#Depreciation Guild
aislesofstrange · 3 months
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The Depreciation Guild being goofy 💞 September 2009 by Alex Naidus (+follow @depreci8onguild on IG!)
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futuregeometroowner · 2 years
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xsadcorebenji · 2 years
The Depreciation Guild - Darklooming
and i wish you didn’t need me so much, baby
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rilkeangirl · 1 month
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News/Announcements: New Colossus Festival's Second Wave of Artists
News/Announcements: New Colossus Festival's Second Wave of Artists @kaninerecords @dedstrange @MercuryLoungeNY @boweryballroom @MercuryEast @PianosNYC @berlinundernyc @boweryelectric @lolanyclive @planetarygroup @seanjPR
Co-founded back in 2018 by three New York music industry vets and longtime friends, former Lorimer Beacon founder and head Mike Bell, Kanine Records‘ founder and label head Lio Kanine and Kepler Events‘ and Dedstrange Records co-founder Steven Matrick, The New Colossus Festival over the course of the past couple of years has featured several hundred handpicked, emerging indie bands and artists…
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penvisions · 6 months
of beskar and kyber {chapter 18}
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Pairing: Din Djarin x Force Sensitive! Reader (the Mandalorian x Force Sensitive! Reader) ; brief Force Sensitive! Reader and M!OC
Summary: There are restrictions for entering the main city, some of them Din could agree to and one he absolutely could not. His helmet would need to be left behind, but isn't removing it what caused this entire situation to begin with? Meanwhile, you wake to a new environment, cautious of the things around you and the words of your mother.
Word Count: 10.5k
Warnings: canon typical violence, canon typical language, we meet readers betrothed and he needs his own warning, reader's mother also gets her own warning, kidnapping, reader is being kept against her will, hostage situation, use of narcotics, use of drugs, sedatives, self-depreciating thoughts, thoughts of self-harm, ptsd symptoms, medical trauma, past medical trauma, feelings of inadequacy, sexual themes, sexual content (not detailed), there are a few more but they will spoil the chapter!
A/N: more din pov! because it's so much fun and there are some things y'all need to see through his eyes before some explanations are given c;
all of you were right to think din is gonna need a disguise! but i don't want anyone to think that the desert environment and the choice of clothing is ignorant on my part in light of what is going on in palestine. i've had this original arc planned before the first chapter was even published. here are some resources for aiding those that need help. i've also provided a link to the moodboard for this particular arc, which does include a visual for din's new attire
ao3 link || series masterlist || main masterlist || ko-fi
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Maker, your mother was really doing her best to keep you to herself. It was smart to warn the protection around you of him, to anticipate that he would make an attempt to take you back. But he loathed how much harder it was going to make even just getting into the city.
The weapons he could forgo, but his armor? She knew from her past experience with Akiz that it was a punishable offense for a Mandalorian to remove their helmet. And it was frustrating that she was using his religion, his Creed, his culture, his way of life to keep him at bay and to keep you under her control.
It was an injustice he couldn’t wrap his head around. It was just so conniving, and it was hard to believe how you had turned out so drastically different when being surrounded by someone capable of such extremes. He only hoped that your mother hadn’t done anything drastic to you, caused you to take matters into your own hands. He only hoped that you knew he had spent the last several weeks tearing through the galaxy in search for signs of what had happened to you. That he had rushed toward the planet you were taken to the second he had found it out.
Din needed you to know that he was trying, that he was searching for you, that he missed your presence by his side and aboard his ship. And not simply for the fact that you were a strong, capable fighter. But because the things he had whispered and promised you before he ruined it all were true. He did care for you. He had begun to care for you alarmingly fast after that first encounter.
And maybe it should’ve scared him, been a warning he heeded, the way his heart had lightened and opened up to you. Even despite the circumstances and the breaking of his contract with the Guild. He had been willing to change the circumstances, to do away with the contract he took on when his fingers closed around your offered tracking fob. Because it had felt right to do so, despite the inherent break of what he stood for in that moment. His willingness to do so, it only made him realize that this was real, because he had never felt like this with anyone before. Had never wanted to provide for anyone aside from those that made up his covert before. He had meant it when he had choked out those words back on Nevarro.
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“I can’t wear that.” Din had been cautious as he looked out the cockpit viewpoint and down into the hangar space. The looming racetrack just beyond it, offset from the main city. Crowds and clusters of people swathed in billowing layers and a severe lack of weaponry was a worrisome observation. Upon her return from the markets, offset from the other side of the city, Cara had held out a bundle of clothing to him.
“I did enough recon to know the guards are the only people permitted into the palace without verification. That Sarad’s always surrounded by at least two of them when outside of the palace, though her mother never joins her outside the walls.”
“Because she knows I’d kill her on sight.” Din can’t help the growl of his words, knowing the truth behind them was all too real. Because he would, without hesitation, take out the threat that had presented itself after lying in wait. Striking at the most opportune moment even months after having first contracted your return to her when it seemed like it was fruitless.
“This the only way you’ll get close enough to her, by blending in.” Cara shimmied the bundle at him, wanting him to take it from her despite his trepidation.
“My face will be exposed.” He argued as he stepped away from her. His mind and thoughts at war with the notion of having to remove his armor and the one of doing it in order to save you. He picked up a grumbling ad’ika from where he had been settled in his pod. Taking a pack of dried jerky from the pouch attached to his belt and handed it to him. Happy coos filled the hull of the ship, Din helping to reach into the pouch for each piece the child devoured.
“They wear head coverings and cover their faces. More than a third of the people I saw. Both men and women. I know it’s not ideal, Din,” Cara risked using the man’s real name. Wanting him to hear her and believe that this was the best way, the only way to move about with having to worry about being stopped or appearing suspicious. Hoping to convince him it was the best scenario to avoid showing his whole face should he have to forgo his helmet. She didn’t seem too keen on having to don similar clothing that left little room to conceal a weapon. “Some have mesh over their eyes.”
Din reached out, taking the outfit from her. He would try it on, get a sense of how he felt in the clothing before making his decision. He had half a mind to fly the ship directly into the palace grounds and open fire until you were safely back in his arms. But realistically he knew that was a terrible plan. The man who you had been promised to was entrenched in the New Republic, someone of high standing and to attack him would bring on a whole new level of concerns into his life, into your life.
Setting ad’ika back down into the pod, Din tucked your cloak around him before making his way to the room.
What use was all his armor and weapons if he couldn’t keep you safe? The thought was sharp in his mind as he set about removing each plate, the clasps snapping in the silence of the ship. He stored them in a crate he had brought from his own ship. In it was the pair of pauldrons you had left behind. The armor settled together tugged at his heart, making his chest tights as he wished for you nestled beside him in his bed much like the beskar in the crate. Closing it and setting a lock on it, he already missed the feel of his vambraces, of the weapons hidden over his frame.
Despite being alone, he kept the cowl about his neck in place. The necklace of his people hidden beneath it and he wondered where the one he had gifted you ended up. The ship foreign to him, giving him pause in removing it as he looked over the robes Cara had collected for him. They were all black. Made of a light, flowing material that would cover his entire body. And he began to pull the wide legged pants over his legs.
The top was less a shirt and more of a tunic, cut shorter in the front to fall just below his waist. It offered coverage of his crotch, while the length billowed out down to his knees on either side. He wondered if he should chance donning the chainmail he had retrieved from your home on Tatooine underneath it. He felt exposed, too vulnerable even as he set about fastening the brown leather harness to cross over his chest from his shoulders and the belt that had an empty pouch fastened to it on his left.
Two arm braces made of bronze had been folded up in the clothing, and he slid those over his forearms, grateful for at least something similar.
Thankfully Cara had been able to find something that would allow him to cover his face- mostly. His eyes would be exposed, and he wouldn’t be entirely comfortable forgoing a visor or something similar to hide them behind.
But he set about containing his trimmed curls underneath the cover, wrapping it around twice before securing it with a black leather tie around his forehead, letting the rest of the fabric fall over the back of his neck and shoulders. The smaller black kerchief was secured over the cowl, adding another layer to hide his identity from the world, fastened behind his head and tucked into the leather keeping the head cover in place.
It would be harder for him to track you, to pick up on threats without the settings of the helmet, but he knew that it would immediately warrant attention. He had to leave it behind, depart from the ship without it. It was the only way he would be able to do his own reconnaissance.
Sighing, he turned to face the mirror set into the wall beside the door.
He didn’t recognize the man staring back at him. He was swathed in flowing black from the top of his head down to the tips of his toes. His boots no longer weighed down with a hidden blade or the ring of bullet casings for his pulse rifle.
Sharp brown eyes set under thick, dark brows the only visible part.
