#Dipper is a stocky boy
the-wizard-dipper · 3 months
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Masters' Academy AU: PE Uniforms
Art by @okkennymay
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thelastspeecher · 6 years
I can’t think up a title for this thing that I wrote today, but it takes place in the Angiewolf AU.  Specifically, it takes between this ficlet and this ficlet.  It’s the morning after Ford gets back, where he visits Stan and Angie’s house to help explain everything to Dipper and Mabel.  But before he even sees the Mystery Twins, he has to talk to his sister-in-law and his newfound niece.  Don’t worry, he’s excited to see them.  A lot more excited than he was to see Stan.
              Ford stuffed his hands in his pockets as he stood outside Stan and Angie’s house.  It hadn’t changed in appearance since he’d been gone.  It was still spacious and rustic, like a cabin built for a family of basketball players.  Daisies and bluebells in full bloom stood side by side lining the front of the cabin. The Stanleymobile was parked in the driveway, as red as the day Stan had gotten it.
              It was like he was back in time, on the day Stan and Angie had first moved in.  He could practically see Stan, Angie, Fiddleford, and Angie’s family, full of excitement as they brought in boxes and furniture.  Stan challenging Lute on who could carry the most boxes.  Angie waving off Fiddleford’s concerns that she was straining herself by carrying the largest, heaviest furniture.  The six-month-old triplets sitting in the grass, playing with pastel toys under the watchful eye of Angie’s parents.  Ford swallowed, painfully aware of how the happy memories didn’t line up with the last time he had been there.  He made his way to the front door and knocked.
              “Someone’s at the door!  Someone’s at the door!  Someone’s here!” a voice shouted.  Ford frowned, trying to place it.
              Daisy, perhaps?  A muffled voice said something in response.  The door opened.  Ford smiled at the person standing before him.
              “Emily, I presume?” he asked.  Emily beamed broadly at him, her grin stretching from ear to ear.  Last night, in wolf form, he’d mistaken her for Angie.  But in her human form, the characteristics she’d inherited from Stan were more obvious – the large ruddy nose, the square jaw, the stocky figure.
              “That’s me,” Emily chirped.  Ford’s smile became warmer.
              “It’s a pleasure to properly meet you.”
              “Right back at ya.”
              “Short stack, let yer uncle in,” a new voice said.  A voice that Ford recognized.  He looked over.  Angie was standing in the entryway to the nearby kitchen, drying her hands on a gingham towel.  She grinned at him.  It was the same smile spread across Emily’s face.  “Long time no see, Stanford Pines.”
              “Yes, it has been a while,” Ford said, adjusting his glasses.  He tried to banish the mental image of the last time he’d seen Angie.
              Angie pale and unconscious on the floor, burns from silver spread across her body.  The triplets, whom she had managed to lock in their room when his possessed body arrived, shouting at the top of their lungs.  Stan physically throwing him out of the house, looking as feral as Angie on a full moon.
              “…Stanford?” Angie asked.  Ford blinked, surfacing from the memory.  Angie’s blue eyes were full of concern.
              I don’t deserve concern from her. Not after what happened thirty years ago.  She could have died.
              “Yes, I am.  I’m just, um,” Ford stammered.  Angie let out a small chuckle.
              “A sci-fi makeover hasn’t changed ya a bit.  Come on into the kitchen and I’ll feed ya.  I’m assumin’ ya haven’t eaten breakfast yet?”
              “That would be an accurate assumption to make.”
              “Figured.”  Angie strolled back into the kitchen.  Emily raced after her.  “Hold yer horses, pup.  The sausage is cookin’.”  Ford followed his niece and sister-in-law.  He looked around the kitchen with interest.  Among the mass of magnets covering the fridge was a wolf-themed calendar.  Several events were scribbled in red ink.  Many of the generic pictures of food that had decorated the walls thirty years ago had been replaced by pictures of Stan and Angie’s vast family.  The kitchen table was covered with yarn, glitter, and chewed on pens.
              “Project of yours?” Ford asked, picking up a skein of bright yellow yarn. Angie looked over.
