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abhijitdivate1 · 9 months ago
Statistical Methods in Data Analytics
In the realm of data analytics, statistical methods are indispensable for making sense of vast quantities of data. These methods can be broadly categorized into two types: Descriptive Statistics and Inferential Statistics. Each of these plays a crucial role in extracting meaningful insights from data, a skill that is fundamental to any comprehensive data analytics course.
Descriptive Statistics
Descriptive statistics form the foundation of data analytics by summarizing and organizing data in a manner that is easily interpretable. This branch of statistics focuses on describing the main features of a data set quantitatively. Key measures in descriptive statistics include:
Measures of Central Tendency: These measures indicate where the center of a data set lies and include the mean, median, and mode. For instance, the mean provides the average value, while the median gives the middle value when data is sorted in ascending order.
Measures of Dispersion: These measures describe the spread of the data around the central value. Common measures of dispersion include range, variance, and standard deviation. The range provides a simple view of the spread by subtracting the minimum value from the maximum. Variance and standard deviation, on the other hand, offer more nuanced insights into how data points deviate from the mean.
Graphical Representation: Descriptive statistics also involve the use of graphs and charts to visually represent data. Histograms, bar charts, and box plots are popular tools that help in identifying patterns, trends, and outliers.
For anyone enrolled in a data analytics course, mastering descriptive statistics is essential. It provides the tools to summarize data succinctly and effectively, making it easier to communicate findings and identify areas for further analysis.
Inferential Statistics
While descriptive statistics provide a snapshot of the data, inferential statistics take analysis a step further by making predictions or inferences about a population based on a sample. This branch of statistics is crucial for decision-making processes in data analytics.
Hypothesis Testing: This is a core component of inferential statistics. It involves making assumptions (hypotheses) about a population parameter and then using sample data to test these hypotheses. Common tests include t-tests, chi-square tests, and ANOVA. For example, a t-test can determine if there are significant differences between the means of two groups.
Confidence Intervals: These intervals provide a range of values that are likely to contain the population parameter. They offer an estimated range believed to encompass the true value of the parameter with a certain level of confidence, typically 95% or 99%.
Regression Analysis: This method is used to model the relationship between a dependent variable and one or more independent variables. It is particularly useful in predicting outcomes and identifying trends. Linear regression, logistic regression, and multiple regression are commonly used techniques in data analytics.
Sampling Methods: Inferential statistics rely on samples, and the way these samples are collected affects the validity of the conclusions. Different sampling methods, such as random sampling, stratified sampling, and cluster sampling, ensure that the sample represents the population adequately.
A robust data analytics course will delve deeply into inferential statistics, equipping students with the ability to draw meaningful conclusions from data. By learning these techniques, analysts can go beyond mere description and start making informed predictions and decisions based on data.
Both descriptive and inferential statistics are pivotal in the field of data analytics. Descriptive statistics provide the tools to summarize and present data effectively, while inferential statistics enable analysts to make predictions and decisions based on data samples. Together, these statistical methods form the backbone of data-driven decision-making processes. For those pursuing a data analytics course, mastering these methods is crucial for transforming raw data into actionable insights.
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marvelassignmenthelp · 2 years ago
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incegna · 5 years ago
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Statistics for Data Science and Business Analysis.Understand the mechanics of regression analysis.Understand the concepts needed for data science even with Python and R. Check our Info : www.incegna.com Reg Link for Programs : http://www.incegna.com/contact-us Follow us on Facebook : www.facebook.com/INCEGNA/? Follow us on Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/_incegna/ For Queries : [email protected] #datascience,#businessanalysis,#Rprogramming,#python,#Descriptivestatistics,#Inferentialstatistics,#Hypothesistesting,#Regressionanalysis,#visualization,#numpy,#pandas.#businessintelligence,#centrallimittheorem,#machinelearning,#deeplearning,#timeseriesanalysis,#Statisticalanalysis,#GGPlot2 https://www.instagram.com/p/B-MlTURgOtm/?igshid=1w6n0kujzdgj2
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expertlytics · 7 years ago
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#data #datascience #machinelearning #science #statistics #descriptivestatistics #predictivestatistics #analytics #visualization #learn #learning #study #studying #teaching #career #coaching #thinking #knowledge (at United States)
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Another 1 down #descriptivestatistics
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towardsai · 4 years ago
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We are joining #GumroadDay, and to celebrate we are offering our book on #descriptivestatistics for data-driven decision making for $ 5.00 (Regular price $ 15.00) → https://news.towardsai.net/descriptive-statistics⠀ ⠀ #statistics #machinelearning #ml #ai #coding #dev #python #datascience #stats #bigdata
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phungthaihy · 5 years ago
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Kurtosis | Meaning, Types, Formula & Application in Statistics with Example Problem in Hindi http://ehelpdesk.tk/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/logo-header.png [ad_1] Kurtosis_in_Statistics #Statisti... #academics #calculus #chineselanguage #coefficientofkurtosisinstatistics #datastructures #descriptivestatistics #englishconversation #englishgrammar #englishlanguage #frenchlanguage #germanlanguage #ielts #japaneselanguage #kurtosisandskewnessinstatistics #kurtosisexampleinstatistics #kurtosisformulainstatistics #kurtosisinstatistics #kurtosisinstatisticsinhindi #linearalgebra #math #measuresofcentraltendency #measuresofdispersion #probability #shakehandwithlife #signlanguage #skewnessandkurtosisinstatistics #spanishlanguage #standarddeviationinstatistics #statistics #teaching #thebible #typesofkurtosisinstatistics #whatiskurtosisinstatistics
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healthtimetaylor · 5 years ago
Yoga may be a beneficial form of exercise in the school-based setting for improving balance and flexibility in healthy children.
