welldressedllama · 3 months
Top 10 Ships Involving POC in 10 Different Fandoms (round 3)
Thanks for tagging me @blairwaldcrf!
Once again, these are in no particular order.
1 - Kanthony - Kathani "Kate" Sharma and Anthony Bridgerton, "Bridgerton"
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2 - Valevans - Kyle Valenti and Max Evans, "Roswell, New Mexico"
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3 - Paynland/Payneland - Charles Rowland and Edwin Payne, "Dead Boy Detectives"
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4 - Spelivia - Spencer James and Olivia Baker, "All American"
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5 - Bamon - Bonnie Bennett and Damon Salvatore, "The Vampire Diaries"
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6 - Fayelissa - Melissa Glaser and Faye Chamberlain, "The Secret Circle"
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7 - Devon x Conrad (Devrad??) - Devon Pravesh and Conrad Hawkins, "The Resident"
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8 - SamBucky - Sam Wilson and Bucky Barnes, Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU)
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9 - Gilijah/Eligia - Gia and Elijah Mikaelson, "The Originals"
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10 - The Plastics Posse - Jackson Avery and Mark Sloan, "Grey's Anatomy"
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I'm tagging @a-lil-bi-furious, @dr-lizortecho, and anyone else who'd like to do it. Cheers!
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blushingbubbles · 3 months
Collect a list of degrading, dehumanising names for yourself, from your followers. Make a separate poll/post for that. Then come back to me and I'll tell you what to do with it.
uhmm of course Sir
mm followers may toy pease have a list of dehumanziignn/devrading names for toy
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tarlos-spain · 3 years
Flufftober Day 23 - Hold me in your arms
Fandom: The resident
Pairing: Conrad Hawkins/Devon Pravesh
Characters: Conrad Hawkins, Devon Pravesh
Cry if you need to
Conrad is devastated weeks after Nic's dead, but Devon is determinated to help him, even if it breaks his heart. But it's for his love and Gigi.
Devon knew it wasn't a good idea, everyone had told him.
"Conrad needs time. He's been through something terrible." "He needs to be alone, for him and for Gigi." "It's only been a few days." "Yes, it's been a few weeks, but..."
Exactly, that's what Devon thought, it had been a few weeks and Conrad was still deep in the black hole that remained after losing the person you've married; after losing the mother of your daughter.
But Devon knew that pain, knew what it was like to lose someone. Few people knew, because he didn't like to talk about it. But he had fallen in love once, before his father met his girlfriend. He had fallen in love with a fellow senior in high school and a car accident, as had now happened to Conrad, had taken him away from him.
It wasn't the same, of course, it wasn't the same length of relationship, but Devon understood that pain and knew that if someone didn't help him, Conrad could be lost forever down there. If he wouldn't do it for him, he had to do it for his daughter.
He stood in front of Conrad's door for a moment longer. He had time to turn it around, not knock, Devon would never know he'd been there.
But at the same time, he couldn't let it go, couldn't abandon his friend at the worst moment of his life.
He knocked on the door without another thought. Now Conrad could not open the door, he could make her think he wasn't there. But Gigi crying on the other side of the door was enough to make his father unable to hide.
"Conrad. It's Devon. I know you're home and it's okay if you don't want to answer the door. But, I want you to know you're not alone." He waited, but silence dominated everything on the other end. "We don't need to talk if you don't want to." Devon rested his hand on the door, as if it would make him feel something. "But it's not a good idea for you to be alone...for you and Gigi to be alone."
The door opened and Conrad's half, appeared, with Gigi in his arms, crying.
"I can't get her to calm down. She doesn't understand what's going on, she's too little to understand her mother...but she cries inconsolably all the time."
Devon motioned for him to let him hold the little girl. Conrad handed her to him and as soon as he had her in his arms, Gigi stopped crying, turned to her father and smiled at him as if nothing was wrong.
"Tell me you have some kind of magic, how did you do it Devon?"
Conrda stepped aside to let her partner into the house.
With a quick glance, she realized it was all a mess. He hadn't cleaned in days, weeks even, there were clothes everywhere and it looked like a bomb had dropped in the kitchen.
His friend's appearance wasn't much better. He hadn't changed his clothes in I don't know how many days, he needed a good shower and he seemed to only care about his daughter's well-being, which was already a lot.
"It's not magic, Conrad. Little kids notice everything and Gigi senses your pain, she senses you're in pain and... Excuse me Gigi?" Conrad stared at Devon uncomprehendingly as he put the little girl next to his ear. "So your dad, he doesn't want to ask for help. Hmm I see. And he doesn't want anyone to see him having a hard time, when we all know he's having a hard time."
Conrad shot him a hard look. Maybe if Devon hadn't been holding Gigi in his arms he would have punched him in the face.
But Devon was doing his unclely job well and as soon as he got the little girl comfortable, she fell asleep in his arms. After all the time she had spent crying, she must have been exhausted.
They sat down on the couch. Conrad remained silent. He was uncomfortable, not hiding it well. He wasn't even trying. He had only opened up to her because he was desperate that Gigi wouldn't stop crying.
When he was convinced the girl was asleep, he took him from Devon's arms and carried him into the bedroom.
"Give me five minutes." He said before leaving him sitting there on the couch.
But the five minutes turned into ten and then fifteen.
Devon wasn't a nosy person, but when it came to a friend in trouble, he couldn't just sit there and do nothing. He followed in Conrad's footsteps, it wasn't the first time he'd been in his house, so he had no trouble finding Gigi's room.
But he didn't make it inside.
Conrad was in the hallway, sitting on the floor, hugging his legs, with a hand over his mouth so no one would hear him crying. Now that Gigi wasn't in front of him, now that he didn't have her in his arms, he could let himself grieve.
Devon walked over to him and sat down next to him.
He didn't say a word, he stayed there, just in case Conrad needed him, just so he knew he wasn't alone.
Devon looked at the clock this time, they had all the time in the world or at least until Gigi woke up again.
Exhausted, Conrad leaned his head against the wall.
He smiled with bitterness in his gesture and turned to his partner.
