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octg-network · 7 years
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ownerwhale0-blog · 5 years
Can you use diaper rash cream as sunscreen? Episode 162
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Can you use diaper rash cream as sunscreen?
Mari asks…Today a customer came into the retail pharmacy where I work and demanded that we sell him zinc oxide diaper rash paste so he could use it as sunscreen. I tried to steer him in the direction of actual sunscreens with listed SPFs, but he was not to be dissuaded and ended up leaving with a tube of generic diaper rash cream (with no listed SPF) in hand. His rationale was that diaper rash paste has a higher percentage of zinc oxide than zinc oxide sunscreens. Although this is sometimes true, depending on the brand, my concern is that (a) the formulation of a diaper rash paste might not make it an effective sunscreen and (b) without a listed SPF, there’s no way to really know. What are your thoughts on this?
We’ve talked quite a bit about sunscreens on the showgram but believe this is the first time that diaper rash products have come up. So a little quick background discussion is in order.
We used to think that urine was the primary cause of diaper rash which makes sense since a baby (especially under 2 months) can urinate up to 20 times per day. But the hypothesis was that urine releases ammonia which raises the pH of skin which opens it up to damage. But it turns out urine is NOT the primary cause…it’s feces.
The pH of feces is acidic due to bile and studies have shown that diaper rash is more prominent where the feces contact the skin. This contact can lead to yeast and bacterial infection. So mark your calendars that today was the day that the whole urine-diaper rash myth was busted.
And that brings us back to diaper rash creams. In case you didn’t know, both sunscreens and diaper creams are Over the Counter drugs and are controlled by the FDA.
Sunscreens are 1 type of drug…they are sunscreens. But diaper rash creams are actually not 1…not 2…not 3 but actually 4 different types of drug products: External Analgesic, Topical Antifungal, Topical Antimicrobial, and Skin Protectant.
In addition to Zinc Oxide other approved diaper rash ingredients include mineral oil, petrolatum, cornstarch, allantoin, calamine, dimethicone, kaolin clay, and cod liver oil.
How does ZnO help with diaper rash? It works 3 ways: It helps water proof (or feces proof) skin, it’s a mild astringent which means it can cause the contraction of body tissues, and it has some antimicrobial properties. That’s what makes it suitable for use in the 4 drug product categories we just mentioned.
So Zinc Oxide is an approved drug ingredient that is used in both products. But does that mean you could use them interchangeably? Can you use diaper cream as a sunscreen as the demanding gentleman in Mari’s pharmacy intended to do.
And conversely, can you use sunscreen on diaper rash?
Let’s begin by answering a fundamental question: is the zinc oxide used in diaper creams the same as the zinc oxide used in sunscreens?
In classic Beauty Brains fashion, the answer is yes and no. Chemically, they’re identical. Both have to use USP grade [what does USP stand for] which means they have to meet certain purity requirements.
BTW did you know that, being a natural product, zinc oxide contains somewhere between 1 and 10 ppm of lead?
Physically, there are differences. Zinc oxide powders are sold with different particle sizes and the size of the particle impacts how well the zinc screens out UV rays. It’s even more complicated than that because it’s not just the size of the particles but these particles tend to stick together to form clumps or aggregates which affect how well the zinc scatters UV rays.
In addition to different particle sizes zinc oxide is commercially available in different varieties such as surface coated varieties as well as dispersions in different materials like natural oils and silicone fluids.
So sunscreens HAVE TO use a version of zinc oxide that’s designed to scatter UV rays…and sunscreens are tested to ensure that they do indeed do that. But diaper rash creams do NOT have to use one of those forms. They may or may not and there’s no way to know since diaper rash products are not tested for UV protection. So that’s issue #1.
Here’s issue #2: Even if a diaper rash cream uses the exact same grade as a sunscreen, the way the diaper rash cream is formulated can impact level of UV protection it provides.
Yeah, the medium in which the zinc is dispersed can determine the final opacity of the product. In other words, the oils, waxes, and other ingredients used in diaper creams can make the final formula more transparent in which case it won’t filter out as much UV radiation.
And then there’s issue #3: The way the product is processed makes a difference as well. For sunscreens, specific dispersion technology can be used to one way to make sure these particle agglomerates are broken up.
Diaper rash products wouldn’t necessarily require the same kind of dispersion technology.
What does all this mean? IF a diaper rash cream contains the right kind of ZnO, and IF it’s used at the correct concentration and IF it’s properly processed, and IF the final formula doesn’t contain any ingredients that can compromise the UV scattering properties of the ZnO, THEN you certainly could use a diaper cream as a sunscreen.
