#Der Hardi
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nilgans · 6 days ago
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My piece for the counter-pale resistance zine :D You can download it here, it turned out amazing! Many, many thanks to @de-fanzine-cpr-pale for organizing and assembling the zine 💖💖💖
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bakubakunyanyaa · 4 months ago
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WOAH!! CHURCH KIDS!! and titus is there too i guess
that's all for now, but all the little guys ive posted are gonna drop as stickers soon :D
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darminky · 6 months ago
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I asked on twitter for 6 DE characters to do this and they gave me 10 so yeeah why not. Eventually got tired that's why Ruby and the Insulindiand Phasmid are kinda wonky sorry <\3
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itsbarbiebiiittchhhhh · 2 months ago
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Françoise Hardy photographed by Nico van der Stam, 1968
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cinemaquiles · 3 months ago
(Bem) antes de Venom: "Minotauro" (Minotaur, 2006)
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girlwhodoeskratom · 5 months ago
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Sylvia van der Klooster @ Hardy Amies Fall/Winter, 2002 Ready-to-Wear
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passion-of-arts · 5 months ago
🎬 Neue Filme und Serien im Oktober 2024 – Unsere Highlights! 🎬
In diesem Artikel stellen wir euch interessante neue Filme und Serien im Oktober 2024 vor. Der Oktober ist traditionell ein Horrormonat und so bieten sich auch einige interessante Horrorfilme an. Von irrem Lächeln, über düstere Schächte, böse Clowns und ein Besuch in Salem ist alles dabei. Aber auch einige gute deutsche Filme werden erscheinen, welche sich um die Nazi-Zeit genauso drehen wie um eine düstere Sage. Wir präsentieren euch aber auch wieder ein paar kleine Perlen, die ihr vielleicht noch nicht auf dem Schirm hattet.
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greaseonmymouth · 6 months ago
til solen står op (66961 words) by nerakrose Chapters: 25/36 Fandom: Afdeling Q | Department Q (Movies) Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Assad/Carl Mørck, Assad & Carl Mørck Characters: Carl Mørck, Assad (Afdeling Q), Marcus Jacobsen, Rose Knudsen, Jesper (Afdeling Q), Hardy (Afdeling Q) Additional Tags: Aftermath of Violence, Police Brutality, All Cops Are Bastards, Whump, Forced Outing, Eventual Happy Ending, Assad Whump, WIP Tags, POV Alternating, Original Character(s), Pining, Father-Son Relationship, Queer Themes, Situationship (temporary), Demisexual Character, Demisexual Carl Mørck, Jesper lever i et univers hvor han har TO papfædre. han kan ikke overbevises om andet, lidt for detaljerede beskrivelser af kaffe nu når jeg tænker over det, Carl og Assad skændes som et gammelt ægtepar ❤️, jeg mener den her fic endelig fortjener et slow burn tag helt ærligt, Slow Burn, Masturbation, Pining: i n t e n s i f i e s, Family Dynamics, conversations in cars, Carl prøver virkelig sit bedste Summary: "Der er to tusind klagesager mod politiet hvert år. Vi vinder dem allesammen. Er det fordi vi aldrig begår fejl eller fordi vi beskytter hinanden?" - Carl Mørck, Journal 64
kunne dagens kapitel (4904 ord) være blevet delt i to? ja. gjorde jeg det? nej. god weekend venner
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ronnydeschepper · 8 months ago
Theo’s Buitelingen (66): Horion-Hozémont, hameau Les Cahottes
“La Wittemann” begenadigd columniste van De Volkskrant  was in Luik en liep – “ontheemd als ze was” – pardoes tegen een Kruidvat filiaal aan. “Dat hadden we hem toch maar geflikt als nietig klein landje om een heuse Kruidvat te stichten in dat verre vreemde Luik” schreef ze argeloos. O jee toch, een faux pas van jewelste. De verontwaardigde brievenschrijvers buitelden over elkaar heen. Zelfs de…
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wren-der · 1 year ago
Daily Quordle #739 seems to have a message for us.
Answer was: Strap, Venom, Siren, Enact
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Get to it.
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novemberhush · 1 month ago
Tag game for people I’d like to get to know better/catch up with.