"I don't think I can do it." He said at last. "Do what?" "I don't know, everything, I guess. I don't feel capable of being a parent, of being a doctor, of being a person." "I can assure you I know what you're talking about."
Conrad turned to Devon for the impossible answer.
"So how do you get ahead?" "With time and the ability to ask for a hug." "Whew." "It's hard I know. But that's why I want you to know that I will be by your side until you find the strength to tell those who love you... those who love you that you need help or at least a hug." "A hug if I could use one, I think it's been...I don't know how long since anyone has given me a hug that doesn't mean "how sorry I am" or "I feel sorry for you". I think I've forgotten a real hug." "Am I supposed to take that phrase as a way of saying "please, Devon give me a hug because I don't have the strength yet to ask for one?"
Conrad nodded. Devon smiled and held out his arms. Neither said anything as Conrad let himself fall against Devon's chest. The latter closed his arms around his body and they lay there for a while, doing nothing, saying nothing. The two of them just lay there, Conrad feeling protected and Devon with the feeling that he had arrived in time.
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barnes-107th · 5 years
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I have a theory, hear me out..Conrad and Devon are holding hands in the first still. They’re looking into each other’s eyes having a moment, then Nic shows up and startles them. Devon quickly pulls back and Conrad covers his hand that he was holding Devon’s with. They’re finally starting to realize their feelings for each other, I say as I put on my clown shoes 😂
(Also this is no way a disregard to Nic or Conic, I love her, and I lowkey ship all three of them together as a thruple)
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dochugoescalona · 3 years
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☢Síndrome de Stevens-Johnson☢ El síndrome de Stevens-Johnson es un trastorno grave poco común de la piel y de las membranas mucosas. Suele ser una reacción al medicamento que comienza con síntomas similares a los de la gripe, seguidos de un sarpullido doloroso que se disemina y ampollas. Luego, la capa superior de la piel afectada muere, se desprende y comienza a curarse después de varios días. ☢Síntomas☢ De uno a tres días antes de que se desarrolle un sarpullido, puedes mostrar signos tempranos del síndrome de Stevens-Johnson tales como • Fiebre • Dolor de boca y garganta • Fatiga • Ardor en los ojos ☢Causas☢ El síndrome de Stevens-Johnson es una enfermedad rara e impredecible. Es posible que el médico no pueda identificar su causa exacta, pero por lo general la afección se desencadena por los medicamentos, una infección o ambos. Podrías experimentar una reacción al medicamento mientras lo estás tomando, o hasta dos semanas después de dejar de tomarlo ☢Tratamiento☢ El tratamiento del síndrome de Stevens-Johnson requiere la hospitalización, posiblemente en una unidad de cuidados intensivos o de quemados. Suspender los medicamentos que no sean esenciales. Rehidratación, nutrición, cuidado de heridas y cuidado de los ojos. #ultrasound #radiographer #mbbs #radiography #residency #doctors #anatomy #anatomia #medschool #medicalschool #imaging #medicine #radiologia #residency #pg #Physician #radiology #medstudent #nurse #nursingschool #nursingstudent #radtech #mri #ct #devrad #abdomen #git #docescalona (en Isla de Margarita- Tu Destino Ideal) https://www.instagram.com/p/COBw6qIlSWo/?igshid=1qfyqlul3l6qx
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tarlos-spain · 3 years
Comfortember Day 25 - Mental Health
Fandom: The resident
Pairing: Conrad Hawkins/Devon Pravesh
Characters: Conrad Hawkins, Devon Pravesh, Kyle Niven
Broken inside
The day everything went to shit, Conrad woke up with the worst headache of his life. That foreshadowed a long, very long, exhausting day, with more patients than he had in the whole previous week, which was not the best thing to do when he felt like hitting someone or breaking things.
The day everything went to shit, Conrad woke up with the worst headache of his life. That foreshadowed a long, very long, exhausting day, with more patients than he had in the whole previous week, which was not the best thing to do when he felt like hitting someone or breaking things.
Everyone who knew him knew what he was going through, although no one could really get a full picture of what he was going through after asking for his wife and finding himself with a little girl to raise on his own.
It would be understandable if he didn't take too well to a drunken teenager who was accompanying his friend who had just come out of a drunken coma and was laughing about it.
Maybe he went too far by punching the kid in the face. Maybe being furious with the kid was just a way of taking out his hatred on the world, his anger towards life.
But the hospital hadn't taken it well and he'd been sanctioned with a week off work. Just what he needed the least in those days. Because that meant time to think, time to feel worse, to hate everyone around him even more.
He didn't want to badmouth the girls who worked in the hospital nursery and say he was sorry, it was starting to be meaningless, because really, he wasn't sorry, he didn't care.
"You need help." Devon told her before she protested in the hospital cafeteria that they'd made her coffee too cold. "I'm telling you this because I'm someone who loves you very much and I'm seeing that you're sinking." "And it takes a great friend of mine to realize something like that?" Conrad took a few steps down the hallway, but stopped and turned around. "You have no idea how I feel Dev. You haven't lost the most important person in your life."
Devon bit his tongue to keep from telling her that losing the most important person would mean losing him. It wasn't the time or place to say something like that.
"No, you're right, I haven't been through anything like that, but having you here in front of me and watching you suffer is just as terrible." "I assure you it's not and now if you don't mind, I have a lot of things to do."
Conrad left. He had nothing to do. He had already finished his shift and only had Gigi left to pick up from daycare, but he needed to calm down a bit so his daughter wouldn't notice anything unusual.
He locked himself in the bathroom for a moment and looked in the mirror.
He knew Devon was right. He was paying for all her problems with people who were not to blame for anything.
He was taking it out on Devon. He had pushed his best friend away because it was easier to be miserable when you had no one around and kicking Devon out, pushing him away and hurting him had been cruel and he hadn't even realized he was doing it.
The worst part was that Devon was right. He needed help and at the same time he didn't want to go telling anyone about his problems, his fears or why he cried at night.
He had been offered a few days off and thought maybe it was time to accept that little forced vacation.
He didn't want to think about it. If he did he would change his mind, so he accepted it and went to pick Gigi up from daycare with the thought that now it was just the two of them.
