#Destruction Allstars
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britishboxboy · 1 year ago
Do It For Boxtop 📦🇬🇧💖
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Do It For Boxtop 📦🇬🇧💖
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dottyduke · 1 year ago
Destruction AllStars Deserved Better!
Destruction AllStars was never going to succeed. As much as I hate to say that, Destruction AllStars had so many issues: a lack of interest, poor management and ultimately it didn't try hard enough to engage players.
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vitrified-vitriol · 1 year ago
Something is gonna come out about sony shooting themselves in the foot with some proprietary bullshit, I just know it.
hearing "the ps5 is in the latter stage of its lifecycle" and laughing myself sick. NO GAMES
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wojciech-kac · 1 year ago
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piotrkrawiec · 2 years ago
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juanjoaiaf · 2 years ago
Destruction AllStar [PS5]. Mis primeras Partidas Online.
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mewvore · 10 months ago
Theres a graveyard of really cool characters from dead multiplayer games and I think with enough finesse we can just take em as our own like whose gonna know? The one person playing destruction allstars isnt gonna throw a fit if I start claiming Lupita as my own. I'm saving her from obscurity. Shes mine now
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everyone should do this, just take a battleborn character. take a guy from rogue company. Who gives damn any more
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omegaremix · 6 months ago
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Omega Radio for September 3, 2018; #173.
D&D Allstars “1, 2 Pass It” (INS)
Funkdoobiest “The Funkiest”
Smif ‘N Wessun “Bucktown”
Grand Daddy IU “Something New”
Digital Underground “The Return Of The Crazy One”
Prime Minister Pete Nice & Daddy Rich “Outta My Way Baby”
Geto Boys “Mind Playing Tricks On Me”
Ice-T “Hustler”
Grand Puba “360* (What Goes Around)”
Digable Planets “Rebirth Of Slick”
Paris “Days Of Old”
Kurious Jorge “I’m Kurious”
Crooklyn Dodgers “Crooklyn” (INS)
Pharcyde “Otha’ Fish”
Gravediggaz “1-800 Suicide”
Disposable Heroes Of Hiphoprisy “…Famous And Dandy Just Like Amos & Andy”
Fu-Schnickens “True Fu-Schnick”
Ice Cube & Yo-Yo “The Bonnie & Clyde Theme”
Naughty By Nature “O.P.P.”
LL Cool J “Rampage”
D-Nice “Time To Flow”
EPMD “Give The People”
Black Moon “How Many MCs”
Outkast “Git Up, Git Out”
Pete Rock & CL Smooth “Mecca & The Soul Brother”
Boogiemonsters “R.T.N.S. (Recognized Thresholds Of Negative Stress)” (INS)
Goats, The “Typical American”
Common (Sense) “I Used To Love H.E.R.”
Eric B & Rakim “Don’t Sweat The Technique”
Roots, The “Distortion To Static”
Showbiz & AG “Medicine”
Stop The Violence Movement “Self Destruction”
2Pac & Digital Underground “I Get Around”
Crooklyn Dodgers ‘95 “Return Of The Crooklyn Dodgers”
Doug E. Fresh “A’ight (Allstar)”
Sam Sneed ft. Dr. Dre “Recognize”
Onyx “Slam”
LL Cool J “Mama Said Knock You Out”
Bonus golden-era hip-hop / rap broadcast.
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bookofra · 3 months ago
Die 5 größten Flops auf der PlayStation 5
Die 5 größten Flops auf der PlayStation 5
Die PlayStation 5, Sony’s neueste Konsole, wurde als revolutionäre Gaming-Plattform mit beeindruckender Hardware und vielen spannenden Exklusivtiteln gefeiert. Doch trotz des Erfolgs gab es auch eine Reihe von Flops – Titel, die hohe Erwartungen weckten, aber letztlich enttäuschten. Hier Die 5 größten Flops auf der PlayStation 5.
1. “Cyberpunk 2077”
Obwohl “Cyberpunk 2077” ursprünglich für die PlayStation 4 und 5 angekündigt wurde, war die Veröffentlichung des Spiels ein gigantischer Misserfolg, insbesondere auf der PlayStation 4. Spieler berichteten von zahlreichen Bugs, grafischen Problemen und Performance-Mängeln. Obwohl die PS5-Version weniger Probleme hatte, war das Spiel insgesamt ein Flop. CD Projekt Red musste sich entschuldigen und das Spiel zurückziehen, und die Patch-Updates zur Behebung der Fehler kamen nur langsam. Der anfängliche Hype wurde durch die enttäuschende Umsetzung schnell zunichte gemacht.
2. “Destruction AllStars”
“Destruction AllStars” war eines der Spiele, die als PS5-Launch-Titel viel Aufmerksamkeit auf sich zogen. Es versprach ein rasantes, actiongeladenes Rennspiel mit Zerstörungselementen, das an Klassiker wie “Twisted Metal” erinnerte. Doch das Spiel konnte nicht an den Erfolg seiner Vorgänger anknüpfen. Es bot nur begrenzten Spielspaß, langweilige Spielmechaniken und wenig Langzeitmotivation. Die mangelnde Tiefe und die Entscheidung, das Spiel zunächst kostenlos im PlayStation Plus-Abonnement anzubieten, deuteten bereits auf die Probleme hin. “Destruction AllStars” wurde schnell als einer der größten Flops der PS5-Ära angesehen.
3. “Ghost of Tsushima: Director’s Cut”
Obwohl das ursprüngliche “Ghost of Tsushima” ein Erfolg war, wurde die Director’s Cut-Version auf der PS5 von vielen als unnötig und überteuert kritisiert. Die Erweiterungen und Verbesserungen, die das Spiel für die PS5 bot, waren nicht signifikant genug, um den Kaufpreis zu rechtfertigen. Es fühlte sich eher wie eine kleine Verbesserung statt einer vollwertigen Erweiterung an. Viele Spieler fanden, dass die Spielmechaniken und das Gameplay bereits in der PS4-Version hervorragend waren, sodass die PS5-Version eher eine Enttäuschung als eine Verbesserung darstellte.
