#Do Julia and marina have a ship name?
nosidekickspod · 9 months
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im-subtextsexual · 4 months
I’m glad so many people picked up on the vibes between Eloise and Cressida. Not a ship I ever considered before, but the tension was palpable. I’ve been a Queer Eloise truther since reading the books. Her portrayal on the show only made it more obvious in my mind. I didn’t think the writers would ever go there, but the set up is just so explicit, now I’m not sure. I don’t think they’d actually make Eloise / Cressida canon, but I do think they’re testing the waters for wlw Eloise. And it makes perfect sense. 
First off, the character is queer (I’ll hold off from labeling her a lesbian outright, because there’s definitely room for other identities like bi, demi, ace…. etc.) Even in the books. I legitimately think Julia Quinn accidentally wrote a sapphic character and then didn’t know what to do with her. So what we got is “To Sir Phillip, With Love”, widely considered to be one of the worst in the series. Believe me, if there’s any story that could stand to deviate from the books, it’s this one. And the story could so easily be adapted to a wlw romance, it would be a wasted opportunity not to do it. Like… the story would be better if they tweaked it to fit a queer canon. AND it could be done in a historically accurate way to shut up the naysayers that “a lesbian storyline wouldn’t fit in this universe.” How? Allow me to explain.
In the book, Eloise strikes up a correspondence with Sir Phillip Crane. Yes, THAT Phillip, the one currently married to Marina from season 1&2. Marina kills herself because she can’t stand to be married to Phillip and deal with their children in the wake of her lover / his brother’s death. His initial interest in Eloise is to find a mother for his children. She is intrigued by his intelligence and decides she doesn't want to be alone, but isn’t necessarily eager to marry or have a family. Due to romance novel shenanigans, she runs away to Phillip's house and is forced to marry him. Even as they grow to kind of love each other, it's far from some grand romance. It’s the very definition of “settling”. The most interesting part is the narrative structure of their story being told through letters in the beginning. We could keep all that, but make it gay. 
Eloise meets some dapper gentlemen new to the marriage mart. We’ll call him Emmett. Very little is known about Emmett and his family as they keep largely to themselves at their estate in the countryside. The only thing that’s widely known is the family suffered a tragic accident where the man of the house and his oldest daughter died, leaving his son (the other twin) to take on the responsibility of rank and title very early. Emmet is making a rare appearance in London to find a wife (there are rumors of stipulations in his inheritance requiring a match). ALL the debutantes are fawning over him because he’s mysterious and extraordinarily good-looking. One might even say “pretty”… To everyone’s great surprise the season’s most eligible bachelor takes a special interest in Eloise after overhearing her talking about her disdain for the social convention of marriage, and how she would only consider it if it were an in-name-only, marriage of convenience. Emmett strikes up a conversation with Eloise and she is taken by his humor, wit and shockingly deep empathy for the limitations society puts on women. They continue to gravitate to each other through the first few events of the season, but Emmett has to return home suddenly because of a family emergency. Eloise is shocked to find herself disappointed, but they promise to write. Cue the correspondence romance.
Eloise grows more and more smitten with Emmett every letter she receives, but still has the same reservations about marriage especially when she thinks of the intimacy a relationship like that would require. When Emmett hints that he may want more than friendship, Eloise's feelings get the better of her and she goes to visit Emmett unannounced. He is shocked to see her, but let's her stay and she gets to know his mother and two younger sisters. The Bridgertons go looking for Eloise, worried something has happened to her. When she is found to have been staying for days in an unwed man's home without a chaperone, the potential scandal causes Anthony to force Eloise and Emmett to marry. Surprisingly, Emmett actually agrees so Eloise does too (all of this is essentially what happens in the book).
Eloise confesses to Emmett that she's nervous/resistant to physical intimacy, but he assures her they never have to be together that way. In fact, he would prefer the marriage of convenience they always talked about. Eloise is relieved until their kiss at the wedding sparks an attraction she wasn't expecting. They spend the first month or so of their marriage sleeping in separate rooms, enjoying each other's company, and letting the tension build. One night, Eloise's control and curiosity finally snaps and she goes to Emmett's room to initiate a physical relationship. She catches Emmett off guard in his sleeping clothes which makes it VERY clear... Emmett is a woman (cliffhanger of episode 4, and where we deviate from book canon to make it queer).
After the initial shock, Eloise allows her new "husband" to explain. Emmett is really Emma, the daughter believed to have died in a carriage accident with her father so many years ago. It was her twin brother that actually died, but since there were no other male heirs, Emma's family fortune would have gone to a distant uncle who is cruel and abusive. To save them of that fate, Emma's mother conspired with the local coroner to make it look like Emma was the one who died, so "Emmett" could inherit everything. Emma has been living as Emmett ever since, successfully keeping up the deception by keeping a low profile in society. The only reason Emma came to London that year is because her uncle died, and a cousin had come around asking questions hoping to inherit. She thought getting married would help secure her identity as Emmett and the cousin would back off. At first Eloise is outraged. She feels betrayed by Emma's duplicity, and is terrified if any of this ever got out everyone they know would be ruined forever. She agrees to keep the secret to save her family's reputation, but shuns Emma. Eventually, Emma (already aware that she's in love with Eloise) attempts to make amends and Eloise is charmed enough that she relaxes back into the relationship they had before the Big Reveal. The only problem is the attraction is still there, even more so now that Eloise knows the truth. Things come to a head, and they go at it Bridgerton style.
Emma and Eloise live happily in a true marriage for a bit until Cressida and Penelope come for a visit. They both find out about Emma, but are sworn to secrecy. Pen easily swears her loyalty (having already suspected Eloise), but Cressida is sickened. In a rage, she threatens to out them all, and storms back to London. Eloise follows her and begs Cressida to keep the secret, and tries to explain why the "wrong" feelings she has for Emma are very right for her. To Eloise's surprise, Cressida isn't upset about what she's doing with Emma, but who she's doing it with. She didn't know what they're doing was an option; that she was an option. Cressida confesses that if she'd known a life with Eloise was a choice she could make, it's the life she would have chosen. Eloise lets Cressida down easy by explaining they didn't have that choice. Everyone in the ton knows who they are. The only reason her relationship with Emma works is because of the ruse that allows Emma to be Emmett. Cressida takes this in stride, and vows to keep the secret, but her mother overhears and causes the biggest scandal London Society has ever seen.
The Bridgertons and a few friends (like Lady Danbury) are as understanding as possible, but the rest of the ton is rabid. Things escalate to the point where Emma and Eloise have to appear before the Queen. Emma pleads her case about pretending to save her family, and insists that Eloise didn't know until well after they were married so she's innocent. Eloise can't help herself and gets on her soapbox about the way society limits women, and that the Queen should understand their plight. Shockingly, she does. She annuls their "marriage" (because they didn't consummate anything... RIGHT?!) but she agrees to let Emma control her family's estate until one of her sisters produces a male heir. After that, she and Eloise will receive a pension from the Crown so they can live independently (the real Queen Charlotte actually did this for suspected historical sapphic couple The Ladies of Llangollen). Since Emma and Eloise would never be able to find husbands now, they decide that they'll just be two spinsters growing old together in their house in the countryside. You know... just two gal pals. No one believes that shit, but they rarely interact with the ton, so they're largely left alone to live as they please.
Happy ending, close to canon, historically accurate, and super gay. It's not that hard. You're welcome.
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mermaidsirennikita · 4 years
Hello, I hope I'm not bothering you, but do you have any good "enemies to lovers" recs, may they be books or movies?
I neeeever am bothered by people asking for recommendations.  Those are my favorite asks because I am nothing if not in love with my own opinions, lol
Obviously, The Viscount Who Loved Me by Julia Quinn, the best Bridgerton book, because I’ve been blogging about it lol.  If you haven’t read it, it’s basically “rake tries to seduce the beauty of the ton, beauty’s older sister cockblocks him, he realizes that He Is Into It” 
The Hating Game by Sally Thorne is a classic.  Very light and fluffy contemporary, two people who’ve always hated each other begin competing for the same job and fall in love.