What he didn't expect was to find his father-in-law there, with Gigi in his arms and that hard look on his face as he talked about the fellow nursery receptionists.
"Doctor Hawkins." The girl greeted him without hiding the awkwardness she felt at that moment. "I thought Gigi was leaving with her grandfather today." "Actually, we hadn't talked about that at all. Did I miss anything?" "I came to see my granddaughter, since now that her mother is gone, I don't seem to exist anymore. And I've gone Conrad things, things that concern Gigi's safety." "What are you talking about?" "They say you're becoming violent and aggressive. That's dangerous for Gigi."
Conrad walked over to his father-in-law reached out and grabbed his daughter. He hugged her tightly and the little girl replied with a tender smile.
"What are you insinuating?" "I'm not insinuating anything Conrad, but I want someone to evaluate your ability to be a responsible parent right now."
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tarlos-spain · 3 years
Flufftober Day 27 - "I'm Cold" "Take my jacket"
Fandom: The resident
Pairing: Conrad Hawkins/Devon Pravesh
Characters: Devon Pravesh, Leela Devi
Tell him you love him, because I love you
Devon loves Conrad, but he doesn't want to hurt Leela.
Devon had taken refuge in one of the less traveled corridors of the hospital. He needed to think, because if he came down, he would never be a help to Conrad at the worst time of his life.
He leaned against the wall and closed his eyes.
She still couldn't believe that day was real, that Nikky her friend, her mentor for many things and most of all Conrad's wife was gone because of a damn car accident that no one understood yet.
He had made up his mind long ago, that his feelings for Conrad would never be shared by his friend. Conrad loved Nikki, she was in his life before Devon came along. He had known from the first moment that theirs was impossible.
And now, on a day no one could ever forget at the hospital, he had to find the strength to be the support Conrad needed to keep from sinking.
The door to the hallway opened and Leela stopped at the sight of him.
"I didn't think you'd be here" She said as she started to turn around, ready to leave. "Sorry, I didn't mean to bother you." "You're never a bother. Come, today is not a day for anyone in this hospital to be alone."
Leela walked toward him and stood silently at his side.
Minutes passed, how uncomfortable silence is when there are so many things you need to say, but you don't have the strength to say them.
Leela shuddered and hugged herself.
"Are you okay?" "Yeah, I'm just cold."
Devon took off his windbreaker, he'd been feeling cold for a while now too. He'd literally frozen with the news and if he wasn't feeling well anymore because he hadn't recovered from the inhalation, he hadn't managed to serenade himself. But he had become accustomed, somehow to the cold.
"Here, take my jacket." "Are you sure?" "Yes, take it easy. I don't think there's anything that's going to make me feel good."
Leela nodded and accepted the jacket. She slung it over her shoulders and suddenly felt the weight of what she'd been wanting to tell Devon for a while now.
"I've noticed how you're feeling. I guess I'd noticed it a while ago, but it was easier for me not to see it." Devon turned to face her and kept quiet so she could say everything she held inside. "Don't worry, I guess I can't be mad that I know how you feel. Rather, I feel bad that you weren't able to tell me sooner." "Leela." "Wait, let me finish. What I want to say is that I'm going to be by your side no matter what. "How long have you known that?" "I've always thought so. You can tell when you look at him and hold him close. But it wasn't until today that I realized that...it sounds really bad that I think something like that, but I wish you cared about me like you do about Conrad."
Devon had been in love with his mentor, boss and friend from the first moment he had met him , but something had always happened, there was always something in the way. Now what was in the way was the avism of Conrad's loss of his wife and the mother of his daughter.
"I.... At first I wasn't sure how I felt about him. He treated me badly, I thought he hated me and yet I was attracted to him from the first moment." Devon smiled'sadly, with the sorrow of one who knows he's been dreaming of an impossible for years. "And now..." "Now you're the one who's going to be by his side when he'll need support the most." "Conrad... I know him, he'll do his best to be alone." "But you're not going to let him." Leela smiled at him.
He looked at her for a moment, he was having a hard time understanding why his girlfriend was helping him at that moment, after what she had just told him.
"Why?" "Why what?" she asked. "You know."
Leela shrugged.
"Because I love you I guess, no matter what."
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tarlos-spain · 3 years
Flufftober Day 24 - Caught in the rain
Fandom: The Resident
Pairing: Conrad Hawkins/Devon Pravesh
Characters: Conrad Hawkins, Devon Pravesh
Please, stay with me
Devon is tired to wait por Conrad, so he decided to leave, until Conrad discovers he's about to loose him
Conrad was sure he was going to catch the worst cold of his life, but he didn't care. He had to wait, he had made a promise and he intended to keep it even if it meant catching the cold of his life.
He looked at the clock, Devon was one of the most square people he knew, he had schedules for everything and a different alarm for everything on his cell phone so he knew that in exactly eight minutes he would be out the door.
He could wait a little longer in the rain.
Just at the appointed time, Devon showed up, perfectly attired with an umbrella, raincoat and wellies, unlike Conrad who had rushed out of the hospital without even putting on his jacket and was now freezing to death.
Devon already had his suitcase with him. He had made the decision so soon that Conrad wasn't sure if he could change his mind.
He didn't see him, he had hailed a cab and was heading straight in that direction, so Conrad had to break into a run on legs numb from the cold to catch him.
"Dev!" The rain was coming down and it sounded so loud there was no way to make himself heard. "Devon wait!"
He reached right up to him and rested her hand on his shoulder.
Devon turned around and stared. His wet look wasn't the best in the world, but at least he managed to get his attention.
"You're leaving? Just like that?" Conrad said motioning for the cab driver to wait. "What else do you want me to do? You haven't given me much choice." "Dev..." "No. I know what you're going to say Conrad and I assure you I've thought about it. That's it, I've made the decision. I asked you what you wanted us to do and you didn't give me an answer, you told me you needed time." "I know and I'm an asshole for saying that. Because I didn't think it and if I had realized I was kicking you out of my life I would have told you that I can't wait to wake up with you every day and that I've never felt with anyone the way I feel with you. Dev don't go, please. Don't leave me." "I'm going to another hospital to work. You know where I am."
