new-dinosaurs · 4 months
Diuqin lechiguanae Porfiri et al., 2024 (new genus and species)
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(Digital models of the vertebrae and humerus [upper arm bone] of Diuqin lechiguanae, from Porfiri et al., 2024)
Meaning of name: Diuqin = bird of prey [in Mapudungun]; lechiguanae = for Lechiguana [witch character in the 1975 film Nazareno Cruz y el Lobo]
Age: Late Cretaceous (Santonian)
Where found: Bajo de la Carpa Formation, Neuquén, Argentina
How much is known: Partial skeleton of one individual, including several vertebrae and the left humerus (upper arm bone).
Notes: Diuqin was probably an unenlagiine, a group of paravian theropods typically considered members of the Dromaeosauridae. Unenlagiines had long snouts and numerous unserrated teeth, which has led to the suggestion that they were primarily piscivorous (fish-eating). The humerus of Diuqin bears some resemblance to that of the younger and much larger Austroraptor, the biggest unenlagiine known.
The type specimen of Diuqin also preserves some bite marks on its humerus, suggesting that its carcass had been fed on, possibly by a crocodyliform, mammal, or another theropod dinosaur (maybe even another Diuqin).
Reference: Porfiri, J.D., M.A. Baiano, D.D. dos Santos, F.A. Gianechini, M. Pittman, and M.C. Lamanna. 2024. Diuqin lechiguanae gen. et sp. nov., a new unenlagiine (Theropoda: Paraves) from the Bajo de la Carpa Formation (Neuquén Group, Upper Cretaceous) of Neuquén Province, Patagonia, Argentina. BMC Ecology and Evolution 24: 77. doi: 10.1186/s12862-024-02247-w
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fishsfailureson · 3 months
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The recently named unenlagiine Diuqin from Argentina surveying it's surroundings on an overcast evening.
Also doubles as an entry for my sideblog @artist-quests (shaded this with red)
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si-nequal-is · 3 months
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Diuqin lechiguanae, the newface unenlagiine from Argentina.
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misterrogers22 · 3 months
Welcome to the Juras-Sick Park-Cast podcast, the Jurassic Park podcast about Michael Crichton's 1990 novel Jurassic Park, and also not about that, too. 
Find the episode webpage at: Episode 67 - The Encased Mosquito.
In this episode (stream is here!), my terrific guest Dr. Mark A. Loewen joins the show to chat with me about:
the formation of the Rocky Mountains, Laramidia and its connection to Pangea, how Tyrannosaurs and Triceratops benefited from the climatic and geographic changes of the Late Cretaceous, and the new paper on Lokiceratops rangiformis; its discovery, its purchase and new home in Denmark at the Museum of Evolution in Denmark, hyperdiversity of macroherbivorous dinosaurs endemic to particular areas in Larimidia, finding artists to portray the animal, naming new dinosaurs, declaring a new clade albertaceratopsini, naming conventions, centrosaurs in Jurassic Park like styracosaurus, nasutoceratops and sinoceratops, the differences between chasmosaurs and centrosaurs, thinking of dinosaurs like centorsaurines as if they were birds, and how the large cavities in ceratopsian skulls may have impacted their lives, centrosaurine chewing, reverse engineering a chicken, and much more!
Plus dinosaur news about:
Diuqin lechiguanae gen. et sp. nov., a new unenlagiine (Theropoda: Paraves) from the Bajo de la Carpa Formation (Neuquén Group, Upper Cretaceous) of Neuquén Province, Patagonia, Argentina. (Diuqin lechiguanae)
Lokiceratops rangiformis gen. et sp. nov. (Ceratopsidae: Centrosaurinae) from the Campanian Judith River Formation of Montana reveals rapid regional radiations and extreme endemism within centrosaurine dinosaurs. (Lokiceratops rangiformis)
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Featuring the music of Snale https://snalerock.bandcamp.com/
Intro: Sally Ride, and the Outro: Latebloomer.
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The Text:
This week’s subject is a little review of Loy's Procedure, used as a back-up plan for extracting dinosaur DNA at Jurassic Park. 
Jurassic Park (1993): Sc. 2 "The Encased Mosquito."
Side effects: 
May cause you to try and teach a ceratopsian to chew gum.
