#divorce phone consultation
one-inspiring · 2 months
Marriage Divorce Free Consultation: Your Path to Saving Your Marriage | Naked Divorce
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A free divorce consultation provides you with a safe space to discuss your concerns, understand your options, and get professional advice tailored to your situation. Whether you’re considering divorce or looking for ways to mend your relationship, this initial step can be incredibly valuable. Our certified divorce coaches and divorce mentors are here to listen, support, and guide you through your unique circumstances.
This consultation can help you:
Assess Your Situation: Understand the current state of your marriage and identify the main issues causing distress.
Explore Options: Learn about the different paths available, whether it’s reconciliation, separation, or another form of resolution.
Get Professional Advice: Receive tailored advice from experts who have helped many couples navigate similar situations.
Plan Your Next Steps: Develop a clear plan of action, whether you decide to work on your marriage or proceed with a divorce.
How to Rescue a Marriage: Strategies and Support
Rescuing a marriage requires effort, commitment, and sometimes external help. Here are some effective strategies:
Open Communication: Honest and open communication is the foundation of any strong relationship. Discuss your feelings, concerns, and expectations with your partner. Regular, meaningful conversations can help bridge the gap and resolve misunderstandings.
Seek Professional Help: A certified divorce coach can offer unbiased advice and practical solutions to improve your relationship. They can help you identify underlying issues and work towards resolving them. Coaching sessions can provide a structured approach to addressing problems and setting goals.
Attend Counseling: Marriage counseling can provide a neutral ground for both partners to express their feelings and work on their relationship. It’s a powerful tool to rebuild trust and connection. A trained counselor can offer techniques to improve communication and strengthen your bond.
Focus on Positives: Remind yourself of the positive aspects of your relationship. Celebrate small victories and cherish happy moments together. Focusing on what works well in your relationship can provide motivation to keep working on the challenges.
Set Realistic Goals: Set achievable goals for your relationship and work towards them together. This can create a sense of partnership and shared purpose. Whether it’s spending more quality time together or improving specific aspects of communication, having clear goals can guide your efforts.
Take Responsibility: Acknowledge your role in the problems and take responsibility for your actions. This can help in creating a more understanding and forgiving environment. Both partners need to be willing to look inward and make changes to improve the relationship.
Certified Divorce Coach: Your Guide and Mentor
A certified divorce coach plays a crucial role in helping you navigate through marital challenges. They provide:
Expert Advice: Professional insights on relationship dynamics and practical advice tailored to your situation. Coaches have extensive experience and can offer strategies that have worked for other couples.
Emotional Support: A supportive environment to express your feelings and concerns without judgment. Having someone to talk to who understands the complexities of marital issues can be incredibly comforting.
Goal Setting: Assistance in setting realistic and achievable goals to improve your relationship. Coaches can help you break down large problems into manageable steps.
Conflict Resolution: Techniques to manage and resolve conflicts effectively. Learning how to handle disagreements constructively can prevent further damage to your relationship.
Free Divorce Consultation Near Me: Accessible and Supportive
Finding a free divorce consultation near me is now easier than ever. Naked Divorce offers consultations across the UK, providing you with easy access to expert help. These consultations can help you understand:
Your Emotional and Legal Options: Learn about the emotional and legal aspects of your situation. Knowing your rights and options can help you make informed decisions.
Steps to Take if You’re Considering Divorce: Get guidance on the practical steps to take if you’re leaning towards divorce. This includes understanding the legal process and preparing emotionally.
Strategies to Save Your Marriage: Explore strategies and techniques to work on your marriage. Professional advice can offer new perspectives and solutions you might not have considered.
Resources Available for Support and Guidance: Access resources such as books, workshops, and support groups that can provide additional help.
Divorce Mentor: A Companion in Your Journey
A Divorce Mentor is someone who has been through the process and can offer practical advice and emotional support based on their own experiences. They can help you:
Understand the Process: Gain insights into the divorce process and what to expect. A mentor can share their personal experiences and offer advice on navigating the complexities of divorce.
Emotional Coping: Learn strategies to cope with the emotional aspects of divorce. From managing stress to dealing with feelings of loss, a mentor can provide valuable support.
Decision Making: Make informed decisions about your future. Mentors can help you weigh the pros and cons of different options and make choices that are best for you.
Support Network: Build a network of support to help you through this challenging time. Connecting with others who understand your situation can provide comfort and encouragement.
How to Save Your Marriage from Divorce: Practical Steps
Saving your marriage from divorce involves taking proactive steps to address issues and rebuild your relationship. Here are some practical steps:
Identify Issues: Understand the root causes of your marital problems. This could involve personal reflection and open discussions with your partner. Identifying the core issues is the first step in finding solutions.
Prioritize Your Relationship: Make your relationship a priority. Spend quality time together and show appreciation for each other. Simple gestures of kindness and affection can go a long way in strengthening your bond.
Develop Healthy Habits: Adopt healthy relationship habits such as effective communication, mutual respect, and compromise. Healthy habits can help create a positive and nurturing environment for your relationship to thrive.
Seek External Help: Don’t hesitate to seek help from professionals. Counseling, coaching, and support groups can provide the necessary tools and guidance. Professional support can offer new perspectives and solutions to entrenched problems.
Stay Committed: Commitment is key. Both partners need to be dedicated to making the relationship work. Rebuilding a marriage takes time and effort, and both partners must be willing to put in the necessary work.
Divorce Support: You’re Not Alone
Going through a divorce or working to save your marriage can be isolating, but you don’t have to go through it alone. Divorce support groups and resources are available to provide emotional support and practical advice. These groups can connect you with others who understand what you’re going through and offer a sense of community and understanding.
At Naked Divorce, we believe in providing compassionate and professional support to help you through marital challenges. Whether you’re looking to rescue your marriage or navigate the complexities of divorce, our free consultations, certified divorce coaches, and mentors are here to guide you every step of the way. Don’t hesitate to reach out and take the first step towards a healthier and happier future.
For more information, visit Naked Divorce and discover how we can help you find the best path forward.
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Melbourne's Gateway to Homeownership: Navigating Affordable Conveyancing Options
Imagine a young couple, first-time homebuyers, filled with dreams and aspirations as they navigate the complex world of real estate in Melbourne. Their journey brings to light the critical role played by Affordable Conveyancing Melbourne. This essential service ensures that homeownership becomes a reality for many by making legal services accessible and affordable, effectively removing the legal hurdles that can often stand in the way of achieving their dreams.
Introduction to Affordable Conveyancing Melbourne
In the bustling real estate market of Melbourne, the role of Affordable Conveyancing Melbourne cannot be overstated. By providing services that make the legal aspects of buying and selling properties accessible to a broader audience, these conveyancers help individuals and families—particularly those purchasing a home for the first time. They might otherwise be deterred by the traditionally high costs associated with property transactions, facilitating a more inclusive and diverse property ownership landscape.
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The Advantages of Affordable Conveyancing Services
For those navigating the financial challenges of buying a home, choosing Affordable Conveyancing Melbourne means accessing a service with a transparent cost structure that helps avoid unexpected fees and ensures a smoother transaction process. This affordability is crucial for first-time buyers and budget-conscious individuals who need to manage their finances carefully without compromising the quality of legal support needed during such significant transactions.
Expertise at Your Fingertips: Conveyancing Experts in Melbourne
Beyond affordability, the expertise provided byConveyancing experts in Melbourne is invaluable. These experts not only guarantee that all legal documents are painstakingly produced and that every transaction conforms with the strictest local and national laws but also possess the complete knowledge and skills required to negotiate the complexities of Melbourne's property laws. Their in-depth understanding ensures that clients receive the highest standard of legal support during their property transactions.
Comprehensive Services Offered by Melbourne's Conveyancing Experts
From the initial stages of property evaluations to providing detailed legal advice and managing the final handover of keys, the services offered by Conveyancing experts in Melbourne cover a wide range of needs. Their comprehensive support throughout the entire conveyancing process helps clients make informed decisions and protects their interests at every step, ensuring that no detail is overlooked and that each transaction is as transparent and straightforward as possible.
How Conveyancing Experts Enhance the Property Buying Experience
Working with Conveyancing experts in Melbourne not only simplifies the buying process but also provides peace of mind. These experts are adept at handling the complex legal scenarios that can often arise during property transactions. Their proactive approach to managing potential issues ensures that the conveyancing process is smooth and efficient, minimizing delays and maximizing satisfaction for all parties involved.
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Buying or selling property in Melbourne requires understanding the benefits of Affordable Conveyancing Melbourne and using the entire services of Melbourne conveyancing specialists. They make the procedure more accessible and professionally manage all legal concerns. Visit melbourneinternationallawyers.com.au for help or to contact these expert lawyers. This network offers qualified conveyancers who provide high-quality, cheap legal services to make homeownership as easy as possible.
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oliveisme533 · 7 months
My dad’s neighbor is a dilf
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Chapter 1
Joel Miller x you
Summery: You had decided to spend your summer in Austin with your dad. You used to spend almost every summer there, but hadn't spent a summer there since you were a teenager. Which means you hadn't seen a certain Joel Miller in years..
You were a teacher so the summer months were nice and slow. As you packet your suitcase, you thought back to the phone call with your dad just a few weeks prior. "Hey babygirl, why don't you come on down to Austin for the summer? I know your roommate has been driving you a little crazy lately...wouldn't hurt to get a break ya know? Plus I miss you sweetheart... would love to see you"
You smiled at the memory of his words. He was right about your roommate being annoying lately. Nothing crazy...just normal roommate things. But most of all you missed your dad. Your college summers were all spent with your mom in Boston, so this visit was long overdue.
There airport was fucking packet of course. Airports made you anxious and you always got to your gate a couple hours early for fear of missing your flight. You sent a quick text to your dad letting him know you made it to the airport and would let him know when you safely landed. He loved the message and moments later your phone buzzed again.