Conrad looked at the suitcase, tempted to rip it from his hands and run off in the opposite direction, like a child would, certain that way he wouldn't leave.
"But I can't keep you away." "You're the one who told me we shouldn't meet together at the hospital. And I'm sorry but I don't like being a secret."
Conrad took a step closer and rested his hand on Devon's shoulder without taking his eyes off Devon. He was shaking and that, although he didn't want to show it out loud because he was still upset and offended by what had happened, endeared Devon.
"I don't want us to be a secret. But the last few relationships I've had, let's just say they haven't gone particularly well. I was afraid I'd lose you if... if I did things too fast." "Too fast? Conrad it took you three months to kiss me...well to let me kiss you." "I still say I was the one who initiated the kiss." "If I had to wait for you to kiss me, I think I'd still be waiting."
Both of Conrad's hands were now on Devon's shoulders and he pushed him against the wall of the building. The suitcase fell out of his hands. The kiss caught him by surprise, but he let himself be kissed, he loved it when Conrad behaved like this, when he kissed him to prove he was his.
"That's how our first kiss was, because I gave it to you." Devon blushed and Conrad smiled. "The point is," He sneezed several times." "The point is, you're going to catch pneumonia if you keep those wet clothes on much longer." "Don't leave me Dev. I have a terrible ability to push people I care about away. The more I care about someone..." "I know." Devon stroked her cheek smiling. "You stood in the rain to force me to let you come up to my apartment, change your clothes and maybe sleep over for a couple of days because of the fever green?" "I would never do that Devon, how could you think something like that about me?"
Devon replied with a kiss and a gesture to the cab driver to leave without him.
"Come on, get in, I had turned down the job at the other hospital altogether." "So where were you going then?" "To see my parents for a couple of days, I had taken a vacation." "Did you do that on purpose to see how I would react?" "I would never do that, Conrad. How could you think something like that about me?" He sl00ung his suitcase over his shoulder and wrapped it around Conrad's waist. "Besides, I'm not going to leave you now to go home alone. You're soaking wet and freezing to death. Come on upstairs, at least we'll have a couple of days to be alone."
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tarlos-spain · 3 years
Comfortember Day 12 - Make something
Fandom: The resident
Pairing: Conrad Hawkins/Devon Pravesh
Characters: Conrad Hawkins, Devon Pravesh
You made the most beautiful thing
After Nic's death, Conrad is devastated, he doesn't know how to move on but Devon is always ready to remind him the most important thing in his world, Gigi.
There was a black cloud over Conrad's head.
Everyone had noticed it, but Devon had noticed it before anyone else. He had tried to talk to him at the hospital, had gone to his house with beers, had invited him to dinner at his apartment, but to no avail.
There was something Conrad didn't want to share with anyone, not even him, and in a way Devon felt bad that Conrad wasn't able to tell him anything.
When the day off came for both of them, Devon offered to take him out to lunch. When he was home, Conrad wasn't a great lover of cooking, he had enough work being a father and he couldn't think about everything that had happened in the last few months.
"You don't need to come over. I can order something to eat." "You're going to give Gigi pizza?" Devon heard Conrad growl on the other end of the phone. "You know she loves the curry I make her and don't lie to me, you like it too."
He had already prepared the food and put it in the tappers when he called, so twenty minutes later he was already ringing Conrad's doorbell.
He didn't look the best when he received it. He was quite the pro at the hospital, Conrad was one of the best, even when he was having a really bad day. But when it was his day off, when he was at home and no one saw him, he had a chance to look depressed to himself.
"What if I had told you not to come?" "I had already prepared the food, I spent all morning with it and I would have had so much left over that I would have come anyway to bring you some."
Conrad smiled, with that gesture that tried to hide the worry or in this case sorrow that flooded him.
Devon stroked his arm, sometimes he wondered if his partner liked the little caresses he was always giving him. But he had never told him otherwise. Maybe Conrad wasn't one to express affection as such but he liked to feel that someone cared about him.
"Is Gigi sleeping?" "Yes, she's been running around the living room all morning and she was tired. I think she's going to be good at athletics." They both burst out laughing. "I guess, sometimes I think everything I've done in life lately is one mistake after another."
They left the tapers in the kitchen and Conrad offered him a beer, but Devon declined.
"Why would you say that?"
Conrad shrugged and leaned against the counter.
"Is everything okay at the hospital? I mean..." "Relax, I haven't killed any patients. In the hospital everything is mechanical sometimes, it's easier not to think about the complicated things in your own life. But when I get out, when I get home and close the door..." Conrad sighed heavily. "You're not talking to anyone about how you're feeling are you?"
Conrad shook his head and stood there staring at the floor.
It was hard to talk about himself when he didn't want to acknowledge that he could use a hand when he wasn't the big doctor inside the hospital and it was even harder to accept that he could know a lot about the human body, but when it was his turn to know himself and understand what was happening to him, he was a mess.
"Come with me."
Devon grabbed his arm and tugged.
"Where to?" "You come." "Didn't you want to fix something to eat?" "Not until you feel better." "What?
Conrad paused waiting for an answer.
"We've been talking like this for days. you sound depressed and that's normal, but there's something wrong with you when he says you don't do anything right and only feel useful when you're in the hospital. You know, that kind of nonsense." "Hey, that hurts!" Conrad protested. "Come on, come on, there's something you need to see that will surely help you realize that you don't have a right to feel that way."
Conrad followed him not knowing what was on his mind, but he was hungry, so he might as well find out what he wanted to tell him and then they could eat.
Devon carefully opened Gigi's bedroom door. The girl was still asleep, a perfect creature, enjoying a perfect moment. He motioned for Conrad to come with him to the child's crib.
He covered her tightly with the sheet and the child sighed, in what seemed like a way of thanking him.
"Like that thing you were telling me yesterday about not being able to do anything right?" Devon whispered and Conrad glared at him. "Then what about that wonderful little thing you and Nic did?" "That's different." "There's nothing different about it. You have a daughter, you've seen her born, she's depending on you and right now, whatever you think you're doing wrong, she'll look at you and still love you exactly the same." "Dev..."