4. “NBA 2K21”
Das Sportspiel “NBA 2K21” war ein weiteres Beispiel für einen enttäuschenden PS5-Titel. Während das Spiel auf grafischer Ebene beeindruckte, blieb der Spielspaß auf der Strecke. Viele Spieler kritisierten die mikrotransaktionslastigen Elemente, die das Gameplay stark beeinträchtigten. Der Fokus auf Mikrotransaktionen statt auf Spielerlebnis und Innovation sorgte für Unmut und entmutigte viele Fans der Serie.
5. “Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands”
“Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands” war ein Spin-off des beliebten “Borderlands”-Franchise, das zunächst vielversprechend wirkte. Doch das Spiel enttäuschte auf vielen Ebenen. Die Handlung fühlte sich flach an, die Charakterentwicklung war minimal und das Gameplay wiederholte sich schnell. Trotz einer unterhaltsamen Grundidee, die auf dem Erfolg von “Borderlands” aufbaute, konnte das Spiel nicht an die Qualität der Hauptreihe anknüpfen.
Zusammenfassend lässt sich sagen, dass diese fünf Titel nicht nur durch technische Mängel, sondern auch durch enttäuschende Spielmechaniken und mangelnde Innovationen negativ auffielen. Sie erinnern daran, dass hohe Erwartungen nicht immer in großartige Ergebnisse münden, und dass die PlayStation 5 trotz vieler Highlights auch einige schmerzhafte Flops erlebt hat.
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freelegaljusticesblog · 5 months ago
Die 5 größten Flops auf der PlayStation 5
Die 5 größten Flops auf der PlayStation 5
Die PlayStation 5 hat seit ihrer Veröffentlichung im November 2020 zahlreiche Erfolge gefeiert, aber auch einige Titel, die als Flops gelten. Hier sind die fünf größten Misserfolge auf der Plattform:
Cyberpunk 2077: Obwohl es auf dem PC großen Hype erlebte, war die PS5-Version von Cyberpunk 2077 von vielen Bugs und Performance-Problemen geplagt. Spieler berichteten von Grafikfehlern, Abstürzen und einer allgemeinen Unspielbarkeit, was zu einer der größten Debakeln in der Gaming-Geschichte führte. Die Rückerstattungen durch Sony waren ein klares Zeichen dafür, wie schlecht der Launch verlief. https://www.gamers.at/die-5-groessten-flops-auf-der-playstation-5
Destruction AllStars: Ursprünglich als PS5-Launchspiel angepriesen, enttäuschte Destruction AllStars die Erwartungen vieler Spieler. Das Konzept eines Rennspiels kombiniert mit Arenakämpfen hatte Potenzial, doch die repetitive Gameplay-Mechanik und der Mangel an Inhalten sorgten dafür, dass das Interesse schnell nachließ.
Godfall: Als eines der ersten PS5-Spiele versprach Godfall eine beeindruckende Grafik und ein actionreiches Kampfsystem. Doch das Spiel litt unter eintönigem Gameplay und einer schwachen Story. Viele Spieler fanden es schnell langweilig, und es konnte nicht die erhoffte Spielerbasis aufbauen.
Marvel’s Avengers: Trotz des Hypes um die Avengers war das Spiel ein Flop. Die technischen Probleme, der Mangel an Inhalten und die monotonen Missionen führten dazu, dass viele Spieler das Interesse verloren. Es war ein weiteres Beispiel dafür, wie ein großes Franchise in der Spielewelt scheitern kann.
Outriders: Dieses Koop-Shooter-RPG hatte anfangs vielversprechende Ansätze, aber technische Probleme und Balance-Fragen drückten die Spielerzahlen. Obwohl es einige Fans fand, war die Gesamtresonanz eher negativ, da das Spiel nicht die Tiefe und den Inhalt bot, die viele erwartet hatten.
Diese Titel zeigen, dass selbst große Namen und hohe Erwartungen nicht immer für den Erfolg auf der PS5 garantieren können.
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gamerbulten · 1 year ago
PS5 hususi oyunu Destruction AllStars'dan yeni fragman gösterildi Sony'nin PlayStation 5 konsolunu tanıttı...
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unitygamedevlopment · 1 year ago
Destruction AllStars
Set in a futuristic world where destruction is the name of the game, "Destruction AllStars" features a diverse roster of characters, each with their own unique abilities and vehicles. Players must choose their AllStar and vehicle wisely as they compete in high-octane matches against other players or AI-controlled opponents.
Key features of "Destruction AllStars" include:
Dynamic Arenas: The game features a variety of dynamic arenas filled with obstacles, hazards, and destructible elements. From urban environments to futuristic stadiums, each arena presents unique challenges and opportunities for creative destruction.
Vehicular Combat: Players engage in intense vehicular combat, using their vehicles' unique abilities and weapons to outmaneuver and outgun opponents. Whether ramming into rival vehicles, deploying traps, or executing precision maneuvers, players must use every tool at their disposal to emerge victorious.
AllStar Abilities: Each character in "Destruction AllStars" possesses a special ability that can turn the tide of battle. From devastating attacks to defensive maneuvers and mobility enhancements, mastering each AllStar's abilities is key to dominating the competition.
Game Modes: The game offers a variety of game modes to suit different playstyles and preferences. Whether competing in traditional deathmatches, objective-based modes, or team-based battles, players can experience a wide range of exciting gameplay experiences.
Online Multiplayer: "Destruction AllStars" features robust online multiplayer modes where players can compete against each other in intense matches, climb the global leaderboards, and unlock rewards and customization options.
Single-Player Content: In addition to online multiplayer, "Destruction AllStars" offers single-player content, including a story-driven campaign and offline matches against AI opponents. Players can hone their skills and unlock new rewards while experiencing the game's immersive world and characters.
With its fast-paced gameplay, vibrant visuals, and adrenaline-fueled action, "Destruction AllStars" delivers an electrifying experience that is sure to appeal to fans of arcade-style vehicular combat games. Whether battling it out with friends online or taking on the AI in single-player challenges, players can unleash chaos and destruction like never before in this thrilling PlayStation 5 exclusive.
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dottyduke · 1 year ago
Twisted Metal PS5 No More
Twisted Metal hasn't been seen on PlayStation since 2012. There was a reboot in development (one that had basically had its own development hell) that was recently canceled.