              “No, that’s Mabel’s.  So’s the glitter.”
              “You haven’t bothered to clean up?”
              “Mabel’s mess is an organized mess.  Everything’s in its spot,” Angie said.  “The last time I cleaned up her supplies, she turned the house upside down ‘cause cleanin’ disrupted her system.  Made even worse of a mess.”
              “Ah.”  Ford carefully nudged a few sparkly pieces of yarn aside and sat at the table.  He clasped his hands.  “So, Fiddleford tells me you and Stan added to your family since I last saw you.”
              “Yes.  In a rather major way.”  Angie nodded at Emily, who was rummaging through the fridge.  “Emily’s the oldest of quadruplets.”
              “Quadruplets?” Ford said, aghast.  He shook his head.  “You have seven total children.”
              “You and Stan raised seven children.”
              “You.  And Stan.”
              “If yer tryin’ to imply that they were all wild and difficult, yer correct. I mean, the combination of myself and Stan is a handful alone.  Add onto that the lycanthropy and the fact that they were multiple births…”  Angie let out a bark of laughter.  “I’m honestly surprised the house is still standin’.”  Ford chuckled.
              “…Do you have any pictures?” he asked.  Angie grinned.
              “What do ya take me for?”
              Ford laughed as he turned a page in the photo album Angie had grabbed for him.
              “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs?” he asked.  Angie shook her head, hiding a smile.  
              “Look, when you’ve got seven kids, ya don’t have that many options fer fam’ly Halloween costumes.”
              “These are wonderful.”  Ford looked at Angie.  “Thank you.”
              “…Fer what?”
              “Not kicking me out of the house the second you smelled my arrival.”
              “I heard ya ‘fore I smelled ya,” Angie said.  She turned another page in the photo album.  “But if I’m bein’ honest, Stan was the one who talked me down.”
              “Yes.  The day that you…”  Angie cleared her throat.  “I was still sick and hurt, and if I recall correctly, my words were ‘good riddance’.”
              “Stan, though, he reminded me that what happened wasn’t under yer own volition, and you’d never do anything to purposefully hurt people you care about.” Angie shrugged.  “And I do feel like, even if we aren’t related by blood, we do have a bit of a connection.  We’re both scientists, after all.”
              “Stan was the one who talked you down,” Ford said quietly.  He rubbed his face.  “Why did he do that?”
              “Yer his brother.  He cares about you.”
              “I don’t know if I believe that.”
              “Oh, Lord.”  Angie steepled her fingers.  “What happened last night between you two?”
              “What do you-”
              “Stan came home furious about somethin’.  He wouldn’t tell me what happened.”
              “We fought.”
              “You fought?  Why?”
              “Because of the immense risks he took to bring me back after he pushed me through the portal in the first place!” Ford shouted.  Angie pursed her lips.  “And I heard the boy – Dipper – say that he got bitten by a werewolf, too.  I don’t know how Stan is involved, but I know it’s his fault in some way.”
              “That’s his MO, Angie, and you know it.  Bad things happen around him.”
              “Does this have to do with the science fair incident?”
              “No.  I’ve moved past that.”
              “I don’t think you have.”
              “Angie, please,” Ford said.  He took a breath.  “I don’t want to talk about Stan.  I want to talk about your kids and Shermie’s grandkids.”
              “I mean it.”
              “Fine.”  Angie held her hands up.  “I’ll drop it.  And when Stan gets up, the chips ‘ll fall where they may.”
              “Thank you.”  Ford turned his attention back to the photo album.  “What did you say Cadenza does?”
              “She’s a lawyer.”
              “A lawyer?  Wow.  I assume she inherited Stan’s silver tongue.”
              “I’d like to meet her.  I’d like to meet all of the quadruplets.  And I’d like to see the triplets again.”
              “Sorry, but most all of the pups didn’t stick around in Gravity Falls. The only ones here right now are Emily and Molly.”
              “Aka the best ones,” Emily piped up.  “Caleb’s not even a werewolf anymore.”
              “He’s not?”
              “Huh.  Given how proud you all are of being werewolves, I would not have expected any of you to use the lycanthropy cure.”
