#Divorce problem solution - Relationship problem solution to prevent divorce
catflowerqueen · 3 months
I know I said I was going to take a break from TSAMS, and I probably will double down even harder on that after what just happened in today's episode... but I just couldn't help myself after seeing posts from some of my mutuals and their followers.
Rant below. If you do read, please take it with a grain of salt--there is probably context I've missed since I haven't been keeping up with the series the way I used to considering how disappointed I've been with the direction the story has seemed to be heading for quite a while now.
Immediate thoughts:
Way to not tell Old Moon the whole story, Monty. Especially after hearing him tell you he has no idea who Solar is. You know perfectly well that New Moon is in this state, negatively interacting with his family, precisely because he is still trying to help another family member. Solar is family! Family who everyone else is grieving! You are intentionally leaving out tons of context, and at this point I am still half convinced you're doing it because you, personally, couldn't divorce Solar from the other Eclipse(s) who personally harmed you. So this is just a convenience, getting a Moon back who is more likely to enable you and go along with your shenanigans.
And it also makes me think that you, personally, just never got over Old Moon's death or respect his choices at all, that you would be willing to do the exact same thing New Moon is trying to do, just in a supposedly "cleaner" fashion: Kill someone else to get the loved one you personally want back. The difference being that, again, Old Moon chose to sacrifice himself so someone else could live, unlike like Solar, who was a casualty of someone else's cruel plot, and New Moon is going after people who have actually done a lot of harm and murder. Unlike New Moon, who I am pretty sure hasn't actually killed anyone yet. Or at least no one that the others didn't agree was an acceptable target.
It also reminds me of how generally off and combative Lunar has been toward New Moon this entire time. Like--I really, really don't think Lunar ever got over Old Moon's death in any sort of healthy fashion, and I do wonder if he isn't still doing some sort of weird, internalized survivor's guilt deal, since he at one time offered to be Moon's "happy" and protect him, but then just ran off with basically no warning and didn't get the chance to apologize or even say goodbye before Old Moon died.
Not to mention that Lunar knew from Solar what the likely consequences would be of trying to remove KC, but didn't think to/have a chance to warn Sun or Old Moon.
New Moon isn't Lunar's Moon... so Lunar just never bothered to really get to know him or kindle a relationship, especially since he got a shiny new sister with no pre-existing baggage to hang out with. Rather than confront or acknowledge his past with Sun and Moon beyond the fact that an Eclipse was around.
Seems like, in general, everyone else is now reaping the consequences of the fact that Moon isn't around right now to be the pillar who cleans up their messes and problems. Because that usually is his role--he works behind the scenes to quash what problems he can before they get bad, or he does the most to try and fix things and find solutions while everyone else just messes around and then blames him for not doing better when he fails.
Like... right before the first October takeover. Sun got upset when he found out Moon didn't really have a real plan to prevent the takeover from happening, and said he wished Moon had told him earlier... but did Sun even think to really ask? Or offer his own potential plan? It doesn't really seem like it! Because that was Moon's job.
It's always Moon's job.
The only times he's really gotten help are when Monty was involved--which even Monty today admitted was not always the greatest of situations--or when he had Solar.
But then he had neither, since Monty today has seemingly proven they never actually cared about New Moon as their own person. And Solar is gone.
Why are they so surprised now that Moon--either Moon--has hit his breaking point?
Also--they should have given New Moon Yahtzee to play with! Moon at least gave Sun a mirror to look at when he trapped him in that magic box, and they gave Ruin a Monopoly board and streaming abilities when he asked. Old Moon has a sunset and can't really perceive the passage of time!
But, no, New Moon gets absolutely nothing.
And they are surprised he isn't getting better? There are reasons why solitary confinement is considered such a harsh punishment! Getting no mental stimulation does things to a person, and I can only imagine that it is worse for animatronics, considering how much processing power they have and how fast their thoughts must move!
Final thoughts:
If they are using this an excuse to bring Old Moon back permanently, then I just feel like they should have done this very shortly after his death to begin with. That way it would have just been a case of a minor amnesia plotline--not murder, like even Monty admits it will be.
And, for that matter, why is it Moon who never gets a second chance after death? Lunar and Earth have "died," but they got to keep their memories. Eclipse and Bloodmoon have died, but they get both a pass for past actions--which is fair, since, again, they aren't really them--while still reaping the benefits of having those memories uploaded into them, to learn from or ignore at their discretion.
But New Moon got all the blame and consequences while getting none of the benefits, and now they just want to kill him off anyways.
It just makes me so angry and sad.
(And secretly kind of wondering if maybe we accidentally switched Point of Views to a different dimension without realizing it, and our original, beloved Sun and Moon/New Moon are still out there, somewhere, living their best lives with no idea of what the viewers are currently seeing. Though I would still be so sad for the versions we are seeing right now if that was, indeed, the case.)
...And that was quite a rant. Please remember what I asked about taking things with a grain of salt, and forgive me if I ended up being wildly inaccurate with any of my information or assumptions.
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bubbleonice · 1 year
Natalie Portman:
This is a reading for Natalie Portman where my follower wants to know what’s going on with her marriage and if she has split with her husband or not.
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The Sun reversed: False impressions, lack of clarity, low vitality, sadness. There has definetely been some trouble in paradise. Lies, false impressions, no clarity, sadness…Adults often lose sight of having pleasure because of the daily commotion. In a longterm relationship, someone got bored and needed change. The relationship may have lost some of its fire or flame. Have their everyday routines and monotonous duties caused her and her spouse to drift apart?
The Tower reversed: Averting disaster, delaying the inevitable, resisting change. She might be going through a big period of personal transition and turmoil, according to The Tower Reversed. She might have an existential crisis and fervently doubt the meaning of her life. The Tower (reversed) might occasionally indicate that someone is putting off essential destruction and turmoil out of fear of change. It’s scary to end a marriage, maybe there’s codepency in the relationship. So someone might be delaying decisions. But although knowing the relationship is almost gone, someone is delaying terminating it out of concern for the suffering it will cause. Someone could believe that they could cover up the gaps, but doing so would be like applying bandages to bullet wounds. The truth must be faced, and they must realise that holding onto a damaged object prevents them from moving on to something better.
8 of wands: sudden changes and solution. The struggles and hardships that were indicated earlier have now ended, and a time of freedom and independence to move forward with plans has come. Maybe they worked through their issues or maybe they split ways. There will be a solution eventually. But they are delaying it at the moment. But when the solition comes, it will come abrutly and suddenly.
