#Do I really want to be at that craic again?
victimeyez · 10 months
Hello. Wanted to do a little check in since it’s been a while.
Professional//Victim is still being written. I had a period of time where i couldn’t really write, which is why this latest chapter has been so delayed. I was incredibly sick for a week and then had a 16 day no days off workathon with 62.5 hour weeks. The little rest of the time i had was spent resting - i need to sleep around 13 hours a night and definitely did not have that kind of time.
I’ve been writing during my lunch breaks, but I’ve been having a rough time with my mental health and struggling not to spiral. This next pro//vic client I’m working on is probably my most ambitious chapter yet where things take a turn, and i really want to get it right before I put it out. Writing and editing has been slow because I don’t have an exact sequence of events in mind like I usually do, so things have to be written and rewritten with regularity. The going is slow, but again, it’s just because I want to get this right.
I’ve received some messaging asking where the next chapter is and when it will be out, I don’t mean to ignore people but I’ve answered this a few times and haven’t had the energy to keep saying “it’s coming, I just need time.” Things have been pretty damn tough in my life and I write whenever I can. I can’t wait to finish these next chapters and get them out to you.
Happy Thanksgiving if you’re into that sort of thing, free Palestine, craic on. 🤍
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i-write-boop-spoops · 2 years
Boopy's dumb thoughts on Pokemon Violet
It’s MY blog – and MY birthday – and I get to talk about the latest Pokemon release over a month after it came out because I want to!!!
Feel free to ignore, agree, disagree, leave your own thoughts, tell your friends you love them, eat a nice meal, etc, etc.
Spoilers for the game! Also not bothered to proofread lol
Ok so I’m gonna start off with the stuff I didn’t like very much. Gonna try keep it brief because I otherwise really enjoy the game and a lot of my takes are common in the fandom
I have seen CGI from 2002 power rangers specials that look better than this game
Frame rate is crunchier than gravel sometimes
Honestly,it’s embarrassing that a game from 2022 looks and runs this badly
Especially since PLA released earlier that year, and while not perfect, it ran much better
SV definitely needed an extra year or two in the oven
I hate how most houses can’t be entered and that most shops are menus
Wish you could pet your mons again, not just wash them
In the options at the start of the game where you’re asked by someone (might be Nemona, can’t remember) what dream you have, why can’t you answer with ‘be a trophy spouse for a hot champion’?!
Steven should cameo in this game (I will NOT debate this)
Really miss the catching mechanic from PLA, woulda worked amazing here
I love that Pokemon is going in a more genderfluid direction when it comes to character customization (and NPCs too)
But I wish there was a skirt option for the unifotms (and not just for the f! mc, for everyone!)
Also the uniforms are so ugly… please let us change out of em soon gamegreak!
I actually… don’t like Penny that much
Out of the trio, she’s the least like a friend
She’s also the least interesting member of Team Star
And she’s kinda mean :/
AI Turo (AI Sada in Scarlet) saying the real one actually loved Arven in the end felt like a complete lie to me – I couldn’t believe it not one bit – ruined the story a bit honestly
Ok, now it’s on to the positive stuff
Wish Miraidon would make a funny honk noise like a clown car
also i have mad beef with ed sheeran so his somg being included was NOT appreciated
Man I just love this guy
Hence why you can now request him!
The enemies-to-best-friends arc is amazing!
He’s fun and passionate and caring and a bit of a tsundere and I love him!
And his Mabostiff? Precious boi!
That whole story with him and his doggy had me tearing up by the end
And the stuff with his dad was heartbreaking
I love Nemona too!
Such a fun rival!
She’s a quirky tomboy with a great design
Lowkey love that she’s from a rich family
I love how she’s basically obsessed with you
The animation of her ponytail is so pleasing
Her and Arven debating who was the better friend was lowkey hilarious
Any game with a cooking mechanic is automatically top-tier
I have made some RANK sandwichs and it’s so funny every time
The absurdity of the Clive/Clavelle thing had me dying istg
I R O N  B U N D L E
Paradox Pokemon in general honestly, brilliant idea all around
Loved Area Zero, especially the deeper you got
It was so sparkly!
I loved the designs of most of the towns
I loved Artazon, Porto Marinada and Cascarafa the most
Your home is so cute!
Terastalization is fun and dumb and I love the goofy, sparkly hats
The ghost tera-hat being the gen 1 ghost sprite is great!
Tera-raids are great craic!
Loved playing online with friends
It was so fun to travel together!
Love the face/hair customizations
Especially since you can customize right away and don’t have to wait until you reach the first salon like two hours in!
I don’t think there was a bad mon this gen
Here’s some Pokemon I really liked
Fuecoco (the whole line actually)
Fidough & Dachsbun! (probs my faves)
Goldango (silly lil cheesestring man)
Tandemaus and maushold
Brute Bonnet
Cetoddle (baby!)
The dogs in this game are peak, gonna do a dog-only playthrough someday
The Academy is amazing!
I enjoyed the lessons and the teachers!
The fact that the Home Ec teacher is an extremely buff guy is amazing
Love the Psyduck librarian
And the Gengar who did the night duty!
Loved the gym leaders so much too!
Larry, Grusha and Ryme are probably my favourites
Iono’s gym test was so funny I loved it
The designs of the human characters this gen were PEAK
I want Dendra’s outfit, Eri’s outfit, Grusha’s outfit, Katy’s outfit, Miriam's outfit, Sada’s AND Turo’s outfits
I am a big baby, so I loved skipping basically all the battles with random trainers lol
Man that ending with the AI Turo reveal and fight was so fucking sick omg
I enjoyed every single path in this game
Great music
The final cutscene of The Way Home was… so good
Riding on Miraidon was so fun!
Clavelle asking what Cheugey meant was unreal
I like the idea of champion being an official rank, and multiple champs existing
Yeah, the graphics aren’t great, but damn some of the areas in the game are still so beautiful
I loved how the sky looked and changed too
In case you forgot
I R O N  B U N D L E
Ok so in summary, this game has serious issues that really should not be present in such a recent game HOWEVER the characters and story were amazing, there were some awesome Pokemon, and it was super fun and enjoyable to play.
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runveganwankerrun · 2 years
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Fri 18th Nov '22
Holy fucking cow! My blood pressure is through the fucking roof! I was not expecting that at all. I thought I'd wasted my place through my own laziness. I thought this year was my last chance to use my place. When I heard nothing, I reckoned I'd missed out. But it would seem not! So here's another fine mess I've got myself into! London marathon is exactly one week after Manchester. Manchester which I booked flights and hotel for last night. I could cancel the hotel, but the flights are locked in, unrefundable. First question: can I do a second marathon a week after a first? Second question: can I keep it a secret? I think the answer to the second one is a gimme. It's just an extra bit to add to the original secret. The training is already under wraps. All I have to do is keep schtum about an extra week.
As to the first question... it's nuts to think that I could do a second 42k in eight days! Fucking nuts! So why am I considering it? London is such an iconic marathon. It's the one that everyone really wants. It's the one that if people knew I could be wasting a place, they'd think I was crazy. It's a coveted place I've got. This year, nearly half a million people entered the public ballot for 17,000 places. I was one of them for fuck's sake! Me, with my foretting/not realising that I already had a place! This could be my only chance to have a place in this race without having had to have gone through the ballot.
TGG is, as usual, being my voice of reason. He's saying I don't need to do anything about it yet. I can think about it. I have a few weeks before anything needs to be booked. I'm sort of glad the email didn't arrive yesterday, coz now Manchester is a thing regardless of what I do about London. London is a bonus. Because I thought I'd lost my chance, the money for the entry was lost to me anyway. I think if I don't do it though, I'll always regret it. Oh God! Decisions!
I will have to tell Coach though. I will probably tell him in a few days, maybe a week and see what he says about how stupid it is to even think about it 😆
On the subject of telling people, I told Sonic today, while on our four mile run, that I was doing a training programme with Coach. I'm sort of sorry that I let it slip. I just said something about doing a few 5k runs for Coach and Sonic was straight on the info, and asked if I was doing a whole programme with him. I said it was just for base fitness at the moment. It's not a lie. So far, there's no speed work, no long runs and nothing marathon specific. I'll just continue to be vague in my conversations about training. I really do want to keep quiet.
Oh God! It's just hit me again! London marathon! So many of my club would be so fucking jealous. If I don't do it, they'll hate me! Well, not really, but sort of. 😄
Again, the run today was not easy. Fuck! I'm talking about 6.5k not being easy. Hello! Thinking about 84k in a week here! Right! I'm stopping thinking about that. (I'm really not, but I'm going to shut up about it. For now!)
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As I was saying, it wasn't a doddle today. I think it's because I had company, and regardless of how easy we ran, I felt more pressure because I was running with someone else. That's totally on me. Sonic is fine with our pace. It was a wee bit colder today, first time in a while it hasn't been mild. It was also windy. The coast was cold. But that's nothing to how it will be in January and February, so I'd better get used to it.
I'm thinking of going for a run in the morning before parkrun, despite it not being on my program. I just want to enjoy a run with a podcast, on my own, at my own pace. There's the Sunday social run to come yet. Have I mentioned that? I can't remember. A few members of club, gathering at 9am on Sunday morning, hopefully all abilities so there'll be folks slow enough for me. I'm only intending to do 5 or 6k. If it's slow enough, I might just enjoy the craic. TGG is going too 🥰
Was there ever better motivation to eat properly than being shit scared about getting fit enough to meet my challenges? I don't think so. I have ZERO interest in over eating today after that email. So, it was good for something 🤣
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punkscowardschampions · 2 months
Bartley: Why have you taken it off?
Carly: I’m not after owing you
Bartley: You don’t, just put it back on
Carly: idk how but even if I did 
Carly: no
Bartley: You don’t have to make a point by being an idiot, you need it
Carly: busying yourself forgetting i exist instead of calling us more names was your point
Carly: & a need to take care of myself
Bartley: It’s a stupid decision then
Bartley: it cost [however little because it’d be a couple of quid vibes], you can give me that back if you’re that concerned with being independent 
Carly: Ive no €€€s
Carly: sorry
Bartley: I don’t want the money 
Bartley: I’ll put it back up
Carly: it’s my mess
Carly: I don’t want your help
Bartley: I didn’t ask you for anything for it
Bartley: why are you being like this about it
Carly: whyd u make me feel bad about it?
Bartley: I never did, you threw it all back in my face
Carly: but you did, you do 
Carly: & a friend wouldnt
Bartley: You got weird, I don’t know why, what’s in your head
Carly: its never you’re mean its im mental & everythings my fault
Bartley: I’m mean
Bartley: go on, what did I say that’s so mean
Carly: you treat us as a problem & get 😤😠 theres no solving me
Bartley: I just wanted you to take care of yourself
Bartley: if that makes me a terrible person then so be it
Carly: i meant what I said you’re decent & good
Carly: your hearts in the right place
Bartley: You don’t need to say it
Carly: yea I’ve the need to
Bartley: It’s what makes everything awkward
Bartley: if you could just accept it for what it is, we’d not even be having this conversation
Carly: what is it?
Bartley: You know what it is
Bartley: or did before you got all in your head again
Carly: before I got my own hopes up
Carly: tell me what this really means
Bartley: I can’t be decent and have my heart in the right place now?
Carly: I said so
Bartley: and what you say is so
Carly: my opinion’s only that
Carly: what would you have me think?
Bartley: I don’t know
Bartley: no one thinks anything of me, I’m just there
Carly: everyone 💭 something of u, boy
Bartley: as a comparison to the others, yeah, maybe then
Carly: sure sometimes as is the way of families ive no doubt
Carly: but then in your own right too
Bartley: no, they don’t
Bartley: but you’re only trying to be nice so thanks, I guess
Carly: im not but add it to your forgetting if you’ve a mind to
Bartley: You wouldn’t get it
Bartley: you’ve not family like that
Carly: I wouldn’t & couldnt reckon ive the knowing of your life, no
Bartley: If you’re going to go off like that, get upset, then it’s probably best we keep our distance
Bartley: I wasn’t trying to make shit worse
Carly: k 💚
Carly: grand there’s 1 thing to be agreed on between us
Bartley: Sure, grand is what it is
Carly: I’m still & never trying to bring trouble to u
Carly: if keeping my distance’s the way to guarantee i don’t id call it a grand idea
Bartley: you’re just being confusing
Carly: me
Carly: im in the company for it if I am 😵💫🙃
Bartley: I’ve never known a girl say so much to say nothing of any sense, like
Carly: have you ever for proper known a girl?
Bartley: Hilarious craic, you
Carly: so’s you saying you like me if im no drama 
Carly: if I behave myself how youre after
Carly: ifs that mean u dont like me at all
Bartley: I never said you had to, I’m telling you you’re being mental
Bartley: and you’re proving my point, fucking hell
Carly: sense is in finding a girl who’s less mental like
Carly: best of 🍀🐇🌠🎲 w it
Bartley: don’t you want to sort yourself out
Carly: idk whats even wrong w me
Carly: I can’t
Bartley: You think too much, for a start
Carly: what did you reckon the 🍭🍬🚬🌿🌼🍄🍆🍺🍷🥃🍸🎱🔮🎈 was all for if not to stop
Carly: my god, I try so hard to its close to shaming as ive it in me to feel
Bartley: It don’t work, does it
Carly: im worse w out though
Bartley: Maybe so
Carly: no maybe in it & youre running already so what hope have I
Carly: im not confused about the state of me or things like
Bartley: I’ve not run nowhere, you have
Carly: they werent 👢👢 for running in but ive had my 💭 to take your warnings & hints & away myself true enough
Bartley: You heard what you wanted and it’s fine
Bartley: you don’t owe us nothing
Carly: I heard what u wanted & don’t
Bartley: turn it on me when all you do is self-sabotage 
Carly: all you do is slag me
Bartley: we could’ve just hung out, watched the fucking film
Bartley: I never wanted anything else, why would I turn it into this drama
Carly: you could’ve just
Carly: im incapable of it as the most mental girl you know
Bartley: you don’t know how to sit down in front of a telly 
Carly: idk how to sit w you now all my thoughts are of u
Carly: to stay still cos 1 wrong move & youre 😤😠 @ me
Bartley: is that all you think I’ve use for
Carly: no lad has ever had but 1 use for me
Bartley: and we’re all the same
Bartley: just like you said you didn’t think, nice one
Carly: im saying youre different & its why idk what to do
Bartley: There’s more to life
Bartley: I’d rather be friends
Carly: I’m sorry
Bartley: just
Bartley: do you want to be or not because I’m not chasing you around for it
Carly: course, come now im not that mental id say no
Bartley: you must get bored, you never go to school how you’re meant
Carly: time flies when youre 🚀🌟🌌🪐☄️
Bartley: you’ll have a heart attack if you’re not careful
Carly: I wish I could make you understand how I feel when im not 🚀🌟🌌🪐☄️
Bartley: like you’re going to have a heart attack, better be the answer or it’s invalid
Carly: like I’m having 1s a start
Bartley: they make you calm
Carly: they get me out my door
Bartley: I reckon you could get the levels better
Bartley: so you’re alright to go out and not alright to be a holy show
Carly: maybe but 🍭🍬s slightly addictive, have you know as my makeshift priest
Bartley: are you
Bartley: addicted
Carly: idk ive not quit for the knowing of how hard it is or isnt
Bartley: How does that happen at your age, by God
Carly: happens i should be @ [the psych ward Joe is]
Bartley: wouldn’t they have you on their own 🍭🍬
Carly: yea & I don’t think they’ve more of an idea about levels from what ali says of her brother
Bartley: you don’t want to be in there with the likes of him
Bartley: as dangerous as with your mammy and her fellas
Carly: I’m after being normal if you can have a word with your man jesus there next time you’re @ his house
Bartley: always worth the asking
Carly: 🙏💙🔮💜🤞🌠
Bartley: works better if you put some effort in
Carly: talk of getting on my knees s’not friendly
Carly: where im putting my effort
Bartley: 🙄👏 you
Carly: ah here, wheres yours?
Carly: find some kindness for me
Bartley: sure, you’re trying
Bartley: and he loves a 
Carly: 💒😍💋🥰💞😘💓💒
Bartley: there’s not loads of eligible bachelors there, no
Bartley: not under 75 
Carly: could find my ma her new fella as its my fault shes in need
Carly: hell fearing’d be a step up
Bartley: if she started turning up at services, it’d be the final straw 
Carly: her 1 boundary best b kept in place or god help us
Bartley: shame keeps some out their seats but some in theirs
Bartley: no telling which way it’d go
Carly: the way of no shame
Bartley: I don’t believe it’s real
Carly: of her?
Carly: what more are you looking to 👀
Bartley: of anyone
Carly: I’ve never been shown its untrue of my mammy just yet only shown up by her but whos to be sure
Bartley: she must care what her blokes think of her
Carly: for a time while they’ve use ⌚️⏱⏲⏰⌛️⏳
Carly: shes 1 for getting bored how you’d have me
Bartley: she’d care if you hid her tan and hair dye
Carly: 😅
Bartley: might have to assess her priorities then
Carly: would you be my friend still if she tanned us?
Bartley: I dunno about that one
Carly: oh do u not
Carly: what a traitor to ur culture when thats the look all your girls go for themselves
Bartley: not all, okay
Bartley: and a tan doesn’t have to be orange
Carly: if u say so bb
Carly: but don’t worry yourself ill stay only ☀️💋⛅️💋☁️💋
Bartley: It stains everything awful, spend all your life getting it out your towels and sheets
Carly: don’t 💭 of my sheets
Bartley: I’m not a degenerate
Carly: what 1 would speak like but I believe you
Bartley: None of that, shh
Carly: 😶💚
Bartley: you’ll put the lock back up, won’t you
Carly: weren’t being awkward for eejits sake when I told you idk how
Carly: ali’ll help me if I ask when shes done being punished by her ma for having her boyfriend though
Bartley: I can show you, it’s alright
Bartley: why’s her mammy suddenly bothered, what’s that about
Carly: idk she hates men who arent ali’s da cos they’ve done her wrong
Bartley: Ali’s boyfriend is a little boy, surely
Bartley: bit mad for her to be going off like it’s otherwise
Carly: hes older than you, boy
Bartley: is he now
Carly: shh yourself im not meant to tell you nothing
Bartley: I’ll work it out
Bartley: like a guessing game
Carly: I won’t play & u cant make me
Bartley: already got the age range down, younger than a teacher but older than me
Carly: be all you get, ive promised 
Carly: 😶💛
Bartley: I’m not prying
Carly: it's no game like
Carly: she’s my only friend
Bartley: oh, thanks very much
Carly: I can’t see you 
Carly: or have you 👀 @ me
Bartley: never again
Bartley: are you going to hide in your ‘van?
Carly: not forever
Bartley: how long then
Carly: idk a week or 2
Bartley: then you’ll feel better
Carly: I’ll look it anyway
Bartley: why, what’s wrong
Carly: im grand but for the look of chucking myself down the [however many flights of stairs they were gonna]
Bartley: but how did you actually get like that
Carly: please don’t ask me
Bartley: right
Carly: it was wrong of me
Bartley: you did what you needed
Carly: but I’ve no pride in what I need
Bartley: not saying you should
Carly: I went to my dealer w no money
Bartley: I’d sooner pay than have to hear about that ever
Carly: I’m sorry you’re hearing of it & I’ll spare you the sight of me
Bartley: you don’t have to for my sake but you won’t want the others seeing you either so
Bartley: yeah
Carly: idc about what the others 👀
Bartley: you should
Bartley: they’ll not be trying to hold back from saying anything that could be the wrong thing
Carly: they never do & their piece they wanna say has truth enough to it
Carly: I did the wrong thing
Bartley: reckoning it’s appropriate don’t mean you have to aspire to it
Carly: it’s deserved for once
Bartley: so enjoy it, yeah
Bartley: is that what you want me to say
Carly: if I’m caught out of my hiding spot the rest can enjoy themselves 🦊🐶🐶🐶
Carly: & you can say whatever u want its not for putting a stop to either
Bartley: you’re in luck that everyone’s distracted atm
Carly: call me a whore so’s we can move past this
Bartley: no
Bartley: ‘cos that’s so obviously what you want
Carly: for us to be friends yea that is what I want
Bartley: then stop trying to make me
Carly: don’t hold over me what I gave you fair chance to say
Bartley: I don’t need to
Carly: k then
Bartley: how are we ever going to be friends if you reckon that’s all that’s in my head and next out my mouth
Carly: tell me what is & i won’t guess there’s our how
Bartley: I have to tell you everything in my head or you’ll lose yours
Carly: you didnt have to say it like such a gobshite but hey
Carly: something from in your head at least
Bartley: you make me sound like I’m thick in mine
Carly: & you make me sound more gone in mine even than I am
Bartley: I’m not good with words and you’re after me saying loads of them
Carly: I’m no good in my actions but u were after me acting loads better
Bartley: too good, arguably
Carly: I’ll do anything or nothing if you talk to me
Bartley: I am
Bartley: we’re talking now, girl
Carly: & u’ll put the 🔐 back like this never happened?
