#Django Reinhardt Festival
hammondcast · 2 years
7 Year Old Stenli Schmitt Nuages Django Reinhardt Festival Filmed By Jon Hammond
#WATCHMOVIE HERE: 7 Year Old Stenli Schmitt Nuages Django Reinhardt Festival Filmed By Jon Hammond 
Jon's archive https://archive.org/details/7-year-old-stenli-schmitt-nuages-django-reinhardt-festival-filmed-by-jon-hammond 
FB https://www.facebook.com/558692101/videos/857896725386529/ 
7 Year Old Stenli Schmitt Nuages Django Reinhardt Festival Filmed By Jon Hammond
 Jon Hammond 
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 Publication date
 Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International
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 Django Reinhardt Festival, Gypsy Music, Gipsy, 7 year old NYC debut, Jazz, Hot Gypsy jazz, Samson Schmitt, Birdland, Pat Philips, Gianni Valenti, Nuages, Jon Hammond film
7 Year Old Stenli Schmitt 'Nuages' Django Reinhardt Festival
Birdland Jazz Club Pat Philips Presents / Gianni Valenti
Ludovic Beier
Pierre Blanchard
Samson Schmitt Officiel / Samson Schmitt
filmed by Jon Hammond
The Django Reinhardt NY Festival
Featuring The Django Festival Allstars, a hit band that has taken the US by storm, touring top venues- The Kennedy Center, San Francisco Jazz Festival, Newport Festival and more. They swing like crazy and will break your heart with a ballad.
For the first time, Samson Schmitt, lead guitarist from a legendary musical family brings his two daughters, Stenli, who appeared on “The Voice” in primetime TV in France and brought the house down in “The Forever Django” concert at Carnegie Hall. Her sister, Stenli, who is 7 years old will perform Django’s famous hit “Nuages”.
Step into the gypsy life of family, where music reigns supreme. The Band’s regulars include Pierre Blanchard on violin, Ludovic Beier on accordion & accordina, Antonio Licusati on bass, and Michael Harris on rhythm guitar. They bring the music of Django Reinhardt to today, a mixture of famous standards and originals.
“Sensational’……. George Benson
“Hardest swinging Band at the Newport Jazz Festival”…..Downbeat Magazine.
Pat Philips,Concert Producer "
 2022-11-06 21:33:43
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Django Reinhardt Festival, Gypsy Music, Gipsy, 7 year old NYC debut, Jazz, Hot Gypsy jazz, Samson Schmitt, Birdland, Pat Philips, Gianni Valenti, Nuages, Jon Hammond film 
Django Reinhardt Festival, Gypsy Music, Gipsy, 7 year old NYC debut, Jazz, Hot Gypsy jazz, Samson Schmitt, Birdland, Pat Philips, Gianni Valenti, Nuages, Jon Hammond film
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micheltaanman-blog · 2 years
Frankrijk - Samoreau - Django Reinhardt Festival
Frankrijk – Samoreau – Django Reinhardt Festival
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mutant-what-not · 2 years
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"If anyone was born in someone else's shadow it was Joseph Reinhardt. Brother to Django Reinhardt he selflessly played a rhythm guitarist's role for his more famous brother, even though he was a great guitarist and composer himself.
"Joseph could be found accompanying his brother in cafes and in the bal-musette halls on either guitar or banjo and soon progressed to play with Louis Volas's Palm beach Orchestra. By 1933 he was popular and was found playing in various groups playing hot jazz. He even filled in for his brother on several occasions when Django failed to show up. By 1934 he was a full time guitarist in Le Quintette du Hotclub de France alongside his brother. Other roles including being Django's guitar carrier and spare string keeper, this eventually got the better of him and he decided to quit in 1937.
"After his departure from the Quintette he worked with Aime Barelli's big band and Alex Combelle's Jazz de Paris and recorded his first solo recordings with various groups, Gus Viseur "Swing 42", Hubert Rostaing"L'oeil Noir", Alex Combelle "If I had You". In 1943 he formed his own group recording with violinist Claude Laurence (alias Andre Hodeir).
"In 1947 he was to be found playing electric guitar with Stephane Grappelli's Hot Four. Django followed his brother in the same year and started playing electric guitar with less positive results.
Joseph apparently still lived the nomadic existence of his forebears and enjoyed nature at first hand, he showed this love for nature in various paintings of caravan scenes, campfires, horses etc..
"After his brothers death in 1953 Joseph laid down the guitar and did not start playing again until 1957, at this point he attempted to finish Django's unfinished Messe Gitane. In 1958 he appeared in the documentary "Django Reinhardt" which led to his appearance in a short film Paris Blues (1961). At this time he formed his own quintette and recorded two LP's.
"The 60's was quite an active period for Joseph, recording with his own string quintet and at the "Blue Jazz Museum" with his regular accompanists of the period, Dingo Adel and Jacques Montagene (Hot Club Records - "Live in Paris 1966"). He appeared at several concerts, performed in various Paris nightclubs occasionally with Babik Reinhardt and even visited the UK, playing and recording with Diz Disley. By the 1970's, however, his public performances had reduced although he did appear at the Samois Festival. For almost all his post-Hot Club Quintet work, Joseph Reinhardt used a very odd looking guitar that he made himself which, surprisingly, had a nice acoustic tone although it was frequently amplified.
"His early solo playing was considerably less flamboyant than Django and he subsequently developed a modern jazz style reminiscent of his brother's '47/48 electric work. He was above all else, a lyrical performer capable of producing some quite haunting compositions.
"Nin-Nin died on 24th February, 1982 and was buried beside Django at Samois perhaps, thereby, publicly condemned to remain in the shadow of his illustrious brother for eternity or, perhaps, ensured a posthumous recognition that he otherwise could not have expect."
Article and photo with great thanks to Mark Heller!