Venmo: Dad sent you $50 for "Uber 🚗"
Your dad definitely did well for himself, He was a financial consultant and never missed out on an opportunity to splurge on you and your sister. You knew you wouldn't be swiping your card a single time once you stepped foot in his house for the summer, and you weren't complaining...teachers don't exactly make a ton of money. There was one thing nagging at the back of your mind that you hadn't let yourself think about until now. You always had kind of a girlish crush on your dad's friend and neighbor. You hadn't seen him in years and you wanted to believe he could find you attractive now that you were actually a grown woman. It was a fantasy you know would never come true even in your wildest dreams, but it was still fun to think about from time to time. You put your headphones and closed out the world.
You smiled as the warm air hit your skin as you walked across the tarmac with one hand shading your eyes from the Texas sun. Austin was where you spent your childhood. Before their divorce, your parents had brought you and your sister into a comfortable lifestyle that you were forever grateful for. Your mom headed to Boston after the divorce, you and your older sister followed suit, but Texas never stoped feeling like home. "Uber for y/n?" You slumped down into the air conditioned car with a sigh of relief. "Yes." You looked out the window as the familiar scene flew by. By the time the car turned into your neighborhood your mind had drifted far from Boston. Your stomach lurched slightly as you passed Mr. Millers house. His truck was in the driveway. You remembered a recent phone conversation with your dad where he mentioned Mr. Miller having kind of a hard time spending his first summer without his daughter Sarah. She was with her mom for the summer, a new arrangement you were pretty sure. Maybe you would go and visit him. He was the kind of family friend that had a key to your dad's house . What if he didn't remember you? You were being stupid. Mr. Miller didn't need to entertain a 20 some year old girl. He had friends his own age, a life, and for all you knew maybe a girlfriend. You brushed the idea off as the car slowed in-front of your dad's house.
Your key clicked in the door and you were promptly greeted by Lea, your dad's new kitten. Your sister and you joked that this was his first symptom of his mid life crises. The second being the fact that he now had a girlfriend. You flung your suitcase aside and sunk into the window seat of your bedroom. You have many memories of a younger version of yourself sitting here in the summer days, reading or just watching. In the evenings you were too busy sneaking out the back gate to do such things. You smile as you recall your reckless, teenage activities. You sigh and look down at your watch. Your dad won't be home for a couple more hours. A nap probably would serve you well. Before you get up, you feel your phone buzz again. It's your dad.
"Hey sweetheart I see you made it to the house. I completely forgot Joel said he was picking up some tools I borrowed from him last week. He knows the garage code, but didn't want you to be alarmed if he's there before I get home. See you soon xx"
You found yourself staring at the text... would Mr. Miller ...Joel, you correct yourself, would he even remember me? In the spirit of southern hospitality you decide to get dressed in something that does smell like the airport and go downstairs when you hear the garage opening. You walk through the front door and out towards the driveway where Joel is loading some tools in the back of his pick up truck. He glances up at you and a wide smile forms across his face. "Well hey!" He says. "Your dad told me you were coming in... welcome home!" The words warm your heart. This was home for sure. "Thanks, I'm glad to be back. Even just for the summer!" God his arms look good in that t-shirt... "well I know your old man is happy you're here. Hasn't shut up about you comin' for the last few weeks. 'Course I get it, countin' down the days 'till Sarah gets back myself." You giggle at the comment of your dad's excitement about your arrival. "Yeah dad told me she's with her mom for the summer right?" Joel nods closing the back of the pick up. "Yeah that's right." You noted a twinge of sadness in his voice. "I'm sorry I'm sure that's hard...I mean I know she loves being with her mom and you too. Of course she'll be back for school in the fall, but still I'm sure the summer feels different with out her. I'm not a parent though so I really have no idea what I'm talking about." You fumbled through this response and ended with a nervous laugh. Joel didn't mind. He looked at you with those fucking puppy dog eyes that could make you melt. He laughed too you were pretty sure the laugh was more at you than with you, but you kind of deserved it you figured. "You're sweet, yeah she's having a blast with her mom and that's all that really matters. Your dad has been putting up with me a lot. With an empty and quiet house it's just not the same, and he's been havin' me over lots" "Well I'm sure he appreciates the company too" you couldn't help but feel a little guilt that you had possibly made your dad feel the same emotions as Joel. "Well I gotta run, but I'm sure I'll be seein' you around. Good to see ya Darlin'" you waved as he pulled out of your driveway, grateful that he was probably too far away to see the blush on your cheeks.
The next few days went by with not much to remark on. On Friday your dad mentioned that Joel would be coming over for dinner tomorrow. You told yourself it was time to act like an adult and put this girlish crush out of your mind. Joel was at least 10 years your senior and he was a close friend of your dad, In fact these fantasies are simply degrading to him or disrespectful. You're not sure of the right word, but he's a person with a life and feelings and things he's going through. To make him the object of your fantasies was wrong, you decided.
Saturday evening came around and your dad was in the back grilling and playing his country music on the speaker you had gifted him last Christmas. There was a knock and the door and the sound of Joel's voice echoing through the entry way. You didn't bother coming out of the kitchen, knowing he would come to you. Your back was turned, focusing on the sangria recipe you were sure wouldn't turn out the way you wanted. "My dad's outback." You said gesturing to the back door. " I'm sorry, where are my manners!" You turned to open the fridge and pull out beer for Joel. "You ain't gotta make a fuss darlin' is just me" Joel chuckled. You wished he would stop calling you that, but you also hoped he never would. Joel y through the utensil draw to find the bottle opener. He asked about your day and you asked about his. "I can't get over how much you've grown up" he said at one point. "Yeah o guess the last time you would have seen me I was a lanky teenager with braces" you laughed and so did he. "I think you're right... if I recall you were just about the death of your old man when you were that age." You shrugged. "Yup that's about right. I had a nack for getting into trouble." He laughed that wonderful deep laugh and said "well you turned out alright, kid"
The rest of the evening you debated whether Joel saw you more as a grown woman or a kid. He had referred to you as both in a matter of minutes...so which was it? "What's on your mind kiddo?" Your dad's voice snapped you back to reality. "Oh ..um, nothing honestly. I'm just kind of tired today for some reason." You were both in the kitchen, Joel was still in the back yard getting ready to light a cigar. "Baby why don't you go upstairs and rest. I'll make sure to kick Mr. Miller here out if we get to rowdy." He said that last part loud enough for Joel to hear. "Dad jokes.." you mutter to yourself as you climb the stairs to the second floor of the house. Your bedroom is on the front end of the house, so by they time you get there, no noise from your dad and Joel can be heard. The sound of the shower in the bathroom drowned out the noise of your phone buzzing on your nightstand. When you exited the shower there was a missed call from "Ben" Ben Sinclair was your on again, off again boyfriend for the last 4 ish years. This time you were done. You had been broken up for a month this time and you told him (in no uncertain terms!) this was it. So what could he possibly want tonight...
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elf-kid2 · 3 months
Helluva Boss AU Idea
The (approximate) events of "Oops" happen at//shortly before S1E1, and Blitz gets an Asmodean Crystal for saving Fizzarolli's life, instead of breaking into a Prince's castle and trying to steal a Magic Book to access Earth.
Things happen more-or-less the same for "Murder Family," "Spring Broken," and "C.H.E.R.U.B," but Blitz is more focused on pursuing a threesome with Fizzarolli & Asmodeus than with Millie & Moxxie.
The Harvest Moon Festival, which they're attending because of Millie, is the first time Blitz has seen Prince Stolas in the past 20-some years.
Blitz also has Fizzarolli on the phone, saying things like "I love that we're friends again, but for the sake of our continued friendship, I'm going to need you to stop trying to share my partner Sugar Daddy with me. We can find you your own Sugar Daddy! One who's focused on YOU, specifically! So that you'll be too busy with that to keep sneaking into our Penthouse for 'Quality Time'. "
As in canon, Blitz stops Striker from assassinating Prince Stolas with an Angelic Sniper Rifle! Unlike in canon, he actually TELLS the Prince about this happening!
Prince Stolas is seeing his "First Friend" for the first time in two decades. He is now a Sexy Assassin who owns his own business, and also just saved his LIFE like a Knight in Shining Armor, and ALSO looks damn good holding a gun and wearing cowboy boots! WOW! Can he get your number, please???
At some point later, Stolas is visiting Asmodeus to consult on if the state of his & Stella's sex-life can be legally considered "grounds for divorce." Because he's thinking of maybe, perhaps, serving divorce-papers shortly after Octavia's 18th birthday, and he wants to be prepared.
Meanwhile, Blitz is visiting with Fizz. This leads to a MUSICAL NUMBER in which Fizzarolli and Asmodeus are aggressively trying to set Blitz and Stolas up together, because they might make a cute couple, and also so that Blitz will stop hanging around their house all the time!
Stolas is somewhat more open to the suggestion than Blitz is, but they BOTH wind up locked in a Sexy/Romantic Room together by the end of the song.
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smok3r7 · 4 months
One Door Closes & Another One Opens
Joel x OFC!Divorce Lawyer
Explicit, 18+
The Duality Of Life
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Main MasterList & Series Masterlist - My AO3
Summary: She’s a divorce attorney and he’s a husband looking for help to save his daughter, and himself, from his gambling addict wife. Renae Russo is a woman who fights for her clients and wins. She’s satisfied with her life and what she does - but she wishes she could have a little more. What happens when Joel Miller becomes her client and an old flame of Renae’s reignites in the same breath?
Chapter Summary: The reality starts to really set in for each of them, but for different reasons.
Word count: 2.1k
It’s been two weeks since Renae first met Joel and about twelve hours since their last consultation, all about Annie getting served divorce papers on a day that just so happens to be today.