Knights of cups reversed: Manipulator, deception, disappointment, procrastination, obsession, grumpy, jealous, moodiness, turmoil, vanity, intuitive blocks, lack of diplomacy, cheating, heartbreaker. This pretty much describes the thoughts she has of her partner. This card typically offers news that is heartbreaking, depressing, or disappointing. it might also mean that you are delaying or putting off taking action rather than facing a problem head-on. So someone is definetely delaying things, they don’t want to face the problem. They rather run away from their issues than facing them. The knight of cups who initially comes across as endearing and dependable might end up being any of the following: unloyal, detached, commitment-phobic, a drifter, a deceiver, a compulsive liar, or a massive disappointment. Everyone will leave feeling quite let down because of the great hopes they had. This card also suggest the breakdown of a partnership, a broken engagement, a divorce eventually. The bad qualities of the reversed Knight of Cups can manifest in a variety of ways, such as a spouse who goes from being content and devoted to becoming abruptly phobic of commitment, a relationship who breaks hearts or is a cheater.
4 of wands reversed: Family conflict, unhappy family, loneliness, insecurity, feeling unwelcome or left out, instability, cancelled reunion, lack of community spirit, neglect, self-doubt, no success, leaving home, uprooted. While four of wands upright represent family reunion and community spirit, Four of Wands reversed represent everything opposite it. There is a lack of harmony and unity among your family members, which is very apparent from the heavy atmosphere, and you are finding it very uncomfortable to spend time with your family members. There is tension between the family members and your friends as you are not able to fit in with them. You are feeling as if you have no support from them and that feeling is dragging your mood down. you are planning to go home after a long period, but due to unforeseen issues, you had to cancel the plan. This card reversal represents all the negative things that one can think of for a relationship. Maybe due to miscommunication or misunderstanding, you and your partner are going to feel as if you are not compatible with one another anymore.
6 of pentacles reversed: Power dynamics, abuse of generosity, strings attached gifts, inequality, extortion. Reversed, the Six of Pentacles might indicate that even while you give liberally to others, they may not reciprocate in kind. So even if one part in the relationship is trying to work for their partnership, the other is hesitant to do so. It means that one of you is abusing the other's good nature by taking advantage of them excessively and not returning the favour.
Conclusion: the energy in this relationship is definetely very bad at the moment. There’s huge communication issues, and distance between the couple. Yet, they are delaying the inviteable. They are holding on to a thin straw of hope, that barely is there. I am going to pull a last card from my romance angel’s card to see what message we get there.
You deserve love. This strongly suggest that the one being cheated on should value herself and know that she deserves so much more. I wish her the best of luck❤️ I can feel her sadness.
I hope you enjoy this reading. And please keep in mind that this is done for entertainment purposes only. I use tarotcards and oracle cards actively in my readings, as well as my intuition. Energies come and go, what is relevant for today’s reading might change in a few weeks time. But some aspects will always remain constant and the same. Thank you.❤️
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eleanorfenyxwrites · 1 year
Assorted One-Shots - MASTERPOST
The fics in this post include various ships that I don't necessarily write for very often, as well as gen fic with no major ships. They're mostly spread across two collections: MXTX Reverse Trope Fest 2022 and Prompt Fills.
No Such Thing As Too Good - ChengQing figure out that the vanilla sex they've been having isn't really working for them, and that it's okay to do what does work (read it on tumblr: X)
Grannies Are To Be Feared - Jiang Cheng and Wen Qing finding unlikely allies for their relationship in each other's grandmothers, written for the trope 'Accidental elderly acquisition' (read it on tumblr: X)
Indigo - Dom Wen Qing guides sub Jiang Cheng through their first forays together into non-sexual BDSM (read it on tumblr: X)
Jiang Cheng /& Others:
Lan Xichen's Romance Novel Brainrot - XiCheng don't hook up in a hotel on a work trip (but they do later), written for the trope 'there were only two beds' (read it on tumblr: X)
How Vicious You Are - A ChengYao lens for the Divorced Energy of their brief conversation in Guanyin Temple, inspired by a tumblr post and written for the trope 'lovers to enemies' (read it on tumblr: X)
It's Not That Simple - Jiang Cheng goes back in time with the intention to kill Wei Wuxian to prevent every problem he caused (read it on tumblr: X)
Where We've Been - Post-canon Jiang Cheng and Lan Wangji coming to a truce for Wei Wuxian's sake (read it on tumblr: X)
Life Is Short, Do Art - Lan Xichen-centric character study written for the trope 'college drop-out AU' (read it on tumblr: X)
Unexpected Solutions - Sect Leaders visit the Burial Mounds and realize that Jin Guangshan was lying about Wei Wuxian's 'army' and fix things (hints at Nielan and Wangxian, but the relationships are not the focus) (read it on tumblr: X)
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ginapellettieri · 2 years
Law Office of Gina M. Pellettieri, PLLC
Some attorneys only focus on personal injury lawsuits. Others are only interested in helping you through a divorce, whether that is through serving as a personal attorney or taking on the role of mediator. At The Law Office of Gina Pellettieri, we understand that it is easier on clients when they can find the different services they need in one law firm. Rather than stretching your problems across multiple law firms, therefore having to form new working relationships at each one, we believe that a variety of legal services is necessary to give people what they really want when they hire an attorney. Some people are only looking for a single service, while others have several problems that need to be solved. We aim to provide legal solutions to the plethora of problems our clients face.
One area where many people could use a hand is real estate. Real estate law is tricky, it changes fairly regularly, and it can feel very high-stakes for our clients. For most people, buying or selling a property is the most expensive transaction of their lives. Hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars can be exchanged in a single real estate transaction, so it's easy to see why it is so important to ensure everything is done correctly and according to the law. If you are in the position to buy a piece of property, then The Law Office of Gina Pellettieri can help in a number of ways, from explaining the terms of a purchase contract to protecting you from hidden liabilities, reviewing real estate documents that relate to your title, mortgage, and taxes, register legal documents pertaining to your real estate transaction, attend your closing, and ensuring that the ownership documentation you are given is valid. If you're selling a piece of real estate, then The Law Office of Gina Pellettieri can help to ensure that your purchase and sale agreement terms properly protect your interests, deal with any issues that arise with your title, or represent you during negotiations with the buyer. While none of these services may sound very groundbreaking, they all aim to achieve the same goals: ensuring that your sale or purchase goes as smoothly as possible, preventing potential legal issues before they happen, and keeping everybody involved in the transaction honest.