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blox-xyz · 1 year ago
Unveiling the Ultimate Family Fun: PS5 Games for All Ages
Introduction: Step into a world where entertainment knows no bounds with the PlayStation 5 – the gaming console that brings families together through a myriad of captivating and wholesome games. In this blog, we'll explore the diverse range of family-friendly games available on the PS5, promising hours of laughter, bonding, and shared adventures.
Astro's Playroom: A Whirlwind of Joy: Embark on a delightful journey with Astro's Playroom, a pre-installed gem that showcases the full potential of the PS5's DualSense controller. Join Astro and his friends in this charming platformer that not only entertains but also introduces players to the unique features of the new console.
Sackboy: A Big Adventure - Fun for All Ages: The lovable Sackboy takes center stage in this family-friendly platformer that combines creativity, exploration, and cooperative gameplay. Join forces with friends or family members in both local and online multiplayer modes to conquer imaginative worlds and defeat the mischievous Vex.
Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart - Intergalactic Excitement: Experience the thrill of interdimensional adventures with Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart. This action-packed game offers stunning visuals and a captivating storyline that appeals to players of all ages. Join the dynamic duo as they traverse various dimensions, solving puzzles, and battling enemies in this mesmerizing universe.
Bugsnax: A Quirky Culinary Expedition: Enter the whimsical world of Bugsnax, where catching and discovering unique creatures is just as exciting as solving puzzles. This adventure game, filled with charming characters and quirky landscapes, provides a delightful experience that is perfect for family gaming sessions.
Knack II: A Tale of Growth and Friendship: Follow the journey of Knack, a dynamic creature capable of transforming and growing in size. Knack II offers cooperative gameplay that encourages teamwork, making it an ideal choice for families looking to bond over shared challenges and triumphs Todaytechtime.
LittleBigPlanet: Sackboy's Adventure - Create and Explore: Immerse yourself in the whimsical world of LittleBigPlanet with Sackboy's Adventure. This game not only brings back the beloved character but also introduces new and exciting features. Create your levels, share them with friends, and embark on a cooperative journey filled with creativity and discovery.
Destruction AllStars: Turbo-Charged Mayhem: For families that love a dose of adrenaline, Destruction AllStars delivers turbo-charged vehicular combat. Smash and crash your way to victory in this action-packed game that combines strategy, skill, and a dash of chaos.
Conclusion: The PlayStation 5 isn't just a gaming console; it's a portal to a world of family-friendly fun. With an array of captivating titles like Astro's Playroom, Sackboy: A Big Adventure, Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart, Bugsnax, Knack II, LittleBigPlanet: Sackboy's Adventure, and Destruction AllStars, the PS5 family games collection ensures that every member of the family can find joy in shared adventures and unforgettable moments. Embrace the magic of gaming, laughter, and togetherness with the PS5 – where the fun never ends!
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eleanor-bradstreet · 2 years ago
Alright, I’ve mopped myself up off the floor, re-hinged my jaw and cracked my knuckles to try and explain how this fic rode me roughshod to near ruin (geettttttt it) 🤪. Hoooo girl. I say ‘jealous Anthony’ and you give me ropes, riding crops, growling commands and ultimate dom control. Your girl needs to make it to the end of this series, and you are dangerously close to laying me out in a coma 🙃 Particularly threatening to my constitution were the following moments:
‘A warm finger catches the drip and pushes it back to your mouth, his pupils dilating. “Can’t quite swallow it all; that looks familiar,”’ OH MY GOD WE ARE SIX LINES IN FAYE!!! SIX 👏 LINES 👏 FORGET THE FOREPLAY WE’RE JUST PLOUGHING ON IN This is one of the filthiest things he says in the entire fic 😵 Holy fucking hellll…..I wasn’t sure I was going to survive this one. I was already electrified…
“We both know being on your knees is your favourite place after being face down over my desk,” JESUS FUCK STOP OH MY GOD THEY’RE NOT EVEN ALONE YET!!!! Benace? Move over. This is Annihilanthony. 🥵🤯
“They are an addictive cocktail.” Cocktail…manbread…this is my kind of happy hour 🍸
“There is all sorts of equipment in here I want to use on you,” Oh god, oh lord, my eyes are crossing already…. 😵😵😵
And then the discovery. I knew it was coming of course, but ooooooo how I stopped breathing! 😱 I can just hear him growling. Incredulous. Furious. It’s terrifying but also so damn enticing. The hair pulling, oooooofff. But then the cracks start to reveal themselves. He is hurt, genuinely. Kind of no one’s fault if they didn’t have exclusivity established. It still wounds me a bit to hurt Anthony’s heart though, my sweet damaged boy 😢 says the woman who thought up this whole damn scenario
Standing ovation for your allstar cleverness with the loophole 🤪 [insert loophole gif here] You should be an attorney because that is some crafty phrasing 😉
“Mutually assured destruction can seem so appealing behind glowing brown eyes and sharp cheekbones…This is why you can’t resist him. He knows how to give you things you never knew you needed but want so much your blood sings—makes you ache for him, addicted to him like no one else.” This is poetry. If folks were wondering what it was that draws Reader to Anthony, you’ve explained it right here. It’s the danger, the challenge, the excitement. The explosive release after being pushed to limits she didn’t know existed. He is a safe partner to explore the wildest kinks with. A place where she can completely let loose, be pleasured and work out her frustrations and guilt. Maybe it’s twisted, but it’s undeniably appealing, and so rare.
“ink, smokey cigars and the tang of money, all Anthony.” Shivers down my spine at this. 🫠
 Thank you for including the deepthroating in this. 💙 (Sentences I didn’t think I’d ever write.) I know it may not be everyone’s cup of tea, but lordt does it flip my wig 🥵 It was perfect - he wipes away her tears, gloating. And then “Take it” !!!!!!! I see what you did there, you sly thing!! 😉Annihilanthony’s catchphrase muahahahahaaa!!
