#Divorce in all suburbs in Australia
Melbourne's Gateway to Homeownership: Navigating Affordable Conveyancing Options
Imagine a young couple, first-time homebuyers, filled with dreams and aspirations as they navigate the complex world of real estate in Melbourne. Their journey brings to light the critical role played by Affordable Conveyancing Melbourne. This essential service ensures that homeownership becomes a reality for many by making legal services accessible and affordable, effectively removing the legal hurdles that can often stand in the way of achieving their dreams.
Introduction to Affordable Conveyancing Melbourne
In the bustling real estate market of Melbourne, the role of Affordable Conveyancing Melbourne cannot be overstated. By providing services that make the legal aspects of buying and selling properties accessible to a broader audience, these conveyancers help individuals and families—particularly those purchasing a home for the first time. They might otherwise be deterred by the traditionally high costs associated with property transactions, facilitating a more inclusive and diverse property ownership landscape.
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The Advantages of Affordable Conveyancing Services
For those navigating the financial challenges of buying a home, choosing Affordable Conveyancing Melbourne means accessing a service with a transparent cost structure that helps avoid unexpected fees and ensures a smoother transaction process. This affordability is crucial for first-time buyers and budget-conscious individuals who need to manage their finances carefully without compromising the quality of legal support needed during such significant transactions.
Expertise at Your Fingertips: Conveyancing Experts in Melbourne
Beyond affordability, the expertise provided byConveyancing experts in Melbourne is invaluable. These experts not only guarantee that all legal documents are painstakingly produced and that every transaction conforms with the strictest local and national laws but also possess the complete knowledge and skills required to negotiate the complexities of Melbourne's property laws. Their in-depth understanding ensures that clients receive the highest standard of legal support during their property transactions.
Comprehensive Services Offered by Melbourne's Conveyancing Experts
From the initial stages of property evaluations to providing detailed legal advice and managing the final handover of keys, the services offered by Conveyancing experts in Melbourne cover a wide range of needs. Their comprehensive support throughout the entire conveyancing process helps clients make informed decisions and protects their interests at every step, ensuring that no detail is overlooked and that each transaction is as transparent and straightforward as possible.
How Conveyancing Experts Enhance the Property Buying Experience
Working with Conveyancing experts in Melbourne not only simplifies the buying process but also provides peace of mind. These experts are adept at handling the complex legal scenarios that can often arise during property transactions. Their proactive approach to managing potential issues ensures that the conveyancing process is smooth and efficient, minimizing delays and maximizing satisfaction for all parties involved.
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Buying or selling property in Melbourne requires understanding the benefits of Affordable Conveyancing Melbourne and using the entire services of Melbourne conveyancing specialists. They make the procedure more accessible and professionally manage all legal concerns. Visit melbourneinternationallawyers.com.au for help or to contact these expert lawyers. This network offers qualified conveyancers who provide high-quality, cheap legal services to make homeownership as easy as possible.
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random-brushstrokes · 5 months
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Thea Proctor (Australian, 1879-1966)
Alethea Mary Proctor's life as an artist encompassed more than half of the twentieth century. Born in Armidale in 1879 to parents who were soon to divorce, she weathered a disrupted childhood and a choppy education before beginning art study under Julian Ashton in Sydney when she was sixteen. At the Ashton school her fellow students included George Lambert, with whom she was to be closely associated in public and private over the next thirty years. In 1903, burning with a need to learn to draw, she travelled to London, where Lambert and his family were established. She became one of his favourite models, a regular in his household, and his pupil. Although she was desperately poor, her beauty and livery nature allowed her to meet many of the leading figures of the fin de siecle art world, and all her life she was to carry with her the modernist precepts and influences she absorbed from figures such as Clive Bell, spectacles such as the Ballets Russes and exhibitions such as the post-Impressionist show at the Grafton Galleries in 1910-11. Aside from a return to Australia in 1913-14, she was to remain in England throughout her twenties and thirties. Upon her return to Australia in 1921, which coincided with Lambert's, she immediately came to occupy a significant role in Sydney's volatile art world, and to disseminate her very strong ideas on modern art, interior decorating, fashion, costume, ballet and matters of taste in articles, lectures, formal classes, sketch clubs and at all conceivable social and artistic events. Strikingly beautiful, she never married, but supported herself into her eighties through art alone. She lived in a tiny rented flat in Double Bay, but until the early 1960s she was also able to maintain a studio in George Street, where she had lived before World War 2. In the inner city and the Eastern suburbs she became a familiar figure as immaculately dressed in brilliant purples, fuchsia and petunia shades she made her stately progress, parasol in gloved hand, seeking out the beautiful. (source)
The scenes of female intimacy in many of Proctor’s works have always been open to lesbian and queer readings. Women gaze intently at each other holding unfurled fans or proffering roses, symbols associated with female sexuality. Proctor moved in queer circles in Sydney in the 1920s and 1930s and was a valuable ally. JS MacDonald, the Art Gallery’s extremely conservative director from 1928 to 1936, wrote in 1934 of ‘the emergence of numbers of what the Americans call “pansies” … They rule the art world today, and, unless real painters speak up for themselves and right art, the women and their near-men abettors will ruin both.’ (source)
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lvcky0ne · 11 months
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。:°ஐ basics 
✧.  stage name: angel
✧.  birth name: kim kangdae
✧.  birthday: july 26, 1995
✧.  zodiac: leo
✧.  birthplace: sydney, australia 
✧.  ethnicity: korean
。:°ஐ personal
✧. personality: angel lives up to a reputation of cockiness and playboy tendencies, though he would call it confidence and charm. he’s ambitious, outgoing, and charismatic, able to make connections with ease. he can be loud and energetic when he’s excited or if he’s severely ticked off. he has a hobby of flirting with any woman, whether he has interest in her or not, and some see this as a flaw in character. what could truly be considered a flaw in character is his ego. he has sure faith in his ability and believes he knows his talents best, even if someone were to try and give constructive criticism, which he tends to disregard. with all his bravado and gusto, when he’s with those who have managed to get close enough to him, he is a huge softy and cares with a great strength.
✧. family
. kim suhee “summer” ; younger sister
. oh mijeong “michelle” ; mother
✧. physical
. height: 187 cm ( 6'2" )
. faceclaim: kim mingyu
. body mods: both lobes pierced, a tattoo of a sun on the left side of his ribcage, tattoo of a horseshoe above his right hip
。:°ஐ professional
✧. label: rainbow entertainment 
✧. training period: 3 years
✧. group position: main rapper
✧. idol persona: known as much for his charisma publicly as personally, he is always the first to charm any variety host or interviewer alike. fluent in english, he acts as the group’s main communicator in english language programs which makes his charm shine even more. not to mention the swoon-worthy accent that netizens always fall head over heels for. he likes to take a comedic route which can be both performative or natural, the loud and excited mood-maker in challenges and games. not to mention his rap skills that he loves to show off in verses that go viral. he loves to flirt with fans specifically and 4luvs tend to call him “delulu” following instances in fan-calls or on lives when he pulls out his most brazen tactics.
。:°ஐ history tw ; mentions of divorce, abuse, and slut-shaming
kim kangdae was born in the suburbs of sydney, australia to a stay-at-home mom and a finance manager at a law firm, his younger sister following 6 years later. although the nuclear family seemed to have the idyllic life to neighbors, the stress of living bill to bill weighed on the couple, constantly arguing for as long as angel could remember, until when he was 10, they finally decided to officially end their marriage. his father cut all contact with his family save the child support checks that arrived every month in the mail. to make up for the loss of income, his mother began working at a hair salon owned by her sister-in-law to make ends meet.
the loss of her husband and her ideal life took a toll on michelle, and she constantly sought after someone to keep her bed warm, although the men she managed to find were often even more worthless than the one who left her. but at least they stuck around, even if it was just to leach off her welfare or cash her child support checks. there were plenty of those men that cycled throughout angel’s childhood, and he had to fight more than one of them to keep them off his mom or little sister. after growing up without any idea of romantic love, he has been led to believe that love is just a concept made up to trick people into thinking all the shit you go through is worth it. 
he always had a dream of finally making it out of his dreary town and making something big out of his life. he had never imagined that being an idol would bring that dream to fruition, but when he was scouted on the street at 17, he finally saw the light that could lead him there. rainbow entertainment had a struggling image at the time, it's only group one that no one had ever heard of. his mom thought the whole thing was a sham, and was reluctant to send her son all the way to seoul to follow some pipe dream, considering he had no real experience in any sort of performing. not to mention the shitty boyfriend of the hour telling him he was good-for-nothing anyway. but no one could say he wasn’t driven, and booking the cheapest flight he could for the very next week, he made it all the way to korea, passed the audition, and eventually into stardom. he still sends money home to his mom, despite never planning on returning to her house ever again.
angel is one of the most popular members of lucky, largely thanks to his charm and visuals. he’ll have viral moments every now and then from a sexy rap verse to a clip of his flirtations wrapped in that australian accent that would make anyone blush and giggle. he has been caught up in a multitude of dating rumors, both true and entirely unbased. antis think his ego is obnoxious and he has caught heat for perceived overconfidence. he also falls victim to the slut-shaming army of lucky haters, although not nearly as much as his female members.
