#Diane Sherman x fem!reader
safic4-m · 2 years
🤎💉I like the rain
Pairing: Diane Sherman x Fem Reader
Author’s note:I don’t know what to upload, so here’s this.
Word count: 1679
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~Master list~
The redhead groans in frustration at the sight of the rain, she left her house in such a hurry this morning that she forgot her umbrella, now she would either have to wait for the rain to pass or run through the rain to get to her car. She tightens her grip on her bag, ready to leave just like that, to get to her car, with hurried steps she heads for the car park almost across campus.
Suddenly Diane stops feeling the rain, turns to look up and a rainbow umbrella covers her head from the raindrops.
-Here- says a female voice to her right.
She finds a girl completely wet from the rain offering her umbrella to the redhead.
-You look like you need it more than I do- he looks at her.
-I like the rain, it’s so cleansing- you reply with a light laugh, -besides, you don’t seem to be someone who likes to get wet.
-Thank you- hesitating to take it.
-Have a nice day- giving her a smile before disappearing into the crowd.
Diane didn’t understand why a stranger had offered her her umbrella, was her hatred for the rain so obvious, besides where you showed up, she was sure she would remember you from one of her classes.
The next day the rain continued, but at least this time Diane remembered to bring her umbrella, along with the mystery girl’s, her first few classes were relatively normal, being a substitute teacher offered her the opportunity to work with all sorts of people.
She had left to go to the bathroom and honestly didn’t expect to find the mystery girl from the day before, sitting on the stairs, amused by her phone. All the students are supposed to be in class, she just wanted to come up to you and find out what degree you are studying, your name, whatever, name, whatever.
-Why isn’t he in class- you ask looking down at you trying to look stern.
-I have a free period- you answer without looking at the woman in front of you.
-With which teacher?
-I am the teacher- getting up from your seat facing the woman in front of you.
There are no words to describe how embarrassed the redhead was, she had assumed you were a student, but how could she have thought you were a teacher if you look so young and honestly don’t have the appearance of the rest of her colleagues
-It’s nice to finally meet you Professor Sherman- you say snapping her out of her thoughts, -I’m Y/f/n- offering her your hand
-Please call me Diane- shaking your hand, -I’m so sorry for the confusion.
-Don’t worry, it happens often- laughing a little to lighten the mood.
A silence settles between the two of them, before Diane remembers that she had left her class.
-I have to get back to my class- says the older woman, still saddened by what happened.
-It’s alright, I have to organise mine, I don’t want to get scolded for being outside my classroom- you joke, making the redhead blush.
-It was a pleasure Diane- you say goodbye leaving her alone.
The way you said her name made the older woman’s knees weaken, now how was she supposed to finish her day, she barely felt like she could stand on her own.
On the way out it was the same, the rain was pounding against the windows of the hall, the redhead grabbed her umbrella getting ready to leave, in the distance a person looked familiar, she wasn’t quite sure but she could have sworn it was you.
-I thought you said you liked the rain- said the redhead coming to your side.
-Yeah, I like it- seeing her gesture towards your black umbrella, -I can’t get wet today, I have an appointment and I don’t want to have to change my clothes.
-Oh…that explains it…what subject do you teach?- she asks looking for a topic of conversation as they walk to the car park.
-I teach Spanish class
-I studied some Spanish during school.
-Entonces eres maestra, inteligente, pelirroja, alta, hermosa, sabes Español, ¿hay algo que no hagas?- you say with natural fluency looking at the woman beside you.
(So you’re a teacher, you’re smart, you have red hair, you’re tall, you’re beautiful, you know English, is there anything you don’t do?)
-Maybe my Spanish is a bit rusty- she says a bit embarrassed.
-Okay, I said that you are a very interesting woman and that I would like to get to know you better- changing what you said.
-Oh- seeing a blush tinge her cheeks, -I almost forgot,- digging through her bag to hand you your umbrella, -thank you for lending it to me- she says.
-No problem- closing your umbrella as you pulled into the car park.
-Y/n! Hurry up, we’re going to be late- says a female voice catching Diane’s attention.
A girl in her early 20’s, with wet hair leaning against your car.
-See you later- you say before getting into your car with the girl in the passenger seat.
Diane stands there watching as she loses you when she had just met you.
You go to the classroom where Diane is teaching to talk to Rhea, while you wait for the door to be opened you arrange your hair trying to look presentable.
-Y/n..what do you need?- asks the redhead showing a wide smile.
-I need to talk to Rhea- you say giving the redhead a smile.
Diane’s smile slowly fades when she hears your words, when she knew that she was part of her class she couldn’t help but get angry.
-May I know what for?- with a tone that lacks her usual cheerfulness.
-It’s personal- you say without trying to sound rude.
Before she can answer the door opens revealing a teary eyed girl, as soon as she notices your presence she throws herself into your arms bursting into tears, you wrap your arms around her body pulling her as close to you as possible. Seeing her in this state breaks your heart, you too are suffering but you have to be strong for Rhea.
Diane witnesses the scene in front of her without understanding what is happening, opting to go back to her class and give them some privacy.
You didn’t want to go back to the university but you had only been allowed three days, so you take some liquid courage and get out of the car ready to face your reality. You walk down the corridors, but you didn’t expect to meet a certain redhead, her presence is like a beacon of light in your vast sea of darkness.
-Y/n- she says cheerfully, pulling you into a hug.
You feel all your tensions disappear the instant Diane’s scent fills your senses, it’s a combination of coffee, wood, old book and home.
-I missed you too- you say, returning the gesture with the same intensity.
-What happened?- turning away to look directly at you.
-Rhea’s mother died- seeing how she tenses when she hears the name.
-I’m so sorry.
-It’s ok, at least one of us will be able to go and say goodbye- feeling your eyes fill with tears.
-You know, if you need to talk you can count on me any time.
-I appreciate that, but this is something I have to face alone- with a firm voice that leaves no room for argument, -If you’ll excuse me, I have to teach my first class.
Diane had asked one of her colleagues if she knew why you were absent and what she found out stunned her, the redhead thought you were in a relationship with one of the students, but it turns out that you and Rhea were sisters, daughters of different fathers but family on your mother’s side. She had felt bad about all the things she had thought and said in the safety of her house, about how jealous she was that Rhea had you and that she didn’t deserve you.
The rest of the day you spent locked yourself in your office when you didn’t have a class to teach and honestly Diane never thought I would be there, as you always preferred to be in one of the campus gardens in your free time. She wanted to talk to you about this being her last day, her time was up and the subject teacher would be back.
You leave your office to go to your next class but the conversation of one of your colleagues caught your attention.
-So Tredson will be back on Monday, right?
-Yes, today was Sherman’s last day.
-Tredson will be back?- you ask in surprise.
-Yes, Sherman was looking for you all day to say goodbye.
As soon as you hear those words you run off to look for the redhead, but then you realise that you don’t know where she is.
-Where is Diane?- you ask, catching your breath from running back.
-She just left- she says not understanding your outburst.
As soon as you get out of the building you feel the rain against your skin, you run as fast as you can to catch up with the redhead, you have so many things to tell her, you can’t lose her, not her. Tears stream down your face and you don’t even know why, but it feels so liberating; you find no trace of her on your way to the car park.
You run faster as you recognise Diane’s car pulling out of the car park and no matter how much you yell at her, the sound of the rain deafens your calls.
Diane slams on the brakes as she sees someone pull out in front of her car, and as the redhead tries to recover from what just happened you tell her that you need to talk to her.
-T/n What are you do…“ she is interrupted and cut off by your lips.
She takes a second before reciprocating, this seems so unreal and Diane fears that at any moment she will wake up in her bed, alone. As you pull apart a smile breaks out on both of your faces.
-I couldn’t let you leave without you knowing how I feel about you,” brushing a wet lock of hair away from her face.
The raindrops fall on you, but at that moment there is nothing more than lovers making a silent promise just by looking into each other’s eyes.
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angelxsarahp · 3 years
You’re Mine (Pt. 2)
Diane Sherman
A/N: This is probably shit because i've never written smut before so PLEASE give me some tips and pointers after you read this:)) It has been pretty much a month since I've posted another fic but I haven't been feeling motivated to write so I'm sorry this took forever..
Word count: 2.8k
Warnings: Smut, NSFW (just soft and sweet, nothing kinky this time boo) :))
Part 1 here
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"Now, Miss Sherman, let me prove to you how beautiful you are"
Usually, this would be the other way around—your body underneath your girlfriend as she sent you into unbelievable amounts of pleasure—but Diane would  occasionally let you take control when she wanted, no, needed to be reassured of how much you adore her, and you've always been more than eager to take action when these moments come along.
She trusts you more than anyone else she's ever known. Her past relationships had convinced her that she would never be properly loved and cared for, but you came along and proved to her the opposite.
And now here the two of you were, Diane lying flat against the soft cushions of the couch while you sat on top of her, your legs straddling her thighs.
You leaned down, hands coming down to plant themselves on each side of her head to prop your body up. Diane's hands came to rest on your hips, fingertips lightly kneading the skin there through the fabric of your skirt before they trailed farther down and under the garment to rest her hands on the same place. You leaned down a little more, mere inches between each other's faces, your lips ghosting just above hers. Her lips curled into a soft smile at the proximity, so close that she could feel the hot wisps of air leaving your mouth and onto her awaiting lips. And oh god how you loved her smile, the real, genuine ones that lit up her whole face and made that small glint appear in her dark eyes. Speaking of her eyes, they were definitely dilated, almost pitch black and filled with so much arousal and want; You had no doubt that yours were the same.
You slid your palm over to rest against her cheek, "Words can't describe how beautiful you are," you stroked your thumb across her cheekbone, "I adore you so much, Diane." Your words came out in almost a whisper, so low and breathy.
And then you closed the gap between your lips, the tension becoming too much for you to bear any longer.
Your lips locked together, noses smushed and eyelashes fluttered as you basked in the feeling before unlocking and locking lips again, tiny moans escaping and being swallowed down by each other's mouths. Diane's hand came to grip your hair, the other traveling from your hip to under your shirt to rest on the dip of your waist, fingertips caressing the goosebump-raised skin there.
Your tongue glided across her bottom lip and she opened, granting your tongue entrance into her mouth. Tongues clashed together as lips moved languidly against each other. Diane slipped her arm around your waist and pulled you down to lay completely against her. You bit down on her bottom lip, causing her hips to buck into you and a small whimper to escape her lips.
"Please," she whispered as she broke away from your lips a moment, her breath already heavy by the apparent rise and fall of her chest, and you'd hardly done anything yet.
You chuckled breathily at her actions, but oh how you loved it; It never failed to send you spiraling into euphoria when she became so needy and sensitive when it was usually the opposite. It was very rarely that you were blessed with the sight of seeing her under you, so fragile and vulnerable.
You debated on asking what she was referring to to tease her, but you refrained. You didn't want to tease and make her plead any further...at least not too much. You were just as eager to worship her as she was. All you wanted to do now is show her how every self-deprecating thing she said about herself were complete and utter lies.
"Well...I guess I'll give you what you want." You smiled teasingly, leaning down to capture her mouth in a hot kiss again as your hands reached to untuck her blouse. Your fingers moved up to start undoing the buttons, your lips trailing away from her mouth and kissing the corner of her lips, her cheek, her jaw. Diane tilted her head back, giving you better access to her neck as your lips skimmed across the pale skin there, teeth grazing and stopping to suck gently on her pulse point. A small groan clawed up from her throat, the vibrations softly tickling your lips as you moved to her collarbone.
You nipped and sucked the skin there, a purple mark already becoming evident while you swiftly undid the last buttons of her shirt, eliciting a soft, needy whimper from the woman below.
"You're just full of noises today, aren't you?" You quipped, earning a soft chuckle from the woman below.
Your lips against her skin drove the woman wild, every kiss burning through her veins and traveling straight down to her growing arousal. She whined at the loss of contact as you detached your lips from her skin. You sat up and tugged at the sleeve of her shirt, a silent command for her to take it off. She sat up slightly while you made quick time to slip it off her shoulders and drop it on the rug.
You leaned forward again, pressing a quick kiss to her lips before moving down to her sternum, leaving a few wet, opened mouth kisses in the space between her breasts. She arched her back a little, allowing your hands to slide around her and fumble with the clasp of her bra. You tossed it carelessly before immediately wrapping your lips around her nipple. She watched your every move before throwing her head back when you started to suck the bud into a stiff peak, teeth lightly grazing before using your tongue to soothe it. The thumb of your other hand came up to brush against the other one, softly pinching and playing with the skin. You repeated the motions until she became a gasping and whimpering mess underneath you. Her hips began to buck harshly against you for a second time, whimpers escaping while her hand flew to tangle itself in your hair.
You pulled away, a thin string of saliva leaving your mouth as you did so. You slid your hands down to find the waistband of her pants. You fumbled around with the button until it popped open, lifting your hips up for a moment as you both worked to slip them off. You looked back up to her as you sat down against her now bare thighs, scanning her practically naked form. She watched you sat there and took her in, how your eyes adoringly roamed over her form. She wondered what you were thinking.
"God, you're perfect," you praised, voice almost cracking as tears threatened to spill from how much you adore her, not just physically, but just...her whole being. You skimmed over a faint scar that laid on the dip of her waist, your thumb absentmindedly stroking the damaged skin. She told you it had been there as a result of her mother. You'd seen it multiple times before, it reminded you of how awfully she was treated, and it broke your heart to no end.
She deserved so much better
  She shook her head and grinned, scoffing and rolling her eyes in disbelief. "It's true, you're stunning," you reassured, your hands coming down to grip her waist as you leaned down and pressed a kiss just below her breasts, "beautiful" you uttered softly as you placed another kiss just below the last one, "beautiful" a kiss right above her navel, "beautiful" a kiss above the waistband of her panties.
She watched you the whole time, how you reveled in the warmth of her skin under your lips with every kiss you placed, how you smiled lovingly after each mantra of 'beautiful'.
You hovered up to the dip of her waist, moving your hand away and placing the last kiss on the pinkish skin of her scar.
"Beautiful" you repeated softly, one last time.
Tears almost pooled in Diane's eyes from the way you treated her so lovingly, how you became so soft when it came to pleasing her, especially when it was to prove something. She probably would've started sobbing if she weren't so worked up from your touch.
"Please," Diane breathed out "I don't think I can wait any longer" she pleaded. You nodded as you pulled away from her and sat up. You got up from the couch for a brief moment, slipping off your shirt and skirt and sat back down on her thighs. Your hands slid down, fingers coming to curl under the band of her panties and lifting your legs again to slide them down her smooth legs. You moved off of her thighs, moving down to sit between her legs while she slowly spread them apart, one bent on the couch as the other slid off onto the floor to land on the soft material of the rug, giving you a lovely view of every part of her.
She laid completely bare in front of you, her soft, pale frame draped so elegantly against the cushions of the couch. Your eyes scraped over every dip and curve of her body; The gentle swell of her stomach, the subtle but visible rise of her hipbones, her chest, shoulders, and arms that were freckled with beauty marks.
Your eyes flicked down to her core, completely spread out for you, already puffy and throbbing with pure need. A small smirk appeared on your face as you looked up to meet her gaze, her cheeks and neck gradually sprouting into a pretty shade of red. You moved to lay down between her legs, dangerously close to the place that she needed you the most. You wrapped your arms around her thighs, placing featherlight kisses across the tender flesh of the inner part of them.
The older woman slid her hand down, snaking her slender fingers through your silky hair and lightly grasping the strands. You pressed one last kiss right above her clit, her hips lightly jerking up in a desperate search for more contact. You pulled back, chuckling as you lightly nipped the skin of her thigh as if to say 'be patient' before you finally pressed your tongue to her core, licking a broad stripe between her folds.
She shuddered underneath you, a gasp escaping her lips. Her hips jerked up into your mouth as a result of the sudden contact. You stopped for a moment, lightly nuzzling your nose in the small patch of hair above her clit, humming softly as you took in the smell of her. You looked up to her through your eyelashes, taking in the sight of heavy breathing and flushed cheeks, her head still fell back, exposing the contours of her long neck. You slide your hands around her thighs, resting one on her stomach as the other slid up a bit further to grasp her breast. She looked back down to meet your eyes, her pupils blown with so much arousal. Her right hand slid down to meet yours that laid on her stomach, fingers moving to intertwine with yours.
Your lips hovered right over her clit, lips drawing closer to suck the bud into your hot mouth. Diane let out a sharp moan, her head turning to bury her face in the cushions, trying to suppress the noises that threatened to escape her. She normally wasn't too vocal when it comes to her pleasure.
"Please, let me hear you" you murmured against her, pleading to hear the beautiful noises that you very rarely got to hear from her. You flicked your tongue against her bud before pressing your tongue firmly against it, eliciting a loud moan from her. Your mouth moved languidly against her center, sometimes moving down to slightly dip your tongue inside her. Choked sobs came from above as her walls clenched around you at the heavenly feeling of your mouth.
She was close. You pulled away for a moment, causing Diane to whimper as your mouth left her center. She looked down at you, eyebrows drawn together, the pitiful look she gave you showing how desperate she was.
"Did you think I was going to let you come that easily?" You quipped, eyebrow arching in question. She threw her head back against the cushion once more and let out a dramatic sigh, knowing it would be no use to argue and plead.
You chuckled at her as you stooped your head to press your mouth against her center, lips pulling together and sucking her clit into your mouth again, lightly flicking the nub with the tip of your tongue. Her hand came to grab your hair harshly, fingernails digging into your scalp and effectively tugging you as close as possible to her.
One hand rested on her hip, lightly massaging the skin there while you slid your other hand to her center, gently sliding your fingers up and down her soft folds before slightly probing into her entrance. She let out a sweet moan, hips bucking to encourage your fingers further inside. You slowly eased two fingers in, sliding effortlessly with the amount of slick that had built up between her thighs. You pushed all the way in, knuckles barely visible as you pressed the pads of your fingers against that spot, drawing out a sound between a groan and a whimper from the auburn-haired woman. Your fingers slid in and out, curling and twisting to reach the best spots that pull out the most divine sounds from her.
"God..you feel..so good" she murmured in a broken whisper, unable to trust her vocal chords if she spoke any louder. You hummed in response, sending vibrations to the bud that you still occupied with your mouth. Your hand came up to pin her hips down as she tried to buck into the air again, soft whines and groans leaving her lips.
