#Destinations Sponsor-letter
aurumacadicus · 1 year
In before I start seeing people bitching about rainbow capitalism MY favorite rainbow capitalism story is about Subaru. Yes the Japanese car company.
In the nineties, they were struggling. They were competing with a dozen other companies targeting the main demographic at the time: white men ages 18-35, especially after a failed luxury car launch with a new ad agency. “What we need is to focus on niche demographics,” they decided, and then focused on people who enjoyed the outdoors. The Subaru was excellent at driving on dirt roads that many other vehicles couldn’t at the time, so it was perfect for all those off-road campers; they started making all-wheel drive standard in all their cars to help with that. And the people who wanted cars to go do outdoor stuff? Lesbians.
Okay. Of course it wasn’t only lesbians buying Subarus. They’re on the list with educators, health-care professionals, and IT people. But the point is, this Japanese car company interviewed this strange demographic (single, female head of household) and realized one important factor: They were lesbians. They liked to be able to use the cars to go do outdoorsy stuff, and they liked that they could use the cars to haul stuff rather than a big truck or van. Subaru had a choice to make then. They had four other demographics they could market to, after all--the educators, the health-care professionals, IT professionals, and straight outdoorsy couples. Their company didn’t hinge on this one “problematic” demographic.
And they decided “fuck it,” and marketed to lesbians anyway. This included offering benefits to American gay and lesbian employees for their domestic partners, so it didn’t look like a cash grab. (This was not a problem. They already offered those in Canada.)
Yes, there was some backlash. They got letters from a grassroots group accusing them of promoting homosexuality, and every letter said they’d no longer be buying from Subaru. “You didn’t buy from us before, either,” Subaru realized, and ignored them. It helped that the team really cared about the plan, and that they had many straight allies to back them up. There was also some initial backlash when Subaru hired women to play a lesbian couple in the commercial, but they quickly found that lesbians preferred more subtlety; “XENA LVR” on a license plate, or bumper stickers with the names of popular LGBTQ+ destinations, or taglines of “Get out. Stay out.” that could be used for the outdoors--or the closet.
Subaru said “We see you. We support you.” They sponsored Pride parades and partnered with Rainbow Card and hired Martina Navratilova as spokeswoman. They put their money where their mouth is and went into it whole hog. In a time where companies did not want to take our money, Subaru said, “Why not? They’re people who drive.” And that was groundbreaking.
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carcarcraziiv2 · 11 months
Dis for daddy Yone and my love Aphelios. 💗
~*-If you enjoyed, feel free to send me asks (however that works) with prompts. I also enjoy writing about other league characters as well if you're into that!-*~
Art classes were never really your thing. You were more into writing, and when your best friend invited you to a creative writing workshop you couldn't help but take the opportunity.
You two got to the class early and were shocked to find out that it was being sponsored by one of your favorite band's lyricists, Aphelios from Heartsteel. The excitement you felt at being able to spend your time at a place that someone in the band even thought about had you more inspired than you were previously.
During the workshop, you wrote a nice little series of poems while you daydreamed about the band. The entire time you kept getting nudges from your best friend because you found yourself mindlessly humming their songs.
At the end, you were surprised to find out that they were hosting a contest to meet the band based on the works submitted if you so wished at the end of the night. You did, and you were even more shocked when a few weeks later you got an email stating that you had won!
The email read as follows-
Dear Y/N,
We would like to begin by thanking you for your submission to the Heartsteel: Meet the Band! competition hosted by Aphelios. Based on the band's review of your work, they would like to designate you as the winner! With our sincerest congratulations, please see the information below with the destination, date, and time!
The rest of the letter contained as it stated, and you were ecstatic. The days passed quickly and before you knew it, you were driving to the location of the meet and greet.
Walking into the small very secure building, you were greeted by a pleasant young woman who led you to a small room with a couch and a few plush chairs. You took a seat, and she left letting you know it would be a few minutes.
You were antsy as you sat there but giddy none the less. Soon enough, the door opened, and you stood in excitement as the members of Heartsteel walked in. Sett, Kayn, Ezreal, Yone, K'Sante, and finally Aphelios.
They all greeted you happily, and finally Aphelios gave you his hand in greeting, a sweet smiling gracing his face. You all discussed things, you got photos, and by the end you were feeling so happy that they were all as cool and nice (Kayn was kinda sus but...) as you had hoped!
It seemed like during the whole time, Aphelios kept writing to you that you had genuinely impressed him.
I really liked your work. It spoke to me. Did you write them based on each of us?
"I did! I thought since you were sponsoring the event I may as well make it Heartsteel inspired," you laugh nervously, running a hand over your head. "I'm glad you like it."
I was wondering if you would like to get together for some writing sessions? I know it's kind of off the wall here but... I wouldn't mind learning more about the way you think.
"I would love to!" You smile, and he gives you his phone to type your number into, and you couldn't help but add a cheeky smiley face next to your name.
I look forward to seeing you again soon! He wrote, and you all said your goodbyes.
You were smiling your whole drive home, and as you got ready to go to bed you heard your phone vibrate on your side table.
Your heart fluttered as you read the message:
Hey, it's Aphelios. Is this Y/N?
You always liked going out to a coffee shop to do your work in the mornings. It made you feel more businesslike, for some reason, when you got to go work in a place where everyone is in suits and also on laptops.
The day started like any other. Gathering your things, you headed to a new-to-you coffee shop downtown. When you arrived, you headed inside and sat down after you ordered your drink and a little breakfast sandwich.
Opening your laptop, you got right to work moving files and typing away at emails. You had your headphones in listening to some soft indie pop and you bobbed your head along to it as you wrote.
After about thirty minutes, you took a little break to stretch your fingers and glance around at the other people sitting at tables around you. Turning your attention toward the window, you saw him.
A tall looking man with long white hair with red streaks in a ponytail sat with his head face first into a little MacBook. You couldn't help but gawk at his overall attractive features, as he has focused green eyes and neat but chiseled features. You wondered what his voice sounded like.
You nearly fall out of your seat the way you turn away when his gaze shifts to look at you. He must have felt someone staring at him, and you could feel the heat rising in your cheeks. Okay, that's awkward.
Trying to quickly forget that you just got caught staring, you get back to work. You had only planned on staying at the coffee shop for a few hours while you got through your morning emails, but this man was a revelation you weren't willing to leave just yet.
Over the next few minutes, you kept stealing peaks at him, and to your surprise he kept looking back at you. At one point, he smiled politely at you as if to say, "Need something?"
Finally, after getting multiple messages from your boss that you hadn't noticed due to your wandering thoughts you decided to brush it all off and dive back into your work. Before you knew it, an hour had gone by and you looked quickly toward the direction of where the man had been sitting. Disappointed, you realize that he was no longer there. You shrug to yourself and start packing up your things, pulling out your headphones and shoving them in your bag.
Just as you are about to stand up, you feel a tap on your shoulder that causes you to jump slightly.
"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to startle you," You hear as you turn to face the person who tapped you. To your dismay, it was the man who you had been caught staring at.
"It's okay!" you laugh nervously. "Um... What's up?"
"I just noticed you kept looking at me and well, I couldn't help but keep looking at you... and I was wondering if you would like to meet here again for coffee in the morning while you do whatever it is you're doing?" You can see the man blushing, and you wonder inwardly if he was as nervous talking to you as you were about talking with him. "Oh, and I'm Yone. Sorry, I forgot to mention that."
"I'm Y/N," You say in response. "And that would be cool, I usually go get coffee in the morning anyway. Sorry for staring at you earlier, I got kind of carried away I guess." Oh. My. God. Why am I word vomiting on this poor man?
"Don't worry, I kind of liked catching you off guard a few times. It was cute." He says, and you can't help but to blush again. "I'll see you in the morning then, Y/N." He smiles, turns away and leaves you flabbergasted and blushing in the coffee shop.
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januever · 1 year
this is slightly inspired by the 2010’s movie letters to juliet by gary winick. mainly names, places and events but still inspired. enjoy! :)
💌 — januever presents :
LETTERS TO JULIET. ﹙ charles leclerc x reader ﹚
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everything was perfect in the beginning. your relationship with your fiancé, victor, was like paradise and you thought that nothing could ruin it. he was definitely the one.
he was extremely romantic, passionate and caring. he always made sure to pay attention to you and tried his best to make you feel wanted and loved.
until that dreadful day came by.
« my love, i am home! » you shouted as you entered your shared apartment, taking off your shoes by the door. you looked up and with no response from him, you decided to quietly enter the house, looking around in hopes to find your lover.
to no avail, you almost give up thinking that he might be caught up with work.
victor was an amazing chef and for the past few months, he had been working on the preparations for his first ever restaurant’s grand opening. you were more than thrilled for him, seeing how exciting it was for victor to finally make his dream come true.
truth be told that this phase of his life made your relationship more troubled than usual. he was now more focused on his work which made your alone time the perfect occasion for fighting, his phone constantly ringing from sponsors eager to talk to him, inviting him to all kinds of wine-tasting events at the most luxurious places that separated you two for weeks. that somewhat made your relationship colder as the time went by, leaving you with a sad heart.
finally leaving your apartment entrance behind, you hear whispered mumbles coming from your shared bedroom as soon as you enter the main corridor.
« well, that’s weird .. » you whisper to yourself, believing that you were home alone. was someone in your bedroom? or better yet, was your fiancé with someone in your bedroom? .. that couldn’t be. he didn’t reply to you just now so he obviously wasn’t home. right?
scared and confused, expecting the worst, your hands were shaking as they reached to the door’s knob, turning it slowly.
the worst had happened.
your heart dropped to the sight of your fiancé ( or better yet, ex-fiancé ) laying in bed with another woman. he tried his best to hide her under the duvet but with little to no success. you had already seen her.
all those moments, memories, fights, kisses … everything came to an end and how hurtful your freedom was. as soon as he looks up at you with the eyes of regret and tears start falling slowly down your cheeks, you run off the apartment and decide that you are leaving his life for good.
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a year since you found out.
you left everything behind without a second thought, calling off the engagement, with much shock from victor’s family. they didn’t know the full story, and as much as you hated victor, you didn’t want to ruin everything for him. at least, not right now.
still, not wanting all the wedding preparations to fully go to waste, you took the honeymoon tickets and departed to your destination, verona, with much encouragement from your family and ex-fiancé.
« maybe some time away from each other was the best for us. it was time to call it quits. »
his text message was right. he was right. it was time for a brand-new start.
this time, in italy.
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wandering through the streets of verona, your legs were taking you somewhere : la casa di giulietta, the famous balcony where juliet was wooed by her sweet romeo, or at least, that’s what shakespeare wrote.
it was one of the places on your enormous sigh-seeing wishlist for you 2 week stay at the city. you knew that if you were here with victor, he would be too busy to enjoy this moment with you, and with that, your mind travelled back to your unfortunate love life.
maybe juliet’s love magic was all that you needed for you to find your very own romeo, after all that had happened. one last bit of hope from you to love.
a big rustic brown sign with the words " La Casa de Giulietta “ engraved onto it signaled you that you had arrived to your destination.
passing the big entrance gate, you could see : so many romantically-hopeless women, some crying, some laughing, with all kinds of struggles and passions, doing the exact same thing. writing, hoping, confiding to their last resort, juliet, in hopes for a better love.
in front of them, a big brick wall stood firmly with a bunch of different papers and letters, of all colors and shapes stuck to it. all of them with the same loving intent.
the sight made your heart soften, and inspired you to do the same as the other women as you quietly sat down on a wooden-bench laying in the middle of the area. it was now your turn to ask for juliet’s help.
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you sat there, not knowing exactly for how long. your mind wandering to all kinds of things you could say to juliet, begging for her to help you, to give you your perfect romance.
the sun light gradually being less and less strong signaled you that maybe it was time to return to your hotel and so, you decided to do exactly that. however, with an empty letter, which made you loose a little bit of hope.
packing all your belongings back into your bag with an heavy heart as you prepare yourself to leave, you hear heavy footsteps sounding from the entrance.
looking up out of pure curiosity, you see a figure emerging from the shadows and walking towards you. the dark pair of sunglasses sitting on their face, the dark cap on top of their head and the dimmed sun light made it harder for you to decipher who it was, making it a bit creepy looking, which startled you.
suddenly feeling uncomfortable, you decided to leave as fast as you could before the maybe-dangerous stranger could even think of doing something to you.
« i’m sorry if i startled you! don’t worry, it’s not what you’re thinking. » the somewhat intruder rapidly apologized as he noticed how uncomfortably you stood up and with a quick smile, he turned his back onto you, before stopping to face the brick wall. you noticed how his voice had a nice accent to it, definitely foreign.
his hands reached to the top of his head, taking his cap and sunglasses off and quickly messing with his hair. you admired how fluffy his hair appeared to be, colored with a nice hue of chocolate brown.
still watching him, you saw his hand reaching to one of the pockets of his jacket, before taking out a neatly folded yellow-colored post-it and placing it on a crack in the wall.
« are you also writing to juliet? » you questioned softly now moving besides him. the stranger, thinking that you had already left, jumped while one of his hands reached his chest, trying to calm his heart. « oh, i’m sorry! i didn’t mean to startle you! » you quickly apologized, frantically waving your hands in front of him.
« no no, it’s okay! i guess that’s my karma for scaring you earlier. » he chuckled softly to your antics, throwing a quick smile at you. his wide eyes had now relaxed and he seemed more at ease. you could finally see his face properly, noticing his green eyes watching you attentively. he’s quite pretty, you thought. « and to answer your question, yes, i am writing to juliet. » he replied, a hint of proudness in his tone.
« oh, i didn’t know men could also write to her .. » you mumbled to yourself, making him laugh sweetly.
« yeah, i’m not sure if i can do it either but hopefully she will help me either way. » he quickly shrugged, now facing the wall in front of both of you, reading some of the little cards with a soft smile on his lips.
« i didn’t meant it like that, i’m sorry! i’m just genuinely surprised. » you nervously said, now also looking at the wall, slightly embarrassed. why are you suddenly so nervous around this stranger? is it his eyes? you thought to yourself.
« it’s okay, i didn’t take it like that. » the man reassured, looking back at you briefly with the smile still plastered on his face. he seemed to stop for a while, thinking about something. a smirk appeared on his face, which made you look at him with a frown while softly asking what? « we should really stop apologizing to each other, you know. »
your frown slowly disappears as you both fall into soft giggles while you shake your head, nodding in agreement.
« yeah, we really should. »
« i’m charles, by the way. » he greeted warmly, throwing a sweet smile at you.
« nice to meet you, charles. i’m Y/N. » you replied now looking at him, locking both of your gazes.
