#Dick reads Jason Pride and Prejudice while he’s in the coma
hesztia16 · 3 months
Bruce kept trackers in the people he loved. Ever since Dick was a young boy prone to get kidnapped. Some with consent, some… not so much. But it was a crime he was willing to commit, if only for the way it calmed his nerves when he looked at the little dots on his screen.
Alfred, in the kitchen, working tirelessly on lunch.
Tim, in Drake Manor (much to his annoyance, but he was working on that one), probably enjoying the weekend before school.
Dick, in Bludhaven (again, much to his annoyance) spending his day off with some friends in a coffee shop.
Barbara, in the library, helping visitors.
And the one little dot that always pained him to look at, but couldn’t bring himself to disarm, right above-
Where is it?
Why in all Hell’s name was his son’s body in the hospital instead of the cemetery?
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spidernuggets · 10 months
Jason Todd x Reader
"Thought I was gonna lose you"
"Oh, baby, you can't get rid of me that easily"
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You slammed into the hospital room where the nurse told you your boyfriend was at. You received a call from Dick almost 15 minutes ago while you were reading Jason's annotated Pride and Prejudice book, smiling at his little comments at the side. Once you heard "Jason" and "Hospital" in the same sentence, you quickly bookmarked the novel and ran out the door.
The four Titans accompanying Jason; Dick, Gar, Kori and Rachel, turn to you, but your main focus was on Jason. His eyes closed, bandages all over his torso, IV needles stuck all over and an oxygen mask over his face. Your heart beated faster, pushing the Titans out of the way to get a closer look of your lover, gently caressing his face.
"We were told he's in a coma," Dick immediately says. "There was a messy encounter with Deathstroke and-"
"And Jason jumps head in first like always," Kori interrupts, arms crossed, annoyed expression on her face, staring down at the boy.
"We don't know when he'll wake up," Gar says quietly.
You don't reply. All you can do is lean your forhead against his, praying that he'll wake.
You're not part of the Titans, but you've known Jason for years and he'd entrusted you with his identity, and soon after, neither of you could hide your feelings towards one another for long.
"He's going to wake up. He'll wake up soon," was all you could say, just barely above a whisper.
"C'mon," Dick quietly says, motioning for the Titans to leave the two of you alone. When the three members leave, Dick places his hand on your shoulder, giving it a reassuring squeeze.
"He was knocked out but.. he was calling your name when he got out of the ER," Dick tells you. "He's strong. He'll wake up."
When Dick leaves, you pull a chair up beside the bed, sitting down and laying your head beside Jason's torso, holding his hand.
And that's how it remained for the next few weeks. Jason didn't show any signs of movement but you still stayed in that chair, only getting up to use the bathroom. Even with Dick's authoritative commands, telling you to go home and that he'll watch over Jason, you didn't move an inch.
Gar was the only other person to visit Jason, and occasionally dropping of some food for you, while the others focus on missions.
"He never stops talking about you, y'know," Gar suddenly says, placing a paper bag full of greasy food on the small table beside you. "Training, fighting, debriefing, he's always bringing you up. 'Do you think Y/n would be impressed with this move?', 'I have to go, I want to hang out with Y/n', 'Don't tell Y/n I got stabbed'. I don't remember the last time he talked about anything other than you," Gar tells you, repeating all the things Jason had told him about you.
Your eyebrows scrunched together and lifted your head up to look at Gar as he handed you a burger. "He got stabbed? When??" You asked, accepting the burger.
Gar lightly laughed at the fact that you know Jason can take a punch or a stab, but would still be concerned even if Jason stubbed his toe.
"It was a month ago. He's more than fine now- well. The wound, I mean," He corrects, knowing Jason's current situation is definitely not more than fine.
You sighed, looking back at your boyfriend. "Thanks, Gar," You say, a smile tugging at your lips as your grip tightened on Jason's hand.
