#Dialovers Hell
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diagirlsrua · 2 years ago
Ichigo No Tsumi (Eng) [REIJI SAKAMAKI]
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Character: Sakamaki Reiji CD : DIABOLIK LOVERS Sadistic Song Vol.5 REIJI SAKAMAKI Seiyuu: Katsuyuki Konishi Mai: Not my favourite, not my most hated. The comparison between blood and strawberry jam is indecent and very funny, sigh. But I have to admit that adapting it to make it believable is a challenge. Link to the song: here.
Ichigo no Tsumi
春の日、あの雪崩れの様に 止めど無く 滑り落ちて 頒-わか-ちがたい命題を掌-て-にしたいのなら 涙が枯れるまで
Like the spring sunset, Without end, it disappears Had I wished to hold in the hollow of my hand, This inseparable plot. Until the tears dry.
ねぇ(幼き日の)幻聴が(響き渡る)非道-ひど-い(耳鳴は) オ・サ・マ・ラ・ナ・イ
Hey, (the childish) voices in my head (echo), cruel, inhuman (ringing in my ears) They won't shut up.
大丈夫、少しおかしいだけだから 「誰か」を畏れる事は、もうやめにしよう? ほら、もうすぐそこで、 Ah 淡い死の薫りが充満-みち-てきた
No harm done, it's just a bit strange to me. Should we stop being afraid of this "someone" now? Hang on, we're nearly there. Ah, that aroma, full of a volatile, almost morbid odour
"… So, I'll have to concoct a special flavour of tea;"
あの丘で十字に、磔-はりつけ-られてる愛 磨り潰した苺の罪-ストロベリィジャム-を、ひと匙塗りたくれば もっと、美味しいよ
At the crossroads of this hill, a crucified love Once this strawberry jam, sinner, was poured from a single spoon, It is nothing but delight!
その瞳に映るのは悦び 嗜虐-いたみ-の狭間にある「罪」と共に 飲み干して────………… 飲み干して────………… 飲み干して────…………
The illumination is reflected in your eyes. As well as the "sin" of death with sadistic pain Drying you up────………… Drying up────………… Drying up────…………
血濡れた、このエレジーの中 割り切れず、撹拌-ブレンド-する 甘酸っぱい極上の血を注ぎ込めば 倒錯者が、嗤う
Blood-soaked, beyond elegy Unsatisfied, shaken and scattered Once infused with this bittersweet blood The pervert adopts a smile.
Exactly (there's no going back)! Scatters across (the surface) this deep red. (an elegant pattern) While it only melted away
大丈夫、誰も試したことがない 密花-ヒソカ-を摘んで添えれば、赤裸々に視える 二度、届かぬ祈り Ah 昏い瞳-め-に伝染-うつ-る諦めが────…………
Don't worry much, nobody was testing you. Once you strip a dried flower, it appears naked to you. A prayer that won't be answered twice, Ah, that tender defeat that infects your gaze────…………
"… That sounds… Incredibly precious."
この罰に従事し、隷属-れいぞく-されてる愛 磨り潰した苺の罪-ストロベリィジャム-を、ひと匙塗りたくれば もっと、美味しいよ
Engaged in this punishment, a slave love Once this strawberry jam, sinful, was poured from a single spoon, It is but delight!
あの願いを裏切れば産まれる 記憶の彼方にある光、消して 踏みはずし────………… 踏みはずし────………… 踏みはずし────…………
Born to be the betrayer of this wish The light that existed beyond memory, fades away Doomed to failure────………… Doomed to failure────………… Doomed to fail────…………
さあ、亡骸を抱き Ah 甘き死の予感を呼び戻す
Then embracing the bruised body Ah, the premonitory memory of that sweet death.
さあ、亡骸を抱き Ah 甘き死の予感を呼び戻す
"… I will love you forever."
あの丘で十字に、磔-はりつけ-られてる愛 磨り潰した苺の罪-ストロベリィジャム-を、ひと匙塗りたくれば もっと、美味しいよ
At the crossroads of this hill, a crucified love Once this strawberry jam, sinner, was poured from a single spoon, It is nothing but delicious!
