#Diego Hargreeves imagine
samdeancass · 7 months
Make It Count
Requested by @acing-dyslexia with prompt #16 from Sentence Prompts: "I'm going to beat you until you can't remember you're own name." "I'll give you one hit. You better make it good."
Pairing: Diego Hargreeves x reader
Genre: Fluff, Angst
Characters: Diego, Y/N
Description: Y/N is taken by an old enemy of Diego's and when he comes to their rescue, he makes the kidnapper pay.
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If you were honest with yourself, you expected to be kidnapped considering who your boyfriend was and who his family were. What you didn't expect, however, is to be kidnapped by somebody you knew.
You were sat in the middle of a darkened room, the only light coming from the small window at the side of you. Your wrists were sore and slightly bleeding from the constant writhing to get out of the ropes. Hearing footsteps coming closer to the door, you sat up straight and put on a stoic expression before your kidnapper entered the room.
"Hello, Y/N. How lovely to see you again." Your eyes widened as your childhood best friend stood in front of you. "Bradley? What the actual hell?!" He chuckled as he walked towards you and knelt down in front of you. "Well, Y/N, it turns out that your boyfriend and I have a rather large rivalry with each other. He keeps beating down my illegal dealings and to be honest, I've had enough."
You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion. "OK, let me get this straight. Diego is doing good in this world by taking down whatever illegal shit you're doing and you've decided to take me as a way to teach him a lesson?" Bradley smiled at you and tapped your cheek. "Well done, you're catching on." "Well, I want to know something. How did my sweet best friend turn into a full-on criminal mastermind?" He smirked at you and stood up. "That's a story for another day I'm afraid. It seems as though Diego has made his arrival."
A huge smirk spread across your face. "He is going to kick your ass. It was the worst mistake taking me." Bradley made his way behind you and wound a gag tight around your head before pointing a gun at your head. A loud scuffle sounded outside the door and a pang of happiness rang through your body. You weren't scared in the slightest, you knew what Diego was capable of and you knew that he wouldn't let Bradley hurt you.
The door swung open and Diego pushed one of the guards in, ripping his knife out of their chest. Spotting you in the middle of the room, his eyes widened a little but you nodded to signal that you were alright. "You have 3 seconds to move that gun away from their head before I beat the shit out of you."
Bradley pushed the gun further into the side of your head, making you wince a little. Diego growled and Bradley chuckled at how quickly he was getting to him. "Now, now Diego. No need for violence. I just want you to stop interfering with my work. It's getting really annoying and I need to live, ya know?"
"I wouldn't have to interfere if your work was legit but what you're doing is hurting people and it needs to stop. There is no way I'm going to let it carry on." Diego gripped the base of his knife tightly in his hand as he spotted Bradley moving further beside you. "Well, then, I suppose Y/N here will have to say goodbye won't they?" You heard the click of the gun right in your ear and you closed your eyes, knowing exactly what was about to happen.
Before Bradley could shoot Diego threw the knife at the gun and knocked it out of his hand, causing Bradley to stumble back in surprise. "I'm going to beat you until you can't remember you're own name." Diego stalked towards Bradley as if he were prey, a sinister smirk on his face. "I'll give you one hit. You better make it good." "Don't worry, it will be."
Diego swung his fist back and put all of his power into the punch, knocking Bradley completely off his feet and to the ground. Diego climbed on top of him and grabbed the scruff of his shirt. "If you ever touch Y/N again, or even think about them, I won't be so easy on you. I won't just beat your ass, I'll kill you. Understand?" Bradley nodded his head, clearly scared. Diego laughed before swinging his fist back and connected it with Bradley's face, knocking him out cold.
Diego got up and ran over to you, cutting your binds from your hands. You took the gag out of your mouth and smiled at your boyfriend, who offered you his hand to help you up. "You alright? Did he hurt you?" "No, but I did know him. Turns out he was my childhood best friend." Diego raised an eyebrow and shook his head. "I will never understand the things that go through these guys heads."
He kissed the side of your head, swung his arm over your shoulders, and walked you out of the building. "Wanna go for food? I'm starving." You rolled your eyes and chuckled before getting into your side of the car. "Trust you to be hungry after beating a guy."
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jpnriikicore · 23 days
── it’s always nice to see you
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paring digeo hargreeves x fem!reader, word count 1.5k, genre fluff, summary clingy drunk diego visits reader, authors note takes place in season one ( masterlist )
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it’s a cold winter morning. you stirred awake when you heard rustling that sounded like they were coming from outside, so you got up and walked over to your window. you frowned when you saw the one and only diego hargreeves who was clearly drunk stumbling around in your front yard.
you sighed rolling yours eyes, your feet patted as you walked downstairs and making your way to the front door, so you could stand on your porch and lecture him.
you turned on your coffee pot before unlocking your door to lean against your doorway. your arms crossed and your eyebrows raised at his state on your front porch.
diego asked, grinning innocently and innocently with his arms behind his back. he had a small blush spread across his face due to him being under the influence of alcohol at the moment, but the blush deepened quite a bit once he saw you. he stared at you with a lovesick gaze but tried to hide it.
diego asked, grinning innocently with his arms behind his back. he had a small blush spread across his face due to him being under the influence of alcohol at the moment, but the blush deepened quite a bit once he saw you. he stared at you with a lovesick gaze, but tried to hide it.