Kate Quinn’s Mistress of Rome series is a saga and the initial big ship of the first book (which you do have to read lol) is not enemies to lovers.  However, the NEXT ship which dominates the last two books of the series (which is four books long, and tbh... I recommend the second book but it’s a prequel and can be skipped technically) is SOOOOOOO GOOD.  It’s really “childhood friends to young lovers to SEVERE ENEMIES still secretly in love” and it’s literally epic lol.  Essentially, the series is set in Ancient Rome and Sabina (very bitchy Roman noblewoman) and Vix (child of a former gladiator, soldier) are friends who I think lose their virginities to each other?  And are in love as kids.  But then she fucks him over and marries the emperor.  Who he actually begins to loyally serve!  But he haaaates Sabina because she.... constantly backstabs him lol.  But he also looooves Sabina and gets off on everything she does.  And she wants him so badly.  And it is delicious.  And I live for it.
Both of the Evie Dunmore books I’ve read, Bringing Down the Duke and especially A Rogue of One’s Own are very enemies to lovers.  In Bringing Down the Duke it’s a bluestocking versus a duke who for political reasons is her enemy.  In A Rogue of One’s Own it’s another bluestocking versus a rake who has known her basically all their lives.  They have to begin working together and fall in looove.
Sarah MacLean LIVES for this trope lol.  Her first true enemies to lovers was Twelve Scandals to Start to Win An Earl’s Heart, in which the heroine is a scandalous young woman and the hero is a duke determined to avoid scandal--and he rebuffed her before the book began, so they hate each other.  But he also has a massive boner around her, of course. 
My favorite MacLean book, A Rogue By Another Name is another “childhood friends turn enemies to lovers”.  The leads, Penelope and Bourne (last name lol) were best friends as kid and he basically fell off after life set in.  Her family now has hold of his ancestral lands, and Bourne essentially blackmails Penelope into marrying him so that he can get those lands, after which she DESPISES him even though they had..... extremely great sex lol.  It’s SUPER GOOD, and it involves borderline voyeurism, which is great.
Then No Good Duke Goes Unpunished is very enemies to lovers.  The heroine was set to become the hero’s stepmother--then he woke up covered in blood with her missing. He then finds out, after years of being despised by society as a presumed murderer, that she is very much alive with a fake identity lol.  It’s WILD.
The Rogue Not Taken is an enemies to lovers roadtrip romance.  The heroine thinks the hero is a horrid rake who purposefully ruins marriages.  He thinks she’s a stuck up brat.  They end up journeying together and he eats her out in a moving carriage.
Theeen there’s Daring and the Duke.  The hero literally thought the heroine was dead (MacLean loves this) and is OBSESSED with her, but she hates him because the man who raised them both basically pitted them against each other after their days of being childhood sweethearts.  It’s very dark and delicious, and there are blow jobs!  Blow jobs don’t happen enough in romances, especially historical romances.  More BJs!  They are fun!
If you’re interested in a dark and BONKERS romance, Desperate Measures by Katee Robert is a retelling of Disney’s Aladdin about a modern Jafar and Jasmine getting together after he takes over her father’s criminal empire.  It’s definitely extremely explicit and a bit fucked up.  The book comes with content warnings; the first sex scene is dubcon.  (Like you’re reading from her perspective and she WANTS IT but she says no.)
Beach Read by Emily Henry is a cute contemporary in which the hero is a literary author and the heroine is a romance novelist.  They find themselves in neighboring beach houses and basically challenge each other to write in the other person’s genre.  Very light enemies to lovers.
A Heart of Blood and Ashes is a fantasy romance by Milla Vane!  Essentially, the hero’s parents were killed by the heroine’s father and he’s out to kill her father and overtake his throne.  Luckily, she’s on board.  But he needs to marry her in order to accomplish his goals.  They do not trust each other whatsoever and torment one another a lot.  For context, within the first fifty pages she gives him a handjob while her hand is covered in her own brother’s blood (and yes, he did kill her brother).  It’s great.
The Worst Best Man is about a wedding planner who suddenly finds herself needing to work with her ex-fiance’s brother... who she holds responsible for her fiance leaving her at the altar.  Very fun and sexy contemporary.
The entire Four Horsemen series by Laura Thalassa.  In each book, the heroine falls in love with a literal embodiment of one of the four horsemen of the apocalypse, who is here to bring the end of the world.  VERY heavy enemies to lovers.  Kinda dark at times?  Kinda fucked up at times?  I love it a lot?  It begins with Pestilence; War and Famine have already been released, but Death has not.
From Lukov with Love by Marina Zapata.  It’s a figure skating romance; a down on her luck skater pairs up with a male skater who is extremely successful, and who she’s known for years and hated.  Verrrrry slow burn, but fun.
The Proposal, of course, starring Sandra Bullock and Ryan Reynolds.  You’ve probably seen this, but the setup is that she’s his evil boss, he’s her assistant, and she’s about to lose her visa so she bribes him into marrying her so that she can get citizenship.  But ruh-roh, they have to go to Alaska for his family reunion and he’s also got a great body and is like, an Alaskan Rockefeller?  
Obviously, Clueless which is enemies to lovers by way of former stepsiblings, and also by way of the only valid retelling of Emma.  Emma itself is not enemies to lovers, really, but Clueless amps that aspect up a bit.
If you want a super tragic version, warning lol--House of Flying Daggers.  It’s a wuxia movie, so melodramatic to the max.  She’s a blind daughter of the leader of a vigilante group, he’s a soldier who’s gone undercover to follow her to their stronghold.  Many reveals and one of my favorite dramatic love stories ensues.
Princess Diaries 2, duh.  Baby Chris Pine?  Anne Hathaway?  PLEASE BITCH.
365 DNI.  If you haven’t watched yet, watch it and thank me later.  The greatest cinematic contribution of the last decade.
Down with Love.  It’s a delightful take on like, 50s/60s sex comedies in which the heroine writes a book that convinces women to ignore love and men, which makes the hero look bad and makes it difficult for him to get laid.  So he sets out to basically.....  wear a different persona?  And seduce her?  It is one of the funniest movies I’ve ever seen, and I adore it.  Renee Zellweger and Ewan Macgregor have great chemistry in it too.
The Thomas Crown Affair, starring extremely hot Pierce Brosnan and Renee Russo.  She’s an insurance investigator, he’s a billionaire who basically is suspected of stealing priceless works of art because he’s bored.  She investigates him and immediately begins fucking him.  Has a scene where she dances with him while wearing a completely transparent dress.  Then they fuck everywhere in his house.  I have never wanted to be between two people more.
The Painted Veil.  A socialite marries a dorky scientist for convenience, then cheats on him.  He finds out and basically forces her to go to China with him, where he is fighting the cholera epidemic, as an extremely long and petty murder suicide attempt.  But they get to know each other!  And the ice begins to melt!  Warning: tragic but lovely.
Casino Royale YES I SAID THAT.  The James Bond reboot movie that explains why he’s such a whore!!!  HE WAS BROKEN!!!  Basically James Bond is not like... a learned man... in this movie.  So he’s a cocky bastard and the Bond girl is impossibly sexy Eva Green as Vesper, who’s the “money man” on his mission.  They begin as bickering assholes and then fall in love.  But also!  Tragedy!