あの丘で十字に、磔-はりつけ-られてる愛 磨り潰した苺の罪-ストロベリィジャム-を、ひと匙塗りたくれば もっと、美味しいよ
Engaged in this punishment, a slave love Once this strawberry jam, sinful, was poured from a single spoon, It is nothing but delight!
赦されずに生きてきた恥らい 遺した「傷跡」だけ、確かならば
And so there came an intolerable shame If only the 'scars' remain clear.
接吻-くちづ-けて────………… 接吻-くちづ-けて────………… 接吻-くちづ-けて────…………
I kiss you────………… I kiss you────………… I kiss you────…………
I kiss you────…………
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midnight-glasses · 2 months ago
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I felt like I needed to post something...
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sia-paskuda · 4 months ago
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Happy Halloween!
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dialovers-lover-xoxo · 10 months ago
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laitoslittlemacaron · 11 months ago
a..popular cosplay brand (dokidokicosplay) is bringing out a high quality Yui uniform cosplay.... they just posted it i cant believe that honestly 😂😭 (maybe they will produce our beloved dude bros as well✨ in 2024✨)
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enden-k · 9 months ago
shuffles in, embarrassed
You mentioned one of your first major fandoms that you made fanart for was Bleach. Do you still have that stuff posted anywhere perchance? I'd really love to see it.
that was before i had any internet access permission (ofc i did in secret tho) or an acc somewhere to post art and theres no way im gonna show my embarrassing childish drawings of ulquigrimm LMAO
the first fanarts i posted to the public (not on this acc) were FFVII (obviously the good old OG bc that was during the time XV was still in the making, its that long ago), and then a few years later MGR (raiden my beloved bbg), owari no seraph (fun fandom) and dialovers (hell on earth)
(dialover fandom was the first toxic fandom i stumbled into and i got harrassed and my art reposted and when i asked for it to be removed ppl yelled at me and told me my art doesnt belong to me but the internet when i post it. it caused me to delete everything and my acc and never share my fanart again with the internet)
(i did some HxH, NGE and overwatch/mchanzo in private tho during that time back when it was all new/before the mccree incident. but yea other than that mostly oc art and less fanart during these years)
anw i refrained from sharing any fanart i made until i made this acc here years later and tried again (with im, magi and FGO) - now here we are 0:
sorry for the ramble and my fanart history LMAO anw i only posted fanarts after my bleach hyperfixation and even those (that i still have somewhere, most are gone bc of that dialover reposting drama) i would not share with yall. i dont wanna pay compensation for destroying ur eyes, its very ugly baby youn art hhdskjvbk sorry to disappoint!! maybe ill draw ulqui or grimmy again some time bc hes still my biggest babygirl (i dropped bleach some time after arrancar arc/when ichigo said his goodbyes to rukia bc i genuinely thought back then it was over and i loved the espada SO MUCHHHH so yea it continued and idk what happened afterwards so...)
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fruit-of-infidelity · 1 year ago
💜 Diatober 💚
Day Twenty-Eight: Sword
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faerabbit · 1 year ago
been thinking about what vampire the masquerade the diaboys would fall under
and i don't mean in a like "oh ayato would be [x] clan, kanato would be [y] clan, etc." way (although that could be fun too)
i mean like the entire franchise of diabolik lovers is now operating under the rules of vtm, what happens (either v5 or v20 since i'm most familiar with those, but any versions fine)
so in addition to clans, there's also the question of what generation they'd be, what sect they'd be in (this one would defo be different depending on the diaboy), what things would have to change in order to fit the rules of vtm, etc.
all i know is that, assuming both the sakamakis and the mukamis are childer of karlheinz, that man's been siring like 10 kindred like jesus dude
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bodysntchrs4evr · 2 years ago
Why am I CRYING over Carla dying in Shin’s DF route???????
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gagad · 1 year ago
Now after a long time, I can say it out loud with a microphone ... god I was waiting for that moment anyway
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elidoesart · 1 month ago
Okay, so I've been seeing a lot of non-dialovers fan saying;
"Diabolik lovers is a game that glorifies abuse and incest!!!1!1!1!1!"
I'm sorry to tell u this buddy but
Explanation under the cut👇👇
Yes, Diabolik lovers do in fact glorify abuse BUT IT DOESN'T GLORIFY INCEST??
