#Desmond Promoda Verse
hirocimacruiser · 1 year
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Promoda Verse
■Inquiries/Desmond Co., Ltd. 082-927-3811
Shiny face with fin design
The sedan monowheel that is becoming popular all over the country
Make it yours as soon as possible
The current big sedan boom is thought to have started in Daikoku, Yokohama, and Nanko, Osaka. Of course, there were many other users working hard, but Daikoku and Nanko, where sedans spontaneously gathered, are considered to be the epicenter of the sedan boom.
As more and more sedans gather together, it's natural that a poorly dressed car won't stand out. Therefore, they tried to make the car stand out by making the aerodynamics bigger and bigger and lowering the vehicle height, but there are limits to that. Therefore, American dress-up, and modern shiny wheels, such as plating, sputtering, and super metal coating, which were used in low-rider cars, were set on sedans in an attempt to attract the attention of the gallery. This was the beginning of wheel popularity.
However, no matter how hard you try, it is impossible to match high-tech American wheels like the wing design. Wheel manufacturers were also well aware of this and were trying to secure users by making the sedan wheels they had released so far shine. However, this wheel The “Verse” is one step further than that. It is a wheel dedicated to shining objects, assuming that it will be a shining thing from the beginning of development.
The base design is a classical American wire spoke wheel. Of course, even if we bring that into the present age, we will end up wondering what the heck is going on. For this reason, this Verse has fine fin spokes and a part of the center connected to them folded back in a U shape, giving it a wire-like atmosphere despite the fin design. The full-moon design of the center cap reflects the light evenly, creating a good contrast with the sharp reflections of the fine fins. There are two types of coloring: white polish and champagne gold, as shown in the photo. The polished finish that shines by polishing the aluminum shines more white than ordinary plating, so even if you put it on a voluminous sedan, you can feel a strong presence. If you set the optional gold piercing bolt, you can create an even more gorgeous American sedan-like look.
is the sense of everyone who wears it
It's number one.
A message from the manufacturer
It is a wheel that can be used as a complement to dress up.
The basic design itself is intended to be ordinary, not eccentric. From the very beginning of the development process, we wanted to emphasize brilliance, so we focused on the balance with brilliance rather than the uniqueness of the design itself. Basically, we thought that shiny wheels would match not only American tailoring, but also European dress-up, so rather than setting them on an overly elaborate aero car, we set them on a well-balanced car. Wouldn't it be cool to receive one? Of course, even if you set it on a full normal Y32/33 car, the design is simple, so I think it will work perfectly.
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hirocimacruiser · 1 year
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new proposal
1 Wire fin design *Trademark registration pending
The original movement of the wheel design is trying to create a unique style.
Desmond argues. A unique matching proposal targeting big sedans.
And an organic form that adds an essential essence to the wheel details.
That it is this verse.
Wire fin design "Verse"
Bold wire fins that maximize the image of the material
There is a claim of a calculated design in the verse.
Design registration filed
Trademark registration filed
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