« now, that’s a beautiful name. »
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it was now afternoon as your “ honeymoon ” came to an end.
the past month had been nothing but magical. and if you said that to charles, he would happily say that it was all because of him.
you got to know him a lot better during your vacation, easily getting along after your first encounter at juliet’s house. he took you on all kinds of adventures around the city and you found out he was quite familiar with the town, as well as some other provinces in italy.
he later told you about his job in formula one with ferrari, about his life in monaco, all kinds of funny stories from his childhood, all the crazy challenges with his teammate carlos … and all about his past.
you hugged, you cried, you laughed.
you bonded.
bonded over some ice cream, booping each other’s nose with the sweet icy treat as soft giggles came out of your mouths. the thought of that memory alone made you smile as you softly touched your nose with the tip of your fingers.
bonded during those late night-walks outside your hotel, to which he would walk to every late afternoon just to offer you dinner. the thought of those memories made charles’ feet hurt but it was all worth it.
bonded while watching the stars, laying on the grass from your hotel’s park. hands resting against each other, both of you blushing as they brushed a bit closer.
all those special moments, connecting like dots in your mind to give you the clarification that you needed: you were falling in love again. and this time, charles was the lucky guy.
you quickly got out of your thoughts as you heard knocking on your door. a smile spread through your face, knowing exactly who it was.
preparing yourself to greet charles goodnight as you opened your room’s door, you quickly got interrupted by an enthusiastic giggle.
« i got a letter back! » he excitedly exclaimed, holding up a white envelope for you to see. you could clearly read the word “juliet” on the front of the envelope, and the sight made your heart warm.
« from juliet, i suppose? » you asked with a soft laugh as you saw the happy man entering your room, while doing some kind of weird dance.
« oui. and i want you to read it! » he said, as he extended his arm in front of you. you frowned, taking the letter from his hand while glancing at him.
« are you sure? after all, this is your letter. » he only nodded in agreement as he gave you a warm smile. you gave in, mumbling a small okay as you opened the envelope.
“ dear Y/N,
this is charles. i’m sorry for disappointing you, as i’m sure that you were expecting a letter from juliet.
the truth is, this past month that we spent together was beautiful and i believe that juliet meant for us to meet. all those moments and all these feelings bottling up, waiting for the right time to tell you everything.
with you leaving so soon, i couldn’t have let you go without trying.
please, be the juliet to this pleading romeo. (with less drama and more love, of course.)
— charles. ”
reading the letter over and over again, you couldn’t help but feel confused. all those words echoing in your head, making your heart beat faster. did charles really mean all of it? maybe juliet could help you.
charles looked at you with an hesitant expression, slowly feeling more and more scared of your rejection. maybe he took the signs too far. maybe juliet couldn’t help him.
with each second ticking, you finally made your decision.
quickly mumbling a fuck it under your breath, you cup charles’ face with your hands and pull him into a kiss.
all of those unsaid words, everything being as clear as a confirmation for both of you that the love there was real.
charles’s “ grazie, giulietta. ” made you smile against his lips.
he was right.
thank you, juliet.
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hellooo everyone! nana here :)
just wanted to say thank you for reading my first ever work all the way until the end. this was a true hustle to finish writing but i managed to do it nonetheless … TT
this is not the best thing ever written but i tried my absolute best and i hope u love it either way ���
this was proofread buy a veeeery eepy nana so please excuse any grammar / sentence mistakes okay love !!!
remember to take care of yourselves & that u are very much loved!
much love,
— nana 💐
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hraeth-ethile · 1 year
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The Set of Composite Elements of the Soul (Persian: مجموعه عناصر مرکب روح) is a collected work of religious and theological materials and literature that, at first, explains the various experiences and adventures of pagan heroes, myths, and legends, going on to list a total collection of each sapient species' chief cultural deities and a thorough description of them all.
The volume was written and compiled by Lady Mehr Darzi in 1899 before being brought to Western readers in 1908 by noted travelling English historian Nigel Howe. A tremendous, lifelong effort by a disgraced former Islamic mystic priestess, her final work received, at first, little notoriety until it was examined in greater detail in Isfahan by a cultural museum's high curator - who became obsessed with it and even offered to pay her for a visit to the museum in exchange for an interview.
Lady Darzi accepts the offer, but perishes, along with many others, in a catastrophic train derailing within the Abr Forest. Her death is a tremendous blow to the city of Isfahan, which had, up to that point, begun to attract a cult following thanks to her high curator admirer, Ben Alam, spending a great deal of his own time and money advertising her work. He exhibited her personal history, as well as her personality, from things he'd learned about her in the series of letters they exchanged with each other before her departure from Mashhad.
She is brought to Isfahan and given a very small but lavish and formal funeral, where a great feast and candle-lit dance begins a lasting city tradition so popular with its attendees that word of her work and its influence eventually reaches the ears of nomadic Englishman Nigel Howe in the autumn of 1904 after he'd been staying there since the start of the year. Fascinated by conversations about a 'ghostly, white-clad feline woman' who had managed to study and explore so much of mortal spirituality, he eventually meets with the high curator of Isfahan's Imperial Museum of Culture and the Lost Histories and Sciences of the Earth - who he learns had been the source of the city's own fascination with her.
After weeks of deliberation and intimate discussion, Nigel Howe is gifted the original copy of Lady Darzi's The Set of Composite Elements of the Soul to study, alongside the Persian language, to then translate into English so that future copies can be made for English-speaking readers. After four years of dedicated research, Nigel Howe, now fluent in Persian and successful in his task, takes his translated copies with him on his return to London, where the first edition release of the English version of Lady Darzi's life work is brought to the West.
The initial response was tepid, but soon drew fanatical interest from the Temporae Calendarium Project - a civilian London collective who were united towards researching and cataloguing the various cultural differences of sapient species. They promised to sponsor and support the translated works of Lady Darzi, namely through advertising and gimmicks, in exchange for 30% of all sales in perpetuity. Howe agrees, and from 1908 until the beginning of the Great War, the Temporae Calendarium and its supporters made The Set of Composite Elements of the Soul their sole focus.
It is only in 1920 when the book becomes a popular interest in the city of London, but when it does, its popularity then explodes across the entire West - though especially in Paris, which begins translating the volume into French.
As of 2020, The Set of Composite Elements of the Soul has been translated into 52 languages, and the Tomb of Lady Mehr Darzi of the River Fronds in Isfahan has become a popular tourist destination. A permanent exhibit of her, her literature, and their influence remains in the former Imperial Museum of Culture and the Lost Histories and Sciences of the Earth - which has since been renamed to the Mohammad Mosaddegh Museum of World Culture.
While the first half of the book postulates and explains the complexities, similarities, and histories of many cultural and non-cultural pagan faiths in the world, it goes on to list and describe, in fairly substantial depth, each deity to each species' cultures, which Lady Darzi was able to express after many years of travel and hundreds of interviews with many different kinds of pagan priests and leaders - all of whom were credited in the glossary section.
This comprehensive list features such articles as the HosÌgɜganÌ, and begins thusly with:
• Apea, or just Cest, is described as the very sky itself, but much more than this, too. It is all things, it is everywhere, and, yet, it is also something real and physical. It is said to be too blinding to see, too hot to touch, and too beautiful to describe. It is both heaven and saviour, god and friend, teacher and companion.
In the earliest zerda sapiens litanies, the fennec foxes of extremely ancient Libya and Algeria once describes Cest as being an oddly-shaped 'ovaloid' - an oval-shaped being, with oval-shaped appendages - that, in its very centre, shined an incredibly bright star-like light. Its arms were large and rounded, and when things were touched by Cest, they would turn to pure crystals known in the fennec language as Afezeria oz Apea, or 'blessed by the most-blessed' - as Cest Apea itself means 'blessed reality'. These crystals would only last for thirty minutes before disappearing in the literal blink of an eye.
It is widely believed by Apeaen fennecs that Lot's wife, in the biblical accounting of Sodom and Gomorrah, was actually blessed by Cest in this way.
Cest has no singular purpose or celestial need other than for life to persist. Threats to existence are seen as the only sin to it, as it is existence, and, thus, threats to existence are threats to itself. It rewards those fennecs who provide for the land and sky most fondly, making many Apeaen fennecs environmentally careful if not very proactive in the preservation of the earth and its elements. As of this year, 1899, an Apeaen priest in upper India has been trying especially hard at purifying a lake that he believes is a mirror into the 'beauty of Cest Apea', owing to the current fennec name for the lake: Celetille der du Dje, or 'clear and beautiful to the body [of Cest]'. The Persian translation for this would be 'mirror lake'.
Because Cest has no want or fear, beyond the protection of reality, the Apeaen fennec believes that to lead a pleasured and happy life is how one may please Cest most and, on the day of that fennec's death, they may become part of Cest. In this way, a fennec who perishes in life is absorbed into the body and consciousness of all things, which, to that fennec, means that they will become a god in death. Instead of this enticing Apeaen fennec foxes to become a cult of death, they tend to live extremely sexual or flamboyant lives, where the pleasures of the flesh and mind are seen as holy exaltations. This has led many Apeaens to imbibe of alcohol and drugs, and to often partake in sex rituals, or to have sex gladly, easily, and often with each other and those willing but not of their faith.
• Doólelasholan and Emethá are the chief deities of pagan cervidae sapiens, or The Háalemamid.
Doólelasholan, which comes from their language, and means 'alone at last after a tiresome experience', is described by ancient deer peoples in China and Europe as a very large and naked white buck with red stripes on his antlers who hunts his many evil offspring in the day before resting in caves at night.
The sun, an invention of their primordial mother Rumi-Loláad Lhohoth, was poisoned in secret by Doólelasholan's sinister sister-wife Emethá. Eternally cursed by this poison, it would fall from the sky at night to let her and her wicked children know that Doólelasholan is asleep and, thus, that they were safe to commit terrible crimes upon the earth and its people.
Emethá, which means 'clown', was resentful of her fate and existence. She is deeply spiteful of her godly and all-powerful family, which she believes forced her to wed her own brother, to whom she has always despised from the beginning of time. She betrayed her brother-husband Doólelasholan, severing their relationship and, thus, casting her down from divinity. Moments before her fall, she stabs him with a white oak stake that she had whittled in private. The wood is derived from the first tree of the earth, which is also the most sacred object of all sacred objects and the source of all antlers on every mortal deer. This was a sacrilegious act, perhaps the most sacrilegious act in the Háalemamid faith.
Now mortal and forever weakened from the attack, Doólelasholan is tasked by his mother to find and destroy Emethá. But they did not know her to be pregnant at the time of her exile to the mortal realm, and, so, through strange and dark sorcery, Emethá turned her future offspring into terrifying mockeries of deer that she planned to take the realm over with; to turn all living things against their creators by assaulting and destroying heaven and ending mortal reliance on gods and divinity.
Many culturally pagan deer worship and revere Emethá, who is described as having a white skull-painted face, whose entire body is covered in a gruesome crimson red paint except for her pelvis, forearms, wrists, and hands. They see her as the custodian and protector of mortality, a warrior and protector worthy of being worshipped as both god and equal.
To honour her, these deer, who call themselves lhebehizh, or 'her shamed', will paint or tattoo their bodies, which they will wear every day for the rest of their lives. In addition, they will partake in evening rituals where much smoke is produced and many fires are made. They will also have ritualistic orgies, and readily partake in the common or copious use of drugs and alcohol, as most earthly pleasures are seen as connecting with the most meaningful and true of all divine things, which, according to the lhebehizh, is wohothulewoth wíi, or 'living for/through the wisdom of the mother'.
Along with these things, the lhebehizh are ancestor worshipers and greatly venerate the recently deceased, who they assemble and commit to very large and extravagant funerals, for, in the month of December, they act out a kind of 'social fasting' where many will isolate themselves from their friends, their family, and/or their communities; their attempt to strengthen their understanding of Emethá by putting themselves in similar conditions, or search for familiar feelings, for what she, as a banished once-god, has experienced.
Most culturally pagan deer, of a significant living portion, even, worship and revere, instead, Doólelasholan, his mother Rumi-Loláad Lhohoth, his many fathers, and the various animistic spirits and incarnations of divinity that are assembled in their heavenly, infinite halls. These are the Háalemamid, or: 'the children'. They live lives almost a complete opposite of the lhebehizh, where they revile all forms of body art; they will never wear body paint of any kind, or brandish tattoos. Instead, they paint, adorn, or otherwise decorate their antlers and foreheads in beautiful arrangements of geometric patterns, crystal displays, wood charms, or cloth ribbons.
Instead of the veneration of familial ancestors, past heroes, and the recent dead, the Háalemamid honour greatly the living best of their order, who they uplift to great status within their communities or societies.
Instead of honouring divinity through the flesh and with mortal needs, they abstain from any and all intoxicants, and live exceedingly sober lives.
Instead of ritual isolation, they tend to congregate in large communities, where many have come to stay, and where some have long been even for several, or dozens, of generations.
The Háalemamid vehemently oppose lhebehizh. Most believe them to be no worse than the twisted abominations which have come from Emethá's evil womb, and these two religious factions have, throughout history and into the present day, fought, battled, and murdered one-another in a unceasing holy war that neither side believes will win without the complete and total destruction of the other. Even as far west as the United States, and as far south as Australia, there are Háalemamid leaders and speakers who, if they do not at least publicly spurn the lhebehizh, will actively promote harmful actions to come to them.
In the reverse of this, there are lhebehizh warriors and spiritualists who, like the dervishes and the janissary of the past, commit themselves to tasks of careful sabotage and intelligencing against the businesses and political efforts of the Háalemamid in cities so wide and towns so small.
• nYbi-kEos rU-nUm Ub sYbU Yt-as, or, in Persian, Wise Raven of a Lack of Mortal Thought or Origin. It can also be translated much more literally as Wise-Qualified Big Black Bird of Thing-without-Concept From-Place. This is the highest deity, above a pantheon of many much weaker deities, worshipped by the Ôzvom - which, in their very unusual and difficult language, simply means 'feline'.
The Ôzvom are distinctly, and quietly, the culturally pagan felines of the world. While they number in what is understood to be merely the thousands, there is at least one Ôzvom feline in every nation in the world, and each of them are unusually powerful and wise priests of their order. Their power does not lie in mysticism, or magical roots, but rather in what they seem to always be aware of. This almost unheard-of ability to predict harm and distress from agencies, governments, and most people has preserved what little remains of an extremely ancient and virtually unknown unified religious body that seems to always be in contact with each other despite extreme distance from each other.
nYbi-kEos rU-nUm Ub sYbU Yt-as is known much more commonly by their simplified name Tap-Daivru, which means 'leads well', but is also known, especially by Lepee rabbits and the West, as Leads Well. Leads Well's earliest description is well-explained and documented by a Hellenized sapient Persian white tabby cat from this very nation, who resided in what was once known as Hekatompylos, near the current city of Šahr-e Qumis. This cat, a religious scholar not unlike myself, calls the city of his birth to be that of the ancient city of Magnesia on the Maeander, in what is now known as the Turkish village of Tekin. His description, which he obtained through many conversations with many ancient Ôzvom, who were also widely Hellenized like himself, explains that Leads Well is a sapient raven. There are no sapient birds; there have never been any sapient avians. This makes Leads Well a very peculiar religious mystery that, if any living Ôzvom have the ability to solve, have long-since refused to do so and very likely never will.