She just knows shit is going to hit the fan. In other words, Annie’s going to throw one big, giant fit.
Joel told Renae the first time he and Sarah left to stay at Tommy and Maria’s place that Annie would nonstop call and text him - along with his brother and his sister in law - about how “unfair” he’s being. She even tried to break into his brother's home, multiple times. The woman has some screws loose, to put it politely, and Joel has told Renae more than she needs to know, but he wants to make sure she knows every detail of what’s going on - not just for the court.
Rather, because there’s not a day that goes by without her or Joel texting and calling one another. They can’t leave each other alone and the lines have been blurred many times already, by both sides.
Even at the gym, where Renae is currently working out with her cousin, Ally, who’s only a year younger than her. She’ll send him sweaty pump pictures in the locker room mirrors, clearly trying to show her ass and thicker hourglass figure, though with a bit of class. She’s not afraid to admit that she does feel something for Joel, but she knows how careful she must be - in the eyes of the law, the man is still married and Renae is not, and she will never be a homewrecker. But as long as he proceeds with this divorce - which she knows he will - then there’s no issue. Right?
You’re dangerous, you know that?
Renae reads Joel’s message again and again. She couldn’t hide the way her heart flutters or the heat that radiates from her cheeks, even if she wanted to. It’s a natural reaction after continuous texts and conversations that dwell into the deeper parts of one another. Things that Renae wants to learn about, not for her job, but for her to grow closer with him and be able to understand Joel as an individual. Not a married man.
Her thumbs playfully do a little dance above her keyboard while she thinks of a slick response to toy with him even more than she is.
Who me?? Neverrr ;)
“What are you over there cheesin’ about?” Ally questions as she unlocks her locker and starts grabbing her things. Renae and her have grown increasingly close since Gia left for New York, not a replacement by any means but definitely another sister-like relationship.
Joel. She one words Ally as she sets her phone down to pull her large graphic tee over her sticky, sweaty body. Renae’s brought up Joel to Ally before, only briefly - his name and that they met at the diner - but word gets around fast here. Even though she trusts Ally with her life, there are some things that she keeps to herself.
“What’s goin’ on with that by the way?”
The question lingers in the locker room for what seems like thirty seconds, while Renae tries to figure out how far she wants to divulge. On one hand she wants to tell somebody what’s going on because she has all these questions and feelings clouding her conscience. But on the other, she doesn’t want this to blow up in her face later on - with her job or her life - because something like this could mess with her reputation.
She does not want to be known as the sleazy attorney that sleeps with her clients. It would ruin her completely. So Renae decides to keep this to herself.
“Just havin’ some fun, is all.”
His eyes shoot open and his heart sinks, this can’t be good. He raises his right hand above his eyes like a visor so he can see the human figure that stands in the doorway. The raging sun beats down on him and Sarah who’s floating on pool toys in the water to cool off from the yard work they finished an hour ago.
Suddenly Joel’s eyes adjust from the brightness and he sees Tommy waving his hand, motioning Joel to come inside. Serving Annie must’ve not gone as smoothly as he prayed for. But in reality, he knew she was going to make it harder for him and Sarah because there’s nothing simple about Annie.
Small things such as asking her to do a simple load of laundry or dishes turns into a huge debacle in itself, so he can’t even begin to imagine how this went.
“Stay in the shallow end, please,” he reminds Sarah, who’s now swimming back and forth with her bright pink goggles on her eyes, as he pulls his white shirt over his head and wraps his large beach towel around his waist covering his bathing suit. Okay, dad, rings through the backyard creating this little song with the birds that hang out in the trees above her, causing Joel’s cheeks to glow.
Gliding his fingers through the curls that hang in front of his face so they slick back and stick to his drenched head, he builds up the courage to face Maria, who offered to serve the papers. Maria and Annie have gotten into it at least a dozen times before because of the way Annie has tried to create this havoc in Maria’s life, unnecessarily.
Annie’s lost every time.
“How bad?”
Tommy does nothing but spin around and stomp through the four-season porch, then push the screen door open that leads into the kitchen, leaving it open for Joel to follow. But his feet are almost melted to the boiling cement, he can’t move, or at least his mind won’t allow him to. It’s like the wires that connect from his brain to his muscles are malfunctioning, Tommy only acts like this when something goes haywire.
Maybe this divorce wasn’t a good idea…maybe I shoulda’ stuck it out just a little bit longer…I mean, was my life really that bad? I coulda’ faked it longer…but could Sarah? Joel only turns his head to take one more look at his daughter who’s now playing mermaid with her Barbie’s, nothing but a bundle of joy and cuteness. Her brown hair clings to her shoulders and face when she breaks the barrier of the water but quickly disappears when she dives again. No… I’m doing the right thing.
Finally grounding himself, he steps out of the warm comfort of the sun and enters the chilly house. Sliding the screen door shut behind him, he shouts into the empty kitchen asking where they are. “Bedroom,” Tommy responds. Joel inhales deeply through his nose and as he exhales he mumbles, the biggest steps are the hardest but that means you’re movin’ on. Words from Renae that have stuck with Joel and help him get through days like today, days that impact him more than people would think.
Without really preparing himself for whatever fresh hell he’s about to see, he strides to Tommy and Maria’s room where he sees Maria laying down with Tommy next to her. Her nose bloody, right eye swollen, and knuckles a mix of blood and bruises - fuck.
“I’m okay.” Maria reassures him instantly, then turns to her husband, “Tommy! You gotta calm down!” Joel rushes to her side of the bed and kneels on the floor, carefully folding his hands around her hand that lays on the comforter. Apology after apology flies out of his mouth, he never wants this to happen. It's not good for anyone, even if Annie gets put in her place - or an ass beating - because his life is now affecting his little brothers.
“Joel, stop. I offered to do it,” Maria tells him and she continues to reassure him that he has nothing to be sorry about. She’s actually really proud of him for taking this big leap in his life and it all being about Sarah, she finds it’s very admirable that he fights hard for his daughter.
“Thank you,” he mutters, standing up to leave them for the evening knowing that everything’s fine and is going to be. Halfway through the kitchen he stops, partially losing his balance he leans his right hand on the large wooden table to stable himself. His lungs grow and shrink in a slow rhythm, he finally feels relieved.
The biggest steps are the hardest but that means you’re movin’ on.
“Wait…so you’re tellin’ me he cheated on you?”
“Twice. I can’t believe I was that naive, but what can ya do? Just the way the world works I guess.”
Joel’s chuckle feels warm in her ear, like he’s laying next to her in bed letting her head rest on his chest, playing with her fiery hair while her arm wraps around his belly and she squeezes him. But he’s really on the other end of the phone, in his own home, his own room, his own bed. When all she wants is nothing more than to smell his musk and run her acrylics through his salt and pepper curls that lay on the nape of his neck.
Renae rolls onto her stomach, placing her phone between her elbows as she watches “Joel<3” scroll at the top of her screen with an hour and forty-nine minutes underneath. The longest phone call they’ve had yet and somehow, the most memorable. Renae’s finally opening up to him after three weeks, feeling that she can truly trust this man with things she rarely has told anyone.
For once she feels vulnerable and safe at the same time, which she hasn’t felt with anyone in years. It’s like the world is finally rooting for you instead of against, she feels she can maybe relax some more. Just knowing this man is here for her whenever she needs; to simply chat about nonsense or when something is bothering her to the point of irritation, helps heal parts of her she didn’t even know were still bleeding.
“Well, the bastards missed out on the fun one.” Renae can hear the hoarseness in his voice, getting more and more tired as the seconds pass. “The gals like you are the resilient ones. The ones who can make it through anythin’ ‘n may come out with some bruises, but you dust off the dirt ‘n grow from it.”
Her face flush from the genuine words and affirmations from Joel, her stomach bounces around that she rolls onto her back and covers her eyes with both her forearms. She tries to control her breathing from the adrenaline that pumps through her veins, which slows down a tiny bit - but not much.
“You gotta stop doin’ that thing!” She can’t help the giggle that follows her words, like a teenager on her first date.
Doin’ what, Rae? The lowness of Joel’s voice vibrates her phone on her mattress, one of her favorite things he does over the phone. She’s not sure how he does it or if he even knows he’s doing it, all she knows is that she loves it. The nickname started last week, all on Joel’s own and she hasn’t loved the way anyone has called her pet names, since Dominic - Mia Sole, My Sun.
“That right there!” She laughs, “You’re gonna get me in trouble old man.”
“Old man, huh?”
Mhmm, she smiles into her bedroom as she pets Frankie who’s just hopped up next to her. She can’t help herself from toying with him, especially since he bites back or at least he usually does, unless he just lets Renae have her fun taking shots at him. Like tonight, the man had a hard day at work today, he’s pretty sure he tweaked his back a bit - hence why he sounds exhausted.
“Well, young lady…this old man’s tired ‘n your sweet southern charm is rockin me to sleep ‘n I don’t wanna fall asleep while you’re tryna chat-“
“I don’t mind.”
She’s not sure why she blurts that out, it just did. This happens far too frequently for her to not know why her body naturally reacts to him like this, it’s almost like her body is set on matching them together. But nonetheless, she stands ten toes down on her feelings, Renae wants this man to herself.
She’s gonna get him one way or another.
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lookingfts · 5 months
Multi-Chap Fics Pt. 1
If you’re newer to my work, or Kanthony fic in general, I’ll do a few posts sharing my works! First up, multi-chapter stories that have actual plots (as opposed to the purely smut or fluff fics, which we will address in a future post). They are all modern AUs. Part 1 of 2:
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Sharp Edges: Kate dates Ben after she’s rejected by a love-phobic Anthony. But old feelings resurface two years later, when Kate discovers that Ben has cheated on her on the first day of a family holiday at Aubrey Hall.