You pace got faster, and you could see the sheen of sweat that coated her forehead, skin shining in the dim light of the living room. Her hair was tousled, auburn strands sticking to her forehead from the sweat, and her mouth was agape, plump lips swollen from the force of her teeth biting the skin. She looked beautiful, just as simple as that. Even with all of the scars, the fine lines, the stretch marks, you loved it and you loved her even more.
She was close. So close. You could feel her tightening around your fingers, high-pitched moans escaping her on every thrust. You detached your lips from her clit, moving up and away from her center as you came face to face with her. She opened her eyes, just barely, and kissed you. Your tongue clashed with hers as your thumb came down to press against her clit. You curled your fingers inside her, pressing against the spot that you knew would throw her straight over the edge.
You pulled away from her lips, just an inch or less, her breathing quick and erratic, "Come for me, come all over my fingers..you're doing so well," you praised breathily, pressing an opened-mouthed kiss against her neck before moving back to press your lips to hers. Her walls fluttered around your fingers and your mouth swallowed the loud, animalistic groan that escaped her as she came; Muscles tensing, eyebrows drawn together, and hips bucking wildly against you.
Your fingers stayed where they were, drawing out her orgasm as much as possible. You slowly slid them out, drawing out a small whimper from her at the feeling of being empty. Your lips detached from hers, giving her space to catch her breath and recover. You looked into her eyes as you brung your fingers to your lips and sucked the remainder of her juices off of them, "You taste heavenly, my dear" you praised, making her grin and her cheeks erupt into a deeper shade of red than it already was.
"I love you, Miss y/n," her voice so soft and hoarse, "Thank you for everything you've done for me..you've shown me that I'm worthy of all the love you give to me and I can't put into words how much that means to me...truly" she confessed, ending her words with a soft kiss to your lips; So soft and slow and loving.
And you knew then:
that you were her saving grace.
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sheloooveswomen · 3 years
masterlist <3
one shots, headcanons, poetry, and art.
i half ass the edits so sorry for typos!! i wrote most of these during covid so they’re not great lmao. i’ll chalk my cringing up to personal growth…enjoy.
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one shots
all include fluff | slight angst/comfort: ☽ | nsfw/smut implied: ☼
inspired by f4f audio or a scene from a wlw audiobook: ✩
gifs and images aren’t mine but i do put the home collages together
includes: fem!reader, soft d/s moments, comfort, flirting, domestic bliss, meet cute, polyamory, reader is basically a bottom because i can’t help it!
Sarah Paulson
• ice cream 
• come here often? pt.1 - first meeting
• come here often? pt.2 - first date (wip)
• come here often? pt.3 - relationship timeline (wip)
Billie Dean Howard
• wait a damn minute pt.1 ✩ ☼
• wait a damn minute pt.2/prequel - nyc trip ✩
• wait a damn minute pt2.5/prequel - central park ✩☼
• wait a damn minute pt.3 - dinner party (wip) ✩ ☼
• company retreat escapades pt.1  ✩
• holiday retreat escapades pt.2 
• all the banquet escapades pt.3/prequel - relationship timeline (wip)
• dodie songfic storyline ☽
Lana Winters
• let me take care of you ✩
Cordelia Goode
• mine ✩
Audrey Tindall
• attention ✩
• starry night
• common cold
• burning questions 
Ally Mayfair-Richards
• gentle pt.1 ✩ ☼
• (less) gentle pt.2 ☼
• (even less) gentle pt.3 (wip) ☼
Wilhemina Venable
• aftercare ✩
• birthday cuddles ✩
• movie night
Alice Macray
• good morning indeed ✩
Vikki Hiller 
• some of our firsts pt.1 - first day / meeting ✩
• some of our firsts pt.2  - first date ✩
• some of our firsts pt.3  - first time ✩ ☼ ☽
• some of our firsts pt.4  - first fight ✩ ☽
Abby Gerhard 
• a lovely coincidence pt.1 - first meeting ✩
• a lovely coincidence pt.2 - first date ✩
• a lovely coincidence pt.3 - last shower ✩
Xandra Terrell
• welcome home ✩
Mildred Ratched
• i am here ✩ ☽
• i suppose
Harriet Hayes
• valentine (wip) ✩ ☼
Diane Sherman
• i don’t normally do this pt.1 - first meeting ✩
• i don’t normally do this pt.2 - established relationship ✩
• only 6 more days ✩
• yoga for free???
Dr. Ellie Staple
• not so quiet in the library ☼
• new nurse ✩ ☼
Wilhemina Venable + Billie Dean Howard x reader
• the tok
Audrey Tindall + Billie Dean Howard x reader
• “sick day”
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poetry by me
art by me
• sarah paulson fan art  (+ friends)
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gifs, photos, and fanart that i love:
[◉"] = photos, but the rest are gifs
this is more for me than anyone else but feel free to check these out i guess lmao, credit to all the creators!
actresses (+ their characters): sarah paulson, cate blanchett, miranda otto, vera farmiga, rebecca hall and bella heathcote, suranne jones and sophie rundle, sandra oh and jodie comer, kathryn hahn, jean smart and hannah einbeinder fanart: kya x lin beifong, sue and lin beifong
sarah paulson
cate blanchett
jean smart (+hannah einbinder)
other actresses/ships
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simpingfortheages · 3 years
Hellur. I was requested to do 8 9 10 21  25 31 32 45 with Diane Sherman. I hope you enjoy. This is quite dark so please read with discretion :) PLEASE!!
Diane Sherman x Fem reader
TW: mentions of needles, inappropriate use of drugs (its Diane come on), Stockholm syndrome., manipulation, angst, smut.
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The only feeling you felt was a soft bed?? the throbbing pain in your head only made it difficult for your senses to comeback. what the fuck happened? where am I? there were a million and one thoughts running through your head. "I see you're awake" the voice was soft and gently ,your head turned in the direction of where it came from. You squinted through the bright light that had seeped its way through the door, with your vision still out of focus you still managed to ask,"who are you and where am i?". The raspy and deep chuckled escaped the woman's lips. ran a cold chill up your spine as you sat there on the bed."I am Diane don't you remember me?" she delicately sat on the bed next to you causing it to sink slightly.
Due to her close proxemics , you shifted away from her. The woman clearly didn't like your action of moving away, so she rested her hand on your upper shoulder to reduce the gap you created. As she did so a small sharp pain ran up your entire arm," ouch" you rolled up your sleeve only to see a small red dot. You completely ignored the lady's question of remembering her. "What is that?" you questioned with a tinge of fear laced in your voice. " Oh baby mommy just gave you a little injection. It's nothing serious, it should work in a few minutes."
For some odd reason the use of the word mommy made your face flush, what was happening? "Mommy asked you a question. Do you remember me?" her voice was a lot harsher now, almost as thought she was desperate for a reply. " n-no, I don't know who you are" you tried to swallow but your throat was parched. "Then what do you remember?" the lady further pushed. A feeling of blood rushing to your ears clouded your thoughts, but you tired to clear your mind as to not upset the woman," um- uh all i remember is that I was in some sort of cafe talking to this girl with um- blue streaks in her hair i think and then everything is fuzzy after that" you frowned at your lack of memory.
"Oh my little one, none of that never happened." the lady reassured you. " but it felt real, the blue haired girl- i - i think i remember her, her name was Liz? Liz some-". Diane cut you across mid sentence “Sometimes I really don’t like you” Diane inhaling deeply out of frustration filled the uncomfortable silence" "For all that I have done for you and you continue to bring up that memory. NONE OF IT WAS REAL. THE FUCKING BLUE HAIRED GIRL WASN'T REAL!" Diane's sudden outburst caused you to jump, you crawled away further from her as tears gathered in your eyes. You still kept on shifting backwards even though your back made contact with the bedhead. “Where do you think you’re going?” the tone of frustration very prominent in her speech. The fact of angering the lady whom you don't even know made you scared, you only knew her for less that 5 minutes yet you wanted to try and please her. Diane saw the shimmer of tears in your eyes with the help of the light that shone through the crack in the door.
In the dim light you saw Diane's features soften.“Just leave me alone” you pleaded hopelessly. Diane got on all fours as she climbed her way fully onto the bed trying to approach you," baby no don't say that, I am sorry for yelling. Mommy lost her temper that is all." Her words went directly to your lower core, and you subtly tried to clamp your legs together. The sensation of want and lust ran its way through your body. "What did you give me exactly?" you questioned Diane, the look of confusion made its way onto her face, " why Mommy gave you what you needed baby." she finished her sentence with a smile.
" You need me." there was no denying that you were aroused. Your breathing was heavier as your clit began to throb for attention. Diane repeated her words as she slowly nodded her head, which in turn caused you to reciprocate her movements, agreeing with her. You tucked your bottom lip away under your teeth as you continued to stare into the brown eyes of the woman. They were glued intently on yours. “Stop biting that fucking lip!”
She was now inches away from your face, as she exhaled the warmth of her breath brushed against your facial features. She was intoxicating to you and you needed more. She was a stranger but she was enthralling. "I noticed what you did y/n, you want mommy to take care of you don't you" The question was a rhetorical one but you answered anyway. "yes please", Diane smirked at your reply, "yes what? you know my name. Say it correctly" she demanded.
"y- yes please mommy" Diane closed her eyes and lowly hummed in approval as you said those words. She abruptly pulled your legs that were curled underneath you so that you laying flat and sprawled out onto the bed. Diane parted your legs and settled herself there with her body was pressed against yours. You were pretty sure she could feel your heartbeat through the thin material of the shirt. She stared down at your frail and frightened form from the underneath of her eyelids as she toyed and curled the loose ends of hair that escaped your ponytail. Out of curiosity you couldn't help but ask the red head, “Why are you so nice to me” this caused Diane to quirk and eyebrow in your direction, "that's simple because you are my baby and I love you very much."
Her words of choice and affection send electrical impulses too your core, which cause your hips to involuntarily jerk against Diane. She smiled at your needy movements." I think you are ready for me baby,although it took longer than I expected." her sentence made you confused. Ready? What does she mean by ready? it was though she read your mind. "Aw princess" she placed a kiss to your forehead," Don't you worry that pretty little brain of yours."
The red head started to make her way off of you, however you already missed the comfort of her sweater and the mild scent of vanilla that seemed to accompany the woman. You desperately grabbed hold of her white fluffy sweater sleeve in hopes that she will stay. You yourself didn't know why you held back the woman, whether it was so that you wouldn't be alone in the dingy room or for the pleasure that she promised to give. you."Mommy will never leave you for long, I am going to get something for you that will assist me, stay right here." she ran her hands through your hair as a way of making you calm.
It worked. You trusted this stranger and all you knew was her first name. You reluctantly released the lady's clothing and allowed her to leave the room. Why am I still on the bed? LEAVE! but at the same time you didn't want too. During this short period you took a liking to her...and so you stayed on the bed not even bothering to move or see what was beyond the door. Probably your escape but your mind was clouded with other needs, selfish needs that will most likely cost you your life, but you stayed like Diane asked you too.
Your thoughts were interrupted as Diane re entered the room, you couldn't help by smile at the sight of her. She walked in with both her hands hidden behind her back, it did stir a feeling of uneasiness in your stomach but none the less you trusted her. "Take off those dirty clothes and leave them on a pile in the corner for me" Diane jumbled her words. You could hear the excitement in her voice.
You slid off of the bed and began to undress, as you did so Diane did the same, but unlike you she didn't make any movement to remove her sweater. The reality of the situation made you feel sick yet eager at the same time. You reclaimed your position on the bed with your thighs pressed together. In the dim lighting of the area you couldn't make out what Diane brought with her. Was she going to kill me? What did she bring? the questions began to flood your head once more.
As Diane approached the bed, you noticed something situated between her legs. It was a strap, more blood rushed its way to the surface of your face, your heartbeat was pummeling against your rib cage as it echoed through your ears. The smug look across the woman's face didn't make you feel any better, "even in the terrible lighting Mommy can tell." she was now on the bed settled between your legs, cradling your face in her soft hands."You’re blushing”
At this point you were sure that your arousal was dripping down your thighs and collecting on the bed." I like how small and frail you look underneath me, but you don't ever have to worry because I am here for you now after so long." her words confused you once more but the 7 inch strap situated between Diane's legs made your thought fuzzy. You parted your trembling legs so that she could et the message and come closer, "aww poor baby, my little one is all needy" she began to rub the strap over your glistening slit gathering your wetness. The feeling of the hard strap on your neglected clit could make you cum just from the sensation. Diane carefully positioned the strap to your dripping entrance, but stopped.
" I don't think Mommy's big cock will fit in your tight little pussy" she feigned sadness and a dramatic frown, however you were desperate to please her for some odd reason. You whimpered at the thought of not being fucked, out of impulse you grasped firmly onto her white fluffy sweater and pulled her against your chest, with the sudden motion Diane placed her hands on either side of your head to support herself," Beg me. Tell me how much you want mommy's cock." Her words had seem to cast a spell over you. You open your mouth to beg but your throat was still dry, all that came out was a small broken squeak.
A frown form onto your lips as tears gathered in your eyes. Why am i so emotional and dependent on this stranger? The red head simply smiled down at you, you felt weak and useless. You were exposed and vulnerable. Her eyes narrowed at you as you struggled to find your words," It seems as though my baby's mouth is all dried up from her long nap" she tilted her head to the side,"but we can fix that." You stared up at her in hope that she would help you, she roughly grabbed your jaw with one of her hand and gently applied pressure which caused your mouth to open.
It was all overwhelming for you, the wetness between your legs and the pulsating feeling of your temples had you eager for more. Diane elegantly gathered her spit in her mouth and neatly spat it into yours coating your tongue. An involuntary moan ripped it way from your lips and reverberate through the silence in the room. The red head didn't loosen her hold on your jaw, instead she held it firmly. She gave no chance for you to recover as immediately she locked her lips onto yours, the moisture from her spit and intrusion of her tongue resulted to your body craving more. Diane suddenly pulled away from your lips , your head jerked forward to reclaim her kiss, but she softly tutted at your action. The wetness that she created in your mouth allowed you to plead "Please Mommy, fuck me. I can take whatever you give me."
She wasted no time. Diane thrusted her hips forward causing her 7 inch strap to enter your needy core. Your body hugged her and pulled her in refusing to let her go. It felt as thought your body knew who she was, you craved her, you wanted her, you needed her. You attached your hands onto her back, digging your nails into the soft fabric for every thrust she did into your small cunt. The sound of her skin slapping on your skin filled the room, you tried to turn your head away from her out of embarrassment but Diane didn't allow it. "Keep your eyes on me baby, it's my favourite sound to hear."
Although you were dripping slick all over the bed, the size of her strap stretched you out. You could feel it graze back and forth as it rubbed against your inner walls. It was painful but fuck did it feel good. In the middle of her fucking you, moans and grunts left Diane's lips, you preened at the fact that she was aroused because of you. She lifted your leg and placed it onto her shoulder, the change in position caused her strap to reach deeper into your already tight pussy." Ah ah mommy please" you cried out. She shushed your cries as she proceeded to lip the other leg onto her shoulder. "Mommy ple-ase fu-fuck me harder, you feel so good."
Diane leaned over and captured your lips once more not even bothering to stop drilling you with her strap. She swallowed all the moans and mewls that left your mouth. As she continued to fuck your pussy raw her fingers drifted lower and began to tease your throbbing clit, she pinched it and twisted it between her fingers. You back involuntarily arched off of the bed, your erected nipples rubbed against the rough texture of her sweater adding to your pleasure." That's it baby,see how mommy makes you feel good."
Never had you ever expected to be folded in the bed of a stranger and fucked non stop. It felt like heaven and you didn't want it to ever stop. Diane trailed kisses from your lips, to your cheeks and onto your neck, where she sucked and bit all over the area to mark you. You leaned your head back for her to mark you more as hers. Diane left an array of purple and red love bites on your neck, claiming you. The sensation of your clit gaining attention, being filled with Diane's cock and the feeling of her lips on your neck your orgasm was coming and it was coming intense. The walls of your pussy began to flutter as the lower part of your stomach began to tighten. " MO-MMY can i cum?" you whimpered into her ears. " of course you can baby, you have been so good" Diane kept on fucking you. The feeling of pleasure and satisfaction rolled its way over your entire body as waves.
As you came down from your high, she carefully removed your legs from her shoulders and placed them onto the bed. She made sure you were comfortable as she slowly pulled her dick out of you, as she moved backwards, your sensitive pussy felt everything which caused you to moan. When Diane pulled out, your cum and slick were still attached to her dick with a thin string of arousal. She slipped off the harness and placed the strap to the side of the bed to be dealt with later.
You were tired although you just got up, a sheen to sweat covered both of your bodies but you didn't care. The red head took off her sweater and laid flat on the bed. "Come and lay on mommy, i know it is your favourite thing to do after I fuck you" she whispered. You complied and shifted your body so that your head rested onto the swells of her chest, she was warm and felt like home." See y/n I treat you better than that blue haired bitch ever would. Not that she would ever get the chance." You stiffened at her comment, "I -I thought you said she wasn't real?" your blood got cold.
You felt Diane tighten her grip onto your arm as you said that, the beat of her heart started to increase as well." Oh y/n of course she isn't real, I was just joking" she gave a dry chuckle at the end. You lifted your head from her chest and looked into her eyes. There was the emotion of fear present in hers whilst yours held the same but you knew yours was different." Then why are you so jealous of someone who doesn't exist?" you inquired with a shaky voice. The nervous swallow that Diane did, didn't go unnoticed by you. She sat up and met you at eye level," because baby-" she shifted closer.
You were so engaged into what she had to say that you didn't see her move behind you to reach for a syringe. It was too late for you to do anything by the time you realized, she had already inserted the needle into your soft skin. Whatever was the contents in the needle, it was already in your blood and taking immediate effect. Your head started to spin and feel light headed, you tried to squeeze your eyes open and close to try and fix your blurry vision but nothing helped.
With the little bit of consciousness left in you she finished, “You’re mine. I don’t share” at this point you were too weak to retaliate against her. You accepted her embraced as she hugged you and laid back onto the bed humming a lullaby softly. "We will try again tomorrow as we always do, maybe this time you will forget the bitch" she planted a kiss atop your head. As your eyes began to close on themselves you saw kiss marks and bites across your boobs and stomach that were faded and old. You don't recall her kissing you over there, only on your neck.
It dawned on you that you might have been here for weeks...months even. You whimpered at the thought but Diane just kept on humming. The feeling of sleep over took you, as you gave into it you closed your eyes and remained still. Too bad you never left when you had the chance, maybe tomorrow you will escape. Maybe...