Bartley: dunno why you took it off in the first place, yeah
Carly: dont you
Bartley: already said I think it was a dumb thing to do
Carly: yea but that’s not the same as you dont know y it was something i did
Bartley: you wanted to see if I actually cared
Carly: & you were after ⏪
Bartley: how did you work out that had anything to do with it
Carly: cos it does
Carly: before i was in my box & u thought of me how you thought of me til 🔐 made it different
Bartley: why’s it make it different?
Carly: you never cared til I brought it to you & forced your hand
Bartley: I’ve never seen anyone acting like he was with you before
Bartley: a full-grown adult, like
Carly: I’m sorry you saw
Bartley: we only need be sorry it happened
Carly: I’m used to it happening
Carly: men of his sort & what they do
Bartley: you shouldn’t be
Carly: hes braver or stupider than most, to his credit 
Carly: if we can call it that
Bartley: we can’t
Bartley: there’s no one lower
Carly: no matter the fellas away now
Bartley: ‘til the next one
Carly: they’re not all of em visiting for me
Carly: the next’ll probably wish I wasnt there
Bartley: but there’s no guarantee
Bartley: that’s why she should’ve found herself a decent man by now, it isn’t safe
Carly: decent men are after decent women to settle down w
Bartley: obviously
Carly: when youre older it’ll be your way
Bartley: yeah
Carly: ive no guarantees for my path how you’ve
Bartley: is that what you want
Carly: wanting won’t make it so
Carly: nobody wants me for a wife only for things they’d never ask of who they’ll marry
Bartley: everyone can get what they want
Bartley: but of course you’ll have to act like the sort of girl who’s a wife not a whore, you can’t have your cake and eat it too
Carly: & an act would be all it was
Carly: ive already eaten my 🧁🍰 or been eaten like
Bartley: and we can all always mend our ways and repent
Bartley: if you’re not willing to then it isn’t actually important to you
Carly: every bite didnt make me 🤢🤮
Carly: being sorry enoughs hard
Bartley: there’s your answer then
Carly: I dont have it in me to be 🤍🙏💍❄️🧼✨👰
Bartley: lucky no one is going to make you then, I guess
Carly: yea 🍀🐇🌠🎲
Bartley: you’d hate being married
Carly: why would I?
Bartley: only being with one person
Carly: oh
Carly: well 1 lad was my 💭 but I picked wrong
Bartley: won’t Ronan go out with you?
Carly: he don’t reckon im as alike to ali as u
Bartley: I could talk to him, make him do the honourable thing
Carly: hes no need when I never did the honourable thing by him
Bartley: guess it saves the drama anyway
Bartley: not meant to
Carly: ive more use for friends & hes meant to be
Carly: I hope so now
Bartley: it must be awkward
Carly: course but we’re both trying for it to be less
Bartley: did warn you, like
Carly: I remember
Bartley: not about to gloat, you’re grand
Carly: told you Id not stop u
Bartley: there’s no joy in it, trust me
Carly: if theres ever
Carly: go for your life & have mine w it
Bartley: why would there be
Carly: idk maybes youll hate us again tomorrow or soon
Bartley: even if I did, it still makes my family look stupid so no
Bartley: it never will 
Carly: k never
Bartley: right
Carly: & next warning ill listen 
Carly: how I said
Bartley: I’ve only so many cousins who are eligible 
Bartley: what’s done is done
Carly: but its not why I’m done u know my reasons arent the lack of lads of age on site
Bartley: yeah, I know
Carly: whats done is though you’re right
Bartley: best we can do is move on from it all, everyone
Bartley: there’ll be something else to talk about if we wait long enough
Carly: will I see you once ive waited out my skin being a colour whats neither 🧡 or ❤️💜💙?
Bartley: if you manage hiding that long in the first place
Carly: youve plenty work on to busy your days w & nights are only so long even alone cos ive my ma to keep me from really being
Bartley: I couldn’t still be in with my family
Carly: 🍀🐇🌠🎲 you dont have to
Bartley: it’s for the babies only, well, for boys, girls ‘til they have their own home and family to leave for
Carly: she’d be lost if i left
Carly: having to feed & keep herself in clean towels
Bartley: you’re the child not her
Carly: wes both better @ it the other way round
Bartley: mammy her properly and get her to sort herself out then
Carly: in 1 👂 & out the 2nd like the 👶 shes playing @ 
Carly: as a mammy I must b too soft
Bartley: must be so
Carly: 🍼🍭🍬🧸🎁🎈🧁🍰
Bartley: 🍭🍬🚬🌿🌼🍄🍆🍺🍷🥃🍸🎱🔮🎈
Carly: I’d hate being a for proper mammy to b sure
Bartley: take it off your goal list
Carly: the future’s to look to when theres something worth 
Bartley: ‘cos now is so stellar, like
Carly: 🎅🎄🌟🎁⛄️ before yous blink
Bartley: what are you getting
Carly: 🙏💙🔮💜🤞🌠 the coat i couldnt afford bonfire night
Carly: but idk
Carly: what r you?
Bartley: nice one
Bartley: I’m not sure, clothes too, maybe
Bartley: not bothering getting a car of my own until I’m old enough
Carly: I won’t tell the others ive heard you say ur bothered by gorja laws
Bartley: I’d be the one getting caught and the car taken and my daddy in trouble
Bartley: it’s just my luck, like
Bartley: Moses is jammy and Johnny could be an adult proper, way he carries himself
Carly: you carry yourself as well as your brother
Bartley: you think?
Carly: yea ive thought it a long time now
Bartley: well, thanks for that
Bartley: I’m not as serious, don’t have to be
Carly: idk youre serious when you lay the law down to me
Bartley: that’s special circumstances, usually I’m not
Carly: im special is it?
Carly: new 1 there
Bartley: sure, you can take it as a compliment if you fancy
Carly: rare as they are I’ll take em all 💎
Bartley: they can’t be that rare
Carly: why not?
Bartley: because you’re a pretty girl
Bartley: maybe you need to go to school more, then they’d not be
Carly: 😳🍨 if i was called pretty @ school instead of what I am i might
Bartley: are people cunts to you?
Carly: talk & my rep follows me off site like
Carly: its my own fault how they are
Bartley: is it?
Carly: somes surely my ma’s grant u but she’d not take it on as hers & Im not dragging the dead 🐎 along too
Bartley: I get it
Carly: I’m not 1 of yous but i go in for the same slagging to everyone @ school as youve had
Bartley: they stop once you smack them
Carly: you told us Im not built for 💪🥊🤕
Bartley: you’re not, no
Bartley: but I can’t hit no girls for you either
Carly: i asked you not to hit my ma’s man I wouldnt of u to smack no girls 
Carly: where’d be the sense
Bartley: I’m just saying
Carly: what youd protect me if you could?
Bartley: yeah
Carly: i'm just teasing
Bartley: very funny, messer
Carly: you’re v sweet
Bartley: I’ve heard
Carly: I dont wanna erin’s craic its k
Carly: whatever she whispered in your 💚👂 when she werent attached to your face’s between yous
Bartley: shut up 🙄
Carly: shut me up or quit ur 🙄
Bartley: her craic is never so you want to think on
Carly: don't you think shes pretty?
Bartley: sure, she’s fine
Bartley: it’s her personality
Carly: 😅😅😅
Carly: I like you & your bluntness all the more when its not directed @ me
Bartley: 😏
Bartley: I were nice, I didn’t kick her out or anything
Carly: me too & I wanted to kick her or drag her out by her hair or something
Bartley: did you
Carly: u & her knocks me 🤮 or 💪🥊🤕 or 😭 I said
Bartley: I remember
Bartley: there’s no me and her
Carly: you & 🤶 then
Carly: whoever’s next
Bartley: maybe you’d make a decent fighter after-all
Bartley: didn’t know you had so much rage in you
Carly: this heres why I asked if you’ve the knowing of any girls
Bartley: you’re always nice to everyone, all smiley
Carly: she don’t deserve different shes not trying to make me jealous
Bartley: but you are
Carly: yea
Bartley: yeah
Carly: no, say ive nothing to be jealous of
Carly: cos there’ll be no you & 🤶
Bartley: but you know what you’ve to be jealous of 
Bartley: and I like that you are
Carly: I can’t 💪🥊🤕 no girls for u to watch 
Carly: not what your bday 🎁 were for
Bartley: it was for watching you though, wasn’t it
Carly: but you could pick something I know how to do
Carly: go easier on me
Bartley: like walking downstairs on your hands, yeah
Carly: like that
Bartley: you’re mad
Carly: I’m less scared of stairs than I am of you
Bartley: why are you scared of me
Carly: its a bigger fall for u
Carly: it’d hurt more
Bartley: I won’t let it
Carly: you can’t protect me
Bartley: I’m not stupid, like the pair of them
Carly: they’re not, I am
Bartley: yes, they are
Bartley: I’d not do that
Carly: none of yous ever lied to me
Carly: I lied to myself
Bartley: They could’ve avoided everyone knowing, it’s not rocket science 
Carly: I won’t let anyone know why I’m smacking erin if shes back again
Bartley: she’s not meant to be here
Carly: you don’t want her
Bartley: only to see you pull her hair, maybe
Carly: maybe id risk my rep changing for the sake of what you’re after
Bartley: you want to
Carly: I want you to 👀 me
Bartley: I will
Carly: I won’t always be pretty
Bartley: yes you are
Carly: not if I let the 🍭🍬🚬🌿🌼🍄🍆🍺🍷🥃🍸🎱🔮🎈 all wear off
Bartley: I’m not scared
Carly: I am but I’ll still do it
Bartley: You’re brave then
Carly: desperate ive been called
Bartley: not for me
Carly: not by you but its for u
Bartley: it is now
Carly: I am now
Bartley: soon
Carly: from right now
Bartley: you have been thinking about me since [the night of the lock debacle] 
Carly: since [she saw them kiss and wanted to die in the most exact timeframe we can put that] if you’re after having it right, boy
Bartley: shit
Bartley: you really are jealous
Carly: I hate her
Carly: youre turning me into someone I’m never
Bartley: you’re still the sweetest to me
Carly: when you taste me ill forgive you
Carly: maybe her too but im not promising like
Bartley: you should hate her, that’s how it made me feel
Carly: did it?
Bartley: maybe I can’t hate them forever, we’re family
Bartley: but when it all went down, ‘course
Carly: don’t hate them forever
Carly: I’ll make it up to u, for everything
Bartley: You can do better
Carly: I’ll do anything
Carly: say it & its good as already done
Bartley: I know you’d do anything but what do you want to do
Carly: youre asking me?
Bartley: go on
Carly: no one ever has before I’m 😳
Bartley: Good
Carly: for an answer…
Carly: I want you to kiss me
Bartley: I will
Carly: when?
Bartley: when you’re not black and blue no more
Carly: k but you’re not to 💪🥊🤕 my dealer so’s we match in the time between
Bartley: Be all the better I never see his face again
Carly: I’m about to try my hardest to give him no cause to show it nowhere I’m @ or off to
Bartley: Glad to hear it
Carly: til im glad to chuck myself down the stairs for my personality to put a stop to itself
Carly: & you reckon erin’s a 1 for hers
Bartley: don’t I know yours yet?
Carly: my god I don’t even know it yet
Bartley: how can you reckon it so terrible then
Carly: my ma reckoned on turning to 🍭🍬🚬🌿🌼🍄🍆🍺🍷🥃🍸🎱🔮🎈 herself for a reason & ive no daddy for another
Bartley: both being your mammy has no sense
Carly: you’ve sense to move yourself from me in ways of your own
Bartley: it’s not right, for girls and boys to be friends, not to us
Bartley: it isn’t personal
Carly: it’ll be personal this time, most it can
Bartley: because it’s private
Carly: what if you don’t like me underneath? what am I to do?
Bartley: I already do
Carly: oh
Bartley: oh, yeah, alright
Bartley: so stop worrying
Carly: if I cover myself w makeup & clothes to mean none of the bruises show u could stop me worrying
Bartley: no, I don’t want to see you yet
Carly: sorry I’ll be 😇✨🙏
Bartley: I’ll see you when you’re all better
Carly: 😁🤍🌞☁️🌼🌻🌚🌟🌠🤍
Bartley: if you need somewhere to hide out from your mammy whilst I’m at work, you can use my ‘van
Bartley: I have a spare [wherever a boy would, in the BBQ perhaps]
Carly: you’ll make me cry 🥺😢😭
Bartley: ah, don’t do that
Carly: but its that kind of u
Bartley: you can have Ali in but no one else, alright
Carly: I swear
Carly: to treat the place even better than if it was my own
Bartley: it’s a deal then
Carly: 🤝💚
Carly: [okay so the first day she uses his caravan, which I don’t imagine is anywhere near the next day after what we just did because she’s got a detox to do and many a panic attack to have, but whenever it is during the bruise fading 2 week period, we ALL know she’s gonna tidy up his caravan top to bottom for the whole day basically so it’s the tidiest it’s ever been (including washing the blanket she used before obvs) and pick him some of the flowers that are around and about for his table and leave him some kind of one pot meal that he only has to heat up when he gets back from work, it’s FINE]
Bartley: Was all this you?
Carly: I’m sorry
Carly: I only meant to wash up ☕️🥄 I’d used but I started & never stopped
Carly: don’t be 😤😠 @ me
Bartley: Why would I be mad at you
Bartley: I thought my mammy had been ‘round, you didn’t have to do any of this
Carly: I got carried away, like 😳
Carly: might be you dont even eat [whatever she has made which is the most lowkey and chill and boy safe meal ever but we’re still scared he’ll hate it]
Bartley: I do
Bartley: Thanks, for everything
Carly: its nothing
Carly: nowhere near as nice as letting me borrow your van today
Bartley: it’s very nice
Bartley: and I’m not good with words so I don’t know how to tell you it’s not nothing but yeah
Carly: u did us a double favour not the other way round
Carly: keeping me busy 🌺🐝🍯 & out from under my mas feet
Bartley: I feel like I should give you something, like
Carly: you already gave me knowing of where 🔑 was
Bartley: suppose so
Carly: w out it id be 😈😝😜🤪😈
Bartley: I’m impressed
Carly: I can keep the devil out or the dust?
Bartley: two birds one stone, weren’t it
Carly: sure & ive some sanity kept in either way
Bartley: can tell you look after your ma and not the right way ‘round
Carly: I told you so but yea now you’ve been shown too
Bartley: the chinese is gonna wonder where I am
Carly: idm if you feel you’ve to tell me when to take a day off
Carly: for ur 🥡🥢🍜 craving’s sake
Bartley: less of a craving when it’s what I have every night my ma’s not made something, you’re grand
Carly: every night? 😅
Carly: come now boy you’ll have the heart attack before I’ll
Bartley: Sure it depends what we’re driving past on the way home
Bartley: don’t judge me, girl
Carly: what I’m gonna do is care for u every night your mammy’s her other mouths to feed
Carly: then you’ll stay 💪💚 as you are
Bartley: what about yours?
Bartley: she can’t be risking 🥡🥢🍜 every night
Carly: nor can I
Carly: but 1 portion extra won’t be no bother to me if wes all eat the same
Bartley: sounds good to me
Carly: not seen the inside of the chinese since [whatever special occasion it’s a tradition for whether that’s boxing day or your mum’s bday or whatever, we’re giving it’s been ages but now this boy has made her want one haha]
Bartley: I owe you one now
Bartley: what do you get?
Carly: nah you’re grand
Carly: my ma’s no believer in the 🧚‍♀️🥡🥢🍜🧚‍♀️ & what else would I tell her?
Bartley: you can have it at mine
Bartley: no need to share your [thing that everyone always wants like spring rolls or prawn toast and you’d have to fight over in a fam]
Carly: or my [and tell him your order even though you’re sure he’ll make fun of you because I imagine it’s the kind of thing George mocks in his vids because your mother is that chav and you’ve clearly been having the same thing since you were an even younger child than the child you still are cos anxiety be like]
Carly: but I’m to wait [however long is left of your he doesn't want to see you with bruises era] then? 🥺💔😢💔😭💔
Bartley: ‘fraid so
Bartley: you’ll be all the more hungry for it at least
Carly: you don’t reckon ive worked up appetite enough for all your talk of being impressed w me
Bartley: you must be knackered, definitely 
Carly: 🙏💙🔮💜🤞🌠 I’ll sleep well 
Carly: another favour you’ll have done by me
Bartley: you did it yourself, along with making this place look brand new
Carly: least I can til I look new again myself
Bartley: not like you owed me anything
Carly: I wanted to do something kind back w the 🔑 cos of your  offer being kind in itself
Bartley: I didn’t offer just to be nice
Carly: you just are
Bartley: not always
Carly: I’ve had time to think of how often it’s been true & it’s more than not
Bartley: it has?
Bartley: I’ll have to take your word
Carly: I don’t blame you doubting it when there’s plenty ive only ever wanted to be true but this is
Bartley: I just don’t feel like I’ve been that nice to you
Bartley: just not the worst
Carly: you’re the nicest take my word
Bartley: alright
Carly: I like your [something she saw in his caravan] 
Bartley: oh
Bartley: I probably should’ve tidied up better myself before I left
Carly: you werent expecting me
Carly: & im not teasing, I mean it
Carly: [say something more specific about why you like the thing because you really do]
Bartley: was today the first time you came over?
Carly: yea
Carly: 1st I went from feeling like I couldn’t leave ours to I feckin had to go that minute there or else
Bartley: yeah, know the feeling
Bartley: I’m glad, that you did
Carly: me too
Bartley: I know I could just say I’ll see you now but I can’t
Bartley: I know I’ll not be alright with it
Carly: I’m not after u 👀 @ me  ❤️💜💙 either
 Carly: but I forget when ive had the day 💭 of you w all your things round me
Bartley: as long as we’re on the same page
Carly: we’re right to wait
Carly: & as you’ve clean sheets to lie on no reason it’ll hurt you to
Bartley: oh am I to get a good nights sleep too?
Carly: unless you can’t for 💭 of me in your bedroom
Bartley: might’ve crossed my mind
Carly: luckily I never kept u from your work having no knowing I was there doing my own for you yet
Carly: I’m still to be counted as 😇✨🙏 how I said I’d behave
Bartley: can’t fault you, nah
Carly: my cooking maybe when you’ve tried it
Bartley: I wouldn’t say, I’ve got manners
Carly: I can’t tell your mammy & if u hate it I’d sooner be told than feed you shite you’ve no stomach for
Bartley: It isn’t
Carly: you like it?
Bartley: ‘course, yeah
Carly: yay
Bartley: Yay, you’re gas
Carly: what’s gas?
Bartley: you, you’re funny
Carly: can’t I be 😁😁😁 you’re not 🤢🤮?
Bartley: you can
Bartley: but why would I be, you’re no dope, you know how to cook
Carly: for my ma
Carly: you’ve not killed your tastebuds 🚬🍺🍷🥃
Bartley: you don’t need to worry, alright
Carly: I’m not now, you like it
Bartley: Good
Carly: & you don’t have need to worry yourself bb
Carly: not about us im getting 😁🤍🌞☁️🌼🌻🌚🌟🌠
Bartley: I know
Carly: you’ll 👀
Bartley: yeah, so there’d be no point in you lying, I believe you 
Carly: you can trust me to tell yous all the truth
Carly: i am even when you’d be after hearing a lie instead
Bartley: I’ve seen you put your foot in it enough to know
Carly: you’re never far when it happens like but I take less offence to that than I used to
Bartley: you’re not the only one that makes a fool of themselves
Bartley: have been know to, unfortunately, so
Carly: much less often
Carly: you’re grand
Bartley: I’m trying to fit in
Bartley: you know you don’t
Carly: we won’t ever be welcome or belong
Carly: its my earliest knowing of what was so with living here
Bartley: has she ever said why here
Carly: not to me
Carly: but sure she’d wear her not fitting in like an honour, being so for the drama you hate
Bartley: that’s usually why gorjas try to be about us, sure
Carly: hear a story of hers you’ve em all there’s sense in that being an old & done to its death 1 as well
Bartley: Parents are just like that, a bit
Carly: doesnt jesus have words written down about how you’re to talk of your mammy & daddy?
Bartley: yes, but I never dishonoured ‘em
Bartley: I just mean they’ve their own words on everything and by the time you’re in double digits, you’ve heard ‘em all twice over at least
Carly: true enough, he’d probably agree anyway having had god & joseph both as his daddys
Bartley: must be so
Carly: I wonder where mine is & what words hes living by
Bartley: do you think about your daddy a lot?
Carly: I try not to he’d never be impressed by me 
Bartley: Can’t be very impressive himself, unless she gave him no clue of you
Carly: given who shes picked else since might be best I’m kept in darkness over him
Bartley: but you’d like to know, still
Carly: to have some real clue instead of my guesses would be something but hers are all she has
Bartley: a guess is just that, it can’t give you anything but it also can’t mess you up 
Bartley: like you said, you don’t know how bad it could be
Carly: you’re so 🍀🐇🌠🎲
Bartley: yeah, I know
Carly: but by the same logic my ma could be worse herself or I could be w out 1 at all
Carly: meaning ive some 🍀🐇🌠🎲
Bartley: couldn’t it always be worse
Bartley: don’t mean you have to be glad and grateful 
Carly: if not I’d be 😤🍋😠🍋😡😈🤬😈 & 🥺💔😢💔😭💔
Carly: if im not trying to find the good what am I trying to do?
