#Disney Pinocchio
kabishkat19 · 2 days
More Counter Parts🖤
(The grimm legends vs. Disney)
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skysiren41 · 2 years
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Everyone to Disney rn:
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babylemonart · 9 days
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I HAD to redraw them you don't understand
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swallowtail-ageha · 10 months
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They're all in the same room and must fight to death who comes out on top
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disneynerdpumpkin · 6 months
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Geppetto and Pinocchio just being the adorable father and son that they are ❤️🥰😭
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riktorart · 4 months
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kkyos · 1 year
Pinocchinktober day 3 "path"
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he is bringing to his big bro new supplies for work💕
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jinxthejubilee · 11 months
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I'm sorry, but the fact that some of ya'll saw a fox character and your first thought was "Nick Wilde" makes me seriously question your level of simpage and your Disney knowledge.
The theme is puppets.
There's a cat character with him. Unless I'm blind, I've seen not single rabbit character with him.
Dude's name is "FELLOW HONEST" like Honest John!
How could you think it was Zootopia?!
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frie-ice · 4 months
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Fellow Honest and Gidel here are modelled after Honest John and Gideon. They appear in the Pinocchio based event, Stage in Playful Land (that is limited to the Japanese server). That's why I dubbed the collage as "Playful Animals," so all four of them can be referenced in it. Unlike the TWST collages I have done of this series, these two aren't from a school.
Funny story, when I first saw the two I thought that people would slash ship Fellow Honest and Gidel, like some have done with Honest John and Gideon; but that was before I learned that Fellow and Gidel are brothers. So you can imagine my imbruement from not knowing that, since the two aren't mentioned on the Twisted Wonderland wiki, that reserves its information for the game's English server. Like I said the event that Fellow and Gidel were in was limited to the Japanese server. There is also the fact that Fellow Honest is a fox beastman and Gidel is cat beastman, they look more like their original Disney counterparts than they do with each other. Anyone who is new to TWST can make that mistake.
This Disney Twisted Wonderland collage is par of a series that showcase the parallel comparisons between the original TWST characters with the classic Disney villain characters (or trademark items) that they are based on upon and inspired from. In which has those Twisted Wonderland characters be seen as the TWST counterparts of those Disney characters. I got the idea for this series after seeing Tumblr posts of the TWST Housewardens and Vice-Housewardens being featured beside the original Disney characters that they represent, and I didn't want to limit myself to the Dorm Heads and overblot victims, but also for the other TWST characters.
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chaoticstarwberry · 11 months
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Breaking news: Italian woodcraver and his son's consicence fights a engineer and takes the engineer's son.
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kabishkat19 · 9 days
Do you have a next gen idea for Pinocchio? Does he marry and have kids or does he get magical help like his dad?
I did have a small possible idea…
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As Geppetto started to feel himself go the blue fairy granted him his one last wish…
“I wish for my Pinocchio not to be alone”
Then the doll Pinocchio had found and fixed up came to life✨Angelina✨
(Not sure if it’ll be a brother/sister or a father/daughter relationship yet)
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autisticartist321 · 3 months
“This isn’t what happened”
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casinotrio1965 · 4 months
Disney Descendants : Scene From Freddie's Shadow Cards
  As Freddie waded through the murky water, listening to Ally list off more imaginary illnesses, she made a mental note of all of the creatures of the swamp her father had told her about over the years.
  Obviously there were the gators. Those were dangerous. The egrets—tall white birds with pointy beaks—were only a problem if you were a frog. Crayfish could pinch you under the water, but nothing deadly. And she wasn’t even going to think about the scorpions and anacondas.
  But as she ticked off the animals on her fingers, she had the feeling she was forgetting something. Something important. Something big. Something…
  Freddie heard a vicious snarl and froze in her tracks.
  Something like that.
  Jordan, who clearly failed to notice that Freddie had stopped, ran right into Freddie’s back, nearly knocking her down in the knee-deep water.
  “What’s the deal?” Jordan griped. “Why are we stop—” But she never finished her question, because suddenly she saw the thing too.