Law Office of Gina M. Pellettieri, PLLC
171 Horseblock Road, Centereach, New York 11720
(631) 320-1493
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myfitbrain9 · 4 days
Resolve Family Conflicts with My Fit Brain's Expert Counseling Services
Introduction to Family Counseling Services
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Family is the coronary heart of our lives, however every so often, even the strongest households face challenges. Whether it’s miscommunication, parenting struggles, or marital conflicts, family counseling can become overwhelming. This is where circle of relatives counseling services come into play, presenting steering and guide to assist households navigate these challenges. Among the various companies, My Fit Brain could be the quality solution issuer for own family counseling problems.
What is Family Counseling?
Family counseling is a type of remedy that focuses on supporting households solve conflicts, improve communique, and beef up relationships. It’s now not pretty much addressing troubles but additionally approximately building a more fit, extra supportive own family environment.
Why is Family Counseling Important?
Every own family faces specific demanding situations. Family counseling allows become aware of and deal with underlying problems, fostering expertise and emotional connection among own family contributors. It's now not just for families in disaster—it is for any family seeking to improve their relationships.
Common Family Counseling Problems
Communication Issues
Miscommunication is one of the maximum not unusual reasons households are trying to find counseling. Whether it’s among dad and mom and children, siblings, or spouses, terrible communication can cause misunderstandings and resentment. Family counseling presents equipment to enhance conversation and reduce conflicts.
Parenting Challenges
Raising children is profitable, but it comes with its own set of problems. Parents regularly battle to set boundaries, cope with rebellious conduct, or address their youngsters’s emotional wishes. Counseling gives strategies to navigate these demanding situations correctly.
Marital Conflicts
Even the strongest marriages enjoy conflicts. Whether it’s due to economic pressure, loss of communique, or other private problems, marital discord can affect the complete own family. Family counseling facilitates couples cope with these problems, preventing lengthy-term damage to their courting.
Coping with Life Changes
Significant existence changes including divorce, the loss of life of a cherished one, or moving to a brand new metropolis can region a heavy emotional burden on a own family. Family counseling assists in adapting to these adjustments whilst making sure emotional nicely-being.
My Fit Brain: A Leader in Family Counseling
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My Fit Brain has established itself as a frontrunner in the subject of circle of relatives counseling, providing comprehensive answers for households in want.
Why Choose My Fit Brain for Family Counseling?
Experienced and Compassionate Counselors
The counselors at My Fit Brain are extraordinarily skilled and compassionate, presenting a non-judgmental space for households to speak about their issues. They understand the intricacies of family dynamics and tailor their method primarily based on every own family's wishes.
Holistic and Personalized Approach
Every family is unique, and My Fit Brain acknowledges that. Their holistic approach involves searching on the own family as a whole, ensuring that each member’s wishes are considered. They offer customized counseling plans that address each man or woman and collective challenges.
Convenient Online Sessions
With busy schedules, it may be hard for households to wait in-man or woman sessions. My Fit Brain offers handy on line counseling offerings, permitting families to connect to their therapist from the comfort of their homes.
Helping Parents Navigate Difficult Phases
Parents who struggled with rebellious teenagers or young youngsters’s emotional outbursts have discovered remedy with My Fit Brain’s expert steerage. The techniques furnished helped parents understand their kids better and deal with tough situations flippantly.
Strengthening Marriages and Relationships
Many couples have rekindled their love and strengthened their marriage after searching for counseling at My Fit Brain. By working through their troubles in a secure, guided surroundings, couples have been able to solve conflicts and build a more fit dating.
The Benefits of Family Counseling with My Fit Brain
Improved Communication
One of the primary blessings of circle of relatives counseling is greater conversation. Families learn how to speak more efficiently, decreasing misunderstandings and fostering a deeper connection.
Enhanced Parenting Skills
Counseling equips dad and mom with the gear they want to navigate the united states of americaand downs of parenthood. Whether it’s area strategies or know-how emotional needs, mother and father gain precious talents through counseling.
Stronger Emotional Bonds
Family counseling nurtures emotional bonds by supporting individuals understand and assist each different. This strengthens the family unit, growing a extra harmonious and supportive environment.
How to Get Started with My Fit Brain
Booking Your First Session
Getting started out with My Fit Brain is easy. Simply visit their internet site, pick out the sort of counseling you need, and e-book your consultation online.
What to Expect in Family Counseling Sessions
During your sessions, a counselor will manual the circle of relatives through discussions, supporting to discover underlying problems and facilitating open communication. Over time, the own family will analyze strategies to manage conflicts and enhance their relationships.
Conclusion: Why My Fit Brain is the Best Solution for Family
When it comes to family counseling, My Fit Brain gives a complete, customized approach that surely makes a distinction. With experienced counselors, handy on-line sessions, and a music record of fulfillment, they are the move-to answer for families searching for steerage and assist.
Also Read: Relationship breakup counselling
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amazonbooksauthor · 2 months
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Unveiling the Secrets: What Kills Love Between Husband and Wife? by Meera Mandakini Are you puzzled about why love sometimes fades in marriages? Seeking to understand the root causes of relationship troubles and how to prevent them? Meera Mandakini's insightful new book, "What Kills Love Between Husband and Wife?", provides a deep dive into these crucial questions, offering a roadmap for couples to rekindle and maintain their love.
Exploring Relationship Challenges In "What Kills Love Between Husband and Wife?", Mandakini delves into the various elements that can erode the love between partners. She highlights common issues such as miscommunication, unmet expectations, and a decline in intimacy. By identifying these pitfalls, readers gain a clearer understanding of the dynamics that can impact their own marriages.
Effective Solutions for Couples Mandakini doesn't just pinpoint the problems; she provides practical solutions to fortify marital bonds. Her book is filled with actionable advice on improving communication, fostering intimacy, and resolving conflicts. Through real-life examples and practical tips, couples can implement these strategies to create a stronger, more loving relationship.
The Role of Emotional Intelligence A significant theme in "What Kills Love Between Husband and Wife?" is the importance of emotional intelligence. Mandakini emphasizes the need for empathy, understanding, and emotional support between partners. Developing these skills helps couples navigate challenges more effectively and deepen their emotional connection.
Inspirational Stories and Insights The book features inspiring stories and case studies of couples who have faced and overcome significant challenges. These narratives offer hope and motivation, showing that even strained relationships can be revived with dedication and effort.
For All Stages of Marriage Whether you’re newly married or have spent many years together, "What Kills Love Between Husband and Wife?" offers valuable insights. Mandakini’s advice is relevant for couples at any stage of their marriage, providing tools to maintain and enhance their relationship over time.
Join the Conversation Connect with a community of readers and share your journey to foster a supportive environment where couples can share experiences, seek advice, and celebrate their successes.