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bcysdontcry · 1 year
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[ Kuromi, 21+, she/her, EST, no triggers. ]
NAME: Silas Ezekiel Lowe. AGE / D.O.B.: 35 / August 19, 1988 (Leo as fuck). GENDER, PRONOUNS & SEXUALITY: Cisgender male, he / him / his, pansexual & panromantic. HOMETOWN: Armadale suburbs in Perth, Australia. AFFILIATION: Media, affiliated with The Wall Street Journal. JOB POSITION: Journalist after a multi-year long stint in modeling that resulted in a crash and burn. His specialty is in health and science for WSJ.
EDUCATION: Completed all years of schooling, acquired a Bachelor’s degree in biomedical engineering that more or less went to waste like many of his other pursuits. RELATIONSHIP STATUS: Single. CHILDREN: N/A. POSITIVE TRAITS: + Adventurous, charming (in that boyish sort of way), confident, fun-loving, playful. NEGATIVE TRAITS: - Crass, hedonistic, immature, shallow, undisciplined. Want more stats, physical traits, etc? Click here!
— BIOGRAPHY (CONTENT WARNING: mentions of religious trauma, alcohol and drug use, homophobia, troubled childhood (and adulthood for that matter). If any warnings are missed, please let me know.)
Silas Lowe is a man of many strengths and even more weaknesses, a jack of all trades who lacks the long-term discipline to master any of them. Born in Perth, Australia, he was a surprisingly gifted child who excelled specifically in science and sports; one of the few things his parents, namely his father, could be proud of him for. Similarly to any child who fulfills their potential at too young of an age, burnout came hard and fast. Instead of slacking and lazing about as a result of his burnout, he persevered with his studies, instead finding solace and a way to cope in alcohol and prayer deep into the night—drunken pleas to God to make it easier, to reap all that he sowed. Of course, this only shone a spotlight on the negatives and allowed the positives to become overshadowed, leading him down a darker path. This darker path resulted in him showing up to classes (or worse, church) intoxicated and making a fool out of himself. This brought tension between him and his father, already equipped with a strained relationship in an increasingly religious household. It was a common occasion for his mother and sister to have to break up fights between the two men, both verbal and physical, complete with digs at his sexuality, how he was following his sister’s path of addiction and failure, and all the ways he’d amount to nothing. So, what do two desperate parents on the brink of divorce do when times get rough? Move to an entirely different country in an attempt to pull their now adult children out of unsavory environments and give them a second chance at life. Settling down in New York only seemed to worsen things, however, as Silas and his sister were both exposed a new type of nightlife. As a duo, they found comfort in turning to their addictions of choice and acquiring new ones, all while masquerading under successful college careers and a picture perfect family image. After all, who wouldn’t sneak off to the restrooms with their sister to snort cocaine and bitch about their parents, only to tenderly clean up each other’s bloodied noses before stepping out? This could only last so long, especially as his father delved deeper into Catholicism, retiring from his job and devoting his soul to preaching. His mother, albeit devoted to faith, couldn’t take it anymore; watching her husband lose himself and project his own harmful beliefs onto their children, particularly Silas who was now dating men and exploring a life deemed ‘ungodly’. Graduating, getting an apartment of his own, even finding a temporarily successful career in modeling mattered little now that he deviated from the so-called norm and abandoned his religion. As divorce came, so did distance. Even his own sister cut contact with their parents and soon him, encouraging the never-ending spiral. Dependency on drugs cemented, his dreams of being a world-famous model abandoned, and even a bout of losing his apartment occurred, forcing him to live with his mother or crash on friends’ couches for a year or two. Finally, at age 35, he’s older but no wiser. Acquiring a job at The Wall Street Journal as a journalist, thanks to assistance from a companion, helped him accrue the funds needed to start life somewhat anew. Settled in his apartment in NYC, all he can do is take life one day at a time, repeating old mistakes and finding new ones to keep himself warm at night. ABRIDGED VERSION: Born and raised in Perth, grew up in religious household with a zealot father, gifted child syndrome leading to burnout and alcohol dependency, family relocated to New York in his early 20s to “fix everything” (didn’t work), traded alcohol for drugs, parents got divorced while he completed his Bachelor’s in biomedical engineering (did nothing with it), abandoned the Catholic faith, tried to become a model (failed that), and now he’s a journalist for The Wall Street Journal merely trying to survive (ideally thrive) and keep a semi-healthy distance from his family.
Sister: Silas was quite close with his sister before she cut contact with him, leaving him quite wounded and feeling betrayed. Despite living in the same state, this loss of contact was upheld for a few years despite his attempts to reach out, sometimes lovingly and sometimes angrily. A reconnection between the two of them would be interesting (and angsty in that brother/sister love way) to explore. Drug dealer: With a penchant for unhealthy coping mechanisms, it’s unsurprising that Silas would have a dealer or contact to score said coping mechanisms. It’s more unsurprising if he barely scrapes by paying them. This could also result in unintended gang affiliations that he has to keep hush-hush about. Exes: Be it serious relationships or casual flings, Silas has accrued his fair share of exes, some ending amicably and others? Not so much. Bonus points for his first love ever, a false pregnancy scare that made him irrationally end the relationship, first serious male partner, etc. Work: Other journalists or media affiliated connections are, of course, welcome; especially if they also work for The Wall Street Journal. The person who helped Silas get his job for WSJ is an especially wanted connection.
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merrock · 2 years
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face claim: Dacre Montgomery.
full name: Owen Ryder Anderson.
nickname(s) / goes by: Ryder.
pronouns & gender: he/him, cis man.
sexuality: bisexual.
birth date: October 22, 1994.
birth place: Boston, Massachusetts.
arrival to merrock: September of 2022.
housing: suburbs.
occupation: waiter & artist.
work place: The Garden & From Brush to Canvas. family: cousin, Greyson McVey.
relationship status: single.
Ryder likes to think that there's a little bit of every place he's visited wrapped up inside of him. Having traveled the world and partied with the elite, Ryder has developed the kind of personality that can make him easy to hate -- unless you really get to know him. He's good looking and he knows it, and has a real talent or the art that he makes, but both of those things can lead to him walking through life with a chip on his shoulder. Snarky and rude when provoked, but brings a six pack to every party he's invited to. A good guy who likes to hide it.
WRITTEN BY: Katie (she/her), est.
Growing up, Ryder never really knew what his father did for a living, and despite the fact that he’s an adult with career aspirations of his own, he still doesn’t really know. Born on October 22, 1994, the only child of a socialite mother and someone that his friends joked was in the mafia for a father, Owen Ryder Anderson has never, ever looked or acted like an Owen, and will openly scowl if he is called anything but Ryder. A colicky, finnicky baby, he kept his nannies and nursemaids from getting much sleep, and his parents on their toes all through his younger years, especially when he began to draw on the walls of the arts and crafts room. (Looking back, his parents have said that they should have known he would grow up to be an artist.)
As he was growing up with the silver spoon wedged firmly between his lips, Ryder’s parents were growing further and further apart, finally divorcing when he was only five or six years old. Or beginning to divorce – it was a very long, painful, drawn-out, messy process, for which most of the experience, he lived with his mother in Boston. His pre-teen years saw him frustrated with his life, acting out, mouthing off, refusing to pay attention in school, and by the time the divorce was finalized and his mother was ready to live her new, lavish lifestyle, she was also ready to send her son packing, and Ryder headed off to live with his father on the road. He had a private tutor that traveled with them, excelled in one on one studies, and began to really hone is passion for the one thing that made him happy and feel at peace: art.
It was a natural conclusion for Ryder to enroll in school, and he was accepted into the Massachusetts College of Art and Design after graduating from his high school program, settling back into his life pretty happily, making a lot of friends and making strong connections with fellow artists as he studied his hardest to really develop the passion he loved so much. Still, during his breaks and long weekends, he traveled with his father, helping him with business trips, enjoying warm beaches during the winter, and being able to learn a little bit about a lot of places as he went. But it was in Massachusetts, during his college years, that he met someone who was unlike anyone he had ever known before at a local party – a girl that he didn’t expect would change his entire life. The two struck up an online friendship after the party and gradually began an online, long-distance relationship.