Bartley: you don’t have to let her walk all over you and take the piss though
Bartley: there’s nothing 😁😁😁 about that
Carly: u don’t have to live with her
Bartley: no, you do
Carly: & my god I’m trying my best
Bartley: okay
Carly: you’ve always something to say to put me in the wrong
Bartley: that’s not what I said
Carly: it is
Bartley: It ain’t, don’t tell me what I said
Carly: I heard what you said
Bartley: yeah and how you interpret my words is on you and your brain
Carly: sure look its been a 1 minute since you could find fault w me & now here’s your 1st chance to be back calling us mental again
Carly: have ur fun, boy
Bartley: Jesus Christ
Bartley: whatever
Carly: k yea whatever
1 note · View note
tiqalicious · 1 year
Interview with Jack McCallum - Officer A. Hayes presiding.
JM: "I don't understand why I'm still being held here."
AH: "We still have a lot of questions Jack, we're just trying to make things a little more clear."
JM: "I didn't do it."
AH: "We know that Jack, but if you'll just take some time to describe it again for us, it could really help us out."
JM: "I've already told the lot of ye, he was dead when I found him."
AH: "On your farm, you said?"
JM: "Aye. T'was my neighbour's boy, little Rory. She brought him over once when he was nuttin but a wean, and you should have seen the smile on his face. His mam said t'was the first smile he ever cracked and I think it gave me a soft spot for em, cause by the time he hit ten, I'd let him come over every single day, carrying his little jotter and scribblin away like a mad thing at everything he saw."
AH: "He came over every day?"
JM: "Oh aye. Shannon didn't have a lot of money to throw around, see? So I was always fixing him lunches and letting him hang around. He was a good wee lad, spent all day out and about, and never really got into trouble save for falling in the water. I saw him running to the house once like he was feart for his life, chased away by a pine marten, convinced the thing was goin ta kill em. Best craic I've ever seen, that. Laughed till I was in tears."
Officers notes: Jack went quiet for a few moments here, only staring at the table. He hasn't looked me in the eyes since we started speaking, but I find it hard to believe he's hiding anything from me. He really looks as if he lost one of his own.
AH: "I'm not really s'posed to do this now, but you look like you could use a fag. Have one of mine."
JM: "Appreciate it. I uh… I told him not to go over to that grove, you know."
AH: "The trees where you found him?"
JM: "Aye. I'll tell ye now, there's always been sumtin quare hanging around that spot over the bridge. The animals avoided it like the fuckin plague. The dogs would get their hackles up any time ye went too close, the sheep would run away from it like the devil himself was at their heels, and the horses, well they wouldn't even take a single step upon that bridge. Me nan told me once when I was wee that horses know sumtin we don't. She said their eyes are open to the entire world afore them, and the rest of us are all just sleepwalking through it. I've learned to never doubt the judgement of me horses, but… I should have just took a hammer to that fuckin bridge. T'is my fault he's gone."
AH: "We'll find whoever did this."
JM: "No ye fuckin won't."
AH: "I promise ye now Ja-"
Officers notes: Jack became enraged at this moment, and it took a while to calm him down, but I was able to de-escalate without any need for restraint.
JM: "Ye still don't fuckin get it, do ye?. It don't want to be bloody found! There's something foul in there that should have been left alone, and I was too fuckin stupid to make sure it stayed that way! It took his fuckin eyes, Aidan! It plucked them right from his skull and left him out there to die an he was probably too busy chasing after a fuckin butterfly, to even see it coming! I DID THIS! I COULD HAVE STOPPED IT AND NOW HE'S FUCKIN GONE!"
AH: "Jackie…"
JM: "Don't you give me another fuckin word. Ye can't make this better and ye won't find who did it, so just fuckin don't. You lot aren't equipped to deal with any of this sort of thing."
AH: "Ye don't have to worry about that now, Jack. We've already brought in some specialists."
JM: "What?"
AH: "Some big important crew brought all the way over from London. They're at yer place now, lookin over the grove. They're the ones who asked me to talk to ye again."
JM: "It don't fucking matter, because THEY WON'T BELIEVE ME!"
AH: "I wouldn't be so sure of that, Jack."
JM: "What are ye on about?"
AH: "Never mind. Shouldn't have said anything. I'll be round yer way tonight to check in on Shannon. I'll come see ye after, eh?"
JM: "I don't ne-"
AH: "I said I'll come see ye after, make sure yer doing okay, right?"
JM: "Ah…. right then."
AH: "Okay, well I think we've got everything we need here, so yer free to go. Just keep away from the grove while that lot do there work, eh?"
JM: "Fine."
Initial autopsy report performed by H. Duffy, Coroner: Deceased male, 12. Eyes and tongue removed despite no signs of struggle. No entry wounds on body, yet subject is missing all major organs. Three ribs completely missing with no medical history of removal. Baffling absence of blood on scene or signs of trauma, perhaps sign of as yet untraceable chemical agent? No clear answers. Body sent to London for further investigation.
"So…. Thoughts?"
"Sounds like a rushed job."
"Indeed. I would wager that someone was interrupted."
"Aye. Farmer probably went looking and got too close to the scene. That child was supposed to disappear."
"So why not simply take the farmer as well?"
"Too much attention. Probably an entry point."
"Quite likely one of hundreds, honestly"
"The specialists…"
"Hunters, my dear boy. If nothing else, at least this little misstep is an opportunity to confirm some suspicions. Someone high up the ladder is running a branch out of london."
"I'll make sure our lot know to avoid the area for a few weeks."
"I'm afraid that's not entirely possible, quite yet. You heard the recording. The officer suspects something. The farmer knows, as those infuriating salt of the earth types so often do, but the officer… we need to tamp this down. Take these press certifications and see to it that the both of them receive a little guidance. Nothing grizzly, just send someone to make them think a little… differently. No need to stoke the flames any further."
"Of course, Cinnidh."
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starfleetwitch · 2 years
Fell face first down a sick induced rabbit hole yesterday... and I am once again considering saving up and going to uni for 1-2 more years
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missscarletta7 · 3 years
The Broken Crown- Chapter 2
Summary: All Margaret Shelby ever wanted, was the opportunity to write her own story. Only now is she beginning to realize that her brother may have already written it for her...
Hello! Enjoy chapter 2!
"Keep spendin' most our lives, Livin' in the gangsta's paradise,
Tell me why are we so blind to see,
That the ones we hurt, are you and me"
~Gangsters Paradise~
"Mags." Was the first thing the young girl heard as she was gently shaken awake, "Go lay in your bed, eh?"
Upon half-opening her eyes, she saw it was Tommy who had been talking to her. Maggie only then realized she had fallen asleep sitting upright. She responded by rubbing her neck and slowly nodding. Clumsily she got off the bed with her journal in hand.
It was early. The exact time she wasn't sure, but sunlight wasn't streaming through the window yet. She entered the quiet hallway, navigating herself to her bedroom in the darkness. When she opened her door, she discovered a figure standing in the middle of the half-lit room changing clothes.
"There you are," Ada whispered out, shimming out of her slip, "Was wondering what happened to you."
"Slept in Tommy's room," She explained, yawning lightly. "Just get in? What time is it?"
Her sister nodded as she continued to change into a nightdress, slipping the fabric over her head. "It's just past four." She informed as the younger girl motioned her way around her sister to flop onto the bed, making it creak from the force of body weight.
"How was your night?" asked Maggie, moving to make her head more comfortable on the old shapeless pillow.
"Romantic." The older girl hummed, sliding into bed next to her sister. "I've never felt this way about anyone."
Maggie turned her body on her side. "Wish I could put a name and face to this mystery man." She watched her sister's eyes flash with guilt. At the realization of her thoughts were now said aloud, regret formed in the pit of Maggie’s stomach.
"I promise I'll tell you sooner than you think, I just-" Ada didn't have to finish the sentence for Maggie to understand what she was going to say: 'I just can't deal with our brothers if they find out '.
"I know Ada," was the last thing the sleepy girl said before closing her eyes and drifting back to sleep.
Eventually, she woke up again around seven in the morning. Carefully, she got out of bed trying not to wake up her sleeping sister, and dressed accordingly in one of Ada's old dresses. She also made sure to pack her journal into her book bag before making her way downstairs. Once in the kitchen, she saw Tommy reading the paper and Finn eating his breakfast.
"Morning." She said, grabbing a bowl and spoon to scoop mushy porridge out of a metal pot, which was sitting on top of the only working stove burner. Polly had most likely prepared it for them. "How did you sleep?"
Tommy knew that question was directed to him, "Better than I have in weeks." This made his sister smile as she sat down in the chair next to him. "Your writing has improved. But then again, I haven't heard you share your work since you were twelve. Pol says you won't even share with her or Ada. Why's that?" He was genuinely curious.
"I don't think it's ready to be shared yet," Maggie shrugged.
He peered at her as he set the paper down onto the table, "You shared last night."
"Only to put you to sleep." She countered, bringing the spoon to her mouth to consume the beige-colored substance.
"Going to have to sometime," he spoke sincerely. "How else are you going to become a writer, eh?"
He was right, she knew that, but right now, her writing felt sacred. As if her words were only meant for her. She was still coming face to face with a paradoxical problem. Every time she would write something down, it would instantly not be good enough. The pages of her journal seemed to have more scribbled-out lines than actual words. She just couldn't explain this feeling properly, and if she couldn't express her feelings in words, how could she write? No, sharing her words would only lead to not being understood. Her thoughts were soon interrupted by the opening and slamming of the front door.
"Tommy!" John angrily stormed into the kitchen, "It's Danny! Those fucking Wops got a hit on him."
Tommy answered back by pushing himself out of his chair and hurriedly following his brother out of the home. Finn quickly tried to follow, but Maggie grabbed him by the collar of his shirt, "Let go Mags!" he cried out.
Maggie sighed, "C'mon, let's get you ready for school." Finn could only respond with a groan, allowing his sister to lead him upstairs.
The next day, a smiling Maggie was squished between John and Finn in the family car. She could barely move without hearing a complaint from John, but she didn't care, she was too excited. They were all on their way to the fair, which had been set up right outside of Birmingham. It had been so long since she had been to one. They were almost there, and she could see the big red and white striped tent peaking over the trees in the distance, so she was confused when Tommy parked the car in a clearing that was still a good distance away.
Arthur spoke up at once, "Thought you said we were going to the fair"
"Yeah, what are we doing?" She asked nervously, leaning her elbows against the front seat.
"We have business first. C'mon, bring your wits." Tommy said getting out of the car with John and Arthur following. He glanced over to his younger siblings noticing they were trying to do the same. " You and Finn stay by the car."
"Seriously?" She just wanted to have a normal day at the fair with her family. Was that too much to ask?
Tommy pointed at her to emphasize. "Stay by the car, Mags."
"What business?" Arthur questioned.
"That's the Lee family," She heard John say.
Great the Lees, thought Maggie sarcastically, as she sank into the seat. Though she did perk herself up when she saw a familiar face walking towards the car.
"Hi, Johnny!" She smiled and waved at the man.
"Well hello pretty lady," Johnny Dogs greeted as he approached the car. "Tell me, have you seen a lass named Maggie?" The teasing tone of his voice was prominent. He had not changed a bit in the four years his presence had been absent.
The girl giggled slightly at his antics, and with a playful air replied, "I'm Maggie."
"You canna be her." He overly acted out in disbelief, "Last time I saw her she was but a child!"
"Hang on a minute," They all heard Arthur say, "You're not swapping the family car for a bloody horse!"
Johnny turned around and quickly walked up to the oldest Shelby, "Of course we're not swapping it. Huh? That would be mad!"
"We're going to play two up," Tommy explained, handing a coin over to the family friend.
"Jesus." Arthur breathed out anxiously, as they all watched the pair toss their coins into the grass and lean forward to get a better view. Silently, Tommy handed over the keys to the car, much to the irritation of the eldest, "I knew it. Tommy, you bloody idiot!"
"Shut up Arthur. I won," Tommy told him, "I promised Johnny I'd let him have a spin in the car if he lost." He watched as the relief washed over his brother's face but was interrupted by collective snickering. He turned to the three men dangerously, "Are you Lee boys laughing at my brother? Are you? Eh? I asked you a question!"
"Tommy! Tommy, c'mon it's just a craic." Johnny reasoned, trying to keep everyone calm, "Get your family out of here and go enjoy yourselves at the fair before they start a war." Johnny then turned to the Lees, and Maggie was able to make out most of what he said. It had something to do about the grandfather she never met before one of the Lees replied, "Yeah, but his mother was a Diddicoy whore."
That had done it. Whipping his weaponized hat off of his head, Tommy slashed at the man's face. Arthur and John quickly joined in. Blood could be seen gushing from their faces as they all yelled obscenities at one another. Finn looked in awe at his brothers, his gaze never wavering from the fight, but Maggie felt sick.
An hour later they had finally reached their original destination. Looking and walking around the fair was an amazing experience. The many rides, animals, oddities, and food all in one place were a wonderment to the many families that came out from all over the area. Yet, Maggie's level of enthusiasm was less than what Tommy had expected. She couldn't shut up most of the way there, now she was as silent as a stone.
"What's the matter with you, eh?" Tommy questioned as they walked around the fairgrounds together, "Did you want to take a spin on the big wheel ride?" He pointed up to the giant machine with carriages that slowly spun in circles.
She asked quietly, "Did you have to hurt them?" Sure, Maggie knew what her brothers did. She would be naive if she said she didn't, but she had never been a witness to it. The violence that she had often heard others speak of was now forever ingrained in her memory, becoming a standard for their future offenses. "The Lee's." She clarified although she was certain he knew what she was talking about.
"They were disrespecting us Mags," He explained as if she were younger than Finn. "You heard them."
Tommy had always tried to keep her in the dark about their business practices, which was easy when she was younger. Unlike Finn, she had always kept her nose in a book, never really paying attention to the transgressions of her siblings. But now she was beginning to notice and was starting to ask questions he'd rather not answer.
"You couldn't walk away?" Maggie inquired, looking towards anywhere but his face.
He remained silent for a moment before stiffly asking, "Do you want to get on the fucking wheel ride or not?" That was Tommy-ese for 'drop it', so she did, and added herself to the growing line. Tommy followed her lead, standing behind her he pulled a cigarette out to smoke as they waited.
Maggie was quiet the entire duration of the drive back home. The setting sun rays peeked through the gray smog as they entered Small Heath, they all noticed the place had been trashed. Broken and ripped furniture looked like they were just tossed in the streets and all those who watched the Shelby car roll slowly down the street managed to give them all a dirty look.
Arthur was the first to speak up, "Now, what the bloody hells been going on here?"
Apparently, from what she gathered it had been the new copper that had been behind the trashing of their neighborhood. Maggie and Cara walked through the crowd, as they recounted the events of each other's day. Thankfully the Ryans dress shop had been spared from the destruction and Maggie told her friend everything about the fair, excluding the violent beginning of course. In front of them stood a pile of portraits that had been gathered from around all the homes and businesses of the community. Once they were lit on fire, familiar faces were lit up as well to contrast the darkness. They both soon saw Ross with a crowd of men, most likely coworkers from the BSA. Once he saw them, he waved them off and began moving toward the girls.
"Are you ever going to tell him?" Maggie asked her friend, as they watched the young man weaving his way through the crowd of people.
"I will!" Cara defended before adding, "Eventually." Maggie tried to hide her smile.
"All right ladies?" Ross greeted once he was near enough.
"So, what's all this about then?" Cara questioned somewhat flirtatiously, pointing at the heap of portraits.
"Ask Mags," Ross replied, sending the dark-haired girl a smirk, "It's her brothers that have organized all this, went 'round taking everyone's pictures."
"Oh right, because they run everything by me first." she joked, causing both her friends to chuckle. Cara soon took over in leading the conversation, but Maggie was only half paying attention. Curiously, she watched as Tommy spoke with a man that she had never seen before. He must have felt her gaze because he found her face in the crowd, causing Maggie to quickly divert her stare off her brother. Ross then pulled out a flask from a pocket inside his dark coat.
"Care for a swig?" He asked them, shaking the container slightly. Drinking alcohol was something she had never really made into a habit, for her it was only for special occasions. Without hesitation, Cara took the silver flask from his hand and drank a few gulps before passing it on to Maggie. Maggie glanced back to her brother, who was no longer watching her, but instead had gone back to his discussion with the man who was now writing something down on a pad of paper.
She grabbed the small open bottle in her hand and raised it to her friends, "Cheers." The liquid burned in her mouth, but she forced herself to swallow. She coughed at the sensation, making Cara laugh as she took the flask back in her hand, downing what was inside again. The small group of friends joked and drank for the next hour or so, as the flames of the bonfire created a comforting warmth over the burning expressionless eyes of his majesty the king.
After drinking so much during the bonfire, Cara must not have been feeling too well because she didn't show up to school the next day. Not only that, but it also seemed as though Finn decided to skip again. So unfortunately for Maggie, she was fated to walk home alone. Slung over her shoulder was her book bag which carried a few books, pens, and her journal. As she walked past the first alleyway, she felt a presence quickly appear next to her.
"In need of some company?" Ross asked, tossing his finished cigarette onto the pavement.
"That would be nice." She smiled up at his tall frame, which had a good five inches on her.
He motioned to the bookbag that rested on her shoulder, "Let me help with that."
"I can carry it myself." She calmly asserted, which made the young man grin.
"Now how would it look to all these people around us if I didn't help you with that, Hm?" He waved his index finger around to point at various people going about their day, "Word will get back to my mum, and she'd beat me for not being the gallant gentleman she raised. And you'd be responsible for that. I'm only trying to save you from a guilty conscience later on."
She supposed she shouldn't let that happen. With a small smile, she passed the bag to him which he took gladly.
"Last night was fun, eh?" He continued, slinging her bag over his shoulder.
"It was," she replied, allowing her mind to wander through the fresh memories. "Though I think Cara had too much fun."
"Sounds like her," he snickered out, "Never scared of fun."
"What else do you think about her?" The dark-haired girl pressed.
"Who, Cara?" He asked and Maggie nodded. "I dunno." He shrugged, adding, "Nice I suppose."
"Oh c'mon, you have to see the way she looks at you" Maggie alluded.
"Never noticed." He admitted, looking uncomfortable.
She knew she couldn't push the matter any further than that. It was time to change the subject, "How's work?"
"Factory is on strike again." He answered her, appearing more relaxed, "Freddie thinks we should be compensated more. Guess we'd need that in order to make up for the wages we've lost."
She couldn't stop herself from rolling her eyes. Of course, Freddy had something to do with this. Though she always admired her brothers' old friend for sticking to his beliefs, she silently judged anyone whose beliefs ranged on the spectrum of radical. "Freddie needs to be more careful. As do you, he's going to get everyone in some serious trouble."
He smiled at her worried words, "He'll be fine. I heard from other workers that he skipped town after the raid. As for me, I think that a bit of trouble is the only way to get what you want."
They had just turned onto Watery Lane, their pace began to slow until they eventually stopped just across the street from the front door of her home. "You didn't have to walk me all the way home, you know," she told him as he handed her book bag back.
His hazel eyes meet her blue ones, "I'd do anything for you, Margaret," he declared seriously. She couldn't help but think that there was a hidden meaning in his words. Was she reading too much into this? He must have meant that as her friend, right?
"I-," she started.
"Maggie!" Tommy's voice rang out.
Maggie turned her head to see her brother as he made his way toward them. The girl's heart clenched at the thought of what he was going to do. Her mind had quickly jumped back to the memory of yesterday, the slashing, the anger, the blood. She glanced over to Ross, whose expression went from nervous to stoic in a matter of seconds.
"Go inside," Tommy instructed once he stood close enough to the two teens.
"Now Mags," he commanded with a low voice. Coolly, Tommy took a drag from his cigarette that was resting in between his fingers, not taking his eyes off Ross.
With a huff and a final look towards her friend, Maggie bid him farewell before swiftly walking toward the front door of her family home. Once the dark-haired girl was out of earshot Ross apprehensively spoke, "Mr. Shelby I- I was just walking her home, I wasn't trying to-"
"I know Ross," Tommy assured the anxious young man, tossing his finished cigarette to the ground. Pol had told him that the young Murray lad had helped look after his sister while he and his brothers were away in France. Had even heard a rumor amongst some of the younger men in the betting shop that he knocked the shit out of another boy who was sniffing around Margaret. If that was true, Tommy felt indebted. He was a busy man, so he cut to the chase, "You beat a bloke that was giving Maggie trouble?"
Ross modestly nodded at his question. "You're a good lad." The gangster commended, passing the young man one of his cigarettes from its silver metal casing. He also lit a match to assist him with lighting it. "Is your Uncle Ian still living in Dublin?"
Ross had to admit, he wasn't expecting the line of questioning to head in this direction. Nevertheless, he nodded once again, removing the rolled tobacco from his lips to allow a puff of smoke to escape from his lungs. The young man's confusion ceased when he watched Tommy pull out two pounds sterling from his pocket. Ross’s eyes couldn't help but widen at the act.
"Good, I want you to do me a favor. Call him and tell him to ask around all the local pubs in town if they know anything about a barmaid named Grace Burgess." As much as Tommy wanted to say he didn't care about this new woman who had found herself working at The Garrison, he needed to know exactly where she came from and if she was telling the truth. Digging out another pound he said, "Here send this to your uncle too."