              “Caleb’s always been a bit ‘meh’ about the werewolf thing, and being allergic to silver was making it difficult for his job,” Emily said.  “So he gave it up.”
              “What’s his job?”
              “He’s a pastry chef,” Angie replied.  “He lives in Piedmont like Mabel and Dipper.”
              “A pastry chef.”
              “Where is everyone else?”
              “Most of ‘em aren’t close enough to visit easily,” Angie said.  “Danny’s in Washington, D.C.  She works fer the Pentagon.”
              “Really?  With Stan for a father, how did she pass the background check?” Ford mumbled.  Angie frowned.
              “If I can’t talk ‘bout Stan, you can’t talk ‘bout him, either.”
              “Very well,” Ford sighed.  “What about the rest of your pups?”
              “Daisy’s back in Gumption on the fam’ly farm, doin’ testin’ on the crops. She’s a geneticist, so she’s tryin’ to improve the yield.  Emmett’s in dance school in San Diego – he studies ballet.  And Cadenza runs her practice from Portland.”
              “What about Molly?”
              “She’s bounced around doin’ botanical research, but right now she’s back in Gravity Falls, like I said.  She’ll be stoppin’ by this mornin’.”
              “She doesn’t live with you?”
              “…She’s in her thirties.  She has her own place.”
              “Oh.  Right.” Ford swallowed.  “She’s in her thirties.”
              “It’s got to be strange fer you,” Angie said sympathetically.  “She wasn’t even in kindergarten when you…left.  Now she’s all grown.”
              “Yes.”  Ford sighed softly.  “I’ve missed quite a bit.  Fiddleford even has a grown son.”  Emily, who was looking for something in one of the cupboards, froze.  She closed the cupboard door and stared at Ford with wide eyes.
              “Oh my god,” she whispered.  Angie stood up from the table.  “Oh my god! Ma, that’s-”
              “Emily, come with me to wake up yer father,” Angie said in a tight voice.
              “But Ma, Tate’s-”
              “Shh!”  Angie shot Ford an awkward grin.  “Go ahead and help yourself to some breakfast.  If Dipper and Mabel come down, tell Dipper he’s not allowed to have any pancakes.”  Ford nodded.
              “Because he’s been bitten, he’ll need plenty of protein.”
              “Exactly.”  Angie ushered Emily out of the kitchen.  Ford looked over at the counter.  Bacon, eggs, sausage, and pancakes were piled high on platters.  He smiled.
              That’s another thing that hasn’t changed.  Angie’s insistence on feeding everyone.  His stomach growled.  It’s been thirty years since I’ve had her amazing cooking.  Before he could get up to make a plate, footsteps rushed from the second floor. The two children he had met last night, Mabel and Dipper, ran into the kitchen.  They made a beeline for the food.
              “Dipper, no pancakes,” Ford said quickly.  Mabel and Dipper froze.  They slowly turned to face him.  Mabel squished her face excitedly.
              “Great-Uncle Ford!  What are you doing here?” she asked.
              “I came over to help Stan and Angie explain everything.”
              “Everything?” Dipper gasped.  He grabbed a notepad and pencil from inside his vest.  “Like, everything?”
              “Um, everything regarding the werewolf situation,” Ford said hesitantly.  Dipper’s eyes widened.
              “Why can’t Dipper have pancakes?” Mabel asked.
              “Pups need protein,” a voice grunted.  Ford let out a small sigh.  He looked at the person who had just entered.
              “Stanley,” he said shortly.  Stan glared at him.
              “Ford,” Stan ground out.  He looked back at Dipper.  “Dipper, you got turned yesterday.  Getting turned isn’t a joke.  You need a lot of protein when you’re changing species, and you’re gonna be a pup on top of it.  Werewolf pups have to eat a lot of protein ‘cause they’re still growing.”
              “I’ll only have one pancake then,” Dipper said.  Stan glowered.
              “No.  No pancakes. Only protein for breakfast.”
              “No buts, kid,” Stan rumbled.  Angie walked into the kitchen.  “Ang, keep an eye on Dipper.  Don’t let him have any pancakes.”