Thanks for tagging me, @littleblackraincloudofcourse !❤️
Five ships I love - Ooh, let me see…
1) Leo Hölzer x Adam Schürk from Tatort Saarbrücken (because it’s nearly that time of year again! 🎉🎉🎉)
2) Benton Fraser x Ray Vecchio from Due South
3) Sherlock Holmes x John Watson (be it in the original ACD stories, the Granada television version, the BBC version, etc.)
4) Mike Ross x Harvey Specter from Suits
5) Thomas Barrow x Andy Parker from Downton Abbey (you give them the same surnames as Bonnie and Clyde, arguably the most famous criminal couple in history, and then you don’t put them together?? WTF, Julian Fellowes??)
First ship ever - Showing my age here, but I think it’s between David Addison x Maddie Hayes from Moonlighting, Anne Shirley x Gilbert Blythe from the series of Anne of Green Gables television adaptations that were out in the 1980s, and James Dempsey x Harriet ‘Harry’ Makepeace from Dempsey and Makepeace. The shows were all out around roughly the same time so I don’t remember which was first, but there’s not much between any of them, I’d say.
Last song you heard - Sandpaper by Zach Bryan (feat. Bruce Springsteen)
Favourite childhood book - I don’t have any one particular favourite that stands heads and shoulders above the rest, but Red Sky in the Morning by Elizabeth Laird and Children on the Oregon Trail by A. Rutgers Van Der Loeff are two that I remember having an effect on me. I was also a big fan of all the Enid Blyton mystery books, such as the Famous Five and the Secret Seven and the Five Find-Outers and Dog, as well as other children’s mysteries like Alfred Hitchcock and The Three Investigators, The Hardy Boys and, of course, Nancy Drew. I also had a Rupert the Bear annual and a Winnie the Pooh book I enjoyed a great deal, as well a big book of fairytales, complete with illustrations, that I loved.
Currently reading - I’m (slowly!) reading a physical copy of All the Colours of the Dark by Chris Whitaker, which is very good so far (but also very long!), and on the kindle app I’ve finally got around to reading The Charioteer by Mary Renault, which I’m absolutely flying through.
Currently watching - Mainly Grantchester and reruns of Wire in the Blood (no, I don’t have a thing for Robson Green!) and Law and Order: SVU (although I’m pretty much always watching reruns of SVU.).
Currently consuming - I’m making my way through a packet of Fruit Salad Chewits (chewy sweets, for anyone who doesn’t know what Chewits are).
Currently craving - Some more of the absolutely delicious potato gratin I had for dinner on Friday night. It was sooooooooooo good. My mouth’s watering just thinking about it.
I tag @tkandbuck @smowkie @katries @oneawkwardcookie @dontcallpanic @sofancydancy @chaoticfandomgirly @backgroundnoisewithaview @kinkykinard and anyone else who wants to share. No pressure on anyone who doesn’t!😘
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drewlyyours · 1 month ago
Alright, thats it,
President: Hilda Swenson
Vice President: Frank Hardy
Secretary of State: Marek Strojník
Secretary of the Treasury: George Fayne
Secretary of Agriculture: Pa Ochs
Secretary of Commerce: Henrik van der Hune
Secretary of Defense: Connie Watson
Secretary of Education: Jon Boyle
Secretary of Energy: Ellie York
Secretary of Health and Human Services: Dr. Malachi Craven
Secretary of Homeland Security: Chief McGinnis
Secretary of Housing and Urban Development: Rose Green (I purposely did not choose Kit Foley)
Secretary of the Interior: Mary Yazzie
Secretary of Labor: Jessalyn Thornton
Secretary of Transportation: Chase Relerford
Secretary of Veterans Affairs: Holt Scotto
Attorney General: Nancy Drew
Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency: Red Knott
Administrator of the Small Business Administration: Alexei Markovic
Director of the Central Intelligence Agency: Samantha Quick
Director of National Intelligence: Leena Patel
Director of the Office of Management and Budget: Miwako Shimizu
United States Ambassador to the United Nations: Professor Hotchkiss
United States Trade Representative: Deirdre Shannon
White House Chief of Staff: Wade Thornton