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The Consultant: Anthony and Kate had a brief relationship in uni and went their separate ways. After ten years, Kate invites Anthony - a successful consultant - to work with her growing company.
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Like I See You: Kate is in a dry spell, so Siena sets her up with Anthony - a very talented phone sex professional that creates several problems for her.
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If I lose myself tonight and Say my name (a series): Kate has hated Anthony since they met, but especially after he broke her sister’s heart. Anthony has long nurtured an attraction that borders on obsession. They make an agreement: Kate will spend one night with him, in exchange for the money to take care of her family and get out of debt.
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You Make Me (A Complete Mess): Kate strikes up a friendship with Violet Bridgerton after a painful divorce...only to find herself with a complicated attraction to Violet's son.
Stay tuned for more!
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kira-anon-uwu · 10 months
Tubbo tries to get his god damn divorce
word count: who fucking knows
summary: no
"Tommy,just sign the fucking papers."
Tommy got on his knees, wailing at his beloved husband. "No, please! I'll change, I'll be a better man! What if Molly married you as well?"
"More marriage isn't going to fix the situation, just sign the divorce papers!"
"But- But- But- But- But- But- But- But- But- But-,", Tommy stuttered, wimpering, "But- But- But- But- But- But- But- But- But- But- But… Think of our children, Tubbo…"
He gestured to the corner, where James Marriott and Jack Manifold were sitting.
"Goo-goo ga-ga,", said James, in a very deep and monitone voice.
"Yeah, no, I'm not fucking doing this,", Tubbo sighed, in a very bitch-like manner, as he got up and left.
He decided to take a long walk, to clear his head and question how he got to this point, eventually getting his phone out and calling the only friend he had with experience in The Law.
Quackity waved as he answered, on facetime somehow despite Tubbo calling him on discord. "Hey man, what's up?"
"Hey, Big Q; do you know anything about divorce court?"
"Not a damn thing, I missed that class to watch a soap opera on stream. what'd you need?"
"Could you be my lawyer? I'm trying to get Tommy to divorce me, but he only wants to talk about kissing without tongue and balls."
"Yeah….. About that…….. I'm actually already his lawyer, so……….. Yeah sorry. Too bad you guys didn't have a pre-nup, bye!"
Tubbo sat there in incredibly shocked silence after the man hung up. Yes, sat; man decided to sit in the middle of the sidewalk to ponder where it all went wrong.
His phone pinged, and he saw a message from Quackity telling him that the 'consultation' he'd just gotten was going to cost him $1 million dollars.
Tubbo could afford that, he was a multi-millionaire and a Tory after all, but not having a lawyer on his side didn't leave him with many options. Well, he *did * have one…..
Murder was legal in the UK if the victim was Tommyinnit; the Queen had spoken it into law when she got her restraining order. May lizzie rest in peace, and all that
Tommy had invoked squatters rights in his efforts to 'save their marriage', and had refused to leave Tubbo's home at all times since every second was a second for him to be wooed. Tubbo had shoved him in the closet where he belonged, hence Tommy's lack of streams as of late, so it would be incredibly easy to murder him and claim his wealth.
More money to the hoard, since Tubbo was a rich Tory that disliked the poor. wow that rhymed, regular eminem in these parts.
Anyways Tubbo got home and committed a horrible, unspeakable crime that will not be spoken so he didn't have to put up with any more of tommyinnit's bullshit.
Dragging the corpse to court gave him an easy win, and a medal of honor for taking out one of the nations loudest people that kept up the corrupt politicians all night.
tubbo got the kids and money and married someone famous and hot. idk who pick some hot guy out of a movie that you'd ship with tubbo and that's his happy ending.
The end.
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f1tyreslightmyfyre · 11 months
Immortal Artistry - Ch. 1
Series Main List
A Vampire AU F1 Fic Featuring Charles Leclerc x Fem!Reader, George Russell x Fem!Reader, hints of Max Verstappen x Fem!Reader, Lestappen, Sebchal, and Sainzell (or Russainz?)
Also on AO3
Ch. 1 Warnings: Language; vampire blood violence
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“Now, remember,” Xavier Marcos Padros instructed. “Señor Leclerc is a very important client of this firm. His family has been with us for nearly 100 years, and we don’t want to cast a poor impression on the newest generation.”
“No, sir.” You agreed, nodding at your boss.
“That is why I want you to personally oversee the meeting.” The lawyer continued. “There is no other paralegal that I trust more with the closure of his documentation. The paperwork has already been signed by his grandfather, and Señor Leclerc just needs a witnessed signature to complete the transfer of estates and power of attorney to his name.”
“Yes, sir.” You bit back an irritated sigh, listening for the third time as your boss explained the situation. As if you haven’t already spent long hours and late nights preparing the Leclerc account paperwork for the all-important transfer and supporting the grandfather’s witnessed signature process. 
“Your work on this family case continues to impress, and I’m confident that you will represent our firm proudly.” He paused to consult his notes. “Now, Señor Leclerc has been arranged for 2100 hrs tomorrow night at his personal request.” He looked back at you unashamedly. “I assume that time won’t be a problem for you.”
Even now, your boss’ haughty words still gnaw at you. Just because the man is a senior partner in one of the world’s most prestigious law firms and you’re fortunate enough to be on his team of paralegals doesn’t mean that you’re not entitled to a life of your own outside of work. All of your clients are wealthy and successful and privileged, and you see no reason why Señor Leclerc should be treated any differently.
But at the end of the day, part of your job is client satisfaction, and your boss won’t hear of you inconveniencing a client, no matter their assets. That’s why you’re still at your desk despite the clock reading 2051 hrs. That’s why you’re still in your pristine business suit and heels while the rest of the building grows dark and empty around you. That’s why the executive conference room table contains the spread of the various official forms for Charles Marc Hervé Perceval Leclerc, III to sign upon his arrival.
You exhale another sigh as you casually scroll through the newsfeed on your phone, skimming headlines and associated ledes.
Earlier this year saw the return of Bennifer, and now, fans are stunned at the return of Brangelina. Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt famously wed in 2014, and Jolie filed for divorce from Pitt just two years later. The divorce proceedings have been anything but amiable, and despite the divorce never being legally finalized, it appears that may no longer be needed…
Among the scores of artwork lost during the chaos and destruction of WWII, two of the most famous pieces have finally resurfaced after more than 75 years. Raphael’s Portrait of a Young Man and da Vinci’s Lady with an Ermine were last seen at the Wawel Castle in 1945, at the home of Hans Frank, who Hitler appointed as governor of the General Government in Poland. The Belgian businessman now in possession of these classic masterpieces has come under investigation as authorities seek to understand how the artwork came into his custody. Historians value the Portrait of a Young Man and the Lady with an Ermine at over €500 million and €300 million, respectively…
New photos released by NASA show an object on the surface of Mars, looking like a lightsaber from the iconic Star Wars series. Despite its appearance, this mysterious item is actually a titanium tube containing a rock sample that rests on the Red Planet’s surface…
You glance at the time, not willing to risk being late, and set your phone down. Smoothing the drape of your suit jacket and matching skirt, your heels echo off the marble as you walk down the empty corridor. The elevator ding breaks the silence, and you glance out over the Monaco skyline as you descend to the front lobby.
With two minutes to spare, you offer a nod in silent greeting to the night guard on duty at the front desk and come to a stop just inside the tall, glass doors. You keep a keen eye on the street for the approach of a dark sedan or SUV, something that won’t be easy to see in the glow of streetlights. But that’s not the vehicle that pulls up to the front kerb.
Actually, you don’t know what kind of vehicle it is, but the vintage bright cherry red sports car is impossible to miss. It screams elegant taste and wicked speed, and with the convertible top down, it puts the driver on full display. His pale skin stands out immediately against the cut of his black suit and as he exits the car, closing the door behind him, it’s a devastating combination. Or, perhaps, it’s just the expertly tailored lines of his suit or the rakish sweep of his brunette hair or the mercurial glow in his green eyes.
You may spend your life catering to the ultra-wealthy and well-dressed, but this man is truly in a league of his own.
Forcing a swallow and hoping your cheeks aren’t too flushed, you step forward to push open the front door. “Good evening, Mr. Leclerc. Welcome.”
He nods, offering a polite smile as he steps inside. “Thank you. And thank you for taking this meeting so late.” His crisp dress shoes echo off the marble in tandem with your footsteps. “Xavi’s office has always been gracious to accommodate my chaotic schedule.”
You nod gently even though his words give you pause. Nothing about him looks chaotic, whether in the details of his appearance or his calm, collected demeanor. In fact, he looks crisp and polished, as if his day has just started. Pushing the thought aside, you guide him towards the elevator lobby. “Of course, sir.” You say as you press the ascent button. “We’re always happy to work with our clients to assure their needs are met.”
“An admirable sentiment.” The corner of Leclerc’s mouth lifts as he motions you first into the elevator. “I think you are new to Xavi’s team as we have not met before, no?”
Your cheeks blush full red hot as you realize your breach of etiquette. “Oh, goodness – yes, I… apologies for not introducing myself.” You give your name and extend your hand which he politely accepts. Immediately, the firmness of his grip, the softness of his skin, and the chilly temperature against your own strikes you.
His eyes glitter under the elevator’s overhead lights. “Pleased to meet you. You already know this, but I’m Charles Leclerc, III. Though, Charles or ‘Charles’ is just fine.”
Even after letting go of his hand, the phantom chill still lingers on your skin. It’s not a particularly cool night outside, as evidenced by the open cockpit of his car, and you can’t put your finger on why his skin should be so chilly. 
He must sense your confusion because a small, sheepish smile comes to his handsome face as he rests a hand in his trousers’ pocket. “I apologize if my cold fingers surprised you… I should have warned you before that I’m cold blooded. I never can seem to get warm.”