“He has done exactly what you wanted; he has covered up Benedict’s mark on you with one of his own, bigger, better, bolder—so very Anthony. It almost feels akin to a twisted game of one-upmanship you will wear on your skin for a few days.” WOOOOOOOOO AAAGGGGGHHHHHHH The imagery of this - the sinful, twisted beauty of it all, fuccckkkkkkk. This is why I trust you with anything - take my lil baby one sentence prompt and go nuts, because you always deliver something compelling, gorgeous, and dare I say…profound 🫶
You’ve woven this into a few fics, but I ADORE how Anthony is so attentive that he can sense when Reader is floating off into sub lala land and he always commands her to stay present. It is both domming and endearing at the same time. It’s command and concern all rolled into three words. I fucking love it.
Okay, bondage is fun but has never been that high on my kink list. But SOMETHING about this precise image - this close up of Anthony’s hand: strong and veined, knuckles turning white as he grabs the rope around her back and twists it in his fist to hold her down tighter and give himself leverage, like he is mounting a rodeo bronco (seriously have you seen the way those guys grip?) There’s something so tantalizing about the contrast for me. These aristocratic hands with his sapphire ring, twisted into this rough rope to hold a lady down and drill into her it’s like…..*shiver* idk, it fucking DOES IT for me. Surprise, surprise, I guess….hand stuff is my favorite 😅 Seriously, this image in my brain is a whole story unto itself so THANK YOU for painting it!!
The orgasm control…..ummmmm…..an amazing surprise and so SO perfect for the dynamics that are going on……and also 💦
Then you weave all these similarities in between the brothers. The way Anthony so quickly untied her and rubbed her wrists, EXACTLY like Benedict did. The way they both curl up with her to recover. The way they both talk about challenging her (as she points out). You are setting her up for an impossible choice. They are both sensitive at heart, caring despite how different their demeanors (in and out of the bedroom) may be. As the saying goes: same, same, but different, but still same. How is a girl to choose???
Then oh shit. Loose lips sink ships. They sink relationships, girlie. WATCH OUT. OOOP, TOO LATE. Again, I’m upset with myself for upsetting Anthony. 😅 I remember you saying you were surprised how emotional this was getting and I understand, and LOVE it. You’re giving us raw Anthony. Realistic Anthony. Anthony the dom with a heart. It’s impossible to separate him from it. 🥺
Wow. Simply wow. Add tack rooms to the list of things I can no longer engage with without having lascivious thoughts inspired by your fics. Thankfully, I am not an equestrian nor an aristocrat with an expensive hobby so they should be easy to avoid. This was balanced so well. You had a lot of balls in the air (no, not THOSE ones) with the CNC, the emotions and the secrecy, and you juggled them perfectly. This was an explosive installment that satisfies all on its own but still leaves us wired for the crescendo 🔥 Masterful.
Double Bind Masterpost
Pairing: Anthony Bridgerton x fem!reader
Summary: Follow on to Endeavour. Anthony suspects you may have been seduced by another and reprimands you.
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Warnings: 18+smut, minors DNI, dom/sub relationships, mean dom, jealousy, consenting-non-consent (CNC) play, deepthroat breathplay, rope bondage, whipping with a riding crop, rough vaginal sex, orgasm control, emotions, confessions.
Word Count: 5.8k
Authors Note: Here is part 4 of the Double Bind series requested by @eleanor-bradstreet where our reader finds herself back with her original dom, Anthony. Please note, everything here is very consenting; they are just playing as if it's not. If that is at all triggering for you, please do not read this. Thank you to @colettebronte for the beta read, particularly around the CNC play. Enjoy! <3
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The following night you see Anthony at a gathering—a very dull musical recital just a few doors down from Bridgerton House. He accompanies you as the respectable courting partner, your gloved wrist gently resting in the crook of his arm as you circuit the room before the show.
Once the decidedly mediocre entertainment begins, he leans close to your ear.
“You have about five more minutes, then we are leaving,” he drawls quietly. 
“Where are we going, my lord?” you whisper back. 
“Anywhere I can fuck you,” he states plainly as you struggle not to spit out the champagne you just sipped, a dribble still escaping down your chin that you attempt to dab away discreetly. He intentionally did that—waited to drop that line when you were taking a swig.
A warm finger catches the drip and pushes it back to your mouth, his pupils dilating. “Can’t quite swallow it all; that looks familiar,” he murmurs, intentionally being utterly filthy.
“Anthony!” you admonish quietly but fiercely.
“We both know being on your knees is your favourite place after being face down over my desk,” he mutters, knowing this sort of talk always gets you breathless.
And indeed, it does. “Are those five minutes up?” you ask archly.
Wordlessly, with a bemused huff, he grabs your hand and pulls you out into the aisle, briskly walking towards the rear of the room and out of the door. He keeps marching, out of the building, into the street, making a beeline for his home less than a hundred yards away.
“Your family…?” you check as you realise where he is headed.
“All at that dreaded recital. The house shall be empty except for staff. Not that it is consequential, for we are not going into the house,” he smirks back at you.
“Where are we going?” you ask as you realise he has veered into the mews running behind his property.
“Stables,” he answers as if that explains everything.
“You are asking an awful lot of questions tonight,” he comments, then pauses and crowds you into a cold brick wall in the narrow dark lane. “How about you trust me and just do as you are told, you wilful little thing?” his warm breath gusts over your cheek.
Oh. It's already playtime.
“Yes, sir,” you respond instantly, and he nods and beams at you.
“Good girl,” he compliments, grabbing your chin. “Now, you will do whatever I tell you from here on out. Do you understand me?
“Yes sir,” your breath speeding up, excitement flaring low in your belly.
“I do so love you obedient,” he sighs and kisses you bruisingly, trapping you forcefully between his body and the wall. “Take off your underwear,” he commands.
“I'm not wearing any,” you stumble honestly.
He growls, “I love when you do that, behaving like a wanton whore.” He knows how aroused you get when he calls you that in play. “Show me right now; pull up your dress.”
You scramble to obey, but he quickly stills your movement. “I see people in the window of our neighbour's house. We should move on,” he offers sagely, stepping out of character and retaking your hand. 
Anthony has never been one to attempt play in public; his image as Viscount so very important to maintain. And so contrasting to his younger, bohemian brother, memories of Benedict’s sinful voice talking of you crawling naked to him in front of strangers suddenly haunt you. How can they be both so very alike and so very different simultaneously? They are an addictive cocktail.
