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haveyouseenmymind · 6 years ago
A first pawesome meeting
This fic is my first contribution for the amazing @goingknowherewastaken’s DivineMeAMasterpieceChallenge (and also honorable mention to her assistant @jiminthestreets-bonesinthesheets :D)! 
My interpretion of the Tarot card I chose for this challenge can be found under the cut.
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Fandom: Star Trek AOS
Pairing: McKirk
Rating: G
Warnings: none
Words: 1747
Prompt:  Hey I just moved into the house next door and I just wanted to let you know that your dog keeps getting into my yard an - wait what? What do you mean that’s a cat????? That’s not a cat it’s fucking huge!!!! (turns out it is a cat, it’s just really big and fat)
Leonard’s first meeting with his new neighbor doesn’t go exactly as expected.
My interpretation:
The card I chose for my story was the Fool, and I only used the meaning for the upright position (beginnings, innocence, spontaneity, and a free spirit) for this fic, cause it didn’t feel right to include the reversed one (holding back, recklessness and risk-taking) into the situation of the story. I mainly concentrated on the meaning of new beginnings, though I hope the story fits the card with more than just that. 
The way I see it, the card doesn’t describe just Leonard’s or just Jim’s situation here. Sure, for Leonard there’s a new beginning as he tries to start over in a new town, but in my eyes it’s a new beginning for Jim, too. He meets his new neighbor, and as he says it himself at the end, it’s the beginning of a new friendship (and probably so much more ;D). They are both connected due to Jim’s cat, through which they get to know other. And lets be honest, isn’t a free spirit the most fitting description ever for a cat? ;)
(Also, I’m sorry for the shitty explaining of my interpretation, but somehow my brain just stopped working.)
Leonard glared at the still unpacked boxes that were scattered all over his living room, but of course they didn’t disappear. It was late afternoon, the sun would go down soon and he was nowhere near done with his work, but he was too tired to go through the rest of the boxes, as it had taken him nearly all day to clear the bedroom where the chaos had been even worse. 
He really hated all the work that came with moving, taking hours for finding the right places for your belongings or dragging wrong labeled boxes from room to room, until you finally found out where they actually belonged to. 
And not to forget the horror of having to clear that one box containing all the knick-knacks that landed in there during hasted packing sessions, never knowing where to put them until you finally gave up and just threw them into the next best drawer.
At least for now his bed was ready, and so he was spared of having to sleep on the ground, which would have ended for him with a sleepless night. Experience had told him that he was far too old to deal with that.
Hopefully, all the trouble of leaving his old life and getting a fresh new start would be worth it. He had found a good job at a nice little clinic in a not too small town, where you knew your neighbors, but still had at least some privacy.
And even though his decision to move here had been a bit too rushed for his own taste, he had been able to find a nice cosy house in a rather secluded street at the end of town, which lessened the chances of being surrounded by nosy people.
Of course he knew that he couldn’t avoid his neighbors forever, but so far his peace hadn’t been disturbed, which he had been more than grateful for. Though he’d definitely go and introduce himself, as soon as things would have calmed down a bit.
It probably would have been for the best to get over with it as soon as possible, before people would start talking behind his back and write him off as an unsocial bastard, which, if he was completely honest, he was to a certain degree.
However, he didn’t want to get on the wrong side of his neighbors before he had even gotten to know any of them. Maybe he’d start this weekend with whoever lived right next to him.
After a while of losing himself in his thoughts, he finally decided to call it a day. Satisfied with his work so far, he really deserved a break, and so he poured himself a drink, took it outside and sat down on the porch to enjoy the rest of the evening.
His gaze wandered all over the yard, as he moved the glass towards his lips, but he put it back down immediately, when suddenly he spotted something far in the back.
He squeezed his eyes together, trying to find out what it was, but all he could make out was something huge and dark slowly moving around, and Leonard guessed by its size that it had to be the neighbor’s dog.
He frowned and realized, after watching the animal for a while, that the dog seemed to feel completely at home. Apparently this wasn’t the first time he had escaped his owner and enjoyed a nice little stroll around Leonard’s yard. 
So after all, the time to get to know his neighbor had come sooner than expected, and though he contemplated what to do next for a minute or so, he knew there was no way around informing the owner that their dog had escaped its own home. 
He definitely wouldn’t try to catch the animal on his own, that wasn’t his responsibility. There was no reason why this should be Leonard’s problem if his neighbor couldn’t take care of their own pet properly.
And so he got up, his glass of bourbon completely forgotten for the moment, and headed for his neighbor’s house.