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gerry-walden · 1 month
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From the archives - America jazz singer #NnennaFreelon at the Django Reinhardt Festival in Samois-sur-Seine, France (1996). #Jazz #Vocalist #archive #filmphotography
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jpbjazz · 5 months
Né le 23 septembre 1947 à Angoulême, en France, Christian Escoudé était d’origine tsigane par son père. La famille Escoudé, qui était d’origine espagnole, s’était installée en Charente lorsque les troupes nazies avaient envahi la France en juin 1940. La mère de Christian était d’origine charentaise.
Également guitariste, le père de Christian avait été très influencé par Django Reinhardt. Christian avait commencé à apprendre la guitare avec son père et son oncle à l’âge de dix ans. Après avoir joué dans différents bals de la région, Christian a été engagé en 1969, à l’âge de vingt et un ans, par l’orchestre d’Aimé Barelli à Monte-Carlo, dont il fera partie jusqu’en 1971.
Au début des années 1970, Escoudé s’installe à Paris et travaille comme musicien de studio avec des vedettes de la musique pop comme Jean Ferrat, Michel Fugain et Nicole Croisille.
Escoudé a amorcé sa carrière professionnelle en 1972 en se produisant avec le trio du batteur Aldo Romano, qui comprenait également Eddy Louis à l’orgue et Bernard Lubat à la batterie. Plus tard, Escoudé s’était joint au Swing String System de Didier Levallet et au Michel Portal Unit.��Après avoir remporté le Prix Django Reinhardt décerné par l'Académie du Jazz en décembre 1975 (il est un des seuls guitaristes de jazz à avoir remporté cet honneur), Escoudé avait formé un quartet avec le pianiste Michel Graillier, le batteur Aldo Romano et le contrebassiste Alby Cullaz (qui fut bientôt remplacé par Jean-François Jenny-Clark). Escoudé avait travaillé par la suite avec Michel Portal, Slide Hampton, Martial Solal et Jean-Claude Fohrenbach.
En 1978, Escoudé s’était produit au Festival de jazz de Nice aux côtés de John Lewis, Bill Evans, Stan Getz, Freddie Hubbard, Philly Joe Jones, Elvin Jones, Lee Konitz et Shelly Manne. La même année, Escoudé avait joué pour la première fois au Festival de Samois dans le cadre d’un hommage à son idole Django Reinhardt. Il a aussi enregistré avec le contrebassiste Charlie Haden. L’année suivante, Escoudé s’était produit au Festival de Dakar avec un trio composé du pianiste René Urtreger, du contrebassiste Pierre Michelot et du batteur et compositeur d’origine suisse Daniel Humair.
À l’été 1980, Escoudé avait obtenu une des grandes chances de sa carrière lorsqu’il avait été invité à jouer en duo avec le guitariste de fusion John McLaughlin, avec qui il avait fait une tournée aux États-Unis, au Brésil et au Japon. L’année suivante, Escoudé s’était joint au big band de Martial Solal. Après avoir joué aux États-Unis avec le quartet du batteur Shelly Manne en 1982, Escoudé a formé son propre quartet avec  Olivier Hutman aux claviers, Nicolas Fitzman à la contrebasse et Jean My Truong aux percussions. Ces deux derniers avaient été remplacés par la suite par Jean-Marc Jafet et Tony Rabeson.
En 1983, Escoudé forme un duo avec le violoniste Didier Lockwood. Le groupe s’était par la suite transformé en trio après l’ajout du guitariste belge Philip Catherine. Après avoir formé un trio avec le violoncelliste Jean-Charles Capon et le contrebassiste Ron Carter en 1985, Escoudé avait formé le Trio Gitan avec Boulou Ferré (le fils de Matelo Ferret) et Babik Reinhardt, le fils de Django. En 1987, il se produit en duo avec le pianiste Michel Graillier.
En 1988, Escoudé s’était joint à un quartet composé de Jean-Michel Pilc, François Moutin et Louis Moutin. L’année suivante, Escoudé avait fondé un octet avec les guitaristes Paul Challain Ferret, Jimmy Gourley et Frédéric Sylvestre, l’accordéoniste Marcel Azzola, le violoncelliste Vincent Courtois, le contrebassiste Alby Cullaz et le batteur Billy Hart.
En 1990, Escoudé s’était produit au légendaire Village Vanguard de New York avec le pianiste Hank Jones, le contrebassiste Pierre Michelot et le batteur Kenny Washington. L’année suivante, Escoudé avait enregistré un album entièrement consacré à des compositions de Django Reinhardt. L’album avait été enregistré avec avec un orchestre à cordes. En 1993, Escoudé enregistre à Los Angeles avec Lou Levy, Bob Magnusson et Billy Higgins.
En 1998, Escoudé avait enchaîné avec ‘’A Suite for Gypsies’’, un album de jazz-fusion destiné à honorer les enfants gitans morts dans les camps de concentration nazis. Deux ans plus tard, Escoudé remporte le Grand Prix de la SACEM.
À l’occasion du 50e anniversaire de la mort de Django en 2003, Escoudé avait formé un big band de dix-sept musiciens dans lequel il explorait l’héritage musical de Reinhardt tout en y incorporant ses  propres idées harmoniques et rythmiques. L’année suivante, Escoudé avait créé le  New Gypsy Trio avec David Reinhardt (un autre parent de Django) et Martin Taylor (aussi connu sous le nom de Jean-Baptiste Laya). Après avoir publié l’album Ma Ya en 2005, Escoudé avait formé le Progressive Sextet avec Marcel Azzola, Jean-Baptiste Laya, Sylvain Guillaume, Jean-Marc Jafet et Yoann Serra.
