#Digimon ranting in the tags I guess
dnalt-d2 · 5 days
I feel like I just got Mandela Effected by Digimon the Movie
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manofmanymons · 2 years
Speaking of evolution scenes why the HELL doesn't Sangloupmon have one in Survive?
Part of me is like I GUESS everyone else's happened when they had a major breakthrough in their relationship with their partner or really wanted to save someone and I GUESS Kaito and Dracmon were kind of always close and he wanted to protect someone the whole time so they didn't really NEED a breakthrough
You can't just rob me of a cutscene of my favorite human AND favorite Kemonogami and expect me not to whine about it
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bobtheacorn · 2 years
If anon is throwing rocks at your window in the middle of the night, I am bringing you baked goods of your choice at a decent hour. Actually it rules that you're proship. Keep up the good work (minding your own business, not being a bully, not falling for reactionary nonsense, thinking for yourself, having common sense, and so on and so forth)
Genuinely, THANK U I appreciate that!! I'm doing my best!! I'm just tryin'a write my silly lil fanfics and vibe and everybody else should be allowed to do the same.
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#asked#i'm trying not to be a DOWNER but my god#I keep accidentally getting into fandoms that seem to have a high BS rate??#there's a tiny niche of ppl minding their own business and then a huge swatch of ppl that are like...........#aggressively yelling abt pretend threats to their Pure and Superior Thoughts on Fictional Characters#i don't know how to tell them that Jesus Christ is not gonna kiss them on the forehead for being hate mongering goblins#im just sayin#he would probably be the first to throw a table into the thick of y'all#like i get it u don't like incest that's valid#if u hate it so much why do you keep bringing it up?????????????????#tcest was literally trending on twitter a while ago bc baby antis were hollering abt it and the Algorithm was like U Want?? Here.#and then they took psychic damage abt it#i had to laugh#i guess i'm built different#nothing desensitizes you to stuff you don't want to see quicker than being 10 years old on the brand new interwebs#and googling your favorite digimon bc u want a cool desktop pic#NO search filters NO tags#just u as a kid fighting for ur life in google images sweeping past pages of weird grown up shit with ur eyes the size of dinner plates#let me just wave my cane and rant for a minute!!!!!!!!!! sorry!!!!!!! lmao#i'm just Old and Tired and I think ppl should be thankful for tumblr and ao3 and their fantastic fucking tagging systems and no algorithm#u can literally block things u dont wanna see#also u can just mind ur own business abt it
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the-lizard-god · 4 days
Intro To My Blog
Name: Chaotic/Chaotic Clown, Monty, or Lizard/Lizard God (Listed in order of preference)
Pronouns: they/them or he/him (I prefer they/them a bit more but either works for me)
I am a legal adult but I request that you refrain from any NSFW stuff related to me/my work. Swearing is fine just don't be weird I guess is the best way to phrase it. I identify as Aro/Ace but I'm still not 100% confident in the label so this may change.
Languages: English and I am trying to learn Dutch & Ukrainian (I've started both very recently so I'm not that great at either yet)
Fandoms: RTC, FNAF, Digimon, She-ra, and Steven Universe. I will add any new ones later on if I need to (They are in order of most to least active in)
Regarding asks/reblogs and all that jazz: Feel free to ask anything so longs as it's not NSFW related. As for reblogs/notes/comments go crazy with it, it lets me know people like my work
Why I'm on Tumblr: Mainly for posting my art and fics and occasionally to rant about the fandoms I'm in and my hyperfixations
Tags explained (will be updated once I start posting more):
#LizardGod answers and #answered asks both just mean I've answered something
#ChaoticsRambles and #ChaoticsRants both are for me ranting/rambling about whatever
#ChaoticClownsArtPosts #ChaoticsArt and #ChaoticsFanArt are all my art related tags
#fic update is just for me posting updates about my fics, things like new chapters or breaks and all that
#montysreblogs is just for me reblogging things I think are cool/interesting
AU tags:
#RTCParanormalPennyAU info or updates on my Paranormal Penny AU
#RTCEndlessWarehouseAU info or updates on my Endless Warehouse AU
(Both AUs will have more info posted soon)
Rules on my art/works I've made: When I post art I don't mind people using it for things like profile pictures, all I ask is that I'm credited for my art. Same with any of my writing stuff, if you write anything based on/inspired by it please credit me and please tell me since I love seeing work inspired by my own
That's it for now, I hope you lovely folks have an awesome day/night/whatever it may be where you are, rock on y'all :D
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coconi · 3 years
Fanfic Writer Interview
Heyyy thank you so much for the tag, @chromochaotic! 💗 I've seen this game do the rounds and I always wanted to do it! Doing my own post since I imagine yours will end up creating a few different reblog chains hehe.
Tagging @princesses-and-bitchcraft, @heleentje, @ginneke, @velosarahptor, and @ghirahimbo if y'all feel like it, no pressure!
How many works do you have on AO3? 10
What’s your total AO3 word count? 58,779
How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
On AO3, I've written for three fandoms: Breath of the Wild, Twilight Princess, and Fruits Basket.
We do not speak of my old ff.net accounts, but I wrote a couple drabbles/one-shots for Harry Potter and Pandora Hearts back in the day.
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Come Morning Light
Swan Song
Treading Water
Meet Me Halfway
A Fire in a Flask
Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
I always respond to longer comments or those that give me something to talk about beyond my thanks. The rest I sometimes leave as they are because I always feel like I'm just typing the same reply over and over and I second-guess myself ;;;; Plus I don't like to offset the total numbers too badly with my additions.
I appreciate any and all comments though, from wordless emoji dumps to big paragraphs <3
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
Definitely Swan Song. It was my first revalink fic and I had a lot of feelings about Link (and Medoh) being left behind at the end of the game, so I needed to get those out somehow ;w; All That You Rely On is also a sad one, but there's more of a silver lining to it.
Do you write crossovers? If so, what’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I've never written one. Not exactly opposed to the idea, though.
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Thankfully not! I did get one... odd comment where someone went on a mini rant about Hylia for some reason?? But it was perfectly harmless, just disconcerting lol
Do you write smut? If so what kind?
Nah, it ain't for me, but I admire those who can write good smut.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Same as Emmy, not that I'm aware of! (Don't try it, demon)
Have you ever had a fic translated?
What’s your all time favorite ship?
