#Disadvantages of Deep Cleaning Teeth
cardio-cats · 1 year
Unmasking the Truth: The Emotional Journey Through the Disadvantages of Deep Cleaning Teeth
Explore the heart of the matter as we delve into the emotional aspects of dental, Disadvantages of deep cleaning teeth. Empower your dental decisions with heartfelt insights.
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cozage · 7 months
The Moss that Grew in Gloom
Chapter 4: Celebrating the Little Things
Start From Beginning | Next Chapter | Masterlist | Read on AO3
Summary: As the daughter of the best swordsman in the world, your life has been a lonely one. You've never minded the quiet life, until a mossy-haired swordsman falls to your island and shakes things up. Word Count: 1.3k Characters: female reader x Zoro
You decided to read for another hour before you risked venturing up to the third story. Based on a lifetime with your father, you knew it took him 15 minutes to get ready for bed, then 15 minutes to fall asleep. But you wanted to make sure he was in a deep sleep before you made any noise that might wake him. 
You crept past your fathers door and down the hall to Zoro’s new bedroom. You knocked softly on his door, trying your best not to disturb your father. He was a few rooms down, but he had always been a light sleeper. 
Zoro softly opened the door with a light creak, and you held up two bottles of wine and two glasses. “Celebration time!” You cheered quietly, raising the wine bottles in the air. 
Zoro frowned. “Just two?” he asked, looking at the bottles with disappointment. 
You rolled your eyes and sauntered past him into the room. You waited until his door had shut before you talked more freely. “We’re celebrating,” you hissed. “Not getting drunk off our ass!”
“Boring,” he said, but you could see a teasing smile dance across his lips. 
“Wanna make it a competition?” you asked, holding out a bottle to the swordsman. 
He raised an eyebrow as he took the bottle. “You’ll lose.”
You could tell by the tone of his voice that he wasn’t bluffing. You didn’t doubt it either; you had seen him down alcohol at dinner. The substance barely affected him, even after several bottles. If it were a drinking contest, you were certain you’d lose miserably. 
“Not quite what you’re thinking,” you said. “Whoever can cut the cleanest cut across the bottle wins.”
Zoro laughed, turning the bottle over in his hand. He looked at the label, and you watched as his eyes practically popped out of their sockets when he saw the price tag. 
He clicked his tongue disapprovingly. “You can’t risk wasting such good alcohol for a competition.”
You bit your lip, trying to suppress a smile. “Scared to lose?” you asked innocently. You could see irritation spring up in his expression from your taunting. “We don’t have bottle openers anyway. You’ll have to slice it open.”
“Why the hell don’t you have a bottle opener?!” He demanded, his voice rising.
“Shush!” you hissed. “I don’t want to wake the others! Unless you want to share.”
Zoro frowned, obviously not wanting to lose his celebratory bottle. 
You placed your bottle on the floor and held out Nikko, readying yourself to make the cut. Zoro did the same, looking at the bottle uneasily. 
“If anything, I’m at a disadvantage. The teeth on Nikko could shatter the entire bottle.”
Zoro scoffed. “If you break yours, I’m not sharing.”
You sliced at the bottle without another word, a perfect cut across the neck. You suppressed a smile. Your father had always said there was no point for bottle openers; if you were too sloppy to open a bottle with a sword, you didn’t deserve to drink its contents. 
Zoro went next. There was some slight hesitation in his movement, but he was strong and had a good grip on the sword. The cut was clean, though upon further examination, not perfect. 
You clicked your tongue. “I see an imperfection right here.” You shook your head. “I think that means I won.”
“Oh piss off!” Zoro grabbed his bottle from your critical gaze and took a long swig. 
You grabbed your own bottle and sat down on the floor, savoring the rich flavors of the wine. It had to be at least 20 years old. Your father always picked the best wine when he was away. 
“So, you’re going to be the best swordsman some day?” you asked, trying to make small talk. 
“I am.” He let out a deep sigh. “This is damn good wine.”
“Why do you want to be the best?” you asked, looking at him inquisitively. 
He bit his lip, waiting a moment before he responded. “I made a promise.”
You raised an eyebrow. “To your captain?”
The shortness of his answer surprised you. “Then to who?” 
He gritted his teeth. “Can you stop with the questions?”
His irritation made your face burn, and you took a long drink of wine to cover it up. It had been a long time since you had constant interaction with another human being who wasn’t your father. 
Sure, you had gone on small missions, but you had never gotten to know anyone. You were usually killing people or sneaking around, finding the highest bounty pirates you could so you could return home with some money. 
Being with Zoro was nothing like that. 
“Sorry,” he muttered. “I just don’t like talking about it.”
“That’s okay,” you said quietly, taking another drink.
“What about you?” Zoro asked. “Don’t you want to be the best?”
You shrugged. “Not really. I just want to be good enough to survive in the outside world.”
Zoro gave a dry laugh. “Trust me sweetheart, you’d be one of the best anywhere on the Grand Line.”
His compliment made your face flush again, and a heavy silence fell between you two. You weren’t sure how to tell him that even if you wanted to leave the island, you had nowhere to go. You could survive on the Grand Line, but you weren’t entirely sure what you wanted to do if you left Gloom Island. You had no idea who you wanted to be. 
“Thanks again for today,” Zoro said, finally bringing you back from your thoughts. 
You waved him off. “It was nothing.”
“It was everything,” he said, looking in your eyes. 
You weren’t sure when he had gotten so close to you. You could feel his body heat radiating off of him. You tried to blink a few times to clear your head, but your thoughts grew cloudy again the moment you looked at his slate-gray eyes. The wine must’ve gone to your head faster than you anticipated.
You weren’t sure why, but the alarm bells in your brain were ringing. Dangerous territory. You shouldn’t be here with him. Your father’s enemy. The one who would bring him down. You shouldn’t have come here. And yet all you wanted to do was move closer. 
You finally found the words you were looking for, and they came out in a whisper. “Whenever you need help, just let me know.”
He gave a small smile. “Tomorrow then. You’ll help me infuse the haki into my sword?”
You scowled, pulling back from him and taking a drink of wine. “You’re at least a month away from trying that, Roronoa.”
“I have a good teacher.”
You gave a light chuckle, finishing off the last of your wine and setting the bottle down. “That’s why I gave you a month.”
“Call me Zoro.” He set down his bottle and shook his head. “No need for the honorifics if you’re going to be training me.”
You weren’t sure why it mattered, but you nodded. 
Your body felt heavy, the wine coursing through your bloodstream. You needed to get to bed before you started feeling the negative effects of the alcohol. You stood to your feet, heading for the door, swaying much more than you intended to. 
“Let me walk you back to your room.”
You snorted. “You’d get hopelessly lost if you tried that.”
He narrowed his eyes at you. “I think I can find my way back to my room.”
“I don’t!” you barked out another laugh, the wine amplifying your giddiness. “I’ll see you in the morning.”
You could feel his eyes on you as you opened the door, and you turned back to him one last time. “Goodnight, Roronoa Zoro.”
His eyes bore into your soul as he said, “Goodnight.”
You could feel his gaze on you as you gave him one last smile. You could feel him staring at you, even as you quietly shut his door. And you could’ve sworn his eyes followed you all the way back to your room, until you fell into your bed and promptly fell asleep for the night. 
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songofsoma · 1 year
the hands that heal
pairing: karlach x f!tav words: 1,385 rating: general
read it on ao3
Karlach dropped by the fire with a soft grunt, hoping nobody had heard the noise as she had used her wounded arm to balance her weight as she sat. It wasn’t anything too serious. Not when you compared it to everyone else who seemed to be dragging into camp by the skin of their teeth. 
Asking Shadowheart for a quick healing spell was out of the question since she was in the worst shape out of them all. Her sweet Daefina had aided the cleric’s journey back to camp no matter how much Karlach insisted that she help as well. She was too determined to personally see everyone back safely.
Even bloody and bruised, Daefina assisted Shadowheart to her bunk, tending to what wounds she could before letting her simply rest. Karlach watched as she murmured something, most likely a promise to come to check on her in a bit. 
It had been a brutal fight. They had started on a disadvantage by walking right into an ambush where they were severely outnumbered and the day had already been grueling, leading to exhaustion and prior injuries that needed tending to, only to get beat up some more. 
Karlach’s gaze followed Daefina as she walked, noticing the slight limp in her gait. She was so worried about everyone but herself. Though, that was hypocritical of her to say when she sat trying to mask the slash up her forearm from a sword she wasn’t able to dodge quickly enough. An old rag was wrapped around it in an attempt to stop the bleeding. 
Daefina approached the fire and sat beside Karlach with a tired sigh. It didn’t go unnoticed the way a hand rubbed her knee as if to soothe the pain away. 
“What a fucking day,” Karlach said, anxious to break the silence before it settled. 
She nodded and leaned against her. The added weight made Karlach settle back on her bad arm, failing to hold back a wince as the bloodied rag fell to the dirt. 
Daefina looked up at her, brows furrowed. “Are you hurt?”
“No,” she lied too quickly. Her lover was too keen on every little detail. 
Unconvinced, she stretched over her lap to inspect the arm propped up behind Karlach, spotting the cause despite her futile attempts to hide it. “Karlach,” she gasped, hands sliding down her bicep to try and catch the afflicted arm in her grasp. “Why didn’t you say something?”
She half shrugged as Daefina climbed over her legs to sit on her other side to inspect the injury. “Because it’s not a big deal.”