When he rang the doorbell he was annoyed and frustrated about the situation, since this wasn’t how he had planned for his evening to end. If anyone had asked him, he would have stayed alone for the rest of the day and gone to bed early. But like so many times before no one gave a damn about his opinion, or that he would have preferred getting to know his neighbor another day when he felt ready to face other people again.
After a few minutes, Leonard heard someone stumble around from the inside, a loud crash and then footsteps coming closer to the door. Whoever was on the other side definitely hadn’t anticipated any visitors at all, and Leonard felt the tiniest slither of glee rise up in him, happy that his evening alone wouldn’t be the only one ruined.
He tried to prepare himself mentally for this first less than perfect meeting, but when the door opened abruptly, he found himself staring into the bluest pair of eyes he had ever seen, making him lose all of his words and thoughts at once.
He must have looked like a complete fool, standing there in front of the handsome blond man who eyed him with confusion, while this weird man just blinked at him, not saying a single word of what he wanted from him.
Leonard could feel how heat crept up his face, and inwardly he scolded himself for his strange behaviour. But thankfully, the blond began to smile at him, and even though Leonard could have sworn that his heart must have stopped for a few beats, he finally got himself back under control.
“Uhm, hi. I’m your new neighbor, Leonard McCoy.”
The other man’s smile became understanding, and Leonard found himself liking the sight a little bit too much.
“Oh hey! I wanted to come over and welcome you into the neighborhood myself, but life has been a bit crazy lately. I’m sure you can relate. But now that you’re here, why don’t you come in for a beer? I’m Jim by the way.”
Leonard was a bit overwhelmed with Jim waiting patiently for him to decide what he wanted to do, as he blinked at him innocently, making him feel more and more uncomfortable.
“Uhm, that’s very nice of you, but actually I’m here to talk about your dog.”
“My… my dog?”
Jim’s hopeful expression changed back to the confusion he had greeted Leonard with, and the doctor had the feeling that he was missing out on some important information. Maybe the dog didn’t belong to Jim?
He probably should have shut up straightaway, turned around and headed back for his own house and just forgotten that this evening happened, but unfortunately he had to open his mouth again.
“Yeah. Please keep him restricted to your own yard. I’m not saying to hold him him on a leash all day long, but I really don’t want him to dig his way through my garden and bury his bones or whatever else he’s doing over there.”
The longer Leonard talked, the bigger Jim’s grin became, worsening Leonard’s frustration instantly. Why did he have to leave his house today? Just to get made fun of by his stupid neighbor? Who, as he had to admit to his own annoyance, was quite attractive? 
“What’s so damn funny kid? Is this simple request beneath your dignity, or what’s your problem?”
But Jim didn’t answer immediately, instead he just looked at Leonard apologetically, and the brunet felt a bit bad for his harsh words.
“No, I’m sorry. It’s just that I don’t own a dog.”
“But… If it’s not yours, do you know who else around here owns a black dog that’s straying through strange yards?”
“Actually none of the other neighbors own a black dog. But I think I know what you mean, you probably just saw Mr. Pawsome. He sometimes gets mistaken for a dog.”
Leonard blinked at Jim, cause he clearly must have misheard what the other man just said.
“Mr. What???”
“Mr. Pawsome. He’s my cat.”
“A cat? What do you mean that’s a cat? That’s not a cat it’s fucking huge!”
Jim laughed at that, and Leonard felt like an idiot again. There was no way that Jim was serious, a cat surely couldn’t have the size of a dog.
And just when he thought of going back to his own house, leaving Jim without another word and if he should ever talk to him again, something came around the corner. Leonard stared at it, and indeed, it was a huge large cat, with long black fur and as big as a dog.
The cat walked up to them, moved around Jim’s legs and butted its head against them, before it sat down in front of his owner, looking up and watching the stranger with big calculating eyes.
Leonard, who couldn’t believe what he saw, stared first at the cat, then Jim and finally the cat again.
“That’s a cat. How is that a fucking cat?”
Jim, who finally had his laughing back under control, looked at his overwhelmed neighbor with sympathy.
“He’s a Maine Coon, it’s normal for them to be this huge. They are one of the biggest cat breeds, so don’t worry. You’re not the first one to confuse him for a dog. So, now that this has been cleared, what about the beer I offered?”
Leonard threw one last wary glance down at the fuzzy feline, before he finally accepted the situation. Jim seemed to be a nice enough guy, and maybe it wouldn’t hurt to have another friend in this town.