Still far too much to be seen. To be witnessed so easily by those around him. By you.
Worry spiked in him, you wouldn’t know it was him. At least, not at first glance. He hoped you would feel a pull to him similar to the one he felt when around you. A comfort in the closeness of your body and presence. A familiarity and sense of connection, the things you had found in each other allowing you to recognize that it was him beneath the different clothing, what was always beneath the armor and helmet.
Self-consciousness, he realized, was the feeling making his stomach flutter and his nerves jittery. He hadn’t been outside of the ship and around people without his armor since he had been inducted into the training corps. He hadn’t been without his helmet since swearing the Creed. The thought of this breeching such a commitment crosses his mind. And while…yes, he had removed his helmet, his face was still concealed.
It was much like the unspoken loophole of removing it in the cover of darkness. The intention of which would have allowed him to give into your pleas for his lips on yours. That he had wanted to do, despite the skimming of lines that should not be crossed. The lines that defined his Creed.
He looked…like one of the natives of the planet. And that was the only consolation he could find in the need for the outfit.
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They’re merely walking through the marketplace, when they see you among the stalls. Din’s instincts urging him to turn onto the street.
You’re right there.
You’re real.
You’re okay.
His heart skips a beat and then quickens, nearly vibrating it’s so fast a pitch. His breath stolen from his lungs as he sees you moving among the crowds. You…you’re so beautiful and luck seems to be on his side as you look unharmed. You seem to be at ease, moving from stall to stall with a pair of guards trailing behind you by a few yards. Black flowing robes much like his own, but the rapier style swords fastened to their sides acted as a silent threat. Weapons in the main part of the city were forbidden.
But you…you were so magnetizing, and Din’s feet were carrying him toward the stall you had stopped in front of. Distantly, he heard the hush of Cara warning him to be cautious. But it was as if the world had shrunk down to just you, his eyes tracking you as if you would vanish should he look away for the barest of seconds.
The fabric of your rather elegant dress a mix of soft white and pale cream. It highlighted the natural golden hue of your skin, though the only part visible was the length of your neck down to your chest with a rather low neckline. The supple skin of your breasts was accented by sparkling golden beading along the collar, creating a dip between them where it was concentrated. The bodice of the dress was cinched by an intricate belt made up of diamond jewels set into gold that created a floral shape right over your stomach before the skirt of the dress billowed out in flowing layers.
The sleeves were long, bishop in style, allowing for the fabric to be loose before cinching around your wrists. Allowing for you strong, capable hands to be exposed. Golden designs of lace woven into the fabric of them and the front of you below where the belt rested on your front. You were sparkling, from the bangles around your wrists to the delicate headpiece that kept your hair away from your face. He could see it as you moved about to take in the fruits of the stall, the way that thin netting was laid over the length of your hair, stones glittering in the sun as you did so. You were a vision bathed in white and gold, his brain short circuiting at the sight of you after so long apart.
But you didn’t look to be a captive, aside from the guards keeping close. No, you looked like you were free of worries, complicit in the life you had been stolen away to be a part of. It was as if this was just another day to run errands and take in the sights of the city, no undertones of eyes glancing around to look for an escape. No tension in your muscles as if poised to run at the first chance. And alarm bells sounded in Din’s mind, loud and harsh. Stirring unease in his middle, bubbling up to tighten in his chest.
He couldn’t help but approach you, even if he had no clue what words to breathe should he be able to find his voice. Even if he had no clue how you would react to seeing him after the emotional fallout from so many days ago. But when you turned to him with a smile, lips closed and eyes kind, they only flitted over his face before they moved down along his body toward where ad’ika had popped his head and chest over the top of the bag slung over his shoulder.
He certainly hadn’t expected you to recognize him, he was without his armor. And though you knew the shape of his body and the way it reacted to your touch; you didn’t know him as he stood beside you now. In flowing black robes and brown leather, a head cover secure over his curls and a flowing material hiding his face aside from his eyes. He realized you wouldn’t be able to recognize them, having never seen the brown of them before. And he greedily drunk in the sight of you without his helmet, delighting in the way the sun lit up the features he had come to admire.
But your attention wasn’t even on him, it was on the small form that had reached out for the bundle of berries in your grip. Plucking one and popping it in his mouth with a satisfied hum. But there was no recognition that flickered over your face upon seeing ad’ika either. It was as if you were seeing him for the first time, a polite curiosity in your gaze. And Din’s gut lurched.
It hadn’t been long enough for you to forget the child, forget him. Forget the life the three of you had carved out from circumstance. Unless you were playing along to not alert the guards of being reunited, not wanting them to suspect anything was amiss. But…but Din didn’t think you were pretending. There had been no fast glance back to him upon seeing the child crop up, there had been no hitch of your breath as realization of him standing beside you set in.
It was as if you didn’t know him at all, know the small form of the child holding your adoring attention.
“Well, hello there, little one.” Your voice was so smooth and calming, like silk against his ears after having not heard it in so many days. He watched as you tilted the bowl closer, making it easier for a tiny green claw to retrieve another berry. A laugh bubbled from you as the child smacked on the fruit, happy sounds flowing from him unbidden.
And then, with a simple question, Din’s heart shattered.
“He’s rather cute, is this your child?”
You had focused your attention back up to him, though you avoided his eyes again. Something he was beginning to think was just a part of every version of you. Because the one standing in front of him was not his own. It couldn’t be.
Words, so many of them, burst to life and died on his tongue in the silence between you two. None of them making it past his lips, his voice lost in injustice of finally being reunited with you and you having no clue as to who he was. Of how much you had been through together, the promises you had whispered to each other, the soft sighs of waking up together, the harsh grunts and desperate whimpers shared between yearning bodies. You had no clue what you meant to him. The only thing he was certain of, was that he was a stranger to you.
Clearing his throat, he managed to utter an affirmative to your gentle question.
“I’ve never seen any like him before, he seems like the sweetest thing.”
And he wanted to tell you that you allowed for him to be so, for the child to have the protection of your skills and caring heart to be just a child after being held a captive for so long. That he had stolen him away from those who wished him harm with your aid. But suddenly, you were being approached by the vendor, your attention splitting from them both beside you.
“Ma’am, you’ll have to pay for- oh, Princess Cala. I’m so sorry.” Strict words and steal façade falling as the man approaching realized who you were. Princess. Because that’s what you were, had been swiped from him to be another’s wife. All memories of your commitment to him forgotten in a cruel twist of fate that Din was determined to get to the bottom of. To rectify. Though he had no clue how to even begin such a daunting task as he was still struggling to accept that it was so. “I was unaware you were in the markets today. Please, take whatever you wish. I will send for payment from Sir Cala at the end of the day.”
“Oh, that’s quite alright.” You appeased gently, hands digging into a small pouch hidden among the layers of your dress. Credits clinked as you set them down atop the table, the jingling of your bracelets catching ad’ika’s attention and he reached for them. “It’s just a little snack today, nothing too crazy.”
As the vendor turned back to duck inside, away from the bright sun and the watching eyes of the guards, it happened.
Ad’ika’s skin connected with your own and you were buckling at the sudden energy that Din could feel flow between you both. Ripples of is cascading through the air. Body overwhelmed and knees weakening at the onslaught as a strangled gasp fell from your lips. Just as you had done back at the compound, history repeating itself in a way he hadn’t expected. He was quick to close the distance, to wrap his arms around you and hold you up. You allowed him to pull you close, your chest flush with his as heaving breaths matched his stuttering ones.
His body igniting at the feel of you against him once again. Of the way your hands gripped his arms to support yourself. The prick of your fingers digging into his muscles and the way your mouth had fallen open in surprise. It was all so normal, the reactions of your body against his. Natural, the magnetism between your bodies making everything feel alright even if it was just for the barest second.
“I’ve got you, mesh’la. Are you alright?” Voice low, he felt it robbed from him when your lashes fluttered, and your eyes met for the first time.  They glinted with something and then –
“Unhand the princess, no one is to touch her!” Twin forms of the guards watching over you were suddenly closing in. It took every ounce of strength he possessed to not take all your weight securely into his arms and run. Hush of swords being pulled from their sheaths had you tearing your eyes away from him, had you shifting your footing to hold yourself up a little better though you didn’t let go of him. And he was grateful for the prolonged seconds of getting to feel you in his arms.
“It’s alright!” You assured the guards, halting them in their steps with a polite smile. “I just tripped is all!”
Loosening the hold he had on you, his hands remained steady as you stepped back from him to stand on your own once again. He was aware of the hard looks aimed at him, as distance bloomed between your bodies.
Endlessly considerate and caring toward the ad’ika, even if you didn’t know it, you carefully handed the bushel of berries into his small claws.
