#Study: Irish Slang (Gregory Goyle)
Character Study: Speech  – Irish Slang 
Acting the maggot        
Meaning: Fooling and messing around   Example: Stop acting the maggot
Bad dose          
Meaning: Severe illness Example: You got a bad dose of it, didn’t you?
Bags (to make a bags of something)      
Meaning: Make a mess of doing something         Example: He made a right bags of that
Bang on            
Meaning: Right, accurate, correct           Example: You are bang on
Meaning: Broken           Example: The chair is banjaxed
Black stuff
Meaning: Guinness      Example: A pint of the black stuff, please
Meaning: Male, juvenile            Example: Come on, you boyo!
Meaning: Awful, dreadful           Example: It was a brutal tackle
Bucketing down
Meaning: Raining hard Example: It is bucketing down
Bunk off            
Meaning: Skip (school, work) Example: Do you want to bunk off tomorrow?
Meaning: Someone who takes a risk       Example: He is a real chancer
Meaning: Young child (Dublin slang)       Example: He was a chiseler at the time
Meaning: Left-handed   Example: I am a Ciotóg and proud
Cod/codding ya
Meaning: To pull someone’s leg Example: I am only codding ya!
Meaning: Fun, gossip, goings-on Example: What’s/where’s the craic?
Crack on            
Meaning: Continue on, get going             Example: I must crack on, lots to do
Meaning: Person from rural / agricultural area   Example: She is a culchie originally
Cute hoor          
Meaning: Person who quietly engineers things to their own advantage   Example: He is a real cute hoor
Delira and excira            
Meaning: Delighted and excited (Dublin slang)   Example: Are you delira and excira about it?
Meaning: Brilliant, fantastic, great Example: That was a deadly film
Donkey’s years
Meaning: For a very, very long time         Example: They have lived there donkey’s years
Meaning: Someone not working or is messing about, up to no good Example: They are a couple of dossers
Meaning: Complete fool, doing something silly   Example: You are such an eejit
Meaning: Listening in on a private conversation Example: You were earwigging again, yes?
Effin’ and blindin’          
Meaning: Swearing and cursing Example: He was effin’ and blindin’ nonstop
Eff off  
Meaning: Polite swear word (for the F word)       Example: Ah, just eff off, will ya
Fair play!          
Meaning: Well done!     Example: Fair play, mate!
Feck Off            
Meaning: Go away (polite version), used to show surprise or shock  Example: Feck off . . . . don’t be bothering me
Meaning: Used for your guy, as in ‘me fella’; partner/husband/boyfriend Example: Is your fella going to be there?
Meaning: Very good, great, excellent Example: It was a fierce performance
Fine thing          
Meaning: Good-looking man or woman Example: That guy is a fine thing
Meaning: Woman of dubious moral attributes   Example: The place is full of floozies
Meaning: Very drunk. Example: I was absolutely fluthered last night
Meaning: Home; to have a ‘free gaff’ means you are home alone Example: I will pop over to your gaff later
Meaning: Crooked, or odd-looking  Example: He had a gammy leg
Meaning: Quick glance Example: Take a quick gander in here first
Meaning: Funny or amusing  Example: He is a gas man
Meaning: To stare rudely  Example: Stop gawking
Get outta that garden!
Meaning: Fun phrase used in a conversation to get a laugh, reaction  Example: Wud ya get outta that garden!!!
Meaning: Many uses; most often used as a reply to ‘How are you?’,  ‘How are you feeling?’, or being told of a decision Example: We will meet you there – “Grand”; Dinner will be in 10 minutes – “Grand”
Meaning: Complete mess  Example: I made a complete haymes of that work
Holy Joe            
Meaning: Self-righteous or religious person Example: She is a bit of a holy joe actually
Holy show        
Meaning: Disgraceful scene      Example: She made a holy show of herself
How’s she cuttin’?        
Meaning: Hi; How are you?; What’s news?         Example: How’s she cuttin’?
Meaning: Hi, hello         Example: Howya doin’?
Meaning: A rural person’s name for a Dubliner   Example: You are a jackeen…my sympathies!
Meaning: Toilet Example: I’m off to the jacks
Jo maxi
Meaning: Taxi, cab         Example: We can get a jo maxi in later
Meaning: A dump of a place and also a sleep       Example: I had a quick kip before dinner; it was a real kip of a hotel
Meaning: Exhausted, tired         Example: I was completely knackered
Meaning: Drunk Example: She was totaly langers last Friday
Meaning: 3 meanings: to rain hard; to make an attempt at something; or to go out drinking  Example: It was lashing out of the heavens. Give it a lash. Let’s go on the lash Saturday.
Leg it    
Meaning: Run away quickly         Example: Come on, we need to leg it now!
Meaning: Very drunk     Example: He was totally locked at closing time
Meaning: Dirty, filthy, Disgusting Example: My hair feels manky, it needs a wash
Meaning: Girlfriend (Dublin slang)           Example: Where’s your mot tonight?
Meaning: Very difficult or to really want to do something             Example: Finding a taxi was murder. I could murder a Guinness.
Meaning: Job done for cash to avoid tax Example: He can do it as a nixer for you
Not the full shilling
Meaning: Not fully sane Example: I don’t think he is the full shilling
On the tear      
Meaning: Going drinking             Example: We were on the tear last night
Meaning: Drunk            Example: We got ossified
Oul fella            
Meaning: Your father, dad (Dublin slang)             Example: My oul fella is out at the moment
Oul Dear / Oul Wan
Meaning: Your mother, mom     Example: My oul dear is out shopping
Meaning: Movies, film       Example: We went to the pictures a week ago
Puss (To have a puss on you)
Meaning: Sulky face       Example: Take that puss off your face
Rugger Bugger
Meaning: Someone posh, loud and loves rugby Example: He is a rugger bugger for sure
Meaning: Great, brilliant             Example: It was a savage contest till the end
Meaning: Very embarrassed Example: I was scarlet
Meaning: Exhausted     Example: After driving, I was shattered
Meaning: A verb used to make fun of someone in a nice way or else it has the same meaning as elsewhere.           Example: He was only slagging you, don’t worry
Story? (What’s the)
Meaning: Hi, what’s happening?             Example: What’s the story, Rory?
Suckin’ diesel (Now you’re)        
Meaning: Now you’re talking, now you’re doing well       Example: Now you are suckin’ diesel, my friend!
The Pale            
Meaning: Anywhere in the region of Dublin         Example: I am living just outside The Pale
Meaning: Extremely stupid Example: He is as thick as a plank
Throw shapes  
Meaning: Show off, sometimes aggressively       Example: They were all throwing shapes in the pub
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