              “Of course, darlin’.”
              “Thanks.”  Stan looked at Ford.  “Sixer. We should talk.”
              “…Yes,” Ford said.  “We should.”
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fereality-indy · 6 years
My Gravity Falls Next Generation Part 1
Well I went to write today and barely got a sentence out. Since that didn't pan out I decided to break out my sketchbook and work out the looks I for the various kids I have floating around my skull.
Here are the group shots:
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Deborah "Debbie" Gwendolyn Pines (13) & Terrance "Ran" Mason Pines (11)
Debbie (F)
Ran (M)
General Appearance:
Both siblings have a ruddy hair color. Debbie is approximately 4'7" and a lil on the stocky side. Her usual attire is printed t-shirts, suspenders, a skirt (usually in a green plaid, dark brown, or  black), and colored work boots (usually matching her skirt). She likes to wear her hair in a pixie cut. She takes after the Pines family skin tone.
Ran is 4'10" and skinny as a rail. He normally wears a Hawaiian shirt over a ribbed a-shirt, loose fitting cargo shorts,  He takes after the Corduroy's lighter skintone and freckles.
Neither child has inherited their parents penchant for hats.
Being the only girl out of her cousins (until Aunt Pacifica's new baby Genie), Debby was at times coddled, except by her parents and Grampa Dan. For the most part she is a girl's girl, except for her penchant for ichthyology & entomology.
Ran is almost a male clone of his mother. If he can put something off till later, he will (with some exceptions). He dislikes bullies and has been known to go out of his way to put one in his place, though if he thinks he can talk one out of being a bully he will try that first. A slacker by nature he had a teacher try to hold him back (even though his grades were always near the top of his class), his parents had him tested and he tested with an IQ that could put him in mensa (and also surpassed the teacher's).
Special Talents:
Debbie can name off nearly every classification of butterfly in the western United States. She can also tell you more than you could ever want to know about koi.
Ran has decided to live up to his nickname & loves to run. He holds records in his school for both speed and distance (that one is unofficial).
Who they like better:
While they both love their parents you do get the traditional daddy's girl and momma's boy dynamic here.
Who they take after more:
Debbie is alot like Dipper; intelligent, studious, etc. And Ran is a slacker like his mom was back when his parents met.
Personal Head canon:
Though not as freckled as her morther, Debbie has a set on her right shoulder just off of her neck that resembles the constellation Cancer.
When he was little(r) Ran got picked on for having a girls name (Terry), there were two girls named Terri and Terry in his class. He tried other short forms for his name and decided he liked Ran because it was different and he didn't have to worry about sharing it with anyone.
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Edward Lee Pines (12)
Richard Ford Pines (12)
Guinevere "Genie" Marie Pines (3)
Ed (M)
Ricky (M)
Genie (F)
General Appearance:
Ed is 4'11" and of average build. He's mostly found wearing hoodies (he has almost as many as his mother has sweaters), cutoffs (close to his knees), and sandals. He wears his curly sandy blond hair short.
Ricky is also 4'11" but huskier than his brother. His look is varied, though usually in shades of grey.  He keeps his sandy blond hair pulled back in a tail with a spit curl in front. He wears glasses when he wants to read. He has blue/brown heterochromia.
Genie is 3' and healthy build. Both mothers try to outdo each other in how girly they can dress her, but the days she tries to dress herself you'll probably find her in her purple overalls (with pink straps & pockets) and a Dr Doll t-shirt. Her blond hair is usually pulled back in twin braids (she likes the style cause it's twins like her brothers)
Ed is a male Mabel. The hoodies he owns that didn't already have designs when purchased get hot with fabric paint as soon as he gets it home. He is rarely found without a sketch pad and pencil somewhere on his person. He also has a habit of playing matchmaker (especially when he's with Ginger).
Ricky is a rough and tumble sports fanatic. He's played baseball and football since he was introduced to them by classmates. But just cause he's a 'jock' doesn't mean he's neglected his studies. He keeps a B average and that's when he doesn't try. He was a frequent target for his brother's matchmaking schemes till he told him that he had someone he liked, but he doesn't know if the guy is even into other guys.
