#Doctor For Thymoma
drsurenderdabas · 7 months
Who is the foremost expert and the best doctor for thymoma in Karnal?
Introducing: Dr. Surender Dabas: Pioneering Excellence in Thymoma Care in Karnal!
Welcome to the forefront of thymoma treatment where expertise meets compassion, and healing becomes an art. Dr. Surender Dabas stands as a beacon of hope in the realm of medical excellence, specializing in the comprehensive care of the best doctor for thymoma in Karnal. Renowned for his unwavering commitment to patient well-being and innovative approaches to treatment, Dr. Dabas is synonymous with top-tier healthcare in the region.
Why Choose Dr. Surender Dabas for Thymoma Care in Karnal?
Unmatched Expertise: Dr. Dabas brings years of experience and expertise in thymoma management, ensuring that patients receive the highest quality care.
Cutting-Edge Technology: Our state-of-the-art facilities are equipped with the latest advancements in medical technology, allowing for precise diagnostics and innovative treatment options.
Patient-Centric Approach: At the core of Dr. Dabas’ philosophy is a patient-centric approach, where individualized care plans are crafted to address the unique needs of each thymoma patient.
Compassionate Care: Beyond medical proficiency, Dr. Dabas and his team are dedicated to providing compassionate and empathetic care, fostering a supportive environment for patients and their families.
Holistic Wellness: Dr. Dabas believes in holistic wellness, addressing not only the physical aspects of thymoma but also focusing on the emotional and mental well-being of patients throughout their journey.
Frequently Asked Questions about Thymoma
Q1: What is thymoma, and why is specialized care important?
1: Thymoma is a rare tumor of the thymus gland. Specialized care is crucial as it requires an in-depth understanding of the disease’s nuances and tailored treatment plans for optimal outcomes.
Q2: How can I schedule an appointment with Dr. Surender Dabas?
2: Booking an appointment is easy! Simply contact our dedicated helpline or visit our website to schedule a consultation at your convenience.
Q3: What diagnostic services are offered for thymoma at Dr. Surender Dabas’ clinic?
3: Our clinic is equipped with advanced diagnostic tools, including imaging studies and biopsy services, to ensure accurate and timely diagnosis.
Q4: Are there support services for thymoma patients and their families?
4: Absolutely! Dr. Dabas understands the emotional impact of thymoma, and our clinic provides comprehensive support services to help patients and their families navigate the journey with strength and resilience.
Q5: Does Dr. Dabas offer second opinions for thymoma cases?
5: Yes, seeking a second opinion is encouraged. Dr. Dabas is committed to ensuring that patients receive the most accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment recommendations.
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ace-with--a-mace · 2 months
season 8 episode 18 of house md.
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housepilled · 7 months
i don't know if anyone has talked about this before but i've been thinking about the symbolism of cancer in connection to house and wilson and. i am going insane.
wilson has a stage II thymoma and he's given a 5 month sentence. from my (limited — i am not a doctor nor particularly good at science) research, this seems unrealistic; everything i've read about them says that thymomas are rare and slow growing. it seems incredibly unlikely that a stage II thymoma could only be treated by chemotherapy and would only give wilson 5 months to live. so why did the writers decide to do that? it's like the medical version of an anachronism — something (in the real definition of an anachronism, historically) inaccurate used to make a specific point. so what is the point?
well, thymomas are cancer of the thymus gland, which is right in front of and above the heart.
and then that got me thinking about house's (faked) cancer in season 3 (e15 half wit). he pretends to have brain cancer.
so their cancers are literally in the heart and head.
david shore i am in your walls
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requiderium · 3 months
Thinking about how in s1 ep5 Wilson invites House over for Christmas/Hannukah dinner. House, of course, declines, and Wilson suggests that maybe he'll just spend the evening with House at his apartment. House asks about Wilson's wife and if she'll be okay with this, and Wilson says "she's married to a doctor, she's used to being alone."
(House s8 spoilers under the cut)
Wilson, does, in fact, have dinner with him, chinese takeout, which seems to be the usual with House.
S8 ep22. Wilson's thymoma is giving him, roughly, five months to live. The episode aired in May, so I am also assuming it is May in-universe as well. Five months from May is October.
House and Wilson didn't get to share Christmas together one last time. No fireplace, no takeout, no familiar apartment. Maybe Wilson managed seven months, got to the end of December, but those chances are slimmer.