But the only way to know for sure is to conduct SPF testing and it’s doubtful any company will do that because even if it works they can’t use that data to promote the product? Why not? Because the drug monographs and don’t allow for any combined claims.
Even if I knew all those IFs where true I’m not sure I’d want to use diaper rash cream instead of sunscreen. Aesthetically it could be a trainwreck: a diaper cream’s PRIMARY purpose is to create a hydrophobic barrier so they use high amounts of things like petrolatum. A high ZnO/petrolatum cream is great for babies but not very pleasant when smearing all over your face or body.
Is there ANY reason why you’d want to do this? I’m guessing it’s motivated by cost: depending on the brand, diaper rash creams can be cheaper than sunscreens. For example, Desitin costs about $1.75/oz while a ZnO-only sunscreen like Badger costs about $4.70/oz.
So the Beauty Brains bottom line is amount of money you save is not worth the risk of compromised UV protection or the sacrifice of aesthetics.
References: https://www.badgerbalm.com/s-33-zinc-oxide-sunscreen-nanoparticles.aspx https://www.fda.gov/Drugs/DevelopmentApprovalProcess/DevelopmentResources/Over-the-CounterOTCDrugs/StatusofOTCRulemakings/ucm072574.htm http://www.zn-oxide.com https://www.ghchemicals.com/pharmaceutical-and-food/
Is facial massage good for winkles?
Mark asks…is facial massage good for wrinkles?
We’ve touched on this before. Way back in Episode 14 we answered a question about facial yoga being good for wrinkles. So go listen to that for a full recap. But the basic idea is that “plumping up” muscles by exercising them gets rid of wrinkles. Massage is essentially another way to stimulate facial muscles.
But as we pointed out at the time, muscle laxity is not the cause of wrinkles – rather it’s the collapse of structural elements like collagen and elastin. So if we’ve covered this before why are we answering it again? Because it gives us an excuse to discuss another aspect of this which is using electrical stimulation to get rid of wrinkles.
CNN recently reported electro-stim for skin and they quoted Jennifer Aniston who said that “”It’s like a little workout for your face.” And an aesthetician they interviewed said that the more times you have the procedure the more results you’ll see.
Sure, get a bunch of treatments – depending on where you have it done it costs between $200 and $600!
However, the consensus of the medical experts they talked to is that “there is no data demonstrating its effectiveness.” I did find a couple of papers on the subject. One study tested 6 women. Another evaluated 108 women and did show that the procedure resulted in SOME difference in facial muscle thickness.
But it required treatment for 20 min/day, 5 days/week for 12 weeks. That would cost you between $12000 and $36000. Who’s going to spend that kind of money for such a small benefit?
As always the important takeaway is that you think critically when you hear about treatments like this. Not everyone thinks like that. 

RS: When I posted this on Facebook, one commenter said “Clearly Mr. Knott needs to experience micro current himself because regardless of “data” it most certainly does produce results and it is so much more than a “feel good” skincare modality. It seems like he is trying to discredit skincare therapists.”
I replied: DM: It may be nice for Mr. Knott to experience the treatment but that doesn’t prove or disprove that it really works. That’s what “data” is for and in this case there doesn’t seem to be sufficient data to prove that this treatment really works. If you’re familiar with any evidence we’d love to see it and share it with our readers.
Does this plant extract boost collagen?
Ana asks…We love the beautybrains podcast here in Portugal and I finally have a question to ask. I read recently about a plant called bulbine frutescens that is kind of similar to aloe. In some studies it says the juice of the plant stimulates collagen production. Have you heard about it? Do you think it would be a good think to use on the skin for the anti aging properties?
Bulbine frutescens is similar to aloe in that their both used in the treatment of skin wounds and burns. We found a study showing that leaf gel extracts can increase collagen deposition in wounds on pig skin.
I won’t go into details on how the testing was done but unfortunately I CAN’T say that “no pigs were harmed during the course of this study.”
But even if there is some data, before you get too excited, consider 2 of the Kligman questions. Remember what those are?
Mechanism, penetration, and data it works on real people.
In this case they’re applying the BF leaf extract directly to a wound. So the extract doesn’t need to penetrate and the mechanism of wound healing is NOT the same as the production of normal collagen that keeps your skin looking smooth and healthy.
In fact, we couldn’t find anything to suggest this material has anti-aging properties when applied to healthy skin.
If it is similar to aloe it may have some moisturizing properties and it may be good for sunburn but don’t expect it to fix the kind of collagen loss we all experience as we age.
https://www.researchgate.net/publication/232319403_Bulbine_Natalensis_and_Bulbine_Frutescens_promote_cutaneous_wound_healing [accessed Jun 21, 2017].