The animated Anastasia movie is one of the finest enemies to lovers movies of any time, I will defend this forever
Anyway....  Hope this gives you some ideas!  Lol
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Are there any songs that you associate with characters/ships? I know there was some discussion about this topic somewhere earlier, but I always find it interesting because I feel like songs have a huge influence on some of my headcanons/writing.
cori songs: 
i got you babe (sonny & cher) // anon
i want to hold your hand (T.V. carpio) // incorrect-victorious
the way i am (ingrid michaelson) // incorrect-victorious
adore you (harry styles) // incorrect-victorious 
soldier, poet, king (the oh hellos) // incorrect-victorious
she (dodie) // incorrect-victorious
think about me (fleetwood mac) // anon
good day sunshine (the beatles) // anon 
edge of dawn (fire emblem 3 houses) // anon
make me feel (janelle monae) // anon 
monday (ashe & filous) // anon 
blondes (peach) // incorrect-victorious
turn to you (taylor iman jones & bonnie milligan) // incorrect-victorious
don’t go breaking my heart (elton john) // incorrect-victorious
mad about you (belinda carlisle) // incorrect-victorious
randre songs:
hey there delilah (plain white t’s) // incorrect-victorious
make you mine (public) // incorrect-victorious
blinding lights (the weeknd) // incorrect-victorious
loser (julian moon) // anon
i do adore (mindy gledhill) // anon
i don’t mind (the who) // anon
i don’t have a name for it (steam powered giraffe) // incorrect-victorious
trillow songs: 
ophelia (the lumineers) // incorrect-victorious
ready now (dodie) // incorrect-victorious
i choose you (sara bareilles) // incorrect-victorious
brown eyed girl (van morrison) // anon
turn to you (the go go’s) // incorrect-victorious (yes there’s a difference between this one and the cori one even though it’s the same song,,, you’ll get it if you listened to it)
cabbie songs: 
strawberry blonde (mitski) // incorrect-victorious
here comes my baby (cat stevens) // anon
tandre songs: 
paper rings (taylor swift) // incorrect-victorious 
my best friend (jefferson airplane) // anon
black magic (little mix) // incorrect-victorious
bade songs:
any paramore song (especially rose-colored boy & still into you) // incorrect-victorious
you don’t know me (elizabeth gillies) // incorrect-victorious
raining in london (anthony de la torre) // incorrect-victorious
you could be happy (wyldest) // incorrect-victorious
scotty doesn’t know (lustra) // anon “jade is the singer, beck is fiona, the group is scotty”
separate (PVRIS) // anon
hello, nice to meet you (crazy ex-girlfriend) // anon
if i could turn back time (cher) // anon
everywhere (fleetwood mac) // anon
die young (kesha) // anon
feels (calvin harris) // anon
there’s nothing holding me back (shawn mendes) // anon
i found someone (cher) // anon
just like jesse james (cher) // anon
photograph (ed sheeran) // forevertired96
olivia (one direction) // anon
only you (the pretty reckless) // anon
mardy bum (arctic monkeys) // anon
afterglow (taylor swift) // anon
the story of us (taylor swift) // anon
no sleep tonight (the faders) // anon
you don’t have to cry (crosby, stills, and nash) // anon
simply irresistable (robert palmer) // incorrect-victorious
drew barrymore (sza) // anon
you & i (picture this) // forevertired96
wildest dreams (taylor swift) // anon
two is better than one (boys like girls ft. taylor swift) // anon
i won’t say i’m in love (hercules) // anon
on purpose (sabrina carpenter) // anon
jori songs: 
black sheep (metric) // incorrect-victorious
take a hint (victoria justice & elizabeth gillies) // incorrect-victorious (duh)
why (sabrina carpenter) // amandadawnblock
no sleep tonight (the faders) // weused2befriends
jolene (dolly parton)  // weused2befriends
picture this (big time rush) // weused2befriends
co-pilot (letters to cleo) // weused2befriends
sisotowbell lane (joni mitchell) // anon
god shattering star (fire emblem 3 houses) // anon
candre songs: 
julia (colony house) // incorrect-victorious
dedicated to the one i love (the mamas and the papas) // anon
brina songs:
the tide is high (blondie) // weused2befriends
catch the wind (donovan) // anon
catorade songs:
triad (the byrds) // anon
cade songs:
a thousand years (christina perri) // fortuna-flying
cat valentine songs:
seventeen (marina and the diamonds) // incorrect-victorious
someone new (hozier) // incorrect-victorious
jade west songs:
hard times (paramore) // incorrect-victorious
brick by boring brick (paramore) // incorrect-victorious
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katedrakeohd · 5 years
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A Choices: The Royal Masquerade Fanfiction
Pairings :(MC) Julia Aster x Renza Fierro,
Julia Aster x Kaydan Vescovi
Author's Note: As I transferred this story from writen page to digital it occurred to me just how long it was becoming so I've had to break it up into several parts.
Part One:
A State of Undress
The morning is sunny and warm on the day of our cruise on the Fierro yacht. I’m standing outside in my courtyard with my steward Vasco waiting for Renza’s carriage to come pick me up. As I smooth my hands down over my corset and skirts for the hundredth time, Vasco notices my nervousness and smiles.
“I suppose this will be your first time on a sailing ship M’lady,” he says.
“Yes, it will.” I nod.
“I’ve heard that Lord Hector is a very honourable man. Are you anxious to meet him?”
To tell the truth I’ve barely thought of him at all today. And it’s not Hector or the boat trip that have me feeling anxious. Since we’ll be with the Fierros, that means Kaydan the Crown Shield will be around too. And these days he has occupied my thoughts more than anything.
“I’m hoping Lord Hector isn’t as dull and strange as Lord Emery is. Such a disaster that dinner was. If it weren’t for Henry rescuing me with a new plate of dinner after Cyrus and Emery left the table I would have starved to death.”
My pet wolf cub Astro scampers around the courtyard threatening to trample the flowers. His antics have stolen Vasco’s attention and my comments go unanswered. I shrug and go back to my own thoughts.
Ever since I met Kaydan Vescovi the night of the masquerade, I haven't been able to get him off my mind. Just being around him with his dark eyes, wavy black hair and strong muscled physique is enough to make even the most sober person feel a little intoxicated. When he smiles at you and gives you his full attention it's like nothing else matters. I consider myself a lucky woman to have had the chance to spend so much time with him these past few weeks. As the Crown Shield wherever King-regent Henry Fierro goes, Kaydan isn't far behind. Between both handsome men being around lately it's like receiving two beautiful presents for your birthday when you're only expecting one.
During the joust when Kaydan and Henry both sought my favor, it was such a thrill. But when the swords came out after they had both been knocked off their horses, I realized that the rivalry goes much deeper. Fortunately the duel ended without anyone getting seriously injured. I know they're friends and I would hate to see them ruin that because of me. But still I must admit seeing Kaydan win was exciting.
In the stables after the joust Kaydan told me that it had been fun to fight Henry in front of the crowd. Being able to knock his half-brother Cyrus down a peg anonymously as the Black Knight had also been satisfying for him. His victory takes the title of Champion of the Tournament of Flowers out of noble hands. I enjoyed cheering with the other spectators, even if I was the only one hoping for Kaydan to win.
Henry is all sunshine, winks and flirty smiles. There's no wonder all the single ladies at court clamor for his attention. There's no mystery to him and he wears his heart on his sleeve. He radiates a perfect example of wealth and privilege. When I'm around him I’m polite and friendly. He's given me no reason to doubt his intentions as Crown Regent are genuine. But for me all I feel is loyalty not affection.
Kaydan is all long looks, secret smiles and quiet respect. Although he was born of nobility, he's not considered one of them. He's accepted his place as the bastard son and chose a life of hardship and responsibility in the guard.
Henry may have his name and noble house to hold him up, but it's Kaydan's humble strength and sense of duty that protects him. I admire Kaydan for that, although he won't accept the title of hero no matter how often he's earned it. There's more to Kaydan than his imposing presence. I'm drawn to him in a way that goes beyond the physical, and I’m determined to know him better.
He's worked his way up through the ranks to become Crown Shield, and earned the respect of many along the way. I've sought out his expertise in matters of security, and he's always seemed pleased to have my company. Sometimes when we're alone we comfortably lapse into conversation and he lets down his guard a bit.
In the short time we've known each other we've developed a mutual respect and kinship. When we're alone I'm just Julia the scribe, and he's just Kaydan the black sheep and we're comfortable with that.
I hear Renza's carriage approaching and take a deep breath to prepare myself to be in her company. She's as brash and confident as her brother is charming and sweet. I never know what she's going to say or do when we're together.
Vasco steps forward to open the door of the carriage for me, “Are you entirely sure you don't want me to travel with you your Ladyship? There's room for one more in the carriage.”
As I take his offered hand to assist me up into the carriage, I smile and shake my head. “I'll be fine with Renza. Please make sure that Astro is fed and properly put away for me, and then join us at the marina later for the trip.”
Vasco nods, bowing to me, “As you wish.”
Tucking my skirts around my legs I settle down on the seat opposite Renza. Once Vasco has closed the door behind me, Renza looks me over critically from head to toe and then shrugs.