The sharp look she was given told her that was the wrong answer. “It’s a massive deal. It could get infected and then you could get sepsis and die, or we’d have to amputate—all because it was no big deal.”
Karlach dropped her head back with a defeated groan. “I just didn’t want you to worry, okay? Especially since the others were in worse shape. I’m not going to make a big thing out of a tiny cut.”
“It almost spans the entire inside of your forearm!” Daefina exclaimed in disbelief. 
Karlach only shrugged again, unsure of what to say.
She closed her eyes and drew in a deep breath before saying, “Wait here.” 
There wasn’t much of a choice to do anything else as Daefina got to her feet and disappeared. Karlach stared into the fire, definitely not pouting for being scolded. She returned quickly, taking the same place by Karlach’s side, this time with a satchel and carafe of water in hand. 
Silence spanned between them as Daefina pulled fresh cloths out of the bag, soaking them with water before carefully beginning to clean the wound. Karlach’s arm was cradled gently in her lap as she worked, all her attention focused on tending the wound with the least amount of pain.
Karlach had lost count of how many battles she had fought in her life. Her entire existence after being sold to Zauriel was to fight and kill. The span of her body was littered with evidence. It didn’t just stop at the engine where her heart used to be, scars from poorly healed wounds covered her skin and the flesh on her right shoulder was a gnarled mess of burn scars. Runes had even been carved into her horns, marking her as property of the Hells. There was no tender care where she came from. There was only survival. To nurse wounds meant death. She carried on, no matter how bad, for her own survival. So being cared for in such a manner was foreign to her. She wasn’t used to her well-being becoming a priority to someone. 
Hells, she wasn’t used to being loved.
Karlach watched quietly as Daefina gently patted the gash dry before tossing the bloody towel to the side. She twisted to dig in her satchel and produced a jar that smelled strongly of herbs when the lid was popped open. 
She met the curious gaze and smiled softly. “A poultice to help staunch any more bleeding,” Daefina explained, spreading a thick layer over her forearm. “It’ll also help keep it clean and heal.”
Karlach nodded, fascinated by her actions.
Daefina began to bind her arm with bandages, keeping the poultice in place. She did it was such care, asking if it was too tight and double-checking that it was secure when she finished. “Now,” she mused, wiping her hands on her pants. “Was that so difficult?”
“No.” She examined the druid’s handiwork. It was almost as if she could feel the wound already beginning to heal. Or maybe that was all in her head. “I’m just…” Karlach trailed off for a moment, unsure if she should finish her sentence.
“Just?” Daefina prompted.
She rolled her lips together anxiously before continuing. “Not used to being cared for.”
Her face turned into one of understanding and then into sorrow. “Oh, Karlach,” Daefina whispered, crawling onto her lap to draw her into a hug. “You are everything to me. I love you so much that sometimes it scares me. It hurts me to see you hurt, but it hurts even more when you think you don’t deserve to be cared for.”
Karlach sank into the embrace, nuzzling her face into her neck. She smelt of sweat and the earth and Karlach savored it before resting her head on Daefina’s shoulder. That scent meant she was alive and close to her. “I love you too. I just don’t know how to be looked after yet. I’m so used to having to watch my own back that I don’t know how to let someone else do it too.”
“It’ll take time, but you and I have forever to figure that out.” She planted a kiss on Karlach’s temple, fingers beginning to run through her hair. “But no matter what, I will always be here to look out for you. It’s my job as your girlfriend, you know.”
She chuckled. “Didn’t know that came in the contract, but I’ll take it.”
“You better,” Daefina teased and pulled back, tucking a wild strand of hair behind Karlach’s ear, her thumb lingering to run over its pointed shell. “I’m serious, though. I love you too much to lose you. Please at least try to let me help.”
Karlach’s hands fell onto her hips as Daefina straddled her. They were so close that their noses nearly brushed together. “I’ll do my best.”
“And that’s all I’m asking.” She kissed her once before patting her shoulder and standing. “Now, go get ready for bed. I need to check on Shadowheart first, but I want to be the little spoon tonight.”
“But I’ll already be in bed and I’m injured, so don’t I get dibs on the little spoon?” Karlach grinned.
Daefina narrowed her eyes at her. “Fine, but only because you’re an invalid.”
Karlach snorted a laugh and caught her hand before she could get too far, beckoning her to bend down for one more parting kiss. “Maybe I’ll even be naked.”
That made her roll her eyes, but a smile couldn’t be stopped. “Don’t even think about it. I’m too exhausted to handle you tonight and you know I can’t resist you.”
She watched Daefina cross their camp, smiling the entire time.
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firewoodwander · 11 months
Trick or treat!! Fordo17 with 🐈‍⬛ ?
Trick or treat prompts
Cipquad won’t leave Fordo alone.
He’s in the kitchen reorganising the pantry and she’s howling at him from the top of the fridge, putting herself in his field of view whenever he dares turn away from her. She’s already tried butting her head against his arm so many times he thinks he might bruise; this time when she drops down to the counters she sticks her little needle teeth into his jumper and his skin and bites.
Fordo jolts and swears under his breath.
Putting down food didn’t placate her, her water bowl is full, and she shied away when he tried to pet her head. So now they’re at a stalemate: Cipquad is occupying the counter space he was using and that she definitely shouldn’t be on, and Fordo is… at a disadvantage.
Satisfied now that she has his full attention, Cipquad leaps off the counter and trots to the door. She turns around and meeps at him. Dutifully, Fordo follows.
There used to be plants on Fordo’s living room windowsill. Just small things, leafy stems in palm-sized pots. Unfortunately his cat didn’t appreciate them the same way, and so they’ve been relocated to the floor in the corner of the room to prevent further unprovoked attack, and Cipquad has taken over her guard post on the sill as if it’s her due diligence. Now though, as she leaps up there, Fordo can see what she’s howling about.
There’s another cat on his garden wall. A big thing, bluish-grey and sort of ragged. It sits on the wall and stares right at them, and Fordo thinks he would be pissed about that too if he were a cat.
Fordo thinks he’s seen this cat before in town. It’s a memorable thing, and it was sitting on someone else’s wall the last time he walked by. It doesn’t have a collar but it also didn’t seem afraid of much of anything, unbothered by passers by and staring right at Fordo until it turned its back imperiously and strutted off down a nearby alley. And now it’s watching him again, thoroughly unimpressed, as Fordo brings out a dish with a tiny lump of tuna like some sort of peace offering.
He gets all the way to the wall before the cat’s tail twitches. He leaves it on the post by the gate and goes back inside.
An hour later Fordo’s pantry is organised, Cipquad has destroyed another felt mouse in her frustration, and the dish is clean and drying on the draining board.
It becomes a habit. On Fordo’s day off from work the cat shows up on the garden wall, Cipquad loses her shit about it, Fordo leaves a peace offering and doesn’t get any closer. The problem with habits is that they very easily become part of his routine. Fordo only likes routines because they’re predictable, so when he steps outside one morning to find the cat staring up at him from his doorstep, he stands there and stares right back like a dumbfounded plank of wood.
The cat chirps. It stands up with great dignity and saunters over to butt its head against Fordo’s ankles, winding between his feet.
Cipquad howls from the living room window, but the other cat doesn’t seem bothered at all when Fordo reaches down to pet its head. It trots off as soon as it’s had enough, back down the garden path, turning at the gate to look back once before it disappears down the road.
There’s a knock on the door the next morning. It’s notable in that Fordo only rarely ever gets visitors, and usually they message him ahead of time. It’s not the postman either because it’s a Sunday, so Fordo pushes away the deep desire to go back to bed and shuffles up to greet the stranger on his doorstep.
There’s a man. He’s about Fordo’s height, dressed in black and navy, and has a nasty scar extending from his lower lip down his chin. He’s holding a brown paper bag. He clears his throat and holds it out.
“As thanks,” he says.
Fordo has never met this man in his life. They stare at each other; the stranger doesn’t blink.
“For the cat.”
Fordo takes the bag. There’s a box of tea inside. The brand he drinks, but the flavour is one he’s never tried. Under it is a tin of Cipquad’s favourite tuna.
He looks back at the stranger and feels the corner of his lips quirk upwards. The stranger clears his throat again and nods.
“Right,” he says, and turns to leave.
Fordo watches him saunter back down the garden path, out onto the road and away out of sight.
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zeninsama-moved · 2 years
consider the following: kiba tied up so he can only watch while you solo in front of him and tease him 💘 but you know that man is too strong and he won’t be restrained for very long …
omg, cassie... restrained kiba... like the art (´∀`)
cw: bondage, rough sex, single use of 'bitch' & ‘fuckin’ is used like a hundred times
getting kiba at a disadvantage is a rare opportunity, so you take your time with him - make a show of undressing and taking your panties off, spreading your wet pussy right in front of his face, so close he can nearly taste it. he’s salivating like a dog, already tugging at his restraints, but the rope offers little give.
it would drive him crazy, being unable to do anything but watch as you situate yourself between his legs, leaning back with your knees bent and feet planted on either side of his torso, giving him an all-access view of your cunt as you part it with your fingers. two fingers press into your entrance and withdraw coated in arousal.
so he tries sweet-talking you first, even tries charming you with that boyish grin – "come on, baby, let me go and i’ll make it worth your while, ha? you know i’m good for it" – but his grin quickly fades to a scowl when you bring the digits to your mouth and make kiba watch as you suck them clean, not even allowing him a taste.
you could gag him with your panties, but it's fun listening to him bark and whine.