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Glorification means representing something as admirable
However, Rejet put the incest scenes as something Karlheinz did and Karlheinz is the antagonist, so technically, it is NOT admired, and it is seen as a bad thing that the antagonist did.
"Diabolik lovers is a game about incest!!"
It is NOT about incest, where in hell are you getting this information??
The only incest that happened was Laito and Cordelia, Seiji and Yui in that one bad ending, and Karlheinz and Christa.
And like I said, those scenes and events are NOT admired, in fact ALL FANS OF DL DO NOT SUPPORT THAT
I am very sure that the love interests in dl do not support as well(yes, even Laito)
In conclusion, yes Diabolik lovers have a lot of abuse being glorified but NO it does not glorify incest
you might be wondering, why am I writing this well...
Someone on discord called me an incest defender, called me the n word, and said that Dialovers is an incest game when I said that Dialovers was one of my first fandoms😘💝😋
Little correction: Some abuse in dialovers isn't glorified either
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diagirlsrua · 2 years ago
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Character : Sakamaki Laito CD : MORE CHARACTER SONG Vol.5 SAKAMAKI LAITO Seiyuu: Daisuke Hirakawa May: I prefer Q.E.D. to Bloody Sabbath. For the record: "Q.E.D" stands for quod erat demonstrandum, the Latin equivalent of "what had to be demonstrated"); quantum electrodynamics. This equates to the famous 'checkmate' for scientists in chess. And it serves as an absolute conclusion. So when Laito repeats this acronym, he's sure of what he's saying. Link to the song: here.
Love dies only when growth stops
As time passes, the more it expires, the more it fades
Love dies the moment its growth stops
If everything had to be laid bare, no matter the consequences
Would the warmth of my feelings on this day, diminish?
きっと、命は尽きるだろう だとしても、
この血は 継がれてく そんな淡い希望を抱き、
Though my life would surely come to an end
Entertaining the fine hope given by this blood, will be relayed
The crystalline love that escapes from your body.
"…--- This makes no sense."
嗚呼 時が過ぎれば、
Ah, as time goes by,
Even if it would have been replaced,
There's no proof I ever really loved you,
"………… Because I didn't want to confess it."
今、証(あか)すよ 君との
After all, it's all over, isn't it?
Over time, will it all fade away, no matter what happens?
De facto, without robbing us of our 'present' and tying the memories together,
While the bloodthirsty bite yearns for 'eternity',
If you tell me you want "Immortality."
We'll prove it, together.
Q.E.D……. !!!!!!!!!!!!!
死期が近づき、迫るほど 確信(み)えてくる
there is always light behind
As the hour of death approaches, the nearer it comes, appearing,
There will always be a light behind it,
No matter who, everyone's praying to someone,
There are so few memories of this day, are there?
そっと、願いを捨てたとして だとしても
唇、重ねてる どこか残酷(あま)い時間は過ぎて、
Even as we waited to slowly give up hope,
Your lips on mine again and again, that bittersweet taste fading somewhere,
Crystalline love disappearing beyond my heart.
"………. --- This is worthless."
Hey---……….. Shouldn't we be dreaming?
That we'd get sick, of having to live days we won't live.
If the proof that we're both alive, was tinted red,
"………….. Forgive me."
未来(あす)を、描いた音色 いつも、耳元で割れて
今、証(あか)すよ 君との
The tone expressed by the future tomorrow broke in your ear,
In your siphoned eardrum was left a dangerous carmine wish
As the continual whispers spread through "eternity".
If you pronounce your wish for "immortality",
Then we'll prove it, together,
Q.E.D. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"There's no such thing as "eternity." I want to destroy it…. At least, that's what I would have wished for."
生きた「ぬくもり」 喪失(わす)れ
That lonely feeling,
Forgetting the warmth that would have lived,
Becoming somewhat vague,
It was not the only thing….!
粘着(ネ)ばつく想いで 吸血(す)い続けるのさ
今、証(あか)すよ 君との
After all, it's all over, isn't it?
Over time, will it all fade away, no matter what happens?
De facto, without robbing us of our 'present' and tying the memories together,
While the bloodthirsty bite yearns for 'eternity',
If you tell me you want "Immortality."