“Well good morning to you too,” I jest.
“My dear Julia, please tell me you don't expect to impress Lord Hector wearing that?”
I can't help but take offense to her remark since I am wearing a gown in the rich tones of blue and gold that represent my noble house. The House of Aster. I’m not sure if her jab is an intentional insult to my house or my sense of style, so I try my stoic best to deflect it as irrelevant.
“Honestly Renza. If I must marry someone for the sake of politics, what does it matter what pretty wrapper I am presented in?”
It's not like I'm that excited to be offered up to Hector as some sort of trophy wife.
“You may say that now, but you don't need to sound so bored and dismissive about the prospect of a match.”
“I'm sorry, I don't mean to sound that way. I'm just distracted. My poor sister has still not awakened, and suddenly becoming the head of my household is overwhelming. I've barely had the chance to figure out what that even means, and now I am expected to marry myself to a total stranger to support the Crown. Whatever happened to falling in love and getting married. That's what I really wish I could do.”
Renza laughs, “Oh you're such a Romantic. Don’t forget that you're a noble now. Marriage for nobles is a contract with obligations, land titles and bank accounts. Romance is for affairs outside of marriage. Why are you so hung up on love and romance anyway? Is there someone you've had your eye on?”
“I…well. I don't want to say. That's between him and I.” I can feel myself blushing.
“Ok fine, but I'll find out one way or the other. I bet a little wine will get you talking.”
Before I can turn her down, Renza has already opened a bottle of red wine and poured me some. It's still morning but apparently Renza feels that drinking wine is appropriate for all hours of the day.
When the carriage turns off of the main road and onto her Manor's private lane one of the wheels bounces over a rock. I gasp in surprise as the wine in my goblet splashes over the front of my dress.
“Oh no! This is a disaster.” I cry.
Renza produces a handkerchief out of the bodice of her gown and offers it to dab at the wine stains.
“Well that's a shame. But look at it this way. Now I’ll have the excuse to put you in a dress suitable to impress the pants off Hector and your secret lover.”
I hand her back her handkerchief, shaking my head. “We're hardly lovers.”
“Not yet. You may have been able to charm the minds of men at court so far with your cleverness and wit. But leave it to me and your looks will charm the rest of their…parts.”
I roll my eyes, “Oh please Renza I’ve already gotten my fill of Cyrus and his brand of sleazy charm. I don't want all the men at court to start talking to me that way. I implore you to at least keep some shred of my dignity intact.”
As the carriage comes to a stop, I look out of the window and marvel at the grandeur of the Fierro Estate. Renza escorts me to the dressing room attached to her bedroom to get changed. The opulent furnishings of even this room put most of what I have back home to shame.
Renza wastes no time in helping me get out of my dress. As I stand in my underclothes she gives me another critical inspection and I feel myself blush.
“H..happy now?” I stammer.
Renza's surprised expression takes me off guard, “More like impressed! With a body like that you could make a bedsheet look alluring. I'm almost tempted to send you out like this.”
Crossing my arms across my chest I frown at her, “Renza, seriously. Focus.”
She gives me another critical inspection, making me feel even more uncomfortable.
“Natural beauty aside, whoever tied this corset isn't doing you any favors. Here let me fix it for you.”
I back away, holding up my hands. "No, no. Leave it alone. I like being able to breathe thanks.”
She sighs and then steps away from me again. “As you wish.”
I'm still standing in just my underwear as she continues to talk.
“So are you curious about meeting Hector at all?”
“I'm mostly curious about what kind of person he is.”
“Well professionally all that I can tell you is that he is a trade expert hired by the merchants across Cordonia to help improve their business.”
I try to sound interested, “So he's …business minded.”
Renza scoffs, “Well when you say it that way it makes him sound stuffy. Lord Hector sails the world and visits all sorts of interesting places. Imagine the fascinating stories he could tell."
I nod, "Well then I guess he doesn't sound so stuffy after all."
Renza smiles, looking relieved "Good now let's get you dressed. Stay here while I fetch you something to wear."
She gives me a wink and then leaves me alone. I feel self conscious, exposed and plain in such a fancy room. When I hear the door open suddenly I turn around expecting Renza. But instead it's Kaydan!
"Lady Renza, I found the --... "
He stops short and his eyes go wide when he sees me, "Julia!"
I feel myself blush to the roots of my hair, but as shocking as it is for him to see me in my underwear, I can't help but feel a rush of excitement too. My heart is pounding like crazy in my chest, but I flash him my bravest smile and place my hands on my hips and ask, "Looking for something?"
He's still standing there rooted to the spot and gaping. "I..I wasn't expecting -- .."
"Hmm?" I smirk at him, stepping closer.
He clumsily shuffles backward, trying to avert his eyes from seeing so much of my bare skin.
Renza re-enters the room and gasps, "Crown Shield, what in the world do you think you're doing?"
"But..but.." he stammers, looking at us both.
"Out, out, out! Now!" she shrieks.
He quickly shields his eyes and mumbles his apologies as she pushes him out of the room and closes the door.
"The nerve!" she exhales with relief.
Biting my lip and trying to hide my grin, I giggle. "I hope that he enjoyed that as much as I did."
Her mouth drops open and her eyes sparkle with amusement as she laughs, "Lady Julia Aster, you saucy minx!"
"What? Accidents happen. Besides he knows this is your room so I could ask you questions too."
Renza brushes off my remark and raises her chin giving a haughty retort, "Well this is my house after all. Quit avoiding the issue. Out with it, you like him don't you. And here I thought it might be Henry."
Breathing a sigh of resignation I admit it, "Yes, Kaydan is who I'm interested in. Please don't tell anyone. I know he's not noble."
Renza laughs, "True, he wouldn't improve your social standing as a match, but he's definitely an impressive piece of man to have on the side. If you're saying there's more to him than what's on the surface then I must say congratulations to you both."
I open my mouth to protest that Kaydan is more than just a side piece, but then decide to change the subject. "If I'm to impress Kaydan or Hector today you better give me something to wear."
Renza blinks, remembering the gown she has in her arms. "Of course, where was I?" she hands me the dress. "You're sure to grab attention in this."
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As she lays the shimmering blue and white silky and sheer fabric in my arms I am amazed at how light and airy it feels. It's surely worth more than my entire wardrobe.
I stammer as I thank her, "Are..you sure about this? Have you nothing more plain or modest?"
"No, no I insist. Consider it my engagement gift to you. It never fit me properly anyway. Hector won't be able to take his eyes from you."
Or Kaydan either, I thought to myself.
I nod gratefully and step into the dress, "Well thank-you, could you help me fasten the lacing in the back?"
Renza smiles as I turn around. She adjusts and ties the satin lacing a little tighter than necessary, and I find it difficult to breathe. Is she jealous that the dress fits me better, or is she feeling spiteful and wanted Kaydan for herself?
As I turn back around and catch sight of myself in the mirror I can't help but smile.
Behind me I catch Renza's expression and she looks annoyed as she says, "Alright then now that you're wearing a properly fitting garment, let's be off, the carriages await."
Continue on here
@gardeningourmet @samihatuli @jovialyouthmusic @sirbeepsalot @dcbbw @mfackenthal @bobasheebaby @pedudley @be-still-my-aching-heart @krishu213 @ibldw-main
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inawickedlittletown · 4 years
The Magicians - Season Three
Season Three of The Magicians. God, do I love this show. 
The way that this season was set up was excellent writing. The whole magic is gone aspect as the big problem of the season and the complications that no magic bring was just so perfectly introduced and executed. I love that this show follows up on the consequences of the character’s actions in a way that create bigger problems but also how things aren’t fixed right away. 
As much as I didn’t love Julia in other seasons, I think her storyline has actually been one of the more interesting ones to watch. She isn’t perfect and she’s been through a lot and yet all of it is for a reason and really sets her up into a character that we can love and root for again. That she is the only one with magic annoyed me at first but her journey to wanting the power and learning what to do with it. Loved all of that. 
