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dirtywartheatre · 4 years ago
By HowlRound Theatre Commons’ Podcasts, Michael Lueger presents an interview with Dr. Noe Montez about his book on Transitional Justice and how Argentina’s theatre scene has dealt with the repercussions of the dictatorship. 
Also on https://howlround.com/theatre-history-podcast-52. (Transcript available)
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ballata · 3 years ago
Dicono che sia il secondo lavoro più antico del mondo, di sicuro negli ultimi 20 anni ha avuto un boom di fatturato. È il mestiere del mercenario e la ditta per cui lavorano sono società di sicurezza. Si tratta di decine di migliaia di soldati capaci, a seconda dei casi, di addestrare, proteggere o combattere. Ma il vantaggio della privatizzazione è soprattutto nella nebbia. Pochi controlli pubblici e contratti senza appalto. I soldati a noleggio sono i co.co.co. della guerra, licenziabili a fine contratto e senza problemi di reinserimento a carico del bilancio pubblico. Gli Stati esternalizzano sempre di più il lavoro sporco nei conflitti: costa meno e non li espone politicamente, perché questi soldati non indossano divise. Nella definizione di David Isenberg del Peace Research Institute di Oslo i moderni soldati di ventura colmano il gap tra gli obbiettivi geopolitici e gli strumenti che il pubblico può accettare. Quando muore uno di loro è un incidente sul lavoro, quando muore un milite in divisa è un dramma nazionale. I casi di violenza e violazione delle regole internazionali non si contano.
Russia: dove opera la Wagner
Usa dove opera(va) la Black water.
#gliaudaci #robertonicolettiballatibonaffini #contractor #mercenary #falseflags #blackwater #wagner #war #dirtywar #manatwork #exspecialforces #mentaltraining #mentalhealth #camouflage
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jiujitsujazz-blog · 8 years ago
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Just watched #DirtyWars by #JeremyScahill . That was one great #journalism. Now I'm going to read his newest book #AssassinationComplex . #drone #drones #bookworm #bibliophile #booklover #book #books #reading #reader #read #bookish #booktube #bookmark #bookhaul #bookstagrammer #bookblogger #booklion #booknerd #goodreads (at Glendale Library, Arts & Culture)
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jessicajean08 · 8 years ago
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@Regrann from @alisalovesbernie - #wikileaks #fakenews #russia #washingtonDC #waterwars #Nodapl #trump #boycott #DivestFromDAPL #HappyNewyear #2017 #january #syria #yemen #mondaymotivation #berniesanders #fightfor15 #nomorepipelines #dirtywars #oil #money #waterislife - #regrann
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lollipoplollipopoh · 6 years ago
🇺🇸 🇦🇷 US hands Argentina declassified documents on 'Dirty War' | Al Jazeera English by Al Jazeera English The United States has handed Argentina the final batch of thousands of declassified documents relating to the years of terror under the military government. Human rights investigators hope these documents will cast light on what happened to some of the estimated 30,000 people who were killed or who disappeared between 1976 and 1983. Al Jazeera's Daniel Schweimler reports from Buenos Aires. - Subscribe to our channel: http://bit.ly/291RaQr - Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/AJEnglish - Find us on Facebook: http://bit.ly/1iHo6G4 - Check our website: http://bit.ly/2lOp4tL #Argentina #DirtyWar #CIA
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whileiamdying · 5 years ago
KRONOS QUARTET AND DAVID KRAKAUER Osvaldo Golijov: The Dreams and Prayers of Isaac the Blind
I have this image of my great-grandfather, who shared my bedroom when I was seven. I'd wake up and see him by the window, praying with his #phylacteries in the early light. I think of him always praying, or fixing things, his pockets full of screws. I remember thinking, three of his children are dead; how does he still pray? Why does he still fix things? But we were taught that #God had assigned that task of repairing the world to the #Jewish people— Tikkun Olam. Incomprehensible.
About eight hundred years ago, Isaac the Blind—who was the greatest #Kabbalist rabbi of Provence, France —dictated a #manuscript saying that everything in the universe, all things and events, are products of combinations of the Hebrew alphabet's letters.
The Dreams and Prayers of Isaac the Blind is a kind of epic, a history of #Judaism. It has Abraham, exile, and redemption. The movements sound like they are in three of the languages spoken in almost 6,000 years of Jewish history: the first in #Aramaic; the second in #Yiddish; and the third in #Hebrew. I never wrote it with this idea in mind, and only understood it when the work was finished. But while I was composing the second movement, for example, my father would sit out on the deck with the newspaper, the sports pages, and, every once in a while, he would shout, "There you go! Another Yiddish chord!"
In the prelude, the music is like a celestial #accordion, rising and falling like breathing, like praying...like air...then the air is transformed into a pulse and heart.
The whole first movement is a heartbeat that accelerates wildly...becoming frantic. It's built on a single chord, rotating like a monolith. The Quartet obsesses in eighth notes, the #clarinet starts a huge line in long notes, but zooms in and is caught up in the gravitational spin. The forces of #God and man, they never unite, but they do commune; you can hear the dybbuk and the shofar, searching for a revelation that is always out of reach.