We'll prove it to each other, together.
After all, it's all over, isn't it?
In the course of time, will everything fade away, no matter what happens?
De facto, without stealing our 'present' and tying the memories together,
While the bloodthirsty bite yearns for 'eternity',
If you tell me you want "Immortality."
We'll prove it to each other, together.
Q.E.D. ---…………!!!!!
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midnight-glasses · 2 months ago
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Oh... I hate him so much, I hate you Laito Sakamaki!
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yuikomorii · 2 months ago
This is from your young blood post i saw: I’ve heard people didn’t like the fact that rejet made ayato out to be the adam but i don’t really understand as to why?? Wouldn’t this add more depth to the franchise. For example, Subaru, he’s known for openly hating his father so I was thinking, doesn’t that add a lot more drama to his route or atleast subtle irony? Also Reiji, he admires his father but isn’t adam. I think the young blood chapter was amazing and adds onto the whole like semi forbidden love?? or dark romance bit.
// Honestly, I’ve only seen Western fans complain about it, because in Japan, everyone in the DL fandom seems to love and respect Ayato. He has the highest desire rate and the biggest fanbase in EA.
Aside from his marketing appeal, I genuinely believe Ayato is “the chosen one” because he possesses innate traits that others either never had or lost at a much younger age. Despite his life being a living hell, Ayato, as a child, was never deliberately rude to anyone, and remained selfless and compassionate. In YB, after discovering that Laito and Kanato are missing, he’s willing to risk his own life to go back for them, even knowing the danger he could face. Later, when he’s used as bait and his absence goes unnoticed by his brothers after meeting again, his first thought upon reaching the fig tree is “I don’t know what happened to Shu and Subaru… no way they got eaten, right?”. Even after he nearly got killed, Ayato’s instinct is to worry about his brothers’ safety.
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What Karlheinz says to him here could also be a factor. Ayato's ability to continue cherishing life, despite how badly he was treated by people around him, and his mental resilience in the face of what he's endured, make him the perfect candidate.
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I agree that other characters had a stronger connection to the Karlheinz plot and it would have been more interesting, but I kind of like how Ayato is positioned as this special and different being in canon, even though no one—not even the characters themselves—can really explain why. I guess what makes Ayato “Adam” to Karlheinz is simply the fact that he’s Ayato. 😂😂
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Credit to dialovers-translations and tournesolia on tumblr
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arandomyuikomorifan · 7 months ago
Sad Yui Komori quotes that I think about all the time because she deserves better
:(credit to @/dialovers-translations for the translation)
Yui: ( Having to doubt one another again after we already came to a mutual understanding once… )
( …Things can never be what they once were. )
( We can’t go back to that time we were in no perfect sync… )
In that case, perhaps I should just disappear already…?
(Subaru route more blood brute ending)
Yui: I’m…sorry…I…
( I’m at my limit…Reiji-san, seems like this is…goodbye… )
( I wonder if…we weren’t meant to be…together… )
(Reiji Sakamaki blood more Manslaughter)
Laito: Haah…I guess I’ve been freed now. I am no longer a prisoner of love.
I never needed ‘love’ or such after all…
Don’t you think so too, Bitch-chan?
Yui: ( Why did it turn out like this…? I really did… )
Laito: Goodbye.
ー Laito steps away
Yui: ( love…Laito-kun…)
(Laito sakamaki more blood brute ending)
Yui: I see…
…I don’t mind…
If it’ll make you happy..I’ll go with you.
To Hell…Or any other place…
(Ruki mukami more blood Manslaughter)
Yui: "But I will still believe. No matter how painful life becomes, I will still believe. Man is weak, so I must believe
(she said this in the anime to Laito)
The rose had begun to wilt. Longing for escape, I drive the stake into the cold heart and it disappears. I lock away the temptation and desire… inside a forbidden bloody hell
(this go hard 👆)
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laitoslittlemacaron · 1 year ago
My poor Laito plushy had to go on rollercoasters (he was in the bag) and watch the illuminations with me; taking all the cute cafes & macarons into account im taking him on the canon dates he likes🤣💚 ((may my delulus become trululu someday😭✨))
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