Get Your Copy Today Don't let your love fade away. Order "What Kills Love Between Husband and Wife?" by Meera Mandakini today and embark on a journey to strengthen your relationship. Available now on Amazon, this book is your essential guide to understanding and nurturing the love between you and your partner.
Start transforming your relationship today with "What Kills Love Between Husband and Wife?" and ensure your love stands the test of time!
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one-inspiring · 2 months
Marriage Divorce Free Consultation: Your Path to Saving Your Marriage | Naked Divorce
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A free divorce consultation provides you with a safe space to discuss your concerns, understand your options, and get professional advice tailored to your situation. Whether you’re considering divorce or looking for ways to mend your relationship, this initial step can be incredibly valuable. Our certified divorce coaches and divorce mentors are here to listen, support, and guide you through your unique circumstances.
This consultation can help you:
Assess Your Situation: Understand the current state of your marriage and identify the main issues causing distress.
Explore Options: Learn about the different paths available, whether it’s reconciliation, separation, or another form of resolution.
Get Professional Advice: Receive tailored advice from experts who have helped many couples navigate similar situations.
Plan Your Next Steps: Develop a clear plan of action, whether you decide to work on your marriage or proceed with a divorce.
How to Rescue a Marriage: Strategies and Support
Rescuing a marriage requires effort, commitment, and sometimes external help. Here are some effective strategies:
Open Communication: Honest and open communication is the foundation of any strong relationship. Discuss your feelings, concerns, and expectations with your partner. Regular, meaningful conversations can help bridge the gap and resolve misunderstandings.
Seek Professional Help: A certified divorce coach can offer unbiased advice and practical solutions to improve your relationship. They can help you identify underlying issues and work towards resolving them. Coaching sessions can provide a structured approach to addressing problems and setting goals.
Attend Counseling: Marriage counseling can provide a neutral ground for both partners to express their feelings and work on their relationship. It’s a powerful tool to rebuild trust and connection. A trained counselor can offer techniques to improve communication and strengthen your bond.
Focus on Positives: Remind yourself of the positive aspects of your relationship. Celebrate small victories and cherish happy moments together. Focusing on what works well in your relationship can provide motivation to keep working on the challenges.
Set Realistic Goals: Set achievable goals for your relationship and work towards them together. This can create a sense of partnership and shared purpose. Whether it’s spending more quality time together or improving specific aspects of communication, having clear goals can guide your efforts.
Take Responsibility: Acknowledge your role in the problems and take responsibility for your actions. This can help in creating a more understanding and forgiving environment. Both partners need to be willing to look inward and make changes to improve the relationship.
Certified Divorce Coach: Your Guide and Mentor
A certified divorce coach plays a crucial role in helping you navigate through marital challenges. They provide:
Expert Advice: Professional insights on relationship dynamics and practical advice tailored to your situation. Coaches have extensive experience and can offer strategies that have worked for other couples.
Emotional Support: A supportive environment to express your feelings and concerns without judgment. Having someone to talk to who understands the complexities of marital issues can be incredibly comforting.
Goal Setting: Assistance in setting realistic and achievable goals to improve your relationship. Coaches can help you break down large problems into manageable steps.
Conflict Resolution: Techniques to manage and resolve conflicts effectively. Learning how to handle disagreements constructively can prevent further damage to your relationship.
Free Divorce Consultation Near Me: Accessible and Supportive
Finding a free divorce consultation near me is now easier than ever. Naked Divorce offers consultations across the UK, providing you with easy access to expert help. These consultations can help you understand:
Your Emotional and Legal Options: Learn about the emotional and legal aspects of your situation. Knowing your rights and options can help you make informed decisions.
Steps to Take if You’re Considering Divorce: Get guidance on the practical steps to take if you’re leaning towards divorce. This includes understanding the legal process and preparing emotionally.
Strategies to Save Your Marriage: Explore strategies and techniques to work on your marriage. Professional advice can offer new perspectives and solutions you might not have considered.
Resources Available for Support and Guidance: Access resources such as books, workshops, and support groups that can provide additional help.
Divorce Mentor: A Companion in Your Journey
A Divorce Mentor is someone who has been through the process and can offer practical advice and emotional support based on their own experiences. They can help you:
Understand the Process: Gain insights into the divorce process and what to expect. A mentor can share their personal experiences and offer advice on navigating the complexities of divorce.
Emotional Coping: Learn strategies to cope with the emotional aspects of divorce. From managing stress to dealing with feelings of loss, a mentor can provide valuable support.
Decision Making: Make informed decisions about your future. Mentors can help you weigh the pros and cons of different options and make choices that are best for you.
Support Network: Build a network of support to help you through this challenging time. Connecting with others who understand your situation can provide comfort and encouragement.
How to Save Your Marriage from Divorce: Practical Steps
Saving your marriage from divorce involves taking proactive steps to address issues and rebuild your relationship. Here are some practical steps:
Identify Issues: Understand the root causes of your marital problems. This could involve personal reflection and open discussions with your partner. Identifying the core issues is the first step in finding solutions.
Prioritize Your Relationship: Make your relationship a priority. Spend quality time together and show appreciation for each other. Simple gestures of kindness and affection can go a long way in strengthening your bond.
Develop Healthy Habits: Adopt healthy relationship habits such as effective communication, mutual respect, and compromise. Healthy habits can help create a positive and nurturing environment for your relationship to thrive.
Seek External Help: Don’t hesitate to seek help from professionals. Counseling, coaching, and support groups can provide the necessary tools and guidance. Professional support can offer new perspectives and solutions to entrenched problems.
Stay Committed: Commitment is key. Both partners need to be dedicated to making the relationship work. Rebuilding a marriage takes time and effort, and both partners must be willing to put in the necessary work.
Divorce Support: You’re Not Alone
Going through a divorce or working to save your marriage can be isolating, but you don’t have to go through it alone. Divorce support groups and resources are available to provide emotional support and practical advice. These groups can connect you with others who understand what you’re going through and offer a sense of community and understanding.
At Naked Divorce, we believe in providing compassionate and professional support to help you through marital challenges. Whether you’re looking to rescue your marriage or navigate the complexities of divorce, our free consultations, certified divorce coaches, and mentors are here to guide you every step of the way. Don’t hesitate to reach out and take the first step towards a healthier and happier future.
For more information, visit Naked Divorce and discover how we can help you find the best path forward.
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rehasaleh · 2 months
Family Counseling in Qatar: A Comprehensive Guide
The family is the nucleus of society and the foundation of its stability. Due to its complexities and diverse challenges, many individuals in Qatar resort to seeking family counseling to obtain support and guidance. In this topic, we provide you with a comprehensive guide on what family counseling is in Qatar, the most important institutions that provide it, its benefits, its areas of focus, the steps to obtain it, and finally some tips for families considering seeking counseling.