The second movement opens with a hesitating, irregular pulse, a skipping heartbeat, the rhythm of #death. The #violin and the clarinet hold forth in monologue at the same time, like those The Bashevis Singers stories told in a poorhouse on a winter night. The same four notes, the same theme, playing in endless combinations.
Kronos is an #accordion in the prelude, a klezmer band in the second movement; now, in the third movement, it's a shepherd's magic flute. The last movement was written before all the others. It's an instrumental version of K'VAKARAT, a work that I wrote a few years ago for Kronos and Cantor Misha Alexandrovich. In this final movement, hope is present but out of reach. There is a question woven into the hardening, inescapable pulse: why this task? Repairing a world forever breaking down, pockets full of screws. The question remains unanswered in the postlude.
— Osvaldo Golijov
Excerpts from a conversation With Brook Gladstone, October/1996.
Osvaldo Golijov grew up in La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina during the #DirtyWar. He lived in Jerusalem, Israel for three years before moving to the United States in 1986, and now lives in Newton, Massachusetts.
#Spotify Spotify #NowPlaying
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punkecodavid · 6 years ago
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Today marks the 50th anniversary of that frightening day when students protesting in the Tlatelolco plaza of the Three Cultures were attacked by the Mexican government. Much of it was covered up until recently. Yet there's still no justice for the victims 50 years later... Carlos Fuente "... at Tlatelolco, the plaza of the three cultures. Tlatelolco the same place where Pedro De Alvarado (a Spanish conquistador and one of Hernan Cortes' top lieutenants) had massacred the Aztecs in 1521." #tlatelolco #tlatelolco68 #mexicolindoyquerido #masacredetlatelolco #mexicanhistory #knowyourroots l #lovethyneighbor #rememberthepast #historyrepeatsitself #pedrodealvarado #hernancortes #gustavodiazordaz #guerrasucia #dirtywar #1968olympics #olimpiadas1968 #yearofrevolution #vivalarevolucion #libertad #igualidad #nosliberamos #amorrevolucionario (at National Museum of Mexican Art) https://www.instagram.com/p/BocSCiGnPbd/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1jpmtbep2dpuq
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ruseg · 5 years ago
Oh look - Dominic Cummings has links to Babylon Health as well as Matt Hancock #NHS sell-off in plain sight Scary stuff from @johnpilger #DirtyWarhttps://t.co/LvN9HWwOGN
— Planet Belfast 🇪🇺🏳️‍🌈🕷️ (@Planet_Belfast) December 18, 2019
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briansaady · 8 years ago
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This quote comes from Smedley Butler's book, War is a Racket. His book was published in 1935 and it made it clear that corporate interests were dictating our foreign policies. Butler openly explained that his war efforts had propped up brutal right-wing dictators for the benefit of crony capitalists. Not much has changed since then. Now, the contracts for war are considerably more lucrative and the military industrial complex has more power than ever. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #war #military #militaryindustrialcomplex #corruption #corrupt #peace #smedleybutler #marine #marines #combat #corporation #corporations #lobbyists #lobbying #lobbyist #battle #propaganda #lies #falseflag #fakenews #wars #battle #battles #imperialism #imperialist #dictatorship #dictator #dictators #latinamerica #Caribbean #intervention #coup #coups #rightwing #revolution #revolutionary #CIA #cronycapitalism #cronycapitalist #cronycapitalists #exploit #exploitation #death #deaths #dirtywar #dirtywars #rebels #smedleybutler #General
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nitestar · 8 years ago
RT @youngshane: @IFThunder @MiaMoe88 @CoffeeNTrees @pppatticake @TravisJKirkwood @jojokejohn @JeanetteJing @midtownNY @GatorsEite23… http://bit.ly/2nMa80J
@IFThunder @MiaMoe88 @CoffeeNTrees @pppatticake @TravisJKirkwood @jojokejohn @JeanetteJing @midtownNY @GatorsEite23 @kierobar @AJC4others @BernieUpstateNY @BigMouth1122 @NiteStar Aw c'mon. Next thing you'll have issues w/ #nofly over Syria, and handing BO's @DirtyWars to @realDonaldTrump @potus #WhatCouldGoWrong?
— shane young (@youngshane) April 1, 2017
via Twitter https://twitter.com/NiteStar April 02, 2017 at 07:12PM
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dirtymondaysmilano · 10 years ago
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filmski · 10 years ago
I wish every American (U.S. resident) would see this film.
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sienabumu · 11 years ago
Words I Never Said - Lupe Fiasco ft. Skylar Grey 
I just heard this song for the first time. It completely captures what interested me these days. Is the War on terror just a cover up for the US’s hidden agenda?
If that is what interests you, you should definitely watch the documentary ‘Dirty Wars’ by Rick Rowley and Jeremy Scahill about the US’s covert wars in Yemen, Afghanistan and Somalia. 
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