I can't say I have an ultimate favorite, but the closest to that would be Elliot/Leo from Pandora Hearts. It's been years and I'm still not over them ;________; (revalink is up there tho)
Whats a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
There's a really elaborate modern AU I have for BOTW with supernatural/thriller elements, but that's a project I don't dare tackle until I get some practice dealing with multi-chapter works. Who knows if it'll ever see the light of day.
What are your writing strengths?
Sensory descriptions and emotions, I believe. People often tell me my writing is comforting to them and I'll never stop being over the moon about it ;w; <333
What are your writing weaknesses?
Complex plots, long stories, writing a wide variety of characters at once, extended dialogue, action scenes, etc. Most of these are due to lack of experience/practice and I'm slowly trying to correct that 💪
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
If done right, it can certainly add to a story, but it's a delicate balance to strike. It has to be organic and non-invasive, otherwise it becomes a jarring experience for the reader. Also, the writer has to actually understand what they're putting down and, if applicable, how multilingualism works (see: that one infamous hola, ¿qué pasa? klance fic sdgkjfd)
What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Harry Potter. At least that I can remember... I might've written misc Pokemon, Digimon or CCS stuff as a child, who knows! Certainly not my brain!
What’s your favorite fic that you’ve written?
I have a soft spot for Treading Water for multiple reasons. It's my longest fic to date, it was the first story I dared to publish without any beta reading, and that was the first time I joined a fandom event as a writer + worked with someone else's prompt! I quite enjoyed writing Revali's journey of understanding through other people's eyes... and him falling for Link in the process :3c
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brightblueinky · 4 years
Long winded ramblings about a Bronycon video
So I’ve seen some hubbub about a YouTube essay going over the history of the Brony fandom up until the last Bronycon. (You can see it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4fVOF2PiHnc ) I just got around to watching it today and I was...somewhat confused by some of the stronger negative takes I was seeing floating around Twitter, and I’ve been in a “fandom discourse” mood lately so, hey, I thought...why not talk about it. The first part of this was originally going to be a Twitter thread until I realized Twitter wasn’t going to let me keep going on the thread so I gave up and decided to put it here instead (lol) so it’s probably going to be a bit choppy since I was trying to keep it readable for that format.
So first of all, my background, so I can be completely honest about where I'm coming from and try not to portray what I'm saying as like...an end-all-be-all take here, because I don't wanna do that. I was never really an MLP fan. I watched the first season of FiM and really enjoyed it, but I didn't really engage with the fandom because by that point I'd gotten to where I didn't spend much time in huge fandoms. So I can't come at this from the perspective of an MLP fan. When I’m addressing the fandom here, I’m coming at it as an outsider in the sense that I am not a MLP fan/brony. What I AM going to do is come at this from the perspective of something of a "native" to fandom. I've always been a geek. I've engaged in online fandom in some form or another since I was about 8, which was in the mid 90s. I've been around the fandom block. Actually, I can even say that I used to lurk on 4chan a lot and I saw a lot of the early Brony discussions there. I also watch @JennyENicholson's videos, and yeah, there's been times where I've been bugged because we had a disagreement of opinions and felt like it was a little harsh. She's got a dry sense of humor and sometimes it's hard to read when she's joking and when she's being genuine. So like, I wasn't surprised when I saw some hubbub from some people online about her doing the video about Bronies. Not at all. But I gotta say...I am really surprised by some of the more INTENSE takes on the video after watching it?? The LARGE majority of the video is @JennyENicholson covering this fandom from an INSIDER'S perspective. She was an MLP fan before FiM, she was active enough in the fandom to be a BNF. A huge, huge amount of the video is positive and nostalgic. In fact I now wish I HAD been in the fandom! It seems like it was a lot of fun! The only thing I felt was maybe harsh in the video is I think she gave the impression that being "furry" is exclusively a sex thing, but by the end she talks about furries being a community that's a very inclusive, kind community with a lot of queer people, so even then I think if you're really paying attention to the whole video you're not going to come away with the idea that the furry community is bad. Just maybe could've had more nuance earlier in the video?  So from glancing through mentions of her in a Twitter search (which is definitely not going to be a perfect sample) from what I can tell there's like two things that people seem to be upset about with the video: 1, the idea that the fandom is "dead" and 2...just...Body Pillows. So let's talk about the dead fandom thing first. As I mention, I have been in fandom a long, long time. Although I (usually) shy away from big active fandoms now, I started off in bigger ones--Sonic, Pokemon, Digimon, LOTR, etc. The two fandoms I currently care about the most, though, are definitely fandoms that tend to be called "dead" and were never HUGE to begin with (Princess Tutu and Chrono Crusade). I think I can count on my hands the number of ppl who actively discuss or create fanwork for CC.   So I guess what I'm trying to say is, I've been on both sides of the coin here. And let me reassure Bronies: "Dead", while maybe too strong of a label for what it actually means, does not have to be a negative thing and you don't need to defend your fandom from it, IMO. I think the "dead" label simply means that interest in the fandom has cooled, the number of active participants is significantly down from the heydays of the fandom, etc. And I don't think that's an unfair label for brony fandom from what I know.   If there was a large scale replacement for Bronycon then maybe it'd be unfair, but...yeah, if you're losing your large hubs for the fandom community, if the flow of fanwork and discussion has slowed, I think "dead", as it's used, isn't an unfair label.   