Genie is a little sweetheart. She is highly inquisitive and knows more than half of the sentient woodland creatures of Gravity Falls by name.
Special Talents:
Ed is an artist and matchmaker to rival his mother.
Ricky is a good baseball player (catcher) and an ok football player (linebacker).
Genie's talents are being cute and befriending almost everyone she meets.
Who they like better:
Ed is definitely a Momma Mabel's boy.
Ricky seems to be Pacifica's baby boy.
And Genie loves them all.
Who they take after more:
Ed is a male Mabel.
Ricky get's his competitive spirit from both mothers. Most of the Next-generation crew's adventures come crom someone daring/challenging him to do something.
Genie is still developing her personality,  but takes after Mabel in her ability to befriend anyone.
Personal Head canon:
The couple wanted to make sure they had kids (after Mabel convinced Pacifica that she wouldn't turn into her parents). Mabel went first to be tested for possible artificial insemination, but it was discovered that she was not fertile. When Mabel first found out she was distraught, but came out of it when Pacifica reminded her that she could still have children or they could adopt even.
Mabel joked about seeing if Ford could come up with a way for her to be able to pass on the Pines family genes. It was shortly afterwards that she decided to ask Dipper if he would be willing to 'pass the genes' for her by being their donor. With them being twins she reasoned it would be like she was getting her wife pregnant. After a sit down discussion between the two couples it was decided that he would go with Mabel/Pacifica to their appointment and make the donation. The kids don't know and unless there is a life threatening incident,  their parents don't plan on telling them. Mabel is a blood type match for the boys and Pacifica is for Genie. Dipper is happy to be their Uncle.
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fereality-indy · 7 years
wendip for the kid meme
Name: Deborah “Debbie” Gwendolyn Pines (13) & Terrance “Ran” Mason Pines (11)
Gender: Debbie (F) Ran (M)
General Appearance: Both siblings have a ruddy hair color. Debbie is approximately 4'7" and a lil on the stocky side. Her usual attire is printed t-shirts, suspenders, a skirt (usually in a green plaid, dark brown, or  black), and colored work boots (usually matching her skirt). She likes to wear her hair in a pixie cut. She takes after the Pines family skin tone. Ran is 4'10" and skinny as a rail. He normally wears a Hawaiian shirt over a ribbed a-shirt, loose fitting cargo shorts,  He takes after the Corduroy’s lighter skintone and freckles.Neither child has inherited their parents penchant for hats.
Personality: Being the only girl out of her cousins (until Aunt Pacifica’s new baby Genie), Debby was at times coddled, except by her parents and Grampa Dan. For the most part she is a girl’s girl, except for her penchant for ichthyology & entomology.Ran is almost a male clone of his mother. If he can put something off till later, he will (with some exceptions). He dislikes bullies and has been known to go out of his way to put one in his place, though if he thinks he can talk one out of being a bully he will try that first. A slacker by nature he had a teacher try to hold him back (even though his grades were always near the top of his class), his parents had him tested and he tested with an IQ that could put him in mensa (and also surpassed the teacher’s).
Special Talents:Debbie can name off nearly every classification of butterfly in the western United States. She can also tell you more than you could ever want to know about koi. Ran has decided to live up to his nickname & loves to run. He holds records in his school for both speed and distance (that one is unofficial).
Who they like better: While they both love their parents you do get the traditional daddy’s girl and momma’s boy dynamic here.
Who they take after more: Debbie is alot like Dipper; intelligent, studious, etc. And Ran is a slacker like his mom was back when his parents met.
Personal Head canon: Though not as freckled as her morther, Debbie has a set on her right shoulder just off of her neck that resembles the constellation Cancer.When he was little[r] Ran got picked on for having a girls name (Terry), there were two girls named Terri and Terry in his class. He tried other short forms for his name and decided he liked Ran because it was different and he didn’t have to worry about sharing it with anyone.
Face Claim: Well I had a pic, but it won’t post. Take the above descriptions and add them to the pilot Wendy & Dipper.
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