"what are you doing?"
you asked, your feet patting against the hard wood floors as you pour your hot coffee into a mug.
“i was… uhm…”
he trailed off for a moment, trying to think of an excuse for what he was doing at your house at this hour, but unfortunately couldn’t think of any good excuses.
“…iwas just uh, patrolling the area, is all.”
you blowed on your coffee as you walked back over to your screen door. he lied bluntly, making eye contact with you and tilting his head innocently. he was a pretty obvious liar when under the influence.
my free hand reached out to push open the screen door gesturing with my head to come in.
“come in, hargreeves.”
diego raised an eyebrow at the sudden shift in your attitude, but shrugged slightly and obliged by your request to come into your home. he walked inside quietly and peered down at you, standing before you and towering over you.
“why did you ask me to come in?”
he inquired curiously, fiddling with his fingers as he continued to peer down at you. he really wanted to take a sip of whatever liquid you were drinking. he hoped it was alcohol.
your teeth bit up on your top lip.
“you and i both know your not here patrolling the area."
“w—what!? i totally am!”
diego lied bluntly, crossing his arms over his chest defensively. he refused to admit defeat, even while he was drunk. he huffed quietly and looked away from you, a pout was now present on his face.
“…fine, you got me.”
he admitted defeat begrudgingly, running a hand through his hair as he groaned internally at his defeat. he truly just couldn’t hold his liquor.
“…i just… missed you…”
your shoulders shook as a chuckle escaped from your lips. you sat your mug down as you leaned againist the kitchen counter.
"i can tell."
“…how do you know?”
diego asked curiously, tilting his head innocently and curiously. he was confused on how you figured out that the real reason that he was here was because he missed you, considering you have a… not so happy history with one another. at least… not until a few weeks ago.
"when you get drunk you get clingy and you get these love sick puppy dogs eyes."
that…hit extremely close to home for the drunken diego. his cheeks instantly heated up even more upon hearing that. while sober, he was never clingy. hell, he didn’t even like pda or showing a lot of affection.
…but it was completely different with you.
he cleared his throat and took ahold of the collar of his black long sleeve, tugging at it and pulling it away from his body slightly. that should’ve given him a little more airflow, right?
"c’mon let’s sit."
you spoke pushing diego into the living room onto the couch. this wasn’t your first time taking care of him while he’s drunk.
diego huffed quietly in annoyance when you shoved him into the living room but obliged by your request nonetheless. he made a beeline for the couch, sitting on the couch and resting his chin in the palm of his hand. he peered up at you inquisitively, raising an eyebrow and humming quietly.
”…can i have some of whatever you’re drinking…?”
he inquired, tilting his head a bit innocently. he wanted it, for obvious reasons.
"it’s coffee."
you spoke, kneeling down to take off his shoes.
“…aw mannn…"
diego groaned quietly as he was disappointed that it was not an alcoholic drink. he then looked down at you taking off his shoes and was even more flustered because of it.
“…why are you taking off my shoes?”
he inquired curiously, tilting his head innocently. he was more than sure that he could take off his own shoes, but he let you do it regardless.
"i don’t like shoes on my rug."
diego looked like he was about to protest against what you said but then decided not to since he was not in the mood to start an argument with you. a soft sigh escaped him as he nodded quietly.
“…that’s reasonable.”
he mumbled under his breath quietly, looking away from you. he felt flustered from your close contact and your gentle nature, but he wouldn’t dare to tell you that.
"so, what did you realize this time?"
you asked, walking over to set his shoes at the door before returning to the couch to sit next to him.
diego sighed quietly and ran a hand through his hair. he was silent for a little bit, thinking to himself and trying to articulate all of his internal feelings for you into a sentence.
he paused for a moment before finally taking a deep breath and sighing quietly. he looked away from you, not having the courage to look you in the eyes while confessing this to you.
“…i think I’ve developed a…small crush on you.”
diego nodded sheepishly, blushing uncontrollably and fiddling with the sleeves of his long sleeve in a flustered manner. he peered down at his sleeve silently before slowly lifting one of your hands and intertwining it with his as a small way to show his love to you.
“…yes, i have.”
he confirmed quietly, a soft and yet wobbly smile formed on his face as he peered at the intertwined hands.
"i would kiss you, but i think you drunk a little too much tonight."
diego frowned, tilting his head innocently and giving off the best puppy dog eyes he could to try and sway you to give in to him. It usually worked on you, but would it be the case tonight.
you pressed a kiss on his cheek.
“I will give you a real kiss in the morning…if you’re still here and remember this conversation."
diego was overjoyed that he got the kiss on the cheek, but was clearly displeased with the fact that that was the only form of contact you’d give at this moment.