But again, I don't think this is a bad thing! I'd imagine that even the current state of the brony fandom is larger and more active than the Princess Tutu fandom at its greatest heights. It's a pretty relative term. It doesn't mean nobody cares, or that you can't still enjoy it! All the "dead" label really means is acknowledging the change in a fandom. It's not a bad thing. I might be 1 of ~30 writers for Chrono Crusade on AO3 but I still have fun writing fic and I still get hits and occasional positive comments. It's not bad. Just different. Okay so now let's talk about the body pillow thing and oh man, is this going to be a minefield, lol. Let's first talk about my personal lens I'm going to come at here... I've created NSFW fanwork. Some of it taboo. I'm also (somewhat) a part of the "proship" discourse on Twitter which is basically a community of people that push back against another community of "anti"-shippers who feel that some ships are problematic (because of character age, power dynamics, etc) and shouldn't be shipped. (I think that simplifies a lot of the discussion on both sides but it’ll do for the purpose of what I’m getting at here, I think.) At its worse this debate has lead death threats and suicide attempts. I have seen people get treated abusively for fanwork (sometimes NSFW but not always). (And I also want to add that while I think the major component of the pro-ship discussions on Twitter are anti-harassment, there’s been some ‘edgy’ types who think that it’s fun to harass antis with NSFW fanwork and the like and I want to make it clear that is ALSO ABUSIVE AND NOT OKAY.) Basically, I want to say I'm sympathetic to a knee jerk defensive reaction over NSFW fanart. Okay? I can get why people might want to push against criticism of stuff they enjoy/create, and that there’s an element of possibly being harassed for fanwork you create. But the thing is, I don't think this is really the attitude Jenny is taking in the video. She lightly mocks NSFW stuff and body pillows, but often describes it as "harmless" and "fine". The only time she's critical of it is when she notes that sometimes body pillows with suggestive poses could be on display at conventions where young kids were present--at a con celebrating a show MEANT for young kids--and that probably shouldn't have been allowed. She's not saying you can't buy a body pillow, or create one. She didn't even say that while discussing body pillows of characters who were 10! She expressed personal discomfort, but the only restriction she really suggested was "keep this out of the sight of minors." And I don't know why that would be a controversial take. I read lemons when I was younger so I'm not going to sit here and act like it's going to completely ruin kids lives or anything. But I ALSO think it's appropriate to have boundaries for sexual materials for kids (or anyone who doesn't want to engage for whatever reason). I want my stuff to be clearly labeled as NSFW, with tags being clear about the content, so people know what they're getting into. I’ve grown to care about this even more as I’ve gotten older. I don’t really want to know about minors reading my nsfw fanfic or anything. I’m not going to, like, parent them and shame them if they do, but I don’t want to engage with it, I want my stuff to be labeled, and I am DEFINITELY not going to put it on public display at a place where I know kids are allowed, ESPECIALLY not when it’s work based on stuff MEANT for children! I mean, I grew up in a fundamentalist Evangelical household and I will rant at you for hours about how damaging I feel that environment was, and that I don’t think kids and teens should be completely shielded from sex, etc. But that doesn’t mean that having boundaries in place is a bad idea, especially when minors are involved. I also think that boundaries are good just for the sake of consent, too? I’m not saying that someone accidentally seeing suggestive art is the same as them being raped, please don’t conflate it like that, but if people don’t want to see it for whatever reason they should be given the opportunity to make that choice as much as possible. The stuff that Jenny mentioned brony conventions would do (requiring stuff to be sold under the table, or having late night hours for the dealer’s room where 18+ merch could be displayed and sold) seem like really good policies and pretty similar to what I’ve seen at anime conventions I’ve attended (although occasionally some stuff that was maybe a biiit more suggestive than I’d be comfortable displaying in public...but hey, my local con allows kids but also makes it clear in their rules that it’s mostly geared for 13+ attendees and that it’s up to parents to decide what’s appropriate for their kids, and I think that’s fair). And yeah, I know, nothing that Jenny showed in the video being displayed at Bronycon was 100% explicit, just suggestive. She notes this in the video herself, saying that yeah, it doesn’t show genitalia, etc...and as I’m writing this I think I’ve maybe rambled too much about NSFW fanart when most of the stuff we’re talking about here is more “suggestive” than straight-up porn, since that’s probably muddying the waters a bit. But I gotta, gotta, GOTTA address the sentiment I saw multiple times on Twitter in response to her video: “Dakimakura/body pillows aren’t sexual and to say that is orientalist.” I...what? What the fuck? Okay, again, I’m going to make it perfectly clear what my background is here so that I’m not claiming to have some expertise that I don’t have: I am white. I am VERY white. My parents did the DNA test thing and the most “exotic” thing that came up is that my dad is 3% Spanish. Not latin american, I mean from Spain spanish. I am sooooo fucking white. I’ve studied a LITTLE of Japanese culture in college classes but that wasn’t even my field of study (Communication major on a Broadcasing track, minor in Theatre) so I’m not going to tell you I’m an expert on Japanese culture. I’m just a weeby geek that grew up in anime fandoms and never really stopped consuming Japanese pop culture. I have a very limited experience with Japanese culture. I am NOT an expert on what is and isn’t orientalist. I know I’m really hammering in this point here but I think it’s really, really important that I make it clear that I shouldn’t be used as an expert on this subject. But what I DO have a background in is someone who has engaged in Western fandom of stuff from Japan from a young age, I did spend a lot of time on 4chan, this is NOT the first time that I’ve seen some form of an “this isn’t sexual at all and you’re just a PERVERT” discussion about fanservice and...okay first of all, I highly doubt anyone saying this is any more qualified to define what is and isn’t orientalist than I am. I think this is bullshit and it feels like an attempt to make your opinions more legitimate by implying people that disagree with you are some form of bigot. (And look, I was a sheltered, insecure, stuck-up teenager in fandom, part of the reason I feel like I can recognize this is I totally pulled the same shit. I am not going to act like I have never tried to pull this and that I’m a pure innocent woke intellectual who’s never said something foolish, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to let it slide, either.)