En 2012, Escoudé avait rendu hommage à l’auteur-compositeur Georges Brassens dans le cadre de l’album ‘’Christian Escoudé joue Brassens: Au bois de mon cœur.’’ Participaient également à l’album le contrebassiste Pierre Boussaguet et la batteuse Anne Paceo, ainsi que des artistes invités comprenant la violoniste Fiona Monbet, le clarinettiste  Andre Villeger, le guitariste Biréli Lagrène et le guitariste manouche de onze ans Swan Berger.
En 2019, Escoudé avait surpris tout le monde en lançant à l’abbaye de Saint-Amant-de-Boixe un second album en hommage à son idole Django Reinhardt.
Christian Escoudé est mort d’un cancer le matin du 13 mai 2024 à Saint-Amant-de-Boixe (Charente), près d’Angoulême, à l’âge de soixante-seize ans. La mort d’Escoudé avait été annoncée par Max Robin, le directeur artistique de la compagnie Label Ouest qui avait publié son dernier album intitulé ‘’Ancrage.’’ Décrivant Escoudé comme un grand musicien, compositeur et improvisateur, Robin avait souligné son engagement dans la musique.
Escoudé avait été victime d’un cancer particulièrement foudroyant. Jean Ledroit, un ami et voisin d’Escoudé à Saint-Amant-de-Boix ‘’On devait jouer avec lui il y a trois semaines à Mansle mais il était déjà malade. C’est brutal {...}. On a perdu un monstre sacré du jazz, le digne successeur de Django Reinhardt ’’.
François Ducharme, l’ancien président de l'Académie du jazz et un des programmateurs de l'émission de radio "Club Jazzafip", avait ajouté: "Un musicien intuitif avec cette poésie au bout des doigts. Un enfant de la balle, comme on dit, à qui on a mis une guitare dans les mains et qui en a fait son métier très jeune, jouant dans les bals, localement, avant de monter à Paris".
Caractérisé par un style très mélodique et très chaud, Escoudé avait participé à l’enregistrement de plus de 50 albums au cours de sa carrière. Le style d’Escoudé était un mélange de bebop et de musique gypsy. Passionné par le jazz, Escoudé s’intéressait également à la musique de chambre. Comme compositeur, Escoudé avait été très influencé par Gil Evans, Claus Ogerman et Antonio Carlos Jobim. En 2022, Escoudé avait vu sa carrière être couronnée par la remise d’un prix Victoire d'honneur du Jazz.
Reconnu pour sa modestie et son sens de l’humour, Escoudé ne s’était jamais enflé la tête avec ses réalisations. Françoise Giroux-Mallot, la mairesse de Saint-Amant-de-Boixe, avait commenté: ‘’C’était quelqu’un d’accessible, modeste et bienveillant.’’ Au cours d’une de ses dernières entrevues, Escoudé était d’ailleurs demeuré très terre-à-terre. Il avait précisé: ‘’On les perd forcément {nos illusions} à un moment mais je pense avoir respecté mon intégrité. Je n’ai jamais été très loin dans les excès, ce n’est pas dans ma nature.’’
©-2024, tous droits réservés, Les Productions de l’Imaginaire historique
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Benefits of studying in Belgium | Paid Education
Unilife abroad career soltions
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Benefits of Studying in Belgium
Why Belgium
Belgium is world-renowned for its chocolate, waffles and chips, being the birthplace of Hercule Poirot and Tintin, its 1100 types of beer and successful national football team, with players like Kevin de Bruyne and Eden Hazard amassing  fans all across the world. Belgian musicians such as Django Reinhardt and Stromae of ”Alors, on danse” fame  are hugely popular, but Jacques Brel continues to be the most iconic figure in the Belgian musical pantheon. Belgium is also well-known for its many festivals, liberal spirit and international focus. It has a strong economy and modern infrastructure, and an excellent healthcare and education system.
Study in Belgium
Belgium’s public university fees are extremely reasonable, with the majority of undergraduate courses costing less than 1000 euros a year for EU students. The cost of living in Belgium is lower than in neighbouring countries, and recent alumni state that their overall expenses amounted to approximately 10,000 euros a year. As is always the case, private universities and business schools charge higher fees, and what you spend depends on the type of lifestyle you choose.
Belgian universities have a strong international outlook  and offer a broad range of programmes taught in English – particularly at Master’s level. Bachelor’s degrees take three years to complete, and Master’s degrees run from 1-2 years.
Studying in Belgium - choosing a university
Belgium also offers international students the option of attending a University of Applied Sciences, which differs in its aims and methods from the more traditional research universities, listed above. If you would like to study in Belgium, contact Unilife abroad career solutions so you can discuss whether you wish to study at a research university, and get an academic bachelor’s degree. You may discover that your interests and desire for practical, vocational studies could be better met by going to a University of Applied Sciences and following a professional bachelor’s programme. A professional bachelor’s degree combines general knowledge with practical competences, including compulsory internships, and is highly sought-after by employers. 
Cost of living
As we just mentioned, the cost of living is another reason to study in Belgium. For starters, public universities in the country are relatively affordable, with yearly fees of around €900 for European students.
In terms of housing costs, students are in a good position too. Belgium has plentiful student housing options and at affordable prices. If you prefer to rent your own place, that’s also an option. Monthly rents in Belgian cities like Brussels, Bruges and Antwerp are relatively affordable. Reaching out to your host university for tips on finding housing is a great place to start.
Otherwise, expenses like food, entertainment and cultural attractions are reasonably priced. Oftentimes, student discounts can come in handy too.
Unilife Abroad Career Solutions
Contact us : 8428440444 , 8428999090 , 8608777070
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schorschidk · 11 months
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Die lange Festivalnacht der Unterwassermusik
22. Liquid Sound Festival in der Toskana Therme Bad Sulza
Vom 4. November 18:00 Uhr bis zum 5. November 9:00 Uhr lädt die Toskana Therme Bad Sulza beim  22. Liquid Sound Festival einmal mehr zur längsten Badenacht des Jahres und belebt mit einem Programm aus Live- und elektronischer Musik, mit Licht und Videoprojektion.