House has to spend his Christmas alone, that's if he didn't off himself after Wilson died. Sitting on a couch in a cheap motel that smells of cigarette smoke, whatever channel that's playing on the small TV is but a buzzing in House's mind, not keeping him from thinking, as he had originally intended for it.
House is wearing Wilson's McGill sweatshirt. The letters are worn off. The sleeves have holes in them. House's leg hurts more than it ever has. Whiskey does nothing to lessen the pain. He's out of Vicodin. He has nothing left.
He's felt pain before, but nothing compares to this. He's felt rejection, especially Wilson's rejection so so many times, but death must be the ultimate rejection, even though it was really no one's fault. If House believed in God, or a god, he could blame it on them, an otherworldly omnipotent being who makes the world spin on its axis, makes the roofs of churches fall on faithful Christians - but he doesn't, and so there is no one to blame.
Two things made Gregory House who he was. Solving puzzles (while saving people in the process), and loving Wilson. He's dead to the world, he's no one. He can never go back into medicine. Wilson was his only reason to live, and they won't meet again in the afterlife.
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vigilante-3073 · 7 months
James Wilson x Female Reader
Summary: Wilson gets diagnosed with cancer and decides to administer his own treatment. House and Doctor Y/N L/N assist him and have a discussion about the future.
TW: ANGST, pre-established relationship, cancer, treatments, pain medications, mentions of grief and death.
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James Wilson had cancer.
A Stage 2 Thymoma that had started invading the surrounding tissue.
Wilson knew that his chances of survival with conventional treatment were slim to none. He managed to stockpile supplies in order to administer his own treatment.
L/N thought he was crazy, but promised to be there for him in whatever decision he made.
Wilson convinced House to assist him, knowing that the side effects alone would make L/N want to discontinue the intense treatment he had decided on.
Wilson needed someone who was going to stick to the plan, even if he thought it was an idiotic one.
They started his treatment in the living room of House's apartment. House was able to utilize his stash of morphine and vicodin to lessen the pain, but the side effects were still atrocious.
L/N was kneeling on the floor beside Wilson, dabbing the sweat from his forehead with a cool cloth. He mumbled incoherently, his cold hand wrapping loosely around her wrist. She lowered her hand, sending him a reassuring smile as he stared up at her with tired eyes. His skin had lost all color, dark bags forming underneath his eyes as his entire body shivered.
"I'm sorry," He mumbled, she shook her head, "You don't have anything to be sorry for," She assured, brushing his hair away from his sweaty forehead.
His fingers tightened around her wrist minutely, "You don't have to stay," Wilson said softly, "I would understand if you wanted to go," He continued.
"I'm not going anywhere. I love you and I'm not letting you go through this without me being right here to hold your hand," She said.
"I'm tired," Wilson stated, grip loosening as his fingers slid down the soft skin of her forearm.
"I know... Why don't you try and get some sleep? The infusion still has a while to go," L/N said, palm resting against the skin of his chest. His hoodie was saturated with sweat despite the chills that rattled his bones every few seconds.
He shook his head, "I wanna look at you," Wilson said, eyes flickering over her face.
She smiled slightly, "I'll still be here when you wake up, I'm not going anywhere," She assured.
He inhaled, breath stuttering in his chest before he began to cough and gasp. L/N reached over and turned on the oxygen, bringing the mask to his face as he wheezed.
"You're okay, deep breaths," She instructed softly, holding the mask in place for him. Wilson rested his hand over her's, muscles trembling with the effort before letting his arm fall aside limply again. He blinked up at her, taking deep breaths before he allowed his eyes to flutter shut as his exhaustion took over.
"I'll be right back, okay?" She said, he nodded without opening his eyes. L/N lifted the band of the oxygen mask over his head to keep it in place before standing up.
House watched her walk into the kitchen, he knew that seeing Wilson like this couldn't be easy for her. A selfish part of House wanted to tell her to leave, he could handle Wilson on his own without crumbling under the pressure like she inevitably would. But House knew that L/N loved Wilson and she would be beside him no matter how things ended.
House grabbed his cane and stood up, making his way into the kitchen. L/N stood in the farthest corner of the room with her hand over her mouth and her other arm wrapped around herself as she sobbed quietly.
L/N quickly wiped her tears away when she noticed him, taking a shaky breath as she attempted to calm herself down.
"I'm sorry, I didn't want him to see," She said softly, breaths stuttering in her chest as more tears rolled down her cheeks.