"come on, baby, at least let me taste it. can't you see how bad i need it? ah, fine then, fuckin' bitch."
kiba’s cock sits angry and untouched on his abdomen, tip leaking an absurd amount of precum onto his lower stomach from the slutty little routine you're putting on. you know exactly what you're doing to him, tempting him with the sweetness of your cunt as you edge yourself with your fingers.
you've set a harsh pace for yourself, something close to how he'd fuck you, though your fingers don't reach as deep as his cock, nor do they have the same weight and overwhelming warmth. his hips rut in time with your movements, attempting to get more friction on his cock, though it's no use. his lips curl into a frustrated snarl, baring sharp teeth.
you're high on euphoria, continuing to fuck yourself towards the edge when a resounding crack fills the room, the headboard splintered where kiba's restraints were fixed. within seconds, you're forced onto your back, completely pinned under his weight with your legs hiked over his shoulders.
kiba groans in relief as the fat head of his cock splits into your entrance. two purposeful thrusts bury the whole thing inside, so fucking deep that your toes curl from the ache.
“how’s that fuckin' feel, ha?” he taunts, setting a rough pace, jolting your body upward from the force of his thrusts. both your wrists are wrestled above your head and pinned down with one large hand. "you're not fuckin' running from me now."
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inherstars · 4 months
Gears of War | Long Way Home (3 of 11)
Gears Glossary: COG Tags: Gear-shaped dog tags Imulsion: A molten, glowing energy source (and the cause of the Pendulum Wars, but that's not important here.) Previous section here.
There was nothing else to do but wait.  Well, they could have talked, but Hope doubted it would go anywhere.
She found a clean spot on the floor to sit, knees tucked to her chest, and rested her head on the fold of her arms.  Black posted himself at the window, watching the pillars of smoke in the middle-distance, until they were lost against the full dark.
He hoped to see the circling searchlights of Ravens coming in for a rescue, but Helm’s Ridge remained a graveyard, haunted but unvisited.  Even if Control knew what happened, what good would it do to send out a search team before morning?  The Locust would hear the engines, feel the vibrations… they’d come running like a fox to a rabbit’s scream.
Four weeks since E-Day.  They barely knew the enemy’s face, let alone how to best them.
When he couldn’t reason waiting any longer, he cracked the door and leaned an ear into the silence.  There were crickets, distant and faint in what little remained of the once tree-lined streets, but nothing more telling than that.  No explosions, no bass-deep, guttural declarations of, “hominids” as the Locust cast about for survivors.  What’s more, no cries for help.
He drew back inside, letting the door close quietly under the tension of his palm.
“Alright,” he rumbled.  “Stay here.  I’m going to--”
“Wait--wait, hang on--”  Hope climbed awkwardly to her feet, looking for a place on the floor to push herself up that wasn’t covered in slivers of glass.  He sighed, aggravated.
“Don’t fucking ma’am me,” she snapped.  “You can’t mean to leave me here.”
“You can’t mean to follow me into a fucking battle zone.”
She thrust an arm at the window.  “Is the battle going on right now?”
“I won’t know until I go out there.  You’re safer here.”
“Really?  Alone?  Unarmed?”  She gestured wildly to the floor at her feet. “The Locust cower before the almighty power of the fucking Postmaster General, do they?”
Both of them were at a disadvantage.  She didn’t want to be left alone and vulnerable, and he didn’t need the added handicap of dragging a civvy around a warzone with him.  He grit his teeth, finger tapping against the trigger guard.
“I’ll leave my Snub with you.”
“I don’t know what that is.”
“It’s a--” He growled out a sigh.  Fucking civvies.  Freeing one hand from the grip of the Lancer, he withdrew the hatchet-shaped pistol from its hip holster and held it out to her, butt first.  She wrapped both hands around it, and he immediately sighed.
“Never mind.  Give it back.”
“Hey!” she objected as he plucked it from her.  “What did I do wrong? I hardly even touched it.”
“You can barely get your finger to the trigger.”
“I can hold it in both hands.”
“That’s not--this isn’t a water gun.  Even if you hold it in both hands, there’s no way you can handle the recoil.  You’ll end up shooting me and giving yourself a concussion.”
“Don’t you have anything smaller?”
“They don’t make Gears in small.”
Back to stalemate.  God, he was so tired.
“Fine,” he growled.  “Stay in a defensive four-foot perimeter, but give me enough room to pivot the Lancer if something flanks us.  I need you to keep eyes on my six.”
She raised and dropped her arms.
“I understood like five of those words.”
So fucking tired.
“Stay close, but not so close that I can’t bring the Lancer around and fire without hitting you.  Watch my back and let me know if you see or hear anything.”
“....could have just said that.”
Black glowered as he backed for the door, gesturing silently for her to follow.
Hope had gotten turned around during their initial run from the site of the crash, but the Sergeant was too familiar with navigating unfamiliar territory to let them get lost.  He led them back to the main highway, an ear and an eye out for lingering Locust, particularly as they neared the still-smoking Centaur.
But it was just as he said: they didn’t stick around, and they didn’t make camp.  The emergence holes were caved in now, a few of them still letting off wisps of steam between the broken chunks of asphalt, though none were active.  None of them were a danger.
Hope tread close, a shadow at his back, her arms folded tight against her ribs.  At the top of the plateau, alongside the Centaur, Black finally eased his Lancer from his shoulder.  He stared down over the moonlit ruins that had once been Helm’s Ridge.
The city’s remaining buildings, hastily shored up to make a serviceable COG encampment, was razed a second time by whatever Locust had blistered up through those holes, running roughshod over the soldiers.  There wasn’t quite enough light for her to make out individual corpses amidst the rubble, but here and there a gloved hand extended, limp, from between the chunks of mortar.  A helmet sat, split open, painted with blood.
She thought Black might be surveying the damage, taking stock of their next move, but when Hope finally looked up she found him catatonic.  His eyes, lost.
Nothing.  The slight movement of his armor as he breathed was the only indication he hadn’t turned to stone.
“Sergeant?”  She couldn’t remember his name.  Introductions had been rushed, strained… she was bad with names even on a good day, and this was far from that.  Her hand hesitated, fingers hovering over his bare bicep before she dared touch him.  A twitch went through the muscle under her fingers, his head turning sharply as he inhaled.
“Hey,” she softened her voice.  “Are you okay?”
Why would she ask that?  The question felt absurd.  He came back to himself, looking all around, then tightened his posture. “They’re, uh… the Locust are gone.  They won’t be back for awhile.”  He inhaled deeply and let it out.  “I know it doesn’t seem it but… it’s safe, for now.”
Inasmuch as anywhere felt safe, Hope had no option but to believe him.
“What do we do now?”
“I have to try and radio Control.  Let them know what’s happening.  And then I…”  He trailed off as he looked again over the decimated checkpoint, unable to fathom how many men lay in pieces under the rubble.  It would take days to collect all those tags.  “I’ve gotta at least get the tags that are still in the Centaur.  Then we should find a place to camp.”
He lowered his Lancer reverently, leaning the bayonet point against one of the Centaur’s wheels.  Just as he ducked to crawl through the side hatch, Hope caught his wrist.
“Hey--wait.  Hang on.”
He looked back at her, exhaustion finally overriding annoyance.  “What?  You’ll be fine out here.  It’ll only take me a few minutes.”
“Are you okay,” she repeated, emphatic.  He stared at her as if the question still made no sense.
“No,” he grunted.  He looked down at her hand.  “D’you mind?”
She let him go, slithering her hand back into the fold of her arms.  Black stared a second longer, judging her as if for mental fitness, then dropped into a crawl through the dark hatch.
The Imulsion powering his armor glowed a soft, ghostly blue-white wherever he moved, but beyond that it was impossible o make out where he crawled or what he did.  She wasn’t sure she wanted to know.  The Centaur was at maximum capacity when they left camp, Gears squeezed in shoulder-to-shoulder.  Now it was a tomb.
She kept an ear to the hatch, attentive to the scraping of armor, the periodic grunt or sigh, the occasional chain-link sound of beaded lanyards being sawed through to free the COG tags from the necks of their owners.  Eventually Black reappeared just inside the hatch, hair plastered to his scalp, drenched in sweat.
“Hey,” he barked.  “Watch out.”
Hope stumbled backwards as he tossed out a rucksack, then pulled himself laboriously back into the open.
She had to stop herself from asking a third time if he was alright.  
He wore blood everywhere.
He climbed slowly back to his feet, heaving for breath, and transferred his Lancer one-handed to the holster hooks on the back of his armor.  His other hand maintained a death grip on a fistful of tags.
“Radio’s busted,” he said raggedly.  “That Post Office is our best bet for the night.” He picked up the rucksack, slinging it with a grunt to one shoulder.  “We’ll make camp.  Start out first thing in the morning.”
Hope had a million more questions -- was he really that certain the Locust wouldn’t return?  What if someone from the COG came looking for them?  If this checkpoint was compromised, weren’t the others in danger?  How the hell were they going to make it to Jacinto by foot? -- but she couldn’t bring herself to ask any of them.  Even if he knew the answers, whatever he’d seen inside the Centaur had drained him of all but his last.
“Can I… can I carry anything,” she offered.  The question felt spineless, useless.  He could have laughed but he just shook his head by a fraction, already trudging back the way they’d come.
“Let’s just go.  Nothing more we can do tonight.”
Continued here.