Das weltweit einzigartige Event ist der alljährliche Höhepunkt im Veranstaltungskalender der drei Toskana Thermen in Bad Sulza, Bad Schandau und Bad Orb. 
In diesem Jahr wird ein besonderes Jubiläum gefeiert: Liquid Sound wird 30! Am 9. November 1993 wurde die erste kleine, aber feine Liquid Sound-Anlage in Bad Sulza eröffnet.
Folgende Konzerthighlights auf der Bühne über dem Wasser und ausnahmslos fantastische Videokunst erwarten die Besucher nun in Bad Sulza:
Raphael Marionneau. Der Soundpilot aus Frankreich führt seine Passagiere regelmäßig auf eine abstrakte Reise durch Raum und Zeit. www.marionneau.de 
Hot String Club. Eine Swing-Jazz-Combo à la Django Reinhardt und Stéphane Grappelli. www.hot-string-club.de
Stereolites. Mit Anna Kalberer und Jojo Büld. Zärtlich und rockig, funkig und leger, charmant und spontan. stereolites.de
Visual Art: Conzum mit Viktoria Mikhaylova, Briam Mauricio Rolón Acero, VJ Falk Schmidt. www.instagram.com/conzum.art | www.instagram/santabro | www.behance.net/rolonds  
Und immer mal wieder rund um den Festival-Pool: Badehutmodenschau mit einfallsreichen Designs von Sabine Brodowski. www.einzig-art-ige-momente.com
Weiter geht es halb träumend, halb tanzend durch die Nacht mit den besten DJs des Liquid Sound Club bis hin zur zauberhaften Frühnebelmusik:
Juliane Wolf. DJane, Musikproduzentin und Labelbetreiberin von „Wizarding Wolf“. soundcloud.com/julianewolfmusic
Solvek & Karl. DJ trifft Saxophon. Als Harmoniebooster zu zweit unterwegs. soundcloud.com/solvek | soundcloud.com/karl-knaack
Detox-Stage in der Sauna als Schlafkonzert mit Josephine Prkno & Onur Ünal. soundobjects.net
Der Eintritt zum Liquid Sound Festival ist im regulären Thermeneintritt inbegriffen. Zusätzliche Kosten fallen nicht an. Für Nachtschwärmer gibt es ein besonderes Angebot mit dem Tiefnachtticket zum Preis von 15 € pro Person am 5. November ab 01:00 Uhr bis 9:00 Uhr.
Wie üblich findet das Liquid Sound Festival in allen drei Toskana Thermen gleichzeitig statt. Es lohnt sich, einen Blick über unseren heißbleibenden Thermenrand zu werfen, mit allen Infos und Links zu den Festival-Performern:
Liquid Sound Festival in der Toskana Therme Bad Sulza:events/bad-sulza
Liquid Sound Festival in der Toskana Therme Bad Schandau:events/bad-schandau 
Liquid Sound Festival in der Toskana Therme Bad Orb:events/bad-orb
Copyright Text und Foto: Toskanaworld AG
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theart2rock · 1 year
Guitar Summit 2023 in Mannheim
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GUITAR SUMMIT 2023: Das Line-Up für die ultimative Gitarrenparty steht! Im Jahr 2017 hatte ein kleines, aber umso enthusiastischeres Team aus der Redaktion des Gitarre-&-Bass-Magazins die Idee, ein Event auf die Beine zu stellen, das sich ganz den Themen Gitarren, Bässe, Verstärker und allem, was dazu gehört, widmet − ein Festival mit einem umfangreichen WORKSHOP-Programm und mitreißenden Live-Konzerten mit internationalen Top-Artists, umgeben von einer großen AUSSTELLUNG mit allen angesagten Marken aus der Gitarren- und Basswelt, die für eine nie dagewesene Vielfalt und einen umfassenden Marktüberblick sorgen. Der GUITAR SUMMIT war geboren und ist heute eine der weltweit größten Veranstaltungen seiner Art! In diesem Jahr trifft sich die internationale Gitarren-Community vom 22. bis 24. September zum fünften Mal im Mannheimer Rosengarten, um beim GUITAR SUMMIT ihre Lieblingsinstrumente zu feiern! Über 550 Aussteller präsentieren Klassiker und Neuheiten auf den vier Etagen des Rosengartens − hier gibt es alles, was das Gitarristen- und Bassistenherz höherschlagen lässt − von spektakulären Kreationen kleiner, renommierter Customshops über Innovationen feiner Manufakturen bis hin zu Klassikern und Neuheiten großer, legendärer Hersteller. Ein besonderes Highlight ist die Tube & Bass-Ampfinity, in der zahlreiche Gitarren- bzw. Bassverstärker- und Boxenkombinationen nach Lust und Laune kombiniert und ausprobiert werden können. Auf 7 Bühnen bieten über 100 Workshops und Showcases praktische Tipps zu Spieltechniken aller Stilrichtungen, wertvolle Ratschläge zu Songwriting, Recording, Instrumentenbau und Technik sowie spannende Einblicke ins Musikbusiness. Namhafte Musiker wie Bill Kelliher (Mastodon), Mateus Asato (u.a. Bruno Mars), Doug Aldrich (u.a. Whitesnake), Doug Wimbish, Yvette Young, Lari Basilio oder Markus Grosskopf und Sascha Gerstner (Helloween) werden auf den Workshop-Bühnen stehen. Das Line-Up der Konzerte am Freitag- und Samstagabend liest sich wie das Who is Who der aktuellen Gitarrenszene und ist gespickt mit Highlights wie der Gitarrenlegende Al Di Meola, der Bluesrock-Senkrechtstarterin Laura Cox, Saitenzauberer Greg Koch mit seinem Koch Marshall Trio, Fingerstyle-Wunder Alexandr Misko oder dem Joscho Stephan Trio, das auf den Spuren des legendären Django Reinhardt wandelt. Darüber hinaus wird die Martin Miller Session Band mit prominenten Überraschungsgästen das Publikum auf eine musikalische Zeitreise durch die 70er, 80er und 90er Jahre mitnehmen. Am Sonntag kann die ganze Familie bei einem abwechslungsreichen Programm auf musikalische Entdeckungsreise gehen und unter anderem zu den Klängen der Dino-Rocker von Heavysaurus den Mozartsaal im Rosengarten rocken oder dem Singer-Songwriter Gregor Meyle lauschen. Eine große Dino-Rallye, Play-Circles zum Kennenlernen von Musikinstrumenten und Kinderschminken bilden das Rahmenprogramm des Familienspecials! Für Schnäppchenjäger, Vintage-Freunde und Sammler gibt es am Samstag außerdem den Guitar Summit Flohmarkt im Quartier Q6 Q7, der Gelegenheit bietet, besondere Schätze oder Schnäppchen zu finden. So wird der 22. bis 24. September 2023 zu einem erlebnisreichen Wochenende für alle Gitarristen, Bassisten, Musikliebhaber und die ganze Familie. Tickets und weitere Infos über den Guitar Summit gibt es hier: www.guitarsummit.com Quelle: networking Media Lesen Sie den ganzen Artikel
