#Disco Elysium callout Posting
morgue-xiiv · 23 days
For every single Disco Elysium character you HAVE to be able to say good and bad thing about them. If you can only say bad things about a character welllll maybe that's not so bad but if you can ONLY say good things you are NOT experiencing the character correctly. Yes all of them. Yes even Kim. No Disco Elysium character is all uwu small bean or all human monster they are both. You can always imagine a perspective that would understand the character and a perspective to hate them.
capeside Apartments Cleaning Lady is conscientious about respecting residents privacy, she doesn't capitulate easily to authority, she feels bad about her complex backstory of once letting someone into the apartments when they shouldn't have been let in. She is also classist about what residents she would like to "improve" the place. She does not have a name. Her role in the story is as a BACKUP route into a building that you don't need to enter to finish the game. She has her good and bad points. You're telling me your favourite character is always right? Your most hated character doesn't have anything possitive about them?
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volitioncheck · 10 months
does near every single post-canon DE fic out there need to be tagged ‘Sober Harry Du Bois’? i’m getting so tired of it.
do i expect every single piece of fan content to have to fully delve into the often-depressing always-complex topic of addiction? not really. sometimes you just want to write/read a silly fluffy romance one-shot, whatever. i get it. but i think my issue is specifically with the fact that for nearly every sillyfluffy au out there, there almost must be a ‘sober harry du bois’ tag. and it does feel very slapped-on more often than not.
i think to me it is an unconscious statement that nothing *good* can ever happen to harry du bois until he is completely and permanently sober. before solving the next big case, he has to be sober. before quitting the force, he has to be sober. before falling in love with kim, he has to be sober. before accomplishing anything, starting any sort of recovery, making any life improvement, he must first be sober.
sobriety as a goal, as a journey, and honestly as a concept in of itself is not as cut and dry as so many people think it is. and i think it would serve a lot of people well if they did some introspection on the implications of how nearly every single post-canon fic that isn’t dealing directly with harry’s addiction have him as completely sober instead.
if the plot of the fic isn’t going to touch directly on harry’s substance use (and again, i’m not demanding that every single fic should), why does that mean that sober!harry must be the default?
i think i am just tired of reading a casefic, a smutty one-shot, a fantasy au, whatever, where it almost seems that before getting on with the plot, the author feels obligated to first assure us that the harry we’re reading about is a Sober Harry. it’s established with a couple lines in the exposition, probably about his improved appearance, a tag up top, and then never brought up again; a checkmarked box. like the societal image of An Addict has completely prevented people from being able to imagine a person just, continuing to live life, while still struggling with addiction.
life happens, with all of its backslides and achievements, mundanity and changes, to people with drug addictions just as much as people who don’t. is a post-canon harry who isn’t sober not worth writing about?
i think so. i think the game we all played thinks so too. in fact i think that sentiment is woven into the game’s very core. i just wish i saw that reflected in our fan content more.
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lesbianralzarek · 1 year
hypothetical guy who makes callout posts for disco elysium characters and kim's starts with liking tiptop tournee and not the 6 murders
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foone · 1 year
Callout post for Foone "Death Generator" Turing and all the death generators they should have made already and haven't:
Okay I accidentally made this one a poll instead of a list and now I can't seem to delete the poll so GUESS WHAT, impromptu "what death generator should I make next?" poll!
For reference, the Death Generator is a tool I've made that lets you make fake video game screenshots with your own text.
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rin-tezuka · 1 month
pinned post time
hello my name is connie
i was born in 2002, and am a marxist-leninist, autistic transfem lesbian
i like trains too much to be healthy, and like ff14, heavy machinery, when they cry, disco elysium, homeworld, columbo, brba/bcs, whatever VN im fixating on for the month, highfleet, and ff12 a reasonable amount.