While writing this I googled ‘dakimakura’ to make sure I was spelling it right and noticed that Wikipedia does note that the origins of this style of pillow are sometimes used by Japanese kids as something like a security blanket, which I’m guessing is where the justification for the argument is coming from, but let’s be intellectually honest here--body pillow covers being sold at a convention aren’t primarily meant to be a security blanket for kids. And, okay, maybe you have a body pillow cover with a character on it that isn’t exactly in a sexual pose, just laying fully clothed on what looks like a bedsheet background. But I don’t think it’s an unfair argument to say that even THEN it implies a sort of intimacy, right, possibly a desire for a romantic attachment? Like, sharing a bed with someone doesn’t have to be sexual or romantic, I used to share a bed with my brother in hotel rooms when we were kids, but I’m also not going to share a bed with my brother and then hug him closely to my body no matter how he’s posed or what he’s wearing??? And look, maybe a body pillow isn’t ALWAYS sexual but to say it’s NOT sexual, which kinda implies NEVER, is so disingenuous. The top result I got when I searched for “anime body pillow” is a shop that includes categories like “18+ body pillow” and “sexy body pillow” and also SELLS FAKE BREAST INSERTS FOR SOME OF THE PILLOWS SO YOU CAN SQUEEZE THEIR BOOBS (obviously, NSFW link: https://www.dakimakura.us/ ) Like, COME ON, I don’t think it’s orientalist to say that something is sexual when Japanese people are actually selling body pillows they label as 18+. The second result even has a second for pillows you can insert sex toys into. And yeah I saw the guy saying “masturbation isn’t sex!” and sir at BEST you have a very narrow and incorrect definition of sex as simply being intercourse and, again, at worst you’re just being straight up dishonest. In fact, I’ll straight up call myself out for this. There’s a fanart body pillow of a fictional character I’ve considered buying several times! (Not porn but still probably NSFW link: https://www.etsy.com/listing/701912275/dakimakura-hypnosismic-doppo?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=hypnosis+mic&ref=sr_gallery-1-4&organic_search_click=1 ) Is this porn? No. You can’t see much. But on one side of the pillow he’s got his shirt untucked, you can see a bit of his stomach, and his fly is undone and you can see the band of his underwear peeking out. This is sexual. I’m not wanting it to like, get off on it, exactly...honestly it’s maybe a bit ironic, and a lot of wanting a body pillow in general is I like sleeping hugging onto something but I have a different sleep schedule from my husband I find him too big to hold all night and too warm in the summer anyway. But I’m not going to tell you that me wanting this PARTICULAR pillow case isn’t at all sexual, I know what I’m doing, I like the character and think the drawing is hot. I’m not saying don’t buy body pillows, okay? I’m not saying don’t sell them. I don’t think Jenny is either (she literally OWNS ONE that she shows in the video!!!). But don’t act like there isn’t ever anything sexual about it existing to try to defend their existence, okay? You don’t need to be a fucking coward about it, and you especially don’t need to say it’s racist if people call out something as being suggestive when, well, it fucking is. And I think it’s totally 100% reasonable for someone to say “hey I don’t think it’s a good idea to display suggestive art around kids, especially if it’s depicting young characters.” TL;DR -- Chill, guys. CHILL. Your fandom is getting smaller and the term people use for this is “dead” but that’s not a bad thing, you’ve still got the fandom, you can still enjoy it, there’s definitely no need to take personal offense over it. And enjoy your body pillows, but don’t be disingenuous about the fact that they can be suggestive and try to act like anyone that calls it such is racist, that is such bullshit. Like what you like, other people’s opinions of it is not automatically a personal attack on you, there’s no need to jump to being defensive every time someone says something vaguely negative about it. Chill, fandom friends. Fandom ain’t bad but it also doesn’t need to be the center of your identity and you don’t need to lash out against people for daring to have opinions about a thing you like. You especially don’t need to act like other people are perverts for noting something being suggestive. Chiiiiiiiiiill.
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nightmarewing · 6 years
Tagged by @the-cryptographer, thanks! :D
1) Ultimate Otps:
Hehe, I feel like a broken record, but KaiJou, LukaMei, Reinako, SakuHina (the DGRP one), KyoIori... you all know me. You know this. :v
2) A ship you’ll always 💜 ??
The baby ships, you know. :,v WizTail, TouYuki, TomoMei... (It’s pretty rare that I fall out of any ship once I get invested in it, though, so it could really apply to anything here.)
3) Current obsessions??
I started drafting this earlier, and at that point, there really wasn’t anything. Then, Yuuram happened. Please. Please help.
Obviously, this canon has some issues, but at the end of the day I am just a very simple creature who is weak for tsundere nobles who act spoiled but try really hard for the people they care about and average protags who have no idea what they’re doing but manage to charm everyone with their kindness.
… and also, like, chapter 14 happened. There was just no going back.
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4) A ship you never thought you’d like??
I can’t think of anything that I disliked that I liked later. There are a few things I didn’t expect to like as much as I do, though, like Hinata/Gundham from DGRP2. It was never something I wouldn’t have shipped, but then their friendship line changed everything. (... that also involved handholding.)
What else... oh yeah, shrimpship. Inevitable as it was, who knew that I would come to love two pointless and irritating comic relief villains with every bit of my heart? Angstship was kind of like this, too. I mean, I always thought it was an interesting idea, but now... I am in so deep.
5) A ship you used to like but don’t anymore:
There really aren’t a lot of these, but I guess Seishirou and Subaru come to mind. I can’t say I have no residual Feelings, but I’m not a sad 16 year old anymore. :v Aside from the ship being a general garbage fire, I dislike that Subaru’s “fateful connection” kind of gives it the narrative sense that it was intrinsically more valuable an experience than any positive relationships Subaru could have had and that it had to happen in the end because they’re soulmates. It’s CLAMP’s “there is ONE special person JUST FOR YOU! FOREVER!! :D” philosophy taken to its worst and most irritating extreme.
(I’m sorry, I rant about CLAMP at the drop of a hat. I’m in too deep; their work, Tokyo Babylon included, meant far too much to me growing up for me to not be utterly tired. DeLurk knows this well, lol, just- anybody else that happens to read this- :v)
6) A ship that should be canon??
Yuuram. :T Please. Let. Them. Marry. (Later, when they aren’t dumb teenagers, lol. Just... let me see that happen, someday.)
It would have been really nice to see HaruKan become canon within Tactics... author doujin is not enough. >:B
Every f/f ship bait I predictably fall for but which the canon ultimately doesn’t take seriously or avoids making explicit and textual because they’re afraid of alienating male fans. All of them.
I kinda agree with DeLurk about Takari, too. Just the other day the normal crew was watching 02 in rabb.it, and we were all just like, “Why did they make all that stuff canon instead of Takari?????” It’s not something any of us felt like really needed to be canon either, but it would have been... a lot more developed and acceptable than everything that did happen at the end of 02. :v
7) A canon ship you hate???
Every canon Digimon Adventure ship? :v No, I’m kidding, I don’t actually hate any of those ships, I just think the series really dropped the ball with the relationships it wanted to make endgame and that this negatively impacted the writing, especially of female characters.
Aaanyway. I can’t really think of a canon ship I seriously hate?? I guess you could say UsaMamo in the original anime, but it’s perfectly fine in the manga/musicals/Crystal (if not overly compelling to me). But I really do not like anime Mamo or their anime dynamic at all, lol.
8) A ship you shipped for years??