“Oh no, please,” you say with a reassuring smile despite the heat rushing to your cheeks and the quickening of your heartbeat as the elevator dings. “You don’t need to apologize – I was just wondering if I could offer you some warm tea.” The words roll off your tongue as you step out of the elevator with him close behind. Thinking on your feet is a key part of your job even if it stresses you out.
“That’s not necessary, though I do appreciate your concern. And you needn’t worry or be so nervous.” He flashes a hint of a teasing, yet reassuring smirk. “I’m not going to give Xavi a poor report about you this evening.”
Your eyes go wide, and you hate that he’s so perceptive. Pushing open the door to the executive conference room, you exhale a gentle sigh. “Thank you, I… I-I’m sorry that you felt the need to say something. I will work to improve in the future.”
“No need.” He shakes his head shortly. “My grandfather says that I unnerve people, so that is something I am also working to improve.”
Is that what it is? Right from his opening comment on chaotic schedules to the chill of his skin, something about him has set you off-balance. You can’t even recall the last time that you forgot to introduce yourself in a business meeting, and yet tonight… tonight is quickly devolving into a night you want to drown with a bottle of wine.
You can’t find an immediate answer, instead turning your attention to the spread of paperwork on the table. “If you’d like to be seated, I have everything arranged for you here.” You watch him move around the table on silent footsteps and fold elegantly into a plush chair as you continue. “I understand that you previously had the opportunity to review the transfer of estates, accounts, and power of attorney paperwork prior to your grandfather signing.”
He nods in confirmation. “Yes, and everything was as expected.”
You nod in return as you motion at the pen resting alongside the first form. “Then, please, feel free to confirm the versions signed by your grandfather align with your understanding prior to signing.”
Stepping back to allow him a modicum of privacy, you fold your hands in front of your jacket and quietly wait. Instead of hideous fluorescent lights, the can ceiling lights emit a soft golden glow that plays handsomely off the tint of his hair and highlights the elegance of his fingers as he traces the words on the paper.
You’ve never met the grandfather – the original Charles Marc Hervé Perceval Leclerc – confined as he is in an exclusive care facility, and the paperwork provides few clues about how he amassed his vast fortune. He became a client in 1946 after rising to wealthy prominence and only continued to add to this fortune and collection of estates. His son - Charles Marc Hervé Perceval Leclerc, II – passed away after a long battle with illness, leaving only his son – the man now seated at the conference table – as the sole heir. But where are the wives and mothers in all of this family business? Are the Leclercs truly so old-fashioned as to only let the men inherit the estates and conduct family business?
Of course, it’s all no business of yours whatsoever. Europe still harbors its pockets of aristocratic thought, and your job isn’t to judge them for it.
Your train of thought derails as you watch Charles reach into the interior pocket of his suit jacket. He withdraws a sleek, black capped pen with gold accents and deftly unscrews the cap. Glancing up at you, he offers another cute, almost shy smile. “You’ll forgive me if I’m a little old-school,” he says as a gleaming gold fountain tip comes into view. “Ball point pens just aren’t as artistically satisfying.”
His signature isn’t the neatest that you’ve ever seen. In fact, next to his grandfather’s, it’s downright illegible aside from the leading C and L. For someone who shuns ball point pens in favor of artistry, you’re surprised that his signature is so… unremarkable.
Wetting your top lip, you take a breath. “If I may… are you an artist, sir?”
The corner of his mouth lifts – whether with amusement or a more private sentiment, you can’t tell. “I have certainly studied art,” he says as he continues to scan and sign the array of papers. “I suppose one could call me a collector of art, but while I claim paltry skill with a brush, I do favor myself for having an appreciation of beautiful pieces.”
Admittedly, understanding the art of art isn’t something you pride yourself on. You appreciate museums and the history they hold, but you’re not all that familiar with art history or defining characteristics of art over the centuries. Slowly, you nod as he recaps the pen. “It sounds like you would have seen a lot of interesting pieces over the course of your studies.”
His eyes flash with something you can’t place – something predatory, something fond, something satisfying. “Yes,” he says at length as he rises. “I have seen much, with much still left yet to see.”
All at once, you remember the late evening hour. “Of course, sir, please – I don’t mean to keep you any longer than you need.”
“It’s no trouble, and your curiosity is not unwelcome.” A charming smile warms his face. “Actually, it’s flattering that despite this suit you would still consider me to be an artist.”
Your brow furrows as a confused smile slants the corner of your mouth. “Artists come in all shapes and sizes, don’t they? Just because you’re not starving and dressed in rags doesn’t mean that you couldn’t be an artist.”
“Art is what we make of it, non? As are those who create it.” He steps towards you and the door, offering the clumsiest attempt at a wink you’ve ever seen. “And that is for each of us to decide.”
Maybe it’s the sonorous tone of his voice or the light glinting in his green – or grey? Or hazel? – eyes, but you can’t look away. He’s utterly gorgeous and your body heats up in appreciation of this handsome man standing before you. The scent of cedar, citrus and earth reaches your nose – and fuck, how did you not notice his cologne earlier? It entrances you, and the longer you hold his gaze, the more you feel yourself floating…
Until he blinks away and motions towards the door. “After you.”
Shaking from your stupor, another embarrassed flush stains your cheeks as you move towards the elevator. He’s hardly the first supremely attractive man that you’ve interacted with on this job, but none of them have rendered you so stupid before.
“My grandfather says that I unnerve people, so that is something I am also working to improve.”
You brush the memory of his earlier words aside, swallowing your unease as you search for something to say. “Thank you again for coming by this evening.” You finally say, sticking to the safe topic at hand. “I’ll file the paperwork in the morning, and Señor Padros will be in touch if there are any unforeseen complications with the transfer.”
“I have complete faith in Xavi, and you, by extension.” Charles says breezily as you both step into the elevator. “He has served my grandfather well, and no doubt, will continue to serve me well in his stead.”
The odd choice of words strikes you. You don’t consider yourself in the service industry and you’re pretty sure that your boss doesn’t consider himself a servant to the wealthy elite, but maybe it’s just another indicator of how old-school this young man next to you truly is.  
“As always, we appreciate your support and business.” You say on professional reflex, despite the distracting scent of Charles’ cologne that you can’t stop noticing. “I will be sure to pass along your reassurance to Señor Padros.”
“Again, there is no need.” He flashes another reassuring smile as the elevator doors open to the main lobby. “I owe Xavi a visit soon to discuss further matters and I will gladly tell him in person.”
His words beg further questions in your mind but you know better than to ask. Whatever relationship he has with your boss – professional or otherwise – is also certainly none of your business.
Your heels click to a stop near the front door and he pauses beside you. With a bow of his head, he holds your gaze as he speaks. “Thank you again for accommodating such a late meeting. It’s been an unexpected pleasure.”
“Thank you, sir. You, too.” You nod in thanks as he turns for the door. “I hope that you have a good rest of your evening.”
His mouth slants with a wicked grin as he pushes out into the dark night. “Of course. I’m just getting started, after all.”
A shiver crawls down your spine as he saunters up to his red car and sinks down into the plush leather seating. The glass building façade muffles the revving engine, but as he shoots off into the night, you’re left with more questions than answers.
Sighing deep, you offer a good night wave to the front desk guard, focused only on getting your bag and going home. The trip back to your desk and down to the parking garage passes in a familiar blur only broken when the elevator doors ding open. Yellow light from the sodium-vapor lamps paint the concrete surroundings in a hideous, monochromatic glow. Even through the glass doors of the elevator lobby, the ubiquitous buzzing of the light fixtures can still be heard. But it’s the frustrated groans of a tall, slender man carrying a box piled high with file folders and trying to pull the doors open that draws your attention.
“Here,” you say in greeting, offering a friendly smile as you step up to assist with the door handle. “It looks like you’ve got your arms full – literally.”
“Oh, thank you.” The man turns brilliant, blinding blue eyes on you and a megawatt smile around his posh British syllables. “You have no idea just how heavy this box is.”
You hold the door open for him as he steps through, maneuvering the box and his messenger bag through the opening. “You’re welcome. Do you have a big case ahead?”
“Yeah,” he says with a nod as the door closes behind you. “Boss needs recommendations by noon tomorrow and I’m so far behind.”
“Ugh,” you groan in commiseration. “I’ve been there, too – it can be so fast-paced sometimes. Who’s your boss?”
“Musconi. He’s not one of the senior partners or anything – not like Padros or Bonnington – but, well, I’ve only been here for a few weeks, so I’m still learning. I’m George Russell, by the way. I’d offer you my hand, but well…” He shrugs and flashes another handsome smile as he hefts the box in his hands.
“No worries, George.” You say before offering your own name. “Welcome to the firm. I hope you continue to settle in alright.”
“Thank you. Everyone’s been really helpful so far.”
You spot your car ahead and turn to offer him a wave. “Well, if I can help with anything, please let me know; otherwise, have a good evening and see you around, George.”
“Lovely to meet you, and thanks again!” He calls out after you, poorly attempting to offer a wave despite his full arms.
As you start the ignition and drive through the garage, you just catch George rounding a concrete pillar to another car.
You don’t see George open the car’s boot, depositing the box and bag before slamming the top down. You don’t see George reach into the backseat, to the dead body slumped across the backseat like someone sleeping. You don’t see George tuck the borrowed employee badge back into the man’s pocket before sliding into the driver’s seat.
And you definitely don’t hear George make a phone call as he drives off. “Yeah… Leclerc just left, and I’ve made contact.”
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“Quel est l’ordre, Lieutenant?”
Charles slows his steps, surveying his assembled platoon of French and Monegasque soldiers as he answers in French. “We’re stopping here for the night.”
