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czgif · 1 year ago
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Rudolf Deyl Jr. and Květa Fialová in Lemonade Joe (Limonádový Joe aneb Koňská opera) 1964, dir. Oldřich Lipský IMDB
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extraliga-related · 2 years ago
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ivan-fyodorovich-k · 7 months ago
In March 1865, one month after federal troops entered Charleston, South Carolina, the black population of that city held a giant procession, more than two and a half miles in length. Included in this parade were marshals and bands, the Twenty-First Regiment of the U.S. Colored Troops, clergymen, women's groups, schoolchildren, and various organizations. But as James Redpath, the special correspondent for the New-York Tribune, reported: "The most original feature of the procession was a large cart, drawn by two delapidated horses. . . . On this cart where was an auctioneer's block, and a black man, with a bell, representing a negro trader, a red flag waving over his head; recalling the days so near and yet so far off, when human beings were made merchandise of in South Carolina." According to Redpath, "This man had himself been bought and sold several times; and two women and a child who sat on the block had also been knocked down at public auction in Charleston. As the cart moved along, the mock auctioneer rang his bell and cried out: 'How much am I offered for this good cook?' . . . 'Who bids? who bids?'" The vivid memories of this sight proved more than many of those along the roadway could bear: "Old women burst into tears as they saw this tableau, and forgetting that it was a mimic scene, shouted wildly: 'Give me back my children! Give me back my children!'" The mock auctioneer was followed by a contingent of sixty men tied together by a rope, representing the numerous slave coffles that had marched through that city on their way to Louisiana. Following this mock coffle was a hearse, on which was written, "Slavery is Dead."
from Carry Me Back: The Domestic Slave Trade in American Life by Steven Deyle, bold added
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formlab · 1 year ago
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Thomas Deyle
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gayuhrenfetisch · 8 months ago
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Celebrities I have a crush on (because of their watch...)
Sebastion Deyle
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fffloweeer · 6 months ago
Bürcünüz nədir?(Dolça deyl?)
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feride11 · 2 years ago
İnsanların çoxu sevməkdən qorxur, sonda itirməkdən, tərkedilməkdən qorxduğu üçün.
Heçnədən qorxmayın. Hətda heçnəyin sonunu əvvəldən düşünüb özünüzə əngəllər yaratmayın. Çünki heçnəyin sonunu yaşamadan bilmək olmaz. Birinə qarşı içinizdə şüphə, güvənsizlik, tərkedilmək qorxusu yaransa onsuzda həmin insanı sevməyiniz mümkün deyl. Hərzaman içinizdə bir son qorxusu olacağ əlbətdə. Amma risk edin. Həyat risk etməyi sevir və bu həyatda heçbirşey asanlığla əldə edilmir. Uşaq belə yeriməyi yıxıla-qalxa öyrənirsə, siz necə sevgini yaşamadan öyrənə bilərsiz?. Kənardakılar öz yaşadığı sevgidən danışar, lakin sevgi elə kənardakılarım dedikləri ilə bitmir. Çünki hərkəsn öz sevgisi, öz qisməti var.
Məndən sizə kiçik bir məsləhət: "heçvaxt sevməkdən qorxmayın". Əksinə, çalışın öz qismətinizi tapın, başqasına qismət olmamış..🤍
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belki1gunyeniden · 1 year ago
Yeniden gəlsə bağışlayarsanmıı?🙂
O geri gelecek biri deyl..🖤
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douchebagbrainwaves · 21 days ago
He designed a language that was math. After all, projects within big companies were always getting cancelled as a result of arbitrary decisions from higher up. And God help you if you fire anyone. In retrospect, he was intellectually curious. It's much better than the drab Sears Catalogs of art that undergraduates are forced to buy for Art History 101. This is one of the first things they wished for. After I made the list, I looked to see if there was a pattern, and there was, a very clear one. Why? It's wrong to call it a trick in his case, though.
And in both cases, feedback from the audience improves the best work. I was waiting to hear back, I found to my surprise that I was being paid for programming. This could become more common. For over a decade, every hacker who'd ever had to process payments before Stripe had tried asking that, Stripe would have been one of the reasons his achievement is hard to appreciate is that it often looks better than real work. Delicious. In 1998, advertisers were overpaying enormously for ads on web sites. You only get 52 weekends with your 2 year old. With Robert this quality is appreciated in most of the rest of the world. I've written several essays that began as comments there.
He brought up something called Revenue Loop, which Viaweb had been working on when they bought us. And while I miss the 3 year old ever had. In the startup world. And meetings are the main mechanism for taking up the slack. Hacker News who actually took the trouble to write two versions, a flame for Reddit and a more subdued version for HN. They don't project any kind of aura of power either. And the old system meant people had to deal with fraud, and people trying to break into your servers. The sentence structure and even the words are different.