House walked over, hesitating for a moment before pulling her into his arms. He could feel her body trembling before she let out a quiet sob, pressing herself against his chest. She wrapped her arms around him as she broke down in his embrace. He could feel her tears soaking into his shirt, allowing her to release her pent up emotions.
She had put on a brave face for Wilson, focusing all her attention on him throughout this process. L/N had attended every appointment and been in the room for every scan since his diagnosis. Then she stood by her husband even in the face of his god-awful plan to give himself treatment.
This treatment regimen was not recommended and there was definitely a reason for it.
L/N pulled away, leaning back against the counter as she wiped the tears from her cheeks with a shaky breath.
"I'm sorry for crying on you," She said softly.
"Don't apologize," House replied.
They stood in silence for a moment, listening to the soft hiss of the oxygen in the adjacent room.
"I-I don't know how to do this," L/N admitted quietly, twisting her wedding band around her finger, "I know that you're probably the worst person to ask, but you won't sugarcoat it... How am I supposed to let him go if this doesn't work?" She asked, voice shaking as she tried to keep from falling apart again. More tears rolled down her cheeks as she looked up at him, waiting for a reply.
House let out a breath, "You don't," He stated.
L/N nodded, wiping the tears from her cheeks before more quickly fell to replace them. House looked down at the floor between them, tapping his cane against the wood.
"You love him... You're going to keep loving him even after he's gone," House stated, grip tightening on his cane.
"You either feel everything or absolutely nothing when you first get the news. Then you go numb or you shatter under the weight of your loss. You'll see him everywhere and miss him every second of every day. It could take a year or more for you to get through that initial wave of grief... Some people never get through it," He continued, eyes briefly meeting with her's.
"Then maybe you'll miss having someone around, the silence will feel like it's suffocating. You'll go out on a date, but realize how different they are and you'll miss him."
He glanced into the living room to where Wilson was laying on the couch before his eyes returned to the floor, "You'll grieve again. You'll feel like nothing will ever be right without him. Every day will feel like a battle until one day you can think about him without crying. You'll pack his things away, pretend that life didn't stop when he died. Then you'll see something that makes you think of him, smell his cologne on someone or hear a stupid joke that will throw you right back into that grief," He stated.
He looked up at her, finding her staring up at him with tear-filled eyes, "The pain never stops, you just learn to live with it," House said.
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captainsolocide · 2 years
lost psych episode where they find the dead bodies of two middle aged men in some random ass motel, no easily discernible cause of death for either of them they're just laying there on the bed together. only one of them has any kind of ID and it's from fucking new jersey??? so with that and the rest of their room plus some statements from the motel workers shawn can only tell two things 1) these guys were definitely in a romantic relationship with each other and 2) they were some kind of road trip. neither of these things are helpful right now and nobody really suspects foul play but shawn has a weird feeling so they go to woody and he gives them some more info. they both have the same cause of death, morphine overdose, and the guy with the ID was actually suffering from late stage thymoma and was quite literally days away from dying of that, so he was most likely euthanized, but the other guy is weird. cause he wasn't suffering from any immediately life threatening diseases or anything. well, his liver had definitely taken a severe beating during his life, some form of addiction, and there was a significant amount of muscle removed from his leg at some point which would have made walking incredibly painful, but nothing immediate. so shawn goes back to them being a couple so like okay maybe the no-ID guy euthanized his partner and then killed himself? but that's so dramatic, nobody really thinks that kind of stuff happens in real life, and there's still something bothering shawn about this but they let it go. and then shawn remembers like five months ago hearing about this crazy doctor who had gone to jail for driving a car through his boss' house, was released for some reason, and then destroyed the plumbing in the hospital he worked at so he was going to go back to jail, but then died in a fire of some abandoned building. and when shawn looks up that story it's the dude without an ID which means this crazy ass man faked his death only to kill himself and his partner five months later — oh wait he would've gone to jail he wouldn't be with his partner when he died that's why he faked his death he wanted to be with his partner — so he makes some calls to the hospital this guy worked at and sure enough the administrator there tells him in an incredibly annoyed voice that yes James Wilson used to work here before he got cancer and his "best friend" died in a fire, yes he left town pretty much immediately after his "best friend's" funeral oh he's not actually dead? that is incredibly shocking thank you. shawn can't believe this guy is so calm about this because what the fuck. what the fuck was wrong with these two old men why did they decided to kill themselves here?? and the administrator is just like "well Santa Barbara is the murder capital of the US. they probably thought it'd be funny." and hangs up. credits roll.