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cabensonsgirly · 3 years
👼I Could Tell You But I’d Have To Kill (Diane. Mildred) [NSFW]👼
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Diane Sherman x Mildred Ratched x fem!reader
👼Posted on AO3: Read Here👼
👼Wordcount: 3750👼
👼Content: Tagged NSFW because it’s super fucked up. Abusive relationship, domestic abuse, physical violence, gaslighting, medical abuse, alluding to lobotomy, mention of needles, forced sedation, chloroform, face slapping, Diane is mommy, abuse of power, uneven power dynamics, false imprisonment.👼
👼You let out a groan and roll over onto your back, rubbing your eyes and crying out in pain due to the sudden tenderness around one of them. You blink a few times to adjust to the light in the room, it was dimly lit but you could still make out what was in the room, none of it looked familiar. “Hello? Anybody here?” You say aloud, uncertain if there is even anyone in the house. 👼
Dread burrowed itself deep within you, the feeling was suffocating, its dark tendrils wrapping themselves around every part of you, every internal organ, every blood cell, every molecule of oxygen and squeezed. It was heavy; you swore you were moving slower than usual but you couldn't be sure, you weren't sure of anything anymore.
Cold beads of sweat trickled down the back of your neck, weaving their way through and around the raised hairs that stood to attention. Your hands fumbled with the key in the lock; more tears spilling freely from your eyes as you shook harder in panic, your vision blurring each time you tried blinking the tears away.
A continuous stream of curses fell from your lips as you struggled to slide the key in; you could hear them calling for you, one in a sing-song voice that chilled you to the core, the other firm and filled with fury that made you every muscle in your body tense.
You thank the heavens when you finally get the key in, turning it then swinging the door open, you go to run out when you see her standing there, a predatory smile plastered on her pale face that betrayed the usual air of care and adoration this woman held for you. "Oh baby Yn girl, there's something wrong with me. But you know what? There isn't anybody who's going to change me. And nothing's in vain."
You felt a cloth cover your mouth and nose, your eyes widening in sheer terror as you desperately struggled against the other woman, her voice drifting into your ears. "Cause now I'm going to kill again."
One hour earlier
"Hey Diane? Have you seen my car keys? I've looked everywhere for them and I can't find them anywhere." You call out to her from your room which looked like it had been ransacked. You had a meeting to go to at work; every Friday you met with psychologists at the psychiatric facility to see who still needs treatment as an inpatient, those that could be moved to outpatient, those who don't need treatment, those who needed to be admitted, and those who could receive treatment as an outpatient. It was a meeting that usually lasts the whole day just because of how much you had to get through, then the paperwork on top of that which usually resulted in you taking some home.
It was now eight am and you were supposed to be there by eight thirty, the drive itself took forty minutes. You ran down the stairs and slid into the kitchen, pulling open every drawer and rummaging through them before moving onto the bowl on the countertop where Diane keeps her keys. "Fuck! I'm already going to be late! Fucking piece of absolute sh-"
"I thought you knew better than to use such vile language in this household, Yn." Your breath caught in your throat and you immediately dropped your gaze to the ground before turning around to face the woman, keeping your eyes downcast.
"How many more times must I tell you before it gets through that thick skull of yours, hm? I thought you would have learned after being gagged the entire day on top of getting the backs of your hands wracked for each swear you said, but clearly I was wrong. You know how much I despise people disappointing me. What do you have to say for yourself, puppet?"
You gulp audibly, unable to stop the shiver that ran through you as you remembered those events, your hands had only just recently healed from their beating. You shifted nervously on the spot, chewing the inside of your cheeks before saying quietly, "I- I'm running late, Millie-"
You whimper and flinch when you see her raise her hand, rushing out "Nurse Ratched! Nurse- Nurse Ratched I'm sorry!" She lowers her hand and makes a sound signalling for you to continue.
"I- I'm running late, Nurse Ratched. It's Friday, you know how busy this day is for me. I'm supposed to start at eight thirty and I don't get home until ten at night, even then I still have a stack of paperwork to do. I've looked everywhere for my keys and I can't find them. I'm stressed out of my mind so I swore... I swore a lot. I didn't mean to but-"
You feel a finger under your chin as it tilts your head up, your now glassy eyes meeting Mildreds burning brown ones. Your eyes flicked down to look at her plump red painted lips before quickly returning your gaze to her eyes, your breathing coming in short and sharp.
The corner of her lip twitches slightly as she fights to contain a sadistic smirk. "But nothing, puppet. You know the rules and the expectations we have in this house, there is no excuse for failing to follow them and meet them." Her thumb moves to toy with your bottom lip, pulling it down before letting it go enjoying the way your breath catches ever so slightly.
"You don't work anymore anyway, sweetheart" you hear to your left, immediately turning your head to see Diane with a sad smile on her face "don't you remember? Mildred had to pick you up from work one day because you had an episode, and you haven't recovered yet so you're not able to return."
Your eyebrows furrow in confusion "I don't- I swore I worked last week. I- I have the paperwork in the office and- and emails on the computer. I'll show you" you go to move out of Mildred's grasp but she grabs your arms and holds you still. "You haven't worked for months. You would have remembered this if you had recovered but you haven't therefore you don't remember. You. Don't. Work" she hisses out in annoyance, earning a glare from Diane.
"Getting annoyed at her will hardly help, Millie. Lets just get her back to our room and give her her medication for the morning." You feel Mildred let go, her cold hands replaced with Diane's soft warm ones. She brings one up to cup your cheek gently, her eyes were warm and not too dissimilar to melted chocolate.
"How does that sound, sweetheart? Let Nurse Ratched and mommy take care of you. We'll get you settled back in bed so you can take your medication and get some much needed rest, yeah? You'll be so very tired after your episode this morning, I'm sure Nurse Ratched and I certainly will be once we've tidied up again. Come on, sweetheart, hold my hand while we move you upstairs- there we go, good girl."
There was a voice in your head telling you that you were being lied to, that you were being deceived, that you shouldn't trust what your girlfriend's have said to you. 'Yn, check your phone. Your emails will be on there. You'll have texts from colleagues too. Check. Look. You will see the truth.'
Diane helped you over to the bed despite you saying you were okay "I'm just making sure you're safe, darling" was all she had said. Why wouldn't you be safe? Nothing bad has happened to you since being with them. They did everything out of love. Everytime one of them hit you it was because they wanted you to be better, to meet your true potential, that's all.
You move to sit against the headboard, pulling your phone out of your pocket and swiping it open. "Just the usual pills today, Yn. Millie has them prepared for you as well as some juice to help replenish your sugar levels after your episode" you make a sound of acknowledgement, not looking up from your phone as you frantically checked to see if there were recent emails or messages.
Friday, 6th August, 2021:
Hi, Yn,
I was wondering if you could get that paperwork done ASAP for the patient in Room 208. We need to know if he has made any significant progress-
"Hey! I was just reading that! I told you I worked last week! It says so at the top of the email! It says- it says Friday the 6th of August." You exclaim, trying to snatch your phone back from Diane, fresh tears welling up in your eyes "Diane please! You have to believe me! It says- It says August 6th"
Diane shakes her head slightly as she takes a seat next to you, wrapping an arm around you and pulling you close as she shows you your phone again, her voice soft "Babygirl... It says June 25th, 2021. Take a look for yourself."
She hands your phone back to you and you eagerly take it, looking down at the screen your frown in confusion then disbelief "but- But I swear it said- just before I handed it to you it- it said- it said" you trail off, you couldn't remember the date anymore "I can't- I don't- I don't remember..."
You went to throw your phone at the wall but Diane stopped you quickly, her hand wrapping tightly around your wrist hard enough to cause bruising. "I understand your frustration, sweetheart, but breaking your phone will only upset you more when you calm down again. How about you take your meds and get some rest, Nurse Ratched or I will wake you up when lunch is ready."
She stands up and makes her way over to the dressing table where she picks up a little cardboard cup that had your meds as well as a small glass of your favourite juice before returning to you. "It's a slight increase in anti-psychotics but otherwise the rest is the same."
You nod and take the cup tipping the pills into your mouth before you hand it back to Diane, swapping it for the juice you greedily drink it. You were only allowed juice when you were taking medication so when you did have it, you couldn't help yourself but to skull it. "You know the faster you drink it, the less time you have to actually enjoy it, silly girl. But thank you for being good and taking your medication."
The red-head presses a kiss to your temple before standing up with both cups "get some rest now, sweetheart. We'll see you shortly, okay?" You nod and rub your eyes, moving under the covers until only your eyes are visible, each blink taking longer for your eyes to open until you finally succumb to sleep.
"We can't keep doing this, Diane. She's too smart. She'll catch on to what we are doing unless we get rid of her."
"We can't just- We can't kill her! We'll just keep increasing her medication until her mind is too dull to keep up with anything."
"She was already close to catching us the other day! She knows too much and your stupid fucking neurotoxins aren't working fast enough!"
You stir awake, the yelling loud enough to wake you from your drug induced sleep. You push up into a sitting position, your head spinning.
"These things take time Mildred! You should know as much having worked in that shit hole of a facility!"
"Well time is up, Diane. You either give her the strongest dose you can, or I give her a nice little transorbital lobotomy. I know which one I'd prefer."
You rub your eyes in an attempt to get rid of the haze blurring your vision, panic had started to set in upon hearing what your girlfriend's had said. You get out of bed, standing on shakey feet you make your way over to the door, leaning against it until you felt strong enough to move without assistance.
You made your way down the stairs slowly, careful to avoid the step that always groaned under any pressure applied to it. You could feel your heart in your throat, it seeming to speed up with each step you took.
"Yn sweetheart? Where are you? Did you have to go bathroom?" You peak around the corner into the kitchen and saw it was empty so you walked into it quickly and over to the bowl where Diane kept her keys.
"Yn" you heard, your name being dragged out in a song like manner "now isn't the time for games, puppet. You know we will find you sooner or later." Your skin rose with goosebumps as her voice rang out through the house hauntingly. You found Diane’s keys and froze, the air in the room had suddenly changed and you could feel someone’s presence behind you, you gulped and turned around slowly to see Diane standing there. Her hair framed her face beautifully, but she looked almost manic, she tilted her head slightly and smiled softly in an attempt to look relieved about finding you. “There you are, baby. You had Millie and I worried for a minute there. What’re you doing up and about? You know you should be resting. Why do you need my keys, baby?”
The red-head started to approach you slightly, one of her hands remaining behind her back while the other reached out for you “come on, baby, how about we go back upstairs and watch a movie together, hm? If you do that, we will forgive you for hiding from us. How does that sound?” You shake your head, yelling “No! You both want to- Want to kill me! Or- or give me a fucking lobotomy! No!” You grab the bowl from behind and throw it at the woman before running from the room, you hear her scream- a sound you haven’t heard since Mildred carried you inside after your first episode.
Dread burrowed itself deep within you, the feeling was suffocating, its dark tendrils wrapping themselves around every part of you, every internal organ, every blood cell, every molecule of oxygen and squeezed. It was heavy; you swore you were moving slower than usual but you couldn't be sure, you weren't sure of anything anymore.
Everything you heard and saw you no longer trusted it to be true or even real, did you actually hear Mildred and Diane talking about your demise or did you just hallucinate? Did you even see the email with- you couldn’t even remember what the email was about. Your memory had been so bad recently, in fact it had been getting worse each passing day. You couldn’t even remember the emergency number, it was only three numbers but you couldn’t remember it. Did you even take your meds this morning? You must have, why else would you be feeling so weird? Why else would your legs feel so heavy?
You frowned as your hands fumbled with the key in the lock, you couldn’t even remember why you were trying to leave; more tears spilling freely from your eyes as you shook harder in panic, your vision blurring each time you tried blinking the tears away. Cold beads of sweat trickled down the back of your neck, weaving their way through and around the raised hairs that stood to attention.
A continuous stream of curses fell from your lips as you struggled to slide the key in; you could hear them calling for you, one in a sing-song voice that chilled you to the core, the other firm and filled with fury that made you every muscle in your body tense.
You thank the heavens when you finally get the key in, turning it then swinging the door open, you go to run out the door when you see Mildred standing there, a predatory smile plastered on her pale face that betrayed the usual air of care and adoration this woman held for you. "Oh baby Yn girl, there's something wrong with me. But you know what? There isn't anybody who's going to change me. And nothing's in vain."
You felt a cloth cover your mouth and nose, your eyes widening in sheer terror as you desperately struggled against the other woman, her voice drifting into your ears. "Cause now I'm going to kill again." You tried kicking but within mere seconds you went limp in Diane’s arms, the last thing you see was Mildred reaching out to stroke your cheek as she spoke quietly “You didn’t see it coming, you were not that smart… You thought you could fix my mind. I had to kill you, was it so much fun?”
Diane picked you up, holding you carefully in her arms as she made her way back inside except this time she takes the stairs down to the basement making sure she doesn’t smack your head on anything. “Does it really have to be this way, Millie? Can’t I just give her the injection again and we keep down here for longer?” She lays you down on the gurney before making her way around it as she straps your limbs down then adjusting the one across your forehead to keep your head from moving.
“You know this is the only way for us to keep her here, Diane. She was close to finding out about what we were planning because of that stupid job of hers.” Mildred turns Diane to face her, cupping her cheeks tenderly with both hands “I know you care for her deeply. You were the first one to save her. Now it’s my turn to, okay?” She presses a soft kiss to Diane’s lips, going to pull away but Diane pulls her harder against herself, teeth biting down harshly on Mildred’s bottom lip letting out a groan upon tasting the other woman’s blood. Diane runs her tongue over the wound before sliding it between Mildred’s lips and into the woman’s mouth. Mildred moves her hands from Diane’s face, running them down the sides of her neck, shoulders, arms, before resting them on her waist as she pushes her into the side of the gurney, earning a surprised gasp from Diane.
Mildred sucks lightly on Diane’s tongue, enjoying the sounds the woman was making before pulling back with slow kisses she mumbles “I knew you’d get turned on over this type of thing, Diane… You like having total control over everything, someone to look after, to save. That’s what we’ll be doing now. We’re saving her from herself.” She pecks Diane’s lips lightly once more before making her way over to the supply closet where she looks for a clean syringe and sedative.
“Can you make sure the tools are properly sterilized and ready for me, darling?” Mildred calls out as she measures out the right dosage of sedative in the syringe before putting the bottle back where it belongs. She leaves the closet, locking the door behind her before making her way over to the gurney, handing the syringe to Diane “you may have the pleasure of sedating her properly. I know you have a thing for needles.”
Diane takes it from Mildred, removing the cap before finding a suitable vein on the back of your hand where she then injects it, speaking softly “You won’t feel a thing, sweet girl. Nurse Ratched and mommy are going to make you feel better, okay? It’s Nurse Ratched’s turn to save you.” She steps back from you and puts the used syringe into the biohazard disposal bin. “She’s all yours, Millie baby. Be gentle with her, she’s still our babygirl after all.”
12 hours later
You let out a groan and roll over onto your back, rubbing your eyes and crying out in pain due to the sudden tenderness around one of them. You blink a few times to adjust to the light in the room, it was dimly lit but you could still make out what was in the room, none of it looked familiar. “Hello? Anybody here?” You say aloud, uncertain if there is even anyone in the house.
Just as you moved to get up, a red-headed woman entered the room holding a tray that had a glass of juice and a bowl of fruit-salad. “Hi there, sweetheart. We were wondering when you’d wake up. You had a really bad fall but thankfully Mildred was here to help, it’s handy dating a nurse.” She smiles softly at you as she places the tray on your lap. You frown in confusion and look at the woman, studying her face before your face lights up with a grin “Diane! Mommy! I couldn’t- I didn’t know where I was or- or who you were for a bit but- but I just remembered!”
You pick up the glass of juice with both hands as you felt rather weak, and brought it to your lips as you sipped at it. You put the glass down and smacked your lips together enjoying the taste. “This is my favourite juice. Didn’t- Weren’t I only allowed this with medication? I don’t- There isn’t any on the tray.” Diane caresses your cheek gently, tilting your head up softly so that you’re looking at her “You’ve never been on any medication, babygirl. That knock on the head must’ve really done a number on you, huh?”
You leant into her touch, enjoying the way her hand felt against your skin “It really did. I’m so glad you and Millie were there for me. Something really bad could have happened if you two weren’t there for me! Is Millie here?” Diane nods and moves to the side so she’s no longer blocking your vision, revealing Mildred standing in her signature blue night-slip. “I’m glad to see you awake, sweetheart.” You smile brightly and reach out for her, relieved that she takes your hand and moves to sit on the other side of you so that you’re sat between both your girlfriends.
“How is your head? You had a rather bad tumble earlier; hit your eye on the corner of the table. You’re very lucky you didn’t lose your eye.” She traces her finger lightly around the bruising before resting her hand against your cheek “Don’t worry, sweetheart, as long as Diane and I are here, you’ll always be safe. Just as long as you stay with us and listen too, understood?”
You nod your head which makes Mildred dig her nails in slightly “I require a verbal confirmation. I will tell you again, puppet. Just as long as you stay here with us and listen to every. Single. Word. We say, you will be safe, understood?” You squirm slightly, your breath hitching at the sudden change in her tone. “Yes- Yes Milli- Yes, Nurse Ratched. Understood.”
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rhiannon-sweetheart · 3 years
Master List
I tried adding all of it here but it wouldn’t let me so have these until I try again later lol
American horror story
Wilhemina Venable x reader
Billie dean Howard
Cordeila goode
Sally McKenna
Ally Mayfair-Richards
Madison Montgomery
Resident evil
Lady dimitrescu x reader x mother Miranda
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mrs-harkness · 4 years
Run To Me
Pairing: Diane Sherman x Fem!Reader
A/n: So this is going to be a multi-part fic if it goes well! I feel like Chloe is so precious, I actually removed her from the fic. I don’t want to write about hurting Chloe. Anyways, Diane was never able to get her hands on Chloe, but years later, you show up and suddenly her dreams don't seem so far away anymore. But the closer you get to Diane, the sooner you realize you may actually have found your own nightmare.
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You stepped off the bus and took as deep of a breath of air as you could. Your asthma and the smells that came from long trips on charter buses never mixed well. It wasn't kind to your clothes either and you realized you reeked. You were super excited to explore rural Washington and hopefully find someplace to finally plant roots, but you needed a shower first. You watched as the bus shut its doors and crawled back onto the road, leaving that familiar smog in its wake, and hopefully taking your broken past with it.