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phonemantra-blog · 1 year
The Comprehensive Guide to the Disadvantages of Deep Cleaning Teeth Deep cleaning teeth, also known as scaling and root planing, is a dental procedure often recommended for treating gum disease and improving overall oral health. While the benefits of this treatment are widely discussed, it's crucial to understand the disadvantages as well. This article aims to provide a balanced view, focusing specifically on the drawbacks you should be aware of before undergoing deep cleaning. What is Deep Cleaning Teeth? Deep cleaning is a dental procedure that goes beyond the scope of regular cleaning. Unlike a standard cleaning, which removes plaque and tartar from the visible surface of the teeth, deep cleaning targets the area below the gumline. The primary purpose is to treat gum disease, also known as periodontitis, by removing bacterial deposits on the root surfaces of the teeth. [caption id="attachment_51271" align="aligncenter" width="696"] process of using a stomatological brush as a stage of professional dental cleaning procedure in clinic close up.[/caption] The procedure involves two main steps: scaling and root planning. Scaling removes plaque and tartar from below the gumline, while root planing smooths the root surfaces, making it more difficult for bacteria to accumulate. It's often performed under local anesthesia and may require multiple visits to the dentist. Why Dentists Recommend Deep Cleaning Dentists usually recommend deep cleaning when signs of gum disease are present. Symptoms like bleeding gums, bad breath, and loose teeth are indicators that a regular cleaning won't suffice. The procedure aims to halt the progression of gum disease, reduce inflammation, and improve the overall health of your gums and teeth. Deep cleaning also serves as a preventive measure against more severe dental issues, such as tooth loss and systemic infections. However, it's essential to weigh these benefits against the potential disadvantages, which we will delve into in the following sections. The Disadvantages of Deep Cleaning Teeth Pain and Sensitivity One of the most commonly reported disadvantages of deep cleaning is the experience of pain and sensitivity during and after the procedure. While local anesthesia is used to minimize discomfort, some patients still report feeling pain during the scaling and root planing process. Additionally, it's not uncommon to experience heightened sensitivity to hot and cold substances for several days or even weeks following the treatment. Risk of Gum Recession Another concern is the risk of gum recession. Deep cleaning involves scraping away plaque and tartar from below the gum line, and this can sometimes lead to the gums pulling away from the teeth. Gum recession not only affects the aesthetics of your smile but can also expose the roots of your teeth, making them more susceptible to decay and sensitivity. Risk of Infection While the goal of deep cleaning is to eliminate bacteria, the procedure itself can sometimes introduce bacteria into the bloodstream. This is particularly concerning for individuals with certain preexisting conditions, such as heart disease or diabetes, as it can lead to complications like bacterial endocarditis—an infection of the inner lining of the heart. Real-Life Experiences To provide a more comprehensive view, let's consider some real-life experiences. Jane, a 45-year-old patient, reported increased sensitivity lasting for two weeks after her deep cleaning procedure. Mark, a 50-year-old with preexisting heart conditions, had to take antibiotics before and after the procedure to mitigate the risk of infection. "I wish I had known about the sensitivity issues beforehand. I would have prepared myself better," says Jane. "The antibiotics were a precaution, but it's better to be safe. The procedure did help with my gum disease," Mark adds. Deep Cleaning vs. Regular Cleaning When it comes to dental hygiene, it's essential to understand the differences between deep cleaning and regular cleaning. A standard cleaning focuses on the surfaces of the teeth and the spaces between them, but it doesn't address the areas below the gumline where gum disease often starts. Aspect Deep Cleaning Regular Cleaning Purpose Treats gum disease Preventive care Procedure Time Multiple visits Single visit Cost Higher Lower Risks Pain, infection, gum recession Minimal Understanding these differences can help you make an informed decision about which treatment is right for you, especially when considering the disadvantages associated with deep cleaning. How to Mitigate the Risks While deep cleaning has its drawbacks, there are ways to mitigate the risks: Consult Your Dentist: Always consult with your dentist to understand if deep cleaning is necessary for your specific condition. Second Opinion: For significant procedures like this, a second opinion can provide additional perspective. Pre-Medication: If you have preexisting conditions, antibiotics can be prescribed to minimize the risk of infection. Aftercare: Follow all aftercare instructions meticulously to reduce the risk of complications. Let's proceed with the remaining sections of the article. Deep Cleaning vs. Regular Cleaning When it comes to dental hygiene, it's essential to understand the differences between deep cleaning and regular cleaning. A standard cleaning focuses on the surfaces of the teeth and the spaces between them, but it doesn't address the areas below the gumline where gum disease often starts. Aspect Deep Cleaning Regular Cleaning Purpose Treats gum disease Preventive care Procedure Time Multiple visits Single visit Cost Higher Lower Risks Pain, infection, gum recession Minimal Understanding these differences can help you make an informed decision about which treatment is right for you, especially when considering the disadvantages associated with deep cleaning. How to Mitigate the Risks While deep cleaning has its drawbacks, there are ways to mitigate the risks: Consult Your Dentist: Always consult with your dentist to understand if deep cleaning is necessary for your specific condition. Second Opinion: For significant procedures like this, a second opinion can provide additional perspective. Pre-Medication: If you have preexisting conditions, antibiotics can be prescribed to minimize the risk of infection. Aftercare: Follow all aftercare instructions meticulously to reduce the risk of complications. Conclusion Deep cleaning is an effective treatment for gum disease, but it comes with its set of disadvantages, such as pain, sensitivity, and the risk of infection. Being informed about these drawbacks allows you to make a well-rounded decision about your dental health. Always consult your dentist for personalized advice tailored to your specific needs. Frequently Asked Questions Q1: What exactly is deep cleaning teeth? A1: Deep cleaning, also known as scaling and root planing, is a dental procedure aimed at treating gum disease by removing plaque and tartar from below the gum line. Q2: How is deep cleaning different from regular cleaning? A2: Unlike regular cleaning, which focuses on the visible surfaces of the teeth, deep cleaning targets the area below the gumline to treat gum disease. Q3: Is deep cleaning painful? A3: While local anesthesia is used to minimize discomfort, some patients report experiencing pain and sensitivity during and after the procedure. Q4: What are the risks of gum recession from deep cleaning? A4: Deep cleaning can sometimes lead to gum recession, which exposes the roots of your teeth, making them more susceptible to decay and sensitivity. Q5: Is there a risk of infection from deep cleaning? A5: Yes, the procedure can introduce bacteria into the bloodstream, which is particularly concerning for individuals with certain preexisting conditions. Q6: How long does the sensitivity last after deep cleaning? A6: Sensitivity can last from a few days to a couple of weeks, depending on the individual. Q7: How can I mitigate the risks associated with deep cleaning? A7: Consult your dentist, consider a second opinion, and follow all aftercare instructions to minimize risks. Q8: Is deep cleaning covered by dental insurance? A8: Coverage varies, so it's best to consult your insurance provider for specifics. Q9: Can I eat normally after a deep cleaning procedure? A9: It's advisable to stick to soft foods for the first few days to minimize discomfort. Q10: Are there alternatives to deep cleaning for treating gum disease? A10: There are other treatments like laser therapy and medications, but the effectiveness varies. Consult your dentist for the best treatment for you.
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Invisalign Myths Debunked: Separating Fact from Fiction
When it comes to dental treatments, Invisalign is the most sought out treatment. You will be surprised, as Invisalign dentist in Scarborough will tell you about While Invisalign has the magical capacity to strengthen smile, the technology has gone up in leaps and bounds. 
It is seen in a survey that dentists have already improved the appearance of over 13 million people, as they have administered Invisalign on patients’ teeth. 
It is also seen that there are some myths have been circulated about the Invisalign treatment, which are getting public attention. Before going into the myth, and facts readers need to know about the basics of Invisalign as well. 
What is Invisalign?
It is necessary to know about the Invisalign, before unpacking the myths of this treatment. Dentists will use aligners to gently move your teeth, as Invisalign is teeth straightening solution. 
You will need to change your aligners in every two weeks, as your teeth need to reach desired final position. While you will be able to take care of these aligners, you will know they are removable. 
If you are not keen on metal brackets, and wires, Invisalign in Scarborough will help you to get fresh set of aligners. 
Top Invisalign Myths Debunked:
When it comes to dental treatments, Invisalign is one of the most talked about procedures. There are yet, some misconception, and myths, attached to the aligners. They are narrated for the readers in this article.
Myth 1 
All Aligners are Same 
 When you look at the market, you will find that there are clear aligners that give you same results. It is a hard choice to make in the end. It will take you further from the truth if you think that all clear aligners are same. 
While these aligners are unique, these aligners are made from patented smart track materials. While results are enhanced, these materials keep the aligners firmer for longer. The treatment time is reduced, due to the presence of such materials. 
When it comes to fitting scenario, these aligners also fit better. It is seen that aligners in the market may look more invisible than Invisalign. While hindering the straightening process, it means that they are made of thinner materials. 
You will need to find comfortable aligners so that you can wear them for most of the day. Invisalign dentist in Scarborough will say that these aligners should rest in your mouth in a comfortable way. 
Myth 2 
Invisalign Can Become Visible and Stain 
If you think in theory, Invisalign can give stain. There can be question in your mind that whether this fact can be one disadvantage for aligners? If you do not care for them, these aligners will develop stains. It is necessary to take care of aligners, once it is installed by dentists. 
It is essential that you should do deep cleaning, as you need to remove your aligners when drinking and eating. Your aligners will look as invisible and will stay fresh, as when they first arrived at your door. 
 Before you reinsert your aligners, it is necessary to brush your teeth. While using Invisalign cleaning crystals, you should clean the aligners. 