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lamilanomagazine · 1 year
SPIRIT DE MILAN: Tornano gli imperdibili appuntamenti dal 5 al 10 settembre
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SPIRIT DE MILAN: Tornano gli imperdibili appuntamenti dal 5 al 10 settembre. A Milano continuano gli appuntamenti allo SPIRIT DE MILAN (via Bovisasca, 59, Milano), la cattedrale in cui si incontrano la cultura swing e la passione per la bellezza e la tradizione, alla riscoperta del fascino di Milano. Questi i prossimi appuntamenti: MARTEDÌ 5 SETTEMBRE: Alle 22.00 – CA.BAR.ET BOH VISA: torna il cabaret con Rafael Didoni, Folco Orselli, Germano Lanzoni e Flavio Pirini, che allo Spirit de Milan hanno trovato casa. Musica, risate ed emozioni assicurate con ospiti a sorpresa da non perdere. Il cabaret va in onda anche sullo SpiritoPhono tutti i martedì alle 19:30. MERCOLEDÌ 6 SETTEMBRE: Alle 21.30 – concerto di THE STRAWBOYS: tornano la musica e le danze irlandesi con questa band misteriosa, che nasconde il volto dietro a un cappello di paglia, composta da musicisti con grande esperienza alle spalle e che si distingue per l’autenticità dello stile e la vastità del repertorio. GIOVEDÌ 7 SETTEMBRE: Alle 22.00 – BARBERA & CHAMPAGNE con TRI URLUC: gruppo che ha un format tutto personale che comprende musica e parole, canzoni e cabaret, con la mission di portare tra il pubblico una grande dose di allegria. VENERDÌ 8 SETTEMBRE: Alle 20.30 – ONDANCE: l’energia di Spirit de Milan si sposta in Piazza Duomo in occasione del festival della danza OnDance. Alle ore 20.30 speciale openclass notturna con Matteo de Stefano e Laura Nessi, e alle ore 21.30 musica anni ’30 e ’40 con Mr Dip. In programma anche gli show della Milano Swing Team e delle Whoopie Gals, due squadre protagoniste della scena swing milanese, con le coreografie che hanno portato alle più importanti competizioni internazionali. Ingresso libero fino al raggiungimento della capienza massima dell’area. Alle 22.30 – BANDIERA GIALLA con DANCE ANGELS: si torna alle Cristallerie Livellara con il trio al femminile che presenta il suo repertorio interamente improntato sulla dance che ha contaminato il mondo musicale degli anni ‘70 e ’80, il tutto accompagnato dalle bellissime coreografie di 3 fantastiche front women. A seguire Dj Set con i 45 giri in vinile di Mariano Rano Dj. Biglietto di ingresso 20€ con una consumazione per chi viene dopocena (15 euro per i soci Spirit de Milan Aps 2023), 15€ con consumazione per chi fa aperitivo (10 euro per i soci Spirit de Milan Aps 2023), 7€ per chi viene a cena. SABATO 9 SETTEMBRE Alle 22.30 – HOLY SWING NIGHT: nuova attesissima serata all’insegna dello swing allo Spirit de Milan! Biglietto di ingresso 7€ per chi fa cena o aperitivo, 15€ con consumazione per chi viene dopocena (10€ per i soci Spirit de Milan Aps 2023). DOMENICA 10 SETTEMBRE Alle 22.00 – concerto di DJANGO LEGACY: trio che propone un repertorio che spazia dalla tradizione di Django Reinhardt agli standard americani e qualche brano originale, con l'elemento dell'improvvisazione e del dialogo come fulcro dello show. Il progetto SPIRIT DE MILAN è un’idea di KLAXON srl, società nata nel 2000 come studio di progettazione che opera nel campo dell’exhibition design e ideatrice del festival SWING’N’MILAN. Tra i suoi obiettivi principali c’è quello di creare eventi tematici che coinvolgano i partecipanti a 360°. Spirit de Milan è anche un’associazione di promozione sociale; la tessera annuale non obbligatoria (valida fino al 31 dicembre) prevede un contributo di 15 euro e consente di avere riduzioni sulle serate a pagamento, oltre a dare la possibilità di partecipare ad eventi organizzati ad hoc per i soci e a sostenere le attività della web radio di Spirit, lo Spiritophono (www.spiritophono.it). L’atmosfera vintage tipica dello Spirit De Milan è custodita nei suoi 1500 mq: non è solo musica dal vivo, risate e divertimento, ma anche buona cucina! Lo Spirit de Milan è aperto dal martedì alla domenica dalle 19:30 alle 01:00 (il venerdì e il sabato fino alle 02:30). Per cenare alla “Fabbrica de la Sgagnosa”, è fortemente consigliata la prenotazione utilizzando il form online. Prenotazioni cena: https://spiritdemilan.it/per-prenotare/ Informazioni e prenotazioni: [email protected] Una volta arrivati nella zona ristorante bisognerà aspettare che La Mariuccia o L’Ambroes vengano ad accogliervi e ad accompagnarvi al tavolo prenotato. Il menù, ovviamente, comprende i piatti della tradizione milanese: cose semplici come quelle della nonna, cucinate con amore e con ingredienti selezionati. www.spiritdemilan.it www.facebook.com/spiritdemilan... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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racingtoaredlight · 1 year
Bireli Lagrene
The video above is as good as guitar playing gets.