You were bidding him goodbye with an impersonal bow. And he wished to feel the unspoken greeting and departing habit of your forehead nudged against his own you two had established over the course of your time together.
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He fell in line behind them, a safe distance away to not attract their attention or suspicions. His focus so completely on you, the captivation you held over him even now, especially now, spelling his feet forward through the last of the market and through the streets. He was silent as Cara fell into step beside him, questions flowing from her that fell on his straining ears. You were talking with the guards, though it seemed like you were merely confirming the rest of the plans for the day.
And they would know, they would be by your side every time you left the palace, he mused as he watched your trio wait outside of the large wooden doors that led into the place you now called home. It was surrounded by a large, easily fifteen-foot wall made up of decorative tiles and white stone. He caught a glimpse of large gardens, complete with bright blue ponds and lush plant life making a beautiful backdrop to your form. But his eyes snapped back to you, taking notice of how the guards had begun to walk away and toward a small building that must act as their command center. They were replaced by two young women, dressed in long pale blue layers that followed your every step.
As you began to move along the paths lined throughout the garden, a figure approached you. And the tension Din had been worried to not see in your shoulders seemed to slam into you. The figure moved from beneath the shade of a large palm, having been waiting on a bench. It was a woman, one who bore a strong resemblance to you from tone of skin to the color of your eyes. Your mother.
Arms were slung together and Din could see even with the distance how her touch made you uncomfortable. And it was all so confusing. You remembered your mother, memories of her intact but you had somehow forgotten who he was, who ad’ika was. Forgotten who you were enough to not make an attempt to escape, submitting yourself to the life your mother had created for you.
And then, a man in elaborate robes adorned with jewels and lace designs much like your own approached you both. He was dressed in colors that complimented your own clothing. His own jewelry fastened over his head cover much like yours, though decidedly heavier, more masculine to the dainty feminine of yours. Matching.
A hand came over his shoulder as he realized he was breathing harshly, no helmet to disguise the deep push and pull of it as he watched you disentangle from your mother and step into the man’s personal space. The front of your bodies touching together as his hands splayed wide on your shoulders, as your own wrapped around his neck. As you perked up to press your forehead to his, in the way that was Din’s.
His chest hurt, his hands clenched, body alight with the need to rush forward and tear the two of you apart from each other. His ears hurt with the silence pressing against them too firm to shake. To press his own forehead against your own and plead with you to see him, to remember him. Remember what you meant to each other.
It was a small blessing of the Maker that your back was to him, because he didn’t think he would be able to take the way your gaze had softened as you looked into the eyes of the man holding you. The same one he would find aimed at him throughout the day, mirth in your eyes as your lips pulled into a soft smile. Adoration and admiration soothing the concentrated look you normally held. Not when the man looking back at you held the same exact expression.
The one always hidden behind his visor.
The same face that was now hardened in a flurry of emotions, his jaw clenched tight, teeth grinding, and eyes ablaze as he watched the man dip his face and press his lips to yours in a kiss.
A kiss.
The very thing that had unraveled the entire life you two had created out of circumstance and connection, the very thing you now shared with another.
Your easy laughter was what brought his senses back, though it was cut off from him as quickly as it had been delivered as you began to walk hand in hand with the man down the path leading to the palace entrance.
Din’s mind was working, working, working. Trying to figure it out, trying to come up it a way to figure it out. To rectify it. To make it right. To make everything right.
And as if a chip was falling into place, he realized. They could fall into line as a guard and a handmaiden.
It was so obvious, so easy, the plan coming together in his mind as the wooden doors swung shut and stole you away from his watching gaze.
“Mando…” Cara’s voice was gentle, as if she was worried she would startle him. Spur him into movement toward you, tackling the obstacles that stood between you both despite the consequences. “I don’t know exactly what-“
“We’ll talk back at the ship.” His words were rough, voice rumbling as if he had just swallowed gravel. It felt thick in his throat, coating his tongue and making it hard to speak.
“It’s customary for visitors to stay in the tourism sector.”
“I’m…low on credits.” He admitted, aware that his words were carried on deep exhales, air hard and solid when breathed in. Aching, hurting, stinging in his throat as he closed his eyes to rid himself of the image of you embraced so intimately with that man, with your husband. But the image was burned into the backs of his eyelids, pressing on him even as he clenched them shut.
“Good thing I’m not. Let’s go, I have a feeling you’re going to tell me this isn’t going to be as simple as sneaking in at night and whisking her away.”
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Din followed the woman’s lead through the city, through the gates and toward the collection of tourism amenities. The sounds of the ocean waves getting louder the further they moved away from the palace.
The suite was grand, decorated lavishly in soft earth tones. Bright jewel tones accenting it all around.
But Din’s eyes were unfocused, unseeing as they stared down at the carpet, his head in his hands as he sat rigidly on the couch. With a deep breath pulled in and then let out, he deflated. Chest tight like he was being retrained with ropes, his limbs tingling as if the blood was having trouble flowing through them. His nerves felt both numb and overwhelmed all at the same time.
Cara just paced around the room, searching for potential bugs while she ensured ad’ika was settled in a chair with the fruit you had bought for them in a bowl for him to occupy himself. Din’s voice returned to him when he felt the couch shift with her weight on the other side.
“She doesn’t know who I am.”
“I wouldn’t recognize you, Mando, it’s just the clothes. I’m sure she was just pretending to be clueless to avoid suspicion. She saw ad’ika and even got him those berries.”
“No. Cara.” He surged up, feeling the need to move. To be on his feet, his mind hurling endless self-depreciating thoughts. This was all his fault, you were in the arms of another man because of him, your mother had been able to snatch you away because of his carelessness. His lack of speed when chasing after you, his lack of ability to have tracked you down and bring you back to the Crest as quickly as possible. He had failed you, he had failed you beyond comprehension and you didn’t even remember it.
He meant nothing to you, he was a stranger to you. While you willingly lived alongside that man who had every intention of letting you know how much he wanted you, desired you, who kriffing kissed you.
Aware of her eyes on him, Din paced back and forth in front of the couch. Feeling the need to move, to run, to chase, to track, to fix. She was watching him, a conflicted look about her features as she thought over the things they witnessed. The blatant issues that they had to move around in order to get to you.
Maker, what if…what if you shared the man’s bed. That would add another layer of complication to breaking you free of your imprisonment. Was it even imprisonment anymore? Did it qualify if you didn’t know the people who surrounded you were the ones who had manipulated you so completely, so intricately that they had somehow wiped your memory and fed you a story of what they wanted their lives to be in order to make it a reality?
Even if he could manage to convince you that you weren’t meant to be a dank ferrick princess in a palace, how would he prove to you that you were meant to be with him? His ship was old, needed repairs too often, his way of life, it all paled in comparison to the residence you had now, the quality of life you had now. How was he supposed to make you understand that he cared about you and that you cared about him if you didn’t know who he was?
Your mother certainly knew what she was doing. From the wiping of your memory to make it harder for him to convince you that your life was a sham, a lie, a false thing made up by those around you to the warning posters of him plastered around the city. The version of you he knew was wary of strangers and he would bet everything in his name that you still held that reservation. That anything he or Cara had to say wouldn’t be taken lightly, most likely result in their immediate order of removal should you find them guilty of trying to manipulate you.
“She doesn’t remember me. Or ad’ika. Her mother must’ve done something to her. There was no recognition in her eyes.” Heart thudding hard in his aching chest, Din couldn’t stop the sob that wracked through him. “I’m nothing to her.”
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Darkness and the pull of the cold feeling drumming through your veins lightening ever so slightly as you begin to rouse, body limp and not heeding your commands to move. Alone. You’re alone. Metal clinking and heavy around your wrists and ankles. Around your neck.
You’re shackled, restrained, drugged.
Like so many times before, like you had never wanted to be again.
It’s quiet, unnervingly so.
Opening your eyes doesn’t allow you more of the setting you’re in, only darkness of the room you’re hidden away in. Gravity lurches and you know, can sense it: that you’re aboard a ship that has just taken off into the air. Traveling and distance growing, taking you away from them. From him.
Had he even realized you were gone? That you had been seeking solace, a way to return to him without shame prickling your skin and guilt flooding you, body tight and mind remorseful.
Everything was a haze. Everything jumbled up into a messy recollection. The pleasure that had been igniting you, the feel of his fingers deep and hitting that spot just right, building you up and tearing down your inhibitions. Enough so that you had pleaded with him for the one thing you knew he wouldn’t give you. And then it was gone, shifting to rejection. The blank, emotionless helmet shielding the way he must’ve been so repulsed by your question, your desperation to have more of him when he had already given you so much. Needy, selfish, you had been so wrapped up in him that you had offended him beyond words. Warped the path you two had been traveling together, guiding him without realizing it, off the distinguished trail and into the unknown. To the forbidden. Toward sin.