I think... every single thing I’ve mentioned here except Yuuram, which I guess I’ve shipped a few months. I’m old and nostalgic. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
9) A ship everyone 😍 but you don’t care for? Any popular Gundham or Sonia ship, other than Hinata/Gundham, Hinata/Sonia, and various Sonia f/f ships. That is to say... any Gundham or Sonia ship that includes Souda (and I prefer Gundham and Sonia as friends). :v It kills me, because this is like the one fandom I’m in where there’s a really popular polyship, and it even includes my two favorite characters in the entire game? How do I not like this?????
(... for reasons. Most of which are “Souda is a fuckboi.” :v I don’t even really dislike him, lol, he just needs to stop.)
Mm, I guess tendership is relatively popular in YGO fandom? Or, I should say, not so much modern YGO fandom, but if you dive back into older material it was definitely common enough. I... don’t do that one. :v
10) Favorite rare pair???
Oh, god. I like so many. I already mentioned shrimp and angst. There’s a very special place in my heart for chase and protect as well. For other series, Whip/Leona in KoF is VERY, VERY GOOD.
I’ll tag, uh... @cardcaptortakato (only if you like to do memes, lol, let me know if you want me to keep tagging you in stuff) and @hotwaterandmilk (just if you feel like it! I know your ships tend to be rarely encountered, so if you wanna ramble, I will listen :,v)
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groundramon · 6 years
Homph I finished tri and I wrote down my thoughts as I was watching because I had too many funny shitposts and nobody to share them with bc charlie hasn’t watched tri yet
PS i wont be reblogging tri spoilers (besides MINOR stuff like, digivolutions of already confirmed digivolution lines or non-spoilery shitposts, but I’ll try to tag shitposts as #tri spoilers anyways [digivolutions specific to tri ill tag as well but not ones that were already basically confirmed]) for a while so ur safe here!  I’m just gonna like everything/most things because then I can rb em to hisyaryumon lmao (also u should check out hisyaryumon....its me n charlie’s digimon blog)
EP 1:
- ok. alright. ok. good. they’re dealing with kari’s emotions now instead of just. nothing.  ok. alright. cool.  Still dont like how obscure/”artsy” they’re being with it, this is digimon not kagerou project, but ok.
- Also. I stand by tk and kari being one of the few good straight ships in digimon.  just saying.
- kari: this is my fault... me: god damn it shut up you little brat also me: god relatable ALSO me: ill take whatever display of emotions i can get
- I love how nobody believes tai is dead like.  They’re upset and worried but they’re also like “nah. he cant be. that fucking asshole just left us in our time of need” (actually only matt is the last one)
- Gabumon i would die for you also im crying and I think that’s the first time tri managed to make me fucking CRY
EP 2:
- I had thoughts but then the 02 kids happened and I entered another plane of reality.  I don’t feel real right now
- the only one I can remember is evil!gennai being a dumbass and being like “SUFFER AND SQUIRM YOU PATHETIC HUMANS AS YOU FIGHT OVER THE LAST SEAT” 1. humans are KNOWN for their ability to care for others you dumb obvious fuck and 2. is. is the entire tube going? because that tube can fit too people if they squish.  This isn’t a joke I’m serious it can.
- oh yeah also when i saw whomstever the fuck his name is (adult guy who i love but fuck names) and he was all bloodied i was like “its a cold day in hell when i see blood in digimon” (I think there was blood in an earlier ep but shh idc)
EP 3:
- didn’t nishijima start off as a fucking life coach to these kids.  What the fuck he was supposed to help them find a career not emotionally scar them by bloodily dying in front of one of them
- im realizing that the reason hackmon was always in his cloak, in the shadows, standing still is that they cannot animate him in any normal position for the life of him.  I drew him with better anatomy when i was 14 and didn’t have a tablet.  No seriously, look:
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I didn’t say it wasn’t bad, you guys are just underestimating how bad the anatomy on this poor creature is.  Why cant ppl draw dracomon or hackmon correctly imma cry
- ordinemon has the best reaction faces
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the best part about these two screenshots is that they literally cut one to the other, first the first one to the second one and then it cuts back to the first one.  They were really proud of these stupid ass expressions.
- I started overcoming my dissociation shock from the second episode and my hypercritical mind was analyzing the shit out of everything that happened (it is Not happy) but then evil!gennai called kari and evil goddess and idk if he’s exaggerating to make her feel bad or if she’s literally a fucking god of chaos and destruction and either way im like
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she did kinda like.  Watch wizardmon die, watch tai die, watch gatomon get absorbed.  The dark ocean is just a metaphor for depression and honestly if 02 wasn’t all over the fucking place I think Kari would’ve had some pretty decent development in it.  Actually you know what, I’m using that as an angle to approach Tri at now, wish me luck bc i might actually give it more leeway now
EP 4:
- I’m not dissociating but I forgot to say anything again and I already forgot what happened
- Cant believe mei is fucking dead
EP 5:
- I like to imagine that Tai got there like a few minutes ago, but he was like “well damn guess yall figured it out without me.  alright ill just. see if I need to do anything” and then meicoomon was Still Bad so he waited for when she struck just to make the most badass entrance possible.  Fucking extra ass bitch
- I forgot to write anything again but uhhh I wasn’t satisfied so anyways lets just get into the Juicy Details
Originally I was actually planning to be kinder to Tri than I expected.  Was very invested during it.  ‘Round the end of the last ep I realized hmmm no this isn’t working out.  Where are the 02 kids.  You should’ve brought them in to save the day.  That would’ve been SO cool and SO fun.  Fucking cowards.
god I’m kinda tired so I’m going to address a couple things I still had problems with, note that this isn’t everything it’s just everything I felt comfortable yelling about without rewatching past eps.  Like I forgot nishijima was all bloodied and presumably died in the last part until they brought it up and I was like “????” ALSO DID THE LADY WHO WAS HIS PARTNER OR W/E KILL HERSELF WITH THE GUN SHE FOUND, I JUST REALIZED LITERALLY AS I WAS TYPING THIS THAT SHE FOUND A GUN AND THEN I THINK IT CUT TO BLACK AND I’M
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anyways my problems:
1. They did joe. really dirty.  I’ll write a more proper rant on this sometime later (mostly bc charlie is MUCH better at talking about joe than I am) but basically I can tell you that his character development in the movies squandered his OG character development.  He’s basically an entirely different person.  Like Tri joe isn’t bad, besides being largely neglected (yes he has a whole half a movie to himself, no that doesn’t make up for it all), its just...not OG joe.  He’s a fine character just not the same character, and its NOT fine when you put the two together.