After graduating from college, Ryder spent a few years traveling with his father, going to Australia, Dubai, China, anywhere that he had business. But then the call from his mother came in – her new boyfriend owned a small gallery and would love to show his paintings, if he had any, and invited him to come back to Boston. Surprisingly, he made a lot of sales, and even gained a little fame in the art world, garnering a little bit of a social media following (although he jokes that it’s largely because he paints shirtless). The gears began to churn, and Ryder used the money he made on the paintings to start a little nest egg for himself, booking a ticket to Maine and begging his father over the phone to help him secure a house to call home in Merrock. With the promise that he would take care of all bills after he settled in during the fall, Ryder made the jump the tip top of the north east, and cannot wait to see where the journey takes him. Although no longer in said relationship, he's never looked back on his move to Merrock, and has found himself really digging in to starting his art career in earnest.
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akif122514 · 2 months
Navigating Divorce: Finding Expert Divorce Lawyers in Parramatta
Divorce is a challenging and emotional journey that often requires professional guidance to ensure a smooth transition. In Parramatta, a bustling suburb in Sydney, Australia, the process of ending a marriage can be made easier with the support of experienced divorce lawyers. These legal experts play a crucial role in helping individuals navigate the complexities of divorce proceedings, ensuring that their rights are protected and their interests are represented.
Understanding the Importance of Divorce Lawyers Parramatta
Divorce is not just the termination of a legal contract; it involves a myriad of emotional, financial, and legal intricacies. In Parramatta, individuals facing divorce can benefit significantly from seeking the assistance of specialized divorce lawyers. These legal professionals are well-versed in family law and have a deep understanding of the local legal landscape, making them invaluable allies during this challenging time.
Expertise in Family Law Matters
Divorce lawyers in Parramatta possess extensive expertise in family law matters, including spousal support, child custody, property division, and more. They are well-equipped to guide their clients through the legal processes involved in divorce, ensuring that all relevant aspects are considered and addressed. With their knowledge and experience, these lawyers strive to achieve fair and favorable outcomes for their clients.
Personalized Legal Guidance
Every divorce case is unique, and divorce lawyers in Parramatta recognize the importance of providing personalized legal guidance. They take the time to understand the specific circumstances of each case, tailoring their approach to meet the individual needs and goals of their clients. This personalized attention helps build trust and ensures that clients feel supported throughout the divorce process.
Navigating Emotional Challenges
Divorce is an emotionally charged experience, and individuals often face difficulties in making objective decisions. Divorce lawyers in Parramatta not only offer legal advice but also provide emotional support during this challenging time. They act as a source of stability, helping their clients stay focused on the legal aspects of the divorce while navigating the emotional challenges that may arise.
Efficient Resolution of Disputes
Disputes are common in divorce proceedings, and resolving them efficiently is crucial for a timely and less stressful divorce. Parramatta's divorce lawyers are skilled negotiators and, when necessary, adept litigators. They work tirelessly to find amicable solutions but are prepared to assertively represent their clients' interests in court if required.
Legal Advocacy for a New Beginning
Engaging the services of divorce lawyers in Parramatta is not just about ending a marriage; it's about securing a fresh start. These legal professionals advocate for their clients' rights and interests, paving the way for a more positive post-divorce future. By entrusting their legal matters to experienced divorce lawyers, individuals in Parramatta can embark on their new beginnings with confidence.
Divorce is undoubtedly a challenging life event, but with the right legal support, individuals in Parramatta can navigate this journey more smoothly. Divorce lawyers in Parramatta offer the expertise, personalized guidance, and emotional support needed to address the complexities of divorce and pave the way for a brighter future. When facing the uncertainties of divorce, enlisting the assistance of skilled professionals ensures that individuals can focus on healing and moving forward.
Visit: https://pannulawyers.com.au/parramatta-divorce-lawyers/
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megan-loves-surveys · 5 months
Who gives the best advice? Depends.
Is there any band out there that you like every song by them? Discounting groups/artists where they only had one album so less songs to dislike, I think the closest is probably Five - there's no songs by them I actually dislike or hate, I'll listen to them all.
What’s the best song a friend has ever introduced to you? One of my online friends was the one who introduced me to Najoua Belyzel, and she is AMAZING. Her first album is one of my favourite albums ever!
Have you ever smoked? Yeah, I used to smoke socially when I was in my early 20's. Stopped doing it after awhile.
Does your favorite uncle have any children? No.
Have you ever been in a lighthouse? Probably?
Name one of your psycho exes? I don't have any psycho ones lol, most of them were pretty normal xD
Why were they a psycho ex? -
Do you still talk to your first crush? No, I legit haven't seen him in like 25 years.
Where would you like to travel? Japan is top of my list. Also France, the UK, the USA (I've been there loads but I want to go back), Perth in Australia and prob more.
Are you shy about singing in front of people? I suck at singing so I wouldn't do that to begin with.
Do you know anyone who always makes themselves out to be the victim? Yeah.
Have you ever been insulted or called names by a significant other? Not that I can remember.
What’s your favorite movie battle scene? Dunno.
Do you have any step-grandparents? I did, but she passed a few years ago.
How far away do you live from the house you grew up in? I live on the other side of the city to it, so about a 40 min drive or so.
Have you ever been to a same-sex wedding? I haven't.
What’s the population of your hometown? Auckland has 1.6 million people lol. But if you count only the suburb I grew up in, Google says the population of it is about 15,000. My current suburb has about 25,000.
What’s the most difficult experience you and a significant other have gone through together? People judging us cos of the age difference. One of his sons is only 4 years younger than me, and a lot of people gave us shit for it, it sucked. But people are much cooler about it now we've been together for awhile.
What’s something you have zero tolerance for? Animal cruelty. Also less serious but I also fucking hate it when people wish injury on wrestlers they don't like.
When’s the last time you said you were sorry? I bumped into somebody by mistake and said sorry about it. They thought they were at fault and apologized to me as well LOL xD
Would you like living on the coast? What coast?
Honestly, do you enjoy arguing? No.
Which theory do you wish but perhaps not believe was true about afterlife? It doesn't exist...
Are you scared of losing the person you like to someone else? Not really, cos I know he wouldn't cheat on me, one of his ex wives cheated on him (that's why they divorced) so he'd never do it to someone else cos he knows how much it hurts.
Do you have a hard time making decisions? Depends.
If there was a large spider in your room, would you stay in the room? Hell no, I'd be outta there until it was gone.
What’s your favorite kind of meat? (vegan/vegetarian options count!) Fish.
Have you ever been mistaken for staff at a store you were just visiting? No.
What’s the coolest or most memorable animal you’ve ever seen at a zoo? We went to the zoo in Washington DC, and they had a kiwi there. Kiwis are extraordinarily hard to see, even in NZ where they're native to, cos they're nocturnal. The handler for the kiwi asked everyone (it was a small group of about 10 people at a time allowed to see the kiwi) where they were from and when we said NZ she got excited lol. Then she invited us to stay after the demonstration was over (only us) and we got to see the kiwi properly up close and stroke it! It was so cool, they're really soft and super cute. The kiwi was all interested in the bracelets I was wearing and was nudging them with it's beak xD It was a really unique experience and not one many people can say they've done, cos the handler said that she doesn't invite many people to stay and meet the kiwi haha. Afterwards, we joked that we had to go to the USA to see the national bird of our own country xD
Do you share a bedroom with anybody? No, except for my boyfriend when he stays over, but most of the time we stay at his place.
What video game have you played the most hours of? If you don’t know, just make a rough guess. Pokemon in general as a series, but individual game most likely one of the Civ games, either II or IV.
Who will you see within the next week? Loads of people - my Mum, my Dad, my boyfriend, Ngawari, David maybe if we go to the night market, people at work, people in shops etc.
Do your parents live in their hometown(s)? Neither of them do - my Mum was born in Scotland, and my Dad was born in Rotorua. We all live in Auckland.
Have you ever modeled before? No.
If offered $1 million, would you do a reality show of your life? My life isn't interesting enough for that LOL.
Who owns the computer you are on? Me.
What’s your best friend’s favorite color? Pink.
What color was your senior prom dress? -
How many boyfriends/girlfriends did you have in 2014? None.
Northernmost state you’ve been to: Massachuetts or New York? I'm not sure.
Think you’ll live to be 100? Who knows. My Grandma lived to 96, so perhaps.
Which YouTuber do you feel like you could be friends with easily? Call Me Kevin, he seems so fun and nice.
Who do you know personally that has a nice singing voice? Dunno.
If you met your favorite musician, what would you ask him/her? I have met them, the only thing I asked was my fave member for a hug hahahah.
What’s something you used to believe in that you don’t anymore? Dunno.
What’s something you believe everyone should have? Food.
What’s the first thing you do once you get home from a trip? Just relax.
Do you listen to podcasts? Which ones? No.
What was the last heavy thing you lifted? I can't lift heavy things cos of my shoulder, so most things are heavy to me lol.
Do you have an anchor tattoo? No.
Are your hands unsteady? Not really?
Do you think you’re pretty? I'm average.
Who do you know that wears the most makeup? Dunno, not many of my friends wear it. Maybe someone at work.
Are you anyone’s first love? No.
Has anyone ever told you they were in love with you? Yes.