You continue down the mews until a gate leads you into a rear courtyard—this must be the back of Bridgerton House. 
“Wait here,” he says curtly, disappearing into a side building. “Alright, you may come in; the coast is clear,” he calls a few moments later, and you follow.
It's the tack room for the stables. It smells of leather and brass. It’s warm and dry; the mahogany wood-panelled walls give it a cosy air.
“What are we doing in here?”
“There is all sorts of equipment in here I want to use on you,” he crows, closing the heavy door shut and bolting it. The only light in the room is a faint glow from the oil lanterns flickering on the courtyard walls outside and a shaft of moonlight splicing across the room from a high window.
Something in your heart rate spikes as your eyes adjust and look around to see saddles, bridals, whips and ropes. And in the middle of the room, a padded leather bench likely used to change into riding boots.
“Now, do as you were told before we were rudely interrupted,” he prompts, leaning on the wall and crossing his arms casually, an expectant eyebrow raised.
You grab your dress and gather the layers over your forearms until you feel the air swirling around your intimate area. He growls at the sight and is on you a millisecond later, kissing bruisingly, just the way you like. There is nothing more arousing for you than Anthony, this powerful, titled man, so very desperate and out of control just for you. He spins you around, and you are pushed into the wood panels, his hands wrenching open your dress buttons as you breathe hard. 
“Open your legs wider,” he gruffs, nudging your ankles with his shoe. You do so, widening your stance to shoulder width as your dress and chemise are yanked off your shoulders. “Wider,” he instructs as your clothing drops to a pool at your feet. 
You obey, kicking away your dress, standing there now in stays and silk shoes only.
“Good girl,” he compliments, pulling your hips backwards roughly, your hands reaching out to grab the wall in front on instinct. “That's it, bend over, and hold on tight,” he orders.
Your insides dance with anticipation as he drops to his knees behind you. He is usually savage with his tongue when he eats you from behind like this—pushing his whole face into your slit, into the cleft of your cheeks, very thorough in his attentions. So you are somewhat surprised when he doesn't do that. In fact, he is silent behind you for so long you almost ask what is wrong.
“What… the… fuck….is that?” he spits angrily. But it's not his play angry; it sounds worryingly close to genuine.
‘What is what?” you ask, suddenly nervous, twisting to look over your shoulder.
He jumps up to his feet and yanks you roughly back upright against him by your hair, and you squeak in shock.
“Care to explain why there are teeth marks on your inner thigh, my girl?” his voice cutting and right at your ear.
Your stomach plummets as if you have fallen from a high branch of a tree or gone over a waterfall in a barrel. Everything inside you tumbles, and your vision swims slightly.
It could ONLY be him—last night. You vaguely recall feeling him bite your inner thigh as he teased you. But you were so deliriously aroused you barely felt anything. Washing this morning, you did not think to look there; you just quickly bathed and went about your day. 
“It cannot be, sir,” you instantly obfuscate. “It must be a mark, from I do not know what…. from my saddle, perhaps?” you offer, taking inspiration from what is right around you.
His grip on your hair slackens. You are uncertain he believes you. Something feels tender at this moment. Precarious. Like he is vulnerable to what the marks could signify but cannot handle his response in any other way but brusquely—needing the upper hand.
“I have been foolish, perhaps, in not being clear with my boundaries. So here they are. If you are with a Bridgerton, you should only be laying with a Bridgerton, do you hear me?” he lectures, unwittingly giving you a very convenient loophole.
“Yes, sir,” you answer instantly. “I shall only lay with a Bridgerton,” you reply, almost gleeful.
“Why does that appear so entertaining?” he asks cuttingly.
“It is not, sir,” you attempt to school your expression and tone, “more that your order is very… arousing for me, sir,” your response coquettish, knowing the diversionary flattery will work on him.
“You want to be owned by me?” he gusts hot in your ear, a warm hand snaking around your belly, pulling you back forcefully into his muscular frame.
“Yes, of course, sir”, you answer. “I want to wear your name with pride,” you pant gently, slipping into your submissive role with practised ease.
“I will brand your bottom with the family crest,” he snarls, the possessive rhetoric notching up significantly.
You goad him with a challenging look over your shoulder and roll your hips, catching your bottom on the growing hardness in the front of his trousers, knowing it will spur some kind of response. 
“You wanton little whore, rubbing yourself on me like some animal in heat just because I offer to brand you with my name,” he rumbles, enjoying your tactics, grabbing your chin and making you look at him as he leans forward over your shoulder. “I should tie you up and whip you to make you obey me,” he declares, staring into your eyes.
You suddenly know why he has brought you here, to this room—to try some more advanced punishment. The fact there is now the added dimension of his suspicion makes it feel even more charged, like the static before a storm. You can't seem to look away from his turbulent mien, knowing tonight will be something new and exciting. You can feel butterflies against your ribs as he speaks again.
“You would just hate that, wouldn't you?” he smirks, and you intuit what he wants. 
This is a power play to make you remember who is in charge, a way to brand you as his symbolically, not physically. By making you pretend you don’t want this as much as you do. Achingly so.
“You want to play that game?” you check quietly, ensuring what you think is happening is true.
“You are so very observant, my smart girl,” he whispers flatteringly, and you know exactly what to do next.
“Sir, please don’t,” you play up, voice getting louder, twisting to catch his eye and winking, letting him know your reticence is all for the scene. 
“Who said you have any say in what happens?” he chuckles darkly, his hold tightening as he roughly strips your stays from your body so you are completely naked.
This. You perhaps shouldn’t want this, but by god, you do—a little twisted role play. Elation ripples through your body. Somehow you know you both need this today. Anthony to process his suspicions about the bitemark. You, cathartic release of the guilt you carry about your tryst with Benedict. Perhaps it's a dangerous path to walk; you know you are likely playing with fire, but with Anthony, by god, it's nothing but excitement. Mutually assured destruction can seem so appealing behind glowing brown eyes and sharp cheekbones.
“Please, sir, no!” you ratchet up your theatrics, struggling slightly in his hold as he spins you around to face him. 