“can’t I get a kiss right now?”
he inquired, frowning quietly as he peered at you innocently. he could get really clingy and affectionate when he was under the influence, and he really wanted to give you all the love he could.
diego grumbled quietly under his breath as he was clearly disappointed with your response. he then wrapped an arm around you, pulling you into a gentle hug and resting his chin on your shoulder with a soft sigh.
“…does this satisfy you…?”
he questioned softly, gently rubbing soothing circles on your back as he hugged you close to his chest.
you pressed your lips against his.
diego’s eyes widened a little bit, clearly not expecting you to just randomly kiss him in the middle of hugging him. then again, the two of you have kissed each other randomly, so it’s not that unexpected.
he deepened the kiss, humming quietly and closing his eyes as he pressed his lips against yours. he slowly backed you onto the couch a little bit. It was clear that he really wanted more.
you gasped in the kiss as he backed you onto the couch.
diego deepened the kiss further as he gently placed you down onto the couch. he pinned you against it, wrapping his arms around your waist and pressing your chests together.
he then gently pulled away from the kiss, panting quietly and resting his forehead against yours. the kiss deepened from an innocent, affectionate one to a passionate and loving one within seconds.
his pupils were blown wide, clearly wanting so much more than a simple kiss.
"it is always nice to see you."
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merthosus · 25 days
Leave me
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Summary: After Diego sees you at the Obsidian hotel he thinks he lost his mind. You should be buried deep into the ground, but you were standing right before him.
Writing this broke my heart fr
"You killed me. Don't do it again"
“You’re supposed to be dead.” His voice is flat as he stares at you. You’re his little sibling, and they’d been forced to leave you behind back in the original timeline, before they’d traveled to 1963. You’d been left behind to die in the apocalypse. So how were you here? In the Hotel Obsidian? "Don't you see me breathing silly?", you ask him as he adored you. Diego’s lip almost quirks up at that, but he catches himself. He stands there, his arms crossed and trying to keep his face serious.
“Yes, but you’re supposed to be in the future. In a ruined world. Not…” Not here. Alive. With him. You smirk, you are not supposed to be in this timeline, don't you remember love?", you ask him in an almost angelic voice. He does love that voice. He adores it, he missed it so, so much, hearing it again makes a shiver run down his spine. He tries to stay stoic, but he feels as though you’re seeing right through him, and it seems as though he’ll break at any second. He just needed to make sure this was real… even if it was just to make sure it wasn’t some sick joke.
“…Prove it’s you.” "Ask me something then, something only I would know", you smile at him. He sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose. “Fine.. What nickname did I call you when we were kids?”. "My beautiful little angelito", you answered and tilted your head. Seeing him again did something to you too. That does it. He can’t fight the smile that breaks out on his face as he steps forward and suddenly wraps you in a tight hug. It’s like all his walls come crashing down in that moment, and he clings to you and holds you as close as he could, afraid that if he let go it truly would have been a dream.
You slowly caress the back of his head. "Diego you are not supposed to be here", you whisper in his ear. You can sense that he was holding back tears. He swallows hard as you speak, holding you just a little tighter. He never would have admitted this to the others, but he cried for you, many, many times. It kills him. How are you here? Alive? It makes absolutely no sense. And yet he can hear your heartbeat, he could feel you and you were right here. And, you were still calling him “Angelito”, like you’d use to when you were kids.
He pulls back enough that he can look down at you, still refusing to let go of your hips. He takes in every part of your face, as though trying to commit it to memory. “How? I don’t understand how you’re even here…”. "Diego you need to go", you mumble and look deep in his eyes. He shakes his head. No. He just found you again, and you think he’s just going to leave? He tightens his grip on you, practically pulling you into a possessive embrace again.
"Diego", you stop him from shaking his head, by holding the sides of his face. "Go", you whisper. “No.” He looks down at you and almost refuses to tear his eyes away from yours. He takes a breath and shakes his head. “I’m not leaving you again. Not now that I have you back.” You didn't leave me Diego...", you begin. "You killed me. Don't do it again", you whisper in his face. He suppressed it, you know and he knows.
His breath hitches and his eyes widen as he hears that. Killed. It was like a kick to the gut and he can feel the guilt rise up in his chest again, and he swallows hard. He grips one of your wrists in his hand, his fingers wrapping around it like he was afraid that if he didn’t hold you close enough, you’d disappear again. “…I wouldn’t… I won’t… Not again…”.
"If you and the others stay here you will kill me and everybody else". He’s silent for a moment, swallowing hard as he digests that information. It makes sense to him, and he knows that you’re right… But at the same time, he doesn’t think he could bring himself to leave again. After years without you, to have you back just like this… “I don’t want to leave you. I refuse.” "Don't be so selfish my love", you say and stroke his cheek with your thumb.