How much does your mother know about your sex life (or lack thereof)? Haha, she doesn't know much. I am extremely kinky and have loads of fetishes, she knows nothing about any of that xD
Do you eat or drink as soon as you wake up, or do you wait a while? I wait awhile, unless I wake up thirsty.
Tell me about some of your interests. Wrestling is my main hobby - I love watching it, going to shows, collecting merchandise, chatting about it etc. I also love Pokémon, video games, writing, shopping, geography, YouTube, traveling, surveys, going to the gym, cats and a bunch more things.
What’s your favourite kind of Oreo? Just the regular ones.
Do you play any games on your phone? If so, tell me about one. Pokémon Sleep, Pokémon Go and BitLife are the only ones I play. Sleep is more of an app than a game but collecting the Pokémon is fun.
Do you have more male or female coworkers? It's about equal actually!
What’s the longest stretch of time you’ve spent completely alone? A few days.
Do you use Instagram? If so, what’s your current profile pic? No.
What are your thoughts on kids being given iPads to keep them entertained? It's fine as long as it's not too often, like all the time.
[TW: SUICIDE] Have you ever thought about giving up on life completely? No.
Have you seen the entire Harry Potter series? I've seen the first... four movies? Then I gave up on them.
Do you still have both of your parents? Yes.
Do you play video games? Yes! One of my fave things.
Do you have the same color eyes as your mother? No, I have green eyes and she has brown.
Have you ever been put to sleep for surgery? Yes.
Have you ever had a pregnancy scare? Yes, but I wasn't pregnant. Thank god.
When was the last time you went bowling? Oh god, years ago. Damn I wanna go now xD
Do you personally know anyone who is transgender? Yes.
When was the last time you spent over $100 in one transaction? What did you buy? IPW tickets, with all the fucking fees, it was over $120.
Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? Would you judge a grown adult for doing so? Yes when I'm alone. And of course I wouldn't, cos I do it xD
Would you describe yourself as fashion-conscious, or do you just wear whatever feels comfortable? I just wear whatever I like.
What are the main two colours in the room you’re currently in? Did you pick these colours out yourself? It's grey. And no, it was like that when we moved in.
Do you have piercings anywhere except your ears? How many and where? I don't even have my ears lol.
What’s your opinion on leggings as pants? I do that, so it's cool. I just make sure to wear a shirt that's long enough to cover my crotch properly so there's no camel toe lol.
Who was the last person you were in love with for more than a year? My boyfriend.
Do you have a secret life? No.
Have you ever seen the last person you kissed without a shirt? Yes.
Do your parents know EVERYTHING about you? Hahah no.
Favorite thing to eat with peanut butter? I like it on it's own.
If you had to get a piercing right now, what would it be? Ears.
The last time you held a baby: No idea.
Does your mom eat meat? Yep.
What would be your reaction if one of your parents said they were having another kid? My parents are in their 70's LOL. My Mum is far past that, and I doubt my Dad wants any more kids, plus my stepmum is his age haha.
What fish scares you the most? Dunno.
How do you feel about snails? Cute as hell! I used to own pet snails as a kid haha.
If you were told by a professional that you were unable to become pregnant, how would that affect you? Is there something important to you about conceiving a biological child rather than adoption? And finally, if you even want to have children, would you choose adoption or surrogacy or would you go on childless? I'd be so happy. I don't want kids at all, and that means I could have sex unprotected without risk of it LOL.
Are you physically affectionate with your friends? Yes.
Do you kill spiders when you see them? I try to, but usually I just start crying and freak out until someone else takes care of it lol.
What’s your favorite makeup brand/brands? I don't wear makeup, so I have no clue.
What fictional creature would you like as a pet? A Pokémon, like Eevee or Luxray haha.
Have any local businesses closed that you’re sad about? Not lately.
How do you feel about TikTok? It's stupid, I don't have an account.
Any current trends you dislike? Crocs and those ugly shapeless long dresses that have hung around for 2 summers now. I'd never wear one lol, gimme a short sundress any day of the week.
If you had three daughters, what would you name them? I hope that doesn't happen lol. But if I had to pick, I'd go with Cheryl, Imara and Stella.
Would you ever adopt a child? No.
Do you like your name’s meaning? It means pearl, that's pretty nice. I also found out it's Greek and Irish, which is cool.
Do you and your mom look like sisters? Not really, though my Mum does look younger than her age, she doesn't look THAT young.
Are you the same height as your mom? Almost, she's an inch taller than me.
Do you know anyone named Travis? No.
[TW: DOMESTIC ABUSE] Did your parents abuse you? No.
What is something you’ve learned to never take for granted? The people in my life taking care of me.
Tell me about something significant that happened to you in the past week. I guess Maniacs show last night, it was their final show and they had a huge turnout, which was great. I sat between David & Scott and they were shouting nonstop all night, LOL.
What subjects do you like to read about? Geography, wrestling, Pokémon, true crime, missing people and girl groups.
What is the name of the last book you bought? Reach For The Stars, it's about 90s and 00s British pop groups.
If you could change one thing about your home, and money was no issue, what would it be? No clue. I live in a complex, all the houses are connected and are the same so if we changed anything it would be odd haha.
Are there any (obviously fictional) villains you can’t help but love? Hmm.
Can you name a villain who you could kind of side with? -
What color eyes does your significant other (or crush) have? (If applicable.) Blue.
Does anything around your home need repairing? Not right now, thankfully.
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the-firebird69 · 1 year
And there's a dog on a villa and there's a boat named Bella and these people need to die. Now they're showing one of our antiquity dogs and she looks okay it's got his colors a little while he's got his colors and she says because you're putting that thing in me this is no it's not. I really dispute next door needs to leave just sitting there being a****** all morning and their son didn't notice so he turns his way up she has to smoke and be annoying so now we're going after him and we're going to have to his stuff cuz he apparently doesn't care about the Midwest.
Thor Freya
They'll sit there is rotten stupid s***. These people are after us and they have thousands of cops like our 10 or something and you ruin that and then after us and we have only a few government positions last night is trying to say they're doing the old-fashioned way they're not handing those pink slips and you wouldn't even let him you're the idiot blocking it cuz you're trying to smooth them or something and they said get out of her business not you so later you got hateful and you put it out there but we don't need your help you're a moron that's important to know. So you got it out I mean it's important you're injured but boy do you suck can't threaten him and they go after if you do and you guys do it 100's times a day and it's not helping
Emily blunt
It's time to see our friend's point we have all this stuff it's a matter of times before the Army gets to us and this kind of waiting for it you can't seem to get a ship out if you did would start a war against us we have to try and get settled out so again I'm ready and we're diminishing and it's not recovering and I don't know how to handle people and these guys are gross the separation is probably bad he says because these people die easy and they're no longer interference and will stick out and armies that are real be out here and they'll plug us up down there with morons. So it's very bad what's happening does Trump guy won't in his an idiot and our stuff is down there in his field lots of it maybe 10% lost but we have a friend and we're not taking it seriously it would not take him to the max seriously all the foreigners and they're building up and these people are ruining our day these idiots are screwing us up and we can't help it they don't want to do anything for anyone at all so it's kind of good they're leaving in a way we'll probably lose because of it
Tommy f
Realize you're bad at it I was screwing things up that's coming back to us anyways we don't know what to do and you're using this matrix on this divorce I was to attack and we hv pr9f that has ruined our lives. So we realize we gave you no choice and we kind of suck and we don't fight well that's really what's happened and we're going to leave and go to Australia and try and regroup. Right now we have about 80% of our people out or more and yeah there's 10 to 20% of the ships are damaged could have been a lot worse for this huge War he says and it's true
We have about 75% of them out completely one way or the other and 5 to 10% are prepping to evacuate and in the cities 5% are there already so kind of right it's about 80% and then and they're not all down there inside 30% are down there in this room plenty of room five more percent are going to come in and they've been ready in the outskirts and then those who are in the suburbs are going to the outskirts and they're getting ready the whole line of them and it will be up to 85% today I have more lock out. Society percentage of warlock to society they will be about 1.9% after this and here in Florida they're going to be reduced to about 1% today through all the different means that are going to happen to them and things are doing. Including evacuating. Right now the government has deciding what to do with you you're a huge pile of naturally stinking a****** they don't want you sticking to our friend when you do they go after you and one out of 100 is nothing to be proud of that this morning next door is he's a moron.