“Shut up!” he grouses and pushes you down to your knees with a firm grip on your hair. “Now, if you don't keep quiet, I will find a way to silence you,” he warns, yanking your head back so you look up at him.
And you know what is coming, your thighs rubbing together almost gleefully at the prospect. Your insides roil excitedly at the idea of him using you, rough and rugged, as you pretend it is against your will. Trust Anthony to take you to the edge of your needs, push your envelope and make you crave him. This is why you can’t resist him. He knows how to give you things you never knew you needed but want so much your blood sings—makes you ache for him, addicted to him like no one else.
You stay on your knees, panting lightly with anticipation as he walks away briefly, his boots seeming to clatter much louder as he returns. He yanks your hands behind your back, and you feel a thin rope wrapping around your wrists. 
“You know your safety word and action,” he leans over and mutters in your ear, and you nod, twisting to meet his eye. Confirming that today no won't mean stop; only that word or gesture will.
“No sir, please, no god, I’m sorry; please don't tie me up,” you act up.
He laughs menacingly and keeps looping the rope, tying it off with what feels like a bow. Then a hand grabs your jaw. 
“Too late for that; open your mouth,” he commands gruffly.
You instantly obey as two fingers slide thickly over your tongue. They taste of ink, smokey cigars and the tang of money, all Anthony.
“Now I know a certain way to stop this little mouth from being so insolent,” he states, casually pinching your tongue before pulling out his fingers.
“No sir, please, please don’t,” you volley back, a flash in your eyes as you lick your lips, your gaze falling to the tented shape in his trousers as he roughly unbuttons them.
His cock springs free, and you feel a frisson over your skin as you drink in the sight of it, already rigid and leaking. Without preamble, he grabs the back of your head; you can barely take a steadying breath before he pushes into you, hot over your tongue, not gentle in using you, nudging towards the back of your mouth. His cock is always so surprising in size, especially when he does this, showing you no mercy. Gripping your hair and starting a rhythm that pushes deeper on every stroke until he holds your nose pressed up to his body, filling your throat. You want to cough, speak, do anything, but he holds steady, his scent so potent.
With your hands tied as they are, you have no control over how he uses you, but you are determined not to give you safety action, to take the punishment he wants to meter out. Your clit throbs as your lungs burn for air—heady and intoxicating. Still, he does not allow you reprieve.
“Look up at me.” You tilt your eyes up as water gathers at the corner of your lashes. His thumb swipes through them. “Finally, she is silent and obedient,” he chuckles richly, his cock vibrating in your throat, “and looking so pretty on her knees, taking all of me.”
He pulls halfway out, and you inhale sharply before he pushes back in with a groan, and you are again unable to breathe. You want this so much your thighs dampen, and you look back up at him with wide, pleading eyes, playing the part of the victim you most definitely are not.
“Take it,” he stutters gruffly as you feel your throat convulse slightly, wanting to gag. “Stay down,” he orders, crushing your face into his body, his balls against your chin. You feel a pulse in his cock and then a sour tang, that little salty bead of pre-cum sliding down your gullet.
Just as you begin to struggle for air and feel woozy light-headedness, he pulls out entirely, ropes of saliva webbing from your mouth to his glistening tip as you gasp deeply, your throat burning.
“Get on your hands and knees and crawl to that bench,” he grits out, and you do as told, taking a few crawled paces to the padded leather bench in the middle of the room as he loosely refastens his trousers. Your deep wracking breathing sounds so loud, even in the wood-panelled room, as he tells you to climb up and straddle it face down.
“If you move an inch or make a noise, this will be much worse for you,” he threatens.“You will be whipped, and then you will take my cock. Maybe then you will finally remember who you belong to.”
“Please, sir, no,” your protesting murmur is weak and raspy as your throat recovers, but you turn slightly to meet his gaze challengingly, eyes blazing. You had better fuck me so hard, you mouth silently at him.
He twists his face into a bemused pout. I will, you wilful little one, he mouths back.
“Now, do I need to tie you to the bench, too?” he warns, but you get no chance to challenge it as, almost instantly, more rope loops around your back and under the bench you lay on. 
Fire flares in your belly; he has never tied you down so wholly. You cannot wiggle free of this; you are entirely at his mercy. The leather sticks slightly to your heated cheek as a hand spanks a glancing blow onto your left bottom cheek, and you groan and push your hips down into the padded leather. Everywhere between your legs tingles, aches even, and feels hot, getting off on the thrill of submitting to his will, the utter commanding way he handles you. You need him to put his mark on you. To make it bigger, better than his brother’s. 
“Make it hurt,” you sigh, barely a breath. But you know he hears it from the sharp inhale he makes.
You look back at him pleadingly. It could be the look of a captive pleading for mercy from their captor; it could be the look of a willing participant in a provocative game, conveying just how much they want this. Indeed, it’s both, so many layers swirling in this erotically charged moment.
“My girl, you will feel it and remember tonight,” his voice a low forewarning.
You twist to watch Anthony walk away and snag a riding crop from the selection hanging on nearby hooks, heart speeding up as he walks near your head, brandishing the implement. The cool leather tongue brushes the nape of your neck. He traces it slowly, achingly so, down the length of your spine to where your bound hands lay. Your body shivers in response, and he chuckles, seemingly delighted at how he can elicit such reactions from you.
He leans low over your back, the crop raising from your skin. “Now you can't run and get help; no one is coming to rescue you from me,” he growls. Something in the tone suggests bitter experience.
There is a faint, almost whistling sound in the air then you feel a sting lashing across your left buttock. The strength of this first blow is sharp, taking you by surprise, and you yelp in response.
“Be quiet!” he orders roughly, grabbing your hair. “Or do I need to gag you as well?”
“Please, sir, don't,” your lips plead while your mind hopes he might. You enjoy it when he gags you, especially with his cravat, as he did just a few days ago during your last encounter at Aubrey Hall. That fateful night you physically bumped into his younger brother.
Anthony releases your hair as Benedict's voice and face fill your mind. A similar blow to your right bottom cheek brings you back into the room, and you groan loudly, grinding against the bench, feeling the rope around your waist resisting your movements. He is pacing around you in a circle, his footsteps echoing up the walls; you pant in anticipation, trying to crane your head to track his movements.