Recently, on a guitar forum, there was a heated debate that quickly split the discussion into pro-music theory and anti-music theory camps.  Obviously, if you know me in any capacity, I’m firmly in the pro-theory camp...with wiggle room.  I believe that you have to ascribe to some level of theory in order to become the best musician most of us can possibly be.
The wiggle room comes from the freaks among us.
Jimi Hendrix revolutionized all of music in the late 1960′s, not just rock.  He completely changed the rules of the game himself...moreso than Elvis, moreso than the Beatles.  The only musicians who had such a seismic effect on the entirety of music in similar ways were Bach and...ugh...you know the other one, I just mentioned them.
And it rankles people when I say things like above with the caveat that “Jimi Hendrix wasn’t that great of a guitar player.”  Gasps!  “But you called him the greatest guitarist of all time!”  I did, largely for that first paragraph.
Purely as a guitarist, would I call him a freak?  Colloquially, sure.  Would I consider him anywhere near the class of someone like Julian Bream or Wes Montgomery or Chet Atkins or Joe Pass?  The case can’t be made, I’m sorry.  Jimi was sloppy at half the speeds seen in the video above.  Jimi had a limited vocabulary.  Jimi needed pedals and volume and technology, and he never played naked (in the musical sense).
Bream, Wes, Chet, Joe Pass...I don’t really consider them freaks either.  Their talent is easily explainable by biographies...they all were naturally talented, and then worked really hard in various ways.  Being a freak requires something that’s inexplainable.
I mentioned the music theory thing at the top for a reason...in genres like jazz, it’s a massive part of the language.  Shit, jazz has almost become a theoretical exercise in and of itself.
In jazz, it’s rare to find a musicians who struggles to read music.  And if they struggle, they’re likely a guitarist (lol).  Wes and Joe Pass both struggled with reading music, but overcame it with near Eidetic memories when it came to memorizing songs.  Each had hundreds of classic standards memorized, and that’s not hyperbole.
Bireli Lagrene can’t read music, he doesn’t know any theory...shit, there’s video of him being completely baffled by a simple ii-V-I.  For all intents and purposes, that guy at the top of the post?  The one playing some of the most insane guitar you can imagine?  He has almost no idea what he’s doing.
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Here’s a bunch of outtakes of him messing up things he’s being told to say during instructional videos.  It’s pretty fuckin’ funny if you watch a bit.
But here’s the thing about Lagrene...
All that shit about theory and reading music and shit...it’s all designed for normal people.  He’s not normal.  He’s a freak.  A gypsy born in France, he began playing Django Reinhardt when he was four or five.  Here he is playing the Montreaux Jazz Festival at 12.
Here he is also playing violin and bass.
This isn’t a normal case in any way.
Find me a single piece of Jimi Hendrix’s music that shows any competency on this level.  That’s not shitting on Jimi, I love the guy...but this?  This is one of history’s must fucked up cases of overloading a human with innate musical ability I can think of.
What good would him understanding secondary dominants and altered scales do?  He came out of the womb with an innate mastery of it.  He doesn’t even know what these things are called, yet displays such a preposterous mastery of it at the same time, it hardly makes sense.
So why isn’t Lagrene more famous?  Shit, why haven’t I even written about him before?
The obvious answer is something you don’t want me to yell at you anymore.  But even in the jazz world, despite a blip in the late 90′s, Lagrene isn’t really a big name.  If you’re not a legacy act or one of these fusion du jour bands (neutering fusing jazz with shit like jam bands or hip hop), the money’s just not there.
Like, I saw another tried and true freak of freaks last week...Pat Metheny, a true legacy act.  I’ve seen him 6-7 times before, he’s on my personal Guitar Rushmore, and this didn’t diminish him in my eyes at all...but the show fucking SUCKED and I left early.  He had fifty fucking guitars out there, but zero energy, just cashing a paycheck and then booking it.
Meanwhile, a few weeks earlier, Lagrene is showing up in Paris wearing an Indianpolis Colts hat (for reasons I cannot explain), absolutely blowing the lid off the place on an acoustic guitar.  Start at 2:40.
I don’t have an explanation for why Bireli Lagrene isn’t a guitar household name, because it doesn’t make any sense.
It also doesn’t make any sense that someone with zero grasp of traditional western music theory can completely master it from top to bottom, with very little conscious idea of what he’s doing.  That is fucking incredible.
If/When you watch these, keep it in the back of your mind that this guy has about as much true musical training as any of you.  He’s literally out there winging it by ear, night after night, year after year...and it works with as much of a success rate as the most cold-blooded technician.  That is shit that’s impossible to explain.
Mozart, Beethoven, Liszt, Yo Yo Ma, Lang Lang, Glenn Gould, Stevie Wonder, Michael Jackson, Tony Williams, Herbie Hancock...music history is positively littered with incredible prodigies who had a natural, organic, innate mastery of music at an incredibly young age.