-they were 200 and sheriff yesterday who are more luck and today they got up and fired a hundred and they give you a pink slip and tell you to leave so you should know. Those 100 fired sheriff say they're making a beeline for punta Gorda. They said they're heading in we took them seriously 50 or dead fully 25 are captured the other 25 are still trying they'll be dead moments when they're idiots will go crazy and we'll kill them. 85% will be reached in about 20 minutes then the city will refill two or three times can you be up to 95% and then you to the popular so then be less than 1% other areas and it's going to be less than 1% here today except for where our son is
-the government is firing people today and the top level people are down to 3700 as of yesterday and they're going to fire 400 of you today as a government is shrinking and they reduced local government jobs to 75% yesterday they planned to lop off another 10% today they are fast approaching the 400,000 in Charlotte county who are top level government in Florida as well as other places once they reach about 8%, they're going to be touching on you. Then you'll be dead no you're probably going to die first before that cuz you have no power here and the rest of the world you have no power and it's being reduced greatly and you can't even launch a missile without your immediate enemies piling in on you you had no security at all. It's kind of a secret message it says the clones are stopping them from watching from launching not watching anything from the ocean and other and they have you on RC but they seem to be there as well and we do see them in the crowds.
-we'll start working Trump again he goes to court next week but it's not enough we need more on top of that a****** he insist on sticking around so going to stick him thinks he looks like other people think she looks like Max I was picking him out he refuses to leave we're taking stuff from New Zealand still refuses to leave I'm going to start taking big stuff from there. the order now and he was right I am issuing the order right now
-there's several other things happening mainly our son is going to the doctor and everyone here plans to mess with him he's going to get something as they're being removed from government because they're doing it. Our son had insurance and the lady didn't collect the copay and it's her fault of the insurance company might talk about it but he had the insurance it's not his fault at all and he should not pay the bill and we say that he is approved to seek a different doctor if that's the case they're trying to force them paid $300 this will give him a summary of eating they need a beating but this would be a humongous speeding and we'd have to move Giants in and erase them the balls in their Court he doesn't have the money and by the way you shouldn't have to pay it's your company that f***** up they have some responsibility for your company and she said no to the copay and that's what would have triggered the insurance you would think right even even without the copay they should have been contacted and she didn't do that either so therefore it's your employee and it's your company. Or if it's by force we're going to turn around and sue her and your company will be in court. Hey I can come down and erase your cities buddy you have a f****** chance of those staying around if I decide to. You're sitting up and says nobody talks to me that way I said I just did and I do it every time and you should know it too but you're like a stinking f****** retard now I'm going to get into it I'm going to break your f****** neck. I see you you're a wimp every time I see you. I'm so sick of every single one of your f****** turds bothering me and then your max seeing the stupid s*** you're so f****** wrong that you should bury yourself after hanging yourself Dave was wrong and do it but holy s*** you're way the f*** off keeping me on this God damn medicine is immortal sin as by the other people in your realm we're pissed off at you. And her son says that and it's absolutely true he's holding him in this stupid freaking psycho of us taking everything over cuz he won't release him from the medicine is what the idiots want. You didn't want him in the hospital so they can encroach on your positions. So max says they suck they just get their asses kicked and it says that's what I'm doing but before they were killing a lot of you using this technique and now I kind of trust the foreigners a little. So he gets it
More like a taking a dip today tomorrow is going to be a dime tonight we're going to nail him here but now I'm in the other hemisphere heavy and they're evacuating
Thor Freya
I got the point earlier but it's driven home they're after us and he used this technique before and it worked and they've been doing it a little I'm going to know what the success rate is 2 hours cuz they're wrong it's a pain in the ass and holy s*** it's so stupid in the first place
Mac and I'm noting that he realized I was forced to be the doctor cuz of stupid a****** Trump our people should realize that I'm not doing this on purpose
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atruththatyoudeny · 4 years
Monthly Reads | May 2020
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Happy 28th! These are the fics I read and enjoyed this month. Thank you to all you amazing authors in this fandom for making my world a little brighter! ♥ ❥ No Going Back | jacaranda_bloom | Lighthouse Keepers AU - strangers to lovers - fluff - dom/sub undertones - 56k Sales reps Harry and Louis are bored with their jobs and their lives. After meeting at a conference in Cardiff they hook up, have a few too many drinks, and jokingly apply to become remote lighthouse keepers. Six months, just the two of them, looking after the southernmost lighthouse off the bottom of Australia. It’s not like their applications will be accepted. Right? This is the story of how one choice - a left instead of a right, a go instead of a stop, a yes instead of a no - can change the future forever and that sometimes, taking that leap of faith, is worth the risk. ❥ Stranger Stars | shaylea | Road Trip - travel - slow burn - friends to lovers - pining - fluff - angst - implied/referenced homophobia - 212k Five years ago, Africa offered a grieving Louis Tomlinson an escape from an England he couldn't tolerate. Now it's become home as he leads overland tours across the continent with his best friend and driver Zayn Malik. What's meant to be just another ordinary six-week trip from Cape Town to Nairobi turns into anything but, when future lawyer/current photographer and songwriter Harry Styles and his friends join Louis' latest set of passengers. ❥ Say Something | kingsofeverything | a/b/o - age difference - mpreg - past divorce - unplanned pregnancy - hurt/comfort - 105k At fifty years old and recently divorced, Omega Harry Styles isn't interested in dating. When his doctor suggests a heat and rut matching service, he signs up out of necessity. It’s the only use he has for an Alpha in his life. Twenty-eight-year-old Alpha Louis Tomlinson aims to change that. ❥ The Orchards of Jessop | jaerie | age difference - self-discovery - implied/referenced homophobia - quarantine - strangers to lovers - 15k At age 40, there isn’t much excitement in widower Louis Tomlinson’s life, but wasn’t that the reason he’d moved to Jessop Island in the first place? Back then he hadn’t thought retiring before he reached 30 and moving to the countryside would mean that he’d be doing it alone. Now, just to fill the space, he welcomes lodgers into his home that pass through working as temporary labourers at the orchards just up the road. They’ve all been young adults eager to start lives of their own after one last summer of freedom. All of them have been much the same, coming and going from Louis’ house with just enough social interaction to keep the house from feeling so empty. But when a global pandemic shuts down the world, being quarantined with a quiet twenty year old who keeps to himself might turn out to be an awkward arrangement. By the time the restrictions have been lifted, their relationship has developed into something Louis isn’t quite ready to give up. With their twenty year age difference, Louis has to be prepared for the inevitable outcome when the reality shatters the private world they’ve been living in. He’s not sure he’ll be able to let it go. ❥ Until | allwaswell16 | farm/ranch - famous/not famous - enemies to lovers - hate to love - light angst - humor - 38k Rural Eagle County, Colorado wasn’t the type of place to find a famous musician or actor. At least not until songwriter Louis Tomlinson showed up with pop star Niall Horan to visit his uncle’s horse ranch, and they just happened to find themselves next door to a reclusive former movie star. ❥ hit me with your sweet love | outropeace | a/b/o - sugar baby - soulmates - miscommunication - 40k Powerful people only end up with powerful people. The rest are just playthings in their lives. Louis Tomlinson was many things, but he wasn’t anybody’s plaything. ❥ On This Winter's Night | reminiscingintherain | meet cute - christmas - fluff - 27k When a random bloke offers his lap for a seat on a busy bus in December, Louis' Christmas ends up being much different, and far less lonely than he was expecting. ❥ Walls Are Just Walls (You Are My Home) | logogram | famous/not famous - friends to lovers - pining - hiking - injury - 26k After being injured in a hiking accident, musician Harry and his bodyguard are stuck on the trail with no cell service, no supplies, and with nightfall coming. Louis, who’s a wilderness first responder, comes across them, gives first aid, and calls for a rescue. Once the rescue’s over and Harry’s family is there to care for him, Louis doesn’t figure he’ll ever see Harry again, but he does— at the talk shows he and Harry appear on so they can talk about their experience, at the concert Harry invites him to, through all texts and DMs. It’s amazing how well they get along and how much Louis likes him. Could someone like Harry ever return his feelings? ❥ Love Will Light The Way | Jesapeak | afterlife - death - Louis is a reaper - angst - 27k Most people throughout Louis's life thought that dying brought you to one of two gates. Heaven or Hell. Really, it brought you to a dated diner, just outside of the suburbs, skirting the beginning of the city. Where, instead of God, you met Liam Payne and his post-it notes. Well, not for everyone, but for the select few whoever is in charge up there deemed fit to help guide the living into death. Unfortunate people like Louis. Who'd honestly rather just lie in bed and pretend it had all been a dream. A very bad, cliche dream. It wasn’t though and this was his new normal. As much as he hated it. And Harry? He just wanted to know who the man was that kept killing his patients. ❥ like it's a game | soldouthaz | hate to love - enemies to lovers - enemies to friends to lovers - friends with benefits - pining - light angst - fluff - 32k There is little harry hates more than truth or dare. And louis. ❥ What You're Signing On For | abrighteryellow | enemies to friends to lovers - fluff - angst fake/pretend relationship - past divorce - 30k Back at home in London after a whirlwind romance, Louis wants nothing more than to break ties completely with the sophisticated Frenchman who swept him off his feet. In order to do that, he needs the help of Harry Styles: former town bad boy and adopted brother of Louis' flatmate. An O.C. AU about flawed first impressions, the seductive power of French pastries, bad romance novelists, and getting on the same page. ❥ What Side Of Love Are You On? | FallingLikeThis | Because I Said So AU - first meetings - biphobia - homophobia - meet-cute - fluff - family drama - internal conflict - 25k Ever since Harry finally made the decision to come out to his mother as bisexual, she’s been foisting women on him left and right, determined it’s just a phase. But when she puts out a personal ad to find the perfect partner for her son, things really get complicated. Suddenly, Harry’s heart is being pulled in two very different directions. On one side is the sweet, caring woman he has fun with, but doesn’t know his mother chose for him. On the other is a man who seems to be his mother’s worst nightmare, but makes Harry’s heart flutter in ways he’s never felt before. When all is said and done, maybe they’ll all learn that when there is no clear path to go down, the best option is to follow your heart. A Because I Said So Au with a bisexual twist. ❥ Missed Connection | littlelouishiccups | soulmates - soulmate-identifiying marks - strangers to friends to lovers - friends with benefits - angst - fluff - dom/sub - 40k Soulmate AU where your soulmate’s first words to you are tattooed on your skin. With a boring and generic soul mark like Hi, Harry is pessimistic he’ll ever find his soulmate or that he’ll realize it when he meets them. But he could always have it worse, like his new friend Louis who had a drunken one night stand with his soulmate a few years ago and woke up the next morning alone.