He leans into your touch, his eyes falling shut as he takes another shaky breath. The pet name has his heart soaring, and at the same time it makes the guilt come back even stronger. You had called him that many times as kids, and yet now he had to hear it again while knowing what he had done to you. He’s silent for a moment, just taking in the feel of your hand on his cheek as he opens his eyes and looks down at you. He brings a hand up to hold the back of your neck, his eyes darkening slightly as he stares down at you.
He brings a hand up to hold the back of your neck, his eyes darkening slightly as he stares down at you. His grip on you is gentle, but there’s an almost desperate feeling to it. “Please… don’t make me leave you again.” "I will come back to you, but not in this timeline", you say wiping the tear away, which landed on your finger. His throat constricts as you speak, swallowing hard as he listens to what you’re saying and letting it sink in. He lets out a shaky breath before pulling you close again, his arms wrapping around you in a tight hold. “Promise me… promise me you’ll come back. Don’t make me lose you again…”.
"I will Diego", you say. You press your lips onto his, not wanting him to not swallow the lie. He practically melts against you, his eyes slipping closed and his arms wrapping tighter around you as he pulls you even closer. One of his hands slides up to the back of your head, his fingers burying in your hair as he returned the kiss just as desperately. There was a slight, almost painful, edge to it, as though he was afraid you’d disappear as they kiss.
He only broke the kiss to breathe, resting his forehead against yours and taking in ragged breaths. His eyes stay shut for a moment, and he’s silent as they do. He’s taking in this moment, wanting to commit every emotion, every detail, to memory right down to the way being close to you like this makes his heart pound as though it were trying to jump out of his chest. "I love you Diego, I always will", you say.
Hearing that gets a small shudder out of him, a shudder of something deep and strong. He swallows hard, and his head lowers so he could bury his face in the crook of your neck. “I love you too. So much. More than you will ever know… I’m so sorry-”. His voice cracks as he speaks, and he has to stop himself from saying anything more or he knew he’d break.
He doesn’t say anything more. Just lets himself fall silent and relishing the feeling of having you in his arms again. He wasn’t going to lose you. Not this time. His fingers in your hair curl slightly and he buries his face in your neck, taking a deep breath and letting your scent wash over him. He’ll have to let you go… one more time. To keep you safe. But he still couldn’t keep himself from clinging to you like his life depended on it.
This was written with character ai, but of course I have rewritten it and put my own spice in it!
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aesthetic-bbyg · 1 month
I NEED Diego Hagreeves
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perseephoneee · 10 months
Ice-scating with Diego Hargreeves please 🥺
ice skating (diego hargreeves x gn!reader) ficmas 2023
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꒰ ࿁ ˙ ˖ ໑ happy day 3 of ficmas!
a/n: sorry this one is so short, but i hope it still brings all the holiday fluff vibes that are necessary.
↳ masterlist  ↳ ship exchange ↳ join my taglist ↳ ficmas 2023
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“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.”
Diego glared at the ice skates in his hand, looking at the rink currently populated by families, teenagers, and even the geriatric population. He didn’t want to ice skate. He didn’t want to be here at all. Except that you wanted to ice skate because “the-world-is-ending-and-if-we’re-all-going-to- die-I’d-like-to-do-this-with-my-boyfriend-once.” He had never been that good at turning you down. He just also wasn’t that good at ice skating. You, on the other hand, were a freaking angel. Diego couldn’t peel his eyes away as he watched you glide across the ice, smiling. You even managed to turn backward and let the skates take you. He hadn’t seen you laugh in a long time. You ended up sliding right over to him, hands stopping your motion against the wall as you stared at Diego sitting on the bench. 
“Are you going to ice skate or what?” You raised a brow, looking at your boyfriend in amusement. 
“I’m working on it.”
“You’re terrified, aren’t you?” you chuckle, poking him in the shoulder as he swats you away. 
“I’m not,” he snaps, letting out a huff of air. “Just…never done it before. Don’t want to embarrass myself,” Diego mumbled. You leaned over and took his hand in yours, your mitten-clad hand enveloped in his own. 
“You won’t embarrass yourself; you have me,” you smiled before gesturing back to the ice. “Plus, Klaus is embarrassing himself all on his own.”
True to your word, Klaus was prancing across the ice like no one's business. It's not that he couldn't skate (he was excellent). He was acting like he had taken shrooms before getting on the ice. Knowing Klaus, he likely had. His arms were wiggling around as he balanced on one leg and spoke out loud the whims and wiles of the ice. You were glad he was having fun, even though Diego was annoyed that Klaus had invited himself (again) to another one of your couple activities. 
“Please? We can get hot cocoa after,” You pouted, and with an eye roll, Diego finally relented. He tied on the skates and wobbled to a standing position, hobbling over to the entrance. You held out your hands, reorganizing your stance so you could support him if he started to fall. Diego slipped a little as he grabbed the wall and your hand, a panicked sound leaving him. “You gotta bend your knees, don’t freeze up.” He let out a hiss, which made you laugh, but he hesitantly moved one foot in front of the other, letting the ice carry him around the perimeter. You skated right next to him, reaching out occasionally to keep him studying. Eventually, he started to relax, and you smiled as he got the hang of it. Diego laughed excitedly as he let go of the side wall. He even whooped as he made his first lap without any help. By the second time around, you skated and grabbed his hand, interlocking your fingers with him. 