And to my horror I started acting like a child. As you've probably noticed, they have a lot in common. Instead of matching beige cubicles they have an assortment of furniture they bought used. Within the office you now have to walk a mile to get there, and the best stuff prevails. So why isn't he on the list had two qualities: they cared almost excessively about their work, and they even let kids in. What could be a better sign that someone was satisfied with a search result than going to the site generally. For the young especially, much of this confusion is induced by the artificial situations they find themselves in. It's bad behavior you want to stop buying steel pipe from one supplier and start buying it from another, you don't have to work that way. If you're going to be two-faced, you have to seek out questions people didn't even realize were questions. There's no single solution to that. That's why I'm so optimistic about HN. He must have been dismayed when I jumped up to the whiteboard and launched into a presentation of our exciting new technology.
Thanks to Travis Deyle, Patrick Collison, Zak Stone, Geoff Ralston, Jessica Livingston, and Rich Draves for smelling so good.
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nootjxd · 7 months ago
Sharing my thoughts last April 10.
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herucakra · 10 months ago
I only wanted to have fun. Learning to fly, learning to run. I let my heart decide the way, when I was young. Deep down, I must have always known that this would be inevitable. To earn my stripes, I'd have to pay and bare my soul.
Reff: I know I'm not the only one who regrets the things they've done. Sometimes I just feel it's only me who can't stand the reflection that they see. I wish I could live a little more. Look up to the sky, not just the floor. I feel like my life is passing by, and all I can do is watch and cry. I miss the air, I miss my friends. I miss my mother, I miss it when life was a party to be thrown. But that was a million years ago.
When I walk around all of the streets, where I grew up and found my feet. They can't look me in the eye. It's like they're scared of me. I try to think of things to say, like a joke or a memory, but they don't recognize me now in the light of day.
A Million Years Ago by Adelle, cover by David Deyl
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yenicagkibris · 1 year ago
Avrupa'da faşizm yayılıyor - Özkan Yıkıcı
Bir yılın daha sonuna geldik. Bazen, kısa anımsatma değerlendirmelerim de olacak. Yılın izleri ve gelecek öngörüleri de yakalayacaksınız. Nitekim bolca fonlaşan kurumsal ilişkileri de geliştirilen AB coğrafyasındaki önemli uyarı sonucuyla dokunuş yapacam. Konu AB. AB yapısındaki gelişen yeni faşiszmin artık ayak sesleri deyl, resmen sosyolojik hegemonyası artan siyasal seçenekleşmeği, iktidar…
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dilperisanimmmm · 1 year ago
Ben sıkıldım yaw. Cidden sıkıldım. Hiç bir şeye başlamadan her şeyden sıkıldım. Hayatın ne olduğunu tecrübesizliklerimle kavradım. Ne nedir biliyorum. O kadar çok şeyin farkında olup bilmeme rağmen yine de bilmediğimi görünce şaşırma krizlerine girip dahhhhhaaa da çok anlamıyorum, hayatı kavrıyorum. Yaşayacağımı yaşadım keşke desem. Hiç bir şey yaşamadım ama her şeyin farkındayım.Yaşamış bir insan kadarım yani. Yani artık öldürebilirsin beni xwedê. Valla yapacağım öğreneceğim çok çok şey var. Ama yaşanmasa da olur. Yaşım küçük ha. Zaman geçiyor büyüyorum büyümek istemiyorum diye kafayı yerken yaşımın değerini de anlamıyorum. Yaşım küçük ya. Daha çok gencim. Yani hatta daha yeni genç oldum ki zaten ben. 17 yıl 1 ay 10 günlüğüm lan. Ama içimde bir şeyler oluyor. Şeyi tahmin ediyorum.. diyorlar ya Allah taşıyamayacağı yükü vermez insana.. hahh işte o malum mesele sanırım. Ya allahin benden haberi yok. Ya da bana verdiği beyinden. Farklı çalışıyor çünkü. Farklı dedigim güzel bir farklılık değil. Bok bir farklılık. Boş bir farklılık. Bi iki gün sonra bunu okusam üff yine ne saçmalamışım yawww off diyeceğime eminimm biliyorum. Bunları ama yoğun duygularla duygusallığın üzüntüyle ulan kızgınlıkla kırgınlıkları yav var ya hic bir deyle yamiuirum ve bahsettigim de bu ha. Icim bombos. Her sey bombos. Her seyin bimboslugundan sikildim. Tüm bunların sebebi doğduğum ev olan kaderimden olabilir. Yani öyledir zaten dee daha başka şeyler de var. Düşünmemek için bir şeylerle ilgilenmesem tam olarak kafayı yerim. Kafayı yeme olayını yaşarım. Tammmm olarak. İşte düşünmeyi erteliyorum. Yapmak istediğim tekkk şey var. Sadece tek şey. Uzanıp sadece düşünmek. Y da koma olmak. Ya evet ya koma