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scrapironflotilla · 4 years
Anzac is so much more than Gallipoli
Another Anzac day has come around and with the lock-downs and global pandemic it seemed like it would be different. But having a listen to the news or a quick scroll through the other blue hellsite, F*c*b**k, it looks like this Anzac Day is more similar than different. The reverence, the mystique and the myths are all still there, with a massive dose of social media self indulgence. So I’ll probably stay away from that today and instead talk about some history.
I don’t have a favourite aspect of the Anzac legend. I don’t think I even can. The very concept of the Anzac Legend bothers me. This is our recent history. Its members, who have all died, are still within living memory of many millions of people. The events are so well documented that we can follow some of them minute by minute in the diaries, letters and reports created by the participants. I understand the desire to turn these stories into legend and myth, especially in a country like Australia after the war and certainly in the last decades of the 20th century.
I understand how the virtues and values of the AIF made for such fertile imaginative ground in an inter-war world. The romance of war, lost on the battlefields of Europe and the Middle East, was much harder to destroy far away in the colonies, where people experienced little hardship compared to those on the continent.
I understand how and why the AIF became a legend. But I don’t think I can believe in it.
But what does it matter if I believe in it or not? It’s important to tens of millions of Australians and the government tightly controls public commemoration and the Anzac brand. The military indoctrinates its members with to strive for an unattainable Anzac perfection. A newly minted army officer once told me that during his training his instructors had screamed at these cadets, ranting at them about how unworthy they were, how they could never live up to the Anzac reputation and how they could never lead a digger.
It draws hundreds of thousands every 25 April to dawn memorial services across the world, in events whose gravitas and sombre communion even I can’t deny. It’s this secular religion that makes the legend a reality that we have to contend with. The history may vary widely from the myth, but the myth is potent enough and popular enough to be able to divorce itself from the past. “The AIF”, historian Peter Stanley points out, “has become revered as [our] romantic nationalist mystique”.
The last two or three decades has seen a steady dismantling of the Anzac legend, at least in academic circles. All its basic tenets of natural fighting prowess, mate-ship, equality and the rest have been questioned, criticised and reassessed. But this new understanding hasn’t moved far beyond academia. The short spike in Anzac TV series during the centenary showed the same romantic tragedy and nationalist triumphalism. Popular histories from the 50s and 60s were reprinted and a new slew of books turn up on shelves, from children’s books to all kinds of history and dozens of romance novels. The legend remains deeply entrenched in the Australian imagination. Little in the popular realm even attempts to challenge it in light of new understanding. Even for those in academia the revision of that history has produced harsh reaction from the right, I’m exactly one of those “cadre of academics” associated with those elite, Canberra institutions, that noted crank Bendle talks about there. But that’s the strength of this legend. Its followers take any attempt to examine it and broaden it as denigration. Lest anyone think I’m exaggerating here, just have a look at what happened to ABC presenter Yassmin Abdel-Magied after she tweeted the words “LEST.WE.FORGET. (Manus, Nauru, Syria, Palestine...)” on Anzac Day 2017. She was attacked by the press and government ministers and bombarded with rape and death threats. There’s no doubt much of the faux outrage was inspired by racism and misogyny, but you don’t even need to attack Anzac, but merely recognise that Australia’s history is less than perfect, to be met with a violent, histrionic reaction.
To imagine that the Anzacs were perfect, individually and as a whole, is wilful delusion. They were men and as such fallible. It is no dishonour or disrespect to recognise their humanity in all its complexities. We must know and understand their failures, their embarrassments and their crimes (for they are many and varied) to better place their successes, victories and virtues. To deify them and to force them to represent only what was best, without recognising the fullness of their character, good and bad, robs them of the complexity of their own stories. It robs them of their humanity and us of our history. But while I struggle with the Anzac Legend, I also think there are some little stories that deserve better recognition.
The Anzac mythology upholds a very particular character as representative of the AIF, but little about this legend is uniquely Australian. The language used to express the values, that of the larrikin, the digger and above all else mateship, may be particularly Australian but the values are not. Irreverence and camaraderie are close to universal.
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These aren’t values to be denigrated in any way. But they’re representative of most militaries in war. But the AIF did have a character unique to the Australian experience. Much is made of the fact that the AIF was an entirely volunteer organisation. From a population of fewer than five million more than 330,000 men and women served in its ranks between 1914 and 1918. Conscription was put to the people in referenda twice and twice it was defeated. People joined the AIF for the duration of the war. Few pursued careers in the military and although many had prior service it was in the militia, the part time army.
The ranks were filled from the cities, the suburbs and the bush by civilians. Even the officer corps was fleshed out by the professional and middle classes of lawyers, bankers, teachers and the like. These men saw themselves not as regular soldiers, but as civilians in uniform. They saw their role as merely a job, not a calling. They were there to fight the war, to defeat Germany, or the Ottomans, and to go home and back to the farm or the factory.
Australia had one of the strongest trade union and labour movement in the world in the early 20th century. It was the first country to vote a labour government into office and ideas of unionism, collective bargaining and fair work practices were strong in the minds of many working Australians. The language they used and the tactics they employed to deal with the discipline and hierarchy of the military demonstrates just how powerful these beliefs were. Soldiers routinely referred to their officers as their boss, refused orders they thought were unfair and protested their ill treatment by military authorities. They released soldiers imprisoned under field punishment, refused to salute officers and rejected the distinction between officers and other ranks imposed by the British army. They went into clubs, restaurants and hotels set aside of officers, believing strongly that they had the right to drink or eat where they chose.
They took strike action when they felt too much was asked of them, when they were refused rest or when they felt hard done by. When battalions were to be broken up due to lack of replacements in 1918, they mutinied. Refusing orders to disband, they ‘counted out’ senior officers sent to negotiate with them. Counting out consisted of soldiers on parade counting down from ten to one, before shouting a final obscenity at the officer concerned. It was a powerful form of insubordination that humiliated officers when it occurred.
In autumn 1918, after months without leave, Australian battalions took to strike action when they were ordered back into battle. After being promised a fortnight’s rest they were ordered back to the front for an offensive after just a few days. Unhappy troops - veterans, mostly - refused to move. The battalions were well understrength after months of fighting and the men felt they had been lied to, that they had sacrificed enough and that they were being overused. The soldiers took action in the way they knew how. They shot no officers and destroyed no property. For men used to fighting for their rights in the workplace it was natural that they would turn to collective action in trade union style.
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(Ex-union organiser and Labor prime minister Billy Hughes, seen here with some of his beloved men. Hughes was a favourite of the Australian troops who dubbed him ‘the Little Digger’)
And so it was in the 15th Brigade, under the command of Harold Elliot. Called Pompey by him men he was a courageous and fatherly figure, both liked and respected by the men under his command. It was his unique character that allowed Pompey to negotiate with his men, although rant and then plead were the words used by diarists, and convince them to follow his orders. Other officers, less well known and less admired by their men failed in similar efforts.
The civilian attitudes made them difficult soldiers to discipline. The standard punishment of the army, called ‘field punishment’ was particularly odious to Australians. Field punishment consisted of being bound to an object, a post or a wagon or gun carriage in the open for a number of hours. Due to the danger of artillery this punishment was not just humiliating but also potentially fatal. Diaries and letters from soldiers are full of stories about field punishment. They usually tell of Australian troops coming across British soldiers undergoing field punishment and freeing them, fighting with guards and military police.
There was a powerful resistance to the dehumanising and anti-individualising aspect of military discipline and authority. The AIF by and large saw themselves as civilians first and soldiers second. They understood the need for discipline and obedience and as more than one Australian noted “we have discipline where it matters”, on the battlefield. But the trappings of military culture and authority were repellent to the Australian working man. Strict obedience to hierarchy and the seemingly pointless requirements of military discipline were not only alien to Australians but went against their own values. Mutual respect was the key to the AIF as most of its officers discovered.