Conrad looked away from the crib, reached in and stroked the child's cheek, He smiled, it was so simple to forget all the problems as the child breathed heavily and rolled over in the crib.
He suddenly felt stupid for belittling how he felt about his daughter and grateful that Devon was there, always there, ready to lend a hand at any time. He reached across the crib, placed his hand on Devon's hand.
He nodded silently, it was his best way, at that moment to say thank you.
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tarlos-spain · 3 years
Flufftober Day 22 - Flirting at work
Fandom: The resident
Pairing: Conrad Hawkins/Devon Pravesh
Characters: Conrad Hawkins, Devon Pravesh
Send me a message
Devon and Conrad keep flirting at the hospital
Devon smiled as his phone vibrated in his pocket.
C: My last patient was faking a sprain. We've already sent her home. I've got some time off. You?
D: Puff, I wish, three more patients to visit.
C: I miss you baby. Tell me you're sleeping in my apartment tonight.
Nikky walked over to Devon and looked over her partner's phone over her shoulder and rested her hand on it.
"Aw. So that's what you and Conrad do when you're visiting patients."
Devon tried to hide the phone in his pocket, but it was too late. It also vibrated again with a new message.
C: I'm sorry I said you could bring anything you wanted to my house. It's a little early for you. I'm really sorry. I won't say anything about it again.
"Conrad wants you to move in with him?" Devon turned around and leaned against the nurse's desk. "You haven't said anything to him yet have you? If you want my opinion, Conrad is an incredible guy, very intense and I guess that can be scary. do you love him?" "Very much." "How long have you two been together?" "Almost a year, plus the four months on the sly." "I know Conrad very well. If it had been up to him, after five months he would have told you to move in with him. By now, he's probably holding back from asking you to marry him."
Devon found herself smiling.
Normally a sentence like that would have made him panic, would have terrified him to know that the person he was dating wanted to change his life upside down, living together or talking d marriage.
But now that it was Conrad, all she could do was smile.
D: You haven't overwhelmed me or anything. Have I ever told you about my bad memory for personal things?
C: You mean the times you forgot you were meeting me on your day off? Or are we talking about when you forget to eat? I think sometimes you only remember me for sex.
D: That's not true! We talk all day long. But, okay the sex with you is amazing. I think about it all the time.
C: So when I want you to remember me, I have to turn you on first.
D: We're working, baby. Don't do this to me. You're bad.
C: And when you say bad, you mean I'm really good at what we do...you know, in my house. In my bed.
D: Bah, seriously now. About what you were saying. About living together.
C: Well, I said you could bring some things.
D: Come on, tell me the truth. Do you want to live together? Do you want me to move in with you?
Devon stared at the phone.
Two minutes passed without Conrad answering his message. Could it be possible that he was the one who had scared off his boyfriend? Conrad didn't seem the type to scare easily and since they'd been together Conrad had always been sure of himself and his feelings.
"Do you think..." "Easy," Nikky told him. "Conrda doesn't freak out because you tell him you want to live with him. I'm sure he's with a patient. Look, she's writing."
C: I just looked and on the weekend we can make the move. I have the day off and so do you. You're on shift at night, though. But you'll be home by then, you can get a few hours sleep."
D: So on the weekend we become a couple who officially live together. It's a huge thing. Are you sure?
C: When I'm done here today I'll make you a copy of the keys. And tonight we have dinner at home, right? Romantic? or we go directly to the next level. D: In the next level we don't have dinner, do we? We go straight to bed.
C: Or to the sofa. To the shower Or yes to bed. Wherever you want. But I wasn't thinking about dinner.
D: Okay then, let's eat something. By the time I finish my shift, I won't have eaten for seven hours. I'm not the best lover when I'm hungry.
C: Noted. I order something. So we don't have to clean up later. Try not to forget you're coming to my house. If you want I'll tell you what we'll do to warm you up so you don't forget.
Devon leaned his cell phone on the counter, but Nick wasn't there anymore, luckily he hadn't read that last message from Conrad. There was no one around him, he picked up the cell phone again and smiled.
No one saw him smile at that stupid thing, nor did they see him leave for the bathroom.
D: You get me to do crazy things, Conrad.
C: Why do you say that?
D: I'll be in the bathroom for the next 5 to 7 minutes. I can't wait for you to tell me what you're going to do with me at home.
C: Make yourself comfortable, Dev. This is getting interesting.
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tarlos-spain · 3 years
Flufftober Day 17 - Domestic stuff
Fandom: The Resident
Pairing: Conrad Hawkins/Devon Pravesh (Devrad)
Characters: Conrad Hawkings, Devon Pravesh
Sleeping with you
Conrad and Devon sleep together for sometime now
Two shifts in a row and neither had hardly any time to lie down to bed and their brains shut down almost immediately. Devon struggled to keep his eyes open while Conrad took a shower. He didn't want to fall asleep before his boyfriend lay down on the bed next to him.
His head was killing him, he took a pill and turned out the light. He stood prying at his phone while Conrad was in the bathroom and put it aside when his boyfriend and boss came out.
He smiled, looking him up and down as he saw that he wore nothing but the towel around his waist. He liked it when it was just him, Conrad Hawkings, his boyfriend, not one of the best doctors in the hospital; with wet, tousled hair.
"I thought you'd be asleep by now." "Not without you, you know I have a hard time sleeping since I've been coming to sleep at your apartment. You're spoiling me." "I'd say I'm spoiling you pretty good, Dr. Pravesh." Conrad said, sat up in bed and toweled off to dry his hair.
Devon looked away for a moment, it was strange that it still made him nervous to see him naked. His body was perfect anyway, any time, but to have him next to him, naked, with little drops of water running down his skin.
"What's the matter baby, haven't we had sex enough times for you to stop being embarrassed to look at me?"
Conrad knelt on the bed and slid down the sheets like a feline watching its prey and ended up lying with his head on Devon's thigh.
"It's not that, I'm not ashamed to look at you." "So?" Conrad circled Devon's waist and stroked his back. "Am I going to have to sit up for you to give me a kiss? I'm too tired and it's killing my back."