What is family counseling?
It is a service provided by specialized therapists that aims to help family members solve problems, improve their relationships, and strengthen communication among them. Family counseling is offered in Qatar in various languages, including Arabic and English.
The most important institutions that provide family counseling in Qatar:
Wifaq Center for Family Counseling: A non-profit organization that provides individual and group family counseling services, in addition to training programs and workshops.
"Wated" Service for Counseling, Marital and Family Therapy, and Educational Counseling: Provided by the Ministry of Social Development and Family, and includes individual and group counseling and psychological therapy for children.
Na'raakum for Family Counseling and Behavior Modification: A center that provides family counseling and therapeutic services, in addition to psychological, marital and educational counseling.
Private psychological clinics: There are many private psychological clinics in Qatar that provide family counseling services, at varying prices.
Read More: Divorce law for harm in Qatar
Benefits of family counseling:
Improving communication: Counseling helps improve communication skills between family members, and better understand each other's feelings and needs.
Problem-solving: Counseling provides effective tools and solutions to solve family problems, such as marital disputes, child misbehavior, and communication difficulties.
Strengthening relationships: Counseling contributes to strengthening family relationships and building stronger bonds between family members.
Prevention of problems: Family counseling helps to acquire skills to prevent family problems in the future.
Read More: How long does a divorce case take to recover?
Areas of focus of family counseling:
Marital conflicts: Marital counseling provides assistance to couples in resolving their problems and improving their relationship.
Child rearing: Educational counseling helps parents raise their children in a sound and effective manner.
Dealing with adolescents: Counseling provides support and guidance to parents in dealing with the challenges they face with their teenage children.
Coping with change: Family counseling helps families cope with changes they face, such as divorce or the death of a family member.
Addiction: Counseling provides support for families suffering from addiction problems among one of their members.
Domestic violence: Counseling helps to stop domestic violence and protect family members from harm.
Read More: Divorce procedures in Qatar
Steps to obtain family counseling in Qatar:
Search for a specialized therapist: Therapists specializing in family counseling can be searched for online or by asking trusted friends or family members.
Choosing the right therapist: It is important to make sure that the therapist is licensed and has experience in providing family counseling.
Booking an appointment: An appointment can be booked with the therapist by phone or email.
Attending sessions: It is important to attend all counseling sessions regularly and actively participate in the discussions.
Tips for families considering seeking counseling:
Don't hesitate to seek help: Family counseling is not a sign of weakness, but rather a sign of strength and a desire to improve the family situation.
Choose the right time: The best time to seek counseling is when the family is facing a crisis or when there are ongoing problems that cannot be resolved on their own.
Be open and honest: It is important to be open and honest with the therapist in order to get the most out of counseling.
Be committed to change: Counseling is a process that requires commitment and effort from all family members.
Family counseling is a valuable tool that can help families improve their relationships, solve problems, and build a stronger and happier family unit. If you are considering seeking family counseling in Qatar, we encourage you to do your research and find a qualified therapist who can help you achieve your goals.
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businesspromoting · 3 months
Counselling Service In Kolkata
Counseling services in kolkata provide professional guidance and support to individuals, couples, families, and groups dealing with various personal, social, emotional, and mental health issues. These services are offered by trained and licensed counselors or therapists and are designed to help people navigate challenges, improve their mental health, and achieve personal growth.
Types of Counseling Services
Individual Counseling:
Focus: One-on-one sessions between the counselor and the client.
Common Issues: Anxiety, depression, stress, trauma, grief, self-esteem, and personal development.
Couples Counseling:
Focus: Helping couples resolve conflicts, improve communication, and strengthen their relationship.
Common Issues: Communication problems, infidelity, trust issues, and pre-marital counseling.
Family Counseling:
Focus: Addressing issues affecting the health and functioning of the family unit.
Common Issues: Parenting challenges, family conflicts, divorce, and blended family dynamics.
Group Counseling:
Focus: Facilitated sessions with multiple participants facing similar issues.
Common Issues: Addiction recovery, grief support, anxiety, and social skills development.
Career Counseling:
Focus: Assisting individuals in making career decisions and overcoming work-related issues.
Common Issues: Career transitions, job stress, workplace conflicts, and career development.
Substance Abuse Counseling:
Focus: Supporting individuals struggling with addiction to drugs or alcohol.
Common Issues: Addiction treatment, relapse prevention, and coping strategies.
Crisis Counseling:
Focus: Providing immediate support during a crisis situation.
Common Issues: Suicidal thoughts, traumatic events, and urgent mental health crises.
Key Components of Counseling Services
Assessment and Evaluation:
Purpose: To understand the client’s issues, needs, and goals.
Process: Initial meetings involve comprehensive assessments to develop a personalized treatment plan.
Therapeutic Approaches:
Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT): Focuses on changing negative thought patterns and behaviors.
Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT): Combines CBT with mindfulness techniques to manage emotions.
Psychodynamic Therapy: Explores unconscious patterns and past experiences to understand current behavior.
Humanistic Therapy: Emphasizes personal growth and self-actualization.
Solution-Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT): Concentrates on finding solutions rather than focusing on problems.
Goal Setting and Treatment Planning:
Purpose: To establish clear, achievable goals and outline steps to reach them.
Process: Collaborative effort between the counselor and the client.
Intervention and Techniques:
Purpose: To implement strategies and techniques to address the client’s issues.
Examples: Cognitive restructuring, exposure therapy, mindfulness exercises, and role-playing.
Monitoring and Evaluation:
Purpose: To track progress and make adjustments to the treatment plan as needed.
Process: Regular check-ins and reassessments to ensure the client is progressing towards their goals.
Termination and Follow-Up:
Purpose: To conclude the counseling relationship once goals are achieved and ensure continued support if needed.
Process: Developing a maintenance plan and scheduling follow-up sessions or check-ins.
Choosing a Counseling Service
When selecting a counseling service, consider the following factors:
Credentials and Licensing: Ensure the counselor is licensed and has the necessary qualifications and training.
Specialization: Look for counselors who specialize in the issues you are facing (e.g., trauma, addiction, relationship issues).
Approach and Style: Find a counselor whose therapeutic approach and style align with your preferences and needs.
Reputation and Reviews: Research the counselor’s reputation and read reviews or testimonials from former clients.
Cost and Insurance: Check if the service accepts your insurance and understand the costs involved. Some counselors offer sliding scale fees based on income.
