#Diabolik Lovers Vandead carnival
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fishbowlk · 8 months ago
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Azusa and Yui are just so adorable! (ಥ◡ಥ)
Yui won the prize for Azusa, beating Kou and Yuma.
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otomehonyaku · 9 months ago
a reader's guide to otomehonyaku ☽ translation masterpost & request guidelines (updated 4 Feb. '25)
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you can call me Ottie (she/her)! 20s, DiaLovers translator & writer
— — currently on indefinite hiatus — —
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Please DO NOT REUSE OR REPOST ANY OF MY TRANSLATIONS OR WRITING ELSEWHERE, in any form whatsoever, or RETRANSLATE MY WORK INTO OTHER LANGUAGES WITHOUT MY EXPLICIT PERMISSION. If you have any questions regarding retranslating or reposting, please DM me!
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Working on...
Diabolik Lovers More,Blood Stellaworth Complete Tokuten Short Stories ☽ All 10 characters (Next up are Shuu and Reiji!)
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Upcoming translations
Diabolik Lovers More,Blood Character Popularity Poll Short Story ☽ Subaru ver.
Diabolik Lovers Chaos Lineage Drama CDs ☽ Vol. 3 (Orange, 4 tracks)
Diabolik Lovers Grand Edition Special Booklet ☽ Year-End Pandemonium (Sakamaki short story)
Diabolik Lovers Vandead Carnival Special Voice CD
Surprise long-form story from one of the tokuten booklets
Diabolik Lovers Chaos Lineage Special Booklet ☽ Short Story (Scarlet ver.)
Diabolik Lovers Chaos Lineage Special Booklet ☽ Short Story (Violet ver.)
Diabolik Lovers Official Anime Novelization ☽ Chapter 4
Note: Please be aware that list is subject to change. If something exciting pops up, I might alternate this list with other translations─in this case, please refer to the 'currently translating' section above to see what I'm working on!
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Mainline Diabolik Lovers instalments
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Mainline drama CD series
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Books & other written materials
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My writing & miscellaneous translations
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Guidelines for requests & commissions
As a rule of thumb, Diabolik Lovers-related translations are always my priority and I sometimes write for fun. I do not take requests for writing (short stories, headcanons, reacts, scenarios and the like), though paid commissions are negotiable! Creative writing is quite a personal and subjective thing for me, so I tend to be selective as I want to ensure that I have enough inspiration and fun while writing in order to deliver a quality product. Please reach out through DM if you’d like to discuss a paid commission! Thank you for your understanding ദ്ദി(˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ ) ✧
When requesting/commissioning a translation, please be aware of the following: ☽ Please provide the source materials which you would like to have translated. I do not have the financial means nor the time to personally buy all of the drama CDs or tokuten for all 13 characters, for example, so if you want something translated: please include a link to the source materials. These could be links to audio files on SoundCloud and BiliBili, or links to Tumblr posts with scans of short stories or interviews and the like. ☽ In all cases, it is your own responsibility to ensure that the source materials—particularly fan-made artwork and scans—have been acquired with full permission from the original poster. If the original poster has NOT given you permission to repost or reuse/translate the materials in question, I will NOT translate them. ☽ This probably goes without saying, but I do these translations for fun—I enjoy doing them, but I am also busy in my daily life. I will try my best to finish and post the translation as soon as possible after your request, but I give no guarantees on how long they will take. I do work relatively quickly given my current language skills in Japanese, but the time I can spend on translating varies per week. ☽ If you would like me to translate Japanese-language materials from other otome franchises or pop culture related things, please consult with me and I’ll see what I can do! ☽ DO NOT REPOST ANY OF MY TRANSLATIONS ELSEWHERE, IN ANY FORM WHATSOEVER (INCLUDING VIDEO), OR TRANSLATE MY WORK TO OTHER LANGUAGES WITHOUT MY PERMISSION.
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bodysntchrs4evr · 2 years ago
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They got matching balloons <33
Ref under the cut:
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diagirlsrua · 2 years ago
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Character Song
Ayato :
Azusa :
Shuu :
Reiji :
Gin no Bara | Mr. Butterfly Mask | Ichigo no Tsumi | A certain Prophet's Fate
Laito :
Q.E.D |
Kanato :
Subaru :
Kou :
Kino :
Shin :
Carla :
Ruki :
Yuma :
Seiron Syndrome |
Drama CD
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equinox-86 · 3 months ago
Ruki at the Vandead Carnival
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⋆┈┈⋅───⊱༺ ♰ ༻⊰───⋅┈┈⋆
That sub-scenario in Yuma's VC route with Ruki was too funny not to draw. Ruki doesn't wear the accessory in the actual game, but the idea of drawing him wearing it and enjoying his ice cream was too tempting (*`艸´)
About the pixel artstyle, it's temporary. I'm still trying to get out of artblock by doodling really easy things every day
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karleksmumskladdkaka · 6 months ago
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RukiYui (+Mukami fam) scans from the Vandead Carnival Official Fanbook (*´ω`)♡
Spoilers for Ruki's route below!