Find it on iTunes, on Spotify (click here!) or on Podbean (click here).
Thank you!
The Jura-Sick Park-cast is a part of the Spring Chickens banner of amateur intellectual properties including the Spring Chickens funny pages, Tomb of the Undead graphic novel, the Second Lapse graphic novelettes, The Infantry, and the worst of it all, the King St. Capers.
You can find links to all that baggage in the show notes, or by visiting the schickens.blogpost.com or finding us on Facebook, at Facebook.com/SpringChickenCapers or on Youtube by searching for the “Juras-Sick Park-Cast podcast” or on Tumblr @misterrogers22 or on X at @RogersRyan22 or email me at ryansrogers-at-gmail.com. 
You can find links to all that baggage in the show notes, or by visiting the schickens.blogpost.ca or finding us on Facebook, at Facebook.com/SpringChickenCapers or on Youtube by searching for the “Juras-Sick Park-Cast podcast” or on Tumblr @misterrogers22 or on twitter at @RogersRyan22 
Thank you, dearly, for tuning in to the Juras-Sick Park-Cast, the Jurassic Park podcast where we talk about the novel Jurassic Park, and also not that, too. Until next time! 
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iknowdino · 3 months
Episode 502: A new raptor with potentially cannibalistic bite marks
I Know Dino Podcast Episode 502: A new raptor found with potentially cannibalistic bite marks. Plus our first ever Di-Know-It-All puzzle, a new approach on the semi-aquatic Spinosaurus model, what whales and dinosaurs have in common, and more
Episode 502: A new raptor found with potentially cannibalistic bite marks. Plus our first ever Di-Know-It-All puzzle, a new approach on the semi-aquatic Spinosaurus model, what whales and dinosaurs have in common, and more News: There’s a new unenlagiine dromaeosaur, Diuqin lechiguanae, that was bitten hard enough to leave punctures on its upper arm bone source Scientists studied skull shapes…
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intnewst · 3 months
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Палеонтологи обнаружили в Аргентине нового птицеподобного динозавра Палеонтологи в Аргентине выявили новый род и вид динозавра-уненлагиина. Названный Diuqin lechiguanae, он заполняет существенный пробел в летописи окаменелостей этих тероподовых динозавров. Diuqin lechiguanae бродили по нашей планете в сантонскую эпоху мелового периода, между 86 и 84 миллионами лет назад. Этот вид принадлежал к Unenlagiine, подсемейству длиннорылых паравианских теропод семейства Dromaeosauridae. Уненлагиины — гондванские хищные динозавры, гнездящиеся в Паравесах, кладе, в которую входят птицы и их ближайшие нептичьи родственники-тероподы.
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leontiucmarius · 3 months
Un nou dinozaur asemănător unei păsări da fost descoperit în Argentina
Paleontologii din Argentina au identificat un nou gen și specie de dinozaur, numit Diuqin lechiguanae. El a fost prezentat într-un articol publicat în BMC Ecology and Evolution. Această descoperire umple un gol important în înregistrarea fosilelor acestor dinozauri teropode și oferă noi informații despre evoluția Unenlagiines, o subfamilie cu bot lung. Unenlagiines sunt o subfamilie […] Articol…
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gaetaniu · 3 months
I paleontologi scoprono un nuovo dinosauro simile a un uccello in Argentina
Diuqin lechiguanae. Un nuovo genere e una nuova specie di dinosauro unenlagiino sono stati identificati da paleontologi argentini. Chiamato Diuqin lechiguanae, colma una notevole lacuna nella documentazione fossile di questi dinosauri teropodi. Diuqin lechiguanae si aggirava sul nostro pianeta durante il periodo Santoniano del Cretaceo, tra 86 e 84 milioni di anni fa. Questa specie apparteneva…
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cavenewstimes · 3 months
Paleontologists Discover New Bird-Like Dinosaur in Argentina
A new genus and species of unenlagiine dinosaur has been identified by paleontologists in Argentina. Named Diuqin lechiguanae, it fills a substantial gap in the fossil record of these theropod dinosaurs. Life reconstruction of Diuqin lechiguanae. Image credit: Porfiri et al., doi: 10.1186/s12862-024-02247-w. Diuqin lechiguanae roamed our planet during the Santonian age of the Cretaceous period,…
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