The crop tickles your open, bound hand, then traces up the inside of your arm, so ticklish you try to tamp down a giggle. Then you gasp as he flicks the crop on your upper arm across the flesh of your muscle there.  The leather tongue drags back down to your hands, then swaps to the other, tracing up your arm in that prickly way until, again, there is a flick to the other bicep. You sense it's coming but still whimper slightly at the lick.
It's a guessing game about what he will do next. These flicks on your arms have been light, not like the force he used on your bottom, but enough to sting and keep you on your toes.
“I do so enjoy the slight of you bound,” he hums, almost absent-minded, as the crop trails back down your arm over your hands, your fingertips and onto your lower spine.
“Please, sir, don’t hurt me,” you play up, panting with anticipation about where he might strike next. 
“What part of ‘be quiet’ are you not understanding?” he utters through clenched teeth; it’s all the warning you get before the crop reigns a sharp blow onto the back of your thigh, right below where it meets your bottom.
You hiss and writhe as the crop insinuates between your legs, encouraging them further apart. 
“If you keep talking, I will crop you right here,” he cautions, running the smooth leather tab over your labia. You fold your lower lip into your mouth to censor any response you might have. “Good girl,” he intones, and the crop is gone.
You are almost relaxing into the soft bench when he strikes a lick onto your ribs, it's not hard, but it takes you by surprise; your yelp is instinctual. Then with an almost predatory gleam in his normally beguiling eyes, he rains little blows across your back. Short, sharp lashes that sting, not hurting but not pleasant. You flinch at every blow but feel a paradoxical sense of relief with each one, the discomfort as cleansing as it is arousing.
It's when the crop disappears between your thighs that you tense slightly. But he does not flick it against your pussy; he holds it over the spot you assume are the teeth marks, his breathing uneven. Then with a determined glint, he lashes the area hard, and you feel redness instantly bloom there as you cry out. He has done exactly what you wanted; he has covered up Benedict's mark on you with one of his own, bigger, better, bolder—so very Anthony. It almost feels akin to a twisted game of one-upmanship you will wear on your skin for a few days.
Then he flicks little marks on the back of your thighs and buttocks. Again each one feels like absolution and a step higher towards a blissful state where you float outside your body, utterly pliant to his demands and treatment.
“Stay with me,” he dictates. 
He senses you slipping into a subspace but wants you alert and responsive to every move he makes. 
“Who do you belong to?” his question is a bark.
“You.” It's a reflex.
“And only me, do you understand me? I will not share,” he grits out. 
“Yes sir,” you slur as the crop makes one last resounding blow on your cheek, so forceful you scream.
There is a clatter as the crop falls to the ground, and he is tearing off his clothing as you watch covetously and panting with anticipation, your skin burning hot in the places he has cropped you.
“No sir, please don’t take me,” you fib with a small smile, catching sight of his delicious, engorged cock as he strips. 
“Oh, but you are mine to take,” he laughs menacingly as he rounds behind you, kneeling on the floor where he lines up to enter you.
With a grunt from him and a cry from you, he plunges into your body; the stretching invasion always steals your breath. The artifice of the game you have been playing falls away as you sigh his name and murmur for him to please take you hard, wanting him to fuck all the guilt out of you.
And he does what you need. He shows no mercy as he grasps the rope around your back in his fist so it digs into the sensitive flesh of your sides and begins a punishing rhythm. Thrusting with such force, your whole body rolls, the bench squeaking in protest. You struggle to form thoughts and just quieten your mind, lean into the intensity of it—allowing your body to be used, taken, finding pleasure in your passivity. 
His hand spanks a glancing blow over your left cheek that he has left flecked with crop marks, and you squeal at the layering of this sharp pang over the dull throb from his earlier discipline.
“Keep quiet,” he hisses, leaning over your back and biting the nape of your neck. His incisors grabbing flesh and pulling, a pinching searing pang you know will mean teeth marks and wearing scarves to cover up until they fade. 
You are shocked at how fast your body is hurtling towards a climax, your clit squashed into the rounded end of the bench as he fucks into you. You start to pant little noises and writhe in your bindings, your wrists still in the small of your back, starting to feel pins and needles as your movement causes the rope to dig in harder.
“You are so very close,” he observes, suddenly holding still, buried deep inside you. “That will not do,” his tone almost disappointed, “do not come yet”.  
You fight the urge, your pussy squeezed tight around him, fighting the little convulsions you feel, every inch of his cock engraving on your walls like he is leaving his imprint inside you.
“I mean it,” he warns, “you will not come until I permit it.”
“Yes sir,” you croak, gusting hot breaths into the bench and trying to calm your body. To stave off your orgasm until he allows it.
Then there are fingers resting on your clit, and you inhale sharply, twisting in your binding to look at him over your shoulder, something wild in his manner, his eyes glittering.
“No,” he says firmly as he teases your bud with expertise, edging you but refusing permission to let you break.
“This is not fair,” you groan, puffing hard as he begins to fuck you again, this time with an unhurried rhythm, withdrawing then surging in as his fingertips expertly hook under your hood to massage your engorged little nub. 
“Fair is not my concern,” he dismisses, “what is my concern is demanding your utter obedience.”
Every ounce of your body is aflame, the tension of holding to a precipice as each welt on your body throbs in sympatico with your clit.
“Please,” you mumble, unsure you can stem the tide building; obey his rules.
His grip on your bum tightens as he spears into you roughly, making you grunt as your whole body rocks with the force. Boring into you now, unforgiving in his mounting of you, he once again wraps the rope that lashes you down around his knuckles, ensuring you gasp at the harsh binding, the rough fibres repeatedly rubbing until small welts appear.
He is setting an almost punishing pace, ploughing into your body repeatedly as you listen to his panting breaths, desperate for his consent to release all the tension, almost an unbearable weight.
He spanks your right cheek for good measure. You moan, and the pleasure-pain that blossoms makes your break impossible to fight anymore. Your eyes screw shut as his fingers slide over your sensitive bud, the grip of his spanking hand now banded around the crest of your hipbone, strong enough to leave more marks on your delicate flesh. 
“You may,” he pants, perhaps sensing the inevitable.