Thankfully, the bus had dropped you off right across the street from a convivence store. You would be able to get a snack and hopefully some information on where the closest motel was. The streets of this sleepy town seemed to be completely empty and you jogged across the street, the jingle of a bell welcoming you inside. You were quick in picking out a snack cake and the largest bottle of water you could find, but meandered through the aisles a bit, thankful to stretch your legs. You eyeballed the candy greedily, knowing you needed to save what little cash you had left for the motel. Growing up the way you had, stealing became a necessary skill. You had never stolen anything other than what you needed, but standing there starring at the truffles on the shelf, you felt like you needed it. A treat after the cross country ride in a stuffy bus. You looked over the shelf and to the cash register, the teenager at the counter distracted by his phone. You quickly pocketed a handful of the chocolate and stuffed them in the inside pocket of your bulky coat.  You walked away quickly, going up to the counter and placing your items in front of the cashier. He put down his phone and started ringing it up. You pulled a few crumpled bills from your pocket and handed them to him, smiling. He stared back at you and handed you the change wordlessly, pushing your snack towards you and returning to his phone.
You stood there still, which did not phase him, so you cleared his throat to get his attention. He sighed and turned to you.
"What's up?" he asked, barely tearing his eyes away from his screen.
"Uh I'm not from around here and need to find a place to stay. Can you tell me how to get to the nearest motel?"
He leaned over the counter and pointed back towards the way you had come.
"Its about 8 blocks down. A straight shot, its on the corner of Rumel and Howard."
You nodded and smiled at him again, this time though he got a closer look at you. You were hopping he didn't smell you.
"How old are you? Where are your parents?" he asked, suddenly realizing you may be a runaway.  This was something you heard often, looking much younger than your actual age.
"I'm 20. I can show you my ID," you said, taking your back pack off your back.
He shook his head and went back to his phone, not interested any further. You thanked him and left, the bell ringing once again. It had begun to drizzle and the sky was grey, but you felt so warm and excited. This could really be the start of the life you always dreamed of. The town still sleepy and grey, held so much more to you. You opened your snack cake and began to cross the street, towards the motel. Suddenly a blaring car horn screamed, followed by the feeling over your body being rocketed into the sky. You rolled over the hood of a car and onto the damp pavement of the street. Your snack cake laid crushed in your hand and your head buzzed, your body crying. Thankfully the car must have been going pretty slow, but it seemed to have come out of nowhere. You slowly opened your eyes and saw a blurry image of a person standing over you.
"Oh my god, are you okay?" the voice was sweet and concerned, but sounded like it was under water.
You blinked, trying to adjust your vision. Thankfully it only took a moment and your vision cleared enough to see the beautiful woman hovering over you. Red hair stuck to her lips and her eyes were full of fear. You stared at her, shocked by the whole thing before realizing you never responded.
"Oh yeah, I'm fine." you said, pushing yourself to sit up and wincing.
"Oh no no. Don't sit up. Where are your parents? I'm so sorry. I can call them for you."
You shook your head carefully, pushing yourself onto your elbows.
"I don't have parents. I'm 20, but I don't have anyone to call. I don't have family or anything like that."
The woman's face fell and softened. She looked around her at the abandoned street and then back to you. She got closer to you and brushed your hair behind your ear before touching your forehead. You winced and drew in a ragged breath. You reached back into your back pocket and got your inhaler, taking a puff.
"Where were you headed? Is someone expecting you?" she asked, suddenly appearing very interested in you. Which didn't seem strange since she had just hit you with her car.
"No. I was just heading to the motel down the street. I needed a place to stay. I'm new here," you said, pushing yourself into a sitting position, your head spinning a bit.
"Well, why don't you come to my house? I could get you cleaned up and make you something better than a snack cake. The motel bathrooms are really gross and I have medical training, so you'd be able to get patched up and have a hot shower. Come on, get in."
Everything you learned growing up was not to trust people, especially strangers. But maybe it was because she was so beautiful and gentle, that you smelled like a sun cooked fish, or the fact you were still disoriented from being run down mid snack. You nodded and she smiled, helping you up and into the passenger side of her car. She took your bag and threw it in the backseat before getting in and buckling up. She looked over at you and smiled.
"My name is Diane by the way," she said as the car lurched forward.
"Y/n, I'm Y/n" you replied. She put a hand on your leg and squeezed it.
"Well lets get you home then Y/n."
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angelxsarahp · 4 years
You’re Mine
Diane Sherman
Request (Wattpad): Something sweet, creepy, and possessive w/ Diane
Warnings: A little angst (age gap insecurity and one very brief mention of abuse)
Word count: 3.6k
A/N: Idk if this is necessarily what the requester wanted, but I hope they still like it<3 (I didn't include smut bc I didn't know if the person that requested it would’ve wanted it😅) (Also Chloe doesn't exist in this universe)
Part 2 here
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You met her in a grocery store.
The first time you laid your eyes on the darling auburn-haired woman was during your weekly grocery store run. You had accidentally bumped into her cart in the isle as you scanned over different products on the shelf, completely unaware that another person was strolling down the opposite way.
"Oh! Sorry ma'am..." you mumbled, looking at her for a split second before scurrying away, hoping that she couldn't see the flush of embarrassment rise to your cheeks. Unaware to you, though, Diane already had her eyes set on you, discreetly following you around the store, watching how you flowed so gracefully with your every movement. As soon as the bell on the door wrung notifying that someone had entered the store, that someone being you, she became almost entranced. She may or may not have accidentally bumped her cart with yours on purpose, but you never took notice of it. She wanted your attention, and she was going to get it, one way or the other.
   Long story short, when you paid for your items and left the store, Diane hot on your heels, she made small talk to you as you both placed groceries in your vehicles, her car conveniently parked beside of yours. You offered to help with her items as you only had a few things, she asked for your number, and the rest is history.
   You and Diane have been dating for two years, and it has been the most delightful two years you've ever experienced. Of course there were arguments and small bickering at times, but you both were happy, nonetheless. She asked you to move in with her after being together for a little over a year, so you agreed and have been living happily with your love ever since then.
You studied visual art at a college for the arts about thirty minutes away from Diane's house, and the college was hosting an exhibit to showcase student's artwork that evening. A few days prior, you had asked Diane if she would like to come with you, and she eagerly agreed.
    "Hey D, the college is holding an event to show some art this Friday...I was wondering if you'd like to accompany me?" You queried with a mocking formal tone,  a smile gracing your lips as you looked into her coffee brown eyes. Your girlfriend nodded with a small chuckle, not hesitating a single second to accept your invitation. "I would love to, sweetheart." She added, brushing a few loose strands of hair out of your face before she laid a soft peck to your lips.
    Diane was the one person that saw how hard you worked on your art. She admired your dedication and motivation to create something so new and authentic. But you were her piece of art. She would stand in the doorway for what seemed like hours, just simply watching you paint, sculpt, or draw away with those oh-so-delicate hands of yours. She would find you in the small homemade "studio" that the pair of you had put together when you first moved in, your hands and arms covered in paint, and even sometimes little smudges of color on your face. She loved how the tip of your tongue would sometimes poke out from between your teeth when you were extremely focused.
   You and Diane were enjoying lunch when you announced that you should probably start getting ready for the exhibit. You curled your hair slightly and did your usual makeup. One of your professors informed you that the event wasn't necessarily formal, so you didn't have to dress as such, but you still decided to dress up just a bit. You pulled out a tan patterned button-up shirt from your closet, pairing it with a black skirt, a black corset top, and black velvet platform boots.
Diane opted to go for a little formal as well, picking out a turtleneck (a staple in her closet) and added a white button-up over of it to add some layering. She paired it with tan slacks, a black suit jacket, and a pair of her brown suede boots. She wasn't too fond of skirts or dresses unless they were longer, so this was more in her comfort zone.
   She looked in the mirror, straightening the imaginary wrinkles in her outfit as she observed herself in the reflection. She looked at her face, attentively studying the small lines starting to form around her mouth and eyes as she brung her hand up to touch the delicate skin.
   How could I ever be enough for her? Why would she ever want to be with someone as old and worn down as me?
   Meanwhile, you were downstairs on the couch waiting for Diane, scrolling through your phone as the show on the TV provided background noise. You texted your friend Rose, that was also an art major, and started talking about how both of you were so excited but nervous for your first exhibit of the year. She said she was so excited to see you again after being apart so long since you decided to do school from online for the semester.
Despite learning new techniques from your professors through a laptop screen, your art had seemingly improved since last year. It felt good to stay in the comfort of Diane's home and having the ability to work at your own pace, excluding your art deadlines, of course.
A few minutes later, you heard the familiar clacking of your girlfriend's boots as she descended the stairs and called out for you. "Darling, are you ready?" She shouted, stopping in her tracks as she seen you getting up from the couch. She trailed her eyes over you almost predatorily as she observed your choice of outfit. You gave her a wicked smile and chuckled lowly at her actions as you sauntered over to her.
"Well, don't you look lovely, Miss Sherman" you complimented as you reached out to glide your fingertips across the lapels of her jacket. "I could say the same about you, my girl. You look divine." Diane replied, reaching out to rest her hands on the accentuated dip of your waist as a result of the corset top. She pulled you closer, pressing a long, delicate kiss against your lips. You pulled back to trail your eyes over her a second time. "We actually kinda match right now, it's perfect." You said, pointing between the two of you. She nodded and agreed with a chuckle. She grabbed your hand, asking if you were ready before grabbing her car keys and pulling you towards the front door.
Diane had already seen most of your paintings, but there was one you made sure she hadn't seen yet. You painted a piece that was dedicated to her, and you decided to submit it as one of your exhibit pieces. It was one of the main reasons why you wanted to invite her. You were so unbelievably nervous that she was going to hate it, but you wanted to do something special, just for her. She had done so much for you over the last two years, and you wanted, no, needed to express to her how much you loved and adored her.
The drive was mostly silent, a few short conversations here and there as Diane drove down the road that almost seemed endless. Diane wasn't oblivious, though. She knew you better than anyone else, and she definitely knew when you were nervous. She could tell by the nail-biting and leg bouncing that this event had got you wound up for some reason. She just brushed it off, hoping it was just the normal anxiousness due to other people observing your art.
Once Diane pulled up to the college and found a parking spot, you unbuckled your seatbelt and heaved out a sigh, closing your eyes to ground yourself. Diane snuck her hand over and intertwined it with yours, making you open your eyes and look over to the auburn-haired woman.
"Everything will be fine, my darling." Diane reassured, leaning over to press a chaste kiss to your cheek which caused your cheeks to turn a tinge of pink. You nodded, turning to pull the door handle and push it open. You raced over to Diane's side before she had a chance to get out by herself, so you placed your hand out for her to grasp as she got out.
   Opening the doors to the building, you were instantly met with a vast collection of paintings and sculptures that were all made by students. All the pieces looked so lively and diverse. You and Diane strolled around hand in hand, sparking conversation with other people about a certain piece or mumbling to each other about how you liked a certain piece. You came upon a few of your own, but hadn't yet gotten to the one that felt most important to you, though. As you started searching around you to see if you could spot it, two arms wrapped around your shoulders from behind. You looked over to Diane, knowing it couldn't be her because she was standing beside of you, so you pulled out of the person's embrace and turned around to see your friend Rose.
   "Rose!" You exclaimed, letting go of Diane's hand to hug the blonde-haired woman, swaying back and forth from the impact. Diane couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy as you embraced the other girl so enthusiastically, an unamused look making its way onto Diane's face. She felt like snatching you up and pulling you back to her side, but she refrained from doing so to keep from embarrassing you and her both. She stood back while you let go of your friend. Finally, Diane thought.
"Diane, you've met Rose before." You said, motioning your hand to Rose as you looked at your girlfriend. All Diane did was nod, mumbling a 'nice to see you again' as she tentatively shook Rose's hand. Even though Diane hid her emotions very well sometimes, you looked right through her, instantly knowing something was bothering her by her facial expressions, but you didn't want to bring it up right now. The three of you walked around for a few more minutes, Diane’s arm planted firmly around your waist. You smirked at the gesture, knowing how possessive she could be when she was jealous. Diane couldn't help but notice the way Rose sometimes stopped to pick a stray piece of hair off of your clothes or the way she grabbed your arm when you said something that made her laugh. She wanted to keep you as close to her as she possibly could.
Diane was becoming increasingly insecure, being reminded of all those thoughts that came around from time to time about how you could have someone so much more...lively than her; younger and more beautiful than she could ever be. Tears almost pricked at the corner of her eyes at the mere thought of losing you, but she held back the tears that threatened to fall...for you. She didn't want to spoil this night for you.
Rose had left the two of you and went to talk to a few critics. You and Diane pretty much cleared the whole exhibit, except for the last of your pieces, which you had been purposefully avoiding so you could save it for last. Out of all the art you submitted, the piece you were about to show her took the longest. You made sure to make it as perfect as possible. You grabbed a hold of your girlfriend's hand, pulling her close enough so you could whisper in her ear.
"I have one more thing to show you" you whispered, ghosting your lips from her ear over to her cheek to give her a small kiss there. She shivered at the feeling of your mouth. Her skin underneath your lips turned a small tinge of red before she narrowed her eyes at you, wondering what you had in store for her.
You covered her eyes with your hands as you got closer to the corner of the building you two hadn't been to yet. She lifted her hands to lightly grip your wrists as the pushed her further down the hallways. "Really y/n...what amazing thing do you have to show me that you have to cover my eyes for?" Diane chuckled half-heartedly, still feeling in an insecure and jealous mood from earlier.
"Because I want to get your initial reaction when you see it...Okay, okay, you can open you eyes now, darling." You quickly sped in front of her and whipped around with your arms open wide to present her the piece you were standing in front of. Diane stood there in complete awe, looking up to the giant painting of herself. Her mouth dropped open, tears sprinting to her eyes as she observed the immaculate detail of the artwork in front of her. The painting was probably taller than her if it were to sit level with the floor. She recognized that your reference picture for the painting was from a photo you had taken of her from a few weeks ago. She was smiling so bright because she had started laughing at something dumb you said right before you snapped the photo.
   "Y/n..." she muttered, looking over to you with tears streaming down her sculpted face. You thought for a second that she hated it, but the second after that she launched in your arms and gave a bone-crushing hug. She pulled back and held your face with her hands, she leaned forward, locking her lips firmly with yours, all of her love and affection flowing into you.
    "This must've taken you hours, honey. How did you hide it so well?" She queried as she pulled back and sniffled while she looked into your shining e/c orbs.
   "Well when I said that I was gonna drive to the studio at the college to finish up some things...I was working on this." You replied, pointing to the painting. "I wanted to show you how much I appreciate you, Diane. You’ve treated me so well in these last couple of years, and...I love you more than words can describe...so I decided to express it by painting this..." you paused a moment, looking to Diane with an equally endearing look that was just as intense. "You're my piece of art, Diane, the beautiful artwork I can look at forever and ever and never get tired of it, and don't you ever forget that." You said, coming closer to her and pointing in the middle of her chest.
   Not long after the heartfelt moment, you both decided to go home. Most of the drive was silent as you both bobbed your heads to the old rock/alternative music on the radio. The sun was setting fast, displaying various hues of orange, pink, and yellow as you traveled back down the lonely road. You wanted to bring up why she started acting a little weird at the event, but you opted to ask her once you got home.
   Diane parked the car in the driveway, leaning back in her seat for a moment before she twisted her head to the side to look at you. She smiled lovingly at you as you turned your head to look at her, too. God, She's so in love with you. All of her past relationships and the relationship with her mother was so toxic and abusive. She had been single for several years before she met you because of the trauma from her past, but then you came along and pretty much swooped in like her saving grace when you walked into that grocery store.
   You two walked inside, dropping down bags and shoes at the front door and sighing before you turned to each other and started giggling.
    "Thank you for coming with me" you said as you draped your arms over her shoulders, hers coming to wrap around your waist. "I wouldn't have missed it for the world, my girl." And god, how you loved the term of endearment — the subtle reminder that you were hers made your head spin.
   But then you remembered you needed to talk to her about her mood earlier. You sighed heavily as you took her hands and led her to the couch. She became confused as you sat down beside her, knees touching as you both sat at an angle.
   "I didn't want to bring it up earlier, but I noticed your change in mood after Rose showed up...was somebody jealous?" you said, bringing her knuckles up to your mouth and pressing a soft kiss to the pale skin as a smirk displayed on your features. She gazed at you with narrowed eyes. "What? No...maybe...I don't know." She shrugged and shook her head, giving up on a coherent answer as she pulled her hand away from your grasp. You leaned more towards her, almost settling in her lap. "You know i'm yours, Diane. I only have eyes for you, Miss Sherman." You replied with a teasing smirk as you laid a kiss on her jawline. She moved her hands to settle on your hips. "That's right, darling, you're mine...my girl." She whispered into your ear as she pulled you closer by the hips, feeling her hot breath against the shell of your ear. She nipped the flesh there lightly. You let out a few soft groans as she leaned back against the couch with the most wicked smirk on her full lips.
  "But in all seriousness, my love, please tell me what's wrong. I know somethings up in that head of yours." You reach up to brush your fingers through her long silky hair.
  Diane hesitated for a second as she shuffled around in her spot. She hadn't necessarily talked to you about how she got insecure sometimes about her age and how you were so much younger and more attractive than her. She brought it up jokingly at times about how she was "old", but you always made sure to reassure her, even if it was just a joke, because deep down you knew her and how she got sometimes when she fell into that spiral of deprecating thoughts. But other than that, you two hadn't really talked about it any further.
   Diane sighed deeply before speaking. "I just don't feel like I'm enough for you..." she started, trailing her eyes up to see the saddened expression that instantly broke out on your face. "I'm so much older and less attractive and boring and you're so...so beautiful and vibrant and young. I just don't see how you could be in love with me. You could have anybody out there...someone like...like Rose. Even her name sounds pretty. I'm just Diane." She spilled out, a single tear falling down her face as she finished. You reached out to wipe it away before you cupped her face in your hands and looked at her silently for a moment. You leaned in and kissed her forehead, her nose, her eyelids, her cheeks, and then lastly placed a long kiss on her soft plump lips.
   You pulled back to admire her once more, taking in every single little detail of her face with an intensely endearing look in your bright eyes, absentmindedly stroking her lips with your thumb.