PMID:  J Bodyw Mov Ther. 2019 Oct ;23(4):708-712. Epub 2019 Feb 5. PMID: 31733751 Abstract Title:  The effects of yoga practice on balance, strength, coordination and flexibility in healthy children aged 10-12 years. Abstract:  OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of yoga practice on balance, strength, coordination, and flexibility in healthy children aged 10-12 years.STUDY DESIGN: Quasi-experimental, nonrandomized.BACKGROUND: Research on the effects of yoga in children has focused on the benefits seen in non-healthy children or on the effects on hand grip strength and motor performance. The studies on the effects of yoga on balance, strength, coordination, and flexibility have been limited.METHODS AND MEASURES: A convenience sample of 26 children, aged 10-12 years was obtained. The children participated in 40 min yoga sessions, led by a registered yoga teacher, 1-3 times per week for 8 weeks. The Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency, second edition (BOT-2), the sit and reach test, and the 90/90 hamstring flexibility test were administered at baseline and at the end of the 8 weeks. Descriptivestatistics were calculated for all measurements. A Shapiro-Wilk test was used to test normality. A Wilcoxin signed-rank test was used to analyze pre- and post-test measurements for all variables.RESULTS: There was a statistically significant within-subject difference from pre-test to post-test for balance (p = 0.026), sit and reach (p = 0.000), popliteal angle right (p = 0.005), and popliteal angle left (p = 0.018). There were no statistically significant differences in strength and bilateral coordination from pre-to post-test measurements.CONCLUSIONS: Yoga may be a beneficial form of exercise in the school-based setting for improving balance and flexibility in healthy children.
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phungthaihy · 5 years ago
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Descriptive Statistics: The median http://ehelpdesk.tk/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/logo-header.png [ad_1] See all my videos at http://www.... #academics #calculus #chineselanguage #datastructures #descriptivestatistics #englishconversation #englishgrammar #englishlanguage #frenchlanguage #germanlanguage #ielts #japaneselanguage #justinzeltzer #linearalgebra #math #probability #signlanguage #spanishlanguage #statistics #teaching #thebible #whatisamedian #zedstatistics #zstatistics
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phungthaihy · 5 years ago
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Statistics 101: Descriptive Statistics, Mean of Group Frequencies http://ehelpdesk.tk/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/logo-header.png [ad_1] No data? No problema! What if yo... #academics #average #brandonfoltz #calculus #chineselanguage #datascience #datastructures #descriptivestatistics #englishconversation #englishgrammar #englishlanguage #frenchlanguage #germanlanguage #groupeddata #histogramfrequencydistribution #histogramstatistics #histograms #histogramsexplained #ielts #introductiontostatistics #japaneselanguage #linearalgebra #math #mean #meanfrequency #meanfrequencytable #meanfrequencytablecalculator #midpointformula #midpointstatistics #probability #probabilityandstatistics #signlanguage #spanishlanguage #statistics #statistics101 #statistics101brandonfoltz #statisticsmeanmedianmodegroupeddata #statisticsprobability #statisticstutorial #teaching #thebible
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phungthaihy · 5 years ago
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Statistics 101: Descriptive Statistics, IQR and Box Plots http://ehelpdesk.tk/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/logo-header.png [ad_1] Box plots, also known as box and... #academics #boxandwhiskerplots #boxandwhiskerplotsexplained #boxandwhiskerplotsoutliers #boxandwhiskerplotsstatistics #boxplot #boxplots #boxplotsinstatistics #brandonfoltz #calculus #centraltendency #chineselanguage #datastructures #descriptivestatistics #englishconversation #englishgrammar #englishlanguage #frenchlanguage #germanlanguage #ielts #interquartilerange #iqrstatistics #iqrstatisticsdefinition #japaneselanguage #linearalgebra #math #median #medianmodeandrange #modifiedboxplot #onlinelearningchannel #probability #quartile #quartilesinstatistics #signlanguage #spanishlanguage #statistics #statistics101 #statistics101brandonfoltz #stats101 #teaching #thebible #visualizingdata
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phungthaihy · 5 years ago
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Statistics for Data Science | Probability and Statistics | Statistics Tutorial | Ph.D. (Stanford) http://ehelpdesk.tk/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/logo-header.png [ad_1] More full courses from Dr Sarkar... #androiddevelopment #angular #artificialintelligence #bayestheorem #binomialdistribution #c #conditionalprobability #correlationandregression #correlationandregressioninstatistics #css #dataanalysis #dataanalytics #datascience #datasciencetutorial #deeplearning #descriptivestatistics #development #docker #greatlakes #greatlearning #iosdevelopment #java #javascript #machinelearning #measuresofcentraltendency #node.js #poissondistribution #poissondistributionprobability #probabilityandstatistics #probablity #python #react #statistics #statisticsfordatascience #statisticstutorial #unity #webdevelopment #ytccon
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phungthaihy · 5 years ago
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Descriptive Statistics vs Inferential Statistics http://ehelpdesk.tk/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/logo-header.png [ad_1] This video tutorial provides an ... #academics #calculus #chineselanguage #datastructures #descriptivestatistics #englishconversation #englishgrammar #englishlanguage #frenchlanguage #germanlanguage #ielts #inferentialstatistics #japaneselanguage #linearalgebra #math #probability #signlanguage #spanishlanguage #statistics #teaching #thebible
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