You had tried to convince him to break his Creed.
Heart heavy and mind trying to piece everything back together, you convulsed. Shocks ripping through you at the sudden movement.
Whimpering, you felt it was more than deserved. This punishment, being forced to submit once again at the hands of your mother. All of it was because of the temptation you had dared to whisper to a man so devoted. He would’ve lost everything had he followed you into it. From the very identity of himself to the new standing of a clan he had just been granted. All gone.
And for what? A measly kiss with someone who didn’t even know how to want without asking for too much. A shared mingling of breath and teeth and tongue with someone who should’ve been long dead for their own sins.
Brightness burst into the room, assaulting your senses as footsteps shuffled close.
The prick of a needle sharp, the swoop of your nerves being calmed and then raised to tingling heights.
A gentle caress of a hand on your cheek and the last thought you had before you were pulled back into the darkness heart more than anything your mother could do to you:
He hadn’t come after you. He had let you walk away.
We can’t…I-I don’t...
Through the hull and off the ship, let you slip into the crowd where he hoped you would disappear from his sight. Vanish from his life and taking the sins you had tempted him with.
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Compliant. You would be compliant this time around. Now knowing that there was nothing else for you, the entire galaxy making a mockery of your attempt at finding a life other than this. The blood of so many on your hands and cleaned off the hilt of your saber, the reason as to why you didn’t deserve happiness or comfortability. That you hadn’t deserved him.
And it hurt. More than the throbbing high spurred on by the drugs in your system. More than the memories of everything you had ever known being ripped from your desperate hands, not once but twice. The thought of him simply sat on that cot still, slowly dressing, gathering the things you had left behind and shoving them in a crate to never be opened again, hurt. The thought of him climbing toward the cockpit and bringing the ship to life, of guiding it up into the air and leaving the planet behind, leaving you behind, hurt. It was devastating.
Because you knew, you know he would’ve come to your aid if he had known what had happened. That you had been on your way back to the ship with an apology on your tongue when you had been ambushed. You know he would’ve protected you, even if he didn’t want you. Out of some sort of personal obligation, out of the empty commitment he had made to you that now felt like a ploy to get you into his bed.
He had known your past, seen the evidence of it in your words and nightmares. He had known to how use it to his advantage, to whisper sweet nothings and notions of care beyond what you could provide him with your body to get exactly that. He had known to not pressure you, to let you come to him and he would get what he wanted all along. The same as every man, only seeing you as a body to warm your bed.
But…he wasn’t. He couldn’t be.
Ni kar'tayl gar darasuum. I love you.
He had said it first, as he bled out on that dirty cantina floor as the building crumbled around you both.
Anything spoken by a man of few words had to mean something. Had to be genuine. Had to be real.
And that hurt far worse, that he cared and had still let you walk away. Disappear into the crowd of the planet, only to be taken hostage and away from him. That he had let it happen.
The confusing and painful thoughts circling around in your sluggish mind were cut short, turned to smoke that wafted away when the metallic clang of what had to the locking mechanism on the door to where you were being kept. Artificial light filtered into the room, blinding you as your eyes tried to adjust to the sudden shift from near blinding darkness. A soft voice was speaking to you, thought you couldn’t make out the words. Brain scrambled and too loaded up to understand.
It was astonishing, really, even through the haze, that your mother’s hands were gentle on you despite the things she subjected you to. Comforting caresses and fingers moving your hair and clothing in ways to avoid pinching or pain as she removed the shackles and began to untangle you from the chains that had wrapped around you. It felt like a loss, to no longer have them pressing into your skin, no longer holding you up as your head rolled on hard to hold up neck.
“Oh oh oh, it’s okay, sweetie, I’ve got you.” Your mother’s voice was syrupy sweet, coating you in its allure. The only thing you truly knew was real in this moment of time. Her hands helped you up on weak legs, arms going around your waist to hold you to her, support most of your weight. “We’re home, my darling. I think it’s gonna treat us well, this time around.”
Confusion colored your senses and prompted a warbled sound to fall from your lips as she led you to the fresher. She helped to disrobe you, carefully peeling the clothing from your scuffed and sweaty skin. The weight of your hair being let loose from its braided updo stirred the beginnings of a headache. Trying to establish itself even in the presence of the drugs thrumming through your veins.
She washed you free of the sweat and grime that had built up on your skin in the time it had taken to guide your sluggish and unaware form onto a ship for travel.
Hands that didn’t feel like her own filled your senses. Larger than hers, rougher than hers, more intentional than hers. The feeling being washed away along with the suds and bubbles down the drain as you felt the prick of something in your neck and everything became fuzzy.
Things slowly returned to you as you felt the hum weighted over you lighten. Gravity shifted and a feeling of foreboding bubbled up in your stomach, prickling the instincts compressed inside your mind until they could do nothing but trigger ever so slightly. The hush of the door opening had you shifting atop the bedding, looking toward it to see the shadow of your mother approaching you with a cloak.
But it wasn’t yours, because the one you had been gifted, the one with the beautiful floral clasps to keep it closed, had been left behind in your haste. Haste to run from the feelings of inadequacy and heartbreak that threatened to overwhelm you even if you couldn’t piece together the specifics. Too overcome with the things your mother pressed into your veins to have you sluggish and heeding her commands.
The flash of a shiny reflection of sunlight against the metal of a sword stirred something in you as you walked alongside her. She was supporting most of your weight, guiding you along down the ramp of the ship and you paused at the sight before you. Blinking, ensuring that the image wouldn’t melt away and that it was real, you couldn’t believe your eyes.
A garden. Lush and green, was stretched out before a grand palace of white and sandy stone. Pillars and domes accent the different parts of grand sight. It was magnificent and entirely too complicated for you to be able to find a way to escape once within the walls. Guards cloaked in black were stationed at the main entrance and along entryways within the halls. Women in rich jewel tones scattered about the palace as your mother guided you through it, being led herself by a man who held an air of authority about himself.
Your heart beating fast, dizzyingly fast and your breath becomes labored, pitchy. It garners the attention of your mother, the shift from quiet to increasing panic as your led further into the maze of halls and buildings. She holds the control to the shackles about your wrists and ankles in her hand, waving it at you to quell the twitching of your muscles as you tried to resist running, of harnessing the Force to send everyone around you flying through the wide hallway. The silent threat of the electricity sparking through your synapses paired with the way the world didn’t feel quite right, everything off kilter and slightly blurry, fuzzy all around you had you obeying her without a word.
She commanded the people around you both as you were ushered through a door into a sterile room, medical equipment and first aid supplies collected in a large cabinet. The medical center, you guessed through the haze and worry spiked through you. What was she going to have them do to you?
With soft words, she urged you to lay down atop one of the cots. Smoothing your hair away from your face with gentle hands as the prick of a needle startled you. An attendant, a man dressed in dark red billowing layers, had stuck you with a syringe.
Before you could form your lips around a question, a plea, the edges of your vision blurred. Within seconds, the room was spinning and your eyes fluttered shut. The last thing you thought of before being pulled under the influence of the sedative was a plea for Din and ad’ika to be safe, wherever they may be.
“Alright,” Your mother chirped once you had fallen unconscious. The man in red regarded her with a blank expression, knowing that he was here for one reason and one reason only. Being paid generously for the use of his skills and the machinery that he possessed. He was one of the few who had been sought out by the New Republic to recalibrate and repurpose something used by the Empire that would prove useful for them as well.
Rumors of such a machine were whispered across the galaxy, most believing them to have been destroyed. But they would be wrong, they were very prevalent in the reformation and reintroduction of the Empire’s countless forces back into the general population. To break the spell of indoctrination imposed on them with low force electric vibrations. The Six-O-Two Mitigator, otherwise known as a Mind Flayer. Curtesy of the royal families firm standing within the New Republic and their generous donations to help fund their endeavors.
“Is it ready?”
“Yes, it’s been calibrated to perform at a higher voltage to achieve what you’ve requested.” He spoke as he watched two attending medics wheel the cot you were laid upon toward the doorway that lead into another room. He followed them, with a wave of his arm to allow for your mother to proceed him. She did so with a dip of her head.
“I’m sure you know how to oblige what is being requested of you. From me and from the Prince. We will settle for nothing less.”
“I do, you want me to target the memory glands.”
“Yes, eradicate anything that sparks in response to the Mandalorians and the Jedi. Warp them if you have to.”
“I will do my best, it may take multiple sessions.”
“That’s quite alright, we are here now. We have the time.”