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like-sands-of-time · 2 years
The more research I do into Wilson's cancer (stage II thymoma) the more confused I am
According to the national cancer institute the treatment for stages 1 and 2 are surgery .. then maybe radiation therapy after depending on the situation.
According to cancernet the 5 year survival rate when the cancer is located only in the thymus is 93%. If it's spread to surrounding tissue and organ the survival rate is still 79%. And if it's found only after spreading to distant parts of the body the survival rate is still 40%, on average much higher than say lung cancer that's still localized (which is 56%) while lung cancer that's spread to other organs has a 5 year rate of only 5(five!) %. (This is from the American lung association)
I just find it frustrating that of all the cancers they picked, they picked one that ... Won't kill him? At stage 2? And he didn't need to do chemotherapy he needed to just have surgery???
What's even more interesting is I was looking into this cancer trying to find a way to make it believable .. give them the benefit of the doubt. And I found a disorder called Cowden Syndrome which is very rare and causes the patient to have an increased risk of both benign and cancerous tumors in their life.
While the most common tumors are in the skin, mouth, and gastrointestinal tract, the patient has an increased risk for cancerous tumors in the thyroid, colorectum, breast, etc.
Now these growths would be noticed on any number of scans so I can only assume a whole body scan was the only way they got a diagnosis of such a rare (indeed very rare cancer for Wilson. A statistic I read on cancer net said that for every 1 million people in the US only 1.5 people will be diagnosed with this disease. Naturally the complete picture can never be known but that's an insanely specific cancer for Wilson to get !)
Anyway the only way I can justify him having such a small and specific cancer is to have him highly susceptible to tumors and therefore one grew there. By that logic maybe he got another one elsewhere and that was the real reason he was dying.
Not a doctor so if anythings inaccurate I apologize but I just spent a lot of time reading differential diagnoses for both thymomas and Cowden Syndrome and can honestly say as far as rare interesting disorders go, that would have been my choice. Fits very well with House's zebras not horses mentality that the cancer doctor would get a disorder specifically generating tumors throughout his whole life and maybe one just went somewhere deadly.
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sabyasachibal · 1 year
Thoracic surgeon in india
A thoracic surgeon is a specialized medical doctor who focuses on surgical procedures involving the chest, specifically the organs within the thoracic cavity. The thoracic cavity houses vital organs such as the heart, lungs, esophagus, and major blood vessels.
Thoracic surgeons are trained to diagnose and treat various conditions affecting these organs through surgical interventions. They may perform both open surgeries, which involve making large incisions, and minimally invasive procedures, such as thoracoscopy or video-assisted thoracic surgery (VATS), which use smaller incisions and specialized instruments.
Common procedures performed by thoracic surgeons include:
Lung Resection: This involves the removal of part or all of a diseased lung, typically to treat lung cancer or severe lung infections.
Lobectomy: This is the removal of one of the lobes of the lung, usually performed to treat lung cancer.
Pneumonectomy: This procedure involves the complete removal of a lung, usually due to extensive lung cancer or severe lung diseases.
Thymectomy: Thymectomy is the surgical removal of the thymus gland, often performed to treat thymomas (tumors of the thymus).
Esophagectomy: This procedure involves removing a portion of the esophagus, usually to treat esophageal cancer or other conditions affecting the esophagus.
Mediastinal Tumor Resection: Thoracic surgeons may remove tumors or masses located in the mediastinum, the space between the lungs.
Tracheal Surgery: Thoracic surgeons may perform procedures to repair or reconstruct the trachea (windpipe) for conditions such as tracheal stenosis or tracheal tumors.
Lung Transplantation: Thoracic surgeons may be involved in the transplantation of lungs for patients with end-stage lung diseases.
These are just a few examples of the procedures performed by thoracic surgeons. They work closely with other healthcare professionals, such as pulmonologists, oncologists, anesthesiologists, and radiologists, to provide comprehensive care for patients with thoracic conditions.
A thoracic surgeon is a specialized medical doctor who focuses on surgical procedures involving the chest, specifically the organs within the thoracic cavity. The thoracic cavity houses vital organs such as the heart, lungs, esophagus, and major blood vessels.
Thoracic surgeons are trained to diagnose and treat various conditions affecting these organs through surgical interventions. They may perform both open surgeries, which involve making large incisions, and minimally invasive procedures, such as thoracoscopy or video-assisted thoracic surgery (VATS), which use smaller incisions and specialized instruments.