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nancydrewpcpolls · 7 months ago
Aside from Nancy
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tomhardymyking · 10 months ago
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"There's this really seductive quality to his performance. A vulnerability that really raises what was written on the page. Also not on the page: Johnny's nasal voice. There's a scene, inspired by the book, in which Johnny watches Marlon Brando in The Wild One, and Tom Hardy latched onto that. He didn't let me hear the voice until we were rolling. We were on set on the first day and he starts to talk. I sit there for a second and I'm kind of processing it. Then Tom goes, 'What do you think?' And I was like, 'I f*cking love it!'" — 𝗝𝗲𝗳𝗳 𝗡𝗶𝗰𝗵𝗼𝗹𝘀 about 𝗧𝗼𝗺 in 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑩𝒊𝒌𝒆𝒓𝒊𝒅𝒆𝒓𝒔 in the 𝙀𝙢𝙥𝙞𝙧𝙚 Magazine 🏍️❤️‍🔥
I can't wait to watch his performance 🙏🏻💓
"Hay una cualidad realmente seductora en su actuación. Una vulnerabilidad que realmente resalta lo que estaba escrito en la página. Tampoco en la página: la voz nasal de Johnny. Hay una escena, inspirada en el libro, en la que Johnny observa a Marlon Brando en The Wild One, y Tom Hardy se aferró a eso. No me dejó escuchar la voz hasta que estábamos en el rodaje el primer día y él comenzó a hablar. Entonces Tom dice: '¿qué piensas?' Y yo dije: '¡j*der, me encanta!'" — 𝗝𝗲𝗳𝗳 𝗡𝗶𝗰𝗵𝗼𝗹𝘀 sobre 𝗧𝗼𝗺 en 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑩𝒊𝒌𝒆𝒓𝒊𝒅𝒆𝒓𝒔, en la revista 𝙀𝙢𝙥𝙞𝙧𝙚 🏍️❤️‍🔥
No puedo esperar para ver su actuación 🙏🏻💓
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lizziethereader · 11 months ago
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March 2024 wrapup
not pictured: - Final Offer by Lauren Asher
March was fun! I decided to try to get around to some sequels and I managed to get through quite a few of them AND really enjoyed most of them as well - a definite win!
favorite of the month: The Narrow Road between desires by Patrick Rothfuss
nonfiction of the month (2): Refusing Compulsory Sexuality by Sherronda Brown, Eichmann in Jerusalem: Ein Bericht von der Banalität des Bösen by Hannah Arendt
classics (1): Charlotte's Web by E.B. White
poetry (1): Hardy:Poems by Thomas Hardy
graphic novel (1): The First Cat in Space Ate Pizza by Mar Barnett and Shawn Harris
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rythasbrenelle · 6 months ago
Prompt #4: Reticent
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On most days, Locke liked birds more than people. They talked a little bit, each inquiry and answer a slightly different kweh, just enough to qualify as company. But they never pressed him. If all he had to contribute to the conversation was a sniffle or a grunt, chocobos didn’t mind. A meal of greens, a bit of preening, a few encouraging pats, and they were set.
Ideal traveling companions, chocobos.
After three days of the same tall tale being shared in the inn as Locke and Sosonado waited for the storm to pass and the roads to clear, such that every other patron was thoroughly sick of the story by the time they could resume their travels, Locke desperately wished his client was more like a chocobo. “I daresay they’ll be spreading tales of your derring-do across Coerthas now, lad!” Sosonado crawled out from the back of the wagon, his cargo inspection completed, and hopped up onto his seat. “A gunslinger with hair like fire! A swordsman with no need for swords!” Locke’s gaze flicked down to where his swords rested against his leg, propped up in the floor of the box seat. The ornate handle of the gunblade wasn’t far from his fingers, just in case trouble found them on the road again. Though after Sosonado’s yarn, Locke had half a mind to let trouble succeed next time. “Please wait, gentlemen!” a clear voice called out. Locke turned in his seat, a tall ear swiveled in the voice’s direction before his eyes found the source. The bartender who’d been working the night he arrived in the Observatorium made her way across the yard, taking care to step around the hardy greens peeking through the snow.