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Something was wrong. Something was missing.
And your head was pounding, a dull pain throbbing at your crown and moving down, down, down to coat your entire body. Groaning, you realized you were laying in a large, plush bed. Pillows and soft blankets surrounding you, having allowed you the comfort to sleep deeply. Deep enough that you couldn’t recall the location of where you were.
The room is beautiful, all pale, soft tones that match the way you had always wanted to decorate your own home one day. But it was a lost thought, something that would never come to fruition. A personal home that you would never have, a home that you would never share, because the people that you love no longer exist to you, faded into blips you can’t recall. But there was one shadow that you could sense in the back of your mind. And it was making you worry about the way you couldn’t fill it. The underlying feeling of something wrong settling low in your gut.
The room is completely foreign as is the scene of a desert city surrounded by large, formidable walls of stone. You now stood on the balcony, having crossed the spacious interior decorated with tapestries and thin beaded curtains to take a look outside. Your body protested the movements, sluggish to respond to your need to figure out where you were.
The door creaked open, a pair of young women with a tray froze as they say you out on the balcony.
And then, a familiar figure shouldered past them with a wide smile.
“Yes, my sweetheart, how are you feeling?” She was across the room, her arm over your shoulder as she guided you to take a seat in one of two chairs that surrounded a small, low table. Across from them, on the other side, a long, curved couch that looked to be velvet stretched out.
“I feel okay, I’m just a little confused. When did we move….here?” You felt like something was missing still, aside from the curiosity of the foreign environment. You were looking around the room, trying to nudge that vague shadow of whatever it was into a more concrete form. And then it did, the shadow took the form of a man and your heart skipped a beat. “Is he okay?”
“Who, honey?”
“Um…the man I’ve been traveling with. He- he was injured, his…his head!” You felt panic ripple over you, very real and so overwhelming. You had been traveling with someone, that much you knew. But the name, the specifics of him weren’t coming to you. But it felt so real, the phantom feel of the man who you had been with, you carried him with you, and you needed to know if he was okay.
“Honey, he wasn’t the one that fell. You were.”
“Where is he?” Her words didn’t shake the panic settling into your bones. A memory of kneeling in front of an injured man, cradling his face in your hands as he lay before you flashed in your mind’s eye. The feeling of heat washing over you, as if trying to consume you.
“He’s a very busy man, he was going to visit this afternoon.” You mother tried to console you, moving to sit on the arm of your chair and reaching out to cusp a hand over your shoulder.
“I need to see him now!” You stood, anger spiking. Lungs aching for air, for the vision of the man whose touch was ghosting over your skin, whispers of promises and comfort filling your ears. All coming back as the shadow in your mind grew larger and larger, taking space and becoming all consuming,
“Alright, honey, hold-“ She caught your hand as you walked past her, set on searching for him. Needing to see him, to ensure that he was okay. The feeling of warm blood thick on your hands.
“That’s quite alright, Lena.” A deep voice spoke from the open doorway and you felt your knees buckle as you looked over toward it. The tall figure of a broad man was standing there, dressed in orange and gold. He had dark, thick hair on the top of his head and decorating his face. He looked healthy and relief replaced the panic. The feeling of comfort at his few words urging you back up from where you had reached out for the couch. Memories of laughter and teasing, of time spent together coming back to you as if he had brought them into the room with him. “I had a spare moment today, is everything okay here?”
“I-I just…I needed to make sure you were okay.” The words left you in a shaky breath. His image filled the form of the shadow, pushing you toward him. He opened his arms and you moved into them, lifting up on your tip toes to press your forehead to his own and everything whirling around in your mind calmed.
“My heart, are you alright?” His breath fanned over your face and your eyes focused on his lips. Waiting for an answer to flow from them. For all the memories that had flooded back when you first looked at him, you couldn’t recall the feel of his lips on your own.
“I’ve got you, beautiful. Everything is going to be okay.”
Before the last word was uttered, you were surging up and pressing your lips to his.
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Weeks go by, the days spent with your mother and the maidens assigned to look after you and ensure you had everything you needed. Prince Cala was accommodating, doting almost when he was free from the responsibilities that came with running a successful city. He was a prince, you learned. Set to inherit his royal standing of king and full control over the city once the marriage he had proposed to you in your murky past came to fruition. He was all soft, casual touches and kisses pressed to your temples. He hadn’t kissed you fully since that first day you had woken up and you could understand his hesitancy. You were still struggling with your memory, no exact recollection of your lives together.
Assurances spoke from both him and your mother that this was indeed your life, even if everything seemed so new and part of a routine you didn’t quite feel like you were a part of. You were…slightly uncomfortable in your mother’s presence, when alone. An almost fearful undertone as you watched her movements closely, feigning focused interest in the things she told you and shared with you to mask the way your eyes catalogued everything. There was a faint weight that pulled in your gut when she would touch you, her hands always gentle but it was as if… it was as if your body was waiting for the gentle to give way to something more sinister, more ill-intentioned.
You felt more at ease with the man who had filled the shadow in your mind, his presence calming and kind. You weren’t waiting for his touch to sour, though it didn’t spring forth any feelings of desire or yearning from you. A causal intimacy between you both. Slightly disjointed in the way that you had separate room when you could recall sleeping beside a warm body before your accident. In the way that he would press his forehead to yours in greeting each morning and departure each night, the warmth of his skin against yours feeling….wrong as you recalled a coolness in the memories of the practiced motion. In the way that your flowing gowns and light layers looked beautiful in every color provided to you helped to alleviate the heat of the planet but felt too…impractical when you could recall feeling different clothing against your skin, practical, durable.
But for all the things that felt slightly shifted, you also found familiarity.
The ever present heat and bright sunshine of the planet, so unlike your own world of K’ath and yet it was almost comforting in a way. The food you enjoyed at the words of your mother and fiancé to the kitchens to keep on hand. Fresh fruits, crispy vegetables, and warm bread slathered with salted butter fresh from the ovens. Plenty of soups served over rice and easy broths for you to sip from ornate china, never anything too heavy or slathered in rich sauces. Sweet treats in the form of artisan chocolate, decadent cakes with frosting covering them in intricate designs and an endless supply of fresh, strong caf.
But you took it all in stride, spending time in the gardens, memorizing the walkways that wound through them and around the cerulean ponds filled with colorful fish. Spending time in the library and reading through the history of the planet and the city. Spending time in the lush sunroom decorated with plush rugs, overstuffed seating, and a nice view of the grounds just beyond it. Spending time overlooking the beautiful sights of the city and the distant ocean from your balcony, unable to shake the feeling like you were supposed to be somewhere else.
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You tried to ignore the guards hovering around you as you explored the streets of the market. You had earned the outing after your good behavior, showing restraint in the questions you had wanted to ask but didn’t want to repeat yet again the night before. Shaking those thoughts from your head, you reached up and adjusted the dainty crown atop your head. The beautiful netting sprinkled with jewels fanning the base of it cascading over your hair in quite a nice way and it would look beautiful if the piece weren’t a deadly threat. It was a little overkill, you thought. Even if you had been nothing but willing to play along to your mothers and husbands’ words despite feeling like something was wrong, missing, like this wasn’t your life. But they were all that you knew right now, the figure of your mother familiar from childhood and you heeded her words.
You were at a stall that had an array of colorful and fragrant fruits, the sweet perfume of them blending together too tempting for you to bypass without checking out. A creature of habit, your mother called you. A woman of expensive taste, teasingly aimed at you from your husband. They knew you
You paused to hold a bundle of sunset orange berries up to inspect. A small green hand with three fingers suddenly reached out for the bowl in your hand and you jumped only slightly at the sudden company you had as you perused the stalls offerings. You turned a cautious look over but a smile broke out on your face at the cute visage of a small, wonderous face peeking out from a canvas bag that seemed to be his safe space.
“Well, hello there, little one.” You lowered the bowl for the small creature to reach for a berry, the fruit stuffed into his mouth with a happy sound that had a laugh bubbling up from your chest unbidden. “He’s rather cute. Is this your child?”
You canted your attention up, at the broad man dressed in all black who was wearing the child’s bag over a shoulder. His clothing was nondescript, matching that of the priests who littered the town. Flowing cassock and wrap atop his head. His face was obscured, much like their own by black gauzy material draped from underneath it. His dark brown eyes were the only thing visible, and you smiled at him trying to come across as friendly. You didn’t want to anger anyone in town lest they had a connection to your new family.
The figure didn’t speak for a moment, seeming to take stock of you, gauging if you were a threat or not, something everyone seemed to be doing when interacting with you. A newcomer, an outsider, not one of the many tourists visiting the city for their own amusement, but someone brought in to be a part of the ruling family. Confirmation sounded through the fabric masking his face from you and you nodded to show you heard. “He is.”