“Why not. But keep that monster of a cat away from me, I’m not keen on getting suffocated by it.”
Jim leaned down, scratched his cat, who began to purr loudly as soon as he got petted, under the chin.
“Don’t take him serious, Paws. He’ll love you once he gets to know you.”
Leonard snorted, but couldn’t hold back the little smirk that appeared on his face, which was answered by Jim with another big beaming smile, and Leonard asked himself if the other man ever stopped smiling. Jim meanwhile stood back up, and stepped aside for Leonard to get inside of his house.
“Come in Bones, I bet this is going to be the beginning of an epic friendship.”
tags (Strikeouts I can’t tag) : @thevalesofanduin @medicatemedrmccoy @toosouthernforspace @reading-in-moonlight @feelmyroarrrr @0dannyphantom0 @eyeofdionysus @bsotstory @neon-green-bra @loststarlight @imoutofmyvulcanmind @fireboltrose5737 @ree923 @str8-jack-it @flaminglupine @captainsbabysitter-blog
McKirk: @mishacolyte @joannaleemccoy
Star Trek: @theartofeheheh @samleerandom
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kjs-s · 6 years ago
French leave
Pairing  Steve trevor x reader
Fandom Wonder Woman
Summary Steve’s mission goes wrong and he has to ask for help from a nearby traveling circus
Prompts Wheel of fortyne tarror card - Upright - good luck, karma, life cycles, destiny, a turning point, Circus AU, “I'm pretty good at providing distractions.” 
Word Count: 3260
Warnings: None i can think of
A/N: This is my entry for @goingknowherewastaken and @jiminthestreets-bonesinthesheets Divine me a masterpiece challenge. I chose the wheel of fortune and I used it upright.
Modern AU Diana is his boss and Etta is another spy in this one. The inspiration behind it was Madagascar 3 ans Macgyver.      
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Steve had spent the last hour shopping for a suit in numerous shops around Paris. He had flown in town that same morning, landing at a private airport so that any French officials wouldn’t notice him entering the country. Being a pilot made his job as a spy easier since he could fly his own plane anywhere he needed to be. The mission Diana had sent him to was a very risky and dangerous one yet he was one of the most qualified people in the service.
 ‘’Thank you for being early Steve. We don’t have much time so I will need you to read the file when you go home tonight. You would be leaving tomorrow to get settle in.’’ Diana gave him the file and started a video from an armed robbery in Bern.
 ‘’I don’t understand D. Why am I looking into a robbery that already happened? I thought the agents that you sent to Switzerland told you the robbers escaped. Do you think I will find any information they missed?’’ He skimmed over the case file his coworkers have been working on.
 ‘’No, Charlie and Sameer did an exceptional job despite the lack of evidence. They managed to figure out where the thieves will strike next.’’ She switched the camera footage with three invitations. One to the gala at the Louvre to promote a new exhibition based on World War 2, one in Turkey for a jewelry exhibition and one of an international expo in Dubai.
 ‘’They are certain the next target is one of those events. They will take the ones in Asia and suggested that you are the best qualified for the Paris one. You know more about World War 2 than anyone else in the organization after all.’’
‘’So, my mission will be to do what, stake out the place to identify whether the thieves will be there or not? Disguised as a waiter I assume.’’ Steve despised intel gathering missions in which all he had to do was watch and guard a place. He always asked Diana for something more challenging.
‘’Nothing like that. You will go to the gala as a guest. We are always working on an ID to help you pass as a historian who specializes in World War 2. The museum has invited many historians to attend and I know it won’t be hard for you to fit in. The difficult part of your assignment is that we need you to steal the painting.’’
It took some time for Steve to process what Diana had just told him. Apparently, the mission was for him to steal the painting from the museum before the thieves show up and hide it inside the museum. Charlie and Sameer would be doing the exact same thing on their respective missions. After the authorities would be notified they would search everyone whoever looks suspicious, the spy there would put a tracker on them and apprehend them when they reach their hideout. As for the hidden items, Diana was in charge of calling an anonymous tip as to where their whereabouts are the next day.
 Steve was looking around trying to strike up a conversation with any of the other people at the gala. He has done many solo missions in the past nevertheless being there without Etta still felt a little strange. She is always a pleasure to have around and it looks less weird for a couple to sit around a talk. However, since she was working on a job in Monte Carlo Steve had to improvise. So far, he had talked about his fake job to a professor from Cambridge and listen to an author describe his latest book in much more details that he cared for.