Beauty Science News
J&J vs natural products
I want to give a quick mention of an article I saw on Global Cosmetic News about Johnson & Johnson speaking out on natural products. First of all I love the title: J&J calls parents bluff over natural baby products. Let me quote the article: “While many parents want all-natural products for their baby, natural or organic isn’t always what’s safest for baby,” said David Mays, Senior Director of Global Scientific Engagement at Johnson & Johnson in an email sent to Forbes. “The debate over naturals and chemicals has been oversimplified where many consumers now believe that the more natural something is, the better and safer it is. It’s just not that simple and in fact that oversimplification is doing a great disservice to consumers.” I think important take away is this quote: ‘being natural is never more important than being safe.’
Artificial sun tan
iTunes reviews
Ouija says…Your “showgrams” are fun, educational, and a much needed public service. Put me down for a yes on the banter.
Tornadogirl1981 from Germany says…So useful! Should be on a list for everyone who spends money on skincare. In addition to substance, the form of delivery makes you laugh out loud so beware when listening to the Beauty Brains in public places.
Tavelbella says…Just when I thought I knew it all! Love sharing your factoids with my clueless friends.
Rose from Australia…Great to learn more about beauty products and how they work 🙂
Sashawhyismynamenotavailable says…Great podcast for the closeted cosmetics junkie (or junkie to be) — 5 stars
Togahairgurl…I absolutely love listening to these Cos-chesmonauts! I would love to be in your industry, so listening to your podcast is fascinating.
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Source: http://thebeautybrains.com/2017/07/can-you-use-diaper-rash-cream-as-sunscreen-episode-162/
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shuaimingxu-blog · 6 years
Week 10 Computational Arts-Based Research Presentations (Group Project)
Nature vs. Urban
Our project is an audio & visual interpretation of natural and urban environments, supported by a video computational artefact presented to participants as a research experiment.
Inspired by the theory of phenomenology, we are exploring the relationship between perceptual experience and its impact on individual’s thoughts. For the experiment, we also wanted to recognise how the artefact would affect the way our participants perceived these environments.
The two theories we mainly focus on are from the article’ Natural Versus Urban Scenes’ by Roger s. Ulrich and ‘ Phenomenology of Perception’ by Maurice Merleau-Ponty.
From Ulrich’s article, we are particularly interested in the research about comparing nature and urban from the public. This research was done in 37 years ago which the majority agrees on the nature scenes are more pleasing than urban ones. From there we decided to adapt the methodology and project on our research.                              
On the other hand, we are also inspired by the studies of phenomenology, in the way of modifying people’s perception by giving them the materials that we want them to perceive. As in creating an environment we design and invite our audience to experience through  senses and discuss their reactions if it influences on their thoughts of nature and urban.
Connect the outer influence to body to the thoughts.
From the beginning of this project we had a clear plan to create an audio-visual artefact as a way of expressing our interpretation of the two environments. Our whole project revolved around experience, we wanted to express our experiences in the artefact and learn about others (our participants) in the experiment.
Early on in the process we decided to share with each other what feelings, experiences and memories natural and urban environments brought to mind. These ideas laid the ground works for the development of our artefact. The first video expressed nature in the form of a vibrantly colourful supershape inspired by the work of Paul Bourke and Reza Ali. This interpretation was based on our feelings of calm and discussions around the growth of natural organisms. We decided that our second video, representing urban environments, would be made up of monochrome digital noise. In this discussions words like grey, noise and industrial were brought up which developed into this design. The soundscapes have been included after the digital visual representation and they are recordings of nature and a rush-hour cityscape.
produced by: Penny (Pin Ju) Chen, Ben Sammon, Shuai Xu, Theo Vlagkas
The Experiment
After the creation of our artefact we decided to explore other peoples experiences of the two environments. We were inspired by Roger S. Ulrich’s 1981 study of the physiological and psychological effects of urban and natural environments. His participants were shown slides of different environments and their physiology was measured using their brainwaves. This study shows that all of the participants found natural scenes such as water and vegetation more pleasant and beautiful compared to urban scenes. We decided to look into this further in our research.
We were also inspired by the research methods of phenomenology which can be defined as, ‘a qualitative research method that is used to describe how human beings experience a certain phenomenon.’ We were interested in exploring the subjective experiences of individuals on a ‘qualitative’ basis, learning about how they feel about natural and urban environments through an interview process.