Common procedures performed by thoracic surgeons include:
Lung Resection: This involves the removal of part or all of a diseased lung, typically to treat lung cancer or severe lung infections.
Lobectomy: This is the removal of one of the lobes of the lung, usually performed to treat lung cancer.
Pneumonectomy: This procedure involves the complete removal of a lung, usually due to extensive lung cancer or severe lung diseases.
Thymectomy: Thymectomy is the surgical removal of the thymus gland, often performed to treat thymomas (tumors of the thymus).
Esophagectomy: This procedure involves removing a portion of the esophagus, usually to treat esophageal cancer or other conditions affecting the esophagus.
Mediastinal Tumor Resection: Thoracic surgeons may remove tumors or masses located in the mediastinum, the space between the lungs.
Tracheal Surgery: Thoracic surgeons may perform procedures to repair or reconstruct the trachea (windpipe) for conditions such as tracheal stenosis or tracheal tumors.
Lung Transplantation: Thoracic surgeons may be involved in the transplantation of lungs for patients with end-stage lung diseases.
These are just a few examples of the procedures performed by thoracic surgeons. They work closely with other healthcare professionals, such as pulmonologists, oncologists, anesthesiologists, and radiologists, to provide comprehensive care for patients with thoracic conditions. https://www.chestsurgerydelhi.com/ https://goo.gl/maps/fiEGCg342mox7BB48
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lungcanceronline · 1 year
Robotic Thymoma Surgery, UniportalThoracoscopic, and Best Lung Cancer Treatment Hospitals in Delhi
Thymoma is a rare type of tumor that develops in the thymus gland, which is located behind the breastbone. If you have been diagnosed with thymoma, it is important to seek medical attention from a specialist who can provide the best treatment options for you.
In recent years, robotic thymoma surgery and uniportalthoracoscopic surgery have become popular treatment options for thymoma. Delhi, being a hub of medical excellence, that provide world-class treatment for thymoma and other lung-related diseases.
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Max Super Speciality Hospital, Saket: Max Super Speciality Hospital in Saket is one of the best hospitals for lung cancer treatment in Delhi. The hospital has a team of highly experienced and skilled doctors who specialize in thoracic oncology, thoracic surgery, and pulmonology. They use the latest technology and equipment to provide the best treatment options to their patients. They also have expertise in robotic thymoma surgery and uniportalthoracoscopic surgery.
Robotic Thymoma surgery in Delhi has a team of highly skilled and experienced doctors who specialize in thoracic surgery and pulmonology. They use advanced technology and techniques to provide the best treatment options to their patients. They also have expertise in robotic thymoma surgery and uniportalthoracoscopic surgery.
Uniportalthoracoscopic in Delhi has a team of experienced doctors who specialize in thoracic surgery, pulmonology, and critical care medicine. They use the latest technology and equipment to provide the best treatment options to their patients. They also have expertise in robotic thymoma surgery and uniportalthoracoscopic surgery.
The Best Lung Cancer Treatment Hospitals in Delhi provide world-class treatment options and have a team of highly experienced doctors who specialize in the latest techniques and procedures, including robotic thymoma surgery and uniportalthoracoscopic surgery.
In conclusion, if you have been diagnosed with thymoma or any other lung-related disease, it is important to seek medical attention from a specialist who can provide the best treatment options for you. With the expertise of these hospitals in robotic thymoma surgery, uniportalthoracoscopic surgery, and other advanced techniques, you can rest assured that you are in good hands.
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drbilal123 · 1 year
Lung Cancer Treatment Cost in Gurgaon
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Dr. Belal Bin Asaf is a Thoracic (Chest) Surgeon who specializes in the treatment of surgical diseases of the chest involving the lungs, mediastinum, Trachea (Windpipe), esophagus (food pipe), and diaphragm. He is recognized nationwide as an expert and a leader in the field of minimally invasive thoracic surgery like Video-assisted Surgery (VATS / Key-Hole surgery) and robotic thoracic surgery. He specializes in and has a particular interest in minimally invasive surgery (VATS) for lung cancer and is one of the most experienced surgeons in the country for performing robotic thymectomy for both myasthenia gravis and thymoma. He is also amongst the very few surgeons in the country who perform surgery for Mesothelioma. He is frequently invited and has delivered dozens of lectures at various national and international conferences on VATS and Robotic Thoracic Surgery. https://www.medanta.org/doctors/dr-belal-bin-asaf https://goo.gl/maps/8WGd1Y8K5NELSbGJA
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drsurenderdabas · 7 months
Who is the best doctor for thymoma in Karnal, ensuring the best care and expertise?