Beaufort glares over at Charles. “Stopping here, sir?” He glances around at the splintered remains of the French woodlands, the craters in the earth, and the tree shards that litter everywhere. “I’ll roll over and get a splinter in my ass.”
“Better than up your ass!” Moreau bellows as he laughs at his own jab and a few others join in.
Charles can’t say that he disagrees, but he’s careful to keep the amusement from his face. “Either way, I suggest that you use this last bit of daylight to clear a resting place that won’t result in needing medical aid.”
A low murmur of chuckles and assent rises from his men as they start to settle into the destruction. Other platoons flank them on all sides, making similar encampments as they stretch out among the shattered trees and the growing shadows of twilight that rapidly obscure into darkness.
For days now, they’ve been marching through burned and battered countryside, each ruined village indistinguishable from the next. The Panzers prove relentless in their siege, and the Luftwaffe bombs haven’t helped, either. Charles isn’t a high enough rank to possess a map, but his basic knowledge of the sky from training indicates a steady march in a northwesterly direction.
Fall back to Dunkirk. That’s his command from on high.
He yawns as he continues to survey his men. They number so few now, and the missing faces will haunt the rest of his days. As their commanding officer, he knows every last man in his platoon, but now… only a handful remain. A handful that he is personally responsible for leading out of this hell and into the unknown.
If the Allied Forces are well and truly surrounded, what fresh horrors await them when the enemy finally catches up to them in Dunkirk? Will the British prioritize evacuation of their own troops first? What chance does he stand to ever get back home to Monaco?
But wars are lost on pointless thoughts like that. Thinking so far ahead won’t serve him well in the here and now. He just needs to solve this problem, and then solve the next problem. To stay alive and always keep moving forward.
Someday – when Charles has access to endless alcohol and a real bed – he’ll lose himself to those other dark, destructive musings.
“Merde, that’s an ill wind, isn’t it?” Severin’s voice carries low in the night.
“Sure… like ghosts are riding its wings.” Porcher agrees with a grumble as the sound of a hand slapping thick fabric becomes audible. “But no more of that talk. Between the Jerrys, your ass, and these damnable tree roots, I don’t need any extra help from nightmares for not sleeping.”
Allowing his lips to quirk in the cover of darkness, Charles turns from his men, satisfied that they’re settling in well enough for the night. He slows and steadies his footfalls, not wanting to disturb anyone as he makes his way through the dimly lit landscape.
Moments alone are truly rare, but he can steal a few to relieve himself. Counting his steps to gauge his return, the sounds of men snoring, breathing, talking and coughing fade into the breeze.
True peaceful silence at last.
Charles closes his eyes, indulging it for the space of a breath, before going about his business. His eyes roam skyward, catching glimpses of starlight through the wispy clouds. In his mind’s eye, he imagines the brush strokes to try and capture such splendor on canvas. It makes him long to return to his position at the art institute, to nurture creation instead of destruction. With a sigh, he looks back down to the war-torn ground, righting his uniform and webbing. In truth, it’s better not to dally.
A cigarette is his next order of business. It helps him forget about his toothbrush that went missing during a forward advance some weeks back.
In complete silence, strong, vice-like hands grip his shoulders out of the darkness, throwing Charles off his feet. He hits the ground hard, breath forced from his chest and stealing his voice as plain blooms in the back of his skull. His assailant looms over him, a shapeless shadow that pins him to the ground with effortless ease.
Charles kicks feebly as his vision swims, thrashing to dislodge his attacker and break free from the commanding hold. But the impossibly cold weight above him remains immobile, crushing him into the muddy ground. Surely, this must be another man… but a German soldier? Or possibly a confused Allied soldier?
Icy fingers suddenly claw at the collar of Charles’ uniform, wool and buttons shearing easily as horror creeps into Charles’ rising panic. The dark shadow above him bears down, unbothered by Charles’ desperate attempts to scratch and claw along his back. Twin points of searing pain explode in Charles’ neck as sharp, pointed teeth rip through his skin. A strangled cry rasps in Charles’ throat against the agony as the shape of the attacker’s mouth changes, and he seals his lips to Charles’ skin, supping greedily as he pulls suction.
A new sensation erupts – one of ragged, exquisite pleasure – that mixes with the blinding pain to ebb and flow through his entire body. Charles’ mind overloads at the onslaught as his body grows stiller and more pliant. His pitiful protests become sluggish as a creeping fog eats at the very center of his being. His arms fall to the ground, weakened and motionless as the delicious, terrifying pressure continues on his neck.
And then… only darkness.
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lavellenchanted · 8 months
💛 & OTP: I want the whole damn thing
💛 Reunion Kiss/Relief
Jackson's an interminably long board meeting when it happens, trying to make sense of the world's most boring financial presentation, so he doesn't immediately notice the news bulletin popping up on his phone. It's only when they start hearing voices in the corridor and someone runs past the board room window that they all start to realise something's going on, and Jackson suddenly catches sight of the blinking red notification on his phone screen.
"Multi-car pile up," he explains shortly to the board, already on his feet and heading for the door, scrolling down for more information. "I'm guessing we're the nearest hospital - it's gonna be all hands on deck, so if you're qualified to hold a scalpel, get down to the pit."
(Frank, still holding the clicker for his presentation, looks thoroughly relieved that his only qualification is in accountancy.)
Halfway down the corridor, Jackson stops dead. A cold shiver run down his spine and it feels like his stomach has dropped out of him entirely as he sees the location of the accident. That's April's route to work.
Immediately he brings up her number and dials - but it goes straight to voicemail, and he wants to be sick. He shoots her off a quick text and then tries ringing again and again as he heads down to the E.R.
Each time it goes to voicemail.
He tries to tell himself not to panic. The phone lines are probably horrendously busy with people trying to contact emergency services or friends and family to make sure they're alright, and April not answering might just mean she's not looking at her phone. She's probably trying to help, if she is near there.
He tells himself that, but all he can think of is Ben calling him, telling him he was going to have to perform a C-section on April in her kitchen, of April quarantined behind glass, of watching April on the operating table of Grey-Sloan.
(How much luck can one person have?)
"Pick up, damn it!" he shouts as her voicemail message plays again, and a nurse passing jumps in fright.
"Dr Avery? Is everything okay?"
"I'm sorry, I'm just - I'm worried about my wife."
The word slips out automatically, and it's only after he says it that he remembers that, technically, April isn't his wife any more. Because he was stupid enough to divorce her. They're not even dating, despite the fact that they've been living together since they came to Boston, are raising Harriet together.
And yet he never really stopped thinking of her in that way, did he? Even when they were separated, when he was dating other women, when she was marrying someone else, he still thought of her as his.
"Has a woman called April Kepner been brought in? Late thirties, red hair?"
The nurse shakes her head. "I don't think so - not that I've seen. I'll check for you."
She scurries away, but before Jackson can follow or try to ring April again he's stopped and asked for a consult, and then another, and another, and then he gets pulled into a surgery and loses all track of time.
The whole way through he's repeating silently, Please, God. Please let her be okay. Please let me get another chance. I promise I won't waste this one.
His faith still isn't as strong as April's, he doubts it ever will be. Half the time he's not even really sure what it is he believes in. But it's comforting to pray, whether anyone's listening or not.
When he's finally finished and comes back out into the corridor, he immediately pulls his phone out. It's been nearly five hours, and there's still nothing from April. He wants to scream.
And then -
"There's no signs of internal bleeding, but get a CT scan just to be sure."
He spins round, his heart in his throat. April's just coming out of a patient room with an intern; she's in jeans an a tshirt instead of scrubs, dirt and what looks like splashes of blood staining them, her hair scraped back and a band-aid on her forehead, but she's alive and whole and the most beautiful thing Jackson's ever seen.
"Jackson, there you are!" Her face lights up as she turns and sees him. Relief crashing over him, he starts running towards her. "I tried to find you but they said you were in surgery. I came with one of the -"
He cuts her off by pulling her into his arms and soundly kissing her. How she got here doesn't really seem to matter any more, just that she is here and uninjured.
She lets out a little sound of shock, and then melts into him the way she always has, her hands coming up to clutch at his scrubs. The feel of her lips is achingly familiar against his, and he rains kisses down on them, one after another, trying to make up for every time he should have kissed her but didn't. And his heart sings as she lifts herself up on tip-toes and kisses him back, meeting each stroke of his mouth with one of her own.
Finally he pulls back, but only enough to rest his forehead against hers.
"You weren't answering your phone," he says quietly.
"I was doing triage at the scene, and then the battery died. I'm sorry."
"You're alright?"
"Totally fine. I promise."
For the first time since he saw the notification on his phone, he starts to relax.
"Dr Avery?" Glancing up, he sees the nurse he was talking to earlier at the end of the corridor. "You found your wife, then?"
Jackson looks down at April, who's smiling knowingly up at him, a warmth in her eyes that gives him the confidence to reply, "Yeah. Yeah, I did."
kiss prompts
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one-inspiring · 2 months
Divorce Depression Support & Coaching | Divorce Coach Near You in the UK
Struggling with divorce depression? Get expert divorce support and personalized coaching from a certified divorce coach near you in the UK. Visit www.nakeddivorce.com to start your recovery journey today.
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Enhancing Legal Efficiency: The Rise of Document Drafting Services in Australia
In the legal landscape of Australia, the art of drafting documents is a fundamental yet intricate task that commands precision and expert knowledge. Traditionally seen as a labor-intensive process, the evolution of technology has brought about significant changes, most notably through Professional Document Drafting Australia. This transformation not only streamlines the creation of legal documents but also significantly enhances the accuracy and accessibility of legal services across the nation.