“Thanks for indulging me,” you said, looking up at Diego. He could be a stubborn ass at the worst of times, but he always made you feel supported in ways you hadn’t experienced before in your life. Diego brought your enjoined hands to his lips, pressing a kiss to the back of your palm. 
“Ice skating is pretty cool,” Diego admitted. “Manly, since it has blades.”
“Oh, absolutely,” you chuckled, waving as Klaus circled you. To cause mass chaos, which you were starting to think was Klaus’ mission in life, he reached out for Diego’s open hand and dragged the two of you behind him. This didn’t work out with the intended effect and instead led to all of you sprawling across the ice like a hockey accident. 
“Klaus!” Diego growled, reaching to beat up his brother. Klaus rolled away, sending an apology as he skated away. Diego crawled over you like a starfish on the ice as you lay. “Are you alright?” You smirked instead of answering, grabbing the front of Diego’s jacket and kissing him. 
“I’m perfect,” you laughed. Diego kissed you again before helping you up, letting you lean against him as you shuffled over to the side of the rink. “Should we get hot cocoa now?”
“Oh, yes, please,” Diego huffed, helping you off the rink and holding your hand to the hot cocoa stand the entire time.
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swanimagines · 11 months
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Luther Hargreeves
Diego Hargreeves
Allison Hargreeves
Klaus Hargreeves
Five Hargreeves
Ben Hargreeves
Viktor Hargreeves
(Any of the other characters don't have any requests written nor pending as for now, so I'm unable to have serieses for them as AO3 requires you to have at least one oneshot written to be able to add it to a series, and I can't promise serieses for characters who don't have requests pending/I have no ideas of my own for them)
For anyone who's concerned, THESE ARE NOT ONESHOT COLLECTIONS, they are made using AO3's "series" feature.
If you want to be informed about new fics for TUA or its individual characters, create an AO3 account and subscribe or bookmark any of those serieses listed above. There are buttons at the top right corner for those, or on top on mobile. I do not do Tumblr taglists anymore.
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oscarisaacsspit · 2 years
he’s just like me fr
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like father ~ diego hargreeves;umbrella academy
word count: 2817
request?: yes!
“Hii! Could you please write a Diego Hargreeves x pregnant!reader fic :) If you feel uncomfortable you don't need to”
description: after she tells him she’s pregnant, he starts to worry about ending up like his father
pairing: diego hargreeves x female!reader
warnings: swearing, unplanned pregnancy, absolutely tooth rotting fluff
masterlist (one, two, three)
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You never thought two simple, little lines would ever change your life so drastically. And yet, here you were, stood in your bathroom, looking down at the two digital lines that had effectively changed everything for you within five minutes.
You weren’t sure how long you had been stood there. You had been sat on the floor for the five minutes it took the test results to appear, but once the alarm you set on your phone had gone off, you stood. And now you continued to stand, still staring at the test. Had it been minutes? Hours? Days? Who knew. All you knew was that there was a life growing inside of you, and you had no idea how Diego was about to take the news.
Maybe it was something that should’ve been discussed in the early days of your relationship, but the idea of kids had never been brought up between the two of you. You knew that you wanted them, but not so badly that it would be a dealbreaker if Diego didn’t. He hadn’t brought up the idea before, and you didn’t think to bring it up, either. So, the topic just went undiscussed for a very long time.
Until now, when it was definitely too late to make the decision considering you already had a bun in the oven.
You wanted to desperately to be happy. Deep down, you felt kind of excited. The only thing dampening your mood was the dozens of outcomes running through your head of having to tell Diego that you were pregnant. You wanted to try and hope for the best, but your mind kept thinking of all the possible bad endings this could have.
When you heard the front door open and shut, you flinched. It was now or never, although you really wished it could be never.
Diego was walking up to you with wide smile as you exited the bathroom. He picked you up in his arms, causing you to exclaim as he lifted you off the ground. You couldn’t help but smile, hoping that this reaction would stay once you gave him the news.
“Hey baby,” he said. “How was your day?”
“It was...alright,” you responded. “Listen, I have to tell you something.”
He placed you down on the floor, still smiling a little but also a concerned look behind his eyes. “Uh-oh. That’s doesn’t sound good.”
“Depends on how you take the news.”
You passed him the pregnancy test. He took it and looked down at it. For a moment, there was no reaction. The suspense was killing you. And then, realization crossed his face.
“Wait,” he said. “Is this...?”
You nodded.
“How long...?” He trailed off.
“How long have I known? Or how far along am I?” you asked. When he didn’t respond, you decided to answer both questions, “I only just found out, but I’ve had a suspicion for a while. My period was late and it’s never been late before, and I’ve been experiencing some other signs of pregnancy. I don’t know how far along I am. I would have to make a doctor’s appointment to find out.”
