#Dipesh Jadhav
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Wonderfully Conceived Musical Ensemble Sufi Rock Season 1 coming soon on Ultra Bollywood
Wonderfully Conceived Musical Ensemble Sufi Rock Season 1 coming soon on Ultra Bollywood #SufiRockSeason1 #WonderfullyConceived #MusicalEnsemble #SufiandRock #SFaheemAhmed #NiteshTiwari #HarmaanNazim #LavPoddar #NaeemAhmed #CokeStudio #MusicEnthusiasts #SufiRock #UltraBollywood #NLVProductionHouse #FaheemAhmed #SiddharthaKhaire #DibyaJyoti #GirishKhapre #GauravGupta #DipeshJadhav #RajanSagar #SamHaldar #BhaskarSarma #NileshTiwari
Sufi Rock Season 1 is a wonderfully conceived musical ensemble by a team of youngsters who are musicians and singers themselves The presentation consists of beautifully written Sufi and Rock songs by the lyricist S Faheem Ahmed and set to music by the young promising composer & director Nitesh Tiwari. Composer and Director : Nitesh Tiwari Equally rendered by young singers like Harmaan Nazim, Lav…

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#Bhaskar Sarma#Coke Studio#Dibya Jyoti#Dipesh Jadhav#Faheem Ahmed#Gaurav Gupta#Girish Khapre#Harmaan Nazim#Lav Poddar#Music Enthusiasts#Musical Ensemble#Naeem Ahmed#Nilesh Tiwari#Nitesh Tiwari#NLV Production House#Rajan Sagar#S Faheem Ahmed#Sam Haldar#Siddhartha Khaire#Sufi and Rock#Sufi Rock#Sufi Rock Season1#Ultra Bollywood#Wonderfully Conceived
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