#Dhū al-Ḥijjah
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Restricted Takbīr
الحمد لله رب العالمين وصلى الله وسلم وبارك على عبده ورسوله نبينا محمد وعلى آله وأصحابه أجمعين Imām ʿAbd al-Rahmān ibn ‘Abd Allāh al-Ba’lī رحمه الله stated:والتكبير المقيد عقب كل فريضة في جماعة من صلاة فجر يوم عرفة إلى عصر آخر أيام التشريق.– بداية العابد وكفاية الزاهد The restricted Takbīr proceeds every obligatory Ṣalāh performed in congregation, beginning from Fajr Ṣalāh on the day of ʿArafah…
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𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐦 𝐀𝐥 𝐁𝐮𝐤𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐢 رحمه الله 𝐬𝐚𝐢𝐝
"Ibn 'Umar رضي الله عنه and Abū Hurayrah رضي الله عنه would go out to the market place on the ten days of Dhū al-Ḥijjah saying the takbīr. Upon hearing them, the people would do likewise."
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الله اكبر الله اكبر، لا إله إلا الله، والله اكبر الله اكبر، ولِله الحمد ٠
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A Series of Reminders About The Month of Muḥarram - No.3
The Ruling Of Fasting Supererogatory Fasts For The One Who Has To Make Up Obligatory Fasts!
Shaykh Ibn Bāz رحمه الله was asked: "What is the ruling of fasting supererogatory fasts like the six days of Shawwāl, the ten days of Dhū al-Ḥijjah and the Day of 'Ashūrā' for the one who has days from Ramaḍan which he did not make up?
He answered: "What is obligatory upon whoever has to make up fasts from Ramaḍan is to begin with those fasts before supererogatory fasts because what is obligatory is more important than what is supererogatory, according to the most statements of the scholars."
● [مجموع فتاوى الشيخ بن باز ٣٩٥/١٥]
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The Best Days of the Year Are Upon Us!
Ibn ʿAbbās رضي الله عنه reported that the Nabī ﷺ said:
“There are no days in which righteous deeds are more beloved to Allāh than these ten days.”
The people asked, “Not even jihād for the sake of Allāh?”
He said, “Not even jihād for the sake of Allāh, except in the case of a man who went out to fight giving himself and his wealth up for the cause, and came back with nothing.” [Reported by al-Bukhārī, 2/457]
🌙 The crescent has been sighted in al-Ḥarīq, KSA, tomorrow Friday will be the 1st of Dhū al-Ḥijjah in shaʾ Allāh 🌙
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Eid al-Adha, Muslim festival, marks the culmination of the hajj (pilgrimage) rites at Minā, Saudi Arabia. Eid al-Adha is distinguished by the performance of communal prayer at daybreak on its first day. It begins on the 10th of Dhū al-Ḥijjah…
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01 Painting, Middle East Artists, Mahmoud Said's Eid al-Adha, with Footnotes #25
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A Series of Reminders About The Month of Dhū al-Ḥijjah - No.1
The Days In Which Actions Are Most Beloved To Allāh
Ibn al-Qayyim رحمه الله said: "There are no days in which deeds are more beloved to Allāh than the first ten days of Dhū al-Ḥijjah."
● [بدائع الفوائد ١٦٢/٣]
#Dhū al-Ḥijjah#islam#islamicquotes#welcome to islam#manhaj salaf#salaffiyah#sayings of the salaf#salaf#salafushalih#hadith#quran
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Ibn Ḥajr رحمه الله said:
"A Friday that occurs in the 10 days of Dhū al-Ḥijjah is more distinguished to any other Friday of the year."
● [فتح الباري شرح صحيح البخاري الحافظ ابن حجر العسقلاني ٩٦٩]
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Why Did ‘Umar ibn al-Khaṭṭāb Select the Month of Muḥarram to Start the Islamic Calendar
Shaykh Ṣaliḥ explains how Muḥarram became the first month of the Islamic calendar:
Letters would come to him, and he would not know when they were written and when they were sent. Therefore, he (رضي الله عنه) set the calendar to make it begin from the month of al-Muḥarram.