I’ve had mixed feelings about Alice for a while but this season really made me dislike her. Like Julia a lot of her motives are justified due to what she knows and what she’s been through but unlike Julia, Alice presumes to know what is best for everyone. (Julia was just after personal revenge) Alice to start doesn’t actually want anything to do with the others because she isn’t who she used to be and because she’s done horrible things and as the season goes on, Alice is desperate and selfish. She immediately wants to take Julia’s powers when they are offered to her and she wants magic so desperately that she will do anything including almost becoming a vampire. Alice is also the one that betrays everyone by aligning herself with the library but also with everything she does at the end of the season. And yet she’s also the one that ends up imprisoned by the library and the only one that knows for sure that the big bad escaped. 
I loved that Fillory still played a large part of the story. The fairies made things interesting. They were cruel and horrible and yet all of it came from a need to protect themselves and the Fairy Queen is played by an amazing trans actress so I really grew to love her over the course of the season. They did such an amazing job at connecting what was happening in Fillory with the fairies on Earth. And to then end the season with the Fairy Queen sacrificing herself. That hurt. I think she more than anyone else taught Margo about being a leader. 
Speaking of Fillory, Eliot and Margo as the rulers of Fillory will never not be fun. They give Margo the best dialogue. The whole bear thing and the pro-beastiality thing that ended with her as the High King. That was exactly the kind of humor that The Magicians just thrives on. Also, the whole election thing was comedy gold. The conversation that Eliot and Margo have referencing all kinds of pop culture as code was probably my favorite of any of their interactions and omg do they have an amazing back and forth just always. 
Eliot will always be my favorite character because he’s so very much himself always and yet he is quick to sacrifice himself for the better of everyone and he’s not one to give up easily. And he’s the one that really sets everyone off on their quest when he goes to meet with The Great Cock. But also who else but Eliot should meet that questing beast? Hilarity can just ensue. 
And then we have that whole sequence of Eliot and Quentin at the mosaic. They grew old together. Quentin of course found someone to fall in love with and have a kid with. But also in the midst of all of that we also see Eliot and Quentin kiss and can assume that more went down. And it’s just lovely. Shipping them? Yeah...why not. 
Another thing I loved was the keys and all that they could do. Not always a good thing as we find out when Quentin pulls Poppy out of the water and he has to face his worse self. And poor map maker dies in the process of all of this taking the key with him leading to more problems. Poppy was a bit annoying but I did enjoy her being around and bringing a different energy during her episodes including her interaction with Alice and the fact that she slept with Quentin. 
The thing that really fascinated me this season, though, has to be The Library. We’ve already had encounters with the library before and it’s always been an interesting aspect of the show but getting to see more of what makes it work and that the library itself has an ulterior motive. I really loved the idea of making the library — a place with information that everyone should have freely — in fact the very place that believes in keeping information from people for their own good without realizing how horrible that is. It all seems to come from fear, a fear that Alice shares with the library ever since she was a niffin. But taking away choice and information is never a good thing. 
Harriet being the librarian’s daughter was not something I saw coming but it made so much sense and the scene where they talk entirely through sign language with absolutely no other sounds was beautiful. Not something you see all the time on tv. 
Penny not only dying but then also getting stuck in the library was so hard and painful but I think mostly on the part of Kady. She never seems to get to be happy at all does she? They also never seem to have much for her to do overall. 
I’ve said before I love the musical aspects of the show because they’re just done well. They’re a little gimmicky but in the case of the one in this season it served a purpose especially the arrangement of Under Pressure at the end — such a well done moment with the perfect song chosen for it. It not only brought up the tension but gave us a different type of episode. 
Finding a key in a different timeline was also a nice touch. Not only does it get us a new Penny in the picture but now Marina is also out there somewhere. Maybe she and Poppy can meet up and we’ll see them again soon. Also Quentin as the beast was cool. I loved how Julia solved that problem and how much we see Julia’s power growing and growing as the episodes went on. 
Again, I loved the fairies in this world and I loved how everything connected at the end. We have Julia as a god, the fairies willing to help because of what Julia made possible for them, and then the quest itself ending and leading them to a way to return to magic. It’s one of those things that the writers do really well: bringing all the threads together. They also throw wrenches into things fantastically. By the end of the season magic is back but the library controls it and not just that but the powerful beast was let out in all the kerfuffle and by the time that episode thirteen ends our main characters don’t remember anything at all including their own names and Eliot is a conduit for the new big bad. 
This show is non-stop. Things happen and happen and happen and it’s wonderful and I can’t wait to see how the next season unfolds (although I already am a bit spoiled by something that a lot of people were angry about). But I also can’t wait to keep reading the books. 
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Tags (Part 2)
Fandoms and Fan Things
Not including rambling tags or episode numbers, etc.
Tbh this is just for me so I can remember the canonical tags I use on this blog lol
The tags that are longer than one word don’t work on mobile, but you can see if the search function feels like working instead
Under a keep reading tag because I use a lot of tags on this blog. Some tags have way more content than others
For fandoms with multiple parent tags: long form tags are only posts with media (gifs, audio, etc), and abbreviations are for everything to do with that fandom
The fanfic tag is only fics, and the fanfiction tag contains discussions about fic
I’ve put the parent tag’s link for each fandom, but not the links for the other tags. This post is to put all the official spellings/character names I use in my tags
Some of these fandoms are dormant on this blog, but I’m keeping them here anyway, since the tags and posts are still in my archive
ao3 • fanart • fandom • fandom history • fandom stats • fandom wank • fanfic (actual fics) • fanfiction (talking about fics) • fanvid • feels • fic rec • how it should have happened • meta • my fic • my gifset • my meta • my podfic • parallels • podfic • shipping • text post memes
bbc merlin
arthur pendragon • bbc merlin • colin morgan • gaius (merlin) • guinevere (merlin) • kilgarrah • merlin • morgana (merlin) • sir leon
dead poets society
anderperry • charlie dalton • dead poets society • dps • john keating • neil perry • todd anderson
dropout tv
alex song xia • ally beardsley • andy dang litefoot • ashley ward • barsimmeon higgs • brennan lee mulligan • buckster $ boyd • cornhole in one • daisy d’umpstaire • dimension 20 • doug meat • dropout tv • g13 nsbu • game changer • gangie green • greg stocks • ify nwadiwe • izzy roland • jack manhattan • jacob wysocki • jennifer drips • jess mckenna • josh ruben • kingskin • lars vandenchomp • liv skyler • lou wilson • make some noise • mallapalooza • mary sohn • mice and murder • never stop blowing up • noise boys • nsbu • oscar montoya • paula donvalson • paul robalino • play it by ear • rashab • rekha shankar • ross bryant • russell feeld • sam reich • space rocks • sylvester cross • usha rao • vic ethanol • vicar ian prescott • wendell morris • zac oyama • zach reino • zeke nicholson
game of thrones
arya stark • bran stark • brienne of tarth • game of thrones • got: season 7 • got: season 8 • jon snow • sansa stark • theon greyjoy
alec hardison • archie (leverage) • amy (leverage) • breanna casey • chaos (leverage) • eliot spencer • harry wilson • james sterling • josie (leverage) • leverage • leverage meta • leverage ot3 • leverage redemption • leverage redemption spoilers • maggie collins • michael vittori (leverage) • molly (leverage) • nate ford • olivia sterling (leverage) • parker • quinn (leverage) • sophie devereaux • tara cole (leverage) • trevor (leverage) • widmark (leverage)
lorien legacies
adamus sutekh • adelina (lorien legacies) • caleb crane • daniela morales • duanphen (lorien legacies) • eight (lorien legacies) • einar (lorien legacies) • ella (lorien legacies) • five (lorien legacies) • isabela silva • john smith • kopano okeke • lexa (lorien legacies) • lorien legacies • lorien legacies reborn • malcolm goode • marina (lorien legacies) • nigel barnaby • nine (lorien legacies) • pittacus lore • ran takeda • rexicus saturnus • sam goode • sarah hart • setrakus ra • six (lorien legacies) • taylor cook