“Is there something we can help you with, ma’am?” Sosonado asked. “The opposite. I was hoping to help the two of you.” She produced a pair of red crystals from her tunic and dropped them into Sosonado’s arms, too large for his hands as they were. “It’s not much, but perhaps they’ll keep you warm. Be it on the road or in a snowstorm, should more heroics be required.” Sosonado looked to Locke with a grin bright as the sun and set one of the crystals in his waiting hand, warm even through his glove. Locke found himself caught between rolling his eyes and giving the bartender an earnest thanks. He settled for a curt nod.
But Sosonado had no such issues speaking. “My deepest thanks! I have many things in my wagon, but crystals are unfortunately not one of them, useful though they’d be. I’ll treasure it. As will my companion here.” He looked at Locke meaningfully, but the bartender shook her head.
“No, no, it’s quite alright. He already paid for his, yeah? He needn’t thank me.” She flashed easy smiles at both of them. “Safe travels. I hope the Holy See proves lucrative.” “As do I,” Sosonado agreed, lowering his head. The bartender began to make her way back to the inn, and Sosonado collected the reins. He snapped them once, called to the chocobos, and the wagon lurched into motion. Travel was far from smooth, snow and ice still abundant along the road, but the birds were well-rested and well-trained. They avoided the worst of it where they could.
“Kind of her,” Sosonado said, dark eyes forward. “On my behalf, at any rate. She said you paid?”
Locke shrugged a shoulder. His hand lingered near his gunblade still, though he’d have liked to keep it on the crystal in his pocket, emanating its gentle warmth. “I suppose we did buy more than our share of bread, soup, and drinks. You especially. How do you eat so much, where do you put it all?”
A cant of his head. Fighting, traveling, existing, Locke supposed. He communicated this with several taps of his claws against his sword.
If Sosonado gleaned meaning from the gesture, he didn’t show it, though his eyes did follow Locke’s claws and settle on the sword. “I have been meaning to ask. That gunblade of yours is an imperial piece, isn’t it? As is your firearm. Quite ostentatious, the pair of them. Did you serve?” Locke opened his mouth. Words were hard, sometimes. They liked to get caught in his throat. But these came easily enough, even if it took a moment. “Not them.” Sosonado nodded. “Just as well. Wearing them as prominently as you do, they might draw trouble in places where folk have more of a, uh, predisposition against the empire. But you probably already know that.”
Locke hummed a confirmation but didn’t elaborate further. And for a while, that seemed to be enough conversation. Sosonado’s attention returned wholly to the road, and Locke slouched in his seat and rested his eyes. He was roused only when they arrived at Camp Dragonhead, where they made a brief stop and Sosonado declared he needed to stretch his legs.
While he was gone, Locke tended to the chocobos, unhitching them from the wagon and allowing them to rest properly while he fetched their water. The chore earned him a peck, which he excused as an accident, and a beak rubbing, which he answered with preening. He was mostly silent throughout the task, save for the occasional word of praise for whichever bird was cooperating with him at the moment.
Sosonado returned after a short while, a parcel tucked under his arm. It wasn’t until the chocobos were hitched again and the wagon was lurching forward that Sosonado dropped the package into Locke’s lap; he twitched in response, straightening and reaching for his gunblade. As his eyes settled on the coarse wrapping, he relaxed again and looked at Sosonado, a question written on his face.
“It’s merely some salted eft. Consider it a tip.” Before Locke could speak up, Sosonado waved a hand dismissively. “You’ll be compensated monetarily as well, don’t you worry. All we agreed upon and then some. Your apparent laziness aside, you’ve done your job well.”
Locke unwrapped the parcel and found a pile of dried meat there. The smell of it immediately got him salivating. He pinched a strip of it between his claws and popped it into his mouth, the salty and woody and, oh, citrusy flavors sharp on his tongue.
“Thanks,” he said. It came out garbled and unclear and a bit wet, on account of the drooling. He swiped the back of his hand across his mouth, wiping it clean.
“Don’t mention it. Really. Don’t.”
More than happy to comply, Locke let the chocobos’ footfalls, the wagon’s creaking, and his chewing fill the silence for the remainder of their journey to the Holy See of Ishgard.
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