"I will Mr. Shelby," he assured, accepting the coins in his outreached hand.
Tommy turned away and began walking toward his home, without looking back he added, "Welcome to the Peaky Blinders, Ross."
When Maggie entered her home, she found Polly sitting in the kitchen reading a newspaper and drinking tea. "Hello, love. How was school?"
"Fine." She replied curtly, dropping her book bag onto the floor beside the table. She immediately moved to the window, looking out just in time to see Tommy lighting a cigarette for Ross. Relief washed over Maggie, this conversation thankfully seemed as though it wouldn't involve fists... or razor blades.
Polly's eyes were now on her, "What are you looking at?"
"Nothing." Maggie tore herself away from the window to sit down opposite her aunt, pulling out her journal and pen from the book bag next to her feet. Tommy ended up entering the kitchen not two minutes later.
"I hope you didn't tell my friend that you'd hurt him." Maggie told her brother much more boldly than she felt, "He was just being kind."
He stared at her for a moment before replying knowingly, "Now why would I hurt my newest recruit." With that, he exited into the betting shop closing the doors behind him. She gapped, still looking at the shut doors trying to process how Tommy could ever involve her friend in whatever schemes he was engaging in.
Her emotions must have shown all over her face because her aunt chuckled slightly. "I wouldn't worry too much about your friend," Polly told her eyes still on the black and white paper. But Maggie couldn't stop herself from slumping into the old wooden chair before she continued writing, ultimately stopping when she felt her sister's presence enter the room.
"Good of you to join us," Polly said to Ada from behind her newspaper. "Where have you been all day?
"In bed," Ada replied. "Couldn't sleep, then I couldn't wake up, then I was cold, and then I had to go for a wee. Then I was with this bear on a boat, but that was just a dream, then I was hungry." Maggie looked up from her journal once again to see that Ada took the empty seat between her and their aunt with a massive slice of bread with a jar of jam in hand.
Maggie looked pointedly at the last of the bread that she had made recently, "Jesus Ada, save some food for the rest of us."
Ada stuck her tongue out, before looking at her aunt, "Why are you reading the paper?" Ada inquired.
"Why wouldn't I be?" Polly questioned back, picking up her teacup.
"I've never seen you read the paper. I've only ever seen you light fires with them." The older Shelby sister continued, taking a bite of her food.
"BSA is on strike" Polly explained, "The miners are on strike. IRA are killing our boys, ten a day." Though when Polly stopped talking, she continued to stare at Ada eating.
The older girl soon noticed her aunt's gaze. "What?" She asked in between her chewing.
"Stand up," Polly commanded.
"Why?" Ada questioned.
"Just stand up," Polly ordered standing up herself, eventually Ada compiled, "Side on," Polly added and Ada motioned her body to face to the side. Maggie was taken aback when Polly suddenly cupped one of her sisters' breasts.
Though Ada was much more reactionary, "What are you doing?!"
"Ada, how late are you?" Polly asked seriously and Maggie couldn't stop her mouth as it fell open slightly.
"One week." Not too bad, Maggie thought. "Five weeks," Ada amended. It wasn't ideal, but maybe she was due any day now. "Seven, if you count weekends." The girl corrected herself once again.
"Holy Fuck, "Maggie shook her head in disbelief.
Ada seemed desperate for this not to be the reality, "I think it's a lack of iron. I got some tablets." She explained to them, as Polly sat back down in her chair.
"But they didn't work." Their aunt concluded.
Ada too sat back down, "No."
Maggie gulped at her sister's answer and looked to her aunt, watching Polly as she took a deep breath. The thought process could not be seen on her face, but the young girls knew that the situation was being meticulously addressed in her mind. "Get dressed. We're going to the midwife. Let's just make sure you are before anyone makes any rash decisions."
Ada nodded, holding back the tears that threatened to spill over. Maggie's heart clenched, and moved her hand over her sisters, squeezing it slightly. Whatever was to come, they would weather through it together.
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reincarnated70sbaby · 3 years
maritime madness
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led zeppelin x reader
warnings: swearing, drug use
an: so I was sailing yesterday and I was thinking about this the entire time I might have nearly capsized the boat
“I can’t believe we’re actually doing this” I spoke, staring out at the large blue yacht that rested on the waters of Normandy. It all started the day before, when we were all throwing around tripped out ideas in our hotel room.
“What are we gonna do tomorrow?” Jimmy asked. I sat by his side, my head resting on his bony shoulder. My dose of LSD had just kicked it, and as it was my first time it probably hit me quicker than the others. I tried to speak, but it felt like every time I moved my mouth, it felt like I would stretch my mouth out of shape, like putty.
“Let’s go explore that cathedral, the big massive one, y’know? The one with the hunchback. Maybe we could bump into him or something”
As soon as the words left Robert’s lips, our entire entourage burst out in giggles. I myself, was having hard time controlling my breathing. I had to rest my head in Jimmy’s lap, Jimmy being doubled down over me clutching his stomach.
“Percy, you dumb fucker, y-you know that’s not a real story” Jonesy informed, all his words all broken up by loud chuckles.
Roberts jaw immediately dropped open in shock, along with his eyes widening and brown trashing in confusion.
“Nah, yeah it was, the uh, the hunchman did the um, bells. Yeah, the bells”
“No he didn’t, because he never existed you nonce. It’s a fairytale from the 19th century” Jimmy piped in, adding his extensive knowledge of mythology and folklore into the conversation.
“But me ma said he existed, you’re gonna say my mum lied to me all those years?”
“Well obviously Perce, it’s just a bedtime story” Jonesy added, still chuckling to himself at Robert’s gullible nature.
“Fine then, someone else give an idea since all of mine always get ridiculed” Robert stated, crossing his arms and craning his head back against the footboard of the bed and staring at the ceiling in a huff.
“How about Père Lachaise?”
“What the actual fuck is pear la chair Pagey?” Bonzo asked, pronouncing the words all wrong in his thick Englishman accent.
“It’s Père Lachaise” Jimmy corrected in a perfect French accent, “and it’s a graveyard in Paris, loads of famous people are buried there - Oscar Wilde, Frederic Chopin, Jim Morrison, Edith Piaf”
“Jimmy you must be as mad as Morrison to think we would waste our day off in a fucking dead person museum. Jesus Christ how did we pick you up” Bonzo sighed, rolling his eyes.
“Okay, what about Mont Saint-Michel? It’s this cool island off of the coast. There’s a bridge but once the tide comes in you can’t get in or out. Wouldn’t that be good craic eh?” Jonesy suggested
“No” Bonzo, Jimmy and Robert all said at the same time.
“Ah! You’ve been outnumbered Mr Jones haha. Maybe you and I could go out another time Jonny boy, we could go exploring and see the spirits trapped on the island” I said with a chuckle, the psychedelic in my system making this whole situation very funny.
“Jesus Christ what the fuck did she even say. That her first time on acid?” Robert asked to Jimmy.
“Must’ve been, it hit her pretty quickly” Jimmy replied, staring into my largely dilated pupils. He swore he could’ve seen something dancing in my pupils, but maybe that was just the drug in him.
We all sat in silence for a couple minutes, all of us enjoying our high.
“Innnnnnnnnnnnnnn fourteen hundred ninety two, Columbus sailed the ocean blueeee” I sang, the lyrics being the only words of a song I could think of to fill the silence. A beat of silence passed and I wondered if everybody suddenly passed out, either into sleep or another dimension.
As I started the next line, everyone else joined in with me. We eventually finished the entire song, even an encore requested by the boys. I sung the encore in a horrendous, deep operatic voice while prancing round the hotel room. A round of applause sounded, and I took my theatrical bows in front of my supportive crowd.
“That’s It! I know what we can do tomorrow. God that is a good idea!” Bonzo declared, jumping up to his feet, not before nearly tumbling backwards.
“Go on then Bonz, don’t leave us guessing mate” Jonesy suggested, breaking the dramatic silence that had ensued.
“Rent a yacht! We can go out early in the morning and stay overnight since our flight back home is in the evening anyway! All we need to do is hire a skipper or something”
We all were stoked at idea of having a private boat to ourselves. Sure, none of the boys were experienced sailors, but that’s what a professional skipper was for, driving rich people around in yachts right?
“Do we really have to do this” I said, making our way through the marina to our yacht.
“The skipper will probably dive off the boat when we get started tonight” Jonesy commented, sharing my lack of enthusiasm for the maritime adventure. “We should have ditched them and gone to Mont Saint-Michel”. I only hummed in response, dragging my overnight suitcase over the gaps in the planks of wood on the dock.
“Um yeah, about that skipper. We couldn’t exactly book one on such short notice” Cole confessed.
“What the actual fuck Cole? Are we just supposed to sail ourselves and drown? I can’t tie a knot to save my bloody life” Robert shrieked. We all stopped in our tracks and turned to the tour manager, glaring at him through our sunglasses.
“Of course not Percy, why would we do that to our cash cows hm? And this is a motorboat, no ropes involved. It’s basically like driving a car. In water. In fact, all you need to drive it is a drivers license, which I’m positive you all have judging by your expansive car choices. Forgot to mention that myself and Peter have opted out” With that note, Cole dropped the yacht keys into Bonzo’s hand and scuttled away.
We all stood there, bags in hand, confusion over our faces as we watched Cole’s figure disappear behind the hundred of other boats.
“Well shit” Jonesy said, the sourness in his voice barely hidden.
“Let’s just go check it out, we don’t even have to leave the marina if we can drive it, we’ll just park out all night” Bonzo affirmed, being unusually optimistic.
We all found the boat and as the boys started embarking aboard, I thought out loud.
“I can’t believe we’re doing this”
“Cmon darling, let’s just see what it’s like. If you hate it we’ll do something else” Jimmy compromised, outstretching his hand to me.
The boat bobbed a bit on the water as I stepped on.
“It’s not hating it I’m worried about, I was practically raised on a boat Jim, I’m just not sure 4 rockstars and a boat is a great combination”
“It’s okay we won’t go too hard, at least one of us won’t, I guess. Anyway, you were raised on a boat? Like a houseboat or something?”
“No, my dad was a skipper. Whenever he was home from trips, he would teach my and my siblings to sail. Y’know the whole nine yards, all the different knots, pulling in the ropes, steering, navigating charts. It’s just been a while since I’ve been on one and I hope I can remember everything”
“Gosh you are fabulous, my dear, I learn something new about you everyday” Jimmy said, pulling me in for a kiss. There was a loud bang of the engine, which we both jumped apart at.
“What the fuck are they at now, Christ” Jimmy sighed.
“Here, go set down our stuff in the biggest room, I’ll go see what they’re messing with”
We both parted, Jimmy heading downstairs, myself climbing onto the helm.
“Oi, Bonz, Percy, step away from the wheel until I get us out of this parking lot” I commanded. Both Robert and Bonzo looked at me funny, before slowly raising their arms and stepping away.
“And you know better?” Bonzo asked, still not sure where my bossiness came from.
“I think I do, unless you have your skipper license on hand?”
“Wait, you have a sailing license?” Robert interjected.
“I actually don’t, but I know everything you need to not drown. My father was a sailor and he taught me how to run a boat. Thank god we have a motorboat, as we might’ve been a little trouble if we have a proper sailing yacht. If we were, it wouldn’t have been as relaxing as simply steering a wheel” I answered, switching the engine on.
We warmed up the engine for a couple minutes, then casted off and finally escaped the madness of the marina. Soon were out on the French coastline. We continued sailing perpendicular to the coast, not wanting to stray too far. All the boys took turns steering, with Jonesy being the best skipper in-training out of all of them. Only once had we had anchored the boat again was the real party going to start.
if only sailing was this easy in reality 😒
anyway I’m gonna do a spicier part 2 riiight now😎
leave any comments/ideas down below!!!!
tag list : @rebel-without-a-zeppelin @princesspagey @dreamersdrowse
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piracytheorist · 4 years
Ok a quick little (or not) summary (only for the second part, though)
As they continue from talking about Anthony Hopkins being a team player and wanting smaller actors to succeed, Colin goes on to talk about how there are actors who want themselves to be the star. He contrasts that to Hopkins' personality, which is why he still is supportive of smaller actors, also due to his theater background, theater is a place where everyone needs to be at the same level to work. He says how Hopkins wanted to impart his knowledge on him, and Colin feels very lucky and blessed that he had the chance for that. He says Hopkins is the biggest influence he's ever had, and probably will ever have.
Jarlath then talks about how in such a presence, you can't feel cozy, like you've figured it out, but instead you feel that you have something to live up to. Colin says he was terrified in the start, because he was in most of the scenes in The Rite, with only a few scenes with Hopkins that Colin wasn't in. He says it's terrifying to step into the set of a film with such a big budget, and other big actors like Ciarán Hinds and Toby Jones, people he admired so much and he wanted to do well in the film.
On his first scene with Hopkins, Hopkins told Colin, "Listen, it's just acting. Enjoy it." And that helped him ease into the job.
Then he talks about how he prepared himself as a mortician/exorcist for the film. He read a lot of literature about exorcists, he went to a morgue and dressed an actual dead body, all of it stuff he never thought he'd do.
Jarlath picks up on that and asks him for more about it. And boy, did Colin talk about it. He says how even having the film The Exorcist in your house, when they were young, felt like it was an invitation for bad things to happen (he says it was banned in Ireland too). He says he asked the real-life priest that Michael Kovak was inspired from, if he thinks that he (Colin) is inviting in something bad by doing this, playing in this film. The priest said "Yeah, maybe. But if you believe in it, then you believe that God is there to protect you" and Colin was like "I shouldn't have asked". He says that of all exorcists he spoke to, none of them tried to make him believe, they just shared their experience without trying to convince him.
He then talks about an exorcism he attended, where a young woman who was going for the ritual, she didn't want him in the same room but they did meet outside of it, and she looked at him in such a cold way, that he thought if someone was skinning him alive in front of her she would just stand and watch. He says he hadn't seen anyone look at him like that before, hasn't since, and doesn't want to. Then she went inside the room, and after she was done she came out, smiled at him and then left. He stood to listen from outside the room as the exorcism happened, and he talked to the exorcist about it later, and overall it felt very real and scary to him.
Jarlath asks Colin about the auditions he did before Once Upon a Time. Colin says he got very close to some “very big things”. He says how even though The Rite was very widely known and at the top during its premiere, it got mixed reviews and that affected him, because he put a lot of pressure for it to be amazing, but that a film's success doesn't depend on the actors alone.
Colin mentions the pilot he did for Identity, with Angela Bassett, whom he praised, and that between the film and this pilot he got close to something big... Jarlath simply says what he heard involved wearing a cape. Colin says "That's one of them... or it might not be, I don't know, I can't tell."  
Jarlath asks him if he has the thinking of "I don't want to be in a film where they don't want me," for when he doesn't get a role. Colin says that before The Rite, where he wasn't getting many jobs, he was feeling that he was right for the thing that he didn't get, that it was the one shot he had. But he just said he had to believe in himself and keep going at it. He says that like a vampire craves blood, he craves the work, he loves pretending to be someone else.
He talks about how Helen supported him, and how lucky he's been to have her by her side, as well as his brother and parents. He says that there were times he was ready to give up, but with having someone to say he believes in him, it meant so much to him.
Jarlath asks him about what was his big realization moment for Once Upon a Time, Colin replies with the scene he had on the Lady Washington, dressed in leather, and working with Robert Carlyle, that he really went "What the hell am I doing". He says that more than anything it was Carlyle's presence, it was like working with Hopkins. Carlyle was one of Colin's favourite actors, he would watch any film he was in, so it was a huge thing for Colin to work with him.
Then he's asked about how working in Once Upon a Time was for him, and if he felt any pressure on it at all. He says he felt a little stressed because the introduction of the character was a big and important thing for the show. He says that in every season, they didn't know if the show was gonna be picked up for a new season until at the very last minute. He says he feels very lucky that he had his wife and kids in Vancouver, so he could still be with them while working. He loved living in Vancouver, he could go there at any time if it was closer to his home. It was important for him to have his kids grow up near family, so even though he loved Vancouver and made some really great friends there, he wanted to go back to Ireland.
Then Jarlath mentions the fandom of OUAT, about how there are people in it that wanted certain things to happen, and that they directed things towards him. Colin says that he's very protective of his family, and that he doesn't want people taking pictures of his children, and that he can't allow people to be disrespectful of his wife. He's been with Helen for 22 years, she's the love of his life, and he doesn't tolerate anyone telling him anything about his own family. They talk about how some people have a feeling of ownership with the characters they watch, and they can't make the distinction between character and actor, how those lives are different.
Jarlath asks him about how it felt when OUAT ended, if there was a feeling of liberation and expanding his horizons after so many years of being dedicated to it. Colin says he adored working in OUAT, and felt very lucky to get to portray a character for such a long period of time. He was, in part, upset when they were finishing and he had to leave a place that he had made such good friends at, but he was excited for what would come next. He wants to play as many different characters as he can.
They then talk about Dolly Parton. Colin says that when he first met Dolly, she was talking about the world and all and as he was listening to her he was thinking "I can now understand how people join cults." He says she has amazing charisma and energy. When the offer came for him to play in a Western, and working with Dolly, he knew he just couldn't say no. She's got so many stories, and when working with Colin she told him about the stories behind some of her songs, like Jolene. He says she's exactly as you see her, she doesn't put on a performance or a persona in interviews and such.
"JJ Sneed. It's a bit of fun," Colin says.
Then Jarlath jumps to how the relationship was behind the scenes of The Right Stuff. Colin says they were living close to each other for five months, so they had a lot of fun together, despite how serious the show was. They became very close, and he says that the real astronauts as well that they portray came to be very close with each other. He mentions the time he and the rest of the cast went to Disneyworld and basically became ten-year-olds. He says that when filming such a serious show, having some craic is needed to balance it out.
He says choosing to film something now is complicated, as he has a family and he doesn’t want to quarantine for two weeks, go and film for a few days, then come back and quarantine for another two weeks before he's with family again. He feels glad that in this difficult time he had the chance to be with his family. He mentions that his dad was having health issues, but he's good now, and again he felt lucky he didn't have to be away during all that.
And that’s what I got! I probably missed a few things, but hearing Colin talk about all that stuff, especially his experiences with the exorcisms and stuff, is so interesting! If you want to listen to it yourself, you can become a patreon for Jarlath right here.
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ghoulciifer · 4 years
Hi! I just saw your English exchange student headcanon and I was wondering if you could do a Irish exchange student headcanon? Like she's always messing, having a bit of the craic but one day the bakusquad accidentally eat a load of the food she was sent from her Nana and she just goes off because there's barely any Irish food in Japan and she misses it but bakuboy helps her out! Sorry if this is really specific! I think it would just be gas if that happened 🤣😂 Thank you so much!! 💕💞💗❤️
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hc: the bakusquad eats irish!reader’s food from home, but Bakugou comes to the rescue.
tw: none
tags: irish!reader, bakusqaud tomfoolery, bakugou being the tsundere he is
notes: hi anon!! i’m so happy to hear that you enjoyed my british!reader headcanons. this request also required me to do some research because i honestly didn’t understand some of the terms you used AJAHSGAHAJJA again keep in mind i am VERY american so i apologize of any of this is off/inaccurate. also, this ended up being much longer than i intended so it’s not proofread :,) but i still really hope you enjoy!! i know i enjoyed writing it! thank you so much for your submission, and my inbox is still open for asks ❥
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» just like i said in my british!reader hc, pretty much all of class 1-A befriended you at some point during your stay at UA, so when you decided to stay in japan it left you with some lifelong friends!
» ESPECIALLY the members of the bakusquad, literally cannot get rid of the fuckers (not that you want to, tho)
» and they absolutely love you! you’re an essential part of their group, they can’t imagine what their lives would have been like without you.
» they especially love that you still value your heritage, and they shut their mouths n’ open their ears every time you talk about it because they’re SO interested (especially bakugou but he won’t admit it ajdhsjahah)
» because you’re so in touch with your roots, you often talk about your family, your childhood, what it was like living there, etc.
» they lowkey feel bad when you get super homesick because they definitely begged you to stay after graduation, but you always reassure them you wouldn’t wanna have it any other way! they’re your home now!
» but it is especially sweet when you receive care packages from home, as much as you love it in japan you still like having a little piece of home with you
» so when your nana sends you snacks, trinkets, and all kinds of random shit she can stuff in a box? you CHERISH that shit
» every now and then you’ll share with your buddies but you NEVER show them your stash, bc you know they’re gonna be selfish especially sero n’ kaminari, stingy bastards
» they love the snacks almost more than you do, swear they’ve never tasted anything better in their lives
» even bakugou’s like “damn this shit IS good”
» but they’re yours! not theirs! it’s your own little secret taste of home that they wouldn’t be able to understand, so you keep that stash on LOCKDOWN
» but... what you didn’t account for was mina’s incredible snooping ability
» while you were on patrol one day, mina was cleaning up around your shared apartment with sero. halfway through doing her laundry she realizes she’s missing one of her favorite sweaters, which you borrowed about a week ago, so by that logic she takes advantage of your absence to go find it
» while she’s shuffling around in your closet something falls and bounces off her massive hair, landing next to her feet and as she investigates she instantly recognizes the packaging
» the speed in which sero reached your room rivaled iidas, istg
» she frantically nods and immediately begins searching for more, finding the box you keep buried in the corner of the shelf of your closet
» their eyes are practically bulging out of their heads at the amount of snacks you’ve been hoarding; things they’ve had before, things they’ve never tried, it all looked so beautiful as their mouths instantly began to water
» the rational thing to do in this situation would be to put the box back and ask you about it later, right?