He was still silent. He kept looking down at the pregnancy test in his hands. You wished he would give you some sort of reaction. Literally anything. Even if it was anger, you would’ve taken it over the silence. It was eating away at you, making you feel even more uneasy by the second.
Finally, he passed you back the pregnancy test and turned away. He started to walk away from you, and you quickly kept up the pace with him to follow. “Where are you going?”
“I just...I need to go out for a minute.”
“You just got home.”
“I need to go out again.”
“Diego, please.” You reached out to grab hold of him. He stopped walking for a moment, but didn’t look back at you. “Can you at least...tell me how you feel? Tell me what this means for us if I...if I want to keep it?”
But he still didn’t respond. He pulled away and started for the front door again. He didn’t even slam the door to give you any sort of clue as to whether or not he was upset. He just walked off, got into his car, and then drove away.
You watched him go before sitting back on the floor. You pulled your knees up to your chest and began to cry.
You managed to pull yourself together long enough to make a doctor’s appointment for a few day’s time. You texted Diego to let him know and to tell him that if he wanted to go with you that you would greatly prefer that. When he didn’t respond you weren’t shocked, but it truly broke your heart even more.
You didn’t think this would be a dealbreaker for Diego. You didn’t think he’d get so upset that he would just up and leave. The two of you had been together for many years. You had a bond that seemed to unbreakable, to a point where even his siblings noticed how much happier he had been since meeting you. You remembered the first time you ever met the Hargreeves family, where Luther pulled you aside before you left and thanked you for “making Diego, Diego again”.
And now he was gone. No calls, no texts, no indications on whether or not this relationship was going to continue. All because you told him that you were pregnant.
Your upset was starting to melt into anger.
If he wanted to react this way, then fine, he could react this way. But he wouldn’t have you anymore if that was the case. You’d raise this baby all on your own if you had to. You didn’t need Diego.
You were in the process of calling your mom to ask her to come with you to the appointment when you heard the front door open and close. You hung up before your mom answered and slowly rose from your spot on the bed. You knew who it likely was and you weren’t sure if that made you more or less tense.
Diego appeared in the doorway just as you were about to step out. You were inches away from one another. He was looking at you in a way you once again weren’t able to read. Your anger was still fresh, so you stepped back and crossed your arms.
“Welcome home,” you said, coolly. “I wasn’t sure if you’d even come back.”
He winced at your words. “Of course I was going to come back.”
“I don’t know, you left pretty quickly after I gave you the news. When that happens, it usually means that person isn’t coming back.”
The hurt look on his face didn’t go unnoticed. You felt a little bit of pride knowing he was feeling remorse for what he did.
“I just...needed to think,” he said.
You raised an eyebrow, encouraging him to go on. He sighed and ran his hand through his hair. “Look, come sit. I can explain everything.”
He reached out for you, but you took a step away. You turned your back to him and walked back to the bed. You both sat on the edge, leaving a bigger space between the two of you than you wanted. You couldn’t be close to him without caving, you knew that. Now that he was back, your hormones were running wild (could you even blame the pregnancy hormones yet?”, but you had to stay strong. You couldn’t cave just yet.
He was silent for a moment. You were about to open your mouth to tell him to get on with it, but he cut you off by saying, “I was scared.”
“Scared?” you questioned. “Of what? Of...of the pregnancy?”
“Of being like my dad.”
You felt your angry tension leaving your body. You moved a few inches closer to Diego, your brows furrowing together. “What do you mean?”
“I’ve told you about my dad. How he was never actually...well, a dad. He treated me and my siblings like shit. We were weapons to him. We weren’t kids to him. He fucked us all up big time.”
“I know all of this, but what does it have to do with you walking out on me after I told you I was pregnant?”
“I only had two parental figured growing up: my robot mom and my asshole father. When you told me you were pregnant, I was happy. But that happiness was overshadowed by this fear that, since Hargreeves is the only parenting style I know, that I’ll...I’ll be just as bad as him.”
You closed the gap between the two of you completely. You took his hand in yours. Now he was the one having issues making eye contact with you. You could see the moisture forming in his eyes, something he only ever let you see, and even then it was rare.
“You’re not going to be like your dad,” you assured him. “For one, I’m not popping out seven kids at one time for you to try and train as a superhero team.”
A small smile appeared on his face, which you took as a win.
“But, to me, the fact that you’re so worried about ending up like your dad means that you won’t. You’re aware of your dad’s behavior and how its effected you and your siblings, and you know you don’t want to continue that cycle with our baby.”
His eyes darted towards your stomach for a split second. You took the hand you were holding and flattened his palm against your stomach. There was no sign of a bump yet, you knew you were too early in the pregnancy for that, but you couldn’t help but already picture the baby that was growing in there.
“But what if I fuck their life up?” Diego asked, his voice soft.
“You won’t,” you assured him. “I know you won’t. You’re going to be a great father, and this baby is going to be lucky to have you as their father.”