You call his name and bury your nose into the bench, your teeth snarling and biting against the leather as your body, denied over and over, finally relents, your pussy palpitating around him so harshly you almost propel him from your body. Each synapse firing so hard your mind blanks out, a snapping of something inside that is your tether to reality. Then you are floating, somewhere far away, on a cloud of throbbing skin and pumping heartbeats, the pain transmogrifying into something beautiful, like amnesty, appeasement, peace.
You are barely cognisant as he rapidly withdraws from your body with a shout, spilling his seed onto your aching cheeks, the splash of it somehow both stinging and soothing the ache, bringing you back into the room as he slumps over your back, head between your shoulder blades.
For a few moments, there is nothing but the joint sound of your laboured breathing and the creek of the rope as you shift lightly under his weight.
“That was… truly something else,” he pants, drawing upright to untie your body and wrists delicately.
“It really was,” you agree, as he rubs the sore spots on your wrists from the chafe of the rope.
“Thank you. For giving me your trust like that,” Anthony says quietly, sincerely. “It is a rare thing to play like this…. Very rare indeed.”
He looks so thoughtful you don't know what to say in response. “Any time, Anthony. It was a very cathartic experience for me,” you admit honestly. “Something so freeing about playing that role for you,” you clarify before he asks what you mean, Benedict’s face flashing in your mind, guilt flooding your heart.
He jumps up, gathers a padded blanket from a hook, and lays it on the ground, pulling you into an embrace atop it. You settle into his arms, allowing your body to feel soothed by his idle, gentle strokes as he speaks again.
“I have come to realise that you are chasing challenging experiences. And my darling girl, I always want to be the one, the only one, worthy and able to do that, to challenge you in all the ways you may need,” he offers as he nuzzles your temple, dropping a light kiss there.
“That's so funny; Benedict was just saying the same last night,” you giggle lightly, your idle tongue running away from you in your post-orgasmic haze.
“You talk to my brother about such matters?” He freezes and sounds strange as he says it, and instantly you wince inside but try not to let it show. 
“Sometimes he and I talk. Of you and I, our compatibility, our courtship,” you attempt breezy nonchalance, gesturing into the air. “We bumped into each other at the Trowbridge Ball, and perhaps I had too much champagne,” you offer, relieved that partial truths and alcohol may explain how you came to talk of such matters with his brother.
“But you said this was last night?” Anthony argues, slowly twisting and sitting up away from you. “And the Trowbridge Ball was two nights ago. I should know; I was not well that day.”
Bile rises in your throat. You try not to let your panic show on your face, but you suspect your acting skills may be somewhat lacking. “Oh, of course, I… I am mixing up my days. The season is such a whirl, is it not?” You overshoot, mugging a smile too large and too brittle, clutching at proverbial straws. 
You sit up and instinctively grab your chemise to cover yourself up, feeling the need for a physical layer of protection, your skin registering a cold draft that breezes along the floor, making you shiver. There is a few moments of silence where you curl your lip under your teeth. Scared, you will slip up more, knowing Anthony is too smart not to see it. 
“I thought I warned you to stay away from him,” he intones, his voice going low.
“Come on, Anthony. He is your family; why would I not talk to your family? To the outside world, at least, we are courting.” You try to appeal to his logical side.
“Do you converse with Colin? Do you talk such intimate things with him?” He bristles, and you stay silent. Knowing what he points out is true. You have barely spoken more than five words to Colin, all mundane. “Yes. As I thought,” he adds, more than a little bitter. “And I find it strange that I went to call on you yesterday afternoon to apologise for being unable to accompany you to the ball, only to be told you were not home. That you were, in fact, receiving art lessons from my brother. Indeed, your family valet seemed most perplexed that I was not aware, seeing as I had apparently arranged the whole thing.” 
Oh god. 
He knows. 
He knows something is happening between you and Benedict. And he has kept it in until now. Again you are tumbling over that waterfall. Suddenly, so much of tonight takes on more nuance than you could possibly have imagined: the desperation, the possessiveness, the want to tie you down and punish you hard, the now-weighted phrase that no one is coming to rescue you. Part of you wants to run away, be sick to your stomach, but part of you wants to stay and fight.
“Anthony…” you appeal, not knowing what else to say.
“Don't,” he chides, and you feel him building up his walls, brick by brick, cutting you off. “But thank you for confirming what I didn't want to know. You may leave,” he adds bitterly, and you can see untold hurt in his eyes. 
You can see that trying to reason with him is a lost cause at this moment. So silently, you pull your stays on loosely over your chemise and then your dress, the initial panic giving way to a melancholy sinking into your bones about how he is closing himself off. You slip out of the stable door and don't allow yourself the luxury of a glance back, or even a tear, as you walk the few hundred yards back to the recital venue and your awaiting carriage.
You suspect that were it any other man, Anthony would not be so very agitated—his younger brother very much his Achilles heel, right from that first warning at Aubrey Hall. Perhaps he sees something in you that is a kindred spirit to Benedict more than to himself and fears the choice you may make. Little does he know, you crave them equally and more than ever, even as you feel uncertain about where you stand with either brother now. Both knowing of your dalliance with the other, and neither happy about it—precisely what you didn't want. In hindsight, it was never going to be easy playing off both brothers. But you never expected Anthony’s reaction to be so emotional, the hidden depths he keeps so well concealed under the mask of responsibility.
And things are about to get even more complicated when Benedict sees what Anthony has done….
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Anthony taglist: @makaylan @foreverlonginguniverse @iboopedyournose @colettebronte @aintnuthinbutahounddog @margofiore @writergirl-2001 @heeyyyou @enichole445 @enchantedbytomandhenry @ambitionspassionscoffee @chaoticcalzoneranchsports @crowleysqueenofhell @bridgertontess @queenofmean14 @fiction-is-life @lilacbeesworld@eleanor-bradstreet @divaanya @musicismyoxygen84 @benedictspaintbrush @sorryallonsy @lilithseve @cayt0123 @hottytoddyhistory @elizah99 @fictionalmenloversblog
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blerdnextdoor · 4 years ago
I've been playing Destruction Allstars all day. I'm really loving it, so far my favorite is Harmony. Who have you guys been using?
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