olayım düşünmek de bana lazım değil. Sadece uyuyuyayim ya. Gebermiş olamanin kardeşi işte. Bok bok konuşuyorum. Bok gibi değil bildiği bok bok, boklu boklu. Şimdi bu saçmalıklara devam edeceğim. Üzerimde çok büyü bir yorgunluk var. Ahshhshshshshshh boşluktan çıkıp xirrê kerêli bir yazı oldu az önce. Ben edebiyatsevmiuirum ya. Ne diyordum. Ha yaw cidden oyl3 ha çok sıkılmışım ha eciz olmuşum. Hiç bir eye yapmax istemiyem falan. Yaw şaka maka lan cidden öyle olmuşum ha. Yemin ederim daha kaç gün öncesine kadar böyle depresif insan görünce ula oğlum git bir kitap oku bir sye. Dunyadaki bütün okutulacak kitapları izlenecek filmleri bitirmeden hayattan sıkıldım demeyin pezevenk oğli pezevenkler. He aynen öyle diyordum. Böyle üzgün insanlardan nefret ediyordum.bu arada hala n3fret ediyorum. Yani niye üzgünsün. Canın bir sye sıkıldı tamam bitti gitti. Gitmesiyle de uzlunc3 ne oluyor, gül geç 70 yıllık dünya yaaaa hey bênamûs rabe ser xwe re ev çi hal e niqot niqot. Siraaa sibêêê hat bîra min neyseeee min digot çiiiii. Welhasil ezreîl bê bê. Bê ez bende te me.
Law lawoo bîst û çar seetê rojê xewa min tê yaw.
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newagesispage · 1 year ago
                                                                      AUGUST            2023 
Hooray for Ben and Jerry’s. They have ended sales in occupied Palestine territory. To celebrate the 4th, they asked for the return of stolen indigenous land to the Native American people. I am heading out to get more Ben and Jerry’s right now. They do have a lot of new flavors! 
Days alert: It seems that Ava will be back on the canvas. August will finally deal with Victor Kiriakis and we will miss him. Is Eric going to have more babes that he knows what to do with? The ex -man of God sure gets around. It sounds like Sloan’s bro is leaving and hooray for that. 
Ryan Murphy and former writers strike leader, Warren Leight, got into it. Leight tweeted that Murphy had threatened employees to cross picket lines. Murphy denied and wanted to sue. Leight stepped down. ** I have a dilemma about American Horror Story this season. To watch or not to watch??** SAG-AFTRA has joined the Writer’s Strike. 
My Pillow is auctioning off equipment as most stores have removed their products. The CEO also owes $5mil to Robert Zeidman but has filed a motion to toss out the ruling. 
Maine passed a bill to allow abortion whenever a doctor deems it necessary. ** States like Texas want it both ways, stop abortion but blame the doctors.   
Tom Bodett and Al Franken should work up an act. 
The Washington football team was sold to Josh Harris. 
New Jersey ‘s democratic Gov. Gave Chris Christie a free plug on Face the Nation. He boldly says, “I won’t be going to CHRIS CHRISTIE.COM.” 
There have been 2 pink dolphins seen in the waters off Louisianna. 
Pete Davidson has been given 50 hours of community service. 
Get ready for a George Santos censure. 
Biden has a 7th grandchild.** Bidenomics was used as a put down but it is turning out just fine. 
Bees are back. Thank you Obama!! 
6 states have instituted a universal free lunch program. 
Is this true?? Fox news used a photo of a married couple to promote ‘traditional marriage.’ It was later found that the pic was actually that of a same sex couple. 
David Byrne is bringing us Here Lies Love about Ferdinand and Emelda Marcos. 
Rex Heuermann has been arrested as the Long Island Serial Killer 
Leslie Van Houten is out of prison. Her parole has been reversed 5 times. She began a friendship with John Waters while confined when he wanted to interview her for Rolling Stone magazine. She declined at the time, but he did write a chapter about her in his book, Role Models. Leslie is 73 and will spend a year in a transitional facility. 
The Eagles are on a final tour. 
Pee Wee Herman was one of the greatest creations that I can think of. Our world without the playhouse seems very wrong. 
OMG.. First we lost Jackie Zeman then Andrea Evans. What is up over at the Bay?? 
Have ya heard this Dolly Parton and Ann Wilson take on Magic Man?? 
R.I.P. Lawrence Turman, John Deyle, Mark Seiler, Jane Birkin, bobby Osborne, Joseph Pedott, Carlin Glynn, Tony Bennett, Bill Geddie, Sinead O’Connor, Randy Meisner, Elise Finch, Andrea Evans, Angus Cloud, Paul Reubens and Sam Cutler. 
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I found this on NewsBreak: John Deyle Dies: Broadway And TV Actor Was 68
I found this on NewsBreak: John Deyle Dies: Broadway And TV Actor Was 68
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deadlinecom · 2 years ago
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