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dialovers-lover-xoxo · 5 months ago
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traducoes-dialover-br · 7 months ago
⋆·˚ ༘ *Bloody Songs - Super Best III
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Data de Lançamento: 26 de Abril de 2017
Composição: MIKOTO
Lista de Músicas
2. Luv Apple Juice
3. Operation X
4. 蠱惑のParade
6. カモフラージュ (Camouflage)
7. Fanatic of Night
8. VoiD
9. 愛の檻 (Ai no Ori)
10. 絶対感度のリビドー
11. カレイドナイト (Kaleido Night)
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tsubakimilktea · 1 year ago
Shuu and Reiji just bumped each other because they both don’t want want to stay in the same place omfg
Yui just like, “it still shows they’re brothers even though they’re on bad terms.. they’re perfectly in sync.”
Everyone likes triplets, likes double trouble, or emo bro and his criminal bestie but Shuu&Reiji is for big sisters guys. I love them i love their interactions, especially they act like they genuinely hate each others ass like who you try to fool?
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eleiyaumei · 2 years ago
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Otome game fashion comparison
Disclaimer: This is just my opinion, feel free to share your own!
Amnesia: Memories: Welp, it's pretty much 2000s/2010s Japanese (Visual Kei?) fashion and it's kinda cool. All outfits fit each other well, have a somewhat similar style. 3/5 stars (The outfits get better in the fandiscs/sequels.)
Psychedelica of the Black Butterfly: You have no idea how much I love the outfits in this game. Hella unique, perfectly fitting the atmosphere. Has some Visual Kei, Jirai Kei, Aristocrat style elements. 4.5/5 stars
Hakuouki: Sweet School Life: What the hell went wrong here? Everyone dresses like 30+ y.o. married people with barely a sense of fashion. 1/5 stars
Diabolik Lovers: Haunted Dark Bridal/Vandead Carnival: DL is what introduced me to/got me into Jirai Kei and if you know the franchise as well as the style's background, the style choice makes a lot of sense. Sure, the fashion in the games isn't overwhelming but I love that it shows us masculine versions of Jirai Kei. 4/5 stars (bc of my love for Jirai Kei)
7'Scarlet: Almost as bad as HSSL but Ichiko's outfit is pretty nice and I have a heart for Toa's normal outfit, wearing his grandpa's padded haori because it makes him feel comfortable. The yukata in this game though? Either pretty boring or ugly. 1.5/5 stars
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jealousjulian · 12 minutes ago
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cryptid-pet · 3 months ago
The Winter Awakening
Day 1 of December
Azushin Headcanons
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The first thing that comes to Shin when December hits ISN'T Christmas
The Founders don't know what Christmas is
It's already proven in Vandead Carnival, the Mukamis KNOW what Christmas is and have celebrated it before
Christmas was something Ruki had as a human, unlike his siblings (Also proven in VC)
Azusa asked Shin if he celebrated it with Carla, and Shin went: "What the hell is a Christmas?"
It took a lot of explaining for Shin to understand it completely
At first, Shin had no interest in the holiday since it revovles around human tradition//religion, but he couldn't say no to Azusa of ALL people
The Demon World doesn't get plently of snow constantly compared to the Human World
The first day it snows, Shin is up early running in it in his wolf form
Azusa doesn't really mind the snow, it's just the constnat sneezing that gets to him
Sleding was a first timer for the two
Azusa introduce Shin to hot chocolate and now he refuses to not drink it during the very cold days
Shin HATES Christmas movies, Home Alone is an acception though (ELF is too)
Azusa purposely sings 12 Days of Christmas knowing Shin hates it with a PASSION
Azusa isn't really trusted with the oven in the kitchen in his house, but he tried teaching Shin how to bake cookies (Because it's tradition during the Holidays that Ruki and Azusa do that for the family)
Going back to being unaware that Christmas existed, the Tsukinami normally host winter party at their place
Mistletoe became an enemy at first, but now Shin uses it to get free kisses from Azusa whenever
Shin doesn't find the purpose of decorating the manor in its entirety, but didn't oppose the idea of putting lights up along the large windows with Azusa in the manor
Azusa explained the purpose of telling children that Santa is real, but Shin finds it stupid//pointless
The aimless hours watching the snow fall from the window in bed while to two stay snugged under layers and layers of blankets cannot be estimated
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otomehonyaku · 6 months ago
DIABOLIK LOVERS Vandead Carnival ☽ otomehonyaku's English translation masterpost
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arypurple · 2 years ago
Résumé des jeux Diabolik Lovers
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Alors, non, ce ne sera pas un résumé foireux. Cet article sera là pour résumer le synopsis de chacun des jeux. Attention, je ne fais que dire le synopsis du début car le reste de l'histoire, c'est aux joueurs de décider en choisissant de faire la route d'un quelconque personnage et en faisant des choix avec l'héroïne. Il y a sept jeux en tout si on inclut pas les CD's drama.