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The Importance of Professional Document Drafting in Australia
The Professional Document Drafting Australia plays a pivotal role in ensuring that legal documents are crafted with precision and adherence to the relevant laws and regulations. These documents, whether they pertain to corporate affairs, personal estate planning, or contractual agreements, form the backbone of legal clarity and dispute resolution. The need for professional drafting services is crucial in a country governed by complex legal systems across its states and territories.
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With advancements in legal technology, Professional Document Drafting Australia has seen a transformation that benefits both legal professionals and their clients. Automation tools and specialized software have made the drafting process faster and less prone to human error, which in turn reduces the costs and time associated with manual drafting. This technological integration ensures that legal documents are more accessible and reliable than ever before.
The Shift to Online Legal Document Preparation
The digital age has brought about a notable change toward online legal document preparation. This service allows individuals and businesses to prepare legal documents through online platforms without the need for face-to-face consultations. The convenience and efficiency offered by these online services have made them increasingly popular among those seeking to handle legal matters swiftly and effectively.
Benefits of Online Legal Document Preparation
Online Legal Document Preparation offers several advantages, including reduced costs and enhanced convenience. Particularly helpful for those living in rural locations or unable to readily access conventional legal services, users of these services can access them from anywhere, at any time. This mode of document preparation also allows for quick revisions and adaptations to documents as legal needs evolve.
Integrating Professional and Online Document Services
Integrating Professional Document Drafting Australia with Online Legal Document Preparation creates a comprehensive service model that caters to the diverse needs of the Australian populace. This hybrid approach not only maximizes the accessibility of professional document drafting but also leverages the speed and convenience of online platforms, ensuring that all Australians have access to high-quality legal document services.
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A new answer to traditional problems, Professional Document Drafting Australia and Online Legal Document Preparation meets the growing demand for efficient and precise legal document services. Melbourneinternationallawyers.com.au offers resources and experienced advice for those interested in these services. This website is a link to the future of legal document preparation, giving bespoke solutions to meet the legal needs of Australian individuals and businesses, improving legal services in the digital age.
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xsweetcatastrophe · 7 months
You Broke Me First
Part 2
"Started without me?" Cillian said, as the bartender placed down your beer in front of you.
"Yea, was thirsty" Zoe said, taking a sip. "Would you like anything? I have a tab open"
"I'll take a Guinness. Irish" He said to the bartender, who nodded.
"Oh, fitting" Zoe said, as the bartender placed his drink down in front of him.
"what you mean?"
"well, you're like the token Irish actor of the moment, of course you drink Guinness" Zoe replied, taking another drink of her beer.
"You're talking like someone who's never had a Guinness"
"You're correct, never have"
"You gotta try. Right now," Cillian said, holding out his drink.
Zoe hesitantly took his glass from him, and brought it to her lips. Once the liquid passed her lips, she choked back a cough.
"That's disgusting," She said, eyes squeezed shut and handing him the drink back, "You drink that for fun???"
Cillian laughed and took a swig of the drink. "Ahh, your generation ruined drinking. All any of you youngin's want is seltzers and shit"
"My generation - I'm literally drinking a beer" Zoe said, motioning to her half drank glass. I'm gonna need another one of these I think, she thought to herself.
"Ohhh, now who doesn't like being typecast," he replied, eyebrows raised with a smirk.
"yea.. but my observation was right... you're Irish and ordered a Guinness. You're just wrong" Zoe replied. This is off to a good start, she thought.
"You can't tell me you never had one of those stupid seltzers before in your life" Cillian replied.
"Of course I have, but they're not my favorite. If they were, I would of ordered one of the stupid seltzers, and I didn't, right?" She said, looking at the bartender for help.
"If it's any consultation, we don't sell any of the stupid seltzers you speak of" said the bartender carefully, who was staring at them wide eyed as they argued over something within 30 seconds of him arriving.
"Alright. whatever. Lets get this over with," Cillian said, downing his drink and asking for another.
Zoe let out a laugh. One of first things she read about him when she was assigned this interview was that 1) Cillian Murphy was insanely private, 2) he's in the middle of a messy divorce, and 3) He HATES interiews.
"What's funny?"
"wow, so it's true - you really hate interviews" Zoe said, also asking the bartender for another drink.
"It depends. I like talking about the work. Not about me. And not about my life. You people think you can have access to every little aspect of actors lives" Cillian mumbled, watching the bartender pour his drink.
"Well, I'm sorry I bother you so much. If you'd like, we can reschedule -" Zoe started, already annoyed and wanting to go home.
"No no, it's ok, sorry. Just came from a meeting with my lawyer across town. It was last minute. that's why I was late. Sorry. Let's start" Cillian said, sighing and motioning to her tape recorder.
Zoe took a deep breath. Be professional, she thought. Do your job. Then you can go home and put on sweats and not leave the couch for the rest of the night.
"I promise, this won't take long" Zoe said, pressing the record button. "An hour, tops."
Zoe woke up with a massive headache.
I can't drink like this anymore she thought, eyes still closed.
God, I drank so much I fell asleep on the other side of the bed she thought, as she reached out for her phone which she was hoping to be on her end table, still with her eyes closed.
Her eyes hit what she felt like was a shoulder blade. Her eyes shot open.
She was not in her apartment. She was not in her bed. She was not in her room.
And she wasn't alone.
tags: @lau219
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fluffypotatey · 5 months
OK SO! the tommyinnit 101. technically this isn't really tied to an smp though.
so first we must start at the very beginning. the dream smp. in late 2020-early 2021, the dream smp was at the height of its popularity, and tommyinnit played one of its most prominent characters (tommy, henceforth referred to as c!tommy). now the thing about c!tommy is that both he and cc!tommy (idk if i've talked about the c! vs cc! divide before but that is its own 101) were under 18 at the time, and therefore if you shipped his character with anyone about 70% of the fandom would tear you apart.
honestly dsmp isn't too relevant here, though, except to introduce tommy and tubbo. you see, in a world of straight men using their little block guys to flirt with one another, tommy was Very vocal about loving women. being Straight was part of his Bit in the same way that being Annoying and playing the able sisters music from animal crossing was.
anyways in late 2022 he uploaded a vlog of him and tubbo getting married, tubbo mostly against his will. they pulled out all the stops- got an ordained minister (their friend scott, who you may recognize from the life series 101s) to do a little ceremony, had a lot of their friends acting as different members of the wedding party, even signed and filed real paperwork!
yep. that's right. they signed legal fucking paperwork. i've heard that tubbo didn't even know it was a marriage certificate, he thought it was a waiver for being in the video or smth. that's right, known straight man tommyinnit tricked his best friend into getting Real Life Legally Married to him, presumably just for shits and giggles.
This fact went unnoticed until mid-late 2023. tubbo was playing on the QSMP with some other people (i know FitMC, not sure who else), and was joking about going to Vegas and getting married to Fit. and then tubbo realized he was still married to tommy.
also, around that time, tommy wrote and published (to wattpad) a rpf crack fic called Tommy x Tubbo Love Triangle, where tommy leaves his Real Life Girlfriend molly for tubbo (molly dies directly afterwards because it was so romantic) and then he and tubbo kiss without tongue. tubbo was not consulted during the production of this fanfiction.
after learning about the marriage, tubbo started working to get a Real Life Divorce from his Real Life Friend Tom. tommy refused to sign the paperwork. if any of this ever goes to court tubbo fully intends to livestream the whole thing.
around 2 months ago, tommy did a parody of "I'm Just Ken" called "I'm Just Tom," in which he begs tubbo not to divorce him. it must be seen to be believed. idk if the link will work in an ask but i need you to see it https://youtu.be/laAPXcxjDlI?si=wPQM3ZJHBIv11Cfr
also if you're wondering how molly, tommy's Real Life Girlfriend, feels about all of this? she thinks it's hilarious. for the past month or two-ish (?), tommy's been doing a stand-up comedy tour in america (because they are all british), and at the same time tubbo's been doing a subathon (aka tubbathon bc it's tubbo) (a subathon is a twitch stream with a timer on it. the stream ends when the timer finishes out, and whenever someone subscribes to the streamer's channel more time is added) (the tubbathon is still going btw and isn't slowing down anytime soon). at one point molly came onto the tubbathon, and tubbo bought her a new phone bc hers was shit. (directly afterwards tommy posted a vlog about it, saying he felt like he was being cucked by his gay husband)
fans have dubbed these three the nightmare polycule, and it's not hard to see why.
and then, finally, this morning (last night in england time), tommy and tubbo were on a phone call. tubbo (gay) encouraged tommy to "say the f slur!" and tommy said, and i quote, "I'm bicurious, so I guess I could say like a fifth of it. [Tochat] Hear that, ya -ggots?"
i needed to tell you all of this so that you would understand the full insanity of all of this. there are some bits that don't really translate unless you were a dsmp fan in the 2020-2021 era, but i need you to see the ongoing insanity this man creates. he had been planning to use that joke for his live comedy show
ok uh
i some pointers on his singing voice (a bit too belty there, that'll damage the throat later, some vowels need rounding)
hilarious that he rhymed Tom with arm
reading this was like a fever dream
molly is me tbh this is the most hilarious drama i have ever read
his comedic timing is beautiful
what the fuck
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Ultimately I think Harry choose to come with out Meghan and I think she's pissed off about it but the public won't hear about it until the divorce. I think they honestly believed they would get an apology and that they had allll the ammunition to get anything they wanted this time around. Part of that would be to include his children more frequently for birthday posts, and photos and such. [I 10000% meghan wanted a birthday acknowledgment on the day of- she is THAT crazy]
The thing that's changed is shes learning she can't play all her cards at once, it hasn't happened very often but theres been a few articles that mention her mistakes (the jubliee last year with the booing) or rules for Harry around his family, there is an element of humanizing going on that I haven't really seen with her. It's always been shes the best at everything ever. She doesn't need to be taught anything shes just naturally good. This viewpoint has consistently come across as fake and it's a problem she desperately needs to solve if she wants to see long term success in Hollywood.