Myth 3
Only Simple Malocclusions Can Be Corrected
While described as a part of cosmetic dentistry in Scarborough, you are aware of the power of Invisalign to straighten slightly crooked teeth, or close the gaps between teeth. It actually do more things than just correcting those procedures. 
The aligners can fix the following problems like:
Open bites 
Myth 4 
Invisalign Does Not Take as Long as Traditional Braces
While most treatments of putting aligners and traditional braces take variable time lengths, it is totally dependent on the type of dental issues. Aligners will take long to correct crooked teeth, if they are more crooked. 
While the fixed braces will take 20 to 24 months to provide desired results, aligners will take 3 to 18 months to give you results. Your choice will influence the fixation of dental concern that you are looking to fix. 
Your dentist will suggest perfect cosmetic dentistry in Scarborough, once they examine your condition of teeth. 
Final Words 
When you need to achieve your smile, Invisalign is a popular and effective treatment. While there are many myths about the treatments, dentists have debunked the myths and encouraged people to take up such treatments.
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studiosmilesnyc · 1 year
Which Services Are Involved In The Cosmetic Dentistry?
You can fix your consultation session with the best cosmetic dentist when you feel conscious about the smile or maintaining the oral hygine.
Are you wondering how they can help?
Well, here is the answer: they will assist you in understanding and maintaining your precious smile. They will also explain to you what services are involved in cosmetic dentistry. Continue reading the article to learn more about cosmetic dentistry. 
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 What is cosmetic dentistry?
Cosmetic dentistry is a remedy of professional dental care, focusing on improving your smile. Moreover, cosmetic dentistry is an elective procedure, not compulsory; however, some cosmetic dentistry treatments provide therapeutic benefits. This includes multiple services like teeth whitening, deep cleaning, dental bonding, dental veneers, dental crowning, and much more. 
Let's discuss these services in detail.
Services involved in laser dentistry are :
Tooth Whitening
One of the most common choices for those looking for a relatively quick and straightforward approach to alter their smile is this.
It's suitable for those who only require a slight improvement beyond brightening or those who don't want to devote heavily, and it is a significantly less expensive choice.
Although bleach can be purchased from your dentist, tooth whitening can be done in the office and at home. The counter-bleaching treatments do not usually provide the brightening most people want.
Veneers for Teeth
Dental veneers have been the standard for cosmetic dental work for many years. Veneers are delicate porcelain shells that protect the front of the teeth.  
After carefully filing down your tooth's enamel, an impression is taken by an affordable dentist near me. For custom veneers, the imprint is submitted to a dental lab. You will have temporary ones until the permanent veneers return from the lab.
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Veneers are the best option for people whose front teeth are cracked, broken or stained, or discolored that won't fade with the whitening treatment. 
Abrasion of enamel
This technique to get rid of discoloration is this one. Surface stains are removed throughout the operation using fine pumice in a micro-abrasion machine. This helps eliminate surface stains from soda, coffee, wine, and cigarette products. Enamel abrasion is ineffective for intrinsic stains or stains on the inside of the tooth.
Enamel adhesion
People with severely discolored or cracked teeth should consider dental bonding an excellent option.
The solution or the substance used for the white dental filling is almost similar to the composite bonding. 
Since this substance is moldable, your dentist near me may give it the precise, attractive shape you choose. The disadvantage of this process is that enamel bonding doesn't last nearly as long as dental veneers, so many people choose veneers instead.
Braces with Invisalign
Contrary to popular belief, more adults are getting braces to achieve their desired smile. 
 The emergency dentist office near me braces are not just for looks, and this dental surgery can fix misalignments that are the source of pain, including persistent headaches. 
Conclusion :
 We hope you liked the article and now have complete knowledge about cosmetic dentistry near me services.
Article Source : https://www.healthandhealthytips.com/which-services-are-involved-in-the-cosmetic-dentistry/
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cardio-cats · 1 year
Navigating Sensitivity with Care: Unveiling the Realities of Deep Teeth Cleaning for Lasting Smiles
Experience compassionate guidance from Cardio Cats as they navigate the emotional challenges tied to the disadvantages of deep teeth cleaning. Discover solace and support on your dental wellness journey
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recentfacts · 1 year
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ivanovortho-blog · 1 year
What Is Deep Cleaning And Its Advantages?
Do you know that regular dental cleaning is different from deep cleaning? Both cleaning procedures are conducted at the doctor's clinic with the minor difference deep cleanings are more complex than routine cleanings.
 All teeths and above gumline areas are covered under regular cleaning. One should visit a dentist for invasive cleanings every six months as it helps maintain good oral hygiene. While, Deep cleanings cover hard-to-reach areas like the pockets and the roots where plaque or tartar is collected, which can enhance the chances of bacterial infections. Deep cleaning is also known as scaling and root planing.
 What is Deep Dental Cleaning?
  So, you're probably wondering what deep dental cleaning is. Well, my friend, it's like giving your teeth a spa day.
 A deep clean is when a dental hygienist or dentist goes to town on your pearly whites and removes all the gunk that's been building up over time. We're talking about plaque - that sticky layer of bacteria that loves to hang out on your teeth and cause trouble.
 Even though you brush and floss every day like a champ, there's a chance that some plaque will stick around and cause problems. And that's where the deep clean comes in. You can reduce gum soreness and restore health by removing all that gunk. Plus, you'll be able to confidently flash those teeth, knowing they're looking and feeling their best.
 Gum disease is no joke, my friend. If you let plaque and tartar build up over time, it can lead to severe problems like gingivitis and even periodontitis.
 What are the advantages of deep dental cleaning?
  This procedure can stop your gum disease from enhancing
This can treat your infection and cause healing
This procedure will provide deep teeth cleaning above and below the gum line.
It will help you remove bad breath which is caused by gum disease
Hence it will protect the roots and base of your teeth.
What are the disadvantages of Deep Dental Cleaning?
 Here are some of the disadvantages of deep cleaning teeth.
  Little discomfort and sensitivity
Can induce gum recession
A stake of infection after the process
Rarely a hazard of nerve damage.
After how much time you should book the session?
 The frequency of deep dental cleaning sessions depends on the individual's oral health needs. Typically, it is recommended to get a deep dental cleaning every six months to maintain good oral hygiene.
However, some individuals with a history of gum disease or other oral health issues may require more frequent cleanings every three to four months. It is essential to discuss with your Miami children dentist or hygienist the recommended frequency for your specific oral health needs. They will evaluate the health of your teeth and gums and recommend the appropriate interval for deep dental cleanings to keep them healthy.
Winding it up :
 We hope you liked this article and now know the advantages and disadvantages of deep dental cleaning. The procedure involves root planing and scaling, which can cause minor discomfort in your mouth. Still, your orthodontist in Hialeah will inject you with Sedation to relieve further pain and pressure in your mouth during the procedure, and Sedation will help numb your mouth and gums.
 Article source  :  https://www.vetteblog.com/what-is-deep-cleaning-and-its-advantages/
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epicdentalcenter · 2 years
What Are The Benefits Of Getting A Dental Amalgam Filling?
Fillings are used to fill the space in the tooth. The main benefit of an Epic Dental filling is stopping the progression of tooth decay by restoring a damaged tooth. The filling helps the tooth to its normal function and appearance. Correct minor issues like decay and further deterioration by keeping harmful bacteria from entering.
One such dental filling is dental Amalgams, a silver-colored filling your dentist Houston likely applies on your teeth as a child and is still very famous in children. The filling is made using a combination of metals, mercury, copper, silver, and tin. The filling is relatively inexpensive and can last long with the help of the material. You may also get many other options available, and you can ask your dentist which suits you the best. 
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Here are some pros and cons of dental amalgam for front tooth filling. If you have to fill cavities, you can take a better option.
Amalgam Fillings Advantages
The amalgam fillings are made up of complex elements, making them durable. It can resist a lot of wear and tear; therefore, the filling can last for ten to twelve years. 
One of the many reasons why it is popular is the cost-effective feature that makes people choose it over other fillings. As it is affordable, it makes an ideal choice for people who want to fix tooth decay problems. 
Protects from further cavities.
The filling can save the tooth from getting damaged and prevent further cavities. This process can help you get rid of cavities and tooth decay and reduce the risk of tooth removal. 
Lasts long.
The filling lasts long till ten or twelve years before it needs replacement. Till then, eat and chew easily without any fear of tooth damage. 
Amalgam Fillings Disadvantages
Teeth discoloration. 
Amalgam fillings are mainly silver fillings, and they can usually get darker with time. That is why many people install them on their back teeth. So it is noticeable easily.  
Sensitive teeth.
It can also cause teeth sensitivity after getting amalgam fillings. It can happen because of the metal reaction to changing temperatures in the mouth. 
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Weaken the teeth. 
One more concern that amalgam fillings can give is that they can weaken the tooth with time. This happens because the tooth’s portion is removed to install the filling, which can damage the remaining teeth and weaken them. 
Teeth staining.
Tooth cavity-filling amalgam can also cause stains on your teeth, and you may require a stain removal procedure. Teeth whitening is a procedure that can remove deep stains from your teeth. If you are getting teeth whitening treatment, your dentist may remove the filling to clean the teeth. 
In Conclusion:
To treat your cavity dentist removes the decay from the tooth portion and then fills the filling in it to protect it from further damage. The filling is also better known for its durability and long life. If you are still considering getting the amalgam filling, consider talking to your dentist. Contact and visit your dentists near me. Book an appointment now and consult with your dentist. 