It just seems strange that someone so outrageously talented, who is playing stuff in a fun, digestible setting, has had almost no major recognition for it.  HIs career is sterling, he’s played with just about everyone...how is he an afterthought, even to me?
No idea.  Well, actually part of it for me personally is that I know I don’t have the chops to play his shit myself, so I never dug in. 
But man, this guy can fucking PLAY.  You don’t need to know shit about this stuff to watch, and think “fucking a, this guy is an absolute monster.”  I’ve personally put in so much time playing shit like this, the fact that he was seemingly ahead of me as a toddler is something that can cause serious depression to kick in.
In any even, I’m glad I stumbled upon him again and wish that the musical world at large would give him the due he so deserves.
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micheltaanman-blog · 1 year
Belgie . Kampvuur camping aan rivier
Campings aan een rivier in Belgie Murw na twee dagen in het oog van de Gipsy Jazz orkaan op het Django Reinhardt festival in Samoreau , avec plaisir , moet erbij gezegd worden – stopten we na 3 fijne uurtjes sturen iets over de Frans / Belgisch grens bij Camp le Monde / Arnocamps grounds aan de rivier de Semois – geheel of toch niet toevallig staat deze camping tjokvol prachtige gipsy woonwagens…
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miwisconsin · 2 years
No se pierda el Festival Internacional este 1 y 2 de abril 
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Este 1ro y  2 de abril el Overture Center de la ciudad de Madison estará realizando uno de los eventos para celebrar la importancia de las culturas, la convivencia y el aprendizaje multicultural: El Festival Internacional. Este año, MIWISCONSIN se une a la celebración y estaremos transmitiendo en vivo los diferentes grupos artísticos, vendedores y organizaciones que asistirán. Más de 40 culturas representadas con 30 artistas y otros 30 artesanos y vendedores de comida de varios países.  Invitamos a la comunidad latina de Wisconsin a viajar a la ciudad de Madison y disfruten de este evento gratuito. Es un evento en el interior del Overture, con comida, arte, música y muchos atractivos culturales más. MIWISCONSIN estará transmitiendo desde las 10:00am y hasta las 2:00 con varios protagonistas del evento en stage exclusivo de MIWISCONSIN del tercer piso y la cámara en vivo de MIWISCONSIN.  El sábado 1ro de abril las puertas se abriran a las 10:00am a 5:00pm y el domingo de 1:00pm y hasta las 4:00pm.  La agenda del sabado 1ro de abril  - Andreas Transo y Charlene Adzima: música infantil en Irlanda con cortes de pelo de cuchara gratis - Atimevu - música tradicional de Ghana - Boliviamanta Dance WI – danzas folclóricas tradicionales bolivianas - Breckenridge School of Highland Dance: bailes que destacan los coloridos tartanes de Escocia - Cris Plata Trio – Música fronteriza mexicana/estadounidense del sur de Texas - DanzTrad – Cultura mexicana a través de la danza - Guitar House of Madison – Música de guitarra española - Last Gaspe - música de violín canadiense, irlandesa y estadounidense - Leslie Damaso - ópera de jazz filipina - Limanya Drum & Dance Ensemble - Tambor y danza de Guinea, África Occidental - LuLu Quintet: jazz chispeante francés/romaní de “club de moda” inspirado en Django Reinhardt - Mad Craic Irish Dance: bailarines irlandeses adultos que actúan en estilos modernos y antiguos - Madison Maennerchor: el coro de hombres alemanes más antiguo de Wisconsin - Madison Pipes and Drums – música de Escocia e Irlanda - Grupo de danza griega Mesoghios - Danzas gitanas griegas - Nandtha Mazumdar - danza clásica india tradicional de Bharatanatyam - Raizes do Brasil: arte marcial afrobrasileño y maculele, una forma de arte hermana de la capoeira. - Sadira Middle Eastern Dance: alegres y vibrantes danzas femeninas de Oriente Medio - Sergio El Vacilon – Canciones de amor y folklore cubano - Tania Tandias Flamenco & Spanish Dance – danzas ardientes de España - The Handphibians: percusión inspirada en las escuelas de samba de Brasil - Tri Bratovchedki - canciones a cappella en ritmos, armonías e idiomas de Europa del Este - Orquesta folclórica rusa de la UW - música folclórica de Europa del Este - Yid Vicious – Música de baile Klezmer - Bailarines lituanos Zaibas: la herencia lituana a través de la danza Agenda para el domingo 2 de abril  - Beni Daiko – Percusión Taiko - Asociación de Cultura China de Madison - Meenakshi Ganesan y la Compañía de Danza Kalaanjali - Danza clásica india Bharatanatyam - Okami Taiko - percusión taiko al estilo japonés de Okinawa - Asociación Zhong Yi Kung Fu: estilo tradicional Sar Pink de danza del león con música en vivo Organizaciones que estarán presentes sábado y domingo: Amawa Council on International Educational Exchange Fair Anita Friendship Force – Wisconsin – Madison Madison-Mantova Sister City Hope Institute of Uganda Hurling and Football Club of Madison Inti Fair Trade Knitting for Peace Madison Arcatao Sister City Project Madison Area Chinese Community Organization Madison Vilnius Sister Cities, Inc. Madison-Camaguey Sister City Association Madison-Freiburg Sister City Committee Madison-Obihiro Sister Cities, Inc. Madison-Rafah Sister City Project Naska’s Handmade Nepali American Friendship Association Otavalo Palestine Partners/Play for Palestine Returned Peace Corps Volunteers of Wisconsin-Madison UW-Madison International Reach Wisconsin International Resource Consortium Yachack El Festival Internacional 2023 está financiado por Ho-Chunk Gaming Madison, CUNA Mutual Group, Madison Community Foundation y Dane Arts.   Read the full article
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nouvellesdumaquis · 2 years
LOCO CELLO - François Salque, Samuel Strouk, Jérémie Arranger joue Le Rêve de Maya - Flèche d’Or (extrait de l’album Tangorom)
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François Salque (violoncelle), Samuel Strouk (guitare) et Jérémie Arranger (contrebasse) qui forment le trio Loco Cello annoncent leur second album Tangorom pour le 03 février 2023 avec à la clé une belle tournée qui s'arrête à Paris au Café de la Danse le 13/02/2023.