"For...," Gar's head tilted, confused what you were thanking him for while quickly stealing one of your fries.
You shrugged one of your shoulders. "For being his friend. He's told me some of the stuff he's gone through. How some of the other guys treat him. Without a shadow of a doubt he's wreckless and impulsive. But he's smart. And strong and brave. So.. thanks.. I guess. For believing that he is all of those things."
Gar sighed and gave you a lopsided hug. "Of course. He's my teammate amd my friend."
You leaned into Gar's hold, hand on his arm, giving it an accepting and gentle squeeze.
You remained by Jason's side a month and two weeks later, only leaving the room to go back to your house, asking Gar to look after Jason while grabbing a pair of extra clothes, plus a hoodie and leather jacket you stole from Jason.
You fell asleep, hugging Jason's arm, not noticing how his other arm went over his body and rested on your head, stroking your hair.
"Wakey wakey, gorgeous," You heard a raspy, groggy voice call out to you. You blinked twice before processing that someone was calling out to you. Your eyes widen as you jolt up from you seat and saw Jason smiling up at you.
"Don't tell me you've been sleeping in that position for long, babe, that could not be comfortable," Jason tried to joke. You didn't even realised what he said. You were still processing that he's awake.
A few seconds of realisation later, you start breaking down, tears cascading down for face and sobs choking out your throat.
"Oh, mama, c'mere," He whispers, weakly holding his arms out. You lunge forward, but careful not to lean over his bandages. You sobbed in his bare shoulder as he shushed you, stroking your hair.
"You scared me," you whimpered.
"I know, baby. 'm sorry, shh it's okay, I'm okay." he assures, pressing a light kiss to the crown of your head.
"I missed you," you mumbled, your finger tracing shapes along his skin.
"Missed you too, doll," he responded. "I heard you, y'know. Rereading Pride and Prejudice, saying how stupid my comments were. Asking me to wake up. Talking to Gar 'n all," he quietly explains.
"Thought I was gonna lose you"
"Oh, baby, you can't get rid of me that easily," he tried joking once more, this time earning a skicker from you as you left a soft, lingering kiss on his collerbone.
Jason shifted to one side of his bed, leaving a wider space beside him. He patted the empty space next to him, telling you to lie with him.
"Jay, I can’t, your bandages-"
"They'll be fine, I promise," he interrupts you. "Just come here with me. I'll heal faster if I'm holding you," he says with a cheeky smile dancing across his face.
You roll your eyes, but as much as you wanted him to have space to heal properly, the selfish part of you took over and slid in beside him, craving his touch that had you starved for too long.
You lay your head on his arm and you gently wrap your arm over his waist as Jason's arm cradles your head, the other draping over your body, pulling you closer, leaning in and connecting his lips with yours. It was a deep and hungry kiss that you both missed as you tiredly nuzzle your fave against his arm.
"Get some sleep, beautiful," Jason says. "You need some proper sleep," he kisses your forhead.
You hummed in response, quickly falling into a quick, comforting slumber, Jason closing his eyes shortly after.
After what felt like eternity, you finally slept, better yet, in the arms of the love of your life, knowing he's okay.
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After finally getting a break from missions, the Titans made their way unto the hospital to see how Jason's doing.
"If Jason hadn't start the mission on his own, he wouldn't even be in this state," Rachel ranted to Dick, the two of them carrying plastic bags full of take away.
"Definitely taking a toll on Y/n," Kori says. "That kid's seen better days"
The group stopped in their tracks, looking through the window of Jason's room, seeing the couple in each other's embrace.
"Jason's awake!" Gar exclaims.
Dick smiled to himself and started shooing the Titans back.
"Alright, Jason's okay, we'll come back later when he and Y/n wake up". He said, smiling once more at the sight of the two.
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♡Might be an ass fic seeing as I tried not to fall asleep. So.... definitely spelling/grammar errors somewhere.. Anyways, Hope you enjoyed reading! ♡
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