Article source : https://www.shoutarticle.com/what-are-the-benefits-of-getting-a-dental-amalgam-filling/
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kendall-coupons · 2 years
Save Your Teeth With Root Canal Specialists!
Endodontic is the part of dentistry that treats the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of diseases & injuries of the dental pulp. Root canal specialists are always ready to help you with this. Let's learn more about it now!
What is root canal treatment?
The root canal treatment consists of dental pulp & bacterial residue removal from inside, disinfection & subsequent filling with an inert material to avoid the proliferation of bacteria inside it.
With root canal treatment, you can even save much damaged teeth.
Why is root canal treatment necessary?
When the tooth is damaged by deep caries, trauma, or other causes, bacteria and their toxins can penetrate the dental pulp.
It causes inflammation that can be very painful (pulpitis) and lead to loss of tooth vitality. You must save your teeth with teeth cleaning near me.
If you are not treating it with root canal treatment, inflammation may form at the tip of the root accompanied by pain and swelling (abscess).
Even in cases where there is no pain, the toxins released by the bacteria can damage the supporting bone, causing tooth loss in severe cases.
Deep caries
Caries begin by penetrating the outer layer of tooth enamel by creating a cavity. If this process is not stopped in time caries continue damaging the dental pulp.
In some cases, trauma to the tooth (road accidents or sports), can damage the pulp.
Other causes
Severe periodontal diseases & dental fractures
Why shouldn't the tooth be extracted?
There are many disadvantages to losing natural teeth: if a lost tooth is not replaced adjacent teeth can move from their normal position.
Crooked or crowded teeth in addition to compromising normal chewing are more difficult to clean favouring the onset of caries and gum disorders (periodontal diseases).
What to expect from root canal treatment?
Although root canal treatment by root canal specialists has a very high success rate, there are cases in which complications, such as infections after treatment, require further treatment or even tooth extraction.
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Know The Disadvantages of Deep Cleaning Teeth
Know the Disadvantages of deep cleaning teeth at Epiexpress.com. This is one of the best blogging websites where you get the information on every topic.
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devilscreekballad · 3 years
Another ch7 sneakpeek, this time Lynwood’s Pov. There’s a lot of copy-paste in this chapter, I really dunno why it’s taking me so long.
You are not entirely certain that you've slept last night.
Not 'if', not 'whether or not', just 'that' you've slept. You do remember laying down for a moment, but you also realize you did not lay down where you just woke up. You yawn and stagger over to the small dressing table, splashing cold water into your face and gazing blearily at your reflection. Your siblings at home would probably not hesitate to force you into bed if they'd knew you are handling yourself like this.
With a long and exhausted sigh, you splash more water into your face, shaking off the fog that is crawling through your brain. There is still so much to do. At least, you find, everything you wanted to pack to send back home has been packed, leaving you with light luggage to travel, and a bottle of morphine to be refilled.
Once again you muse that Therese would never forgive you if she'd knew about it, and Vincent might go as far as to kick you out of his house for good.
But they'd have to understand: With all these things on your mind, all these unsolved mysteries and undiscovered secrets it's a necessity to get [i]some[/i] rest. It and opium. But latter requires you to interrupt your investigations, which rarely is a feasible option to begin with, and it's certainly not one right now.
You dry your face and push yourself away from the table, sitting down on the bed for a moment to sort your thoughts.
It'll be a long day again.
@{(salomesveil_hint) At least yesterday's talk with Mulligan and ${name} had been fruitful, even though you feel you revealed a little too much without getting an equal amount in return| You wonder if you should have told Mulligan and ${name} a bit more about the Salome's Veil case, even though you are not entirely certain if you could trust them with some information}. @{(tell_lynbright) Then again, they have not been as antagonistic towards you as they could have been, and they've given you quite an unexpected puzzle piece in the form of Mr. Brightwell's presence at the manor the night his son died. Something you'll have to look into as soon as this case allows it| While you must admit that they have not been as antagonistic towards you as they could have been, they are still a bunch of wanted criminals}. And still there's the mystery of what exactly Blayne tasked them with.
It is quite an array of questions left open, and you are glad you already arranged to speak to ${name} again, and maybe Mulligan by extension. Which is something you ought to be fully awake for. You rise, stretch and head back to the bowl of water, filling it to nearly the rim. And after a deep breath you submerge your face in the cool liquid, coming up gasping and sputtering the moment this got your body wide awake.
You cough and dry your face, cleaning up the table before you move on to get dressed. *page_break The disadvantage of the nightly fog leaving your brain is that it is now racing with even more questions. Especially everything concerning this Miss Beauchêne. She might be a very pleasant person, at least that's the impression you got, but some things just don't add up. Robert Brightwell never got engaged, to your knowledge. Now, you don't know yet what Miss Beauchêne's social status is, but be it what it may be, she's Black. That alone would have been enough for the press to dig its teeth into that story most viciously.
And then the whole sordid affair about Merryborne. Someone in this whole mess is lying, but, much to your dismay, you can't say who that might @{(tell_lynbright) be. You refrain from saying it's Mr. Brightwell. His lie about his whereabouts might easily have its own reasons| be}.
You crack your neck and joints and adjust your clothes. While you doubt Mulligan and ${name} will already be up on their own, it probably won't be a bad idea to check, in case you are wrong about their sleeping habits. If they are awake, you can talk to ${name}, if not... You check your watch... if not you can come back here, go through your notes, then head downstairs for breakfast and then to the post office, sending off another wire. *page_break Upstairs... Much to your dismay you find no one answering as you knock on Mulligan and ${name}'s door.
Anger dwells up in you at the notion that these two have made a run for it, and you are all too ready to curse yourself for not arresting them at the first chance, when you're reminded, painfully, of something Therese keeps telling you: That you are a good, clever man with amazing instincts, but that you let your bias get in your way time and time again.
You take a deep breath, pushing your assumptions aside.
"Keep calm, and listen to your logic, Giles," you tell yourself, take another deep breath and lean against the wall, trying to approach this without any assumptions.
Mulligan and ${name} are cunning, and they are certainly not careless. If the case in Baltimore is anything to go by they will not simply run away unless the coast is clear, no matter how much things are heating up for them.
And even if they were, understandably, suspicious of you, they ought to know that they are not the focus of your investigation. So, unless they got seriously concerned about your presence, where could and would they have gone?
You look down the corridor, realizing that Mrs. Meadows' room might be a good place to start asking. As it is past sunrise, she's ought to be awake. You doubt she has changed that habit in the last few years.
You gather your wits and head for her room... *page_break ... ... only to nearly get run over by Mulligan.
"Mr. Mulligan," you greet, dryly, but much to your dismay with more surprise than you would have liked. There's also an undeniable relief at the fact that Mulligan actually [i]is[/i] already awake. After all, for all your research into him and $!{title} ${name} you hadn't pegged either down as an early bird.
"I was just looking for you," you continue. "Did not expect you to be up so early." Something seems amiss, though. While, true, neither is an early bird as such, you reckon that they'd be up outside of their usual routine if the situation calls for it. A con, or fleeing from the outcome of one, or in general something to rattle one quite a bit. And looking Mulligan over he does look quite... nervous, and fraying at the seams right now. "You look rather... exasperated."
You crane your neck a little, despite standing taller than Mulligan, to get a better look into Mrs. Meadows room. There's O'Brian and Burke, Mrs. Meadows, naturally, Miss Beauchêne, and the O'Connor boy. $!{title} ${name}, however, is nowhere to be seen.
"I'm getting the impression something is quite amiss," you thus note.
Mulligan furrows his brow at you, very likely weighing the consequence of his answer.
*if ((lyn <=30) and (worriedforlyn =false))   "$!{title} ${name} has been abducted," Mrs. Meadows speaks up, nonchalantly. *if ((lyn >=35) or (worriedforlyn))   "$!{nick} has been kidnapped, Agent Lynwood," Mulligan then informs you, lowering his voice.
You can't help but stare, quite baffled you reckon.
"Come again?" you manage.
"Kidnapped," Mrs. Meadows repeats the information. "We are on our way to rescue ${them}."
That's... It would be an understatement to say 'concerning'. It's puzzlinh who would do such a thing. Of course, someone like $!{title} ${name} made a lot of enemies. You ought to know, you are one of @{((lyn >=35) or (worriedforlyn)) them, regardless how agreeable ${they} might have been towards you| them, by all means}.
It still is thoroughly astonishing that such a thing has happened. But Mulligan looks genuinely concerned, and there's no reason why he should lie in this regard. Now, if he were on his own, maybe this might be a ruse, but with the other three of Blayne's little posse with him... You recognize this might be an additional problem.
"Just the four of you?" you ask, part concerned, part curious. For all you know about $!{title} ${name}, ${they} @{plur are| is} *if ((job =3) or (strong =3))   a capable     *if ((job =5) or (strong =5))       fighter and skilled gunslinger, so   *if ((job !=5) and (strong !=5))      fighter, though not much use with a gun, so *if ((job !=3) and (strong !=3))   not an outstanding   *if ((job =5) or (strong =5))       fighter but a skilled gunslinger, so   *if ((job !=5) and (strong !=5))       fighter, nor any use with a gun, still ${they} would have put up a fight. Something anyone setting out to kidnap ${them} ought to have been aware of. And then there's the tall tales of the number of pursuers whose certain grasp $!{title} ${name} and Mulligan have managed to escape.
You almost were amongst their number, if not for a lucky sighting at the Clementsburg station.