“I’ve never seen any like him before, he seems like the sweetest thing.” The child let out small coos, as if knowing he was being talked about. He reached for another berry but held it out to you this time. You shook your head lightly and another laugh bubbled up even as you felt the heavy gaze of his father on you.
“Ma’am, you’ll have to pay for- Oh, Princess Cala, I’m so sorry. I was unaware you were in the markets today. Please, take whatever you wish, I will send for payment from Sir Cala at the end of the day.”
“Oh, that’s quite alright. It’s just a little snack today, nothing too crazy.” You smiled wide at him, hoping your behavior will be relayed back to your new family and they will lower their intensity. But you also genuinely appreciated this man, he treated you like a person while everyone else in the market kept a wide berth around you. Afraid of either you as a newcomer or the guards that tailed you, you hadn’t been able to work it out yet. You reached for the small pouch attached to your belt, the jingling of the bracelets on your wrists drawing the attention of the child.
You felt the tug of on them as you reached out to place a few credits for the bowl of berries on the stand, nodding your thanks as you turned to face the child again. He was gripping the bracelets tightly, his skin touching yours as he did so and a clash of emotions flooded you, causing you to gasp and your knees buckled. Before the guards could reach you, the tall man had stepped close and his arms were wrapped gently around your back, holding you to his chest to help steady you.
“I’ve got you, mesh’la. Are you alright?” His head was pitched so his voice was right beside your ear, and it sent a shiver through your body, the timbre of it so alluring. It was all you could hear though you were aware of the soft babbling of the child close to you and the harsh voices of the guards. You felt completely calm with him, like returning to your home after a long day. Comforted, safe, cared for. His touch was so familiar, the way he held you feeling like a faint memory though you had never met him in your life.
“Unhand the princess, no one is to touch her.” The guards closed in around you both, trapping you between their bodies and the stall.
“It’s alright! I just tripped is all!” You raised your voice even though it was rather hard to concentrate with the strong body pressed up against you and holding you. You felt the man loosen his hold and step away as you stood straighter. You weren’t quite sure what happened, but he had been quick to help you, even at the expense of drawing the guards’ attention. You smiled at him, something genuine. The feelings he had stirred in you were confusing but not unwelcome. You had no idea why. He was a stranger after all.
“We must return now, Princess Cala.”
When his touch retracted, the warmth that had blossomed in your chest and the quickening of your heart beating against the cage of your ribs didn’t wane. 
You retrieved the bowl of berries and held a few out to the slightly dejected child, his large ears turned downward. “Here you go, little one. Make sure to share those with your papa, okay?”
Another glance roved over his face, a soft smile just for him, and you were bidding him a good day with a bow of your head. The urge to press your forehead against his strong, but you resisted, knowing that it felt too personal a thing for the stranger standing beside you. Your brow furrowed slightly, unsure of where the need to do so rose from. The comfortability and underlying feeling of complete and utter safety that the man stoked in you confusing you, he was a stranger, and yet it felt like there was a string wrapped around your heart that pulled taught and uncomfortable as you began to move away from him.
And with that you were turning and walking away from the stall, two guards leading you back to the palace and two behind you. You could feel the kind man’s brown eyes watching you as you did, daring to look over your shoulder to get one last look at him yourself.
Your breath hitched as your eyes met his even from the distance of the street and you felt the heat from his intimate touch and soft words encompass you completely. A dull pain throbbed in your temple, forcing you to turn away.
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haveyouheardthisband · 5 months
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Gonna write this up bc every time I see @dragongirltongue 's post about dragons as beings beyond the simple logics of mortal reasoning that can only be harmed in thematically resonant ways I can't help but apply that to the Elder Dragons in Guild Wars 2. Long post ahead.
Firstly, the dragons make up an integral part of the world. In roughly 10000 year cycles, they wake up, consume all of the magic and life in Tyria over several centuries, and fall asleep, the consumed magic slowly seeps back out until they wake up yet again. The births of stars coincide with Dragonrise, and when the commander sees the Eternal Alchemy, they see representations of the dragons orbiting the world. They are all incredibly massive, and their reach is even farther, as they exude their own energies that shape the world around them, and their breath transforms creatures, corpses, or even stones into their loyal minions.
Each dragon has a thematic weakness, which can only be employed during massive scale battles. The Pact commands fleets of airships against Zhaitan and Mordremith, both losing many in the process. Almost all of them have dedicated maps where you battle against them (Zhaitan gets a dungeon, which is kind of depreciated but still kind of a whole map, just not in the open world).
Now, to discuss each of the dragons in particular.
Zhaitan, dragon of Death and Shadow, is the first that the Commander has to fight with. Its domain is the sunken continent of Orr, which it has raised from the ocean. Orr sank after constant infighting in the titular Guild Wars, and its fate was sealed when its leader used dark magics to prevent the charr legions from conquering it as they had taken Ascalon to the north. Zhaitans minions are the Risen, the shambling corpses of the people and creatures of Orr, as well a their later victims. Many of its more specialized minions are the corpses of the old kings of Orr, who act much more directly as its eyes and mouth.
The player character enters Tyria in a time of conflict. The peoples of central Tyria are all divided into a variety of little factions. The core story culminates in the Risen invasion of Claw Island, prompting the player and Trahearne (a sylvari that shows up some in the earlier story beats, mostly for the sylvari story) rally the three major factions (the player is a member of one of those), eventually taking on Zhaitan in Orr. (this is when the player character takes on the Commander moniker) This campaign involves lots of deception (Risen mesmer tricks you into shelling your own troops, stuff like that) At the same time, the Pact takes on Zhaitan by targeting its foremost minions, weakening Zhaitan before cleansing the waters of Orr and producing airships using a combination of the technologies of the peoples of Tyria. Zhaitan's defeat is then the first sign that the elder dragons can be defeated and their destruction can be stopped.
Then, as living world season 1 starts, the next elder dragon of the narrative, Mordremoth moves his pawn, Scarlet Briar, in to the scene. Eventually, once she drills straight into the center of Lion's Arch to hit the ley line nexus beneath it. The burst of power allows Mordremoth to expand his reach out across Tyria while also reclaiming his hold over the Sylvari, who were meant to be his minions but were protected by the Pale Tree. Mordremoth is the dragon of Plant and Mind, and so he extends his influence through the minds of the plantlike sylvari, spreading paranoia throughout the scattered forces of the Pact.
Mordremoth's defeat comes at the end of Heart of Thorns, in the dedicated Dragons Stand map. The climax of the story has the Commander attack Mordremoth in his own mind. (Dragon of mind must be targeted in the mind)
The plot after this diverts a bit from fighting elder dragons as other plot threads from Heart of Thorns get focus. The ones that are still relevant to the Elder Dragons is the raising of the newborn dragon Aurene (more on her later) and the elaboration of the nature of the Elder Dragons (which I discussed earlier). Taimi (precocious young Asura) realizes that the dead dragons' powers are being spread out to the other elder dragons, while also destabilizing the flow of magic throughout the world. She also develops a machine that could pit the fire and ice dragons' magic energies against each other, neutralizing them without further casualties. The war god Balthazar, part of the other narrative thread of season 3, tries to commandeer this machine and goes on a rampage down the Crystal Desert to try and kill Kralkatorrik.
Kralkatorrik, dragon of Crystal and Fury, is a doozy who's been haunting the narrative the whole while. Destiny's Edge, a guild consisting of the initial mentor characters and the scholar Snaff, attempted to kill Kralkatorrik. Despite the aid of Glint, Kralkatorrik's rebellious daughter, the Human Logan Thackeray is called away to protect Queen Jennah (who he is immensely loyal to), and his absence causes the deaths of both Snaff and Glint. The guild is bitter and scattered until the campaign against Zhaitan, and most of them are grievously wounded, killed, or otherwise put out of action during Heart of Thorns, causing the creation of the Dragon's Watch guild. I've gone on a tangent, but basically Kralk's been around a while.
Also Aurene is Glint's daughter.
Kralkatorrik's weakness is, essentially, his own blood. Glint threatened Kralk. Aurene threatened Kralk. Almorra Soulkeeper, leader of the Vigil (one of the three factions of the Pact), who formed the Vigil after her warband was branded (affected by Kralkatorrik's corruption), was a tribune of the Blood Legion. Later, this weakness is more literal, as the Pact fashions weapons made of Kralkatorrik's actual blood to harm him.