Leads Well is described as an obsidian-black raven that lives genderless, and responds only to they and them. They wear a large and flowing white shawl, which drapes in two long tassels, and covers entirely their broad shoulders. Their wings are attached to their arms, which are said to be bizarrely long, just as their legs are also held to be unusually long. They have five talons, which act as their fingers, and have three talons which act as the toes on their feet. Their long arms and legs are adorned in white gold loops, chains, trinkets, charms, and chains, which all shift into each other to create a very noticeable sound wherever they move. Their well-established physical description exists because they are believed to have once been a god whose divine plane was the same as the mortal one, and that many descriptions of them come from their personal experiences in meeting them. They believe that Leads Well thrived with all Ôzvom felines on what would eventually become the mortal realm - until they suddenly went into hiding, deep beneath an ancient temple that is deep within the world. This location, which can somehow be accessed by mortals, was nonetheless made nigh-impossible to find except by only those with the purest of hearts and intentions.
Ôzvom today believe that, if any one such Ôzvom feline is able to find and enter the cave which leads to this deep and far-away temple, and then successfully enter the temple themselves, that they become part of Leads Well's personal secret pantheon, who then shares with them all their great knowledge and power.
Remarkably little else is known about Leads Well, except that, in the long-ago religious lore of the Ôzvom, it is told that Leads Well created existence by a spark that came from them clashing their white gold staff with a sword after battling some unknown dark power or force, and that, when wounded in this battle, their blood fell to temper the heat of the new stars, which then came to bring and create life on the worlds that surrounded these stars. Thus, all life is divine and has the potential to become gods and creators.
• Catmh is the only deity, or, rather, the only deity left, in the culturally pagan sapient marsupial's pantheon. The meaning of its name is a mystery, like many words and names from their mostly-dead language. This culturally pagan religion was known as Cioth, with each individual known as an Usarh, and has long since gone extinct. Sapient pagan marsupials, when they have been pagan, have overwhelmingly supported and become pagans of already existing religious orders like Graeco-Romanism, Semitic paganism, Celtic mythology, and etc. By the time of the Pope Pelagius II, there were only a few hundred Usarh marsupials left, with most living in the then-undiscovered United States, Canada, and Alaska. Today, the only thing left that remains of their faith is the description of their great god Catmh and how it came to become the only god out of what was supposedly a very large pantheon. None of the names or descriptions of these other gods remain now, having been entirely lost to history.
Catmh only appears, now, in intricate bas reliefs found in cave walls, and in the catalogued testimonies and traditions of the very few surviving Usarh marsupials. It is physically described as being a large floating brain with tendril-like appendages that transmits and absorbs thoughts through touch. Its limbs are said to glow when it touches living things, which seems to include trees and flowers. While its depiction may be extremely frightening, Catmh, whose wisdom and power were so beyond mortal comprehension as to defy any attempt to give a name or title to it, had no clear desire whatsoever to either destroy or create.
Instead, Catmh, after becoming the only remaining god to the Cioth, wandered the earth for thousands of years, collecting mortal knowledge and experiences, and observing mortal beings in secret, before mysteriously vanishing from the world to return to the empty palace from which it first came, where it is believed by the last of the living Usarh that Catmh ascends beyond godhood to become something too great to even begin to safely fathom.
• Wawa Ma Mama Mije Mi, or just Mama, is the enigmatic and all-powerful deity of the culturally pagan rodent. These pagan rodents, known collectively as the Kulupu Ona and individually as Mi, worship, still, this divine creature who, depending on the time of day, the very day, the month of the year, the season in these months, and the actual year itself, could become a king or queen, mouse or rat or other kind of rodent, change personalities, change sizes, become particularly more powerful or substantially weaker, or even die - only to be reborn again at the start of the new year. This single but ever-changing godly being, who sits atop a throne of golden rat skulls and wields a rod made of pure flaming pink energy, is said to have given orders to the first of the European and Asian rodents to assemble into covens, and, with their rod, blessed the first feral rodents with becoming sapient.
Mama is never given a specific description, because they are always changing their shape, their fur, or even their species, and their personality, too, is elusive, for even this changes always and seemingly so at random that only the very devout Kulupu Ona would truly know.
• Maya Sempra is the only remaining deity to whom the sapient lupines of western Europe once worshipped before unanimously absorbing into Graeco-Romanism. Like the sapient marsupials of Europe, wolves preferred to become part of other paganhoods in their region, at least in theory. The rise of the Roman pantheon is seen to be synonymous with the rise of lupine paganism, for it is the wolf who fostered the Roman gods into the lives of non-wolves. Today, lupine pagans are overwhelmingly Graeco-Romans, just as almost all European wolves - which have been the most numerous species in Europe for many centuries - were, too, in the times of the SPQR.
This absorption was so complete that it's postulated whether it ever happened to begin with. There are theories, in the time of this writing even, that Graeco-Romanism is tied to the sapience of all wolves, with some believing that Jupiter blessed the wolf with sapience before any and all other species because Jupiter and all the gods were wolves themselves.
But there is evidence, though scarce and rare, and in the lost-but-not-forgotten Proto-Romance language of Fenestro, that ancient wolves, far removed from the era of Tarquinius Superbus, once worshipped a wide pantheon. Their origins and the cause of their being cast away in favour of Saturn and Jupiter are completely unknown and will likely stay this way for all time, but it is known, even now, and mostly thanks to one surviving statue in a lost Croatian cave, that Maya Sempra once held great sway once with the sapiens lupini species.
Maya Sempra, Fenestro for 'never always'. According to cave writings found in the Cave of Prometheus in East Croatia and on a statue of her likeness in the very same cave, she is thoroughly depicted to be an extremely tall wolf. Said to be three meters standing, with very long arms, very long fingers, and a very long snout, she strode the world hunting, killing, and eating the evil and the weak - which to many ancient wolves was one-and-the-same. Her appearance was said to only frighten villages who knew she would cause harm to them and, thus, would be deserving of harm and death.
Only the greatest and strongest of lupine towns and villages would be gifted three boons from her. The first boon was a tooth. She has many teeth, because her snout is so long, and her teeth are very long and sharp because of how tall she is. It is said that the chief of these honoured wolves would hone and shape the great wolf's tooth offering into a sacrificial dagger. The second boon would be a child. The strongest of the tribe's men would be chosen by her and they would mate together in the open while this chosen wolf would be praised and honoured by his entire tribe until his eventual orgasm. Afterwards, his spilled seed would be used to bless the bodies of three women and one man of his own choosing. These women would become his wives, and the man would become his lifelong bodyguard. The third boon would be that this chosen man would be made chief of the tribe of his birth, which means that the active chief would be killed. Those chiefs who would run from Maya Sempra would doom their village to slaughter, so the honoured tribe would watch as Maya Sempra tears the chief, who becomes an unsteady but willing sacrifice, apart. The blood-soaked bones of the tribe's former chief would then be fashioned into a crown which the new, blessed chief would wear for the rest of his life and pass down to his children, which he would be guaranteed to have many of with his three wives.
Then Maya Sempra, the great white wolf, departs, to kill and eat the unworthy wolves of the world, and to bless the tribes and people most worthy of her boons, which was said to shape the fate of the people's futures as being blessed by her was widely considered to be the ultimate of all possible divine honours.
• Mari, Tari, and nInlé are three extremely powerful creator-gods worshipped by the ever-devout and dedicated Lepee rabbits. A dualist faith with an outlier, Lapia, which praises and uplifts Mari above nearly anything and everything, nonetheless has those among them who greatly revere Tari - but who all live to be terrified of nInlé.
Mari, who created the earth and willed herself into existence, willed, too, her teacher and companion Tari in a frantic cry of loneliness. Later on, centuries or more, a third all-powerful being reveals itself to these two sorcerous creatures of space, who Mari herself names as nInlé.
Mari, after taking a rabbit form, leaves the earth to Tari to nourish and observe while she pursues nInlé to the edges of reality. All the while, she is creating and seeding more worlds to bring them to equal or greater levels of greatness to that of the earth - though it's stressed with intent by the culturally pagan rabbits, who call themselves Lepee, that the earth, or Hraeth Ethile, has, is, and will always be her magnum opus; her most-favoured, most-cherished creation in all creation.
Mari, Tari, and nInlé are each explained in great detail, in large part due to legendary Lepee rabbit bookkeeping and archive work, work which has always been widely respected and renowned for being some of the best, most thorough, and widely unbiased in the world and in all history. Even the most insignificant details of sapient rabbit past and present have been recorded and kept, with copies made to ensure a permanent place in the world. This has made this part of my work the easiest, and, in that way, I thank the Lepee rabbits with all my heart.
Mari is known to be a kind of celestial shapeshifter who has two forms, the first of which she only shows in formal encounters. This form, which is regarded as her 'true form', is a metallic or smooth stone-like and highly-reflective obsidian-black triangle structure that floats upside-down. Her mortal form, which she took for herself in honour of her 'most-honoured creation', that of the sapiens leporidii species, is one where she looks like "a young and naked freckled white-furred adult rabbit woman" who is often wielding a very strange spear and "has a black cloth blindfold over her eyes and tied to the back of her head where two very long ribbon trails are always shifting to a wind that is not there". What makes her spear strange has been left up to debate, but most believe it is because of the material of the spear itself, which is, in some descriptions, "as white as the sun's light", or "as dark as the deepest evening".
Mari has had only a few personal experiences with the species to whom she has both created and gifted the earth to, and in each of these experiences, she has given kindness, counsel, food, wisdom, or protection. In not one of these experiences has she ever shown any emotion more negative than sheer, weeping disappointment. This has earned her a reputation for being a loving and perfect being, on the same level of unconditional adoration towards her mortal subjects as the Christian god. Unlike the Christian god, however, there are no sins in Lapia whatsoever, but there is no understanding of what heaven is, either. The Lepee afterlife is one that has been debated as long as the faith has existed, which, if it is as true as it is believed to be, is older than history itself.
Tari's description is less prophetic and poetic and more blunt and obvious. He is the sun. He has always looked like the sun, he has always been the sun, and he will remain the sun. A silent, constant observer and steward, whose light and base power is so utterly incredible that all mortal life is overwhelmingly dependent on it. But even this, as it has been implied, is only there until mortals devise a way to no longer be dependent on it. It is then, according to the Lepee bible, that rabbits can begin to finally seek after the mother who birthed them. To get the answers they've long sought after all these passing aeons.
Finally, it is nInlé who defies and exhausts understanding and description. First noted to be the literal void of space, it is in the tale of the Legend of Unknown Son where she took the shape of a crimson-eyed black rabbit with large angelic wings as dark black as her fur. Her ability to perform miracles and sorcery is so great as to be considered instantaneous and easy. She has killed mortals without any regard for their suffering, but seems to always have a specific, singular goal in mind. Without hesitation, she will torture and destroy anyone who stands between her and her goals - whatever they could possibly be. She does not seem to care about bystanders, however, unless it is in cases where they have directly or indirectly wronged someone she has been searching for or was needing something from.
Despite her seemingly unlimited power, in the only legend, and in all the rumoured mythical encounters with her, she always seems to be relying on one or more mortal rabbits on giving her something specific, or helping her understand or explore something unknown to even her. In this way, she is anathematic to Mari. Mari, who seems to have no need for mortals at all, to the point of leaving earth forever, and nInlé, who seems confused and fascinated by mortals, and requires at least one's aid at any given time. From having intercourse, to acquiring a kind of rare item, or just simply having very long and compounded conversations, the supposed infinite void of space and time and mystery given mortal form appears to be much more interested in Mari's creations than Mari herself, though is certainly quick to kill any who believe that this complacency of hers is something equal to weakness.
• HosÌgɜganÌ is a council of five divine beings whose name in the cultural language of sapiens mustelidae means 'experimenters.' Unlike most cultural pagan deities, except for perhaps the incredible literary and artistic popularity of the Lepee goddesses Mari and nInlé, HosÌgɜganÌ, and their powers and experiences, are featured in plays and novels because of the violence and mystery that is part of their existence.
The mustelid cultural religion is alive and well, though perhaps just as stagnant in growth as Lapia, and, just like the Lepee rabbit, the culturally pagan mustelid - known in their language of Fáre as MṓjÌ, or 'village' - holds their council of five gods to be supreme, to be highly intelligent, and to be profoundly dangerous.
While the individual names of HosÌgɜganÌ have never been disclosed - which has always been a purposeful decision, for only the role of the MṓjÌ's religious 'banker' in the Canadian town of Tofino is allowed to know their true identities - their individual descriptions are indeed rich, as is the throne room from which they rule over their many cruelly-taken realms.
HosÌgɜganÌ are killers and galactic conquerors, save, perhaps, for the badger among them. They each hail from a different, taken world, none of which have a name in Fáre, and were risen to the 'rank of god' through a unanimous and diplomatic process between the existing council members. It is believed by most MṓjÌ that the first member brought into divinity was a robed weasel, who then uplifted an otter and made her the second-oldest member of HosÌgɜganÌ. Some argue, however, that a badger was first to inducted into the council. Whatever the truth is, their exploits are many, and were covered in greater detail earlier on in this book.
Suffice it to say, these divine beings are very real to the MṓjÌ, who also believe that they continue to conquer world after world. All mustelids are supposedly the descendants of teenagers and young adults that were brought to Earth as trophies, or perhaps just as proof, of HosÌgɜganÌ's conquests across the stars.
HosÌgɜganÌ share their profound power and influence between their five members (in no particular order):
The first member is a feminine weasel who wears a starry black-cobalt robe where dozens of jewels hang from all corners of. She is seen by many to be the most powerful and important member of HosÌgɜganÌ, perhaps the leader and founder of the divine council.
The second member is a masculine badger who wears a bright orange shawl or poncho with striking white stripes. He wields a long wooden staff with a slanted top where stars hang from tethers of pure light. He is said to be the wisest being, and the only member of his council who is pacifistic by nature. This has supposedly put him at odds with them.
The third member is a feminine marten wearing long-sleeved white gloves and very long white leggings, with equally very long red ribbons tied near the ends. At the end of these ribbons are attached many white gold chains that drag along the ground along with the ribbons themselves. She wields a large wand, with a tip made of prismatic crystal, where a red ribbon is tied between the crystal and the wooden handle to bond them both together.
The fourth member is a feminine otter wearing a full suit of exceptionally regal gold-black armour that is adorned and tied with orange, white, and red sash and ribbon cloths. She wields a single sword, which is tied to her hip with a sash made of all three of these colours. This sword is a kind of battle sabre, or perhaps a broadsword, with a bright red handle, a prismatic crystal pommel, and a dark black blade that sparkles at all times. This sword is legendary to the MṓjÌ, and is featured prominently in MṓjÌ history. It is said that the sword is able to cleave holes in space, and is so sharp and blessed by such deep and divine power that it is considered the only thing in the universe able to kill gods. This includes her fellow HosÌgɜganÌ council members.