So, there's reason to doubt ${name}'s kidnapper would not have made sure ${they}'d be outnumbered no matter what. So these four might not stand much of a chance...
"I reckon you should come with us," Mrs. Meadows then rips you from your thoughts, stepping past Mulligan. "You are a man of the law, Giles, as questionable as the methods of your agency may be."
"Hold it," O'Brian interrupts. "Didn't [i]you[/i] just point out gettin' the law involved will get ${name} killed?"
"The recognizable law, yes," Mrs. Meadows counters. "But Agent Lynwood's presence as a Pinkerton agent compared to a sheriff or marshal might be in our favor. He's far less recognizable as a man of the law." *page_break She's Charming As Ever. You sigh, frustrated, as several doors along the corridor are opened, indicating both growing anger and growing curiosity of the other guests on this floor.
While, as Mrs. Meadows just pointed out so helpfully, you are no sheriff or marshal, and certainly not a police officer, you contemplate pulling rank regardless and ushering these guests back into their room, when Mulligan grabs you by the arm and heads for the stairs.
You protest, naturally, but Mulligan just glares at you.
"Listen, Agent," he begins as he navigates towards your room. "For all we can tell these kidnappers are the kind o' hired muscle the rich and powerful of this fine nation love to hire when yer bloody agency is too mild-mannered for their taste and needs."
You pull yourself free just as you reach your room, staring at Mulligan in growing alarm. As condescending and harsh as his assessment may have been, you know what type of men he's referring to. But... how in Hell would he even know that for certain?
"How do you even know that?" you wonder out loud, before a stray thought, if not realization hits you. "Your ghosts, correct?"
"My brother, in fact."
You narrow your eyes at Mulligan, as you search your memory.
"Matthew, wasn't it?" you ask to clarify. You hadn't looked too closely into Mulligan's family as a whole, but the story had made quite the circles back in the day. Five men rob a bank, get away with nearly five thousand dollars. Then one of them rats out the other four, the Mulligan brothers amongst them. Matthew Mulligan was found having bled to death from several gun wounds a few days later, while Charlie Mulligan returned to his hometown in a catatonic state a month after that. Two weeks later the remains of their former companions were found in at least four different places in several states. "Read the story."
"Listen," Mulligan begins darkly as you begin thinking after that. "If ya don't believe me, then say so. Now." *page_break ... You furrow your brow. Shouldn't he know better, given his reputation? Then again, you can wager how stressed he must be right now
"It might surprise you, but I do believe you. Wouldn't have sought your help if I wouldn't do so at least a little. So, these men... Your brother's certain about their nature?"
"Not just that," Mulligan answer, just as the rest of his group reaches you. "One of'em has been part of yer old unit, Bellegarde."
You are not a man easily rattled. Confused, maybe. Surprised? Sure. But you take a bit of pride in not letting things shake you easily. But these words out of Mulligan's mouth make your blood run cold. Dozens of images, not one pleasant, replay in your mind, before anger dwells up at Mulligan speaking that dreadful name, before the implications of what he said, what he knows, and the idea of where he knows it from sink in. A different kind of anger, a different kind of memories, and a different kind of knowledge worm their way into your conscious thoughts, and you feel sick to your stomach.
There are people you owe helping $!{title} ${name} to. Some alive, some dead, and all of them part of a life you had hoped to have left behind.
You shake your head to clear it, nod curtly at Mulligan and head into your room. *page_break As you check your weapons you begin feeling the eyes of the dead on your back in a way you haven't felt them in decades. This isn't how you had expected this investigation to go. Just for a moment you entertain the thought to leave that entire posse to rot, but you reckon there's more people alive than dead that would never forgive you such a decision. Therese, Vincent, Sara, Isaac, old Elam, Benjamin, Lian, and, of course, you yourself.
You've vowed to do the right things in live, and you are not going to stop honoring that vow now.
Once more you check your gun, holster it and head back to the others.
"Let's make haste then," you say, and lead them out to get the horses. *page_break "Where's $!{title} ${name} being kept?" you ask as the group reaches the edge of the city. You should maybe have asked before, but you reckon you hadn't had the mind for it before.
"A farmstead a bit out of town," Mulligan answesr. "Middle o' the woods."
"Take it your ghosts told you?"
You feel like slapping yourself for that question. How else would Mulligan know, and he has already told you that he's got the information from none other than his dead brother.
"Not just any," Mulligan says, and you try to make out whether or not he's bitter about it. "Told ya it's me brother Matthew."
You turns to look at him, nodding curtly and apologetic.
"Sorry for your loss, by the by. Couldn't tell you earlier."
"That's kind of ya," Mulligan says, nodding back, and then he pauses for y moment "Agent Lynwood, do ya know anyone by the name of 'Robiquet'?"
You search your memory. You know the name, and a bit about their reputation. And that is enough to make your skin crawl.
"Not personally," you answer thus. "Only by name. Rich family from Virginia or Alabama. Made their money in sugar and cotton, lost nearly everything after the war when they found themselves having to pay the people doing the work for them. Went into shipbuilding and mining now, I believe."
"How screwed is ${name} in such company?" O'Brian muses out loud.
"$!{they} @{((nat =9) or (nat =10)) could certainly be off much, much| couldn't be off} worse," Burke answers, and you glare at both of them.
"Do you two ever think before you speak?" Mrs. Meadows scolds, and both Burke and O'Brian sit up straight.
"Sorry, ma'am."
"Pull yourself together, you two," Mrs. Meadows continues, and the two utter a 'Yes, ma'am'.
And the group rides one.
It's not long till you can see the edge of the forest ahead, when something by some rocks and boulders nearby gets Mulligan's attention. *page_break A Horse! It's a lonely horse build like a brick house, a chestnut Clydesdale, saddled and trotting about nervously amongst the grass and rocks.
There's no need to signal the others to stop at the sight, as they all know better than to ride on carelessly, and Mrs. Meadows retrieves her rifle.
"There's someone there," Burke alerts you at a movement, readying his gun, as Mulligan speaks up hastily.
"That's Matt's... fault," he says. "He says he spooked the horses of the kidnappers when they came through here. Overdid it a bit with the Clydesdale and she threw her rider off. Matt says the guy hit his head on one of the rocks and didn't get back up."
Mulligan gulps at that, and you get the sense he's feeling more worried for the kidnapper than he's feeling relieved at having to deal with one opponent less.
"The other's rode on," he continues. "But seems they nearly shot another guy who was insisting on checking if the other guy mighta been still alive."
"Guy sure seems to be alive still," Burke notes.
"What now?" O'Brian asks, and before Mulligan can answer, Mrs. Meadows marches over to the rock, rifle at the ready nevertheless.
What follows is her muttering in Cantonese, and you bite back a smile at hearing her curse like this. Then she waves you all over, calling for Mulligan to get her her bag. *page_break Which He Does. The sight you find around the rock is a man the size of a grizzly laying slumped together against the stone. He's dizzy and disoriented, and the rock behind him is smeared with blood, but he's certainly alive.
"Didn't know angels can be Chinese," he mutters, seeing Mrs. Meadows, blinking blearily.
"I'm no angel, nor a demon, mainly on account that you are not dead," Mrs. Meadows retorts and crouches down before the man.
"My Holly got spooked, ma'am," the man continues. "She never does that. She's a good horse." Then he blinks. "Is it because we took that ${name}? I said to Amos we shouldn't. But Amos said we need the money."
"What's yer name?" Mulligan asks, stepping closer.
"Earl, sir," the man answers. "Earl Oakley."
"Like Annie Oakley?" Mulligan ventures.
"I wish, sir. She's a fine woman, that Miss Oakley. Even if her name wasn't Oakley all the time. She's still a fine lass." Then the man looks closer at Mulligan. "Oh. Yer the other one Mr. Favor told us to take if we can't take $!{title} ${name}."
You stand back, searching your memory for the names. You know of Amos and Earl Oakley. Two petty thieves from Arizona Territory, often working as hired muscles, even though Amos seems much more brains than brawns. Then again, Earl has enough muscle for four grown men. And both of them have a reputation to be thoroughly inept, however.
The name 'Mr. Favor' however doesn't ring any bell. It might well be an alias.
Earl tries to sit up, only to get pushed back down by Mrs. Meadows.
"Hold still," she orders. "You got quite a nasty wound on your head, and I need to see to that."
"From the rock, ma'am, when Holly threw me off," Earl says, and you note Mulligan getting nervous. As do you. While this certainly isn't a ruse, you know how Lian can be when people are in need of help. But time is of essence right now.
"Do we really have time for this?" you speak up.
Mrs. Meadows turns around, glares, but her face quickly softens with a trace of guilt.
"I can't just leave him laying here," she says.
"Gotta give it to the Pink here," Burke speaks up. "If we wanna save ${name} we oughta hurry."
At this Earl does pull himself up into a more upright position.
"$!{title} ${name} will be fine, Mr. Favor said," he says. "Can't make a bargain with a broken chip, he said."
You don't like the sound of this. By the sound of it ${name} has been kidnapped to be exchanged for something, and you wonder what. You already figured ${name} and Mulligan made a lot of enemies, but something tells you the reason for this abduction is more recent.
And the only event that comes to mind is the botched attempt on Miss Beauchêne's freedom. *page_break Curious.
"Hold up," Mulligan interrupts. "This 'Mr. Favor'. What does he want $!{title} ${name} for?"