» nope
» they’re quick to call up the rest of the group and before you know it, they’re all surrounding the coffee table staring at a mountain of irish snacks
» bakugou and kirishima are surprisingly the ones trying to convince everyone to not eat them, because you probably had them stored away for a reason
» but after sero shoves a jam mallow into their mouth they’re definitely on board to chow down
» you finally come home after a long day of dealing with bs villains, feet aching, back sore, only to find your idiot friends devouring your sacred snacks
» apparently they never heard you come in because it takes a good minute before kaminari catches your fuming face staring right at him, arms crossed with your brows furrowed into a harsh V
» “so, uh... how was patrol?”
» you lost it
» “Oh, Jesus, Mary, and Joseph could ye be any more stupid, ye feckin’ melter?”
» suddenly all eyes are on you after you begin spewing some very irish insults with very expressive hand gestures, slipping between the two dialects you were fluent in with every angry breath that left your body
» toward the end of your raging you can’t even bring yourself to look at your guilt-ridden friends anymore, so you stomp off to your room and slam the door behind you before locking it
» the silence that follows almost hurts them more than the words you threw at them, and it definitely nearly brought mina and kaminari to tears. but they knew it was because they fucked up
» bakugou eventually grumbles something under his breath before hoisting himself off the floor
» “I’ll be right back, you assholes clean that shit up.”
» about an hour and a half later, after a much needed shower and change of clothes, you finally emerge from your room to grab a quick meal
» you’re still upset, but you at least want to apologize for the not-so-nice words that came out of your mouth during your little fit, so you figure now’s as good a time as any
» so imagine your surprise when you pass through the living room to find a pile of all the snacks you were pissed about missing moments ago
» the bakusqaud is all sprawled out on your sectional in wait for you, and when they see your surprise they jump from their seats to tackle you in a group hug
» apologies are coming in left and right as you giggle between the tangled mess of limbs surrounding you
» of course you forgive them, how could you not?
» as happy as you are at the moment you couldn’t help but wonder how the hell they pulled this off
» everyone catches your confused look and simply points at bakugou, who stuffs his hands in his pockets with a harsh ‘tch’
» “There’s a market across town that sells imported snacks, Deku told me about it weeks ago.”
» you smile uncontrollably at the thought of bakugou being so considerate and being the one to take initiative to right your friends wrongs
» so of course you rush forward to smother him in a hug of his own!
» he pretends not to enjoy it, but the blush covering his cheeks says otherwise 😌
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notquitetwilight · 4 years
Hibiscus, Flowering, Blueberry-muffin, 24 flavors, and kombucha!
Hibiscus tea: What is a song you can always hear? Lullaby by the Cure. Feelin happy? LULLABY BY THE CURE. Feelin sad? LULLABY BY THE CURE. Feelin anxious? LULLABY BY THE CURE. Feelin sexy? LULLABY BY THE CURE. Ugh it just hits right no matter what mood
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Flowering tea: What is a movie you can always watch? Hitchcock’s Psycho. I don’t even know how or why this became my comfort movie but I became obsessed with it at like 16
24 flavors: What is your favourite word? I have loadssssss. Luna. La poésie, French for poetry. Oxymoron, film, melancholic, euphoric, drowning, dreaming, skyline, sleepily, empathetic, delicately, clouds, soft, articulate, literature. The way New Yorkers say coffee.
Some of my fave words are Irish slang/Hiberno-English like: feck (softer version of the other F word), gobshite (someone who talks shite/who you don’t wanna listen to), eejit (an idiot), cat (crap), hames (a mess), craic (fun, a good time, banter — not to be confused with crack cocaine).
Others are actual Irish words like bó (bow — cow. like you think cows can’t get any cuter and then the Irish language comes along and gives them that name), grá (graw — love), púca (pooh-ka — ghost/spirit, also a specific mythological creature) leabhar (lau-wer — book), ispíní (ish-pee-nee — sausages), saoirse (sayer-sha or seer-sha — freedom), abhainn (ow-wann — river), oíche (eeha — night).
Kombucha: What do you order on a pizza? Generally I’m a plain Jane and will get a margarita with pepperoni and herbs. The odd time if I’m in the mood I’ll get (uh oh time to start a war) ham and pineapple bye
Alright wasn’t planning on crying while answering tumblr asks but I did and this ended up long so I pushed it to the end. Blueberry-Muffin tea: Tell me a memory, which makes you smile. When I had moved to NYC, on my way to my first apartment, my taxi driver was from Venezuela. He asked me about where I was from (he said my accent was clearer than most his New Yorker passengers because I said “twenty” with a hard t as opposed to “twenny” lol) and told me about his home. When I said I was from Ireland he told me that his daughter studied for a year in Dublin and loved it. We spoke a little bit about the fears of moving country, the strange torn feeling about wanting better but also missing everything you’ve ever known and loved, and about how NYC is the type of city that will chew you up and spit you out — but in a weird way you end up feeling extra proud of yourself for surviving there. When he dropped me off he waited until my new roommates came down to give me my key and he wished me the best of luck on my “American dream.” I know the idea of that dream is definitely debatable (if not destroyed) in many ways to a lot people but I understood exactly what he meant in that moment and it meant the world to me as a scared girl in her early 20s who’d never lived away from home, especially as it came from someone who’d been there over 20 years and still had their accent. And moments like this were repeated over and over again during my time in NY — those who helped me/made me feel most at home in America were those who weren’t from there themselves. I still think about him a lot and I really hope he and his family have been okay throughout the pandemic 💞
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Carly: [some time after her fun times with Alison because the gals had to cleanse themselves in water and have a reset moment and generally just be allowed to live]
Carly: I’m sorry
Bartley: Why, what for now?
Carly: everything @ bonfire night idk
Bartley: It wasn’t so bad
Bartley: and you didn’t 😱👻 to make it weird, the less good parts
Carly: k grand
Carly: weren’t expecting the air to be cleared this quick but
Bartley: Not surprised you’re feeling the fear this morning, like
Bartley: s’why everyone hates Mondays, I reckon
Carly: im not 🍀🐇🌠 how u r to be feeling that type of way
Bartley: I weren’t even pissed, be why
Bartley: Notice Ronan was off his face too though, by the end
Carly: you was too busy 😍💋🥰💞😘💓’d be why bb
Carly: how are u to raise a glass when youve some lass always on your face 🌺🐝
Bartley: You sound jealous
Bartley: Another zombie girl situation, was it?
Carly: what of another 🤠🤎 for you wasnt it?
Bartley: I don’t know, I’ll not see her again so it doesn’t matter
Carly: u could if you’re after it mattering 🍯💛
Bartley: Tah for the permission, Carls
Carly: I mean cos shes a mate of alis brother & hes a mate of mine
Carly: if you want to see her its not like youd have need of searching every pop up shop for a lass on till
Bartley: You’re well 💔
Bartley: Mosey boy should still have her number, somewhere in his contact list, you can find her
Carly: my god shut up gobshite 😅
Bartley: 😏
Bartley: I just mean, that girl talked too much, when she weren’t attached to my face, I’m not after seeing her again off my back
Carly: ah now theres sense course thats why you was on her constant not cos u like her 😏
Bartley: I’m not being mean, don’t think she even asked what my name was either
Carly: im not calling u mean boy it was a party & yous both had your fun
Bartley: The comparisons are never far off
Carly: youre never far from slagging me but hey i was trying to see how long we’d go before you started
Bartley: Am not
Bartley: the only reason you like Ronan is because he has no opinions of his own and that suits you
Carly: oh please hes loads of opinions of me & they dont suit no more than the 1s the rest of yous lads have do
Bartley: Yeah right, I know how dead easy he is to convince, we do it all the time
Carly: whats it you reckon I’m here wanting to convince him of?
Bartley: I don’t need to say it, you know
Carly: I dont
Bartley: Nah, you’re after tricking me into slagging you already sos you win, more like
Carly: yea cos what a victory thatd b like
Bartley: Your shit game, play a different one
Carly: im playing none im only telling you I’m not after him
Bartley: Does that mean you’re after Moses again
Bartley: better warn his mammy, like
Carly: no never
Bartley: Believe that when I 👀 it
Carly: cant u believe it hurt us getting rated?
Bartley: no, ‘course it did
Bartley: but has he tried to apologise to you yet?
Carly: hes swore to make my life a misery cos i dont fancy fucking him no more, where it was left, more or less
Bartley: Jesus, well
Carly: i think this heres where im meant to warn yous all hes hoping you’ll all get yourselves involved in them fun & games like im scared or care
Bartley: He’s not said anything, not when I’ve been there
Bartley: maybe he was already half-cut when he said that to you, didn’t really mean it
Carly: yea maybe
Bartley: Sounds it
Bartley: he’ll have found someone else to bother by now, forgot all about that
Carly: dont even know how to make a girl feel special w his threats
Bartley: I’m just saying, don’t be scared
Carly: he dont scare me
Bartley: Good
Carly: its your turn to the now
Bartley: My turn to what?
Carly: scare us
Bartley: Not Halloween no more
Carly: only a week gone somehow
Bartley: your getup were a lot scarier craic anyhow 
Carly: least yous all dressed up loads of lads from school never far as I saw
Bartley: Mosey fancies himself enough to love all that
Carly: are you not to bother yourself next year then?
Bartley: I felt like a divvy
Bartley: different for lasses, you all love it
Carly: 🥺 I loved waiting to work out what youd picked to be 💔 for that as the last time & end of an era
Bartley: You’re such a pisstake
Bartley: I’ll try and think on before the day of next time, or go looking alone, so the best costumes don’t get nabbed
Carly: or you could let us make u 1 ❤️🎨✨🧡🧵💚💄🖤 cos I am not a pisstake
Bartley: Oh, sure, be the easiest way to go about being a massive one 😅
Carly: nah youve just massive issues w trust
Bartley: I don’t
Bartley: you’re not serious anyway
Carly: yea I am
Bartley: Maybe then
Bartley: is a whole year off now - 1 week so you’ve got time to be dead ❤️🎨✨🧡🧵💚💄🖤
Carly: yay 🖤🧡🎃🖤🧡👻🤍🧄💀🖤🧡🎃🖤🧡
Carly: dead excited to prove myself
Bartley: You who offered, moody
Carly: you’ve a whole year to work out for yourself when I’m being serious
Bartley: I already know the answer to that
Carly: u so dont
Bartley: Yeah I do, you’re never bloody serious, that’s your problem, girl
Carly: youd not handle me if I was
Bartley: That a threat of 😤 or 😭?
Carly: Id reckon its a reminder of when I tried to talk to you serious at the party & your eyes near fell out your head for the size they went
Bartley: You didn’t mean to say it, was being polite ignoring it
Carly: k eejit youre never polite, your problem
Bartley: Oh, so you let that pair walk all over you but I’m the rude one, how’s that work
Carly: yous can all be, sure, enough of it to go round, hows that?
Bartley: It don’t, you’ve no sense or shame to let him act like that just because you reckon him pretty
Carly: i know ive not, everybody knows ive not
Bartley: You could, you’re not totally braindead
Carly: i feel it
Bartley: act it out enough times for it to be all you hear, sure you do
Carly: it was all i heard before I acted up any time
Bartley: It’s not totally your fault
Carly: remember I go weird when youre nice
Bartley: yeah, don’t stop you having a go the rest of the time, weirdo
Carly: 👶😭 what go like?
Bartley: You can only take a joke off Moses when you want him to fuck you
Carly: hes no jokes when he wants to fuck me or he don’t
Carly: the lad’s loads of things but not gas
Bartley: I never said he was funny
Carly: it werent about him making us laugh
Bartley: no shit
Carly: y talk about moses when it only makes you 😤😠
Bartley: You made it so its all that’s to be said when your name comes up
Carly: wow k then
Bartley: What? You know it’s true
Carly: i never knew that was all you had to say to me but theres us told
Bartley: If you wanted to be mates with us, you wouldn’t have done what you have
Carly: right yea ill be off 😶💚👋
Bartley: For fuck’s sake, can’t you just admit that you did wrong, like
Carly: i have
Carly: what else are you after 🩸🙏📿?
Bartley: A sorry you don’t stick to don’t mean anything, you know
Bartley: You lot never do
Carly: wes done w each other, me & moses, I’m sticking to it
Carly: & ro’s just a friend now
Bartley: Believe it when I see it, yeah
Bartley: You can’t expect everyone to be convinced of that yet
Carly: take long as you need 🤠
Bartley: Whatever, you never listen to good advice
Carly: give it & maybe i’ll
Bartley: You want to do what you’ve done and are gonna keep doing
Bartley: why should I even bother
Carly: you’re not listening yourself I said ⬆️
Carly: but don’t bother w me & my 🍃🌱 if youre no believer in it
Bartley: Prove us wrong, no one’d be happier for you to stop fucking things up
Carly: k 💚
Bartley: K yourself, nightmare
Carly: don’t call me that 
Bartley: calm down
Carly: no
Carly: you sound like him & youre not
Bartley: I’m so sorry I’m not him, Jesus
Carly: you shouldnt b sorry
Carly: nobody is after you being him
Bartley: He’s a bit of a liability but he’ll come round, probably
Carly: I hope he does to yous all
Bartley: There’s only so wild people will put up with but he’s not like that bad
Bartley: long as he’s grafting, not fucking with other people’s families, he’ll not be going anywhere
Carly: yea, he’ll come grand once he grows up
Bartley: Still be a gobshite and a poser but you know
Bartley: worse crimes
Carly: yous lads have all committed them
Bartley: Not my family, not like his, their daddy lets them get away with all the stuff he still wants to
Carly: don’t start me on their daddy, I know my place that much
Bartley: Don’t be grim, or accuse him of that sort of carry on, people get strung up by their balls for less
Carly: not me who hes carrying on with if hes round this caravan
Bartley: There you go, how can any of them be expected to carry themselves with respect when he’s their example
Bartley: If their mammy had any backbone yours would be without hers, you don’t make it that obvious, in front of her and everyone she’s to live with, feeling sorry for her 
Carly: sure, ive no argument there, sorry if youre expecting 1
Bartley: I know you don’t like yours as much as she reckons it so
Carly: I like her how any girl of my age does her mammy, problem lies in her not wanting to act the part
Bartley: or her age
Bartley: I’ve seen you go all dead when she’s acting the maggot, it’s pure shaming, no one proper blames you for her being that mental
Carly: everyone instead reckons i take after her id rather the blame
Bartley: It’s just the same as them, how are you to be better, you’ve no daddy to take the pair of yous in hand either
Carly: Im not mental though
Carly: whatever else I am im not, k? Youve to know that’s so
Bartley: I didn’t say you were, only as a joke
Carly: i cant laugh @ it sorry
Bartley: Alright, alright
Bartley: you’re hanging, I get it
Carly: I hate that youve 👀 me away 💀👻
Bartley: The others don’t notice, not that they’ve ever said and it’d be a weird thing for me to bring up to ‘em
Carly: whyve you?
Bartley: I dunno
Carly: if youre to be looking @ me im to put more effort into being prettier 💄💅✨
Bartley: you’re not
Carly: i know im not thats where the effort is 🎀
Bartley: Leave off with that, you know what I meant
Carly: are you leaving off 👀?
Bartley: I weren’t looking through your window at night, don’t make it sound weird
Carly: its weird u know something they all dont but no surprise
Bartley: Maybe Ro knows, seeing as you twos are so close these days
Bartley: wouldn’t be after telling you if he did
Carly: wes further apart than ever these days but thats my own fault so
Carly: theres only ali who ive let 👀 can’t stop her same as you
Bartley: You can’t stop me
Carly: I dont want to
Bartley: There you go then
Carly: what do you want boy?
Bartley: you talking my ear off, what do you want, girl
Carly: if that was true youd of stayed w me @ the party not your girl [her name]
Bartley: I were being polite, you’ve already been told
Carly: you don’t like me when im high
Bartley: Not really, no
Carly: but I don’t myself when im sober
Bartley: I’ve seen it before, you’re too young and not a bloke
Carly: idk how to make you understand what youve not seen
Bartley: Probably not my business, you don’t have to
Carly: probably cant be inviting you to look in my windows or you’ll be 😤😠 @ me
Bartley: You like mental, even if you don’t wanna be called it
Carly: nobody likes for proper mental
Bartley: nah?
Carly: im not after being locked up where ali’s brother is
Bartley: that’s a bit different, Carls
Carly: i dont feel no different to it unless i take something that changes how 
Bartley: They reckon he killed her, you’ve never done nothing like that, don’t be stupid
Carly: he never she killed herself & sometimes I get why you know
Bartley: you’re not to say things like that
Carly: im no catholic saying or doing isnt off limits
Bartley: We’re right and that’s wrong though
Carly: is it?
Bartley: Yes, you twat, shut up about it
Carly: see, you dont like us when I’m not high neither
Bartley: Why would you say that? Nothing is that bad, is it
Carly: cos
Carly: idk [her mum] had this fella round whos bad enough & i thought hed away when i took myself off w ali but hes no moved himself all that far
Bartley: Go on, what’s his craic?
Carly: - craic
Bartley: Yeah but
Bartley: you seem scared or like, idk
Carly: im too tired to b on how she wants or turn him off hows needed 🥱😴
Bartley: Get him to go outside for a smoke or something
Bartley: just give me a bit, to sort it, yeah
Carly: im not bringing my trouble to you
Carly: no, like
Bartley: We’ve all sisters and nieces here, why do we want that sort on our site
Carly: hes been told im older theyre all of them lied to shes my big sister or best mate, its her craic
Bartley: She’s delusional, he’s got eyes
Carly: men use em to see what suits not whats real
Bartley: Not proper men
Carly: come on shes never filling this caravan up with proper men
Bartley: She can’t be trusted with anything, obviously
Carly: ill go back out idc
Bartley: For God’s sake
Carly: youre invited unless youve work on tomorrow
Bartley: you can’t just bring that up and then drop it like that
Carly: I can’t do fuck all else & im to be sure not letting you
Bartley: I wouldn’t on my own, I’m not thick, I told you give me a second
Carly: you might still be hurt hes a grown man & youre not no older than me
Bartley: No I won’t, I know how to fight, tah
Carly: idk that he dont too, catch yourself on, will u
Bartley: he’s to be outnumbered, calm yourself down
Carly: rich of you telling us to be calm when youre about to 💪🥊🤕
Carly: stop yourself please
Bartley: why should we?
Carly: i said please
Bartley: You should want it handled, why would you not
Carly: how you mean to handle it’ll knock me 🤢🤮 worrying over you
Bartley: None of us will get hurt and he shan’t come back, whatever lies your mammy is telling, it’s easy
Carly: its my fault if any of yous do & even if it werent i care whatever happens
Carly: more than I ever am about where that fella puts himself
Bartley: Why would you tell me and then say we can’t do anything about it
Carly: idk 😵‍💫 i didnt mean to
Bartley: For God’s sake, girl
Carly: I’m sorry
Bartley: Forget it just get out of there and go find Ali
Carly: shes busy or id not have left her
Bartley: go sit in [the communal middle bit where they have the bonfires and whatnot, you know where I mean] then
Carly: [do and send a pic from there, not of you because you don’t wanna show yourself in the state you’re clearly in, but so he knows you’re there] 
Bartley: Alright, good
Carly: i’m doing what im told you have to yourself & not have a scrap w my ma’s latest
Bartley: I shouldn’t listen to you, by all rights
Carly: but youre decent, a good boy 
Bartley: Calling me that isn’t helping your case, like
Carly: what’ll I call you then like?