The fifth and final member is a masculine ermine, who wears black cloth and leather armour, and wields a ceremonial dagger that has powers known only to him. Even the others of his council are not privy to what it - or he - is truly capable of. He is seen as the most violent and bloodthirsty of his fellows, always the first to help plan a campaign of war and conquest. A tactical genius and martial warrior without equal, except perhaps the otter in the council, he is and has been favoured by many MṓjÌ generals and soldiers throughout history - as well as by MṓjÌ murderers and assassins.
• ɳʊt̪aɲa Raɭʊ, or 'bloody ghost' in the cultural language of the lemurs, remains, today, the highest and most powerful god in the spirit-focused pantheon of the culturally pagan lemur. Lemurs, or The Highest Three, are the only primates to have been gifted sapience in all the whole history of the world. Sapient true lemurs, ring-tailed lemurs, and lepilemurs are all unified by two things: their highly sophisticated and successful communal societies, and their faith.
The culturally pagan lemur religion is an anomaly, even to other pagan faiths, for they worship dead gods instead of living ones. These gods, which are, in truth, not gods but rather many divine spirits, act as batteries and avatars that sometimes inhabit trees and ferals. Sometimes, too, they will even go as far as to possess lemurs and other sapient species of mortal person. Possession in this religion, unlike in Catholicism, is an extremely positive thing, and when someone is suspected of being possessed by one of these undead beings, celebrations are made and gifts are given.
This and more has turned the culturally pagan lemurs into a death-worshipping peoples who decorate themselves with eerie white paints and powders to appear skeletal. Only the leaders of these communities will wear face paint, however, and often in the style of a skeletal face plate, but sometimes will shave the fur from their heads to reveal a complete skull tattoo. The recently deceased are seen as mortals ascending to a kind of godhood, where their spirit will be weighed by none other than ɳʊt̪aɲa Raɭʊ itself - to either be granted a position of divine and eternal prominence, or to be destroyed for all time by the glowing 'redder-than-red' spirit-god.
ɳʊt̪aɲa Raɭʊ is described by past and present culturally pagan lemurs, in texts, art, and dramatic tribal plays. They are are the bright, illuminated, 'redder-than-red' being which has the features of all three lemurs raised to to sapience. They are unique in many ways, to these lemurs and to the outside observer, but most notably because they are the only spirit in their pantheon to be called a creature - despite their name partially translating to 'ghost' or 'living spirit'.
ɳʊt̪aɲa Raɭʊ is an odd entity, one who has never possessed anyone or anything, who reveals themselves only very rarely and often for unknown reasons, and has never spoken a single word to, or demanded a single thing from, any mortal. Regardless, it is explained in several myths in legends, many of which even come from other pagans and non-pagans of various sapient species, that they are so horrifying to behold and so chilling to encounter that it is said the very air becomes hard to breathe - as if to exist in their presence causes the body to seize and cower.
In the Lepee Legend of Whiskers and Teeth, the Lepee rabbit Whiskers and Teeth supposedly meets some kind of red, bloodied, glowing spirit entity that lemurs believe to be their powerful and most-important dead god. Part of this Lepee legend states that Whiskers and Teeth witnesses them floating across a stagnant lake deep, deep beneath the earth, where, after being seen by them, flees and is chased for upwards of an hour. While Whiskers and Teeth felt as though his life was in danger, the lemurs of today seek the explanation that their god merely wished to speak to him, or even to bless him.
But in some cases, being blessed by ɳʊt̪aɲa Raɭʊ, at least to these specific culturalist lemur pagans, was to be killed. Nothing is certain, especially in the case of Whiskers and Teeth, for it is said that he lived in a time long before true recorded history.
• The last divine being that is still widely worshipped by any known culturally pagan sapient species belongs to that of the European fox. This is a misnomer, however, as many foxes, from all over the world, have worshipped this being before - if they do not still already do.
This being, in their uniquely vulpine romance language, is known as Maiz Bizarmol Kalizinz, or Mother of the Ash Tree of the Evening Prayer. She is a skeleton who wears a special kind of ceremonial dress or ritual shawl, also uniquely vulpine, called a scilia lizo or 'dancer's cowl.' The scilia lizo is three wide and very long drapes. Two of these drapes come down at the back, on either side of the spine, while the third drape covers the chest, stomach, and pelvis. Each of these drapes can have patterns or emblems on them, but in the case of the culturally pagan vulpines' skeletal goddess, hers is said to be all-white and radiant.
Although vulpine peoples have been part of what is the 'predator caste' in many societies all o'er the world, they are, at their very core, tree and nature-worshippers, and the only known deity being a complete skeleton makes little outside sense. Regardless, though, many culturally pagan vulpines still worship and adore her, as they have since pre-historical times - at least according to them, and the Lepee, as sapient rabbits and foxes vie and compete to be regarded as the oldest sapient culture.
Maiz Bizarmol Kalizinz, simplified to be called Maiz or Mother Maiz (which is technically nonsense, as Maiz is the vulpine word for 'mother' to begin with), has never touched the earth. Instead, her avatar is chosen seemingly at random to speak for her. Sometimes this is a spiritual leader, old and wise. Other times, it can even be a small and very young child. To prove that this is their matron goddess speaking to them, a specific word is uttered. What this word is, it is a well-kept secret, to prevent other sapient foxes - or even other sapient species - from abusing something that could potentially bring great ruin or unnecessary change.
Mother Maiz is regarded as being incredibly gentle, kind, and wise, who seems to prefer being there for specific individuals and groups. So intimate is her relationship with mortals that it is considered rude or even obscene to give offerings to her, as doing so would make that fox look self-serving and overly ambitious. Instead, these pagan foxes will simply wait for her to give them signs of love or approval in ways which are both small and large, and can be anything from their favourite flower being left on their bed one day, to the community in which they live being granted sudden but complete safety from a natural disaster moments before total demise, and much more else.
Many foxes have said to have been visited by her in the past through a friend or family member, have explained their experience with being chosen as her avatar, or have told of their encounters with things she has done or left for them or someone else in their life. Each time, she has been motherly and affectionate, or wise and sincere, but never violent, or interested in mortal affairs beyond the personal concerns of someone or the safety of a person or group.
This has ironically led to a detached kind of worship, where she has become a beloved figurehead more than someone to aspire for, pray to, or act in favour of, and because she has never had any demands, sin has been handled in a case-by-case basis, where each culturally pagan vulpine community handles both sin and punishment according to that community and their elders rather than what might be considered wrong or evil by their skeletal goddess or by the faith in whole.
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detectivehole · 1 year
Port Royal
Port Royal is a town located at the end of the Palisadoes, at the mouth of Kingston Harbour, in southeastern Jamaica. Founded in 1494 by the Spanish, it was once the largest city in the Caribbean, functioning as the centre of shipping and commerce in the Caribbean Sea by the latter half of the 17th century.[1] It was destroyed by an earthquake on 7 June 1692, which had an accompanying tsunami, leading to the establishment of Kingston, which is now the largest city in Jamaica. Severe hurricanes have regularly damaged the area. Another severe earthquake occurred in 1907.
Port Royal was once home to privateers who were encouraged to attack Spanish vessels, at a time when smaller European nations were reluctant to attack Spain directly. As a port city, it was notorious for its gaudy displays of wealth and loose morals. It was a popular homeport for the English and Dutch-sponsored privateers to spend their treasure during the 17th century. When those governments abandoned the practice of issuing letters of marque to privateers against the Spanish treasure fleets and possessions in the later 16th century, many of the crews turned pirate. They continued to use the city as their main base during the 17th century. Pirates from around the world congregated at Port Royal, coming from waters as far away as Madagascar.
After the 1692 disaster, Port Royal's commercial role was steadily taken over by the nearby town (and later, city) of Kingston. Plans were developed in 1999 to redevelop the small fishing town as a heritage tourism destination to serve cruise ships. The plan was to capitalize on Port Royal's unique heritage, with archaeological findings from pre-colonial and privateering years as the basis of possible attractions.[1]
Port Royal has a tropical savanna climate (Köppen climate classification Aw) with a short dry season from January to April and a lengthy wet season from May to October. Temperatures remain steady throughout the year with the dry season being slightly cooler and range from 25.5 °C (77.9 °F) in January to 27.7 °C (81.9 °F) in May. The average annual precipitation is 1,345 millimetres (53 in).[2]
The Taino historic indigenous people of the Caribbean occupied this area for centuries before European settlement. They used the area, which they called Caguay or Caguaya,[3] during their fishing expeditions. Although it is not known whether they ever settled at the spot, they did inhabit other parts of Jamaica.[4]
The Spanish first landed in Jamaica in 1494 under the leadership of Christopher Columbus, leading to the destruction of the Taino population. Permanent settlement occurred when Juan de Esquivel brought a group of settlers in 1509. They came in search of new lands and valuable resources, like gold and silver. Instead they began to cultivate and process the sugar cane. Much like the Taino before them, the Spanish did not appear to have much use for the Port Royal area. They did, however, retain its Taino name.[3] Spain kept control of Jamaica mostly so that it could prevent other countries from gaining access to the island, which was strategically situated within the trade routes of the Caribbean. Spain maintained control over the island for 146 years, until the English took control following their invasion of 1655.
The town was captured by England in 1655 during the invasion of Jamaica.[4][5] By 1659 two hundred houses, shops and warehouses had been built around the fort; by 1692 five forts defended the port.[6] The English initially called the place Cagway but soon renamed it as Port Royal.[3] For much of the period between the English conquest and the 1692 earthquake, Port Royal served as the unofficial capital of Jamaica, while Spanish Town remained the official capital. In 1872 the government designated Kingston, the largest city, as the capital.[6]
Port Royal provided a safe harbour initially for privateers and subsequently for pirates plying the shipping lanes to and from Spain and Panama. Buccaneers found Port Royal appealing for several reasons. Its proximity to trade routes allowed them easy access to prey, but the most important advantage was the port's proximity to several of the only safe passages or straits giving access to the Spanish Main from the Atlantic.[6] The harbour was large enough to accommodate their ships and provided a place to careen and repair these vessels. It was also ideally situated for launching raids on Spanish settlements. From Port Royal, Christopher Myngs sacked Campeche and Henry Morgan attacked Panama, Portobello, and Maracaibo. Additionally, buccaneers Roche Brasiliano, John Davis and Edward Mansvelt used Port Royal as a base of operations. In 1657, as a solution to his defence concerns, Governor Edward D'Oley invited the Brethren of the Coast to come to Port Royal and make it their home port. The Brethren was made up of a group of pirates who were descendants of cattle-hunting boucaniers (later anglicized to buccaneers), who had turned to piracy after being robbed by the Spanish (and subsequently thrown out of Hispaniola).[5] These pirates concentrated their attacks on Spanish shipping, whose interests were considered the major threat to the town.
These pirates later became legal English privateers who were given letters of marque by Jamaica's governor. Around the same time that pirates were invited to Port Royal, England launched a series of attacks against Spanish shipping vessels and coastal towns. By sending the newly appointed privateers after Spanish ships and settlements, England had successfully set up a system of defence for Port Royal. Spain was forced to continually defend their property, and did not have the means with which to retake its land.[5]
Spain could not retake the island and, due to pirates, could no longer regularly provide their colonies in the New World with manufactured goods. The progressive irregularity of annual Spanish fleets, combined with an increasing demand by colonies for manufactured goods, stimulated the growth of Port Royal. Merchants and privateers worked together in what is now referred to as "forced trade." Merchants would sponsor trading endeavors with the Spanish, while also sponsoring privateers to attack Spanish ships and rob Spanish coastal towns.[5] While the merchants most certainly had the upper hand, the privateers were an integral part of the operation.
Nuala Zahedieh, a lecturer at the University of Edinburgh, wrote,
"Both opponents and advocates of so-called 'forced trade' declared the town's fortune had the dubious distinction of being founded entirely on the servicing of the privateers' needs and highly lucrative trade in prize commodities."[7] . . . "A report that the 300 men who accompanied Henry Morgan to Portobello in 1668 returned to the town with a prize to spend of at least £60 each (two or three times the usual annual plantation wage) leaves little doubt that they were right".[7]
The forced trade became almost a way of life in Port Royal. Michael Pawson and David Busseret wrote "...one way or the other nearly all the propertied inhabitants of Port Royal seem to have an interest in privateering."[8] Forced trade was rapidly making Port Royal one of the wealthiest communities in the English territories of North America, far surpassing any profit made from the production of sugar cane. Zahedieh wrote, "The Portobello raid [in 1668] alone produced plunder worth £75,000, more than seven times the annual value of the island’s sugar exports, which at Port Royal prices did not exceed £10,000 at this time."[7]
Since the English lacked sufficient troops to prevent either the Spanish or French from seizing it, the Jamaican governors eventually turned to the pirates to defend the city.[9] By the 1660s the city had, for some, become a pirate utopia and had gained a reputation as the "Sodom of the New World", where most residents were pirates, cutthroats, or prostitutes. When Charles Leslie wrote his history of Jamaica, he included a description of the pirates of Port Royal:
Wine and women drained their wealth to such a degree that [...] some of them became reduced to beggary. They have been known to spend 2 or 3,000 pieces of eight in one night; and one gave a strumpet 500 to see her naked. They used to buy a pipe of wine, place it in the street, and oblige everyone that passed to drink.
The taverns of Port Royal were known for their excessive consumption of alcohol such that records even exist of the wild animals of the area partaking in the debauchery. During a passing visit, famous Dutch explorer Jan van Riebeeck is said to have described the scenes:
The parrots of Port Royal gather to drink from the large stocks of ale with just as much alacrity as the drunks that frequent the taverns that serve it.
There is even speculation in pirate folklore that the infamous Blackbeard (Edward Teach) met a howler monkey, while at leisure in a Port Royal alehouse, whom he named Jefferson and formed a strong bond with during the expedition to the island of New Providence.[citation needed] Recent genealogical research indicates that Blackbeard and his family moved to Jamaica where Edward Thatch, Jr. is listed as being a mariner in the Royal Navy aboard HMS Windsor in 1706.[10] Port Royal benefited from this lively, glamorous infamy and grew to be one of the two largest towns and the most economically important port in the English colonies. At the height of its popularity, the city had one drinking house for every 10 residents. In July 1661 alone, 40 new licenses were granted to taverns. During a 20-year period that ended in 1692, nearly 10,000 people lived in Port Royal. In addition to prostitutes and buccaneers, there were four goldsmiths, 44 tavern keepers, and a variety of artisans and merchants who lived in 2,000 buildings crammed into 51 acres (21 ha) of real estate. 213 ships visited the seaport in 1688. The city's wealth was so great that coins were preferred for payment over the more common system of bartering goods for services.