And it somewhat looked like she was addressing it, until she leaked that damn letter story. It made waves for 24 hours before falling off completely and that's bad news bears for her. That was a story she was keeping in her back pocket to keep her name in the news and she tried the same formula she used on her dad and with everything that's happened over the last 6+ months it failed miserably.
And since then shes almost entirely distanced herself from anything royal related. The page six leak referred to her as 'markle' and highlighted her wanting to move on.
I don't think the letter worked out the way she expected. She didn't think people would realize it was the same tactic she'd used on her dad.
They did think they would get more. Remember when they were asking for a "summit" with Welby and Geidt as negotiators? And they wanted an apology and public "acknowledgement" of wrongdoing by the royals? LOLOLOLOLOL.
I don't think she's learning. I don't think she's capable of it. She's now forty and she is who she is. Her press is acknowledging mistakes because they don't have any other choice. By now it's clear that it's not the racist royal family and it's not the racist British press.
They've had THREE years with tons of money, piles of contracts and the best consultants unlimited money can buy and they have nothing but tawdry family gossip to show for it. They had a prize-winning biographer ghostwriting Harry's book and the result was "frozen toddler" jokes. They had another prize-winning creative helming their documentary and got phone camera footage of Meghan in a towel. There's no big charity project. There's no big activism movement. There's not big political platform. There's nothing. They have to acknowledge that. There's only so much lipstick you can put on this pig.
Yes, now she's distancing herself, but it's not because she has any creative ideas or projects up her sleeve. She's distancing herself because she blames the family for her failure. It's always someone else's fault.
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dorlezzie · 4 months
draft #3; marauders x tlou
[marauders, the last of us au; 631 words] song; exit music (for a film) - radiohead
when she smiles, laughing at some joke james didn’t even hear, the ache in his chest starts consuming him again. a burning hole threatening to swallow him if he does not distance himself. because everytime, it’s not marlene he sees, but his son, his baby boy, his harry. harry’s gone since the beginning. it’s been fifteen years, but the empty space never left. the grief is still a painful process— as he did nothing to process it. actually, he had just bottled things up, refusing to admit the truth; he was dying inside. it felt as if he’d been missing a part of him, an arm, a leg, a lung. not really able to breathe right since he left. 
harry’s been taken from him so abruptly, james was never able to accept it. this night haunts him, the way it happened so fast. lily and him were already divorced; more because they didn’t have the same vision for the future, not because they did not love each other anymore. lily had moved to the city, she was such a talented painter, james’ house was still full of her works. he was his first supporter, and it did not end as their marriage.
harry was seven when the break happened; it was james’ week. harry was at school, james was at the cabinet and everything was perfectly normal. something he couldn’t even imagine anymore, couldn’t even fantasize. he’d just finished a consultation; a dog strangely agitated since the morning. it was the last one of the day, as he’d always arranged his agenda to get his son out of school. well, if he had to recall, james would say some events made him feel uneasy. a coworker not showing up, the radio recalling agitated foreign cities, a day full of animals acting strangely, snarling at their owner for no apparent reason— and james had learned to always trust their instinct. sirius had texted him, telling something was off. he had loads of colleagues calling in sick, and some acting weird. so when he went for harry, he was not surprised to see lily’s name on his phone. they were regularly talking, because he knew her since he was eleven and never intended on letting her go. she was still his best friend. something’s weird, james. people are agitated, she’d said. i’m on my way to get harry, he’d replied. do you think you could come here, just in case? i’m not finished ‘til seven. i’ll come by tomorrow morning, okay?  okay, love. take care, and call me if needed. 
this was their last conversation for months. 
everything got fucked up in the hours that followed. sirius and remus arrived in their pick-up in the middle of the night, the moment distress flares lit up the sky. as soon as they parked in front of the house, him and harry jumped in the car. his boy was scared, trembling and on the verge of tears. but he was doing so well, he’d been so brave in the surrounding chaos. “it’s okay, baby” he kept repeating, over and over again, stroking his hair in the back of the truck. “i’m here. you’re safe, my love” and harry believed him. james lied right to his face, because in the end, he failed to protect him. james closes his eyes, refusing to live through this again. so instead, he just glares at marlene, standing up and getting his bag; 
“we’re going” he tells her, without the shadow of a doubt in his voice. “i haven’t finished my chef boyardee!” she says with a snobby accent, stuffing the last raviolis in her mouth. 
harry used to do the exact same thing. putting as much as his mouth could take, before smiling disgustingly. marlene smiles. james turns around.
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blackbird-brewster · 4 months
Good Vibrations - Part 3
Tara/Rebecca || Rated: Explicit || WC: 1065 Fills: Masturbation (for @cmkinkbingo2024 and @storiesofsvu bday bingo) Additional Tags: Established relationship, vibrators, shower masturbation, long-distance
Just because they're not in the same place doesn't mean Tara's girlfriend can't help get her off.
[Read on AO3] || [Kink Bingo Masterlist]
Tara tossed her go-bag onto the bed and kicked off her shoes. She'd been on the road for a week and even this run-down hotel room was better than trying to sleep in her car. Everything changed with the pandemic and her job was no exception. Between budget cuts and restructuring, the BAU operated on bare bones nowadays. Tara's role was mostly nomadic, travelling from town to town whenever a profiler's expertise was needed on a case.
She adjusted more quickly than JJ, who was doing the same kind of consulting, but then again, Tara didn't have a spouse and kids waiting for her in DC. Unlike JJ, Tara had spent the past seven years being single, which was exactly how she preferred it. She'd been married before, been divorced, fell in love again, got engaged again, but that relationship fell apart shortly after she joined the BAU. In hindsight, she was grateful she cut Doug loose before they tied the knot.
Tara Lewis didn't need man in her life. She was the epitome of a strong, independent woman. She put all her focus on her work and if anyone enquired about her relationship status, she'd joke she was married to the job. No, Tara didn't need a man in her life, but as of four weeks ago, she realised, perhaps, what she actually needed was a woman.
She met Rebecca through an Al-Anon meeting at the bureau and they hit it off right away. They grabbed coffee together a few days later and wound up spending the entire afternoon getting to know each other. From that first day, Tara found herself completely enamoured.
Rebecca was also career driven and fiercely independent, so Tara's frequent trips away didn't bother her. They made it work when they were apart, and Tara's schedule just meant when they did get time together, it was all the more special.
Her new relationship didn't change her life as radically as she'd feared. Mostly, she and Rebecca would share a night together when Tara was in DC, then they'd share a few messages or calls while she was on the road. The whole thing was rather lowkey, to the point Tara hadn't even told her friends about it yet. Not because she was ashamed of her relationship, but rather the opposite, she didn't see the need to make big deal of it.
After three days of nonstop driving, Tara was looking forward to a hot shower and a good night's sleep. She pulled her long hair into a tight bun, stripped out of her dirty clothes, and headed to the bathroom. She'd brought her phone with her, more out of habit than anything, and it pinged to alert her of a new message.
She smiled seeing Rebecca had sent her a nearly two minute voice note. By now, Tara knew what these voice notes usually entailed. She quickly ran back to her bag to dig out a small vibrator. She turned it to standby mode, before sending a confirmation text.
[Just jumping in the shower. Feel free to use the app...] sent at 20:11
Rebecca's reply didn't come through the phone, instead her acknowledgment was received as the vibrator began to pulsate in Tara's hand. The app controlled device had been Rebecca's idea and Tara had to admit, it was well worth the money. No matter where she was, Rebecca had the power to get her girlfriend off.
Tara stepped into the shower, slipped the vibrator in her cunt, and finally pressed play on the voice note. The hot water felt heavenly on her sore muscles, but her attention was more focused on her girlfriend's voice as it filled the small bathroom. Rebecca really did have a way with words, whether that was a natural talent or a byproduct of being a lawyer, Tara couldn't say. Either way, Rebecca's husky voice came through the phone, detailing all of the things she wished she could be doing to her girlfriend.
Tara leaned against the wall, hiking one foot up to the side of tub to position the external part of the toy over her clit. The vibration intensity changed suddenly and her toes curled. She closed her eyes and let herself get absorbed in Rebecca's dirty talk, all while knowing her girlfriend could control the device to her liking. Just as soon as that thought crossed her mind, the pulsations changed again, short, strong bursts sent shivers through her entire body. Her hand clamped around the vibrator to hold it in the perfect spot, each pulse pushed her closer to release. She was moaning Rebecca's name to an empty room, each syllable echoing off the tile walls.
It felt incredible, but she need more. She mentally begged for more, praying her partner would somehow hear her. Her pleading whispers of 'more, more, please, more' went unanswered as the toy's vibration pattern stayed the same. She was two seconds away from taking control herself, when the vibrator suddenly maxed out on the highest intensity. She shrieked, her cunt clenching around the toy involuntarily, as her orgasm hit without warning. She turned to bury her face in her shoulder to muffle an obscenely loud moan.
The vibration pattern changed again sending unpredictable bursts of pleasure, before stopping completely for beat or two, only to come back on with an even higher intensity. Any other time, she might have worried about the neighbouring guests hearing the obscenities she was yelling, she might have even been embarrassed about it too, but currently, her brain was nothing but endorphins as she coasted through her second orgasm in five minutes.
When she had control of her limbs again, she pulled the vibrator out and powered it off manually to cut off Rebecca's ability to control it. Her legs felt like jelly as she cut the shower off and simply slipped down to sit in the tub while she tried to recover.
Her phone rang and she answered it with a breathy, "Jesus christ, Bee."
"Yeah, I figured you'd like that," Rebecca chuckled. "I think I'm really getting the hang of this app now."
"You sure are." Tara muttered back.
Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3
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