I have a mutuals discord, dm for the invite if we are mutuals
i don't have a fixed dni and do not participate in callout posts; however generally im uncomfortable with
-incest kinks
-transandrophobia discourse
-pro-mspec lesbian discourse
usually if you partake in either of those i wont block you or call you out or make a big deal out of it but i do just wanna state it here.
i will block people who take part in discourse which is pro-pedophile and pro-bestiality (which never includes anything between 2 consenting adults, for the record) and would prefer not to discuss my reasoning for that.
this is on a slightly different level but i find homestuck fans absolutely annoying and hazbin hotel abhorrent to look at
anyway welcome enjoy everything here
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familyabolisher · 1 year
writing a callout post for my mutuals who voted for the smoker on the balcony over ruby in disco elysium sexyman contest
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i cant wait for the inevitable disco elysium callout post that´s gonna be like idk
this game has slurs
this game is evil redfash because it paints invading a place to install a centrist dictatorship is bad
this game let´s you play as a fascist so it must be about how fascism is awesome
and then at the end of the post the op reveals they played 2 hours of the game and then dropped it
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So I’ve never played Disco Elysium but have absorbed a bit through the dash. Anyway, very frequently, I’ll see a post from you and say “haha just like me fr” and go to reblog it. And every single time, without fail, you’ve tagged it as Harry DuBois. This seems concerning but mostly funny. Anyway, thank you for the indirect callouts
He's just like me fr /sense of dread
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morgue-xiiv · 21 days
I can't believe I'm having to do a callout post for Little Lilly but this is the most popular "oh she's perfect and blameless actually" on my "all Disco Elysium characters have something bad in them actually" post so LATER TODAY I will indeed be doing a callout post for Lilienne Carter Junior Disco Elysium (4f). lol.
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transmorolians · 7 months
my disco elysium acheivements feel like a callout post
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morgue-xiiv · 14 days
I was so prepared for people to come up to my asks boxe an be like "hey man, I saw your post and I want YOU personally to say something Good about warcriminal racist rapist Elias Kortanær"
I was, weirdly, utterly unprepared to say a significant good OR bad thing about Idiot Doom Spiral that isn't really meta. Just reading his dialogue is tiring, and I don't wanna use only stuff from post-TFC cos that's added in later I wanna have some stuff from OG.
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morgue-xiiv · 14 days
for the ask game: Idiot Doom Spiral
OKAY! I been working on this one for a while so it's gonna be great. Really high concept.
This is tough, not because he doesn't have good or bad thing about him, but because like. Everything about him seems like an opinion or vibe based thing. Like okay he's homeless because he lost his keys and ID and couldn't prove he had a right to enter his own home. Is he a fucking dipshit as I've heard many people say or is he a potent reminder of the insane precarity of our lives? I think the latter. Every person I've spoken to about it has a different idea of how he could get into his own house and every one of them runs out of ideas if you say "and if that didn't work?" even a couple of times. Even the game says there should be an obvious solution yet does not provide one. Oh your landlord would let you in. What if you rented through a managing agency and the staff turnover is high so no one recognises you? How would you even CONTACT your landlord? with the phone number you wrote down and carry with you everywhere even if you're on a jog? Oh your staff would let you in at work. Suppose they don't though? Suppose the main point people are on a week long business trip or your security guard says "look man I know its you but I'm not allowed to let you in without ID I could lose my job", you're a grown man so your parents could easily be dead or very far way. my absolute favourite take was "well the supervisor in your building would recognise you!" Yeah thanks Monica Geller, tell me you're American without telling me you're American. Hell, what if all this beurocracy is HARD and lying down on a beach drinking is EASY. That's the real reason, you maybe could get in "if you tried hard enough" but everyone has a limited ammount they CAN try and traumatic experiences like the cops locking you up for asking for help sap that energy Realllly fast. You, too, are probably 4-8 comedy of errors events from homelessnessliness. It blows!
1) He's very invested in his work and doesn't accept anything that falls bellow his standards of excellent BUT his job is predominately hollow overcompensated manipulative bullshit. BUT advertising is art even if you don't agree with the art or its aims. He's focused on his artistic fullfilment rejecting low concept ideas even if he thinks they would be functional effective ads.
2) I seem to recall him rejecting fascism as 'low concept stuff' but I can't find the line now so take my word for it. And I'm not even sure.
3) IDS was a very controversial Tory scumleech who oversaw massive punitive cuts to financial support for the disabled in the UK and it's funny as fuck now to call him Idiot Doom Spiral because they abbreviate the same. (that's meta as shit sorry)
3) he seems to really appreciate the company of his friends but he clearly views himself as "above" them somehow. Buddy, you had a fancy job but you're here in the dirt those are your mates now. coked up marketing exec aint the win over drunken small business owner and professional non-caller of Abigails even when you were society approved.
4) not above a little beneficial fraud. Does however take a pen "for his trouble" without negotiating or revealing that price in advance. But sometimes it's the racist lady's monkey pen so for the love of god yes please take it I hate that pen.