This side of the AIF, the strength of its civilian values is one that ought be remembered and celebrated in Anzac. The ideas from the labour and union movements, the fair go and mutual respect deserve a place alongside mateship and the larrikin as part of Anzac. The men who fought for the eight-hour work day and living wages were the same men who filled the ranks of the AIF and who fill Australian cemeteries in Europe and Turkey.
This is a part of the Anzac story that deserves a better place in our telling of it.
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creepingsharia · 4 years
Preaching the Islamic Conquest of the World... in Suburban Chicago
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By Daniel Greenfield
At a Ramada between the Schnitzel Platz and the Darussalam mosque, Islamists held a convention to discuss the conquest of the world. And, if the world was too ambitious a target, at the very least, India.
The Ramada was a humble base for the world conquerors of Hizb ut-Tahrir America flying the black flag of the Caliphate in a miserable hotel that Yelp reviews panned for rooms that, “smelled like a mixture of hookers, smoke, and hepatitis”, environs that made guests think they were “going to get shanked, raped or even both”, and the warning that, “even if this is the last hotel room in Illinois, DO NOT STAY HERE.”
But even Mohammed had to start in a hotel somewhere. And the Ramada of Mecca was even worse.
Many alumni of the global Hizb ut-Tahrir have gone on to bigger and better things. Khalid Sheikh Mohammed masterminded 9/11 and Abu Musab al-Zarqawi went on to create the terror group that would turn into ISIS. But after a decade of conferences, Hizb ut-Tahrir America is still failing.
Where its cousins in the UK and Australia had thousands of members, assaulting African Christians, forcing women to wear hijabs, calling for beheadings and honor killings, Hizb ut-Tahrir America is stuck in the world’s worst Ramada, trying to sell another Islamic conquest of a resurgent India.
The Chicago suburb of Glendale Heights had traditionally been home to German and Polish immigrants before being swamped by migrants and refugees. Glendale Heights was one of Illinois’ top destinations for refugee resettlement, there’s an ICNA, and assorted other Islamist infrastructure all over the place.
The Ramada had also been the site of Hizb ut-Tahrir America’s Khilafah or Caliphate conference last year which once again called for the establishment of an Islamic theocracy whose laws would no doubt necessitate the enslavement, rape, and murder of much of the population of the planet.
This year, Hizb ut-Tahrir America was celebrating the anniversary of the conquest of Constantinople at the Ramada. The Islamic genocide being celebrated near the Schnitzel Plaza with the hashtag #ConquestofIstanbul saw the streets covered in bodies and blood, men impaled, women and children raped by the armies of Mehmet II, the pedophile ruler who maintained a harem of young men.
As every devout Muslim “divinely guided” ruler should.
The theme of this year’s conference was using the subjugation of Constantinople, or as Hizb ut-Tahrir, whose name means Party of Liberation, called it, “The Liberation of Constantinople”, as a model.  After being “liberated”, Constantinople ceased to exist. That is what happens when Islamists liberate things.
After an extensive denunciation of the Indian infidels and their attempts to keep out Islamic illegal aliens from Pakistan, he angrily complained that the triple talaq, which allows Muslim men to divorce their wives by texting them, “I divorce you” three times, was being outlawed to protect Muslim women.
“Even our marital law is being legislated against,” the future caliph whined. Things haven’t gone so well since the group that "will carry the Jihad towards India and across the world” had its big day.
Sultan Ghiyasuddin Dhamgani is described as having ordered his men to impale Hindu prisoners, and then "their wives were killed and tied by their hair to these poles. Little children were massacred on the bosoms of their mothers and their corpses left there."
As colonial occupations go, no one beats the Islamic colonial occupations which leave nothing except mosques, Koran memorization contests, and mountains of skulls.
Tamerlane coolly describes beheading 10,000 people so that, "the sword of Islam was washed in the blood of the infidels."
Mahmud of Ghazni's secretary had recorded taking "500,000 slaves beautiful men and women” from among the "enemies of Allah". While the enemies of Allah are all non-Muslims, these particular enemies would have been Hindus. Why these male and female slaves had to be described as "beautiful" by these devout Muslims is best left to the imagination of anyone familiar with the haram bisexual harems.
These are the glories of Islamic liberation. They are as lovely as the unclean toilets of the Ramada.
 "Allah promised the Ummah (Muslims) in the Koran that they will inherit this earth," Taiseer Hussein, a Hizb ut-Tahrir member, ranted in a second speech. "That the Ummah will rule over this earth."
That included the imminent conquests of Rome, India, Israel, and Spain.
"We, as a nation, will witness, Allah willing, the return of the Caliphate upon the method of the Prophet and then as a nation, we will open Rome and liberate Palestine and the rest," the rant went. "Under the Caliphate, Rome will be opened, Kashmir will be liberated, India will be liberated, Palestine will be liberated, Andalusia... Sometimes we forget about Andalusia, which is known as Spain."
It wouldn’t do to forget Spain, while preaching the conquest of the world from Glendale Heights.
Hizb ut-Tahrir claims that it’s a non-violent organization. But what exactly was the “method of the Prophet”? And India was conquered through the genocide of countless millions of Hindus.
The “rule of Allah” that Hizb ut-Tahrir’s Sharia nerds wax rhapsodic over was mass murder.
The Islamist group has the grandiose vision of ISIS, it squawks about an Islamic State, but has no ability to implement it. That’s why its former members went on to found ISIS and mastermind 9/11. It has the complex doctrinal plans of the Muslim Brotherhood, but, despite all the theory, none of the infrastructure of cells and influential members with an actual pathway to taking over countries.
Hizb ut-Tahrir outfits in the UK and Australia got attention and members by being provocative. But Hizb ut-Tahrir America already had trouble booking hotels, and now it’s stuck in a dirty Ramada vowing that India, and then Rome, Israel, India, and finally Spain, will fall to the faithful forces of Islam.
The 2016 Hizb-ut Tahrir America conference featured the adamant declaration that, “Islam is here to dominate.” Here meaning the United States of America!
Of course, they are preaching jihad and conquest of the infidels on all your favorite social media sites.
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jpsatmur · 5 years
31 ghosts of October, #11
There is a tower that is a silent scream. It is, to most of the world, a fine place, a desirable address, a plush-deluxe residential complex in the heart of the toney side of the Cantonment. To those who live there, the silent scream emerges slowly, according to their own susceptibility and sensitivity. To date, no one has lived there without sensing at least something, some very minor, not-quite-there frisson, some momentary tickle between the shoulder blades, some slight derangement of the curtains on a still day.
And things happen in the neighbourhood. The city's first daylight gunshot death in decades took place down the road, outside a wealthy jeweller's house. The victim was the jeweller himself, returning from his morning walk. The house is more fortress than mansion now, high walls, grilled apertures, security guards with long, ominous moustaches and rifles. Elsewhere, a drunk CEO, driving home in the wee hours after wining and dining potential angels, crashed into a tarpaulin tent by the road and killed a family of five: a Bihari couple working on the new flyover, and their children. Another CEO, driving home the morning after a bender, swerved into the pavement and felled three pensioners. Morning walks seem to be a recurring danger, here.
There is an edge in the vicinity of the tower. It is the echo of that silent scream. Some perceive it simply as the charge of big city life. A dream of the big apple, in the boiled bean town. Others feel it as the waft of soulless dejection in a city of the plain (although, here, we are on a plateau). There have, in two decades, been, in the tower, suicides, murders, divorces, runaways, affairs, counter-affairs, overdoses, addictions, altercations and feuds.
These things happen, in a big tower, in a big city. By no means are we to grant any special significance to them, nor to the sometimes foreboding atmosphere already described. Least of all, are we to grant any importance to the dreams that sometimes haunt the inmates. The identical dreams that they sometimes confide to each other.
Dreams of an old bungalow, the sort that used to line the roads in this part of the city a century ago. Dreams of an old woman, a widow, her only help a servant woman nearly as old her. The old woman cannot sleep; she keeps reading the letters from her sons, one settled in Canada, the other in Australia. Letters pleading, persuading, demanding that she sell the house to the developer who they've been sending to her. The developer, a small, plausible man dressed all in white, hung with gold chains and bracelets. Who comes in without a particular invitation and stays too long, expecting endless rounds of tea, who leaves the ashtray overflowing, who always comes with three or four burly men in grey or fawn safari suits, who wait outside, scowling.
Dreams of the night a lean, keen-eyed man, who has received money from both sons, scales the compound wall, picks the lock in the front door, quickly finds and binds and gags the servant then, only faint starlight and a yellowed wash of moonlight illumining his calm features, makes his way to the old lady's bedside, hefts a knife with a slim, slim blade and swiftly slits her throat then holds a hand over her mouth, silencing her screams, until she is still, her eyes blank and unseeing.