Bartley: Call you a pisstaker
Carly: idm id have heard worse if i stayed in
Bartley: you’ve not convinced me not doing anything is the right thing to do 
Carly: do something else & you’ll quit thinking about it
Bartley: I shan’t
Carly: im grand now
Bartley: You could’ve put some clothes on, you’ll freeze
Carly: where are you even 👀 from? fuck
Bartley: out my window, which is the opposite of what you said, don’t act like I’ve got a hockey mask and a baseball bat
Carly: don’t look @ me for the now how about 😳
Bartley: You need a blanket, something
Carly: im no going in for it id sooner 🥶
Bartley: [throw one out of your window, can’t just come out, obviously]
Carly: [go grab it and wrap it around yourself while stood right next to his window, could just wait til you’re back seated so he can’t see you as well but obviously we’re not gonna do that]
Bartley: [doing the smallest wave as if you are locked in here, stepping back and out of sight after a pause like that’s enough]
Carly: [doing an oh you kind of lol before she heads back to where she was before, looking over her shoulder as she’s walking though cos you know he’s still lurking even if you can’t see him]
Carly:  💚👽🌱🦗🍐🍃🍏🍀🧃🥝💚
Carly: still idk what to do w how sweet u can be
Bartley: I’m not sweet and I know what it’s shorthand for
Carly: i dont tell us
Bartley: Yeah you do and it’s why you go for lads like Mosey who aren’t sweet
Carly: i got wrong reckoning he was or could be
Bartley: That’s the mammy in you, reckoning he could do no wrong when he’s so sweet when he wants something
Carly: nah its the little girl in us he said hed protect me & I so bad wanted him to
Bartley: He were never after that, don’t think it’s important to
Carly: im stupid
Bartley: if you’d have known, wouldn’t have half the success rate he does, you’re not the only one who falls for it
Carly: 1 of these days youll answer that I’m not 🎱🔮
Bartley: one of these days, you’ll act it, yeah
Carly: took the blanket for a start
Bartley: It’s a start
Carly: & your 👋💚
Bartley: You were doing your best Samara impression, be why
Bartley: 😶 not move on else
Carly: k you hate being called sweet enough to b after me taking it back 🍋💔
Bartley: A bit like your costume
Carly: was gonna do her from the exorcist but it felt like tempting fate for 🤢🤮
Bartley: Be gas to see your head do a 360 though
Carly: oh would it now
Carly: im fair flexible but idk if id go that far
Bartley: Not an 🦉
Carly: ill do you that carry on when shes off down the stairs 
Bartley: 🤣 will ya now
Carly: yea
Bartley: Wait ‘til the next party, would look pure nuts doing it out there on your own
Carly: wait til im somewhere w for proper stairs
Bartley: can’t call anything ‘round here more than steps, true enough
Carly: maybe for your birthday 🎁
Bartley: Where are we after going with stairs then 😏
Carly: id say ali’s but your girl would probably be there & outshine me w her 🎭🩰🎨🎬✨
Bartley: You don’t need to call her that just ‘cos we can’t remember her name
Carly: shes that cos shes after you so bad
Carly: her name’s [whatever it is]
Bartley: Only for the night
Carly: all the nights yous are in the same place
Bartley: And how often do I find myself at 🎭🩰🎨🎬✨ shit, girl?
Carly: you liked it at ali’s did you not? & you wasnt behaving so as youd never be invited again
Bartley: She’s decent craic, sure
Carly: ali or [this gal]
Bartley: Ali
Bartley: I don’t know about her family, mind
Carly: i told you her sisters not well like
Bartley: I know, I know
Carly: she hates me but the rest are decent themselves
Bartley: She wants Ali back, to be sure
Carly: course id have her to myself too if there was any say to be had in it
Bartley: Alright, gay
Carly: the girl’s magic ❤️🍄🧡🐅💛🌞💚🍀💙🧿💜🔮
Bartley: As bad as Ronan, you are
Carly: why arent u?
Bartley: What do you mean?
Carly: y dont you fancy her?
Bartley: ‘Cos Ro does
Carly: did you before you knew about ro?
Bartley: He has for ages, not exactly subtle 
Bartley: She’s pretty, sure, but you don’t do that to mates, nor family
Carly: k true enough
Bartley: I’d say you were about equal, anyway, you know
Carly: what? ah no
Bartley: why not
Carly: why would that be so?
Bartley: I dunno, you’re different but the same
Carly: I wish we were the same
Bartley: Are you jealous of her?
Carly: I’m too happy for her
Carly: but its shite i cant b as happy for myself as well
Bartley: Dunno why you girls can never be happy with yourselves
Carly: it isnt only for how pretty she is though
Carly: its how smart & nice & brave & loads else ❤️🍄🧡🐅💛🌞💚🍀💙🧿💜🔮
Carly: & for her family, all she has
Bartley: Don’t all that make you like her less
Bartley: a 🤏
Carly: no, shes never looking down @ us how id probably if I had all she does
Bartley: suppose not
Bartley: Is the smug cunts who are the worst, aye
Carly: you 👀 the girl over her fence?
Bartley: Yeah, nearly shit myself, she were proper giving it The Ring vibes, her
Bartley: nosy neighbours is one big reason not to have a house
Carly: youre making us wanna watch it now boy chuck your 📺 out
Bartley: bit more rock and roll when they weren’t flatscreen
Bartley: We could watch it, if you lot want to hang out like proper friends, me, you, Ro & Ali
Carly: 📺❤️📼💛🍿💚
Bartley: Something like that
Carly: ill find my hairbrush out before to not scare yous
Bartley: and no pea soup if we watch The Exorcist too
Carly: pissing myself on your carpet would be - craic too but its k ill not be out here in your blanket til then hed not the stamina to have
Bartley: If he’s not gone by [a time we’re deeming too late for her to be outside by] I swear
Carly: oh hes laying down the law
Carly: are you to be my brother or my daddy now?
Bartley: Behave yourself, it isn’t funny, all this
Carly: am like a 🐶 left out sure enough
Bartley: She’s such a
Bartley: you shouldn’t have to do this
Carly: [excuse me being EVIL by saying this man comes outside to smoke and is literally and blatantly chatting Carly up like she isn’t 12 years old, here not replying because we’re here going dead again while this man is the most grim]
Bartley: [not you having to rush out so dramatically this man is gonna be shook until he sees you’re just a teenage boy, coming over and putting your arm around her shoulder like come on, get up, trying not to look at or acknowledge this creep right now because you’re blatantly fuming]
Carly: [this poor girl has left the building because you just know that gross man was too in her grill and touching her and I’m soz we cannot, purely moving because this boy is moving her rn, the audacity of her mother and the boyfriends she picks]
Bartley: [direct her into your caravan via holding her shoulders, this man better hush because if this boy has to fight you, his fam will come out and fuck you up, gotta know where you are, honey; sit this girl down on your sofa like all that’s happened is a change of seat and your jaw isn’t clenched so tight you feel like it’s stuck that way]
Carly: [get back inside to the age appropriate lady or leave sir those are your choices, you can’t be that stupid, god only knows how long poor Carly will stay put before she’s finally back in the room and then is hugging her knees to her chest, still wrapped in this blanket, and risking a look at this boy like he’s gonna be mad at her instead of the fucked up circumstances in which she finds herself through no fault of her own]
Bartley: [not really helping you think otherwise with our face like thunder over this but can’t help being that bitch I’m afraid, the way we kept glaring out the window ‘til that dude went away and are now just pacing lowkey, putting the telly on, as you pass and clearly catch her eye, like that is the most comforting thing you can manage in these circumstances]
Carly: [looking away from this boy SO immediately when he catches your eye because genuinely feel like a kicked dog in this moment as if everything is your fault and you’ve done the wrong thing over and over again from the second you got back from having fun with Alison ‘he’s gone, I’ll myself’ taking this blanket off and trying to neatly fold it but you’re all shaky and upset so you can’t and it feels like an impossible task ‘sorry’ as if it’s for the folding fail and not everything]
Bartley: [the ‘wait’ coming out a bit too fast and loud, so you’re going redder than your mad face already is because don’t want her to think you’re scared of this man, kicking this blanket aside because I highly doubt you’re neat, you’re teenage boys with your own space lmao and you could not care less about said blanket right now ‘just chill’ as if that’s an easily achievable thing]
Carly: [when it makes you jump because it’s sudden and loud and you didn’t expect him to say it or anything in fact and that makes you feel even more embarrassed and sad than you already do, like there are literal tears coming to this girl’s eyes about it that she’s trying not to shed in front of this angry boy ‘I can’t’ so quietly because you dare not express how !! and true that is when you already think he thinks you’re mentally ill ‘I’d-’ stopping yourself cos you were about to say something about needing to get drunk/high again there and you know he hates it and doesn’t understand ‘I can’t’]
Bartley: [‘please don’t’ when you’re saying please but you’re also wincing because you in no way know how to handle this or what you’re meant to do now she’s here and so are you ‘you’re to tell her never again’ as if this is a thing that will work because got to say something and it should be a warning she listens to ‘or I will’]
Carly: [‘I’ve tried for years and years’ in that resigned way of you have and it hasn’t changed anything ‘at the first, I think I was 10, Christ knows how old I looked to him’ with a shrug because you do know, you aren’t a girl who looks older and that’s the tea]
Bartley: [just cursing this man out in your own language, as well as all the others before, under your breath but so angrily ‘you’d be better off without her’ as the thing you say in English and more directly to her]
Carly: [when you probably understand most if not all of what he’s saying anyway because you’ve always lived here and thus have picked it up like a 2nd language basically ‘she’s my ma, still’ said like whether she acts it or not because she absolutely never does but you have love for her and want her to nevertheless]
Bartley: [the noise of scorn that honestly deserves at this point, ma’am, shaking our head because ‘my point remains’ throwing yourself down into the armchair/other sofa because a lot of pent up emotions and nowhere to put them right now so having to do everything in a dramatic fashion]
Carly: [‘without her I don’t know where I’d be’ because truly where would they put you gal ‘except not here, sure look, maybe that’d be better but I’m not after going off’ just like this is my home soz everyone]
Bartley: [still shaking your head, shrug your shoulders, only stopping shaking your head when you put in your hands and breathe out in frustration]
Carly: [‘yeah’ like yeah I know, cos we’re frustrated by our lot in life too sir but we don’t feel like there is anything we can do to change it other than the unhealthy coping mechanisms we have]
Bartley: [‘your room have a lock on it?’ in such a matter of fact, resigned kind of tone because you don’t know what else you can do right now]
Carly: [shake your head because you’re not the sort of girl to be doing DIY like that to keep yourself safe, Ali is but you’ve clearly not expressed how badly you need one and it’s not every dude your mother brings home who’s acting like this ‘but I’ve the bathroom’ like that’s fine]
Bartley: [looking at her like no it is not before looking to the TV you put on as if you’re watching it remotely ‘we’ll put one on’]
Carly: [looking at him only when he’s looking at the TV despite the fact we all know he can feel it ‘okay’ quietly cos we’re accepting this not fighting him on it or saying anything bants etc]
Bartley: [not looking back, just nodding because can’t commit to any more, switching the channel, to something you can at least say you want to watch, opposed to whatever just came on when you put this telly on]
Carly: [getting up to go like you can just quietly slip out like a little ghost as though you were never here but obvs stopping before you get to the door and turning back like - because you wanna thank him for what he did but you don’t know how to because it feels SO big, literally nobody cares about this girl but Alison and that cannot be overstated ‘you are decent, a good boy’ said sincerely like no bants or lies detected]
Bartley: [looking over at her like you did not just say that but you can’t help but do a little smirk, almost as if it’s against your will with how tiny it is but still, rubbing the back of your neck ‘away with you now’]
Carly: [doing a lil smile back because she can’t help that either ‘you’re not to watch me’ like he’s gonna be at the window lurking until she’s inside when it’s not far to go at all, but ofc said like he absolutely can and she doesn’t mind because she doesn’t and in fact wants him to, wrapping her arms around herself in preparation for how cold it’ll be outside and how much she doesn’t really wanna head back there cos her mum will either be in a mood this man has left and wanting to overshare about it or her bestie as per and wanting to keep the party going and neither is the wanted vibe]
Bartley: [flipping her off for calling you a stalker but you’re grinning back more openly so she knows you’re all good here, even if you know what her mother is like and do not envy her going back, you can’t offer her an alternative ‘take the blanket’ as a throwaway comment as she hugs herself because it do be chilly]
Carly: [doing the kind of pure and happy lol she did at bonfire night which is usually reserved for Ali only and/or being high as she slips out of the door, waving off his blanket offer like no no I couldn’t possibly ‘it’s yours’ as if he needs it more here for his TV watching]
Bartley: I’ll get you a lock after work tomorrow
Carly: 🔒💚
Carly: ill sleep for the knowing of it
Bartley: I’m glad, go get some, said you were tired
Carly: you’ve work ill let you get your head down bb
Bartley: 👌
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thomcantsleep · 3 years
My Relationship with Twitter
C/W: R/W Conspiracy Theories
I recently left Twitter for what is probably the tenth time I would’ve said. I also would’ve said that my reasons for leaving each time were the near enough the same.
Simply being on it, through one way or another, drives me up the wall.
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This time though, I feel like I’ve properly re-evaluated my relationship with Twitter and come to real conclusions about the reality of the kind of place that it is.
It’s been fairly recent that Twitter has properly blown up into the monster that it is and it coincides with Facebook becoming uncool which I would’ve said to be around 2015 or 2016 at a guesstimate. i’ve been in an on-again/off-again relationship with the blue bird since 2012 when I was thirteen which is not a great age to be on it now. It wasn’t really a problem back then though because no-one used it. If you look at tweets from 2012 from major brands, you’d struggle to find a post that reached 300 likes. Celebrities might not get to 300 retweets whereas now, the likes of BTS easily clock 100k RTs and gobble half a million likes for breakfast.
I’m not one for crowded places for a start. I’m susceptible to a sudden wave of extreme and overwhelming self-consciousness which is otherwise known as a panic attack and only a couple of things activate it. Heterosexual nightclubs or vulnerability in an online space although I’ve been far better in recent years. Essentially, I get too emotionally invested in something publically and I walk in on myself and see all these eyes staring at me so I clam up. That’s one thing about Twitter that frightens me.
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Something that I used to thrive on but have since rejected was pointing at conspiracy subscribers and laughing but, living in this current world, it isn’t really something that you can laugh about anymore. It’s just a downer never mind it being a broken record. There’s only so much material you can wring out of them before you find yourself alone in your house being angry at an invisible person with a bunch of numbers in their handle and an egg for a face. Whilst scrolling through Twitter, anything could be delivered to you and often, you don’t have any control over it.
Sometimes, you do have complete control. I have no idea why I have an impulse to open a reply section when I know exactly what will be inside it and that’ll definitely set me off for the rest of the day. If you don’t use Twitter or that you don’t use it that often, you might say “Well, it’s easy to just block or mute words or phrases”
Here’s the funny thing.
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Twitter will do it’s best to make sure you see it anyway. It not being the specific post or person but the same sort of thing whether you like it or not because Twitter is supposed to be for everybody. You can not escape.
For context, I muted over 200 words or phrases and blocked over 600 accounts. Twitter encourages you to have arguments with people or come out with controversial hot takes so you can rack up the twat points and that can’t be healthy can it?
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I don’t like having arguments and I never have. They almost never go anywhere or lead to any conclusion and just leave me feeling cold. Whenever I get into any slight disagreement on Twitter, I just feel frustrated because it’s no place to be having a nuanced discussion about anything. You start treating debate like firing missiles in a battlefield because you have to pick what bases you want to cover, how you want to make sense of it all and how it is explained clearly for the recipient so you can achieve a victory. The moment you click send, you have to start preparing your rebuttal because the other person is already preparing their counter-strike.
Why? Who gives a fuck? Who are these people? Why do we insist on combative conversation?
It’s the same reason why I don’t bother responding to people on this website messaging me calling me a cunt because I didn’t like Life Is Strange. What’s the best that they are hoping for? It’s the same on Twitter, same anywhere.
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The reason why I like Instagram and that I’ve never fallen out with it is that it doesn’t really suggest conversation of any kind. It’s not the primary focus of the app (outside of the gathering of data), the primary focus is for looking at whatever images you like. It definitely does have it’s harmful side if you follow a great gambit of influencers but, unlike Twitter, if you don’t follow them, you won’t know they exist. I just follow my friends to see the serene scenes of their jogs up to Loch Lomond or walking their dogs in the Argyll country. Folk are generally happier on Instagram and they aren’t likely to post paragraphs of their thoughts and opinions on the new Zack Snyder movie. It’s comforting to be on it.
Because Twitter can make you laugh now and again, you want to stick around for the craic so you forget about all the times you’ve seen the same joke repeated. This does have a bit to do with how I’ve became sick of Twitter as well. I find that good jokes on Twitter get ruined immediately with either folk stealing it, rehashing it or repackaging it because, as per discussed, everyone is looking for the high score that’ll get them a pocket pussy sponsorship or whatever. So no meme is safe from being butchered and bastardized by someone who has “Turn Notifications On” in their bio. Not to sound like your grandad but it does feel like you’re living in an echo chamber - an echo chamber of crap patter.
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The best part is that you can’t “mute” an image so you can’t see that fucking annoying lord of the rings meme template often enough.
Long story short; that’s why I’ve stopped using Twitter.
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I still have a Twitter account though that has been privated for the moment but it’s just so I can post the new Tumblr posts to let folk know what I’m up to. If I have any updates about the books that I’ve got in the cannon then I’ll tweet a wee thing saying what I’m doing. But then I get the fuck out of there because scrolling down is practically an addiction and I need to get to sleep at night.
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cilldaracailin · 4 years
Crazy Little Thing Called Love
Hello my Tumblr lovelys!
I am back with the next part of this story and I have left some gift baskets around the story with paper bags, oxygen masks, chocolate, blankets and some more chocolate. Please make use of them as needed as you read this part.
This one is for @hitmeonmytspot​ @fuseburner​ @primaba11erina​ and @turkish276​
Please don’t all come for me at once and perhaps some warning before hand would be wonderful!
Suze xxx
P.S There are a good few Irish words in this part and there is an English translation straight after. I normally phonetically sound out the Irish words but because there are quite a few, I am not going to, unless someone really wants me to.
P.P.S That might just be me on St Patricks Day years ago in my Irish Dancing costume in the picture....
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“Cleachtadh a dhéanann maistracht – Practise makes perfect”
As she made her way back to her table, she said hello to anyone she knew and as she wandered closer to her seat, she could hear loud laughter and didn’t know whether to be worried or relieved.
“Thanks Robyn.” Taron took his bottle of beer from her and she set the other drinks on the table in front of him.
“So, you are still alive then.” She said pulling a chair over beside him.
“And you too. Claire quiz you?”
Robyn grinned at him. “Just some girl talk.”
“Bloody girl talk.” He muttered before taking a drink from his bottle.
“We have been having a very interesting conversation with Taron.” Shane said wriggling his eyebrows at Robyn.
“It doesn’t surprise me at all.” She answered him. “And have you mauled him yet?” She threw his way, grinning as Shane blushed from ear to ear.
“Robyn!” His voice was a near high pitch squeal.
“And may I remind you that you are married.”
“You are coming out all defensive already Robyn and the evening hasn’t even begun. I was asking him about his time filming Rocketman.”
“I just know what you are like.” She answered him back and felt Taron shift a little in his chair so he could be a bit closer to her.
“He wanted to know about how we filmed the under-water scene.” Taron explained. “And if the hot pants chaffed.”
Another round of laughter circled the table. “It is a valid question and as a gay man, I think it is ok to ask.” Explained Shane.
“And did you get you answer?” Robyn asked as Claire took a seat beside her, carrying a tray with some drinks for everyone else at the table.
“Was waiting for it when you arrived back on your high horse.”
Robyn stuck her tongue out at her male friend and turned her attention to her drink. “Well don’t let me stop the conversation.”
Taron looked from Shane to Robyn and back to Shane before taking a glance at Claire who nodded her head at him and after he had swung his arm around the back of Robyn’s chair, answered the question.
“Not at all. They were actually quite comfortable.”
“They didn’t go up your bum?”
Robyn was mid swallow of her drink as Shane asked the question and some of it dribbled out of her mouth and she sat forward quickly trying to catch the drops in her hand so it wouldn’t get on her skirt. She was thankful for the tissue Claire quickly got her and wiped her chin and her hands before turning to Shane and glaring at him.
“You think you are the only one who can play this game?” She asked him with an edge to her voice.
“What game?” Asked Shane. “It is a genuine question and seeing as how Taron wore some, he has experience in this area.”
Robyn turned to look at Taron and he had one of those little cute half smiles on his face. “You do not have to answer that.”
“Not the way you thought this was going to go, huh chicken”? He asked her his eyes dancing with delight as he took in her angry stare at her friend.
“Chicken?” Claire’s voice took Robyn’s attention away from Shane and to her. “He just called you chicken. Why has he just called you chicken?”
“Ugh, I bloody hate you all.” Robyn threw her body back into her chair and crossed her arms over her chest, a sulk on her face and pout on her lips.
Taron couldn’t help but laugh at her. He couldn’t have adored Robyn more in that moment and if her friends hadn’t of been around, he absolutely would have tried to poke the pout from her lips but as she was already embarrassed, he shuffled a little closer to her and swung his arm around her chair again, placing a light kiss on her head instead, ignoring the stares he could feel from her friends. Both himself and Robyn had expected the same taunts and heckling he had gotten from his friends but so far it had been the complete opposite and his normally composed Robyn was infuriated with her friends and he was kind of really enjoying the little tantrum she was pulling, something he rarely saw from her.
Still grinning he turned back to Shane. “I honestly can say that no, they didn’t and I am assuming that is either down to the massive size of my arse or the wonderful abilities of the costume designer.”
“Well that is all I wanted to know.” Replied Shane.
Taron nodded. “However, I will stick to my trusty boxers though but give them a go Shane. You might like them.” He watched as the married couple looked to each and winked and Taron turned his attention back to Robyn. “Smile.”
“No.” She answered him.
“Please smile.” He asked again. “Or I will do something drastic to make you smile.”
“You are at a table in front of your friends and I will not hesitate at all to tickle you here and now.” He whispered into her hair, pretending he was kissing her head again.
“So…” Robyn sat up on her chair. “How has everyone’s day been.” She saw the beautiful grin on his face from the corner of her eye and allowed a calming deep breath to fill her lungs, the scent of Taron’s aftershave filling her senses as she inhaled, he was still that close to her and it helped to lift her mood immediately.