2. THEY DID THE 02 KIDS EVEN DIRTIER IM SO BITTER sorry you nostalgia-blind, money-hungry fucks at bandai, but the 02 cast is PART OF THE ADVENTURES UNIVERSE.  The only people who hate 02 are ones who like the characters but hate the mess of the storyline at the end, or are completely irrational and elitist about their love of the digimon series and would greatly re-evaluate their opinions if they watched the original series and 02 back to back.  They couldn’t even show them in some kind of group montage at the end??? Standing in the background when they call Mei???  Why couldn’t they call mei from a home phone also, but that’s a less important problem idc that much.  It was a cute scene besides the lack of 02 characters.  Whatever.  AND THE PROBLEM IS LIKE kari and tk?  This entire time???  Were like “oh they disappeared. oops” instead of being frantically searching for their lost friends???  Like i get tk and kari probably have fucking ptsd and can’t express any emotions because they watched important people die in front of their eyes at an incredibly young age but also 1. they didn’t address the ramifications of ptsd, so fuck that theory/excuse and 2. THAT??? WOULD ONLY MAKE THEM LOOK HARDER??? and put on a brave face as they look, but inside they’re so scared and so worried.  Not just “oh sweet, they were found/saved, theyre in the hospital but that’s fine” like WHAT theyre fucking assholes if that’s what they’d canonically do lmao.  God I am SO bitter over the ENTIRE thing with the 02 kids, it would’ve been BETTER if they were deleted from the fucking canon entirely.  Would I have still been bitter?  Yes.  But at least I wouldn’t be madder at TK and Kari too.
3. I stand 100% by the notion that Digimon is not and will never be cut out to be an adults’ franchise.  It wasn’t designed for adults, and it can’t be skewered towards adults.  These particular characters were designed for kids to relate to and find entertaining.  They do not work when placed into an adult setting.  Like, can you imagine a character like Ed from FMA going to the Digimon world?  I guess in a way that’s just Marcus but like.  Just imagine the FMA cast in Digimon Adventure.  It doesn’t work.  Digimon Tri is basically that except real.  Also Data Squad was darker than Adventure so my joke doesn’t even work.
I guess my primary point is that Tri isn’t mature enough of a setup for an adult audience.  It puts a focus on being “complex” and “philosophical” instead of working within Digimon’s constraints and making something good and adult out of that.  Like!  Digimon is a fucking TOY COMMERCIAL.  Don’t give me messages about the futility of human life.  I want bad puns and emotional characters.  That’s what Digimon has ALWAYS been, and ideally always will be.  Tri could’ve made itself more mature by dealing with the ramifications of the Digital World’s events, how it affected the kids psychologically and dealing with healing old scars.  It would’ve been a more mature take on a story we loved and would use things we loved about the story already - the fact that it took so much time exploring characters’ emotions and was surprisingly mature for the time - to make itself better.  You need to take the aspects that drew adults to the show and amplify them, not just slap on a complex story and unfunny dialogue and be like “oh this is fine, right?”
It’s not that Digimon can’t exist as an adult property, its just that if it repeats what Tri did, it’s got no merit and in my eyes the franchise is dead.  If it survives I guess I’ll be happy that people can still enjoy it but I find it unsustainable and unsatisfying to fans of the older series.  Tri is just a fuckfest of highly specific nostalgia that tries too hard to appeal to old fans without capturing what made the original series so magical, and in part thats because the original series WASN’T FOR ADULTS.  I don’t know about the Digimon Story games, bc they’re T-rated so perhaps they’re a better take on an adult Digimon story than Tri?  But you either need to make your own characters and lore specifically for an adult-oriented Digimon season, or perish.  Also, please make it a series and not a group of movies.  Getting four eps every 6-9 months was hell.
I stand by saying Appmon is a more faithful Digimon season than Tri to Digimon’s original spirit.  I believe it holds more potential for success than Tri and better embodies the spirit of the older Digimon seasons.  It’s dumb, its corny, it has horrible puns, but I LOVE it because it also has a deep dark story and emotional moments.  If you dislike Tri and you agree with things I said that make it unlikeable, I highly recommend giving Appmon a chance - if you watch a few episodes and think “oh yeah, I guess this is decent” you’re going to like it.  It’s everything Digimon has always been and hopefully always will be, just with a different concept.  And hopefully the end of the series doesn’t leave a sour taste in my mouth and I have to redact this statement haha since I’m not done with it yet, but I’ve heard good things about it so I’m hoping not so.
Overall, if you watch Tri, don’t get your hopes up.  It resolves everything okay-ish but it’s a pretty forgettable anime on its own and simply doesn’t work as part of the Digimon franchise.
I am, however, pretty interested in what evil!gennai said at the end about Diaboromon and Daemon.  It raises interesting questions about the timeline too.  We know Daemon is in the dark ocean, so perhaps that’s a hint at a future project?  (They did confirm a future project btw, in conjunction with tri being over)  But what about Diaboromon?  I dont believe that Our War Game (I think thats what its called?) took place after Tri, based on the outfits and ages and stuff, but I also don’t remember the movies that well.  Could Diaboromon still be out there too?  It’s interesting.
However, because of the lackluster performance of Tri, I don’t have my hopes up and I really hope that this “next project” goes in a different direction.  Although I guess if they include the 02 kids, I’ll be somewhat less salty...
Side note, did they ever explain why the gennais went evil?  Like ?  That’s a pretty important thing.  The gennais helped SAVE the human world in 02.  And I get that apparently Tri is ignoring 02′s ending but still.  It’s shitty, because Gennai was still a good guy in the original too (and also they cant just keep is younger look and act like 02 never happened)  MAYBE its something I missed but I dont think so.  God there’s just.  So much wrong with Tri.  I’m very displeased and very bitter and I wanna get back to Appmon asap.
It’s got good moments, its got bad moments, I dont know, I don’t care.  There’s nothing wrong with you if you like it, there’s nothing wrong with you if you don’t, and there’s nothing wrong with you if you flip flop and are split like me.  I just wish Tri fulfilled its potential instead of becoming a boring mess.