A tear ran down his cheek. He was quick to wipe it away, but his eyes were watering quicker than he could wipe them. Diego pulled you into a tight hug. You rested your head against his chest and took in his familiar smell and warmth. You were glad to have gotten past the issue, even if you wished he had said something before he left you in your uncertainty for so long.
You exclaimed in shock as Diego pulled you both down to lay flat on the bed. He let go of the hug to sit over you. His hands pulled up your shirt just enough to expose your belly. You giggled as he pressed a kiss against your soft skin, the stubble of his beard tickling your sensitive skin.
“I don’t care what you are, or if you come out with powers or not,” he said to your stomach. “I already love you so much, and I’m going to do everything in my power to make sure you and your mom are safe and happy for the rest of my life.”
You felt tears starting to well up in your eyes as you ran a hand through Diego’s hair. He looked up at you and you felt like he had taken the breath from your lungs with just one look. You smiled at him and he smiled back before he raised himself up to become level with you again. When he kissed you, it was gentle and full of love and passion.
“I want to come to that appointment,” he told you between the kisses he pressed against your cheek, your jaw, your neck. “The one you texted me about. I want to know that our baby is healthy in there.”
“I want nothing more than for you to come with me,” you responded, a soft whimper escaping your lips as his lips found your sweet spot. “And I’m glad you want to come with me.”
In response, he pulled your shirt the rest of the way off and you both helped each other to take the rest of your clothes off and discard them onto the floor, both them and the earlier issue long forgotten.
You could tell Diego was nervous the day of the appointment. He had tossed and turned so much the night before that he had woken you a few times (not that you were going to tell him that as you knew he’d feel bad if you did), he refused breakfast because he said he wasn’t hungry enough to eat, and he seemed very unfocused as you both got ready and drove to the doctor’s office. You offered to drive since you weren’t sure if you could trust him behind the wheel in this state.
You’d be lying if you said you weren’t nervous as well. You were afraid of what the outcomes to this appointment might be; of the doctor telling you that you had a false positive pregnancy test and weren’t actually pregnant; that there was something wrong with the baby; hell, even just the idea of the doctor confirming the pregnancy made you nervous. As excited as you were to be having this baby with Diego, you were also nervous for what pregnancy really entailed. You and Diego had agreed to wait before telling his family, but you were dying to talk to Allison about it since she was the only woman in your life - besides your own mother, of course - to have gone through a pregnancy.
You arrived at the doctor’s office and were brought in almost immediately. The doctor did some standard tests just to check your health and confirmed to you and Diego that you were as healthy as a horse.
“You’ll be just fine to go through this pregnancy,” he told the both of you. “But, of course, we’ll want to do annual check ups just to be sure you and the baby are doing alright.”
You nodded, although you weren’t completely absorbing his words. You were waiting for him to get to the part of the appointment that you and Diego had actually been waiting for: the ultrasound. The test that would truly confirm for the two of you whether or not you were pregnant.
The doctor helped you up onto the bed in his office and had you pull up your shirt just enough that he could see your belly. You suppressed a yelp as he put a cold, jelly like substance on your stomach and started up the ultrasound machine. The machine’s humming noise filled the room as the doctor placed the wand against your stomach and started moving it around. At first, you couldn’t see anything and you felt your heart drop. You were convinced that your worst nightmare was being confirmed - there was no baby in there.
But then the doctor said, “Ah, there you are.”
He pointed to his screen where a grey blob, no bigger than the shape of a peanut, was on display.
“It may not look like it just yet,” the doctor said, “but there’s your baby right there.”
“Whoa,” you breathed, unable to believe it.
“Holy shit,” Diego said. “That little bean turns into a baby?”
The doctor chuckled. “I know, it’s hard to believe. The fetus usually doesn’t actually develop to look like a baby until the later stages of the second trimester into the third trimester. Most people can’t even see the little blob of the fetus in their first ultrasounds like this and start to believe there’s no fetus in there.”
You tried not to let it show on your face that you were one of those people.
Diego took your hand in his. You looked up at him and saw his eyes were fixated intently on the screen. You could see they were starting to gloss over with tears again, but you knew Diego wasn’t about to try in front of a stranger like this.
You squeezed his hand and he finally looked down at you. You couldn’t help but smile at him, and he smiled back.
“That’s our baby,” he said, looking back to the screen. “I can’t believe it, but...that’s our little bean.”
“It is,” you said, feeling yourself becoming overwhelmed with emotions again. “What do you think?”
“I think I’m going to protect that little bean till the ends of the Earth.”
You let out a sound that was half laugh, half sob. Diego brushed his lips against your knuckles before leaning down to kiss your lips.
In that moment, you swore nothing could make you happier. But you knew that, within the next nine months, you’d be having another happy moment that would definitely trump this one.