The table’s conversation was filled with laughter and stories and once Taron and Robyn had again talked through what happened at the 7/11, Robyn’s friends finding it a bit more difficult to hear the story from the man she had saved, the cheeky banter slowed down and the conversation became more about getting to know everyone at the table.
“Does it get draining though?”
“Not so much draining but frustrating.” Claire had asked Taron about his re-shoots and filming the same scene over and over. “You could get it perfect and then the director wants the same scene from a different angle and you could fluff a line or not put the same emotion needed or just not feel as happy as you could be with the performance. I am a perfectionist on set and it works against me sometimes. I can get annoyed very easily with myself if I keep doing it wrong and even more so when I know my mistakes wastes time.”
“Sounds like Robyn.” Said Emma. “Total perfectionist at work, maybe a little bit too much of OCD too.”
“Which came in very handy when we had the inspection last week.” Robyn answered back.
“Well I can’t argue with that. First time I have had an inspection where my staff were complimented.”
“Me too.” Agreed Robyn. “But then I am pretty awesome.” Robyn laughed.
“Fucking awesome.” Corrected Taron, laughing with Robyn at his words.
“Ok share the joke.” Complained Claire.
“Just something one of Taron’s friends said on New Year’s.”
Claire was about to question it again when the microphone screeched a little and their attention was taken by the man standing at the top of the gym. “Beannachtaí Lá Fhéile Padraig!” He said excitedly into the microphone.
“Happy St Patricks Day.” Robyn translated for Taron, grinning as he rolled her eyes at him.
“Kinda figured chicken.” Chuckling as she lightly elbowed him in his ribs.
“So, let me quickly explain how this is going to work. Those of you who have been to one of these before know most dances comprise of four pairs, eight people in total so some of you may need to buddy up with others but it doesn’t mean a group of four can’t figure it out too. I don’t know if you have noticed that your tables have numbers on the them and they correspond to your place on the floor. To help keep everyone in place, we have also put some footprints on the floor too so you can make sure to stand on your footprints, just so we don’t have groups dancing on top of each other. You can come and go as your please but we just ask that you wait until one dance is finished before you come and go, just to keep some sort of order on the floor. I am obliged to show you the fire exits. The way you all came in, three along the wall behind me and three on the opposite side. We will begin very soon and all that is left for me to say is bain sult as duit féin agus ná bíodh imní ort faoi na céimeanna a fháil mícheart. Tá sé ach beagán spraoi agus beidh an craic againn.”
A cheer went up and although Taron clapped along he turned to Robyn with a look that just screamed help.
“He said ‘Enjoy yourself and don't be worrying about getting the steps wrong. It's just a bit of fun and we'll have the craic’.”
“Thank you. So, everyone understood that accept me.” He looked around the table at the blank faces.
“What did he say?” Asked Shane.
Robyn quickly repeated the English translation for everyone else at the table. “Not everyone speaks Irish or understands it. Maybe a few words here or there.”
“Hadn’t a clue.” Agreed Shane. “You English taking our native language.” He smirked toward Taron.
“And Taron is Welsh Shane, not English.” She patted Taron’s knee, reassuring him after Shane’s words. “And some of us paid attention in Irish class in school.”
“Wasn’t for me.”
“No but the teacher was! I am surprised you didn’t actually grasp the concept of the language.”
“It wasn’t the language I wanted to grasp!” Shane winked, earning a dig from his husband but he appeased him with a quick kiss to his lips.
Taron laughed and then smiled before looking away from the little intimate moment between the two and he turned his attention back to Robyn.
She noticed the change in direction of his body and turned to him. “So, you ready for a dance?”
“Well to fully embrace my Irishness, yes and I apologise now if I stand on your foot.”
“Well you didn’t in Aber so I think I can trust you.”
“Please remember you said that at the end of the evening.”            
Within the next ten minutes a slight buzz of excitement filled the air as the Irish music stopped and the group of people in charge of the céilí were getting set up around the gym, making sure they each knew which section of the floor was theirs so they could teach the dances to the groups, helping each group as they got into the literal swing of things.
“Ok and we are ready to go! So, if you want to make you way up to your number, we can get you all started.”
Robyn looked around the tables as no one moved. She looked to Taron and tilted her head towards the floor and he immediately stood up and taking her hand skipped with her to the dance floor in the middle of the tables, Robyn giggling at his actions as he found their table number on the floor and stood directly on it.
“And thank you so much Miss Quinn!” Robyn made a fake curtesy to the MC. “And your partner.”
“Dean!” Robyn grinned. “This is Dean!”
Taron looked to Robyn and could only smile at her grin on her face and then back to MC smiling. “Yep that’s me Dean.” He turned back to Robyn. “Seriously. Is there one person in this town who does not know who you are!” He laughed as she pulled a face at him but was distracted from returning his own, when Shane and Darragh stood beside them.
“We’re here too! Ready to Riverdance our hearts out and give Michael Flatley a run for his money.”
The four broke out in laughter and once the other tables saw Robyn, Taron, Shane and Darragh get up first to the floor, they slowly filtered their way up and took their places on the dance floor, the rest of Robyn’s friends joining them.
“So, we’re sticking with Dean huh?” Taron asked he stood beside her with Shane and Darragh opposite them in a square shape, the other four from their table behind them in the same square formation.
“Seems to working for you today.” She replied to him.
They were been given a very quick walk through demonstration of the first dance of the evening, The Walls of Limerick.
“Do you know this dance?” Taron asked her.
“This is the only one I would know. We did this in school as kids.” She told him as the music started.
“Ok well I am counting on you then to get these one two threes right.”
Robyn laughed and gave his hand a squeeze. “I think I might enjoy this more than you rocketman.”
The helpers counted everyone in and the dance started. Robyn knew Taron would have no trouble with getting the basic one two three of the Irish dancing step or keeping in time as with his musical ability, keeping rhythm and time came so natural to him but it was more making sure they went in the right direction and she almost convulsed with giggles as he crashed into her as she went to the left while he went to her right and he had to catch her, lifting her in the right direction before he set her down again.
“Stop laughing Robyn!” He muttered as they danced forwards and backwards again but she just made a face with him as she swapped places diagonally with Darragh opposite her before Shane switched with Taron and holding each other’s hands they spun around in circles.
They stood on the outer square while Emma, Tommy, Claire and Nick had their turn with the dance and Robyn was still giggling away.
“Best night ever!” She laughed. “Oh, I wish I could have videos of these dances!”
“I will get the hang of it!” Taron insisted as he concentrated on watching the dance play out in front of him again. “Not all of us have Irish dancing in our blood or did it as a kid.”
It was a pure look of concentration Robyn had never seen on Taron’s face before and he held her hand firmly when he needed too and made sure his direction was perfect the second time and as he spun Robyn around and back to their place giving the other four their chance to have their turn he did an extra little step, delighted with himself he got it perfect.
“Told you!” He grinned.
“You are a quick learner but I already knew that.”
Once each set of four had danced the set twice more the music ended and a huge roar and applause went up in the gym, Taron clapping enthusiastically with everyone else.
“Oh, Robyn this is just the best Irish thing ever. I am so glad I could come over. I desperately needed something like this to just shake all my stress and anxiety off. Thank you so much.” He gave her a sideways hug and she grinned at Claire who made kissy faces at her, Robyn returning her own to her friend as she stood close with Nick.
The next dance in the set was called The Siege of Ennis and instead of two groups of four, involved all eight, two lines of four standing opposite each other. Every group was given another brief walk through of the dance and it carried the same basic steps as the other, criss crosses, spins and even a bridge of arms. They started off great, but soon the four pairs became a tangle of arms, wrong directions and mountain of giggles and laughter, having to go back to the footsteps on the ground waiting so they could start again. On the second try and with some guidance from one of the helpers, they got through one round of the dance and needed no help for their third and fourth round.
Robyn could see that Taron was thoroughly enjoying himself and his whole demeanour had flipped from that morning, a ridiculously honest smile on his face. She was so delighted that the day had turned positive for him, hating it when he was down over his work though she was still slightly concerned about his upcoming job knowing how he was going to have to dig really deep for the emotion needed for the character he was playing, the reality of the story of an abused son making Taron want to put everything he had into it. Shaking her head, Robyn brought herself back to the present and looked to him as he happily chatted with Emma and her husband and Nick, while herself, Claire and the other married couple stood talking to each other a few footsteps down as they waited for the next dance to begin.
“You can bring him to visit us any time Robyn.” Smiled Shane. “He is a darling and dotes on you something shocking.”
“He does not.”
“Listen here Robyn Quinn, that boy is head over heels in love with you and you may not have noticed the little touches he gives you, like a hand on your shoulder or around your waist but I have and my God I am so jealous of it all.”
“I think you are going to be divorced by the end of today.” Darragh grinned to his husband. “But Shane is right.”
Robyn rolled her eyes at her friends. “We are…”
“Just friends.” They all said together, Robyn frowning at them.
“Does he have to have such a perfect side profile.” Sighed Shane.
“So, I am going to take my husband outside for some air. We will be back.” Darragh placed his hands on Shanes shoulders and guided him out of the hall, Claire and Robyn laughing.
“They are going to do what you and Taron need to be doing.”
“And you and Nick.” Robyn countered. “Which by the way, the spins are not hip to hip spins but hand to hand spins.” She grinned.
“They never specified that in the instructions.” Laughed Claire and she glanced at Nick who was a in fully animated conversation with Taron. “I just want to kiss him.” Claire sighed.
“Then go and kiss him.” Suggested Robyn. “I really don’t think he will mind. He was asking where you were earlier during the choir’s gig.”
“I was watching from afar.”
Robyn watched the hopeless look on her friend’s face. “Claire please just go and talk to him, ask him out! Kiss the man! I absolutely guarantee you that it will be a very positive result and a yes to going for a drink. He is such a wonderful person.”
“So is Taron.”
“We are talking about you and Nick, not me and Taron.”
“You go and kiss Taron and I will kiss Nick.”
Robyn looked to Claire as she gave her the ultimatum and could see the seriousness in her face. “Really?” She asked tilting her head.
“You go and kiss Taron right now before the next dance starts and I will go and kiss Nick.”
“A kiss. Sure, no problem.”
“And not just a kiss on the cheek Robyn. A proper kiss on his lips.”
“Well the same goes for you too.” She watched as Claire’s face faltered a little. “You are going to give out such demands you need to follow through with them on your part.”
“I will.”
Robyn held out her hand and Claire gripped it tight, both girls adding their second hand. It was a well-used promise handshake they had created when making a deal with each other when they kids and had become their tradition as they grew up and once the handshake was made, the deal had to be followed through with or else face a forfeit of the others choosing. Handshake given and promise assured, Robyn grinned to her friend and saluted her. She turned away and prayed no one could see her heart beating wildly in her chest. She only agreed to go through with this stupid plan because she knew Nick was desperate to ask Claire out but both her friends were so hesitant to make a move so if a little kiss from Taron, something she had with him before, would sort them out, she was very willing to do it and not just because she wanted to kiss him. Again. She just wanted to help her best friend. That was what she told herself anyway.
Taron was standing still talking to Nick, Emma and Tommy, a beautiful but tired smile on his face and he was talking with his hands, still about music, specifically the music of Elton John and Robyn knew he was in his element at the moment. His cheeks were a little red from the slight heat in the gym and the two dances they had just danced and he had opened all the buttons of his check shirt, the material now hanging loosely against his body and she was suddenly regretting her quick and sudden deal with Claire, realising she hadn’t actually thought this through properly. Claire would not be happy with a simple peck on his lips, the deal requiring much more and her hands started to shake as she strolled toward the little group. She wished she hadn’t been so rash with her plan to get Nick and Claire together. Her heart was hammering and she could feel her stomach swirling in knots, her hands shaking a lot more and all she could think of was how handsome and gorgeous he looked just causally standing there talking to her friends. He had been such a gent and so wonderful with her friends, getting to know them, willingly sharing stories of his life with them and he was just happy. Pure happiness radiated from every inch of him and it was how she liked seeing him best however now as she walked towards him, she never even considered her end of the deal with Claire and how a kiss with Taron was going to affect her or him and it was suddenly a very bad idea.
“Hey Robyn.” He said giving her one of his trademark grins that spread over his face. “I was filling Nick in on our sing song with Elton.”
A very bad idea but with her head held high she walked right up to him. “You trust me, right?” She simply said.
“Of course. Always.”
“Ok well then trust when I say this is for the greater good in the long run.”
She took one long breath, her lungs filled with a mixture of humid air in the gym and that wonderful aftershave he always wore and it made her a little dizzy but she couldn’t back out and stepped right up to him, taking in his now slightly amused face, his stunning eyes, a light brown colour even in the green glow of the gym, opening wide and searching hers as he looked down to her, his forehead creasing as he raised his eyebrows in an almost question as to what she was up too. She heard and felt the hitch of breath he took as she pressed her body up against his and with her hands going to the back of his neck, lifted her head so she could reach his lips with hers and with perhaps a little more weight at first then she meant to, pressed her lips against his, then keeping them soft and light, Taron immediately tilting his head so their noses didn’t bump, his hands going to her waist pulling her right against him.
He knew what was coming before it happened, the determination in which Robyn walked towards him and the way she looked at him told him what she was going to do, her words of ‘you trust me’ making it so obvious what was going to happen but it did not mean he was prepared in any shape of form for the force at which she kissed him. Robyn stalled against him, her lips just resting against his, not moving at all and it took every part of him not to run away with the kiss. Feeling her silky lips against his caused a rush of electricity through his whole body and he parted his lips a little so her bottom lip slipped in-between his and he did his best to hold in the moan he was so desperate to let go from his body as he gently started to create the tiniest motion of friction so their lips finally moved against each other’s. His head was spinning and he knew if he dared to open his eyes, the room would be twirling around him so instead his closed his eyes tighter and pressed his mouth a little harder against Robyn’s knowing well that her lipstick had already transferred to his lips and not caring that his fingers dug into waist for a mili-second before he brought his hands up to her face. His hands cradled her neck, his thumbs at the edge of her face in front of her ears, giving him an almost better grip on her so he could hold her face in place as he moved his lips more against hers and taking the lead, he dared to move the slightest half inch away from her, her bottom lip falling from his, before he went back in immediately for a second kiss, not even taking a breath into his lungs for fear that if he waited too long he wouldn’t get a second kiss and it was also desperation that spurred him on not knowing if and when he would ever get a kiss like this with her again.
As Taron’s nose brushed against hers once more as he moved his head to tilt his face in the opposite direction, Robyn copied his hand position and moved her hands, pulling his face closer to hers as she felt him pull away, Robyn now taking control of the kiss back, gliding her lips over his before she stood right on her toes so she could capture his top lip between hers, increasing the tight hold on his face and the pressure at which she was kissing him, drawing his lips into hers. The scratch of his facial hair felt so satisfying on her skin and as he parted his lips once more, she let his wonderful damp and velvety lips take over their kiss, Robyn pressing her body further into his, the heat from him only increasing the building temperature between them. Robyn could feel his hands holding her face a little harder than he normally would and his nose swept hers once more as he changed his head’s position again. The way he moved his lips so nimbly against hers, made kissing him effortless and Robyn was very quickly finding it so difficult to keep her restraint and she had to make herself stop kissing him knowing the forth head tilt from Taron was a sign it was long enough but she needed to get one last kiss in and as she pulled away from him went back in to have one more light feather peck, a silent sigh leaving her body as her forehead rested on his, her hands still on his face. Taron leaned in to steal one last and final kiss from her, his lips in a full grin as his slightly wet and parted lips met hers and she could feel the smile on his lips and she knew she had the exact same one on hers.
“Jesus fucking Christ in heaven! What was that!”
Taron and Robyn, whose bodies were still locked together, turned their heads to see Shane and Darragh staring at them, Shane’s eyes open wide, his hands on his cheeks too. Robyn didn’t give him an answer but turned around to stand in front of Taron and looked to Claire with a smirk.
“You’re turn.” She simply said to her friend, her hands reaching for Taron’s which were now around her waist and she was so glad he had a tight hold of her because her legs were like jelly, her head was spinning and her lips were on fire and the heat from Taron’s body felt glorious agasint hers.
Claire was mortified, not believing Robyn would even dare to kiss Taron in such a way, thinking she was going to chicken out but she didn’t. In fact, Robyn had gone above and beyond and shared a kiss with Taron that was extremely intimate, quite thorough and as she witnessed it, could firmly say it was definitely heated. Claire had been by Robyn’s side as she fell madly in love with Keith but had never seen her best friend share a kiss like the one she had just shared with Taron with Keith and it wasn’t even a kiss of a couple in love, well love that had been admitted to each other. It was just two friends kissing but it was so much more when watched from the outside. They their hands rested perfectly on each other’s cheeks and they just knew how to position their heads so they didn’t bump noses and it had the perfect amount of everything a kiss needed and as Claire stood with her mouth open as she witnessed their kiss, their first proper kiss, she was stunned. It was near perfect. She hadn’t missed that at one point Taron took the lead with the kiss, seeing how much he wanted to kiss Robyn so much more than he was letting on and it made her a little sad to know that Robyn wanted it as much as he did and the two were just holding back so much.
However, now that Robyn had fulfilled her end of the deal it was her turn and she was stood frozen on the spot. Robyn was always a little braver than she was, especially over the last three years and although she had doubted that Robyn would follow through with the kiss, her best friend had gone and kissed Taron hard and without a doubt Claire knew she now had no choice but to kiss Nick, the man she had been crushing on for at least four years.
“Claire.” Asked Robyn looking to her friend, who hadn’t moved for a few seconds, motioning with her eyebrows for her to go over to Nick.
“Nick you want to help a girl out here?” Robyn was surprised to hear Taron speak and even more shocked when Nick walked past them, over to Claire and placing his two hands on her cheeks, kissed her, a lot more deeply then Robyn and Taron kissed and a few wolf whistles went up around them.
“Will someone please tell me what is going on and why everyone is kissing everyone else and why I am not getting kissed by anybody!”
Robyn felt Taron’s chest move with his laughter and closed her eyes as he threw his arms around her shoulders and hugged her against him. “You are in trouble Miss Quinn.” He whispered to her, his breathe hot against her cheek. “And have a lot of explaining to do.”
She gave his hands a squeeze and felt the deep breath he took, taking one of her own and turned to face him, not missing the flush on his face or how his eyes were now a swirling mix of brown and green.
“What it with all the kissing!” Shane asked again, clear frustration in his voice.
“Want to go outside?” Robyn asked him. “Before the next dance starts?”
Without a word to those around her, Robyn lifted Taron’s arms from around her shoulder and over her head, keeping a grip on his hand and started to lead him off the dance floor. As they walked, she could hear Shane complaining again and as she walked past Claire, she gave her a little push with her left hand, breaking the kiss between herself and Nick, winking at her. “Not that hard was it?” She said as she walked past them, still keeping a tight grip on Taron’s hand.
She guided him out the front door of the club house and to the left walking down the footpath a little and to a little corner she knew of where they could talk.
“So, Robyn what is with all the kissing?” Taron asked her as he leant against the brick wall behind him, his arms crossing over his chest. “Not that I am complaining, just to put that out there.” He added, hoping that his face had cooled down a little, though his cheeks still felt incredibly hot and even the chill in the late-night air wasn’t helping to cool his overheated body down. He could still feel Robyn pressed up right against his body and he had hugged Robyn so many times before, tight gripping hugs where she was properly squished against him but when their touching bodies were from the result of a kiss, it was a completely different feeling all together. “Sometimes a man needs a bit of warning before he is assaulted with kisses.” He gave her a little half smirk, keeping his arms folded against his chest, resisting the urge to touch his lips, instead rubbing them together and licking what he knew was her lipstick from them, that cosmetic taste in his mouth a little reminder that once again Robyn had kissed him and not just a little kiss, a proper full on, lip sucking kiss and it was glorious and he saw a few fireworks set off behind his closed eyes.
“You never warned me outside the lift.”
He grinned at her response. “Robyn, I kissed your neck. You fully planted one on my lips and in front of your friends and it was more than just a little kiss. Honestly, I thought you were going to slip me some tongue at one point.”
“Ugh eww Taron no!” Robyn turned away from him and squeezed her eyes shut biting her bottom lip before she turned back and prayed her face was calm and composed. “Just no. You are my friend.”
“Hmm.” He hummed. “So chicken, care to explain what that was all about? I am guessing something to do with Claire, maybe a bet of some sorts? She looked mortified. What did you two agree too.”
“I am really sorry Taron, about the kiss.” Robyn stepped a little closer to him and leaned opposite him against the wall.
“I didn’t ask you if you were sorry. You don’t have to apologise to me over it. You did ask me first in a way.”
“I asked you if you trust me.”
“And I do.” He assured you. “And you know I do, with my life.” He waited for Robyn to start with an explanation but she was staying silent. “Come on Robyn. Spill or I am ringing Diean right now to tell him about our kiss. He has been bugging me about the New Year’s Eve kiss constantly so I know he will love this one!” Taron pulled his phone from his jeans pocket but Robyn quickly snatched it from his hands.  