  It was standing on a rock in the middle of the swamp, like a king of a small island, completely blocking their passage.
  It was huge. It was terrifying.
  And it was angry.
  The beast opened its mouth and let out a roar, showing off its humongous fangs.
  “What is it?” Jordan whispered, her voice trembling.
  “I think it’s a—” Freddie started to say, but she was interrupted by Ally, who was excitedly moving toward the terrifying creature.
  “Aww! It’s a big kitty!”
  Freddie tried to grab Ally to pull her back, but Ally was already too far ahead and approaching the giant cat, which snarled and hissed at her.
  “Come here, pretty kitty!” Ally cooed.
  “Ally!” Freddie whispered frantically. “Come back! That’s not a kitty. It’s a cougar!”
  But Ally ignored her and kept moving forward, her hand outstretched.
  Freddie couldn’t watch. Ally was about to get her hand chomped off by a vicious cougar!
  The cat roared again and lashed out at Ally with an angry swipe of its paw. Ally yelped and jumped back, landing on her bottom in the swamp water. After a moment, she pushed herself back to her feet and placed her hands on her hips. “How rude!” she scolded the cat. “Naughty kitty! Naughty, naughty kitty!”
  The cougar hissed in response, shaking its head.
  “Ally,” Jordan warned, “I think we need to turn back. That is not a kitty. That is a very angry cougar and—”
  “No,” Ally retorted. “We came this far. I’m drenched in muddy swamp water. I’m covered in mosquito bites. I am not turning back just because this kitty doesn’t remember its manners.”
  “Ally,” Freddie said, her wide eyes pinned on the cat, “it’s a wild animal. It doesn’t know any manners.”
  “Nonsense,” Ally insisted. “That’s no excuse. Mum says everyone should have good manners. I’ll just have to explain that to him.”
  Freddie was starting to lose her patience. She would’ve liked to just grab Ally and drag her away, but she didn’t want to get any closer to that ferocious cat. “Ally, you can’t explain anything to a wild cougar.”
  But Ally ignored her. She placed her hands on her hips and in a stern yet patient voice said to the cougar, “Now, you listen here, kitty. Just because you live in a swamp, that does not give you an excuse to be rude.”
  The cougar hissed and spat, clawing at the air with its mighty paw.
  “That’s a good point,” Ally said, as though actually responding to something the cat was saying. “We are strangers walking through your home. So why don’t we all get to know each other. My name is Ally. And this is Freddie and Jordan.”
  Jordan gave a weak, petrified wave, but Freddie refused to move.
  “Freddie,” Ally admonished. “Say hi to the kitty so you’re not strangers anymore.”
  This is ridiculous! Freddie thought.
  Freddie had always suspected Ally was a little peculiar, but now she was sure of it. In fact, this girl had to be mad as a hatter. And she was about to get them all eaten because of it.
  “Freddie,” Ally warned again.
  “Hi, kitty,” Freddie said reluctantly.
  “Very good. Now what is your name?” Ally asked the cougar.
  The cat roared and crouched low, looking like he was ready to pounce.
  “Ally,” Freddie said. She was terrified now. “He’s about to attack.”
  “Biscuit!” Ally exclaimed. “Well, that’s a lovely name.”
  Biscuit? Freddie thought. Is she serious? Where does she get this stuff?
  “Now, Biscuit,” Ally went on. “I would like you to be a good little kitty and lie down so I can pet your belly.”
  The cat couched lower, narrowing its dark vicious eyes at Ally and flicking its tail. It was definitely going to attack.
  Freddie readied herself to run. Ally could do what she wanted, but Freddie was not going to get mauled by a swamp cougar.
  “All the way down,” Ally commanded, pointing toward the ground with her finger.
  Then, just when Freddie swore it was about to spring into the air and make a delicious lunch out of Ally, the cougar lay down instead. Freddie’s eyes nearly popped out of their sockets.
  Was that a coincidence?
  “Good kitty,” Ally commended. “Now roll over.”
  The cat rolled onto its back, his legs sticking straight into the air.
  Freddie couldn’t believe what she was seeing!