Following Henry Morgan's appointment as lieutenant governor, Port Royal began to change. Pirates were no longer needed to defend the city. The selling of slaves took on greater importance. Upstanding citizens disliked the reputation the city had acquired. In 1687, Jamaica passed anti-piracy laws. Consequently, instead of being a safe haven for pirates, Port Royal became noted as their place of execution. Gallows Point welcomed many to their death, including Charles Vane and Calico Jack, who were hanged in 1720. About five months later, the famous woman pirate Mary Read died in the Jamaican prison in Port Royal. Two years later, 41 pirates met their death in one month.[11]
The Royal Navy
Under British rule the Royal Navy made use of a careening wharf at Port Royal and rented a building on the foreshore to serve as a storehouse. From 1675, a resident Naval Officer was appointed to oversee these facilities;[12] however, development was cut short by the 1692 earthquake. After the earthquake, an attempt was made to establish a naval base at Port Antonio instead, but the climate there proved disagreeable. From 1735, Port Royal once more became the focus of the Admiralty's attention. New wharves and storehouses were built at this time, as well as housing for the officers of the Yard. Over the next thirty years, more facilities were added: cooperages, workshops, sawpits, and accommodation (including a canteen) for the crews of ships being careened there.[13] A Royal Naval Hospital was also established on land a little to the west of the Naval Yard; and by the end of the 18th century a small Victualling Yard had been added to the east (prior to this ships had had to go to Kingston and other settlements to take on supplies).[13]
At the start of the 19th century, a significant amount of rebuilding took place in what was by now a substantial Royal Navy Dockyard serving the fleet in the Caribbean. A sizeable storehouse with a clocktower formed the centrepiece, with a covered way leading from it to the careening wharves. The adjacent Port Admiral's (later Commodore's) House included a watch tower, to counter the threat of privateers. The Yard continued to expand to meet the new requirements of steam-powered vessels: the victualling wharf became a coaling depot in the 1840s, and twenty years later a small engineering complex was built.[13] The Yard continued to expand through to the beginning of the 20th century, but then (with the Admiralty focusing more and more on the situation in Europe) the Navy withdrew from its station in Jamaica and the Dockyard closed in 1905.
Many of the Dockyard buildings (most of which were of timber construction) were subsequently demolished or destroyed (some in the 1907 Kingston earthquake, others by Hurricane Charlie in 1951).[14] A few remain in place, however, including the Naval Hospital complex, some of the steam engineering buildings and a set of officers' houses.[15] There is also a slipway, completed as late as 1904, which (with its accompanying sheds) was designed for housing and launching torpedo boats, stationed there for the Yard's protection. In 2014, it was announced that some of the Historic Naval Hospital buildings would be restored to house a museum as part of a broader Port Royal Heritage Tourism Project.[16]
Earthquake of 1692
The town grew rapidly, reaching a population of around 6,500 people and approximately 2,000 dwellings, by 1692. As land on which to build diminished, it became common practice to either fill in areas of water and build new infrastructure on top of it, or simply build buildings taller. Buildings gradually became heavier as the residents adopted the brick style homes of their native England. Some[who?] urged the population to adopt the low, wooden building style of the previous Spanish inhabitants, but many refused. In the end, all of these separate factors contributed to the impending disaster.
On 7 June 1692, a devastating earthquake hit the city causing most of its northern section to be lost – and with it many of the town's houses and other buildings. Many of the forts were destroyed, as well; Fort Charles survived, but Forts James and Carlisle sank into the sea, Fort Rupert became a large region of water, and great damage was done to an area known as Morgan's Line.[4]
Although the earthquake hit the entire island of Jamaica, the citizens of Port Royal were at a greater risk of death due to the perilous sand, falling buildings, and the tsunami that followed. Though the local authorities tried to remove or sink all of the corpses from the water, they were unsuccessful; some simply got away from them, while others were trapped in places that were inaccessible. Improper housing, a lack of medicine or clean water, and the fact that most of the survivors were homeless led to many people dying of malignant fevers.[17] The earthquake and tsunami killed between 1,000 and 3,000 people combined, nearly half the city's population.[citation needed] Disease ran rampant in the next several months, claiming an estimated 2,000 additional lives.[18]
The historical Jamaica earthquake of 7 June 1692 can be dated closely not only by date, but by time of day as well. This is documented by recovery from the sea floor in the 1960s of a pocket watch stopped at 11:43 a.m., recording the time of the devastating earthquake.[19][20]
The earthquake caused the sand under Port Royal to liquefy and flow out into Kingston Harbour. The water table was generally only two feet down before the impact, and the town was built on a layer of some 65 feet (20 m) of water-saturated sand. This type of area did not provide a solid foundation on which to build an entire town. Unlike the Spanish before them, the English had decided to settle and develop the small area of land, even while acknowledging that the area was nothing but "hot loose sand".[21]
According to Mulcahy, "[Modern] scientists and underwater archaeologists now believe that the earthquake was a powerful one and that much of the damage at Port Royal resulted from a process known as liquefaction."[21] Liquefaction occurs when earthquakes strike ground that is loose, sandy, and water-saturated, increasing the water pressure and causing the particles to separate from one another and form a sludge resembling quicksand. Eyewitness accounts attested to buildings sliding into the water, but it is likely[clarification needed] some simply sank straight down into the now unstable layer.[21]
Underwater archeology, some of which can be seen in the National Geographic Channel show Wicked Pirate City, reveals the foundations of building underwater, showing there was subsidence, as do comparisons of post-earthquake maps and pre-earthquake maps.
Some attempts were made to rebuild the city, starting with the one third that was not submerged, but these met with mixed success and numerous disasters.[citation needed] An initial attempt at rebuilding was again destroyed in 1703 by fire. Subsequent rebuilding was hampered by several hurricanes in the first half of the 18th century, including flooding from the sea in 1722, a further fire in 1750, and a major hurricane in 1774, and soon Kingston eclipsed Port Royal in importance. In 1815, what repairs were being undertaken were destroyed in another major fire, while the whole island was severely affected by an epidemic of cholera in 1850.[clarification needed]
1907 earthquake and recent history
A devastating earthquake on 14 January 1907 liquefied the sand spit, destroying nearly all of the rebuilt city, submerging additional portions, and tilting The Giddy House, an artillery storage room built c. 1880 that is today a minor tourist attraction.[22]
Today, the area is a shadow of its former self with a population of less than 2,000 that has little to no commercial or political importance. The area is frequented by tourists, but is in a state of disrepair. The Jamaican government has recently resolved to further develop the area for its historic and tourist value. This is in part a result of abandonment of plans begun in the early 1960s to develop the town as a cruise ship port and destination.[23] The plans stimulated the archaeological explorations on the site which, in turn, led to the suspension of development solely as a port but now included archaeological and other attractions.[6]
In 1981, the Nautical Archaeology Program at Texas A&M University began a 10-year underwater archaeological investigation of the portion of Port Royal that sank underwater during the 17th century. The program focused on an area that had sunk directly into the sea and suffered very little damage. Due to very low oxygen levels, a large amount of organic material could be recovered. The efforts made by the program have allowed everyday life in the English colonial port city to be reconstructed in great detail.[24]
In 1998, the Port Royal Development Company commissioned architectural firm The Jerde Partnership to create a master plan for the redevelopment of Port Royal, which was completed in 2000.[25] The focus of the plan is a 17th-century-themed attraction that reflects the city's heritage. It has two anchor areas: Old Port Royal and the King's Royal Naval Dockyard. Old Port Royal features a cruise ship pier extending from a reconstructed Chocolata Hole harbour and Fisher's Row, a group of cafes and shops on the waterfront. The King's Royal Naval Dockyard features a combination shipbuilding-museum and underwater aquarium with dioramas for views of the native tropical sealife.[25] The Royal Naval Dockyard also includes the headquarters for the Admiral of the Royal Navy. The redevelopment plan also includes a five-star hotel.[26]
Today, Port Royal is known to post-medieval archaeologists as the "City that Sank".[27] Robert Marx considers it the most important underwater archaeological site in the western hemisphere,[citation needed] yielding 16th–and-17th-century artifacts and many important treasures from indigenous peoples predating its 1518 founding, some from as far away as Guatemala. Several 17th and early 18th century pirate ships sank within Kingston Harbour and are being carefully harvested, under controlled conditions, by various teams of archaeologists. Other "digs" are staked out along various quarters and streets by different teams.[citation needed]
By 2019, a floating pier where a cruise ship could dock had been built; the first ship arrived on 20 January 2020. Tourists from a few ships (after the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic have ended) might be beneficial to the town, but "there’s still much work to be done if the town will become the 'world-class heritage, environmental and cultural attraction'" according to a BBC Travel report published in September 2020.[28] Another report that month discussed the well-funded Living Heritage Programme which was seeking "to transform the town into a SMART, safe and secure community with a vibrant local economy, preserved cultural heritage and protected natural environment".[29]
1934: Port Royal is the one of the settings for the film Captain Blood, starring Errol Flynn.[30]
1942: Port Royal is the main setting for the film The Black Swan, starring Tyrone Power and George Sanders.
1953: Port Royal is the "City Beneath the Sea" in the film of that name.
2003: Port Royal has been featured as a location within Disney's Pirates of the Caribbean film series, though much of the location work for Port Royal was actually done on the island of Saint Vincent, not in Jamaica.[31]
1987: Tim Powers's historical fantasy novel On Stranger Tides describes the earthquake that nearly destroyed Port Royal in 1692 and several scenes are set in the city.
1989: James Michener's historical novel Caribbean details the history, atmosphere, and geography of Port Royal.
2009: Extensive scenes in Michael Crichton's posthumous novel Pirate Latitudes take place in Port Royal in the mid-1660s.
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Tree of Life - Team Tolkien
For @inklings-challenge 's challenge
Cue mandatory "I didn't finish this enjoy what I wrote"
The premise is a diplomatic man is sent to another planet to settle a dispute about a dying life giving tree. A group comes out to fight for resources on the planet. War breaks out and its up to the man and help from the other villages to end the war while figuring out why the tree is dying.
Mix of portal fantasy/space travel
Please forgive my grammar and mistakes, it isn't polished.
Augustine adjusted his hat and gripped his suitcase as he approached the train station. He made it just in time to grab his ticket, get to his train, and settle into the coach to decompress. He was looking forward to gathering his thoughts and putting his anxiety to rest. Most importantly, to get back.
You’re only going to discuss negotiations.
As he approached the ticket booth, he greeted the woman with a slight small smile.
“Yes a ticket to ZoChai please.”
The woman raised an eyebrow. “ZoChai sir?”
“Do you have a letter of approval?”
“Yes Ma’am” He brought out a letter from his pocket and transferred it to her hand. She briefly looked over the letter, stamped by the Board of Diplomatic Peace, and handed it back to him. 
“Very Well, I assume they have gone over-”
“The rules, safety, yes, and signed all the waivers and whatnot.” He waved his hand. “I know.”
“Your business?”
“It’s a business trip for the board.” He took out his ID and showed it to her. She again looked at it and sighed, “Okay, here is your ticket then.” She said with a grimace and slight concern. “Enjoy your trip, and be safe.”
Augustine nodded and he stepped away. He looked up to the board of the arriving trains.
7:15  Arrival, 8:00 Departure
He looked at his pocket watch, engraved in his business’ symbol, and checked the time. It was 6:55. His mother always said if you’re not 15 minutes early, you’re late. So with that, he walked briskly to the station after he checked his ticket. By 7:00, he was leaning slightly against a post, watching the bustling train station play out before him. Families dragging little kids around, business men focused heavily what's before them, lovers holding hands, and normal people coming to and from. He watched as a guy sprinted to a train, as it was getting ready to close only to slip in just in time. Augustine never really understood people who were late, or just getting on time. The stress, wasting everyone’s time, not being able to prepare yourself… not the most ideal way to live.
The train arrived right as the clock turned a quarter past. The big red caboose train came rolling in. Although electric powered like the other rounded modern looking ones, This one was persisted to keep its traditional integrity that kept its coal-powered shaped. It was always on time, stringent, and strict to protect its passengers, and it's only 2 destinations: Here and ZoChai.
The conductor stepped out. He was a tall stout man with a jet black mustache and striped clothes. His figure was intimidating and at the same time, everyone was greeted by a smile. His intimidating stance was dissolved through the eyes of those who knew him, although the conductor kept much to himself. Everyone knew he had a kind soul, for one reason: he gave out his tickets for free. The conductor would pay for everyone’s ticket and sponsors and donors would take care of his needs. 
Ever since the tension of a ‘cold war’ started on the Zochai and the threat of civil war, the conductor was limited to either start charging people ridiculous prices, limit the number of tickets, put restrictions on etc, he had to negotiate. He could still give out tickets, however, ticket holders had to have permission, connections, or a reason to go. You could see the stress creep through the hairs splitting through the conductor's hat and the crevices carved under his eyes.
Augustine approached the door and greeted the conductor with a slight nod. The conductor gave a warm smile as he gave him a welcoming look pearing under his cap. 
Augustine took to his coach. It was a small space with a table and a bunked bed.He put his stuff immediately in the cubbies that sat near the door and hooked his suit and hat above it. He sat down and picked up the newspaper that he requested be sat out on the table. Newspapers were quickly running out of style with built technology, but with Antique workers pairing up with trending historic hobbies, things like newspapers, landline phones, or non digitized items still hung around. To him, it really held society back. Why hang on to the past when advancements when the future has advanced society so much. However, with technology, came higher risks of things like breach of systems, violations of confidentiality, and less freedom. He quite enjoyed advancement, however, it wasn’t a hill he would die on.
Augustine sighed as he continued reading. Zochai villages begging for food as the 4 clan leaders discuss their strategies to save the Tree of Life, how to distribute what resources are left, etc, while a small group that had dubbed themselves The Protectors, had been rumored to be inciting the uprisings, and even stealing food or resources for their people. 
“This is hopeless.” He muttered to himself. “We have created lots of good enough trees that produce the same things.” He huffed. “Why bother with this archaic thing?”
It wasn’t an option, though. The ZoChains were attached terribly to the tree. It was practical, economical, and resourceful to grow and eat what's in front of it, but of course a huge spiritual aspect was born of it as well. The people regard it as some kind of god due to the waters that used to regenerate and food once bountiful. Hasn’t in years, and he doubted it ever will.
“Just a tree.” Augustine scoffed, and scribbled away at the crossword on the back.
Soon the train let out a loud whistle, and started chugging forward. 8:00 on the dot. Augustine glanced out the window as words appeared over the screen about safety and such. It soon disappeared as he watched people waving the train off.  The train chugged out into the tunnel that connected planet Fresco to ZoChai. It was a 24 hour trip between the two. He figured he could prepare for work to get ready for the next week so he didn’t have to worry about falling behind. However, he did bring a few books and puzzles to keep his mind busy elsewhere.
Augustine clasped his hands together and leaned his head into them as he continued to watch the stars whirl past.
Variel sat among her 2 siblings in the underground room.
“Listen, pops wants to increase the intake of resources taken from the tree, including the water.” Hastey pointed out on the map printed right on the table.