“I did do it for Claire.” She started to explain quickly, still holding Taron’s phone, her eyes glancing down very quickly as his screen lit up as she accidently swiped his phone, a new picture of the two of them on his screen, one from New Year’s Eve they had taken on the beach before they went to her home. “I hadn’t actually planned just to land a kiss on you like that, I promise. She is so desperately in love with Nick and has been since he joined the choir four years ago and you know we had this match making plan and I know Nick has been fawning over Claire since I introduced the two of them after a gig we did. So, we were having our girl talk…”
“I am going to ban girl talk.” Interrupted Taron. “Bane of my life. Even Rosie and Mari have their girl talk now. No boys allowed!” He complained.
Ignoring him, Robyn continued. “Well during our girl talk, Claire told me that I wouldn’t kiss you and I replied to her with the oh so mature answer of well you won’t kiss Nick and I was like sure I would kiss you if she kissed Nick and she was like well if you kiss Taron I will kiss Nick and then she made the deal tougher by saying that it couldn’t be a kiss on his cheek, as in your cheek, it had to be on the lips and I was like well if I do this, knowing and hoping you wouldn’t mind, I mean we have kissed before, Claire would have to follow through and kiss Nick and like I said, I already know that Nick has a thing for Claire and Claire is like a love sick puppy when she sees Nick even if she won’t admit to it and then we agreed and shook on it using our special handshake which we cannot go back on so I had to go first and kiss you and then we kissed and I was like go on Claire and she stalled and looked at me as if she had seen a ghost and I mean I had just kissed you so she had to follow through with our deal and she just stood there with a blank face, and then you spoke to Nick and he just went and kissed her instead and hey how did you get Nick to do that so quick with just some words and he went straight in for a kiss but Claire totally broke our deal she needs to do the forfeit but I mean…”
Taron watched as Robyn started to talk fast and her words jumbled together as she moved away from the wall, still with his phone and placed back and forth in front of him her hands moving as she spoke and as she rambled on, Taron was grinning from ear to ear. Sure the kiss played complete havoc with his emotions and he was still light headed and buzzing from the feeling of kissing her but he did not regret it at all or how he kissed her back and as he stood away from the wall he automatically found himself biting his lip, still feeling Robyn’s against him and he chuckled as Robyn began to speak even faster. She always spoke fast, her words almost blurring together even more so when she was excited or as he found out the hard way, angry and she was doing it right now, almost without taking a breath. He stepped in front of her, stopping her mid-stride and without a second thought, he reached forward and put his hand over her mouth to stop her which she did but he pulled his hand away quickly as she licked him.
“Don’t lick people.” He grinned. “And like I said, you don’t have to apologise to me. You asked me if I trusted you and I said yes and I do and when you were at the bar with Claire, Nick and I were getting to know each other. He let it slip that he was very happy you asked him to come along as he has the biggest crush on Claire. I did a little match making of my own and told him he should tell her but he wasn’t really feeling brave enough too. After you kissed me and egged Claire on, I put two and two together and thankfully Nick took the hint and the first step and went to kiss her.”
“You little sneaky rocketman. Hatching plans of your own.”
“Except Nick and I did not have a handshake to seal the deal.”
“I am going to make Claire pay for not stepping up.”
Taron grinned. “I think she will give you whatever you want after that kiss she had with Nick.”
“Finally.” Smiled Robyn. “Those two has been making googly eyes at each other for years.” Robyn looked down to her hands as she accidently swiped his phone again and she saw their picture. “I am sorry for just kissing you like that Taron.”
“It’s ok. I think I can forgive you when you ramble on nervously like that and if we got Claire and Nick together, than mission accomplished.”
“Honestly, it is ok.” He stepped closer to her and held his arms out for a hug, which she walked into. “Don’t over think it ok. I know what you are like. It was just a kiss.”
“Just a kiss.” Repeated Robyn into his shoulder but it was so much more than just a kiss and as she started to re-live that wonderfully delicate and smooth kiss, his phone rang in her hands, ending the short hug between then. “It’s your mam.” She said to him, looking at the name on the screen.
He smiled and took the phone from her and answered it with a light cheery tone. “Hey mam!”
“Hello love! I just wanted to check in with you before your night became too Irish and you would forget to call your mother back.” Hearing Tina’s words, Robyn laughed. When Tina heard the laughter, she knew Taron was with his reason for his visit to Ireland. “Hello Robyn.”
“Hey Tina!” Robyn said loudly so she could hear him.
“Hi Robyn!”
She laughed as she heard Rosie and Mari too. “Hello girls.” Robyn looked to Taron. “I will leave you to it.”
“You don’t have too and you know the girls want to talk to you. Always want to talk to you.”
Robyn grinned. “And you know I adore them but your mother wants to talk to you.”
“And you want to talk to Claire.” He returned.
“Oh my God I do.”
“So, more girl talk.” He rolled his eyes. “Go, I will follow you.” He leaned over and kissed her cheek. “Sort out that forfeit too.”
“I will.”
Robyn turned on her heels and walked away from Taron, hearing him pick up the call as she headed back for the door, inhaling the cool fresh air was she walked. Her head was still very fuzzy and not only from the specular kiss but also from Taron’s reaction. He was so calm and acceptive of what she had done to him, literally done to him and he was his usual wonderful self and she was so confused by it all. She was expecting at least a tiny bit of backlash from what she had done but there was none. He was completely understanding and had even said he couldn’t complain about what she had done and as she pulled open the door of the GAA club she took a glance back to him. He was laughing and smiling and not for the first time her stomach dropped to her toes. Whatever doubts she had before about being in love with Taron had been well and truly squashed. She, Robyn Quinn, without a doubt was head over heels in love with the man that was Taron Egerton.
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sadaboutniall · 4 years
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Fifteen. May, 2014.
80,000 people. 
80,000 people packed into Croke Park—into the place that started it all—to see Niall. 
He feels like he personally knows at least a thousand of them. Before the show he’s running all over the place saying his hellos—shaking hands, kisses on cheeks, promises to grab pints later—and it carries on into the actual set as well: Niall feels like he spends half of it waving at familiar faces in the crowd, trying to make sure he doesn’t miss anyone.
But even with all that it’s overwhelming, hard to comprehend where he’s standing, how he got here. It’s a massive, heaving ache in his heart, staring out at 80,000 people who could’ve been him. He knows it’s a feeling he’ll spend the rest of his life trying to describe—a debt he’ll spend the rest of his life trying to repay. 
He takes a moment during Don’t Forget Where You Belong, lets himself be still and quiet and tries to take it all in—an impossible task, really, but he does his best. He thinks about four years ago, standing here with his heart in his throat and the rest of his life in four strangers’ hands. He had massive dreams then, sure—sold out shows, red carpets, number one albums—but he never could’ve imagined this. He never would have let himself believe it. 
He thinks about all the people here tonight that he knows: his family, his friends, even some of his teachers and neighbors and coaches. The list goes on and on and on and on—he’d almost changed his number last week, he was so annoyed with all the people coming out of the woodwork to ask for free tickets to the show—but it shouldn’t surprise him that he’s only thinking about one. It shouldn’t surprise him that, in a sea of nearly 100,000 people, there’s only one face he wants to see. 
She hadn’t asked for tickets but Niall puts her name on the list for every show anyway and he’s sure she’s here—Mully had said they were all coming tonight, and when he’d called earlier to ask about afterparty plans Niall was sure he heard Isla’s voice in the background. They haven’t spoken since the wedding, him and Isla, and he knows that’s for the best—but he can’t help the hopeful feeling that creeps up on him when he thinks about seeing her tonight. It’s a tingle in his fingers, in his belly, in his heart. Maybe tonight, he thinks, stepping back from the catwalk and over toward the rest of his band. Maybe he and Isla can talk again tonight. 
‘I just think it’s a bit stupid,’ Louis is saying, passing Niall his third Guinness of the night. They’re leaning against the bar while Niall’s friends and family mingle around them, spilling out of the cozy pub and into the back garden and the warm summer night. Niall likes standing with Louis at times like this—he’s a little intimidating, people hesitate before coming over to chat with him, and Niall’s feeling a little overwhelmed by all the semi-familiar faces trying to pull him aside to talk. Here, with Louis, he has a bit of a barrier at least. Someone who’s not afraid to tell others to fuck off. ‘Like, why would I want to give up red meat? I get what Jarv is saying about it being unhealthy but—oi! Mully!’
Niall follows Louis’ line of sight and there he is, for the first time all night, Mully, looking a little sheepish as he waves at them, a stranger by his side. Niall’d given all of his friends plus-ones so he’s not too put off by the thought of Mully bringing a uni friend along for the night, really—but there’s something about the look on his oldest friend’s face. Niall’s stomach tightens, like he already knows. 
‘Hiya, mate,’ Mully pulls Louis in for a quick hug, then Niall, patting him on the back twice. ‘You lot fucking smashed it tonight.’
‘Ah, we always do, don’t we,’ Louis laughs, crinkles by his eyes. ‘Thanks for coming. Your first show, mate? Haven’t seen you around before.’ He turns to the stranger, holding out his hand for a shake. The guy is massive close-up: at least six feet tall and built like an athlete, all lean muscle and toned lines. But despite his size he’s not intimidating, really—there’s a softness to him, a twinge of red in the apples of his cheeks, ginger hair that curls by his ears. He’s covered in light freckles and Niall shouldn’t be surprised that he speaks with a Scottish accent when he opens his mouth. 
‘It is, yeah,’ the guy smiles, looking a little nervous, and shakes Louis’ hand. ‘Fucking ace, that was.’
‘This is Jack,’ says Mully, swallowing thick. ‘Jack, this is Louis and that’s Nialler.’
‘Uni mates, then?’ asks Louis, moving aside so Jack and Mully can reach the bar to place their orders. ‘You come down just for the show, mate?’
‘Aye,’ Jack nods. ‘And to see my girlfriend.’
Niall knows. Before Jack even says it, Niall knows. Mully looks like he’d rather be anywhere else on Earth. Louis, oblivious, asks, ‘oh, do we know her?’
‘Think you do,’ says Jack, and Niall feels the ground fall out from under him. ‘Isla Boyne.’
‘Why the fuck didn’t you tell me?’ Niall and Mully are shoved into the back of the smoking area outside and Niall feels like he can’t breathe—the smoke, the humid night air, all the people around him, all the beer in his bloodstream. He wants to scream, but he can’t even take a deep enough breath to do that. This was supposed to be the best night of his life.
‘It’s not my place to,’ Mully looks sheepish, a bit caught out. He has a point, but Niall doesn’t give a fuck. ‘That’s Isla’s decision, not mine.’
‘You’re my best fucking mate,’ Niall can’t even look at him. He trains his eyes up on the sky, on the plane flying overhead, through the thick night. ‘This is exactly the kind of shit best mates tell each other.’
‘I’m sorry, mate,’ Mully sighs, pulls a hand through his hair. ‘It never came up and I knew it would upset you and, look, Nialler. You guys dated for, like, two years in secondary school. That was ages ago now. You haven’t even spoken to her since last year. It’s normal and healthy to move on.’
‘Sean,’ Niall bites the inside of his cheek, steadies himself. ‘You’ve been dating the same girl since secondary school.’
‘That’s different. We never broke up, I never moved away, I didn’t fuck her at my brother’s wedding just to drop back off the face of the Earth and never reach out ever again—’
‘What the fuck do you know about that?’
‘Seriously? You think Isla doesn’t talk to me? To Emilia? We’re her best friends, Niall.’
‘It’s for the best if we don’t talk when I’m away,’ Niall says, robotic, rehearsed. A line he’s told himself a million times, late at night, lonely, desperate to pick up his phone and hear a familiar voice. 
‘Then it’s probably for the best if she moves on,’ says Mully, hand coming up to rest on Niall’s shoulder. ‘And you too. Jack’s really sound, you don’t have to, like, worry about Isla or anything. He fucking adores her.’
For some reason, that doesn’t make Niall feel any better. 
‘Really,’ Mully carries on, picking up on the fact that Niall isn’t satisfied. ‘I like him a lot. He’s on the rugby squad at King’s, studying genetics.’
‘Oh, so he’s a fucking genius, a rugby player, he’s got the craic, and he’s shagging the love of my life? That’s it, then?’ Niall doesn’t really know where it comes from. He just has to let it out. 
‘I mean,’ Mully looks uncomfortable. ‘There’s more to dating than just shagging.’
‘Oh, fuck off, you know what I meant.’
‘Yeah, I do, but your tone and your language and—’ 
‘Fuck’s sake. I think I’m gonna go home.’
‘Wait, what, no,’ Mully looks genuinely surprised, and Niall feels for a second like he doesn’t even know him anymore. ‘Come off it, this is your party. You just fucking played a sold out Croke Park, mate. You are the most famous person in all of Ireland tonight, and you want to go home and wallow in your self pity? Really?’
‘I don’t want to be here.’
‘You’re throwing a strop.’ 
‘Yeah, well, I feel pretty fucking shitty right now, so.’
‘Here,’ Mully reaches into the pocket of his jeans, fishes out a packet of cigarettes and a lighter. Niall’s stopped smoking for the most part these days—protecting his voice, protecting himself from stupid headlines—but he’s stressed, and sad, and holding a cigarette is a bit like holding armor. Something to do, something to distract yourself with. ‘I’m gonna go get you a drink. Don’t fucking move.’
And then Mully’s gone, disappearing into the throng, back toward the bar. Leaning back against the brick wall behind him, Niall takes a deep breath, lights up. He watches the smoke curl in the air as he exhales, watches it disappear into the night, away from here. He can see them from where he’s standing, Isla and Jack, laughing in a tight circle with Emilia, Deo, Nicky, and Liam. Jack’s the tallest one there by a mile and he’s got his arm wrapped around Isla’s waist, hand resting right at the curve of her bum, and she’s pressed into his side, her face only coming up to his chest. The drink in her hand is the one he’d ordered at the bar earlier and Niall realizes with a sinking feeling that he should’ve picked up on that—gin and tonic is her favorite. 
Payno’s clueless but Niall will ask him later anyway, pry him for information on Jack, on Isla. He can already tell he’ll have nothing but nice things to say. 
He inhales again, smoke in his lungs, and when he looks up Isla’s got him, dark brown eyes on his, a soft, sad look on her face. She raises one hand in a gentle wave and Niall thinks of that time, a million years ago, when she waved at him from across the football fields on the first day of Year Four. He feels like they’re a thousand miles away, now, from the day they started. 
Still, though. The tug in his heart, the butterflies in his stomach, tell him he still feels the same way. Just looking at her makes his breathing stop.
He waves back, because he could never not, and exhales. 
By the time the smoke in his face clears, Isla’s looking away.
taglist: @stylishmuser @thicksniall @stayclose-holdsteady @niallhoranruinsme @ajayque @flickerswinehouse @1dfangirls35 @crocodileniall @halfpinthoran @awomanindeniall @booksncoffee @edgeofmyniall 
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Character Study: Speech  – Irish Slang 
Acting the maggot        
Meaning: Fooling and messing around   Example: Stop acting the maggot
Bad dose          
Meaning: Severe illness Example: You got a bad dose of it, didn’t you?
Bags (to make a bags of something)      
Meaning: Make a mess of doing something         Example: He made a right bags of that
Bang on            
Meaning: Right, accurate, correct           Example: You are bang on
Meaning: Broken           Example: The chair is banjaxed
Black stuff
Meaning: Guinness      Example: A pint of the black stuff, please
Meaning: Male, juvenile            Example: Come on, you boyo!
Meaning: Awful, dreadful           Example: It was a brutal tackle
Bucketing down
Meaning: Raining hard Example: It is bucketing down
Bunk off            
Meaning: Skip (school, work) Example: Do you want to bunk off tomorrow?
Meaning: Someone who takes a risk       Example: He is a real chancer
Meaning: Young child (Dublin slang)       Example: He was a chiseler at the time
Meaning: Left-handed   Example: I am a Ciotóg and proud
Cod/codding ya
Meaning: To pull someone’s leg Example: I am only codding ya!
Meaning: Fun, gossip, goings-on Example: What’s/where’s the craic?
Crack on            
Meaning: Continue on, get going             Example: I must crack on, lots to do
Meaning: Person from rural / agricultural area   Example: She is a culchie originally
Cute hoor          
Meaning: Person who quietly engineers things to their own advantage   Example: He is a real cute hoor
Delira and excira            
Meaning: Delighted and excited (Dublin slang)   Example: Are you delira and excira about it?
Meaning: Brilliant, fantastic, great Example: That was a deadly film
Donkey’s years
Meaning: For a very, very long time         Example: They have lived there donkey’s years
Meaning: Someone not working or is messing about, up to no good Example: They are a couple of dossers
Meaning: Complete fool, doing something silly   Example: You are such an eejit
Meaning: Listening in on a private conversation Example: You were earwigging again, yes?
Effin’ and blindin’          
Meaning: Swearing and cursing Example: He was effin’ and blindin’ nonstop
Eff off  
Meaning: Polite swear word (for the F word)       Example: Ah, just eff off, will ya
Fair play!          
Meaning: Well done!     Example: Fair play, mate!
Feck Off            
Meaning: Go away (polite version), used to show surprise or shock  Example: Feck off . . . . don’t be bothering me
Meaning: Used for your guy, as in ‘me fella’; partner/husband/boyfriend Example: Is your fella going to be there?
Meaning: Very good, great, excellent Example: It was a fierce performance
Fine thing          
Meaning: Good-looking man or woman Example: That guy is a fine thing
Meaning: Woman of dubious moral attributes   Example: The place is full of floozies
Meaning: Very drunk. Example: I was absolutely fluthered last night
Meaning: Home; to have a ‘free gaff’ means you are home alone Example: I will pop over to your gaff later
Meaning: Crooked, or odd-looking  Example: He had a gammy leg
Meaning: Quick glance Example: Take a quick gander in here first
Meaning: Funny or amusing  Example: He is a gas man
Meaning: To stare rudely  Example: Stop gawking
Get outta that garden!
Meaning: Fun phrase used in a conversation to get a laugh, reaction  Example: Wud ya get outta that garden!!!
Meaning: Many uses; most often used as a reply to ‘How are you?’,  ‘How are you feeling?’, or being told of a decision Example: We will meet you there – “Grand”; Dinner will be in 10 minutes – “Grand”
Meaning: Complete mess  Example: I made a complete haymes of that work
Holy Joe            
Meaning: Self-righteous or religious person Example: She is a bit of a holy joe actually
Holy show        
Meaning: Disgraceful scene      Example: She made a holy show of herself
How’s she cuttin’?        
Meaning: Hi; How are you?; What’s news?         Example: How’s she cuttin’?
Meaning: Hi, hello         Example: Howya doin’?
Meaning: A rural person’s name for a Dubliner   Example: You are a jackeen…my sympathies!
Meaning: Toilet Example: I’m off to the jacks
Jo maxi
Meaning: Taxi, cab         Example: We can get a jo maxi in later
Meaning: A dump of a place and also a sleep       Example: I had a quick kip before dinner; it was a real kip of a hotel
Meaning: Exhausted, tired         Example: I was completely knackered
Meaning: Drunk Example: She was totaly langers last Friday
Meaning: 3 meanings: to rain hard; to make an attempt at something; or to go out drinking  Example: It was lashing out of the heavens. Give it a lash. Let’s go on the lash Saturday.
Leg it    
Meaning: Run away quickly         Example: Come on, we need to leg it now!
Meaning: Very drunk     Example: He was totally locked at closing time
Meaning: Dirty, filthy, Disgusting Example: My hair feels manky, it needs a wash
Meaning: Girlfriend (Dublin slang)           Example: Where’s your mot tonight?
Meaning: Very difficult or to really want to do something             Example: Finding a taxi was murder. I could murder a Guinness.
Meaning: Job done for cash to avoid tax Example: He can do it as a nixer for you
Not the full shilling
Meaning: Not fully sane Example: I don’t think he is the full shilling
On the tear      
Meaning: Going drinking             Example: We were on the tear last night
Meaning: Drunk            Example: We got ossified
Oul fella            
Meaning: Your father, dad (Dublin slang)             Example: My oul fella is out at the moment
Oul Dear / Oul Wan
Meaning: Your mother, mom     Example: My oul dear is out shopping
Meaning: Movies, film       Example: We went to the pictures a week ago
Puss (To have a puss on you)
Meaning: Sulky face       Example: Take that puss off your face
Rugger Bugger
Meaning: Someone posh, loud and loves rugby Example: He is a rugger bugger for sure
Meaning: Great, brilliant             Example: It was a savage contest till the end
Meaning: Very embarrassed Example: I was scarlet
Meaning: Exhausted     Example: After driving, I was shattered
Meaning: A verb used to make fun of someone in a nice way or else it has the same meaning as elsewhere.           Example: He was only slagging you, don’t worry
Story? (What’s the)
Meaning: Hi, what’s happening?             Example: What’s the story, Rory?
Suckin’ diesel (Now you’re)        
Meaning: Now you’re talking, now you’re doing well       Example: Now you are suckin’ diesel, my friend!
The Pale            
Meaning: Anywhere in the region of Dublin         Example: I am living just outside The Pale
Meaning: Extremely stupid Example: He is as thick as a plank
Throw shapes  
Meaning: Show off, sometimes aggressively       Example: They were all throwing shapes in the pub
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