Finally, after two hours he found an opportunity to head towards the back of the exhibition alone. He quickly made it to the control room and took out the guards there. Knocking them unconscious was easy for him and he noticed from the cameras that the corridor, which the painting was hanging on, was empty. Running towards it immediately was the first mistake he made on that mission. Not due to the guards woke up but because he didn’t do anything to not get caught on camera. If Etta were there, she would have made the cameras run on a loop for an hour to show the corridor empty still Steve didn’t think of that.
His second mistake was not double-checking what security measures the French had taken. Diana had informed him about the ones he would have to face getting to the painting. Yet nobody knew about the alarm the curator had put on the frame the day before. Therefore, when Steve took the painting off the wall it sounded and he found himself running towards the exit. He assumed someone must have seen him before since the guards were already chasing him minutes afterward.
He carefully left the painting in a closet, not the safest option and not the hiding place he was intent to use, and he went back to the gala. He removed his tie and put sunglasses on however that didn’t work. He started running once again outside the Louvre and entered the Jarvin gardens. He meant to visit them during his stay but he had not studied where he could go to hide from the guards.
Luckily, he saw a traveling circus and hoped he could lose them in the crowd. As he was running, he kept looking behind him to check if the security guards were still chasing after him. He had thrown his glasses away although that didn’t achieve the goal Steve wanted. He tried communicating with Diana who was looking out the museum from their headquarters. She advised Steve to lose the guards without being compromised and that was the right decision since the thieves didn’t end up attacking the Louvre. They were in the jewelry exhibition in Turkey and Charlie did a great job. Instead of just stealing the jewelry he replaced them with fake and made sure the alarm would sound off while they were reaching the case. He tackled them and pointed them out to the authorities who were able to pin the other robberies on them as well.
As for Steve while he was running, he was trying in the meanwhile to lose his tail and remove his suit jacket. As a result, he collided with you and tackled you to the ground interrupting a conversation you had with your fellow performers.
‘’I am terribly sorry, I wasn’t looking where I was going.’’ He helped you up and in the process tried to hide behind your friends. He didn’t even consider that you might not speak English and that he had to switch to French.
‘’You are not looking right now either. Is something wrong? Do you need help?’’ You looked towards the direction he came from and saw two men in suits looking around.
‘’Oh you are speaking English, and yes, do you see those two men over there with the black suits? They wrongly believe I stole something from them and I am hiding so they can lose me. Could it be possible to let me hide here with you?’’
‘’We are having a show in a while. However, before I start I can distract them and give you enough time to go to that trailer over there. The one with the gold star. It’s mine and you will be safe there. Don’t worry, I'm pretty good at providing distractions.’’
You hoped you weren’t committing a crime by harboring criminal but after years on the circus, you felt like you could read people easily. Steve seemed like a trustworthy person and he didn’t seem like he was carrying anything he had stolen. Besides, your trailer had nothing valuable and worth stealing in.
You turned to your friends and pointed towards the guards, telling them how they looked like as if they weren’t having fun. You tapped your best friend and fellow acrobat on the shoulder and asked her to join you. The two of you stood in front of the two men who had concealed their weapons upon entering the circus grounds.
You spoke to them hoping you weren’t doing anything stupid trusting the stranger so much.
‘’Gentlemen you seem like you haven’t planned to visit us tonight. We haven’t had anyone wearing a suit here since we started. Are you interested in our acrobat show that is about to start or are you here to look around and maybe play some games?’’ You smiled sweetly at them like a salesperson trying to promote the circus. You hated when the ringmaster wanted any of his employees to act that way but now it was necessary.
‘’Thanks for the information ladies. We will look around a bit and we will come to enjoy your show afterward.’’ The guards who spoke signaled the other to split up and they checked their pockets fearing you had pickpocketed them.
You noticed Steve giving you a thumbs up from inside the trailer and let the guards go saying you would have to warm up for the performance. Tonight you would be only on the trapeze because the show the previous night was tough on your arms and you needed to rest a little.
While you were taking a bow, you spotted Steve sneaking out. You grabbed a coat and boots and went after him.
‘’Hey you, wait up.’’ You noticed his surprise and how he made sure nobody else was around.
‘’Hi. I don’t remember your name right now still thank you so much for the assistance. I really appreciate it. I’m afraid I have to go now.’’
‘’First of all, we didn’t properly introduce ourselves. I’m (Y/N)…..
‘’Steve’’ He tried to shake your hand forgetting the urgency of the situation he was on.