Location and Accessibility: Consider the location of the counseling service and whether they offer in-person, online, or telehealth sessions.
Getting Started
If you or someone you know needs counseling services, the first step is to reach out to a licensed counselor or a reputable counseling center. Many providers offer a free initial consultation to discuss your needs and determine if their services are a good fit for you.
Additional Resources
American Counseling Association (ACA): Provides resources and a directory of licensed counselors.
Psychology Today: Offers a comprehensive directory of therapists and counselors, including reviews and specializations.
National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI): Provides information and resources on mental health conditions and finding support.
Local Health Departments: Can provide information on nearby counseling services and support groups.
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Is Hiring a Family Lawyer Helpful to Get Satisfied Legal Solutions!
To maintain positive relationships within families, knowledgeable family lawyers assist people in living comfortable lives through positive legal settlements.
They support their clients during their difficult times with someone they love and care about, including divorce, separation, property settlement, child custody, spousal maintenance, domestic abuse, same-sex relationships, unlawful partnerships, and other family-related issues. 
Conversely, in the event of an unfavourable infringement, they assist in defending the legal rights of older adults or victims. By working with knowledgeable building and construction lawyers from a respectable law business, people may also obtain aid with properties lawfully. 
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These companies hire knowledgeable lawyers who are skilled in explaining the rights and restrictions associated with different real estate transactions, regulations, and important legal paperwork and processes.
They provide clients with timely taxation, and legal protection on a new lease, and help them operate a lucrative business. 
They help real estate companies avoid legal problems between landlords and tenants by making it simple to end agreements for non-compliance with guidelines and payments.
Purpose for Hiring Skilled and Professional Attorneys:
Professional and knowledgeable attorneys are better equipped to assist with the process of filing a lawsuit to recover insured amounts for property losses resulting from lockouts, natural catastrophes, or other injuries because they have a deeper understanding of the legal system and legislation than the average citizen. 
They can easily help and prevent issues on properties, such as maintenance, leasing, and careless use of services and equipment, by creating an efficient plan to collect past-due payments.
Through a planned debt collection process that involves legal notice, the filing of a debt claim, and the delivery of a letter of demand, they can oversee and support their clients in the collection of commercial debts. 
Usually, they support clients in getting a judgment and collecting the debt. They also assist in resolving issues related to employment in businesses.
Ask trusted sources such as friends, family, or professional networks to find a trusted law firm. 
Utilize online platforms to review the firm's reputation, client testimonials, and success stories. 
Verify the lawyer's credentials, experience, and specialization relevant to your legal needs. 
Finally, select a reliable legal advisory and schedule a consultation to get a satisfactory legal solution.
Source - https://buildingcontractlawyers.blogspot.com/2024/06/is-hiring-family-lawyer-helpful-to-get.html
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dealsxciting · 4 months
Strengthen bond of your Marital Relationship!💑💪❤️🦋
Save Your Marriage Today: A Proven Path to Reconnection and Happiness
Bond of Marital relationships require mutual respect, care and affection between both partners to sustain itself. Initial years of relationship at times gives rise to misunderstandings, turbulence which become testing point for tenacity of this relationship. Needless to mention, family support is the key. In this article, we will stress on key and known points for you to have a look on.
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Article Inputs: HT
Good Communication: Listening to your partner and understanding their point of view is the key for a relationship with a strong foundation.
Prioritise quality time together: Our hectic work life schedule with never ending deadlines puts a foggy cloud on the relationship.We must never forget the presence n importance of the person in our life, by spending and taking time to strengthens the connection, and keep the romance alive. The romance must be maintained by the expression of love and care in the form of well-planned surprises.
Supporting each other’s goals: Mutual support for each other’s career aspirations, personal ambitions, or long-term life plans is a definite must-have. Understanding and encouraging one another’s dreams builds a very strong partnership and helps both move ahead.
Have patience and forgiveness: Life with no friction points could make the relationship dull, whatsay? So, when difficulties come in take them in your stride, be patient with your partner and give time to adjust to the new roles and responsibilities in your relationship journey. Learn to forgive.
Practice Gratitude: Appreciating each other’s efforts and qualities
Finding humour: Identifying humour spots in everyday situations, not only eases tension but fosters love and brings each other closer. As the saying goes “Don’t take life too seriously, you won’t get out alive!”
Establishing boundaries: Setting boundaries can prevent misunderstandings. Discuss topics like finances and personal space. Respect each other’s boundaries while also nurturing your bond as a couple.
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Best Selling: Save The Marriage System
Author Lee Baucom, a 22 years veteran of marriage therapy has come up with a unique (“best selling” product -Save The Marriage System- which claims to bring Marital relationships on track. Dr. Baucom’s methods focus on understanding the different stages of a marital crisis and applying the right strategies at the right time. His proven system boasts an 89.7% success rate, even when only one spouse starts the process.
The Path to a Stronger Marriage Identify your crisis stage and follow Dr. Baucom’s step-by-step guide to healing. This isn’t theoretical — it’s a tested, practical approach to transforming your relationship. Marital problems require a “Marriage Problem Solution”. Dr. Baucom’s approach is unique, as it requires the couple to understand the basic nature of relationships and why they are so important. With the right steps, anyone can salvage their marriage — even if only one spouse is committed.
Please Watch This Video On Why “Marital Therapy” Can Be Destructive To Your Situation!
Before You Can Begin Your Journey Toward Saving Your Marriage, You Need To Stop Buying Into The Four Most Damaging Myths About Saving Your Marriage. Do You Believe Any Of The Following? <(Myth1>You Need To Learn MORE Communication Skills <(Myth2>There is only one “path” from the brink of divorce to marital bliss <(Myth3>You can’t start saving your marriage if your spouse isn’t interested <(Myth4>Time heals all
Start Your Journey to Reconnection Join thousands of couples who have revitalized their marriages with Dr. Baucom’s Save The Marriage System. Rebuild intimacy, trust, and happiness in your relationship today.
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relationshipszone · 7 months
5 Signs Your Husband Wants A Divorce (And How To Prevent It)
If your marriage is 'on the rocks' and you're worried that your spouse is thinking about asking for a divorce, then this article is for you. I'll explain a few signs to look for that indicate your husband is thinking about divorce, and I'll tell you how to stop it and how to begin repairing your marriage.
So, let's dive into the first sign to look for…
Sign #1 - Arguing Over Anything & Everything.
Yes, it’s no secret that an increase in the frequency and intensity of arguments with your partner are a clear indication that all is not well with your marriage. Now, don’t panic here just because you and your spouse are fighting a few times a week… every married couple will disagree and have conflicts from time to time, and it’s actually a healthy thing to argue now and then as long as they lead to resolutions or don’t leave lingering hard feelings.