5) TFC: he's supportive if you tell him you're dating Kim
6) I really feel like there's more but he has so much dialogue goddamn
7) oh he refers to his ex as a "sweet piece of ass" the objectifying misogynistic little cumstain.
8) smart enough to not drink medical spirits
9) If you tury to embark on the cocain skull quest he pretty much looks into the camer and says "not unless we the studio get More Money to make a Bigger Game!" and that's really funny. I mean kinda sad now but that meta shit is funny. I guess in narrative he doesn't know that's what he's doing.
10) he's pretty entertaining and can chat shit on all day if you keep him in booze. We all need that friend.
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morgue-xiiv · 21 days
In fact send me an Ask with the name of a Disco Elysium character and I will say at least one nice thing about them and at least one bad thing about them.
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morgue-xiiv · 19 days
Okay! Little Lilly!
She's a child. Children, especially young children, cannot be judged morally. They are the one innocent type of human, it was kinda an unstated exception to what I was saying about there beibg bad in everyone.
she's against free speech! Let! Men! Swear!
calling her brothers stupid. I mean. She's not wrong per se but still! Big mouth for someone who's too smart for her mouth to keep up with her vocab!
She's no Dan Olson but noth bothering to learn to tell your twin brothers apart? Problematic!
Giving away her family's stuffed bird because she personally doesn't like it without discussing with her mother. Honey you're poor you need all the stuffed birds you can get. Villain behaviour. Very selfish
sorry if the links don't work great or I missed anything (I am not at home so I can't use my backend fayde powers to dump all her dialogue I had to do the "th" trick missing everything with no "th" in)
As for her good points, for completeness: She is very generous with her lamp cuddles and stuffed birds she doesn't like that technically don't even belong to her. She's clearly very inteligent and trying to use concepts in her speech beyond her developmental level and idk is she good at building sand castles? I'm not sourcing any of this she's just a great little toddler.
I'll get around to the Ask Box tomorrow hopefully, thanks for all your submissions!
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morgue-xiiv · 14 days
Judit Minot! What's good and what's bad
Good: Immense patience. With Harry's behaviour, with Jean's behaviour, with like random shit that goes on. Strong enough to be in the boy club cops and work a job with crazy long hours even after being shot at and losing her partner, all while raising some children (I didn't do a tonne of research here so I can't remember how many kids. She has a lot of lines and I think I know her kinda well I've at least written bits about her if she was a polyam bisexual side character, lol that's how you learn about characters right? right?) You get the sense she deals with endless meltdowns from public and colleagues with stoicism. She works really hard to treat Harry gently and fairly and bring the conversation with him on topic when he wanders. Generally smooth or at least de-escalate things. A good skill, maybe the only good skill, for a cop to have. She is also not a push over and will call Harry an asshole when needed.
The Bad. Welll again I'm not gonna touch the low hanging fruit here. Her family life seems bad. What's half a husband? Like there are a lot of potential implications there where she's calling someone half a person, dehumanising for god knows what reason. If he's a shit husband say he's shit. If you're seperated say that. I won't go into what else it might refer to. She's doing like what, 60, 75 hours weeks for shit money, who's looking after the kids if her husband is somehow less than a full one and she's broke and tired? Maybe the dad's a good dad and a bad provider well he's not half shit then. Seems pretty sketchy to me. No world best mum cups coming to her except maybe from her colleagues she's stuck parenting. Standing around a cafeteria watching one cop watch another cop watch another cop like ma'am go home to your family or write some traffic tickets so people aren't speeding around town knocking your latchkey kids over in the street.
Nice voice though.
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I think I already said it previously but I'm gonna say it again just to be clear and idk I want to piss off people today :P I used to feel really bad for not connecting to Makoto as a protagonist when I absolutely loved the Kotone experience. I watched the movies for the video and... I still feel nothing. Maybe I'm just biased to a female perspective? Then I played Disco Elysium and yea no I think Makoto is just boring lmao
Okay boring is a bit evil but like... So many of Persona 3-5 experience is sprinkled with misogyny and having a female protagonist diluted a lot of it. I genuinely feel like Naoto's SL would be 10 times better if P4 has a FEMC. We wouldn't have to endure the fucking awkward Christmas skirt scene anymore!!!!!
Anyway yeah Harry Dubois sweeps as a silent-ish protagonist. Sorry women but he should've won the poor little meow meow contest...
If I ever be famous this will be the post that is included in my callout post. Bring it
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