‘’Nice to meet you. Would you mind telling me what that was all about? Those two were clearly security guards from the museum. You stole something from the Louvre didn’t you?’’ You were trying to figure out what was happening despite your earlier assumption that he must have done nothing wrong. You were drawn into his eyes and due to your gift of reading people, Steve seemed like a genuinely decent guy.
‘’I stole nothing. They only thought I did because I accidentally tripped and lifted myself dangerously close to touching a painting. You can search me if you don’t believe me. Where you do think I would have something I stole, in my pocket?’’ He emptied them showing you that he only had a phone on him that he had called Diana with earlier. She had told him about the thieves’ imprisonment and to lay low for an hour before flying back to London.
‘’You could have hidden it somewhere. In addition, why are you trying to leave without being seen by anyone, even the person who helped you earlier?’’
‘’I am only trying to go back home. I flew to Paris a few days ago with my own plane and my boss needs me back tomorrow.’’ He noticed you hesitation and explained that he is a pilot who is allowed to fly as a hobby from time to time. You continued being apprehensive so he suggested going with him to the private airport.
It was only a short walk nonetheless; as soon as you made it, there you encountered an unpleasant sight. Apparently, Steve had somehow been compromised because the plane he had used was now a pile of metal scraps.
‘’I can’t believe this.’’ He kicked one of the pieces of metal that from the look of it used to be part of the engine.
‘’I’m sorry about your plane Steve. I’m sure your boss will understand. Moreover, if there are no flights out to wherever you need to go, you can always catch the first one early in the morning. Also, if you don’t have any money for a hotel you are welcome to stay with us.’’
Steve was moved by your kindness. He noticed your uncertainty about him only an hour ago and the fact that you were nice enough to help him figure things out made him want to reveal everything to you. So, instead of lying about company policy providing him to fly on another company he told you about being a spy.
‘’So you hid the painting within the museum just in case some actual thieves want to steal it? That was a risky yet brilliant plan. Diana seems like an excellent boss.’’ You were impressed by their adventures and how he talked about her with adoration.
‘’She is, taught me most of the things I know apart from flying. (Y/N) did you mean it when you said I could stay on your trailer tonight? I don’t want to be a burden.’’
‘’You won’t be. Nevertheless, if someone asks, you just joined us and I’m training you as a new acrobat. From some of the story you narrated, I guess you can pull it off.’’
The crew of the circus welcomed Steve warmly the next day and informed him that they were about to leave Paris in three days. Steve couldn’t argue since he informed Diana about his problem and she had no other agent who could help him out. Even if it would take him a little more than a week to reach London.
The first day was uneventful with you giving Steve a tour of the circus during the day and had him observe your preparation for the show. Your arms were no longer in pain and you trained normally on every number you were good at. Steve was impressed by your flexibility and strength that he took a video of you to send to Diana. From the moment you came up with the story of him training to be an acrobat to join you, he thought you would make a great spy.
The only issue with your lie was that Steve couldn’t do acrobatics to save his life. Every time he tried during your stay in Paris, he ended up with bruises
‘’Don’t worry we are leaving tomorrow and I’m sure while we are on the road we can find another skill for you. The ringmaster wants to see if you can be in one of the shows in Rouen or Calais. Let’s see what we can come up with.’’ You reached to get a pen and paper to write down all the occupation he could do.
‘’I can do that.’’ You turned to see him staring at the knife throwers with a joyful expression. He was worried that if he didn’t find something he would be in trouble.
The rest of the days went by quickly with Steve being a part of the knife throwing team. He was excellent at it and he became friends with everyone on the crew. You were proud of him even though you knew it wouldn’t last. He loved his job as a spy and nothing could change that.
Steve hadn’t thought about what to say to everyone when they reached London. Etta called him when she returned from her mission to ask how he was and he revealed to her that the thought of not going back had crossed his mind. She was supportive of whatever he wanted to do. However, Diana was as impressed with you as he was and Etta had heard her saying how you would be a great asset in their team.
‘’We will be in London in a few hours. We will set at Bedford Park so you can arrange how you will go back to your headquarters or your home from there. We will stay for a week if you want to come and visit or watch a performance.’’ You knew this day would come and you didn’t want him to see how sad you were. You had grown fond of him within the short period of time you spent together and you wished you could at least be in touch.
‘’(Y/N) I need to tell you something.’’ He made sure nobody could hear you so that they won’t find out about him being a spy or that he was trying to take you away.
‘’From the first time I saw your skills, I was impressed by you. I took a video of your training and send it to my boss. I was hoping she would agree that you have what it takes to work for us. On top of that, I really like you. I would hate to stay here without you on my side. Please don’t say anything right now. I will give you my number and if you are interested, you can call me anytime you want. And before you argue with me I thought about staying here and join the circus with you but there are criminals I still need to catch.’’ He wrote down his number, gave you a hug and left to find the ringmaster so he would quit.