Shaykh Ṣāliḥ al-Fawzān (حفظه الله) said:
As for the beginning of the year [starting the Islamic calendar with al-Muḥarram], then it is an affair that was adopted in the era of ʿUmar [ibn al-Khaṭṭāb, the second rightly guided Khalīfah] (رضي الله عنه) because of the letters that would come to him from his workers.1
Letters would come to him, and he would not know when they were written and when they were sent. Therefore, he (رضي الله عنه) set the calendar to make it begin from the month of al-Muḥarram, since it was the month in which the Ḥajj pilgrims would set out to return to their countries.
[Furthermore,] the most beloved month to Allāh after Ramaḍān is Allāh’s month, al-Muḥarram; therefore, the calendar began from Muḥarram.
Another reason was that even though the Hijrah occurred during the year, ʿUmar wanted to start the calendar from the beginning of Muḥarram because it was a sacred month2 and because the Ḥajj pilgrims would set out upon the backs of camels during Muḥarram [to return to their countries].
[1] Due to the problems that arose, ʿUmar ibn al-Khaṭṭāb gathered the Companions to consult with them on the issue of the Islamic calendar and to decide which of the months should be its first. They decided to start the calendar from the month of Muḥarram, as the shaykh clarified.
[2] Muḥarram is one of the four sacred months. The other three are: Dhū al-Qaʿdah, Dhū al-Ḥijjah and Rajab.
The Prophet (ﷺ) said: “The year is twelve months, of which four are sacred: the three consecutive months of Dhū al-Qaʿdah, Dhū al-Ḥijjah and Muḥarram, and Rajab Muḍar, which comes between Jumādá and Shaʿbān." Reported by al-Bukhārī.
Source: بيان فضل شهر الله المحرم وما يشرع فيه
Translated by: Musa Shaleem Mohammed
Al-Muharram 29, 1442/September 17, 2020
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Ibn Ḥajr رحمه الله said:
"A Friday that occurs in the 10 days of Dhū al-Ḥijjah is more distinguished to any other Friday of the year."
● [فتح الباري شرح صحيح البخاري الحافظ ابن حجر العسقلاني ٩٦٩]
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What is Hajj and why is it important?
The Hajj is a demonstration of the solidarity of the Muslim people, and their submission to God (Allah). ... The Hajj is associated with the life of Islamic prophet Muhammad from the 7th century AD, but the ritual of pilgrimage to Mecca is considered by Muslims to stretch back thousands of years to the time of Abraham.
What is a Hajj in Islam?
Hajj, also spelled ḥadjdj or hadj, in Islam, the pilgrimage to the holy city of Mecca in Saudi Arabia, which every adult Muslim must make at least once in his or her lifetime. ... The pilgrimage rite begins on the 7th day of Dhū al-Ḥijjah (the last month of theIslamic year) and ends on the 12th day.
What happens at Hajj?
Hajj. Once a year, Muslims of every ethnic group, colour, social status, and culture gather together in Mecca and stand before the Kaaba praising Allah together. ... During the Hajj the Pilgrims perform acts of worship and they renew their sense of purpose in the world. Mecca is a place that is holy to all Muslims.
#Hajj#What is Hajj#What is a Hajj in Islam#What happens at Hajj#why is it important#Hajj 2020#Kabah Tawaf 2020
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Ibn al-Qayyim رحمه الله said:
"There are no days in which deeds are more beloved to Allāh than the first ten days of Dhū al-Ḥijjah."
[بدائع الفوائد ١٦٢/٣]
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Ten days of Dhū al-Ḥijjah for Ḥanābilah
The rulings relating to the 10 days of Dhū al-Ḥijjah: 1. Unconditional Takbīr (not restricted to only saying them after the 5 daily Ṣalāhs) is Sunnah in both ‘Eīds. Sayyidunā Ibn ‘Umar رضي الله عنه used to do so in both ‘Eīds.2. It is Sunnah to perform unrestricted Takbīr at the Masjid, the house, the streets, whether you are a traveller or a resident, and wherever else it is permissible to…
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Why Did ‘Umar ibn al-Khaṭṭāb (raḍi Allāhu ͑anhū) Select the Month of al-Muḥarram to Start the Islamic Calendar
Shaykh Ṣāliḥ al-Fawzān explains how al-Muḥarram became the first month of the Islamic calendar.