    "You are absolutely more than enough for me, darling. If anything, I don't understand sometimes why you would want to be with someone as young and dumb and as naive as me." You paused, chuckling to yourself and thinking about all the times you’ve neglected to use common sense or make dumb little mistakes in the presence of Diane. "And you are not any of those terms that you just used to describe yourself. You are beautiful and lively and fun and deserving of all the good things in life. And you are not old. You may be significantly older than me, but that doesn’t alter my love for you in any way. Like I said earlier today, you are my piece of art, and I intend to keep it that way. I want you, and only you. And I will keep saying it all day every day until you get that through your thick skull." You concluded as you smiled at her and pointed your finger in the middle of her chest to show that you meant it.
   Diane had more tears flowing down her cheeks by the end of your little speech, thankfully from happiness this time. She pulled you back down to her and hugged you so tight you thought you were going to split in two. You let out a strangled 'oof' as she finally let you go and gave a few long kisses to your lips.
   It continued for a few more minutes, both of you basking in the warmth radiating off the other as you sat in her lap, sets of hands roaming the other's body.
   You climbed off of her and pushed her down into the soft cushions of the couch. "Now, Miss Sherman, let me prove to you how beautiful you are."
A/N: I really enjoyed writing this🥺 would y'all maybe like a part 2 where it picks up right where the ending left off...with smut (of course)👀
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sheloooveswomen · 2 years
i don’t normally do this pt.2 - diane sherman x reader
summary: fluff. 8 months into your relationship with diane. again she never kidnapped chloe or did any of that other stuff we overlook. she's a full time chem professor instead of just a substitute.
includes: diane x fem!reader, thoughts are italicized, all in diane’s POV.
warnings: smut implied so slightly nsfw? meh
inspired by Sweet Whispers Asmr’s audio on youtube
2,044 words
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At some point during the night I ended up being big spoon. How the turn tables. After a moment of admiring the feeling of Y/n's body against mine I caress down her arm, over her hip, and up her spine. Pulling the covers up more when goosebumps form on her skin. I move her hair from her neck to trace the love bite I left there just before we fell asleep. I shift closer again so my knees fit just behind hers. My naked chest flushed against her bare back And the sensitive part behind her ear accessible to me. 
Soon after, her hand takes my own that's wrapped around her waist and she brings it up to her lips to kiss before holding it to her chest, "Baby?" she whispers.
"Oh you're up?" I lift my head to see my favorite face, "Can't sleep either, hm?" I smile sheepishly.
She smiles to let me know she’s not actually upset, "Not when you do that" her nose brushes against mine when she turns her head.
"I'm sorry, honey.��� I peck her forehead as she wipes the sleep from her eyes, “I'm wide awake and you were just lying there looking so kissable."
She yawns, shuffling closer to me, "I'm not complaining"
I give her one more kiss before pulling her into me and whispering, "Go back to sleep baby" I tuck her head under my chin.
She pulls my leg up over her hip, "Something keeping you up?"
"Are we feeling anxious tonight?" she asks.
"No we are not." I smile.
"Something must be up, I know you were tired earlier" she laughs into my bare chest, "Is it work? Are you stressed, my love?"
I can never form a thought whenever she uses my love, "Uh no I’m not really stressed. I'm always thinking about work- when I'm not thinking of you of course"
Her voice is raspy with sleep, "Professor Sherman! Flirting this early in the morning? At least make me some breakfast first!"
"Are you hungry because I can"
"No I was kidding—"
I grab my glasses and move to get my robe, "Are you sure? I don't mi—"
She rolls onto her back, "Babe"
Using a hair tie from the dresser, I put my hair up in a ponytail, "I went to the store yesterday so—"
"—we're all stocked up. I was already out since I had to get more binders and dividers and what not anyways- mmf" I’m cut off by a kiss.
"Diane?" she whispers against my lips.
"Hi..." I look down to see her sitting up on her knees on the bed, hands holding the collar of my robe, "I mean- yes?"
"I'm not hungry so please take this off and get back in bed?"
"Okay?" she takes my glasses off.
"Okay." I watch her untie my dressing gown, "Yep." she then tosses it onto the chair in the corner before laying back down.
Y/n opens her arms for me to lay in, "You sure you're alright? No nightmare or anything? You haven’t had one in a while."
I peck the worry line between her brows, sitting up on my elbow to hover over her, "I'm alright. Really, sweetie."
"I told you to wake me if you have one, right?"
"You did" I smile when her index finger traces my jawline.
"And you promised to wake me" she taps the dimple in my chin.
"I did but honestly I'm alright. I don't know why I can't sleep. I may stay up for a bit but you" I dip my head for a kiss, "mmm...I forget what I was gonna say. You keep kissing me like that I'll never remember—"
She smirks into a longer kiss.
"Now I'll never get back to sleep, happily so mind you."
I feel her hand trail up my side, up my neck, then pulling the scrunchie out of my hair. Freeing it in order for her to run her fingers through it. A light tug at the roots tilts my head back. I lift her leg to be around my waist and grip her thigh as her lips find my pulse point.
After a heavenly few minutes I nuzzle into her neck and return the action, I peck her shoulder, "You are so warm...I love it."
"You could just turn the AC off—"
Her chest rumbles as she laughs, "Annie I'm beginning to think you make the house cold on purpose"
I lift my head, "What? Wha- I- how dare you. The house is kept at a healthy temperature for the cat. You think he's a jerk when he's hungry? Well he's the one controlling the thermostat."
"Oh sure" she draws me closer by my chin, earning a happy sigh from me.
"I would love to keep the house warm enough that we don't have to share our body heat or a blanket or a nice, long, warm shower"
She rolls her eyes, "But the cat controls the thermostat."
"Exactly! And what fun would that be?" I shift so we're chest to chest, legs intertwined, "This is great fun...radioisotope fun"
She blinks at me.
"Right" I raise my hand like I'm taking an oath, "no sciency work talk in bed" I steal a quick kiss.
"Thank you, Professor Sherman."
"Thank you for being awake with me."
"You sure everything's okay?" she kisses the knuckles of my right hand.
"I promise. Things are good- no things are great. I just have a lot of ideas, creativity flowing. With the holidays over my mind is always going. It’s hard to shut off sometimes, admittedly, so I think that's all it is."
"Well..." she kisses my wrist and lays my arm over her shoulder, "I can always help get your mind off of things."
"What are we talking about...?" my eyes go wide.
"Oh gosh- that came out dirtier than I intended—"
"No no no wait a minute, that's okay- let's unpack that. Y-you can- you can take my mind off of things? Do tell. Better yet, show me?"
"You'd like that wouldn't you?"
"I'm all for testing theories" I shrug, eyes zeroing in on her lips as she leans closer.
Pulling her head back just when I think she'll close the gap.
"The betrayal." I groan and roll onto my back, throwing my arm over my face.
I hear her laugh before I feel her legs on either side of me.
"I think it's already working" I mumble, eyes still covered.
Her mouth meets mine softly.
"My brain has gone to mush!"
She laughs into another kiss after moving my arm so she can cup my face.
"Mhm, I can think of nothing but you now..."
My hands find the dip of her waist, rolling her hips against mine, and gliding down to rest on her ass.
Where I land a smack.
I open an eye to see her staring at me shocked and amused.
"Oh honey, don't look so surprised."
"Aren't we handsy tonight" she chuckles.
"It was a reflex. I had no control of it actually, like a hiccup. It just happened." I smack the other side, "There it goes again!"
Her head drops against my chest as she laughs, "I like how open you are with me now, you're cute when you're shy but I like when you're...you? I guess."
"You are a regular poet, you know that?"
Y/n swats my arm, "Stop, you know what I mean—"
"Such a way with words!" I continue.
She shakes her head smiling, "I take it back."
"Careful, I may find a new stunning yet mysterious coffee shop regular to pick up and lure into my bed."
She squints, "You say that like you planned it. I ran after you, you didn't lure me."
"If that's what you want to believe, sweetheart. I'm just really good at playing aloof, hard to get."
"Hard to get- babe we kissed within an hour of speaking."
"And now you're laying on top of me in nothing but your underwear after an evening of love making, so don't knock my methods. Don’t hate the player, hate the game."
We have a stare down.
"Yeah I did not expect any of that to turn out the way it did" I admit.
"Any of this you mean" she lays her head on my chest.
"I was a nervous wreck, I'd love to say I look back on it fondly but honestly I blacked out the second we made eye contact."
She laughs and places a small kiss above my heart.
My hand rubs her back out of habit, "I do like being awake with you like this though. When it feels like everyone else is fast asleep and we're wrapped up in our own little cocoon of coziness here, absolutely lovely."
"I agree" she shifts to lay only half on top of me and pulls up the covers.
I arch my back so she can slide her arm underneath me, "How are things with you anyway? We've both had so much going on lately I feel like we haven't had a chance to connect much- our activities from earlier aside" I ask.
"Activities?" she lets out a huff of amusement, "Like you I've been readjusting to my routine. There are more things to focus on- things to worry about really. I'm in much better shape with your support this year, but I do have some not so good days."
"I'm glad I can be of service. We only have so much control, it's not very productive in the end to have our heads wrapped up in everything. We’d just end up kind of exhausted and on edge, doing neither of us any good. Easier said than done, I suppose."
She hums in agreement.
"Wait- oh dear—" I tighten my grip on her arm that lays over my stomach.
"What's wrong, baby?" she lifts her head.
I cup her face with my hand, "Those thoughts!" I gasp.
Her frown of concern deepens, "What?"
"My mind has turned back on! It's effecting you now, too! Quick- kiss me again!"
I roll on top of her and kiss all over her face, then down her neck.
"Turning off your brain by turning me on then?" she asks.
“So clever” I chuckle darkly before drawing her into a long kiss, "Problem?"
"No, please continue." she giggles.
I give her a quick peck, "Better?"
"Yes but you shouldn't stop, just it case." she wraps her arms around my shoulders.
"I absolutely adore you" I smile down at her.
"And I you" she pushes me onto my back, her kisses move from my cheek to my jaw to my neck where she nibbles ever so slightly, making me laugh.
"Oouu...yes please" I inhale sharply when her mouth lowers to my chest, "I so love your kisses..."
"They make me all tingly" I reply sounding far away, "I mean kissing is sort of its own language in and of itself, right? Probably one of the most beautiful ones at that. It can be sweet and sensual. It gets all those happy hormones working."
Her shoulders shake slightly with a laugh.
"Do you feel it too?"
She rests her cheek on my stomach and smiles up at me, "A little"
I gasp, "Only a little?! Well we'll have to fix that then won't we."
"Mhm" she smiles.
"Mhm" I reach for my phone, "lay right here for me." I pat the space beside me, eyes still on the screen.
"What're you doing?" she asks when her head hits her pillow.
"Setting an alarm"
Her brows raise a fraction, "Shit, there's life tomorrow."
I smile, "Yes but according to my alarm we are calling in sick" I return my device to the charger.
"Are we?" she grins.
"Oh yeah, we're going to be very very tired."
"Are we?" she feigns confusion.
I shrug, "I have a feeling" my hand finds the waistband of her underwear, "and I see you're having the same feelings..."
"Gonna tell them you're coming down with something?"
"Can't exactly tell them I'm going down on someone"
Her laughter quickly turns to moans, making me debate which is my favorite sound.
Turns out she was actually hungry.
Very very very hungry.
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agathasangel · 3 years
you just don’t know it yet but baby, i’ve already got your heart (diane sherman x fem!reader NSFW)
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both an anon and @magnifique-monstre  requested yandere prompt 6 and 17 (i think?) so I’m gonna combine them because they would go together well
prompt 6: “Pretend you never saw that. I can’t stand it when you look so scared.”
prompt 17: “I’m the only thing keeping you safe from a filthy, disgusting world.”
warnings: everything, basically. it’s pretty fucked up actually. TW for drugging, stalking, dubcon, emetophobia warning (just one mention), kidnapping, etc. also teacher!diane
summary: Diane Sherman was your Professor, and then your girlfriend, and then your caretaker. As the days start to become hazy and mixed up with one another, you wonder if Diane is trustworthy. 
Every day was basically the same. Wake up, take your meds, have breakfast with Diane. Then you would either accompany Diane to school or she would take you to the doctor’s or sometimes, if you felt up to it, she would take you on some sort of outing. She never liked to leave you alone and protectively followed you nearly everywhere you went. She took you home, and you would rest by her as she worked on her grading. At night Diane would make dinner for the two of you, the two of you would relax together, she would make sure you took the medication you needed at night and then you fell asleep in her arms.
It was nice. But you noticed that you started to forget things. You sometimes forgot how you even knew Diane, you even forgot your whole life before you met her at times. You were supposed to be on medical leave for a semester, which turned into a whole year, and- how long has it been now? You had no idea. You thought it was still summer, but the days started to blur together. The next year may have started, you had no way of knowing. Diane taught year round, so you went to school with her either way.
You remembered how everything started, though. You were a freshman, and you had moved across the country for college. You felt alone, and scared. You took a Chemistry class because you had to take some sort of science course, and it was the only one available when you signed up. You dreaded going, until you saw Professor Sherman. You struggled a bit in the class, so you went to her office hours. It was also a good excuse to talk to her, you thought. 
She was a lot nicer than some of your other professors, and she helped you through the problems you struggled with.
“You know, students don’t usually like to come to my office hours, so feel free to show up whenever you need me. Alright, hon?”
“Of course. Thanks, Professor.”
How did it turn into this?
Oh, right. You and Diane started to get closer, and you started to come down with lots of rashes, general pains, and you started getting sick to your stomach more and more. 
One day, you emailed Diane to tell her you couldn’t make it to her lab because you had thrown up that morning, to which she responded by asking what dorm you were in and if you needed anything.
It might be nice if you could bring me some saltines or something to settle my stomach? I have nothing in my dorm and can’t really stand up yet. Don’t worry about it though. I don’t want to get you sick, and are you even allowed in the dorms?
- (y/n)
I’ll be fine, and it really isn’t a big deal. We’re both adults, and I just want to help you.
- thinking of you, Prof. Diane Sherman
Next thing you remember, Diane showed up to your dorm a few minutes after your lab would have ended and brought not just crackers, but ginger ale, soup, water, blankets, and several different medicines. You talked for a while too, but couldn’t for the life of you remember what about. But you did remember that she stayed with you as long as you needed her, and promised to come back if you needed it.
You didn’t get better. You managed to get through your finals and pass your first semester classes, but you ended up having to spend much of Winter break in the hospital. Your parents came to visit, as did Diane. Diane actually came back every day, making sure you were okay.
You remembered that because of the silver necklace Diane gave you that Christmas that you still wore every single day. You felt bad when you got it because you didn’t think to get her a gift, but she told you not to worry about that, this was just a little thing that made her think of you. Besides, you were in the hospital!
“You know (y/n), I don’t have anyone else to visit over the holidays. I’m glad I get to be with you. I just wish it were under better circumstances.”
You started feeling a bit better and were able to come back for your second semester classes. You didn’t have Diane as a professor anymore, but you started to become friends. You would get coffee, or dinner. One night she asked you to come home with her, and be her girlfriend, to which you immediately agreed.
You slowly spent fewer nights at your dorm and more nights with Diane, and then you got sick again.  After that, she convinced you to move in with her full-time, and you’ve been living in her house and sleeping in her bed ever since. 
Right now, you were sitting in Diane’s and your bed, as she made dinner. You struggled to remember what happened next. This was when everything started to blend together. Your illnesses worsened even more shortly after you moved in with Diane. You remember being confined to the very same bed as Diane helped you do your finals from home, as she explained the situation to your parents and easily charmed them, convincing them you were in great hands.
“(Y/n), time for dinner!”, Diane called. She then walked to the bedroom to check if you needed any help.
“I’m fine, actually. I’ve been feeling a little better.”
“Good. Such a brave, good girl. Now eat up, alright baby?” cooed the older woman as she led you to the table and sat you down.
“Well, physically I’ve been feeling better, but-”
“What? What’s wrong? Have I not been paying enough attention to you? Are you feeling sad? anxious? My poor baby-”
“No, none of that. I’ve just been- forgetting things. Like, big chunks. My memories are so foggy. It’s hard for me to think at all sometimes.”
“Oh, honey, that’s just a side effect of your medication. It’s okay, it won’t last forever. And I’ll help you fill in any gaps you need until then. But you don’t need to worry. Not when you’re with me. Okay angel?”
“Yes, Mommy.”
“Oh, we’re in that kind of mood, are we?”
“Is that okay?”
“Very, very, okay, little one.”
Mommy was what you called Diane most often during sex. It turned her on immensely, and it excited you as well. 
Diane grabbed you and brought you to the bed, tearing off your clothes.
“Are you still feeling good?”
“Yes Mommy.”
“Such a good girl for me. Such a good girl for Mommy.”
You spread your legs for her and she started touching you. But then-
“Mommy stop please. I can’t do this, Diane-”
“Alright. I’m sorry, I’ll go get your meds.
Diane went to the bathroom to get your meds and sleep aids.
“Yes, sweetheart?”
“Why can’t I remember things? I can’t even remember some things about my family.”
“A side effect of some of your medication sweetie. I told you that.”
“You did?”
“Yes. I will tell you this, my love. People have hurt you, in your past. I remember when we met you were having such a difficult time. You wanted friends, you had so much trouble making friends. The other students were so mean to you. Your parents they- they acted like having to come see you when you were in the hospital was some kind of inconvenience. It was awful. You were so lonely.”
“I know I was lonely.”
“Yes, sweetheart. You needed someone. You needed me. I have to be the one to take care of you. I am the only person that can love the way you deserve to be loved. I’m the only thing keeping you safe from a filthy, disgusting world. And I need you too. I need to love and protect you.”
“Yes, Diane. I need to sleep now.”
“Alright. Come here, darling,” said Diane. She held you until you fell asleep.
Next thing you knew, you were tied to the pole in the basement with several ropes. Diane was tying more and more ropes around you, around different parts of your body. The world felt heavy, blurry, fluid. 
“Please stop, Diane. Why are you doing this?”
“It’s for your own good, darling. Trust me. You need this.”
The ropes began to cover your entire body. Your face, eyes, neck. Especially your neck. There was a sharp sting on your neck.
Your eyes flew open, and you awoke in a cold sweat, and screamed. 
It was just a dream, I’m safe, thank God. Diane would never-
But then you noticed Diane. She was holding a small syringe, that seemed empty. And your neck stung. She was startled by your scream, clearly not expecting you to have woken up.
“Pretend you never saw that. I can’t stand it when you look so scared.”
“What did you do to me? What was in there, Diane?”
“You need it, sweetheart. I know you don’t like needles.”
“No. Why didn’t you tell me? What’s going on?”
“You need this. You need me. Your-”
You searched for the syringe and found it. There was a thick, black residue on it, and you sniffed it. It gave you a head rush.