After Kralkatorrik is defeated in Dragon's Fall, the plot turns to Jormag (dragon of Ice and Persuasion) and Primordus (dragon of Fire and Destruction). The elder dragons are all siblings, but these two have a rivalry going on. Jormag drove the Norn and Kodan down from their mountain homes, while Primordus drove the Asura and Skritt from the caves beneath Tyria. Jormag is calm and scheming, driving a faction of the Norn, the Sons of Svanir, to their service. Primordus has a much more primal drive, making stones and lava work for him. The climax ties back to Taimi's idea of pitting the two together, where the two are drawn to fight each other while Aurene tries to keep the fight going. They also both take champions, in the form of Braham Eirsson (Norn singlemindedly driven to kill Jormag) and Ryland Steelcatcher (Charr manipulator who starts a civil war to relive charr dominance over Tyria).
Last is Soo Won, dragon of Water and Life, the last of the Elder Dragons, and the first to come into being. At the beginning of End of Dragons, she starts to mentor Aurene, knowing her own time is not much longer. The dead dragons have been causing mayhem with the magical system, causing issues with Dragonvoid, manifesting as reflections of the previous dragon's minions. Aurene has to take up her mantle as the facilitator of the world's magic as Soo Won is consumed by the void. The battle with Soo Won, driven to senseless violence by the void, takes place over the Jade Sea, an ocean turned to jade in events part of gw1. In the end, Soo Won is tired, and speaks gently to Aurene.
Aurene still lives, but ends the End of Dragons post-expansion story by summoning Caithe and the Commander to tell them that she must enter a long sleep in order to properly develop into her new role. Aurene also dies at one point prior, killed in a failed attempt on Kralkatorrik's life, and she is only fine because she ate an ancient lich a while back so the necromantic energy is in her.
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aislesofstrange · 7 months
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The Depreciation Guild, 2009
Photos by Josh Eustis
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byfurries4furries · 1 year
Furry Music Omnibus 1
So I'm going to recommend multiple musical artists, mostly because it's hard to talk about a musical artist for very long and because it's easy to listen to multiple artists in a relatively short amount of time. I'll do... let's go with 3.
Anthemics (Chill/Lo-Fi/Alt Rock)
Anthemics is a musician whose most known for his work on several furry visual novels, particularly ones by Echo Project, a studio who've become highly acclaimed in the fandom for multiple amazing VNs like Echo, Adastra, the Smoke Room, and Arches, all of which I've covered at some point. He's made music specifically for Arches and Khemia, an unfinished sequel to Adastra, but he's also contributed a few tracks to the Smoke Room, Interea, and Glory Hounds. He's also made a lot of music for furry VNs by other studios like Remember the Flowers. His music is best described as like Shoegaze music in the vain of bands like M83 or the Depreciation Guild with strong elements of chill electronica. Furry VNs usually only have public domain music dominating their soundtracks, but Anthemics is one of the few artists making original music for them and he's extremely good at what he does. I highly recommend "Aquatic" from the Khemia soundtrack if you want somewhere to start.
Ken Ashcorp (Alt Rock)
Ken Ashcorp is a furry who to many is most famous for his brony party song "20 Percent Cooler". Normally I would exclude artists or works within the My Little Pony fandom as there are already more than enough avenues for creators in that fandom to get the attention they deserve, but fortunately for Ken, he only ever made one brony song and is largely absent from the brony music scene and has been for much, much longer than he's ever had any presence within it. Anyways, his style is more like pop punk but mostly in a more dance-heavy vain, but it's sometimes more like indie folk or acoustic pop. It's really good and I highly recommend most of his work if you like nerdy punk-ish music about video games and anime. I especially recommend his song "Hunter"
Tenkitsune (Happy Hardcore)
Tenkitsune is an amazing artist with a really great ability to make his music sound as bright and bubbly and happy as possible. You'd have to be in a massively sour mood not to smile a little bit when you hear it. I think it should be a crime that he hasn't made any game soundtrack, because his music has the perfect vibe for a Kirby or Yoshi fangame or at least a level in that same vain. I especially recommend his whole album Little Fox Adventure, because it's some of his best work and it perfectly encapsulates the vibe of a bright and happy retro-style platformer
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scriptaccountant · 2 years
I wanted to let you know that one of my DND characters is a CPA Barbarian and that the main motivation for him leaving the office was to get recertified in the country’s capital. Played him kinda dry and sad but on the ball with accountings and details (one of my Gags is that he gives cards and identification to everyone he meets, including right to carry weapons) except in combat when he gets a strong surge to protect.
I guess question would be if someone had to do a major trip to get recertified, how could it look? Would it be a business expense? And how much could a wandering accountant be expected to reimburse being a hero as part of the travel expense (like looting bandits as a part of being a caravan guard).
I love your Barbarian already and I may need him in my campaign because right now I'm keeping the general ledger for my players.
Travel for work related training is absolutely tax deductible. There are two ways to do this, if he is self-employed (seems likely), he can list it as a regular part of his business expenses when determining his self-employment income. If he's employed by an accounting firm, AND they don't pay for or reimburse him for this travel, then he can deduct it as a business related expense. Either way, he needs to make sure and keep receipts and records that prove these expenses are related to doing business. Lunch with a client where he discusses business matters? Make sure it's noted and deduct that! Lunch on his own during a business day? Not a business expense. Travel and room and board to stay in another city for recertification or continuing education seminars to maintain certification? Keep records and receipts and deduct that! Going to a festhall and snorting magic substances while there? Going to a spa and getting a mani/pedi? Not a business expense. That's not part of the job.
It sounds like he actually has two jobs. An accountant and an adventurer. Guard duty, etc isn't really in the job description of an accountant. One, both, or neither of these may be self-employment situations. For the adventuring job, if he's working for someone else, he needs to know if he is supposed to report any looted items/coins as earned income (like tips), in which case he'd be expected to pay taxes on it. Probably the adventurer's guild or whomever he is working for will take the taxes out of his base pay, but if he doesn't have that, then he may need to make quarterly payments on it. And regardless of beliefs about the ethics of taxes in different societies, typically the taxing authority wants their cut no matter how the money is made and if he has a lot of money to throw around on magic weapons, they're gonna be suspicious if he hasn't been reporting that kind of income. He should definitely report that income, then write off the magic weapon as a business expense for the adventurer business. If he's self-employed, basically the same situation, he'll report the amounts earned from specific clients as well as looted amounts as revenues, deduct expenses such as health potions used, repair and maintenance on his weapons etc, depreciation on major assets like magic weapons, revivification costs if it comes to that. He might be able to claim a spa day or trip to a festhall under these expenses, but he probably shouldn't be surprised if he gets audited and will want to have good records proving that the spa day was recuperative and vital to his ability to perform as an adventurer and the festhall was a legitimate business event to meet the needs of a client.
Depending on your location (setting), he may need to make monthly or quarterly estimated tax payments for self-employment taxes, which will then be reconciled against the actual final form when he submits his yearly tax form.
I hope this helps! Good luck with your campaign.
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mothuary · 2 years
Tumblr media
SOFT GOTH a collection of easy listening gothic alternative
Flood in Heaven - The Daysleepers
Crushin - Film School
Dopamine - DIIV
It’s Conditional - Black Marble
Dream About Me - The Depreciation Guild
Chew - Launder
Too Soon to Tell - Drab Majesty
When the Sun Hits - Slowdive
a quick playlist of songs that I like to listen to together, droning and shoegazy, and somehow feel-good at the same time. 
LINKS Youtube | Apple Music | Spotify
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danger-r-98-5 · 2 years
Tender Loving Care
  Read it Here on AO3!
For as long as John had known Arthur, the older man had always known what he needed.
When he was young and needed space, rather than coddling, to feel safe with the dark purple blue bruising still fresh around his throat.
When they were riding from one camp to another in a mad dash away from the law, throwing an apple or dried meat at him and telling him to eat when his body still didn't know it could tell him that he was hungry, a feeling rarely ever sated in his youth before the gang.
Even when he was older and struggling with an infection from the ragged wounds that tore open his face, watching his bandages for signs of healing and dripping ice-cold water through his cracked and dry lips.
And now, years and miles away from the life that always turned on those who lived it, Arthur still knew what John needed.
Never mind that John was always a little less than willing to accept it.
John had injured himself while helping to repair the fences on one of their pastures, wire had sliced through his gloves and into the meat of his palm when it snapped, ricocheting up the inside of his arm even as he tried to pull away.
It was a freak accident, no one's fault, and despite the amount it had bled it had only required a handful of stitches from the local doctor.
It would leave a nasty scar, though, another one to add to his already extensive list.