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singingrainbows · 7 years
Tag Thing
Nicknames: No nicknames (but I do go by Molly in games and such)
Star sign: Scorpio (also my chinese zodiac is a dragon :D )
Height:165,5cm (I think *shrug*)
Time right now: 01:39(start)
Favourite music artist: It's unusual for me to like more than a few songs pr artist lol, so I guess the ones who are the exception to that could kinda be called my favs, even if even that's a stretch for many. I do very much adore the Danish artist Kim Larsen he's like one of our national treasures. He's kinda like wierd cross between Bob Dylan, David Bowie and Elton John among others lol. So yeah I love Kim Larsen. I also love a lot of music by the danish Rasmus Seebach. I have a fondness for Backstreet Boy's second album (I think it was second, the one with the ”everybody rock your body” song (my first ever cd actually)), I really like a lot of Eminems work too; I really love most of Westlife's old works (they also did one of my top fav song of all time Flying Without Wings), I also have a fondness for some of Avril Lavign's old works. Gah let's just say my fav singers/bands off the top of my head are Kim Larsen, Westlife, Rasmus Seebach, and Yui (japanese). I listen to little bi of everything. From Fallout Boy and the occasional Lincon Park and Evanescnese; to Neon Trees, Paramore, and even those two one direction songs (best night ever, and perfect); to oldies like Dolly Parton, and Bob Dylon (yeah prolly add Dylan to fav list too). I like a few Gwen Stefani and Beyonce songs, and even a Taylor Swift songs. I also love Bruno Mars (yeah he should prolly be on the list, maybe, Iunno). I like classic musik and some opera, I like some rap, I folk songs, and country and old and some new. My fav song to listen to atm is prolly All Of You/Me by John Legend (which may just be the most romantic song I've ever heard). I DON'T like synths, and autotunes and all the horrible thing like that, which is sadly the norm in so much music today. I've very rarely seen it used well. It grates, and while some of it may be ok to dance to in a club (like the unholy racket that was crazy frog, actually kinda fun to really dance to on a sugar high) but the problem is that it's never kept there. It bombards the radio stations, which in turn, bombards shopping malls and recntly my god damn grocery stores! WTF? D:  So yeah I fucking HATE modern club music! I literally hurts my ears, and stabs at my head. FUUUUCK! (sorry for the rant ^^; ) Not much for Disco, I find the majority of Elvis songs kinda boring, and I'm not much for punk. I do love a good rock song, and I have a fondness for most of the hits thats came out when I was a kid. I like exactly one Spice Girls song (three guesses which, lol) but I REALLY do like that one. I love Aqua and while Barbie Girl will always scream ultra Nostalgia my fav is Doctor Jones. The VangaBoys too, Boom Boom, and Ibiza stand out lol. Achy Brachy Heart will always be fondly smiled at, and Over My Shoulder is still one of my favs (for some inexplicable reason, despite its subject matter being sad, it never fails to make me smile. Must be the upbeat melody, lol.) The danish band Shubidua was played to redicluous levels in my early teens, someone was always putting it on, lol. (That and Kim Larsen.) Their silly, silly songs made us laugh and smile and sing along. Also the Danish song Videoman. I Swear by All 4 One evokes memories of when my parents were still in love and not estraged divorcees, (while I don't regret them splitting in hindsight, no kid likes going through a divorce. Let alone moving a country away and leaving one parent behind. *forget ”every other weekend” I saw my dad 2-4 weeks a year if that.*) that song reminds me of simpler times (not that I long for them, I like my life now, but still). The Soop Shoop Song aka In His Kiss by Betty Everett is and always will be awesome. Las Ketchup was rediculous but fun. Yeah I  could go on, but I think that's beyond enough lol. Sorry long babble is long. XD
Song stuck in my head: Can't remember for a blessed moment and I want to keep it that way lol.
Last movie watched: Uh. Prolly a drama or some scifi movie.
Last TV show watched: Underground, Handmaid's Tale, American Gods, so many more. (Also, Game Of Thrones needs to start NOW not in two weeks :O )
What are you doing right now: Writing this, reading an awesome Naruto fanfic, arguing with my cat, smiling at my cat, enjoying that my cat is currently not screaming his head off and hoping lasts, considering attempting to gather my sweet kitty for a cuddle, watching a few anime Hero Academia, *just finished a few too* just started the first ep of Spiral; cat's yelling again ”be quite I'm not giving you a snack! Top scratching the table gah!”; quiet again, please last; playing Pokemon Sun.
When did you create this blog: Uh, like last year I think. It's fairly new.
What kind of stuff I usually post: Mostly reblogs. I'm planning to start psoting some fan theories, musings on stories, and maybe a review or two, I dunno. Who knows.
Do you have any other blogs: Twitter (my primary hang out) and Deviantart.
Do you get asks regularly: No
Why did you choose your url: Uh.
Hogwarts house: Swings between Slytherin and Hufflepuff, with the potential but not really the desire for Gryffyndor.
Pokémon team: I think it was Valor, but I dunno. Also, if I really lived in the pkmn world my occupation would totally be treasure hunter/adventurer.
Favourite colour: Pastel/baby/pale pink and pastel/baby/pale/sky blu are tied for first place, second  is pastel/baby/pale purplish blue and pastel lavenderish. I just love pastels, and I'm fond of all lighter shades of blue. I like some reds too. Bright orange and yellow in nature. If it's found on a real rainbow I likely have a fondness for it. Flowers and nature make me happy. I love the sky, and bodies of water. My dream is to live near a lake and a meadow. (I hate grey.)
Average hours of sleep: It swings. But for an otimal nights sleep I require around ten hours min.
Lucky number: 7
Favourite Character: Lucy Heartfilia from Fairy Tail (probably one of the best female characters (and characters period) ever; Naruto Uzumaki (pre Tobi ”reveal”) from Naruto; Sakura Haruno (pre Tobi reveal), various other Naruto characters; Madoka from Madoka Magica, Usagi/Sailor Moon; various Madoka Magica characters; various FairyTail characters; various Digimon Characters; Harry Potter from HP; various HP charas. A ton of others too, but this list is long enough.
How many blankets do you sleep with: Two summer duvets (sometimes I forgo the one if it's REALLY hot, but my body goes into super shut down mode when I sleep, so I get super chilly. This is not fun on a plane.) In the winter I sometimes pile on one or two or even three blankets. (Then despar when I wake to one or more on the floor.)