“You’ve been drugging me. This is why I’ve forgotten things, isn’t it?”
“Come on, angel. You know I wouldn’t”
“Don’t worry, just go back to sleep.”
You did feel tired. So tired. And you couldn’t even remember what you and Diane were even fighting about. So you went to sleep in her arms.
The next morning, Diane made you breakfast. 
“How did you sleep, (y/n)?”
“I don’t know. I think I had a nightmare but I can’t remember-”
“Oh no! At least you can’t remember it, right?”
“I- I guess so.”
Diane felt relief that you didn’t remember what happened last night. Her plan was working. You would be hers, her precious girl, forever. All that work to find you, to make you trust her, making you sick, making you need her. She knew everything about you. You were her perfect girl, and she was yours. And you always would be.
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cabensonsgirly · 3 years
👼These Violent Delights Have Violent Ends (Multi-char)[NSFW]👼
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Multiple SP characters x fem!reader
Xandra, Billie-Dean, Ally Mayfair, Anne Gillette, Audrey Tindall, Wilhemina Venable, Ellie Staple, Diane Sherman, Mildred Ratched.
👼Slice 1👼
Co-authored with @billiedeannovak even though she’ll deny it.
👼Wordcount: 3111👼
👼Published on AO3: Read Here👼
👼Content (some for later parts):Super AU, Dubious consent, slow-burn, manipulation, face-slapping, drug-use, alcohol, smut, cunnilingus, strap-on, cum, choking, degradation, sex-work, court, mentions of murder-suicide, descriptions of violence, bruises, choking, spit, mommy kink, humiliation, public sex/teasing👼
👼D.A. Novak:      What was the reason for the altercation?
Clark:                There was a customer that had been trying to… Pressure Ms. Gillette into giving him information about how she is able to obtain such wonderful pieces for her gallery. She had asked him numerous times to leave but he didn’t. Instead he had grabbed her wrist and tried- tried taking her to somewhere out of view but she had punched him and broken out of his grasp. The man retaliated by pushing her causing her to fall in which she twisted her ankle and fractured her wrist. She was able to get up with my assistance where she then punched him with her uninjured hand.  👼
                          ANNE GILLETTE
 Court:             Members of the Jury, Anne Gillette has been charged in two counts with the crime of murder in violation of Penal Code §187. The information alleges that on or about December 17, 2010, in Manhattan, New York, the defendant, Anne Gillette, did kill Bert Gillette and Elaine Gillette, in violation of Penal Code §187. To this charge, Anne Gillette, has entered a plea of not guilty.
Court:             District Attorney Casey Novak you may call your first witness.
D.A. Novak:   Your Honour, the People call Adeline Clark.
D.A. Novak:   How are you employed, Miss Clark?
Clark:              I am employed as an assistant at Ms. Gillette’s Art Gallery.
D.A. Novak:   Back in early April, 2010, did you call the police to the gallery because the defendant, Anne Gillette, had injured and been injured in an altercation?
Clark:             Yes, I did.
D.A. Novak:     Do you remember which officers responded to the call out?
Clark:               No. I wasn’t introduced to them once they arrived. I had been tending to Ms. Gillette’s injuries.
D.A. Novak:     Do you remember what the altercation was about?
Clark:               Yes, I do.
D.A. Novak:       What was the reason for the altercation?
Clark:               There was a customer that had been trying to… Pressure Ms. Gillette into giving him information about how she is able to obtain such wonderful pieces for her gallery. She had asked him numerous times to leave but he didn’t. Instead he had grabbed her wrist and tried- tried taking her to somewhere out of view but she had punched him and broken out of his grasp. The man retaliated by pushing her causing her to fall in which she twisted her ankle and fractured her wrist. She was able to get up with my assistance where she then punched him with her uninjured hand.
D.A. Novak:      How did you manage to call the police so that they would arrive before the perpetrator fled?
Clark:               I was able to call the police with the earpiece we have to take calls while we are away from the phone so that was how I was able to help Ms. Gillette get up. The man had been knocked back and looked like he was a bit surprised by Ms. Gillette’s actions so that’s how the police arrived before he was able to make a run for it.
D.A Novak:       Is this the first time that Ms. Gillette has been involved in some altercation while you were present?
Clark:               No. There have been a lot of people that harass her while we are out and about. I am usually able to stop them from getting to her but sometimes they get too close.
D.A. Novak:      Were you with Ms. Gillette the day of Bert and Elaine Gillette’s murder?      
Clark:               I was.  
D.A. Novak:       Where were you both between the hours of two and five am?
Clark:              We were getting ready to go to Paris to meet connections in the art world so that we could get a wider variety of pieces for the gallery.
D.A. Novak:       Did Gillette leave at any point during those three hours?
Clark:               No.
D.A. Novak:       Do you see Ms. Gillette in court today?
Clark:               I do.
D.A. Novak:       Could you please point her out for the jury?
Clark:               She’s sitting right there. (Pointing to the defendant)
D.A. Novak:      No further questions, Your Honour.
Court:             Defence Counsel Rita Calhoun, you may cross examine.
Calhoun:           So Ms. Gillette is often subject to unwarranted harassment while you both go about your day?  
Clark:              Yes she is. I have tried convincing her to get private security, but she insists that it isn’t necessary.
D.C. Calhoun:   Do you have an opinion as to whether she has done anything to warrant such treatment from the public?
Clark:               She has done nothing but try and run her business. She has me send ten percent of profits to charities at the end of each business month.
D.C. Calhoun:   By the way, Ma’am, who provided Gillette the funds to start her gallery in the first place?
Clark:               Her parents, Bert and Elaine Gillette.
D.C. Calhoun:   She had backing by her parents?
Clark:               Yes she did. They hoped that she succeeded at something for once in her life.
D.C. Calhoun:   Now, when you were at her residence the day of the alleged murder, are you positive that Gillette did not leave the property?
Clark:               Positive!
D.C. Calhoun:   No further questions, Your Honour.
Court:             Miss Clark you may step down. Any additional witnesses on behalf of the People?
D.A. Novak:       Your Honour, the People call Nigel Prestwick.
D.A. Novak:      How do you know the defendant Ms. Gillette?
Prestwick:       She had been accused of stealing money from the Prestwick Foundation, making donations to recipients which supposedly were her. However, the case was closed due to the money being replaced.
D.A. Novak:      Despite this, recently you decided to press embezzlement charges, correct?
D.C. Calhoun:   Objection! Mr. Prestwick was put under duress and blackmailed to press charges by Detective Olivia Benson and Detective Ashok Ramsey.
Court:             Objection sustained.
D.A. Novak:      Requesting permission to approach the bench, Your Honour.
Court:             Granted.
Casey runs her lithe fingers through her hair as she lets out a frustrated sigh, glaring at Rita as though the woman herself had committed the murder. Rita simply quirked a brow, an amused smile tugging slightly at her lips, “What is the issue, Novak? We both know that Prestwick was blackmailed into pressing those charges by Benson and Ramsey.” The Judge gives Casey a look of disbelief “Is this true?”
The red head supresses the urge to roll her eyes and cuss Rita out and deny it, but she was under oath and getting caught out in a lie wouldn’t end well for anyone. “It’s hardly blackmail. Benson and Ramsey just took a photo of Prestwick in a compromising position and said that he either go ahead with embezzlement charges or they show the videos of him to his wife. At least it’s not fuc- At least it’s not murder” she hisses out angrily.
Rita shakes her head and looks at the Judge “Can the witness be removed from the stand because of this, Your Honour?” The Judge nods and motions for them to return to their respective places. A thoroughly perturbed Casey makes her way back and scribbles something down on paper, throwing one last glare at Rita; The older woman returns to sit beside the defendant, whispering in her ear “the Judge is going to dismiss the witness. Don’t worry, I’ll make sure you are found not-guilty.”
Court:             The witness, Nigel Prestwick is dismissed due to unscrupulous methods being used in order to get charges pressed against the defendant.
Court:             Mr. Prestwick you may step down. Any additional witnesses on behalf of the People?
D.A. Novak:    Your Honour, the People call Detective Ashok Ramsey.
D.A. Novak:      Detective, how do you know the defendant?
Ramsey:           I have been investigating her for a while now for tax evasion, and embezzlement.
D.C. Calhoun:   Objection! Relevance. We are here because the defendant has been accused of murder, not tax evasion and embezzlement where the charges have already been dropped.
Court:             Objection sustained. Change line of questioning or dismiss the witness.
D.A. Novak:      Fine. The prosecution rests.
Court:             Defence Counsel Calhoun, do you wish to cross-examine?
D.C. Calhoun: No, your Honour.
Court: Detective Ramsey you may step down. Any additional witnesses on behalf of the People?
D.C. Calhoun:   The defence calls the Chief of Detectives, Muldrew.
D.C. Calhoun:   Fancy seeing you here, Chief Muldrew.
Muldrew:         It has been awhile, Ms. Calhoun.
D.C. Calhoun:  You have had previous encounters with my client where you, and a previous witness Mr. Prestwick-
D.A. Novak:     Objection. Relevance, what does this have to do with the current case?
D.C. Calhoun:   There will be a follow up question, your Honour.
Court:             Overruled. Get to the point, Calhoun.
D.C. Calhoun:   As I was saying… Your previous interactions with my client have been in regard to previous charges being dropped, yes?
Muldrew:         Yes, that’s correct.
D.C. Calhoun:   Is it true that with this case, you said to Olivia Benson, Ashok Ramsey, and Elliot Stabler that unless they can prove definitively that my client, Ms. Anne Gillette was the culprit, that they would be on their own?
Muldrew:         Well…
D.C. Calhoun:   Is it true or not, Chief Muldrew?
Muldrew:         Yes it is.
D.C. Calhoun:   Did you think that there was enough evidence that pointed towards Ms. Gillette before the investigation had begun formally?
Muldrew:         It was hard to say at that time-
D.C. Calhoun:   It’s a yes or no question, Chief.
Muldrew:         No, I didn’t.
D.C. Calhoun:   Upon finding out that Ms. Gillette was in the company of Miss Clark, whom I might add has no criminal record, the time Ms. Gillette committed the alleged murder, did you think that your team was desperate to get her behind bars seeing as she has gotten off previous charges?
Muldrew:         …yes.
D.C. Calhoun:   My apologies, Chief Muldrew, I didn’t quite catch that, could you repeat yourself a bit louder into the microphone please?
Muldrew:         Yes I did- do think that the detectives were just wanting to see Ms. Gillette put behind bars because they were unable to get her on prior charges.
D.C. Calhoun:   Were you aware of the methods the detectives used in order to get Mr. Prestwick to go through with pressing charges?
D.A. Novak:       Objection. Relevance.
D.C. Calhoun:   It was during this current investigation that Mr. Prestwick was blackmailed. The question is relevant.
Court:             Overruled. Might do you some good to pay attention, Novak.
D.C. Calhoun:   Chief Muldrew, your answer please.
Muldrew:         No, I was not aware of it until today.
D.C. Calhoun:   Were you also unaware of Ms. Gillette being set-up so that a confession could be coerced out of her in unusual and stressful circumstances?
Muldrew:         No, I wasn’t aware of that. By this point I did not see enough solid evidence to link Ms. Gillette to the crime, so the team were off on their own.
D.C. Calhoun:   Were you aware of what Detectives Benson, Ramsey, and Stabler were up to, would you have let them continue on their warpath?
Muldrew:         No, I wouldn’t have. There is a right way and a wrong way to go about investigating crimes, especially ones as high-profile as this.
D.C. Calhoun:   No further questions, your Honour.
Court:             District Attorney Novak, you may cross-examine.
D.A. Novak:       No thank you, your Honour.
Court:             Chief of Detective Muldrew, you may step down. Defence Counsel Calhoun, does the defence wish to call any witnesses?
D.C. Calhoun:   The defence calls the defendant, Anne Gillette.
D.C. Calhoun:   Ms. Gillette, prior to the incident, how was your gallery doing?
Gillette:           It was doing well thanks to my assistant.
D.C. Calhoun:   When did you hire Miss Clark for that position?
Gillette:           It seems like so long ago. I think it was roughly around mid-January.
D.C. Calhoun:   Why did you decide to hire Miss Clark as an assistant after unsuccessfully trying to run galleries in the past?
Gillette:           My- My parents they… thought that I deserved one more chance to do something that I was- am passionate about. I didn’t want to disappoint them again because that’s all that I seemed capable of doing. So… I looked around and discovered that most successful gallery owners have assistants to help them.
D.C. Calhoun:   Has Miss Clark met the deceased before?
Gillette:           She has.
D.C. Calhoun:   Was she aware of you being the sole heir to the estate?
Gillette:           She was not until my parents brought it up in conversation one day.
D.C. Calhoun:   Was she, Miss Clark, aware of how strained your relationship with your parents had been?
Gillette:           No. I didn’t think the past would be beneficial towards the future of my business as well as re-building the relationship with my parents. I wanted her to have an unbiased opinion of them.
D.C. Calhoun:   Were your parents still happy together?
D.A. Novak:       Objection! The defendants answer would be hearsay.
Court:             Objection sustained.
D.C. Calhoun:   Did you have concern for your father’s mental well-being before he killed your mother before himself?
Gillette:           Of course, but I- I didn’t- I never thought he was capable of… killing my mother… He was your typical man, didn’t really like discussing mental health but I knew that he would occasionally see someone. I- I don’t know what changed in those twenty-four hours…
D.C. Calhoun:    Why was the trip postponed until the day the deceased were found dead?
Gillette:             I suggested that they wait another day because my mother was still recovering from the flu. I didn’t think travelling at the time would be a pleasant experience due to her still being ill. I know from personal experience that traveling while sick is absolutely miserable, so I only wanted both my parents to enjoy their time.
D.C. Calhoun:    Were you and Miss Clark actually packing at that hour for a flight to Paris?
Gillette:           Yes we were.  We had done an online check-in for the flight so that by the time we made it to the airport we wouldn’t need to stress over running late.
D.C. Calhoun:     No further questions.
Court:               Cross examination, District Attorney Novak?
D.A. Novak:       Ms. Gillette, you have a history of failure and criminal charges, correct?
D.C. Calhoun:    Objection. Relevance to the current case as no charges were successfully pressed.
Court:             Sustained. Change line of questioning.
D.A. Novak:     You spent all the money you were given in your trust fund from your parents, correct?
D.C. Calhoun:   Objection. Relevance.  
D.A. Novak:     There will be a follow-up question, your Honour.
Court:         Overruled. That question better be relevant, Novak.
D.A. Novak:       Thank you, your Honour. Ms. Gillette, your answer please.
Gillette:           I did, yes.
D.A. Novak:      Is it true that you were upset that your mother had been discussing whether or not to remove you from their will?
Gillette:           I was, but-
D.A. Novak:       Did you threaten to kill your mother if she did not keep you on the will?
D.C. Calhoun:   Objection. Leading question.
Court:               Sustained.
D.A. Novak:     Why was your name still on the will if your mother had reason to remove you from it?
Gillette:         How would I know that?    
D.A. Novak:     Miss Clark said that you often find yourself getting involved in altercations, is this true?
Gillette:         Yes. She said it under-oath so why would she lie when the consequences would be more severe than just telling the truth?
D.A. Novak:     I’m surprised you know the consequences, Ms. Gillette, but it’s not entirely surprising seeing as you have had run-ins with the law before-
D.C. Calhoun:   Objection. What is the point?
Court:             Sustained. Hurry up and get to the point, Novak.
D.A. Novak:     Your history of run-ins leads one to believe that you are rather volatile. Have you ever hit or injured one or both of your parents?
D.C. Calhoun:   Objection. Relevance.
Court:             Overruled. Novak, continue.
D.A. Novak:     Thank you. Ms. Gillette?
Gillette:         No. I haven’t.
D.A. Novak:     I find that hard to believe, Ms. Gillette seeing as, if we are to believe what Miss Clark has been saying is true, you often react physically when an altercation arises.
Gillette:         I act in self-defence. I have never gone out of my way to deliberately injure someone! You can’t blame me for my parent’s death when I wasn’t even there!
D.A. Novak:     Yes, Ms. Gillette, I do blame you. No further questions, your Honour.
Court:             Ms. Gillette, you may step down. Defence Counsel Calhoun, any further witnesses?  
D.C. Calhoun:   The defence rests.
Court:             We will now hear closing arguments of counsel. District Attorney Novak you may proceed.
D.A. Novak:     Members of the jury – the evidence is undisputed that the defendant, Ms. Gillette brutally murdered her parents. The evidence shows that Ms. Gillette has a history of run-ins with the law as well as physical altercations. She also is clearly incapable of being smart with her money, and seeing as she is the sole heir to the Gillette Estate she has more than enough motive to commit this atrocious act. Ms. Gillette’s mother had been contemplating removing her from the will which, the defendant admitted, upset her considerably. The detectives investigating this case have reason to believe that this was indeed a homicide committed by Ms. Gillette and not a murder-suicide committed by Mr. Bert Gillette!
Court:         Defence Counsel Calhoun, you may proceed with your closing argument.    
D.C. Calhoun:    Members of the jury. My client, Ms. Gillette, is not guilty of this charge. The investigation was unjust from the start; Ms. Gillette was coerced into her confession under rather dubious circumstances, and Prestwick was blackmailed into pressing charges. The detectives have been gunning for Ms. Gillette to be sent down from the beginning. We have even heard from Chief Muldrew that he thought the detectives were out of order and were behaving inappropriately considering how high profile that this case is. Miss Clark and Ms. Gillette were at Ms. Gillette’s residence preparing for their flight and we have heard in Miss Clark’s testimony that Ms. Gillette did not leave the premises between the hours of two and five am. It is clear that there is an unfair bias towards Ms. Gillette which has narrowed their perspective. Bert Gillette had a history of mental health issues and unfortunately it seems that they got the better of him resulting in the untimely death of Elaine Gillette before he took his own life. Ms. Gillette did not kill her parents. She is not guilty.
Court:       Court is adjourned while the Jury retire to deliberate.
As soon as the Judge has left the room as well as the Jury, the courtroom is filled with the sound of people talking, only just able to be passed off as aggressive whispering. Rita lets out a breath she felt like she had been holding since Anne took the stand but surprisingly, she held her own and didn’t have one of her notorious outbursts. She sorts her papers out and puts them in her folder, a somewhat cocky smirk on her face, “I have a good feeling about this, Ms. Gillette.” Anne laughs lightly and stands up alongside Rita “I would expect nothing less from you, Ms. Calhoun. You are one of the best after all.”