Stag shook his head. “Brother, if we do that then the war will really begin. Our group is not equipped to handle whatever is coming from the outside.”
“Listen Stag, you might be content here but you’re gonna starve out our people and give it to everyone else, making it quicker for all of us to die?” Hastey rebutted, jamming his finger on the table,
“And that’s worth inciting the war over?”
“Enough you two we’re getting nowhere.” Variel stood up and leaned over the table. “We have to play this smart and buy more time. How bout this, let's recruit as many people as we can, promise them food, give them a small portion, just enough to stay, and then increase it slowly until we can prepare to give ‘em a fight. War is inevitable.”
Hastey laughed. “You out of your mind?” He leaned forward, and slapped one hand on the table. You’re gonna starve us AND kill us!”
Variel snarled and shot him a look. “Listen you little-”
“Children, children enough.” 
The three turned their attention to a man who had entered the room quietly.
“Increase the resources, slowly. Let me handle the recruiting. Don’t you worry, it’ll be just fine.” The man grinned, his shadow dimming half his body but his sly smile. His kids sat back down and sighed, avoiding eye contact.
“Just trust me.”
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friendconsultant · 6 days
Expert UK Visa Consultancy in Lahore: Your Guide to a Successful Application with Friend Consultant
Navigating the UK visa application process can be overwhelming due to strict requirements and detailed documentation. Whether you're aspiring to study, work, or visit the United Kingdom, you need the guidance of a reliable consultant to ensure a smooth process. Friend Consultant in Lahore offers expert UK visa consultancy, providing comprehensive support to help you achieve your UK immigration goals.
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When applying for a UK visa, choosing a knowledgeable and experienced consultant is crucial. Here's why Friend Consultant is your ideal partner for UK visa consultation:
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No two visa applications are the same, and Friend Consultant understands that every client’s needs are unique. We provide personalized consultations to assess your situation and recommend the most suitable visa options. Whether you are applying as a student, skilled worker, or tourist, we tailor our services to increase your chances of success.
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At Friend Consultant, we offer end-to-end support, from the initial consultation to the final submission of your visa application. Our comprehensive services include:
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rahuljoshi05 · 8 days
Visa Requirements and Application Process at Sudan Embassy in Delhi
Traveling to Sudan from India involves a well-planned visa application process. Whether you're going for tourism, business, or other purposes, understanding the steps involved can make the process smoother. The Sudan Embassy in Delhi is the main point of contact for Indians who need to apply for a Sudanese visa.
In this article, we will walk you through the visa requirements and provide insights into the application process at the Sudan Embassy in Delhi. From understanding the different visa types to ensuring you have the correct documentation, we aim to make the procedure easy to follow.
This guide also highlights essential factors such as fees, required documents, and application timelines, ensuring that you’re well-prepared for your visa journey. Whether it's for business or leisure, obtaining a Sudan visa through the Sudan Embassy in Delhi doesn't have to be overwhelming.
Types of Sudan Visa for Indian Nationals
Before starting your visa application, it’s important to identify the type of visa you need. The Sudan Embassy in Delhi processes multiple categories of visas, depending on the purpose of your visit. Here’s a quick breakdown:
Tourist Visa: Ideal for Indian travelers looking to explore Sudan’s tourist attractions.
Business Visa: For business professionals attending meetings, conferences, or setting up ventures in Sudan.
Transit Visa: If Sudan is a stopover during your travel to another destination.
Work Visa: For individuals seeking employment or business expansion in Sudan.
Visa Requirements at Sudan Embassy in Delhi
To apply for a visa at the Sudan Embassy in Delhi, Indian applicants must provide certain documents. The list of documents may vary slightly depending on the type of visa, but generally, the following are required:
Completed visa application form: Available at the Sudan Embassy or through their official website.
Valid passport: Must have at least six months validity and two blank pages.
Passport-size photographs: Two recent color photographs as per the specifications.
Proof of travel: Round-trip flight tickets.
Hotel reservation or address of stay in Sudan.
Financial proof: Bank statements of the last 3 months showing sufficient funds.
Visa fee: Payment as per the type of visa applied for (discussed below).
Letter of invitation: (For business visas) from the company or sponsor in Sudan.
For a tourist visa, the invitation letter may not be necessary, but having a sponsor in Sudan can expedite the process.
Sudan Visa Application Process at Sudan Embassy in Delhi
The visa application process at the Sudan Embassy is straightforward but must be completed with accuracy to avoid delays. Here’s a step-by-step guide:
Download the Visa Application Form Visit the official website of the Sudan Embassy in Delhi to download the form, or you can collect it in person from the embassy. Make sure to fill out the form completely and accurately.
Prepare Your Documents Gather all the necessary documents as per the visa category. Ensure that your passport meets the validity requirement and the photos adhere to the size and background specifications.
Submit Application at the Sudan Embassy After filling out the form and assembling the documents, submit your application to the Sudan Embassy in Delhi. Embassy officials will review the documents for accuracy and completeness.
Pay Visa Fees The visa fees depend on the type of visa you are applying for:
Tourist Visa: ₹7,500 (approx.)
Business Visa: ₹10,000 (approx.)
Transit Visa: ₹5,000 (approx.)
Payments can generally be made via demand draft, credit/debit cards, or other payment methods specified by the embassy.
Processing Time Processing times may vary, but typically, it takes 7-10 working days for the visa to be issued. However, business visas might take longer due to verification processes.
Collect Your Visa Once approved, the visa will be affixed to your passport. You can either collect it in person or request courier delivery.
Important Points to Remember
Embassy Timings: The Sudan Embassy in Delhi operates from Monday to Friday, usually from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM. It’s advisable to check their schedule before visiting.
Ensure Document Authenticity: Any false information can lead to visa rejection.
Travel Insurance: Though not mandatory, travel insurance is strongly recommended for Indian travelers heading to Sudan.
Sudan Visa Fees and Indian Prices
Tourist Visa: ₹7,500 (approx.)
Business Visa: ₹10,000 (approx.)
Transit Visa: ₹5,000 (approx.)
Work Visa: Costs for work visas depend on the job category and invitation letter.
Additionally, some visa services may include a processing fee or service charge that varies based on urgency.
1. How long is the processing time for a Sudan visa from Delhi? The processing time typically takes 7-10 working days, but it can be longer for business and work visas due to verification procedures.
2. Can I apply for a Sudan visa online? No, the Sudan Embassy in Delhi currently requires applicants to submit their visa applications in person.
3. What is the validity period of a Sudan tourist visa? A tourist visa for Sudan is usually valid for 30 days from the date of issue.
4. Do I need an invitation letter for a Sudan tourist visa? No, an invitation letter is not mandatory for a tourist visa, but it is required for business visas.
5. Can I expedite my Sudan visa application? Yes, in certain cases, you can request expedited processing, but it may incur additional fees.
Applying for a visa at the Sudan Embassy in Delhi is a crucial step for Indian nationals planning to visit Sudan. By ensuring you meet all the visa requirements and following the application process, you can avoid unnecessary delays and complications. Always make sure your documents are up-to-date, and don’t hesitate to contact the embassy for clarifications. Whether for work or leisure, securing your visa through the Sudan Embassy is the key to an enjoyable trip.
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Navigating the UAE Visa Application Process for Vietnamese Nationals
Traveling to the United Arab Emirates (UAE) can be an exciting adventure, offering a blend of modern sophistication and traditional charm. For Vietnamese nationals, securing an Apply uae visa for vietnamese is a crucial step in making this journey a reality. This comprehensive guide aims to simplify the UAE visa application process, providing detailed insights and practical tips for Vietnamese applicants.
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Understanding UAE Visa Types
Before diving into the application process, it's essential to understand the various types of UAE visas available:
Tourist Visa: Typically valid for 30 days or 90 days, this visa is ideal for those visiting the UAE for tourism purposes. It is often sponsored by hotels, travel agencies, or individuals residing in the UAE.
Transit Visa: If you’re passing through the UAE en route to another destination, a transit visa allows you to stay for up to 96 hours. This visa is generally arranged by airlines.
Visit Visa: A visit visa is usually sponsored by a UAE resident or a UAE-based company and can be valid for up to 90 days.
Business Visa: For business travelers, this visa allows for extended stays and multiple entries. It is typically arranged through UAE-based companies.
Student Visa: If you're planning to study in the UAE, this visa is sponsored by the educational institution you’ll be attending.
Eligibility Criteria for Vietnamese Nationals
Vietnamese nationals must meet specific eligibility criteria to apply for a UAE visa:
Valid Passport: Your passport should be valid for at least six months from the date of entry into the UAE.
Sponsorship: Most UAE visas require a sponsor, whether it’s a hotel, travel agency, employer, or a UAE resident.
Proof of Funds: You may need to demonstrate that you have sufficient financial means to cover your stay.
Travel Insurance: While not always mandatory, travel insurance is highly recommended.
Applying for a UAE Visa: Step-by-Step Guide
1. Determine the Type of Visa You Need
Decide which visa type aligns with your purpose of visit. For tourism, a tourist visa is suitable, whereas a visit visa is ideal for family or friends visiting.
2. Choose a Sponsorship Method
Through a Travel Agency: Travel agencies in Vietnam or UAE can assist with visa applications and provide sponsorship.
Hotel Sponsorship: Many hotels offer visa services if you book accommodation through them.
UAE Resident Sponsorship: If you have family or friends in the UAE, they can sponsor your visit visa.
3. Gather Required Documents
The specific documents required may vary depending on the visa type and sponsor. Generally, you will need:
Passport Copy: A clear, colored copy of your passport’s bio page.
Passport-Sized Photos: Recent photographs meeting UAE visa photo requirements.
Visa Application Form: Completed and signed.
Proof of Accommodation: Hotel booking or a letter from your sponsor if staying with them.
Travel Itinerary: Details of your planned trip, including flight bookings.
Financial Proof: Bank statements or other documents showing you can support yourself during your stay.
Travel Insurance: Proof of insurance coverage for the duration of your stay.
4. Submit Your Application
Online Application: The UAE government offers online visa applications through various portals, including the official websites of the UAE Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship (ICA) and the General Directorate of Residency and Foreigners Affairs (GDRFA).
Through a Travel Agency: If using a travel agency, they will handle the submission process on your behalf.
5. Pay the Visa Fee
Visa fees vary depending on the type and duration of the visa. Ensure that you pay the correct fee as specified by your sponsor or the visa processing portal.
6. Track Your Application
Once submitted, you can track the status of your visa application online. Processing times can vary but generally range from 2 to 10 business days.
7. Receive Your Visa
Upon approval, you’ll receive your visa via email or through your sponsor. Ensure you print out a copy to present upon arrival in the UAE.
Tips for a Smooth Application Process
Start Early: Apply for your visa well in advance to account for any potential delays.
Double-Check Documents: Ensure all documents are accurate and up-to-date to avoid rejection or delays.
Follow Instructions: Adhere to the specific requirements of the visa type and sponsor to ensure a smooth process.
Consult Professionals: If unsure, consult with a visa consultant or travel agency to guide you through the application.
Applying for a UAE visa as a Vietnamese national involves understanding the different visa types, meeting eligibility criteria, and meticulously following the application process. By gathering the required documents, choosing the right sponsorship method, and paying attention to details, you can enhance your chances of a successful visa application. Whether you’re visiting for business, tourism, or to see loved ones, a well-prepared application will help pave the way for an enjoyable experience in the UAE. Safe travels!
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jaafarshaikh2573 · 16 days
Essential Guide to Obtaining a Visa for Dubai: Requirements and Tips
Dubai, with its stunning architecture, luxury shopping, and vibrant culture, is a sought-after destination for travellers worldwide. Before you can explore this dynamic city, securing the appropriate visa is essential. This guide provides a comprehensive overview of the visa application process, outlining key requirements and offering practical tips to ensure a smooth application experience.
When planning a trip to Dubai, it's important to understand the different types of visas available. The most common is the tourist visa, valid for either 30 or 90 days, which is suited for short-term leisure visits. If you're merely passing through Dubai on your way to another destination, a transit visa, usually valid for 48 or 96 hours, is appropriate. For business purposes, including meetings or conferences, you would require a business visa, typically valid for 14 to 90 days. Students planning to study in Dubai will need a student visa, which necessitates proof of acceptance from an accredited educational institution. For those looking to live and work in Dubai, a residency visa is essential, often sponsored by an employer,
Regardless of the type of visa you’re applying for, there are some common requirements:
Passport: Must be valid for at least six months beyond your planned stay in Dubai.
Application Form: Completed and signed visa application form. Forms can be obtained from the UAE embassy or consulate, or through approved visa service providers.
Photographs: Recent passport-sized photographs that meet the specified dimensions and requirements.
Proof of Travel: Flight itinerary or travel booking confirmation.
Proof of Accommodation: Hotel reservation or accommodation details.
Financial Proof: Evidence of sufficient funds to cover your stay in Dubai, such as bank statements or credit card statements.
To apply for a visa, certain general requirements must be fulfilled. Your passport should be valid for at least six months beyond your intended stay in Dubai. You’ll need to complete a visa application form, which can be obtained from the UAE embassy or consulate, or through accredited visa service providers. Recent passport-sized photographs meeting specific dimensions are required, along with proof of travel such as a flight itinerary or booking confirmation. You must also provide proof of accommodation, such as a hotel reservation, and evidence of sufficient funds to cover your stay, like bank or credit card statements.
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Specific visa types have additional requirements. For a tourist visa, you may need to demonstrate sufficient funds and provide a return ticket. A transit visa requires a valid onward journey ticket and proof of travel plans. Business visas typically require an invitation letter from a Dubai-based company or relevant business documents. Student visas necessitate a letter of acceptance from a UAE educational institution and proof of financial support. For residency visas, you’ll need to undergo a medical fitness test, provide proof of residence, and submit a valid employment or sponsorship contract. Additionally, a cultural visa, designed for those visiting Dubai to engage in cultural activities or events, requires an invitation or endorsement from a recognized cultural organization or event host.
The application process varies based on visa type and location. Many visas, including cultural visas, can be applied for online through official UAE government portals or accredited visa service providers. Some visa types may require you to apply in person at a UAE embassy or consulate. Residency and certain business visas often require a local sponsor in Dubai, such as an employer or family member. Cultural visas specifically may involve additional coordination with cultural institutions in Dubai to verify the purpose of your visit.
Apply Early: Submit your visa application well in advance of your travel date to allow for processing time.
Double-Check Requirements: Ensure you meet all the specific requirements for your visa type and provide accurate and complete documentation.
To ensure a smooth visa application process, apply well in advance of your planned travel date to allow for processing time. Thoroughly review and fulfil all specific requirements for your visa type, and ensure that all documentation is accurate and complete. Using official channels or accredited service providers can help prevent delays and ensure proper handling of your application. Keeping copies of all documents and correspondence related to your visa can also be beneficial.