Following: 6
Followers: 11 but not because tumblr spazzed out. The real number is iffy. :P
I was kinda tagged by Amarevia. I tag those who wanna give it a go.
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thepastyman · 8 years
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chandelierslayer · 6 years
So... I also noticed while going through my archive that I tend to reblog other people’s stuff and go on huge rants/rambles/analysis-fests, while still piggybacking on their stuff, instead of making a whole new post. So I figured I’d fix that while I’m at it. I meant to start this sooner but NaNoWriMo has me pretty preoccupied. And I was sleeping way too much for a while. BUT ANYWAY ENOUGH ABOUT MY PERSONAL LIFE. Here’s the big rant about Zelda and how much I care for her (even though hearing her speak irritates me):
Also, keep in mind that this is in regards to the end of BotW, so if you don’t want spoilers... Well, I tagged this as spoilers so yeah.
I hate that she only talked about Link and Ganon and the fate of Hyrule etc. Just once, I wanted to hear her say ……
…..Actually, I don’t know what I wanted to hear her say. I don’t know. In all honesty, I just wanted to hug her. Like. I just want to sit her down and hug her and be like NO girlfriend, let’s talk about YOU for a minute. I’m gonna make you some fruitcake and tea and we’re gonna just chill and you can cry it out as much as you need to or whatever, just focus on YOURSELF for a minute.
You’ve been locked in this situation of keeping the reincarnation of the demon king sealed away so he can’t hurt anyone for a hundred years. A HUNDRED YEARS. 100 YEARS. There’s no way that was easy, even WITH the power of the Goddess and the Light Force and the Triforce of Wisdom (um… Triforce? It looked like the whole thing when she killed him. Are we departing from the “each of these three people gets one” system? ANYWAY). I can’t even begin to imagine what that would be like. How did your mind stay intact, honestly? I just.
You gave up everything. You wanted to have a fulfilled life, chasing your dreams, being a total fucking nerd and studying the things that fascinated you. You had goals. You had a life. And when the signs of the Calamity showed up you jumped to the task willingly, thinking “Oh yeah, my knowledge of ancient shit is gonna help us save the world, this is gonna be great” but then your dad forced you to leave that behind and go try to awaken the power of your bloodline. And you went. It was the RIGHT decision, because that power would be needed to take down Ganon, but that doesn’t make it FAIR. In ten seconds flat you went from happy kid studying things she loved for fun, to stressed-out kid beating herself up relentlessly because no matter how hard she tried she couldn’t feel the sacred power, couldn’t do the ONE THING that was expected of her, the one thing that could help her save the world. You took the weight of the world on your shoulders, literally, and even when your power finally awakened, you STILL felt like a failure because it was too little, too late. Your champions had all fallen, including your knight. You had to go take on the demon king. Alone. And a hundred years later when everything’s over you’re like “I’ve been watching over you all this time” like wtf get out of town are you serious right now? You didn’t even think about yourself, you just. I’m crying right now, y’all, for real. Oh my gosh. This woman.
Okay now that my face is dry…
I’m not even gonna BEGIN to get into how much I hate that Sacrifice at the Expense of the Self is always portrayed in shit as this great amazing noble thing because it’s BULLSHIT, it’s NOT noble, it’s fucking STUPID, and I get that in this case she had no choice BUT to sacrifice everything to save the world etc. because she was literally the only one, but PEOPLE WRITE SCENARIOS LIKE THAT ALL THE EFFING TIME. Especially with female characters. Like. You have a CHOICE. The people who wrote this story had a CHOICE, and they CHOSE to go this route. …Oh look, I said I wouldn’t go into it, and here I am, going into it.
Seriously though, I’m glad this was a Zelda who actually DID THINGS (there are more of them than people think), but I hate that her doing things happened at the expense of herself. Her life. Even before she lost her dad and saw her kingdom torn to pieces, she had to turn away from the things she loved and her very way of life as she knew it to chase some faerie tale she wasn’t even sure would work. Nothing is of her own agency, except that one final decision, once everyone else had fallen and her power was finally awakened, to walk back up to the castle and imprison Ganon by herself. And I mean. Hah. Right. “Decision”. Like she really had a choice in the matter. That moment is the most bittersweet. I just. UGH.
Zelda never really gets to shine without being diminished in some way. The Zeldas in the first three games (And ALBW) were just there to be rescued, the Zelda in Ocarina of Time got to help out a ton while in disguise (via cross-dressing! A++) but once she reveals her pink-dress-wearing, non-ninja self she’s reduced to yet another DiD. And an overly helpless one at that, for the sake of a last-minute race against the clock challenge. I mean, you can blast Ganon with a huge-ass beam of light, and lift up iron bars like it’s nothing, but you can’t dispel some flames and kill some basic monsters? I call bullshit. Oracles Zelda was only there for the linked game ending so the bad guys could try to sacrifice her to resurrect Ganon (weeee), and the Zeldas in the Four Swords trilogy were hardly there. WW and TP’s Zeldas are finally badass, though, the one in TP was forced to surrender her rule to a usurper king and sit by quietly - though she did get to do stuff later in the game. Tetra, on the other hand, was a badass pirate captain. Buuuuuut once her identity is revealed, again, she’s reduced to Princess Form, even having her clothes change magically from pirate garb to a pink dress (is that… did you put MAKEUP on her? With MAGIC? That’s not her skin tone! UGH.) for no reason whatsoever. What makes me happy is that in Phantom Hourglass, she’s gone back to her pirate threads and refuses to be called a princess. And rightly so! The world in which she was a child of the royal family is gone now, sealed beneath the ocean forever. She never knew that world. The Great Sea is where she’s really from. Just because you have a bloodline doesn’t mean anything, it doesn’t change who you are. Thank you for letting her be herself, Nintendo. YES I HAVE A LOT OF FEELINGS ABOUT THIS.
Spirit Tracks Zelda probly did the most out of them all, because she came along on the journey the whole way, albeit as a ghost most of the time (it’s a long story). And SS Zelda is another self-sacrifice person. Impa’s like “Lemme explain what happened forever ago and who you are and what you need to do and why” and she’s just like “Okay!” and does all the things. No second-guessing, no complaining, she just goes on this long journey and eventually seals herself away to save the world (please tell me this is not gonna become the trend) with nothing but faith that it’s gonna work out. I just.
Here, have some old tags, just because they add to the ranting:
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