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girlkisser13 · 1 month
diego hargreeves masterlist
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* indicates smut
dating diego hargreeves would include
nsfw headcanons *
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nacho-hargreeves · 1 month
I met my baby cousin for the first time today so now I’m in the mood to write dad Diego headcanons or something 🥺
Edit: I made it happen here
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bullet-prooflove · 2 years
hey can i get Diego Hargreeves with your allowed to be weak you know from the comfort promt please
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Diego couldn’t speak, he couldn’t think, he couldn’t function. He could only sit there on the edge of the bed, his head in his hands as that anguish raged through him like a wildfire. It hurt, he was used to the physical pain but this the mental agony, it was all too much.
You sat down beside him, and he raked his hands through his hair before placing them on his lap, his palms rubbing up and down the fabric of his cargo pants as he grasped the harsh material underneath his fingertips.
“I’m fine.” He told you, averting his gaze. “I’m fine.”
Your hand came to rest on his, your fingers entwining, and he stared down at them like they were a foreign object, like he wasn’t sure if you were going to hurt him or not.
“You are allowed to take a moment.” You said softly. “You are allowed to be weak.”
“N-n-n-o.” he stuttered, the letters falling over each other in a bid to roll of his tongue. “I-I’m n-n-o-ot.”
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peotego · 11 months
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hello, love, here is the masterlist of my masterlists
⋙ Harry Potter Characters ⋙ Marvel ⋙ The Maze Runner ⋙ BBC Merlin ⋙ The Umbrella Academy ⋙ The 100 ⋙ Stranger Things ⋙ Riverdale
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samdeancass · 7 months
Diego Hargreeves Masterlist
Make It Count
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jpnriikicore · 23 days
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── digeo hargreeves
it’s always nice to see you
main masterlist
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writeroutoftime · 2 years
Congratulations again!!!! I’m here with TWO—count ’em, 2!—requests. Can I get Diego Hargreeves with “I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone screw something up that fast before” and Laszlo Kriezler with “I don’t need you to tell me who I am!”?
Aww thank you so much! I'm so so sorry this is incredibly late, but I hope you still enjoy! I also hope you've been doing well! 💛
The bar was noisy and the stench of cheap beer filled the air. None of that mattered to you, though, as you concentrated on the task at hand. It was Friday night which meant your weekly, friendly, 'date' with Diego. The same Diego who had challenged you to a round of darts, causing you to poke your tongue out in concentration.
"I don't think I've ever seen anyone screw something up that fast before." Diego teased, laughing into his beer as he watched you throw all three of your darts into the outer rings, losing spectacularly.
Huffing, you threw your arms up in frustration and turned around. "If it's so easy, you show me then." you challenged, hands on your hips.
"With pleasure, sweetheart." Diego said, strutting past you to retrieve the darts, before he lined up his first throw, landing a perfect bullseye. The other two darts followed in quick succession leaving Diego with a smug grin and you pouting in your chair.
You threw back the rest of your drink, grumbling about how unfair it was when Diego had near perfect aim. "If I had superpowers, I'd score a perfect game too."
"Nah, you don't need any powers. C'mere, let me show you." he offered, holding a dart towards you.
Without hesitation, you jumped off your seat and grabbed the dart from his hand, twirling it back and forth between your fingers. Diego then took a step towards, standing behind you. Wordlessly, Diego took your hand in his and manipulated your fingers until you were holding the dart just like he wanted you to. All you could do was pray he hadn't heard the way your breath hitched at his touch.
"That feel okay?" he asked, glancing down at you.
Wordlessly, you nodded, looking over your shoulder into brown eyes. "Getting comfy there, sweetheart?" he teased before returning to the task at hand. "Alright, now you wanna line it up." he started, helping you guide your hand to the correct height. "Then you're gonna throw it back, release, and make sure you follow through." he explained, walking you through the steps without actually throwing the dart. "Take your best shot."
You shook your head to clear it before trying to follow Diego's instructions. Throwing the dart, you were dejected when it didn't hit the center, but did hit closer than before.
"That's not bad at all." Diego offered. "Try one more time."
Once more, you lined up your shot, pulled the dart back, and released. This time, however, the dart sunk right into the bullseye, your eyes immediately going wide.
"Oh my god, I did it!" you shouted, a huge grin overtaking your face. "Did you see that?" you asked, turning to face Diego and engulfing him in a hug.
Before either of you could respond, you were so caught up in the moment that you kissed Diego without thinking. When you realized what you had done, you pulled back frozen in shock. You prayed you would spontaneously combust to avoid an awkward conversation and Diego's rejection.
"I am so sorr-" you began to apologize, before Diego's lips were on yours once more.
This kiss was a surprise, but it was soft and sweet. Not at all what you would've expected from Diego, yet you wrapped your arms around his neck, trying to pull him even closer to you. You found yourself lost in the moment you had been waiting for.
Pulling away, you allowed your forehead to rest against Diego's, a small smile on your lips. "So, that was, uh..." you trailed off with a slight giggle.
"Yeah." Diego smiled. "It was."
"I guess these weekly dates are more than friendly?" you giggled, leaning up to press another kiss to Diego's lips.
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lostgirlfandom · 2 years
Umbrella Academy Masterlist
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