Navigating the visa application process for Dubai may seem complex, but understanding the requirements and following the outlined steps can simplify the journey. Whether you are applying for a tourist visa, business visa, student visa, or cultural visa, such as a cultural visa Dubai, preparing in advance and ensuring that all necessary documentation is in order can make a significant difference. A cultural visa Dubai, for instance, is tailored for individuals visiting to engage in cultural activities or events and requires special coordination with cultural institutions. By securing the appropriate cultural visa Dubai, you can focus on planning your visit to this extraordinary city. Dubai’s blend of modernity and tradition offers a unique and enriching experience, and with the right cultural visa Dubai in hand, you’ll be well-positioned to explore all that the city has to offer.
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studyvisa · 19 days
Study in Australia - Australia study visa Consultant in Chandigarh
Planning to Study in Australia? Unitrack Overseas is the best Australia student visa consultant. Best consultant for an Australia study visa.
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Comprehensive Guide to Providing Proof of Funds for Student Visa Applications
Many people have the goal of studying abroad because it provides wonderful chances for both academic and personal development. As someone who wants to study abroad, you have to be aware of the numerous requirements and paperwork involved with relocating for higher education.
The process of applying for a university or a visa is complex and time-consuming. However, this is more than just completing various types of paperwork. In many of the countries where students want to study or apply for visas, they need to have proper knowledge about the finances that they need to have a positive impact on their visa outcomes. This demonstrates that the student has sufficient funds to cover both their tuition fee and living expenses.
Let’s examine the numerous reasons why this becomes crucial.
Understanding the Necessity of Proof of Funds for a Student Visa
There are several reasons why proof of funds is required.
First of all, it guarantees that students may sustain themselves financially without depending entirely on part-time employment, allowing them to continue concentrating on their academics.
In addition, it serves as a precaution against possible instances of financial difficulty or even homelessness among international students.
Finally, it gives Immigration Authorities confidence that students can pay their fees and won’t be a drain on the resources of the host nation.
This post will examine the financial needs of some of the top study abroad locations worldwide, such as the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and numerous European and Asian nations.
Essential Financial Documentation for Top Study Destinations
USA: US$ 40,000–US$ 80,000 or More. (It might change based on living expenses and first-year tuition fees.)
UK: £24,167 for courses outer the London and £27,808 for courses inner London each year.
(These are only estimates; if tuition costs increase, they may differ.)
Canada: $38,635 annually (Including GIC and tuition fees)
Australia: Between AUS$65,000 and AUS$75,000 annually
New Zealand: $45,000 to $67,000 annually
Financial Proof for Living Costs in European Study Destinations
Ireland – €10,000 per year
Germany – €11,208 for one year
Finland – €590 per month for one year
France – €615 per month
Spain – €600 per month
Malta – €778 per month
Cyprus – €859 per month
Asian study destination
Singapore- S$ 16,400 – S$ 45,000 per year
Valid Approaches for Demonstrating Necessary Funds
When requesting a visa, international students can demonstrate their financial stability in a number of ways. Among these are the following options:
Bank Statements: If you choose to self-fund, you may submit bank statements attesting to the existence of enough money in your savings account. It’s also crucial to remember that this money must be easily accessible and unrestricted by investments or other assets, in accordance with the Visa requirements of the majority of study destinations.
Scholarships: Proof of scholarships or grants from governmental agencies, nonprofits, or educational institutions is also accepted. Immigration authorities will cross-verify your scholarship letter because they occasionally pay for living expenses and tuition fees.
Sponsorship: In order to contribute the money needed for your student visa, parents or legal guardians may serve as official sponsors. They will need to present their bank statements, which acts as a proof that they can afford the living expenses and course fees.
Education Loans: Visa officers will accept confirmation from accredited financial institutions when they give assurance that education loan has been approved. However, the requirements for secured and unsecured loans vary depending on the study location. Therefore, make sure the loan terms match where you want to study.
Although these choices are provided in a broad sense, you should confirm that they are appropriate for the study location you have narrowed down.
Why is proof of funds necessary for a student visa?
Proof of funds is required to:
Ensure students can support themselves financially without relying solely on part-time work.
Prevent financial difficulties or homelessness among international students.
Provide confidence to Immigration Authorities that students can pay their fees and won’t be a burden on the host country’s resources.
What are the estimated financial requirements for studying in popular destinations?
USA: US$ 40,000–US$ 80,000 annually.
UK: £24,167 (for courses outer London; £27,808 )
Canada: $38,635 annually.
Australia: AUS$65,000–AUS$75,000 annually.
New Zealand: $45,000–$67,000 annually.
What are the valid methods for demonstrating the necessary funds?
Bank Statements: Showing sufficient funds in a savings account.
Scholarships: Proof of scholarships or grants from government agencies, nonprofits, or educational institutions.
Sponsorship: Parents or legal guardians can act as official sponsors by providing their bank statements.
Education Loans: Confirmation from accredited financial institutions that an education loan has been approved.
What should I consider when using bank statements as proof of funds?
Ensure that the funds are easily accessible and not restricted by investments or other assets, in accordance with visa requirements of most study destinations.
Can my parents or guardians sponsor me for my student visa?
Yes, parents or legal guardians can act as official sponsors by providing their bank statements to show they can afford your living expenses and course fees.
What should I know about using education loans as proof of funds?
Visa officers accept confirmation from accredited financial institutions that an education loan has been approved. Requirements for secured and unsecured loans vary depending on the study location, so ensure the loan terms match your destination.
How can Unitrack Overseas assist with the student visa application process?
Unitrack Overseas offers comprehensive end-to-end support, including personalized assistance with visa requirements, financials, and university application process.
How can I get in touch with Unitrack Overseas for assistance?
Contact Unitrack Overseas Chandigarh for detailed guidance and support. Their experts can help simplify and expedite the study abroad application process for the upcoming intakes.
In summary, the following are the current and pertinent numbers about the financial requirements for student visas. Therefore, to guarantee a seamless and successful visa application process, it is imperative that you meet the financial requirements stipulated by the destination country, regardless of the study destination you choose. We hope that after reading through and meeting the proof of funds requirements, you will be ready to start your international education journey.
It can be time-consuming to figure it out, but what if we told you that Unitrack Overseas offers applicants like you comprehensive end-to-end support? You read correctly! Our experts offer personalized assistance and detailed guidance on visa requirements and financial documentation, in addition to helping with the university application process. Your loan funding is also taken care of with Unitrack Overseas Chandigarh.
Thorough planning and preparation are essential before embarking on a journey to pursue higher education overseas. Thus, you can get assistance from our Country Experts to expedite and simplify the procedure.
As one of the best study visa consultants, Unitrack Overseas is here to help you every step of the way. For the upcoming intakes, get in touch with our team right now and start your study abroad application with the top visa consultant!
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one-clik · 21 days
Visa Services in Dubai: Your Guide to Hassle-Free Applications
Dubai, with its towering skyscrapers, luxurious shopping malls, and thriving business environment, attracts millions of visitors each year. Whether you're visiting for tourism, business, or long-term residency, navigating the visa application process is crucial. Visa services in Dubai streamline this process, offering various solutions tailored to different needs. This article will guide you through the visa types, application processes, and how Visa Services Dubai can make your experience smoother.
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Types of Visas in Dubai
Before diving into the application process, it’s important to understand the different visa types available for Dubai:
Tourist Visa: Ideal for short-term visitors looking to explore Dubai’s landmarks, this visa is typically issued for 30 or 90 days. Depending on the duration of your stay, you can apply for either a single-entry or multiple-entry visa.
Transit Visa: For travelers passing through Dubai on their way to another destination, the transit visa is perfect for short stopovers. It’s valid for 48 to 96 hours and can be easily obtained if you have a confirmed flight ticket and meet the eligibility criteria.
Business Visa: If you’re traveling for business meetings, conferences, or setting up new ventures, the business visa allows you to stay for a limited period while conducting official activities. This visa can also come with the option of multiple entries, depending on your requirements.
Residency Visa: For those planning to live, work, or invest in Dubai long-term, the residency visa is essential. This visa allows you to stay in the city for an extended period and is typically sponsored by an employer, spouse, or investment in property.
Freelancer Visa: In line with Dubai’s growing digital economy, the freelancer visa allows professionals to live and work independently. This visa is perfect for freelancers in creative, tech, and media industries.
Golden Visa: A special long-term visa introduced for investors, entrepreneurs, scientists, and highly-skilled individuals, the Golden Visa offers extended residency benefits for up to 10 years.
The Visa Application Process
The process of obtaining a visa can be straightforward, but it requires careful attention to detail. Generally, the steps include:
Determine the Visa Type: Based on the nature of your visit, choose the visa type that suits your purpose.
Submit Required Documents: Typical documentation includes your passport, photographs, proof of financial stability, return flight tickets, and hotel bookings. Some visa types, like the residency or business visas, may require additional documents such as a letter from your sponsor, employment contract, or business licenses.
Apply Through Approved Channels: You can apply for your visa online through government portals or seek assistance from authorized travel agencies, airlines, or visa service providers.
Pay the Visa Fees: Each visa type comes with its fee structure, which may vary depending on the duration of your stay and whether you’re applying for single or multiple entries.
Wait for Approval: Visa processing times range from a few hours for transit visas to a few weeks for residency or business visas. It’s essential to apply well in advance to avoid any delays.
Why Use Visa Services?
Although the visa application process is generally user-friendly, many travelers prefer using professional visa services in Dubai for added convenience. These services offer several advantages:
Expert Guidance: Visa services ensure that you are applying for the correct visa type, saving you time and avoiding unnecessary rejections due to incomplete or incorrect documentation.
Fast-Track Applications: Many visa service providers have established connections with immigration authorities, allowing them to expedite your application process. This is especially helpful if you have tight deadlines.
Document Preparation: Preparing the required documents can be tedious. Visa services help by organizing and submitting everything on your behalf, ensuring that nothing is missed.
Updates and Follow-Up: Pro Services Dubai provide regular updates on your application’s progress and follow up with authorities if needed, giving you peace of mind during the waiting period.
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travelmd · 29 days
Brazil Visa Requirements for Indian Citizens: A Comprehensive Guide
Brazil, with its vibrant culture, rich biodiversity, and iconic landmarks such as the Christ the Redeemer statue and the Amazon Rainforest, is a dream destination for many travelers. For Indian citizens planning to visit Brazil, understanding the Brazil visa requirements is crucial to ensure a hassle-free journey. This guide provides a comprehensive overview of the visa process, documents required, and other essential details for Indian travelers heading to Brazil.
Types of Brazil Visas for Indian Citizens
Before delving into the Brazil visa requirements, it's essential to understand the different types of visas available for Indian travelers:
Tourist Visa (VIVIS): This is the most common visa for Indian citizens visiting Brazil for leisure, tourism, or visiting friends and family. The tourist visa allows a stay of up to 90 days, which can be extended once for another 90 days.
Business Visa (VITEM II): If you are an Indian citizen traveling to Brazil for business purposes, attending conferences, or conducting meetings, you will need a business visa. This visa also allows a stay of up to 90 days and can be extended.
Student Visa (VITEM IV): For those planning to study in Brazil, a student visa is required. This visa is granted for the duration of the course, and it is renewable.
Work Visa (VITEM V): For Indian citizens seeking employment in Brazil, a work visa is mandatory. This visa is usually sponsored by the employer in Brazil and can vary in duration based on the employment contract.
Transit Visa (VITEM III): If you are an Indian traveler transiting through Brazil to another destination, you may need a transit visa depending on the duration of your stay and whether you plan to leave the international transit area.
Brazil Visa Requirements for Indian Citizens
The Brazil visa requirements for Indian citizens vary depending on the type of visa you are applying for. Here’s a detailed breakdown of the general documents needed for a Brazil tourist visa, which is the most commonly sought-after visa type:
1. Duly Filled Visa Application Form
The first step in the visa application process is to complete the Brazil visa application form online. Ensure that all information provided is accurate and matches the details in your passport and other documents. After filling out the form, you will need to print and sign it.
2. Valid Passport
Your passport must be valid for at least six months from the date of entry into Brazil. Additionally, it should have at least two blank pages for visa stamps. Make sure your passport is in good condition, as damaged passports may result in visa rejection.
3. Passport-Sized Photographs
You will need to submit two recent passport-sized photographs (4cm x 5cm) with a white background. The photographs must be clear, showing your full face, and should be taken within the last six months.
4. Proof of Financial Means
To meet the Brazil visa requirements, you must provide evidence of sufficient financial means to support yourself during your stay in Brazil. This can include recent bank statements, salary slips, or income tax returns. Generally, you should demonstrate that you have enough funds to cover your expenses for the entire duration of your trip.
5. Proof of Accommodation
Applicants must provide proof of accommodation arrangements in Brazil, such as hotel bookings or a letter of invitation from a friend or family member residing in Brazil. If you are staying with a host, the letter should include their address, contact details, and a copy of their ID.
6. Round-Trip Flight Tickets
A copy of confirmed round-trip flight tickets or a detailed travel itinerary showing your entry and exit dates from Brazil is required. This is to ensure that you intend to return to India after your stay in Brazil.
7. Covering Letter
A covering letter addressed to the Consulate General of Brazil, explaining the purpose of your visit, duration of stay, and any other relevant details, is also necessary. For business visas, the covering letter should be on the company’s letterhead and mention the details of the business meetings or events.
8. Travel Insurance
While travel insurance is not mandatory for a Brazil visa, it is highly recommended. Comprehensive travel insurance that covers medical emergencies, trip cancellations, and other unforeseen events can provide peace of mind during your travel.
Additional Brazil Visa Requirements Based on Visa Type
While the above-mentioned documents are general Brazil visa requirements for Indian citizens applying for a tourist visa, additional documents may be needed based on the type of visa:
Business Visa (VITEM II): A letter from the Brazilian company detailing the purpose of the visit, duration, and business activities planned is required. A no-objection letter from the Indian employer is also recommended.
Student Visa (VITEM IV): An admission letter from a recognized Brazilian educational institution, proof of financial means to support your stay, and a police clearance certificate are mandatory.
Work Visa (VITEM V): The Brazilian employer must provide a contract of employment and other related documents, such as proof of company registration and an authorization letter from the Brazilian Ministry of Labor.
Transit Visa (VITEM III): Proof of onward travel, such as a flight ticket to the next destination, and a valid visa for that country (if required) must be provided.
Brazil Visa Application Process for Indian Citizens
The Brazil visa application process for Indian citizens involves the following steps:
Fill Out the Application Form: Complete the online visa application form on the Brazilian consulate's website.
Gather Required Documents: Prepare all the necessary documents as per the Brazil visa requirements.
Book an Appointment: Schedule an appointment at the nearest Brazilian consulate or embassy in India. Ensure you book the appointment well in advance, as slots can fill up quickly.
Attend the Appointment: Submit your application and documents in person at the consulate. You may be required to attend an interview or provide biometric information.
Pay the Visa Fee: Pay the non-refundable visa processing fee. The fee may vary depending on the type of visa and the duration of stay.