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À l’occasion du 70e anniversaire de la mort de Django Reinhardt, les hommages au maître manouche ne manqueront pas. Parmi les nombreux Nuages à venir, le nouvel album de Loco Cello, Tangorom, propose une éclaircie salvatrice en célébrant, avec audace et originalité, une autre facette de Django : celle de son jeu lyrique à travers sa passion de la musique classique.
Tangorom navigue d’Astor Piazzolla à Django, en passant par la musique de chambre et les musiques d’Europe de l’Est. Une folle odyssée. On retrouve sur ce second album de Loco Cello deux invités de marque : les guitaristes Biréli Lagrène et Adrien Moignard
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Les dates de la tournée Tangorom : 01/01 - Festival Musique & Neige - Les Diablerets 22/01 - Saisons Musicales - Maule 13/02 - Album Release - Paris - Café de la Danse feat Biréli Lagrène 19/03 - HMKO Les heures musicales du Koshersberg - Truchtersheim feat Biréli Lagrène 30/03 - Les Deux Alpes Musicales - Les deux alpes 26/05 - Festival Musique dʼun Siècle - Dieulefit 02/06 - LʼEze Harmonies - Èze 18/06 - Maisons-Laffitte Jazz Festival - Maisons-Laffitte 07/07 - Festival ArtenetrA - Celles-sur-Belle 11/07 - Festival Saint Cirq Causse et Vallée - Saint-Cire 12/07 - Festival en Blanc et Noir - Lagrasse 30/07 - Blois 31/07 - Festival Jazz au Phare - Ile de Ré feat Biréli Lagrène 09/09 - Festival du Vexin
En extrait vidéo voici Loco Cello interprétant Le rêve de Maya - Flèche d'or :
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tvradiomiami · 2 years
@AgustinRangugni, director de #TVRadioMiami y #RadioMiamiUs, dialoga el genial @FedericoBritos nacido en Uruguay, comenzó a tocar el violín a la edad de cinco años.  Su talento creció hasta integrar las mejores orquestas sinfónicas de Uruguay, Venezuela, Perú, Cuba y el sur de la Florida. Ha realizado extensas giras por América y Europa. Como compositor, ha escrito y grabado muchas obras para orquestas, conjuntos de cámara, ballet y danza, así como la composición de obras para televisión y teatro. Ganador de varios premios Grammy por su trabajo con Charlie Haden, Bebo Valdés e Israel "Cachao" López, Federico Britos es considerado como un titán del violín. También ha actuado con leyendas del jazz como Duke Ellington, Dizzy Gillespie, Nat King Cole, Dexter Gordon, Charlie Byrd y con algunos de los más grandes músicos de América Latina, como Astor Piazzolla, Joao Gilberto, Vinicius de Moraes,  Zitarrosa , Bola de Nieve, José Antonio Méndez, Luis Miguel, Luis Pasquet, Juan Luis Guerra entre otros. Federico ha actuado en varios Festivales de Jazz, tales como: Festival de Jazz de Montreux; Festival de Jazz de San Francisco; Festival Internacional de Jazz en Espoo, Finlandia; Festival de Jazz de Berna y Basile (Suiza); Festival de Jazz de Carolina del Norte; Nuevo Festival de Jazz de Berna; Festival de Jazz de Miami; Festival de Jazz de Boca Ratón; Puerto Rico Jazz Fest; Regatta Bar Jazz Festival (Boston); Summit Jazz Festival (Denver, Colorado); A Celebration of American Fiddle Music (Troy, NY); Django Reinhardt Festival en Birdland Jazz Club en Nueva York y Miami Beach World Music Festival, entre otros. Tocó como invitado especial en The Grappelli Legacy en diciembre de 1998 en el Carnegie Hall en el primer aniversario de la desaparición de Stephane Grappelli. Otras actuaciones incluyen una Sala de Conciertos del Kennedy Center en Washington en un programa llamado "AMERICANOS", junto con Cachao, Néstor Torres, José Feliciano, Juan Luis Guerra, Gloria Estefan y Paquito D'Rivera, producido por James Edward James Olmos. https://youtu.be/XrpPWPtAhfk
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krispyweiss · 5 years
Song Review: The Del McCoury Band - “Limehouse Blues” (Live, 2019)
Del McCoury temporarily ceded his eponymous band to his fellow musicians and relatives on Django Reinhardt’s “Limehouse Blues” at the 2019 Grey Fox Bluegrass festival.
Son Rob (banjo), fiddler Jason Carter, grandson Heaven (guitar) and son Ronnie (mandolin) alternate short solos while Del (guitar) and bassist Alan Bartram provide the sonic glue on the rollicking instrumental. Coming in beneath the three-minute mark, “Limehouse” practically begs for an extended workout, but the band opts for fealty to the original.
Grade card: The Del McCoury Band - “Limehouse Blues” (Live, 2019) - B+
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randomrecordreview · 5 years
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#1228 Martial Solal – Martial Solal Trio at Newport ’63 This reissued CD has a facsimile of the front and back of the original 1963 vinyl release, featuring the insult dressed up as a compliment from Dizzy Gillespie: “It is remarkable to discover that an artist so far removed from the roots of Jazz as Algeria and France can adapt himself so magnificently, and can create from the soul so basically as Martial Solal.” Goodness me, they’ll be saying black people can’t play classical music next.
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