Two night afterward, you still hadn’t called so Steve was certain you wouldn’t. However, he still missed you and decided to watch you perform on the first show in London. Diana and Etta asked if they could come along. Steve didn’t notice the look the two women shared when they left to get ready for the circus.
None of them saw you around before the show to speak with you. That made sense when during the show you worked a lot more than any of your friends did.
‘’Thank you all for joining us tonight. We will be here for a long time. Having said that, this show tonight is special to us. One of our best acrobats who had been here with us for years just had her last show. (Y/N) please come here to take a bow for everyone.’’ You were so touched by the gesture. You had spent the day saying goodbye to your friends and promising to visit them, yet you had no idea they would give you flowers and praise you in front of everyone.
Steve was so stunned that Etta had to pinch him to react. When everyone else got up to leave, he ran over to you.
‘’Hey Steve what are you doing here? I thought our official meeting would be tomorrow. Right, Diana?’’
‘’Yes, nine in the morning. Don’t be late we need to appoint someone as your trainer before becoming a spy. Probably Etta will be right for the job.’’ She winked at you and left you to go back to Steve who was greeting the other performers. You asked him to come and find you when he was done so you can pack together.
‘’I had no idea you were about to come work for us. When did you decide that?’’
‘’A few hours after you left. I called you but Diana answered it and arranged for me to start work tomorrow. She said she would bring you up to speed. Guessing from your expression, she wanted to surprise you. So, surprise, we will be working together.’’
Working as a spy with Steve turned out exactly as you anticipated it. You loved being his friend and after two months of working together, you decided you could see yourself as a couple. Once again, Diana and Etta knew everything before the two of you but it was Etta who won the bet about who would confess their feelings first. It was you.
@writing-journeyx   @sprinkleofhappinessuniverse@ohyesmarvel@agentpeggicarter@buckyofthemyscira @romantichen @once-upon-an-imagine @locke-writes@lucetheding @marveliskindacool@captainrogerss   @jurassicbarnes@uncomfortable-writers@theassetseyeliner@sgtbxckybxrnes @thetherianthropydaily@dresupi@caplansteverogers @captainrogerss@dirajunara-archive@imamotherfuckingstar-lord @outside-the-government@thefanficfaerie@admiralamott@yallneedtrek@goingknowherewastaken @girl-next-door-writes @janeykath318@kaitymccoy123 @musikat18
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frostingsfics · 6 years ago
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Info I chose: High priestess: mystery, scirk, soulmate
“I just did some calculations, and I've been able to determine that you're full of shit.”
m´eudail: my darling, my dear
@goingknowherewastaken @jiminthestreets-bonesinthesheets
Thank you @flamingbluepanda for your assistance in writing/checking this! 💙
Found You
“I just did some calculations, and I've been able to determine that you're full of shit.” Jim scowled as Bones and Pavel collapsed against each other, laughing their asses off. “You did what now?”
Pavel smirked, “I got us tickets to your favorite acoustic band. The one that uses homemade instruments without any fancy tech?”
Jim blushed. “Oh... you mean Stone Hearts not Stoned Rocks...wait why is it so funny to you guys?”
Bones grinned as he started gathering their coats. “It's just across park, next to our apartment. As for why it's funny, we got front row seats. Oh and they got markers for Writemates.”
“You do realize that just because I turned 22 today, doesn't mean I'm gonna find the one right away?”
“Trust me, any chance you get, is more than worth it. And what if you do? Think of it kid, you get to see your favorite band, and possibly find your Writemate. Doesn't the thought give you even the tiniest bit of a thrill?”
Jim sighed, though he had admit his best friend was right, and followed the brunet outside. “If I embarrass myself, I am blaming you.”
“Noted. Pav, you coming?”
The 18 year old nodded, grinning like a loon, following the older men. “Da!”
Jim grinned as Spock and Nyota, two 'facepaint’ artists, sat either side of him, focusing on doing a fancy pattern all across his face arms with the Writemate markers. Jim was facing away from the stage, Spock on his right, and Nyota on his left. “So...this pattern is unique from everyone else's?”
“Affirmative, it will make it easier for your 'mate to find you, if they're here.” Spock didn't so much as smile, though he did look satisfied with himself as he looked at his handiwork.