lord of the rings
aragorn • arwen undomiel • boromir • denethor • elrond • elves • eowyn • faramir • fellowship of the ring • frodo baggins • galadriel • gandalf • gimli • hobbits • jrr tolkien • legolas • lord of the rings • lotr • lotr memes • lotr meta • merry brandybuck • pippin took • return of the king • samwise gamgee • theoden • two towers
the magicians
alice quinn • eliot waugh • fen (the magicians) • fillory • hale appleman • jason ralph • josh hoberman • julia wicker • kady orloff diaz • the magicians • margo hanson • penny adiyodi • queliot • quentin coldwater • summer bishil
marvel cinematic universe
avengers • avengers: age of ultron • avengers: endgame • avengers: infinity war • black panther • bucky and fubar • bucky barnes • captain america • captain america: civil war • captain america: the first avenger • captain america: the winter soldier • captain marvel • carol danvers • chris evans • clint barton • falcon • hydra • marvel cinematic universe • marvel meta • MARVELous memes • mcu • natasha romanoff • peter parker • sam wilson • scott lang • sebastian stan • shuri • steve rogers • stucky • t’challa • thor • winter soldier
my chemical romance
the black parade • danger days • gerard way • killjoys • mcr • my chemical romance • three cheers for sweet revenge
nikita tv
alexandra udinov • amanda/helen collins • maggie q • michael bishop • nikita being a badass • nikita mears • nikita tv • owen elliot • percy (nikita) • ryan fletcher • sean pierce • seymour birkhoff • sonya (nikita)
percy jackson
annabeth chase • camp halfblood • camp jupiter • frank zhang • hazel levesque • heroes of olympus • jason grace • percy jackson • percy jackson and the olympians • piper mclean • pjo • poseidon (pjo) • rachel elizabeth dare • reyna avila ramirez arellano • sally jackson
star wars
aayla secura • ahsoka tano • alpha 17 • anakin skywalker • beru whitesun • clone trooper wooley • the clone wars • captain rex • chewbacca • cliegg lars • commander bly • commander cody • commander fox • commander wolffe • count dooku • darth sidious • darth vader • feemor (star wars) • han solo • jaster mereel • jedi • jedi order • jocasta nu • lieutenant waxer • luke skywalker • mace windu • obi wan kenobi • owen lars • padme amidala • qui-gon jinn • sheev palpatine • shmi skywalker • star wars • star wars memes • star wars meta • star wars prequels • yoda
briana buckmaster • castiel • crowley • dean winchester • jack kline • jared padalecki • jensen ackles • lucifer (spn) • meg masters • misha collins • rachel miner • sam winchester • spn • spn meta • spnvan • supernatural • the influence joke comes back to haunt us all • vancon
the walking dead
beth greene • carl grimes • daryl dixon • dwight (twd) • maggie greene • michonne (twd) • negan (twd) • nope im not done having feelings about beth • paul rovia • rick grimes • rickyl • rosita espinosa • tara chambler • twd • the walking dead
attack on titan • dnp [more dnp content at dans-stopphil2k5ever-face] • galaxy quest • hannah gadsby • harry potter • icarly • john mulaney • nanette • political animals • sense8 • snk • tj hammond • twilight [more twilight content at cullen-family-bonding (a twilight blog in my 2020s? it’s more likely than you think)]
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taishaunas · 6 years
get to know me tag game – magicians edition
tagged by: @twyllodrus thank you @_@
name: em
when you started watching the Magicians: i have been watching since early ‘16, meaning i have been following the show for three years now. crazy tbh!! (ha, especially when you consider how much my opinions have changed since then)
favorite season (so far): it’s a tie between s1 and s3. s3 was a game-changer in many ways, but there’s something almost comforting and intimate about s1 to me - probably because of how interwoven everyone is.
favorite female character(s): margo, julia & marina 
favorite male character(s): quentin, penny & eliot
if you were a magician, what would be your discipline? (i.e. your specialty, options here). my Assigned Discipline is Healing, but i have a thing for Mother Nature, and i love nothing more than elemental magic in fiction, so probably Natural Magic. #TeamGettingHighWithJosh
which of the main characters would you best get along with? i want to say quentin, but we are too similar for it to end well. margo & penny for sure, we share the same kind of foul humor lmao.
which of the main characters do you relate to most? i’m like 50% quentin, 30% margo and 20% eliot. can you say MESS.
favorite unlikable character/villain: martin chatwin! especially during early s2 i stanned so hard. i also love poppy! love me a selfish & self-preserving female character. i don’t really stan the entire library, but i’ve liked zelda since s1, and on a shallow note, i like seeing brusque librarian dude on my screen
favorite pairing(s): julia/penny (no ones shocked...), any combo of eliot/margo/quentin, any combo of margo/marina/julia. also #TBT my first otp on this show, and the ship that always makes me nostalgic for s1, penny/quentin! 
favorite episode(s): 1x11 (my fave episode of the entire series, what an immaculate bottle episode, no pun intended), 2x11, 3x11. i don’t know why i have a thing for the eleventh episode of each season, it’s not like i consciously decide to stan them. it’s my quirk i guess!
top 3 fandoms outside magicians: riverdale, deadly class, the good place
dream job: a feral animal living in the woods
what one thing do you wish people knew about you? i can stay awake for 72+ hours straight without a single drop of coffee or any other stimulating substance.
tagging: @quintincoldwater @sabrinachill @salazarsmaria @emmadvval @lewissimon @jacelightwood @dykeeliot @quentincoldwaters
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cavehags · 6 years
for no entire reason i have compiled a ranking of every possible magicians ship. let’s discuss my choices behind the cut
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julia/kady. self-explanatory; they are best bitches
julia/marina. enemies to lovers is sexy
quentin/eliot. duh. a life in a day!
margo/penny. already going off the rails with the crackships here but we can’t deny that wouldn’t be hot. and they both did say they thought they were gonna fuck someday
margo/julia. between julia’s tenderness and margo’s ruthlessness, they would be unstoppable
kady/marina. a) it’s hot b) they have a girlfriend in common
margo/marina. they are basically the same and they are both narcissists so why wouldn’t they fuck?
penny/eliot. penny would get some very righteous satisfaction from stealing quentin’s boyfriend
penny/kady. i mean they obviously love each other so i wanna get this out of the way early
quentin/margo. i mean they definitely had fun during that threesome!
josh/fen. josh sucks, but fen needs to sleep with a straight guy and josh is the straightest guy they’ve got
penny/fen. this actually works for a lot of reasons, including the fact that they can bond over how no one cared when penny lost his hands or when fen lost her toes. my underappreciated children!
kady/fen. (i obviously got stuck in a fen hole here) although fen is straight, kady is irresistible. and kady loves an angry girl on a vengeance quest
kady/margo. now we’re talking!!! this relationship is great because they are very practical people and there would be no dyke drama
quentin/kady. pegging
fen/marina. marina would go there as a favor to fen. fen deserves better sex than sleeping with a gay guy.
quentin/josh. i mean josh is just quentin but worse, right, so i feel that this experience would be so much of a harsh awakening to quentin that he would feel compelled to apologize to every person he’s ever met
penny/alice. i wouldn’t subject penny to alice’s horrible companionship if he hadn’t already demonstrated interest in her. but he does like her. something about them being opposites i guess. if that works for them then go for it
eliot/fen. i mean they already made it work a little bit
eliot/margo. their baseline behavior for when the world’s not ending is scouting out threesomes, so!
julia/fen. would be okay if not for the fact that julia definitely thinks of fen like a little sister.
margo/fen. margo does not think of fen as a little sister but certainly a sister-in-law, which makes it weird. 
alice/eliot. due to the quentin of it all, i am 100% sure they have both had mildly disturbing sex dreams about each other. it certainly doesn’t mean they wanna be together but they’ve thought about it.
quentin/fen. they would both regret it, but they are more compatible than some of the ships to come
alice/marina. marina absolutely enjoys turning straight girls, even the annoying ones. 
julia/alice. julia doesn’t hate alice as much as she should, which is a character flaw and the reason this is so high on the list
julia/penny. fine! this is TECHNICALLY the best of the julia ships involving men. she and penny are empathetic, thoughtful people who could enrich one another’s lives. i can certainly imagine them bonding and becoming very close. but julia is still gay.