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agathasangel · 3 years
Leave Everything Behind But Me Part 5- (Diane Sherman x fem!Reader)
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Woooooow I’ve been MIA. Life has been crazy.
It’s been a while since I’ve updated this fic but I thought I’d give it a go.
all the usual trigger warnings for this fic (stalking, drugging, sickness, also amnesia for this one). Also there’s a big twist that’s kinda messed up. I also apologize that this chapter is so short, there’s a lot that’s probably gonna need be explained in Part 6.
You were terrified as you heard Diane’s footsteps coming down the stairs.
“Diane- can we please just talk? I just want to talk to you.”
Diane put down the bottle on the table and sat beside you.
“What was it you wanted to say to me, my sweet girl?”
“I love you, Diane. I want everything to just be normal. I want to live a normal life with you and help you like you helped me. Please. I’m just so scared of whatever is in that. I don’t want it-”
“But without it, you’ll run away.”
“No, Diane. I won’t. Please. One day. Just give me one day. I want to help you get better from whatever- whatever this is. You’re the only one who’s ever needed me. Please-”
“I know you’re scared now, sweetheart. But I promise, it won’t hurt a bit. You won’t remember a thing. And after, we can be happy. Your fears, your doubts, they’ll all go away...”
“I want the same thing as you, Diane. You don’t have to do this! We can get help, we can get better, I can show you that you don’t have to hurt me to get me to love you! I’ll still-”
“I never hurt you!” Diane stood up and screamed. “I saved you! I protected you, you were- you were sick!”
Diane went over to the table and continued mixing together chemicals and you started to cry.
“Don’t cry, my sweet girl. It’ll all be okay...”
“What will it do to me? Will it hurt me? Will it do something to my head?”
“No, baby... you’ll just forget. Don’t you want so badly to forget? I do. I want to forget your pain and sadness... it hurts me so badly to see. My poor girl.”
Diane checked everything and picked up a syringe. She started filling it up with something. Your breathing became faster and you started to hyperventilate. You didn’t know what to do. You tried pulling at the chains, but you knew it wouldn’t work. Unless you could convince Diane to let you go, which would never happen, you would never be able to escape. Diane started towards you and you screamed.
“Shhhhh.... it’s okay... I won’t hurt you... come on...”
“Why are you doing this to me, Diane? I - I thought you loved me...”
“I do love you, (y/n). I love you more than anything. I love you too much and I am doing this out of love. I am doing this so that we can be together and be happy. Shhhh… just relax. Just cooperate with me…”
“Why…. Don’t you… don’t you love me… I’m scared… I don’t want you to hurt me...”
“I love you! I do! This won’t hurt you, or do whatever you think. I promise. Okay? It’ll calm you down. It’ll make everything go back to the way it was. Don’t you want that?”
You were so tired of fighting Diane. You loved her. You wanted everything to go back. You had no escape.
“Yes… I do… I just want- I want everything to be normal again.”
“Me too, darling. This will make that happen. Let me give you what you want, sweet girl.”
You felt a sharp sensation, and then drifted off into Diane’s arms.
You woke up in a bedroom you didn’t recognize, on a king sized bed. A woman with long red hair walked in.
“(Y/n)! You’re finally awake! I missed you, baby…”
“Thank you… um…. I- I’m sorry.”
“You’ve forgotten, haven’t you honey? I’m Diane. I’m your wife. But you’re so young, and so sick… so I became your caretaker as well. I’ll help you remember everything.”
“Di- Diane. Nice to meet you…”
“We’ve met, honey. We share this bed. A few weeks ago, you hit your head. You’ve been knocked out ever since. The hospital let me take you home yesterday, and, well, there you are! Awake and healthy…”
“But I can’t remember… anything…”
“You’ll get there, baby. I promise.”
You felt terrible. Your wife, your kind, loving wife was there taking care of you and you couldn’t remember her at all. You wanted to do everything you possibly could to get to know the beautiful woman you had just met, and maybe even remember her. You tried to get up, but was met with insane lightheadedness and fell over.
“Honey, let me help you! Do you wanna go to the living room? I’ll make you some tea or something, and we can talk.”
“I would like that, Diane. So much. I’m sorry I forgot you, you must be...”
“It’s okay, honey. I know everything will be just as it was. I love you, my sweet girl.”
Diane held you throughout walking into the living room of your little house that was so unfamiliar to you. You sat on the couch next to her.
“I just want you to tell me everything, Diane.”
“Well, we met when you were on a road trip. You were alone, you were tired of your parents. We met at a cafe, and you were exhausted and sick, so I took you home. I started taking care of you, and we fell in love. You were sick all the time, poor girl. But you were still so fun, so positive, so beautiful. I was in love with you from the moment I first saw you. One day, you kissed me and then everything worked out. I was worried because you’re so young, but everything was perfect. We were meant to be together. And then we got married. It was just the two of us, but it was the best day of my life. My sweet angel, I wish you could remember it.”
“I do too... I know I feel like I’m first meeting you but- but I love you. You’re so kind. You love me and I need that... my last memory is... um... one of my last memories is being yelled at by my parents. I was alone... how- how many years did I forget?”
“I don’t know, honey. It’s been almost four years we’ve been together now.”
“Wow. I want- I wish I-”
“It’s okay, my sweet girl. We’ll make so many new memories. Let’s watch a movie. Cuddle. Okay angel?”
“Yes, Diane. I want that.”
Diane made popcorn and put on a movie, and sat right next to you. She put her arms around you and gave you a kiss. You kissed back nervously, and stroked Diane’s pretty red hair.
“You’re so beautiful, Diane. I wanna kiss you all night.”
“I want that too. God, (y/n). I’ve missed this.”
And so you did. You spent the entire night making out with Diane until she took you to bed and you fell asleep in each other’s arms. The next day, she gave you a tour of the house, not including the basement or medicine cabinet 
”You don’t have to worry about that stuff, baby. I know how much it stresses you.”, Diane would say, “Just leave that to me. I always take the best care of my girl.”
The house was quite small, just a living room/kitchen, a bathroom that the two of you shared, and two bedrooms, one of which was never used anymore.
”And a shower big enough for the both of us, too”, said Diane with a wink.
“Maybe tonight...” you said shyly.
“Yes, as long as you feel up to it. I would love that. I’ve missed you so much.”
The next few weeks were nice. You were getting to know your beautiful wife again, and although you thought she would be hurt that you didn’t remember anything, she didn’t seem that way at all. She seemed happy. Happy to have you back, even if you couldn’t remember a thing. This woman, your wife, loved you so much. And your guilt and sadness came back one day in full swing when you remembered something. That morning, you didn’t get out of bed after Diane told you that breakfast was ready. She came back into your bedroom and saw you crying.
“Are you okay? What’s the matter?”
“I’m sorry, Diane... I just feel so bad... I wish I could remember you... It makes me so sad thinking that you- you love me and you’ve taken care of me for four years and I only remember a couple of weeks! I’m sorry... I feel like I hurt you. I just want all my memories back so bad...”
“Sweetheart... it isn’t your fault. You got hurt, that’s all. I understand it didn’t have anything to do with me.”
“But our- our wedding! I can’t even remember our wedding! You told me it was so beautiful and amazing and the best day of your life. It was probably the best day of my life too and I- I can’t remember it!” you started to cry again.
“I’m so sorry, baby. I’m sorry. I’ll make it up to you somehow, I promise.”
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agathasangel · 4 years
leave everything behind but me- part 1 (diane sherman x fem!reader)
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Warnings: Diane is still extremely dangerous, TW for stalking, drugs, and illness (also brief vomit mention), hurt/comfort with a bit more hurt, this series may end up going in an NSFW direction but there isn’t any here, I really don’t know exactly where it’s going.
AU where pretty much everything in the movie is the same except the very last scene. Diane gets out of jail but isn’t able to find or contact Chloe. This is gonna be a series and probably way too long (I’m already writing part 2). Also I know there are a lot of Diane fics that are like this, sorry about that. But this is really fun to write so oh well. 
Summary: You finally got the courage to run away and start a new life. Diane gets out of jail. She can’t find Chloe, but created a bond with another girl, you. And she would never, ever lose you. After all, you need her.
You were finally doing this. You were leaving your home behind and never looking back. You never had a good relationship with your parents, and now that you had graduated High School your parents were constantly threatening to kick you out. So instead, you decided to just leave. You had found a town on the east coast (across the country from your home state) and you had saved all your money from your job for the bus tickets, and found a roommate online, Anna. until you had finally announced to your parents that you were moving out. They acted relieved, like a huge burden was just taken off of their plate. But you knew they were secretly upset that they no longer would have someone to blame every inconvenience on.
You sat on the bus, listening to music and looking out the window. You noticed a silver minivan that happened to have been following you almost all day and on two different buses. You wondered where the driver of the minivan was going. Maybe whoever the driver was was running away too, but was lucky enough to have a car.
The bus stopped in Chicago, about halfway to your destination, and you had an eight hour layover that you had to manage to stay awake for despite the fact that you hadn’t slept in the past 24 hours. You decided to go to a cafe that was next to the bus station to get some coffee to pass the time and keep you up.
“I’ll just have a large coffee with cream and 1 sugar, please.”
“Great! That’ll be three-fifty.”
You searched in your wallet before realizing that you were completely out of cash that wasn’t going towards your bus ticket or room.
“...never mind”
“Hey, I can pay for you, don’t worry about it.” Said the woman standing behind you.
“Oh, you don’t have to-”
“Don’t worry, its no big deal. Just come and sit with me.”
You had time. Besides, you wanted someone to talk to and this woman was quite attractive.
“Sure. Thank you.”
The woman ordered and led you to a table.
“So, what’s your name?”
“I’m (y/n). And you?”
You heard the barista say “Two coffees for Diane?” and the woman got up
“I guess that answers that?” you said.
Diane walked over to get the coffees and stirred in the cream and sugar into both of them.
She gave you one of the coffees and said “Yes, my name is Diane Sherman. Are you from around here?”
“Oh no, I’m from the west coast. I’m on a bus trip, moving across the country. Fresh start, you know. And you?”
“I have been too, actually. Well, except I’ve been driving. Why do you need a fresh start?”
“My parents and I have a rough relationship. I just graduated High School and I didn’t feel like there was a reason to stay. What about you?”
“I’m sorry about that, (y/n). I actually lost my daughter recently, I’ve been incredibly lonely. I’m hoping for a new start, and some new connections.”
“I’m sorry to hear that Diane, that’s terrible.” You wondered what happened to her daughter, but thought it was best not to pry into this woman’s life.
“I’ll get through it. Maybe I’ll find someone else I can take care of. Someone who really needs it.”
Diane asked you more questions about your family, life, interests, everything. You felt like this woman had a genuine interest in you that you never felt from anyone else. You liked it. But as you talked you realized that the coffee wasn’t waking you up, if anything you felt even more tired. Maybe you just had to wait.
“I haven’t slept in so long, I’m so tired. Thank you for getting this coffee for me. It was nice to meet you, Diane.” You said, sad that your paths may never cross again.
“(Y/n), wait.”
You turned back to her.
“I have an idea. I have a motel room with two beds for tonight. Why don’t you sleep there and we forget about the buses, you can just ride with me.”
“Where are you going?”
“I’ve bought a house and I’m going there, but I can take you wherever you’d like, there’s no rush. I understand you may be suspicious as a younger woman when an older person asks you to ride with them and stay in their hotel room but I promise I only ask because, well honestly, I’m lonely and need someone to take care of.”
It was probably the sleep deprivation, but you believed her. You got into her silver minivan and drove to a nearby motel. When you got in the room you immediately dropped all your stuff and flopped down onto the bed, exhausted.
“Hey, sweetie, you can shower in the morning if you want to but you should at least change into pajamas.” said Diane. You found the energy to take your clothes off and put on an oversized t-shirt as you listened to Diane sing in the shower. You fell asleep to the sounds of the running shower and the older woman’s slightly off-key singing.
When you woke up, Diane was reading and sipping some coffee. You noticed she had also gotten you one.
“Morning, sweetheart. Now, I’m not in much of a rush to get out of here so just take your time. Drink your coffee and then take a shower, alright?”
“Sounds good!” You said, starting to drink your coffee.
“Great. I’m looking forward to spending more time with you, (y/n). I think maybe we were destined to meet. You without loving parents and me, in desperate need of someone to love and care for.”
You couldn’t explain why, but you did like this strange woman. She seemed kind, and she was very pretty, which couldn’t have hurt. The only reason you said yes to her last night was because you needed sleep so badly but now that you were fully rested, you couldn’t say you regretted it. You walked to the shower and felt a bit lightheaded. While you were in the shower you started to feel weak and you finally fell over.
As soon as she heard the thud of your body to the shower floor, Diane ran into the bathroom.
“(Y/N)? What happened? Are you ok?”
“I... I fell... I don’t know why.” You said, a bit embarrassed of the woman seeing your naked body like this
“Ok, let’s get you dried off and dressed, then I think we have to get some food into you.” and Diane helped you up, helped you dry off and took out your most comfortable-looking clothes and put them on you. This whole thing made you feel like a child, but you almost didn’t mind. It’s not like you’ve ever been taken care of like this before.
“Lean on me if you need to, I’ll come back for the luggage after you’re in the car.” You held onto Diane’s arm all the way to the front seat of the car.
“Just wait here, okay love?”
She got both your suitcase and hers and but them back in the car. You noticed that her suitcase that was in your room was not the only one she had, and she in fact had several suitcases, and lots of bags. She was older and more established than you, of course she had more things than you did.
She drove until you found a diner where the two of you could get breakfast. She helped you out of the car and told her to at least hold her hand while you walked.
“I’m sorry you’re feeling this way, maybe eating something will make you feel better.”
“Yeah, I hope so. I’ve never felt like this before, I really hope I’m not sick.”
“I don’t think that’s it.”
While you ate you talked, and Diane gave you a pill that she said might make you feel better. You took it and you did start feeling a little bit better. 
“Is it working? Do you feel ready to go?”
“I think so”
And so you left the diner with Diane feeling a little bit better. She kept her hands on you to guide you as you went to the car, just in case. 
“I’m ok now. But thanks, Diane.”
“Of course.” She grabbed your hand for a second and smiled at you and your heart skipped a beat. Why did you feel this way?
Diane drove for several hours until you fell asleep again. When she woke you up you were in a hotel parking lot in a small town you didn’t recognize.
“Where are we?”
“I think we’re somewhere in central Pennsylvania. We have a lot more driving to do, but it’s getting late. Let’s get some dinner and get you to bed.”
That night was relaxing and easy. Diane ordered room service and you ate while sitting on her bed together and watching a movie. The two of you began to cuddle and you ended up falling asleep in the older woman’s arms. When you stirred early the next morning she was still holding you.
When you woke up for real, Diane brought you some coffee. 
Diane got back on the road and she asked you where you planned on staying. You told her you were going to stay with a girl named Anna who you talked to online. As the car ride progressed, the weak feeling you had the other day started to come back.
“That’s ok. You can stay with me tonight if you want.”
“You really don’t have to-”
“Yes, I do. I want to make sure you’re ok, let me take care of you.” You figured that if Diane were dangerous, she would have tried to do something to you by now since you’ve basically been alone with her for almost two days. How bad could it be?
It turned out that the house Diane lived very close to Anna anyway, so you decided why not.
You drove another seven or so hours from the hotel all the way to a small house in a very cute little town not too far from where you had planned on settling in.
“This is it.”
You got out of the car and brought your stuff into the house. It was a cute, small place that was already furnished. You and Diane both looked around. There were two bedrooms, one bathroom, and a living room and kitchen.
“It’s a good thing I got a two-bedroom, I guess. You can stay here as long as you’d like.”
“Thank you”“
“I’m gonna go out and bring some more stuff in and then I’ll make us some tea, does that sound good?”
The two of you sat on the couch and talked while you drank the tea Diane made you. The tea didn’t taste bad, but it didn’t taste like anything you’ve had before. You told her more about your family life after she asked.
“Your parents were so lucky,” said Diane, who was getting a bit emotional, “to have a child as healthy and beautiful and sweet as you. There are so many people who would give anything to have what your parents took for granted.”
“I don’t know, maybe it is my fault. Maybe I was just a bad kid. Maybe I was hard to like, or dumb, or-”
“I don’t think you’re any of those things. And I’m sorry that you believe that, because it’s not true.”
“You think so?”
“I do.”  
You went to bed that night in your room and Diane in hers. When you woke up you felt weak and sick to your stomach. You guessed that Diane was wrong and you were in fact coming down with something.
“Diane!” You felt bad for possibly waking her up, but you’d feel even worse if you threw up on the sheets, and you didn’t know if you could make it to the bathroom. So you did it. She immediately came running to you.
“Are you ok, sweetie? What’s wrong?”
“I think I’m sick. Do you have a bucket or something?”
“Yes. Just one second.”
She left and very quickly brought back a bucket for you.
“I hope I haven’t gotten you sick too.”
“Don’t worry about that, I rarely get sick. Just let me take care of you.”
And you did. For the next few days as she looked for teaching jobs she nursed you back to health. Well, almost-health, at least. You weren’t having stomachaches or throwing up anymore but you still felt weak. She gave you pills and lots of them, and some might have had some bad side effects. All the pain medication she gave you almost had a numbing effect on your body. Anna had completely stopped responding to you and you worried she didn’t want to be roommates anymore, not like you could be on your own right now anyway in the state you were in. You needed Diane to take care of you. She was being interviewed for a position as a science teacher at the local High School but other than working on all of the application material she had all the free time in the world to be with you.
“Anna said she found another roommate.”
“Hey, don’t worry about that alright? You’re still sick and I really don’t mind you just... staying here and living with me. Besides, I really think I’m going to get this job and if I do I’ll easily be able to support the both of us.”
“Diane, you don’t have to... I applied for some jobs already.”
“None of which you can do when you’re sick, now please lie back down. I know you feel bad for letting me take care of you and baby you so much, but you don’t have to. I’ve already told you that I like having someone to take care of. And I know you like it when I take care of you too.”
And you hated to admit it, but she was right. Despite how horrible you felt physically, you enjoyed your time with Diane. You started doing a lot of fun things together. You both enjoyed yourselves, and Diane sometimes told you that she felt like she had a daughter again. She made you feel loved. You still had your own bed, but you often fell asleep on the couch or in Diane’s bed while the two of you cuddled.
“I love you, (y/n). My baby.” Diane said as you started to drift off on the couch with her that night.