  “There you go,” Ally said, approaching the cougar. She slowly extended a hand and scratched its stomach. The cat began to purr.
  “Is this for real?” Jordan murmured to Freddie out of the side of her mouth, keeping her gaze locked on the scene in front of them.
  “I’m not sure,” Freddie admitted.
  “Good Biscuit,” Ally trilled, reaching up to scratch the cat’s neck.
  The cat purred louder and let his head hang back.
  “Pretty kitty.”
  The cat licked its paw and rubbed its ear, grooming itself. Ally laughed. “Yes, you are a pretty kitty. Yes, you are!”
  Careful not to scare the creature, Freddie slowly approached and gaped at Ally in wonder.
  “What?” Ally asked, seeing Freddie’s astonished expression.
  “ So you really can talk to cats?”
  Ally tilted her head like she didn’t understand the question. “You can talk to anyone.”
  “No, I mean, they can actually understand what you’re saying,” Freddie clarified.
  Ally stood up and wiped her slightly dirty hands on her dress. “Of course they can, silly.”
  Then she walked around the rock, where the subdued cougar was still lying, and continued wading through the swamp. Freddie just stood there, still in shock, as she glanced back and forth between Ally and the wild cat, which right then looked no scarier than a stuffed animal.
  Maybe she’s kind of a genius.
  “Hey, slowpokes!” Ally called back to them. “Are you guys coming or not?
  Freddie looked at Jordan, who looked back at Freddie.
  “Uh, did Ally just save us from a swamp cat?” Jordan asked.
  Freddie nodded, still completely stunned by the recent turn of events. “I think she did.”
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wolfy-star1401 · 4 months
Some agere fanfic Prompts I had in my mind :
Disney’s Pinoccio :
Pinocchio playing with little! John & kitty! Gideon with cg!Jiminy looking after them
"Honest" John & Gideon find out about y/n‘s regression { big brother John & giddy }
Playdate with little! Jiminy cricket
Cg! Y/N {or insert oc} comforting little! "Honest" John {with the help of Gideon (both regressed or not) } after he regressed from his fear of the Coachman
Little! HJ perform his own little theatre show for little! Y/N but his little kitty, giddy has other plans
The great mouse detective
Basil had bottled up his regression for a while now which resulted in him involuntary regressing in front of his nemesis " Professor Ratigan "
Baby! Basil & Cg! Ratigan playing " detective & criminal Mastermind " with of course, Basil as the detective & Ratigan as the criminal Mastermind { It’s a pretend game }
Little! Basil mess up an experiment which upsets him & Cg! Ratigan is trying to comfort him { idea from @sw124 }
Big brother! Fidget babysits Baby!Basil
Ratigan is stressed from work & little! Basil tries to comforting him
Part 2 ?
Tag : @nottapossum @i-ate-your-children @i-love-the-little-things @theogclownboy @thedreemer-artrequestsopen @dragon-queen21 @littleconscience @beautifulcrownmusic @eflen-n-reegee
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Which Disney movies do you think are the darkest
And likewise Which Disney movies do you think are the lightest
Im doing this project where i watch the Disney animated cannon movies and score them on how dark they are, and when i started i made some guesses
My Guesses for What’s dark:
Hunchback of Norte Damn
Mulan (it’s a war movie)
Pinocchio (body horror)
Raya and the last dragon (apocalypse)
The Black cauldron
My Guesses for What’s light:
Chicken little
Home on the range
Winnie the Pooh (both movies)
Lady and the tramp
Emperors new groove
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i-am-trans-gwender · 2 months
Back in 2020 Disney announced a CGI photorealistic remake of Robin Hood (similar to the Lion King remake).
I hope it's been quietly canceled. If it does come out I predict the designs will have the uncanny valley factor of Jiminy Cricket, Honest John and Gideon in the Pinocchio remake.
I'll be like 2019 all over again when the trailers for Cats and the Sonic movie came out. The entire internet will be filled with disgust, horror and disbelief.
Just like with 2019 God will punish the mortals for making such a film by making the following year Hell on Earth.
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