Welcome to the forefront of excellence in medical care, where healing meets expertise — introducing Dr. Surender Dabas, your trusted partner in thymoma treatment. As a beacon of medical proficiency, Dr. Dabas stands out as the best doctor for thymoma in Karnal, embodying a commitment to compassionate care, cutting-edge treatments, and a patient-centric approach.
Why choose Dr. Surender for best doctor for thymoma in Karnal?
Dr. Surender Dabas, a distinguished medical professional specializing in thymoma, brings forth a wealth of experience and a sterling reputation for delivering unparalleled healthcare. Renowned for his unwavering dedication to patient well-being, Dr. Dabas employs the latest advancements in medical science to provide personalized and effective treatments.
Under Dr. Dabas’s expert guidance, patients can expect a holistic and comprehensive approach to thymoma treatment, ensuring not only recovery but an enhanced quality of life. His clinic in Karnal is equipped with state-of-the-art facilities, creating an environment that fosters healing and reassurance.
Frequently Asked Questions for best doctor for thymoma in Karnal
Q1: Why choose Dr. Surender Dabas for thymoma treatment in Karnal?
Dr. Surender Dabas is widely recognized as the best doctor for thymoma in Karnal, combining extensive experience with a compassionate approach. His commitment to personalized care and utilization of cutting-edge treatments makes him a trusted choice for patients seeking excellence in thymoma treatment.
Q2: What sets Dr. Dabas apart from other thymoma specialists?
Dr. Dabas stands out for his holistic approach, addressing not only the medical aspects of thymoma but also focusing on the overall well-being of the patient. His commitment to staying abreast of the latest advancements ensures that patients receive the most innovative and effective treatments available.
Q3: What services does Dr. Dabas provide for thymoma patients?
Dr. Surender Dabas offers a comprehensive range of services, including accurate diagnosis, personalized treatment plans, and ongoing support. From surgical interventions to advanced therapies, his clinic provides a one-stop solution for individuals seeking the best care for thymoma in Karnal.
Q4: How can I schedule an appointment with Dr. Surender Dabas?
Booking an appointment with Dr. Dabas is convenient and straightforward. You can contact his clinic directly through the provided contact details or visit our website to schedule an appointment online. Our team is dedicated to ensuring prompt and efficient service for all patients.
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drbelalbinasaf0 · 3 years
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Main Specialty: Thoracic Surgery Other Interests & Specialties: Thoracic surgery, general cardiac/thoracic surgery, adult general thoracic surgery, minimally invasive thoracic surgery, pediatric thoracic surgery, mesothelioma, thymus cancer, lung metastasis, photochemotherapy, esophageal cancer, lobectomy and small cell lung cancer. Best Lung Cancer Doctor in Delhi, Best Lung Cancer Specialists in Delhi
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dorkylittleweirdo · 3 years
literally never thought i’d ever see the day where one of my hyperfixations came in handy but here we fucking are oh my go d
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drbelalbinasaf25 · 3 years
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Empyema is a collection of pus in the cavity between the lung and the membrane that surrounds it (pleural space). It is caused by an infection that spreads from the lung and leads to an accumulation of pus in the pleural space. This infected fluid can build up which puts pressure on the lungs causing it to collapse leading to symptoms of shortness of breath and pain. The commonest cause of empyema in our country is Tuberculosis. | Empyema Treatment in Delhi
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pankajdrb · 4 years
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Thymoma and thymic carcinomas are a kind of malignancy that influences the thymus, an organ situated in the middle of the breastbone and the heart. Thymus is an organ that capacities to develop the T-cells which are the troopers of the insusceptible framework and are vital to the body's capacity to adjust to and fend off new diseases from different microbes like microorganisms, infections and parasites. Thymoma Treatment in Delhi | Best Thymoma Treatment in Delhi | Dr. Belal Bin Asaf
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drbelalbinasaf-063 · 3 years
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Thymoma is a potentially malignant tumour of the thymus gland in which the cells bear resemblance to the original thymic cells. These grow slowly and rarely spread beyond the thymus gland. These tumours are further subdivided based on their cell characteristic ( which is known after biopsy or pathological examination of the removed tumour). Thymoma Treatment in Delhi, Best Thymoma Treatment in Delhi
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