When those arguments become daily occurrences, and tend to arise over almost anything, then that’s when things get a bit more dicey. For example, if you arriving 5 minutes late for a dinner date turns into a massive screaming match and results in both of you going to bed angry for the third time in a week, then that’s a problem. These kinds of arguments, if they happen frequently and tend to blow small grievances or disagreements way out of proportion, can indicate that your marriage is headed in the wrong direction.
Most of the time, couples who argue too often but have otherwise healthy marriages can repair this problem relatively easily. In simple terms, if you and your spouse fight too much or argue often over small issues, you need to learn how to prevent the useless arguments and have more important disagreements in a more civilized and constructive manner.
Click here to watch an excellent free video with tips on how to argue more effectively (and much more -- it's well worth watching).
Now, another and potentially more serious indication of an unhealthy marriage is when one or both of you stops trying to resolve conflict at all. Which leads me to the next point….
Sign #2 - No Longer Willing To Resolve Conflict or Find Solutions.
If your partner seems to no longer care about the outcome of a fight, or if they seem to feel as though trying to find a solution to your problems is pointless or hopeless, then that can be a clear indication of deeper troubles. When this kind of despair sets in, your partner may withdraw further and feel as though there will never be a way for the two of you to live together in peace. That’s obviously not a good thing, and it’s something that you need to work on if this has become a problem in your marriage.
Sign #3 - Lack of Emotional Connection and Withdrawal of Affection.
If your husband has become distant and stopped showing affection towards you, that can also be a strong indication that they’re mentally checking out of the marriage. Often associated with this is an overall lack of emotional connection and a lack of willingness to discuss or show feelings and emotions.
In my experience, this is one of the most obvious signs that a marriage is headed in the wrong direction. Usually, though, it’s more a symptom than a root problem, and resolving the core issues of your marriage can usually help re-build the emotional connection and lead your spouse to begin showing affection again.
If you’re seeing this symptom as well as some of the others on this list, start taking action to stop the degradation of your marriage. Watch this video right now to learn about 3 techniques that will help you repair your relationship (even if your husband isn't interested at the moment)
Sign #4 - Rarely or never having sex.
Sex can be symptom of other problems in your marriage -- if you’re always fighting and there’s no emotional connection, the sex is going to disappear as well.
But it can also be a problem of its own and lead to a marriage crisis, whether it’s caused by fading attraction or a low sex drive.
Either way, a sexless marriage is almost always a marriage on the fast track to divorce, so if your spouse seems uninterested in sex or makes excuses, that’s a clear indication of problems.
Sign #5 - Your spouse is absent more often or seems pre-occupied.
If your partner is staying out late more often, and showing less interest in family and spending time together, that may be an indication that they are either unhappy with the situation at home. It may also be that they’re preparing mentally for life apart, building a social life or possibly even dating. Hopefully that’s not the case, and don’t prematurely accuse your spouse of this just because they’re home less often, but it is a possibility.
Simply put, if you’re spending less time with your husband than you have in the past or if he seems distant and pre-occupied when you are spending time together, that can be a clear sign of a spouse mentally struggling with the decision to end a marriage.
Next Steps: Where to go from here…
First, let's make one thing clear: just because your partner is exhibiting a couple of the behaviours that I just talked about doesn’t mean that they’re definitely planning to file for divorce. It may simply be that these are indicators of trouble ahead in your marriage. But if you’ve seen several of these indicators in your spouse recently, and you’re feeling that things aren’t on track with your marriage, I encourage you to act to turn things around now before matters get any worse.
The best place to start is by watching this free video by marriage guru Brad Browning… he explains where you've been going wrong and what you need to do to make your husband fall back in love with you.
Click here to watch the video now, before it's taken down.
Good luck!
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durgaastro · 9 months
Palm Reading Specialists in York
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Master Durga Shankar is a The Best Palm Reader in York, Canada. Master Durga Shanker is an Expert Palm reader in York, Etobicoke, Brompton, York, Old Toronto, East York, North York, Scarborough, Markham, Toronto, Mississauga, and Brampton. He is a top Indian Astrologer near me in York, Canada. Are you looking for advice and insights into your life's journey? Look no further than a Palm Reading in York, Canada. These skilled people have the extraordinary ability to tap into the unseen realms and provide you with valuable information about your past, present, and future.
Family struggles themselves are nothing unusual; they happen in even the best families. In general, it is to last, but if it becomes a habit and it always comes down to quarrels in the family, it is often the whole family that suffers. Just when you feel the questions can be answered without question, they usually end so that everyone angrily leaves the room and hides. If so, seek help and think about how to improve the family's situation.
As with growing trends in fashion and privatization, even the kids want separate bedrooms, the wife needs more freedom; and the husband is looking for fun outside, where the whole family is like a hierarchy of frustrated and boring relationships. On the other side of life; there are many segments that have caused serious family problems that prevent a happy life, including lack of finances, lack of trust, lack of communication, lack of understanding, inability to have children, common family problems, love marriage problems, disadvantage family members, addictions, love dissatisfaction, intolerance of differences, disadvantage family members, and many more.
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aepmnss · 9 months
The Role of Divorce Mediators: Facilitating Resolutions Amidst Turbulent Times
Divorce, while a deeply personal and emotional process, often necessitates a level-headed approach to navigate its complexities. In this landscape of emotional turmoil and legal intricacies, divorce mediators emerge as pivotal figures, guiding couples through the stormy seas of separation towards amicable resolutions.
Understanding the Role of Divorce Mediators
Divorce mediators are trained professionals adept at facilitating constructive communication between divorcing parties. Unlike traditional litigation, where courtroom battles can escalate tensions and amplify conflicts, mediators operate in a neutral space, striving to foster an environment conducive to productive discussion and compromise.
The Mediator's Toolbox
Skilled in conflict resolution and communication techniques, mediators employ a range of tools to aid couples in reaching mutually acceptable agreements. These can include:
Facilitative Communication: Mediators encourage open dialogue, ensuring each party has the opportunity to express their concerns and desires respectfully.
Problem-Solving Strategies: They assist in identifying issues, exploring various solutions, and finding compromises that align with both parties’ interests.
Information and Education: Providing relevant legal information and clarifying misconceptions, empowering couples to make informed decisions.
Maintaining Neutrality: Remaining impartial and unbiased, mediators prevent favoritism and focus on equitable solutions.
Benefits of Mediation
The benefits of employing a divorce mediator are manifold:
Reduced Conflict: Mediation often minimizes hostility and animosity, promoting a more cooperative atmosphere.