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agathasangel · 3 years
leave everything behind but me- part 3 (diane sherman x fem!reader)
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Ok, I’m back! I haven’t been writing much but life is crazy. Hopefully part 4 will come sooner than this one did.
Warnings: Same as last time, all the things you’d expect with Diane. Sickness, drugging, manipulation, stalking, and the reader gets chained up at one point. Still no smut, but I guess there’s some implied sex?
Summary: You finally know for sure that there’s something... off with Diane. You try to find out more information, and she does everything in her power to make sure that she gets what she wants... which is you.
When you woke up, Your head was on Diane’s shoulder, her hand softly carding through your hair. It felt so nice that you forgot what you saw earlier. But then you remembered.
“Hey Diane?”
“Yes, my love?”
“Why are you logged into Anna’s facebook?”
She laughed, “Why am I what?”
“I opened your laptop. I wanted to look up what my symptoms were but I saw your facebook, and it said you were also logged into Anna’s account.”
“I was just looking at her page, trying to make sure she was safe, you must have been looking at my search history.”
“I thought it was in ‘other accounts’... like you were using her account to... message me... or something.”
“You’re delirious, sweetheart. Go back to sleep.”
She held you a bit tighter and you relaxed and allowed yourself to feel reassured by the excuse and you fell asleep to Diane stroking your hair and whispering to you.
“Shhh... it’ll all be ok baby... I love you... Mommy loves you...”
So you allowed yourself to fall back asleep. When you woke up, Diane was still next to you. She was trying to grade homework, but all she could focus on was watching you sleep. She always did this, every time you fell into a medicine-induced nap she watched you as you slept, and she liked to watch you fall asleep every night too. You knew that it was weird, but you found it endearing, in a way.
“How are you feeling, honey?”
“Better... still weak but better than before...”
“Good... my poor girl... I’m sorry for everything. I know I triggered your illness by yelling at you last night and scaring you but I promise, I’ll never do it again... but you know you’re all mine, right?”
“I know, Diane. I’m yours. I need you. So much.”
“Right. You need me. And I need you too. Come here.”
You rested your head on her shoulder and nuzzled into her as she spoke again.
“(Y/n), you don’t think I would ever actually hurt you, right? You sounded so afraid of me earlier, I’m worried.”
“N-no Diane... I know you wouldn’t hurt me. I’m sorry.”
“Don’t worry, my love. Come closer,” She said as she grabbed you and kissed you deeply. You closed your eyes, kissed back, and allowed her to take full control. Before you knew it, you were lying on your back and she was on top of you, but it didn’t feel right.
“N-no, Diane, stop... not now.”
“Oh, okay, okay sweetie, get some rest. Let’s just cuddle, okay?”
“Yeah, I’d like that.”
The truth was, you still felt suspicious of Diane. You were worried her intentions with you were bad. That she was somehow making you sick. Before meeting her, you didn’t get sick very often. Now, you seemed to be getting mysterious illnesses often, and they usually got worse whenever Diane was upset.
That night, the two of you had a movie night and she helped you walk to the couch. It was hard. You didn’t want to be suspicious of Diane. You were still in love with her, and there was a part of you that wanted to forget all of it and just let her do whatever she wants to you. To be her baby girl to take care of forever. But you just couldn’t forget that easily. You wanted to have a normal life with Diane eventually, you wanted to be self-sufficient and not to have to depend on her for everything. You needed to figure out what the hell she was hiding.
So you forced yourself to stay awake until Diane fell asleep. Because she liked to watch you as you fell asleep, you just pretended to doze off on the couch. You felt her stroke your hair and whisper things to you... you knew she did this, but you never quite understood what she was saying because you she wouldn’t start until you were barely awake. And because she thought you were asleep, she was a bit more honest.
“I love you, (y/n)... you’re mine, all mine... I’m sorry for hurting you... everything I’ve ever done to you is for your own good... I will never lose you.. my sweet baby...” she continued whispering in your ear as she held you and started to drift off to sleep, but what stuck in your head was I’m sorry for hurting you, everything I’ve ever done to you is for your own good.
What did that mean? Was she making you sick? Did she steal Anna’s facebook and make her stop contacting you? Was she just pretending to be Anna this whole time to get you to come out this way? Did she follow you? Drug you?
These questions all continued to run through your head as Diane fell asleep and you managed to free yourself from her grasp. You ran a hand through her hair to make sure she wouldn’t wake up, and she didn’t. You got out of bed and snuck into the kitchen, still feeling lightheaded but managing. You fell and there was a loud bang of your body hitting the floor, but nobody came. you crawled the rest of the way and then managed to get to the medicine cabinet. But of course, it was locked. She never let anyone in there. You tried for a long time to pick the lock but didn’t know how, and your blurry vision didn’t quite help. You started hearing footsteps and panicking.
Damnit, I must have woken Diane up when I fell!
Then you felt a sharp pain in your neck, and the last thing you felt before everything went completely black was Diane catching you.
The last thing you heard was “Don’t worry, I’m here, Mommy’s here.”
When you woke up, you were in a dim room you didn’t recognize. It must have been the basement of the house, because you could still hear Diane talking to herself and singing upstairs. You were chained to the radiator. You had some room to move, but you couldn’t look up the stairs to see what was going on or what Diane was doing.
Why was she doing this? What did she plan on doing to you?
“Diane! DIANE! What’s going on? Where are you? Diane!” you yelled as loud as you could.
“Diane! Help me! Please! let me out!”
“I’ll be right down sweetheart!” said Diane in the cheeriest voice, as if you weren’t chained up and screaming for help.
She came down the stairs and you immediately asked her
“What the fuck is going on? What are you going to do to me? What do you want?”
“What I want, (y/n), is for you to stay with me. For you to be my baby... forever. And that can’t happen with you doubting, or questioning me. You were wanting to run away, weren’t you, (y/n)? They always do. They always try to get away from me.”
“No, I just wanted to see what was in the medicine cabinet. I was- I was afraid that you were making me sick. I’ve never been this sick, this weak before in my entire life until I met you.”
“And if you found out, would you run away?”
“I don’t know, Diane. I should. But I don’t know if... I don’t know if I could.”
“Oh please, they all do. But don’t worry, I’ve been preparing something to make you forget everything, and make you my baby again. You’ll wake up, and this will never have happened. And you’ll be mine, forever. You’ll be protected from this awful world, and I’ll have someone to love. It will be perfect, if you’ll just cooperate!”
“So you were.. making me sick?”
“You were sick. You were so sick, (y/n), and I took care of you and that’s all that matters.”
“But- I could be okay now... I could still be with you, and everything can just be normal... you don’t have to do this.. we could have a real life together, Diane! Please.”
Diane looked at you sadly, “But then, you wouldn’t need me. And you would leave. Like my daughter, my husband, everyone else I’ve ever loved. Once they didn’t need me anymore, they just ran away. But you won’t.”
You didn’t know what to do. You were chained up and even if you were to find a way out, you had nowhere to go, and Diane could so easily follow you, and yo could end up right back here.
“No. I won’t leave. Diane, I won’t leave just please stop...”
Diane went into a closet to pull out some suspicious looking chemicals and syringes, and started making something with them.
“Diane, what are you doing? What the fuck are you doing? Are you... are you going to kill me?”
“No! Don’t ever say that (y/n), I would never! I would never hurt you, and I couldn’t bear to lose you! And I may have done some bad things, but I am not a murderer. I would never..” said Diane, starting to cry a little bit as she dropped what she was doing and walked over to you, wrapping her arms around you. You tried to resist, but considering that you were bound, there was just about nothing you can do.
“(Y/n), I know this is all very scary. But I promise, it’s for your own good. I know what’s best for you, baby. You need me, you need this. You need someone like me. I will love you and protect you the way that your parents never could. No one had ever given you the love you deserve, or even the love you need. No one understood you. Not your parents, your teachers, the other students. Your whole life, people have hurt you. Your parents neglected you, your friends always let you down. You felt less than, you felt unworthy of love. I know how you used to dream of the day you would meet someone who just made you feel good enough for them. You deserve so much better than that. I’m going to give that to you, if you’ll just let me. I love you, (y/n), more than anyone else ever could. My love is intense, I know, but just let me give you what you need. Please (y/n). Baby, my sweet little girl...” you started to cry while Diane said this, she made you want her, but you felt so helpless at the same time. You let Diane alternate between kissing you and whispering sickly sweet things into your ear.
“Baby, I’ll be right back. I need to get something for you from upstairs.”
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cabensonsgirly · 3 years
👼These Violent Delights Have Violent Ends (Multi-Char)[NSFW]👼
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Multiple SP characters x fem!reader
Xandra, Billie-Dean, Ally Mayfair, Anne Gillette, Audrey Tindall, Wilhemina Venable, Ellie Staple, Diane Sherman, Mildred Ratched.
👼Slice 2👼
Co-authored with @billiedeannovak ​ even though she’ll deny it.
👼Wordcount: 1530👼
👼Published on AO3: Read Here👼
👼 Taglist: @mrsdeanhoward @okpaulson 👼
👼 Content (some for later parts): Super Au, dubious consent, slow-burn, manipulation, face-slapping, drug-use, alcohol, smut, cunnilingus, strap-on, cum, choking, degradation, sex-work, court, bruises, spit, mommy kink, daddy kink, humiliation, public sex/teasing 👼 
👼She rolls her eyes and lets out an annoyed sigh, she was not interested in this man in the slightest and he wasn’t even that good in bed, it was his money she was after, and she would leave the relationship with all of it after they get married. He had been talking about marriage for the past few months seeing as they had been together for a few years, completely unaware of how disinterested she actually is. Anne was not a woman to fall in love, nor was she the type of woman to settle down and get married. 👼
Rita leads Anne from the courtroom, the pair laughing quietly and talking amongst themselves as they made their way to an elevator. Rita gestured for Anne to enter before she went to herself, “Rita!” the older woman fights the urge to roll her eyes, telling Anne where she was to go and how to get there before she closes the elevator door. She turns to face the woman who yelled her name “Oh what a pleasant surprise, Detective Benson. What do I owe the pleasure?”
Olivia shakes her head, jaw set firm as she stops in front of Rita “What the fuck are you doing? The evidence shows that she was the one that set the crime up! Who cares if Prestwick was blackmailed!? Gillette killed her damned parents and you know it. Just because you have some vendetta with my team doesn’t-“
Rita laughs, shaking her head with an amused smile on her face “How many times must we do this, Olivia? It is my job to defend people regardless of what they do, just like it is your job to investigate crimes ethically. I know I’m doing my job to the books; I can’t say the same about you. My advice, lie back and pretend like you’re enjoying it. You’ll last longer.” She steps into the elevator after the doors ding open, she turns to give the detective one last cursory glance “You lost, Benson.” She states before the doors close.
It doesn’t matter whether she believes Anne killed her parents or not, the woman had paid her generously to defend her and she was going to do just that. Nor does it matter the two have history, it didn’t impact the case or her ability to do her job. She was looking forward to the end of it though so she could finally actually enjoy a quiet drink without the guilt of knowing she should be working instead.
Once the doors open, she makes her way quickly to where Anne should be, letting out a breath of relief when she sees Anne sitting back in one of the seats, her blazer draped over the back of it. “You really think I’d risk doing a runner after the absolute field day you had out there? Ms. Calhoun I’m offended” she laughs, a coy smirk tugging at her lips “I’m saving the energy for once I’m cleared of my charges. How does that sound? You come back to the estate and unwind, just like the-“
Rita hushes her, swatting her arm lightly as she takes a seat opposite the blonde “Ms. Gillette! The walls have ears.” She shrugs her blazer off as well and leans back in her seat, propping her elbow up on the armrest before leaning her head against it, a small smile on her face as she looks at the woman opposite her.
“I never thought I’d be defending you in a murder case too, Anne. It’s one thing helping you get out of minor assault charges, but for a double-homicide?” She lets out a laugh, shaking her head “That is something else entirely. You were always one to make a grand show of things though, hm?” Rita quirks a brow at the blonde, a faint smirk tugging at her lips which earns an eye-roll and scoff from the blonde.
“Oh please Rita, I’m hardly as dramatic as that Tindall woman. Now, after this is all over, would you like to join me for drinks? Nothing else will happen, just an extra thank you for your hard work.” Rita sighs quietly “I can’t- I owe Novak a round after being so rough on her in court. She’s an amazing lawyer and a hard-worker, I’d rather not burn that bridge.”
Rita’s phone buzzes against the table and she immediately grabs it, turning the screen on to see the message before her eyes dart to Anne’s “They’ve reached a verdict, Ms. Gillette” she breathes out, a very faint hint of a nervous waver. “Well then, let’s get this over and done with.” Anne stands up and puts her blazer on, doing a button up in the middle then brushing some of her hair behind her ear. She follows Rita out of the room and down the hall to the elevator, this is the first time since this case started that she feels genuinely nervous- Not that she committed the crime, anyone would be nervous if they were in court.
Rita gives Anne’s arm a gentle squeeze before they exit the elevator and make their way into the court room, both ignoring the glares coming from the prosecution as they take a seat behind their table. “All stand for the Judge.” They do just that, Rita glancing at Casey out the corner of her eye, noticing how tense she appears before they take their seats again once the Judge has sat down.
Court:                 Will the jury foreperson please stand. Has the jury reached a unanimous verdict?
Foreperson:          Yes.
                                  CLERK TAKES THE VERDICT FORM
                                     AND HANDS IT TO THE JUDGE.                              
Rita rests her hand on Anne’s thigh, giving it a reassuring squeeze upon noticing how anxious the woman was before returning her hand to rest on the table with her other one.
Judge:                    The jury find the defendant not guilty. The defendant is free to go home. Lets hope we don’t see you in this court again, Ms. Gillette. The jury is thanked and excused. Court is adjourned.
Anne lets out a shaky breath before standing up and throwing her arms around Rita in a tight hug, repeatedly mumbling thank you to her. Rita returns the hug before pulling back slightly, gently wiping away the few tears that had spilled onto Anne’s cheeks, giving her a soft smile “I told you that I’d make sure you were found not guilty, Ms. Gillette. I’m a woman of my word, you should know that by now.”
Anne smiles back and lets go of Rita before running a hand through her short blonde hair “A miracle worker.” She glances over Rita’s shoulder and sees Casey watching intently, a disheartened look on her face before returning her gaze back to the woman in front of her “I should get going, it looks like Casey wants a word with you and she definitely looks like she needs a few drinks. I’ll see you around, Rita.” She kisses the woman’s cheek in farewell before taking her leave, feeling considerably lighter and more free now that the case is over.
Once she is out of the courthouse, she takes out her phone and calls her boyfriend- well, he thinks he’s her boyfriend, but she really couldn’t care less. “Hi darling, you’re talking to a free woman. No I’m not upset you couldn’t be in court, it would hardly be a good look for a detective to be seen on the alleged criminal’s side. You can make it up to me tonight when you take me out for dinner- Yes Yn can come along too, she is your daughter after all. I will take her shopping for something nice- I won’t be spoiling the girl. She needs nicer clothing to go to the restaurant I have in mind. Don’t worry- I already told you I am not going to spoil the girl. I don’t like repeating myself so it would do you some good to actually listen. I’ll pick her up from university and we’ll go from there. Mhmm, love you too. See you tonight.”
She rolls her eyes and lets out an annoyed sigh, she was not interested in this man in the slightest and he wasn’t even that good in bed, it was his money she was after, and she would leave the relationship with all of it after they get married. He had been talking about marriage for the past few months seeing as they had been together for a few years, completely unaware of how disinterested she actually is. Anne was not a woman to fall in love, nor was she the type of woman to settle down and get married.
“You better not fuck this family up too, Ms. Gillette” Anne turns to find Olivia walking towards her, thoroughly pissed off “Yn is like a daughter to me, so if I find out you do anything to upset her-“ The blonde gives her a bored look “Do you have nothing better to do, Olivia? Were you not listening to what the judge said? I’m an innocent woman, so no, I didn’t fuck my family up, daddy did when he killed my mother before himself.”
She takes a step closer to the brunette, a smug smirk settling on her face “You may be like a mother to her, Olivia, but unlike you… I actually am her step-mom, something you will never be. Now, this may be a surprise to you, seeing as you’re someone that never works, I have things to do including taking Yn clothes shopping for our celebratory dinner tonight. You’re not invited.” She fakes a pout “How unfortunate” before laughing and making her way to the car that was waiting for her before getting in, telling the driver where to go.
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rhiannon-sweetheart · 3 years
i’ll be your baby
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Pairing: Diane sherman x fem! reader
warnings: none just overall fluff, cuddles here and there you know the usual
summary: after knowing diane for a good three weeks she had the guts to finally ask you out basically you accepting and the both of you spend the day together (im a sucker for this woman, like i can’t explain it enough, like as soon as someone menstions her you will see how fast my head will fly up)
         When diane sent you a message to comeover to her house later on in the day you expected nothing from it so you quickly replied with an ‘okay, ill be there :)’  and she quickly replied with ‘alright, see you soon sweetheart’ the truth was you were head over heels for the woman but what you didn’t know was that she felt the same towards your feelings. so you quickly picked an out an outfit which was something simple like cardigan and jeans. 
-Time skip cuz why not-
       As you arrived at her house and knocked at her front door and quickly knocked you felt excited just to see and be near her again. As diane heard that knock on the door she couldn’t feel more nervous and happy that you’re here, she pratically ran to the door just to practically see your pretty face again, when she practically let the door fly open when she saw you, she practically pulled you into her and gave you the biggest hug she could’ve given you and you obiously hugged her back, buring your face into her neck and enjoying how she smelled. 
    While you practically burrowed into her enjoying how warm her embrace was you didn’t even notice that she somehow’d closed the door and picked you up at the same time. You’d both ended up on the couch with you laying ontop of her and nuzzling your face into her neck just overall enjoying this and she could see that too since she was just smiling the hardest she’s ever been with anyone, she kept on carefully holding you as if you were fragile glass in her arms but tight enough where you wont accidentally roll off the couch (this happend to me once ngl) 
     “sweetheart?, would you like to eat anything?” she asked while she played with your hair, you nodded your head as a ‘no’ as you continued to enjoy this moment with her she decided to just ask you right there and then, “hey um sweetheart would you like to go out sometime on a date with me?” you were practically excited for this moment so you sat up on her lap and gave her a quick peck on the lips “I would love to go out with you diane”. She quickly sat up and filled your face with so many kisses that it made her smile while you were a giggling mess, After a while the both of laid back down in the same position as the two fo you were all cuddled up together and fast asleep on the couch.
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