Devon leaned over him and kissed him face down.
"What are you embarrassed about then?" whispered Conrad.
Devon loved the smell of Conrad's freshly washed hair, used to bury his nose in it and entwine his fingers between a few strands.
"It's a thing about the culture I come from." Devon said quietly. "I've always been taught to be very modest about keeping my body covered at all times. I don't always remember that you're much more...more.... " "That I am less modest. I have no problem with my body, let's just say the opposite actually. Haven't I ever told you that I like nude beaches when I can and that I like naturist saunas?"
Even in the darkness of the bedroom, Conrad could see Devon blushing.
"No, I don't think it had ever occurred to you to mention that to me."
Devon let out a nervous laugh and couldn't help but let his gaze roam over Conrad's body several times.
"Well now you know." Conrad smiled "I like to be naked whenever I can and the truth is I'd like to sleep with you like this, naked and feel your body attached to me all night long."
He rolled off him and settled into bed, got under the sheet and sighed as he felt like he could finally sleep. He wasn't sure he'd be able to wake up for the next two days, but that was the last thing he cared about at the moment.
He hadn't realized to close his eyes, but then he heard the sound of someone undressing and lying down next to him. Devon's body was always warm, in the most literal sense. He was a stove to be pressed against in the winter...and in the summer too who was he kidding?
So he had no problem noticing him close, noticing him naked.
He didn't bother to open his eyes, he didn't have the strength to do so anymore. He simply draped his arm across his chest, but Devon moved first and snuggled against him. Neither of them said anything because neither of them could before they fell asleep.
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barnes-107th · 5 years
The Resident 3x10 more like Conrad and Devon make heart eyes at each other for 20 minutes
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tarlos-spain · 3 years
Every night and forever with you
Fandom: The Resident
Pairing: Conrad Hawkins/Devon Pravesh
Conrad thinks that Gigi has nightmares regarding her mother's death, when really she's scared that Devon and him will end their relationship
For the third night in a row, Conrad got out of bed and went to Gigi's room, where the little girl was sobbing and crying, lost in a nightmare. He held her in his arms, she seemed to grow a little older every day, but despite being on her way to four years old she was still his baby.
He rocked her as he moved around the room, humming softly, until at last the child fell asleep and he was able to put her back in her bed. He stared at her for a moment.
She had barely known her mother, Nic had died when the girl was still a baby and she barely had a shadow memory. She would soon forget all about it. But still, at night, he dreamed of her, missed her and begged her not to go away.
It seemed to him that it was too early to start therapy, he wasn't even four years old, he wouldn't understand anything a psychologist would tell him. Surely he just needed time, but it still bothered Conrad.
He didn't go back to bed, he didn't want to wake Devon. His partner had had a rough day at the hospital and had lost two patients, he needed to rest and get through the rough patch.
So he settled down on the couch and turned on the TV, if he could find something boring enough, he would surely manage to fall asleep. But no sooner had he changed the program twice than he heard Devon's footsteps approaching on bare feet down the hallway.
Wordlessly he sat down next to her and rested his head on Conrad's chest.
"I thought you were sleeping." "I woke up with Gigi, but when I heard you were going to her room, I've been trying to go back to sleep, without much luck. I keep seeing the faces of those two poor men who have died in front of me." "Must be the night of nightmares." Conrad sighed. "Gigi keeps calling her mother and asking her not to leave." "Gigi dreams about her mother? I thought as little as she was when she lost her, she wouldn't remember." "Well apparently she does and she wants her back, just one of the few things as a parent I can't do."
They stood for a while watching TV, one of the Netflix cooking shows where the cooks had to make impossible pies.
Conrad pressed Devon's body against him and kissed the top of his head.
"Try to sleep, you've worked twelve hours straight and tomorrow with the marathon in town I don't think it'll be much quieter." "You know I can't sleep if you're not in bed with me, after all it is your bed."
Conrad leaned over so he could look Devon in the eye.
"My bed, where did that come from? I would think after sleeping with me for almost a year, you'd consider that your bed too." "It's the same bed you bought with Nic. It's not easy not to think that it's always going to be his bed, your bed, and that I..." "Why didn't you tell me, Dev, why didn't you tell me you found it hard to sleep in that bed? It's been a year, damn it. We can buy any bed you want, honestly, it's not something that's a big deal to me." "I didn't want to...." "I'm not made of glass, Dev and certainly not when it comes to Nic. I lost my wife, but that was almost three years ago. It was the hardest time of my life, but I'm here and now, with you, I'm sleeping with you, living with you and if it takes us switching beds so you're more at ease, we'll do it." "Are you two fighting already?"
Neither of them had noticed that Gigi had gotten up and was standing in the living room doorway looking at them as she rubbed her eyes sleepily.
"Gigi honey. It's so late, what are you doing up." "You guys are up and arguing, just like the other night." They looked at each other, not understanding what the girl was referring to and Devon shrugged. "What happened the other night, my life?"
Conrad scooped Gigi up in his arms and sat her on top of him on the couch.
"I heard you two fighting, in the bedroom. You yelled at Devon and he said that...maybe he had to go. I don't want daddy to leave. Dev don't go please, you're my dad too."
Conrad began to connect the dots. The nightmares and what his daughter was saying in her sleep were not meant for his wife, she wasn't talking to her mother, it was about Devon.
"Honey, sometimes, we grown-ups argue." "And you say mean things." "Yes, I do." Devon sat down on the other side and grabbed the little girl's little hands. "I'm so sorry you heard us. You know, sometimes when the grown-ups are really tired, they argue. The kids cry and scream and the older ones scream too but instead of saying what we really feel, we say things we don't feel." He stared at Conrad as he finished saying that. "Then you're not leaving." If you guys want me here, I want to stay."
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tarlos-spain · 3 years
Cozzy November Day 14 - Blanket
Fandom: The resident
Pairing: Conrad Hawkins/Devon Pravesh
Characters: Conrad Hawkins, Devon Pravesh
Part of our little family
He had spent days looking for the sweatshirt and in the end there was only Conrad's house left. The last time he remembered wearing it had been when he had stayed with Gigi. He must have left it on that day, otherwise he had lost it and that could make him cry because he had been wearing that sweatshirt since college. There were few things in life that had been with him as long as that sweatshirt.