Maybe that was why Arthur was doing this, ushering him inside and drawing a bath, he noticed under John's annoyance that current of self depreciation that they both seemed to share, that made him short and snappish at even the best intentions, and Arthur did have the best intentions, but John couldn't stop himself from growing annoyed with the gentle way the man was handling him “I don’t need ya coddling me” he eventually snapped when Arthur's hand was resting on his arm, most likely to guild him up from his seat and toward the bath, like it had been his legs injured rather than his arm.
Arthur turned from whatever he had been looking at to face John and lift a brow, “oh?” he questioned mildly, his other hand coming up to John's arm before his demeanor made a subtle shift, chin dipping and smile twisting into a more of a sarcastic smirk.
He used his height to tower over John and his gentle touch grew firm on John's arms, fingers digging in and nearly bruising, making John grow stiff from the sudden shift “well” his voice was more of a growl “ya sure as shit don’t need it rough boah” John flinched at the man's tone and the man's demeanor immediately shifted again, face softening and grip loosening, thumbs brushing over the tender sting where he had gripped moments ago “c’mon” he spoke gently tugging lightly “baths ready”
John's head spun from the was Arthur swapped so quickly, but he didn’t fight it as the man pulled him into the steam filled bathroom, just grumbling mildly as the man helped him get undressed, careful of the angry stitched up wound that still ached on his arm.
When he stepped into the warm water, he shivered at how good it felt, not complaining as Arthur held his shoulders and helped him down into the bath until he was laying chest deep in the steaming water.
He expected the older to leave once he was settled snugly into his bath, but all Arthur did was sit down on the edge of the tub and reach for the soap “ya know” he spoke mildly “ain’t no shame in lettin someone take care of ya”
John huffed and sat forward when Arthur nudged his shoulder “I don’t need someone ta take care of me” he muttered pulling his knees up to rest his chin on them, keeping his injury out of the water as Arthur rubbed the soap against his back, large warm hands making him shiver and flinch before almost involuntarily relaxing into it.
“Ain’t bout need neither” Arthur drawled easily, cupping water over John's back to rinse away the soap before he was encouraging John to lean back again and ducking down “besides, feels good don’t it?” murmured into his ear and making John shiver before the older man was moving and continued to wash him.
He wasn’t in any rush, drawing a sopped up cloth over John's skin in soothing motions, avoiding his most delicate parts and rounding the tub until he was on John's injured side, slowly dabbing at the wound while John looked at him with half open eyes, Arthur looked peaceful, content with taking care of John never mind John couldn’t understand it.
“Why are ya doing this?” he finally voiced his question, unable to wrap his head around what the older man got out of this, out of anything that had happened since that wire had dug into his skin and the older was rushing over to staunch the bleeding with his own bandana.
Arthur hummed and glanced up at him, “what ya mean?” he questioned before going back to the injury, inspecting every stitch like he hadn’t been standing over the doctor's shoulder the entire time.
“Why are ya doing this” he lifted his other hand and motioned between them “takin care of me, s’it cause of what we got going on tween us or” he trailed off, they didn’t really talk about their relationship, the way they had danced around each other before John left and the way they had fallen into bed together at Clemens Point and kept at it, a sort of open secret that no one talked about.
A chuckle from Arthur pulled him out of his thoughts and made him look at the older man who was shaking his head before putting a hand on the edge of the tub for balance and leaning down, hovering over John for a moment with a fond expression, “ya ever think I’m doing it cause I want to?” he challenged before dipping down and pressing their lips together, kissing him softly before curling his spare hand around the back of his neck “lean back”
Dazed by the kiss, John followed the older man's orders, leaning back and tilting his head to wet his hair before sitting back up, closing his eyes as Arthur ran his fingers through the damp locks, slowly working on untangling them before picking up the soap and rubbing it between his hands.
Once he had a good lather, he put the soap down and returned his hands to John's hair, rubbing his scalp and making the younger man hum in pleasure, body finally fully relaxing under the other man's touch.
Because Arthur had always known what John needed, for as long as they had known each other.
Why would this be any different
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xsadcorebenji · 2 years
all i wanna do now is just listen to The Depreciation Guild, and cry/scream on top of my lungs
ALSO i'm using tumblr desktop and holy shit this is way better (granted it's the legacy editor) but ahhhh now this i can get behind
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gaystation4 · 2 years
@sons-of-the-morningstar tagged me to shuffle my playlist & post the first ten songs:
anybody who feels like doing this can just do it & say that i tagged you 🙇🏻‍♂️
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thetldrplace · 2 months
Capital Vol 1 Sec 8
Part 8: So-Called Primitive Accumulation 
This is the last section of the book, so this post will conclude the notes and summary from Capital Vol 1.
Chap 26: The Secret of Primitive Accumulation  In order for capitalism to have arisen, there must have already been some that had the means to buy labor power, and others that could be that labor power. How did this situation happen. Marx says: "Never mind! It came to pass that the former sort accumulated wealth, and the latter sort finally had nothing to sell but their own skins." Despite this, he proposes that capitalist society grew out of feudal society. The dissolution of feudalism set the peasants free, but without land to provide for them, all they had was their own labor to sell. The immediate producer that worked the land could only dispose of his own labor as he wished when he was no longer bound to the soil. To become a perfectly free seller of his own labor power, he would need to be free also from the guilds and their restrictive regulations. 
Hence, the historical movement which changes producers (the serfs producing on farms) into wage-laborers is their emancipation from serfdom and the fetters of guilds. These men could only become sellers of themselves once they had been stripped of their own means of production and all the guarantees of existence afforded by the old feudal arrangement.  
Chap 27: The Expropriation of the Agricultural Population from the Land  This chapter is essentially a more particular look into the process outlined in the last chapter, of peasant farmers being released from feudalism. 
Chap 28: Bloody Legislation against the Expropriated since the End of the Fifteenth Century.  The Forcing Down of Wages by Act of Parliament. The proletariat created by the dissolving of feudal estates were turned loose in society, as free, but now without means. Many could not adapt to the discipline of this new condition and in massive quantities, were turned into beggars, robbers, and vagabonds. To counteract this new wave of crime, the governments enacted brutal legislation against vagabondage throughout western Europe. Some instances are detailed in this chapter. 
Marx then looks at wage laws passed during the time. He mentions a compulsory extension of the work-week; wage ceilings set, and higher penalties on taking higher wages than on receiving them. 
In the sixteenth century, wages rose, but not in proportion to the depreciation of money and corresponding rise in prices of commodities. Real wages therefore fell. 
Chap 29: The Genesis of the Capitalist Farmer  The capitalist farmer developed originally from small farmers, not too much distinct from peasants, but who, provided with seed, cattle and farm implements from a landlord, could employ labor to help him farm. He next became a sharecropper, dividing the crop yields with the landlord and himself. But soon enough, he has enough to pay rent to the landlord and simply farm the produce for himself. During subsequent centuries of land reform and agricultural revolution, he was able to usurp land without cost. There was subsequently a devaluation of money so that he was able to pay less to his workers. 
Chap 30: Impact of Agricultural Revolution on Industry. The Creation of a Home Market for Industrial Capital.  Short chapter repeating the charge that the displacement of agricultural workers meant a mass of people desperately looking for work and therefore ripe for exploitation. 
Chap 31: The Genesis of the Industrial Capitalist  Continuation of chap 26's hypothesis. But adding credit. The middle ages, says Marx, handed down two forms of capital: usury and merchant. The money capital formed by usury and commerce was prevented by organization of the countryside and guilds in towns from turning into industrial capital. But the dissolution of feudalism released those fetters. But particularly it was the system of credit that was developed in Genoa and Venice that took hold in Europe. The national debt became the benchmark of national wealth. Credit became the credo of capitalism. 
Chap 32: The Historical Tendency of Capitalist Accumulation  This is a good recap of where Marx has gotten to. The expropriation of immediate producers; serfs on feudal lands, of private property based on the labor of its owner is the start. Private property, as the antithesis to social, collective property, exists only where the means of labor and the external conditions of labor belong to private individuals. The private property of the worker in his means of production is the foundation of small-scale industry. It is necessary for the development of social production and of the free individuality of the worker himself.  It flourishes, unleashes the whole of its energy, attains its classical form only where the peasant owns the land he cultivates, or the artisan owns the tool with which he is accomplished performer. This mode presupposes the fragmentation and dispersal of the means of production. But this is narrow and will decree universal mediocrity. This will bring the material means of its own destruction. It has to be annihilated and it will. Fragmented means of production will be concentrated. As soon as the capitalist mode of production takes off, the further socialization and transformation of means occurs. The expropriation of labor further centralizes and one capitalist strikes down others. Exploitation grows and so does the revolt of the working class. Eventually the whole system collapses. 
Chap 33: The Modern Theory of Colonization  Not gonna say much here. Marx goes through some examples of capitalist oppression with the British East India Company. 
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