Having finished when Spock did, Nyota grinned, and used the Marker Stay! Sponge on the colorful display, so that it would last for the next few hours. “You’re our last customer for the night, good luck!”
Spock looked up as he stood, and froze, eyebrows disappearing into his bangs. Jim tilted his head, then became very much aware that the music had stopped and it was awfully quiet behind them.
Jim stood up slowly as the two artists backed away, then he turned around, finding himself face to face with his favorite band member, Montgomery James Scott, who played and made his own guitar and bagpipes.
The handsome Scotsman was making his way down the stage stairs, with his two bodyguards, the Sulu’s, towards Jim, his face and arms covered in the very same markings the blond had on his own.
A huge grin spread across the older man's face as he reached Jim and his friends.
“I believe you’re my Writemate, m’eudail. May I take you on a date after all this?”
Jim blushed and nodded. “I’d love that.”
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fallingstar6867 · 6 years ago
This is for @goingknowherewastaken‘s Divine Me a Masterpiece Challenge, where we chose a Major Arcana tarot card, a ship or character, and a prompt off their list. Also tagging @jiminthestreets-bonesinthesheets as requested
Card: The Star- interpretation & relevance are in the end notes to avoid spoiling everything Ship: McKirk Prompt: #28 - I have a soft spot for cats so I always feed the fat one that’s always hanging out in the hall with treats and now it started hanging around me fuck I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to accidentally steal your pet
Title & AO3 link: Mr Not A Puppy Tags: Academy Era, First Kiss Word Count: I was aiming for like 1k or 2k but, uh. 5,259 oops? Summary:  Jim finds a cat loose in the hall of his dorm during break
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frostedej · 6 years ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Star Trek Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: James T. Kirk/Montgomery "Scotty" Scott Characters: James T. Kirk, Montgomery "Scotty" Scott, Leonard "Bones" McCoy, Pavel Chekov, Nyota Uhura, Spock (Star Trek), Hikaru Sulu, Ben Sulu Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Soulmates, Soulmates, Soulmate-Identifying Marks, Romantic Soulmates, Writemates, DivineMeAMasterPieceChallenge, One Shot, My First Scirk Fic, Music, Acoustic Music, Band, Stone Hearts, Humor, Meet-Cute, Cute Summary:
In a world where you gain the ability to find your soulmate at 22 years old, called a Writemate, James Kirk receives a surprise from his two roommates and friends.
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goingknowherewastaken · 6 years ago
Divine Me A Masterpiece Challenge Masterlist
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For this challenge, participants were to select a Tarot card, a character/ship, and a prompt or two before creating a work to enter and post on February 22nd, 2019.
Here is the masterlist of pieces (will be updated as people post. if you posted and I missed it please let me know so I can add it) ♥♥♥♥♥
Card: Devil
Character: Vaako
AU: Wings
Prompt: #21 - “Are you ready to dance with the devil?”
Card: Hermit
Ship: McKirk
AU: Roommates
Prompt: #14 - “I’m gonna lay down and die for like a half hour okay?”
Card: The Tower
Ship: McKirk
AU: Magic
Prompt: #2 - “Are you scared? Don’t be. I’ll protect you from today onwards.”
French Leave
Card: Wheel of Fortune
Character: Steve Trevor
AU: Circus
Prompt: #18 - “I’m pretty good at providing distractions.”
Card: The Sun
Character: Jim Kirk
AU: Royalty
Prompt: #26 -  I just moved into a new apartment and went to buy groceries, but I bought more than I could carry back. I’ve stopped to catch my breath when I hear someone asking if I need help and I look up and the sun is literally making you glow like a damn angel.
A first pawesome meeting
Card: The Fool
Ship: McKirk
Prompt: #22 - hey i just moved into the house next door and i just wanted to let you know that your dog keeps getting into my yard an - wait what? what do you mean that’s a cat????? that’s not a cat it’s fucking huge!!!! (turns out it is a cat, it’s just really big and fat)
Found You 
Card: High Priestess
Ship: Scirk
AU: Soulmate
Card: Death
Ship: McKirk
AU: Fake Dating
Prompt: #15 -  “So MacGyvering this out of my tuckus right now.”
Card: Heirophant 
Ship: Charlie Weasley x Owen Grady
Prompt: #7 - you knit me a sweater for christmas and i realize i am in love with you
Captain F@#%ing Kirk
Card: The Lovers
Prompt: #1 - “I...think I’m in love?”, #11 - I mean life is full of surprises. You could find the love of your life tomorrow, but you could also wake up bald., #12 - Will you press pause on your SHIT for 5 minutes?