Cost-Effective: Compared to lengthy court battles, mediation tends to be more affordable, saving both time and money.
Empowerment: Mediation allows couples to retain control over their decisions rather than ceding them to a judge.
Preserving Relationships: Especially crucial when children are involved, mediation aims to maintain healthier post-divorce relationships.
Confidentiality: Mediation sessions are confidential, offering a private setting for discussing sensitive matters.
The Role of Mediators in Complex Situations
While divorce mediation is effective for many couples, it might not suit all situations, especially those involving domestic abuse, extreme power imbalances, or unwillingness to negotiate in good faith. In such cases, other legal avenues may be more appropriate.
The Future of Divorce Mediation
As societal perspectives on Low cost divorce mediators USA continue to evolve, the role of mediators is likely to expand. With an increasing emphasis on collaborative approaches to conflict resolution, the demand for skilled mediators is expected to grow. Additionally, integrating technology into mediation processes may streamline procedures and enhance accessibility.
Divorce mediators act as guiding lights amidst the tumultuous journey of separation, offering a beacon of hope for couples navigating the challenging waters of divorce. Their ability to foster communication, encourage compromise, and facilitate respectful negotiations makes them indispensable in reshaping the narrative of divorce from one of acrimony to that of understanding and resolution.
source url : -https://sites.google.com/view/aepmnscom/home
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teenageread · 10 months
Review: Terms and Conditions
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I’m destined to become the next CEO of my family’s media empire. 
The only problem? My grandfather’s inheritance clause. 
Fulfilling his dying wish of getting married and having an heir seemed impossible until my assistant volunteers for the job. 
Our marriage was supposed to be the perfect solution to my biggest problem. 
But the more we act in love for the public, the more unsure I feel about our contract. 
Caring about Iris was never part of the deal. 
Especially not when breaking her heart is inevitable. 
My plan to marry Declan was simple in theory. 
Move in together. Throw a wedding. Have a baby. 
We set rules to prevent any kind of issues. 
Ones that were never meant to be broken, no matter how much Declan tempts me. 
But what happens when our fake relationship bleeds into our real one? 
Falling in love was never an option. 
At least not for me.
As part of his grandfather’s will, each grandchild will receive an inheritance if they do their specific task. For Declan, it was his goal to become CEO of Dreamland, but as per his grandfather’s request, he had to be married and with a child to do so. Setting up Iris, his capable assistant, to find him a wife, the one she found bailed out at their engagement party after one conversation with Declan. With Seth, the current CEO and Declan’s alcoholic father, breathing down his neck hoping Declan would fail, Iris steps in and makes the ultimate sacrifice. She announced that she was the mystery bride, and will be marrying Declan in less than two weeks. Surprised and a bit shocked, Declan made an agreement with Iris, a payout for her sacrifice, one child, and at least three years of marriage until their divorce. Living together in Declan’s house, but in separate bedrooms, they were going to elope until Iris’s mother demanded a proper church wedding. Iris is not in this for the wealth or Declan’s status, she agreed to marry him because, for the past three years, she based her success on making sure Declan looked good, and if that requires a ring on her hand and a baby in her stomach, she’ll do it. Marriage to Declan is a bit like working with him, but different. At home, he is more shy and more willing to just hang out, and Iris finds herself drawn to his company. Yet their relationship was fake, Declan does not even know how to love, and Iris has been hurt too many times to give love another shot. Yet when there is an obvious connection, this fake husband and wife act with their dates, may become real as both become willing to risk it all for the sake of love. 
Lauren Asher wows readers with this second instrument of our Dreamland billionaires, this time focusing on the oldest Declan, who convinced his assistant Iris to marry him. Asher starts this novel off post-Rowan’s story as he and Zahra are together, but before their epilogue as they are still dating and living at the park. This causes tension between Declan and Rowan that Asher explores in this novel, as Rowan staying in the park, messes with Declan’s plan for him to become CFO. Reading from Declan’s perspective you got to see more into how Dreamland as a company works, his hatred towards his father, and how our trio of brothers really work. In Rowan’s story he was so separated, we really did not get to see much brotherly interaction, whereas in this novel Declan is in frequent contact with Cal, and had several interactions with Rowan throughout the novel. Where Declan does not discuss their mother as much as Rowan did, we get to see more of the family dynamic through these interactions that we did not get in the previous novel. As soon as he became CEO and eldest brother, Declan’s point of view was intense. With dramatic conversations, Declan is rude on purpose, but also him trying to be good. Iris' point of view is a girl who wants love but does not want to be hurt again and is trying her best to make her grumpy man smile. Honestly, the similarities between this and the first novel are startling as they both have the grumpy guy x sunshine girl trope, both go on exotic vacations, and both have something that was going to tear them apart but it got resolved to give us the happy ending we were needing. With fast and easy writing, this is an easy book to just read through if you want some nice romance, a forced marriage plot, and some family drama sprinkled on the side.
Read more reviews: Goodreads
Buy the book: Amazon
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helfandretreats · 10 months
Intensive Counseling Retreats Designed for Married Couples
Is your marital union facing challenges? Have you been seeking an effective remedy? The solution could be closer than you think. Our Marriage Quest 3 day intensive couples therapy retreat program has brought about significant improvements for hundreds of couples over the last several decades.
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Don’t miss out on the opportunity to reap the benefits of our highly acclaimed Marriage Quest retreat program.
The Marriage Quest retreat program is designed to help couples reconnect and resolve issues in their relationship. It starts with the belief that every couple can have a fulfilling marriage with the right tools. Our expert retreat  counselors coach couples on how to apply these skills effectively, while working on healing the root causes of the conflict..
Our couples retreats address a variety of issues, including:
Considering divorce
Midlife crisis
Sexless marriage 
Communication problems. 
For instance, we help couples explore the possibility of divorce in a way that can rekindle the relationship. We also assist couples in dealing with a midlife crisis together, which can increase intimacy.
Our intensive marriage retreats also address issues related to sexless marriages and infidelity. It emphasizes that a healthy sex life is important for many couples and that infidelity is often a symptom of other problems in the marriage. The retreat aims to address these root causes to help couples heal and prevent future affairs.
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Resentment and communication issues are also tackled during the retreat. Resentment often builds up from unresolved conflicts and lack of quality time, while communication problems can lead to feelings of being unheard or misunderstood.
The importance of intensive marriage retreats lies in their ability to achieve results in a few days, compared to years of traditional marriage therapy. Many couples have reported more progress in just three days at the retreat than in a year or more of weekly sessions.
See testimonials here.
Contact Marriage Quest now.
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