"The sheriff's got his sister because o' $!{title} ${name} an' ya, an' Mr. Favor told us to go an' get ya [i]or[/i] $!{title} ${name}, he said that very clearly. Get only one, not both. An' he said that will make the other get him his sister back. Amos said we could just go an' break her outta that cell, no big deal. Amos always says things are no big deal when they are, and Mr. Favor wouldn't hear any of it. Told us to do as he says. And to listen to this Wilkie. I like this Wilkie none, sir. Not even a bit."
Well, there's your answer to that then. You were right. Naturally.
The name 'Wilkie' however rings a couple of alarm bells, but no reason comes to mind immediately.
"Guess we were spot on with our guess," O'Brian mutters, kicking at the ground as Mrs. Meadows finishes patching Earl up. She then rises back to her feet, nodding Burke and O'Brian to help Earl back to his feet.
"Earl, where did they bring $!{title} ${name} to?" she asks.
Earl points, guilt and thankfulness written equally on his face.
"That way, ma'am. In the woods. It's a farmstead, ma'am, with a big barn. Wilkie wanted to do away with the farmers, but I just knocked them out. Can you make sure they are alright?" He shuffles a little uncertain, sitting down again. "An'... an' can ya make sure Amos is alright as well? Amos isn't bad, ma'am. Not much at least. He tries, but he's no good at bein' bad. That's what he always tells me I am, but he is just the same."
Mrs. Meadows nods, and so does Mulligan, before Mrs. Meadows turns to O'Brian and Burke.
"You two are the best riders. You get this man back to..." before she can finish Earl grabs her wrist, startling her, his hand covering almost her entire lower arm.
"No, ma'am. Ya go an' get $!{title} ${name}. I'll wait here. An'... can you tell ${them} I'm sorry? $!{title} ${name} seemed nice, and Mr. Favor is nothin' but a bad man."
Mrs. Meadows looks at Earl for a moment, quickly checks him over again, before she nods and heads back to her horse, mounting up.
You follow, your mind still racing with the search for the names of 'Wilkie' and possibly 'Mr. Favor'. *page_break A Short Ride Through The Woods Later. A winding and well-used path leads through the woods, fresh tracks indicating recent use. The farmhouse at its end lies in the middle of a shallow valley, the trees along the edge of the little hollow provide plenty of cover. You leave the horses nearby, just out of view from the farm, and edge closer to the ledge, surveying the area below.
There's a large barn, a paddock and a small orchard ready to be harvested to the left, and the farmhouse to the right. And a lot of open space between it. All of it occupied by grim looking men with more muscles than anyone should have, and as many morals as braincells.
"I'm countin' five... no six outside," O'Brian hushes, lowering his spyglass. "An' at least two in the farmhouse."
"So prob'ly more," Burke adds, "An' then some in the barn. At least them being in the farmhouse means the farmers are still alive. No need stationin' anyone there if that weren't the case."
You nod, as does the rest of the group.
"That makes at least eleven," Mulligan notes sourly and suddenly stiffens as if something startled him. You watch the blood drain from his face, and his eye grow quite glassy, before he suddenly slumps back, shivering, eye wide with fear.
"No..." he manages in a choked whisper, slumping back, holding a hand to his mouth. "Please, God, no..."
Something is very wrong, and you have an unsettling idea what it might be.
"What's wrong?" Burke nudges Mulligan, as your group stares at the older man in worry.
"It's $!{nick}...$!{they}", he stammers, trying desperately to calm himself. "Matt checked what's goin' on and... these guys beat $!{nick} up pretty thoroughly. $!{they}@{plur 're|'s} alive, but... we gotta hurry."
You spot the tears dwelling up in the corner of Mulligan's eye as he looks at your group pleadingly. This is certainly not the news you had hoped for, but unfortunately those you had expected.
"So we better make haste," Mrs. Meadows says, and turns back to the farm. *page_break You Can Guess What She's Thinking. "Thinking about the best approach, aren't you?" you ask, brow furrowed darkly.
"Of course. Aren't you?" Mrs. Meadows retorts.
You snorts a humorless laugh.
"Not much to strategize here, is there?" you grunt. "We're outnumbered on either end of the farm, with the major part of our opponents right between the barn and the farmhouse. If we try to pick them off in either location their companions will rush in from the others and make short notice of us and their hostages."
"${name} and the farmers," Mrs. Meadows notes matter-of-factly.
You nod.
"Exactly. You know," you begin wondering. "It's strange. Nearly a dozen men, maybe more, for three people? Sounds excessive."
"What do you think?" Mrs. Meadows inquires.
"I can't tell," you answer, scanning the farm again. "But this is the kind of manpower you bring if there's something else to pro-... Bloody Hell! You got to be kidding me!"
You lower your binoculars and blink, looking after a man leaving the farmhouse with two men in tow right now. Small, stocky, well-dressed, sporting a sculpted mustache. Someone you had not expected to see here.
"What?" Mulligan asks, and you points towards Favreau.
"You know who that is?" you ask, almost casually, doing your best to not let your confusion show.
Jean-Baptiste Favreau. Highly trusted, renown banker, and cunning businessman. Someone the rich of this nation turn to when financial trouble arises. He has employed your agency a few times in the past, and while you only know him from hearsay and photographs, you've come under the impression that he is as ruthless as he's pompous and arrogant. A man you neither cross nor disappoint if you know what's good for you.
You search your memory, vaguely remembering that his sister did marry into the Robiquet family. That's two families then one would be wise not to cross. *page_break Bugger... "He looks familiar, but I dunno," Mulligan answers your question, dragging your from your thoughts.
"Jean-Baptiste Favreau," you say, gloomily. "Guess that's the ominous 'Mr. Favor'. If you ever researched the finances of anyone rich in this nation, you very likely stumbled upon the name." You pause, maybe the others know something about Favreau. There's certainly a lot to tell, and especially people like Mulligan or O'Brian — who take such delight in conning this kind of people —  ought to know something.
Unfortunately, they don't.
You sigh inwardly. "I'll tell you the details once ${name} is safe and sound," you say, "But for now... He's quite bad news. The kind of man you don't want to cross, disappoint or insult. By having his family face consequence for, let's say, an attempted kidnapping. For example.
"He's also leavin'," Burke calls out in a stage whisper, drawing everyone's attention back to the farm.
Favreau is indeed climbing into a waiting coach, while a total of four men mount up, two of them on the coach, two on horses, all heavily armed. Favreau barks some orders and the carriage sets into motion into the opposite direction of where you are. Well, that leaves you with a more reasonable number of opponents to handle.
"In the hope I won't jinx it, but damn, that's lucky for us," Burke mutters, and you're inclined to agree.
"Still got more than enough on our hands," Mulligan says, and you notice the faint, curt nod he's giving someone. "Give Matt a moment to check what we're up against now." *page_break So You Wait. After a moment you spot another such small nod from Mulligan, before he tells the group that there's now four hired guns in the barn, and three in the house. Then he pauses.
A mixture of bafflement, worry, and a trace off anger ghost over his face before he frowns darkly.
"Got another problem, it seems," he tells you. "They beat up this Amos pretty good. Matt says he needs help better sooner than later. An' the farmers are close to doin' something stupid."
Oh, isn't that just great? You sigh inwardly, wondering if this can even end well. There's no question that your group will have to split up, and everything then will have to be timed well. Which is easier said than done.
"Bugger," Burke mutters. "So, what now?"
"We have to split up," you suggest. "Even with the numbers more even, it won't do if we clear one side of the farm, only to have the buggers on the other catch on. Especially if the farmers are about to try something."
Burke nods, but then furrows his brows.
"How long ya think we got?" he asks, looking at you. What kind of question is that even? How should you know what the farmers are up to precisely?
"You mean until the farmers do some-..." you begin, confused, when things click into place. Burke isn't asking about the farmers. He figured Favreau is likely on his way to seek out Mulligan, and when he'll find the hotel room empty.... "You mean until Favreau will return, right?"
Burke nods again. *page_break "There's no way in Hell that guy ain't headin' to town to force Mulligan here to free his sister. An' when he finds Mulligan gone..."
"He'll come back here an' all Hell will break loose," Mulligan finishes the thought, shuddering. He knits his brows, face strained as if he's listening to something with great attention, before he sighs softly and relieved.
"Matt says some other ghosts are keepin' an eye on Favreau. They'll make sure he won't come back here any time soon."
You quirk a brow, a shiver running down your spine. Something about the way Mulligan said that has your hairs stand on end, and you feel as if things you buried deep have just found a handy spade.
"Hey!" O'Brian suddenly calls out, nodding towards the farmhouse. One of the hired guns is making his way over to the barn, looking indisputable upset. You know the expression. Something has come up that he needs to talk to their leader to.
"Eleven in the barn then, two in the house," Mulligan mutters. "Is that better or worse?"
"It doesn't make much of a difference," Mrs. Meadows answers, and casually checks her rifle. "I suggest two of us head to the house and take out the two men there. The others get into position in the barn and await the others attacking from the other side."
"Best choice we have," you agree.
"Only choice we got, innit?" Burke grunts, checking his weapons as well. "So, how we gonna do that?"
"Giles is an excellent sharpshooter," Mrs. Meadows declares in a tone so matter-of-fact that it's almost comical, and you blink astonished. She's usually not someone to give out compliments, especially not to someone like you. But you refrain from asking aloud if she's mocking you. "One of us has to head to the farmhouse, the other heads to the barn."
"Tommy should take the barn," O'Brian speaks up. "He's the better shot an' fighter outta the two o' us, makes more sense to have him where more people are."
Burke nods curtly.
And then everyone looks at you expectantly.
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