Haunted Dark Bridal: Yui Komori, 17 ans et fille d'un prêtre, se rend dans la ville de Kaminashi car son père est en déplacement à cause de son travail. Elle sera envoyée dans un étrange manoir car son père lui a dit qu'un parent éloigné allait l'accueillir. Mais Yui va tomber sur une fratrie de six jeunes hommes, les Sakamaki, et découvrira bien vite qu'ils sont des vampires. Commencera alors sa nouvelle vie dans le monde des ténèbres. Yui décidera alors de choisir qui aura le droit de boire son sang.
More Blood: La vie continue pour Yui alors qu'elle vit encore avec les Sakamaki, tentant tant bien que mal de se faire à cette vie. Alors qu'ils se mettent en route pour l'école, quelque chose provoque l'accident de leur limousine et Yui fait ensuite un étrange rêve. Quatre individus vont ensuite entrer en scène: les Mukami. Leur but étant d'obtenir Yui afin de devenir Adam.
Vandead Carnival: Les Sakamaki, les Mukami et Yui sont invités par Karlheinz à un carnaval qui aura lieu dans le monde démon. De plus, dans cette invitation, il est dit que Yui sera la reine du carnaval. Les deux familles vont alors se rendre sur place afin de profiter des festivités avec Yui et comme d'habitude, cette dernière doit choisir qui elle va accompagner afin d'être protégée, étant tout de même une humaine qui s'aventure dans le monde démon.
Dark Fate: Une éclipse lunaire survint. Alors que Yui est mêlée aux conflits des Sakamaki et des Mukami qui veulent sucer son sang, deux individus débarquent dans l'académie: les frères Tsukinami. Ces derniers auraient été auparavant transférés dans une école du Royaume-Uni et sont de retour au Japon. Mais les motivations des deux jeunes hommes sont bien obscures et les origines concernant le cœur de Yui referont bien évidemment surface.
Lunatic Parade: Yui fait un étrange rêve où un homme lui dit que sa possession la plus précieuse lui a été confisquée. À son réveil, on constate très vite qu'elle n'a plus d'odeur... ni de cœur. Son cœur a été volé par le comte Walter et a été remplacé par une pierre appelée "Kleinod". Mais l'effet de cette pierre s'estompe petit à petit, ce qui risque de tuer Yui. Par la même occasion, ils ont reçu une invitation et les frères vont donc devoir se rendre dans le monde démon afin de récupérer son cœur. Mais il y a un défilé en même temps et Yui devra choisir qui va l'aider pour ses recherches.
Lost Eden: Karlheinz n'est plus, ayant confié son pouvoir à l'un de ses fils. Dans le monde des humains, des vampires sont tués les uns après les autres. Quelque chose est en train de se préparer et l'équilibre dans le monde démoniaque s'effondre petit à petit. Un individu au nom de Kino entrera en scène, prêt à tout afin de s'approprier Yui, et ne reculera absolument devant rien pour y parvenir.
Chaos Lineage: Les trois maisons, Scarlet, Violet et Orange, se livrent bataille. Yui se réveille dans une église et complètement amnésique. Des vampires arrivent alors et se disputent pour avoir cette fille qu'ils appellent "Eve", dans l'espoir de devenir le souverain suprême. Il s'agit en fait des Sakamaki, des Mukami, des Tsukinami ainsi que de Kino qui semblent tous avoir perdu la mémoire. Yui essayera alors de retrouver ses souvenirs.
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teddys-dollhouse · 2 years ago
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Imagine your family stressing hell out of you and the only way of relaxing is playing a game of silly vampires with their silly gf in a carnival 🧍‍♀️
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equinox-86 · 1 year ago
Diabolik Lovers Minigame Edits
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A/N: I've always wondered what Noctis would look like in-game, and here we have it <3
Maybe someday I'll edit her in her Lunatic Parade/Vandead Carnival fit if I'm motivated enough.
Ruki's puzzle minigame took the longest, but I LOVE how it turned out.
Big thanks to @kyouxa for the Shin screenshots ૮꒰ ˶• ༝ •˶꒱ა ♡
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