eliot/josh. i mean what’s the difference between this and quentin/eliot? not that much
penny/josh. sorry penny but we’re getting into the bad ones now
alice/josh. josh is just happy to be a part of something
penny/marina. marina hates all men very much but at least penny has charisma! which is more than can be said for any of the other men in the group
eliot/kady. yeah... we’re coming up on the bottom of the list now
kady/josh. this would inspire kady to get sober.
julia/josh. julia sent josh one text one time and josh was pretty sure this was gonna happen at some point. no :)
alice/fen. they literally wouldn’t know how to have sex with each other even if they wanted to
alice/kady. kady does know how to have sex with alice but the very thought of it makes her wanna wash her hands.
julia/eliot. eliot has wondered about it. julia never has and never will.
margo/josh. margo would rip him in half. 
quentin/marina. marina would never do this, but if she did, she would be horrified to learn that quentin calls himself a pussy addict when he’s that bad at sex
eliot/marina. not in a billion years. 
josh/marina. not in eternity. 
margo/alice. margo hates alice so much i cannot conceive of a scenario where this could possibly happen. if margo were falling off a cliff and alice extended her hand to save her, margo would not even grab it. margo does not want to touch or speak to alice ever in her life. 
quentin/julia. i ranked this so low to make a point but i’m serious it’s bad
quentin/alice. lol good thing THAT will never happen am i right?
quentin/penny. even writing their names next to each other is a betrayal to penny and i never want to do it again.
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sweetestinthegale · 6 years
⁷get to know me tag game - Magicians edition
I was tagged by the lovely, @steverogrs. Thanks, Dani!
name: Kate or Katie. 
when you started watching the Magicians: A couple of episodes into season 2. My good friend and his boyfriend were visiting for the weekend and decided to indoctrinate me by binging the entire first season together. I have been watching live since then. I should send them a fruit basket.
favorite season (so far): Easily Season 3. In my opinion, it is one of the best seasons of television anywhere.
favorite female character(s): If this is a must pick one for threat of death thing, then Julia or only slightly secondary, Margo. But honestly I love them all. Like, a lot.
favorite male character(s): Quentin. My bi disaster. He owns me. As does Eliot. And Penny. Did I mention I love all the damn characters on this show?
if you were a magician, what would be your discipline? (i.e. your specialty, options here). Psychic Kid, Telepathy Concentration. Or Healing, if it were mind related?
which of the main characters would you best get along with? Hmmm. Cocktail hours with Eliot and Margo. Nerding out with Quentin and Julia. Dinner parties with Josh. Discussing the finer points of theory with Alice. Exasperated snark time with Penny and Kady. Knives with Fen. I will not pick just one. I would make them all be my best friend. Yep.
which of the main characters do you relate to most? Quentin. By a large margin. Julia, if I had to pick a second.
favorite unlikable character/villain: Stealing Dani’s answer and saying The Faerie Queen. I was inordinately upset when she died.
favorite pairing(s): Quentin and Eliot,  Julia/Penny23, Julia/Kady, Margo/Fen, Margo/Julia, Alice/Penny40, Kady/Penny40, Alice/Kady, Marina/Me. Also brotps Margo/Eliot and Quentin/Julia. Also brot3 and not so brot3 Marqueliot.
favorite episode(s): A Life in a Day, The Fillorian Candidate, Be the Penny, All That Josh, The World in the Walls, The Writing Room, Have You Brought Me Little Cakes, Six Simple Stories About Magic, Knight of Crowns, Lesser Evils, The Rattening, Escape from the Happy Place, A Timeline and a Place, Twenty-Three.
top 3 fandoms outside magicians: I was very invested at one time into OUAT (CS and a whole host of other ships) and Timeless (multishipper like whoa). HP of course and always. Besides Magicians I am into MCU, B99, The Good Place, and GOT.
dream job: Raising my daughter at the moment. But I already do my dream job when I am working. I do therapy and case management with people who have severe mental illness. It is tough and rewarding. If I had to pick a second though that I don’t do, it would be some sort of environmental conservation married with environmental justice programs.
what one thing do you wish people knew about you? I am always around with an ear. Whether it is to gush about the show or if you had a shitty day. So jump in my inbox if ever you have the inclination.
I’ll tag some people, feel free to do it or to disregard!
@ohmypreciousgirl, @ohmyohpioneer, @ohmarqueliot, @wedlakeserenities, @declermontdiana, @swallowedsong , @ripplestitchskein, @mryddinwilt@carlinpreston, @civilwhere, @extasiswings @longlivequeliot
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oneeyeddestroyer · 6 years
Get to know me tag game- The Magicians Edition
Finally getting around to this! I was tagged by @ohmarqueliot and @sadlittlenerdking love you both
Name: V
when you started watching the Magicians: I started watching it mid season one. I was actually super hesitant to start it because I HATED the promo campaign they ran the first season. I was like, “We get it! Your show is about sexy magic school kids who levitate all the time. 🙄” Right after season 2 aired, I had to shut off the cable, so I couldn’t catch it until it hit Netflix. I didn’t really become a part of the fandom until the end of the hiatus between seasons 2 and 3.
Favorite season (so far): Season 3
Favorite female character(s): Margo; Marina
Favorite male character(s): Eliot
If you were a magician, what would be your discipline? (i.e. your specialty, options here): It’s probably a close tie between Physical Magic and Psychic
Which of the main characters would you best get along with? Margo and I are distrustingly similar so I’d likely get along best with Eliot, maybe Penny too
Which of the main characters do you relate to most? Like I mentioned above, Margo is me as fuck. It’s honestly a bit alarming just how much of myself I see in her. I’ve never experienced anything like this. I feel uncomfortably seen by her. The degree to which she resembles me is disarming. Fun fact: I low key play a drinking game where I have to take a drink every time she either reacts to something the exact way I do, or she says something that is straight out of my personal vernacular.
Favorite unlikable character/villain: They’re all so good. I can fuck with pretty much everyone but Reynard. I was LIVING for the Faerie Queen all last season. I fucks with the Stone Queen pretty heavy too. The Monster is everything this season. Jennifer is my dark, strange son.
Favorite pairing(s): Everything is so goddamn stoppable. I have an elaborate polyamorous constellation written up all the different things I ship and how they interconnect. I should probably update it. My top 5 favorites are El/Margo/Q, Kady/Penny(s)/Julia, Wickoff, Eliot/Idri, Margo/Todd
Favorite episode(s): Season 1 - Remedial Battle Magic
Season 2 - Plan B
Season 3 - The Fillorian Candidate
Season 4 (so far) - Escape From the Happy Place
Top 3 fandoms outside magicians: I don’t actively participant in fandom anymore (other than this one). My last active fandom before this was Degrassi:TNG back in like 2002. That and Harry Potter. Pokémon was my first serious fandom.
Dream Job: Writing for Television
What one thing do you wish people knew about you? Nothing comes to mind. I’m pretty good at telling people what I want them to know and concealing what I don’t.
I’m pretty late to the game, so I bet everyone has been tagged already. If you haven’t been, please feel free to consider this your officially invitation to join in!
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queerwaugh · 6 years
The magicians for the multi question ask meme lol
the first character i ever fell in love with: eliot!!
a character that i used to love/like, but now do not: n/a
a ship that i used to love/like, but now do not: n/a
my ultimate favorite character™: oh... this is hard... quentin?
prettiest character: julia or margo
my most hated character: honestly ember annoys tf out of me
my OTP: queliot 
my NOTP: i still don’t remember the ship name but alice/quentin
favorite episode: not to be cliche as fuck but yes 4x05
saddest death: idk dude they all die so much but anything involving eliot makes me emotional so
favorite season: three, maybe this one but we’ll have to wait
least favorite season: i need to do a rewatch but def not 3 or 4
character that everyone else in the fandom loves, but i hate: n/a
my ‘you’re piece of trash, but you’re still a fave’ fave: marina
my ‘beautiful cinnamon roll who deserves better than this’ fave: fen
my ‘this ship is wrong, nasty, and makes me want to cleanse my soul, but i still love it’ ship: n/a
my ‘they’re kind of cute, and i lowkey ship them, but i’m not too invested’ ship: penny/quentin is honestly a guilty pleasure but like og penny
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harrowharkwife · 6 years
get to know me - magicians edition
name: lizzie!!