We found that most of our participants had a positive experience of nature and had a preference for it but there was a mixed response about urban, most of our participants had a neutral to negative response about their experience of urban life. These findings are similar to the Ulrich study but participants seemed more positive about urban life than in the previous study. This was interesting, it may be because we are more used to living an urbanised life now compared to 1981 or that our participants were just generally happier in urban environments than those in the previous experiment.
It was interesting to find out what people thought of our interpretation of the two environments, one person thought the natural scene was disconnected from nature and the urban scene was soothing. These results were unexpected but are a testament to qualitative research methods.
Our experiment could have been improved if we applied more feminist technoscience theory to it. Our study was of two binary options but in reality the distinction between nature and urban is very hazy. We therefore think if we continue this project in future, a way to improve it would be to remove the distinction of the two environments and use a more holistic nuanced approach.
We would also like to improve our prototype experiment with more participants from a variety of environmental backgrounds. We could enhance our findings of the interaction of the participants by inducing VR techniques which will be magnifying the computational experience.
Anon. Research Ready: Phenomenology Research. https://cirt.gcu.edu/research/developmentresources/research_ready/phenomenology (Last accessed: 15 Dec 2018)
Ali. R (2010). 3D SuperShapes. http://www.syedrezaali.com/3d-supershapes/ (Last accessed: 15 Dec 2018)
Bourke. P (2002). Supershapes (Superformula). http://paulbourke.net/geometry/supershape/ (Last accessed: 15 Dec 2018)
Merleau-Ponty, M. (1962). Phenomenology of Perception. London, Routledge.
Ulrich, R.S (1981). Natural vs Urban Scenes some Physiological Effects. Saga Publications.
Virostek, P (2013). Field Recording from Research to Wrap.
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octg-network · 7 years
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octg-network · 7 years
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octg-network · 7 years
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#developmentresources @permianlandgirl @oilmentors @talktexasoil #nape2017 #kimberlysmith #wherethedealshappen Meet Kimberly Smith August 16-17 at the George R. Brown Convention Center
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octg-network · 7 years
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Link in bio #TexasInstruments, #JoshLinkner, #RossWeaver, #PermianEnterprises, #EduDrone, #RDPipeCompany #RoscoeISD, #GatewayFullCircleEnergyServices, #AbileneIndustrialFoundation, #DevelopmentResources - the best landman professional you should work with, #theJackiDailyShow, #OCTGPro, #RoselandOilGas, University of Texas - Austin in partnership with the National Science Foundation, Texas Tech, #TheAbilenePost, #GlobalEnergyLeaders, #ComancheISD AND MORE! Make plans to stop by and see the exhibits, visit with the exhibitors and find out about their services, products, jobs and so much more. THE EXHIBIT HALL IS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC FREE OF CHARGE. All other workshops and conference events require a registration of only $75 that includes resources, guest speakers, workshops, lunch and coffee. What are you waiting for? We want to see you there. Tell them #TalkTexasOil sent you. #wtxec #e3summit2017 @talktexasoil @leaderinenergy @gatewaycompanies @octg.pro @talktexasoil @txfornaturalgas @katya_bee4 @csh261899 @mrmicrophone777 @roselandoilandgas @millionaireimage @texasquotes @frackfeed @tstcwesttexas @theabilenepost @ryanraysr @joshlinkner
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octg-network · 7 years
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Link in bio #TexasInstruments, #JoshLinkner, #RossWeaver, #PermianEnterprises, #EduDrone, #RDPipeCompany #RoscoeISD, #GatewayFullCircleEnergyServices, #AbileneIndustrialFoundation, #DevelopmentResources - the best landman professional you should work with, #theJackiDailyShow, #OCTGPro, #RoselandOilGas, University of Texas - Austin in partnership with the National Science Foundation, Texas Tech, #TheAbilenePost, #GlobalEnergyLeaders, #ComancheISD AND MORE! Make plans to stop by and see the exhibits, visit with the exhibitors and find out about their services, products, jobs and so much more. THE EXHIBIT HALL IS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC FREE OF CHARGE. All other workshops and conference events require a registration of only $75 that includes resources, guest speakers, workshops, lunch and coffee. What are you waiting for? We want to see you there. Tell them #TalkTexasOil sent you. #wtxec #e3summit2017 @talktexasoil @leaderinenergy @gatewaycompanies @octg.pro @talktexasoil @txfornaturalgas @katya_bee4 @csh261899 @mrmicrophone777 @roselandoilandgas @millionaireimage @texasquotes @frackfeed @tstcwesttexas @theabilenepost @ryanraysr @joshlinkner
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