Wait for Processing: The processing time for a Brazil visa can vary from 5 to 15 working days, depending on the type of visa and other factors.
Understanding the Brazil visa requirements for Indian citizens is the first step towards planning an unforgettable trip to this beautiful South American country. Whether you are traveling for tourism, business, study, or work, having the correct documentation and following the right procedures will ensure a smooth visa application process. Start preparing early, gather all necessary documents, and consult the nearest Brazilian consulate for any specific queries. Ready to explore the vibrant culture and natural wonders of Brazil? Make sure to plan your visa application well in advance to enjoy a hassle-free journey.
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dubaivisitvisa · 29 days
Complete Guide to Dubai Visa for Egyptian Citizens
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Dubai, the glittering jewel of the United Arab Emirates, is renowned for its luxurious lifestyle, towering skyscrapers, and diverse cultural experiences. For Egyptian citizens planning a trip to this vibrant city, understanding the visa requirements and application process is crucial. This guide will walk you through everything you need to know about obtaining a dubai visa for egyptian citizens.
Types of Visas Available
When traveling to Dubai, Egyptian citizens can apply for several types of visas depending on the purpose of their visit:
Tourist Visa: Ideal for those visiting Dubai for leisure or tourism. Tourist visas are generally valid for 30 days but can be extended for an additional 30 days if required.
Transit Visa: If you’re passing through Dubai on your way to another destination and have a layover of 8 to 96 hours, a transit visa is suitable. This visa is usually issued for a short duration, and specific conditions apply.
Business Visa: For Egyptian citizens visiting Dubai for business meetings, conferences, or other professional activities. This visa can be single-entry or multiple-entry and usually has a validity period ranging from 30 to 90 days.
Visit Visa: If you’re visiting family or friends residing in Dubai, you’ll need a visit visa. This is typically valid for 30 or 90 days and requires a local sponsor.
Long-Term Visa: For those looking to stay in Dubai for an extended period, such as for employment or long-term residency, there are options like the 5-year and 10-year long-term visas, which cater to investors, entrepreneurs, and skilled professionals.
Eligibility Criteria
To apply for a Dubai visa, Egyptian citizens must meet specific eligibility criteria:
Passport Validity: Your passport must be valid for at least six months from the date of your planned entry into Dubai.
Proof of Financial Stability: You may need to show proof of sufficient funds to cover your stay in Dubai. This could be bank statements, employment letters, or other financial documents.
Return Ticket: A return or onward travel ticket is usually required to ensure that you have plans to leave Dubai before your visa expires.
Accommodation Details: Proof of accommodation in Dubai, such as a hotel booking or a letter from a host, is often necessary.
Application Process
Determine Visa Type: First, identify the type of visa you need based on your purpose of visit. This will determine the documentation required and the process you need to follow.
Gather Required Documents: Depending on the visa type, you’ll need to prepare various documents, including:
A completed visa application form
Passport-sized photographs
A copy of your passport
Proof of travel arrangements (e.g., flight booking)
Proof of accommodation
Financial documents
Submit Application: You can apply for a Dubai visa through several channels:
Emirates Airline or Other Airlines: If you’re flying with Emirates or another major airline, you can often apply for a visa directly through their services.
Travel Agencies: Many travel agencies offer visa services and can handle the entire application process for you.
UAE Embassy/Consulate: You can also apply through the UAE Embassy or Consulate in Egypt, though this process might be more time-consuming.
Processing Time: The processing time for a Dubai visa generally ranges from 3 to 7 business days, depending on the type of visa and the completeness of your application. It’s advisable to apply well in advance of your planned travel date to account for any potential delays.
Receive Visa: Once your visa is approved, it will be sent to you electronically or as a physical copy, depending on how you applied. Make sure to check the visa details for accuracy, including the validity dates and the number of entries allowed.
Tips for a Smooth Application
Double-Check Requirements: Ensure you meet all the visa requirements and provide accurate information in your application to avoid delays or rejections.
Apply Early: Start your application process early to avoid any last-minute issues. This is especially important during peak travel seasons when visa processing times can be longer.
Consult Professionals: If you’re unsure about any part of the visa application process, consider consulting with a professional travel agency or visa consultant.
Stay Updated: Visa policies and requirements can change, so it’s essential to check the latest information from official sources or your local UAE embassy before applying.
What to Do if Your Visa is Denied
If your visa application is denied, you will receive a notification explaining the reason for the rejection. Common reasons for denial include incomplete documentation, financial issues, or previous immigration violations. To address this, you can:
Review the Rejection Notice: Understand why your application was denied and rectify any issues.
Reapply: Correct the mistakes and submit a new application if applicable.
Seek Advice: Consult with a visa consultant or the UAE embassy for guidance on how to improve your application.
Obtaining a Dubai visa as an Egyptian citizen involves understanding the various types of visas available, meeting the eligibility criteria, and following the correct application process. By preparing your documents carefully and applying early, you can ensure a smooth and successful application process. Dubai awaits with its blend of modern marvels and traditional charm, and with the right preparation, your trip can be both memorable and enjoyable.
Whether you’re visiting for business, tourism, or to reunite with loved ones, having the right visa will set the stage for an unforgettable experience in one of the world’s most exciting cities. Safe travels and enjoy your time in Dubai!
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youngbouquetlove · 29 days
Apply Dubai Visa for Croatia (Hrvatska) Citizens: A Comprehensive Guide
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Dubai, a dazzling metropolis in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), is a top destination for travelers worldwide, including citizens of Croatia (Hrvatska). Whether you are planning a luxurious vacation, a business trip, or a visit to family and friends, obtaining a visa is a crucial step in your journey to Dubai. This guide will walk you through the process of applying for a Dubai Visa for Croatia (Hrvatska) Citizens.
Types of Dubai Visas Available for Croatian Citizens
Before diving into the application process, it's essential to understand the various types of visas available for Croatian citizens:
Tourist Visa: Ideal for short stays of up to 30 or 60 days. This visa is suitable for leisure trips, visiting family, or exploring Dubai's attractions.
Transit Visa: This visa is perfect if you have a layover in Dubai lasting between 48 to 96 hours. It's a great option for those traveling to another destination with a stopover in Dubai.
Business Visa: If you're visiting Dubai for business meetings, conferences, or professional purposes, the business visa is your go-to option.
Work Visa: For those planning to work in Dubai, a work visa is mandatory. This visa is typically sponsored by your employer in Dubai.
Student Visa: If you intend to study in Dubai, you can apply for a student visa, which is usually sponsored by the educational institution.
Dubai Visa Application Process for Croatian Citizens
Applying for a Dubai visa online is a straightforward process. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you navigate through it:
Choose the Right Visa Type: Based on your purpose of visit, select the appropriate visa type as mentioned above.
Gather Required Documents: Ensure you have all the necessary documents before starting the application process. The typical Dubai visa requirement includes:
A valid passport with at least six months of validity from the date of entry.
Passport-sized photographs.
Completed visa application form.
Proof of accommodation in Dubai (hotel booking or invitation letter from a resident).
A return flight ticket or onward journey ticket.
Proof of financial means to support your stay in Dubai (bank statements, salary slips, etc.).
Apply Online: You can apply for a Dubai visa online through various platforms. It is advisable to apply through a reliable visa service provider or directly via the UAE government's official visa portal.
Pay the Visa Fee: The visa fee varies depending on the type of visa and the duration of your stay. Ensure you make the payment using a secure payment method.
Wait for Visa Processing: Once you submit your application and make the payment, the processing time usually takes 3 to 5 working days. However, this may vary depending on the type of visa and the time of year.
Receive Your Visa: Upon approval, your visa will be sent to you via email. Make sure to print a copy to carry with you during your travels.
Important Tips for Croatian Citizens Applying for a Dubai Visa
Apply Early: It is recommended to apply for your visa at least two weeks before your intended travel date to avoid any last-minute issues.
Check Visa Validity: Ensure your visa is valid for the duration of your stay in Dubai. Overstaying your visa can lead to fines and legal complications.
Use Reliable Services: While applying for a Dubai visa online, use trustworthy visa services to avoid any potential fraud or delays.
Consider Multi-Entry Visas: If you plan to visit Dubai multiple times within a short period, consider applying for a multi-entry visa, which allows you to enter and exit the UAE multiple times within a specified duration.
Applying for a Dubai Visa from the UK
For Croatian citizens residing in the UK, the process of applying for a Dubai visa is equally straightforward. You can easily apply for a Dubai visa from the UK using the same online procedures. Ensure you meet the specific Dubai visa requirement set for applicants from the UK, which typically aligns with the general requirements for Croatian citizens.
Applying for a Dubai visa as a Croatian citizen is a simple and efficient process when done correctly. By understanding the different visa types, meeting the necessary Dubai visa requirement, and using reliable online platforms, you can secure your visa without hassle. Whether you're applying for a Dubai visa from UK or directly from Croatia, the key is to plan ahead and ensure all your documents are in order. Enjoy your journey to one of the world's most vibrant cities!
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falisha-enterprises · 1 month
Understanding Saudi Visa Processing: A Guide from the Experts
Navigating the visa application process can be complex, especially when applying for a visa to Saudi Arabia. With its specific requirements and regulations, it’s crucial to have expert guidance to ensure a smooth and successful application. Falisha Manpower, a leading visa processing agency for KSA Saudi Arabia, offers comprehensive support to help you through every step of the process. This guide will walk you through the essentials of Saudi visa processing, highlighting how Falisha Manpower can assist you in securing your visa efficiently.
Why Understanding Saudi Visa Processing is Crucial
Saudi Arabia is a major destination for employment, business, and tourism, attracting individuals from around the globe. Whether you're looking to work, invest, or visit Saudi Arabia, understanding the visa application process is essential. Incorrect or incomplete applications can lead to delays, rejections, and additional costs. Therefore, having a clear grasp of the requirements and procedures is vital to ensure a successful outcome.
The Types of Saudi Visas
Saudi Arabia offers various types of visas depending on the purpose of your visit. Understanding these categories helps in determining the appropriate visa type for your needs. Here are some common types of visas:
1. Employment Visa
This visa is for individuals who have secured employment in Saudi Arabia. It requires a job offer from a Saudi employer and is often processed in conjunction with the employer’s assistance. The employment visa is typically valid for one to two years and can be renewed.
2. Business Visa
A business visa is for individuals traveling to Saudi Arabia for business meetings, conferences, or short-term projects. This visa usually allows for a stay of up to 90 days and is often sponsored by a Saudi company.
3. Visitor Visa
This visa is intended for tourists or individuals visiting family or friends in Saudi Arabia. Visitor visas are typically short-term and require proof of accommodation and financial stability during the stay.
4. Hajj and Umrah Visa
Special visas are issued for religious purposes, specifically for Hajj or Umrah pilgrimages. These visas are issued during specific periods and require documentation related to religious travel.
The Saudi Visa Application Process
Applying for a Saudi visa involves several steps, each of which requires careful attention to detail. Here’s a comprehensive overview of the process:
1. Determine the Visa Type
Identify the type of visa that suits your purpose of travel. Each visa type has different requirements and documentation needs. For instance, an employment visa requires a job offer letter, while a visitor visa may require an invitation letter from a host in Saudi Arabia.
2. Gather Required Documents
The documentation required can vary based on the type of visa you are applying for. However, common documents include:
A valid passport with at least six months validity.
A completed visa application form.
Recent passport-sized photographs.
Proof of travel insurance.
Proof of accommodation.
Financial statements or evidence of funds.
Invitation letters (for business or family visits).
Medical reports and police clearance certificates (for employment visas).
Ensure that all documents are accurate and complete to avoid delays.
3. Submit Your Application
Visa applications are usually submitted online or through a Saudi consulate or embassy. Falisha Manpower provides expert assistance in ensuring that your application is submitted correctly, with all necessary documents attached.
4. Attend an Interview
For certain visa types, an interview may be required. The interview is typically conducted at a Saudi consulate or embassy and involves answering questions related to your travel purpose and background. Preparation for the interview is crucial to ensure a smooth process.
5. Pay the Visa Fee
Visa processing fees vary depending on the type of visa and the duration of stay. Ensure that you pay the fee as per the instructions provided by the visa processing authority.
6. Wait for Processing
Visa processing times can vary depending on the type of visa and the volume of applications. It is essential to apply well in advance of your planned travel date to account for any delays.
7. Receive Your Visa
Once your visa is approved, you will receive it either electronically or as a stamped visa in your passport. Verify the details on the visa to ensure there are no errors.
How Falisha Manpower Can Assist You
Navigating the Saudi visa processing can be complex, but Falisha Manpower is here to simplify the process. As a leading visa processing agency for KSA Saudi Arabia, we offer a range of services to ensure that your visa application is handled efficiently and accurately. Here’s how we can assist you:
1. Expert Guidance
Our team of experts provides detailed guidance on the visa application process, helping you understand the requirements and prepare the necessary documentation. We ensure that you are aware of all the essential steps and requirements for a successful application.
2. Document Preparation
We assist with the preparation and review of your visa application and supporting documents. Our team ensures that all documents are complete, accurate, and meet the requirements set by the Saudi authorities.
3. Application Submission
Falisha Manpower manages the submission of your visa application, ensuring that it is delivered to the appropriate authorities in a timely manner. We handle any follow-up communications and provide updates on the status of your application.
4. Interview Preparation
If an interview is required, we offer preparation services to help you understand what to expect and how to present yourself effectively. Our team provides tips and advice to help you succeed in the interview process.
5. Problem Resolution
In the event of any issues or complications with your visa application, Falisha Manpower provides support to resolve them. We work with the relevant authorities to address any concerns and ensure that your application progresses smoothly.
6. Post-Visa Services
Once your visa is approved, we assist with any additional requirements, such as travel arrangements or visa-related queries. Our ongoing support ensures a seamless transition to your new role or visit in Saudi Arabia.
Why Choose Falisha Manpower?
Falisha Manpower stands out as a top choice for visa processing services due to our commitment to excellence and customer satisfaction. Here’s why you should choose us:
Expert Knowledge: Our team has extensive knowledge and experience in visa processing for Saudi Arabia, ensuring that you receive accurate and reliable assistance.
Personalized Service: We offer personalized support tailored to your specific needs and visa type, ensuring a smooth and efficient process.
Comprehensive Support: From document preparation to post-visa services, we provide comprehensive support throughout the entire visa application process.
Timely Processing: We prioritize timely processing to ensure that your visa is issued within your desired timeframe.
Navigating the Saudi visa application process can be challenging, but with the right support, it becomes manageable and straightforward. Falisha Manpower, as a leading visa processing agency for KSA Saudi Arabia, offers expert guidance and comprehensive services to help you secure your visa with confidence. Whether you’re applying for an employment visa, business visa, or any other type of Saudi visa, our team is here to assist you every step of the way.
Experience the difference of working with a top-tier agency and simplify your visa application process with Falisha Manpower. Contact us today to get started on your journey to Saudi Arabia and achieve your travel or career goals with ease.
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