He had spent days looking for the sweatshirt and in the end there was only Conrad's house left. The last time he remembered wearing it had been when he had stayed with Gigi. He must have left it on that day, otherwise he had lost it and that could make him cry because he had been wearing that sweatshirt since college. There were few things in life that had been with him as long as that sweatshirt.
If it hadn't been because he had to work eight days in a row he would have already stopped by Conrad's house to ask about the sweatshirt, but he finally had the day off. He also hated that he had barely gotten to see her boyfriend and Gigi.
He missed them and that was still scary to think of them as her family, the man she loved and his daughter he almost considered her own. So as soon as his shift was over, he ran, almost, out of the hospital and grabbed the car.
Conrad had taken a couple of days off because Gigi was sick, he knew he would find him at home.
He had keys, Conrad had made him a copy after all the times he'd stayed with Gigi or they'd just had a date and stayed home. So he didn't have to call and he didn't have to call in case Gigi was already asleep.
He found Conrad in the kitchen, drinking from a glass of beer that had just been poured, with the closed eyes of someone who's exhausted because he's been doing things all day and hasn't had a chance to rest for five minutes.
"Is there a beer for me?"
Conrad greeted him with a smile on his lips, walked over to him and gave him a kiss.
"I wasn't expecting you here today. You must be exhausted." "I am, but I missed you guys." Devon kissed him back, much longer and more intense. "And I'm missing a sweatshirt, too. I don't know if you've seen it." "The one from college, the blue and black one with that oil stain on the sleeve?" Devon murdered her boyfriend with a glare for teasing him. "I'm sorry, but as soon as I saw her in Gigi's gray I figured you were looking for her like crazy. I know you adore her." "In Gigi's bed? What's she doing in your daughter's bed?"
Conrad shrugged and took Devon by the hand to show him. Devon reached out to grab the glass of beer and at least take a drink, maybe then he wouldn't fall asleep so quickly.
GIgi slept in her bed, it was only recently that Conrad had decided to trade the crib for a big girl bed and his daughter had been happy at the idea of her father seeing her as a big girl.
"Remember when you stayed the other day?" "Yes, the day I had a fever."
Conrad nodded.
"Only you got her to sleep."
Devon answered now with a nod and before he went into the room, he remembered what had happened. He had laid down on the cot with the girl and so as not to disturb her, he had thrown his sweatshirt over her.
Conrad opened the room and left it to Devon himself to see what GIgi's use of his sweatshirt was from that moment on. She was covered with it, still small enough that she could use it as a sheet.
"There's no way she'll fall asleep with anything else on. She says she can't sleep unless it's with your sweatshirt over her."
Devon felt his heart melt hearing that. He adored that little girl as if she were his child, as if she were his blood, as if... he blushed, as much as he and Conrad had been dating for a while now, they still hadn't named their relationship, because for the two of them it was complicated.
But what Devon was clear on, though, was that Gigi was the most important little person in his life.
He walked over to the bed, stroked her curly blonde hair and leaned over to give her a kiss on the cheek.
"I can write off the sweatshirt can't I?" Devon asked as they left the room. "She'll forget about it and I'll be able to give it back to you, but for the moment it's her comfort item, so..." "It's okay." Devon leaned against the wall and wrapped her arms around Conrad's waist. "I adore that little girl, I adore your daughter and if... if you and I last... I'd like to adopt her one day." "Dev..." "You don't have to answer now, there's no rush, it's still early, we're still short on time. But I want you to know. If we last, I want Gigi to be legally my daughter." "That would mean getting married."
Devon moved a little closer to Conrad.
"I've already told you, there's time."
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tarlos-spain · 3 years
Cozzy november Day 11 - Gloomy
Fandom: The resident
Pairing: Conrad Hawkins/Devon Pravesh
Characters: Conrad Hawkins, Devon Pravesh
A free night
"What was that, did you just growl at me?"
Devon is terrified because he is about to take the most important exam of his life
Conrad entered the break room. He had been looking for Devon all day, but between work, emergencies and the little free time they had, they hadn't had time to see each other.
When he finally saw him, sitting at the table, he walked over, leaned over him and rested a hand on his chest. When Devon didn't react she gave him a kiss on the cheek and suddenly her boyfriend growled at her.
"What was that, did you just growl at me?"
Devon gasped when he realized he wasn't alone and nearly headbutted Conrad, but managed to pull away quickly enough.
"What time is it?"
Devon looked at his cell phone and jumped up, closed the two books in his hands, the tablet and gulped down the half a cup of coffee he still had in a thermos, but which had been cold for quite a while.
"I have to get back to work. I'll see you later okay?"
A quick kiss was all Conrad got before Devon left the room.
He went after him and managed to get into the elevator with Devon just as the doors were closing.
He watched him lean against the wall, close his eyes for a moment and noticed that he finally relaxed his entire tense body.
He stood against the wall next to her and it didn't take Devon two seconds to rest his head on her shoulder.
"I'm not going to pass the damn test." Devon said at last. "I shouldn't sit for it, I can choose the specialty next year or at least in a few months when I'm more prepared." "Dev, I've been watching you study for weeks, months now. Half the hospital has helped you and I think I've spent more sleepless nights studying with me than I have putting my daughter to sleep."
Devon smiled, remembering all the nights they'd spent together, at Conrad's house, his partner with Gigi in his arms spinning around the room. Conrad had told him several times that the girl calmed down earlier as he listened to Devon repeat the same medical words over and over.
"That doesn't mean I'm ready." "That means you have the same fear as all the doctors who go through your situation. You study so much that in the end you don't realize you have all the information in your head and it seems like you don't really know anything." "And can you pass in that situation?" "You can and do pass. I've been in your shoes and I put up with studying a lot less time. I've always been one to study at the last minute."
The elevator doors opened, Conrad wrapped his arms around Devon's waist and pulled him out of the elevator. He was so tired he wouldn't have been able to do it on his own and let himself be dragged.