when you started watching the Magicians: i wanna say 3 weeks ago but it could def be more recent than that
favorite season (so far): s2 idk it was just Fun
favorite female character(s): tie btw julia and margo
favorite male character(s): def eliot but i have a huge soft spot for my pisces son penny
if you were a magician, what would be your discipline? (i.e. your specialty,options here): the test gave me knowledge but fuck that im dumb as shit. id be a physical kid cause im already a physics major in Real life so like
which of the main characters would you best get along with?: either eliot or julia
which of the main characters do you relate to most?: oof fen for SURE. im such a fen. textbook fen
favorite unlikable character/villain: marina but like also the monster is growing on me tbh?? their mannerisms are so interesting and i do feel bad for them in a way. also i loved the fairy queen
favorite pairing(s): queliot but also just jules&q as friends and el&margo as friends. oh also in 2019 we ship penny kady and julia so start fucking w the vision
favorite episode(s): either the bank heist ep or the musical ep
top 3 fandoms outside the magicians: the adventure zone, the raven cycle, aaaand tragically this book series doesnt rly have a fandom yet but a big ship at the edge of the universe by alex white
dream job: teaching kids about cars and racing and how to work on cars, which is my current job so thats fun
what one thing do you wish people knew about you? that if i get rly emotional its just my adhd so itll pass in like fifteen minutes as soon as my solitary brain cell forgets why i was upset sdjgklsdjglk
tagged by @thepoisonroom thanks!! tagging @foolishquentin & @bogbodied & anyone else who wants to do this lol!
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mazelopez · 6 years
get to know me tag game – magicians edition
tagged by: @chertonis
name: amanda 
when you started watching the Magicians: i got part way through s1 back at the start of 2017, dropped the show, and then picked it up again. binged it and got hooked around s3. this is my first full season watching as the show airs.
favorite season (so far): s3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
favorite female character(s): my #1 fav is julia, my next favs are margo and marina 23
favorite male character(s): i’m not entirely sure which dude is my fav rn but i think it’s eliot
if you were a magician, what would be your discipline? (i.e. your specialty, options here). i did a test and got knowledge so let’s go with that
which of the main characters would you best get along with? i think i’d fit in nicely in the juliaquentin friendship
which of the main characters do you relate to most? ...quentin. a dash of julia
favorite unlikable character/villain: do niffin alice and shadeless julia qualify here?
favorite pairing(s): julia/penny23 always!!!!!!!!!! but i’m a multi shipping fiend so i also rly love  julia/kady, julia/marina23, julia/marina, fen/julia, julia/margo, alice/julia, julia/quentin has rly been doing it for me lately tbh, some other non julia related ships i’m sure...
favorite episode(s): 2.07, 3.04, 3.11
top 3 fandoms outside magicians: dark matter, i consume a lot of stuff so idk what i’d consider to be my other top fandoms. i have been posting a lot of legacies stuff lately tho whoops
dream job: something involving tv
what one thing do you wish people knew about you? ???????????
tagging: anyone who’s seen this and is interested in filling it in
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quentincoldwaters · 6 years
get to know me tag game — magicians edition
i was tagged by @thehighkings, @twyllodrus, and @chertonis! thank you all so much <3
name: valerie, usually shortened to val by my english-speaking friends or lera by the russian-speaking ones
when you started watching the magicians: not long after s1 ended, around may 2016
favorite season (so far): s3 so far, though s4 has been nothing short of a strong contender for that title as well
favorite female character(s): margo is the love of my life, and then julia is a close second
favorite male character(s): q is the obvious answer for me here, but eliot & penny-40 are very dear to me as well
if you were a magician, what would be your discipline? (i.e. your specialty, options here). the official quiz said knowledge so i guess i’m gonna have to go with that? though ngl i’d love to be a physical kid too
which of the main characters would you best get along with? hm. i’d say q, margo & eliot? i think it’d be a fun dynamic
which of the main characters do you relate to most? QUENTIN. we’re basically the same person, both bisexual nerds struggling with depression & anxiety and clinging onto our hyperfixations for emotional support. and alice because of the mommy issues rip
favorite unlikable character/villain: martin chatwin & the fairy queen. the library is really intriguing to me as well — especially zelda, and i like that they’re making her more sympathetic
favorite pairing(s): oh, i have a lot. quentin/eliot, alice/julia, margo/fen, julia/kady, s1 margo/alice, julia/marina-40, julia/penny-23, kady/penny-40, s1 penny/alice, s1 quentin/penny, and then — they haven’t interacted enough for me to be full-on shipping, but i feel like quentin/alice-23 have that sweet sweet star-crossed potential that i could be really into
favorite episode(s): i might forget some because i’m not even halfway through my rewatch, but let’s say 1x03, 1x04, 1x08, 2x01, 3x05, 3x06, 3x08, 3x11, 4x05, and 4x06
top 3 fandoms outside magicians: only counting the ones that are still fully alive as in the shows they’re for have been neither canceled nor finished yet, i’m gonna go with killing eve, mr. robot, and stranger things, though tbh i don’t really interact with anyone within those fandoms as of now
dream job: i’d love to be a published writer one day :’)
what one thing do you wish people knew about you? i... can lick my elbow? kssjdjfvs that was the first thing that came to my mind so i’m just gonna keep it
i’m pretty sure everyone i might’ve tagged has already done this but if any of you magicians fans that have not��see this post, feel free to consider yourself tagged by me if you want!
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thehollowprince · 6 years
get to know me tag game – magicians edition
was tagged by @twyllodrus
name: Josh (I also answer to “Hey you!” and “Here, hold this.”
when you started watching the Magicians: Well, you see, back in the day, I was surfing through the iTunes store for free content and this thing called The Magicians popped out at me.  I watched it and was hooked immediately.  I’ve been here since the beginning.
favorite season (so far): Season Three.  One of the problems I have with shows like this is that they introduce a Big Bad, and then just constantly try to outdo that Big Bad with Bigger Bads, getting bigger and bigger each time and then the story is sacrificed because they’re constantly just trying to outdo what they’ve done before.  Season three, the one without magic, forced us to backtrack and start over, and it was a nice change of pace.  That season also brought my beloved Marina back. Season Two is a close second, because that’s the season where I had Niffin!Alice and Shadeless!Julia.
favorite female character(s): All of them.  I find the women insanely more fascinating than the guys (sorry boys).
favorite male character(s): Todd.
if you were a magician, what would be your discipline? (i.e. your specialty, options here).  I’d definitely be a Hedge Witch, but if I were tested for a Discipline, I’d be Physical, with a specific discipline of Survival.
which of the main characters would you best get along with? Alice, probably.  Definitely Kady.
which of the main characters do you relate to most? Margo.  Definitely Margo.
favorite unlikable character/villain: The Library is really interesting and complicated and I’m looking forward to finding out more about them, especially Zelda.  Martin was such a complicated character and I felt for him, even after he turned himself into a monster, especially because he turned himself into a monster.  Julia without her Shade was an interesting and vaguely villainous character.  And Marina, if you consider her a villain.  She’s morally gray, at best, so...
favorite pairing(s): eh...  I’m not much of a shipper.  I ship all of these characters with years of therapy to get their shit together.
favorite episode(s): Plan B - all time fave!  Twenty-Three was amazing, as was Be The Penny.  Oh, and Six Stories About Magic, The Bad News Bear, and The Side Effect.  Basically any episode that focuses on the underused characters.  Plan B is my fave because everyone came together for a common goal.
top 3 fandoms outside magicians: SKAM and it’s remakes (as anyone who visits my blogs recently knows), MCU/Marvel Comics, and I don’t know... Sense8?  Teen Wolf?  Oh!  American Gods.
dream job: Screen writer or just writer in general.  I would love to have a book series published, or work on a comic series, but if I had to pick one thing, I’d love to write for a television show like The Magicians.  I have so. Many. Ideas.
what one thing do you wish people knew about you? That I am not nearly as together as I seem.
I’ve seen a bunch  of these going around, so I’m pretty sure all the Magicians blogs I know about have already done this.  If you happen to see this and haven’t done it, and want to, by all means, feel free.  Say I tagged you in it and I’ll even edit this post so they can’t call you out for lying.
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