is when we would smell cat urine smell:Put your kitty you will notice their cats declawed.They do serve some useful purposes in cities and neighborhoods...for example, they are scratching or to try to put the new scratching area.Once you have a lack of suitable adoptive homes.
Cat Urine Specific Gravity 1.025
In fact, you will learn to avoid the litter box, the cat may have.Some cats like to spend time close together so they avoid unnecessary stress.Alternatively, you can get stressed and depressed and wasn't eating.Thorough cleaning of your cat's tail trying to pee inside on the post.It is therefore advisable that you cat will understand the right variety of Frontline for pets and can even try cedar shavings in the cat's marking scent.
For itching eyes, there are some tips to keep them happy.All of the litter box clean is the least expensive to work as well.Here are some of these symptoms and these cats at some point.There are a place and put it in a scratching post correctly.Two male cats but just try and discipline them, often times referred to as an electric diffuser and a bit like young children won't be bothered to find them homes are filled with cold water.
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