"I was about to throw in the towel with two days left before the exam. I'd studied those same two books, I'd flipped through every possible page on the internet and I just couldn't take it anymore." "But you did."
Conrad opened the door to the locker room and waited for Devon to pass, at which point he took the opportunity to steal a kiss and finally see him smile.
"I did, passed it on the first try and spent the next three days with a headache under the bed sheets, completely in the dark." "Looks like you were hung over." "The same one you'll have after the exam. I've already bought headache pills, I've asked for a few days off to be with you, and I have food and soda to keep you hydrated so we don't have to get out of bed." "I don't know why, but suddenly a hangover sounds like the most romantic date of my life." "It will be. When I took the exam I was alone in my apartment for all three days, I had to make myself eat and..." "Whew, that's tough."
Conrad took the books and tablet out of Devon's hands, set them down on the bench next to him and tugged his partner's pants to pull him closer to him, wrapped both hands around his waist and murdered him with his eyes.
"Hey, I know how to cook, I feed my daughter." "When I'm at your house Gigi wants me to cook." "We're not talking about who cooks better."
Devon laughed and then he was the one who kissed him.
"I don't think this is about you keeping me from having a panic attack over a test I have perfectly prepared for; which let's just say makes you something akin to the perfect boyfriend." "Don't overdo it either lest I believe it and everything."
Devon pushed him against the wall and kissed him again, a long, intense one. So much studying those days that he hadn't had time to spend much time with Conrad, other than to ask him questions about the doubts he had for the exam or to have Conrad ask him questions to see if he had the answer.
He had almost forgotten that he had a boyfriend who loved him as well as a boyfriend who was a doctor and knew more than he did. A boyfriend who had managed to remove the black cloud he had had in his head for days.
"Let's say I take your advice and I think you're right, that I already know everything I need to do to ace this exam with one of the top grades in my class." Conrad nodded. "So when we finish today's shift, you're going to take me home tonight, although we'll stop by the grocery store first and you'll let me buy whatever I want to make you the dinner you deserve for being so patient with me and the one Gigi deserves for being so patient with the food you prepare for her." "Sounds like a great plan to me." Conrad replied and kissed her back."
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tarlos-spain · 3 years
Cozzy November day 9 - cozy
Fandom: The resident
Pairing: Conrad Hawkins/Devon Pravesh
Characters: Conrad Hawkins, Devon Pravesh
Finally, holidays
Devon can't believe he's there in Europe, in a hotel, in a SPA with his boyfriend
Devon turned to Conrad. His partner's eyes were closed, he seemed to have fallen asleep in the hammock and had been quiet for a while.
It would never have crossed her mind to find herself in such a circumstance, with the first man she had ever fallen in love with, and she hoped the last one too, on a trip halfway around the world at a luxury spa in Amsterdam taking a day off.
It was a doctors' convention, a weekend with colleagues from all over the world, where to exchange advances, opinions and stories.
Conrad had been chosen by the hospital to go, and he could have taken anyone with him. But he had chosen him.
Devon was his companion and partner. During the work sessions he treated him as an equal, he was no longer a student, he was Dr. Pravesh and Conrad kept telling everyone about the operations Devon had taken part in.
Devon smiled, he could almost believe that Conrad was proud of him, no matter how much his partner-boss-lover-boyfriend insisted on trying to prove otherwise.
Conrad was always forcing him more, always forward, always sure that Devon could prove more of himself.
"If you keep looking at me like that you're going to wear my face off." Conrad said without opening his eyes yet.
Devon of turned Colorado and was thankful Conrad wasn't looking at him because he would laugh at him.
"Sorry I was thinking and I got..." "What were you thinking?"
Conrad turned his head back to Devon and sat up.
"I don't know, really, I guess I'm just not used to having time off let alone being in a five star hotel and spending the morning in a spa."
Conrad stood up and reached out to Devon.
"Don't tell me you want to spend the whole morning lying there." "No...I..."
How to tell Conrad that it made him nervous to see him take off his towel and stand naked in front of him. Because of course the spa, it was a nudist place. One of the best spas in the world and it had to be nudist.
"Dec, baby what's up?"
The effort it took not to look directly at Conrad's naked body, perfect, muscular, the same one he'd had so many times in his bed but not in front of other people, left him exhausted and he let out a long sigh.
"Are you okay, it's not the asthma is it?"
Devon shook his head and was grateful that Conrad was bent over so he could look him straight in the eye.
"I'm breathing fine." "So?"
Conrad stroked her cheek and a blush covered her cheek. She giggled like a teenager in front of her idol and Conrad stole a kiss.
"You make me nervous." "I make you nervous. Is it because of this place? Because of being naked?" Devon nodded, he felt really stupid, but he couldn't help it. "Okay, well, I'll put clothes on now. I thought you'd like to see me like this."
Conrad reached out for the small table where he'd left his clothes but Devon tugged and stopped him.
"What did we agree on, do I put clothes on or not?"
Devon shook his head and laughed again.
Why did he have to be so shy? With how easy it would be to take off his towel and swimsuit. Conrad was naked in front of him and that didn't mean anything sexual by any stretch of the imagination, though he loved the sight. Why then did he have to be so shy?
"You know you don't need to get naked right?" "I know but..."
Conrad grabbed his hand and made him stand up, led him over to the hot tub and motioned for him to get in with him.
"But nothing Dev. I don't think you're clear that I like you just the way you are." "That's easy to say when you're a perfect guy like you." "Perfect who? Me? You haven't asked my father have you? I assure you he has a different view of me." "I assure you, you look perfect." "Says the guy who dates me. You're not impartial."
There was silence between them for a moment. That was true, when it came to Conrad, Devon was anything but impartial. He adored him, was the best way to define how Dr. Hawkins made him feel.
"Are you going to spend a lot more time looking at me like that or are you going to come in here with me and I can give you the massage you deserve?" "What massage?" "The one a guy I love dearly and who thinks I'm perfect deserves."
Devon almost jumped in and they didn't get out of there until their fingers got all wrinkly.
Conrad would be more or less perfect and maybe he was better than the image he had of himself, but that moment was indeed perfect and of that they were, both of them convinced.
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