Within a year, the tower was completed. One brother bought a new house in the suburbs. The other started his own small manufacturing unit. The developer acquired new gold chains. The assassin had a bout of dengue and never fully recovered, fumbling in an assignment and being caught at last. He was sentenced to twenty years, but caught typhoid in prison and died screaming in the toilets.
And the tower - the tower is a silent scream. One day, it will crumble, but the scream will live on, hushed, desperate, forever fading into timeless silence.
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Audrey Hepburn featured in a Russian magazine ЧЕЛОВЕК-ЛЕГЕНДА (Legendary Person)
ROUGHLY TRANSLATED STORY (Originally published in Russian)
Part 1 • Part 2 • Part 3 
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Audrey Hepburn during the production of How to Steal a Million Studio de Boulogne, Paris Photography by Douglas Kirkland
By Olga Shemetova
Her name during the '60s guarantees the commercial success of films, and her attractions were so popular that she was at the peak of woman's fashion for several seasons. It is not surprising that for more than half a century Audrey Hepburn has taken pride of her place as the most stylish and elegant actress in the world.
True Aristocrat
The full name of Audrey Hepburn immediately gives rise to associations with the Skalinavian sagas and the spirit of the Dutch Renaissance. Edda Kathleen van Heemstra Hepburn-Ruston was born on May 4, 1929 in Belgium, in the town of Ixelles near Brussels.
On her mother's side, Audrey was a Dutch woman from the old Van Heemstra family. Ella van Heemstra, the mother of the future star, was born on the estate of Velpe near the city of Arnhem and bore the title of baroness. Ella has been married twice.
Irishman Joseph Victor Anthony Hepburn Ruston, the father of the future star, became her second husband. He was a mysterious person—it is still unclear whether he was born in 1889 in London or was older and originally from Australia. The only confirmed fact of his biography is the mention in the list of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for 1923-1924, where he was an honorary consul in the island of Java. Exactly there, Ella met him. After returning to the continent, the family settled in the suburbs of Brussels.
Alas, a happy family life did not work out. In 1935, Joseph was forced to leave his wife and children after a scandal—Ella found her husband in bed with her children's nanny.
Before the divorce, Audrey's parents often attended Nazi meetings in Germany. They can be seen in photographs taken on the steps of the "brown house," headquarters of the National Socialist Party in Munich, among the supporters of Sir Oswald Mosley, the leader of the British Union for the Nazis. Subsequently, Ella renounced her views, and Joseph became the director of a European press agency in London, dealing with Nazi propaganda in England and collecting classified information for the Reich.
On the basis of Regulation 18B in 1940, Audrey Hepburn's father was arrested and remained in custody until April 1945. After the release of Hepburn-Ruston, it was justified that he lived in Dublin, where he died in 1980. When the glory of his daughter swept all over the world, he did not find it possible to remind himself. If the journalists found out about the past of Audrey's father, she would not be in trouble.
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Audrey Hepburn and Gregory Peck in Roman Holiday (1953)
Hungry Childhood
Audrey recalled that her mother would have been a very strict woman, while her father was impulsive, cheerful, and imposing, so the girl was drawn to him. Her earliest memory is of her father holding her arms in a large room, and she sees magical crystal pendants on a chandelier above her head. Her papa leans over her—kind, handsome, smiling.
His departure from the family became an incredibly painful moment in her life. And yet, Audrey was lucky that she remained in the care of her mother. Ella van Heemstra believed in the exceptional role of willpower and was able to instill this in her daughter: never look back, do not suffer because of past failures, to believe is all that you need, anything you know can be achieved with hard work and self-discipline.
After the divorce of her parents, Audrey settled with her mother in the Netherlands, in the city of Arnhem, which was soon occupied by the Nazis. Audrey then loved to draw and even dreamed of becoming an artist. She took the pseudonym Edda van Heemstra (correcting the documents of her mother Ella van Heemstra). She signed her works with this pseudonym, but the reasons for its appearance lay deeper—the English prefix to the surname during the occupation was considered dangerous.
In the winter of 1944, an acute shortage of food, heat, and medicines began in Arnhem. The so-called “hungry winter” has come. Residents froze right on the streets of the city, which was half empty due to Allied bombing. The fascists shot her mother's uncle and cousin for participating in the resistance movement.
Audrey herself, by her own admission, not quite understanding the full horror of the disaster, performed ballet numbers for the public in order to raise funds for the underground. According to some reports, the girl also helped the Resistance movement by delivering secret messages.
One day, while on a mission, Audrey handed over a note with information to an English parachutist hiding in the forest. Coming out of the forest, she met a German patrol and handed the Germans a bouquet of forest flowers.
Due to malnutrition, Audrey developed anemia, respiratory diseases, and edema. Trying to forget about the hunger, she lay in bed for days and read. The star could not get rid of health problems that arose in that “hungry winter until the end of her life.
At the end of the war, the family was saved by the organization UNICEF. Subsequently, cooperation with this foundation became a way for the actress to repay the kindness shown to her.
After the liberation of the Netherlands, humanitarian aid began to flow into the country and Audrey got sick from overeating—she became sick from a small portion of oatmeal, which had too much sugar.
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Audrey was an amazing combination of innate elegance and childish insecurity. Audrey Hepburn in a publicity photograph for Funny Face (1956)
Source: Sean Connery Fan Russia
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merrock · 3 years
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face claim: Dacre Montgomery.
full name: Owen Ryder Anderson.
nickname(s): Ryder.
pronouns & gender: he/him, cis man.
sexuality: bisexual.
birth date: October 22, 1994.
birth place: Boston, Massachusetts.
time in town: Ryder just moved to Merrock in September of 2021.
housing: suburbs.
occupation: employed at From Brush to Canvas, and works at The Garden.
family: cousin, Greyson McVey.
personality:  Having grown up in a family that traveled a lot, Ryder is the kind of person who has learned a lot about the world in a small amount of time, which means there is a little bit of every place he’s been wrapped up inside of him. He’s good-looking and he knows it, and has a real talent for art, which sometimes means he walks through life with a chip on his shoulder. He can be snarky and rude when provoked, but will never hesitate to bring a six-pack to every party he is invited to. He believes in suffering for his work, and dear God, is he into his girlfriend.
Growing up, Ryder never really knew what his father did for a living, and despite the fact that he's an adult with career aspirations of his own, he still doesn't really know. Born on October 22, 1994, the only child of a socialite mother and someone that his friends joked was in the mafia for a father, Owen Ryder Anderson has never, ever looked or acted like an Owen, and will openly scowl if he is called anything but Ryder. A colicky, finnicky baby, he kept his nannies and nursemaids from getting much sleep, and his parents on their toes all through his younger years, especially when he began to draw on the walls of the arts and crafts room. (Looking back, his parents have said that they should have known he would grow up to be an artist.)
As he was growing up with the silver spoon wedged firmly between his lips, Ryder's parents were growing further and further apart, finally divorcing when he was only five or six years old. Or beginning to divorce -- it was a very long, painful, drawn-out, messy process, for which most of the experience, he lived with his mother in Boston. His pre-teen years saw him frustrated with his life, acting out, mouthing off, refusing to pay attention in school, and by the time the divorce was finalized and his mother was ready to live her new, lavish lifestyle, she was also ready to send her son packing, and Ryder headed off to live with his father on the road. He had a private tutor that traveled with them, excelled in one on one studies, and began to really hone is passion for the one thing that made him happy and feel at peace: art.
It was a natural conclusion for Ryder to enroll in school, and he was accepted into the Massachusetts College of Art and Design after graduating from his high school program, settling back into his life pretty happily, meeting lifelong (he hopes) friends and making strong connections with fellow artists as he studied his hardest to really develop the passion he loved so much. Still, during his breaks and long weekends, he traveled with his father, helping him with business trips, enjoying warm beaches during the winter, and being able to learn a little bit about a lot of places as he went. But it was in Massachusetts, during his college years, that he met someone who was unlike anyone he had ever known before at a local party -- a girl that he didn’t expect would change his entire life. The two struck up an online friendship after the party and gradually began an online, long-distance relationship.
After graduating from college, Ryder spent a few years traveling with his father, going to Australia, Dubai, China, anywhere that he had business. But then the call from his mother came in -- her new boyfriend owned a small gallery and would love to show his paintings, if he had any, and invited him to come back to Boston. Surprisingly, he made a lot of sales, and even gained a little fame in the art world, garnering a little bit of a social media following (although he jokes that it's largely because he paints shirtless). The gears began to churn, and Ryder used the money he made on the paintings to start a little nest egg for himself, booking a ticket to Maine and begging his father over the phone to help him secure a house to call home in Merrock. With the promise that he would take care of all bills after he settled in during the fall, Ryder made the jump the tip top of the north east, and cannot wait to see where the journey takes him.
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