Mr Not A Puppy
Card: The Star
Prompt: #28 - i have a soft spot for cats so i always feed the fat one that’s always hanging out in the hall with treats and now it started hanging around me fuck i’m so sorry i didn’t mean to accidentally steal your pet
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goingknowherewastaken · 6 years ago
Hi! Congrats on 1000 followers ❤❤ Can I take the heirophant card, with the sentence prompt "you made me a sweater and I realized I'm in love with you" for owen grady x charlie weasley?
Card: Heirophant
Ship: the Saurian Dads
Prompt: #7- you knit me a sweater for christmas and i realize i am in love with you
oh sweet christ my heart is melting already i love you so much ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Also in a weird twist of fate I had just actually starting writing a little drabble for them when I noticed your ask come in 
9/22 ♦ Divine Me A Masterpiece || 1000 Follower Challenge
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goingknowherewastaken · 6 years ago
Hey! I'd like to join your challenge with Vaako, devil, wings au, and prompt #21, please?
Hey! I’m happy to hear that you’re interested in joining! So you’re claiming:
Card: Devil
Character: Vaako
AU: Wings
Prompt: #21 - “Are you ready to dance with the devil?”
Oh I am excited to see what you come up with ;)
Divine Me A Masterpiece || 1000 Follower Challenge
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goingknowherewastaken · 6 years ago
In about 1 hour from now
I will be posting my 1000 follower challenge :D
No, I am not at 1000 followers yet (I’m 25 followers short) but, as per @thefanficfaerie ‘s suggestion, I will be posting it early and will not put a due date on the entries until I reach 1000
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str8-jack-it · 6 years ago
Another good story.
A first pawesome meeting
This fic is my first contribution for the amazing @goingknowherewastaken’s DivineMeAMasterpieceChallenge (and also honorable mention to her assistant @jiminthestreets-bonesinthesheets :D)! 
My interpretion of the Tarot card I chose for this challenge can be found under the cut.
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Fandom: Star Trek AOS
Pairing: McKirk
Rating: G
Warnings: none
Words: 1747
Prompt:  Hey I just moved into the house next door and I just wanted to let you know that your dog keeps getting into my yard an - wait what? What do you mean that’s a cat????? That’s not a cat it’s fucking huge!!!! (turns out it is a cat, it’s just really big and fat)
Leonard’s first meeting with his new neighbor doesn’t go exactly as expected.
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Omg this was absolutely adorable ❤️😆
I loved how they met and that Jim’s cat was the cause of it all, and I also love how bones got his nickname from Jim lol
So cute❤️ and thanks for the honourable mention 😘
A first pawesome meeting
This fic is my first contribution for the amazing @goingknowherewastaken’s DivineMeAMasterpieceChallenge (and also honorable mention to her assistant @jiminthestreets-bonesinthesheets :D)! 
My interpretion of the Tarot card I chose for this challenge can be found under the cut.
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Fandom: Star Trek AOS
Pairing: McKirk
Rating: G
Warnings: none
Words: 1747
Prompt:  Hey I just moved into the house next door and I just wanted to let you know that your dog keeps getting into my yard an - wait what? What do you mean that’s a cat????? That’s not a cat it’s fucking huge!!!! (turns out it is a cat, it’s just really big and fat)
Leonard’s first meeting with his new neighbor doesn’t go exactly as expected.
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aww this was great!
I could definitely see steve being a knife thrower in the circus 😆😆
And the surprise at the end! Diana is sneaky lol!!
French leave
Pairing  Steve trevor x reader
Fandom Wonder Woman
Summary Steve’s mission goes wrong and he has to ask for help from a nearby traveling circus
Prompts Wheel of fortyne tarror card - Upright - good luck, karma, life cycles, destiny, a turning point, Circus AU, “I’m pretty good at providing distractions.” 
Word Count: 3260
Warnings: None i can think of
A/N: This is my entry for @goingknowherewastaken and @jiminthestreets-bonesinthesheets Divine me a masterpiece challenge. I chose the wheel of fortune and I used it upright.
Modern AU Diana is his boss and Etta is another spy in this one. The inspiration behind it was Madagascar 3 ans Macgyver.      
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Steve had spent the last hour shopping for a suit in numerous shops around Paris. He had flown in town that same morning, landing at a private airport so that any French officials wouldn’t notice him entering the country. Being a pilot made his job as a spy easier since he could fly his own plane anywhere he needed to be. The mission Diana had sent him to was a very risky and dangerous one yet he was one of the most qualified people in the service.
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