Shaykh Ṣāliḥ al-Fawzān (ḥafidhahullāh) said:
As for the beginning of the year [starting the Islamic calendar with al-Muḥarram], then it is an affair that was adopted in the era of ʿUmar [ibn al-Khaṭṭāb, the second rightly guided Khalīfah] (raḍi Allāhu ͑anhū) because of the letters that would come to him from his workers.[1]
Letters would come to him, and he would not know when they were written and when they were sent. Therefore, he (raḍi Allāhu ͑anhū) set the calendar to make it begin from the month of al-Muḥarram, since it was the month in which the Ḥajj pilgrims would set out to return to their countries.
[Furthermore,] the most beloved month to Allāh after Ramaḍān is Allāh’s month, al-Muḥarram; therefore, the calendar began from al-Muḥarram.
Another reason was that even though the Hijrah occurred during the year, ʿUmar (raḍi Allāhu ͑anhū) wanted to start the calendar from the beginning of al-Muḥarram because it was a sacred month[2] and because the Ḥajj pilgrims would set out upon the backs of camels during al-Muḥarram [to return to their countries].
[1] Due to the problems that arose, ʿUmar ibn al-Khaṭṭāb (raḍi Allāhu ͑anhū) gathered the Companions to consult with them on the issue of the Islamic calendar and to decide which of the months should be its first. They decided to start the calendar from the month of Muḥarram, as the shaykh clarified.
[2] Muḥarram is one of the four sacred months. The other three are: Dhū al-Qaʿdah, Dhū al-Ḥijjah and Rajab.
The Prophet (ṣallallāhu ͑ alayhī wa-sallam) said:
“The year is twelve months, of which four are sacred: the three consecutive months of Dhū al-Qaʿdah, Dhū al-Ḥijjah and al-Muḥarram, and Rajab Muḍar, which comes between Jumādá and Shaʿbān." Reported by al-Bukhārī.
Source: bayān fadh.l shahrullāh al-Muḥarram waMā yushra ͑ fīhi
Translated by: Musa Shaleem Mohammed
Via troid.org - https://www.troid.org/ibadah/knowledge/2441-why-did-umar-ibn-al-khattab-select-the-month-of-muharram-to-start-the-islamic-calendar
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A Series of Reminders About The Month of Dhū al-Ḥijjah - No.3
Heedlessness About The Virtue Of The First Ten Days Of Dhū al-Ḥijjah
Sh. Muḥammad ibn Ṣāliḥ al-ʿUthaymīn Raḥimahullāh said: "Righteous actions, including fasting, in the (first) ten days of Dhū al-Ḥijjah are more beloved to Allāh than righteous actions in the last ten days of Ramaḍān.
Yet the people are heedless of the ten days of Dhū al-Ḥijjah. They pass and the people are upon their normals ways. You find no increase in reading the Qur'ān or other types of worship, rather some of them are even stingy with the takbīr."
● [الشرح الممتع ٤٧٠/٦]
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🆕 Most People Are Unaware of the Virtue of Dhū al-Ḥijjah’s First Ten Days - Al-ʿAllāmah Muḥammad ibn Ṣāliḥ al-ʿUthaymīn explains... https://twitter.com/troidorg/status/1542698068474216448 https://www.instagram.com/p/CfdKMTaLwwL/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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A Series of Reminders About The Month of Muḥarram
The Ruling Of Fasting Supererogatory Fasts For The One Who Has To Make Up Obligatory Fasts!
Shaykh Ibn Bāz رحمه الله was asked: "What is the ruling of fasting supererogatory fasts like the six days of Shawwāl, the ten days of Dhū al-Ḥijjah and the Day of 'Ashūrā' for the one who has days from Ramaḍan which he did not make up?
He answered: "What is obligatory upon whoever has to make up fasts from Ramaḍan is to begin with those fasts before supererogatory fasts because what is obligatory is more important than what is supererogatory, according to the most statements of the scholars."
● [مجموع فتاوى الشيخ بن باز ٣٩٥/١٥]
#islam#islamicquotes#welcome to islam#manhaj salaf#salaffiyah#sayings of the salaf#salaf#salafushalih#hadith#quran#sunnah#dawah#fasting
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